#and uh. maybe sit on the couch with him and binge cartoons while we eat take out. i feel that would be nice. yeah. thats it. nothin else...
lovelyrocker · 5 years
Love Is Blind Ch.2
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~Warnings: Jared being extremely sweet.(yes, that needs a warning!)
~ Characters: Jensen, Jared, Lexi(OFC), Spencer(OC), Ellie(OFC), Cassie(OFC)
~Pairings: Jared x Lexi(Eventually)
~Word Count: 6,310
Love Is Blind Masterlist
<Previous Chapter
Lexi managed to make it through her first few weeks with no major events. Other than the normal over obsessed fan wanted to know stuff and fangirled around her, she was able to stay to herself. Which is what she liked. She didn’t go out of her way to really make friends just yet and she never tried to hide the fact that she was Jensen’s little sister. What was the point? She figured it didn’t pay to hide who she was because in all honesty, she didn’t want to put in the effort of pretending to be something she wasn’t. She knew she wasn’t going to have a normal life but she was okay with that.
She fell into a routine of seeing Jensen and Jared mornings, catching them as she woke up just before they left for work. At night she would normally be awake studying late into the night when they’d come trudging in. Weekends were spent traveling back and forth to Austin from Vancouver and then to Dallas every other weekend. When she did have free time, however few and far between it was, she much enjoyed down time on the set. Watching them film trying not to laugh as they pranked one another, mostly Misha. Spending nights onset in the trailers binging on junk food and following the guys live tweeting while watching the show. It quickly became home, her normal and she was happy.
“Hey Texas!” Lexi heard a voice echo down the hall, seeing a petite redhead walking towards her.
“Hi.” Lexi greeted back closing her locker.
“How’re you liking our school?” The redhead came to a stop in front of her.
“Uh, good, I guess. Different than Texas.” Lexi answered slinging her backpack over her shoulder.
“I know. Culture shock. I’m Ellie.” Ellie smiled. “Wanna eat lunch with us?” She gestured towards the waiting people.
Lexi looked over at the teens then back at Ellie. “Sure.”
They sat at the concrete table on the concrete benches as the nibbled on their apple slices, sandwiches and soda. The weather was on the chilly side but the sun kept them comfortable enough to dine out. Lexi was introduced to Cassie, a 16 year old,  curvy brunette with a bubbly personality. And Spencer, a sixteen year old, tall, shaggy brown headed boy that had the ‘I don’t give a hell’ attitude most girls found irresistible.
“So why did you move here?” Spencer asked in his deep monotone voice.
“School, I applied on a whim and got in. My brother works here here so.” She shrugged.
“I moved here from El Paso a few years ago. My dad was transferred with his job.” Ellie spoke.
“So you’re Texas too.” She said raising her brow.
“Yup.” Ellie sipped her cola. “So how many A.P. classes do you have?”
“Uh,” She scratched at her nose. “All of them.”
Ellie choked a bit. “All?! How old are you?”
“Fifteen.” Lexi answered shyly.
“So you skipped two grades?” Lexi nodded. “Sweet. Smart bitch.” Ellie added with a nudge. “You said you live with your brother? Must get away with a lot of crap.”
“Uh, no.” Lexi corrected. “When he wants to be he can be strict. Jared however is a big goofball most of the time.”
“Jared?” Ellie questioned. “Is that like his boyfriend?”
“What?!” Lexi was shocked. “No, no!”
“Oh, right! The tall dude!” Ellie corrected herself. “Sorry, i’m not like hardcore obsessed with them like most other girls are.” She explained. “I refer to them as the tall one and the hot one.” She chuckled.
Lexi gave a laugh. “Better than me. I call Jensen Dork and Jared skyscraper.”
“At least my nicknames are nice!” Ellie poked fun.
The two became close as the days turned into weeks of texting and late night phone calls between the teens. Lexi often going over to Ellie’s house after school to hang out or do school work along with Ellie’s other friend’s Cassie and Spencer. They didn't treat her different or odd. They treated her normal, like a person. And when others behaved otherwise around her they would have her back.
But as always in these situations one can never be too sure. So now Lexi felt it was time to attempt to mix her home life and personal life a bit. See how it went. “Hey, can I have friends over?” Lexi blerted to Jensen when he walked into the house.
“Hello Lexi, How was your day?” Jensen answered her with a grin.
“Sorry.” She smiled and hugged her brother. “How was your day?”
“It was good.” He slipped his jacket off and hung it on the back of the chair. “Now, what do you want?”
“Can I have some friends over? Maybe spend the night?”
Jensen looked at her unsure he heard the question correctly. “Uh, here? Like in our house?”
She gave him a weird look. “That’s usually how sleepovers work, Dork.”
“That depends, Punk.” He leaned against the back of the couch.
“On what?”
“On whether or not they’ll go through our underwear drawers or something.” Jared spoke standing from the kitchen table.
“Dude, eww.” Lexi held up her hand. “They’re fifteen and sixteen.”
“Yeah, I know but-” Jensen tried to speak but was cut off.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Crazy people.” Lexi finished for her brother. “But these are my friends. They’re my friends for me not you. Trust me, I don’t normally like people in general.”
“You got a point.” Jensen exhaled and looked at Jared across the room who gave a consenting nod. “Fine.”
“Thank you!” Lexi jumped up clapping her hands hugging Jensen.
“Hey what about me?” Jared faked being left out. “I had to agree too.”
“Thank you, too!” She gave Jared a hug as well.
The next day it was a little past six in the evening when Jared and Jensen walked into the house. They were greeted with the sound of teenagers laughing in the living room. Entering the living room the seeing four teenagers lounging across the furniture, jackets and hoodies draped along the backs of the couch and chairs, school books strewn about the floor and coffee table and bags of junk food littered the area.
“Study party?” Jensen greeted.
“Hey, Jensen!” Lexi smiled. “Guys this is my brother and his bestie, Jared.” She looked over at her friend. “The tall one and the hot one right, Elle?” She giggled. “Guys this is Cassie,” She pointed to dimpled brunette. “And this is Ellie.” She pointed to the red head. “And that’s Spencer.” She aimed at the shaggy blond haired boy. “We are all AP nerds so we are kinda sorta studying.” She crooked her hand.
“Nerd herd, got ya.” Jensen said sliding his jacket off. “Did you guys eat? Like actually food?”
“Not yet.” Lexi said digging through the bag in her lap.
“Anyone seen the big bag of gummy bears from the pantry?” Jared asked walking back into the room as Lexi froze putting a gummy in her mouth looking like a deer in headlights. Jared walked over leaning on the back of the chair. “Thief.”
Lexi lifted the bag. “I’ll be nice and share.” She smiled.
“Pizza sound good?” Jensen asked as the all agreed.
“I wish I could stay but I have to get home.” Spencer said putting booking into his bag. “Thanks for the cramming session, I’ll see you guys later.” He stood making his way to the door. “Nice meeting you guys.” He waved walking out.
Sitting around the table with soda and pizza between the three girls and two men they chatted about Lexi’s upcoming birthday. “We should have a party!” Ellie continued grabbing another slice of pepperoni.
“Dude, I barely know five people.” Lexi protested.
“You can make new friends in a month.” Cassie chimed in. “And at the party.”
“Every girl needs to go big for their sixteenth birthday.” Ellie added. “It’s like in a rule book somewhere. It’s an excuse to get all dressed up and sexy.”
“I think you should have a party.” Jensen spoke from the end of the table. “Besides I know Dee would love to plan a party that doesn’t involve cartoons and ponies.” He sipped his drink.
“And I'm sure Spencer would love to come.” Ellie sang.
“The geeky kid that was here?” Jared asked.
Ellie looked at Jared. “He is always giving her flirty eyes and smiling like an idiot around her.”
“Shut up!” Lexi laughed.
“I’ve known Spenc for eight years!” Ellie sat up. “I know how he acts when he likes someone. And he likes you!”
As soon as Lexi agreed to the party the month seemed to fly by extra quickly. The party was a week and a half away. She learned fast as to who was her friends and who was in it for Jared and Jensen. She’d managed to make a few handfuls of friends that she enjoyed spending time with. But, Cassie and Ellie were the closest. Ellie most of all. They always seemed to be attached at the hip.
She was managing well with her new, more so hectic than not lifestyle. Traveling from Vancouver to Texas most weekends. Splitting her time between Austin and Dallas. She was adapting and maintaining her own level of sanity between being a teenaged that was advanced academically and being a normal teen in general. Normal was never her strong suit though.
“Lexi, You’ve got mail.” Jared spoke in an automated voice dropping the envelopes on the counter in front of her. “A lot of mail.” He said turning back around placing a few more in front of her.
Lexi began flipping through the papers. “Hey guys?” The men looked up at her curious as to why she looked in shock. “When you’re accepted to a university, they send you the big envelope, right?”
Jensen made his way over to her quickly looking over the envelopes. “Dartmouth, Stanford, Yale, Princeton! Lexi you got into all four!” Jensen beamed.
Jared stood with excitement. “One more, Cornell!” He held up another big envelope.
“Oh my God!” She sat down in shock. “I really didn’t think I’d get in. Like, at all!” She looked up at Jensen.
“I’m so proud of you, Punk.” Jensen squeezed her into a hug.
Days later it was late into the night and Lexi was sitting on her bed with all the university  information spread out in front of her. She was trying to make a decision but did not have much luck.
Hearing a grunt of frustration, Jared pushed the half opened door and stood. “Hey. Why are you still up?”
“I got accepted into three more universities. Brown, Columbia and Harvard.”
“That’s great!” Jared praised and Lexi looked at him with annoyed eyes. “Not great?”
Lexi huffed and let herself fall back against the pillows. “I don’t know where to go!” She brought her hands to her face and grunted again then let her hands fall down. “This is so frustrating! Maybe if I knew what I wanted to do with my life!”
“Okay, One, Calm down.” Jared pulled her desk chair out turning it backwards and sitting. “Look at me.” He said as she sat back up and he took her hands into his. “I’m gonna first start off by saying that you should be proud of yourself for getting into, what was it, eight?” He reached and counted the letters. “Eight Ivy league universities.” She looked back up to him. “Second, when do they need an answer?”
“That’s still a ways away.” He assured. “We are only in October.” He took a breath. “What’s really going on?” He didn’t know her as well as Jensen did but he knew her well enough to know when something was going on in that head of hers.
Lexi sighed. “I’m not even sixteen yet. I won’t be for another two weeks, and I have to make this major life decision. Like do I live off campus or in the dorm? Can I even live in the dorm since i’m under eighteen? Do I stay here? I mean how will this work? I don’t even know what I want out of life.”
“Breathe.” Jared cooed. “I have an Idea. How about I go over all of this with you tomorrow. You know? Help you sort it all out.”
“Really? You’d do that?”
“Yeah, if you’d like.” He nodded. “Just not right now at 12:30 at night.” He smiled at her.
It was Saturday, Jensen was in Austin and since it was Genevieve’s weekend with the kids Jared stayed behind as well as Lexi to go over the university choices. Sitting on the porch in the cool breeze, papers, notebooks and a laptop sat between the two of them. Flipping through each information booklet one by one they went over all the benefits, pros and cons of each place.
“Which one is next?” Jared asked setting aside one folder.
Lexi shifted grabbing another folder from the pile. “Uh, Stanford.” She opened the booklet. “Isn’t that where Sam went on the show?”
“Yes it is.” He answered with a smile as he read over some papers. “I actually did a little research when I did the pilot. Good school. Between San Jose and San Francisco I think.”
“Geez, that’s far away.” She looked from Jared  to the booklet. “I don’t know if I’d be able to live THAT far away yet.” She tossed the booklet aside in annoyance. “UGH! I want Ice cream.”  She stood up and walked in remerging with a pint of ice cream and a spoon. “Don’t look at me like that.” She said to him noticing the grin and amused look on his face. “Ice cream fixes everything.” She said as she took a spoonful into her mouth. “Especially cookie dough ice cream.” She handed him the pint. “So why didn’t you go to college?” She asked laying her head back on the chair.
“I almost did.” He took another mouthful of ice cream. “Registered for classes and everything.”
“Really?” She snapped her head back up looking at him. “What happened?”
“I got casted on Gilmore Girls. Packed up and moved to L.A.”
“I wish I knew what my thing was. Like, I wish I could find something I'm passionate about.” She turned to face Jared. “I was always team Dean by the way.” She added as she continued talking. “Like you and Jay for instance. You both walked away on a full ride education to pursue acting. You were passionate and determined. I have nothing like that.”
“Yes you do.” Jared shot back. “Everyone does.”
She thought for a moment, the wheels spinning in her head. “There is one thing that I kind of liked.”
“What’s that?” Jared asked as he passed the ice cream again.
“Help me pick up all of this crap and I’ll show you.” She began grabbing the papers.
Inside Jared followed her upstairs and piled the papers her desk in the bedroom. She went into her closet and began digging around. Spotting what she was looking for she  climbed a box reaching for the top of the closet.
“Hold on.” Jared said walking behind her grabbing her waist and setting her on the floor. “You gonna bust your butt.” He chuckled. “What you reaching for?”
“That one.” She pointed. Jared grabbed the box with ease and handed it to her. “Okay, so when I was thirteen, Danneel was doing a clothing thing with a friend and drafted me as one of her models.” She explained sitting on the bed digging through the box. “I didn’t think I'd like it all but I actually loved it.” She handed him a stack a pictures.
“You look so cute!” He exclaimed, seeing the first picture then began flipping. “These are all really good.”
“I thought about looking into it but never did.” She shrugged leaning back on her pillows.
“These are from a different shoot, right?” He sat on the bed holding up a few photos.
“Yeah, those were last summer. I did that with a friend at Lake Austin.”
“Lex, you’ve found your thing.” Jared chuckled looking at her as if it were obvious, and it was. “Why aren’t you doing this?”
“I just did it these few times.”
“So, you’re a natural.” Jared placed the pictures back in the box.
“Kind of thought it may be too far fetched. You know how many people want to model?”
“Have you met your brother? The guy took off to L.A. at eighteen with only a hunch.”
“Guess you’re right.” She slid the box under her bed.
“I know I am.” Jared said with a grin walking out the room.
In Jensen’s trailer a week later Lexi sat on the couch buried in her school books. A place she has come to look at as a second Vancouver home. Spending many nights on set and getting rides with Cliff to and from school, spending the time doing homework and watching Jared and Jensen film.
“Hey punk.” Jensen greeted with a peck on her head, Jared in toe.
“Hey, dork.” She smiled up at him.
“What’re you up to?”
“Homework. What are y'all doing?”
“Little break.” Jensen plopped down next to her.
“Jensen,” A tap on the trailer in passing. “We need you in wardrobe and makeup.”
“Don’t study too hard.” He said, tapping her head standing before walking out.
“Nice stubble.” Lexi smirked at Jared who was sitting across from her in the chair.
“Yeah,” He said rubbing his face. “Sam’s got a little five o'clock shadow going in this episode.”
“It suits you.” She said as Jared crossed the room and plopped down next to her grabbing the bag of sour strips from her lap. “Hey!” She protested.
Jared smiled, popping a candy into his mouth. “What are you working on?”
“Book report. How many times must we pick apart Romeo and Juliet in our high school career?”
“They still teach that?” Jared asked grabbing her notebook.
“Yeah but this report has to be different. We have to not only voice what we think about the relationship but add an entire separate report through the eyes of their parents.” She rolled her eyes.
“Wow.” Jared said looking over her paper.
“Yeah, like being in love at fourteen isn’t bad enough.” She shut her text book and tossed it aside.
“Don’t you believe in true love and all that jazz, like most chicks your age?” Jared asked, putting her notebook down, grabbing another sour strip.
She scoffed. “Negative!” She answered with large eyes.
“Seriously?” He asked surprised.
“Why? Do you?”
“Eh, sorta.” He said shrugging. “Listen, um, I want to show you something. Follow me.” He said standing. Lexi followed him to his trailer, another home away from home and watched as he emerged with a box wrapped in a bow.
“You didn’t have to do that.” She said with a smile spreading across her lips.
“I know. I wanted to.” He said, still holding out the box.
“But my party isn’t until next weekend.”
“And your birthday was two days ago. So technically I’m late.” He held the gift out for her with the sweetest boyish smile.
Lexi took the box and began unwrapping it. As the paper fell away she pulled the top off of the rectangle box and looked up at Jared. “Oh my God, Jared!” Pulling out a beautiful black leather bound journal she looked back at him.. “I can’t accept-”
“Yes, you can.” Jared spoke, looking at her. “With as much as you journal I figured you would soon need a new one.”
“Is this real leather?” She asked examining the elegant spiral design with black, pink and greys. Jared nodded. “This must have cost a fortune, Jared, I can’t-”
He lifted a finger. “Ah ah, yes, you can. Besides,” He opened the journal pointing to the left hand corner on the inside. “It has your initials. And, here.” He handed her an envelope. “This is yours too.”
Lexi took the envelope and opened in. “An address?” She gave him a funny look.
“I have a friend that is currently looking for a few models to do a low profile shoot for some local stores. I showed her your pictures and she was interested.
Be there Saturday morning at 9am.”
“Oh my- Jared thank you!” she said, tossing her arms around his shoulders.
“Wait!” She pulled away. “You stole my pictures?”
“Borrowed.” He shrugged with a chuckle. “Happy Sweet Sixteen, Lex.” Jared said as he hugged her tight once again.
“Oh, I wanted to get your opinion on something. Wait here.” Lexi said as she left the trailer then reappeared with papers in a yellow envelope and handed it to him. “I didn’t know who to talk to about it because, to be completely honest, I’ve only talked to you about the college stuff.”
“Okay?” Jared said shutting the door and opening the envelope.
Lexi watched his facial expressions changed while he flipped through the papers. He shifted as he read and Lexi did a once over of his stance, trying to read him. She paused over his arms. Without a jacket or hoodie she could really see the defined curves of his biceps. She shook the thought from her head and tried to focus on his expression. She watched as he nibbled his bottom lip in concentration. The way his hair slightly fell in front of his eyes… His eyes, the deep, mesmerizing blue green abyss of his eyes.
“So the University of British Columbia?” Jared spoke, pulling her from her thoughts.
“I know it sounds crazy.” She said, refocusing her attention.
“The crazy ideas are usually the best.” Jared smiled.
“So you don’t think this is too-”
“No, I don’t.” Jared smirked. “Their curriculum is so big you can basically study whatever. They can be considered a Northern Ivy league. You get to stay home. Sounds like you made up your mind.”
“I was thinking maybe business and art design with a class or two in photography.” She explained with a hand gesture.
“Sounds perfect.” Jared smiled, handing her back her papers. “Shoot for the stars.”
“Thank you, Jared.” She said, reaching up and giving him a hug.
As soon as she did, she wished she didn’t. The feel of his firm body pressed against her made her lose her breath for a second. His defined arms held her against him in a gripping hug that made her swallow hard.
If only she knew Jared’s mind was made temporarily hazy by her sweet smelling shampoo. The scent filled his nose as he held on a moment longer that needed. She pulled away and looked up at Jared. “Don’t you need to be on set or something?”
“No, I’m actually good for the night. Jensen and Misha are shooting now. I’m staying here for the night. I think Jay may be, too.”
The trailer door opened. “There you are.” Jensen said walking into Jared’s trailer.
“Speak of the Devil.” Lexi giggled
“I’m gonna be shooting till late so I’m gonna stay here. Did you want to head home or have Cliff run you get clothes or something?” Jensen asked fixing his collar.
“I’m good. I have extra clothes here from last time I stay the night on set.”
“Okay, I have to get back.” Jensen leaned in and kissed her forehead before walking out.
Jared and Lexi cut up and watched Netflix that evening to kill time. They watched old horror movies and ate gummy bears and sour strips to their heart’s content while talking about the differences between the types of books and poetry they’d both recent read. Talking about old comic books and 80’s cartoons only to shift onto the topic of sci fi book and movies.
“Hey, Lex. It’s snowing.” Jared commented looking out the window.
“Really?” She glanced out the window excited. “Yay!” Jumping up and running out of the trailer.
She stood in the middle of the dark lot, arms stretched, as the snow fell heavily around her. She spun around and took in the feeling of the cold wetness.
Jared smiled at her. “Have you ever seen snow?”
“Once or twice. But, this is the first time it’s snowed since I’ve moved here.” She said, looking back at Jared. “I love the snow!”
A fair amount of fresh powder had already collected on the ground by the time Jared had noticed. He balled up a snowball and tossed it at her. Looking back with a huge smile, Lexi retaliated.  she ambushed him, tackling him to the ground. They wrestled and Jared pinned her to the ground in a bout of laughter and giggles.
“My God, this is freezing!” Lexi shouted as her bare skin touched the snowy ground.
“Well, you ran out here in your school uniform.” Jared laughed helping her up.
“Come on, let's get you in.” As they walked into the trailer Jared handed her a towel. “Jump in the shower, it’ll help warm you.”
Without hesitation Lexi went straight for the shower and turned the hot water on full blast. She stood under the spout and instantly began to warm up. After washing up she stepped out and dried off, then wrapped a towel around herself. It wasn’t until then that she realized that her clothes were still in Jensen’s trailer.
She cracked open the bathroom door. “Uh, Jared?”
“Yeah.” He said, not looking away from what he was reading in his phone.
“I didn’t grab my stuff from Jensen’s trailer. You mind?”
Jared glanced up and saw her standing there in the door in a towel, the water still dripping from her skin. He was momentarily frozen at the sight of her standing there, her curves obvious through the thin fabric. He quickly shook his thoughts and stood. “Uh, here.” He said walking toward the back room. He reemerged with a pants and long sleeved shirt. “I’m not about to go rummaging through your bag.” He smiled at her.
“Thank you.” She smiled, closing the door. She dried off and slipped into Jared’s clothes. Although his clothes fit his six foot four frame perfectly, Lexi’s five foot six stature was made to look even smaller in his huge clothes. But she didn’t mind. His shirt smelled of him and was warm and cozy.
She walked out of the bathroom and sat on the couch, covering back up. “I’m still freezing.”
“I’ll turn the heat up.” Jared said walking towards the thermostat. “I’m always hot so it really doesn’t bother me.”
“Bring some of that heat this way.” Lexi said gesturing for him to come over.
Jared chuckled and slid next to her on the couch. “My God, you are warm.” She said as she snuggled into him.
“You feet are freezing!” He jumped as she touched him.
Jared placed an arm around her and he soon felt her stop shivering. He pressed play on the next movie as he felt her arms wrap gently around his waist. Not long after the movie started he noticed her breathing deepens. Looking down and saw she was asleep. Jared pushed the hair from her face and watched her for a bit, stroking her cheek as he looked over her face, taking in her rose cheeks and pink lips. He let his thumb brush her lip for a small moment before retracting his hand shaking his head to rid himself of the thoughts that were rising in his head. He slid himself down on the couch to get comfortable. Laying longways, Lexi was nestled between Jared and the sofa. He fixed the blanket to cover her better, causing her to stir a bit. Lexi leaned into Jared draping a leg over his, nestling into his chest, she wrapped her arm around his waist pulling him a little closer. Jared wasn’t sure if he should stay the way they were or not. She was sleeping so peacefully. Part of his mind was telling him to move. That laying with a sixteen year old girl like this wasn’t appropriate,especially with the uncontrolled thoughts that kept popping in his head - thoughts that confused the hell out of him, to be honest. If anyone saw him laying with her like this, they would get the wrong impression.
He looked at his watch and saw it was late. If Jensen was gonna pop in after shooting he would have done it by now. Jared looked back down at Lexi and smiled. It had been so long since someone laid on him this way. He missed the feeling of somebody next to him, warm and soft. Maybe that’s what this was. Maybe he was thinking of Lexi oddly because he’s lonely? Finally, he flipped the tv off and laid his hand around Lexi and tucked the other under his head. In a matter of minutes he was asleep.
Jared’s alarm on his phone went off the next morning causing both he and Lexi to jump awake. He reached a hand and shut the phone off, running a hand over his face. Lexi sat up, the blanket falling from her shoulders.
“Did we sleep like this all night?” She asked, rubbing her eyes with a yawn.
“I guess so.” Jared stretched before getting up. “Coffee?”
“That’s a stupid question.” Lexi smirked. “You are better than an electric blanket.” She stretched again.
“What?” Jared chuckled, getting the coffee pot ready.
“I stayed warm all night.”
“Good to know I’m good for something.” He joked.
“What time is it?” She yawned again, peeping through the window shade. “It’s not even daylight yet.”
“Five. I gotta be on set in about an hour and a half.”
“I can do a Starbucks run when the sun comes up.” She smiled up at him.
“That would be wonderful. Iced-”
“Grande iced latte and one of those croissants.” She finished for him as she stood and stretched. “I think I have clothes here from last week now that I think about it.” She said, walking to the back of the trailer. “That purse thing I had last week with the rose on it. Is it still here?” She opened her closet and moved stuff around on the floor. “Ha, I knew it!” She said grabbing the bag.
Lexi swung the door and began undressing. Jared fixed a cup of coffee and walked over to the door. His intentions were to ask if she wanted him to fix her a cup of coffee. He was distracted when he caught a glance of her undressing. He stood a few feet from the door and watched Lexi slide the baggy pants down her legs revealing her sky blue pantys. She lifted the giant shirt over her head and Jared swallowed seeing her bare back facing towards the door. His eyes gazed at her body up and down as she dug for an item in her bag. He took in her curves, the way her hair fell down her back.
She shimmied her jeans up her legs and snapped her bra before turning, giving Jared a direct view of her barely covered breasts. He was already half hard watching her before, now he was fully aroused at the site of her full cleavage that peeked from the top of her bra. She slid her shirt on and went for the door. Jared turned quickly to hide his growing problem.
“Hey, what’re you doing?” She asked as he walked back towards the kitchen.
“I was about to ask if you wanted me to pour you a cup?” He positioned himself carefully behind the counter.
“I can get it.” Lexi said, walking into the small kitchen area behind Jared grabbing a cup.
Jared hoped to God she didn’t notice his issue. She grabbed her coffee and walked to the couch, Jared breathing a sigh of relief.
Lexi downed her coffee and grabbed her newly found bag and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Jensen walked in and greeted his friend, Lexi poking her head out of the bathroom.
“Did you sleep well, punk?”
“Yes. Oh, and I found my missing overnight bag.” She smiled walking back, toothbrush in her mouth. Jensen turned his attention to Jared who was leaning over the counter.
“You alright man?”
“I’m good.” Jared said, brushing it off.
Jensen stared at him for a long minuted then realized. “You don’t- really?!” He said in a half whisper, half yell. “Lexi?!”
“No!” Jared lied. “I woke up with it and it won’t go away!” He whispered to his friend. “When she is done and leaves I’ll…” He drifted off, Jensen understanding.
Jensen stood on the opposite side of the counter and a smile crept over his face. “What?” Jared asked.
“Oh, nothing.” Jensen’s smile getting wider.
“Uh huh.” Jared knew he was lying.
“Lex?!” Jensen called out.
“Don’t you dare!”
“Yeah.” Lexi said as she walked out of the bathroom and slipped her shoes on.
“Jared woke up with a massive case of morning wood, so get lost so he can rub one out before work.” Jared’s face went white.
“T.M.I.” Lexi said with a giggle as she grabbed her jacket and jumped down the steps.
“I’m gonna kill you!” Jared snapped as Jensen walked out with a huge grin.
After wardrobe and makeup, Jared was heading towards the set when he saw Jensen coming his way. “Give me one good reason not to punch you.” Jared spat as Jensen walked in step with him.
“Why would you go and do that? Did you fix your issue?”
“Shut up.”
“Did you use Lexi’s lotion?”
“No!” He looked behind them then back at Jensen. “Cold shower. You’re an ass. Now Lexi is gonna think I’m some creep weirdo thanks to you.”
“I already thought you were a creepy weirdo.” Lexi said walking up behind Jared handing him his latte. “Only thing different now is that I think you’re a sexually frustrated creepy weirdo.” She smiled handing Jensen his Venti Americano.
“Ha! I’m going to wardrobe.” He slapped Jared on the back, walking away.
“Lexi, this morning, me being-” Jared’s cheeks were growing bright. “That had nothing to-to do with you. Not- not that you aren’t attractive, just-” Jared was fumbling over his words horribly. It didn’t help that he was also lying through his teeth. She was the exact reason he was turned on this morning. And after she and Jensen left, he pleased himself thinking of her in the shower.
“Jared.” She broke his mumbling. “It’s okay. I get how the male body works. You should have just said something.”
“Yeah like I'm just gonna say 'Hey go away so I can jerk off’.” He froze. “Wait, I didn’t- that was a little-”
Lexi laughed. “Jared, chill. I’m not twelve. I know about sex,” she raised her brow. “ the birds and the bees. You’re good.” Jared flushed again. “Besides, I did grow up with Jensen.”
“Yeah, enough said there.”
“Hey, after you get done filming, can you drop me off at the mall on the way home?”
“Sure, what’s at the mall?”
“I was gonna look for a dress for the party.” She said as Jensen walked back up now in full Dean gear.
“Speaking of party, how many people you’re expecting?”
“Fifty or less.” She wiggled a hand.
“Did you even meet fifty people in a month?” Jensen questioned.
“I work fast.” ~ Walking up to the mall entrance, Ellie was waiting with coffee in hand. Lexi reached out and grabbed her cup from Ellie and they made their game plan.
“Wait, wait. Where will you two be?” Jensen asked in a paternal tone.
“We’re shopping for the party, Jay. So, everywhere.” Ellie started. “Gotta make sure we look sexy.” She said shaking her shoulders.
“Yeah. not happening. Dresses are to be decent and respectable. Both of you.” He pointed a finger. “Lex, you need cash?” He reached for his wallet.
“No, I’m good.” She turned entwining her arm with Ellie.
“Okay, Y'all have fun and remember, tasteful.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Ellie said with a wave of her arm as the kept walking away.
“And no stripper heels, either!” Jensen shouted.
“Not making any promises!” Ellie shouted back.
Jared shook his head looking at his best friend. A few hours had gone by and Jared and Jensen walked through the mall with a few bags in hand stopping occasionally to take a selfie or sign an autograph. Across the breezeway they saw Lexi and Ellie talking with Cassie and Spencer, their hands full of shopping bags. “I trust the bunch of you are behaving like mature young adults.” Jensen nudged Ellie’s arm.
“Oh absolutely.” Ellie mocked with a smile.
“Guys, you remember Cassie and Spencer.” Lexi reintroduced.
“I actually have to get going. I told my mom I’d pick up my little sister.” Spencer turned to Lexi. “I’ll call you later?”
“Okay, talk to you later.”
Jensen waited till he was out of earshot then turned to Lexi with a mischievous grin. “Call you later?”
“Shut up.”
“I said nothing!” Jensen had his hands up in mock surrender.
“You’re thinking it.”
“Thinking what?”
“I don’t know, but stop.” She said, warning Jensen with her eyes.
“He seems… nice.” Jensen added.
“Shut up, Jay.” Lexi walked past.
“I just said-”
“Oh I know what you said.” She turned and pointed at him. “And what you say and what you think or two totally different things.” She laughed
Next Chapter>
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marki-trash-blog · 7 years
You may have already done this before but question. How would the egos (Yan, and Author included) react to like their s/o baking them like cookies or something when their s/o notices they're a little stressed out?
This got really long, since I essentially wrote a mini one shot for each of the egos, so it’s under a read more, enjoy! (also like I worked really hard on this so yeah pls appreciate)
Dark would be confused at first, the sweet scent of blueberry brownies wafting through the house as soon as he came in. He drops his suitcase gently, quiet as a hunter stalking its prey as he makes his way into the kitchen. He relaxes as soon as he sees it’s just his s/o, and he patiently waits in silence as they take them out of the oven and put them into the fridge to cool off. He’d smile, incredibly flattered. It’s not often anyone does things like that for him. He’d swiftly make his way to them and wrap his arms around them, softly, turning them around to give them a quick peck on the lips and watching them become flustered in his hold. He’d thank them profusely and absolutely love the brownies, setting aside some time to cuddle or simply be in their company and talk or watch a movie. It would genuinely make him happy, even if it’s difficult for him to show.
Wilford would pipe up as soon as he arrived. He’d loudly yell out for his s/o after smelling the sweet strawberry cupcakes someone must had prepared. Had that been him? He had a bad memory but he would’ve definitely remembered making his favorite dessert! He’d rush to the kitchen and just be absolutely taken by seeing his s/o apologizing for the mess in the room. “Aww, honeybun, no need to worry! We can clean up later, thank you my sweet little darling, you’re most definitely too good to me.” He’d help them get the cupcakes cooling in the fridge and drawing a bath for them both. Lots of sweet kisses and giggles would ensue. He’d set them both in their pj’s and snack on the cupcakes while watching tv. He wouldn’t cease thanking them for the sweet gesture and flattering them on their baking skills.
Dr.Iplier would have arrived home, absolutely exhausted after managing the injuries resulting from other ego’s competitiveness or simple stupidity, or both. He’d sit down on the couch, almost crashing right then and there, before smelling from the kitchen one of the best scents he ever knew. “Is- wait that- is that chocolate fudge chocolate cake?” He’d get up and speedwalk to the kitchen, finding you taking a batch of cupcakes in his absolute favorite flavor out of the oven, squeaking when you saw him. “Oh gosh, I thought you’d be home later! I wanted to surprise you, you work so hard and I know this isn’t much but I know it’s your favorite and-” He’d cut you off with a gentle, thankful kiss and just hold you there in the middle of the kitchen after you set the cupcakes down. After a while of comfortable silence he spoke up. “So, when do you think they’ll have cooled down?”
Google could register that someone was definitely baking something, but it wasn’t anyone’s birthday according to his calendar, so for what reason? He quietly drifted towards the kitchen, carefully assessing the situation as he sees you frosting a cake. He watches as you just decorate it simply, and then look up to where he stands, as if caught red-handed. “I- uhh, I knew you were having lots of paperwork and I wanted to make something- I mean, I know you’re an android so maybe this was stupid but umm, it’s vanilla! I know you prefer plainer things.” He’d come over and shush you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, absolutely amazed at the fact you thought of making him something. Humans could be such fascinating and kind creatures. He’d hold your hands in his for a moment. “Thank you, I am fond of it already.”
Bim would be so terribly drained after a full day or recording, but when he walked inside and smelled sugar cookies he bolted to the kitchen and squealed, seeing them set on a placed on the table and you smiling softly. He would run over and hug you and give you a soft, gentle kiss, looking at you with bright, sparkling eyes and a goofy smile. “You should eat one first (y/n)!! You made them after all!!” The rest of the evening would be spent watching cartoons and eating the cookies.
Author would  be back from a character hunt, his bat covered in gore and left outside, his shirt and pants all bloody, yet his hair and face pristine. He smells the cake as soon as he walks in. He wouldn’t even be subtle about entering the kitchen, wrapping his arms around your waist as you squeal in surprise. “Authy- you whined- you’re getting me all dirty.” You pouted comically as Author chuckled. “We can wash that of later, together~ Now, now, what have you made here? You do know red velvet cake is my favorite, don’t you?” You blush and nod. “I know you love character haunts, but they wear on you, I thought.. well I thought I’d give you a nice surprise.” He’d hum his approval and kiss you gently, his mouth tasting of a distinct metallic tang, but you didn’t think to bother. “Shall we eat then, doll?” 
Host already knew what you were doing by the time he reached the dining room near the kitchen. Besides the lovely smell of blueberry muffins wafting through the entire house, his narration was a reliable source. He made his way into the kitchen and leaned on the counter. “(Y/n), The Host wonders for what reason you’ve decided to bake his favorite dessert.” He spoke softly, genuinely curious. You laughed a tad awkwardly. “Your narration told you, didn’t it?” Host nodded. You sighed, and put the batch of muffins into the freezer to cool. “Well, you always do so much for me, I figured I’d at least make a little something to return the favor.” You went up to him and he rested his arms over your hips, going around to your back.He leaned in and granted you a soft, loving kiss, slow and meaningful, before pulling back and smiling. “Thank you, (Y/n), The Host can’t wait to taste them, and see if they taste about as sweet as you~”
Bing loudly burst into the kitchen, not really quite aware of what was going on around him as he sat on the counter top. “Suh (Y/n)! How are ya babe?” He beamed, purely happy just from spending time with you. You couldn’t help but smile back. “I”m good dude, made you a surprise!” Bing actually paused, lifting his shades. His eyes, golden with orange flecks, were bright and wide in amazement. “Really? You, uh, you really didn’t have to.” He was starting to blush, and you laughed, pulling a cookie from behind you and handing it to him. “Peanut Butter Sugar cookies, your favorite right?” You smiled sweetly, and he jumped off from the counter to hug you. “Babe, you totally know I love you, right?” You laughed a bit and nodded, giving him a chaste peck on the lips, to which he broke out in a goofy grin. “Alright! Let’s eat some cookies then bruh!” 
Yandere got home after attending to some... business. He’d been off with Wilford, taking care of some lowlife who had threatened his senpai a long time ago. When he walked through the door, he could instantly smell his favorite dessert. He rushed to the kitchen, finding you icing a simple chocolate cake. He made his way over to you before you were able to react and squeezed you tin a tight hug. “Senpai!~ You didn’t have to!” You laughed a bit and awkwardly shifted to turn around in his hold and hug him back. ‘I wanted to though! I know it’s your favorite, it was your favorite right?” Yan nodded enthusiastically and lightly kissed you happily. “You’re such a good senpai, now, let’s go ahead and eat some cake!” The two of you giggled as he placed a bit of frosting on your nose and you licked the residue off his finger. Sometimes Yan really wasn’t all that bad!
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