#and we don't get to celebrate our high holidays in peace
spitefullyjewish · 1 day
Okay, this is my third time trying to put this into words. I am very upset, hurt, and honestly terrified. I’m about to share a lot about myself, my family, and a very scary situation happening right now, so for my own safety, I won’t provide too many details.
I live in a secondary city in a South American country. The Jewish community here is very small—around 5,000 people total out of over 50 million. In my city, which has over 3 million people, there are only about 300 Jews. We’re literally on the other side of the world from Israel.
We own a family business, a small clothing factory where we make knitted garments. It was founded by my grandmother 48 years ago. My father is the current manager, and both my sister and I work there. We employ around 80 people. We pay fair and legal wages (not the industry standard in my country), and although times are really hard, we’ve never missed a payment, not once in our 48 years in business. My father paused his own salary and hasn’t received a cent since January, and my sister and I both stopped getting paid for three months. But the people who work with us have always received their salaries as they should.
Now, today, September 30th, (just a couple of days before the start of our high holidays and exactly one week before the first anniversary of October 7th) the biggest and most important public university in my city, in conjunction with the syndicate council, invited the Palestinian ambassador to give a conference about the current situation and the war. Well, apparently, it derailed into open antisemitism and ended up as a conference about how Jews are all thieves and scammers. Because, I kid you not, back in the '90s, a huge group of my country’s biggest companies went bankrupt and couldn’t pay their employees what they owed. One out of about 30 of those companies was owned by Jewish people. So, of course, "we Jews are all liars, scammers, and thieves, just like the Israelis—always trying to take what doesn’t belong to us"
So, what conclusion did they reach at this conference about Palestine and the current war happening on the other side of the world? Well, naturally, they decided to target Jewish-owned businesses in my city (which means our factory and two other small businesses in our area) to protest and vandalize, because we’re all thieves and scammers, and Israel is bad and horrible, and everyone in my city needs to be made aware of that. When are they planning to come? October 7th, of course, when else?
The only reason I even know about this is that one of my Jewish friends decided to attend the conference to hear from the Palestinian ambassador and, risking their own safety, stayed to hear the names of the businesses that are going to be targeted.
I'm hurt and scared and I've been trying not to cry since I found out. These are the people on the left, these we were supposed to be my people, I've marched with them, I've worked and voted with them. I don't know what to do? Please, please tell me how are they different from actual Nazis? How is this situation different from any other jew living in Europe in the 1930's? I guess shannah fucking tovah to me, as if last year wasn't a wake up call. I am fucking awake.
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surielstea · 4 months
Give ‘em a show
Based on this request.
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Pairing: High Lord!Eris x High Lady!Reader
Summary: The autumn court celebrates the equinox with a great rite of their own, what happens when the High Lord finds out Reader left the Forest House in search for him?
Warnings: Smut | minors dni | p in v | reader and Eris are both aroused by a higher power (?) | breeding kink | riding | public sex (on throne) | dirty talk | praise | cream pie | multi-orgasm
A/N: Sorry this took me forever, but I’m really happy with how it turned out so I hope you guys enjoy! 🧡🧡
6.2k words
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It was the most festive day of the year in autumn, the equinox. When both night and day are perfectly divided and everything feels at peace. We called it Mabon. The peak of nature's abundance.
The holiday usually entailed freshly harvested crops and feasts to satisfy an entire continent. People gathered to the crop fields and pray, whether it be for good fortune or the wealth of the earth it didn't matter. They honored the soil beneath their feet as much as any other living thing. Similar to Calanmai in the spring there are bonfires in every direction, dancing surrounding the pits.
This was also the day high Fae reinforced the wards around their homes, seeing it as a new beginning.
Some prefer to stay at home and pray to the gods of fire, knelt by the flames that warmed them, having a simple meal of bread and grain. I, however, did not. During the day I'd plant fresh herbs and seeds, placing them in the richest of soils then saying a soft prayer until they began to grow. My harvesting powers have always been my favorite, being able to merely look at a seed and turn it into a blooming flower in the blink of an eye would forever be my favorite party trick.
During the night of Mabon however, I indulged myself in the finest of whiskeys and got drunk as all hel, claiming it was a tradition and a night of commemoration.
"All done?" Eris asked as I came back into the Forest House, my knees covered in dirt from kneeling in the gardens.
"All done." I gave him a small smile and he mirrored it while taking my wide-brimmed sun hat from my head.
"As cute as you look, you need to go change." He hands me the hat and I blink up at him confused. "Or have you forgotten your duties as High Lady?" He arched a manicured brow and I rolled my eyes.
My traditions would be different this year. It was Eris' first year as High Lord, meaning he'd have to put on a show to make sure everyone knew just how powerful he was. Whatever that meant. This also means my job was no longer getting drunk off my face but rather waiting alone in our bedroom where we'd consummate in order to release the power of the High Lord and grace the land with it, allowing harvests and crops to grow until the next Mabon.
"High Lady or not, I'd like to spend my night in a pub with my friends, not some stuffy room with your advisors." I scowl and a smirk tugs at his lips as I drape my hands around his neck.
"A lady of her people." He hums and my grin widens.
"Does that mean you'll let me have my holiday?" I bat my lashes at him.
"I can't," He sighs.
"Eris," I whine. "You're high lord now, fuck me in front of the rest of them for all I care just let me enjoy myself." I plead and he gives me a sorrowful gaze.
"It'll only be a few hours, you'll survive." He placed his hands on my waist and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"But what if you find some other girl on your way to me? I don't like the idea of you roaming this court half naked for just anyone to see, Eris," I dramatically fall into his chest, he tightens his hold on me as if I'm actually going to fall.
"Trust me, all I'll want is you," He guides me back upright so I can stand on my own. "Now go get dressed." His hold on me loosens and I give him the nastiest scowl I can muster.
"Fine, but only because I love you." I excuse as I place the floppy hat atop his head, I think the pink bow brought out his eyes.
"Love you too," He smiles sloppily as I leave his hold, the sun hat remaining on his head as I move away from him, his hand coming down to pat me on the ass, as if encouraging a faster rate, making me toss a glare back at him.
In between now and the beginning of Mabon's night festivities I passed the late afternoon stuck in a meeting room, which was as boring as I thought it was going to be. I spent the entire time drawing the high lord in front of me, making sure to match the glint in his golden eyes to his crown, pure regality as he sat in front of Advisors that used to be in his father's corner.
It's been past an hour, the sun reaching the horizon had told me so, I could already smell the scent of smoke from the bonfires and I knew my time was being wasted. "My lady, are you listening?" I snap to attention, clutching my sketchbook from beneath the table and looking at the male who had snapped his fingers at me, earning a low grumble from Eris as a warning.
"Yes," I answer on instinct.
"Really?" Eris leans forward, muscular forearms resting against the wooden table.
"Mhm." I nod with slightly tinged cheeks, I could never lie to Eris, something about the mating bond, or rather just him, in general, had me somehow giving myself away.
"You wouldn't lie to me, would you Fawn?" He narrows his gaze on me and it takes everything in my power to not give in, tell him that every word since greetings has gone in one ear and out the other. All this information was useless anyway, old rules that Beron followed. Not Eris. I don't understand why my mate entertained these old males.
"You know what?" A bright grin spreads over my features as I stand, my chair pushing back against the floor as everyone looks up at me.
"All of you may take an early holiday, enjoy the night, and spend time with your families." I dismiss and they blink up at me.
"Really?" One of them babbles.
"Yeah, really?" The high lord glared at me and my grin widened.
"Really." I nod.
"With all due respect, you're not one to be giving orders around here." The eldest of them scoffed and my smile faltered, I had never expected to hear that in my own court.
"She's your high lady and you will do as she says. Now go before I change my mind." He shoos the male away. Eris may not have liked me cutting the meeting short but he wasn't going to tolerate any discourtesy against me, it may have been wrong to use it to my advantage but all I wanted to do at the moment was curl up by the fire with a freshly poured glass of wine. Second best to getting hammered at the pubs like I would've been doing this time last year.
"You heard him, go." I make hands that send them away and they all scramble off, shuffling out the door with a haste I haven't seen in a while. I smile softly as the last male disappears.
"You are a cruel female." Eris leans back into his seat at the head of the table. I grab my sketchbook and walk down the long stretch of the meeting hall until I'm right beside him.
"Cruel? Or smart?" I tilt my head as I hoist myself up onto the table in front of him.
"Show me what you were drawing that entire time." He places a ringed finger on the top of my pencil and I flip to the page of his half-shaded figure, flipping around to show the male his unfinished portrait. A satisfied grin spreads over his lips as he sees that he is the subject, but he shouldn't be surprised because he is always the subject.
"Is this whole book me?" He flicks through the pages and I pull back before he can see all the drawings of him I sketched from memory on a particularly desperate night when he was gone on a mission.
"Don't be so full of yourself, I wasn't going to draw any of those old males." I roll my eyes and he chuckles. "Plus I was listening, I could draw you with my eyes closed," I confess and he raises a brow, his lopsided smirk making me feel warm inside. "Now can you please just get this celebration over with then come back to me?" I place the sketchbook beside me and look back at him.
"And what will you do while I'm gone?" He places his hands on my hips, a soft look in his eyes.
"Lots of drinking." I shrug, taking hold of his crown and making it crooked atop his head.
"You're quite the drunk." He grumbles and I chuckle.
"I'm a tavern keeper's daughter, what more do you expect?" I grin innocently and he shakes his head in disbelief.
"Alright, come with me," He slips his hand into mine and guides me out of the meeting room.
I intertwine our fingers, occasionally bumping into him, the comparison of his steady figure, walking with only solid steps and articulated movements contrasted to my bounding, my arm brushing his with every step. It was a silent kind of intimacy, our dynamic.
"This my cell for the night?" I ask as we stop in front of our bedroom, a grand suite that seems more like an apartment.
"Don't act like I'm locking you up," He sighs, crossing his arms.
"You're right, I could easily sneak out," I taunt and he narrows his eyes on me.
"I'm not going to put guards outside these doors, however, if I learn that you've left I will find you," He says, his tone shifting from playful to menacing all in one sentence. "And depending on where you are, I might just fuck you in front of all of them," His words sink to my core, it wasn't much of a warning if it was my idea to begin with.
"Don't threaten me with a good time," I smirk up at him, mirroring his.
"I'll be back for you, soon," He promises, free hand coming to my jaw, the other still preoccupied with mine. His thumb rubbed over my jaw, pressing with a pressure that told me he didn't want to see this room empty when he returned.
"I'll be waiting," I sigh, leaning into his hand. He frowns.
"I'm sorry Fawn, but I doubt I'll be able to control myself with you so near," He shifts back to his usual self, the compassionate one.
"I understand, it's okay," I mumble, even if this was the last place I wanted to be during the holidays. He leans down and presses a yearning kiss onto my lips, the kind full of promise of what was to come later tonight.
He pulls away with a reluctance I immediately recognized. Whatever power that was going to consume him tonight was already forming, I could feel it through the bond like someone on his side of the tether was sparking embers.
"Don't leave this room." He warned one last time and all I could do was nod and then watch him leave.
I had never wanted to leave a room more in my entire life.
Eris forgot to put his shields up on his side of the bond and it was driving me fucking mad. I could feel the power of him, flowing through the very floorboards beneath my feet. His arousal was immense, or perhaps it was mine— I wasn't sure. Maybe being High Lady had its own effects, maybe it made the mated female just as willing to consummate with the High Lord. The intense heat running up and down my spine reminded me of when Eris and I had accepted the mating bond, The Frenzy that took over both of us full throttle, I had managed that because he had been so near at the time, it had only lasted a few moments before he was touching where I needed him most but this, with him so far, gods this was unbearable.
I looked out the window like an animal eagerly waiting for their owner to return, but I couldn't see anything beyond the maple trees, only the smoke of the bonfires and all that promised with it.
I leaned my forehead against the cold window, it relieved me for only a split second before the heat of my body returned.
It started less than an hour ago, bloomed right at my core, and has only grown since. It would reach my head soon and I don't know what I'd do at that point. I had already put the fire in the hearth out but it felt as if I was the furnace and embers were still popping against my bare skin that mistook me for kindling.
I had practically stripped to my socks, but even my undergarments had been too much to bear. I wore a silk slip with a lace trim that was lighter than a feather and softer than anything I had ever felt before but on my burning skin, it felt like a winter coat.
If the window was cold then outside must've been colder, autumn air sweeping over the continent and beckoning at my very window, who was I to keep it out?
I pushed the window open with a grunt in agony, the sweet feeling of the light breeze kissing against my skin practically made me crumble in relief.
I latch the window all the way open and lean my head out the sill, the sound of music and cheering in the distance suddenly became so prominent but it was hard to hear anything over the blood rushing to my ears, dizziness consuming me as I grip the ledge of the window, something buried deep inside of me yearned for him in the direction of the music, and now that my head was out the window my body seemed to think I was teasing it, what it wanted so much closer now that the line to the outside world was crossed, the feeling so intense I thought I might start coughing up blood.
I grunt, attempting to talk myself through the pain, telling myself repeatedly that I've endured worse, that I was stronger this, that Eris would be back any moment now and— and oh gods, Eris. It was a mistake to let him cross my mind because all of a sudden he consumed every thought I could conjure, my mind in his hands and he was gripping it, not willing to let go.
I decided I didn't give a fuck if Eris was mad if I left the house, the pain I was enduring was horrific and the only way to relieve it was to disobey exactly what he ordered me to do. Don't leave this room. I slipped out the window with gasps of pain, landing on the soft grass. I was just grateful to be located on the first floor, close enough to the ground to jump from without shattering the bones in my legs.
Hounds rush up towards me before I can even take my first step.
They looked as if they were about to bark, to alert their owner that I had left the house but they saw my desperation, hel, they probably smelt it.
Rivin, the eldest of the shadow hounds rushed up to me first, staring up at me with a cock of his head, clearly concerned for my well-being. "Can you take me to Eris?" I murmur, praying the dog can understand me, I bring my hand to his snout and he chuffs, licks the palm of my hand then takes off running towards the sounds of the music.
I tried to stay as close as I could to the dog, he had taken the route through trees and behind stands, which I was grateful for since it kept me out of sight, however, it made it a lot easier to lose him amongst the trees. But he always came trotting back after a minute without him in my sights.
Eventually, the dog stopped in his tracks, his front paws prancing at the floor and communicating that he had finished his job. I creased my brows and looked around my surroundings but before I could talk to the dog again he ran off with the rest of his pack, back towards the house.
I had only just realized that whatever heat that was suffocating me in the Forest House had dissipated, still lingering below the surface but no longer unbearable.
I huffed, unsure what to do in the middle of the forest with a feeding wretchedness in the pit of my stomach.
I decided on heading towards where the largest plume of smoke was coming from, I had seen the set up of Mabon hundreds of times and knew this was the way to the throne, knew Eris must be sat upon it.
I hadn't explored Mabon much during previous years, I was always a barmaid for my father's pub, it had gotten crazy business during the week of Mabon so he needed any help he could get, funnily enough, that's how I met Eris.
I shake my head at the memory, thinking about Eris was almost painful, it felt like something was being carved out of me every moment I was without him.
I seethed a string of curses as I continued my trudge through the trees, staying in the shadows and avoiding the eyes of any drunk wanderers. I doubted they'd recognize me as their high lady anyway, Eris was the only one who ever saw me outside of my gowns and robes, this lacy slip was practically lingerie compared to the heavy dresses I often wore.
Lucky for me it had blended in with the other girls perfectly, in fact, I had seemed more covered up than most. Once I had made it out into the open area I spotted Eris immediately. On the throne, as expected, his legs spread wide and I wanted nothing more than to put myself between them.
He was shirtless, forest green paint smeared onto his body in tribal patterns of lines and dots, but he was glistening in sweat, drops running down the side of his face, through the grove of his abdomen. I didn’t want to think about who had the honor of putting that paint into those very groves, I only wanted to think about being the one to wash it off.
Heat pooled in my stomach as his eyes found mine from across the way, my body went rigid as he trekked his gaze down it, then so slowly back up, taking in every bare inch as well as every clothed part of me, like he was wondering just how perfect I looked underneath.
My knees shook as he lifted his hand and with two fingers waved me over. Waves of heat wash over me at every step I take closer, the power that radiated off of him left me defenseless, and the pain I had experienced earlier subsided entirely in favor of morphing into arousal.
Once I reach the dais I curtsy with a playful smile. "I thought I asked you to stay inside?" He purred, his voice rougher than usual, making my legs tremble.
"I missed you," I shrug, attempting to keep my composure but he opened his side of the bond entirely as soon as I was done speaking and my knees buckled. So, much, power.
It surged at my fingertips, blazed down my spine, and coiled in my abdomen. I couldn't imagine how Eris felt if I was only receiving an influence of it.
"C'mere," He lifts his hips, readjusting them in his ornate throne and I almost choke on my own tongue. He was going to push me over that dangerous edge and he didn't even need to say anything to do it.
I take the steps up the dais and I realize the silence in the crowd save for the music, people were watching, and couldn't keep their eyes off of the two of us. The offering between High Lord and Lady, the melding bond between us so clear on a night like this that any outsider could see that golden tether just as well as he or I could.
"On my lap, Fawn," He glances down to his thigh and I swallow thickly. "Oh, don't tell me you've become shy all of the sudden?" He smirks at the idea. I had told him I was willing to let him fuck me in front of all these people— still was, and yet sitting on his lap was the line to the path that I wasn't sure I could come back from.
My coaxing arousal won the battle and I took my final steps toward him, closing that distance, his hand came to the back of my thigh and I nearly melted at his touch, my body quivering in reaction because gods, if I had felt like a kindling fire earlier then he was a fucking inferno.
His fingers singed with flames but I felt none of the added heat as I took my place on his lap, straddling over his thigh and wrapping my arms around the nape of his neck, pulling him so close I wish I could've melted right into him, slotted myself into each of his grooves and stayed there, impossible to clean, impossible to get rid of.
My lips came to his neck without any forethought, I didn’t have control over my own mind, it was entirely consumed by him, his intoxicating scent of cinnamon, clove, and now an undertone of something different, something just as mouth-watering as the way his hands felt on my bare skin.
I fought the thoughts that told me to rip my dress off and decided to put my hands to better use and rub them down his chest, pressing my palm into his abdomen as I continued kissing his neck. I sucked and licked and nipped without caution, I didn't care if others were watching, he had never been more powerful than he was in this moment, both over others physically and over me mentally.
The domination running through his veins was attractive, so damned powerful and yet he knew how to control it, to conceal it beneath his skin rather than flaunt it, and he shared a fraction of it with me, a simple kernel of it was enough to send me spiraling.
"What are you doing? Dance," Eris spits at his subjects and they immediately do as he says, the music picking up in a crescendo of rushed notes to meet his demand.
I smiled against his shoulder at how much authority he held, my hips involuntarily winding over his thigh and I let out a soft, pleasurable sound. He grunts in return.
"If you keep making those sounds we're not going to make it back to our bedroom," He warns lowly beside my ear and I rut my hips again at the perfect sound.
"I don't know what's wrong— fuck," I'm cut off by my soft moan, his muscled thigh providing just the right amount of friction against my clit. "I don't know what's wrong with me, but I need you to fuck me now," I plead and I sense a sudden change in his demeanor.
"Now?" He hums and I can hear the smirk in his voice. Damned bastard. "In front of all these people?" He intones and I nod helplessly.
"However you want me, wherever, just— gods do it now," I beg, continuing to wind my hips over his thigh.
His foxlike smirk doesn't falter as his hands grip my hips, halting my needy movements only to guide me down onto his thigh himself, my core aching as he does so. I cry out at the feeling, it shouldn't have felt this good, it's never been this intense, even when our mating bond clicked I hadn't been so consumed by his fire that was so dangerously out of control and feeding into my own.
"I need you inside of me," I murmur, coming to the conclusion that this torment will not subside until he finds release inside of me, the mother herself was impelling us to consummate, to breed, and I was more than willing to oblige for her.
"Eris," I grip at his shoulder, paint smearing onto my hands, soiling my nightgown. But I didn't care, any piece of him spreading onto me felt like it was a gift from the gods, and I needed more. "Please, fill me," I beg into the warmth of his neck.
"You want me to come inside you? Want these people to watch while I give you an heir?" He taunts, his words ghosting against the shell of my ear. I reply with a pitiful whimper, unsure what to retort with because he was right. I didn't care who was watching, as long as they knew I was his and he was mine.
"Yes," I pant, my hand coming to the back of his neck. "That's exactly what I want," I plead, the rutting of my hips not slowing for a moment. "Show them I'm yours,"
My words seemed to push him over that fine line and he had obeyed. His rough hands grip my waist, pulling me over his hips so I was no longer straddling his thigh but rather angled just above his cock that was strained in his pants, the confinement so tight it almost seemed painful.
“Yeah?” He hummed and I nodded helplessly. “You want everyone to hear just how pretty your moans are when you’re sitting on my cock?” He asked and I whimpered, feeling powerless under his stare. Whatever heat that had been affecting me tonight had doubled over with his arousing words.
“I can’t be gentle with you right now,” He gritted through clenched teeth, the tip of his nose drawing a line up the side of my throat. “Can’t, control myself right now,” He murmured in warning and I smiled at the idea of having an effect on him as much as he did on me.
“I don’t want control,” I sigh against the side of his neck. “I need you now controlled or not, so please, Eris fuck me,” I begged and with one last kiss to my neck he obliged.
With an expert hand, he tore my underwear right from my hips, pulling the lace off like it was nothing. My heat was now left bare but it didn’t stop me from grinding down onto his bulge. I was staining his pants with my slick, dripping down onto him and he groaned as my wetness seeped through the material.
“Fuck, you’re drenched,” He admired and I nodded with purely innocent eyes, the kind that silently pleaded for him to fill me until he was satiated.
All I felt was hunger, and I could tell by the way flames alighted in his gaze that he felt it too.
Quickly, he removed his leathers and his cock springs up, smacking against my soaked folds, my pussy leaking over his length. The heat between us must’ve been record-breaking, I felt like a candle burning all too fast, making a mess of wax that he was too slow to clean.
The moment I felt his tip prod at my entrance my nails dug into his shoulder. I still didn’t know what it was that was wrong with me, I had never experienced an ache quite like this, the kind that only he could patch over.
“Please,” I cry, my cunt weeping as I crave for him to sink his length into me. “Show them how good you fuck me,” I mewl and perhaps it was the taboo factor of it all, how thrilling it was to have an audience while I rode him, but that had been his breaking point before he gripped the tops of my thighs and pushed me down onto his length.
My breath catches in my throat as I stretch around him, around every inch of him. He was so very large, and on any other night he’d need to fuck me with his fingers first, make sure I was ready for his member without the pain, but tonight we are both so needy that any foreplay was thrown out the window the moment I left our bedroom.
The pain was disguised as pleasure as he helped guide me lower onto him, it hadn’t been unbearable since I was slick with a natural lubricant, my arousal dripping down my thighs and onto his, as I took him deeper and deeper.
I swore he met places he’s never touched before, and fuck was it more than anything I had ever wanted.
This feeling was the god ecstasy prayed to, and I was blessed by it.
“That’s it, just like that, fuck yourself on my cock Fawn,” He encourages and I gasp out my moan, finally reaching his base, pressing against it with mine.
“Your court is watching, give ‘em a show for me,” He purrs, and so I do exactly that.
I begin to lift on his length, my knees buckling at the action but I ignore the pain and favor it for the pleasure as I drop down onto him, wielding gravity as my weapon. He lets out a low grunt and I do it again, continuing the action over and over again, bouncing on his cock just like he asked.
“Fuck, so good for me,” He praised, his eyes blazing with an untamable fire. “Such a good girl,” He sighs, his head craning back, leaning into his golden throne as his hands slip beneath my nightgown.
He didn’t take the dress off, because there were simply just some things he refused to let anyone else see, and though I was getting off on having an audience he wasn’t going to let everyone else get off on it too. He grips my hips tightly from beneath the slip, his callouses scraping against my soft skin, burning it with an unyielding pain, the kind that brings pleasure with it.
His cock seemed just as hot as I continued to fuck myself on it, the vein on the underside pulsing so feverishly I could feel it. The head of him pressed right into that sweet spot and it was a miracle I hadn’t come yet, gods he was going to send me over that edge any second now.
My lips connect with his, and he responds to the familiar feeling on instinct, his tongue slipping beneath my lips and tasting every fraction of me he can get his mouth on.
I moan onto his tongue every time he presses that deep spot inside of me, my noises only adding to the sound of skin slapping and the lewd sound of my pussy taking every inch of him. Our own music drowned out the symphony playing for the others.
“Eris, I can’t,” I pant against his lips. “I’m gonna come,” I warn and he smirks.
“So soon?” He taunts and I nod pitifully, continuing to rut my hips over his.
“Please, it hurts,” I whine, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. And it did hurt, it hurt to not be granted that release I craved so desperately.
“Go ahead, make a mess all over my lap,” He allows and I would’ve wept at the words if my orgasm hadn’t consumed me first.
It felt like pure fire, setting me aflame and impossible to control. It was the kind of climax that lingered for hours on end, the kind that left my legs jolting and my eyes struggling to open. I let out a loud moan, so loud that if the dancing fae hadn’t known what had been happening, they did now. “You did so well baby,” He hums as I slowly come down from my high but I don’t have the strength to lift off his cock, and I definitely didn’t have the willpower to continue my movements. My thighs were burning and I hadn’t noticed until my climax settled.
“You done?” He coos and I nod, but the tone of his voice tells me it is him who is nowhere near finished with me, his member still hard inside of me evidence of that.
He didn’t warn me before he winnowed us back to the Forest House, the same position except he was no longer sitting on the throne but rather our bed.
I whine, falling limp against his shoulder. “I can’t take anymore, Eris,” I sigh and he shakes his head.
“Oh, no baby you said you wanted an heir and I’m going to give one to you.” He flipped us over so I was splayed out on my back, sinking into the mattress with my legs hooked around him.
“Eris I’m not on a tonic— fuck,” I try but he felt so much deeper in this position.
“Does it feel like I care?” He sighs into my hair and I shake my head no. “That’s right, now be a good girl and stay true to your word,” He demanded and I swallowed thickly, nodding while he lifted one of my legs up to hook on his shoulder, spreading my legs wide as I clamped down onto him.
“Fuck, I can’t wait to fill this pretty pussy, squeezing me so tight,” He grunted and I lost all cohesive thoughts, strings of moans escaped me as he rolled his hips down onto mine, his full balls slapping against my folds as his pace quickened.
“More,” I plead.
“Yeah? You want me to fill you don’t you?” He says and I was quick to show my agreement by squeezing around him tighter. “You just can’t wait to have my babes, isn’t that right?” He grunted into the shell of my ear and I nodded with a hum of restless accord. “Your tits are gonna be so fucking swollen,” He sighs and I clench around him at his dirty words. “You like that?” He kisses up my neck.
“Mhm, want your seed in me, Eris,” I whine and he twitches, a sign he’s nearing his climax.
I was hungry for his warm release, ached for it to fill my every crevice, let it seep into my womb.
I met his thrusts with my own sudden desire, sending my hips down onto him while he drove his cock right into that spongy bundle of nerves.
“I’m close,” He grunts.
“Me too,” I whimper, my legs locking up as my orgasm races to meet me.
My hands go into his hair and I pull at his short locks as my second climax finds me and I’m squeezing around him tighter than ever before. My walls flutter around him, and my pussy twitched as he continues his fast pace. He groans at the intense convulsions around him and suddenly his release is spurring out into me, kissing my cervix as he does so, his seed shooting out on a straight path to my womb.
“Fuck,” He sighed while guiding my leg down from his shoulder, and with a few more languid, slow strokes of his cock he finishes, slipping from my heat and falling down onto the bed beside me, both of us out of breath and settling over the action we had just committed to.
I clench my thighs shut, keeping his warm seed nestled inside of me. “Good?” I ask and he flips onto his side, arm slinging over my sweat-slicked body, pulling me into him.
“So good.” He presses kisses to the top of my head and I flip around to face him, my eyes heavy with exhaustion.
“I think I like this High Lord stuff,” I say, my hand coming to his cheek and he chuckles, leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to my lips.
“I think so too,” He whispered against my mouth, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
“Alright, let’s get you cleaned up,” He sat up, pulling me with him and I groaned. “You can sleep after, I promise, Fawn,” He said with a gentle tone that rivaled his earlier rough grunts.
“Eris please, just lay with me for a few more minutes,” I huff stubbornly and he shakes his head, hauling me from the bed and taking me to the connected bathroom.
“I’ll lay by you all night after I clean you up. Sound like a deal?” He says, settling me down onto the cold counter that sent shivers up my spine and I lazily nodded, looking up at him. He grins and leans closer, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“I love you,” He whispers and I match his smile.
“Love you too, Eris.” I look up at him with only honesty in my gaze. “Now hurry up, I’m tired,” I grumbled and he chuckled.
“Alright, alright.” He shakes his head in disbelief, wetting a cloth with warm water before beginning to clean me up, treating me with utter tenderness after he gave me the two best orgasms of my life. This male was going to be the death of me, and I was going to love every moment of it until that day.
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General Taglist: @fxckmiup @olive-main @iluvyewman-blog @gaymistakeboi @glitterypirateduck @amara-moonlight @impossibelle @fauxdette @going-through-shit @glam-targaryen @cauldronboilme27 @sarawritestories @tele86 @rogerbarnesxx @azriels-shadowsinger @stinkinstuffie @sandramalikstyles-blog @sassyangel16 @lilah-asteria @starsinyourseyes @inloveallthetime @melsunshine @nighttimemoonlover @ireallywannasleep127 @cumuluscranium @adharanotfound @azrielsmate3 @aelincaddel @hiddlestonspassionsackx @dee-writes-smut @secretlyhers @pit-and-the-pen @mybestfriendmademe @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @circe143 @bubybubsters @joshysloshy@username199945 @notsarareallynot @vixenshiftsvrs @mahealanipunea @pey2618 @loving-and-dreaming @andreperez11 @nerdy4itall @whatsupbi8 @one-big-fangirl
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balioc · 9 months
Holiday Engineering: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
I wasn't actually planning to make a dedicated post about Christmas. In most ways, it isn't a helpful reference point for a would-be holiday engineer. The things that make Christmas really noteworthy, and most of the things that make it really good, are not things that are within your power to replicate.
But, judging by the notes on my last Holiday Engineering post, it seems clear that my take on Christmas is a thing that is worth discussing and explaining. And, moreover, this is probably a fine pretext for some discussion of what it means for a holiday to be good or bad.
To start with: no holiday is for everyone. No thing is for everyone. No matter what kind of festival you make, a lot of people are going to be annoyed by it, and a lot more people are going to be pretty indifferent.
That basic truth has a number of ramifications. One of them is that -- as with any other kind of design -- when you're thinking about holiday design in abstract conceptual terms, it behooves you to distance yourself from your own preferences and passions at least a little bit. The best thing for you isn't necessarily the best thing in general, and vice versa. It's important to be able to understand when your own idiosyncrasies are pulling you away from good craftsmanship.
I have a strong antipathy towards Halloween, for Reasons. But I have enough perspective to be aware that those Reasons aren't going to be relevant to most other people, no matter how important they seem to me; and, in fact, I believe that Halloween is generally a very well-constructed festival in an "objective" sense.
Whatever else you want to say: there are definitely a lot of people who really don't like Christmas. And it's worth talking about why that is, because some of those reasons are widespread, and they matter. But that, in itself, is not an indication of bad design or low-quality content.
So, without further ado: I believe that the modern Western instantiation of Christmas is probably the greatest holiday of all time.
The core of the holiday's excellence is its theme. The short and simple version of that theme is peace on earth and goodwill towards men, which is -- pretty much the best possible theme that a holiday can have, A+, no notes. It is a high ideal of human living, so obvious that anyone short of a Spartiate can appreciate its value, rendered so straightforward that a tiny child can understand it. But in fact the situation is more complex than that, because Christmas is a complicated holiday, and it's worth digging a bit deeper.
Christmas is, in theory, God's birthday. Which is to say, it is a festival celebrating the entrance of the sacred into a profane world. It is something more than the commemoration of a mystery or a miracle; it is a commemoration of the fact that we get to have mysteries and miracles. And so the essential nature of the holiday is a fully-general "this is the special-time and the sacred-time," but that thing isn't just a bare assertion, it's fully rooted in the myth. The holiday spirit of Christmas is the spirit of everything that humans really think a holiday ought to be, put in a blender. Which tends to work out to something like, well, light and love and joy, letting our worldly strivings and animosities fade away in the face of the celebration, peace on earth and goodwill towards men. Christmas truces can develop spontaneously because Christmas is the festival, the moment at which it becomes powerfully obvious that there is something more powerful and more profound than whatever-you're-fighting-over-this-week.
And, crucially, this is framed in a deeply universal way. At its deepest roots, Christmas is all about Jesus, which just by itself raises a lot of hackles in certain quarters...but who is the Jesus of Christmas? He's not arguing with Pharisees or cursing fig trees or talking about how he came to bring the sword. He's not even tending to the poor, or dying horribly for your sins. He is a baby. The cult figure of the festival has no agenda, no politics or judgments, only wonder and potential and promise. The miracle of the season is often described as "a child is born," which is the most universal kind of celebratory event known to humanity.
At this stage of its development, Christmas-as-she-is-practiced is really three almost-distinct holidays, each with its own vibe and its own canon of traditions.
Christmas A is the religious festival celebrating the birth of Christ, the one with the angels and the magi and the Latin. Christmas B is the not-necessarily-godly-but-solemn-and-sacred festival of peace and togetherness -- the Christmas of A Christmas Carol and "Good King Wenceslaus," the Christmas of fetishized family dinners. Christmas C is the tinsel-y consumerist holiday, the one that's all about how winter is fun and magical, with "Frosty the Snowman" for the kids and "Santa Baby" for the grownups and big holiday-sales displays for everyone.
(Crucially: Christmas C is still a real holiday, even just taken on its own terms, and has its own sacred narratives etc. Often these are weirdly romantic, but, well, at least in America, courtship is more sacred than pretty much anything else. See: appx. one hojillion Hallmark Channel movies.)
(There are also some more-minor quasi-independent holidays kicking around in there, like the remnant pagan stuff that you see in "The Holly and the Ivy." These are outside the scope of this discussion, but, y'know, they're interesting.)
This weird structure gives Christmas a lot of flexibility, because these three pseudo-holidays are capable of functioning more-or-less independently, but each of them is strongly connected to the others and therefore capable of providing reinforcement. If you don't want Christmas to be about Jesus, then fine, forget about him, there's still a practically-infinite amount of Christmas in which you can participate. But if you do want Christmas to be about Jesus, then your celebration of the nativity borrows sparkle and mojo from both Charles Dickens and the Coca-Cola Corporation. I myself have a strong dislike for the tinsel-y kind of celebration, for "Jingle Bells" and "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" etc. -- but not only am I capable of enjoying Christmas A and Christmas B, I am capable of enjoying a world made Christmassy in large part by people who are doing the Christmas C thing, and their celebrations are constantly shading into the things that I like more.
Relatedly: Christmas is one of the vanishingly-few modern holidays that is capable of feeling like a festival in the old sense, in a more-than-tiny-and-localized context. By which I mean that it consumes and alters the entire world. It's not just a thing you might choose to do, it is a thing that is happening around you, it is a season of the world. It feels real, to me and to many, in a way that most lesser holidays don't, because it pervades.
...and we haven't even yet touched on the actual-factual nature of Christmas's power, which is just pure snowball effect: because Christmas is what it is, because it is the biggest and most important holiday, it is constantly becoming more that thing as ever more people add to it.
I said in my last Holiday Engineering post that Chanukah had two decent songs. You could possibly talk me into raising that number to five, maybe even ten if you're willing to accept some real deep cuts. Christmas has amazing songs, and it has so fucking many of them, because "writing new Christmas bangers" is a thing that medieval monks did and it's a thing that top-shelf musical geniuses are still doing today. You can fill days' worth of soundtrack with excellent Christmas music even if all you like is sacred stuff in Latin, and the same thing is true if you hate sacred stuff in Latin but you love Mariah Carey and Taylor Swift.
"Classic Christmas movie" is a genre, and not a small one. Practically every noteworthy long-running TV show made in the West has done a Christmas thing at some point, and many of them have done Christmas things every season.
Christmas is not particularly a sweets holiday, but nonetheless there are a million Christmas candies and Christmas cookies etc., because 'tis the season and it's worth randomly doing that thing, in a way that it is not worth randomly doing that thing for any lesser festival.
Even myths and rituals accrue in this way. Eight flying reindeer with cutesy names? Awesome, that poem was cool, let's make that canon. A ninth reindeer with a light-up red nose? The kids will love it. Krampus? Sure, why not, let's (twist the Alpine tradition a bit and) give Santa an evil opponent in the form of a goat demon with a taste for kidnapping.
And all of these things provide foundation for future ones.
(I am not going to spend a lot of time listing high-quality Christmas foods and drinks, explaining why Santa Claus is a punchy and compelling bit of myth, etc. I think you can probably construct those points on your own.)
(...I suppose I will take the time to point out, briefly, that in additional to everything else, Christmas has so many good and distinctive symbols. The manger scene, the magi on their camels, the Christmas tree, Santa in his sleigh, the wreath, the wrapped gift box, the colors red and green...)
It is true, of course, that Christmas is a family holiday. And that alone is enough to ensure that many people, especially around these parts, despise it.
There is, of course, a version of Christmas suitable for wholly-independent adults. Which matters. You can have a very Christmassy Christmas, full of lights and festival music and gifts and myth, celebrated entirely in the company of your peers. But, yeah, the world kinda expects you to Go Home (if your family celebrates Christmas) and you'll have to deal with various kinds of trouble if you choose not to do that.
I refuse to deduct points for that. It is not inherently bad to be a family holiday; in the end, holidays are probably more important for kids than for anyone else; if for some diabolical reason I had to choose between having only family holidays and having only independent-adult holidays, I'd choose the former, even though I personally enjoy the latter more most of the time. The fact that you don't like spending time with your family is not a knock on the holiday, any more than your being allergic to cheese is a knock on cheese.
It is also true that Christmas is kind of inescapable. As I said above, it pervades. Which means that, if you don't like it, you still have to deal with it quite a lot, and that's probably going to make you like it even less.
I don't blame anyone for feeling that way. But, like, that is inherently an outgrowth of the holiday's success and popularity.
Being popular doesn't necessarily mean that something is good. You can even be legitimately annoyed that something is over-popular or overhyped. In the end, however, anything is going to cater to the people who love it and not to the people who hate it, especially if catering to the people who hate it primarily means "existing less." This is double-plus true for a holiday, where (as discussed above), being really widespread and close-to-universally-adopted provides a power and a value all its own.
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ronsenthal · 10 months
Christmas tag game!
It's Festivus for the rest of us so grab your Chanukah bush, your mistletoe, your pagan ritual or whatever brings you joy and come gather round the fire and celebrate your pocket friends
tagged by @frstcorinthians, @malarkgirlypop and @sweetxvanixlla 💞
Favourite nickname you’ve ever been given?
probably Jeska because that's been given to me on high school but and other than that my grandfather always comes up with a new nickname, if he likes how it sounds and think it's funny then that's my new nickname, this week's nickname is: axolotinha (after the axolotl, tinha= diminutive word in portuguese but it's a term of endearment)
Where are you located?
What season is it where you are now?
summer and I hate it so much
Favourite tradition this time of year?
The obcene amounts of good food and alcohol, at xmas eve my grandfather will put on some 70's and 80's music in the background and we'll have a dinner with the closest ones, but in the next day.... oh my!! he always does this big big big barbecue thing (we call it churrasco here) and we invite all of our neighbors to celebrate, it's a madness and I'm his right hand for this operation
Favourite holiday food?
Okay so here its a bit different so I would say garlic bread, home made mayonnaise (it's more like a potato salad idk), panettone, churrasco, some pudding.
Mulled wine, eggnog or hot apple cider?
I would burnst into flames of I had a hot drink, around here beer is the way
Turkey, ham or nut roast (Or Tofurkey?)?
I guess Turkey??? I'm not a big fan of either one tbqh
Would you rather spend the december holidays in: a cabin in the woods surrounded by snow, or a house on the beach with sun and sand?
give me peace and snow I'm so tired of sun and I hate beaches because it's to hot and noisy, I had enough of beach for at lease 3 lifetimes
Are you pro-snow or anti-snow?
I wish I could shove my head on snow right now
Have you ever built a snowman?
no *sad noises while sad bossa nova plays in the background*
Skiing or snowboarding?
snowboarding seems cooler and I know how to skateboard so I guess I would do just fine
Do you decorate for the holidays?
My grandmother loved it but now we don't even get the xmas tree out of the attic lmao
Favourite holiday movie?
Does Bridget Jones's Diary counts as a holiday movie? I love The Polar Express and Home Alone and I know its not holiday related but my personal tradition is Mamma Mia!
Favourite holiday fanfic?
I can't really remember any if someone has some recs send it on my way please
If you were to star in a hallmark movie, who would be your love interest?
YOUNG HARRISON FORD!!!!!!!!!!! the finest male specimen or Cillian Murphy*barks barks barks*
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no pressure tags: @whollyjoly, @ewipandora, @blurredcolour, @xxluckystrike, @mutantmanifesto, @deputy-buck @samwinchesterslostshoe
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summitclan-chronicles · 11 months
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On the evening of the halfway mark of November, I thought it would be good to go over the expectations of SCC. Expectations are meant to define the community & how it is meant to behave; a simple guide to ensure everyone knows what is appropriate behavior with each other. These are barebones, non-negotiable. While they fill the same niche as rules, I like to call them expectations since I tried to make them as positive/pro-behavior wherever I could, and remove the aggressive, restrictive, negative feeling of a "rule." However, if I need to start using rules ("no [thing] allowed!"), I will.
All Members are 18+. As a baseline this roleplay will only be open for those over the age of 18. While nothing inappropriate happens, it just is a very daunting task to manage a space with both minors and adults in it. Considering there are other roleplays going down to as low as 13 being allowed, and with the intent of the roleplay getting into the "gritty" end of being a warrior as much as the joy, I thought SCC could sit comfortable as an adult space.
What if I'm a minor? I hear you and I understand how hard it can be to wait for a roleplay you want to join. However, it's better for everyone if you wait! There are lots of places you can go in the meantime. You're also free to follow the blog, read our posts and send in asks. And here's the thing: SCC is designed to last beyond myself, the current admin. The idea is that if I cannot head the roleplay, someone else can, and systems are in place to ensure Summitclan does not lose its way. If all goes well, SCC will be there when you are old enough to join!
Behave in Good Faith. In today's climate it's very easy to fall into sand traps of assuming everthing everyone says is the worst version of itself. With a world growing so thorny, it's important we cultivate trustworthy spaces where we can break down those defensive walls. By promising to take everything we see in good faith while participating in SCC, we foster a community that can be truthful, calm, and curious about one another.
Welcome the Unpredictability. The reason SCC is a roleplay is because players bring a certain home-grown, organic feel between characters that can't be replicated by a single writer. In many roleplays I've found myself caught in a web of complex plans among other complex webs, and I thought this would best be left behind in SCC. The true "draw" of a roleplay is not knowing what the future holds - so unpredictability is explicitly encouraged and welcomed. Planning is of course allowed, but try to let the unknown in!
Be Light, for Light's Sake. It can be exciting and fun to write an angsty character, and not everyone has a perfectly peaceful life. But in the same way, not everyone is having a nightmarishly bad life either. Why not have a character with a close relationship with their mother? Why not have their whole litter live to adulthood? Why not give them a constructive rapport with their mentor? Tragedies and joys come in equal measures, and it's the mark of a well-rounded character (and writer!) to have highs and lows balanced.
Understand, And Be Understood. SCC is a roleplay made by an English-speaking person with an English community in mind. We welcome all people from everywhere, of course! For ease of moderation, please come with the expectation of English usage - if you choose to send a message in a different language, it's best to provide translation so you're not misunderstood!
Take it Slow. SCC is, majorly, a story about characters & the many ways their lives can intertwine. In order for big, defining moments to hit right, we need to establish the small, sweet, soft moments first. The day-to-day grind of cleaning dens, sorting out bad prey, border patrols, telling stories to kittens and celebrating holidays can create complexities we don't even write - allowing characters to become creatures of their own, somewhat outside even their writer's control!
Uphold Your Wellbeing. Not every conversation will be for everyone - some topics may make us feel afraid, anxious or unwell. In these moments it's important to realize that it truly is just a discord server. You won't ever be judged for taking a step back - muting the server for a period of time, or a specific channel/category, can do wonders. If a member is struggling to remove themselves from a highly stimulating scenario, we have gentle measures in place to give people space to feel those emotions without having access to other members, avoiding brash decisions and protecting staffs' ability to study what went awry and how to better manage it.
Speak and Share Freely. Not every idea can be used when it is said, but we have a dedicated list for suggestions & who brought it up (and who contributed, if anyone). Should the staff need inspiration for a plot or fill in a hole, they refer to the list and pluck ideas from what people have said before! You never know - a year and a half from now your totally random 2am idea might define a significant point in your character's story!
Appreciate Members & Characters. In a roleplay where each member has only one character, it's extremely important to remember that a character does not and often will not directly correlate to a member's behavior or views. A character that is a huge jerk likely has a member that is perfectly kind and gentle (especially in a roleplay where those traits are encouraged!). Likewise, a character that is very good should not stop you from reporting bad behavior and holding others accountable for their actions and choices.
Always Act In Kindness. Like all the other rules, this ensures other members can trust you, and you can trust other members. Rest assured that in this roleplay you will be among friends, and if any act in an unfriendly way, they will change their ways or find themselves quite unwelcome. This does require some effort - in order to trust others one must be trustworthy, and prove as such continually, which I plan to do as a member of my own roleplay. As long as the community puts in the effort to uphold these expectations even when no mods are present, it will run strong and noone will have to worry about whether this is a good place to be.
What about staff? Staff are given hard rules, which correlate to what have been listed. While these are not shared publically, staff are handed scripts & methods to use in order to diffuse and redirect tense conversations, open up curiosity where there might be room for aggression, and promote positive, patient interactions. They will inevitably be held to a somewhat higher standard than typical members as the intended authority and role models, but should things go sideways we use the same tactics on members and staff alike!
On this lovely night I hope you have all eaten well, done something kind for yourselves, and learned something new. As we draw closer to 2024 and our follower count grows little by little, I find myself even more excited to meet everyone and see your applications roll in - be that now or in the future when that big birthday hits!
Goodnight... or morning!
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up-to-some-good · 10 months
Traditions (3/9)
Happy Hannukah! I know I'm a little late, but as it's the last night of Hannukah, I wanted to post this. I am not Jewish, but I have tried my absolute best with this fic. If you're Jewish and you see something I should change, please comment or send me a message!
Previous Part
Next Part
20 December 1973
Remus was sick and, for the first time in a while, it had nothing to do with the lunar calendar. Hogwarts had been overrun with Dragon Pox, the virus spreading amongst the student population like wildfire. Only those who had had it before - and a few lucky ones with natural immunity - were safe. Christmas break was set to start tomorrow, but classes had mostly been cancelled for the past week due to the volume of sick students.
Sirius was sulking. He knew that he was being selfish, that Remus was too sick to do things like baking gingerbread and reading poetry, but he was going home in two days and had been looking forward to having some holiday fun beforehand. So he was sulking. James and Peter were outside, having fun on the snowy grounds, whole Sirius lay upside down in an armchair in the common room, alone.
Green eyes and freckles appeared in his eyeline, pulling him out of his thoughts. Lily had sat down on the floor in front of him and was staring at him imploringly.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"It's selfish."
"Naturally. What's wrong?"
The pair had managed to develop a tentative friendship over the past year, something James was supremely jealous of. They both knew what it was like to be an outsider in their own home and a bond had slowly formed over late nights sipping tea by the fire, complaining about their respective siblings.
Sirius sighed and abruptly sat up so he could join Lily on the floor, the blood rushing to his head and making him dizzy after being upside down for so long. He leaned against his chair as he spoke, stretching his legs out beside her.
"Remus is sick," he started. "And I'm worried for him, don't get me wrong, but I'm also upset that we won't get to do our Christmas traditions this year."
"Your Christmas traditions?" Lily prompted.
"We make a gingerbread house every year. And then last year he read me a poem his mom always read to him. It's become a thing between us. Every year, he introduces me to something new. Something fun."
"Christmas not normally fun for you?" Lily asked, somewhat knowingly.
"Blacks don't have fun."
Lily sighed and leaned back for a moment, staring imploringly at her friend. She then stood up abruptly and reached out towards him.
"Well, it's not Christmas," she said. "But it is the first night of Hanukkah, and it's about time to light the candles."
She looked out the window at the sun, which was just about starting to set.
"I'll show you something new this year."
On the stairs up to the girls dorm (which strangely let Sirius up despite turning into a slide for any of his dormmates), Lily told him about Hanukkah. She told him about the Maccabean revolt and the miracle of the candle which burned for 8 days, and the traditions of the holiday.
Upstairs, he watched silently as she set up the menorah near her bed and lit the first candle. He listened to her melodic voice reciting the blessings and sat with her in silence when she was finished, waiting for her to initiate the conversation.
"At home, it's a bit of a bigger event," she said quietly. "My mom makes latkes and sufganiyot, and my gran comes over every night for dinner. Back when Tuney still spoke to me, we'd play all the games together, sometimes with our cousins when they were visiting. It's always a bit hard, being at Hogwarts. They don't observe Jewish holidays, so I've had to miss exams and assignments sometimes for the high holidays. The December break doesn't always line up with Hannukah either, so I've always had to celebrate alone. I don't know if there are other students doing the same, I've never asked, but it's quite peaceful, so I don't mind so much."
"It's beautiful, Lily," Sirius said. "Thank you for sharing it with me."
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kdbleu · 10 months
About the blogger meme - me
Thank you to @doubleappled! Team Pete forever and for always! Sorry about getting you wrapped up in Shamless.
Star Sign: Aries, but oh, god my enneagram 4 is so me
Favorite Holidays: Groundhog Day. I love those little dudes (although I wish we could leave them in peace so maybe let’s just celebrate their existence and not force our way into their homes)
Last Meal: Enchiladas for dinner
Last Music Listened To: Stick Season Noah Kahan
Last Movie Watched: Oppenheimer in the theater. Barbie at home.
Last TV Show Watched: Finished: The Clone Wars. Also working on SW Rebels, Bad Sisters, and Slow Horses.
Last Book/Fic Finished: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: "I am this close to giving up on Lessons In Chemistry. I do not get this book at all." @doubleappled This was the last book I gave up on, too! I was so bored.
What I'm actually currently reading: Nine Liars by Maureen Johnson's Truly Devious series.
nobody ever got my soul right like she could by seh28 (I love this fic so much. I re-read it all the time.)
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: chefs. I know a lot about high level kitchens now.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: Not online. I'm much more obnoxious in person. I was forbidden from talking about X-Files at parties because I wouldn't stop explaining why the whole show fell apart without the relationship between Mulder and Scully.
FaNvorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: X-Files. But only in person. ;)
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Slow Horses. I love a spy story and I'm not sure I could write one so yeah... spies.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: I' d escape my original chef novel and write something Sydcarmy. what I'm going to work on is a TV pilot that started out as a fix for Lip in about season 8 of Shameless.
anyone who wants to play... you're it!
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I did it.
Baby love, I think I've been a little too kind Didn't notice you walking all over my peace of mind
Carolyn stood by her husband's throne as he met with each one of his subjects. They were all telling him about things that needed to be fixed in the kingdom, and he wasn't listening very well. When he didn't answer, Carolyn stepped up. "Theres no need for you to worry Alexander, we will do our best to find out what happened to your crops," Carolyn spoke. "Did I ask you to speak?!" John boomed with anger. "Show him out," John stated to the knights who showed Alexander out. John turned to Carolyn. "You do not speak unless I tell you to, slut," he muttered dangerously before walking out if the throne room. "I've been too kind.. haven't I?" Carolyn muttered to herself before walking out of the room as well.
In the shoes I gave you as a present Putting someone first only works When you're in their top 5 And by the way I'm going out tonight
It was Christmas time. Alistar was in Ella's kingdom, a request of Carolyn. She didn't want her son to be hurt on the holiday season. "Here you go John," Carolyn stated as she handed him a present. "Boots?" He asked, face stricken with disgust. "They're for when you go hunting," Carolyn clarified. John rolled his eyes. "Thanks," he muttered before walking away. A few weeks later Carolyn packed a small purse. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" John asked. "It's... Mary Anne's birthday tomorrow, and her family is having a celebration. I thought I'd go out," Carolyn stated. "More... Man-Woman bonding time for you. Don't wait up," She finished before walking out of the room to see one of the maids there, a solemn expression on her face.
Best believe I'm still bejeweled When I walk in the room I can still make the whole place shimmer And when I meet the band They ask, "Do you have a man?" I could still say, "I don't remember"
Carolyn was at a bar one night, waiting for one of her friends. She took her cloak off. No one recognized her, which made sense, John never put her on the spot as the queen. One of the band members walked up to her. "Hello gorgeous. Do you have a man?" He asked. Carolyn smirked. "Not that I can remember. But I'm not looking for one either am i?" She answered before walking away when she saw her friend.
Familiarity breeds contempt Don't put me in the basement When I want the penthouse of your heart Diamonds in my eyes I polish up real I polish up real nice NICE!
John ushered Carolyn into the cell, closing the door behind her. "You can come out when you're a good queen and you shut up," He stated before walking away. It was dark and cold, and yet it was familiar. She had been down there plenty of times to get her son out of the cell. He put her in the "basement" of the castle. "Well that's a step down from my room," Carolyn muttered. When she came out of the cell, she was dusty and dirty. "Clean yourself up, whore," John scolded when he saw her. And so she did. "You polish up nice," He muttered before leaving her alone in her room.
Baby boy, I think I've been too good of a girl Too good of a girl Did all the extra credit then got graded on a curve I think it's time to teach some lessons I made you my world Have you heard I can reclaim the land And I miss you But I miss sparkling ...
Carolyn sat in her room. "I've been too nice to him Megan," She spoke to one of her ladies maids. "Just look at what he's done to all of us! It's Luke were in school and weve all been doing extra credit, but somehow got graded on a curve!" Carolyn exclaimed. "I know your highness... but he's the king, we can't do anything about it," Megan replied. "I think it's time he learned a lesson. I'm not going to let him beat me or my son down again. If he hurts alistar, he hurts my entire world and I can't stand by and watch!" Carolyn exclaimed. "I am going to reclaim rhis kingdom... somehow..." she stated, muttering the last part.
Sapphire tears on my face Sadness became my whole sky But some guy said my aura's moonstone Just 'cause he was high And we're dancing all night And you can try To change my mind But you might have to wait in line What's a girl gonna do? A diamond's gotta shine
Carolyn sat on her son's bed. Alistar was once again in Jacob's kingdom. She held her face in her hands as she cried, her tears like sapphires falling out of her eyes. That night was John's birthday. He had been dancing all night with multiple princesses and queens, not paying her a second glance, and then he had the audacity to call her rude for not saying 'thank you' when he got her coat for her. She knew what she had to do. Carolyn stood up, walked to her room and grabbed the Arsenic she hid under her bed.
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julyarchives · 3 years
Don’t You Hear Me Howling? || (M) || 08
Finding out you are a female Alpha sparkled some rivalry inside your pack, and resulted in you losing your best friend and your life turning upsidedown, so leaving for college was the fresh start you needed. Years later, you are about to finish your degree and suddenly this past comes back to mess with your head.
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→ Pairing: Yeo One x Female Reader | Kino x Female Reader
→ Genre: A/B/O AU; Omegaverse; College AU.
→ Words:  3.8K
→ Contains: mentions of alcohol; wolf shifting; some Alpha-Alpha tension; Y/N making out with a special guest 👀; smut; Jealousy
→ A/n: Thus was supposed to be posted yesterday, but we sort of got lost in the calendar, so here it is now (oops?) we hope it isn't too lame and you guys like it! Also, as mentioned in the warning, there is a special appearance heheh.
→ Index: 01 • 02 • 03 • 04 • 05 • 06 • 07 • 08
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As much fun and easygoing as things were for you, you felt glad for the holidays break. You got out of the cab and breathed in deeply, inhaling the scent of the reservation forest that boarded the neighborhood.
Every year your pack has their own ritual to celebrate your ancestors during the holiday, and you were actually looking forward to participating this year, after missing it since you started college, for many personal reasons - and one of them included a very difficult talk with your parents. Also, so much has happened this semester that being in the small city allowed you to breathe some fresh air and organize your thoughts.
Your parent’s received you immediately as you went through the front door, with big hugs and wide smiles.
“It’s so good to have you home” your mom patted your head, her small frame making her reach high to do so.
“Let me take your stuff to your room” Your dad grabbed your luggage and turned around to take them upstairs
“Oh, it’s fine, I can take them” You tried to stop him, but he pretended he didn’t listen. But you knew he loved feeling like the man of the house. You redirected yourself to your mom “I think I could use a shower and a nap, the trip was too long.”
“Of course, honey, I’ll call you for lunch.”
You crossed paths with your dad in the doorway, who offered a small smile. He wasn’t very fond of small talk, so that was usual of him. You closed the door behind you and sat on the edge of the twin bed centered on the room. You looked around and took in the scent of your old home, which immediately brought back so many memories.
Before you left for college, you and Changgu were on bad terms, so there weren't pictures of you together anymore, but you could still see the tape marks on where they used to be glued on your old vanity mirror. You also remembered perfectly which drawer you have tucked them away, the one that you were currently staring at, contemplating taking a look at them. In the end, you just shook the idea off of you and followed what you’ve told your mom.
The day was rather quiet and peaceful, the big event being held in the night, and the talk you were dreading could wait after the celebrations. Your parents had visited you in college a couple of times, and you have visited them too, but it was rare, never for the holidays, so they prepared a special family lunch and you couldn’t deny that you had a good time being around them.
All the pack had gathered in a big clearing at night to celebrate, and the bonfire already burned high. You could feel all the attention shifting to you as you arrived, your dominant scent overpowering everyone else's, and you held yourself high.
The day you left the city you promised yourself to never get close to this pack again. They’ve ignored you and diminished you as an Alpha, and you knew this place wasn’t for you. They were all surprised to see you back, they could barely hide it, but every time you made eye contact with someone, they quickly turned away avoiding you.
You didn’t hide, not ashamed of you or your choices, but it was rather uncomfortable, the tension almost palpable in the air. You quickly grabbed your phone and texted Wooseok.
“ Please tell me you headed back town for the holidays”
To which he quickly replied
“I actually came to a friend’s house, I’m not there, sorry :(“
You sighed. The cold weather wasn’t so bad, the cool breeze was blowing softly and the fire kept the place warm if you got close enough. Your parents stopped along the way to say hi to their friends, but you followed closer to the bonfire, where your eyes quickly met the current Alpha.
For a moment you had forgotten he was Changgu’s father, but seeing him immediately brought the information back to you. They looked alike so much, the same eyes full of expression and sharp jawline. He was staring at you, not so happily, and nodded when you looked at him. Your expression could be sour, you weren’t sure how much you were holding back, but you respectfully nodded back.
He sustained the stare a couple more seconds, so did you, but soon he was calling everyone’s attention. Everyone gathered close and his wife stood by his side. That’s when you saw Changgu, getting close to his father with a stoic expression on his face.
You shoved your hands in the pocket of your jacket and offered a half-smile when he noticed you. At first, he seemed confused but returned the gesture
“Brothers and sisters” The senior Alpha called “tonight we celebrate the ones who have left us. Our ancestors passed us their wisdom,” He spoke firmly and slowly, looking around at everyone. “Their strength lives in us, and so we honor them with our nature.”
There was a long speech about union and tradition that to you it sounded too much like hypocrisy since the traditions would include you, supposedly the next Alpha of the pack, to be standing there as a successor. You did not bother, because you expected nothing else.
The leader of the pack was the first to turn. His skin shredded, giving space for the long dark brown and silver fur to grow as a howl echoed loudly, bringing out everyone’s instinct, but especially your Alpha ones, and soon you had shifted.
This was one of the reasons you wanted to come. Being in university has you taking suppressants daily, so letting yourself run free was like getting rid of tight clothes that restricted your movements. You howled loudly to follow the collective chant, an ode to the departed ones, a hymn for the pack, the freedom of instinct.
The pack’s Alpha ran in the front, leading everyone with his big frame. Changgu followed him, and it’s been so many years since you’ve seen his wolf form that you felt surprised. He was bulky and big, his posture very imponent, and you stopped to admire it for a second.
The run was freeing. The wind hiding your wolf nozzle, pushing your fur back, your paws hitting the dirt. You needed that, and just letting yourself act on your instincts was the best thing you could grant yourself at that moment.
Reaching the highest point of the forest, the collective howling restarted. You stopped right next to Changgu, whose wolf eyes watched you intently, and in wordless communication, you howled together, allowing the instinct to speak for yourselves.
After the traditional pack run, a feast was hosted by the Alpha, usually in his house, which was big enough to fit everyone comfortably in the large backyard.
Everyone happily celebrated what was the closest to a wolf Christmas, with an abundance of food for everyone. You sat with your parents at the assigned table, attending the event quietly, holding yourself back just enough to not drag any more attention than you were already getting. Mr. Yeo, the Alpha, customarily greeted every individual, and when he approached you and your family, you stood up and bowed respectfully.
"Thank you for having us" your father shook his hands
"It's my pleasure," Mr. Yeo politely answered, "I didn't expect your daughter to come."
He talked about you like you weren't there, and you were pretty sure that was purposefully meant to challenge your position.
"I came to pay respects to the tradition, sir" you opened a forced smile. A damn good one. "Can't let that behind me."
His eyes snapped in your direction with intensity, letting the impassive expression on his face falter for a second.
"Of course" he smoldered, masking it with a smile probably just as fake as yours.
To him, you represented a threat to his family's legacy, so it wasn't a big secret that he isn't very fond of you.
"I hope you enjoy the party," he said to you and your parents altogether, but redirected the last sentence at you "if there's anything you need, just tell me and I can provide."
"Of course, thank you so much" your mom answered gladly. She followed her leader with passion and always tried to be in good graces with him, so she's always been strict in the sense of community tradition and formalities.
"No need to thank me, ma'am" he smirked "that's just an Alpha job"
The provocation was like a punch in the gut. Ever since you were revealed an Alpha, Mr. Yeo tried to do everything in his power to deprive you of your given rights inside the pack. He raised Changgu to take his place and hated your guts for ruining his plans. He was a man of power and didn't appreciate when someone threatened that position.
"Y/N…" your mom called you with a warning tone to her voice.
You didn't notice how you were instinctively growling, low enough for only people close to the table to hear, but your Alpha emotion was strong enough to cause some heads to turn in your direction.
Mr. Yeo, of course, smiled in victory from a distance, happy to make you look bad in front of the community.
"You really don't care that he does everything to undermine me, do you?" You said to both of your parents.
"Honey, he's the Alpha." Your mom said calmly "everything he does is to protect you. Is the best for everyone."
"You do know I'm an Alpha too, right?" You scoffed, rolling your eyes.
They both stayed quiet. You looked at your dad, hoping he would say something in your favor, but he just complies with your mom's orderly silence.
"Yeah, thanks," you said, standing up and leaving.
Growing up you used to love being with your pack these kinds of celebrations were your favorite time of the year.  But now everything changed and suddenly you felt so misplaced that you felt like you didn't know anyone anymore. You knew all your neighbors, and their kids who went to school with you, but now they were almost complete strangers to you.
You grabbed a bottle of beer and looked around for the only familiar face you could find there. Changgu was not running Alpha errands with his dad, so when you found him he was surrounded by a group of girls, apparently younger than you, swooning at every charming smile of his, and you could just see how much he adored all the attention. You chuckled at his fuckboy attitude and the poor deluded girls who had a crush on him, hoping to get the son of the Alpha in love with them.
"Y/n?" You heard your name being called, taking you always from your thoughts.
The boy who called you was tall and slim, a long-ish hair half up in a ponytail and he looked happy to see you.
"Hey…?" You said with uncertainty, trying to figure out why he looked so familiar, but you just couldn't remember his name
"Hyunjin" he chuckled "I don't know if you remember me, but we went to school together."
"Right, Hyunjin, of course, I remember!" It finally clicked to you. Hyunjin was an omega, a few years younger than you but you two used to share some clubs in high school, but he didn't look so… hot. "You look so different, sorry it took me a while to recognize you."
"Yeah," he laughed shyly, scratching the back of his head. "I haven't seen you since you left for college. You look great"
His flirtatious half-smirk was very obvious and you actually thought he looked quite cute.
"You look great yourself" you bit your bottom lip, looking him up and down "But yeah, I kind of focused on graduating rather than coming here."
"I'm glad you're here now." He fully smirked this time "wanna go somewhere quieter? I'd love to catch up with you"
You felt hesitant at first, and you looked back to find Changgu again, and this time one of the girls was grabbing his arm, running his hand all over it. You wanted company for the party, and since Changgu was busy flirting, why shouldn't you do the same?
"Of course, let's do it." You took one last sip of your beer and linked arms with him.
He guided you around the house to the front porch, where you rested your elbows and watched the quiet street. Hyunjin had his back against it, looking at you.
You two actually did some catching up, and even exchanged numbers. You found out Hyunjin also went away for college, but he always came back for the holidays and breaks, and stuff like that, but nothing you were really paying attention to.
"You know, I have to confess something." He said, straightening his posture "I sort of had a crush on you, back in the days"
"Really?" You laughed softly, amused at the sudden confession. "Why didn't you say something, then?"
"Ah," he clicked his tongue. "Everyone knew you only had eyes for Changgu."
You rolled your eyes involuntarily.
"C'mon, everyone knew that, and Changgu didn't let anyone get close to you"
You were actually surprised to hear that since this wasn't something he ever told you but explained why you weren't popular with boys in high school.
"Well," you stood up and stopped directly in front of him "I don't see Changgu anywhere now, do you?"
Hyunjin grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to him, and your hands held the collar of his jacket.
"I guess I should shoot my shot, then" he licked his lips, alternating looks between your eyes and lips.
"What are you waiting for, big boy?" You challenged him.
He reached forward, kissing you rather urgently. His plumpy lips felt soft against yours, and he was a really good kisser. He pulled you against him, and you intertwined your fingers on the loose hair behind his neck. He gasped when you tugged on it, and you grinned into the kiss for getting a good reaction out of him. His hands sneaked down your waist, boldly squeezing your ass as the kiss got more intense, and he earned a shy hum of satisfaction out of you.
The noise of someone clearing their throat interrupted you two, making both of your heads snap in its direction, but neither of you really letting go of each other.
"Y/N" Changgu called you rather sternly, with a matching frown on his face. "I need you to help me deal with some stuff"
You sighed.
"Looks like some things didn't change, did they?" Hyunjin whispered just for you to hear,
"I'm not done with you yet." You whispered back, nibbling his earlobe.
"Now." Changgu interrupted again.
You pecked Hyunjin's lips before detangling from him, only then noticing that his hands were still in your ass.
"Text me, ok?" You said to him loudly as you followed Changgu inside the house.
He walked large steps and didn't bother looking behind to see if you were following.
"You couldn't have picked a worse moment to need me to deal with some bullshit, could you?" You whined, but he still paid no attention to you "all night, I was there doing absolutely nothing, and when I finally started to have some fun you decided I was important enough to attend whatever this is."
You babbled but still, he didn't respond, and you just kept following him around corridors in the big house, finally entering a dark room
"What is so important anyway that you had to call me so urgently-"
Changgu interrupted you when he pushed you against the door, making it slam loudly, his lips crashing against yours with a certain vigor.
At first, your eyes widened in surprise, and you pushed him back to look at him, but his hold on you didn't loosen up.
"What the fuck, Changgu?"
"Just," he stopped to think, breath already heavy in anticipation "shut up"
He resumed kissing you, and this time you rolled with it because, you couldn't deny, kissing him was something you ever saw yourself getting tired of. He pressed his whole body against yours, grinding on you making you gasp every time his thigh in between your legs rubbed against your clothed core.
"Fuck, Changgu" you said when he attacked your neck.
You pull the hair on his nape, making him look at you
"Is that what this is about?" You asked, forcing yourself to think straight "you can't bear the thought of me fucking someone else?"
Rather than answering, Changgu just growled, making you laugh ironically
"So you can flirt with all those pretty girls out there," you raised your eyebrows, "but I can not hook up with people? As if, Changgu"
You weren't as mad as much as you were enjoying taunting him for being so desperate to have you his.
"Just shut up, for fucks sake" he rolled his eyes and picked you, only to throw you on the bed behind him.
You finally recognized Changgu's old bedroom, with the light that came from the window above it. It was different, with no more posters taped to the wall or the action figures he liked to collect. It was a simple room with minimal decoration now.
"Gonna break another bed, wolfie?" You teased "I don't think daddy would be very happy to know you're fooling around with the Alpha"
He growled loudly, hooking his hands around your legs and pulling you closer to him, your bottom hitting his knees, which were pressed against the mattress. He leaned down and viciously kissed you, nibbling and ducking your bottom lip.
"You know, you're way hotter when your mouth is shut" he panted in between kisses.
Having turned into wolves mere hours ago had all your instincts right under the skin. The dominance, the connection between you and your Beta, the lust. Everything was on edge and you guessed that's why Changgu was so desperate.
He unbuttoned your jeans and pulled them down with your underwear in one swift motion while you took off your shirt, revealing your bare breasts underneath it. Changgu licked his lips and chuckled cockly when he ran a finger down your slit, showing you how wet you already were.
He took his shirt off, but didn't bother with his pants, and leaned back down to lick a long stripe of your juices, brushing softly on your clit on the way.
You moaned weakly.
"I'll show you why you're better here than with the what's-his-name out there." He said in a low husky voice.
He kept his hand around your legs and captured your sensitive nub in between his lips, making you buck your hips and grab his hair in response.
His back muscles were on display for you and it was hot to watch it contract and relax as he moved in between your legs.
"You're so eager for me, aren't you?" You teased him again and he hummed, sending vibrations down your core. "Do your worst, let me see if you're worth my time"
He leaned back up and you hated the loss of contact, but he quickly spun you around and pulled your hips up exposing your ass to him, and a harsh slap sting on your skin, accompanied by his deep growling that he didn't seem to have control over, and you yelped at the burning pain.
You heard him fumbling with his belt and soon he was entering you with no warning, making you bury your head in the pillow to muffle a loud moan. He didn't give you any time to adjust as he pounded into you fast, showing his desperation. He angled his hips just right to hit the perfect spot inside you to make you scream.
For a second you were afraid someone would hear you, but the backyard was not that close to the bedroom, and you tried to suppress your noises the best you could. Changgu seemed to be out of control with the way he hissed and moaned, your name falling out of his lips here and there.
A sloppy rushed fuck was not on your plans tonight but, fuck, it felt good. Changgu was getting sloppier by the minute and you just knew he wouldn't last long. You reached in between your legs and circled around your glistening clit, realizing you were in no better state than he was.
The closer you felt to your high, the more you squeezed your walls around Changgu's member, and the louder he moaned.
"Are you trying to get us caught?" You managed to say "such a loud wolf."
He didn't respond, too focused on fucking you, but he didn't get quieter.
You fastened your movements and had again your head buried in the pillow, moaning freely as you reached your orgasm, your whole body vibrating in pleasure. Changgu started thrusting faster, gripping your hips harder and pulling you against him to meet his thrust, and soon enough you felt his seed dripping down your thighs, strangled noises caught in his throat as he rode his high.
You relaxed your body when he pulled out of you, laying down with your stomach against the mattress, crossing your arms under your head for support. Changgu threw himself by your side, facing the ceiling and panting, looking fucked out already.
"Jealous wolf, aren't we?" You tapped his chest, provoking him
"Shut up" he chuckled
"How many girls did you fuck in this bedroom anyway? You were quite popular with the ladies back in high school. I bet they all died to be in Yeo Changgu's bedroom" you mocked a dreamy-girly voice.
"Do you really want to talk about who I fucked in high school?" He chuckled.
"Well, someone had to get laid, right? Since I couldn't because someone told boys to stay away from me." You smirked at his embarrassed expression
"Hyunjin is such a snitch, he was never good enough for you" he rolled his eyes and looked away.
"And who is? You?" You scoffed
"I didn't hear you complaining when you were screaming against the pillow just now"
You slapped his chest and he laughed loudly
"Jerk" you mumbled.
"Guess you can go back to your pretty boy out there", he said in a teasing voice, "if you're still interested, that is".
"So cocky, aren't you?", he laughed at your mocking expression.
"Maybe. But we still have festivities to attend".
You got dressed in comfortable silence and after a few minutes, you were good to go. Changgu stood by the door and smiled at you before opening it and waving for you to walk by him. As you walked out, a satisfied smile took over your face and you only hoped people wouldn't notice the smell of sex on you too much. You and Changgu parted ways and for a second you let the whole tension of your body relax during the holiday. Just for a while.
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qianoir · 3 years
After Midnight 3 - Stars
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: college dropout!Ten (WayV) x fem!reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: non-idol au, angst with fluff on top
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 13+
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: cursing (censored), lying, family problems, mentions death of reader's father, romance
♡ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.9K
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @staysstrays
Preview < 1 < 2 < 3
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Your head was pounding from your ears drinking in the tantrum of a 3 year old boy, the cries diving straight into your ringing eardrums. A young couple showed up with their child who started offing himself about your café not having some made up hybrid cake he wanted for the last 10 minutes.
The boy started flailing around and knocked his mother's iced Americano out of her hand in the process, landing the freezing and pungent liquid all over you.
The LED clock above you flickered with a new hour, freeing you from the café’s dark roasted chains. You ripped the soaked apron over your head and stuffed it into the back room’s washing machine before taking hold of your belongings and rushing out of the building after saying a quick “good-bye” to your mother- who was not about to deal with the coddled boy and you leaving all at once, so she kicked the spoiled family out, them following your irritated trail on the way through the doors.
You were walking fast to have a little costume change before meeting up with Ten and his friends, 5 o’clock coming within the next 20 minutes.
Heyyo I had a little accident at work so I'm going to stop by my place to clean up before heading over to yours.
Once you were in your own space, you peeled the rest of the coffee soaked clothing off of your body, sticking the wet collection into the washer to cold soak after dressing up nicely.
d.amn it y/n you are too old to be soiling yourself
That’s not what I meant!
Whatever ;p
Stepping out into the bright evening air, you realized you don't even know where the hell to go. The napkin with the address was in the pocket of your apron washing back at the café.
You recognized the street that leads to Décalcomanie, the street that leads to Myeongdong, and one leading to a duck shop.
Admitting defeat, you texted Ten.
hey so I left the napkin with your address in my apron.. which I don't have would you mind sending it to me?
such a handful~
You followed the GPS to his address. His apartment building was on the other side of your school you usually metro to, so it was a pretty tiring walk. Arriving fashionably late, you knocked on door number 117.
There was a lot of commotion and screaming, as you were previously informed. Finally, Ten opened the door and waved for you to come in.
Taking your shoes off at the entrance, you saw three guys tackling each other, two others playing video games, and one really fine looking man behind an island in the kitchen.
"Hello!!" One of the guys being tackled shouted and waved at you which got him punched in the back by the guy orchestrating the tackling. You hesitantly waved back "Hi Y/N!!" The boy in the kitchen said with a charming smile.
"Lovely place." You said to Ten with a giggle as he closed the door with an annoyed look on his face. "Y/N, these are my friends,"
He took you over to the couch where the two players were. "This is Sicheng and Xuxi," The two boys playing Mario Kart threw a glance your way and waved with a smile. "these fools are Hendery, Xiaojun, and Yangyang.."
Hendery strained to wave again under the two boys with a big smile on his face, as did the two others. Ten swayed you into the kitchen and introduced you to the last man. This guy was so handsome, like the Asian bachelor. "I'm Kun." The man greeted, kindly.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N. Our Ten always talks about you." Yangyang says walking towards you two. Ten sent him a glare. "Is that so?"
"At least I'm not blind from having my head up my ass all day, Yangyang shut up!" His voice cracked, making you and Yangyang erupt in laughter.
"Anyways, if you'll excuse us- I invited Y/N here for us to be alone." He took your wrist in his grasp and led you to a room.
Ten pet a space on the bed for you to sit down while he leaned over his desk, searching on his laptop. A slow beat filled the room. You recognized this song- the song your dad would play for your mom in the car on long road trips: Something by The Beatles.
Something in the way she moves
attracts me like no other lover
Something in her style that shows me
I don’t want to leave her now
you know I believe and how.
Your parents were so in love. When your father first heard this song, he had made it their special theme to portray their love. They had both become big fans of The Beatles and always had this song pop up at least once in every holiday or event playlist or could be caught quoting it occasionally when the timing was right. Your heart sank in your chest at the memory.
You hadn't realized that the song had ended or that Ten was at your side watching you intently. You looked up at him and he offered a small smile.
"My parents used to listen to this song all the time."
"Really? Are you guys close?"
Your mouth felt sour hearing the inevitable question. “My dad died from pneumonia when I was younger. My mom tries to be present for me, but I know she misses him.” Tears puddled at your waterline as you forced yourself not to cry. “Sometimes I think she only keeps trying because she thinks I’m studying premed when I really hide pointe shoes in my closet. I don’t have the heart to tell her what I’m really majoring in.. because I’m terrified of us losing each other completely and frankly, she would never forgive me of my dishonesty if she would stay.”
"It's not wrong.. following your passion" Ten announced after a whole note of silence, "I'm sorry for making you bring up such a past, but I’m happy I can at least sympathize with you..” He looked away from you to recall his memories clearly.
“My parents didn't agree with me wanting to study dance either. And they certainly did not agree with me leaving my hometown in Thailand and dropping out of college to come here for the best art opportunities. Mine and the rest of the guys outside; all of us are a little more distant from our family than usual just because we are passionate." Ten confessed.
"I'm sorry." You weakly rasped.
"I'm not." Ten smiled at you.
"My friends and I are doing what we love without anyone holding us back and one day it's going to all pay off.. I know it will.. If it wouldn't I would have never dropped out."
You could understand where he was coming from. He is really passionate and faithful to his dreams, it is a little inspiring.
"And you seem to be doing good on your own, too. You're studying dance, which I'm sure you're amazing at, and working at the café to help your mom, letting people make a mess of you that you always undoubtedly pick yourself up from." You laughed, the sad tears rolling down your cheeks and turning to bittersweet tears of joy.
"Thank you, Ten."
"Anytime, Y/N." He handed you a napkin for your eyes.
A cough was heard outside the closed door, along with faint whispers.
"Lucas, shut the HELL up!"
Ten got up and opened the door, making four boys come tumbling inside the room.
All rushing to get up, Lucas stayed laying on the floor, "Uh, hi guys." he offered a charming smile. "We were just coming to tell you that dinner is ready?" Yangyang shrugged obviously.
Ten snickered.
"Nice try, guys-"
"Dinner is ready!" Kun yelled from the kitchen.
"What did I tell you?" Yangyang stuck out his tongue, cockily. Ten rolled his eyes and looked over at you,
"Would you like to stay for dinner?"
"She is staying, I already made her a plate!" Kun yelled once again from the kitchen. The other boys ran out of the doorway to the kitchen.
"I guess it's settled then..." Ten sighed and reached his hand out to you, which you took. You were led into the dining room where the other boys sat. Ten placed you in a chair next to his and Kun’s.
Kun had made zhajiangmian, a Chinese traditional celebration/comfort food aka Chinese spaghetti. It tasted so much better than the bread pastries and milk teas you had been living off of in the past year.
Everyone was very talkative during dinner, you even found out that Ten choreographs his own dances for himself and the others to perform and learned that Kun has a degree in music from a prestigious university in Beijing. The boys you had dinner with were really fun to be around and gave you lots of energy after the intricate start to the new semester.
You didn't realize how lonely your little apartment was until now, even when sharing it with your mother most nights. They made you feel so comfortable and content after lacking companionship since your high school days. Also the food was really good, thanks to Kun.
Everybody finished their food but still continued the little chat at the dinner table "And this one time, Ten ate butter thinking it was ice cream! Who does that!?" Yangyang finished off his story punching the table with laughter.
You glanced at the time on your phone. It was almost 10 o'clock and you had to get to sleep early for your new 8 AM class.
Ten turned to you when he felt short tugs at his hoodie. "Cinderella has to get home?"
The room got quiet with Ten’s words, but quickly exploded in a swarm of whines and begs for you to stay. You gave them an apologetic smile.
Ten stood up, pulling me with him, "I'll walk you home." He was already at the door, kicking on his shoes. Everyone bid you good-bye as you waved to all of them before you and Ten were out the door.
"It's this way." You motioned in the direction of your apartments. Ten nodded and followed your path. It was silent the whole way, but it was a nice silence. It was peaceful with just you two. Arriving soon, you  stopped in front of the entrance and turned around to look at Ten.
"Thank you for having me over, I really enjoyed it. Your friends are really nice."
"Of course. I’m really glad you came. I like spending time with you and I think my friends do as well."
Smiles were exchanged and hearts skipped, both of your breathing patterns were evident in each other’s dialogue. "Do you have any last lyrics before we end the night?"
Your building never shines like the others in its distance. The only light around you is the one that blooms in space and allows the stars to twinkle down to where you stand. Ten took your chin is his hand and created perfect eye contact:
"Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you. And all the things that you do.”
He tossed your chin up before walking off into the night.
To Be Continued…
Something by The Beatles
Yellow by Coldplay
18 notes · View notes
no6secretsanta · 4 years
Don't Say It
Hello and happy holidays to you, @glorifiedscapegoat! I hope you enjoy this cheerful little modern AU fic I wrote for you! I always love writing Nezumi and Shion as carefree teens in a world that isn’t trying to destroy them (we all deserve some peace this year, even the bee boys), and I promise a happy ending!
<3 @weiselzelle
For someone who disliked Christmas as much as he did, Nezumi had decorated an awful lot of Christmas cookies, six dozen, to be precise. He’d also listened to the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack four times in a row, going on a fifth. Soon, he’d be watching an equally cheesy Christmas movie. It wasn’t by choice. Not exactly, anyway—
It had all started in kindergarten, the year he’d met Shion. They’d become fast friends, and the prospect of not seeing his best friend over winter break had been too much for Shion’s young heart to bear. As a solution, their parents had arranged a playdate over the holidays. Shion had been determined to celebrate Christmas with Nezumi as much as possible, so their day had included as many Christmastime activities as possible. The experience, quite frankly, had been exhausting. Unfortunately, it had only been the start of a long tradition.
Now, if Nezumi had things his way, they’d simply do what they always did when they hung out and nothing extra… but intentionally ignoring Christmas would make Shion sad, which defeated the entire purpose of spending a day together. That was why Nezumi put up with the whole ordeal year after year, and this time was no different.
“So, you still haven’t told me what you want for Christmas,” Shion said as he delicately placed some of the cookies into a shiny, festive tin. “And you can’t say ‘I’ll think on it’ this time, okay? Christmas is in a few days.”
Nezumi picked up a pinch of snowflake sprinkles from a dish and dropped them unceremoniously onto an iced cookie. “I’ll think—”
Shion glared at him before he could even finish the sentence, and Nezumi couldn’t help but laugh.
“Okay, listen, I know I said I’d think on it, but the truth is, I forgot. You know how busy I was before break started,” Nezumi explained.
Shion’s expression softened and he returned to decorating cookies alongside Nezumi. “Yeah, I know. That’s why I didn’t bug you about it sooner. But I really do need an answer today.”
“Well…” Nezumi sighed and looked off. “How about you tell me what you want? I still have to get you a present, and maybe it’ll give me some ideas for what I want, too.” He normally prided himself— secretly— in coming up with clever gifts for Shion, but with Christmas in only a few days, simply asking seemed like his best option.
“Me? Um!” Shion seemed awfully surprised by the question. Judging by the growing blush on his face, however, it was more than just surprise.
Nezumi smirked and leaned closer to his friend. “You’re blushing, Shion. Is it something really dorky?”
Shion looked down, clearly hesitating. “Uh, you’d probably call it that, yeah…”
Nezumi waited for Shion to say more. “…Well? What is it?” he asked, and raised an eyebrow.
“Um…” Shion smiled nervously and tucked a piece of hair behind his ear, still not looking at Nezumi.
Once again, Nezumi sighed. “You’re going to make me guess, aren’t you?”
“I suppose you could try,” Shion replied quietly with a small shrug. His face was as red as ever.
Nezumi smirked. “I’ll take that as a challenge.” He rubbed his chin as he thought. “Hmm, something so dorky that you’d blush about it in front of me… This may be difficult.”
While Nezumi thought about where to start his questioning, Shion began to slowly decorate another cookie.
“Can it fit in a backpack?” Nezumi asked, watching Shion’s expression closely.
“What about a locker, then?”
Shion blinked, his eyebrows drawing together slightly. “Um… no? I don’t think so, anyway.”
“And you think I can afford it?” Nezumi asked with a laugh.
“I mean—” Shion laughed as well, though rather nervously. “Y-Yeah.”
Nezumi gave a skeptical look. “You sure about that?”
“Okay…” Nezumi picked up one of the cookies he’d decorated and took a bite as he thought. “Is it… something I even know exists?”
Shion laughed a little again. “Yes.” It was the most certain answer he’d gotten yet.
“Okay, so it’s something I obviously know about, judging by that reaction,” Nezumi scoffed. “It’s something that could be put in a box, right?”
“W-Well, I guess so…”
Nezumi frowned. “I mean that it’s an actual object, not like the gift of going somewhere with you or whatever.”
“I guess we could go somewhere for my present,” Shion suggested with a smile Nezumi could only call coy. Of course, very few people even could recognize coyness from Shion. Nezumi knew, though. Shion was up to something.
Nezumi narrowed his eyes. “Second thoughts about challenging me?”
“We could go ice skating again. It’s been years since we last went.”
“We could not go ice skating again,” Nezumi retorted. “I’m not having you pull me down on the ice every five minutes.”
“You are taller than me now, aren’t you?”
Nezumi eyed Shion suspiciously. His latest growth spurt had been a bit of a sore spot for Shion, so why would he bring it up now? “I sure as hell am, you little runt.”
Shion’s blush fully returned and he averted his eyes. “S-So, that means I wouldn’t make you fall if I lost my balance, right?”
Crossing his arms, Nezumi leaned back in his seat. “I see… Finding the advantages to being your fun-sized self?”
“You know, I never made fun of you this much when you were the shorter one,” Shion said, slathering a bit too much icing onto a large, snowflake-shaped cookie.
Nezumi watched as Shion then dumped an excess of sprinkles onto the cookie. “Oh, come on. You always thought I needed to be protected or something when I was smaller than you, even though you knew I could’ve kicked your ass no problem. I’m going to enjoy this change as much as I wa—”
Shion abruptly shoved the cookie into Nezumi’s mouth, or at least as much of it as he could fit. As soon as it happened, Nezumi cupped his hand under the cookie in a desperate attempt to catch the sprinkles and dripping icing. While Nezumi struggled to eat the messy cookie that was now his responsibility not to get everywhere, Shion returned to decorating more cookies.
“And what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t care about your safety?” Shion asked, though he clearly wasn’t expecting an answer from Nezumi, not after shoving food into his mouth. “Anyway, I think ice skating would work out better now, so— ah!”
Nezumi smeared the icing that had dripped onto his hand across Shion’s cheek. “Here, you dropped something.”
Shion stared in shock for a moment before swiping a bit of icing from the bowl onto his fingertip. Nezumi had a good idea of where that finger was headed. As it drew closer to his face, he opened his mouth and caught Shion’s sugary finger between his teeth. The icing was sweet on his tongue, but Nezumi savored the expression on his friend’s face far more.
“Nezumi!” Shion squeaked when his finger was finally free.
Shion gawked at his hand as if he’d never seen it before.
“…Yes, Shion?” Nezumi asked again.
“Um!” Shion blinked and shook his head. “W-We should both probably wash our hands before we decorate any more cookies,” he stammered.
Nezumi snorted out a laugh and followed Shion over to the kitchen sink. While he waited for his turn at the faucet, he bumped Shion’s hip with his own. For some reason, that always put a smile on Shion’s face. “Back to my guesses. Is it something I can buy?” he asked.
“Uh, n-no,” Shion replied, his eyes going wide. He turned away as he dried his hands.
“So it’s something I have to make, then?” Nezumi asked.
“N… No.”
“No?” Nezumi finished washing his hands and dried them off as well, thinking over what Shion could be talking about. If it couldn’t be bought and couldn’t be made… “Is it something I already have?”
“Uh…” Shion scratched the back of his neck and returned to the kitchen counter as if decorating even more cookies was an actual priority. “Technically?”
Nezumi scoffed and crossed his arms. “Technically?” he repeated. “What the hell kind of answer is that?”
Shion stared down at a star-shaped cookie he’d picked up. “Um… uh… I say ‘technically’ because…”
“Well… technically you… have… what I want…” Shion mumbled, trailing off. He set down the cookie and smiled nervously, his eyes focused on Nezumi’s shoulder rather than his face. “Forget I said anything, okay? I like your ice skating idea. How about we do that for my present?”
Nezumi frowned to himself and ripped off a paper towel from the roll by the sink. “That was your idea, not mine,” he corrected, briefly running the faucet again to get the paper towel wet. He approached Shion and began wiping the icing off his cheek. “You forgot something.”
Shion shut his eyes while Nezumi cleaned off his face. “I did? Ha, oops, I guess I did…”
Somehow, exchanges like this made Nezumi dread their inevitable separation that would come with graduating high school. He didn’t like the idea of someone else helping Shion the way he did, taking his place… Would Shion even have him over during the holidays? How many more Christmases would they spend together?
“Hey, Shion?”
Shion peeked an eye open. “Yeah?”
Nezumi turned away to toss the paper towel in the trash and to avoid looking Shion in the eye. “You’re still going to invite me over for Christmas stuff once we’re in college, right?” he asked.
“Huh?” Shion blinked. “Y-Yeah, of course.”
Shion laughed a little and smiled sheepishly. “You know, I was starting to think you didn’t like celebrating Almost-Christmas with me. I’m sort of surprised, given how much you usually complain about Christmas…”
Nezumi let out a laugh as well and leaned his elbows on the counter. “I mean—” The gentle smile on Shion’s face kept him from finishing his sentence. He glanced away.
“Wait, Nezumi, do you secretly like Christmas?” Shion asked, just a hint of a giggle in his tone.
“What? No! I hate Christmas!”
The amusement left Shion’s face. “Oh. Um… Does that mean you don’t actually like doing Christmas stuff with me?”
Nezumi’s stomach sank. He hated seeing Shion sad. Why did he have to say that? “Okay, ‘hate’ may have been too strong of a word. I don’t hate Christmas. Not all of it, anyway,” he quickly explained. “I— Listen, I wouldn’t do this for anyone else, okay?”
Shion fell silent, staring down at the array of cookies before him and chewing his lip. After a long moment, he spoke again. “You know, we don’t have to keep doing the same stuff every year. Honestly, I just kept doing it because it’s what we’ve always done, and you kept agreeing to it, but I… I guess we don’t have to do anything Christmasy if you really don’t want to.”
“I mean, we are gonna hang out over break either way, aren’t we?” Nezumi said, though he knew in his heart that wasn’t what Shion wanted. Shion enjoyed the holiday season and all the pepperminty sweetness that it brought far too much to ignore it all with Nezumi. “Maybe if it’s just… a little less Christmasy,” he offered. His eyes darted around the room, searching for examples of anything seasonal that didn’t make him cringe. “Like… hot cocoa. I like hot cocoa. And I like eating Christmas cookies, just not, you know… decorating several dozen of them.”
Once again, Shion took a long while to respond. Nezumi might’ve been concerned if he didn’t know his friend so well; he knew it meant Shion was deeply considering his words. Besides, having Shion react logically rather than emotionally right now was preferable, albeit expected. After taking a hesitant breath, Shion asked, “Is ice skating too Christmasy?”
Nezumi breathed out a laugh. Of course their discussion had come back to this. “It’s an Olympic sport. I think that exempts it from being too Christmasy,” he replied. Skating really could turn out better than before, if Shion’s reasoning about his height was correct… Compared to watching a Christmas movie, it might actually be fun. “Listen, I’ll take you ice skating right now if it means we skip everything else on today’s itinerary.”
Shion blinked in surprise, finally looking up at Nezumi. “Y-You’re serious?”
Shion gawked, then shook his head and said, “Um, right! I’ll— I’ll go tell mom what we’re doing!”
Nezumi laughed as Shion hurried out of the room. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes,’” he commented, though he knew Shion had to be on the other side of the house, already and well out of earshot.
Before long, the two boys were buckling into Nezumi’s car, which was parked outside. Nezumi smirked to himself as he turned the key and started the engine. The satisfaction of having a license and a car had yet to wear off.
“It’s still weird that we can just drive places now, isn’t it?” Shion commented, running his fingers along the car door just below the window. “I’ve barely used my bike this year.”
“You mean that I can drive us places now?” Nezumi teased. “Seriously, when are you going to take your test?”
Shion shrugged. “I don’t know. Driving is kind of terrifying,” he said with a small laugh. “Besides, I kind of like…”
Nezumi raised an eyebrow, giving Shion an inquisitive look before pulling out of the driveway and heading down the road. “You kind of like what? You know you can’t just trail off like that.”
“Um.” Shion laughed a little again. “Well, I was going to say that I kind of like when you drive me around, but that sounds sort of entitled, doesn’t it?”
Nezumi scoffed. “Yeah, it kind of does.” Still, he couldn’t help but feel smug.
“I mean it as a good thing, though,” Shion explained. “Actually, I… I really am scared of driving. It’s not that it’s too difficult, it’s just— but—” His sentence sputtered to a halt. Shion forced out an exhale and tried again. “I’m afraid I’ll really mess up and hurt someone, or worse…” He shook his head to himself. “But… when I’m with you, I feel safe. I trust you.”
“Well. Maybe I like driving you around. So it all works out.”
Sure, Shion would eventually have to bite the bullet and get over his fear. For now, though… This was fine, perhaps even preferable. If Shion had a license, Nezumi could easily picture him having a personal crisis over a fender-bender or an unlucky squirrel’s demise. Yes, perhaps this was for the best.
Shion turned his head away, and Nezumi knew that meant either Shion was blushing or something very interesting that only Shion could see was on the side of the road. “Y-Yeah, at least until we graduate. Unless we go to college in the same place…”
They hadn’t discussed college much yet, surprisingly. Nezumi knew Shion planned to go to medical school to become a doctor, but that was about it. He wasn’t even sure what he wanted to do, himself.
“I’m not going to med school with you,” Nezumi laughed.
“Well— just hold on a second, that’s not what I meant,” Shion protested. “I’ve been thinking about this. As long as the school you pick has a pre-med track, I’ll go there.”
They slowed to a stop at a red light. The contrarian part of Nezumi ached to argue with Shion’s suggestion, but he’d secretly been hoping for something like this. He hadn’t let himself think too much about going to college with Shion to save himself the disappointment, but now the possibility was very real.
“…Only if you want that, of course,” Shion added. Nezumi’s silence must have been a blow to his confidence.
The light changed, and Nezumi pressed his foot on the gas pedal. “You’re going to save me from the torture of rooming with a total stranger? Seems like a pretty sweet deal to me.”
“I— er, you mean you like my idea?” Shion stammered. “Really?”
Nezumi shrugged. “Yeah. Why not?”
Shion fiddled with the cuffs of his jacket sleeves instead of looking at Nezumi. “I… I guess sometimes I worry that you’ll get sick of me.”
“What?” Shion looked up. “Really? Because sometimes you get really annoyed with me…”
Shion wasn’t exactly wrong. It had been much worse a few years before, when Nezumi was still grappling with the complicated mess of new emotions he felt toward Shion. It wasn’t the proudest time of his life. “When’s the last time I got seriously annoyed with you, though? I can’t remember,” Nezumi replied.
“Um… I believe it was last year, when we were discussing—”
“It was a rhetorical question, Shion,” Nezumi interrupted. “The point is, you’ve had over ten years to do anything truly unforgivable and you haven’t even come close, which makes you a pretty solid candidate for a college roommate, in my opinion.”
“What about that time at the homecoming dance?” Shion asked.
Nezumi blinked, furrowing his eyebrows. “What the hell are you talking about, Shion?”
“Back in eighth grade, I tried to do some kind of dance a bunch of other people were doing, and you looked me in the eye and said ‘truly unforgivable.’ Remember?”
“I—” Nezumi laughed and shook his head. “I may have overreacted. I hardly remember it.”
“So you aren’t even a little mad about that anymore?” Shion asked.
“No? Why would I be?”
Shion shrugged and sighed, which was a rather unusual gesture from his friend. “I know it hasn’t happened in a while, but you at least used to get mad at me for random stuff, sometimes for a long time. I can’t help but worry you might still be mad about some of those things.”
Nezumi was grateful for the excuse of watching the road so he didn’t have to look at Shion for this discussion. He’d thought they could just move on from that bumpy patch in their friendship without talking about it, but apparently that was not the case. He should have expected as much. “Would you believe me if I told you it was all just a lot of mood swings?”
“If you promised that’s the truth, then yeah, I’d believe you.”
Nezumi resisted the urge to sigh himself. “It’s the truth,” he replied. At least, it was the closest he was willing to get to the truth. He didn’t intend to give out any love confessions today. “I swear I’m not mad at you about any of that old stuff. I’m not mad at you about anything.”
“For now, anyway. I’m sure you could piss me off if you really tried.”
Shion giggled a little. “Okay, I’ll try not to worry about it.”
Nezumi turned into the parking lot outside the skating rink and easily found an empty spot. After they parked, Shion quickly unbuckled his seatbelt, but Nezumi locked the doors and kept his finger on the button to do it again if necessary. Shion looked over at him in surprise.
“Before we go in,” Nezumi explained, “you have to tell me what you want for Christmas.”
Shion gave him a grumpy pout. “I thought going skating was my present,” he argued, fiddling with the lock on his door. 
“You know what I’m talking about. Whatever thing I apparently already have that you want. If it’s a sentimental thing, there’s no guarantee I even have it anymore. I don’t save stuff like you do.”
“Well…” Shion averted his eyes, his cheeks growing pink. “I guess I already got what I wanted.”
Nezumi paused, looking ahead as he thought. “…Wait, you wanted to be college roommates for your Christmas present?”
“N-No, not exactly, but— well, yes, it’s basically the same thing.”
“Is it or isn’t it?” Nezumi unbuckled his seatbelt and turned more towards Shion, watching his friend closely. Either Shion was choosing his words carefully or he was planning to bolt from the car.
“I-It’s—” Shion hesitated. “It’s… Nezumi, all I want for Christmas is—”
The pieces came together as Shion spoke, and time slowed down as a terrible realization struck Nezumi. He immediately covered Shion’s mouth with his hand. “Don’t say it!”
The outburst shocked them both into a silence that stretched on for several seconds. Finally, Shion pulled Nezumi’s hand off of his mouth. “What?”
Nezumi felt heat rise from his neck up to his ears. This was going to be difficult to explain. “I-I… You were going to say the name of a Christmas song, weren’t you?”
Shion blinked, then replied, “Oh, y-yeah, I guess so. Um…”
Nezumi had to think fast. He hadn’t thought this conversation would be happening today, or even at all, and it was already off to a rough start. He wasn’t even entirely sure what Shion meant by that kind of request. “Listen,” Nezumi began to explain, though he didn’t really know what he was about to say. He kept talking anyway. “If… if, let’s say, this ends up being something people might ask us about later, I’d rather it not be a reminder of an annoying Christmas song. If what you’re asking for is what I think you’re asking for.”
Shion’s face had turned bright red and his wide, dark eyes were focused on Nezumi’s hands. “Um. What do you think I’m asking for, Nezumi?”
Nezumi almost passed the question right back to Shion, but maybe Shion really couldn’t bring himself to say it. The suave thing to do in this moment would be to answer Shion’s question with a kiss, but Nezumi’s doubts kept him from acting. He settled for a response somewhere in the middle. “It sounds to me like you want a boyfriend for Christmas,” he replied as casually as he could.
Shion didn’t respond, nor did he move. He sat there, frozen in place, clearly unsure of how to proceed.
“…Just nod if I’m right.”
Shion took a small, sharp breath and nodded ever so slightly. Nezumi had never seen his friend look so terrified in his life.
If there had ever been a time to kiss Shion, this was it.
Nezumi had never kissed anyone before, only stage-kissed a few people in drama class, but he reasoned it couldn’t be too different from the real thing. Gently lifting Shion’s chin with one hand, Nezumi leaned closer, lightly closed his eyes, and touched his lips to Shion’s. An odd thrill ran down his spine, which certainly never happened with a thumb in the way— or more likely, with anyone else. 
A second later, he felt a jolt of pain as Shion pressed back too hard, too quickly. Nezumi jerked away and pressed his fingers to his aching lip. “Ow—”
Shion quickly pulled back with a look of absolute horror on his face. “I-I’m so sorry!” he stammered. “I didn’t mean to— I’m sorry!”
“It’s fine,” Nezumi said with a small laugh. “Just— hold still this time.”
Ignoring the pain in his lip, Nezumi leaned closer again. Shion shut his eyes and held his breath. Nezumi lingered just inches away for a moment, then withdrew slightly.
“You… do want me to do this, right?” Nezumi asked.
Shion opened his eyes and looked up at Nezumi briefly before averting his gaze and nodding. “I— That is, only if you want to—”
They’d just crossed a new boundary together, and yet they were both afraid to take a single step further. Something about it was utterly ridiculous, but Nezumi couldn’t blame Shion for acting so nervous. After all, if this change ended up being a mistake, there probably wouldn’t be any going back. From what Nezumi understood about the world, lovers could rarely return to just being friends. Could he really risk their entire friendship? Was it already too late to turn back?
Why hadn’t he thought of this before kissing Shion the first time?
“Are you okay?” Shion asked quietly, meeting Nezumi’s gaze for only a split second. “You’re shaking.” His fingers carefully wrapped around Nezumi’s trembling hand.
“You’re shaking,” Nezumi whispered in retort.
“Y-Yeah, but it’s weird for you to be shaking like this,” Shion replied. He wasn’t wrong.
“So what?”
What kind of answer was that?
“Nezumi…” With a sad expression that was meant to be a smile, Shion turned his head away, breaking the tension and leaving Nezumi with an unpleasant sense of disappointment. “I… It’s okay if you don’t want to—”
“That’s not the— listen, Shion,” Nezumi argued. He didn’t dare pull his hand away from Shion’s gentle grasp. “What if this doesn’t work out? Then what? Do you really think everything would just go back to normal? That we’d just go back to being friends?”
A series of expressions crossed Shion’s face before he spoke, and Nezumi wasn’t entirely sure what any of them meant. “We’ve stuck together through everything so far, so I can’t imagine we wouldn’t be able to find a way to get along,” Shion said with a slight smile. “Besides… I really think… this could work out.”
Maybe Shion was being too much of an optimist, but Nezumi had considered that exact possibility before. Maybe they could get through anything together. None of their past disputes had been enough to damage their friendship. His doubts were losing their ground.
“And… what’s the point of acting like we don’t want more from each other now that we know?” Shion added softly, staring down at their joined hands as if looking anywhere else would cause him to lose what courage he had left. “I… I really love being with you, Nezumi.” He’d said that phrase to him many times before, but Nezumi finally understood what Shion was actually trying to say. “I always have,” Shion added, then let out a shaky sigh and briefly glanced up. “…Please say something.”
Nothing felt right to say, but Nezumi had to say something. He couldn’t leave Shion to doubt himself all over again in his silence. With his free hand, he lifted Shion’s chin so their faces were level once more. “Stay still, alright?”
Shion immediately complied, closing his eyes in anticipation of what was to come. If it wasn’t so cruel to make Shion wait, Nezumi would’ve taken a moment to enjoy the blissful expression on his friend’s face. Summoning his own courage, Nezumi leaned in and gave Shion a careful kiss. Shion’s fingers tightened around his hand in response, but he otherwise stayed perfectly still. Nezumi drew back and Shion’s eyes fluttered open, and slowly, a wide smile spread across Shion’s flushed face. Nezumi couldn’t quite stop himself from grinning as well. The thrill of the moment was still sinking in, even after it was over.
“So, um.” Shion sheepishly ducked his head and held Nezumi’s hand with both of his own. “What do you want for Christmas?”
“Hm. Pretty much the same thing as you, I think,” Nezumi answered with the casual shrug of a shoulder. The hand that had been touching Shion’s face came to rest on Shion’s knee, causing him to jump slightly, but neither of them moved away. An unexpected sense of freedom was settling in… the freedom to show his true affections after all this time.
Shion looked up with an embarrassed smile. “Okay, but I like giving you presents. Is there anything else you want?”
“Who says I don’t like giving you presents?” Nezumi scoffed.
“Well, you said you hate Christmas, didn’t you?” Shion replied, visibly confused. “And you’ve complained plenty of times about how trivial you think Christmas gifts are. I thought you would have just stopped giving anyone presents by now if you’re so against them.”
Nezumi sighed through his nose and glanced away. “It’s… complicated,” he tried to explain. “Overall, yes, I think Christmas presents are crap. But this is an exception.” Shion was the exception. Shion somehow always was the exception for him. “It’s… enjoyable to pick out a gift for you, and I know it’s not a wasted effort since you actually appreciate it.”
“I appreciate anything from you,” Shion said far too earnestly.
Nezumi laughed. This was exactly what he had been talking about. “Yeah, I know. It’s—” Instead of editing his words to be a playful jab, he allowed the rest of his thought to leave his lips, “—cute.”
Shion gawked at Nezumi, then covered his beet-red face with both hands. “I-I—!”
“Did I break you?” Nezumi asked with another laugh, using his newly freed hand to ruffle Shion’s soft, brown hair. Making Shion blush had yet to lose its appeal. “Sorry. Well, not really. Have I really never told you you’re cute before?”
“Um!” Shion kept his face covered as he spoke. “N-No, I think you’ve said that every time you’ve seen me dressed up for an event, but I know you were just making fun of me.”
Nezumi hummed thoughtfully. “Was I, though?”
“Wait, were you!?”
“Was I?”
Shion faced forward again and placed his head down in his folded arms on the dashboard. “Argh, which is it!?” he loudly groaned.
Nezumi rarely saw Shion this worked up. He wasn’t sure whether to be proud or sorry. “Is not knowing really that unbearable?” he asked.
“Kind of.”
Nezumi’s eyes scanned over Shion’s hunched, trembling form. His own nervous jitters had thankfully faded away, but Shion case seemed to be the opposite. “Serious question, though… are you going to be able to skate today? You’re shaking like crazy.”
Shion quickly sat up, placed his hands in his lap, and took a deep breath. “I’m fine!” he insisted, though his face was still awfully red and every inch of him shook.
“Are you sure?” Nezumi asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically. “If you’re that tense on the ice, you’ll definitely fall. What’s the matter, anyway?”
“Nothing!” Shion quickly answered and took another deep breath. “Nothing’s the matter! I’m just— I’m— I’m really happy. And excited.” He let out an anxious laugh. “And a little nervous.”
Nezumi felt his own shoulders relax. Had he been tense, too? “Nervous about what?” he asked.
Shion laughed again. “Um. Well, I did kind of punch your mouth with my face a little.”
“It wasn’t that bad. It doesn’t even hurt anymore.”
“That’s good,” Shion said, giving Nezumi a sheepish glance. “Um. But I’m nervous I’ll do it again. But I— w-want to try—” He looked at Nezumi again, this time with eyes full of hope.
Nezumi opened his mouth to reply, then shut it again and closed his eyes. When he still wasn’t kissed several seconds later, he gestured a hand toward his face and prompted, “Well?”
“What? Oh!”
Once again, Nezumi waited.
“Um, hold still,” Shion murmured and gently grasped both of Nezumi’s hands.
Nezumi complied. A moment later, he felt Shion’s lips gingerly touch his. It was over almost as soon as it happened, just a whisper of a kiss, but it somehow left Nezumi’s nerves buzzing long afterward.
“Was that okay?” Shion asked quietly.
Nezumi opened his eyes and smiled. “Completely painless.”
Shion beamed brighter than the sun overhead.
“Still nervous?” Nezumi asked.
Shion shook his head and looked away, still smiling. “No, not really. Only a little.” He gazed out across the parking lot for a brief moment, then grinned up at Nezumi. “Let’s go skating!”
Nezumi laughed, caught off guard by Shion’s abrupt enthusiasm. “You’re awfully confident all of a sudden,” he teased.
“It’s just that— I realized this will be our first date,” Shion replied. “It’s kind of exciting, you know?”
“You mean all those school dances we went to don’t count?” Nezumi scoffed, still smiling. He knew they didn’t really count. Nezumi had only been Shion’s date to keep him unavailable.
“Um— I didn’t think they did,” Shion said hesitantly. “Do they?”
“Not really, no.” Nezumi smirked as a thought crossed his mind. “Did I ever tell you that Safu called me ‘too possessive’ before the homecoming dance this year?”
Shion covered his face with his hands again and leaned his head against Nezumi’s shoulder. “Oh, jeez… No, you didn’t tell me. What happened?”
“She asked me not to ask you to the dance, and I told her that I’d already asked you and you’d already said yes. Apparently that wasn’t quite what she wanted to hear.”
“Thank you. Again,” Shion mumbled. “I only ever wanted to go with you, anyway.”
A part of Nezumi had always suspected as much, but actually hearing it from Shion gave him a smug sense of satisfaction. He slipped his arm behind Shion in a halfway embrace. “Maybe she’ll finally realize you’re not interested in dating her when she spots us making out at your locker.”
“You’re gonna kiss me at school!?” Shion asked in disbelief.
That wasn’t the takeaway Nezumi had expected Shion to get from his words, but Shion was always like that, surprising him in odd ways. “I might,” Nezumi replied. “You’d better watch out.”
Shion blinked, then smiled and stretched to press a kiss to Nezumi’s cheek. “Then I guess you’d better watch out, too.”
Nezumi turned his head away in an attempt to hide how much a little kiss on the cheek was making him blush. He was going to have to get used to this, wasn’t he? “…Noted.”
Shion giggled at Nezumi’s response, then grinned up at him. “Well, then. Shall we go in?”
“Sure. Let’s go.”
They both exited the car, Nezumi locking the doors before meeting Shion on the other side. They joined hands, and just to make things fair, Nezumi gave Shion a quick kiss on the cheek. For the entire walk across the parking lot toward the ice rink, Shion blushed and giggled while Nezumi wore a smug smile on his face.
If this was what celebrating Christmas with Shion would be like from now on… well, Nezumi certainly didn’t mind.
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musesofolive · 4 years
Happy Valentines Day! I don't believe we've met, but from what I've heard, I do hope we get to in the future! I love you meet all kinds of new people! I hope you all have a happy Valentines day! - @ask-amaya-anything
Well thank you! We haven’t met, but I hope to get to know you soon, meeting new kinds of people is half the joy in life. ~ 🍀 (Isla)
Indeed. Broadening perspective is always important and beneficial. May you find joy on this human holiday, General. Tidebound culture doesn’t have a day exactly similar, celebrations of love and community are rather a more common theme for us and so unless the occasion is especially important we don’t typically have celebrations of love, but we do have a celebration mid-february to celebrate spring and new hope. ~ 📚 (Rowan)
I mean...will I? Probably not, but you’re not as bad as some humans could be, from what I’ve heard. So, you too, I guess. ~ 👤 (Nova)
You as well, General Amaya. While I won’t be spending it in the romantic sense, I have been relieved of duty for the day to see my family, and I have been looking forward to it. I hope you get to spend this day with your own loved ones, and that we do get to talk. You have high respect here in Neolandia, it would be interesting to go over techniques or sparring with you. ~ ⚔️ (Sahar)
Thank you, dear general! True, with you gone as much as you were at the border to defend our lands we never did interact much. But perhaps with this newfound peace that may change. I do look forward to getting to know you, anyhow ~ 🎲 (Riley)
Then I do believe greetings are in order! My name’s Ciri, it’s an absolute pleasure, Amaya! Is that your shield and sword? It’s very shiny-wait, ahah sorry! Isla’s been teaching me not to grab at the nearest shiny thing, especially from new people. But we’ll have to talk more! You seem like someone with a lot of stories! And who knows, maybe I can make a ballad out of it! ~ 💨 (Ciri)
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Fest Masterlist
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🎀 Collection closed, fest unwrapped! 🎀
Thank you to everyone who participated in our merry little festive edition of Wireless! 
We unwrapped all the wonderful presents you sent in, and we are now presenting:
🎁 Wireless Festive Minifest 2019 Masterlist: (alphabetical by title)
🎀  365 Days by FemmeBrulee / @sandalwoodandpine (Mature, 3.7k)
Pairing: Hermione / Draco
Summary: A year after Draco and Hermione are sent on separate wartime missions, only one of them has returned home. In the cheer of Christmas Day, Hermione feels the stinging absence of the man she has come to love. As the day wears on, she starts to fear that the devastating rumours are true.
🎁 A Hippogriff for Christmas by @xanthippe74 (Gen, 6.4k)
Pairing: None (Draco & Scorpius & Harry)
Summary: Draco is desperately trying to fulfill four-year-old Scorpius’ dearest wish for Christmas: a visit with a live Hippogriff. Harry is desperately trying to be left alone, safely tucked away from the attention of the wizarding world as Hogwarts’ Keeper of the Keys and Grounds. It might take more than a father’s persistence to convince Harry to help make Scorpius’ Christmas dream come true.
🎀  About Time by @gnarf​ (Mature, MCD warning, 671 words)
Pairing: Astoria / Draco; Draco / Harry
Summary: Draco sat on his sofa, anxiously waiting for time to pass, for the day to finally be over, and the clock to tick midnight.
It was a tradition he had kept throughout the years. Many years have passed since he started it, a whole life one could say he thought, grinning to himself.
It happened every year. The clock would tick midnight and Christmas would arrive, together with him.
🎁 All I Want by a_reader_and_writer  / @harrypotterfanfictionwriter​ (Gen, 395 words)
Pairing: Sirius / Remus
Summary: Remus writes a letter to Sirius.
🎀  Baby Please Come Home by @andithiel​ (Teen, 3.3k)
Pairing: Teddy Lupin / James Sirius Potter
Summary: It’s Christmas time, but Teddy is wandering the streets of Muggle London, feeling miserable and alone. He wishes James were here, instead of on a high-risk Curse-Breaking mission that won’t let him come home to celebrate with his loved ones.
🎁 Christmas at the Burrow by @gnarf​ (Gen, 541 words)
Pairing: None (Molly Weasley & family)
Summary: Molly looked at her husband before letting her gaze wander over the rest of her family.
The Burrow was bustling with life; her heart felt like it was twice its usual size.
It didn't happen often nowadays, that the whole family was there.
🎀 Christmas Blues by @gnarf​ (Mature, 1k)
Pairing: Draco / Harry
Summary: Draco looked out onto the frozen grounds of the Manor, trying to ignore the sounds wavering though his closed door.
But no matter how hard he tried, the screams managed to pierce his brain minute after minute. He didn't know who it was, who they had captured this time, he only hoped it was nobody he knew.
🎁 Draco The Red Nosed Auror by donnarafiki / @rose-grangerweasleyisbae​ (Teen, 2.3k, WIP)
Pairing: Draco / Harry
Summary: It's Christmas Eve, and Draco is not sick Potter, thank you very much.
🎀 First Snow by @gnarf​ (Gen, 2016 words)
Pairing: Ginny / Oliver
Summary: The first snow had always been her favourite. It reminded her of wild snowball fights with her brothers at the Burrow, and racing with brooms over a frozen landscape while her heart threatened to jump out of her chest.
🎁 I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus by a_reader_and_writer  / @harrypotterfanfictionwriter​ (Gen, 471 words)
Pairing: Astoria / Draco
Summary: Scorpius has to tell his father something really important! He saw his mommy kissing Santa Claus!
🎀 Last Christmas (I gave you my cock) by @keyflight790​ (Explicit, 3.8k)
Pairing: Draco / Harry
Summary: Last Christmas, Harry and Malfoy definitely did not hook up in the loo, and Harry certainly wouldn't have stolen his friends tea towel to commemorate the occasion. And he hasn't been staring at Malfoy all year, waiting anxiously for this years festivities. Not at all.
🎁 Lonely This Christmas by @gnarf​ (Explicit, 2.1k)
Pairing: Harry / Charlie
Summary: "I don't know what I could do to feel better. I can't think of anything that could help. It's overwhelming me at times, this feeling of—" Harry fell silent and looked around for some kind of input, but he couldn't find the words to describe what was going on inside his head. "I don't even know what I feel anymore."
Pulling Charlie's jacket tighter around himself, Harry took a deep breath.
"You should come to Romania with me, get away from England. Just for a while."
🎀 Oh Christmas tree by a_reader_and_writer / @harrypotterfanfictionwriter​ (Gen, 384 words)
Pairing: Hermione / Ron
Summary: The Hogwarts professors decorate Hogwarts for Christmas.
🎁 On the First Day of Christmas, a Pureblood gave to me… by @maesterchill​ (Mature, 14.6k, WIP)
Pairing: Draco / Harry
Summary: Harry receives a gift.
Of a partridge.
From Lucius Malfoy.
Who's just been released from Azkaban.
There's only one thing for it. He's going to have to ask Draco what the hell's going on.
🎀 Santa Claus is coming by a_reader_and_writer / @harrypotterfanfictionwriter​ (Gen, 424 words)
Pairing: None (Harry Potter & Teddy Lupin)
Summary: Teddy and Harry visit Santa Claus. Teddy tells Santa his wishes.
🎁 Sleigh Ride by a_reader_and_writer / @harrypotterfanfictionwriter​ (Gen, 402 words)
Pairing: Hermione / Pansy
Summary: Pansy takes Hermione on a sleigh ride.
🎀 We Wish You by a_reader_and_writer  / @harrypotterfanfictionwriter​ (Gen, 343 words)
Pairing: Hermione / Ron; Harry / Ginny
Summary: Two girls come singing at Ron's door.
🎁 Where Is Blitzen, Baby? by tackytiger / @tackytigerfic​ (Explicit, 2.7k, WIP)
Pairing: Harry / Charlie; Draco / Harry
Summary: It's the first Christmas after the Battle. Harry is sad, all the time. Everyone seems to be moving on, putting things behind them, and somehow that's the loneliest thing of all.
Hating Draco Malfoy is the most comforting thing in Harry's life, and Malfoy doesn't seem to be moving on, either.
Can they get themselves unstuck?
Featuring a summer at the Burrow, lots of bathing scenes, and hot Charlie Weasley. Plus all the mistletoe kisses yet to come.
🎀 Winter wonderland by a_reader_and_writer / @harrypotterfanfictionwriter​ (Gen, 439 words)
Pairing: Draco / Ron
Summary: Draco and Ron go walking outside.
🎁 You and Me Here, Underneath the Mistletoe by ringelchen / @lordofthegoods​ (Explicit, 7.2k)
Pairing: Scorpius / Albus Potter
Summary: All Albus wants for Christmas is Scorpius. (Un)fortunately, the Potters are working hard to make his wish come true.
But behold, there is more! 
Or will be. 
Prompting for @H/D Wireless 2020 will open on January 1st!
So keep your eyes and ears open for updates! And get thinking of all your favourite Drarry songs. 
🎶 Until then the Wireless mods wish you happy holidays and a peaceful Christmastime! 💜
Maester Claus  krampus-in-flight Gnarf-the-Grinch
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