#and want to accept everyone if the excitement / muse is there
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gghostwriter · 6 months ago
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Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Spencer and some unwanted guests catch you singing at a bad time Trope: Fluff! Just fluff! w.c: 1.1k a/n: something short n’ sweet, get it? i know i said i was sick and I still am but i wanted to really write something based on this post so i did and since I’m still battling the flu, this isn’t my best work nor has this been edited but still posting it for the fun of it all! Hope you like it. Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 💗
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Spencer Reid was never one to forget. After all, his near perfect memory didn’t allow him to, which was a curse and a blessing on itself. So it came to everyone’s surprise when Morgan came strolling in the BAU office after hours to pick him and Luke up for a scheduled boys’ night out and the boy genius innocently asked what he was doing there.
“No way,” Morgan chuckled, eyebrows raised in disbelief. “Pretty boy has forgotten something? It must be my lucky night ‘cause this only happens once in a lifetime.” 
“You really forgot?” Luke clarified as they all packed into Morgan’s four door vehicle. “Oh man, I thought you were pulling my leg a while ago when I brought it up and you made no comment.”
“It really slipped my mind!” Spencer’s voice going up in defense. 
The duo laughed. 
“Or maybe you’re getting old,” Morgan needled as the car came to a stop at a red light.
Spencer shook his head, wishing to drop the subject. “Hey, do you mind passing by the apartment for a bit? I didn’t tell her that I was going to be out late since it you know, slipped my mind—”
“Can’t you just text her for that?” Morgan argued back.
“—and I’ll drop off my dirty go bag.” 
“Oh got the missus doing the laundry?” Luke teased. 
“She’s not my wife yet,” he sighed dreamily. If he was going to be honest with himself, he was looking forward to it. He had half the mind to propose elopement when got down on one knee but the excitement you radiated off when discussing about themes, dinner placements, and the wedding gown was enough for him to dispose of that idea quickly. It didn’t matter how fancy or how long the planning would take, as long as at the end of it all, he got to call you his and you get to call him yours. Everything in between was just lavish wrapping to present the world Mr and Mrs Reid. 
The car came to a stop, bringing him out of his musings. 
“Thanks Morgan,” Spencer started to exit the passenger seat. “No need to go up, I’ll be quick.”
They both shook their heads, also stepping out—Morgan from the driver’s side and Luke from the side beside him.
“We’ll say hi to the future Mrs Reid,” he patted his back as the trio packed into the elevator up to his floor.
Spencer shrugged his shoulders in acceptance. With your busy work schedule and the upcoming nuptials, it was a rare occurrence for anyone from the team, expect for Garcia, to catch even a glimpse of you.
Echoing melody was the first thing that greeted them once they stepped out of the lifts. 
He laughed under his breath, already knowing that it was coming from the home you both shared. It had been a ritual for you, of sorts, as the only neighboring apartment was empty from tenants. There was really no one to scold you for making any ruckus at this acceptable 7pm time. Spencer, for one, wasn’t one to spoil your fun. He loved seeing you be free, dancing around in his clothing and singing the lyrics no matter how off key. 
Key slotted to the door, he let themselves in without any words exchanged—just looks and laughter under their breath.
—and I’m obsessed Are you free next week? I bet we’d have really good
Spencer admired your swaying form from behind. Wearing his Caltech tee that was three times too big for you, neckline slipping off to one shoulder. His very own personal sunshine chasing away all the darkness that had tainted his very being. 
Unaware of your audience, you belted out the next cheeky lyrics. “Come right on me, I mean camaraderie. Said you’re not in my—” 
Luke slapped his mouth to stop his chuckle from escaping while Morgan’s eyebrows raised at an all time high.
“Love,” Spencer urgently called out.
“—timezone, but you wanna be—eek!” You shrieked, turning to face the voice of your lover, only to find two more unaccounted for in the audience. 
“Hey pretty girl,” Morgan drawled out. “That’s some nice singing you’ve got there.” 
You felt your face flush with mortification. Out of all the people to have caught you, it had to be Morgan. The self titled big brother who liked to tease all he held dear to his heart. 
“W-what are you all doing here?”
Spencer reached out to give you chaste kiss on the lips. “We’re going out for a boys’ night out and I forgot all about it.”
“That doesn’t explain why you’re all here exactly.”
“I was just going to drop off my dirty go bag and they wanted to say hi,” he smiled at the embarrassment he could clearly see written in your expressive face. 
But i bet we‘’d have really good bed chem How you pick me up, pull ‘em down, turn me ‘round Oh, it just makes sense How you talk so sweet when—
“Oh my god,” your feet pattering on the hardwood floor as you ran to stop the vinyl still playing in the background. “Not one word,” you threatened the duo with a finger raised up high.
They both raised their hands up in defense but mirth was clearly painted on their faces. This was definitely becoming a lethal ammo perfect for quips and teasing. 
“Okay, you three out,” you all but pushed them out to the lobby. “I need to bury myself in copious amount of wine and please, forget everything you saw, okay, and Spence—” you leaned in to give him a kiss goodbye and squeezed his hand that held yours. “—I’ll see you when you get back. Have fun!” 
The door slammed shut without another word uttered.
Morgan turned to Reid with a smirk on his lips. “So camaraderie, huh?”
“Shut up,” Spencer quipped back, giving him a slight shove towards the elevator.
But before he himself stepped into the awaiting lifts for a night of no doubt teasing and innuendos, Spencer sent a quick message back to his other half with cheeks red and a grin on his face.
Your wish is my command, love. Later. 
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w2mini · 18 days ago
RED MEANS TAKEN DUMMY! atsumu x reader
-happy valentines 𓂃۶ৎ warnings: reader is reserved, swearings, black cat x golden retriever (I'm never getting tired of this trope for atsumu) fluff only
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For Atsumu, he's always been drawn to you—the quiet, pretty muse from unfortunately another class who never seemed to fall for his popular charm. And what's worst is that you weren't even doing anything to catch his attention. It was just a random Tuesday when you were introduced as a new student in Inarizaki, then went on with your day as a normal student like everyone would—and that?
That drove him crazy.
It was probably your reserved nature that felt refreshing to him since he's used to having a crowd of admirers around him. You weren't trying to stand out, be loud—you just always seemed like you had your own little world to be content with.
And he desperately wants to be a part of your life. But let's be real—he's probably not the type to immediately accept his feelings about you because this is genuinely the first time he's falling for someone, so with some ups and downs, denial, and winning a war with his own feelings—yep, he wanted you BAD.
So little by little, he would hang out with you during breaks, keep you company, and slowly become a part of your inner circle—you grew fond of him in your own quiet way. So with Valentines coming up, Atsumu decides it would be the perfect time to confess his undying love for you.
But of course this is an Inarizaki centered story, and it's not one without chaos.
"Yo, have you guys seen the new post from the student council?" The volleyball club were currently in the gym practicing as usual every after school times. Akagi, who was simply scrolling at his phone during break ends up with an interesting post from their student council's social media page regarding the event tomorrow. "The color-coded shirts? still haven't decided what I'm gonna wear to be honest." Aran replied, approaching Akagi to look at his phone, checking what each color meant. To celebrate Valentines, the student council announces a color-coded Valentine's event wherein students wear shirts that indicate their relationship status: Red meant taken, White meant single, Pink means friend-zoned, Black meant heartbroken, etc. Atsumu, who was already plotting his confession, grinned to himself. White it is, because, obviously, he's saving himself for you. So could you just imagine on a Valentines day morning, he's all excited walking at the school, ready to show off in front of you, and sees you in the hallway—
... wearing a red top.
aka TAKEN.
his soul shatters at the sight.
I—what—When—WHO???? Osamu and Suna who was with him—seeing the devastated face on Atsumu bursts into laughter.
He turned to Osamu, aggressively whispering "WHEN THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN???”
"She's taken? tough luck Miya." Suna says in between giggles.
You on the other hand who was just simply talking to a friend—doesn’t recognize the chaos happening behind you for wearing a red top.
“You never told me you were in a relationship?” Your friend offhandedly asks, but they were also internally panicking because they know about Atsumu’s plan.
You tilted your head in confusion, “huh? but I dont?”
“what? it’s red though.” your friend points at your top.
“so? don’t people wear red for valentines?”
You friend’s expression drops.
“[name] you dumbass.”
Atsumu spent the whole day sulking, even during practice. He messed up the easiest receives, screwed up his sets, and almost hit Suna on the head with his serve.
that damn red top, he’s never been this furious over a color, and what’s worst is that you looked good with that top too!
How come he had already lost without starting?
And how come he never knew you were already in a relationship? You never gave hints or said anything about being in a relationship—
“If I were you, I would’ve confessed already rather than sulking like that.” easier said than done Aran.
“She was wearing red, RED!” Atsumu dramatically exclaims as he drowns on his own sorrows.
“What did red mean again?” Ginjima asks.
“Taken.” Suna replied bluntly, making Atsumu hiss at the word.
“Never stood a chance huh?” Osamu grinned mockingly.
Kita could only facepalm at the situation, but he’s rather amused since this is the first time he’s seen Atsumu like this, “You know Atsumu, have you ever thought that maybe she just wore the color and discarding the meaning?”
Atsumu’s ears perked up, then Ginjima suddenly had a lightbulb over his head, “Oh yeahhh, it could mean like that too, there were a bunch of guys wearing black for fun earlier despite not being in a relationship.”
“Maybe try asking her about it then?” Akagi suggested.
I mean, it wouldn’t hurt to try.
Actually scrap that, it would.
That is until knocking was heard on the doors of the gym.
The team looks over to the source of the sound then sees—
You… with a small box.
“Uhm, pardon me but can I call for Atsumu?” You asked, peeking over to the doors.
Atsumu immediately RAN and was suddenly infront of you, looking… nervous?
“Did ya’ uh, need anything?” he asks, his voice crackling a little.
Then, you hold out the gift to him. “For you.”
Atsumu froze.
“Thanks for always keeping me company,” you say softly. “I know I’m not the easiest person to approach.”
Atsumu finally finds his voice. “Wait—so yer not datin’ anyone?”
You blink. “No, why?”
His brain short circuited. He points at your top, “But—THAT’S RED.”
That’s when he realizes.
You didn’t know shit about the color-coded event.
His entire face lights up, and lets out the most dramatic sigh of relief. “Wearing red means taken stupid.” He says, flicking your forehead.
It was your turn to get struck by realization now.
No wonder everyone kept asking if you were in a relationship, and no WONDER everyone was wearing different colors for valentines.
Oh you feel fucking stupid.
You then immediately took your phone out, opening an app then searching for your school’s official account page.
You face drops seeing the png file on the very first post that appeared, no wonder why your friend had asked that odd question.
“I—didn’t know…” you muttered, embarrassed about the whole misunderstanding.
Atsumu only chuckled in response, laughing at your misery. “Yer’ killin me ya know that? I though I lost my chance before I even tried.”
You perked up. “You were trying?”
“Obviously.” He grinned.
You smiled warmly, feeling funny about the situation. “Try harder then.”
Atsumu had the brightest grin on his face, he ruffled your hair then gently took the gift from your hands. “Oh I definitely will.”
“P-D-A ALERT” Osamu suddenly shouted from the gym, surprising you and pissing off Atsumu.
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WOOOO KINDA SHORT IM SO SORRY GUYS but happy valentines!! and of course I had to celebrate it by writing my all time favorite character😻 hope you guys enjoyed HDJHFODK
💐 >> bouquets for those who don’t feel special enough on this special day <33
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bonelyheartsclub · 11 days ago
♡ Sans - Valentine's One-Shot ♡
Written by @/Lost-Immortality
If given the choice to go back in time to this morning and change the decisions that brought you here, you were sure you would have done so in a heartbeat. Your first bad decision this morning had been responding to a cryptic text message from Sans, confirming that you were not, in fact, busy. 
The second was when you checked the date and realized what day it was. February 14th. Of course, it had been silly of you to assume that Sans was planning something normal, like a nice lunch or a walk in the park. 
Oh, no. Normal had left your vocabulary entirely after meeting your neighbors. 
So, instead of flowers and chocolate or dinner and a movie, you had found yourself staring at Sans incredulously as the escape room worker handcuffed his wrist to the radiator that sat in the corner. The room had been decorated to look like a hotel suite, with the addition of notes and books scattered around on the walls and tables. 
You felt like you were in a true crime documentary. How romantic. 
Sans planted himself on the ground in front of the decoration he was attached to as the employee went over the rules and the story that went with the room. Apparently, you were an agent that needed to ‘rescue’ Sans and get the both of you out in an hour. 
You wouldn't be surprised if Sans took the opportunity to nap while you solved puzzles. 
You and Sans were left alone in the room, and the glowing red timer above the door began ticking down. Even if you knew it was fake, it almost felt a bit ominous. 
You shifted your weight between your feet as you looked around, not entirely sure where to start. 
“...This feels very one-sided,” you mused. 
Sans hummed, “Moral support is a very important job. All of this ‘believing in you’ is tiring me out.” 
You sighed and accepted your fate, making your way over to leaf through the papers scattered on a desk. “Yeah, yeah. I hardly even know where to start. Have you done one of these before?” 
He nodded, “A few times. A lotta the folks in my household like to solve stuff. Puzzles were a big part of our culture, so Papyrus got pretty excited when he heard humans did things like this.” 
You softened just a bit at that, chuckling softly as you tried to make sense of the clutter. “It seems like something he'd enjoy.” 
“He does, even if it gets a bit chaotic when everyone goes. Most of the time, nothing even ends up getting solved, but that's okay. They have fun with it.” 
You glanced back over at him. “Do you?” 
“Well, yeah. Why would I have let you drag me out to do something I didn't want to do?” He smiled, squinting in the way you knew indicated he was teasing, but you knew what he meant. If Sans truly didn’t want to do something, he wouldn’t.
“Ah, yes. I dragged you kicking and screaming. Of course, that's exactly how I remember it.” 
Sans chuckled when you played along before he shook his head. “Don't worry about the clutter. It's probably there to distract you more than anything. Look for anything that's circled, highlighted, or dated. Not every paper or book is going to be a clue.” 
You looked back at him curiously, “Okay, Mr. Mystery Expert. Any other sage advice for me?” 
“Well, since you're asking…” he trailed off, and the lights in his eyes darted around the room, carefully taking everything in. “You're looking for a four digit code and a small key.” 
How… oddly specific. “I believe you and all, but how do you figure?” 
“The nightstand drawer is locked. And there's a safe in the wall under the desk.” 
You ducked down to check under the desk, noting the panel with a digital keypad on it. Of course, Sans had already been sitting on the floor. It would have been easy for him to spot. How did he end up with the easy job again? 
You pivoted to look under the rest of the furniture while you were at it, blinking in surprise when you caught sight of a small box shoved under the armchair. It slid out easily when you pulled on it, and the lid came off just as easily. 
Sans whistled a little four note tune, like you'd just opened a treasure chest in a video game. You couldn't help but chuckle softly. 
He shot you a wink, not bothering to confirm or deny your claim against him. He didn't need to. “Is it the boomerang or the hookshot?” 
“Neither. It's one of those flashlight pens.” you clicked the button on the side of it, though the light was a pretty purple-blue color. “Ah. Scratch that. It's one of those blacklight pens.” 
He hummed and leaned back a bit. “Ah. A fitting tool for the light of my life.” 
“I will hit the emergency exit button and leave you stuck to a radiator.” 
His grin widened, “It's kinda nice right here, actually. You're so considerate of my comfort.” 
You rolled your eyes, though even you couldn't help the smile on your face. “I don't know how you could possibly be comfortable like that, but suit yourself.” 
“...I don't think I have any of those on me.” 
You paused what you were doing and slowly looked back at him, your expression scrunching in confusion, “Huh?” 
“Suits. I don't have any right now. Can't exactly fit a tux in my pocket. And I definitely can't fit the armor kind of suit in my pockets.” 
You just stared quietly at him for a few moments before you turned away without a word, shining the blacklight on the notes scattered about on the walls. When you scanned it over a news article, the light revealed a circled date. Four digits. 
You moved back to the safe and quickly punched in the date. You couldn't help the little cheer you made when it beeped and swung open for you, only to reveal a puzzle box. You turned the little box over in your hands for a moment before gently tossing it to Sans, who let it bounce off of his chest and into his lap. 
“Since you’re stuck there, might as well give you something to do, right?”
“Really making me do all the heavy lifting here, huh?”  he agreed easily enough, examining the box for a few moments before he got to work.
“How dare I give you a task to do?” You joked back with him as you continued looking through the room for any sort of clues or keys.
“I don’t know how I’ll ever cope,” he lamented, though his delivery was entirely dry.
You chuckled and shook your head, wandering over to each set piece and inspecting it. You heard a few rapid clicks from across the room as Sans worked at solving the puzzle box. You kneeled down to look over the nightstand just as a dull thunk came from the box. 
You didn’t bother looking back at Sans, too distracted by glaring at the lock on the drawer like you could intimidate it into opening. You couldn’t. 
Sans tapped your shoulder before reaching over you to dangle a little key in your vision. “Here you go. I finished my task.” 
You opened your hand for him to drop the key into, which he promptly did. “Oh, thanks. That’s actually exactly what I…”
You trailed off, your expression scrunching before you looked back at Sans over your shoulder. He smiled nonchalantly back at you before he casually sauntered back over to the radiator. He plopped himself back in front of it and slid his hand into the cuff again. 
“….You could have done that… the whole time?” 
His grin widened, “Done what?”
You just quietly stared at him as the red numbers above the door quietly ticked down. His grin twitched like he was fighting back laughter. 
“You gonna unlock the drawer, or…?”
Your gaze narrowed at him before you slowly turned to unlock the nightstand. You pulled it open before huffing a sigh. 
“Oh, look. A handcuff key that I definitely, for sure, needed to find in order to free the absolute goober of a skeleton that brought me here.” Even though he could apparently get out by himself, you handed the key off to him and watched as he needlessly unlocked it. 
“Phew. What a relief. I thought I was going to be stuck there forever.” 
“I’m sure the employee would have let you out eventually.” 
Sans stood up and needlessly dusted himself off before he began to wander around the room to help you out with more than just little comments. 
“Maybe. But luckily for me, I already have you.” He smiled over at you, something a bit more genuine than the usual teasing grin he wore. 
You blinked a few times before looking away. “I think you might be the furthest thing from a damsel in distress, but I’m happy to help. I guess.” 
With the two of you working together, you practically breezed through the rest of the room, unlocking the door with time to spare. The employee at the front counter congratulated the both of you with cheesy stickers before you left. 
As you walked out the door, you peeled your sticker off just to press it to the front on Sans’ jacket, the holographic lock and key catching the sunlight like a badge of honor. 
“Oh, are we trading stickers? Nice.” He took your hand and pressed the one he’d gotten onto the back of it. ‘I Survived’ in a mismatch of letters like it was a ransom note. 
“Ominous. I like it.” You chuckled softly and held up your hand to admire the silly little sticker. 
Sans chuckled and shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked. After a moment, he glanced back over at you. “…Hey.”
You quirked a brow, “Hi, Sans.”
He shook his head, “Thanks for going with me. It was nice.”
What a silly thing to thank you for. You grinned and lightly bumped into his side, “Thank you for inviting me. I had fun, even if I was stuck doing most of the heavy lifting.”
The lights in his eyes got just a bit brighter, “I’m glad.”
“You should invite me to go places with you more often.”
“I’m sure I could pencil that into my very busy schedule. Maybe somewhere between ‘second breakfast’ and ‘nap again’.” You doubted there was actually a schedule at all. 
You hummed thoughtfully, “Yeah, but if you did it then, you’d have to reschedule ‘be a general nuisance’.”
“That’s alright. I think I could put that off for you.” He winked over at you. 
You linked arms with him, smiling softly at the idea. “Well, in that case… It sounds like a plan. I look forward to it.”
He smiled back over at you, the lights in his eyes bright and almost fuzzy. “Yeah, me too.”
The two of you were more than content to let a comfortable silence fall as Sans took you back home, content with the little outing for the day. Your gaze flickered down to the sticker on the back of your hand, a warmth settling in your chest at the idea of ‘next time’, and every time after that.
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thedensworld · 11 months ago
Alone at Night | K.Mg
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Pairing: Mingyu x Reader
Genre: angst, fluff, established relationship, short!
Summary: Mingyu has no idea until he had to sleepover in your house because of the rain. In fact, it hurts him.
In the dimly lit room, the soft patter of rain against the window was the only sound, punctuated occasionally by a distant rumble of thunder. Mingyu shifted on the couch, glancing at the clock on the wall. 2 a.m. already. He hadn't planned on staying this late, but fate, it seemed, had other ideas.
As he nestled deeper under the cozy comforter you had provided, Mingyu couldn't help but smile, reminiscing about the evening that led to this unexpected slumber party. Your movie date had been nothing short of perfect – a delicious dinner cooked by your own hands followed by a marathon of films, laughter, and the warmth of your presence beside him.
But as the clock struck midnight, Mingyu had made a mental note to leave, not wanting to overstay his welcome or make things awkward. Yet, as if the universe conspired against his plans, the rain began to pour relentlessly, trapping him in your cozy abode for the night.
"Fourth date and already a sleepover," he mused to himself, a mixture of amusement and disbelief coloring his thoughts. Mingyu couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in his chest at the thought of spending more time with you, even if it was under somewhat unconventional circumstances.
Reflecting on how he had met you through a mutual friend, Mingyu couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected turn his life had taken. Your calm demeanor and quiet energy had drawn him in from the start, and what had begun as a simple friendship had blossomed into something deeper – something he couldn't quite put into words.
And when he finally mustered the courage to confess his feelings, Mingyu had braced himself for any outcome, never daring to hope that you might feel the same way. Your stoicism had kept him guessing, but your acceptance had filled him with a warmth he had never known before.
As he drifted off to sleep, cocooned in the comfort of your home and the promise of a new day with you, Mingyu couldn't help but feel grateful for the rain that had brought him here – and for the person who had stolen his heart in the most unexpected of ways.
In the midst of his own thoughts and worries, Mingyu couldn't shake the feeling of concern gnawing at him. He knew you had been through a lot lately – the setbacks at work, the financial burdens from family, the weight of responsibilities pressing down on your shoulders. Yet, you always seemed to carry yourself with such grace and composure, never letting on just how much you were struggling.
But as he lay awake on the couch, the sound of faint sobbing drifting through the stillness of the night shattered Mingyu's facade of calm. His heart clenched with a mixture of anguish and helplessness, realizing that it was you – the person he cared for deeply – who was silently bearing the weight of your own troubles.
With cautious steps, Mingyu approached your slightly ajar door, his ears straining to catch the sound of your stifled sobs. His hand hovered over the door, torn between respecting your privacy and wanting to offer whatever comfort he could.
Inside your room, you sat on the edge of your bed, shoulders trembling as you tried to contain the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm you. Despite your best efforts to reassure Mingyu and everyone else that you were okay, the facade cracked in the solitude of the night, allowing the pent-up tears to finally spill over.
Mingyu's heart clenched at the sight of you on the bed, your body trembling with silent sobs. The realization that you had been crying alone, even with him just a room away, sent a pang of guilt coursing through him. What pain had you been concealing behind that stoic facade? The thought gnawed at him, filling him with a deep ache of concern for you.
Summoning his resolve, Mingyu softly knocked on your door, his hand lingering on the doorknob before gently pushing it open. The dim light of the night lamp cast a soft glow over the room as Mingyu stepped inside, his gaze drawn to your form on the bed.
"Do you need something, Mingyu?" Your voice, tinged with exhaustion and sadness, cut through the silence. You looked up at him, attempting to mask the vulnerability that lingered in your eyes, but Mingyu saw through the facade.
Without a word, he approached you, his heart heavy with the weight of your pain. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he reached out and switched on the night lamp, illuminating your tear-stained face. His hand moved to your cheek, gentle and tender as he wiped away the evidence of your tears.
In the quiet intimacy of the moment, Mingyu hummed softly, a soothing melody meant to offer comfort and solace. There were no words to express the depth of his concern for you, but in that simple gesture, he hoped you could feel his unwavering support and the love that overflowed in his heart.
"Mingyu..." Your voice quivered as you spoke his name, a mixture of relief and vulnerability laced in those two syllables.
"It's okay... You can cry..." Mingyu's voice was gentle, his words a soothing balm to your wounded soul. With a reassuring nod, he extended his hand, offering you the comfort and understanding you so desperately needed.
As you sat in front of him, the floodgates of emotion burst open, tears streaming down your cheeks unchecked. Mingyu's heart constricted at the sight of your raw pain, but he remained steadfast, his arms opening wide to envelop you in a warm embrace.
"Baby..." Mingyu's voice was tender, filled with a depth of emotion that spoke volumes. He pulled you closer, holding you tightly against his chest as you surrendered to your tears. Each sob wracked your body, but Mingyu held you with unwavering strength, his presence a beacon of solace in the darkness of your despair.
You cried harder, the weight of your burdens feeling momentarily lighter in Mingyu's embrace. His words of reassurance washed over you like a gentle wave, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the storm of your emotions.
"It's okay, you're doing great... I'm here." Mingyu's whispered words echoed in the stillness of the room, a promise of his unwavering support and unconditional love. And in that moment, surrounded by the warmth of his embrace, you knew that you were not alone – that no matter how heavy the burdens you carried, Mingyu would always be there to share the load.
Wrapped in the comforting cocoon of your embrace, Mingyu held you close, his arms a steady anchor amidst the storm of your emotions. He watched as your tears gradually subsided, your breathing slowing to a steady rhythm against his chest. With tender care, he brushed a stray strand of hair away from your face, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
"Is it always like this? Every night?" Mingyu's voice was soft, tinged with concern, as he finally broached the subject that had been weighing on his mind.
You shook your head, the remnants of sadness still lingering in your eyes. "Sometimes it just hits randomly at night. Without a reason."
"This time too?" Mingyu's question was gentle, his gaze searching yours for any sign of reassurance.
You nodded, the weight of your admission hanging heavy in the air between you. But Mingyu didn't falter – instead, he pulled you closer, his touch a silent vow of unwavering support.
His hand found yours, fingers intertwining in a comforting gesture as he spoke, his voice filled with determination. "If this happens again, later... Call me. I'll be by your side, like this."
In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of Mingyu's love and the promise of his steadfast presence, you felt a glimmer of hope ignite within you. No matter how dark the night may seem, you knew that with Mingyu by your side, you would never have to face it alone.
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whoredyceps · 25 days ago
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"OH LOVER BOY!" || 28 Days of Love: A Valentine's Challenge + Series
day seven: "just stay near me. please."
ᰔ pairing: javier peña x reader
ᰔ summary: the casino's all fun and games for you, but for javier, it's a harsh reminder that lady luck isn't always on his side.
ᰔ author's note: i imagine javier probably has some form of ptsd after all the death and destruction from his time in columbia. crowded, rowdy casinos in las vegas on a friday night? great idea!
ᰔ content warning: javier having a little bit of ptsd, casino setting, drinking, smoking, gambling, suggestive ambiguous ending
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You glanced out the window of the car, eager to take in the flashing lights of Las Vegas. It was the first time you had visited the city, and you were tickled pink.
Javier had promised you a little getaway after his long stint in Columbia. Just the two of you in the heart of the nightlife scene. It was a short trip, just a few days over a long weekend. Even if it was a fleeting moment, you'd enjoy every second of it.
As the car pulled around to the front of the casino, Javier got out to open your door for you. He held a hand out for you to take, which you accepted with a smile. You thanked him with a kiss as his hand slid around your waist.
Javier had always been the type to keep you close. His hand was on you in some way, whether it was on your side or a hand on your shoulder. At first, you thought it was something he did out of instinct. While that was probably true, you came to learn that it went deeper than that.
It wasn't often that Javier opened up about what went through his mind— if ever at all. Still, you caught on to the way he glanced over his shoulder or how he'd freeze when someone lingered too close. You tried to ease his nerves by distracting him or touching him back, but it only did so much.
"I'm so excited," you admitted as the two of you walked into the casino. You rarely indulged in such things, but when in Vegas, right?
"Yeah? Ready to blow all my money?" Javier teased. He leaned over to kiss your temple, his arm moved around your shoulders to keep you tucked into his side.
"Hey, I'll blow my own money," you laughed. "You're just lucky the drinks are free."
As the two of you stepped further into the casino, you took in all the sights and sounds before you. It was busy, but that was expected for a Friday night. There was a buzz in the air from the excitement of high spirits, egged on by the sound of success in the form jackpots and lucky hands.
You asked for a drink before you two started your night with lady luck. Javier was happy to oblige as he led you straight to the bar. As the two of you stood there, his arm shifted back around your waist and he tugged you closer. You thought nothing of it as you were handed your martini.
"Think I should try my hand at blackjack first?" You mused before you sipped on your drink. Javier's chuckle made you smile.
"Cariño, you don't want to try your hand at punto banco?" Javier's fingers gripped the flesh of your hip as a man walked a bit too close. You leaned into him, your back pressed against his chest.
"You can, but I know what I'm good at. I've kicked your ass every time we play," you beamed. The few times you two had played blackjack with friends on a night out, you left everyone else in the dust.
"You talk a big game," Javier retorted. "Let's see you put your money where your mouth is." His eyes were constantly scanning the crowd around you. That familiar unsettling feeling had gotten to him, the one that made him glance over his shoulder more often. The one that sat in the back of his head at all times, only to rear its ugly head in the most inopportune of times.
You noticed Javier's express shift, the way his eyes shot from person to person. Without saying a word, you wrapped your hand around his and led him towards the blackjack table. It seemed to shake whatever daze he had put himself in.
While you sat at the table, Javier stood behind you with his chest pressed to your back. Both his hands held the edge of the table as he boxed you in. You felt his chin rest against the side of your head. He smelled like cologne and smoke; others couldn't stand the scent but it had been a guilty pleasure of yours.
"What do you think? Should I hit?" You showed him the two cards you had been dealt, a seven and a three. Call it superstition, but the faces had both been hearts which had always been a sign of good luck to you.
There was a beat of silence before Javier's lips brushed against the shell of your ear. His low, sultry voice sent a sharp zip down your spine.
"Take the hit. Prospect's low with the card in the dealer's hand. Knowing your luck, you'll get the ace." You felt him shift behind you, his right hand on your hip. With a nod of the head, you motioned for another hit.
"If this is an ace, what do I win?" You murmured under your breath. Javier said nothing, but you felt his chest rumble as he chuckled. He waited with baited breath as you looked at the card.
"Well I'll be damned," Javier marveled. Lo and behold, you had been dealt a heart ace. A perfect set of cards all equal to twenty-one. You laid out the hand and took the abundance of chips back.
"What was that about trying punto banco?" You smirked as the others around you went bust. It was worth the grumbles that came from them, the dealer taking all the chips except your own.
"Smart ass," Javier muttered. You heard the amused tone in his voice as he teased you.
You managed to ride on the laurels of your luck until you burst in the fourth round. The dealer asked if Javier wanted to join the next round, but he declined with a polite flick of the hand. Instead, he helped you down from the stool and kept you against him.
"Want another drink? I could go for a cosmopolitan." You glanced up at him, only to be met with that familiar look from before. Javier hadn't heard you, too busy scanning the crowd around you.
"Uh, sure," Javier said without thinking. He cleared his throat. It took everything in him to not pay attention to the scuffle that was happening across the room. From what he gathered, it was something meaningless about a bad deal. Nothing worth his nose being in the middle of.
"Here, I'll go—"
Before you moved away, Javier's grip on your hip went tight. It didn't hurt, but it did startle you a bit. The only other time he had held you like that was after a fight broke out at a bar a few months ago.
"Just stay near me. Please."
Your eyes widened a bit and you nodded. Instead of heading for the bar, you moved his arm around your shoulders while your arm settled around his waist. By the time he tore his eyes away from you, the disagreement had ended and people were back to their gambling.
"Javi," you started. "Why don't we get something to eat instead? I'll cash these out and we can get a burger down the street. It's getting real crowded in here anyways."
Javier was quiet for a moment. He looked at you and searched your expression. Finally, he nodded and grabbed for the cigarette pack out of his back pocket.
"Yeah, you're right. I could go for some fries."
The two of you headed for the cashier's cage to collect your winnings. Javier' stayed close as you took the wad of cash you had won, his eyes everywhere but on you. Though with how tight his grip was, you knew he was hyper focused on where you were.
"Dinner's on me tonight, hot shot." You turned to him and cradled his cheek. Finally, Javier looked at you. Once he took in your features, the way you looked in the low lights of the casino, he smiled. He bit his lower lip and rolled his eyes.
"Let's get out of here before you let this go to your head." Javier led you out of the casino. As soon as he was out of the door, he lit a cigarette and took a long drag.
"What can I say? Lady Luck was on my side tonight," you hummed. The air was cold, but it felt good against your hot skin. You hadn't realized how warm you were until the breeze nipped at your bare legs.
As the two of you crossed the street, you felt Javier finally loosen up next to you. With the casino further and further away, he took fewer drags from his cigarette.
There was still a bit of a walk to the diner, but you remained strong as the cold slowly ate away at you. A harsh breeze made you wrap your arms around yourself, quiet as you walked beside Javier. While the two of you waited at a crosswalk, you felt yourself suddenly wrapped in warmth. That cologne and cigarette scent filled your senses, worm fabric like a blanket around you.
You smiled at Javier and kissed his jaw. Before you pulled away, you took a drag of his cigarette.
"Thank you, Javi. You always know what's best for me."
You knew Javier had a lot he left unsaid, especially when it came to what he had faced in Columbia. Even more so, you knew pushing and pressing would only do more damage than it was worth. Instead, you molded around him and fit where you could— found your own way of easing his nerves.
"Anything for you."
The two of you didn't return to the casino that night. Instead you opted for your chance at a different kind of luck. One that included Javier's tight grip on your hips and the headboard slamming against the wall. Lady Luck hay have blessed your pockets, but she was on Javier's side as soon as you made it back to the hotel room.
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year ago
Hi! Could you do a Batfam x teen reader, where the reader does illegal street race, he sneaks out at night to go those race, and the Batfam found out about it !
Thank you ;)
I sure can do!
Summary: (Y/N) races illegally. The family doesn't know.
Warnings: illegal racing, (Y/N) is skilled, Bruce is mad, Jason is impressed, Damian is proud, Bruce is just done,
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(Y/N) loved his dad and he often shared his interests with him. He also shared everything with his brothers. But he was harboring a secret that he couldn't tell anyone. He loved cars, which was not a secret to his family.
What was the secret?
(Y/N) raced illegally. Bruce knew that (Y/N) loved cars, but what he didn't know is that (Y/N) knew how to drive. Bruce had plans to get (Y/N) his license when he turned 18 years old, but when he was so young?
Not happening, at least in Bruce's eyes.
However, (Y/N) had an important night tonight. Last time he was on the track, a cocky bastard thought that he was better than him. (Y/N) gladly excepted.
If there was one thing that Bruce has taught him that he uses everyday, it's the fact that you should fear a person who doesn't brag about his skills. You can easily beat someone who brags. But the one who is silent?
Yeah, that will be a much more difficult task. H
Now he had to make a plan on how to sneak out. He had to wait until they went on patrol and until Alfred went down to the cave to make sure that nobody sees him.
He took his phone and looked into the hall. Alfred went into Bruce's office a few minutes prior, so he must be halfway down. (Y/N) took the opportunity to quietly walk to the garage. He tapped his pocket for the car key, checking to see if his favorite car key was in there.
That car is his baby and he would be damned if he didn't use his favorite. Bruce bought him this car last year and (Y/N) took great care of it. He cleaned it, washed it and took it outside to drive, but only in the property boundaries.
Now it was time to beat that shit head.
(Y/N) sighed in relief as he parked the car. He walked through the crowds, just enjoying the energy. It was just free, no stress, but it was also buzzing with excitement. Usually there were friendly races and talks about upgrades on your cars.
Tonight, it was a race with (Y/N) and the shit head who challenged him. (Y/N) still remembers how he first started. Everyone was nervous to have a Wayne kid, thinking that he wanted to get on the top with a snap of his fingers.
But (Y/N) kept his head down, was humble and respectful towards everyone and he showed his skills to everyone and he proved himself. He became very well liked and he made a good friend here, named Aaron.
" Hey (Y/N)! " Aaron said loudly to drown out the chatter of the other people. " Are you ready for the race? " He asked, smirking as (Y/N) pushed him away.
" Of course I am. " (Y/N) answered, accepting a water bottle from Aaron.
" I still can't believe somebody is so stupid. " Aaron mused to himself, shaking his head. (Y/N) is the best racer here and the fact that somebody new is so dense to think that he could beat him so stupid. Of course, (Y/N) is not invincible and unbeatable, but new people are often warned that (Y/N) is the best racer here.
But that doesn't stop people from challenging him. (Y/N) never hated being challenged, in fact, he loved it. No matter who it was, (Y/N) liked the challenge. Only if they aren't cocky and obnoxious about their skills.
The shit head is obnoxious beyond belief and there was nothing that could change (Y/N)'s mind. Absolutely nothing.
" Did you check the car? " Aaron said as they turned back to walk back to the car.
" I did. Yesterday, I didn't have a chance to do it today. I can't let my dad know what I'm doing. " (Y/N) confessed to Aaron who nodded in sympathy.
Aaron and (Y/N) are good friends and (Y/N) confided that this secret was a big burden on him. He didn't tell him about their night jobs of course, but he did tell Aaron that his dad has a very set moral standing. Of course, nothing is black and gray, but he would be mad if he found out.
" I know, but lets check it now. John should be somewhere near by to check it. "
John is (Y/N)'s mechanic and his mentor in a way. He took (Y/N) under his wing when he has first arrived here. John loves his job more than anything and has admitted that he sees (Y/N) as a son. The two had a very strong bond and they both cared about each other.
" Hey son. " John said, looking at the car. (Y/N) said hey back and gave him a quick side hug.
" How is the car looking? " Aaron asked, walking up to the duo.
" She looks good. Very well taken care of. Good job. " John praised, popping the hood open. (Y/N) smiled to himself, happy that his mentor was pleased.
" The engine looks good. I want you to wipe the floor with that shit head. " John said, closing the hood down.
" Yup. I heard him bragging. " Aaron said, groaning after seeing the shit head move through the crowd towards them. " And he is coming here. " Aaron said and John frowned at the shit head.
" Here is the famous Wayne. " He said, getting into (Y/N)'s face.
" Yup. I would suggest that you step away from me. " (Y/N) said, raising his chin. He level him with a bat glare that Bruce taught him. The shit head stepped back. " Now, if you are here to brag about your non existent skills, go back to wherever you crawled out of. " (Y/N) said and the shit head huffed.
" Go back to your car and get ready. " Aaron said, leading (Y/N) to sit in the car. The shit head moved, his groupie following him.
" If you don't wipe the floor with him, you are going to be in trouble. " John threatened (Y/N), glaring at the stupid kid who was walking away to his car.
" I will wipe the floor with him. " (Y/N) confirmed.
" Good. " Aaron muttered, shaking his head.
(Y/N) laughed as he stopped the car. He won by a landslide and he proves why he is so good. He got out of the car and hugged Aaron tightly.
" You did it! Ha! Take that you ass! " Aaron yelled at the shit head who walked off.
John congratulated (Y/N), giving him a hug. There was cheering and clapping and (Y/N) smiled. This felt nice. This is what he loved about this place.
" I knew you would do it. " John said, patting his back.
Everything felt nice.
" The police is here! "
Now that is not nice. Everyone scrambled to run away, but (Y/N) froze as he heard a familiar rumble of the Batmobile. Oh dear God no. Shit. Hell no. Not happening. Nope. This is not good.
" (Y/N) we have to go. " Aaron said, pulling him with him.
" Leave me. I will hold them off. " (Y/N) said, shaking his head. Aaron and John looked conflicted, but nodded when they saw the look in his eyes.
Turns out it wasn't the police, just Batman and the rest of the family. (Y/N) took a deep breath as he watched the Batmobile come to a stop. At the moment, (Y/N) was scared.
What were they going to say?
His dad stepped out of the car, in his suit, Batman persona on.
" Hey dad. " (Y/N) said sheepishly.
" Please don't tell me you are racing illegally. " He said and (Y/N) looked away.
" Oh no. " Bruce said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
" Do you at least win? " Jason asked as he walked up to (Y/N)'s car.
" I do. " (Y/N) said, eyes still locked on the ground.
" That's my brother. " Jason smiled underneath his mask.
" Good. You would be a disgrace to the family otherwise. " Damian piped in out of nowhere.
Dick sighed, shaking his head. " (Y/N), that is very dangerous. "
" And what you lot do isn't? " (Y/N) retorted, finally finding some strength to talk back.
" And what do you think Tim? " (Y/N) asked. He just looked at the car, then back at (Y/N).
" I mean, you really aren't hurting anybody. You are smart and you know how to avoid trouble. You know how to not get hurt. " Tim explained and Bruce sighed.
" Okay. We are going to have a talk after we all sleep. I'm going to say something that I will regret later. (Y/N) in the Batmobile, Dick you are driving his car. "
(Y/N) wanted to protest, but was silenced with a glare from his father. He sighed quietly as he went to the Batmobile. This is going to be an interesting conversation.
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c0n-fus3d · 8 months ago
𝑫𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑰𝒏 𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝑩𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝑶𝒄𝒆𝒂𝒏
(𝙵𝚎𝚖!𝚐𝚎𝚘𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚑𝚎𝚛!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚜𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚗!𝙹𝚒𝚗𝚡)
Author's note: THIS IS MY FIRST FIC I'M SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS! Feel free to give your opinion on this fic :) so I know what I can improve about my writing!! Enjoy!!
(I did not proof read this)
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You've always loved learning and studying about countries, lands, cultures, the world and everything mother nature has to offer. It always kept you fascinated somehow. So when you got a letter from an academy that taught more about geography saying you were accepted into it, you couldn't hold back your excitement and happiness, you nearly woke up your neighbors with your squeal of joy! (Which they made obvious the next morning that they were not happy about it..)
It didn't take long for you to pack your suitcase with your belongings, say goodbye to your family and loved one's and hopped on a ship that would sail to the place the academy was at. Their was a decent amount of people along with you on the ship, some of your age but you didn't know any of them. You still managed to make small talk with some of them because they ended up going off to the same academy as you and were, they were decent people which who you were able to have nice conversation with even though it was small.
It wouldn't take long for the sun to go down and before you knew it it was already night time. The sky dark and cloudy and the ocean looking like a dark pit of emptiness compared to it's dark blue look through the day, when it would sparkle when the sun would come up or go down.
You we're about to go off to your cabin to sleep, the cold breeze of the night hitting your skin. You then suddenly heard a sound, more like a song coming towards her ears. The song sounded strange but.. Comforting.. Alluring in some way, as if you were being hypnotized.
You don't know how you got to this point, it all happened so quickly. You we're on the deck and the you were drowning in the ocean along with everyone else on the ship. As much as you tried to scream and swim up to the surface, you couldn't, your body wasn't listening to your brain anymore. Your sight started to get blurry and your head got dizzy as the ocean pulled you down to its dark, void of nothingness.
As you were thinking of the thought of your dead body never being found and your loved one's never knowing what happened to you, a strange pair of arms wrapped around your waist from behind you, you wanted to pull away, get them off of you but again, your body had no reaction. The only thing you saw of the stranger.. Of 𝘩𝘦𝘳.. Before everything went to black was her long, blue hair, her dark magenta eyes staring at you as all of the panic left your body.
"𝘚𝘩𝘩.. 𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘹 𝘛𝘰𝘰𝘵𝘴.. 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘦.."
she muses into your ear as a small giggle left her lips, and that's the last thing you remembered before everything around you faded away into darkness.
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wonusite · 1 year ago
nalani im in need of some sexy cheol smut 🧎🏻‍♀️
okay so i kind of got carried away bc i started thinking about sugar daddy!cheol who’s lowkey obsessed with the cute little college intern that works at his company. lmk what you think 🤭
from the moment seungcheol saw you, he knew he had to have you.
his need for you increases a tenfold when he hears what a good job you’re doing and how diligent and punctual you are. cheol starts coming around your area more—much to his subordinates’ distress. like they’re so tense when he comes around bc sure he’s a nice guy, but he’s ridiculously rigid and strict. and you’re no exception bc you’ve heard all about his demand for perfection.
except when he comes around to your desk, pretty smile in place, you seem to forget every single warning your coworkers have said to you. seungcheol is interested in your opinions and input, telling you how nice it is to have such a fresh perspective. his attention makes you feel proud and shy all at the same time, but you’re forced to get used to it bc he starts coming around a lot more.
it’s hard for seungcheol to control his desire for you. all he wants to do is make you his and have you on his arm at all times, but he knows he has to play it cool since you’re one of his employees. still, he can’t not spoil and dote on you. it’s just not in his nature.
especially when he finds out you take the bus and sometimes uber to work. he can’t stand the thought of pretty little you riding around in public transportation with your cute skirts and blouses. so one afternoon he calls you in his office and offers you a key to a brand new car. when you laugh off his very serious words, he has to laugh it off too. clearly, he would have to take smaller steps with you.
at least you accept to have his secretary take you and from work.
it doesn’t end there, though. he always offers to buy the office lunch since he knows you’d feel some sort of way if he only bought you lunch. if cheol orders in, he makes sure to get plenty of what you like. if he decides to take everyone out to a restaurant, he makes sure to sit next to you.
admittedly, you love his attention. it’s so flattering that such a smart, handsome man has taken in interest in you no matter how small. what you don’t realize is that his interest is anything but small.
you realize this when you find out that the rest of your tuition has been paid in full.
when you confront your boss, he doesn’t deny it. seungcheol just casually raises an eyebrow, asking why it was so wrong of him to help such a deserving woman like yourself. you’re so flustered that you can’t think straight. he goes on to say that this is only the beginnings of his displays of affections.
suddenly, you start getting bouquets of flowers every week, along with expensive skin care and perfumes. then, that turns into designer clothing and shoes that somehow fit you perfectly. you’d be lying if you say you didn’t love it, but you know you have to put an end to it.
“the clothes aren’t to your taste.” seungcheol muses with a thoughtful nod after you place the bags on his desk one morning. “very well. i’ll let you pick what you want from now on.”
you almost collapse when he holds out his black card for you to take. as you start to splutter about why you can’t accept it, he cuts you off with his soft yet firm voice.
“let me take you out. three times. after that, if you want me to leave you alone, i will.”
it’s like a dream when you spend time with him. seungcheol is much more than a cold, rich man who has more power than anyone you know. he’s thoughtful, kind, and a genuine person. by the end of the first date, you know you won’t be able to stop seeing him.
so you suddenly have a new car, a new luxury apartment, and an entire new wardrobe. your nights are suddenly filled with excitement, always going to places you could’ve only dreamed of. it’s all like a fantasy to you, especially because the most seungcheol has done is kiss your cheek or the back of your hand.
until one night when he’s stressed and you insist that he lets you help him take the edge off.
“daddy!” you cry out as seungcheol pounds into your hot cunt from behind.
“fuck, princess.” cheol groans gutturally as he watches your ass recoil against his pelvis. he slaps your ass and roughly kneads it, loving how the flesh feels in his palms. “love this pretty ass and your tight little pussy.”
your eyes roll to the back of your head as he continues to ram his thick cock into your sweet spot. his heavy balls hit your clit with every thrust, and the stimulation finally pushes you over the edge. you come with a loud moan, staining his thick cock with your orgasm.
“louder, princess.” cheol grips your hips and pounds into you harder. “i want the entire building to hear you moaning for me.”
“stuff me full of your cum, daddy!” you cry out wantonly, his thrusts quickly pushing you into another orgasm. “want you to fill me up!”
you’re abruptly flipped over, legs hooked on seungcheol’s broad shoulders as he starts to drill into you harder and faster. you’re tightening around his cock so much that he can hear a wet plop sound every time he fucks his cock back into you.
“come for me again, princess. come on daddy’s cock while he fucks a baby into this sweet cunt.”
when seungcheol bites down on your neck, you both come violently. thick ropes of hot cum paint your gummy walls, coating every part of you in his essence. you’re mewling as cheol licks and bites at your sensitive flesh. his hips keep moving, fucking his cum deeper inside you.
his lips meet yours for a messy kiss, addicted to the way your cunt keeps sucking him in. he groans into your mouth. “feels like you want more cum from the way you're squeezing me.”
“please, daddy.” you beg against his lips. “keep fucking your cum into me. want to be full of you always.”
seungcheol goes feral with your pleas. he wraps your legs around his waist, drilling his still-hard cock into you again. he watches, satisfied, as your eyes roll back while your mouth drops open in pleasure. his heavy balls smack your ass loudly as he splits you open on his cock. each thrust is getting harder as he chases his second orgasm.
“gonna fuck you full of my cum all night, baby. not gonna stop until you’re pretty little pussy is full of me.”
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dontsh0vethesun · 2 years ago
melissa schemmenti x reader
pure fluff, kissing, slightly suggestive comments
a/n - based on the ep of the same name because firefighter obsessed melissa is the cutest thing on the planet - wrote this as i rewatched it so hopefully it's not poopoo caca | wc: 1.5k
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Maybe you shouldn’t be this smiley following a fire in the break room. It should probably be your main focus. But knowing that there’s a fire truck just outside the school has you buzzing with excitement. And seeing an equally as excited Melissa Schemmenti as you lead your class in a single file down the hallway just made you smile even more. 
“Mel, do you think there’s a chance you could use your skill of persuasion to get me a turn in the truck?” you asked her, smiling so innocently that she couldn’t help but mentally swoon. 
“Right ahead of ya,” she returned before turning to her kids who were waiting to be let back into class. “Okay, now, everyone drop your bags. Zip those coats back up - we’re going on an excursion.”
“What’s an excursion?” one of them questioned. 
“That’s where youse all work those puppy dog eyes to get the firefighters to let us play on the truck,” she answered, loving how you practically bounced your way outside beside her, two rows of children in tow. “I always wanted to be a firefighter - I didn’t realise you were into it all too.”
“Well, I’m not, exactly,” you began, slightly embarrassed at your real reason for rushing outside. “I’ve just always wanted one of those helmets. And to sit in a truck. And maybe put the sirens on.”
Melissa couldn’t help the way her smile seemed impossible to dampen, she stood opposite you as you held the doors open for the kids to follow you outside. She didn’t walk off without leaning in so closely you could smell her perfume though, with her breath against your cheek in a way that made your cheeks set alight. 
“You in a firefighter uniform? I’d definitely buy that calendar.”
You accepted your infatuation with the older woman a while ago, as she had with you. But you both had your fears, dancing on that line between friends and lovers, at a stalemate waiting for the other to make a move.
“See, this is why I love fire trucks. I get older, they stay the same,” she mused, looking at the vehicle. “Nothing beats fire engine red.”
You’re sure she looked at you as she spoke, though you couldn’t return the gaze, too flustered by her as always. The way her jeans made your imagination run wild, how she had the most adorable ramblings for her interest. And, of course, you knew the statement was true. Fire engine red truly was sublime. 
It seemed to only be the pair of you to find amusement in the loud blare from the horn when she pressed it but with a shared bubble of laughter, you couldn’t care less about looking ‘uncool’ in front of the kids. 
“Want a go?” Melissa asked, laughing at your eagerness as you nodded and took her outstretched hand. 
“As if I’d say no,” you answered, feeling bashful when she pulled you onto her lap. She’d claim there was nowhere else for you to sit, that sliding over to the driver’s seat would be too much hassle. She wouldn’t mention the smirk she hid from you when she rested her hands on your waist. 
Again, the both of you received disapproving looks from the firefighters when the horn broke through all the noise, giggling to yourselves immaturely. 
Before long, you’d gone your separate ways, with Melissa spewing knowledge about the topic and you making your way to a man scrolling through his phone. 
“Hey,” you smiled.
“Hi,” he returned, already buying the bordering flirtatious smile you gave him. “You work here?”
“No, I just walked in off the street,” you returned, huffing a laugh at his concerned look. “Yeah, of course I work here. You a firefighter?”
“Touche,” he laughed, “So, what can I do for ya?” 
You almost feel guilty for letting him down, but there’s only one Phillie-accented voice that can make your heart skip a beat. 
“I noticed that there’s a spare jacket lyin’ around,” you uttered with a gesture towards the discarded clothing lying on the ground next to him. “And I was wondering if maybe there’s a hat to go along with it?”
You could tell he was disappointed. You could also tell he was about to deny your request but his words fell on deaf ears when you picked the coat up anyway, smiling largely as you pulled it onto your body. 
“Mel!” you shouted, half jogging away from the owner of the jacket. “How do I look?” 
You gave her a little twirl, the sleeves burying your hands in a way she thought was the most adorable thing she’d ever seen. 
“Like a million bucks,” she smirked, admiring you fondly. “How’d you get ‘em to let you wear it?”
“She didn’t.” Neither of you had noticed him standing near you with a slightly annoyed look on his face. You almost shrunk under his stare but you were too pleased with yourself to care. 
You also didn’t notice Barbara and Jacob asking the group of bored children what they were doing. They approached whilst you returned the jacket with a frown.
“You two are more immature than my kindergarteners,” Barbara tutted. “Now, come inside, we have a mandatory fire safety talk.” 
You’d both been perfectly chastised and followed everybody in without argument.
Later on in the day, you’d found her doing what you were headed to do as well, bidding a final farewell to the gloriously red engine. 
“Ma’am, we really need to get going,” one of them sighed. “There’s got to be a fire somewhere.”
“Jacob,” you whispered, nudging your elbow into his side. “Do something.”
“What do you want me to do? I can’t force them to stay here.”
“C’mon, put those improv classes to use.”
Of course, that was enough to get him striding towards them, muttering something about Frisbee and practically fighting the hands away from his cookies that were almost used as a way to fetch it down. 
“Are you familiar with the Schemmentis of Southern Philidelphia?” you interrupted, breathing a sigh of relief when you saw the look of recognition you predicted to pass across his face. 
Soon enough you were watching Melissa climb a ladder to the roof. Part of you was terrified of the sight of heeled boots making their way up metal rungs. But the other watched on blissfully at the complete happiness on her face. You’d give anything to have this sight on a never-ending loop. 
“Thanks for lettin’ me do that,” she grinned once she’d climbed back down, still glowing from the excitement of the day. “Felt better than I could’ve imagined.”
You left her to her conversation, packing up your things from your classroom, cheeks aching from the glee you’ve felt today. You were stuck in your head, still reluctant to let go of the sight of Melissa in her own world. And maybe there were some less than wholesome ideations on your part, remembering the sight of the woman at the top of a ladder. 
A clearing of a throat behind you brought you back to earth and the sight of the redhead made heat crawl up your neck, mentally scolding yourself at the way your mind was beginning to wander. 
“Hey hot stuff,” she smirked; you rolled your eyes at her obvious pun but of course couldn’t help but return her smile. It was surprising how much your lips curl upwards when you’re in her presence, so effortless. 
“I got ya somethin’,” she spoke, bringing her arms out from behind her back to reveal the shining firefighter helmet in her grasp. She laughed happily at the way you gasped. “Had to pay you back for getting ‘em to let me up on the roof,” she shrugged before placing it atop your head, brushing your hair away from your cheek while you shivered at the feeling of her finger stroking across your skin. 
“Thank you, Melissa,” you smiled, adjusting the way it sat on your head as she stepped closer to where you stood. 
“Anything to see a sweet thing like you lookin’ all cute,” she returned, daring to cup your cheek in her palm. You leant into her touch despite the way you wanted to shy away; there’s something about her that crushes the fear of vulnerability, you could never be anything but perfectly comfortable around her. 
“They wouldn’t let me try one on,” you pouted, which only made her eyes glint lovingly. 
“Eh, screw ‘em,” she chuckled, “Now, please, let me kiss you.”
You pulled her into you as soon as the words fell from her mouth. You felt her smile against your lips; you could feel the softness of her lip gloss and the lick of her tongue into your mouth. Your knees could’ve buckled if not for the firm hold she’d taken of your hips and yet you feared they’d betray you anyway when she pulled away with pink flushed cheeks and a heated look in her eyes. 
“Dinner at mine, tonight.” It wasn’t a question and her tone sent heat coursing through you; of course you nodded, unable to speak just yet as you tried to catch the breath she stole.
“How’d you get them to give you this, anyway?” you breathed, lips ghosting hers from how she couldn’t bring herself to pull away just yet.
“I’m Melissa Schemmenti,” she shrugged. “I always find a way to get what I want.”
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overnowsfcb · 1 year ago
halfway out the door; fermín lópez
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summary: fighting to keep a little flame alive underwater, you couldn't lose the only stable thing in your life
warnings: ANGST!!! (no good ending) mature language, mental health issues (panic attack, anxiety, emotional distress), relationship struggles, unhealthy dinamics, brief mention of smut themes. if any of these topics makes you uncomfortable, i advise against reading this story.
word count: 3,3k
note: hiii! it's me again, this time posting for my sweet boy (who is not as sweet in this story) fermín. im planning to do something with all the 1989 vault tracks x barça players. so take it as the first from the series!! also, apologies if the angst hits hard, promise to post fluff next time (its a bit of challenge for me haha) super excited about this and would love to hear your thoughts or suggestions! – venus 🫂💐🫧 p.s.: im so proud of this one tbh
He didn’t seem to have enough time for you anymore. You didn’t want to see the subtle twist, but you knew him all too well and an imperceptible change for everyone was an imposing earthquake in your world.
It was in the hours that your messages would be waiting for a response and the way he wasn’t starved to taste your lips anymore. Once, he’d find an excuse to be with you, even if only for brief minutes. He’d dash to your apartment bearing your favorite chocolate with the pretext of keeping you fed. A smile brightening and your stomach still produced the same fluttering butterflies, as the first time he kissed you underneath the moonlight at fourteen.
Back then, everything was perfect, the chill air in your faces as you ran with sand getting between your toes, you could still feel his timid hands and tender touch on your waist as you both shared a breathtaking kiss.
Your mother's words echoed - relationships don't last forever. You'd always dismissed her musings, attributing them to the bitterness stemming from your father's departure. But now, that thought held a glimmer of truth.
He was your soulmate, your solid backbone, he would hold the candles for you even if his arm grew weary, drawing strength from unimaginable places. Unseen pictures would fill his phone, capturing your candid moments, proudly setting you as his lock screen. One cherished memory stood out: a photo of you, pajama-clad, returning from a late-night ice cream run, a victorious smile on your face. You had lost a bet that day, darting to the store at 1 AM, just a street away from your building.
However, now everything appeared to be falling apart; the last picture in his gallery folder, titled 'I love, mine, mine, mine,' dated back to July, and it was already November. It contrasted the warmth of July with the chilling absence of recent affection.
Yearning for something to blame, tears seemed futile as memories replayed relentlessly, etched deep within your heart. Each sob felt like a painful reminder of the emptiness in the cold, desolate bed without him by your side. Staring at it blankly, your mind echoed the silent void, your chest tightening with every expelled breath.
Sleeping alone always felt unbearable. You reached for your phone, gazing at the lock screen displaying a snapshot of both of you in a summer pool. His outings with friends never bothered you; you accepted that he was now part of Barcelona's first team, and you weren't his priority. However, deep down, a simple goodnight message like "Sweet dreams, Pip, I love you" was all you silently longed for. Was it too much to ask from someone who claimed to love you?
The absence weighed heavily as you saw the clock strike 4 AM. This hour always induced a sense of dread, a time too late to sleep, opening the gates to wandering thoughts about life's choices. Moving to Barcelona for him might have been a hasty decision.
In Sevilla, there wasn't much to lose. Your little town overwhelmed you, especially under the weight of your living nightmare, your mother and her pursuit of perfection. That was until she married your toddler brother’s father, her focus shifted almost forgetting about your existence.
He was your escape from that suffocating environment. Initially, it felt liberating, but gradually, it became confining again. The cage expanded as you became his pillar while his name was in everyone’s mouth, especially girls who found him attractive. The weight of being his support, witnessing the attention he received, caused an internal storm. But he wouldn’t change you, right? Yet, the conflict brewed within, the tug-of-war between being the support he needed and holding onto your own identity.
You grew tired of waiting for him, tossing and turning in bed for ten minutes, before finally succumbing to sleep, cocooned in blankets to ward off the cold.
Abruptly opening your eyes, hours later, your body spasmed and your heart raced, reflecting the recent struggles with sleep these days. Observing to your side, relief washed over you; he lay there peacefully, an arm draped over your waist.
Tears welled in your eyes, a sense of loss filling your chest. Deeply in love, you realized your first waking thought was about him, albeit taking a negative turn.
What if I lose him? What if I lost the lighthouse in the middle of the sea? The uncertainty of the waters and the potential fall weighed heavily.
You wanted to get back to those times when you smiled as you landed your eyes, his body next to you, where blonde strands of messy hair framed his face and you delicately organized them while you talked and kissed every morning, staying in bed like an old married couple, feeling each other's warmth, laughter used to fill the air as he playfully booped your nose.
The weight of invisible hands squeezed your chest, making each breath a desperate gasp for air.
You didn't want to feel this anxiety; your breath became erratic. Rushing to the terrace, you breathed as if your mind forewarned a trailer of what has to be.
Struggling to regain control, your hands tightened on the cold railing, a reminder of the grounding reality you struggled to grasp.
Peering down, the height induced paralysis, intensifying your vertigo. "y/n, estás bien?" (are you okay?) His concerned voice, muffled and distant, struggled to penetrate the thick fog of panic, fear rooted you in place, afraid the floor would fall through if you made a step.
"Amor, háblame." (darling, talk to me) He approached, unsure. This panic attack was the first in years. His hand on your shoulder offered reassurance like an anchor, and you emerged from the state, meeting his gaze with your tear-stained eyes; he was still your gentleman. He was still yours.
And you needed to repeat it to stave off madness.
"Abrázame," (hug me) you whispered in a fragile plea. His arms enveloped you, he was the refuge that you needed; his familiar scent eased your breathing.
His head on yours, he sought to share his heartbeat, attempting to quell the sudden anxiety and the questions that haunted your mind. His furrowed brows hinted at his confusion, but conversation could wait. For now, it was about you. The one who never failed him; he couldn't fail you now.
When your body distended completely, he gently guided you back to bed. You clung to him, as if he could run away at any moment.
You walked to your side of the bed and he tucked you in like no one ever did before, leaving a sweet kiss on your forehead, an attempt to dissipate the negativity.
“What time is it?” you inquired, looking up at him.
“Six a.m., sleep. ok?” He stroked your head, and your eyes closed under the weight of fatigue. “I love you so much.”
Days passed after the incident. He chose not to ask more about the reason behind your anxiety, he decided to act as if everything was fine.
This didn't imply he lacked concern for you, but it certainly felt that way. His demeanor towards you was still unchanged.
Feelings unaddressed hung in the air, manifesting in the cold kisses and the superficial small talk that never deepened. But, in front of everyone, you maintained the façade, accepting compliments from everyone about your seemingly perfect relationship. Only if they knew the underlying truth…
Yet, you personally sensed his gradual withdrawal, a palpable feeling of him slipping through your fingers. The strain became evident as you found yourself having to repeat things that were important to you at least three times, only for him to continually forget. Or the lackluster pecks he gave you, making you feel pathetic.
Although feeling unwanted, you weren't a resentful person, so you would religiously sit in the stands at every game and witness how he gained fan's hearts with outstanding performances on the pitch, earning the title of man of one of the champions league matches and you loved how the stadium echoed his name as he made an incredible goal.
You found joy in his happiness, doing his thing with the team of his dreams. In that moment, your mind transported into a different time – those moments when you stood by his side, offering comfort during his moments of self-doubt, back when he believed his dreams would forever be just that – dreams.
His satisfaction meant the world to you. Meeting him as he emerged from the dressing room, already showered, you couldn't help but admire how his wet hair framed his face.
A big smile adorned his face as he approached you. Opening your arms, your bodies collided as he effortlessly lifted you spinning around, creating a whirlwind of laughter that filled the air.
Once he gently set you down, you couldn't contain your pride. Cupping his cheeks, you locked eyes with him. The sense of accomplishment and joy was overwhelming. Your lips met his in a deep, meaningful kiss – one that hadn't been shared in weeks, but in that moment, it felt like the perfect reunion.
You believed this moment marked a fresh start, a much-needed rejuvenation to propel you forward. That optimistic outlook, however, disintegrated after he bid you farewell at your apartment, scrolling through TikTok on your couch, a video of his post-match interview caught your eye, and an involuntary smile crept onto your face.
His voice echoed through the video, captivating in its beauty. The interviewer's final question lingered in the air, "Who are you going to celebrate this with?" Anticipating a mention of teammates, family, and you, you were bewildered as the final words left his mouth – your name conspicuously absent.
And in that instant, the realization struck: he hadn't kept his promise to do a heart gesture to include you in his celebration either. But you decided to let it slide; perhaps it was the adrenaline coursing through his veins that caused him to forget, and you were willing to overlook it.
You turned on the TV to avoid your thoughts. He no longer watched movies with you, and lately, the time you spent together felt like his phone held more allure than anything you did to catch his attention.
Without even mentioning that he wasn't fucking you lately, offering excuses of exhaustion from training or unexpectedly halting any progress when things got heated and leaving your folds wet.
But still, your mouth stayed shut, justifying every action. What you didn't know is that only one drop was missing in the glass before it overflowed – the last straw.
And eventually, the bomb exploded in the least suitable scenario. You stood by his side, his arm around your waist, desperately wanting to take his hand out and shout your feelings in front of everyone.
You didn't want to be there; you longed to be at home with your fluffy cat, who offered more comfort than Fermín did in these past months.
He was so smooth about it, engrossed in the conversation with his friends, seemingly oblivious to your distress. You whispered in his ear that you needed to get home, you weren’t feeling at your best, the strobe lights blinding you, the music pulsating louder than your heartbeat. It felt like water was reaching your nose, and you feared you'd stop breathing any moment.
Yet, you stayed, like a naive girl striving to make everything perfect for her lovely gentleman. But was still that gentleman who put you above all else?
The voices and laughter from his friends overwhelmed you. While you genuinely liked them and had never encountered an issue before, this night seemed a challenge you couldn't survive.
Your gaze darted around, hoping for a savior amid the sea of faces. But there was no one.
The air seemed to get thinner, and your chest constricted, as if locked in a slowly tight embrace. The blue dress discomforting your skin, felt like an additional layer of confinement, fantasizing to shed not only the fabric but also the skin beneath.
It was as if transparent walls were materializing around you, and this was the moment to escape a place to which you didn't belong, feeling like a misplaced puzzle piece, you watched him again with pleading eyes, silently urging him to notice you.
“Fer, really, I need to go home.” You whispered, careful not to let his friends overhear. He scanned your gestures, it took him a few seconds to realize that something about you was off. You wish he had seen it earlier.
Everything he did was later than you needed it, when he did the things, you have already fixed yourself into the uncomfortable.
“Okay, let's go.” He nodded and he finally took out his hand off your waist, allowing a momentary exhale. Greetings were exchanged with his friends and you reciprocated, not wanting to show an impolite image.
Almost running, your feet propelled you outside of the disco, pushing people out of your way, without waiting for Fermín.
The doors swung shut behind you, plunging the abrupt silence upon your ears. Relief washed over you.
Closing your eyes, you took deep breaths. You needed to hold yourself like the grown woman you were and not cry. As the doors swung open and closed again, you turned to find Fermín, a frown etched across his face.
“Why didn't you wait for me?” his voice held a trace of anger, making you shiver. Realizing the street wasn't the place for such a conversation, you began walking towards the car, your feet aching from the high heels worn that night.
He hurried to catch up, the tension palpable. When the car alarm reached your ears, signaling it was unlocked, you opened the door and entered as quickly as you could.
Sitting there, attempting to adjust to sudden silence, you sensed his presence beside you.
Leaning back into the headrest, you brought your hands on your face.
He started talking again. “What's going on you?” you hesitated to face him, reluctant to confront those expressive brown eyes you memorized like the back of your hand.
As he insisted again to hear a response, anger got to your head. Without warning, you exploded, all the carefully restrained words meant to preserve your relationship pouring into a torrent.
“I'm just so damn exhausted! I feel like I'm invisible. I ache to be seen, to matter in your eyes again. I’ve been here, baring my soul, and it feels like you're a million miles away.” Your scream echoed, tears smudging your makeup. You saw the weight of his actions settling on him as his eyes reflected comprehension. A sob escaped your lips, he stood frozen. “I'm just asking you to hear me, to truly see me, and realize that I'm shattering inside because I've already fought too much alone for the person who I thought I would marry.”
He shook his head, a boy who had always the right words now seemed that they left their mind, leaving him defenseless. A hesitant pause filled the car.
Lips parted, but the sentences seemed to dissipate before finding form. It was as if they were navigating a maze of thoughts, searching for the right words to offer comfort or understanding, yet coming up empty-handed.
You got tired of waiting, you've been doing it for such a long time, you almost felt old. But if he just opened his mouth, you knew you would forgive him. “Let's go home.” You whispered, disappointed about a man who you were calling the love of your life.
He gripped the steering wheel and hit the road. Memories flooded back of the anecdotes shared in that white car, now slipping through your fingers like ash.
You pondered the absence of rain, almost expecting the heavens to open up. Wasn't it obligatory for the sky to weep when something magical began succumbing to rationalism?
When you arrived at the house, he finally was able to speak. “I'm so sorry for everything that I caused you.” He didn't know if physical contact would be well received from you. So he gripped even more the steering wheel, needing to make something with his hands, getting out the tension.
“What happened to us, Fer?” your heart-wrenching question hitting him. You were already talking in past tense.
There wasn't an exit for this situation, and he knew that. He wished he could build a time travel machine and make everything alright, fix the first mistake that led to this big snow ball that was making an avalanche. “I-I don't know.”
“I think I'm coming back to Sevilla.” you confessed, stepping out of the car. Your headache due to the tears that you've been letting out and your eyes were puffy.
As you stood outside the car, the quiet suburban street provided a bleak contrast to the storm raging within your emotions.
Fermín, still gripping the steering wheel, searched for words that could somehow mend the gashes that had formed between you two. The realization of the inevitable distance settled on him like a heavy cloak.
“I never meant for it to come to this,” he finally uttered, voice heavy with remorse. “I let things slip away, and I can't forgive myself for that.”
You, caught between the pain and the need for resolution, gazed at him with a mixture of sorrow and longing. The familiar surroundings of the neighborhood seemed to transform into a backdrop for the end of something significant. You already knew you were never coming back here.
In the distance, a streetlamp flickered, casting intermittent shadows on the pavement. You took a deep breath, the chill in the air stinging your lungs, and said, “Sometimes, we have to go back to move forward.”
His eyes, filled with regret, met yours. “Is there anything I can do to make things right?”
But the answer remained unsaid, it wouldn't be fair to give him instructions and keep rowing and carrying him while he was just there. Wounds were already too deep and your energy was drained.
You turned away, the distance between Sevilla and this quiet street growing smaller in comparison to the emotional gap that now separated you two.
The door creaked shut, marking the end of a chapter that perhaps, in the unfathomable depths of your heart you didn't want to admit that you anticipated it.
In the solitude of your apartment, surrounded by echoes of shared laughter and the ghost of a love that once flourished, you confronted the daunting task of rebuilding your world. The faint glow from the streetlamp outside cast a melancholic light on the remnants of what was.
Fermín, still parked, felt the shared years withering in the blink of an eye, something you had been discerning for a torturing amount of time. The engine hummed softly, an averse companion to the lingering regret in the air. As he drove away, the distance between your hearts seemed insurmountable.
You watched as Blaugrana, your Calico fluffy cat, approached you unawarely of everything surrounding her, you sat on the wooden floor with her purring next to you. The sparkle of her collar made you remember how your life was bound to be lived with Fermín forever, in that collar your initials were carved. You didn't want to fall back to this cruel reality.
You even commanded yourself to religion to save your relationship, months before. Night after night, you poured the essence of your yearning into prayers addressed to Aphrodite, beseeching her to weave the threads of love and passion back into your relationship, to restore its former glory. Each whispered plea carried the weight of your sincere desire, a desperate hope that the goddess of love might heed your call and guide your connection to the blissful days of yore.
But even that didn't work. And you realized the hug of what you thought would be a fresh start unraveled into the deceptive clarity of terminal lucidity. Now you would hear the eternal melancholic tone of the complete loss of vital signs. Forever.
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spatialwave · 11 months ago
omg! I’m the anon that sent the addition to your easter blurb and what you added was so sweet. I imagine that Angus would be very nervous to meet readers family but readers parents would LOVE him! I imagine that the readers mom would fuss over him and Angus wouldn’t know how to respond and reader is so embarrassed by it and has to make their mom stop. -📚 (sorry if this is too much of an addition)
no, no, your addition is perfect and i SO agree and i'm going to write a lil something because you have inspired me <3
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"do i look okay?"
"for the last time, angus, you look perfectly fine," you cooed at your boyfriend, lifting a hand up to smooth down one of his unruly curls. you were smiling up as you looked over him, admiring his features and the dorky smile on his face as you complimented him, "they're going to love you, my mom begged me you bring you here."
“yeah, but your mom likes the idea of me, what if she hates me when she gets to know me?” he whined, his fingers gripping the tray in his hands a bit tighter—a tray that had a homemade apple pie under the tinfoil, which angus baked under your supervision.
the two of you stood on the front steps of your childhood home, the porch light illuminating you under the setting sun.
“then i guess she’ll hate you,” you murmured as you leaned up and pressed a kiss against his cheek, interrupted by the front door swinging open and your mother interrupting you both.
“happy easter!” she smiled wide as her hands smoothed down the apron she wore, getting her first look at the boy you’d fallen so madly in love with. she was immediately charmed by him, “oh, you must be angus,” she smiled and you already felt yourself growing embarrassed, “come in, come in, it’s chilly out!”
“hi, mom,” you said as you stepped in, looking back to angus who forced himself to smile and act as proper as he could, nervous that he’d mess something up. you were excited for him to be here, you really were, but you also hadn’t admitted how your mother could be… smothering.
you were hoping that she would take a step back, especially after calling her and explaining how you didn’t want her making a big deal out of it. she promised she wouldn’t.
yet, here she was.
“hi, ma’am, it’s to meet you,” he spoke as his hands extended the tray out to your mother, “she taught me how to bake a pie so i thought i’d bring one over for dessert.”
your mother’s eyes had lit up as she accepted the food, “aren’t you just the sweetest, angus,” she smiled, lifting the tray up and taking a peek under the foil, “it looks better than when i make it!” she mused.
angus’ cheeks were bright red as your mother praised him, feeling a bit out of place, but he was enjoying the attention. his fears of being judged were long gone.
you and angus hung your coats up on the rack and moved inside the house, the sounds of your two younger siblings bickering from the living room. they hadn’t bothered introducing themselves and you hadn’t cared to do it for them, instead guiding angus to the dining room.
he’d met your father, a gruff man with a big heart. he was far from smothering, but you could tell that he liked angus a lot because he was yapping to him about everything from sports to school. your father only ever spoke when he was interested in someone, he wasn’t afraid to cut a conversation short.
your siblings had made their plates and shyly greeted angus once everyone sat around the table to eat. everything felt calm — finally. you had thought the worst was over, oh you wished the worst was over.
“so how did you two meet?” your mother prodded as she filled angus’ plate with some food, moving onto your father’s plate after.
your lips twitched before speaking, but angus had beaten you to the punch.
“history class in our freshman year,” he said, glancing to his left to look at you for a second until he returned his attention back to your mom, “she was late to our first class and the only spot open was next to me, then she forgot a pencil to take notes, so she asked me for one,” he grinned, your cheeks burning red.
your mother chided you playfully, “that’s my girl, a bit frazzled, but she makes it work,” she laughed, earning snickers from your younger siblings who you shushed with a sneer.
“i was only late once—“
“and when did you two start dating? was it love at first sight?” she continued.
“honey, it’s a fair question! i want to know all about how you met our future son-in-law!”
angus smiled as he looked between you and your mother, finding the entire conversation amusing. he was no longer nervous or worried about fitting in, your parents—mother, in particular—made it very clear he was apart of the family now.
“i asked her out this past december,” he jumped into the conversation, “i’d liked her for quite some time then and figured that if i didn’t bite the bullet someone else would.”
you looked up at angus as he spoke, your first time hearing about his worries over missing a chance with you. it made your heart flutter.
“trust me when i say this,” your mother smiled, looking between you and angus from the head of the table, “she’s been calling me and talking about you since the day she met you, i’m certain she would’ve turned down every boy until you asked her.”
you whined quietly to yourself, “mom, i’m never telling you anything again,” you complained.
“well, i certainly hope i hear about your wedding before it happens!” she huffed playfully.
“we’ll be sure to tell you,” angus humoured her, earning a delighted laugh from your mom.
as you sat there, it was easy to complain about the embarrassment you felt over your mother’s overbearing love. she meant well and you were certain that angus appreciated every little comment, it wasn’t always easy to deal with your overbearing mother.
when you looked up at angus again, you could see the happiness sparkling in his eyes as he chatted with your mother.
you couldn’t wait until the next family dinner.
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msbigredmachine · 2 years ago
Coming In London (Jey Uso/OC)
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A date night for the ages across the pond. Post-Money in the Bank 2023. Jey Uso/OC one-shot.
Warnings: SMUT
Word count: 5.5k
A/N: New Edition's 'Can You Stand The Rain' was my muse for this fic. It kinda fit. I'm not weird I promise.
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Money in the Bank was so much fun! 
Zainab had attended a number of WWE shows with some great audiences in the past couple of years, but there was something about the atmosphere in the O2 Arena that could not be replicated elsewhere. They were on fire all night, especially for the main event, yet another one her boyfriend and his twin brother were headlining this year. Watching him feed off the fans’ energy and tear it up with his three brothers was mesmerizing. Emotions ran high afterwards and she ended up hanging out in the hotel lounge with the Bloodline and several other Superstars till the early hours of Sunday morning. It was hard to fall asleep with how happy everyone was about the great show they’d put on.
Jey was still passed out at breakfast time, buried beneath the white sheets of the plush bed of their hotel suite. Deciding not to disturb him, Zainab went alone, and ran into Jimmy and Roman at the buffet table. They were still buzzing from last night. As she kept them company, she noticed there was something else exciting them. They kept checking their phones, smiling from ear to ear and sharing secret looks. Her curiosity was piqued, but before she could press for more info, both men finished up their breakfast and quickly kissed her goodbye before leaving for their flights back home.
When she returned to her man, he was awake but still in bed, with his phone in his hands, the sheets pooled around his waist and his hair all disheveled and sexy. Damn, he looked so good. Like, “I woke up like this” kinda good.
“Morning, sexy. Hope you didn’t miss me too much,” she greeted, giggling when he yanked her down to the bed the moment she was within reach, almost knocking off her glasses. She accepted his soft, gentle kisses as his arms wrapped around her. He tasted like mint, like he’d just brushed his teeth. “I brought you a couple of muffins, a banana and some yogurt. How ya feelin’?”
“Like I been hit by a damn truck,” he murmured, sitting up to rest his back against the headboard while keeping his hold on her waist. “How was breakfast?”
“Good. Your twin and Roman were there. They were acting real sus. Kept smilin’ all wide and shit and checking their phones like you’re doing now. Who are y’all gossiping about?”
“Haha, no one, babe. We just goofin’ around.” Clearing his throat and putting his phone away, he smoothly changed the subject. “Date night at the London Eye is a go. Tonight gon’ be lit, baybeee.”
Zainab pursed her lips and adopted her most neutral expression. “Are you sure we’ll be able to go? You still look really tired.”
Jey couldn’t hold back his laugh at her faux concern. “Z, I’m good. We goin’. Don’t know why you so scared.”
“You know I don’t like heights, Mr. Day One Ish,” she rolled her eyes.
“Last time I was in London, I went on the ride. The view was unbelievable and I told myself I’d take you there if we ever got the chance. Don’t be a scaredy cat. I’ll keep you safe, I promise.”
Whenever his mind was set on something, he went through with it no matter what. Since he only wanted to show her a good time, she decided to indulge him. “Fine. Bianca invited me for afternoon tea. Imma do a little shopping afterwards, maybe get my nails done too. I’ll be back in time for tonight.”
Jey reached for his wallet and handed her his black American Express card. “Here. Go crazy with it. Just make sure you look sexy for me tonight.”
Zainab sighed dramatically and plucked the hard plastic from between his fingers, previous back-and-forths reminding her that he would not take no for an answer. “You spoil me too much, babe.”
She tried to sound stern, but that smile he loved was bright and happy, and he couldn’t stop himself from stealing another kiss. “For you, baby, ain’t no such thing as too much.” He meant it. She had him sprung, head over heels for her. He would give her the world if she asked for it. She worked so hard on the daily and she deserved to be spoiled and pampered all the time.
Zainab’s fingers trailed over his pec tattoo as a fiendish idea came to her. “Hmm. Would you like something in return then, Daddy? It’ll be unfair for you to do all the giving.”
“Well, if you insist…” he rasped, taking her hand and putting it between his legs, making her cup him through the sheets. His other hand curled dangerously around her neck, squeezing lightly, watching the flame of desire ignite in her gorgeous eyes, “...You can gimme that throat.”
His gruff demand, topped by his darkened irises and his bottom lip tucked between his teeth, had her pussy purring. She drew the sheets off him and exposed his mouth-watering erection. Adjusting her frame on the bed, she closed her fist around his dick, leaning down to flick her tongue over the slit of his head, and her smirk widened when a sharp hiss escaped him. 
“Whatever Daddy wants, Daddy gets,” she said to him with a wink, licking him one more time. As her mouth sank lower down his shaft, Jey felt his bones melt, and he laid back with a relaxed sigh and let her work her magic on him.
Today was going to be a great day.
The weather was nice, mostly sunny with none of the infamous London rain showers in sight, thank God. After tea at the highly esteemed Fortnum & Mason, she headed out to the High Street with Bianca Belair to find a knockout outfit for tonight. The odds were in her favor as she quickly found a pair of heels that would rock her man’s world once he saw them. That inspired her to search for an equally stunning dress, and several stores later, she came across one that made even notoriously-hard-to-impress Bianca’s jaw drop. So that was settled. Next stop was Agent Provocateur. The store was stacked with so many beautiful designs of lingerie, it was tough to choose. With Bianca’s approval, Zainab finally settled on a blood-red, backless lace push-up bra and matching thong. She was highly impressed with the amount of cleavage the bra afforded her and how the color made her skin pop. She looked forward to watching it get torn apart by her boyfriend tonight.  
Her predictions were headed in the right direction, as said boyfriend was already drooling before they left their suite for dinner. “Damn, girl. I ain't sure I wanna let you leave this room no more,” Jey drawled, resting his hands on her shapely hips. “You look good enough to eat, baby.”
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Laughing as he tugged her backwards right up against his crotch, Zainab didn’t take her eyes off the mirror as she bumped him away with her backside. “Down, boy, before you make me drop my contact lens. This was your idea so we’re going. But who knows?” She locked darkened eyes with him through the round shaped mirror and twerked her ass for his benefit. “If I enjoy myself, I’ll be sure to let you…eat me…later tonight.”
Damn. “We’re gonna have an awesome time tonight, later and afterwards,” he declared loudly and confidently, finishing with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows that made her laugh. Her boyfriend could be so goofy sometimes.
Dinner was quiet and intimate, and Zainab couldn't help but feel loved up and romantic as her man kept sweeping her off her feet. He was super attentive and she was enjoying the attention and their playful banter. She loved that he topped up her wine glass whenever it emptied, loved that he fed her the last piece of his steak. Being together like this was really nice; thanks to their busy careers, this kind of alone time was a luxury, one neither Jey nor Zainab took for granted.
The walk from the food market to the world famous ferris wheel was thankfully a short one. Zainab beamed as she entered the structure known as Cupid’s Pod and was greeted with rows of red roses and candles decorating the enclosure.
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The ride came with a complimentary bottle of Rosé Champagne and a luxury box of Pink Champagne Truffles, set up on the wooden oval bench in the middle of the pod. Jey was right about the views from inside the London Eye. They were unbelievable, overlooking the boats gliding along the River Thames and several high rise buildings. The higher they went, the quieter it became, save for the personalized playlist playing softly in the background. Snuggled up with Jey on the bench, Zainab sipped some more champagne, indulged in some chocolate and basked in the ambience and the safety of her man's arms, which currently were around her waist, the heat of his body pressed against her from behind. His soft lips dispensed tender kisses along the curve of her neck, eliciting a small, welcoming moan from her at his gentle caresses. 
“You so damn fine, girl,” he complimented, pressing more kisses to her skin, absorbing her intoxicating scent. “I’m glad you’re in London with me.”
“Thank you, my love. I’m glad I’m here with you too,” she smiled up at him, lazily rubbing his thigh.
“We met on this day two years ago. Do you remember?” he asked.
Zainab sighed dreamily, her eyes closed as she nuzzled her face against his. “Like it was yesterday.”
“Mm-hmm. I also remember your stubborn ass ain’t want nothin’ to do with me.”
“I told you why. I dated a soccer player and a basketball player. They both put me through some shit. Didn’t want to deal with another athlete.”
"Naw, baby girl. None of them dudes was right for you, that's all," Jey stated matter-of-factly, his toothy smirk showing off his silver jeweled grill.
“Ha, ‘course you’d say that.” Their romance was a slow burn, as both were still struggling with recent personal heartbreak when they first met. But their deep attraction to one another was something neither could stop themselves from exploring. When he was still working in the Thunderdome, he would make the trip to Fort Lauderdale to see her after the show every Friday night so they could bond and get to know each other better. They didn't even start sleeping together right away, because they were more interested in learning about each other first. When he resumed traveling, Zainab was sure that she would never hear from him again. But nothing changed. Not a day went by when he didn’t call her; a month did not pass without them meeting up at least once. She had been afraid of falling for him, but it was impossible not to. The man was beautiful, inside and out; not without his flaws and bad habits, but who wasn’t? 
At first, she wasn’t sure how long they would last, given his crazy schedule and his history, along with her own bad breakups. But somehow she shelved all those fears and worked with him to strengthen their relationship. The fact that they were now one of the few couples in their circle still going strong to this day, meant they were doing something right. 
She studied his features as he took her hands in his. There was a nervous energy about him tonight he'd been trying to conceal, but it only felt more palpable now. ���You okay, baby?” she queried. 
“Any regrets? Ya know, gettin' with me?” he asked, his voice quiet and shy.
She made a show of thinking about it. “About two or three, maybe,” she shrugged, and burst into laughter at his bombastic side-eye. “I’m just playin’,” she chortled, nudging him playfully. “We’ve had our ups and downs like any other couple, but it’s been incredible. I won't change a thing. You're an amazing boyfriend, Jey.”
“You’re amazing, Z. You’re a special person, and you been so good to me these past couple of years. I love you.” He smiled at her, and she couldn’t help but shiver at the intensity in his eyes. 
“I love you too.” The feeling was still so surreal after all this time. Every time he said those words to her, she had to catch her breath. She knew about what he had endured in his past and how long it took for him to open up again. Knowing that he felt this way about her made her heart swell. She had never felt as happy and as loved as she did with him.
The moment stretched with them gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. Zainab raised his hand to her lips and placed a soft kiss across his knuckles. With that same hand, Jey caressed her cheek, down to her jaw, cupping her chin. His thumb softly rubbed across her bottom lip. Boldly, she sucked the tip into her mouth, her heated stare locked on him, and he could not resist replacing his thumb with his lips, feeding her with warm, languid kisses that made her lady bits clench and her toes curl. 
Their little make out session was interrupted by the British A.I. woman’s voice announcing that they were at the very top of London. Jey reluctantly released Zainab and helped her to her feet. “The best of all the views is right here, babe. Take a look.” He pointed, gently rotating her and stepping back.
Summoning enough courage to go closer to the railings she’d been avoiding all evening, she cast a cautious glance out at the wondrous skyline before her. “You know what? I think I’m getting used to the height now,” she agreed, turning back around for his rebuttal.
Jey was down on one knee. A little velvet box was open in his hands with a sparkling diamond ring shining out of it.
Zainab burst out laughing and covered her face. “Oh my god you asshole! Are you fuckin’ serious?!”
Jey feigned hurt. “I know your ass ain’t cussin’ me out while I’m about to propose to you, woman,” he exclaimed, watching her walk away with her hands still on her face. He could hear her laughter gradually disintegrate, and when her shoulders began to shake with sobs, his eyes prickled. “Z…Baby, come here, I got somethin’ I wanna ask you,” he called out softly to her.
She was sure she was dreaming. It was a struggle processing this overwhelming surge of happiness, a happiness that only Jey Uso made her feel. She had to sit back down because her legs were shaking. She would definitely fall over and ruin this beautiful moment he'd clearly worked hard to set up. Luckily, Jey was kneeling before her, his hand resting on her thigh while holding up the ring to her. Her tears flowed freely, but he was there to wipe each one away, being there for her as he had been for the last two years.
“Fuck, I had a whole speech planned out and shit,” he whispered, his own voice clogged with emotion, “But now I got nothing, except that I’m so in love with you, baby. You changed my life, and I wanna be with you for the rest of it. Thank you for teaching me how to love again. Zainab Ortega, my queen, my love, will you marry me?”
Tears kept streaming down her cheeks, threatening to ruin her makeup as she stared at the man she loved more than anything in the whole world. She had only one answer. “Of course. Yes, yes I will,” she replied without hesitation, nodding enthusiastically as she watched him slide the stunning diamond ring on her finger. It fit perfectly.  
Jey’s head was spinning. He never thought he’d be in this position so soon after Nisha. He thought he would never find love again. The morning Nisha breathed her last breath, he all but lost his will to wrestle, to function, to live. Never did he imagine that just eighteen months later, at a fundraiser to combat the disease that took his wife, he would meet someone else that made his heart flutter again, that caused his skin to sprout goosebumps with just a smile. At first, he felt so guilty and so ashamed of his feelings. But before her passing, Nisha had made him promise to move on, to open his heart again if he ever found the right woman. 
So he did. Allowed himself to fall in love one more time. He couldn’t believe he’d found such a beautiful, caring, patient, sexy ass woman like Zainab. Her kind soul, her perennial optimism and her zest for life inspired him to push on with his own. Now, his career was thriving and he was in the best shape of his life. In so many ways, she saved his life. Putting a ring on her finger made all the sense in the world to him. With this, everything between them would become that much more final, much more complete. 
Zainab stared down at her finger in complete awe. “It's so pretty! I can’t believe it. This must have been such a difficult step to take, baby,” she said, looking at him.
“At first, it was,” he confessed, wiping the corners of his eyes with the pad of his thumb. “But then I quickly realized how much in love I was with you, and I couldn’t live without you. I got that ring made two months ago, ma. This weekend wasn’t gonna go by without me poppin’ the question. Nisha will always be in my heart, but it’s you and me now, Z.”
She nodded in understanding and pulled him close, pressing her lips against his. “I would be honored to be your wife. I love you so much. Thank you.” She was literally on top of the world. She would never forget this trip to London, ever.
They spent the next ten minutes calling up family and friends to tell them the good news and show off her brand new engagement ring. There were a lot of happy tears and a lot of love. Apparently everyone had been waiting for this day to come. Roman and Jimmy had merely grinned proudly, and just as Zainab suspected, they both knew that this was going down tonight, which was why they’d been so cryptic and secretive at breakfast. Jey and Zainab were so happy to have the support of both their wonderful families.
She couldn’t stop fawning over the sizable diamond glowing on her ring finger. “Baby, this rock is so big.”
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“Thought you liked big things,” Jey teased with a light squeeze of her waist, flashing her a knowing wink. 
“You know first-hand that I do. Oh my god, Jey…we're getting married!”
“Mm-hmm. I’m so fuckin’ lucky, babe, you have no idea,” he gushed. He cupped the side of her face and bent down to kiss her, gently at first, then harder, leaning into her. Zainab ran her hands up the bulge of his biceps, moaning into his mouth when his tongue lashed against hers and his hand slid over her ass, giving it a firm squeeze.
“You know, proposing to you wasn’t the only thing I imagined doing in this here pod,” he said.
One look at the heat in his eyes made her understand right away. “No. You wouldn’t.”
“That a dare, baby?” He moved his mouth down to her neck, a small groan rumbling through him as he nipped and licked her skin. It served as the perfect distraction for his hands to slip under her dress and massage the round, ample globes of her backside. 
“Babe, people can see us,” Zainab gasped, but melted into his arms anyway, “We’re gonna get in trouble. There’s cameras in here-”
“Fuck the cameras,” Jey dismissed. His penetrating stare shot tremors down her spine. "Do you know how fuckin’ hot you look tonight? Do you know the nasty shit I wanna do to you right now?”
She could already tell with the bulge pressing insistently against her. But she wanted to hear him say it. She couldn't quite think straight anyway. She wouldn't have been able to stop him if her life had depended on it. "Tell me, Daddy," she moaned.
"You drive me crazy when you dress up like this, baby, all sexy and provocative and shit…I seen dem thirsty ass motherfuckers at dinner, starin’ at you, wishing you were theirs...I wanted to bend your fine ass over our table and give you this dick in front of everybody. Let ‘em all know you mine."
“I will always be yours,” she whispered. "Always."
He walked her back to the bench, sitting down and pulling her to sit on him. As always, she fit perfectly on his lap, her ass resting between his muscular thighs. They hugged and kissed, his eager hands all over her body while she rocked back and forth against his hard erection. He took his time maneuvering her dress up to her waist, caressing her thighs the whole way and amplifying her already rabid need for him to be inside her. His fingers dipped beneath the lace edge of her panties, finding her wet and ready for him. He teased gently, lightly stroking her pussy lips, causing her to moan into his mouth. He knew just how to touch her, knew exactly how to make her body react to his every whim.
His hands slipped upwards to rest over her delectable bosom. “This a pretty ass bra, ma. You got it for me?”
“Yes, Daddy. You like it?” she asked. Jey answered her question by freeing her breasts from the confines like he was opening up a present. Her titties were nice and plump and made his mouth water. He eagerly took a nipple in his mouth and sucked while he massaged the other one.
“Baby…” she whimpered, hesitancy thick in her voice. 
“Z…” he growled, his lips giving her nipple a quick, audibly wet tug that momentarily short-circuited her brain, “Unless you tellin’ me to fuck you harder, ion wanna hear it.”
His mouth covered hers before she could speak again, and this time she completely surrendered to him, allowing his tongue to slide in and wrestle with hers to a no-contest. She unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants to get access to him. As she pulled him out of his briefs and dragged her palm up and down the hard, smooth length of his cock, she gasped as he immediately tugged her new lace panties to the side and lowered her down onto him. The stretch was incredible, and they both moaned. She looked at her new fiancé, who sported a sexy smirk on his lips, watching her mouth fall open as she sat all the way down on his long, hard dick. They’d had sex many, many times together, but each time something new was awakened in her, even more so now as it occurred to her that anyone in the surrounding capsules could take a close look through the darkness and see what was happening. Her heart pounded in her chest in anticipation. She couldn’t believe this was actually happening, but she wasn’t going to stop it. 
She moved on top of him, moaning as his dick twitched inside her, welcomed by her warm depths. He grabbed her breasts again, kneading them expertly, which made her bite her bottom lip harder than intended. When he pinched her nipples, her back arched and her head hung back. His long fingers then met her waist as he leaned in to suckle her throat and smell her, basking in the pleasure and feral desperation in her voice. Her thighs locked around his hips, giving her a little leverage to lift herself up and down on him with ease. She was dripping but still so tight around him thanks to how endowed he was. 
“Damn, baby…keep ridin’ me like this and you gon’ be a mama in nine months,” Jey choked out, his eyes rolling back as she kept grinding herself on him, squeezing her walls snugly around his cock. “Imma give you all the babies, fuck, you feel so good…”
He already put a ring on it. Babies were the next step, surely. The thought of conceiving his child on the night of their wildest sexcapade yet, aroused her to no end. “Hmm, then breed me, Daddy,” Zainab groaned. Threading her fingers through his hair, she gave him a kiss so passionate that he moaned into her mouth, he then forced her to do the same when he smacked her ass, the sharp sting zipping down to her loins. The bench was not comfortable, but they were so into it, and the ambience was so romantic and sexy, that neither of them cared. 
“Unnnhhh god, baby,” she whined with her lips parted over his own, tasting his heavy breaths, “Shit, you feel so good inside me.”
"I can see that, you creamin’ all over me,” Jey looked down at her gyrating hips with a smirk. Her creamy mess had visibly smeared his exposed gray-colored briefs. “You love this dick, don't you, baby?" he taunted, flicking his tongue over her lips.
“Yes Daddy.”
“I know you do. Fuck me, beautiful, bounce on this dick.” His moans had dissolved to primal growls now, mingling with the soft music and the wet, slapping sounds of their lovemaking. She pushed him down flat on his back, and the surprise on his handsome features evaporated when she began riding him harder, taking his dick deeper inside her with each drop down, with each salacious roll of her backside. Her moans mingled with his groans as he started to bounce her himself, his hands clutching the meat of her hips, moving her more vigorously up and down. His pouty lips were parted and gasping in stereo with hers as he made her fuck him, that big dick meeting the sweetest of her spots. 
“Shit, Daddy, that dick in me!” she groaned. The atmosphere was so incredibly hot, she buried her face in his neck, moaning her pleasure as she felt herself start to tingle and throb. "Oh, fuck, Jey, I'm gonna come,” she breathed heavily, her voice vanishing into thin air as she bounced harder and faster on his dick, hunting down that potent high. She nearly lost her balance as it seized her, a glorious cascade of orgasm, her thighs quivering and skin humming as the explosion eviscerated her senses.
She felt him sit back upright and rise to his feet with her still in his arms, his mouth moving against hers with more purpose than usual. It wasn’t until she felt something cool and hard pressing against her bare back that she finally broke the kiss out of curiosity. Looking behind her, her heart stopped cold inside her chest.
Jey had pressed her directly against the clear glass wall of the capsule, with nothing below her but the twinkling lights of London. Zainab screamed and squirmed against his body, her head spinning with both fear and the remnants of her orgasm as she struggled to get away from the glass.
"Jesus! Fuck, Jey, what…" 
"Hey, hey, shhh," he whispered, keeping a careful hold around her trembling frame. His lips swept tenderly over her jawline as he tried to keep her calm. She was shaking, her arms and legs gripping him with the strength of a boa constrictor. "Breathe for me, Zainab. Look at me. Look at me."
She twisted her face away from the view, her pretty eyes wide and frightened. 
“Calm down for me baby. Relax.” His mouth brushed along her throat, doing his part to quell her nerves. Her squirms subsided, but only a little. He could tell she still wanted to get away, but he kept her body firmly secured between himself and the glass. “Do you trust me?”
Right now, on the cusp of grave danger, she wasn’t so sure she did. “Yeah,” she finally ground out.
“Then you know I’ll never let anything happen to you. I gotchu.”
His kiss was gentle but insistent and full of reassurance. She felt his hand sneak along her hip, then the sharp tug of her panties pressing into her skin, and a tearing sound and the flimsy material falling away. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him tuck the ruined undergarment into his back pocket. Keeping his body flush against hers, he molded her bare ass cheeks in his hands, grinding against her for a few seconds before sliding his dick back home. She clenched around his girth immediately, greedily, and Jey groaned softly as he worked himself into her with slow, winding circles that touched every single sweet spot her pussy possessed. He was a tight fit, always was. It felt so good that she couldn’t stop the moans that spilled from her lips.
“You like that, huh? Daddy’s gotchu,” he said, repeating the action again and again. He stared with wonder in his eyes at his love, the most wonderful woman in the world. “You so beautiful, baby. I love you so much.” Placing another gentle, calming kiss on her lips, he increased his pace. Zainab did what she could to block out the very real threat of the deathly drop behind her and focus on her fiancé now pounding into her. The sound of his body meeting hers was almost deafening in the exposed enclosure.
“Damn, Z, you soppin’ wet. I knew you’d like this shit. Love this pussy so much.” His expression was one of lust-filled triumph as he studied her face, the parting of her lips panting for him, goading him to angle his hips and fuck her harder and deeper, bottoming her out. “This turnin’ you on, huh, your ass and titties out, all of London watching you take my big dick…”
With another whimpering moan, her head rocked back against the glass as she felt her climax creep closer again. Her eyes fluttered shut as her nerves settled and more erogenous sensations took over. Her legs tensed around his waist as she rotated her hips in rhythm with his thrusts, each one pressing her ass deeper against the glass, making her wetter and wetter and bringing her closer to succumbing to that euphoric feeling that only her man, now her betrothed, could give her. Her breath was stolen from her as his dick continued to toy with her g-spot, his grunts and gasps warming her neck, her pussy walls quivering and rippling around his girth in reaction. “Fuck, Jey, right there…Mmm fuck, you ‘boutta make me come again!”
Holding his girl in place with his big strong hands, Jey intensified his strokes, his gruff voice grunting with the effort. "You fuckin’ right, baby, gimme that nut,” he mumbled, himself starting to unravel from the near-crippling pleasure. “Give it to me cuz it’s mine. Drain your pussy all over my dick."
Zainab hugged him even tighter, her nails digging through his shirt and into his back as her moans devolved to whimpers, and the faster he thrust into her, the further their bodies seemed to plunge from the same dizzying heights as the capsule they were in. She cried out as her release tore her apart, her walls suffocating his cock. Jey was right behind her, his guttural groan at the pulse of her throat, his dick lodged in the back of her pussy as he came just as hard for her. Desperately, she clenched around him, taking it all, milking him for everything he had as the world seemingly collapsed around them.
Seconds later, the A.I. woman’s voice popped up again to announce that the ride was descending in ten minutes. Jey leaned in for a breathless kiss as he pulled out of her and finally edged her away from the glass. She clung to him as he carried her back to the bench. He pulled wet wipes seemingly out of nowhere and cleaned her up, sharing more kisses with her while helping each other redress. 
“You good?” he asked, smoothing her hair back into place and drawing her legs onto his lap.
Zainab nodded, biting her lip as the last of her climax rippled between her squeezed thighs. “I can’t believe we just did that.”
“You loved it though,” he said, his deep voice seductively low as he stroked her thigh. “Don’t lie to Daddy now. I could tell you loved every second, you got so wet for me, babe...”
There was so much amusement and cockiness and love in his eyes. All for her. “You always make me wet, Daddy,” she admitted, glancing back at the sheet of glass she’d been trapped against just moments ago. She had to give him his props for his highly unique sense of adventure. “You think we’ll still be this lit after we’re married?” she questioned.
“Ay, as long as we work on it, together, like we been doin’, and we don’t let none of that outside noise creep in…we’ll be good. That’s what I want for us, Z.”
She liked that answer a lot. It was what she wanted, too. “I made you a promise earlier that if I enjoyed myself, you can eat me when we get back. My offer still stands,” she noted, batting her long lashes at him.
Jey smiled like the cat who got the cream. Literally. Picking out a truffle from the box, he popped it into his mouth and licked up the morsel that stained his finger.
“Mmm. I bet this goes great with pussy,” he commented with a sly smirk.
Fuck. Zainab’s throat went dry and her body instantly flooded with heat, despite having been thoroughly fucked just minutes ago. “You might be right,” she uttered back.
The capsule finally came to a safe stop on the ground, bringing the ride to an end. Jey and Zainab settled for a few more chocolatey smooches as the pod's doors opened. Expecting to be confronted about their antics by someone in authority, they were relieved when no one approached. The newly-engaged couple walked out hand in hand with big dreamy smiles on their faces, eager to retreat to their far more private hotel suite to continue their raunchy celebrations.
They took the box of chocolates with them…for research purposes, of course.
I really enjoy writing soft Jey.
Please leave comments. I love comments!
Banner made by me. Jey gif by @jeysuso. Credit to owners of all the other pics and gifs.
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315 notes · View notes
youngsadlesbian · 3 months ago
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pairing: mor x reader
summary: you start leaving notes for mor everywhere with the cutest and funniest things possible
a/n: my first story for mor. i’m currently obsessed with her, so enjoy this <3
word count: 956
warnings: pure fluff and everything.
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Since your mating bond with Mor was established, life by her side had never ceased to be exciting. You shared laughter, passionate glances, and moments that could warm even the coldest heart. Still, you wanted to do something special, something uniquely yours—a little tradition that only the two of you would understand. That’s when the idea of the notes came to life.
It started simply, with a carefully folded note hidden inside her favorite mug.
“Good morning, my femme fatale! May your light shine even brighter today. P.S.: Don’t forget to smile at me. ;)”
That morning, as you both had coffee with the rest of the Inner Circle at the House of Wind, Mor found the note. Her eyes sparkled as she read it, and she chuckled softly, pressing it against her chest.
“Who wrote you that, Mor?” Cassian asked, raising an eyebrow.
“My amazing mate, of course,” she replied, throwing a knowing look your way.
“How adorable,” Azriel murmured with a subtle smile.
“Adorable?” Cassian teased. “I’d call it excessively romantic.”
“Jealous, Cassian?” you quipped, laughing as he feigned indignation.
The second note was bolder. You hid it inside Mor’s coat, confident she’d find it as she put it on to head out.
“You always say you’re ready for adventures,” the note read, “so here’s a challenge: perform the best ‘heroic jump’ from the fireplace to the rug tonight. I’ll judge execution and style. P.S.: No magic allowed!”
Mor found the note while you were all gathered after dinner. She looked at you with a mischievous glint in her eye.
“Do you really want me to do this?”
“Oh, absolutely,” you replied, barely holding back a laugh.
Cassian, overhearing everything, immediately stood up. “I’ve got to see this.”
“If you fall, at least it’ll be epic,” Nesta commented, crossing her arms and hiding a smile.
Mor took a deep breath, climbed onto the fireplace ledge, and made an exaggerated leap, spinning in the air and landing on the rug with her arms raised in victory. Everyone cheered, and you kissed her as a reward.
“Ten out of ten for performance,” you declared with a wink.
Knowing Mor loved reading romance novels, you hid the next note between the pages of a book she was reading.
“Mor, my muse, today’s challenge is simple: you have to read this message out loud to the group. Trust me, it’ll be worth it. P.S.: Get ready to laugh.”
When she found the note during a quiet reading moment, her cheeks flushed, but she accepted the challenge.
She walked into the room where everyone was relaxing and announced, “I have something to read to you all.”
She began to recite the note with a dramatic expression:
“Mor, the most beautiful female in Velaris, who walks like a goddess among us, whose eyes shine brighter than the stars and whose hair is more golden than the sunset…”
Cassian interrupted with a loud laugh. “Did you write that?”
“Obviously,” you replied with a grin.
Mor finished reading with a shy smile, but you noticed she clutched the note to her heart.
The fourth note was left inside a fruit bowl in the kitchen. It read:
“If you find this note, it’s because destiny willed it. Prepare your best dessert and win a special prize. P.S.: Feyre’s help is not allowed.”
Mor accepted the challenge and dove into a fierce competition with Cassian, who insisted he could make something better. Feyre and you were the judges, and although Cassian tried to sabotage Mor by throwing flour at her, her dessert won by a landslide.
The prize? A passionate kiss and a hug that made Cassian grumble, “I need to find someone to give me prizes like that.”
Rhys, always willing to join in on your antics, was an accomplice for the next note. He handed Mor a folded message that read:
“If you want to uncover the secret of the next challenge, ask Rhys what he knows about stars.”
“So, what do you know about stars, cousin?” Mor asked, laughing.
He answered with a mysterious smile: “Only that they shine brightest when they’re near others that complete them.”
She looked at you, a smile on her lips and her eyes sparkling. “You’re behind this again, aren’t you?”
“Maybe,” you replied with a wink.
On a quiet evening by the fire, you handed Mor the next note. “Today’s challenge is to sing a song that reminds you of me. If you do, I’ll sing one too.”
Mor accepted without hesitation, singing a sweet and melancholic song that brought tears to Feyre’s eyes and smiles to everyone else. When it was your turn, you sang a melody you had composed especially for her, and Mor couldn’t hold back her tears.
“I love you,” she whispered, ignoring Cassian’s teasing entirely.
The notes continued, each more creative and unexpected than the last. There was one hidden in the hem of a dress Mor loved, another inside a wine bottle, and even one you gave to Azriel to surprise her.
Each note led to a new adventure, a new moment of laughter and love. And, of course, the Inner Circle never missed an opportunity to tease, especially when Mor was caught sighing over you or carefully tucking the notes into a small box she called her “most precious treasure.”
In the end, these little gestures weren’t just notes. They were promises, memories, and reminders of how much you meant to each other. And at the heart of it all was the love you shared, shining brighter than any star in Velaris.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 2 years ago
Luke brings home a girl to meet his family. Gave her a tour the lake house. Didn’t know she a piano prodigy. Just in awe of her. (Inspired by https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z75QuC9TuHY&pp=ygUbTGFkdCBzb25nIG1pbGV5IHBsYXlzIHBpYW5v )
The prodigy ❧
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He’d only met her a few weeks prior to inviting her over for dinner with his family.
She had run into him while at the beach, the girl's younger brother threw his beach ball right at Luke’s head while she was trying to teach him how the game of volleyball works. The girl apologized repeatedly, her face flush with embarrassment as he brushed off her sorries, “I’ll accept your apology if you accept my invitation to dinner,” he grinned as the girl agreed to his terms.
That was a little over a month ago after finding out that the girl was a New York native and going to university at Rutgers Luke knew that he could make this work, so he decided what better way to see how well this plays out than to introduce her to the most important people in his life.
She was nervous but excited, she’d heard amazing things about the Hughes’, his entire friend group raved about Ellen and Jim’s kindness and his brother's way of making everyone feel like family, so she wasn’t surprised when they had met her expectations the moment she stepped foot into their lake house.
Ellen was in the kitchen finishing up dinner when Luke ushered her to meet his mom, “it’s lovely to finally put a face to the girl my son has been talking so highly of,” the woman smiled as she pulled the young girl into her arms. “Luke you show her around and I’ll finish up dinner,” she said as she pushed her son out of the kitchen so she could concentrate.
Luke gave her the grand tour, starting the tour in his room which he had finally cleaned, wanting to impress her. They ran into Jack in the basement who seemed a little too excited to meet Luke’s new girl, a smirk on his lips as Luke cut their chat short before his brother could say anything embarrassing. And finally, they ended up in the living room, her eyes lighting up at the antique upright piano in the corner of the room, some random sheet music on the music shelf, a large oil painting sitting on top of it along with a few hanging plants.
“Who can play piano?” “It was my great grandmothers, the best I can do is a lovely rendition of ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’,” he mused as she looked up at him with these questioning eyes, almost asking for permission for her to play, “Do you want to play it, mom got it tuned in April.”
She nodded slowly and walked over to it, taking a seat as she ushered for Luke to come closer. She delicately placed her fingers on the keys and started to play ‘Une Barque Sur L’océan’ her brows pulled into a concentrated look as her hands danced over the keys. Luke sat in awe, his heart loudly beating in his chest as he watched the emotions pour out of her into the music.
“Who’s playing that?” Jim asked as he and Quinn entered the living room, he was met with a ‘shush’ from his youngest son who was sitting on the couch watching the girl play beautifully.
As the song came to an end the girl came out of her trance and looked around the room at all of the Hughes family members standing in the entrances of the living room watching her.
“Did I mention I almost went to Julliard?” She asked shyly as she looked to Luke whose lips were slightly parted, eyes full of hearts as he watched the blush on her face start to form from all the attention she was gaining. “No, you didn’t.” “I decided to go the more practical route and studied education instead,” she grinned at the boy who was slowly coming out of his love-infused trance.
“You’re perfect did you know that?” he questioned as his lips met the side of her face.
i kinda love this!!!
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barbarianbookhoe · 1 year ago
Artists and Muses
Requested by: @dreampissybaby
Request: "Hi! I was hoping you could write a request, please ignore this if you don't feel comfortable writing this. Alina introducing shy!reader to Nikolai. and she's just like quiet and in awe, but Nikolai loves. Like it took Alina three weeks to get reader to smile at her and it takes Nikolai 15 minutes to make her smile. And she feels super comfortable with him"
A/N: this is pure heartwarming fluff, though I added a lil twist to make it more exciting if that's okay. (The twist being Nikolai and reader were friends, I know, what a shock.)
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Your time at the Spinning Wheel seemed to blend into one, long moment. You didn't spoke to anyone if it wasn't nessecary. Mostly because you didn't know what to say, but also because you were never the type to make small talk. You always had a hard time opening up to people, or just talk to someone without getting nervous about what you should or shouldn't say. You were shy in the sense that you favored comfortable silence over pointless conversation.
When the doors to the Spinning Wheel opened, you didn't look up to see who it was. Many people came in for the past week, and you felt less and less hopeful when you realized nor Alina, nor Mal was among them. As you walked down the big entrance hall to find more bandages, a familiar voice stopped you in your tracks.
"Y/N?" You heard a woman say and when you turned, you saw Alina standing at the entrance, Mal right next to her. "Y/N!" She shouted and made a run towards you. You didn't know what took a hold of you, but you began running too, and the two of you met in the middle with a crushing hug.
The two of you squeezed each other with a painful grip, before another voice spoke up. "Can I have my girl back now?" Mal said with a smile and the two girl made space for him to hug all of them.
You basked in their warmth, before you broke the hug. "I can't believe you're here! I almost began to think that you..." You swalloed before you continued with a head shake. "It doesn't matter now. How did you get here anyway?"
"We bargained our way onto Sturmhond's ship, then found the Sea Whip and I got my second amplifier to finally end Kirigan, then we got here on a flying ship which ended with a shipwreck from the sky, and we found out that Sturmhond is secretly-"
"Nikolai Lantsov." You whispered as you looked behind them to see him step through the doors. You watched him with a mix of shock and amazement. So he's the one who saved your friends?
Alina noticed the way you stared at him, and she smiled briefly at Mal before taking your arm in hers and leading the two of you to him. "I'd like you to meet the person who saved and then betrayed us."
"Betray? That's a harsh word. And if I remember correctly, I got my fare share of punishment for it. Still hurts by the way," Nikolai pointed to the side of his face and Alina rolled her eyes at him.
"And who is that pretty lady next to you?" Nikolai asked all of a sudden and turned his head to look at you. You began placing yourself behind Alina, but she was quick to hold you next to her, where he could see you.
"Y/N, this is Nikolai, Nikolai this is Y/N, my and Mal's best friend. She's who I told you about, who helped me escape in secret. Also, an excellent storyteller." You looked at her with wide eyes, pleading to let you go, but she just sweetly smiled back at you.
"Y/N? I've been looking for you for quite some time now. I suppose you escaped with Alina, then." Nikolai extended his hand for you to shake and you accepted it. After you left go of his familiar warmth, you clasped both of your hands behind your back. You nodded in agreement.
"That's why you're here." He smiled at you, but your face remained neutral, looking at him with curiosity. "I don't want to sound like the flirt everyone seems to make me out to be, but I don't forget a face such as yours, Gorgeous." He exaggerated on the last word and it made you chuckle.
You smiled as you questioned him. "Are you sure that you're not a flirt? You seem like the biggest one, Your Higness." Your smile didn't falter as he looked back at you with amusement. "That's the worst accusation I've ever heard about myself, and believe me, I've heart quite a lot of nasty things." He said and you chuckled again.
Alina looked at the two of you with wide eyes as she tried to piece together what was happening. You connected with the prince under mere seconds. What took Alina almost three weeks to achieve, it took Nikolai only one minute to make you smile and talk to him.
Mal came to stand next to Alina and the couple watched you and Nikolai smile and laugh at each other, with genuine curiosity and confusion. They were trying to figure out the connection between you, because they didn't think that their shy friend would randomly have a conversation with the Prince.
They both noticed that you were quick to smile at him, even though you still didn't talk that much, but definitely more than you used to. They also noticed the look in Nikolai's eyes as he noticed your small movements, hoping to get a message from those, if not your words.
"This might be a wrong time and place to ask this, but I'm a naturally curious person as you know, so my question is, would you be willing to tell one of your infamous tales? I never heard a single one, while I was in the Palace." Nikolai asked you, and the question made the smile falter from your face.
For once in your life, you didn't think about the words that came out of your mouth as you answered. "There never will be a good time for this, Nikolai. Might as well do it sooner than later. Who knows when will be the next time we can enjoy our lives, without constantly worrying if the next day will come?"
Nikolai looked back at you with a newfound amazement as he looked at you. Your words certainly made an impact on him, because you were quick to look away from his intense stare, and onto the floor. You were about to excuse yourself and go away, but then Nikolai spoke up with a sweet voice.
"You've changed since the last time I saw you. You became a little more spontaneous. I was curious before, but now I'm desperate to finally talk to you." He said and you stared back at him for a few seconds, before you lightly smiled at him.
"And when should we-" Your words were interrupted by one of the Grishas, an Inferni who you've been helping in the last week.
"Y/N! I need your help! Could you come with me real quick?" She asked and with an apologetic look you nodded to Nikolai, and left with the Inferni.
------------Later at Night-----------
It wasn't until midnight that you met Nikolai again. You bid goodnight to Alina and Mal, after the three of you caught up on the past few weeks, annoying Mal to the point he almost went to ask Tamar to execute him. Twice.
You were strolling through the halls and quickly regretted not borrowing the coat Mal handed to you. The halls were cold and you only had your long sleeved, blue dress on you. Sure, you had a thin nightgown under it, but it was a sorry excuse for warmth.
You went down another corridor, when all of a sudden, the doors next to you opened, revealing a muscled chest buried in a thick green robe. After you were done studying his chest, you looked up to see a smirking Nikolai looking back at you. You quickly turned your head away from him, hiding your flushed face.
"Nice to see you too," Nikolai chuckled and from the corner of your eye, you saw him tying the robe in front of his chest, covering up the muscles. He closed the door behind him and pointed forward, indicating a walk.
He fell in line next to you, as you tried to think of something to say. You always felt comfortable in his presence, that wasn't a problem, but you were quite nervous after seeing his really-not-so-bad muscles. You never knew what lied beneath those shirts and waistcoats while you worked at the Palace.
"You know that you can talk to me, right? You don't have to be nervous about saying something wrong," Nikolai softly said and you thankfully looked at him.
After a few more seconds of silence, Nikolai stopped you dead in your tracks with stepping in front of you. You almost collided with him, had he not took a step back to make a little space between you two.
"This might come off like I'm pressuring you, but I'm dying to know, and you know that I'm not exactly the most patient person." Nikolai quickly said, and you opened your mouth to question him, but he was quick to cut you off.
"I know that I have no business asking this, especially right now, but where have you been?" He asked with genuine concern. "For the last year I was asking about you, but you vanished into thin air. I mean, with Kirigan and the attacks I understand why one might go and-"
"You asked about me?" You asked on a quiet voice, and it made Nikolai look at you like you just told him the sky is green. "Of course I did. I even tried to locate you, but it was like your entire being got sweeped off the land."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, amd you stared at him in shock. Did you really mean that much to him? Did he really try to found you of all people, during this war?
"But why?" You whispered and now it was Nikolai's turn to look at you in shock. "Why?" He breathlessly chuckled. "Why wouldn't I? You're the reason I did what I did in the last year. You kept me company while I sneeked out of the Palace, and quite honestly your words captivated me right then and there. You changed my entire perspective on everything I knew about Ravka and its people."
You looked at him with even more bewilderment than before, but took a risky step towards him, your eyes not leaving his. "And?" You asked on a soft voice, slightly tilting your head.
"And?" Nikolai asked back, and let out a slow breath before responding. "And I couldn't stop thinking about you. You were in my dreams, in my head, in the wind, you were everywhere. I couldn't stop imagining the moment I finally met you again. I could've even painted it if I had the talent for it." He swallowed as he looked down to his feet, like he was nervous.
You felt your breath get caught in your throat and you put a hand over your heart, while the other hugged your stomach. The nerves in your belly made your stomach turn in anticipation as you waited.
When Nikolai finnaly looked at you, you saw nothing but raw emotions in his eyes. Sincerity, pain and love. Yes, definitely love.
"I could write you poetry, I could paint you a hundred times, I could sing endless love songs to you. But I won't. I am no artist, Y/N." He closed that last remaining inch between the two of you and leaned closer to you, and you could feel his breath on your skin.
"Even if I'm a prince, even if I'm a bastard son, even if I'm a privateer, you are my muse. I am not an artist, but you are my muse, moye solnyshko."
[A/N: translation=my Sunshine]
His words made your heart practically burst out of your chest. You let your arms fall next to you, and took a quick look between Nikolai and his lips. Oh, to kiss him for just one moment. Would it be sweet like honey? Would it be soft like satin? Would it spin your head? You'd have to find out to know that.
"Can you," you started but the words seemed to die in your throat. Don't do this now. "I want you to," You whispered and despite what Nikolai said before, he stood there patiently, waiting for you to say what you wanted.
"Use your beautiful words, beautiful," Nikolai whispered and it was the only thing you needed to end the tension.
"I need you to kiss me." And within a second his lips were on yours. It was more than you expected. It was soft and warm, like a hug in the middle of winter. Nikolai was slow, like he was afraid you were going to vanish again if he let you go.
His hands found their way around your shoulders, and he hugged you close to himself. You clasped your hands behind his neck, keeping him from even attempting to pull away.
You had to break the kiss because you were running out of air, and the two of you panted as you tried to catch your breath. You looked at Nikolai with pure admiration, still not believing he spent an entire year looking for you, dreaming of you, thinking of you.
It made all of your sleepless night worth it. The nights you spent theorizing about where he could be, what could he be doing, if he even remembered you. This single kiss made this last year hurt a little less.
You were about to pull him in for another kiss, when a familiar voice interrupted you.
"Y/N, I've been looking for you every-" Alina said but when he saw the situation you and Nikolai were in, she quickly cleared hear throat. "Saints, I'm-I'm sorry for interrupting." She said. "I, uh, need Y/N for something. It'll be quick I promise."
She told the two of you, and you looked from her up to Nikolai, and before you could step away from him, he quickly whispered into your ear, so Alina wouldn't hear. "Meet me at your room."
You nodded while biting your bottom lip to keep yourself from smiling like an idiot. You let go of each other and you let Alina link your arms together, as she led you away.
You took a quick look back at Nikolai and saw him hiding a smile, which made you chuckle at him. The small noise made his face break out in a wide smile as he turned around.
"Mal and I were wondering if the two of you knew each other, because you were so comfortable with him earlier. Now I saw just how comfortable you are." Alina said with a light chuckle, before she continued. "You didn't seem so shy. Or is it just only with Nikolai?" She teased you and you attempted an angry glare at her, but she just giggled at you.
"Don't worry. You'll be back with your boyfriend in no time." Alina told you whick made your cheeks feel hot all of a sudden as you smiled to yourself.
For the first time in your life, you wouldn't be alone at night.
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hurtwithallthecomfort · 3 months ago
“Whumpee, Whumpee, Whumpee, you just don’t understand, do you?” Whumper chuckled slightly, watching with intent eyes and their muse squirmed and grimaced in their grasp, too exhausted to lift their head to meet Whumper’s eyes. “I’m doing you a favour by keeping you here. Could you imagine what they’d do to something like you out there?”
Whumpee only tugged harder at their restraints in response, not caring about how the metal rubbed and scraped against red, swollen skin. They didn’t want to hear it, deep down they knew what Whumper meant. Even before Whumper had found them, everyone stared at them, malice dripping from their glares. At best, people wanted Whumpee away. Out of sight, out of mind. At worst, well, it was clear to see that Whumper wasn’t acting out of love and fascination for what they were. Inhuman, freakish, abnormal. Whumpee stayed silent, protesting always led to harsher punishments, they had learnt that. They opted to wallow in the understanding that despite how harsh and cruel Whumper was, they weren’t exactly wrong. At least Whumper had kept them alive and in tact.
Whumpee leant against the wooden doors of the waiting room, defensively crossing their arms and idly picking at their cardigan. It had been years since they’d last seen Whumper. One of their assistants had come up to them - something about a worker’s revolt, freeing all the captives until their boss upped their pay. Whumpee didn’t think about it much, all they did was run. This was their opportunity. Whumpee left the country, determined to reinvent themself. Changed their name, changed their appearance, learnt to pass as human for the most part.
Then, they’d found a poster on the wall. Team of adventurers looking for a medic. No prior experience required. In their time as a captive, they’d learnt enough about patching themselves up that they thought they’d have a chance, learn some skills along the way. The team accepted them with open arms, and they’d been assisting them for almost two years now. They weren’t Whumpee anymore, they were Medic. Each adventure was new, exciting, refreshing. The more they experienced, they further they got from Whumper.
Until last week.
A new mission came up: someone was imprisoning Species, using them for experiments, labour and God knows what. The team barely even knew what a Species was, but the pay was good, and this guy seemed easy enough to take down, after all, this operation was much smaller than Whumper’s. There was just one problem: Medic never told the team anything. They all believed that Whumpee was a completely human guy with no history of torture or imprisonment. Because at the end of the day, Whumper was right. They knew what people did to things like them.
After the team’s valiant effort and hours of pep talk in Medic’s mirror, the mission was a success. Most of the Species were unharmed physically, and needed little more than some stitches. One of them however, seemed to be their captor’s personal favourite. When Leader found them, they had assumed they were dead due to the severity of their injuries. Medic did their best to patch them up, despite the painful memories it brought back. Now, all they could do is wait for them to wake up.
Medic glanced up as they heard the noise of a door opening. It was Leader, holding two cups of what was probably coffee. They smiled sweetly, eyes glimmering slightly.
“Got this for you, thought you might need it if you’re really insisting on staying up to look after the patient,” Leader stated as they handed Medic their coffee. Caramel macchiato - it was their favourite. Leader always remembered the small details about their team, it was what made them such a great leader.
Medic took the cup gently and thanked them, the corners of their mouth turning upwards slightly as a polite gesture. It was no secret to anyone in the team how much they admired Leader. The others always referred to it as a high school crush because usually, seeing Leader made all of Medic’s bad memories dissolve into a small, meaningless puddle. But, today, they only seemed to make things worse.
As they circled their fingers around the lid of the cup, Medic thought deeply. This case was affecting them, badly so. It made every scar sting, as though being reopened. They had to tell someone, but at what cost? Having someone as hateful and spiteful as Whumper despise them didn’t hurt all that much. People like that were prejudiced, nobody would be shocked. But Leader was compassionate, and extended their kind heart to everyone around them. Having someone like that look at them with disdain? It was too terrible to imagine.
“This case is, uh, really eating you up, huh?” Leader stepped closer to them, squeezing Medic’s shoulder comfortingly. It pained them, hurt them deeply, because they were sure that if Leader knew the whole story, they wouldn’t be doing this. They shut their eyes tightly, inhaling sharply. Maybe they should just come out with it. Leader didn’t deserve to be lied to. It was selfish to keep things from them just because Medic was scared of being hurt.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Leader smiled, and turned to look Medic fully in the eyes now. The latter could feel the tears welling in their eyes. They couldn’t do this anymore. Whumpee thought they’d finally gotten away from it all, finally worked past all the wounds Whumper had inflicted. But at the end of the day, they were still Whumpee. Sad, fragile little Whumpee and the world just can’t wait to cut them open and watch them squirm and grimance and—
“I have something to tell you.”
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