#and when i look thru chaggie fics i exclude ALL categories that isn't f/f so that i could only see chaggie focused fics
barb-l · 2 months
“Vaggie would do numbers in the fandom if everything was the same except she were a white boy.”
Yes. Yes. YES! You get it, my guy/girl/person. The hate and vitriol that Vaggie receives from this fandom is absolutely disgusting and ridiculous. As a GIANT Vaggie fan, this is something I can go on and on about because what the actual fuck did she do to warrant so much disdain from people?
Vaggie haters really baffle me; they'll excuse any wrong done to Vaggie as long as she doesn't retaliate, and they call her out for shit that other characters do while giving the other characters a pass. People hate on her for being the ‘grump’ 24/7 (which isn’t true at all), yet give Husk laughs and hype him up for doing the same; people hate on her for being a simp for her girlfriend, yet they think it’s cute when it’s Lucifer; people hate on her for being violent, yet it’s perfectly fine when it’s Lute and Adam and Alastor and— you get the point.
People character assassinate/bash her for no reason at all other than they hate her. On AO3 and Tumblr, there’s this person that has multiple fics and posts just bashing Vaggie. They deadass made Lute and Vaggie switch personalities in a few of their stories - like, legit made Vaggie a jerk and Lute a saint out of petty, unreasonable hatred for Vaggie. Their excuse? They said and I quote: “I hate her. 🩷” If you hate her so much, maybe just say it once and move on because that obsession you have with ‘hating’ her says otherwise.
This person and others simply do not give Vaggie the same grace that they give other characters.
People call her boring despite her having a very interesting backstory that the show hasn’t deep-dived into yet. These same people take interest in Vox’s overrated ass even though we know fuck all about his past. People will also do deep analyses on characters with very little info on them, yet turn around and call Vaggie ‘underdeveloped.’ I’m not understanding. Is it because she’s a woman? Is it because she’s not a villain? What is it?
Sorry for this long rant, I’m just so tired of Vaggie getting mistreated by this fandom. It’s soooo frustrating and annoying.
No need to apologize. I had a good time reading this whole thing lol
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