#and ugg slippers that i’ve been wanting for forever
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httpjupiterbby · 7 months ago
the amount of money i spent tonight… it’s insane but um im seeing $uicideboy$ next week 🤭
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truglori · 4 years ago
Homebody (Ch.1)
Summary: Amiyah is the younger sister of local drug dealer (Durkio). Shy and reserved she keeps to herself and stays out the way. But lately she began to find interest in his right hand man/ best friend (Erik Stevens). Wanting to get him to notice her she discovers that he already had her wrapped around his finger without even trying! There was only a few problems that kept her away from her fantasies , her brother that controlled almost every single breath she took and would kill anyone who looked at her that way and lastly Eriks girlfriend, Alexis , who they called the queen of the hood according to her lavish lifestyle as well as being with the next newest top boy in the making. While Alexis was his girl to the streets all Amiyah wanted to do was be his Homebody...
Durkio Faceclaim
Alexis Faceclaim
Amiyah Faceclaim
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick Black OC
Warning: language
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Kicking off the covers from her legs for the fifth time that night Amiyah flipped over on the left side of the bed relieving herself from pressure that she felt on her right shoulder.
Picking up her phone she saw the time of 12:46 am. It wasn’t the discomfort she felt in her sleep or the extremely warm temperature of her room that woke her up. It was the blaring from her Durkio’s speaker that was gifted to him from himself as an early birthday present. She was cool with it the first couple of times, seeing as she used it as well to play music whenever she wanted to clean her room but this was starting to become annoying.
In the next five hours she had to be up early to open the clothing store she worked at. Durkio likes his music to be played loudly but for some reason tonight it was blasting.
Getting out of bed and slipping on her black UGG Tasman slippers Amiyah went to open the door and was met with the aroma of weed.
“Damn I guess the music isn’t the only thing that’s loud.” She tiredly giggled at her own humor.
Took Her to the O by King Von was the choice of song that woke her from her beauty rest. Shaking her head as she folded her arms she walked down the hall of their shared three bedroom apartment to see the dimmed living room foggy.
Swatting away the smoke she walked closer to the couch preparing to get onto her brother.
“Yo Durk, you know I have to get up for work in a few hours. Can you turn the speakers down or off please?”
Amiyah coughed through almost every word. She didn’t smoke so whenever she inhaled the air would hit her baby lungs causing her to react.
The music level turned down. Finally what seemed like forever the smoke was clearing the living room so she could see the face of her brother...or who she thought was her brother. It was Erik.
Leaning forward he put out his blunt on the ashtray, then he dusted off any remains of falling ashes from his dark grey Nike sweatsuit he rested his elbows on his knees.
Looking up at her with hooded eyes he licked his lips and the famous “sober up wipe” to the face followed after.
“Damn that’s my bad Miyah. I was in here just letting my phone play. I woke you up?” He asked with a small smile.
“Yeah a lil bit but it’s okay.” She spoke in a soft voice that was different compared to the tone she poke in before she found out it wasn’t her brother but her brother’s best friend and also..her crush.
Awkwardly standing there with her arms going back into their folding position making herself feel secured once she cover her tummy she decided to walk to the black leather recliner on the left side of him sitting down. She found herself being really close to him unlike any other times. Inhaling the air she could smell his cologne mix with the weed.
“Um, where’s Durkio?”
“He went out to the car to grab something real quick. He’ll be back.”
Erik got up putting everything that was laid out on the coffee table up. From the bags of weed by the pound to three glock 17s that was sprawled out everywhere. He knew this wasn’t new to her or anything but he wanted to be respectful to his partna’s lil sister. Even though he was the only child he knew that if he did had a baby sister he would want his boys to show the same respect.
Amiyah watched his every move. From the way he gave his sweats a tug around the inner thigh area giving him some room to breathe down there to then observing him pulling up the sweats before he sat down.
There she was doing it again, acting like a little stalker over this man. But she couldn’t help it. She found herself crushing on the best friend of her brother really hard. She was introduced to Erik at the age of seventeen. Just getting out of high school while her brother was already making a name for himself in the streets at twenty-three.
Durkio was coming up from being know for having the best exotics in the hood, some untouchable shit. He started to get more exposure and also more enemies. So along came his homeboy Erik, standing 6’3 and about 225 lbs solid. By the age of twenty-one he was already known to be a problem. Hot headed and a crazy mouth to match but also in a strange way quiet. It was like he knew when to turn it off and on. She notice that whenever she was around the duo he would be barely audible and sometimes completely quiet when she would walk into a room. Taking only glances at her and continued to keep it pushing.
Maybe that’s what she liked about him. Not only did they share the same characteristics when it came to not saying a lot while around others but he also didn’t try to put up a front in front of Durkio. His other homeboys did too much by just talking excessively to her about nothing while trying not to say the wrong thing too her to stay on the good side of her brother.
Amiyah wasn’t the only one doing some studying. Erik didn’t take his eyes off of her from the moment she stepped into the living room. He watched the twenty-one year old face turn from hard to soft as soon as she seen it was him in the place of where her brother usually sits.
Even through his hooded eyes he caught her covering her stomach and setting herself up in a defensive position, something he notice she always did when he was around. To Erik it seemed as if she was doing it because she wasn’t comfortable around him so he stopped his eyes from wandering over her body and other times not acknowledging her other than a head nod.
He already knew how his mans Durkio felt about his little sister. He was going to kill whoever did her wrong, let alone even looked at her like they had a problem. In Eriks eyes Amiyah was considered hood royalty. It wasn’t all talk either. A few months ago there was a young recruit that tried to get Amiyah’s number, who clearly wasn’t interested turned him down in the most modest way. Youngin tried to show out in front of his friends and slipped up and called her a fat bitch.
Once word got to Durkio he had the whole hood searching for the kid and when he found him, not only did he have the dude friends jump him my nigga literally fed him a bag of dog shit and made him eat it. Swallowing every drop.
“Yeah nigga you like to talk shit so you gon eat this muthafucka! You lucky I don’t get one of ya own mans to pop yo ass folk!”
Erik shook his head inwardly laughing about how the whole situation unfolded in front of him. Durkio was one crazy ass nigga! That’s why they was best friends though. Their personalities just matched.
Even though Erik to himself wasn’t official in the game a lot of people seem to think so. But that wasn’t the case, to him he felt he was just heavily associated with the ones surrounding it. Guess you can say his name got caught in the wrong mouth and they titled him without knowing the facts. He didn’t care though, he figured people was going to think what they wanted about him anyways so why try so hard to prove them wrong.
“Erik.” Amiyah looked over to seem him leaning back into the couch with his hands in his hoodie pocket. He was smiling to himself about something. She wondered what.
“Wassup.” He answered nonchalantly giving her his undivided attention
“Do you know how long he’s been gone?”
“Oh I’m not sure, I think five minutes or so. You want me to leave or something?” Erik asked on edge ruffling up his dreads a bit not wanting her to feel guarded in her own home.
Truth was Amiyah didn’t care so much about her brother’s whereabouts. She wanted to use these few minutes alone with him to feed her fantasies. Imagining just them two in his home not worrying about Durk busting in on them.
“No of course not. You’re good. I-I was just being nosy.” She tried her best laughing the nerves away while mentally face palming herself for stuttering.
Erik smirk. He could see the quiver in her bottom lip when she spoke. She was trying to hide it but it wasn’t working.
“Nah I feel you. You work tomorrow?” Deciding to spark up some conversation to help her relax with him.
“Yeah I open the store. So I have to be out of here by six in the morning.” Pushing her back against the recliner lifting one leg under the other she made herself cozy.
“Bella Ella Boutique right.”
Her eyes flickering at the fact he knew where she worked.
‘So he must pay attention to me.’
Is what she thought. If it wasn’t for her golden brown skin complexion she would be sure that Erik would know that she is blushing.
Along with a head nod she gave a small smile answering quietly. “Yeah that’s right.” She shifted her eyes not wanting to keep to much eye contact.
“You like working there? How long has it been by the way?” Resting his elbows on his knees once again, facing her, he gave her all his attention.
Placing her hands between her thick thighs to help calm her nerves she put her eye back on him.
“It’s okay...it’s just I wish they would hurry up and hire some new people already. Like I’ve been working so many hours and-“
She stopped mid sentence once she heard him chuckle.
Lightly giggling herself she shook her head. “What’s so funny?”
“You.” Erik swiping his bottom lip with his tongue before giving her a small smile.
This was the most he heard her talk this much in a while. Usually she would only say hi and bye and then every now and then ask about her brother but tonight she was keeping conversation like they were friends.
“Why am I funny? What I say?” Curious to know the reason.
“It’s nothing bad mama I just never heard you talk this much before. You be acting mad quiet around me.” Leaning back putting one arm at the top of the couch and resting the other on top of his crotch area.
Amiyah took in his form.
Did he just call me mama?
She couldn’t help catching his nickname.
Hit Different by Sza started playing softly in the background.
“Okay but you can talk to me too. I’m not the only one with a voice Erik.”
“You right and I’m a change that for you. When I come around I’ll start addressing you more. Is that good?” Staring into her soft brown eyes searching for an answer.
Playfully rolling her eyes trying her best to subdue her smile.
The front door open revealing her brother. Holding a bag of Burger King eating some fries.
“Aye my bad nigga I had to get sumn to smack on- Miyah fuck is you doing outta bed?” Durkio stop rummaging through the food once he saw her.
Erik scooting down further away from her towards the middle of the couch not trying to give his crazy ass any ideas.
“Uh Durk last time I checked I’m grown.”
He looked at her like she had four eyes.
“Girl you better quit acting like I ain’t raise damn near by myself. You bet get yo ass back in that bed fo’ yo ass miss work then you gon want me to pay you for the hours you miss.” He sat the bag of food down next to the ashtray that held about four roach blunts.
“Nigga she only out here cause I was blasting the music. I woke her up.” Erik winking at her defending her.
Her thighs clenched up at the small action.
I know he did not just make me wet by winking at me?
Of course this was only due to her inexperience. She never got pass kissing a guy and even that she felt needed some work.
Knocking her out of her thoughts her loud brother spoke again.
“Erik I don’t need you sticking up or lying for her and nigga where the fuck my weed at?”
He got up checking the cabinets pulling out a half ounce before looking back to see that his baby sister in the same spot.
“Miyah why you still here?” He asked breaking up the bud.
To people on the outside it may seem like Durkio was a mean brother but he really didn’t mean her any harm. That was just always how he was. He had a rough demeanor, so when he spoke it could come off offensive if you didn’t know him but both Amiyah and Erik knew that was just his mannerism. But all in all he loves his baby sister.
She smacked her lips. “I can’t hang out with y’all?”
“No. Hell is wrong with ‘dis girl?” He asked his friend chuckling.
Erik silently laughing at the bickering siblings. He unwrapped the whopper that he got from the bag before taking a bite while closing his eyes and savoring the grilled burger. Fast food always hit different when he was high.
Shaking her head she decided against arguing back and forth with her brother. She had to get up in a few anyways so it was time for her to head back to bed.
“Whatever I’m going back to bed. Night. Night Erik.” Getting up from the couch making her way out the living room area she turned to look at the duo one last time.
She caught Erik looking her up and down before giving her a head nod acknowledging her and mouthing a good night.
Disappearing in the hall and back into the room she sat on her bed replaying the conversation over and over which brought back the memory of his scent. Somehow she could still smell him as if he was right in front of her.
Smiling to herself she got up checking the time on her Apple Watch on her nightstand that read 1:34 am.
She had a few hours to get some sleep. Taking a last glance at herself in the mirror she realized she still had on her light blue silk bonnet the whole time in front of Erik.
Laughing at the embarrassing thought she shrugged it off before sleep took over her body again.
Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen
Hey guys this is my first story on here. Haven’t wrote in a while and so I just wanted to try it out again just to see if I still have it in me lol. I have a few ideas for this story but I’m not sure...anyways let me know what you guys think. Constructive criticism is allowed here.
P.s If I tagged you I probably read your work or I just want to see if you would be interested in this story. If you don’t like it I can take you off so sorry if you might not be interested.
Please excuse any mistakes if there are any. Thanks!!
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crazyblondelife · 2 years ago
All I Want For Christmas...
It’s getting to be about time for me to make my Christmas Wish List and I want everything in this post! I’m only kidding, but if someone wants to purchase it all, I would certainly graciously accept!
These outfit ideas are great as shown, but individually the pieces would make amazing gifts for any girl on your list! I especially love the pj’s and robe at the end for a cozy Christmas morning! I seem to gravitate toward cozy this time of the year! Enjoy this post and I hope you find something you can’t live without!
I purchased these bootie clogs last year and I’m telling you, they are warm, comfortable and statement making! I never wear them without getting a compliment! The fur lining goes all the way to the toe making them so soft on the inside! These clogs also come in black! This whole outfit is just fabulous!
This whole outfit has all the holiday vibes! I’m loving the rich cranberry color in the beautiful sweater dress and the very affordable tall boots are ones you’ll wear for years to come! Accessorize with warm gloves, a beautiful Tory Burch bag, gold earrings and just the right shade of lipstick, Chanel, of course!
This Veronica Beard Jacket has been on my list for a while now and is so on trend with a Chanel vibe! This jacket could be dressed up or down and it’s one you’ll keep forever! The flare jeans are a closet essential while the booties are current and a great neutral color! The beautiful gold cuff would be an amazing stocking stuffer for someone special!
This season, I’ve become obsessed with loafers and just purchased the Gucci ones above! They were an investment, but I’m sure I’ll wear them for absolutely ever! They are fabulous paired with any pant, from trousers to jeans and really compliment the lavender sweater and scarf (which would make a great gift). The peacoat adds another element of warmth and ties the whole outfit together!
Faux leather and leather are everywhere this season and it’s definitely a trend I’m on board with! These cute high waisted leather pants from Arcello are perfect paired with a cropped cardigan sweater and shearling bag! Stuart Weitzman suede booties complete the look!
I think we should all plan a day after the holidays are over to stay in and be cozy! I can picture myself in these pjs and cozy robe wearing my Ugg slippers with a candle burning, drinking coffee and reading a book! It’s a dream that can come true…just not quite yet! This entire package would make a wonderful and indulgent gift for a special girl on your list!
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jeanboehm · 4 years ago
The Amazon Gift for Everyone On Your List
Want to do all your holiday shopping in one stop?
Sounds like a pretty ideal situation to me. With this in mind, I’ve rounded up my favorites for each and every person in your life. From the little ones to your best friends to your grandparents, this gift guide has got you covered on all fronts.
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UGG Slippers for Him
You know I can't stop posting about my favorite slippers for me, so I had to throw in a great pair for the men in your life.
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Boshiho Bag Heaven
I'm obsessed with this bag. I think it has such an expensive look to it.
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CCTRO Swinging Seat
This is so amazing for anyone who loves hanging out in their backyard and/or camping.
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ASTOFLI Friends Forever
Love this gift for a bff, daughter, sister... anyone really. Make it a friendship bracelet by getting one for yourself too!
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Vaenait Baby Comfy Cozy Kids
This set is perfect for the little ones in your life. It comes in tons of different colors and is great for both girls and boys.
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Fujifilm Favorite Film
What a special gift. They can start capturing memories right then, right there.
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Lioness Chicest Skirt
From the color to the cut, this skirt is everything and more. I want to wear this right now with an oversized sweater.
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Creamore Mill Twine Time
Have a crafty friend? This would be very cute for their desk.
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Buttoned Down Cashmere King
A quarter-zip at such a friendly price for cashmere. Great color options too. I want to buy this for Grant and then borrow it {ha!}. My dad would love this too!
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State Cashmere Sucker for a Scarf
A wintertime must-have. A really good gift for a guy in your life whose style you don't know very well because this is such a basic for anyone.
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The Drop Cardigan Season
A staple piece that works for all ages. Great for a mom, great for a daughter.
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Amazon This Fire is Fire
Your favorite tablet now for kids. I just know they will be all over this.
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Yifu Display Handbag Holder
Have a purse-lover but don't want to splurge on a bag? Get them these sleek handbag stands instead.
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shoshanna A Gown Fit for a Queen
I'm wearing this gown up top and I've got to say it's a timeless piece. An investment for sure, but one well worth it if you are able.
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Cabri Blue Candle Crazy
I'm picky when it comes to candles and I absolutely love this one. It's a great size for the price too.
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On Sneaks for Weeks
Own these, love these. They would be great for anyone of all ages, whether they're athletic or just like the sporty look. Super comfortable.
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The Drop Heaven on Your Feet
I've been raving about these a whole lot lately because I am truly obsessed. Slippers make an excellent gift because who doesn't love slippers?!
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Orolay Jackets for All
This jacket gets a lot of buzz, and once you see and feel it in person, you'll know why.
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Yeti Yes to Yeti
Everyone needs a Yeti. Grant and I use ours literally all the time.
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Honeycat Love a Locket
I am all about this brand right now. Very affordable and so beautiful. Lockets are such a special present, especially if you include a picture inside. Adore this for a mom, best friend or sister.
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KitchenAid Spaghetti Addict
For the pasta-lover in your life. Pretty sure that's 99.9% of people.
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Sayopin Beauty Guru
These are just as pretty to look at as they are perfect to use.
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Barabum 90's Baby
A major style trend of the moment. Get this chic accessory for your favorite fashionista.
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Amazon Totes a Tote
Perfect for the traveler in your life. Honestly, really anyone... I mean who doesn't need a weekend bag every now and again?
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Redecker Bought This Brush
Useful for the kitchen but even better for adding that vintage-y feel to anyone's home.
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Badgley Mischka Perfect Pump
Enough said.
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Herschel Pattern Perfection
Do you see the subtle pattern on this backpack? I am so in love. But there are also so many more color ways to choose from.
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Polo Ralph Lauren Deck the Crewneck
Timeless for any man of any age in your life.
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Blundstone Blundies for Life
They have a cult following and for good reason. Great for men and women alike.
Thank you to Amazon for partnering on this post.
The Amazon Gift for Everyone On Your List published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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lalka-laski · 5 years ago
1. Do you take vitamins? If so, what kinds?: These days I’m taking B12 and Magnesium. I also take 1-2 scoops of collagen powder a day, if that counts. I’m hoping it’ll help my hair & nails grow longer and stronger, but time will tell. 2. What brand of eyeliner do you use?: I have several brands in my makeup collection right now. The one I used most recently was NYX. Though I don’t wear it much to begin with. My skin is too pale and my features are too soft to pull off heavier makeup. 
3. What’s your favorite flavor of Sun Chips?: I haven’t had them in years! I think I liked the French Onion?  4. Do you like Ugg boots?: They had their time & place.  5. How old were you when you first started taking surveys?: Much much younger than I am now. 
6. What color are your slippers?: A cute gray, pink & white plaid pattern 7. What’s your boy/girlfriend’s middle name?: Michael  8. Do you get your nails done?: Typically, but I’m trying to cut back. For the sake of my nail health AND my wallet...  9. Dream vacation?: Poland, Iceland or Ireland. My ideal vacations are more about exploring than just plopping down on the beach and relaxing.  10. What toppings do you like on your pizza?: Plain cheese (with white sauce) is my go-to. But I don’t mind some veggies now and then: artichoke, spinach, onions, broccoli...  11. How much was your prom dress? What’s the most you’d spend?: Both of them were ridiculously cheap. I’m a good bargain shopper.  12. Are you a gamer?: Not even slightly. I have embarrassingly bad hand-eye coordination and motor control, so operating anything with buttons or joysticks is no for me.  13. What shampoo do you use?: Matrix Biolage for color-treated hair and then Milkshake Silver Shine once a week to keep the brassiness away 14. Do you buy organic?: Sometimes  15. What kind of socks do you normally wear?: I typically hate socks (or anything else on my feet) but I recently bought a really cute set of Disney Princess socks that I love. It’s so fun to reach into my drawer in the morning and see who the “Princess of the day” is. (I am an adult, I swear...) 16. Are most of your friends single or taken?: Probably a balanced mix of the two 17. When you’re taking a survey that has a “Which of your friends is… the nicest? The prettiest? The smartest? Etc.” do you skip over it?: Probably  18. Last thing you bought on eBay? What about sold?: I actually just bought two lipcolors from Ebay. It was my first time ever using the site. 19. What day is your payday? Do you get paid weekly or bi-weekly?: Every other Wednesday  20. What salon do you go to for getting your hair done?: It’s called Beauty Bar 21. Do you drive?: Nope. 22. Where do you buy most of your lotions from?: I have to be careful because I have really sensitive skin that’s prone to dryness and itchiness. But that doesn’t stop me from stocking up on scented lotions from B&BW and Victoria’s Secret and places like that. I just love them too much!! 23. Do you keep a diary?: I’ve kept journals my entire life and in fact, usually have about 2-3 going at a time. I have ones for specific moods or situations and I don’t like to cross-contaminate ;)  24. Do you believe in luck?: I believe in privilege, which is essentially the non-metaphysical version of luck. Some people just have it easier than others and they always will.  25. Would you marry someone of a different religion?: I don’t prescribe to any organized religion but I’m very open and flexible to other’s beliefs. I dated a devout Muslim for 3 years and while his strict observance sometimes posed obstacles for us, it wasn’t what broke us in the end. But my current boyfriend/future husband doesn’t practice any religion, which makes things easier.  26. Would you convert for them?: 27. Worst part about your job?: The lack of structure/employee hierarchy bothers me. I wish I had a more defined role. Oh, and the 6 am shifts aren’t exactly my favorite...  28. Last thing you lost?: 8 FUCKING POUNDS! Thanks to intermittent fasting and a higher fat/lower carb diet. I’m LOVING it. 29. Ever took something out of the lost and found that wasn’t yours?: I don’t think so? 30. Do you delete friends from Facebook if they never talk to you?: I don’t really care that much 31. Did you go to IHOP’s free pancake day? If so, did you donate?: Why would I ever willingly go to an IHOP.  32. Worst job you ever had?: I’d have to say I’ve been pretty lucky with my jobs. Sure, my Starbucks days weren’t spectacular but they were pretty good as far as food service/retail jobs go.  33. What about best?: I guess my current job, since it’s the only full-time, benefits job I’ve ever had. For all intents and purposes, I do like it. And I can’t complain too much because I can sit here and fill out surveys for a good portion of every day...  34. Do you know what you want to do for the rest of your life?: Not a CLUE! I do know I don’t want to work here forever though.  35. Do you have a savings account? How often do you deposit money into it?: I have one, but there’s hardly anything significant in there. 
36. Do you smoke cigarettes?: Never 37. Do you know anyone who smokes cigars?: A lot of the men in my family smoke them on special occasions 38. How often do you wash your hair?: Every 2 days is my standard 39. Favorite kind of M&Ms?: Mini! Why do they taste so much better than the regular sized?  40. Do you worry a lot?: It’s my middle name 41. Favorite thing to order at your favorite restaurant?: I could never ever pick a favorite restaurant. Going out to eat is one of my favorite activities and I’m always trying new places!  42. Ugliest fashion trend at the moment?: I really had this whole athletic wear as formal attire thing.  43. Do you wear thongs?: Yes 44. When does school start/end for you?: I’m done! For now...  45. Do you like texting?: I much prefer it to talking over the phone. And I’ve been told by several people that my texting habits are uh, excessive.  46. What do you put in your coffee?: Just black! I like a little cream once in awhile, but I’ve been drinking it strictly black while I fast.  47. Do you like disco fries?: I don’t know what they are and I don’t care enough to Google it.  48. Do you like glittery nail polishes?: Only on an accent nail 49. Were you a good kid in high school?: I was a good student. I got mostly As and always did my work. I had my shithead moments but I never got into serious trouble.
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additionallysad · 6 years ago
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Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!) https://ift.tt/2PrVYOI
As is the tradition, I’m a little late with this. Ha! But here it is! (I’m also late with my actual gift buying, so I better get cracking). We like to put all of our gift guides in one place, so below you’ll find the one we made for grown-ups, another one for kids, and (my personal favorite) one full of stuff that’s under $15. 
Gifts For Grown-Ups
Here’s what we’re loving, either firsthand stuff we bought for ourselves and have really enjoyed – or things we’re getting for friends & family (or hoping to find under the tree). 
1 / Adulting Award Ribbons (4/$25): It would be so much fun to have an “award ceremony” at a family gathering, complete with victory laps & acceptance speeches.
2 / Black Robe with Pockets ($78-98): I bought this robe to wear around the house & I’m OBSESSED. So soft, there’s a tie inside so it doesn’t flap open, and IT HAS POCKETS! I’m living my best life. 
3 / Personalized Address Stamper ($28): Always love a personalized gift that makes things easier for people. No more writing out return addresses & they’ll think of you every time they use it. 
4 / Customized Road Trip Ornament ($25): Another sweet personalized ornament that you can give to someone who went on an epic trip (also works for someone who moved). 
5 / Zodiac Sign Constellation Necklace ($28+): I can’t get over how dainty and pretty these are. All you need to know is someone’s birthday and it feels totally unusual and sweet. 
6 / Ugg Slippers ($63-104): I bought these & can’t get over how much I love them. Incredibly soft & well made – plus you can buy $15 inserts to keep them fluffy forever (I’ve heard from people who’ve had ’em 8 years!). 
7 / Cheeky Mug ($18): A hilarious mug filled with candy, hot cocoa mix, or an adult beverage is always fun. Plus pants are super overrated.  
8 / Cozy Plaid Pillow Covers ($20 w/ code CHEER): Love that these are colorful & interesting enough not to feel basic, but they’d work with practically any sofa, armchair, or bed. 
9 / Faux Leather Tote with Matching Pouch ($49): I’m so into this cool metallic finish & that it’s two bags in one. Also comes in black, cognac, and a cool blue-gray. 
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10 / Men’s Puffer Vest ($30): John loves this vest he got for himself this year and we even found a matching long-sleeve jacket ($14 today!) for our son. Fun fact: when they wear ’em together my heart explodes. 
11 / Wood Apple Watch Charging Stand ($42): When I asked John what he thought I should add to this gift guide, this is the first thing he sent me. Think it’s a hint? 
12 / Dainty Name Ring ($22 – 30% off today): Yet another totally personalized gift idea, and it comes in rose gold, white gold, sterling silver, etc. 
13 / Personalized Leather Keychain ($19): These stamped leather keychains come in tons of colors, and you can put someone’s nickname or even a place on it (like “Pink House” or “Smith Manor”)
14 / Bucket Tool Organizer ($29): Such a great gift for anyone with a home, pretty much. Suddenly you can carry 20 tools that would take 10 trips. 
15 / Wubby Fleece Pullover ($50 – 35% off today): I don’t think I need to explain why this cozy fleece pullover would be everyone’s favorite, but I’ll just say this: it’s like wearing a cloud (with pockets!). 
16 / Faux Leather Circle Clutch ($28): This is one of those items in your closet that pulls together tons of outfits and looks pricier than it is. That wood ring! Real leather! I’m smitten.
17 / Pocket Bluetooth Speaker ($20): I’d love a bluetooth speaker like this on the bathroom sink for blasting hiphop while I shower (comes in blue & gray). 
18 / Coffee Table Dominoes Game ($21 – 40% off w/ code CHEER): These are so beautiful and actually functional! I’d put ’em in a pretty wood bowl on the coffee table for impromptu games. 
Gifts For Kids
Once again we put things we actually own and love in here, along with stuff we’re buying our kids this year, or considering for other little cousins & friends. 
1 / Sailing Ship Kit ($42): Words can’t express how much fun this would be to hang in kid’s room – and it’s an actual kite, so it can come down and fly.
2 / Personalized Crayon Set ($13): It’s so much fun to open a box and see your name in crayons – especially if you have a name that isn’t always found on those premade signs and keychains! 
3 / Coloring Book Dress ($38): Who doesn’t want to color all over a coloring book dress and make it completely your own?! LOVE this!
4 / Instant Camera ($56): Such a fun way to get kids into photography, and see the world through their eyes! 
5 / DIY Ukelele Kit ($39): Our daughter’s actually learning the ukelele in school (no more recorder concerts! They switched!!!). She’d LOVE THIS. 
6 / Classic Lego Set ($28): Our kids have only ever had John’s hand-me-down Lego blocks from his childhood, so we love that they now sell these huge basic block sets (without the price markup for licensed characters!) 
7 / Ada Twist, Scientist ($15): We’ve already got Iggy Peck, Architect in our library and it’s GREAT. Next I want this one. 
8 / My Crazy Inventions Sketchbook ($14): We bought this book and our daughter filled it up with the coolest sketches & inventions – so great for imaginations & I’m keeping it forever. 
9 / Wreck This Journal ($12): We recently found a YouTuber who documented her entries in this interactive (and destructive!) journal. It’s full of fun prompts and such a cool concept. 
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10 / Wooden Cash Register ($31): Pretend play is big at our house, so a cash register is one of those things that would get so much use. Love that it’s wood and has a scanner & a credit card you can slide. 
11 / Unicorn Robe ($30): My robe lovin’ self has rubbed off on our daughter and she’s asked for a robe for herself! I LOVE IT. 
12 / Dragon Slippers ($21): Not to be outdone in coziness, our son has dinosaur slippers that he wears nonstop. So as weird as it sounds, fun plush slippers can make a great gift! 
13 / Felt Donut Play Food ($9): So cute and under $10! Everyone loves a donut… and you’d be amazed how many of these their stuffed animals will “eat” ;)
14 / Bear Body Pillow ($15): A big cuddly pillow that doubles as an animal friend is always a good idea. 
15 / Unstable Unicorns Game ($20): This game says 14+ on box, but reviewers say 8 year olds enjoy it, so we think it’s a great option for our Exploding Kittens-loving 3rd grader.
16 / Metro Wooden Blocks ($90 now – it used to be $150!): Ok, this is just about the coolest block set I’ve ever seen! And I love that it’s 40% off right now. 
17 / Custom Kid’s Letter Jacket ($26): How cute is this custom kids letter jacket?! Ours love anything with their names on them – and a jacket is so useful along with being fun. 
18 / Girls’ Charm Bracelet Set ($5):  Nostalgia forever!!! Our daughter has and loves her charm bracelet. And at $5 this one isn’t too precious.
Gifts Under $15
Here’s my favorite list to make each year, just because I’m always amazed at how many budget-friendly things are out there that’ll make so many people smile BIG. 
1 / Hex Tile Monogram Mug ($10): These are basically the beach house master bathroom in mug form! Fill ’em with candy or cocoa mix & marshmallows and they’re great gifts!
2 / Lumps of Coal Dog Treats ($5.50): Can’t forget our favorite four-leggers and these dog treats shaped like lumps of coal made me snicker. 
3 / Gold Palm Picture Frame ($10.49): Giving someone you love a personal photo (of their kids, you guys together, etc) in a lovely frame is always a hit. I’m also loving this scalloped bone frame ($10.49). 
4 / Plaid Frame Ornaments ($3.99!!!): Such a great grandparent gift with a photo of you or your kids or even some art they’ve drawn. We give them to both of our parents every year. 
5 / Mini Kitchen Tool Ornaments ($12.99): So cute for the chef or the baker in your life! The little wisk kills me. 
6 / Triple Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix ($9): These make such great neighbor gifts. Just wrap a ribbon around the lid and you’re done!
7 / Beard Oil ($14.99): John’s a die-hard beard oil enthusiast. So if you know and love someone with a beard, give ’em some and watch their face light up with joy. 
8 / Pink Resin Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I love the cool shape of these & they come in other colors (also love the white & the tortoise ones!)
9 / Question-A-Day Five Year Journal ($11.55): If you wish you journaled more, this makes it easy and shows you how much can change over 5 years. It’s lots of fun to go back and read it. 
10 / Faux Leather Crossbody Bag ($12 – down from $25): I have a camel colored crossbody bag this size and it’s still going strong! Goes with everything and I love the little latch hardware on this one. 
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11 / Faux Fur Pom Pom Beanie ($9 down from $22): I love a little knitted winter hat with a pompom (surprise I have one just like this in black). 
12 / Sprinkle Ice Cream Cups (4 for $4.97!!!!): I love gifts that you pair with something fun – so these cups all nested with a little container of sprinkles inside would be so sweet. And you can’t beat the price!
13 / Rainbow Catnip Seed Bombs ($14.95): I love the idea of planting these outside (or inside in a pot) to show your cat a good time. They also sell sets to grow wildflowers or herbs which also make good gifts.
14 / Nesting Heart Tray Trio (3 for $4.99!!!): Such a sweet gift for someone to put near the kitchen or bathroom sink for their rings. They also work for tea bags if you serve tea a lot.
15 / What Do You Meme? Expansion Packs ($12.99): We have and love the original game ($29.99), so we’ve been considering adding packs like this Housewives themed one ($12.99) or this Mean Girls version ($12.99).
16 / Plaid Pet Leash ($10.49): Another gift for a four legged friend in your life, and I love the design of this one. Fancy pup. 
17 / Slim Wallet ($12.99): John bought this a few months ago and LOVES it. Keeps his pockets from getting too bulky, and it’s incredibly well reviewed. 
18 / Ugg Sheepskin Shoe Inserts ($14.95): I mentioned these when I linked to my Ugg slippers, but even if you don’t have them… YOU CAN PUT THESE IN ANY SHOES TO MAKE ‘EM COZY! Rain boots. Flat old slippers. Winter boots. Etc. It’s a lifehack for real. 
19 / Pocket Notebook (2 for $10): I love pretty little notebooks! Always useful for keeping in your purse or the car or by the bed. 
20 / Gold Turtle Paperclip Holder ($14.99): So I have this thing with animal desk accessories…
21 / Tortoise Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I ADORE these so much I’m about to put them in my cart so they don’t sell out. Treat yo self!
And since there are some pretty great sales going on right now, here’s what I’ve found so far:
Pottery Barn – 25% off sitewide & free shipping – use the code JINGLE here
Crate & Barrel – Up to 70% off here
West Elm – 20% off furniture, 25% off rugs, and 20-50% off bedding, see it all here
CB2 – Up to 40% off furniture and holiday decor here
Target – Today only, 30% off home here
Urban Outfitters – Up to 50% off gift items here
Anthropologie – Up to 50% off ready-to-ship furniture here
Overstock – Up to 70% off & free shipping here
Rejuvenation – 20% off your order & free shipping here
World Market – Save an extra 30% with code REWARDFORYOU  here
Serena & Lily – Up to 30% off here
Old Navy – Gifts from $4 and up to 60% the entire store here
Banana Republic – 40% off your purchase here
Gap – 40% off your purchase with the code WINTERFUN here
J Crew – 50% off your entire purchase with code MONDAY here
Psst – To see last year’s lists, a lot of which is still linked and for sale, click here
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!) appeared first on Young House Love.
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statusreview · 6 years ago
Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!)
As is the tradition, I’m a little late with this. Ha! But here it is! (I’m also late with my actual gift buying, so I better get cracking). We like to put all of our gift guides in one place, so below you’ll find the one we made for grown-ups, another one for kids, and (my personal favorite) one full of stuff that’s under $15. 
Gifts For Grown-Ups
Here’s what we’re loving, either firsthand stuff we bought for ourselves and have really enjoyed – or things we’re getting for friends & family (or hoping to find under the tree). 
1 / Adulting Award Ribbons (4/$25): It would be so much fun to have an “award ceremony” at a family gathering, complete with victory laps & acceptance speeches.
2 / Black Robe with Pockets ($78-98): I bought this robe to wear around the house & I’m OBSESSED. So soft, there’s a tie inside so it doesn’t flap open, and IT HAS POCKETS! I’m living my best life. 
3 / Personalized Address Stamper ($28): Always love a personalized gift that makes things easier for people. No more writing out return addresses & they’ll think of you every time they use it. 
4 / Customized Road Trip Ornament ($25): Another sweet personalized ornament that you can give to someone who went on an epic trip (also works for someone who moved). 
5 / Zodiac Sign Constellation Necklace ($28+): I can’t get over how dainty and pretty these are. All you need to know is someone’s birthday and it feels totally unusual and sweet. 
6 / Ugg Slippers ($63-104): I bought these & can’t get over how much I love them. Incredibly soft & well made – plus you can buy $15 inserts to keep them fluffy forever (I’ve heard from people who’ve had ’em 8 years!). 
7 / Cheeky Mug ($18): A hilarious mug filled with candy, hot cocoa mix, or an adult beverage is always fun. Plus pants are super overrated.  
8 / Cozy Plaid Pillow Covers ($20 w/ code CHEER): Love that these are colorful & interesting enough not to feel basic, but they’d work with practically any sofa, armchair, or bed. 
9 / Faux Leather Tote with Matching Pouch ($49): I’m so into this cool metallic finish & that it’s two bags in one. Also comes in black, cognac, and a cool blue-gray. 
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10 / Men’s Puffer Vest ($30): John loves this vest he got for himself this year and we even found a matching long-sleeve jacket ($14 today!) for our son. Fun fact: when they wear ’em together my heart explodes. 
11 / Wood Apple Watch Charging Stand ($42): When I asked John what he thought I should add to this gift guide, this is the first thing he sent me. Think it’s a hint? 
12 / Dainty Name Ring ($22 – 30% off today): Yet another totally personalized gift idea, and it comes in rose gold, white gold, sterling silver, etc. 
13 / Personalized Leather Keychain ($19): These stamped leather keychains come in tons of colors, and you can put someone’s nickname or even a place on it (like “Pink House” or “Smith Manor”)
14 / Bucket Tool Organizer ($29): Such a great gift for anyone with a home, pretty much. Suddenly you can carry 20 tools that would take 10 trips. 
15 / Wubby Fleece Pullover ($50 – 35% off today): I don’t think I need to explain why this cozy fleece pullover would be everyone’s favorite, but I’ll just say this: it’s like wearing a cloud (with pockets!). 
16 / Faux Leather Circle Clutch ($28): This is one of those items in your closet that pulls together tons of outfits and looks pricier than it is. That wood ring! Real leather! I’m smitten.
17 / Pocket Bluetooth Speaker ($20): I’d love a bluetooth speaker like this on the bathroom sink for blasting hiphop while I shower (comes in blue & gray). 
18 / Coffee Table Dominoes Game ($21 – 40% off w/ code CHEER): These are so beautiful and actually functional! I’d put ’em in a pretty wood bowl on the coffee table for impromptu games. 
Gifts For Kids
Once again we put things we actually own and love in here, along with stuff we’re buying our kids this year, or considering for other little cousins & friends. 
1 / Sailing Ship Kit ($42): Words can’t express how much fun this would be to hang in kid’s room – and it’s an actual kite, so it can come down and fly.
2 / Personalized Crayon Set ($13): It’s so much fun to open a box and see your name in crayons – especially if you have a name that isn’t always found on those premade signs and keychains! 
3 / Coloring Book Dress ($38): Who doesn’t want to color all over a coloring book dress and make it completely your own?! LOVE this!
4 / Instant Camera ($56): Such a fun way to get kids into photography, and see the world through their eyes! 
5 / DIY Ukelele Kit ($39): Our daughter’s actually learning the ukelele in school (no more recorder concerts! They switched!!!). She’d LOVE THIS. 
6 / Classic Lego Set ($28): Our kids have only ever had John’s hand-me-down Lego blocks from his childhood, so we love that they now sell these huge basic block sets (without the price markup for licensed characters!) 
7 / Ada Twist, Scientist ($15): We’ve already got Iggy Peck, Architect in our library and it’s GREAT. Next I want this one. 
8 / My Crazy Inventions Sketchbook ($14): We bought this book and our daughter filled it up with the coolest sketches & inventions – so great for imaginations & I’m keeping it forever. 
9 / Wreck This Journal ($12): We recently found a YouTuber who documented her entries in this interactive (and destructive!) journal. It’s full of fun prompts and such a cool concept. 
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10 / Wooden Cash Register ($31): Pretend play is big at our house, so a cash register is one of those things that would get so much use. Love that it’s wood and has a scanner & a credit card you can slide. 
11 / Unicorn Robe ($30): My robe lovin’ self has rubbed off on our daughter and she’s asked for a robe for herself! I LOVE IT. 
12 / Dragon Slippers ($21): Not to be outdone in coziness, our son has dinosaur slippers that he wears nonstop. So as weird as it sounds, fun plush slippers can make a great gift! 
13 / Felt Donut Play Food ($9): So cute and under $10! Everyone loves a donut… and you’d be amazed how many of these their stuffed animals will “eat” ;)
14 / Bear Body Pillow ($15): A big cuddly pillow that doubles as an animal friend is always a good idea. 
15 / Unstable Unicorns Game ($20): This game says 14+ on box, but reviewers say 8 year olds enjoy it, so we think it’s a great option for our Exploding Kittens-loving 3rd grader.
16 / Metro Wooden Blocks ($90 now – it used to be $150!): Ok, this is just about the coolest block set I’ve ever seen! And I love that it’s 40% off right now. 
17 / Custom Kid’s Letter Jacket ($26): How cute is this custom kids letter jacket?! Ours love anything with their names on them – and a jacket is so useful along with being fun. 
18 / Girls’ Charm Bracelet Set ($5):  Nostalgia forever!!! Our daughter has and loves her charm bracelet. And at $5 this one isn’t too precious.
Gifts Under $15
Here’s my favorite list to make each year, just because I’m always amazed at how many budget-friendly things are out there that’ll make so many people smile BIG. 
1 / Hex Tile Monogram Mug ($10): These are basically the beach house master bathroom in mug form! Fill ’em with candy or cocoa mix & marshmallows and they’re great gifts!
2 / Lumps of Coal Dog Treats ($5.50): Can’t forget our favorite four-leggers and these dog treats shaped like lumps of coal made me snicker. 
3 / Gold Palm Picture Frame ($10.49): Giving someone you love a personal photo (of their kids, you guys together, etc) in a lovely frame is always a hit. I’m also loving this scalloped bone frame ($10.49). 
4 / Plaid Frame Ornaments ($3.99!!!): Such a great grandparent gift with a photo of you or your kids or even some art they’ve drawn. We give them to both of our parents every year. 
5 / Mini Kitchen Tool Ornaments ($12.99): So cute for the chef or the baker in your life! The little wisk kills me. 
6 / Triple Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix ($9): These make such great neighbor gifts. Just wrap a ribbon around the lid and you’re done!
7 / Beard Oil ($14.99): John’s a die-hard beard oil enthusiast. So if you know and love someone with a beard, give ’em some and watch their face light up with joy. 
8 / Pink Resin Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I love the cool shape of these & they come in other colors (also love the white & the tortoise ones!)
9 / Question-A-Day Five Year Journal ($11.55): If you wish you journaled more, this makes it easy and shows you how much can change over 5 years. It’s lots of fun to go back and read it. 
10 / Faux Leather Crossbody Bag ($12 – down from $25): I have a camel colored crossbody bag this size and it’s still going strong! Goes with everything and I love the little latch hardware on this one. 
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11 / Faux Fur Pom Pom Beanie ($9 down from $22): I love a little knitted winter hat with a pompom (surprise I have one just like this in black). 
12 / Sprinkle Ice Cream Cups (4 for $4.97!!!!): I love gifts that you pair with something fun – so these cups all nested with a little container of sprinkles inside would be so sweet. And you can’t beat the price!
13 / Rainbow Catnip Seed Bombs ($14.95): I love the idea of planting these outside (or inside in a pot) to show your cat a good time. They also sell sets to grow wildflowers or herbs which also make good gifts.
14 / Nesting Heart Tray Trio (3 for $4.99!!!): Such a sweet gift for someone to put near the kitchen or bathroom sink for their rings. They also work for tea bags if you serve tea a lot.
15 / What Do You Meme? Expansion Packs ($12.99): We have and love the original game ($29.99), so we’ve been considering adding packs like this Housewives themed one ($12.99) or this Mean Girls version ($12.99).
16 / Plaid Pet Leash ($10.49): Another gift for a four legged friend in your life, and I love the design of this one. Fancy pup. 
17 / Slim Wallet ($12.99): John bought this a few months ago and LOVES it. Keeps his pockets from getting too bulky, and it’s incredibly well reviewed. 
18 / Ugg Sheepskin Shoe Inserts ($14.95): I mentioned these when I linked to my Ugg slippers, but even if you don’t have them… YOU CAN PUT THESE IN ANY SHOES TO MAKE ‘EM COZY! Rain boots. Flat old slippers. Winter boots. Etc. It’s a lifehack for real. 
19 / Pocket Notebook (2 for $10): I love pretty little notebooks! Always useful for keeping in your purse or the car or by the bed. 
20 / Gold Turtle Paperclip Holder ($14.99): So I have this thing with animal desk accessories…
21 / Tortoise Hoop Earrings ($12.99): I ADORE these so much I’m about to put them in my cart so they don’t sell out. Treat yo self!
And since there are some pretty great sales going on right now, here’s what I’ve found so far:
Pottery Barn – 25% off sitewide & free shipping – use the code JINGLE here
Crate & Barrel – Up to 70% off here
West Elm – 20% off furniture, 25% off rugs, and 20-50% off bedding, see it all here
CB2 – Up to 40% off furniture and holiday decor here
Target – Today only, 30% off home here
Urban Outfitters – Up to 50% off gift items here
Anthropologie – Up to 50% off ready-to-ship furniture here
Overstock – Up to 70% off & free shipping here
Rejuvenation – 20% off your order & free shipping here
World Market – Save an extra 30% with code REWARDFORYOU  here
Serena & Lily – Up to 30% off here
Old Navy – Gifts from $4 and up to 60% the entire store here
Banana Republic – 40% off your purchase here
Gap – 40% off your purchase with the code WINTERFUN here
J Crew – 50% off your entire purchase with code MONDAY here
Psst – To see last year’s lists, a lot of which is still linked and for sale, click here
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!) appeared first on Young House Love.
Holiday Gift Guides for Everyone On Your List (With Stuff under $20 – And Even $5!) published first on https://ssmattress.tumblr.com/
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