#and was like: have i ever thought bout a scene where alec and ray argued?
aria0fgold · 1 year
I just got to thinking... Moments where a character argued with their loved one only to find out next day something bad happened to them is some wonderful angst, but I think the opposite is also equally devastating.
Moments where you happily said "See you later!" or "See you tomorrow!" or even moments where you excitedly planned a hangout with them. Fully expectating to still be able to talk to your loved tomorrow, to still be able to spend time with them, only to find out that they're gone, whether it'd be they're missing or dead, is soul-crushing.
Cuz everything wasn't out of the ordinary the day before, it was just any other normal day, like all the other days before that too. Everything was fine, so where did it all go wrong?
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