#and we're not even going to talk about how fucked ashlynn is
cometblaster2070 · 1 year
Briar: Some of us, I don’t want to name names, but some of us are letting their mommy issues make this winter break really uncomfortable. Ashlynn: Is it me? Briar: No it’s not you. Apple, who cries every time Aurora is nice to her: Is it me? Briar: It’s not Ashlynn.
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Ok can't remember if I posted this on here or tiktok but either way it's getting repeated. Ever after high is so creepy if you deep it.
If they're all the kids of their mother (supposedly the Damsel) and her prince then can we just talk about how complicated family trees are.
Apple is snow white and florian's daughter.
If daring is her prince he is also florian's son, even if he hasn't a different mother, cause there's no crossing of fairytale and even though in the books it says all charming are from the same family it's still strange. If you deep dive that, daring is Apple's brother.
Also, realistically Florian wasnt a Charming so why the fuck is Daring a Charming.
Even if we go with the pretty gay version from dragon games where darling is Apple's princess, since Darling is Daring's sister she's still related to apple. They've all got to be siblings if we're going off of concept rather than canon.
Similarly, briar is sleeping beauty and Phillips daughter, where's her Phillip? He can't be from the charming family cos he isn't Phillip charming and since he has to be descended from prince Phillip he is Brian's brother (according to the books all he brothers were younger than her by like a land slide which adds a little extra creepiness to that).
Ashlynn Ella is meant to be with a Charming if she were to go with her destiny but all the charming kids are gone at this point cos Rosa Bella kind of claimed daring, raven took Dex and apple should be with darling so if Ashlynn wanted to go after her fairytale she'd have to be with one of the cousins from the books which doesn't make any sense because she should be with THE Prince Charming, she should have her pick of the litter so to speak. Also again the weird parent situation.
You get the picture but it gets worse.
If they were to all marry their fairytale prince and have kids, the kids would then have to date each other to keep the family fairytale going. Basically it's all just incest and plot hole shut it's forgivable because the art and characters are so cute and whimsy.
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pbforeva · 3 months
ok so like boom i’m going quick
**TW: DV**
part 2
Evelyn's pov:
As I walk back to my apartment, fear courses through my body as I think about my boyfriend waiting for me. The girl behind me leaves my thoughts as I think about how angry he will be because I'll be late getting home. My boyfriend is sweet and caring, but sometimes he can get a bit angry, it's understandable because I do things that I know make him mad. 
I take a deep breath, walk in the door, and see my boyfriend waiting for me. I stand by the door waiting for Blake, watching his large figure get up and walk towards me. As he gets closer, I can see the rage in his eyes, and my heart falls, knowing it's my fault he's like this.
"Why the fuck are you late, Evelyn," I hear his striking voice question me. I begin to say, "I'm sorry, I was just-" but he interrupts me by saying, "Just what? Cheating on me?" I feel his hands roughly grab my wrist as I try to continue talking, "No, I was just talking to a new friend I made on the way home, and I guess we lost track of time," I try to reason as I feel tears fall from my eyes. His grip tightens, and he yells out, "Friends? Oh, now you'd rather talk to your little friends than spend time with me? AM I REALLY THAT HORRIBLE?" 
"No, no, I love you I'm sorry I didn't mean to talk to her," I scramble to say, but it's too late. I know I deserve the beating that's to come because I know he doesn't like me having friends, and being late made it worse. 
He pulls me close, all while tightening his grip on my wrists, and I can feel bruises forming, soon his mouth is by my ear, and he whispers, "I'm not gonna explain what you did wrong because you deserve this, and I know you know that." I nod against his chest because he's right, I do deserve this because I angered him, I shouldn't have been late. 
Suddenly, I am thrown to the floor, and I can feel his rigid boots begin to kick against my ribs. "You know I don't like doing this to you, why do you always force me to be the villain?" I hear him shout at me as I attempt to choke out an apology, "I'm sorry, I know this is my fault," I say with a trembling voice as he shoves his heel into the pit of my stomach.
Paige's pov:
After returning to the dorm I share with my teammates, I head to the bathroom, undress, and get in the shower. I begin to wash my hair when my thoughts shift from how good the warm shower feels to Azzi's words about Evelyn. "Did something about her seem off to you guys?" her words repeat in my head while I replay the memory. I focus on her face as I rinse out my shampoo, and her eyes stare back at me with fear hidden behind them. The fear was probably because she almost fell, right? I shake my head and finish washing my body before getting out of the shower. 
After drying off, I put on a pair of shorts and a Uconn wbb t-shirt. I brush my hair and head out to the living room we share, where I see Azzi on the couch watching a movie. I sit down next to her and wonder if I'll run into Evelyn again tomorrow. My thoughts are interrupted by KK running in and asking if we want to get lunch with the team. Azzi and I look at each other and shrug before Azzi responds, "Yeah, sure, where?" "Umm, probably just pizza," KK unsurly responds.
Azzi and I get into Caroline's car along with KK and Aubrey, and soon we arrive at the restaurant, where we sit down with the rest of the team, who are waiting there for us. I sit next to Ashlynn, who is having a conversation with Jana. I sit there wondering what Evelyn was doing, and oh my gosh, I think I like her. HOW? This can't happen, we're not even friends, I DON'T EVEN HAVE HER NUMBER. Oh my gosh, I'm going insane, I have to stop- 
"HELLO, earth to Paige," I hear Aubrey say while waving her hand in front of my face. I look up and realize the team is staring at me, making my cheeks tinge pink. "Oh, sorry, what were you saying," I reply, hoping my blush isn't noticeable. "She was probably day-dreaming about the girl we ran into on the way to basketball," I hear Azzi proclaim from the end of the table, "Hey, no-" I attempt to deny it, but I'm cut off by a chorus of "OOOO," from most people at the table. I groan and set my head on the table to hide my embarrassment. 
When the conversation has moved on, I go to the bathroom to collect my thoughts because Azzi wasn't wrong. What was so enticing about Evelyn that she wouldn't leave my mind? Was it the color of her soft brown eyes? Or was it the luscious curls that flowed around her face so perfectly? No, I think it was her soft voice that I recall penetrating my ears for the first time. I attempt to erase the memory of her soft features from my mind as I take a deep breath and head back to the table. 
I sit down and realize the pizza arrived, so I grab a slice and start to talk to Ashlynn about practice today when she asks, "Who was Azzi talking about?" "Oh, well on the way to practice, I saw the girl in front of me trip on the curb, so I ran up and caught her, and after we talked for a few minutes. Her name was Evelyn," I reply. "Wait do you know her last name? My friend Aurora has a best friend named Evelyn," she questions. I finish the conversation by saying, "No, but I'll ask if I run into her again."
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gumjester · 2 years
I read it with my sister out loud and she keeps on reminding herself about how raven is gonna give everyone the choice to rebel and how soon this will all be a bad dream for Ashlynn that'll end but I told her to FORGET THAT FOR NOW AND JUST INDULGE IN THE ANGGGGGSTTTTTT❗❗❗❗
WEAKLING❗❗❗❗ (don't worry sis I'm joking I'm also really fucking afraid)
Actually, I reread the entirety of the fic so far out loud to my sister and I've made sure she's just as invested as I am!!!! We're having so much fun!!!!!!!! AND YOUR WRITING IS SOOO GOOOD
BUT ANYWAY, back to the chapter at hand.
I didn't expect Ashlynn to be the pov character this chapter but WOWWW IT WAS A PLEASANT SURPRISE.
YOU.... MADE HER SO MUCH MORE ENGAGING. With her TRYING SO HARD to rationalize this destiny shit, like, not wanting for her mom to go away, and not wanting to break away from hunter, but still feeling obliged to fulfill her destiny because of tradition, and being so confused, and scared, and conflicted with what she wants. I feel horrible for her.
But on another note, I love how much more present her magic touch of being able to speak to animals was!!! I have a feeling understanding animals had made her into a very kind, soft, and caring person. (Which I love her for) EAH has a problem with not utilizing their characters talents completely and just, having a graveyard of characters with so much wasted potential, so I LOVE the attention to detail in your fic so far!!!!!!!
And her words make it sounds like she's definitely had a lot of time to make sense of the entire Cinderella destiny, just to soften the blow of fulfilling such a heavy destiny. Convincing herself it's for the greater good, and sacrificing personal comfort for the good of the system.
This is gonna be a recurring theme isn't it?
But anyway, new character drop!!
You can tell just how much they care about each other, and hunter specifically being more worried about Ashlynn cause he understands how big her destiny is. And of the anxiety it must cause Ashlynn.
I really hope only for the best for them in the future. Their so sweet and they love each other so much, they deserve only good things.
I hope we get to see more of Hunter somehow!!! I hope you have something planned for him, even if just a little bit. What family issues does HE HAVE. We know he does from the books!!!
Briar and Apple appeared near the end!!! Briar makes me sad after 30 seconds. But she's so so cool. I LOVE HER DYNAMIC WITH ASHLYNN.
AND ACTUALLY. I'M JUST GLAD THE ICONIC TRIO ARE TOGETHER!!!!!! They were always so funny together, and I'm glad we're seeing more of their dynamic here!!!
“ Grimm , I am so glad you’re here,” she gasped, squeezing Ashlynn into a hug. “I need help deciding on my outfit for the Book-to-School party. I showed Apple what I have but she keeps saying it’s ‘a little too much’.” “So, she hates it,” Ashlynn translated. “She hates it,” Briar confirmed, pulling her along. “But I swear, the whole thing is fine, she’s just being uptight because it’s Legacy Year. I need an actual second opinion, plus you can pick out my shoes!”
Apple already seems to be acting really weird with them cause it's legacy year.
The three of them clearly have different priorities this legacy year.
Ashlynn wants to somehow fulfill her destiny without the pain of losing two important people from her life.
Apple wants to fulfill her destiny in the most perfect way possible cause she's made to believe that's all she needs to prove her worth to everyone and her mother. And then she'll finally achieve peace. (Even though we all know she's playing a game she'll never win)
And Briar is desperately trying to distract herself from her impending doom. My poor girl. She's probably a bigger mess than most people would expect!
At the end of the chapter, we finally get a small piece of proof that signing your destiny could ever POSSIBLY BE GOOD. IN ANY WAY. wow. So these small things are the reason royals stay royals huh? That and the life-long suffocating pressure from everyone around them to conform and do as what's expected of them.
Heeeheee just girly things
What is wrong with ever after. IT'S AN ACTUAL DYSTOPIA......
(sorry for being such a messy rambler I wish I could get my points across in a more professional manner but- but- idk!!! This is a Tumblr ask wtf am I saying)
Hey hey heyyy gumjester can you give us a random teaser for the next chapter. It can be anything! A random dialog, a picture, a gif that encapsulates the vibe of the next chapter. Anything!!!!
Really excited to see the story open up, good luck on the next chapters!!!!! Your doing amazing so far!! :DD <33
first of all, COMPLETELY insane to me that you are reading my silly little fic out loud ???? to your family????? your own flesh and blood???? every day you layer new honours upon me i feel like im getting an audiobook made. how lovely that youre both enjoying the questionable things i am putting these characters through!!!!! shoutout to oklos sister, im so pleased to have you along for the ride <3 and hold onto your hat, ashlynn WILL be alright eventually but 😐 ... it is gonna take a while
second, YOU ALWAYS KNOW JUST WHAT TO SAYYYYY WIPES TEAR. i really wanted to make ashlynn engaging and fun to read in this seeing as shes really quite flat in the show for such a theoretically important character???? it's been fun expanding on neglected aspects like her communication with animals and her relationship with her mother.
hunter too is just very therapeutic to write lol... just a big chill guy... i do love hunter and am trying to make room for his pov. hopefully i can balance him in 😵‍💫 SOOOOOO many characters 2 keep track of... im still having my issues with them but this is encouraging feedback!! love ya <3
youre spot on about royals clinging to the little things to rationalise destiny btw. and the way cinder thinks about destiny. and about the dystopia. LOLLLLLL THIS WORLD IS HELL
in regard to the next chapter, it won't be a new pov, but you do get a couple more character intros. as for a teaser:
“Come in, Ms White,” he called from inside. Apple turned the freezing doorknob - it was made of steel, shaped into the oval symbol of an eye - and opened the door.
see you next friday <3
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bouttogolinkurbitch · 6 years
Love Scary: Grayson Dolan
Reverse Scary Love (all credits go to the queen @rockstardolan if you somehow haven’t read the og Scary Love, read this lmao and then go peep her masterlist. Might as well read my bullshit while you’re here <3) this is a huge fucking deal for me because I love Luna and her writing with my whole heart.
Okay so in the original Scary Love, Grayson has blond hair, the razored brow, and the nose ring-but it’s reverse so Y/N has all that. For Grayson, instead just picture ‘No Shave November Gray’ with his dark ass hair that literally makes a bitch drip🤤👀
Warnings: cheating and an abusive relationship between Gray and his girlfriend
Sorry for errors ;))
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"You lost the bet." Jessica chided as I looked at her. She smirked and cracked her knuckles, "And luckily for you, my mom can call some people from the salon, have them come and do everything, and then we're good." She shrugged her shoulders- as if everything she just said wasn't impossible. I scoffed as I paged through the shirts that hung in my closet, "So you expect me to dye my hair, pierce my fucking nose, razor my brow, and try to get in Grayson Dolan's pants all in the span of forty eight hours?" Jess gave me a devilish smirk and I felt my heart plummet into my stomach.
I winced as the needle went through my nose before I was patted on the shoulder. "Take care of it by cleaning it with this." I was handed a bottle of sanitizer. I carried it to the chair where I sat and got my brow razored. Jessica watched with her phone on me as she recorded our adventure. "I want to cry! This bleach is going to ruin my hair." I whined and Jess rolled her eyes. "It actually looks really good. Maybe put it in waves?" I shook my hand through it and I looked at her through the mirror, "Fuck you."
Grayson Dolan has been my crush since the eighth grade. Ever since elementary school when kids had picked on me and Jess, which led Jess and I to have an unbreakable bond, the two stood up for us when no one else would. Two of the kindest souls in our school, the twins, never stopped being nice to us. I had been teased up until the seventh grade when Grayson established we were friends. Ethan blindly tagged along with our banter, and for a bit it was us against the world. Then freshman year hit, the boys got into sports, and suddenly I was a nobody again.
Grayson had even found love, Chelsea Reynolds. All star cheerleader, captain of the volleyball team, and Grayson's loyal girlfriend. They were like peanut butter and jelly to outsiders looking in, but I knew it wasn't as it seemed. Grayson never looked happy anymore. There's only so many football, wrestling, and lacrosse trophies you could win to fill the void. Grayson needed something new, probably wanted something new, and definitely had lust for someone new. I was determined to make that someone me.
Walking into the party with Jess at my side, we had accumulated quiet the crowd. From across the room Scott yelled, "Nice look, Y/N! You look hot!" Many drunken cheers were followed and I sent him a wink before my eyes zeroed in on Grayson. To his side stood his lovely girl, she was chatting idly to Ashlynn. He looked bored and tired, but I had something in mind that could wake him up.
As the party dragged on, Chelsea drank more, and soon she was on jelly like legs. I was standing with a beer in hand, not really drinking as it wasn't something I enjoyed, when I saw it happen. She had bumped into Grayson and he spilled the tray of veggies he was carrying to the kitchen. She stilled and he looked down before he got on the floor to clean it up. She shoved his head hard with her hand before her whiny, shrill voice sounded, "Watch where you're going, dumbass." I glided through the sea of bodies before I was down next to Grayson, scooping up the mess.
"Y/N, you don't have to." I ignored him and threw a carrot onto the platter. His hand came around my wrist, his grip was so soft and gentle, I stilled. When our eyes met he looked defeated, "You don't have to help me. It's my mess to take care of." I shook my head, "Nah, Gray. She's the mess you should be taking care of." He got quiet after my comment and soon the floor was clean. His eyes danced up and down my body before he turned on his heel and left me, my mouth opening slightly like a fish.
Jessica was drinking happily next to me as I listened to the music. "Y/N look." She slurred and my eyes shifted to see Grayson in the corner with Chelsea's paws scrambling up his chest and into his hair, all the while he held a pained expression upon his chiseled and perfect features. I sat the full beer I still hadn't drank on the mantle before I walked over. As I approached, I heard Grayson trying to defuse her ever growing temper, "No, Chels. I don't want to right now." She pouted and dragged her hand down his solid chest. He tried to catch her wrist, but her opposite hand dug into his forearm.
I pulled her arm back and she looked at me, "Can you not fucking hear? Get off of him." She scoffed and stumbled, taking a hold of Grayson for support. "And who the fuck do you think you are?" My brows raised and I tipped my head to the side, "I'm the girl who's gonna kick your ass if you don't lay off. No means no." My arms folded across my chest and I looked down at her. She clenched her fists at her side, "You're just mad Grayson fucks me at night. Grayson is my man, and I know you've been jealous sin-" But I didn't let her finish.
Instead my mind went into autopilot, and soon my fist was connecting with her cheek. She fell abruptly and Grayson looked as if he was going to console her, that is until I laid my hand on his arm. He froze and he watched as I crouched next to her, "Don't ever fucking talk to me like that again. Or I will not stop." I seethed, and she nodded. I'm sure she didn't truly understand, but even a drunk person knows when the fight has ended and the dust has settled.
After the scuffle, many guess started to leave. Ashlynn had dragged Chelsea home long ago. Jessica left me to go get more wine and head over to her boyfriend's house. Grayson was picking up red solo cups when I walked back in. "You didn't have to do that." Grayson's low voice rumbled behind me as I picked up the trash bag Ethan had been using, he left to go throw up and pass out in his room.
I threw some paper plates in the bag and I looked up, "I needed to." His killer watt smile flashed a fraction before he bit his lip. "She doesn't make you happy, Gray." Grayson's eyes shifted from me to the floor, "Not used to you calling me that again." That hurt but I sighed. "She doesn't love you like I could." At this our eyes met again and he damn near dropped the trash bag he kept in a vice grip. I had to swallow the thought of his thick hand around my throat. Tonight was about him, even if he didn't know that yet.
I dropped the bag to the floor and stepped over the rubble. My heels clicked against the wood floors until I was directly in front of Grayson. "Let me love you Grayson. Let me show you what it's like to feel." My hand slid across the warm expanse of chest that was covered in a gentle cotton, long sleeve shirt. His jeans had hugged his thighs and hips dangerously, and the boots he wore made him look rugged and sexy. I felt his heart rate quicken under my palm and I smiled, "You nervous, Gray?" Grayson's Adam's apple bobbed and I smirked.
I pulled him to the counter and I sighed, "You know, I don't think I ate enough at the party. Think I could catch a meal?" I asked as I leaned closer to his neck, my lips centimeters from his skin. "Tell me what you want, baby." The word baby seemed to flip a switch in him because suddenly everything on the island was pushed to the floor and he was sitting up on the granite top. I let my hands rest on his thighs, before I squeezed gently. "Want you to ride my thigh." Grayson gravelly tone made me clench my legs. "Heels on or off, Grayson?" I asked and his dark eyes finally met mine. "Heels on, skirt over your cheeks, panties around your ankles, and if you're wearing a bra, I will fucking ruin you." I bit my lip as I slid the skirt of my dress on my hips, "I like the sound of that."
I climbed on top of him and soon my mouth was pressed to his in a firm kiss. His hand cradled my ass as I sat up slightly. My shaky hands ran under his shirt before I lifted it over his head and threw it behind me. I left open mouthed kissed down his neck and jaw, all the way on to his chest. Half way through my exploration, I dipped my tongue against his skin and I sucked. "Oh fuck. Y/N, please." I sat up and smiled, "I like when you beg, Grayson." His thick lower lip was trapped between his teeth as I kissed his neck. My teeth grazed his skin and I felt him swell against my stomach. "Need you on my thigh."
I turned myself on his chest before I undid his belt and jeans. He lifted himself up as I pulled the tight jeans down to pool at his ankles. I let my panties drop and I stepped out of them before I got back up next to him. I swung my leg over his, and I hovered over his tatted thigh. When I finally made contact with his hot skin, I whined. My nails dug into the expanse of his hip as I let my jaw drop. His leg started to shake and I cried out before I leaned my cheek against his stomach. "Please, Gray." I felt his hands in my hair and I breathed heavily as I moved against his pulsating leg.
I let my eyes roll back and I whimpered before I slid back against his thigh. His legs hairs prickled my heated flesh, but it added to the sensation, and soon I was coming undone above Grayson. His own eyes lulled as I tried to regain my vision. "Fuck me please, Y/N." I moved onto his hips and I leaned down, connecting our lips. As we kissed, I dipped my fingers between my folds and I smirked slightly, "Wanna taste?" He nodded eagerly and whined as I pushed my two fingers into his mouth. His lips sucked around the pads of my fingers before he let them go with a pop. "Taste so fucking sweet." I smiled and kissed him, trying to taste a hint of myself, and I did. When I pulled back, I let my nose bump his, and our eyes locked. "Would you like to taste more?" Grayson nodded frantically and almost whimpered as I shifted myself above his waiting tongue.
I felt his lips wrap around my own and he sucked hard against my skin. I let my palms rest against the counter top as he started to slurp against my heat. "Fuck Gray." I whined as I moved my hips back. His tongue came to a point and ran over my clit, soon I felt him slide two fingers in. "Come on, babe." Grayson teased as he coaxed a reaction from me. I let my jaw fall open as I clenched my eyes, "Fuck!" The vibrations from his laugh made me moan and drag my hand through his hair. His hands came around my cheeks and he squeezed. His nails dug into my skin and I whimpered as he lapped at me more.
When I finally came for the second time, he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me there. "Gonna lick you bone dry." He muttered before I felt his tongue dip into my hole. I whimpered as I rocked back against his waiting tongue. "Please, Gray. Don't fucking stop!" I yelped. As he continued to toy with my clit, I lifted my dress off my body and I threw it to the floor. He moaned against me and I let my jaw drop as I moved my hips against his tongue. When I was about to fall apart again, his languid tongue and lips being the only thing holding me together, he stopped. "What did I say about that fucking bra?" Grayson’s hand was pressed to my spine and I yelped as he turned us quickly.
I felt the cool granite against my skin as he mounted himself above me. My eyebrows scrunched and I pouted. He was about to speak but I silenced him with my palm against his dick. "You know, Grayson, the entire experience was for me to treat you. I don't get punished." I squeezed my hand and his eyes rolled back. "Fine but let's change it up, princess." I was suddenly pressed chest to chest, my lips connecting with his own. I let them drag down his neck and go his prominent collarbones.
Grayson sat down on the couch and laid back, keeping my legs on his hips. He unhooked the bra and threw it back towards the kitchen, "Picture fucking perfect." I quirked my brow before I ran my hand up his chest, to the base of his neck. "How does this make you feel, babe?" I whispered as I started to apply pressure to his thick neck. His eyelashes fluttered as he ran his hands up my thighs.
I kept my hand on his neck as I moved up so he could slide inside of me. His breathy moans made my walls clench, and I started to move gently. His nails bit into the soft skin of my hip as I rocked. "Y/N, princess, fuck me or so help me." I raised my brows as I squeezed his neck firmly, "So help you what Grayson? You're not in control tonight." His dark eyes held mischief as he pushed himself up into me. I bit my lip and I breathed hard through my nose. "Stop, Grayson. Let me make you feel good." He shook his head and rolled us over.
With his arms beside my head, he started to set a much faster pace. I wrapped my legs tight around his hips and back, drawing him closer to me. "Fuck, Grayson, please." I choked out as I dragged my nails across the protruding muscles on his shoulder blades. His delicate lips came into contact with my neck as he bit harshly. "I don't like being weak, Y/N. And I'm just gonna have to fuck you until you remember that." I whined as he started to suck against my hardened nipple. "Every single part of you, mine." He all but growled and I nodded.
My hands squeezed his biceps, "You're mine, Grayson. Chelsea will just have to learn that I don't share." I spat as I rolled us over on the cushions. I pressed my palms to his chest, feeling his erratic heartbeat under my palm, as I started to bounce on his dick. He leaned his head back against the cushion, opening his neck to me. I peppered his skin in heavy breathed kisses as he started to fidget. "Gonna bust, princess. Where do you want me?" I let my lips fall open against his neck before I breathed out, "Inside, please." He nodded and I felt his taught abs tighten under my hands. The warmth that spread between us triggered my own reaction, and soon I was shaking above him.
I was lifted off his dick before I laid down on his chest to catch my breath. Once we regrouped, I walked back to the kitchen to collect my clothes. Grayson stood at the end of his couch, his lower half wrapped in a throw blanket like a towel. I looked over to the counter where I threw my dress, and next to the discarded clothing item, his phone sat. My eyes scanned his screen just in time to see it light up.
Missed call from Chels 💕
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