#and we feel like vi would pick that up as just “a queen she doesn't like talking about”
mantisgodsdomain · 8 months
28 vi and elizant 1
(for this ask game)
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]?
That is... a very good question! For Vi, former queens fall into the area of "vague politics", we think - not something that especially affects her, but something that matters to other people and thus that she may have to present opinions on should she run into A Person Who Cares About That Shit.
For the Elizants especially, it's Ant Kingdom Politics - though with the groups she hangs out with, it's likely that she's heard some very different takes on her from different groups. The Hive and its historical diplomatic relations plus the relatively recent change of queens mean that for the majority of Bees, Elizant 1 is known as a peaceful, benevolent ruler and preferred to the current Elizant, but for her less legal ties in the Tavern and, most likely, Black Market, she's likely to be more of a hot topic.
On one hand, she was a benevolent ruler who made great strides in diplomacy and keeping other bugs from Simply Going To War. On the other hand, her benevolence wasn't equally extended to all bugs, and the fact that Elizant The Second opens the borders to bugs of all kinds in the intro implies that they were not previously open to all bugs - and considering how crime most often comes from people who don't get their needs met through other venues, and groups discriminated against previously are prone to Continuing To Be Discriminated Against, it's very, veeeery likely that at least a few of the bugs present spaces that accomodate Extremely Illegal Dealings both A) were around to experience the previous queen's policies and B) likely have some VERY strong opinions about them that they're willing to share with the class when anyone talks about the old queen.
...which is to say, of course: Vi has very little in the way of personal opinion about Elizant 1, because she's got little reason to care about dead queens of her own volition and Elizant 1 isn't someone she would've had to look into to know about current policies and how they're likely to change, but she's probably used to hearing any mention of Elizant 1 rapidly devolving into a bunch of criminals yelling at each other over dead people's policies that don't even apply anymore and thus will attempt to avoid the topic of her if necessary.
She's a queen who died. Vi herself thinks very little about her. History's never exactly been her forte. Other people have opinions about her, and her job is to either seem like she Nebulously Agrees or stay extremely neutral on the issue. Or, if she's still stuck as a worker at the hive and feeling particularly cantankerous, inform whoever's talking about her that she's a dumb queen and it's a good thing she died before running off, though it would be in a "disagreeing with people on an issue because you're in a shit mood and want to yell about things" way rather than anything actually opinion-related.
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riza-hawks-eye · 2 years
i just had this thought that maybe it isnt that silco isnt good at braiding. powder is the one who is highly uncooperative and stubbornly fidgets & jerks when he touches her hair too long because she used to only allow vi to touch and braid her hair
Admittedly, that answer on the iama disappointed me bc I love the idea of Silco being a hair and makeup guru and becoming Jinx's personal stylist.
I can accept that he probably tried his best but Jinx wouldn't stop Jinxing and is all around a hair dresser's worst nightmare. Jinx's fidgeting is probably why she ended up with such uneven bangs when she was a child. Vi also tried her best. RIP.
I never liked certain fandom headcanon where Sevika and Vi were the ones who actually did Jinx's hair and Silco would have nothing to do with it, it all feels very gender roles to me. It also doesn't represent the characters as they actually are in canon. Silco is the only character we ever see applying makeup, he has the slicked back hair and the expensive-looking tailored suits. Meanwhile, Sevika and Vi give off "it takes me two minutes to get ready everyday" vibes.
So I can accept that as far as hair went, Silco tried and failed. He probably asked Sevika to hold her down for him at some point and she was like "lol, nope." Vi was a lot braver and more determined than Silco and ready to go in on Jinx's hair even with all the fidgeting. It didn't matter if those bangs were gonna look bad and uneven, Powder was going to have bangs!
My other headcanon is that after he failed with her hair, Silco fully committed to her fashion. He carefully picked out all the clothes and makeup to give Jinx that whole gothic punk rock queen vibe. The reason League of Legends Jinx looks so terrible in her bright pink battle bikini, booty shorts, and the one stocking is because Silco isn't there to help her out anymore. RIP.
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themadauthorshatter · 2 years
This has been in my drafts for a while and sorry it took so long to post
We begin with Cal being primmed and propered up for a ceremony after Kingstrial, as he is now made to marry Gisa.
Mostly, he cleans himself and dresses himself, but the servants make sure THEY wash his hair and remove all the grime before drying him off and painting him so he's outtake and dress him to the nines in Calore colors.
When they try to take some cheap metal bracelets Iris, Tiora, amd Maven chipped in to get him, he panics and recovers enough to order them to leave the bracets.
Good because, as Mare puts it, they suit him.
Cal panicks slightly, as he's alone with the crown princess, who he's also a little annoyed at because she can't do anything about his situation. Mare admits that she wants Cal to go home too, but she can't mainly because everyone knows about him now and most of them want him dead.
Speaking of dead, if anyone finds out about his being a Red and not a Silver, that's how he'll end up in a heartbeat, him and his family and friends. Can he write to them? No, too risked.
Mare apologizes and wishes him luck for the night because he'll need it.
She leaves, Cal suits up in red and black, and is escorted to the lift that leads him to Samson, who gives him the run down that he was born in the war and taken in by a Red man who'd lost his son and wife. He was raised without knowing who he is. The rest is history.
Cal asks what Samson wants with him, but Samson only tells him to not screw up or die, giving him an extra migraine for motivation.
Samson leaves Cal to stand with the royal family and Daniel stands before them all to give a grand speech on how the Kingstrial brought forth a miracle, one in the form of the long lost child of the beloved Tiberias Calore VI: one Tiberias Calore VII, who everyone watches as he descends the stairs and sits beside the Samos family.
Ptolemus is not amused, btw, and it gets worse when Cal and Gisa exchange vows and swear themselves to each other. Cal is upset more than ever because now there ia no going home.
Unsurprising to ANYONE, Ptolemus is chosen as Mare's husband and they exchange their vows, though Ptolemus doesn't just threaten to cut Cal apart, no. He grabs his wrist and squeezes hard enough to cut off circulation, making a ring of metal that is razor sharp and almost slices of Cal's hand.
He lets go instead and Cal is all too relieved; healers be damned, he would not like to lose a hand, please and thank you.
Thankfully, Ptolemus decides to not cut his hand, or cut him, and the rest of the evening goes as it usually does, with dinner, though Cal actually makes himself eat and is laughed at by Ptolemus because he keeps using the cutlery wrong by switching his hands, he's slouching, and is eating loke a starved dog.
He also loses his mind for a moment after some alcohol that Gisa takes away and replaces with water, despite the objections from Cal.
She also apologizes for what's happened and admits that now she knows how Mare feels because she didn't have a choice in who she would marry.
Cal is not happy at the pity and tells her that she wouldn't know hardship even if it beat her and left her to rot. Gisa admits that, no, she wouldn't, but that doesn't mean Silvers have it totally easy, as proven by the Kingstrial.
The events continue as usual, but the king and queen actually share a room this time, and the princesses escort the boys the bed, though Cal is steadily going insane from the anxiety and Mare is of little comfort because she tells him to be a little careful because there are cameras everywhere excpt that bathroom, though it is wire tapped.
Gee, great. Thanks, Mare.
Cal does get a schedule, and does get picked on because he was raised in the dirt, and he gets etiquette lessons, and sees Mare and Gisa whoop ass in training. He is scolded for his untimely-ness and taught how to stand, walk, sleep, greet people, properly use cutlery, and what the high houses and their names are before luncheon.
A a few more Kingstrial contestants are there, and they're not happy to see him, i.e. Olover Laris and Stralian Haven, who are a little pissed to have not been as lucky as he was.
Also here is the Panther Ara Iral, who's visiting with her grandson Reynald, who sees Cal has bronze eyes as opposed the the previous Calore Lord's and Lady's silver-gray.
Thankfully, Daniel gets their attention and Ruth escorts Ara away.
Afterwards, Gisa assures him that there will be no trouble, and he's off to meet another mentor: Willis Farely(the colonel, for those wondering), who Cal is surprised to see, and for good reason because he's a bit of a surprise among Reds and Silvers due to being the child of a Red and a Silver.
He also knows Cal is a Red with powers and only wants to help him understand himself, thank goodness because Cal would like answers, please and thank you.
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fedonciadale · 3 years
" Arya calls her stupid (in words and in thought) and that happens often enough that Sansa suspects Arya to think her stupid when she looks at her a certain way. "
Thank you for mentioning this. It's something that is never mentioned or discussed in the fandom. During the Trident, when Sansa asks her for company, she gives her a look that makes her feel as if she was stupid. Sometimes when your siblings consider your interests as stupid and even they don't mouth it openly still one figures out that they are being called out on their intelligence. I think the reason many people don't see this is because they feel there is some zero sum game in Sansa Arya dynamic before Ned's death. There is also the notion that Sansa doesn't have self esteem issues, which she has and even she harbours jealousy and resentment towards her sister. The only difference is that Arya expresses those emotions while Sansa bottles it up in her POV. I always wonder what would Sansa's reaction be when she finds out her brother gave up on her because he couldn't suffer more setbacks in his campaign but at the same time cared more for an unknown woman's honor that ultimately hit the nail in his coffin.
Another thing that bothers me is the argument that Sansa bullies Arya. Only problem that I have with that discourse is that bullies never cover up for the ones they need to pick on. Arya is also not frightened of Sansa in the way Dany is of Viserys.
Hi there!
"Rubies," Sansa said, lost. "What rubies?"         
Arya gave her a look like she was so stupid. "Rhaegar's rubies. This is where King Robert killed him and won the crown."    (AGOT, Sansa I)
And you are right, Sansa fears being stupid (although she has not reason, because she is not, but self-esteem is after all more about perception than real abilities).
"I … I had not thought, my lord."        
 "Your Grace," he said sharply. "You truly are a stupid girl, aren't you? My mother says so."     (AGOT, Sansa VI)
The ‘Sansa bullies Arya’ argument is probably as old as AGOT. I have talked about that repeatedly (and about the horseface insult). And there was no bullying. There were fights and arguments, insults and everything. Just look at this:
The septa was not appeased. "You're a good girl, Sansa, but I do vow, when it comes to that creature you're as willful as your sister Arya." She scowled. "And where is Arya this morning?"         
"She wasn't hungry," Sansa said, knowing full well that her sister had probably stolen down to the kitchen hours ago and wheedled a breakfast out of some cook's boy.                 
"Do remind her to dress nicely today. The grey velvet, perhaps. We are all invited to ride with the queen and Princess Myrcella in the royal wheelhouse, and we must look our best." (AGOT, Sansa I)
Sansa covers for Arya here. If she would regularly bully her, she would snitch on her right this moment. How easy would it be to get Arya punished.
Here you also see the lazy Septa delegating some of her duties to Sansa. She uses Sansa to search for Arya and she uses her to enforce rules on Arya. No wonder, Arya resents her older sister for it and no wonder Sansa resents Arya for not complying to the rules. The septa clearly expects Sansa to ‘talk sense’ into her younger sister. Probably because she herself can’t manage. And look how Sansa “successfully bullies” Arya into obeying their elders.
Sansa was running out of patience now. "You have to come with me," she told her sister firmly. "You can't refuse the queen. Septa Mordane will expect you." 
  Arya ignored her. (AGOT, Sansa I)
That is such bad parenting here by the Septa and it only drives the wedge deeper between Sansa and Arya. Imagine you are told to be a good girl and fetch your sister and she just won’t come. And imagine Arya: Getting instructions by her elders via the sister who is just two years her senior. Again, it’s no wonder they resent each other.
Actually, I don’t want Sansa to find out that Robb did not want to exchange her. She looked up to him and took him as an example for bravery and I just don’t want her to learn that. Let her keep that idealized version of Robb in her head.
Thanks for the ask!
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cattles-bians · 3 years
the 'um. are our exes dating' damie thread
post directory
em: unfortunately i have ‘rebecca as jamies old flame’ brainworms and ‘viola as danis old flame’ brainworms bc lesbians sure be forming these intricate webs of exes
obsetress: bestie the best part of this is that, like all exes, dani and jamie end up together, but so do rebecca and viola, yes this is canon and no i will not be taking questions
em: holy SHIT now THAT is a rarepair!!!!!!!
em: i mean they have a lot of free time stuck in that lake.......
obsetress: so what if i made custom discord emotes specifically so it would look like they were on a date
Tumblr media
em: viola: on her nightly wander through the grounds
me twirling my hair: haha do you come here often
obsetress: sometimes i just like to think about how viola is a taurus and rebestiecca is a virgo and they have the swankiest flat in london together with marble countertops and stainless steel appliances and rebecca is a high powered attorney and viola buys all the designer clothes she wants and dani and jamie will come into the city to visit them but then rebecca and vi immediately start fighting and dani and jamie are like "uh owen can you come pick us up they're fighting again" but he's too busy taking hannah out to a nice dinner so they just end up getting a hotel instead and then show up to brunch the next morning and rebecca and viola are there smiling pleasantly like nothing happened and viola didn't throw a box of biscuits against the wall just last night and when dani can't control her big mouth and asks about it (jamie elbowing her in the ribs as she takes a big gulp of bloody mary) viola and rebecca just look confused and rebecca furrows her brows and is like "what fight?" and dani and jamie just look at each other and jamie shrugs and slings an arm over dani's shoulder and then they order another round of drinks but like i said i only think about this sometimes it's not like it's a full-blown headcanon or anything)
em: there is so much to process here hannah but: taurus viola is such a god tier take & i can’t believe i never thought about it?? earth sign queens
obsetress: thank you i agree and i promise you this is not my taurus ass projecting, viola is actually a textbook taurus and in this essay i will––
em: i love typing a response and by the time i send a reply there is a full fic in my mentions
obsetress: like i said! not something i think about all the time or anything!
em: yeah viola is a little volatile sometimes but they always talk abt it after and most importantly they never go 2 bed angry! violas workin through some stuff n rebecca doesn’t let her push her around
em: i MEAN or they’re totally dysfunctional but i’m dying at damie like ‘ah owen cna u pick us up the girls are fighting again’
obsetress: rebecca sits her down and makes her talk about it and she gently steers vi towards "i feel" statements, focuses on stating "you did x, and it made me feel y," and when she covers vi's hand with hers, gently stroking her thumb over her knuckles, all the tension leaves vi's body
obsetress: and viola's willing, just for a minute, to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, rebecca was right. but only this one time
obsetress: (rebecca does her best to hold back a smirk, because "only this one time" seems to happen every time, but she's not about to say that to viola's face, not now, when vi's leaning into her and nuzzling against her cheek)
em: oh this is Tender
em: damie sitting in the restaurant completely baffled makes me Lose It like yeah ok we all wanna be gentle emotionally intelligent lesbians dani clayton or jamie taylor but some of us aren’t quite there yet!!
obsetress: viola, staring at jamie's arm slung over dani's shoulder and the way dani's beaming over at her, tangling her fingers with jamie's: do you two... need to be doing that? why are you doing that
obsetress: rebecca: they're in love, babe
viola: i don't feel the need to do... that, and i love you just fine
rebecca: i love you just fine, too
dani and jamie: (staring, horrified, across the table as their waiter serves them their eggs benedict)
em: @ dani @ jamie some people aren’t on the cusp of fucking at Any Given Moment
obsetress: you: (that)
dani: i don't understand the question
rebecca: it... wasn't a question
obsetress: they're just tryna be cottagecore and vi and rebecca are out here all big city earth sign power lesbians fighting in their penthouse apartment and dani's just like "wow you two have a dishwasher???? how neat"
em: vi constantly answers the door in expensive dressing gowns that show way too much leg and the first couple times dani and jamie are suddenly v interested in the wall paper but eventually they’re just like congrats on the tits maam can we have a spot of tea
em: violas like, gloating about some business investment or properties or a lucrative deal she was ruthless enough to land and danis like oh cool :) i’ve been making a lot of jam lately. would u like some jam
obsetress: inflated property value ex-gf and homemade jam ex-gf
obsetress: meanwhile, their respective gfs, won over the jury in closing arguments ex-gf and successfully integrated a new bee colony and harvested her first jar of honey ex-gf, are sipping their whiskey and watching, enamored, as it all plays out
em: viola cannot understand they’re perfectly happy in their cosy little apartment above the shop n she’s like ‘i have some gorgeous new properties if you ever want to-‘ and rebecca and dani have to figure out how to change the topic before jamie goes off w her Kill Landlords polemic
obsetress: jamie, later: i will tolerate her, dani, i will tolerate her because you love her and because rebecca loves her, but i swear to GOD if she "not all landlords" me one more time i'll––
em: jamie ‘card carrying socialist’ taylor cannot fucking stand viola half the time n eventually she half jokes that dani ‘downgraded’ to her drop out working class ass n danis like ??? oh babe. baby cmere. me and vi broke up for like 1000 reasons but the class difference didn’t Help
em: way later dani mumbles something like ‘i said the $2 aldi wine tasted perfectly drinkable and she didn’t speak to me for days’ and jamies like ‘pardon?’ but danis already Zonked Out
obsetress: ldkjfslkdfjlsj this part SENT me just. the idea of dani's final, dozing thought being viola pressed over the two dollar aldi wine
obsetress: sometimes jamie doesn't understand how dani could've dated viola at all, but then they'll be at dinner and rebecca will make some comment about some case and dani and viola's hackles will raise in the exact same way and they'll start popping right tf off down the same lane
obsetress: and jamie's like "oh, right. that"
obsetress: (it also doesn't hurt, jamie begrudgingly admits to herself next time viola answers the door Tits Out™️, that viola's hot. super hot)
audacity: just. the chaos of capitalist vi and socialist jamie being in the same fucking room
audacity: liberal versus leftist ding ding ding round one fight
obsetress: i’m crying liberal vs leftist that’s literally it
obsetress: “of course i’m a leftist, jamie, i’m gay” “that’s not—“
audacity: i love you vi but my money’s on jamie HSKDHSKDHSJSH
audacity: GOD
obsetress: “it’s not like i’m a conservative just because i have money, please”
audacity: jamie looking at vi’s ostentatious new dress and going “how many renters did you make homeless for THAT”
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