#and two i think coke has captroopers
pigeonliker420 · 1 year
been reading a lot lately as in finishing one book every two or three days (several of which i should really go back and reread to let it melt into my brain, they were good) (this is amazing considering my pace for the last few years has been 1 a year) but fucking starship troopers. its hanging me its like hitting a brick wall its meeting a book where im making excuses to not read. and ive hateread stuff (this is a bit of a hateread ig)
i think its a combination of the pacing being both slow as shit and fast as it jumps around, none of the characters being particularly likeable or memorable, and. obviously. thje fascism. its like drenched in it thats why i picked it up actually i wanted to see it for myself. that and. you know. reading the "classics" to inform my own writing and stop me from thinking im being a genius when im just reinventing the wheel (id only seen bits and pieces of the 90s movie, and in high school, glimpsed on others tvs, so when the whole idea of the cap trooper thing realized itself as what it was i was like aw fuck. well i wasnt doing anything new (the dying at the end/not being picked back up might be new but given this im sure theres some dystopias out there with that)) all this said theres something funny about having the workings of its military explained to me and going damn thats something id use for an evil empire
actually i think it might be a combo of thje lack of engaging characters and what id read directly previous. reading a series with an incredibly engaging viewpoint character + amazingly casual inclusion of race gender and lgbt topics is so refreshing so cracking open an ancient tome from a writer i already know i sort of dislike was bound to not impress
what i mean is its fun to read something set in the far future and even if its dystopic its where You are Normal and not worth additional commentary, but also capable of being any sort of important figure or minor throwaway, where nothing about ur identity actually figures into what roles you can or cant have
and then you read sthn written by a straight cis man who has never had to think about himself except egotistically (to put it like that is so cliche, but even in the series id read directly previous to That one i still noticed the like. cliche and contrivance with which he wrote the women, despite them being important and an attempt being made at rounding them out. i feel like the difference might more be along the lines of waving a flag going see? i dont care! i don't care! and actually not caring. but the real problem might be me comparing somewhat of a more amateur author just starting out with one with two series under her belt, though)
but im also only like 6 chapters in (despite trying my hardest) and idfk it could pick up somewhere. i usually only give up on a book after halfway if it isnt working with me but also i didnt even bother to look at how long this was, hoping to read it then watch the movie which i remember as being fun. that might be in like forever
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