#and trim my hair so i dont have to get 2 bottles of dye
Glad we ended up going to my great grandmas last night
My grandpa just happened to be there for once and had my birthday card which means I got $60
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Furby Custom Idea: Crystal Furby Baby (imposter) [long post]
Hello friends! 💖❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 I’ve seen lots of lovely people here in search of a pretty rare and sometimes expensive Furby: that coveted Crystal Furby Baby (Pink with holographic tinsel fur)..(pic taken from Furby Wikia):
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Well, I had a little brainstorm I wanted to share with y’all! If the hunt for one is getting to be too much, then perhaps try to make one! Now I haven’t tried this out myself, this is only a brainstorm so I won’t be able to actually say what might happen, but given that I’ve done all these steps on my other custom Furbys, I’m almost 100% positive that it’ll not only work, but it’ll look pretty damn close to the original!
This community is full of amazing people and I don’t mean that towards the peeps I know and trust. This warning is more for the people who may enter in this community to scam people. I remember being a part of the Tamagotchi community on Instagram a few years back and AWFUL PEOPLE would enter the community for the sole purpose to scam youngsters out of their possessions. This tutorial is for fun purposes ONLY.
Now onto the steps!
Step One: get your hands on a Snowball Furby or a Snowball Furby Baby (pics taken from Google; Furby is purple box, Furby Baby is teal box):
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These Furbs are waaaay more common and easy to get your hands on! Didja snag one? Onto step two!
Step Two: Gather your materials. You’ll need a bottle of GOOD QUALITY ACRYLIC PAINT, like Apple Barrel brand, in a pink color of your choice. Apple Barrel has some delicious pink colors in their inventory. Apple Barrel is found at most if not all Walmart stores and are usually less than $2 a bottle. Pick the pink you like! (Or any color you wish cuz it’s your Furby, my dudes! This is just if you want an exact imposter.)
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Next you’ll need EXTRA THIN HOLOGRAPHIC TINSEL. This may or may not be a challenge to find depending on your location. It’ll come in a spool or in individual long threads. If you can’t find extra thin holographic tinsel, then take the image below to your local craft store and have them order it for you! They will 100% do that and if they don’t, go to a different craft store, lol 💕
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Next, get your hands on a bottle of Aileen’s Tacky Glue. This is my go-to craft glue for every single project where I need good glue. That’s because there’s resin in the ingredients which gives a flexibility and a strength that you just don’t get with other glues. And it’s pretty cheap! Just a couple of bucks per bottle.
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-tweezers (if you have to borrow some from a family member, ask permission first!)
-a clean sock
-scrap paper
-moist paper towel for your hands
-clean paper towels to dry your hands
Step Three: read and follow the steps in the Furby Fur and Hair Dyeing Tutorial
This method will work on every fabric surface of your Furby, including the fabric on the ears and feet. Dye your Furb, let fully dry and it’s onto the next step!
Step Four:
Now this is where it will take patience. I have no photos to show these steps because like I mentioned, this is just a brainstorm and I haven’t performed this project myself. However, I am experienced with gluing objects to the fabric base of my Furbs (beads and pearls), so if that works, then this should definitely work! It just might be a bit painstakingly slow, so if you get frustrated easily, you might want to plan on doing this only about 10-15 minutes per day until you’re completely done!
Ready? Here we go!
Firstly, have a pic of a REAL Crystal Furby Baby in front of you for reference. Reference pics are your best friend!
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Secondly, take your holographic tinsel and start cutting it into lengths of about TWO INCHES. (Cut the two inch tinsel pieces into a clean, shallow vessel like a clean Tupperware container, so they won’t scatter around your work space and they can be easily picked up with tweezers when you’re ready to glue).
Why cut the tinsel pieces so long at first, you ask? Because longer pieces of tinsel will be easier to handle in the gluing and application process, and they can be trimmed to a shorter length once the glue is dry.
I have no images for this process, I am sorry.
Now, take a good look at your dyed Furb and then look at your reference pic. Get a good feeling of how you wish the tinsel to look on your Furb. Do you want the tinsel to be as exact to an authentic Crystal Baby as possible? Or do you want the tinsel to be where you want it to be? This is the time to get a rough idea of how to want the tinsel glued on your Furb. It will help greatly in application and cause less frustration! 💕
Once you feel you have enough tinsel pieces, it’s time to start gluing! First, put your clean sock on your Furb. The clean sock’s function is to keep the fur out of the way when you try to glue the tinsel to the fabric base of your Furby’s skin. You know when you go to get your hair cut, and the stylist has to pin certain amounts of your hair out of the way so she/he can work in sections? The same principle applies here! It’s much easier to glue a tiny object to a hairy surface if the majority of the hair is out of the way! I personally would start gluing tinsel at the BOTTOM of my Furby and work my way up towards the ears. This way you can just pull the clean sock down over the Furb, part the fur with a toothpick down to the fabric base and tuck the parted fur up into the sock, glue tinsel, let dry, and slowly lift the sock up as you work your way up towards the ears! I hope that makes sense, because I have no pics to show ( but dang it, if I dont wanna try this myself now, lol)
Now take a piece of scrap paper and put a fingernail-sized glue blob onto it. (This is what you will dip your tinsel into). Take your tweezers and pick up a piece of tinsel from your container of cut tinsel. Dip one end of the tinsel into the glue, but not too far! Just enough to cover the end of the tinsel piece about ⅛ of an inch. You don’t want glue to slop everywhere! 💕
Now, since you have your sock over your Furby, part the fur, and tuck the parted fur up into the sock to keep the fur out of the glue zone. You should be able to see the base of the fabric fur clearly. Take the glued end of the tinsel (that you are holding with your tweezers) and press the glued end firmly into the fabric base of the fur using a toothpick. Blow gently on the glue to help it dry for a few seconds or have a fan nearby to help the glue set. Give the glue about 2-4 minutes to dry per tinsel piece before you move on to the next piece of tinsel to glue.
REPEAT THESE STEPS UNTIL YOU HAVE DESIRED TINSEL AESTHETIC! Once you are done, take a nice sharp pair of scissors and trim the tinsel pieces on your Furb down to desired length.
Now this. Is. Gonna. Be. Time. Consuming. Y’all. This is going to be a challenge of patience. But I believe in you!!! If any of these steps seem confusing to you, send me an ask! I’ll be happy to help in any way that I can!
And remember, please don’t make a ton of fakes to sell for profit as authentic Crystal Babies. I know good peeps on here won’t ever dream of doing that, but if you’ve just entered the community as a fan: be vigilant and ask questions. If you’re a Buzzfeed vulture looking to scam people then just...shoo.
Happy Customization, my sweet dudes!!!
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xojilli · 7 years
Hair. Hairstylist. Clientele.
Your hairstylist may be a magician, but psychic they are not. There are plenty of things that your stylist wishes you knew before coming in for an appointment. Sure, they’re capable of transforming your strands into your dream color or cut, but they often need a bit of direction from you first. In a perfect world, they would be creative creatures who lived only to make wearable art. How is it, then, that we so often leave the hair salon frustrated, our hairdresser wishing we had a bit more knowledge? Because in the (imperfect) real world, we walk into salons living in a fantasy. We think we can get fabulous hair dye and a complete style makeover in under two hours and for less than $200. Prepare to be educated, ladies.
Here goes EVERYTHING … (from a stylist standpoint)
1. Instagram Photos Are Part Fantasy
•Instagram is the romance novel of hair pictures: totally glamorous, but not real life. Everything, from the angle to the filter to the sometimes shameless Photoshopping, is staged. Your new ‘do will look fabulous, but it may not look exactly like your Instagram vision. So be inspired, but also be realistic about outcomes.
2. Bring In Lots Of Photos
•The more pictures you can bring in, the more a stylist can hone in on the vibe, texture, and color you want. It’s like having a visual conversation.
3. Be Honest About Wanting A Change
•Stylists cannot read your mind. If you want to change what has been happening, then talk to them! Don’t keep quiet 'cause you’re afraid to voice your opinion. This is your head, and a “quality over quantity” stylist’s end goal is for you to be happy.
4. Creative Colors Take Time, And Can Get Expensive
•Blue hair may be partly inspired by punk rock styles, but they involve so much more than a bottle of Manic Panic or SPLAT!! DONT USE SPLAT!!! The elegant and modern-day versions involve a lot of time, work, and skill. MAKE SURE YOUR STYLIST OF CHOICE HAS THESE SKILLS & ISN’T JUST A “YES I CAN DO IT” TO ANYTHING. Consequently, this can be expensive. Know what you are using … know what color can be removed & what color that cost grandma $8 from Walgreens can be covered up. 🙄
5. Rainbow Ombres Are A Big Commitment
•Money-wise, time-wise, and upkeep-wise, a peacock of colors is a serious investment. Expect to be in the chair for at least five or six hours, and to spend upwards of $500. Having previously-dyed hair that needs to be lightened before it can take a new color will up the ante. I personally recommend researching the cost, time, and upkeep involved before arriving at the salon expecting a magical transformation in two hours.
6. Corrective Color Also Takes Time
•If you had a tragic case of mismatched drugstore-dyed hair and roots and need a professional rescue, it might be a big, expensive project. Make it clear what has happened, what you want to have happen (bring pictures!), and for the best results, schedule a (generally free) consultation so that all parties know what will go down.
7. Trendy Colors Fade Fast
•Any color that is not a brown or a blonde (think pink, silver, blue, etc.) may be gone within as few as five washes. For it to look fabulous, it needs to be retouched at least once a month … personally - my clients do 10-14 day upkeep!!! Often, you can buy the color from your stylist to retouch at home, and go for a professional redo every other month. These fun, playful colors require ALOT of maintenance.
8. Bring In Several Examples Of The Style/Color You Want
•Helloooooo Pinterest for finding endless variations on the style you’re searching for. Remember that while you may not get exactly what any picture shows (because your hair may have a different texture, etc.), they are infinitely helpful in guiding the stylist to give you the best option that will work for you.
9. Having Some Split Ends Is OK
•For long, beachy hair, it’s okay to have a few split ends. For those who want messy, sexy, natural hair - I suggest living with a few split ends instead of the standard recommendation to cut them every four to six weeks. Just oil the ends and cut at least a ½-¾ inch every 4 months. I love to embrace the messy.
10. Hair Care At Home Is Important
•If you’re not protecting your hair at home, you’re making your life harder than it should be. Stylists want you to use a hydrating hair mask once a week. This is especially true if you’re planning an extreme shift, such as from black to blonde. Apply the mask to towel-dried hair three inches down from the roots, then work through to the ends and leave it on for 20 minutes. TADAAAAA-VOILAAA.
11. Permanent Color Isn’t What You Think
•Using permanent dye does not mean that your hair’s color will be brighter, last longer, or stay in better than it would with semi-permanent dye. Permanent color lifts and takes out original hair color and deposits new color in. Semi-permanent dye does not lift out color — it only adds/deposits new color. Both dye types fade equally fast. For pre-colored ends, you don’t need permanent dye, because the natural color has already been lifted out. Only use permanent dye on roots and grays. Use semi-permanent dye to freshen up all-over color. It is less damaging, lasts longer, and is way shinier. And your stylist will be happy, because you won’t walk in with a home hair dye disaster.
12. It Takes More Than One Step To Make Dark Hair Light
•P R O C E S S ….. If you have dark brown or black hair, and want to go silver or pastel, it’s gonna take a lot of love and a lot of work. If you have ever dyed your hair dark, even if it was years ago, the ends are not virgin hair. If you have dyed it more than once, you have layers of color that need to come off. Don’t be scared if the first two layers of bleaching result in a yellow-looking funk. Be patient. It’s a process.
13. Get A Hair Consultation
•Most stylists offer these free of charge to existing or prospective clients. If you need a bang trim, you don’t need a consult. But if you are thinking of going from pageant hair to pixie cut, with a drastic color change to boot, then sit down with your stylist and talk strategy first. Tell your stylist before your appointment what your hopes are, and about your hair dyeing history. And if it’s a big color change, get a consult!
14. White-Blonde Hair Takes A Lot Of Work
•If you are bleaching your hair white, you need to come in at least once a month for a touch-up. Otherwise, the irregular dyeing can create a yellow banding around your hairline. To fix the banding, you’ll have to bleach twice, which is more expensive and takes longer. If you want Habit Salon / Hair by Chrissy instagram inspired locks, see your stylist once a month.
15. Short Hair Makeovers Need Lots Of Pics
•If you want to cut your hair short, then bring a lot of photos that demonstrate the style, vibe, and look of what you want. Don’t fear change — short hair can be beautiful, piecey, and feminine. Stylists adore creative hair. They love to do it.
The main point I stress is that I want people to be prepared for how long certain things might take, what the costs may be, and what maintenance will entail. Do a little research so that you have realistic expectations. And don’t forget your inspiration pictures!
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