#and those cat videos are contantly reminding me of it
thepallas · 7 years
Send 😼 to turn my muse into a cat/kitten for a thread
   Pallas always thought that the archer looked cute when he’s focused on something. Demon loved watching him read, train or.. honestly do anything at all, since he’s adorable at wherever he does. However, usually that lead to Pallas having an incredible urge to cuddle up to the man or caress his soft cheeks.. He would get the need to be close as this was sort of his way to cope with the tingly feeling simply watching his lover made him feel. Also, of course it would get him some attention too. He loved attention and both of them knew that.
    Since it was the time of the afternoon when Varus loved to indulge into a good book from time to time, Pallas was heading to take his spot next to the lover. “Hmh..” He peaked out of the corner of a doorway. Just look at him.. all cosy, laying on the couch, cuddled up into an oversized sweater, with his eyebrows knitted tight as he was probably deeply immersed into an intense scene. Damn.. demon just needed to press himself close to him. To crawl on top of him and drown in his warmth.. Pallas bit his lip thinking. No.. he can’t do that.. or maybe not exactly that. He knew that this would probably get Varus complaining or at least grumbling for distracting him. But... maybe it wouldn't be that bad if he turned into something smaller.. and cuter?
   Moments after a black cat silently entered the room. Brunet wasn’t even suspecting that he’s a target of a fluffy predator. Pallas carefully leaped onto the couch and made his way through the lover. The cat peaked his head from under a book. Shinning lilacs were asking for a permission to interrupt even though he knew that he wouldn’t be patient enough to wait for the answer. “Meow..” He crawled from under the book nuzzling his head to Varus’s cheek, purring softly. Demon knew that purr is his secret weapon, no matter if it would help to win Varus’s attention or at least soften his heart and make him less grumpy.
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