#and tumblr keeps forgetting my TAGS ON HERE so
islandtarochips · 3 days
I want to share something with you from the commission that I have requested with one of the artist! And to let you guys know, she doesn't have tumblr. But she has TikTok and Instagram. Her name is Moonaliluna! On both of the social medias that I mention! She has that art style that got me DROPPING seeing MEN in there! And when I saw her post saying she's doing commission. It got me thinking of which OC of mine is gonna be drawn in her SCRUMPTIOUS art style. Guess who?
Forget guessing! Here he IS!
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Look at him! LOOK! AT! HIM! I'm so in LOVE right now! Her art style is *chefs kiss* DELICIOUS!😍😍😍
And to be honest with you, he almost look like Gaz. Lol.
A BIG shout out for her! And give her some LOVE please? On both of her instagram AND TikTok!
And everyone please, looked at him RESPECTFULLY for there is SOMEONE keeping an eye on YOU! *slowly seeing Tiala hiding behind the wall as she was peeking with a dark aura*
........yeeeaaah. Don't stare at him like that before she'll get to you. 😅
Anyway, don't forget to follow this WONDERFUL artist!
TikTok - moonaliluna
Instagram - moonaliluna
Tagging the peeps:
@alypink @welldonekhushi @revnah1406 @kaitaiga
@sleepyconfusedpotato @deeptrashwitch @dirtfullofwork
@mutantthedark @imagoddamnonionmason @iamcautiouslyoptimistic
@alexa-mwll @cloudofbutterflies92 @sweet-samnang
@applbottmjeens @walder-138 @cyberghostdraws @efingart
Captain Kanoa Toa
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eddybelly · 2 months
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That outfit meme thing from not too long ago. tbh, hoodies like that, leg warmers, and speedo/panties are my go to now for my dragon sona... clothed, but showing all my thighs and belly and cake.
Posted using PostyBirb
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harryzroze · 1 month
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i think he gets it, wade
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averlym · 1 year
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,,, wdhdnfhffjjf
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persy-r-bozo · 3 months
DHMIS - The Yap EPIC - Red Guy
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Red is so fascinating to me. He's like a tragic oddity no matter where he travels. He is monotoned and hidden despite being the largest and arguably most brightly colored one there.
I AM IN LOVE with the unable to fit in anxiety and fear thing he has as well, He's too weird for his people. too Normal for the weird freaks.
i think red truly is bonded to the other two. He cares for them and wants them to be safe and far from danger. But here's the thing, I like to think red himself thinks he is a danger to them. He wants to be there to help and comfort them but at the same time, he thinks he's not good enough, that he'll just end up hurting them in some way. Like despite the brain fog a lil voice in his head tell him over and over again he hurt them. either in a "You lead them too their doom" or a "You gave them hope when it was never possible" even "You left to help, but you just made things worse"
think he feels guilty, and blames himself for everything even though he doesn't know why. he might just be doing it out of self hatred or he might have helped Roy or was blind to things in the past he never realized or fully remembers.
That guilt makes him distant. He loves them but he wont show it out of fear for them. I think in transport this is shown perfectly.
he wants them to be in a safe town. he wants them to have friends and neighbor's. he wants them far away from that house and happier and healthier. But he clearly mentions he wont be staying with them. that he will live separately from them. And reassures yellow that it will be ok and better, i don't think he said that because he dislikes them (yeah he gets annoyed sometimes but that's normal) I think he said that because he feels he needs to be separate so they can fully live normal happy lives. and when everything starts to fall apart, he panics. he is swallowed by anxiety. that ticking time bomb finally exploded. he yells out of fear and that fear turns into anger. The keys were dangled in front of him and they were taken away.
During the campsite scene red rocks himself and hides his face a little bit, covering his mouth after telling yellow its going to be ok. He failed again, he hurt them again.
The energy i get from red is someone who cares. and tries. but he keeps failing, it keeps hurting them and that hurts him, only making him more distant.
That is interesting as well, red is truly unpredictable. that urge to help and escape can make red go crazy but it could also truly help. if he were to open up more he could clear his mind just a little bit and connect with his lil found family. But he could also break more, He could accept this world or his "role" If he's Only going to be a monster that only hurts his friends he might as well do it on purpose. get it over with. (what I'm saying is red could easily get better and bond more AND easily have a corruption arch leading him to become a darker force)- (Both possible! and honestly super interesting topics to dive into) like he has main character energy, but he is pushed by the world itself to sit down and mumble along the songs.
in short i see red as a tragic overthinking anxious mess. on the verge of breaking. and that break could help him connect or truly shatter him. (Good Cry Vs "What's even the Point")
He made himself a cage and locked himself inside it.
too bad for him there are two goobers who are determined to get inside and let him out for a walk. no matter what he thinks.
-Relationship views-
Yellow: That's his little guy, the fellow who makes him smile even though every day is a dreaded one. Red overthinks to himself, But yellow doesn't give a damn he just wants to eat breakfast and watch Tv with his Semi Dad #2! and that makes red feel better, just to hang out and be included in whatever yellas doing, and i think red tries to teach him actually good things, like cooking and cleaning. (Lil cute headcannon!! I have a small head cannon that red doesn't like Grolton and Horvis. he doesn't hate it. its just he wouldn't ever choose to watch it personally, But its yellows favorite show and it makes his mornings whenever its on, so he sits and watches it with him.)
Duck: Hes SMITTEN FR FR. I think red does Love duck. But i also think red is practically chained inside the closet. I wouldn't be surprised if his stringy puppet family or species as a whole isn't exactly supportive of anything that's not "Normal or the same" And with how duck tends to dance around some topics and how he seems to be aggressive toward anything that changes his personal life. i think red just decided that staying in the dark - so to speak- is better than potentially losing his family again. But then the fridge scene happened, Red spoke about his feelings and duck was soft and even recuperated to a degree. If we get another season i can see their relationship become more interesting.
Roy: I dont think red remembers roy, the fog and day loop stuff makes the past more so hard to remember. However i do think they were business partners or at least acquaintances, the guy you hang and drink with every two weeks and talk about your lives. HOWEVER Uh. that changed didn't it? I said this in a random post once before. but i think that if red were to see Roy again, it be one of the few times red truly gets aggressive. (I mean even in the friendship ending he sounds more like he's venting than actually throwing hands.) That he wouldn't remember Roy or what he even did, but he'd remember the feelings, the horrible Fear and Hatred mixture. Like "I don't Know you, But i know you Have to go. my Everything is screaming at me to tear you apart. i need you OUT." Plus i think its awesome when a normally quiet character gets aggressive, its awesome and scary! i can see red tearing though the walls, chasing Roy relentlessly, no matter how many times the houses foundation starts to fall on him, or how many times he gets scratched by rusted nails, he just doesn't stop. (I think it would be super neat)
Lesley: I don't think red even knows Lesley exists. Roy might have mentioned her in the past, but i don't think reds ever even seen her. But if they were to meet i think they'd be chill with each other, drinking tea and talking about those scamps downstairs, but there would be a time limit. Because its just a matter of time before Red slips and mentions how badly he wants to move them away, or Lesley slips and Implies how she's Lowkey In control of everything. and the two of them remember that their protective enemies.
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macrumbs · 10 months
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i go to bed with all my lights turned on so i don't slip away
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sableprince · 2 months
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assorted NMS oc doodles backlog that i guess i forgot to post? i'm really bad at putting stuff in tags, like this comparatively more serious lore compilation post thing. haha. this trio is stupid.
slightly more serious teluya backstory WIP comic under the cut because it's less goofy
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hihopelessromantics · 11 months
making an nnt "god" a concrete thing with lore / biology. substance if you will. because committing to the bit is fun and nakaba missed out
inspired that the idea that not only should Meliodas and Elizabeth have a less human form but Tristan too! I love the different takes on their designs.
chapters cause this is long! and control f is our friend
canon adjacent lore
children of the gods
awakened god designs
the gods' chosen helpers
extra pet theory because I love y'all and I love elizabeth angst
@kalopsiakey @7-ratsinatrenchcoat thank you for helping out with the brainstorming for the tristan and melizabeth 'eldritch forms'! Hope you like the finished product!!
- - - - canon adjacent lore anyone ? - - - - -
In my aus, I usually go with the interpretation that the SD and DK are the latest two in a line of governing deities, with the others dying to various means. And the SD and DK blotted them out from public memory to establish the maximum amount of control for themselves.
In order to govern their realms, I propose it was a long-standing practice that gods would retain only a percentage of their power, and lend out the rest to trusted ones who help them ensure the safety and health of their realm. There might be other groups that the Archangels and Ten Commandments are in charge of!
Theoretically, this would also allow them to retain a form suitable to walk among their people. None of this taller than a castle shtick. Perhaps the DK and SD are physically magnified with their power. Part of their appearance is morphed by their will - the DK's armor, and the veil across the Supreme Diety's face seem to be symbols of their power. They can also be representative of how the DK was seen as an invincible opponent, and how now one knew the SD's true intentions but thought she's "too holy to look upon and find fault in."
To a god, sacrificing and dividing up your power (especially) in a time of peace is symbolic of trust and humility. In war, it could be neccessary to maintain one's prestige and honor as a monarch., Could mean that you value the ability to live as one of your people as one of them rather than as someone they worship.
- - - - children of the gods - - - -
What's the difference between something like the Supreme Diety and her daughter? Biologically, nothing, I'd assume. In nnt, "god" seems to be a state of being, asserted not simply by having power but by coming into your own and claiming it as you.
I propose that the gods are a conduit for that portion of their realm's magic that would otherwise roam freely, and that the other life in that realm has already absorbed, at birth, the limit each individual can handle. Biologically, that is.
For a goddess or demon to maintain that state in Britannia without cracking holes in the fabric of reality, there'd need to be some way to both reign in that power and dilute it down to a level that's manageable for that individual. And there probably are ways. Let's see what happened to Mel. His 'original powers,' when he accepted them, were raw and undivided; additionally, he had no clue how to manage a power influx of that extent and his mind was NOT in a good place to try and manage an extra extreme stressor. And uh. He has priors with letting his demon powers run amock in a destructive manner. If there's also a psychological component to how your godly powers act, that's the first uh-oh. Second uh - oh: he'd maintained complete certainty that unlocking them would have that kind of disastrous consequences for 3,000 years. self-fulfilling prophecies are a thing. especially if you believe that a demon's powers, specifically, their darkness, is deeply involved with their subconscious. Being 'a god' doesn't seem to logically coincide with being helpless. I think the real reason the DK and SD were trapped in their "bubbles" in their respective realms is their refusal to set aside that power, and walk as a simple demon or goddess even temporarily. A lack of will (in the gods' place) or a lack of control (Mel), rather than a lack of possibility. It makes it more interesting, I think!
In that case, the natural disasters we saw after Mel stepped into that power would be a result of the vast amount of demon realm magic accompanying him running completely amock in the wrong realm, interfering with the other magics present and the balance.
- - - - For "awakened god" designs! - - - -
I think Meliodas would want to keep his appearance mostly the same . . . just with more pizazz. Same with Zeldris, he seems to have it down pretty well already judging by his dramatic entrance in 4kota. If they're able to channel their powers well enough for this, I think they'd leave most 'monstrous' features toggled off while using this form except for their aura, and other associated demonic features such as wings, horns, and claws. They'd use the extra power boost to help their darkness roam with more versatility. Perhaps it'd form a tail behind them and coil about their horns and nearby loved ones like decorative, protective wreaths. It might lend a dragonlike flair to Meliodas, with several sets of horns about his face and dragonlike spines; and likewise, for Zeldris, some regal feathers and a simple, elegant floating crown - irremovable but loved - floating like a halo above his head.
I think Elizabeth would gain another pair of wings (if not more), and a dress of light in the same theme as Meliodas's assault mode outfit. She would have a magnificent crown of light, and she would hate it, she would complain that she didn't even wear a crown at her wedding, why does her magic think she'd want one? and she'd tear it off. every time. Maybe one day she'll accept it. Her brother-in-law tells her it's a symbol of how she'd given her heart, blood and breath to her realm, and to protecting the peace in Britannia, and that it's something she earned. But all she can see is this form is more grandiose than her mother's ever was, regardless of how much more like herself it looks than like some plain, no-faced worship-demanding statue. (That's how Meli describes her mother). Maybe one day! In the meantime, she released most of her original magic back to the Celestial Realm to assist in its revival. And covers up the crown with ribbons her husband sewed for her whenever she's prepping for a serious battle.
The special feature I came up with for what I'm calling Tristan's "awakened god form" is based on a biblical angel's wheels of eyes. That, except Twinkle stars, bright as a goddess's magic but as maneuverable as darkness, and they point in whichever direction he's focused on.
Wings would be feather-based, with darkness that weaves around them like the tounges of flames.
I think even the most high-level demons and goddesses would have less humanlike teeth in the back of their mouths accompanying their molars. Maybe just a little sharper, and much more durable. Maybe a second or third row of teeth that gets less prominent or even more retractable as it nears the lips. sharks come to mind. I'm jealous of their teeth. Why are ours so flimsy. Anyway. 7 rats proposed a demon / goddess child's noticably inhuman teeth might be like that of an anglerfish. Interesting idea.
Like. Uh- puts on a poetic narrator voice Like a wide smile, almost uncannily wide but almost like the way you walk with your feet pointed outward and not an emotion. And when he moves his mouth to speak or frown you can see little gleaming edges along his jaw like a set of jewels in a necklace. You're not sure what they are. Like spikes or horns but… from within. That ought to be decorative, you think, but you've thought the same about the demons’ sets of horns and their fangs and now that you think about it, the shapes surrounding the powered-up goddesses'… is they really magic or something supernatural beyond your mind’s comprehension. . . ?
As for the eyes - dark, demon-colored with swirling golden triskeles in the center. Since in normal form he already has the duality - and it makes sense considering how goddess and demon powers present themselves in their eyes - I think hiding the heterochromia in his eldritch form would make it more horrifying. Like, now we are stepping away from physics into what a “god” is in this universe. The darkness spills out of his eyes like the whisps of dry ice ofc!
- - - the gods' chosen helpers: examinating the the SD's blessings and the DK's curses - - - -
3/4 Archangels' Graces channel a certain element of nature: wind (Tornado), water (Ocean), light (Sunshine), with Ludociel's Flash being the odd one out. I propose this is because Ludociel has such a tainted mindset the only Grace that would take him is the one representing swift, determined action (because hehe). The Ten Commandments, unlike the Graces, have a further element of control - their double-edged nature - suggesting the DK isn't as thorough of a manipulatior (deadbeat hehe) as the SD and cannot rely on his command alone to gain 100% of the TC's focus. There's been clear tampering with the power it gives them, and less trust; they're artificial compared to the Graces, one of which was said to have chosen Escanor of its own free will. As for what they can do - they represent values that are considered virtues. Except for purity. what the hell does Derieri's purity do again? Not that she NEEDS that extra power, for the love of god the brute force trauma of this woman's second blow would probably cause permanent damage. Anyway, love forces those with hatred in their hearts to stand down from a fight (objectively not a bad thing), truth does the truth thing, etc.
These are not neccessarily combat-focused powers, though they are used and intended as such. It's not a stretch to say they could be utlized in a different manner in times of peace. The Demon Realm has probably countless small villages and intellegent species for the King to oversee and keep the peace between. It makes sense for him to have more vassals from that standpoint. Meanwile, the Celestial Realm from what we can tell has fallen into disrepair without the routine care of its people. I'm gonna go ahead and headcanon that the natural phenomenon here is at least as 'extreme' in human terms as the demon realm's, and that effectively managing a system of islands in the sky with probably dozens of intellegent migratory creatures like sky fish, etc. does take some supernatural effort. And that most of the goddess population here is centralized in one main area. Pretty much all nakaba has given us is an implied lack of diversity in the celestial realm (why everyone look like that except for Tarmiel) (it's fine we can make the creatures ourselves). Anyway. A not-double-edged-sword version of the Commandments and the current Graces could be repurposed to aid in civil relations (people), and enviornmental mangement (nature) respectively.
-- - - - - extra! pet theory as to why Elizabeth is an only child - - - -
I have a pet theory for my holy war au that Elizabeth wasn't made like a human child and is, rather, a genetic clone the SD shaped of herself (think shaping a living being out of clay) as well as just one in a succession of rebellious (and very dead) attempts at the perfect daughter. This is why there's only one of her, while Meliodas has a sibling, and why she's older than Meliodas. Until Elizabeth, there was no proof that what the SD and DK wanted could be managed without serious consequences. The SD learned that just having the one is important for the amount of control she wants over her daughter. She only has so much patience, and the sisters tended to back each other over her. Thank - well, herself - that they were so young. . . all those times. This is why the DK insisted on totally eliminating his children's emotions; he thinks so long as they don't care for one another, and don't even think to, he can manage as many as he wishes. Otherwise, he thinks the SD is a loon who failed like four times in succession, and refuses to acknowledge that he specifically waited for her to succeed, "learning" from her mistakes, before having his own children.
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patron-saints · 1 year
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crawl like a sinner (a riza/lust fanmix)
falling in love with someone who could never love you back is the exact kind of curse lust would wish upon her worst enemies. it is also something she thought she’d never experience.
listen on: spotify or youtube cover art in collaboration with: @amotleycrew
——— tessellate - alt-j triangles are my favorite shape / three points where two lines meet gimme what i want - miley cyrus pleasure leads to pain / to me they’re both the same hatchet - archive you could aim between my eyes and i’d still be yours to have looking too closely - fink truth is like blood underneath your fingernails / you don’t wanna hurt yourself hearts a mess - gotye but i’m desperate to connect / and you, you can’t live like this  hold me tight or don’t - fall out boy when your stitch comes loose / i wanna sleep on every piece of fuzz and stuffing that comes out  piece of shit - wet leg  and you are not in love, but it’s close enough  did it to myself - orla gartland now you're living in my memory / living in my mouth / living in the four fucking walls of my house october - the crane wives take my word, but keep the upper hand / i know you, you're the daughter of a lonely man blood orange - freya ridings could a life be like this, even with you?
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th1rt33n · 2 years
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assortment of. relatively old drhdr arts n doodles bc it's still one of my mangas ever
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eclarinet · 2 months
same soup... different day
#hello it is sarah in the tags again#i feel like i tell myself i'll actually use this as a blog and then i forget and then i remember and then i forget again#venting ahead if that is not ur jam (talking to the 2 followers who actually see my posts)#i like tumblr because it;s so removed from my personal life that it feels really like a place i dont have to be anything for anyone#anyway i've been wondering if i should go back to therapy again but i feel like they might get tired of me because i keep bailing and comin#back like an addict lol like i swear i'll commit this time! sike. ghost be upon ye#anyway this time i'd come in for the big D#i don't like the floor it just feels closer to being six feet under and a bit like where i belong#i feel like a great number of things have happened in the past year and i've met all of it with a very lukewarm sense of dread and anxiety#its not even about feeling happy i dont even think i can feel shaken by anything. i feel like people see my apathy and think it's confidenc#anyway im not going back. they always say the same thing. can't do shit about shit life syndrome. and i don't want pills i'm so sick of the#isn't it something that i'm especially depressed the day before i start my new job? it's a tradition at this point. cheers#isn't it cruel that everyone in my life seem to put me on some kind of bizarre pedestal and no one questions my decisions or authority and#i battle with myself to figure out if i'm doing the right thing (no one will tell me the truth they are all scared of me getting angry)#was talking with a friend about how it'll be if i join their group project in a module we're taking soon.#and she's like well isn't it obvious? everyone will just listen to whatever you say and we'll end up doing well.#no one would challenge you because you're always right. and it's like.. yeah. i guess. okay. (hate that i know she's not wrong)#lol can u tell this is why house is kind of getting to me. learning lots of things about myself watching that man commit medical malpractic#anyway. i didn't ghost my therapist this time i remember now. she left the clinic lol she asked me to connect on linkedin. that was amusing#i always feel like the therapists here never know what to do with me and i kind of have to hold their hand a bit through my psyche#also they seem to be a bit at awe of me which is a bit annoying. and i know that definitely sounds like Issues but it's just like#ugh not you too. please stop i'm sick of it i'm sick with it. i don't want you to be inspired by my awful life and how i handled it#and i have nothing to say for it but... *gestures vaguely* of all of this
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scarletfasinera · 10 months
Anyway since I can't send an ask because of character limit and I gave up after trying to write it three different ways and it not working, I'll just. Idk write a short vague post back? I'm assuming a vague for a vague is fair (don't worry I don't want to be mean I just have no other way of navigating this situation.) Since I'm exhausted & but want to at least express my view of it.
Idk just on the off chance they see this or one of our shared mutuals shows them or something. My "weak subtext" post had absolutely nothing to do with Adam Warlock, I didn't even remember that I reblogged that poll before making my post. I had seen like six other polls after the Adam one, bc I was actively looking through the blog, that did the exact thing my post was about, the blogrunner (who shall remain anonymous) had Pointed Out in private that it was happening and gave several examples & it was distressing them so I checked the blog myself and commented on it, which was why I made the post. Not the Adam poll in particular which I didn't remember and wasn't thinking about. I do not know enough about Adam to say anything about either the text or the subtext or anything, so I just. Wouldn't? It really baffled me that it was read that way.
Anyway. Farewell beloved mutual we barely knew ye...
#txt#the “people doing that across multiple polls” thing was also why I left the “annoying notes” tag#it just happened to be on the Adam poll because I like Miles and it was ine of the first ones on the blog#I didn't even process that people wouldn't have the background context & would read it as being Very Mean to Adam Fans in particular#But honestly I should have & that's on me & I deleted the post for that reason#Anyway I have NO BEEF with Adam fans and don't know enough about him to make any posts about him#It's just VERY STRANGE to me that this happened like I didn't even think about Adam I was just blogging 😭#I wish they had like asked me for clarification or something like I'm a dumbass and oftentimes an asshole by accident.#And I get misinterpreted A LOTTTTT but I never know how to KEEP IT FROM HAPPENING#and idk. I don't like being misinterpreted & I especially don't like being vagued over misinterpretation so I feel weird about it ):#Especially from a mutual that I liked? But. I'll forget about all this in the morning.#I mean I could also just. Reblog their vague and respond to it maybe#But idk I feel like that's a Lot because I don't want to out them to my followers as Having Vagued Me#I just would LIKE to address it privately but the only way to do that is via ask but it would be too long if I'm being serious about it#And tumblr's ask limit is like 500 fucking characters or something. Idk I tried figuring out the character limit andnit cut it off after#the FIRST PART#It would have taken like 7 fucking messages to send the whole explanation#And I don't want to swamp their ask box#The only reason the explanation is so short here is because I wrote it out in an exhausted Whatever tone that clips some of the explanation#short. Which I don't think would go over well when trying to explain a misunderstanding to someone who is mad at me enough to vague me#anyway here's your reminder that you can have conversations with people instead of jumping to conclusions 😔#I mean I'm not mad and I understand retroactively why the misunderstanding happened#but also if they had even like PM'd me like “Hey if your post was about Adam I disagree bc xyz” and I would have responded like#“Oh my post wasn't about Adam at all and I didn't even realise it seemed like that sorry”#or hell if they'd even anon'd me about it#Like I'm... actually not a mean person... I'm not going to verbally assault someone for interacting with me in good faith...
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@quicksilverdrabbles I drew your ocs, sorry I havent reblogged much from you but I just want you to know browsing your blog is the highlight of my day :]
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lilgynt · 2 years
OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. i forgot to update about so many life events
#personal#it’s important cause this is how i keep track of MY life#you know how much i’d forget without my tumblr personal tag#ANYWAY.#MY OLD WORK PLACE SHUT DOWN#i found out when filling up information for my new job and i looked up the address and oh my god i could puke that’s so fucking funny#LOVE that the manager who groomed me was like ur made a huge mistake leaving… last time i visited oh my god#i am sad about jimi tho he was my favorite and im still in love with him :( i do know his twitch streaming channel tho#oh and my brother apologized ? kinda?#i guess he could tell i was stand off ish during thanksgiving#and also side note damn i cannot win thanksgiving i bring up my issues there’s drama i don’t do shit there’s drama#anyway he bought me a tank full of gas and was like i understand i can’t buy forgiveness and this isn’t me trying to this is just me saying#i’ve been a dick. it was a longer speech about how he’s ready to put this behind him if i am but he gets if i’m not#i didn’t know how to respond bc it’s like okay are you doing this just to move past the issue or like. do you find anything wrong in ur#actions. and he never answered me on whether he likes me or not#so i was like okay. appreciated and left it at that#he chilled in my room his last day here and we just chatted a little#it still had this odd feeling of like my views of our relationship have permanently changed but he seems exactly the same and i can’t tell#if he felt any change or if i’m just by myself#it does suck that it feels like it’ll never be like before again and it feels like. like that’s my fault#like if i could just be normal and move on we’d be fine but i’m still upset and. gg and audrey emphasize that i’m just not taking his shit#anymore but it still feels like my fault#very funny how kept buying me things tho like 30 buck discount on a car thing smoothie food tank full of gas#that was a little funny.#also super sweet how upset everyone is i’m leaving. i already had to make plans and promises to visit its very sweet at work#but also oh my god i’m so glad i’m leaving i worked a full day black friday and that was fine but post closing i could kill my manager#some dude PUSHED his way through the door and the attendant holding it and her only response was that’s fine#and he was there till fucking 9:21 also i was the only cashier scheduled past closing and no one made an announcement till like. five after#we closed thankfully the other cashiers stayed cause there was a shit ton of people like no shit! but her being like that’s fine set me off#sooooo bad
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crossbackpoke-check · 1 month
in love with your novels in the tags, they're so much fun to read - @softvikings
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thank you!!! i have so much fun writing them and i love hearing that they bring other people joy as well, these are Our Tag Novels now 🥹💕🥰
#you GUYS cannot keep getting away with this. you’re gonna make my heart explode 💗💗💗#keyboard WHEN can i have a butterfly hearts emoji. please!!! 🦋🫧💖✨#i am gonna wax poetic a little bit about community and joy and also this is your standard personal update in the tags so skip if ur want#but i have been in the process of a really big change in my life!! kinda struggling!! feeling a little scared and lonely!!!#and then i get to come here and hang out with all of you who left me such lovely messages and i get to share in the collaborative joy#of creation and interaction in so many ways#(case in point!! you reblogged a post i rambled about with something that just set me off in a WHOLE new fun direction [that post is on its#way lol] and it’s just so fun to see everyone build off of each other and share and make such beautiful work. as always i love you gifmakers#i love you writers I love you artists I love you archivists I love you video transcribers and article translators and readers & commenters#& all the infinite ways that you can share and be creative with each other!! I love you human connection and love.) anyway. sappy as all#get out and i AM about to put my ass to bed and wake up and answer everything else and post everything else tomorrow but i had to get it#out into the world hanif abdurraqib style that i love you and i love y’all#liv in the replies#softvikings#do NOT let me forget to come here tomorrow. i have a post that’s been waiting a week because i missed wip Wednesday i can’t do it again 😭😭#dear nosy anon i did not forget you i promise i just wanted to abide by the tumblr days of the week schedule 😭😭 i see you i love you bestie#anyway again good night sleep tight i will be tucked up snug as a bug and cozy replaying all the messages in my head.#if you have a favorite Novel tell me!!! i want to know and odds are so good i want to daydream about it with you!! that’s how i met laura 💕#& also how i started talking to c &songs&swords &tofumilanesa &alexandra &everyone lol. as mentioned i will Yap &I love listening to u too
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indefiniteavatar · 5 months
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So basically, in a case about him shoving money at someone so they shut up about him. . .he can’t shut the fuck up himself. I would say something clever and funny here, except the sad part is that this is just so normal in current politics that it’s just. . .not hilariously absurd behavior anymore? Not to say that it’s not absurd - it is beyond such, but it is just. . . predictable, I suppose.
I guess this is how I feel about politics lately? Either I get mad at everything or I try to laugh at everything and normally that works because politicians usually aren’t so tragically stupid so very often, but now I just kinda have to chuckle at the particularly eyeroll worthy things like this, and try to ignore everything else or my brain will explode.
#maybe that’s my biggest pet peeve about the current state of politics#Normally I like having discussions with people#of various mindsets and lifestyles and backgrounds#while my personal standpoint about many if not most political things is pretty solid. I also enjoy finding out more about things.#It’s always nice to learn more about things.#when it gets to a point like this or let’s be real-a point like where it got a few months ago when. More like a couple years ago honestly#There’s just so much. Too much. And two try to process all of it especially in a way such that one keeps up with useful discussion? oof.#I know I meant to do something else in these tags – something more specific – but at least on mobile#I just lost like three tags because the one I was working on hit 140 but when I was warned#I didn’t get to backspace or anything. I just kind of deleted the whole thing.#And in my confusion and attempt to undo what I had done#I managed to backspace a couple times and lose the finish tag above that one#and of course my first attempt at explaining that I had lost two tags turned into three tags because#I lost the first attempts that said two tags because it went over and yet again my attempt of not backspace this time#I just lost another two tags and then at this point I don’t even remember where I was going with this train of thought either#tl;dr: I wish I could take as much amusement from this as I want to but I can’t because shit like this is just so fucking normal#but hey it’s better than January 6 or trying to nuke a hurricane so I suppose I can live with it#right so I realize that I got to read all of the things I just typed in the page before this#so I did and while I have a laughable amount of nowhere near the fuck enough spoons#there’s a very good chance I am going to come back to this when I get on my iPad or PC#There’s also a very good chance I’m going to completely forget this post exists if not the app entirely#but given that I finally downloaded this on my actual phone instead of my tablet for the first time in years#And I just lost another fucking tag#this time naturally it had to be one with Contant that I remember as semantically important#but similarly naturally of course I don’t bloody well remember#right so I am going to go back to the stuff I was doing now cause I was doing stuff before I saw a Tumblr notification#which I didn’t actually look at at the time but but I can absolutely be sure that it was a hefty part of the reason why#when I found something that I wanted to post about and a context that had a larger audience and not just individuals#didn’t have FB/Reddit (tho lbr I would probably have a 6 foot nose if I tried to imply they were great social networks)#which goes back to seeing the tumblr notif & still having a big Nostalgia so. hi here i am
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