#and when dainsleif entered mond?
goldenfoxthe1st · 2 years
venti and the travelers friendship means so much more when you realize that the traveler is the first person to love (platonic or romantic is up to u) for all of him rather than just venti or just barbatos. even if venti is a little shit whos definitely leaving out some information from them, i do fully believe he wants to tell them but cant OR has good intentions because there is no way he would betray the traveler like that ESPECIALLY regarding what happened with his last best friends. they trust eachother so much and hold so much respect for eachother i truly dont think anything could tear that apart
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rhine-gold-archive · 2 years
Question! - It seems like a popular theory that Kaeya is somehow royalty? I was wondering, if that's the case, then tf is the abyss-sibling thinking, trying to hack some fountain in the chasm instead of using their 'last hope'? The royal theory seems off. Surely, the abyss-sibling wouldn't forget/not know about their actual prince living in Mond? His last name says smth about 'stealing and then becoming king' - that implies he is just a plain citizen before he does something. Idk 🥴 help???
asdfghj ok, hold on anon, you seem to be making a lot of jumbled assumptions here, let’s unpack them before I answer. First of all, you seem to be conflating “Kaeya is royalty” with “Kaeya is Khaenri’ah’s last hope”, which are two completely different things. Kaeya being a prince is an unproven fandom theory, but Kaeya being called “last hope of Khaenri’ah” is a canon text, it’s from his character story. Are you arguing that like, devs are lying to you in actual in-game descriptions? :D
“Surely, the abyss-sibling wouldn't forget/not know about their actual prince living in Mond?” Why not?? clearly, there are many different factions of Khaenri'ah survivors - the abyss order, the Black Serpent Knights, who do not obey the abyss, but protect the hilichurls, Dainsleif, and then there is Kaeya’s dad who seem to smuggle Kaeya to Dawn Winery in complete secret, without any of the other factions knowing. Kaeya’s mere existence contradicts what abyss sibling and Dainsleif know, it doesn’t even matter if he’s a prince. Dain was part of the Abyss Order and knows most of their secrets, and he’s adamant that he’s the ONLY survivor of Khaenri'ah who was not turned into a monster. He says that he was not transformed by the curse because of mysterious “it” thing he has, which is hinted, but not explained. But even this “it” doesn’t protect him completely - he wasn’t transformed, but he’s still under effects of the curse - he’s immortal and he can’t age, and he lives in suffering. 
But Kaeya is not only not transformed into a monster, but he also can age normally, he grew up at the same rate as Diluc. We don’t know if he’s completely free from the curse, but he’s obviously able to live a normal human life, this is why he’s so special. And yeah, it wouldn’t make sense for abyss to be fucking with the fountains if they knew that there’s a seemingly totally cured Khaenri’ahn existing already, so obviously, they don’t know that “the last hope of Khaenri'ah” is drinking shots in the Mondstadt tavern. Again, it doesn’t even matter if Kaeya is from Eclipse dynasty or not, the mere fact of his existence would change everything, why do you think Hoyo keeps namedropping him in every Dain’s quest, but never lets them meet. He would be a gamechanger for the both sides. 
Another assumption you seem to be making is that abyss sibling belongs to  Khaenri'ah when you say “abyss-sibling wouldn't forget/not know about *their* actual prince”. The Traveler siblings are not Khaenri'ahns, if they were, Dain wouldn’t call himself the only survivor who was not transformed, he obviously knows abyss sibling exists. also, does it not seems off to you that the Traveler says that they and abyss sibling came to this world 500 years ago, saw the destruction of Khaenri'ah, tried to leave and were stopped by the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles? How could this be if the siblings were indeed from Khaenri'ah? And would the Traveler not know already know what Khaenri'ah is and why it fell? And like, know who Dainsleif is? How can the siblings be from Khaenri'ah and only enter Teyvat at the moment of Khaenri'ah's destruction at the same time?  
One theory that I personally agree with is that the traveler siblings are not from  Khaenri'ah, but from the more ancient civilization that fell long time ago when the Second Throne came, and Khaenri'ah was built on the ruins of this civilization. We know that Enkanomyia was part of world-wide ancient civilization before the fall and also that there was even more ancient civilization of the Seelies, so both are valid options. The theory is that the Travelers left at the destruction of their much more ancient home and traveled for so long, they don’t even recognize their home when they return to Teyvat. That would explain the inteyvat flowers in Lumine’s hair even if she’s not abyss sibling - they only grow in  Khaenri'ah, but if Lumine and Aether are from civilization that was in the same place as  Khaenri'ah many hundreds years ago, it would make sense why she has the flowers, but doesn’t know what Khaenri'ah is. In this case, when abyss sibling talks about “homeland” they don’t mean exactly Khaenri'ah, but the place where Khaenri'ah was built on.
Another thing that supports it is that hilichurls have different tribe markings, and some of them clearly reference Khaenri'ah sigil, but many others don’t. So it’s very possible that Khaenri'ah is not the first nation to be transformed into monsters by this curse, that the hilichurls contain remnants of several different civilizations, one of which was the Traveler’s destroyed ancient home. 
as for why Kaeya is theorized to be Khaenri'ah‘s prince - it’s a popular theory, so I’m not going to go into detailed explanations, I’m sure you can easily find them, but why I personally believe it - Alberich is the reference to the dwarven king from Nibelungen saga + sword from heaven explaining “the stealing” you seem to be confused about+ Kaeya’s C1 called “Excellent blood” + his voiceline “Haha, then according to that logic, I at the very least am some royal progeny of a last reigning dynasty too, right?” + he’s absolutely covered head to toe in “Khaenri'ah stars” which are confirmed in the Chasm to be from the banner of the Khaenri’ah royal house. It’s all not very subtle when you put the pieces together, tbh.
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