#and whatever Gurbo is (chaos incarnate if you ask me)
meggsssart · 1 month
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Sorry I've been quiet lately! Between working on commissions and life stuff, I got the most horrible case of art block. I managed to get these done before that happened but never posted them here.
I wanted to make icon-type portraits for our D&D party - featuring Elden, my half-elf paladin and professional good boy; Regis, the elven evocation wizard we found in a damp tomb, Eve, the half-elf barbarian who starts all the unecessary fights, and Gurbo, the gnome bard who is a complete and utter enigma (he is facing the opposite direction on purpose!)
My intention is to get these portraits made into counters we can use instead of minis. I really enjoyed drawing them and love seeing the whole party side-by-side!
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