#and wears a brighter colored suit (than other agents are allowed to wear... that is Leon being a shithead tbh
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Have a snippet of a robot!Tony thing that might stay a ficlet or might become a prologue for a thing, I don’t know yet:
(Steve & Tony, but also pre-Steve/Tony, 1000+ words, canon divergent, alternate Avengers 2012 setting)
The new suit fits well. Too well. It barely feels like a combat suit at all, settling lighter and easier against Steve’s skin than his recent wardrobe acquisitions of plaid and leather jackets.
Steve’s alone in this hellicarrier holding room, so he stretches his arms and mimes throwing the shield, noting the way the material pulls on the inside of his arms when he does so.
It’ll do, he supposes. It’s flexible enough, Coulson seems the kind of guy who knows what he’s doing, and all of SHIELD’s agents wear similar form-fitting suits, so they must offer decent enough protection. Though they get away with a less eye-catching color combination. The Captain America colors may have been the point back in the day – it made sure that Steve was the main target and allowed the others more freedom of movement – he’s not sure that’s relevant today.
Everything’s brighter, louder, faster in the twenty-first century.
Maybe that’s why his new suit’s been brightened up, making it almost as striking as those old posters. It’s another way that they’re catching him up with the world, on top of everything else – all the files, the briefings, the awkward conversations that have been trying to get him out of his SHIELD-assigned accommodations.
Steve’s so deep in thought that he barely hears the door opening. It’s only the clang of metal boots in approach that has him looking up.
“Iron Man,” Steve says. “Fury didn’t say you were coming.”
“Fury only acts like he knows everything.” Iron Man’s voice isn’t as deep as Steve thought it would be. The files didn’t capture the startling sheen of the metal armor, either, with its red and gold glinting like burnished mirrors with every step he takes into the room.
Suddenly Steve doesn’t feel so self-conscious about his own suit.
“I admit, I was curious,” Iron Man says. “Wanted to see if it was really you that they pried out of the ice.”
“You want to gawk, do it to my face,” Steve snaps.
“I am, champ.” The armor’s face plate pops up, like the lid of a tin can. Inside, there’s more metal – wires, gears, bits of machinery that Steve doesn’t have the word for, even if he might have known their equivalent back in the day. All of the helmet’s innards are moving, clicking, and flashing like small lightbulbs – an engine.
Steve stares. This is a world in which exist town-sized vehicles that can fly, written messages travel instantaneously across the globe, and where playback recordings appear almost as real as the real thing. What’s a walking, talking, fighting robot on top of all that? Nothing, really. Iron Man, the mysterious hero who saved Malibu from Obadiah Stane’s terrorist attack, and a potential Avenger on top of that, is a machine. Why not.
“Oh,” Steve says. “That wasn’t in the files.”
The faceplate comes back down, and Steve looks at it again with fresh eyes. Iron Man’s face – gold with red accents to mark the cheekbones, jaw and forehead. That’s his actual face, with stylized eyes and a mouth, giving just enough detail for the human eye to focus on when conversing with him.
“It’s not,” Iron Man agrees. “Easier for people to believe there’s a human being in here.”
“Romanoff called you Tony, so I thought that, too.”
“That is my name,” Iron Man says. “Well, an acronym. Well, a short-form of an acronym.”
“Anthony?” Steve says, startled. Obadiah Stane worked for Stark Industries, didn’t he? “As in Artificial Neural Technology Haptics—do you remember me?”
“Howard Stark,” Steve presses. “He showed me this computing machine he was working on, ANTHONY, it could only do some basic mathematical projections at the time, I barely understood it, but he spoke so much about the dreams he had for it. That it would be able to read and answer and react – an electro-mechanical intelligence.”
“Yes,” Iron Man says slowly, as though bewildered by the turn of the conversation. “That was me. But that was long before I became self-aware. I don’t remember much of that time.”
“He used me to search for you, though,” Iron Man says. “Those were some of my first proper algorithms, but I didn’t have enough computing power at the time to do it properly, and then I got pulled for other tasks. In the end Fury beat me, I guess.”
Steve has the brief, unnecessary thought that maybe they should’ve just left him in the ice with the Tesseract. He quickly chases the thought away, hoping that it isn’t visible on his face, not that he knows the first damn thing about how well futuristic robots like Iron Man can read people who interact with them. Probably best to assume the worst, and recover from it the best he can.
“Right.” Steve puts on a smile and offers a hand. “Steve, nice to meet you.”
Iron Man looks at Steve’s hand.
Steve has another flash of panicked dismay – do people still shake hands in the future? Is it too invasive now, or too old-fashioned? He knows he shook Fury’s hand the other day, but Fury might’ve just been indulging him and let it slide.
“Tony.” Iron Man accepts Steve’s hand and shakes it once, firm and humanlike. The metal glove is cool and the palm strongly convex, but it’s not unpleasant to the touch. “Back at you.”
“I suppose we should see Fury now?” Steve asks.
“Sure, yeah.” Iron Man watches as Steve collects the shield from its casing and then says, almost in a rush: “Sorry, I really don’t remember ‘meeting’ you. I only have the files Howard fed me.”
“That’s fine,” Steve says, shaking his head. “It’s nice to see that you’ve come a long way from a warehouse of cables.”
“Oh. Thanks.” Iron Man falls into step next to Steve as they leave the hold. “You’re a long way from data on a page, too, uh… Cap. Do I call you Cap?”
“If you want to. But Steve’s fine.”
“I’m gonna call you Cap.”
Steve slants a look at Iron Man’s face. There’s nothing to read off of it, but it just makes the nuances of the accompanying voice all the more pronounced. The teasing curiosity feels pointed, as though he’s trying to read Steve, too, and any conclusions to be had can be found in what Steve only does here and now, as opposed to what he might have read in files.
“Like I said,” Steve says easily, “if you want to.”
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Fictober Day 5: 25- "sometimes you can even see”
Title: Supernova
Characters/Pairing: Sternclay
Rating: T
Tags: fluff
Summary: Barclay is determined to show city boy Stern that there's more to Kepler than meets the eye.
Authors note: I’m obsessed with Sternclay at the moment
Link to AO3
"I really do miss home." The confession was sudden, but not surprising. Over the weeks that Stern had come to stay at Amnesty Lodge, Barclay had noticed that the other man was... well, wilting. Sure, the small town of Kepler was probably a far cry away from DC, but it seemed like it was more than just that. Something else was holding Stern down.
Perhaps it was work. Barclay had been doing damage control, in a sense. Keeping Stern off their trail. Particularly his own trail, which was difficult to say the least. It was his job to distract, to keep Stern's prying eyes from discovering the truth. And Barclay had become quite good at it.
Or, perhaps, it was more accurate to say that it had become less of a job, and more of an... unconventional friendship. Which made it feel less like a job where the lives of himself and everyone he cared about were hanging in the balance and more like... like some form of relationship. Friends, sure, but maybe even-
Stern leaned closer to Barclay, eyes glazed over slightly with sadness. "Sorry, sorry I... I don't mean to dump on you, I just...
Sometimes I do miss DC. With the investigation not going anywhere it's..." Stern sighed, not finishing the sentence.
"Well, I know it's not the city, but Kepler has its strong points. It's not a bad place to live." Barclay nudged Stern slightly, prompting a soft smile from the other man. "Maybe you'll even come to like it."
Stern scoffed a little. "Yeah, well, I can't grow too attached. I'm only here on business." He saddened once more, looking down at his hands. "It's hard not to get homesick."
Barclay stared at Stern for a long time, contemplating his options, before finally standing and offering a hand. "Come with me."
"What?" Stern lifted his hand but didn't quite give it over to Barclay.
"Come with me. I want to show you something." Barclay’s eyes shined with a sort of childlike mischievousness.
Stern's eyebrow rose and he bit his lip, but ultimately he gave his hand over, allowing Barclay to pull him up off the couch.
It was a short walk through the woods to get to the spot Barclay had all picked out. Sure, he didn't know the woods as well as, say, Duck Newton, but he had spent enough time in them to get around ok. Stern, on the other hand, was a mess. He was clumsy, always tripping over twigs and running into branches. Granted, sunset was not the best time to go on a hike through a dark forest--but it needed to be dark for Barclay's plan to be effective.
"Not to be that person, Barclay, but are we almost there?" Stern's voice was heavy as he struggled to catch his breath.
"Not to worry, secret agent man,” Barclay teased, “we'll get there soon enough. Look." Barclay pulled back some branches to reveal the perfect clearing, right there in front of them. Just as the moon rose overhead, the two stepped foot onto the grassy meadow, and the forest around them booming with life.
Stern looked around in awe, his breathing still slightly shallow. "Wow. I had no idea there was a clearing like this in the forest."
Barclay shrugged. "Local secret. But it's not about the meadow." Barclay sat down in the center of the clearing and patted the ground next to him.
Stern hesitated, but walked over anyway, thankful he wasn't wearing his suit on that particular occasion--just jeans and a simple button up. "If it's not about the meadow, what is it about?"
Barclay grinned and turned his attention to the sky, pointing up to where the stars were shining brilliantly. There were more than could possibly be counted--more than would ever be seen in the city--and they were everywhere. All around them, in perfect harmony. The sky was a peaceful and deep navy blue, and the crescent moon hung perfectly in the sky. It was unlike anything Stern had ever seen before--outside of a planetarium, that is.
"Wow. It really is beautiful out here, I have to admit." Stern couldn't bring himself to tear his eyes away from the sight in front of them. The stars really did twinkle up there, some shining brighter than others but all beautiful in their own ways.
"It really is. Sometimes you can even see shooting stars at night out here. Once you get closer to town, it gets a little muddled, but… Out here… Free from the bustling town and the street lights�� it really is perfect." Barclay slowly leaned back, laying down on the soft grassy floor of the meadow.
"You know shooting stars are just meteoroids, right? Falling down and burning up in the atmosphere." Stern finally tore his attention away from the sky to look down at Barclay.
"You're no fun, Stern." Barclay pouted slightly.
Stern chuckled. "I guess... Kepler isn't so bad. It's not DC, but... it does have some things DC doesn't." But he wasn't looking at the stars when he said that.
No, not any more. He was looking directly at Barclay--right into those big, round eyes. He looked Barclay up and down and nervously bit his lip, meeting Barclay's eyes again and just... waiting. Waiting for Barclay to get it.
Barclay slowly rose from his spot on the ground again, never once breaking eye contact with Stern as their faces got closer and closer.
Stern cleared his throat. "Thank you. For cheering me up."
Barclay half-smiled, focused on how close their lips were. He could feel the warmth of Stern's breath on his cheeks. "Hey, it's what I'm here for."
Stern scoot closer, their legs touching and fingers intertwining on the grass. It happened so naturally--so organically. Barclay just couldn't bring himself to say no, even if everything was wrong. There was a rational part of his brain that screamed at him that he shouldn't--couldn't--be doing this, but he didn't want to listen. Bigfoot and an FBI agent? He knew it was insane. He knew it couldn't possibly work out. And he knew he could never, ever, tell Stern the truth.
But he still let their lips collide. It was like magic. Stern's lips were soft and electric, sending jolts through Barclay's body from his head to his toes. Their mouths glide against each other with ease, like they belonged together. Like they had been separated for decades and had finally been reunited. Like they were made for each other. And Barclay's world exploded with color. His heart pounded out of his chest. His lips tingled. His breath was sharp and labored, in the best way. But the best feeling--the best of them all--was when Stern lifted a hand to tangle his fingers in Barclay's hair.
Barclay wrapped his arms around Stern and pulled the other man closer, dipping him slightly to deepen the kiss--and Stern did nothing to stop the gesture. Instead, the two mutually broke for air, panting against the other's skin.
"I didn't know you could kiss like that, Barclay." Stern smirked, still panting gently as he reached up and planted a kiss right on Barclay's nose.
Barclay smiled, letting out a low chuckle. "I could say the same to you, Agent." And he forgot. He forgot all of it. Every logical reason why this couldn't work was shoved from his brain.
All from a little kiss.
Barclay couldn't care less. All he cared about was what was happening right in front of him. He couldn't deny his feelings for another second.
And, it seemed, Stern couldn't either.
"We skipped the part where we confess." Stern pointed out. "But I guess it's obvious now that I like you. Can I assume... that you feel the same?" Stern looked up at Barclay with so much hope. So much yearning.
Barclay's heart stopped. The rational part of his brain rebooted. He didn't want to lie--he hated lying, but they couldn't... they would never work. Stern was hunting him. No, not just him. Stern was hunting everyone in the lodge. All of Barclay’s friends, everyone he cared about. They would never allow the two of them to be together! He just had to say one little lie. Two words. I don't.
I don't.
I don't.
"I do."
Stern's soft, pink lips parted into what was probably the biggest smile Barclay had ever seen. And for a moment it was confusing, that wasn't a normal reaction to getting rejected. It didn't take long for him to realize that he hadn't rejected Stern at all.
But it didn't matter, because soon Stern's lips were on his again, and all rational thought left his body. Because it was just them. Just them and the trees and the moon and the stars. Glistening. Pulsing with the beating of their hearts as they entwined themselves in each other's perfect embrace.
And for the first time in a long time, Barclay felt free.
#fictober20#sternclay#taz amnesty#ficlet#taz#taz ficlet#the adventure zone#it's still technically day 5 for me I win#link to AO3 coming soon my b haven't posted there yet#my fics
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Professional Tooth Whitening in the UK in the 21st Century
Tooth Whitening
There have been many developments in the UK over recent times about tooth whitening. This subject even confuses many dental professionals as to what is and what isn't acceptable. Here I will direct you through some of the commonly asked questions I come across so that you can make informed choices if you are thinking about having tooth whitening. You'll know all the ins and outs, the risks and the benefits so you can decide if it is right for you.
Tooth Whitening History and Safety
Modern-day professional tooth whitening is typically carried out using Carbamide Peroxide or Hydrogen Peroxide. The effectiveness of these agents was discovered quite by accident. Dentists were using Carbamide Peroxide to aid with gum healing following surgery and found that the teeth were being made whiter. Many other agents have been used but Carbamide Peroxide and Hydrogen Peroxide give the best long term results and most importantly are safe to the teeth.
So is tooth whitening safe? It can be, but it isn't always.
It is advisable that a suitably trained dentist/dental professional carries out tooth whitening. The General Dental Council agree and they have taken illegal tooth whiteners through the legal system.
Firstly a diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan need to be made. They also need to be aware of the pros and cons of the system is recommended. Only someone with a thorough understanding of the anatomy and physiology of teeth and the soft tissues etc. can make this judgment.
The choice of tooth whitening product is important. It has to be safe, effective and give good results. Hydrogen Peroxide and Carbamide Peroxide have the best track record (in both safety and effectiveness), however, if the concentration is too low it will not be effective. The only people who are allowed to prescribe it ineffective concentrations are dentists.
Some of the systems used by non-dentists supply immediate spectacular results. Chlorine Dioxide, for example, makes teeth very white, however, it is very acidic and strips the enamel from the teeth. it's NOT reversible. It damages the surface of the teeth such that they pick up staining very rapidly, and this is very difficult to remedy. They are left rough and often permanently sensitive.
I know several dentists who have asked at tooth whitening booths in shopping centers what they use and have never had an answer. Some have even been escorted out by security! It considerations us greatly as a profession that individuals are allowing unknown chemicals to be applied to their teeth, by non-dental professionals.
Tooth Whitening Myths and facts
• Not all discoloration problems are due to the same cause, and so they need to be addressed in different ways. One size does not fit all!
• Others will judge us based on our appearance. We all know that a major part of the first impression we make is from our smile and state of our teeth.
• We don't want to make everyone's teeth look like white tombstones. We want to help people to have natural smiles which gives them confidence.
• Whitening toothpaste does not often whiten the shade of teeth effectively; they reduce staining or reduce the amount of stain that collects.
• A lot of darker teeth can be improved by stain removal.
• A lot of over-the-counter whitening kits are ineffective and some (especially ones that do not come from the UK) can be harmful.
• 'In Surgery' whitening systems leave the teeth dehydrated, which means they look a lot whiter than they are. The 'wow factor' quickly wears off.
• If your teeth get too white with 'In Surgery' systems there's nothing that can be done to reverse this quickly.
• The bright blue lights used as part of these systems offer little or no proven benefit. The benefit is predominately by warming the gel and speeding things up. There's a lot of hype and marketing that goes into them!
• 'At Home' systems tend to offer longer-lasting results, with easier options for top-ups at later dates.
• Non-dental professions who offer tooth whitening often use unidentified chemicals, the effects of which are not known.
• Many non-dental professionals who carry out tooth whitening are breaking the law.
Why do teeth get dark
There are five main causes of teeth darkening/discoloration.
• Staining: The staining is normally on the surface of the teeth, or in small imperfections within the tooth surface. These rough areas also include deposits of calculus or tartar which accumulate over time.
Many foods and drinks cause staining. The main culprits are red wine, curry (especially those with turmeric), tea and coffee. There are lots of other foods can cause staining/darkening of teeth.
Of course, Smoking also causes staining.
Certain mouthwashes (e.g. many of the ones containing Chlorhexidine Digluconate) can increase the amount of staining on teeth.
• Pulp shrinkage: Over time as the teeth are used, they wear down slightly. The nerve inside the tooth shrinks away by creating extra dentine in the depths of the tooth. This means that over time there is less enamel (which is white) and more dentine (which is yellow), so teeth darken. This is a natural process, but there are safe ways to renew the appearance.
• Recession: Gum recession exposes the root of the tooth which is not covered with white enamel, so the necks of teeth always look darker.
• Restorations: Restorations can make teeth look darker. Amalgam fillings are silver/grey and so can create a grey appearance to the tooth they are in. White composite fillings can make the tooth look discolored, particularly if they are leaking and allow staining to seep in around the edges.
• Rarer causes: There are a number of rarer causes including Tetracycline staining, liver disease, blood disease, fluorosis, hypoplasia, trauma, tooth death, decay, heavy metal discoloration. If we explained each of them it would make the report very long, and it's really your dentist's role to make the diagnosis and suggest a suitable treatment for it. The images show examples of Tetracycline staining, fluorosis, tooth/pulp death.
Not all discoloration problems are due to the same cause, and so they need to be addressed in different ways. One size does not fit all!
Why should I whiten my teeth?
Why should I care about the color of my teeth? Some people are not really too bothered by the appearance of their teeth, but most of us are. Studies show that other people's perception of us is influenced by our teeth and our smile. Brighter teeth give a more youthful appearance, and we all want to try and stay young! Sometimes nature needs a helping hand.
Others will judge us based on our appearance. We all know that a major part of the first impression we make is from our smile and state of our teeth. So if you want to have a smile you are proud of then tooth whitening is a proven method that may be suitable for you.
Tooth Whitening Options 1: 'At Home' Systems
These fall into 2 broad categories. They have the longest track record and are considered by many to be the most reliable and predictable way to whiten teeth.
1) Tray-less
The tray-less systems are similar to 'In Surgery' systems, except you do the whitening at home. The main advantages over the 'In Surgery' system are:
• More controllability. As this system takes effect gradually over a few days, you can stop when you want.
• Lasts longer. The effects of whitening last longer if they take longer to achieve.
• Easier and less costly to do a top-up later on.
• You can use your own judgment. If there is one tooth that is darker then this can be given some extra go to allow it to catch up.
• Some have a light which warms the gel
• Low sensitivity
The main disadvantages are:
• You have to do a lot of the treatment on your own and need to consistently allow time during your day for predictable results. We all lead busy lives and this does not suit everybody.
• It is harder to get the necks of the teeth whiter when compared with tray systems (e.g. where there has been recession)
2) Systems with trays
These have the controllability, a proven track record for decades and longer-lasting effects. They tend to be a little better than tray-less systems at improving the shade of the necks of teeth. Some systems ensure such predictable results due to their excellent track record that they even offer a money-back guarantee!
The main disadvantages:
• Sensitivity. The trays hold the gel close to the teeth for a while and this can cause sensitivity, albeit fleeting after a short period.
• Nightwear. Often the most predictable way to use these trays is by wearing them in your mouth overnight. This does not suit everybody.
• Whilst you can use the trays again for a top-up in the future, they may not fit so well a few years down the line, especially if you have had any treatment in the interim. If this is the case then new trays need to be made.
Tooth Whitening Options 2: (Surgery and Over The Counter systems)
In-Surgery whitening.
This has many names (laser whitening/power whitening/Zoom), but the principle is the same. The dentist/hygienist isolates your gums and lips to protect them. A strong gel is painted on the teeth which whitens them.
There are 3 main disadvantages
1) Dehydration: If we were to isolate your teeth in the same way for 30-40 minutes and do nothing else, they would look a lot whiter as they get dehydrated. This means that these systems look great initially, but as the teeth rehydrate the impact quickly disappears. Most 'In Surgery' systems are followed up with a period of home whitening due to this.
2) Longevity: The gel applied gives quick results but its effects do not last as long as some of the slower methods (e.g. the 'At Home' tray system). This means that when there is a need for a top-up later it that means you have to do the whole thing again (including paying again)!
3) Gel strength: The gel used is notorious for causing extreme sensitivity in some people, due to its strength. So much so that dentists refer to these episodes as 'zingers'. How many products out there do you know that has resulted in an addition to the English language due to an adverse effect! Recent changes in legislation have meant that most of the effective 'In Surgery' systems are not allowed to be used in most parts of the UK.
Fact: in the chair whitening systems leave the teeth dehydrated, which means they look a lot whiter than they really are. The 'wow factor' quickly wears off.
Fact: If your teeth get too white with 'In Surgery' systems there's nothing that can be done about it quickly!
But wait, did I forget to mention the light? Well no. The light is predominately a marketing gimmick. There is very little evidence that the light does anything. The one benefit of the light is that it can warm the gel, and as any chemistry student knows if you warm something the reaction will occur faster.
Over The Counter systems
These can be effective but one of the major problems is that the cause of the discoloration has not been diagnosed. So in many cases, they are inappropriately used.
Professional Tooth Whitening vs. Beauty Salon
There is an increase in beauty salons/hairdressers/even temporary stands in shopping centers offering tooth whitening. This worries us greatly. Many of these non-dentists have now been prosecuted by the General Dental Council as they are not acting in patients' best interest, and they are breaking the law by carrying out the treatment.
There is a stark contrast when you compare this with the predictability of professional tooth whitening.
Tooth Whitening Considerations and Contraindications
There are many considerations when deciding on whitening. Below I have listed a few of the things to think about.
What do you want to achieve?
One of the main considerations of any tooth whitening system is what the end result will look like.
If you have any restorations (crowns, bridges, white fillings, implants, dentures) then these are unlikely to lighten in the same way that natural teeth lighten. This means that you could end up having some restorations that are too dark following treatment. A dentist will identify those that need to be considered prior to start the process. You may want to factor in the cost of replacing restorations following treatment.
What if you have a lighter restoration and want your tooth to match it?
It is possible to lighten teeth to match existing restorations which are already lighter. This means that the difference between the two becomes less noticeable (symmetry is beauty, after all!), but it is impossible to predict if an exact match will be achieved. This type of whitening is often easier with tray-less systems. It can be done with trays but is not as easy to do. 'Surgery' systems are a big no-no for this!
How much time do you have to do the treatment?
All treatment takes time, and this may be a consideration when choosing the most appropriate system for you. For example, the tray-less home systems normally take 45-60 minutes of dedicated time each day. Tray systems normally take a couple of hours, but you can go about your day-to-day activities (including sleeping) when you use them. 'Surgery' systems normally take 60-90 minutes.
Discomfort from tooth whitening
Some people do experience some problems when using tooth whitening, so here's what you can expect
1) Trays: these will feel a little strange at first, but shouldn't hurt. If you find that they rub the gum/cheek for example-then take them back to the dentist as they probably just need to be adjusted slightly.
2) Sensitivity: Many people carry out tooth whitening and get no sensitivity at all. Some people do, and your dentist will advise you on how to manage this. Typically you will notice at least a 'heightened awareness' of your teeth for a few weeks. Most people will have no sensitivity.
Many professional whitening gels have de-sensitizing components in them so this reduces the risk. Some systems include a special Tooth Serum as part of the whitening process which helps de-sensitize.
I hope you have found this article useful, and please share the link with others who may be interested.
enVisage offers tooth whitening and has a wealth of experience in different systems. Our team has carried out post-graduate training in tooth whitening to ensure we can offer care which puts your health and well-being at the core of everything we do. Being a Gold Member of the British people Dental Bleaching Society has helped me ensure that all those at my apply area unit providing treatment to high standards and treatment that the profession would consider being best apply.
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Secrets to Selling Your Shawnee KS Home in a Week or Less

So you want to sell your home, and you want to sell it fast. But the problem is you aren’t sure if it’s even possible to find a buyer for your property in as little as a week--or even less.
Actually, it is possible—you just need to know the secrets to making it happen.
Your decision to sell probably comes from a new job, the need to make a future move or just the desire to have a change of scenery. Or perhaps, you still love your home but you just feel like it doesn’t suit you anymore, so you’re moving out. Whatever your reason is for selling your home, there is certainly a way to sell your property in a week even in a slower market.
Keep reading to know the tips for selling your home in a week or less.
Yes, you can sell your home in a week and for the most money.
Selling your home for the highest price in a week or less is a tough thing to do.
If you don’t get the right agent to assist you, your property might end up lingering on the market for weeks, let alone months.
In this article, I will share with you some secrets that can help you sell your Shawnee KS home in a week and for top dollar. Follow these tips and you’ll be surprised how your hard work gets you exactly what you want at the end of the day.

If you want to sell your home quickly, the first thing you need to do is to pack up as many of your things as you can. Half of all your stuff sounds like a lot, but you’ll pack up soon anyway so why not do it now?
You’re probably thinking—how can packing help sell my home in a week? Well, emptying out your home will make it look more spacious. As a home seller, you need to be ready anytime a prospective buyer visits your home, so make sure you have already depersonalized it before your first visitor comes.
Since packing up can be overwhelming, you can use the following tips to make this task as organized as possible:
Work on the Walls
As you pack up, start working on the walls by taking down the pictures. You don’t necessarily have to take down everything—leave a few here and there for staging purposes. If you have 20 picture frames in your living room, you can leave three of them hanging to decorate the walls and pack up the rest.
Remove Clunky Furniture
After packing up, simplify your furniture by getting rid of all the extras. For example, you can take out all the extra chairs in the corners, extra dressers and other fillers in your home and just leave out all the basic furniture in each room.
Emptying out some of your extra furniture will help make the rooms of your home look more spacious and less lived in. This will also help your prospective buyers walk around your home more easily when they pay a visit.

Declutter Closets and Cabinets
You might ask, isn’t it too early to declutter? Well, decluttering is indeed a lot of work, but it’s something you’ll eventually do anyway. If you pack ahead of time, you’ll give yourself a jumpstart on the work you would have to do after selling your home.
When prospective buyers inspect a home, they usually open all the cabinets and closets that they see. As the owner of the home, you wouldn’t want your prospective buyer to see all your cabinets stuffed with clutter, so get rid of that junk and make your closets and cabinets look less chaotic.
Here are 3 basic tips for decluttering your closet:
• Make time for it. Treat decluttering as a project and choose a reasonable time to do it. Complete your project on a day where you have more than enough time to do the work.
• Categorize your clothes. Identify which of the clothes in your closet you will keep, donate or throw away. Use a hanger system for all the clothes you wear on a regular basis and determine which among the folded ones you are ready to dispose of in the next couple of months.
• Store clothes you are not using this season. Divide your “keep” clothes into seasons and whichever you’re not wearing at the moment, store in a bin or garment bag. This way, you will be able to free up more room in your closet and prospective home buyers will think that your closet is spacious.
Making manageable updates on your home will help you sell it more quickly. You don’t necessarily have to spend a lot on these upgrades—you can do these upgrades on little things in your home that you have been meaning to fix for quite some time now but you haven’t been able to. Since you are selling your home now and want to sell it quickly, it’s about time to make these aesthetic updates. See what difference they can make.
Here are some ways to make easy, manageable updates on your home:
Replace Outdated Items with New Ones
If you want your home to attract more prospective buyers, make it look more modern by replacing some of the things in it that already look dilapidated. These things can include old light fixtures or an old kitchen table. Take a look around you and decide what simple changes you can do to boost your home’s overall appeal.
Give It a Fresh Coat of Paint
The last thing home buyers would ever want to do is to buy a home that needs a lot of work. If you want a prospective buyer to get carried away as soon as he makes his first step into your home, make your walls look as perfect as possible by repainting them. Giving your home a fresh coat of paint will not only make it look fresh. Remember, homebuyers love a home that’s neat and new.

In 2017, Zillow analyzed 32,000 listing photos of homes that have been sold in the U.S. and they found that certain colors actually worked better than the rest. Here are Zillow’s findings on which colors to use and avoid:
• Kitchen
👍 Blue (light blue to soft gray blue)- Home sold for $1,809 more on average
👎 Yellow (straw yellow to marigold)- Home sold for $820 less on average
• Bathroom
👍 Blue/Purple (light powder blue to periwinkle)- Home sold for $5,440 more on average
👎 White/No Color (off white or egg shell white)- Home sold for $4,035 less on average
• Bedroom
👍 Blue (light cerulean to cadet blue)- Home sold for $1,856 more on average
👎 Pink (light pink to antique rose)- home sold for $288 less on average
• Dining Room
👍 Blue (sate blue to pale gray blue)- Home sold for $1,926 more on average
👎 Red (brick red, terracotta or copper red)- home sold for $2,031 less on average
• Living Room
👍 Brown (light beige, pale taupe, oatmeal)- Home sold for $1,809 more on average
👎 Blue (pastel gray, pale silver to light blue, periwinkle)- Home sold for $820 less on average
• Home Exterior
👍 Gray/Brown (greige—mix of grey and beige)- home sold for $1,526 more on average
👎 Brown (medium brown, taupe or stucco)- home sold for $1,970 less on average

Do Some Easy Maintenance
As you pack up, you leave more space inside your home exposed. As you take photos off the wall, the wall becomes bare and you might notice lots of nail holes on it. Since such holes are not visually pleasing, you have to do something to make your walls look nicer. You can do this by filling all those nail holes and repainting them.
Upgrade your Pantry
One of the small upgrades that you can make without going crazy is the pantry. You can turn this quick and easy upgrade into a weekend project, where you replace its old, dingy curtains with French doors to make it look new.
When it comes to selling a home, the prospective homebuyer’s first impression is a crucial factor. While some home sellers think that staging a home is not as important as the other steps in preparing a home for sale, staging a home is actually one of the secrets to selling a home quickly. It plays a critical role in your marketing efforts so you shouldn’t take it too lightly. Home staging does not only make prospective homebuyers feel that your space is livable—it also makes them want to buy your property as soon as possible.
Here are some home staging facts you probably didn’t know:
• Most buyers offer more money—around 1% to 5% more-- for a home that is staged over a similar home that is not staged.
• 81% of buyers find it easier to visualize a staged property as their future home.
• A research conducted by Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corp. found that compared with non-staged homes, staged homes spend half the time on the market before they get sold. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the longer a home stays on the market, the more its price drops.
• A survey conducted by Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corp. found that staged homes sell for more than 6% above the asking price.

Home staging helps you highlight your home’s strengths and downplay its weaknesses. Here are some tips for staging your home without burning a hole in your pocket:
Light It Up
For most homebuyers, lighting is everything. That is why when staging your home, the first thing you need to do is to make it shine. You can do this by taking your thick, dark curtains off your windows to let as much natural light in as possible.
Usually, the darkest parts of a home are the laundry room and kitchen. If those two rooms in your room have dim lighting, replace them with brighter bulbs. That may sound like a less important thing to do, but it actually makes a huge difference. Home staging expert Herline Goutama of “Let’s Stage It!” advises that every home should have at least three sources of light to look visually appealing.
“The key is to create subtle variances of light levels, which accentuate surfaces and make the room feel more spacious.” –Herline Goutama
Rearrange Your Furniture
Once you have already improved your home’s lighting, the next thing to do is to arrange and rearrange your furniture. Make sure that your home has enough space to allow people to walk freely so when prospective buyers visit your property, they won’t feel stuck or trip on poorly positioned furniture. You can also add some greens and flowers to your windowsill and get creative with your walls. Plants are crowd pleasers and they help boost the overall appeal of your home. Lastly, look around you and make sure to take out all the personal photos and other stuff that might make your prospective buyer feel that the home is not for them.
Use White Linens
Did you know that you can actually achieve that spa-like atmosphere inside your home without breaking the bank? If you have white linens in your closet, you can take your master bathroom and bedroom to the next level by using those. Transform your master bathroom into a luxury spa by putting thick white towels and shower curtains on display. You can also roll some bath towels and hand towels and place them on the tub and near the sink to add a pleasant hotel look.

Set Up Your Yards for Staging
When it comes to staging your home, treat the exterior as important as the indoor. The outside of your home is important to stage too, because it is what prospective buyers see first before they even enter your home. What they see from the outside might create a strong lasting impression on them so you have to make an effort to improve its overall appeal as well.

Here are some tips for staging the exterior of your home:
1. Clean up your flower gardens.
2. Make your home look inviting by setting up chairs up on your deck.
3. Clean up your porch.
4. Clean up the flowerbeds and put some solar garden lights in your front yard to allow for nighttime showings.
5. Put down a colorful carpet and display some vibrant colored pillows in your sunroom to accentuate the colors that you have.
Remove all Traces of Your Dog
It doesn’t matter if your dog is clean and doesn’t shed—when staging your home, hide all evidence of your pet. If you want to make a good first impression on prospective buyers, hide the toy bones, dog bed and everything that they can associate with animals.
All the efforts you make to decorate your home will become useless if you don’t make everything inside and outside your home sparkle. If you want to sell your home quickly, make sure that everything is clean—from the windows, furniture, the bathrooms, down to your yard. What creates the most impression on prospective buyers is the neatness and cleanliness of your home, so making sure everything inside and outside your home is sparkling clean is the way to go.
Consider these quick cleanup tips to get your home ready for spur-of-the-moment visits of potential buyers:
1. Wipe Away. Since the toilet and kitchen are usually two of the sloppiest areas of a home, you can start your cleanup there. If you want to quick-clean these areas, use disposable wipes to wipe away the visible dirt.
2. Use a Scented Cleaner for Your Toilet Bowls. One of the biggest hacks to making something look clean is making it smell great. If you don’t have much time to clean your bathroom, you can just put a small amount of your favorite scented cleaner in your toilet bowl and voila! Your bathroom is ready for unexpected visitors.
3. Use a Tile Spray Cleaner for the Walls. Each time you shower, make it a habit to use a tub and tile spray cleaner and turn on the hot water for a few minutes. This way, you are able to loosen the dirt and grime lurking in the corners of your bathroom without putting much effort and your walls stay clean even without extra cleaning.
4. Make Sure Your Cleaning Materials are Always Ready. Making sure that you are ready for visitors means always getting your cleaning materials ready. Always keep a bucket of your cleaning materials on each floor of your home so when prospective buyers arrive, you no longer have to go up and down the stairs to search for them.
5. Clean as You Go. One of the best ways to get yourself ready for prospective buyers’ surprise visits is to always clean as you go. When you make it a habit to wipe up spills as they happen, you make quick cleanups less of a chore for you.

You can never underestimate the value of a great realtor when it comes to selling a home. If there is someone who understands the real estate business better than you, that’s your real estate agent. With her help, you will be able to price your home right and sell your home quickly. She may also let you visit open houses in your neighborhood to see your competition and find ways to make your home stand out.
7 Benefits of Using a Real Estate Agent:
1. She will list your house at the right price.
Because real estate agents understand the market better than you do, you can be sure that she will be able to list your house at the right price. Compared with listing the property yourself, this benefits you more. While there are other means to get a home estimate online, those methods are rarely accurate.
2. She will ensure that your presentations go smoothly.
Home presentations are key to selling a home fast nowadays. With a real estate agent to assist you, you will be able to make sure that your presentations go smoothly when prospective buyers check out your home. Agents have tons of experience in staging homes so you will never go wrong with one around to assist you.
3. She will give you more buyer exposure.
When buyers look for properties to purchase, they often get in touch with real estate agents to help them find homes that are currently listed on the market. Since buyers usually look at homes that are listed by an agent, having an agent to assist you will work to your advantage as this will help your home get more showings and offers. Agents have contacts with buyers, so when you list with an agent, you also give yourself access to buyers who are shopping for homes with their own agents.
4. She will dramatically impact the offers you receive from buyers.
Working with an agent when selling your home increases your chances of getting higher offers for your home. An agent does not only make sure that your home is seen by as many buyers as possible, she also ensures that all the aspects of the home buying process are handled in a professional manner. As a result, higher offers for your home come in.
5. She negotiates inspection results.
Inspections are crucial in the sale of a home. If you have a real estate agent to assist you, you can trust that you have someone to handle this aspect of the sale and give you expert advice.
6. She helps speed up the entire home selling process.
While it usually takes time to sell a home, having a real estate agent helps speed up the process significantly. Since home selling involves tons of paperwork, it helps a lot to hire an agent to take care of all the paperwork in every step of the process.
7. She sells your home for more money.
When you list with an agent, you can be sure that you will be able to sell your home for more than when you do it by yourself.
When selling your home, believe that your efforts will pay off. By following these tips, you will be able to set your home apart from the other homes on the market and sell it in a week or less. Doing these things will not only speed up the entire selling process but will also get you the best price in the least possible time.
If you need an agent to help you sell your home, call me, Lea Deo, at 913-233-9547. As your top real estate agent in Shawnee KS, I will take care of all the home selling details and issues on your behalf and before you know it, I have already sold your home!
In case you cannot view this video here, please click the link below to view Secrets to Selling Your Shawnee KS Home in a Week or Less on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1vVTs94bWU&feature=youtu.be
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