#and thought i am geniouse
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p-receh · 23 days ago
preview arc
Spoiler alert as always.
A significant contrast of ambiance I noticed when watching Gentar arc was the TV version used a lighter tone than the comic counterpart. And ... did the area feel bigger and brighter here?
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I like that this version started in space rather than on earth. If they wanted to convince the audience the season 2 events happened within two months, they really needed to show how tight it was.
Unlike Sori and Windara's arc, this time I have to read the comic AND watch the show back to back.
This show has only 4 episodes but I felt like I'm missing something in the first ep.
For instance...
How the heck did the final goal from utilize Daun's 3rd tier, "Rimba/Jungle", into Api's 3rd tier, "Nova"?
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Even the comic didn't bring the name in Baraju's early arc. It was a suggestion from Hang Kasa, not an order by the other person(in this case: the Commander).
And the show didn't explain the reason behind the commander's brief about this and you expected us to easily grasp it??
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The show's barely started and I'm like:
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"Am I missing something from Windara???"
They may want to cut long expositions of who those were and immediately shortened into the main issue. Mixed some lines from Baraju's arc so they could quickly jump into action for the future tv show. That's also why the gang was in this cut to bridge the story between Gentar and Baraju.
Except, Papa Zola resigned from the main cast (along with Adu Du and Probe). This arc is officially his last appearance in the Boboiboy series. He will be focused more on his adventure with his family in the upcoming movie later this year.
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Also, I think it's funny, but when Gopal told Oboi to use Fusion elementals other than Frostfire because of how frequent it was, I laughed at the irony when Supra was in the mix yet he didn't even bring it up. The comic version made more sense in context since it was the only fusion he always used before Gentar by the way😅
Anywho, the TV ver started the story where the gang had to split up due to an unexpected distress signal during their journey to the planet Volcania. After that, it thematically followed the same structure as the comic ver, issue 15.
I said this in my preview post, we got to see Gentar's introduction right from the get go, especially in the opening vid. Aside from the main gang, the elementals are replaced with Gentar(but still got some tiny bits of Gempa & Hali for the sake of fusion part).
Oh, not to mention this is the first transformation where Oboi's front bangs cut sideways. Which IMO, that cut was cool as heck! Man, I love his suit on the tv ver! So good ... 😘
And I love how exaggerated his entrance was. The spotlight, the speeches, the ambiance, and every surrounding supported him as if he were the self-proclaimed celebrity in the block. And I love he purposely dragged his power-ups longer than the comic ver. It. Was. That. Necessary.
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(If you guys telling me that this is not Boboiboy and totally a new character, I will 100% believe in you)
Other props to the tv ver is his weapon. They want to show how big and important it is. Not just randomly pop-out. Thus, enter his magnetic powers to assemble all the scrapes into his iconic hammer.
To match the whole "lively" vibe of the theme, the animation took very high notes of Japanese anime style and geniously incorporated into their 3D renders.
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At first I thought they would go spiderverse-esque but using this method is also perfect for this arc. Kinda reminds me of Snoopy's art style actually.
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(and also ashamed of why Sonic Prime didn't do this method even though their flat animations had some potential wtf!!!! Yes I'm still salty over the 2nd and their final season other than the animation period)
Okay. Continue to the main antagonists themselves: the Probe x Jo robot hybrid and Adu Du introduction.
I appreciate the animators that still manage to make it as creepy as ... I'd say the FNAF / Poppy Playtime horror standard. Although kinda a bit downed with the lighter background setting.
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(now, will my country censor the horror part? Gonna be a nuisance I'd tell yađŸ™‚â€â†•ïž)
Whooo man when Adu Du entered the frame, my eyes instantly widened. I still remembered my reaction to how much his character development changes in the comic. But God I'm still not prepared in tv ver! Especially in this shot!
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Like, sir who are you and why you are so cool?!?!! 😳😳
Aaaaaand that's all for now, onto the 2nd episode!
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queen-of-elves · 3 years ago
A missed date
Steven Grant x reader
Summary: Your date is late, not just an hour or two but two whole days. Good thing you really like him.
Author note: Steven Grant is so stupidly cute my mind can’t comprehent it. Btw this was not proofread so read at your own risk. 
Warnings: swear words, Steven Grant (this cutie deserves his own warning), tell me if I missed something
Words count: over 860 words
Part 2
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You were so excited, finally having a date in what felt like a century. No, you were definitely not a wallflower, you just like to know people a bit before it gets too serious. He was perfect, well not really, a bit awkward but handsome and very intelligent  nonetheless. He has the cute nerdy vibe around him and every time you saw him he was always polite and friendly. You met Steven at work, him being a “gift shopper” and you working down in the archives. Walking around him from your lunch break became routine full of soft waves and shared smiles. You often lied to your coworkers about how faster the route seemed even though the gift shop and entrance to the underground archives were on different sides of the museum.
Everything seemed great at first, you decided on a Friday date at a steakhouse
 And this stupidly cute moron stood you up. Didn’t call, not even a short text of SORRY, nothing. You sat there like an idiot for three hours. It was not all bad the first hour, you thought maybe he was running late or something. Worse was when you started to get pity glances from the waiters, who numerously asked you if you wanted to refill your glass. At the end of the night you ate steak alone with almost the whole bottle of wine.
 That’s what you get for having your hopes up. 
You thought while drunkenly stumbling through London streets to your flat and when you finally got back, slipping your feet out of the high heels you chose for the date felt like heaven. 
“All for this for nothing. Killing my feet for that idiot.” At this point you were not only yelling in your mind but sharing your opinion on this ruined date out loud with your plants.
Monday is gonna be shit.
It was Sunday and you decided to cook yourself a nice dinner before facing Steven in the museum the following day. Dreading your situation of monday, maybe you could avoid Steven for the rest of your life, that would be possible if it wasn’t for your noisy coworkers, who would definitely ask about your not so lovely date. Loud ringing of your phone ripped you out of the awful inescapable maze of your spiraling mind, if only for a moment. Because you were right back when your gaze stopped on your phone with Steven's name shining on the screen.
Unbelievable, now he was calling? Whole two days after?
Debating over declining the call you put down a knife you were holding, who knows what you would have done with it if he made the situation even worse with this call, getting arrested for homicide was not on your New year's resolution for sure. Wanting to hear the reason why he stood you up on the date you accepted the still ringing call. “Punchy. Calling me now?” You snarled into the phone, throwing away the rest of the cut vegetables from the cutting board into a bin. 
“What do you mean? I am at the restaurant for steak. It’s steak time.” Steven sounded geniously confused and in the background you could hear people talking and plates rattling just like in a restaurant. Was he for real at the restaurant now? You set the date on Friday so what was he doing there now?
“Yea, I ate steak by myself, thanks. Two days ago.” The answer must have confused him even more, you could hear him pause in any kind of movement.
“What? I thought we said Friday? Today.”
“Right. Welcome to Sunday.” You laughed at the irony of this situation. Was this a joke? Did he decide that maybe you were worth his time now, or what?
Heavy pause followed before his stammering voice rang through the phone.”Come on,no. I think Friday still comes after Thursday, doesn't it?” This situation was getting to an unbearable level of ridiculousness.
“It doesnt change the fact that today is Sunday” Your last response was followed by a pregnant pause.
“I am so sorry. I-I really thought today was F-friday?” His stuttering voice holding your weak heart in chokehold was not helping at all. It really looked like he didn’t mean to stand you up.
“Are you telling me or asking, ‘cause I am not really sure, Steven!” Your anger still seeping out in your voice. 
This is a mess. What am I supposed to do?
Steven sounded genuinely confused and sad over the fact that he missed your date, like he didn’t mean to and wasn’t even sure how it happened. 
I am going to hate myself over this.
“Wait there!” You exhaled louder than you wanted.
“Wha-t? I don’t understand.”
“My God Steven, you are lucky you are so cute. I will be there in few, so don’t leave!” Rushing for your wallet and keys before struggling to put on a coat. You don’t have time to change clothes but that dummy has no right to judge you on your “lazy weekend” t-shirt after what he put you through.
“You have some explaining to do.” You laughed into the phone before opening your front door and leaving for your “second first” date. You were completely aware how ridiculous this situation is but hopefully he will make it worth it.
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kakashifanrp · 3 years ago
-Going Between Dimensions -
Part 19 - Talk it out
Kakashi Hatake x Reader
Taglist: @ari-hatake15, @fuzzyfestcat
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The stone you had been looking for came into view as you smiled. It was the place you found Mirai and Kuichi, soo a easy spot to send the documents to them until you find a way to talk Kakashi into letting you keep them for good. You sat down by the stone and quickly made the summon as you placed the scrolls and notes on the stone and sent it away. Luckily it was just in time too as you heard the stumps on the ground behind you. You carefully turnes to look at the man behind you and gave a small frown, noticing he had his sharingan out allready. "You know for a hide and seek game sharingan is quite a cheater move"
You stood up, not taking your eyes off him. "Where did you send the documents?" His voice were low at this point, clearly not happy when he noticed they were gone. "I sent them away soo you can calm down, you are making decisions you shouldn't right now" After a long day of training you knew your chakra was not on top.. It was allready at its limits.. Soo if you had fought him for the documents he would have won. "I know perfectly well what I am deciding, don't even question it" You shaked your head and carefully walked over to him, before raising your hand slowly to pull down his headband. He stopped your hand by grabbing your wrist, trying to make eye contact.
"no you don't.. You won't listen to me, nor explain the reasions behind it.. You do what you always have done, hiding behind the village and other exuses." It was not like this was something new from him.. He was protective of people he cared about, and sometimes made decisions he thought were best." I was perfectly honest.. That scroll will just end up hurting you and the village" Your head shaked lightly to his response as you looked up at him, making sure not to look into his sharingan in case he would use it. "No, that scroll can be the answer to avoid exactly that.. But right now we are both exhausted and annoyed and that don't mix well for a conversation" He slowly let go of your wrist as you put his headband down, covering his eye again.
"If you wanna have a conversation, you know how to approach me.. And the way you did was not how I like it.. You might be a genious, but yall geniouses are too much relying on that brain of yours, almost making you blind for other options" You poked his forhead, noticing his features relaxing a bit more as you did too. You both were stubborn, ever since childhood.. Luckily this is not the first time something like this had happened between you two, at least to this extent.. A argument over something silly because of worries from both sides, with different ways to show it. "I noticed some of your pictures was laying down..." He said suddenly. You knew exactly which too. "You looked at them, didn't you?"
"I did.." He answered as you just nodded. "You think it is because of you?" It was not a secret he still struggled with Rin and Obitos deaths.. Aswell as Minato and Kushinas.. You did too, but the way you mourned was different from his. "Kakashi.. Don't think it is because of you.. I have my own reasions to not look them in the eye yet... And you have yours" You gave his shoulder a pat before you started to walk back home, knowing he would follow if he needed the talk. "it was easier when you were afraid of me, you know?" You turned around and looked at him as he stood with his hands in his pockets, and looked a bit uneasy. "really? Do you prefer me avoiding you, Kakashi?"
He walked thowards you silently before stopping next to you. "I didn't say that.." he corrected, making you shake your head. "You are still not the best when it comes to speaking about deeper subject are you? Let's work on that" You couldn't help but having a little smile on your face as you looked at him, before you placed your hand on his shoulder and teleported you both back to your appartment. "This time I make the tea.. You look like you need it."
You went to the kitchen and emptied the cold one from earlier before making new ones for both of you. It was gonna be a long night after all. "You have always been there to help me, even when I used to push you away.. Why?" Kakashi spoke softly from the doorway as you got two new cups. "for the same reasion Guy did.. I cared, and you got a bit too stuck along the way" That was a understatement..."You remember don't you, how you thought being a assassin would be easier for you than having a family? Thats when I realised how deep you were into the dark bubble of yours" it was not that Kakashi had ever really been a family type person, but the way he said it was enough to realise when stuff were wrong.
"Like you could be a handful when we were kids too.. But you never meant it in a wrong or a bad way.. Or in a dark way" You filled the cups and looked over to him. "Well, It took some time.. But I managed to get back on the right track... I think" When you gave him the cup he gladly took it as you walked into the living room with him. "You are, I see you care for those students of yours.. Thats why you did the Sukea act.. You gave them some eventful days, Both Naruto and Sasuke told me all about it" you laughed a bit, remembering how frustrated they both had been about it all. "They did?" He looked at the table, trying to take it all in.
"yep, they called it a S rank mission" You smiled and took a sip of the tea. "Honestly thinking about it now that I have all my memories back, it is kind of cute.." Men that were good with kids is something that you found attractive, most women would do, maybe.. It is like the men in uniform consept kind of.. And seeing someone actually treating Naruto and Sasuke right, even when they knew what the boys were made you feel happy. "Thats a first.. Cute is not the word I would have used.. But it was a fun day, but they got too close" Kakashi sat back, enjoying his tea as he were alot calmer now than before.
"You need to let out the fun side sometimes too you know.. Aswell as the soft side.. We are just human after all" It was something you had thought about for a long time, but never said out loud. Letting all the different sides show was just human, but in this world where shinobi were a standard it held alot back.. For many people. "How did you come to take care of Sasuke... You never told that story" Kakashi had his eye on you, as his tone sounded curious.
"well.. I was alot in the Uchiha district, doing alot of small C and D rank missions aswell as helping out.. Normally their father, mr Fugako was the one who would approve if the work was done right or not." You smiled a bit as you thought back on it. "It started with silly babysitting jobs, since he knew I did that for others in Kohona.. But both Itachi and Sasuke grew on me.. And I agreed to help Itachi train from time to time, making Sasuke tag along for most of it... Itachi started to assist my training when he got into the Anbu.. But he started to change too.. Being more closed off.. And when he didn't have time between missions Fugako asked if I could help sasuke, since he was soo attached to his brother.. The massacre happend and well.. I promised to take care of him"
You hummed a bit as you sighed in the end. You still wished you could talk with Itachi to get some answers about everything. "Sasuke and Naruto are more alike than what people think.. Hence why they rivalry is fitting.." You thought out loud as Kakashi just listened carefully, taking your words in. "I remember when Naruto called you Auntie sama when he introduced us.. Sasuke was not happy.." A small chuckle left him as he thought about it. "yeah.. Somehow I never told them about eachother.. It was not on my mind, since they both had different needs back then." the frown on your face was a bit deeper as you thought of it.
"You have raised kids ever since you were a teen.. Not many people could do what you have done" Kakashi said after a while as he placed the empty cup on the table. "Never really thought about it before.. But on another note" You took a break trying to figure out what to say. "what did you mean earlier.. With it would be easier if I still was afraid of you?" you were curious about it, and since yall are having a open conversation for once it was time to ask. "It was easier to stay away... Half of the things that has happened after that night I didn't know about.. Now when I do.. I am worried you will do something reckless.. Like you did during the exams.." He admitted, picking his words carefully as he spoke, clearly hiding something.
" I wish I had not done it like that in front of Naruto.. His scared face still haunts me... " You sighed a bit as you thought of that day. " Even Guy was scared when your chakra flickered before going out Y/N... I thought you were done for.." You looked over at him and tilted your head."I am sorry.. It sounded like the best option at the time..The thought of everyones reaction and all was not in my mind when I heard Orichimaru were going to attack.. And that he had marked Sasuke.." You narrowed your brows. "you knew?"
"yeah, I was informed... Even though I had a feeling he would be after The last Uchiha because of the powers.." You finnished the tea and placed the cup down too. "Orichimaru was always after power, at least the rare ones.. It was because of him we found out about my situation and how it can't be stolen.. And the wood style thing" You shrugged and layed back on the couch. "soo they did testing on you too?" He tensed up as he looked at you. You thought he knew, since you had used woodstyle infront of him before. "We didn't know until later..  He infused some of the cells into me while taking care of the wounds sometimes.. And the other thing we were all trying to figure out.. Since much didn't make sense.."
"I thought you could use it because of your abilities... You can use all natures, and even mix some of them.." You poked his masked cheek and smiled, not wanting him to get back on the dark subjects. "Well, I try to stay with fire and water, since it is my ideal chakra nature.." It seemed like he understood as he nodded and let it be. It was nothing any of you could do about it now anyway. "wanna sleep over? You need rest as much as I do.. And I need to apologize to Pakkun too.. " You laughed a bit, knowing your little threat was too far.
"You think thats ok?" He sounded almost unsure or nervous. "only if you want offcourse. I don't mind, the bed is big enough for two... and it is a exuse to actually make a homemade breakfast again in the morning" It was not that much fun cooking for yourself, soo some company would maybe help to get some real food in your stomach compared to the foodpills. "if you say soo.. I don't want you to be uncomfortable.." He seemed flustered, and almost nervous with the way his eye had this little twitch.
"I would not have asked if I was.. And I know it is getting very late" You smiled and got up, before taking the cups to place in the sink. You didn't know why Kakashi became flustered about the situation.. But you choose to let it be without asking questions as you slid into bed when you were done, while he slid in next to you. Hopefully he actually slept.. That mask could not hide the bags under his eyes as much as he thought it did.
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miguel-manbemel · 5 years ago
Translating Sanders Sides
Some of you may know, but one of the things I’ve done consistently is writing the Castillian Spanish subtitles for most of the episodes of Sanders Sides by @thatsthat24​ and @thejoanglebook. In fact, I’ve written them for all of the episodes that had the option available, “My True Identity” and “Taking on Anxiety with Lilly Singh” are the only two episodes that for some reason don’t have the option activated. Here I’m gonna share how it has been so far my experience translating Sanders Sides.
There’s one frequent misconception about YouTube subtitles. Save for some exceptions, creators don’t usually have the knowledge of all languages in the world, so it’s usually volunteers who write the subtitles in their mother tongues or in languages they know enough of. In my case I started writing them because, even though there were already Spanish subtitles of the generic variant, they usually had, and sorry if the original writers are reading me, several flaws, like misuse of expressions, mistakes in words (I encountered the word “hiss” as “rugido”, when the correct word would have been “bufido” in the case of a cat hiss or “siseo” in the case of a snake hiss, certainly not “roaring” which is the real meaning of “rugido”) or, and this is the only thing I’m clearly against of, things that weren’t even in the original video, like jokes someone made up, fanon commentary, even compliments to Thomas or the characters. I get that we all like these characters and the creators, but that’s not the place to express our love for them, and this is something that Thomas himself has said every once in a while that he doesn’t want to see in the captions and subtitles for his videos.
As YouTube subtitles, once approved and live, are virtually impossible to edit or delete, except by the original creator, my idea was to start writing the Castillian Spanish subtitles for the video, as an alternate version of the translation. The first episode that I translated right after it was released, I remember it as if it was yesterday, even though it was almost three years ago, was “Moving On Part 1″, then I translated all the previous episodes, and after that every episode as soon as it was released.
Writing the translation of an episode takes a lot more time than what anyone could figure out. The YouTube subtitle tool is not the most comfy to work with, even though it does its job. When the subtitles in English are already available, it gives you the times synchronized already with the English subs and you just have to write the translation. That looks as if it saves time, but in Spanish, like many other romantic languages, words are on average much longer than in English, which means that you need more time to read them, so the original times usually have to be readjusted and that takes time. I usually just delete the times altogether and write them all from scratch, it gives me more work, but it saves time in the long term. Not much though, as, on average, it takes several hours for me to write subtitles. The last episode, “Putting Others First”, if we count only the hours I dedicated to write the subtitles, it took me around 20 hours, in several intervals along three days. I’m including in this the several proofreadings I make of the subtitles where I always find typos or mistakes that I need to correct, which makes me watch and rewatch the video like dozens of times. (I’m not perfect and probably I’ve overlooked some typos still, but who hasn’t?) Thank goodness it’s good content and enjoyable to watch again and again, otherwise, the labor would be tedious.
Then there is another problem. I usually translate the text just as it is portrayed on the video. That’s, after all what a translation is expected to be, and it usually is. But there is a problem that arises from time to time. Sometimes, the original doesn’t have a direct translation or, and this is something very common in works like Sanders Sides, full of puns and jokes, the translation kills the joke. In those cases, some translators opt for adding a note between brackets explaining the joke and why the translation doesn’t get it right. I personally don’t like this solution, because it distracts you from the action (you usually have to pause the video to read the note) and most important, because, as I said, it usually happens with puns, and you know what happens when you explain a pun, right? My personal option, and something that translators are indeed encouraged to do as far as I know, is to, when a pun cannot be literally translated for some reason, get the idea that the writer wanted to convey and, being faithful to that idea, create a pun that makes sense in the target language, in my case Spanish.
I’ll explain this with an example of the most difficult piece of dialogue for me to translate in all the episodes I’ve translated of Sanders Sides. It was nothing particularly philosophical or convoluted. It was a piece of dialogue from “Losing My Motivation”. It was when Thomas said “Oh, man, I do do that” and then Patton giggles and says “doodoo”. It looks pretty straightforward... except for the fact that the auxiliary “do” doesn’t have a translation in Spanish, it just doesn’t exist, so the translation of that joke didn’t make any sense and wasn’t funny at all. You literally didn’t understand why was Patton laughing. So I was forced to become creative and my idea was to rewind a bit and get Logan’s previous piece of dialogue, when he was talking about how if Thomas “sits around waiting for inspiration to strike, consistency is unattainable”. I had the idea of using the old expression “kissed by a muse” as a synonym for inspiration, and so I translated into Spanish as “if you sit around waiting for a muse to kiss you, consistency is unattainable”. Then, I made Thomas say, “Oh, man, I do wait for that kiss” and, then instead of the doodoo joke which didn’t make sense in Spanish, I used the similarity between the Spanish for muse, “musa” and the Spanish for walrus, “morsa”, and I made it look as if Patton misheard, and laughed because he thought Thomas was waiting for a walrus to kiss him. It’s not perfect, and I only do this as a last resort measure. I usually prefer sticking to the original as much as I can.
There’s only one other instance when I’ve become creative while translating. In the scenes featuring rapping or some songs. There’s one defining characteristic of rap: it has to rhyme. If it doesn’t it’s not a rap. So, to create a translation of a rap that didn’t rhyme was almost like a sacrilege to me. So, in the case of the Rap Battle from “Am I Original”, I wrote Spanish lyrics for that rap that respected as much of the original as I could while also respecting the rhymes and also the metrics. These are the lyrics I wrote in Spanish, followed by the literal translation (I presume you all know the original English lyrics by heart at this point)
Damas, reyes y nobleza no binaria Ved como derroto råpido a este paria Aplastaré a cualquier villano con ganas de ir a por mí La bruja dragón lo sabe bien: llegué, vi y vencí Aunque no sabía adivinar, Sabía que esto iba a pasar. Piensas fatal, rapeas mal Te crees lo mås, y en un pispås Acabo con tu honor: no es difícil de lograr. Te voy a superar, Princi, pues tengo una mente simpar.
Mejores genios he logrado hundir, tĂș no podrĂĄs huĂ­r. Si presionas, subirĂ©, y me tendrĂĄs sobre ti. Todo es cuestion de cĂĄpita. Vas a perder como ocurriĂł en Ática. Ya estĂĄ, vete a casa, se acabĂł. Solo hay un bardo entre los dos, no eres tĂș, soy yo.
Ladies, Kings and non binary nobility Watch how I defeat this outcast I’ll crush any villain with the guts to go after me The Dragon Witch knows well: I arrived, I saw and I won (Veni, vidi, vici) Even though I can’t tell fortune, I knew this was gonna happen. You think awfully, you rap bad You think you’re the best and in no time I end your honor: It’s not difficult to manage. I’m gonna get over you, Princey, because I’ve got an outstanding mind
I have managed to sink down better geniouses, you won’t be able to run away If you push, I’ll rise up, and you’ll have me over you. It is all a matter of capita. You’re gonna lose as it happened on Attica. It’s done, go home, it’s over. There’s only a bard among us both, it’s not you, it’s me.
As you can see, it says almost the same as the original, only that not literally, and the rhymes are preserved, so it still is a rap.There is people who may disagree with this, but this is actually a technique that is used all the time when doing a translation. In fact, sticking literally and rigidly to the original words in a text is considered a flaw in a translation, because sometimes it makes you lose all the sense of the original.
That also happens with idioms. It is a huge mistake to translate them literally. There usually is an equivalent in the target language and that’s the idiom you must use. For instance, in Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts, there’s a moment where Virgil asks Remus if he has a strong suit and Remus answes “I do, my birthday suit”. Both expressions, “strong suit” and “birthday suit” don’t make sense if literally translated to Spanish. For the first one, we have “punto fuerte”, literally “strong point”, and for the second one we have the expression “en cueros”, literally “on leather”. If I had translated the dialogue literally it would have been “¿Tienes algĂșn traje fuerte? SĂ­, mi traje de nacimiento.” That doesn’t make sense in Spanish. So I had to translate to Spanish as, “¿Tienes algĂșn punto fuerte? ÂĄSĂ­, ponerme en cueros!” (”Do you have any strong point? Yes, putting myself on leather!”) As you can see, it doesn’t make sense in English, but asure you it makes all the sense in Spanish and conveys the original words perfectly.
And I think this is more than enough of sharing my experiences translating Sanders Sides. I hope this has been enlightening in any way and that I didn’t make it too boring. I didn’t mean to pontificate about it. I’m only sharing my own experience. There are many other translators in other different languages who have their own experiences and they’re all equally valid, for starters because any language is different and therefore different rules and methods apply. As long as the translation is faithful to the original, not necesarily literally as I said, it will be a good translation, and that’s our goal after all when we translate something, to make a foreign work reachable to a broader international audience. I hope I have managed to do so and that I made @thatsthat24 ‘s work more reachable, as it deserves to be so. Until next time.
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tommydoesntpayforsuits · 3 years ago
Hi! I was wondering, did they teach you critical thinking at school? Thing is, I notice that western people are more opinionated(?) than eastern people (generally speaking). Most of you have a broad knowledge on things and able to discuss things and share your opinions.
So what I'm trying to say is, how do I learn to be more critical and not afraid to show my opinion on things, be it a light conversation or more serious discussion.
I really admire the way you think especially your post about the Spencer movie, cause I watched it and if I got asked how was it, I'd probably say I don't like it and can't offer a more explanation.
Marina, I hope you understand what I'm asking <3
I'm not gonna lie, I read the first sentence and laughed out loud because I thought this was going to be a very long insult paha
I honestly don't know about opinionated differences between East and West, so no comment on that as I have no idea what to say.
As for do we learn it at school: I'm not sure? I mean, there isn't a "Critical Thinking" class, but in school you were expected to draw your own conclusions. School pretty much for me was teachers lecturing about fixed information, and then asking us about our opinions or using logic to decipher following events (I mean, don't think we didn't have to do boring stuff too). There were often heated debates in class about who's character's side you're on, or who had the rightful claim to X throne, etc. So, you could say we were kind of forced to think critically, unbeknownst to us. I used to have to write minimum 3 essays a week around my subjects for homework. So analysis is pretty much something I can do in my sleep.
Honestly, the only advice I can give you is that you need to inform yourself on the subject, once you know what you're talking about, then you decide on an opinion. As long as you understand that opinions are not set in stone, and can change should you receive new information, you should be okay (i.e. don't defend something that has been disproven or get into a fight about because the whole thing is about pride/embarrassment, because I promise it's not worth it). There's also no shame in not having an opinion on something, just because you can't seem to settle on a coherent ideal or because you have no strong feelings on the matter.
Also, you can like what you like! You don't have to defend your taste! I like stupid French shows and semi-realistic historical dramas— it's my trash, I love it.
That's the end of the advice, I'm just going on a Spencer tangent now:
As for Spencer, I feel like maybe about 25% of the audience hated it. A lot of people complained that it didn't have a plot, which I think is a silly criticism, because it does have a plot: about Diana's suffering in the span of two to three important days for the Royal Family. We see her slowly decend into her own depression, and I found that fascinating, because it's essentially a dramatic tragedy as the audience are aware Diana will die (though the film never touches on her passing) and her suspicions are correct. Not to mention the symbolism and the foreshadowing was geniously placed. Once you realise the piece is about emotion, one can view it differently. But also, I am a Film and English student— my entire academic career is based around analysing stories and how they're constructed, so I do overthink when I watch movies.
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pages-on-pages-blog · 7 years ago
1.Chuck Palahniuk. Fight club
This is the very first book review I’ll be writing on this blog, so forgive me for all the mistakes, whatever they may be - I will learn along the way.
(warning - spoilers. obviously.)
So, the first book is the legendary novel by Chuck Palahniuk, which I’m pretty sure most people already know the name of - “Fight club”. I chose this book because I always heard everyone brag about the movie, so naturally, when i found out there’s a book I knew I just had to read it. Bear in mind, I have not seen the movie yet, but I certainly will watch it at some point. This book took me about a couple of hours of actual reading, but I didn’t finish it for about a week, simply because I was very busy. But, nonetheless, my thoughts about the story and everything else are as strong as ever, so here we go! 
I would like to give a brief storyline, for me to remember, and for you guys to catch on where my ideas are coming from. This was a story about a certain man, whose name is not provided for the reader, struggling with insomnia. He visits different support groups for ill people, using it as a sort of coping mechanism with said insomnia. In one of those groups he meets a woman named Marla, with which he agrees to visit different groups, simply because the two fakers do not want to be confronted by the truth. Then, the protagonist meets Tyler Durden, and his life drastically changes. They establish an underground “Fight Club” ,and later on - an organisation for destroying and messing with the world as we know it - “Project Mayhem”. At some point, nearing the books end, The protagonist starts to notice the fact that wherever he goes, everybody is calling him “Mr. Durden”. Later, Marla tells him that he is, in fact, Tyler Durden. Whenever the narrator thought he was sleeping, he actually “slipped” into the personality of Tyler, as a way of coping with his everyday problems. The book ends in the narrator understanding, that the only way to kill Tyler and his destructiveness is to kill himself, and so he shoots himself in the throat. He then wakes up in a hospital, where a hospital employee tells him that “Project Mayhem” is continuing its plans, and they are expecting Tyler to be back soon.
I would like to start stating my opinion around the writing style. I have certainly read quite a couple of books, and I have never in my life read a book written in this way before. It all consisted of long, disorderly placed sentences, or very short paragraphs. As I was retelling my emotions after the book to a friend of mine, I realised the writing style reminded me of a persons thoughts - very quick, no long, difficult to understand sentences, sometimes interrupted by other thoughts or sounds or anything else. I thought that maybe this is what the writer was trying to portray. In that case, I think he succeeded, but for me, as the reader, it was not that pleasant to read, as it was very difficult to keep up with and still have an understanding of what is going on. The plot itself was very different, definitely not your everyday-basic storyline. But i believe, the main key of this book, and maybe even the movie - the huge plot twist.  I am actually so sad that I didn’t get to experience this first hand, because the internet is full of spoilers, and I was exposed to the twist literally against my own will. But i do believe that this plot twist is genious, and one of the best in movie and book history. If i had entered the book blind, it would have blown my mind. I am also astonished by the characters - they all have such strange and never before seen personalities, that are quite gruesome but realistic in their own way. I did miss a bit of backstory though - it would have been nice to get some actual synopsis of the characters lives, or just a snippet of their emotions in certain situations in the book, I felt like that was missing.
All this taken away, though, my favourite thing in the whole book is the incredibly masterful way the end and the very start are written. This left me literally speechless, and I must give my applause to the author, because i believe those two parts of the book were done geniously well. The book starts off with the protagonist standing on top of a building, which is about to explode, with a gun in his mouth. The person, holding the gun - Tyler Durden. At some point in the book, or even in the start ( I can’t really remember) it is briefly mentioned, that sometimes Tylers bombs malfuction, because he mixes them with paraffin. In the end, the protagonist is waiting for the bomb to explode, and it doesnt, because Tyler did exactly that. And Tyler isn’t the one holding the gun in the protagonists mouth anymore - the narrator is doing it himself, because he realised, that he himself is Tyler Durden. the realisation after that last part hit me like a rock, and i was left totally speechless.
So, all in all - “Fight Club” is a truly legendary, one of a kind book. If I was asked whether I would read it again, I would say yes ,and I am almost certain that at some point, I will. I think that this book is a total must-read for any book lover out there, although I would remain by my warning, that the writing style, in my opinion, is very difficult to read.
I hope you enjoyed your stay in the introvert book club!
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crazybarnes · 8 years ago
The DUFF part 3 (Bucky Barnes x reader)
3 chapters in 3 days?? I’m on a roll lmao. Hope you like it!  I’ll edit the mistakes tomorrow, it’s almost 3 am and I’m rly tired lol
Words: 820 
Warnings: swearing? insecurities 
part 1 , part 2 , part 3 
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You couldn’t stop thinking about Bucky’s words for the rest of the night. He had really got under your skin and hit your weak spot; you always felt ugly with Nat and Wanda, and just the thought of other people thinking the same made you just want to throw up. 
Nat and Wanda had said that Bucky was just trying to mess with your head and that no one else saw you that way, but no matter what you just didn't believe them. In fact you started seeing people as DUFF’s. Every group had a DUFF, the emo’s had it, the popular kids had it,  jocks had it, even the ones that are always alone had DUFF’s, they were their own DUFF’s. And then there was you.  In some deep way you had always know you were one too, all thought today was the first time you ever heard this ridiculous term. 
It was 8 PM, you were doing your next days homework on your front porch, when Bucky’s car drove to his driveway. He usually had practice on Monday nights, so thats probably where he came from. He turned his engine off and got out of his car noticing you. Your houses were so close to each other that you could basically climb to Bucky’s bedroom from your room if you wanted. You actually did do that as children, but not anymore for a long time. He waved at you and came over.
“Hey” he said as he sat next to you. You tried your best not to give him any attention, still being hurt from his words. He definitely noticed this and tried taking to you again. 
“Y/N okay I know that I was supposed to drive you home, but Sharon and I went to get milkshakes so I’m sorry you had to walk home. I really am”  Oh yeah, first he basically called you ugly and fat and then he ditched you. Such a gentleman. 
“You think I’m mad about that? Try again” 
He lifted brows and looked geniously surprised, like he didn't know what you were talking about. “ Ookay.. If you ain’t mad because of that, then why are you mad at me ? “ 
“ Because you called me fat and ugly!!” You shouted to his face and slammed your books close. You were so close hitting him in the head, the jerk would deserve it. 
“ You mean the DUFF thing?” 
“ Yes James the goddamn stupid DUFF thing, that’s not cool man” you tried to calm down by playing with the hem of your shirt. Didn't really help that much but meh. 
“ You’re mad because of that shit? Y/N everybody knows it but don’t really care that much to be honest so what’s the problem?” 
“ The problem is that people can’t just go and label humans like that! Of course you, the popular James Buchanan Barnes, wouldn't understand what it feels like when people talk shit behind your back and call you some stupid names like DUFF.” 
For a second you could swear that you saw pain behind his eyes but it was gone as fast as it came. He took a deep breath and stood up in front of you. He opened his mouth couple times, like he wanted to say something but didn’t know what to say., while you were just staring at your feet, holding tears in. Never ever would you cry in front of him, never. After a couple moment he spoke up. 
“ Look you are good at chemistry, right?” he asked. You turned your gaze from your feet to his face. You were really confused and surprised by his sudden question. “ What does that have to do with anything?” 
“ I think that we could help each other” he paused for a minute, you gave him a nod so he would continue his story. “ Coach said that if I don’t pass chemistry I can’t be on the team, and I can’t quit football you know that. So what I’m suggesting is that if you help me pass chemistry, I’ll help you get  of of the “DUFF” zone. “ 
You thought about his offer for a minute, feeling his stare on you the whole time.  “ Fine” You stood up and offered your hand for a shake, but he just looked at your hand and laughed, embracing you in a big hug. God how you have missed his hugs, they were and will always be the best. 
“ We’ll start tomorrow after school, okay?” you nodded and gathered your school stuff, he got the message and took his bag. “ Get some rest Y/N/N,  you need it” you smiled at him and mouthed a thanks and went inside. 
“I think I’m gonna throw up” you said to yourself after closing the from door. Something told you that tomorrow would going to be really interesting. 
tags: @myparadise1998 @girlygreenie @brynnleemua @gottalovetheapocolypse @acunningstargazer @risinghero @sailorchibimoonunicorn @bexboo616 @debbielovesbucky @sleeping-mistress
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shprojectphotography · 8 years ago
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‘‘The system we grew up with is based on a simple formula:Do your job.Show up.Work hard.Listen to the boss. Stick it out.Be part of the system.You’ll be rewarded.That’s the scam. Strong words, but true.You’ve been scammed.You traded for years of your life to be a part of a giant con in which you most definitely not a winner.’‘ (p. 14)
W H Y  G R A B  I T  A N D  R E A D  IT 
Well, that is something to think about.As a motivational book lover, after ‘’GIRLBOSS’’ and ‘’The Bingo Theory’’ I was looking for a valuable material to review. Seth, I’ve been looking for you. The book is for those who are restless or tired from being an ordinary slave to labour. Who is tired and bored of rules. Who want to build business or is not ready for it just yet, but wants to change his job routine here and now. This research, which Seth Godin provides us with, is full of contemporary examples of people who are linchpins or became linchpins in their life. But who are these mysterious linchpins who have great jobs and feel great at doing what they do? 
 I was watching another vlog by Alex Ikonn and his monthly May favorites and  TA-DA it hit. (You can watch him here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q7DUUWmqsQ) This book was featured in his monthly favorites. I was looking to read something for a while, but nothing really catched my eye amongst these authors such as Timothy Ferris and Ron Friedman.  I guess I am not ready to start my own business or maybe I am just not sure yet. I am just fed up of being fed of being at work and looking for the right place. I am restless and I believe it is for my benefit. So, ‘’Linchpin’’ enters my life in the face of an emotional catharsis. Don’t know if I will ever be a CEO, but I am a linchpin for sure. 
T H E R E  U S E D  T O  B E  T W O  T E A M S : M A N A G E M E N T  A N D L A B O U R
N O W   T H E R E   I S   A  T H I R D  T E A M : T H E   L I N C H P I N S
Seth Godin sees a linchpin in those who are not afraid to release their inner geniousness. Geniousness does not have to be something extraordinary, its just being creative! Creative, not as in artistic, but as in your genuine approach and your strong will to gamble. In today’s economy, the word creative is full of ambiguities. Today’s economy needs more than just a factory worker. It needs an inventor. Everyone can have an A grade CV or a graduate diploma from Oxford University. But what can make you stand out really? Although all these words might seem daunting, Seth makes it clear that being a linchpin involves emotional, and not just physical labour. Its about connecting with your heart, doing good and doing more than it says in your job requirement book or contract. Inventing new ways of approach and not following the map. There is always someone who creates an extraordinary work place and let it be you.
For example, here is a differentiation between worker as a linchpin and working as worker. A story that happened with me and happens with all of us all the time.A few days ago, on an ordinary working Saturday after a day at work, I sat at Victoria Station waiting for my train to go home.My train was running late and the board wasn't showing a platform at which it suppose to arrive.Usually, its Platform 2. It was 20:00, and my train leaves at 20:07.I asked a gentleman who works for Southeastern Train Company when does my train arrive.He just waved his hand towards the right platform and murmured that it should stop there.20:05 and I am still waiting.I see people running towards Platform 1 as there was a train. I thought:"Why are they all running?Is it my train after all?". I stood up and asked him again as he was standing next to a bench with a bored face."Sir, is this my train on the left?".He nodded and said yes with no emotion. So, there I am running like crazy to another platform with hope to get on the train at time and cursing the guy for his laziness and irresponsibility, meanwhile a person who works for transport company is not caring about passengers.I was almost late for my train that takes me 45 min to get home. It might seem as nothing special, but small details like this make a difference. It made a huge difference to me that day. After this, I decided that no matter how I am annoyed at work, it will not harm me to be even more nicer and try harder at work when not feeling like it. I am responsible for my own wellbeing and I can bring happiness and kindness to every customer. I can make their day nicer by just complimenting or offering service I have never offered before. Seth calls such emotional labour as a gift. Don’t wait for reciprocity, but I can say for sure you will receive it some way or the other. It works.
Y O U  H A V E  T H E  P O W E R  O F  G I F T I N G
Yesterday, I decided to implement an emotional gift. I sat at a restaurant on my own enjoying my little lunch at a Venetian restaurant ‘‘Polpo’’ in Sloane Square,London. I love exploring new places and it was a nice weather for a nice lunch outside. I am not scared to eat on my own and I sat. To my surprise, there were a lot of people of their own and I liked it. Its nice sometimes to have time to yourself. The weather who was serving me was really nice. After a finished my meal, I stacked my plates together neatly so it is easier for him to collect. He thanked me by saying: ‘’It’s very kind of you.’’ I smiled. Its a nice feeling when you appreciate other jobs. For him, it might be another day at work and I wanted to be a person who could have made him feel better. I was a waitress myself and I know the job. When he brought over my bill, I saw a service charge at the bottom. I decided to leave more. I know how nice it is when customers leave more that is required. He repeated the same phrase: ‘’It’s very kind of you. Thank you.’’ I could see it has made his day and it has made mine. I didn’t gain any money, but I gained emotional pleasure from pleasuring someone else. I felt like a linchpin. I am learning,Seth. 
O N  T H E  B O O K  I T S E L F/ C O N T E N T S/L A Y O U T
Seth made it easy for us. It is readable and full of modern examples by or influencers such as Bob Dylan, Elizabeth Gilbert, Steve Jobs and just ordinary people who are on the way of becoming great linchpins. He mentioned pilots, factory workers, his friends and family. And Seth himself. And I can mention more people like J.K.Rowling who published Harry Potter after 13th rejection.
THE RESISTANCE (Why can’t we do it or what stops us?)
This book has also recently influenced me at a job interview and it worked.I felt myself more than before. It was the best interview I had ever had. I got the job.At your next job interview, make sure to read it beforehand for inspiration. Everyone need linchpins in their workplace. If you cant yet be great at your own thing, be great at your job.It doesn’t cost. But is will make you cost more on the job market. And if you are not valued, don’t be afraid to leave. You don’t want to work where your are not being seen. Spend time on companies that will see.
Grab it here now!
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trash-with-cookies · 8 years ago
a p ri el pt 1
he has been acting weird? or is just me overthinking again
idk but i gota remember last tiime i thought it was bc of me it wasnt and that when i have done bad it really sticks around sigh
is it worth it? i mean i love em but idk if i risked a lot for the smol hope of having em in my arms forever
i hope it does bc i truly believe my love is pure but if they dont wana c it when the time goes well ill cry but thats lifei really really hope its reciprocrated.
bc like there r too many hints but at the same time idk i tend to b the type of wanting the spotlight mayb im just playing w me ageing w fake hints.
i also have mixed feelings abt her, i heard she got into depression or mayb not but its kinda sad, no i dont feel sorry for her kind of sad, but a i did mistakes n she did n we hurt ourselvs n things went rough in the end for doing so  n not everybody misses her kind of sad.
i still dont kno if i miss her or not im still too angry to think abt it.
mayb im the mean one, in that case i guess it was for the best i cut her out before mayb idk geting into a fight or somthing where one of us is the victim again.
i kno this all sound like an update n if some stranger made it up to here well thas weird but yea its update for me.
to see wathehekie is goin tru my brain n how it progresses, and with itgo on w desicions like speraking more of idk geting a terapist lol.
Anyways back to it, im kinda getin scared towards Os actitudes, i love him  a lot he has helped me more than other people before this mess and i have listened n helped him too we r best buddies but still sometimes i believe that geniouses have smol mental stuff if u r O n ur reading this sorry i ddnt meant that in a bad way haha ily, but sometime i see u being agressive and idk w a lost sight i believe u might have symptoms of an ocd due to the abusive” idk how to call it relationship w u kno who, i call it like that bc on both sides it was but watvr i actually dont kno shit abt that or psychology why am i even writing anymore haha.
nOw last thing, the package has beeni n my room for the whole week omg i cant wait to c his faceeeee when we give it to him he gon die n if he nots im gon kick his ass jk.
well now if i do say so myself yes am gbye next post is gon b more hm abt so me one? nahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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