#and this second time i exclusively did all the bea scenes
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finished my second playthrough of night in the woods and i’m holding back the urge to start another playthrough right away so i can finally do the gregg path
#bee dot txt#first playthrough i kinda mixed it up but mostly ended up taking the bea path#and this second time i exclusively did all the bea scenes#nothing against greggory ofc he’s a sweetie#i just think the rs with bea is fascinating#BUT#i want to see what gregg has to give so#i might actually start today gkdnfjd
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You're No Good - Ch. 2
C.J. Bennett is an overly ambitious student who dreams of shadowing her favorite author, Eli Jennings. The only thing standing in her way: Grayson Dolan.
warnings: this is a rough draft of a series i never finished. i'm posting the finished chapters before leaving this account. 🤍
part 1
If American Lit 1102 was C.J.’s personal hell, her job could at least be considered her own reprieve.
Sunnyside Vintage is an old shop off of Sunset, having been open for the last 30 years. It wasn’t the nicest of thrift stores — the clothes always have a weird mothball smell and everything is old - and not in the trendy way. C.J. loves it. The windows are huge, letting California sunlight wash the stucco walls gold, and the mannequins are always dressed straight out of the 70’s. The pay isn’t always great, but C.J. is allowed to take whatever she wants more than makes up for it in her eyes.
“I just don’t understand. I mean, Stevens has praised me this entire semester. She even told me personally he’s never had a student write as well as me nor pick up on the work as fast as I have. Wouldn’t that be qualities you’d want in an intern, Bea? Even Grayson Dolan would’ve been a better pick.” C.J. turns to her boss, angrily folding flared jeans.
Another reason C.J. loves Sunnyside — her boss, Beatrice “Bea” Walker. Once a glitzy soap star of the ’50’s, she retired with her husband and opened Sunnyside in the late 80’s. Despite being in her late-70s, she still holds on to the same glamour and charm that made her a household name a century prior.
“Maybe there was another reason. It could be something other then your application.” She croaks, lifting a pumpkin to place next to a costumed mannequin. As halloween rapidly approaches, the store was starting to transform to fit the fall season — hoping to draw in customers to purchase unique costumes for the holiday.
Before she can move to help Bea, the doors chime, signaling an entrance. Walking through with seemingly-glowing skin and a symphonic smile was Alexi, C.J.’s best friend and roommate. It’s hard to miss Alexi whenever she walks into a room — from her bleached-blue hair to eclectic style, she’s never been afraid to follow her own path, something C.J. has always admired. She walks straight to C.J., wrapping her in a loving embrace
“Are you okay? James told me what happened.” Alexi leaves an arm around her, and while C.J. knows it’s supposed to be comforting; all she can think about is how much she wants Alexi to leave. It’s one thing to rant to her elderly boss, someone who would love her in spite of her shortcomings and faults. But to know her own friend group has already heard about her misfortune, sending over someone to comfort and soothe, it was all just a little too pitiful for her to handle.
“Theta’s are throwing a party tonight. It’ll be the perfect pick-me-up, and you can forget all about Evans Jensen-“
“Eli Jennings” C.J. corrects.
“Whoever” Alexi rolls her eyes at the interruption, “is missing out on your incredible talent because of an idiotic professor’s incompetence. Everyone’s going and it won’t be the same without you, C.”
“As much as I would love that, Lex, I really just want to be alone tonight. Shitty beer, cheap Indian food, a sad movie so I don’t have to think about how these past four years have been a waste.”
“Not a waste, first of all. Look, I know that you’ve had this whole plan for your life since you popped out the womb, but shit happens, things change. This isn’t a failure, just think of it as a temporary setback. Plus, when life gives you lemons, you…” She trails off, waiting for C.J. to finish.
“Make lemonade?” She sighs.
“Use it to chase tequila.” Alexi giggles.
“I would go, but I have to close. Right, Bea?"
"Don't use me as an excuse. You should go, maybe find a boy to take home." Alexi makes a face at Beatrice's statement and C.J.'s face heats up.
“You’re going - no more buts. Wear something cute. Something that maybe doesn’t make if look like you were alive for Vietnam.” Alexi’s already leaving, kissing Beatrice lightly on the cheek on her way out.
This was how C.J. found herself standing outside the Theta Lambda frat house, October air chilling her through her jacket. She shifts her weight between her feet, surveying the small group around her. Alexi talks animatedly on the phone, asking for whoever to meet them out front.
A random person bumps into her, forcing her to spill the contents of her purse onto the dewey grass. C.J. groans, bending down to pick everything up while mentally thinking to herself all of the other things she could be doing right now.
A pair of dirty air forces steps in front of C.J. and she slowly looks up at the girl standing in front of her. She’s pretty, stunning actually. C.J. recognizes her immediately. Channing Williams - social chair of Rho Xi sorority and the key to all the best parties on campus. Dressed in a black romper and red velvet jacket, she’s everything C.J. isn’t and a quiet twinge of jealousy plucks her heart. ‘I bet she’s never lost out on an internship.’ she thinks bitterly.
“Sorry, do you know anyone?” Channing asks, voice soft and sweet with a clipboard in hand. C.J. looks at Alexi, waiting to hear her answer.
“Not really? I mean we know people, but we aren’t going to be on your clipboard or anything so if you could just let us slide through, I’m sure there’s someone here who could like vouch for us or something?” C.J. wants to slap her — not only did she drag her out in below-freezing weather, but she couldn’t even guarantee them a way inside.
“Well this is a greek-only party so unless you know anyone….” Channing trails off, not openly wanting to kick them out in front of so many people.
“That means no GDI’s.” C.J. didn’t even notice the miniature-sized freshman standing besides Channing. She clearly looks annoyed at the intrusion, keeping her from inside where everyone else is to deal with their little group. C.J. briefly wonders if the upturned stare is a requirement for Rho Xi or if that’s was just especially reserved for her.
“Geed’s?” Alexi repeats, raising an eyebrow.
“Goddamn independents. Y’know, not greek-affiliated.” At this point, C.J. is ready to call the whole night and retire in her bed when she see’s someone appear in between Channing.
“They’re cool, Chan. They’re with me.” Micayla Zhao enters, covered in glitter, sweat and what C.J. is almost sure to be a line of salt from a body shot. C.J. has always considered Micayla the only cool Rho Xi, having had multiple classes with her over the years. Micayla fit right in with their group: smart, beautiful and a wicked sense of humor.
Channing nods, seeming bored and just wanting to get back inside with everyone else. She does a quick finger tap with Micayla (sacred Rho Xi bullshit is what Alexi always calls it) and moving along the line.
“Are your sisters always that charming?” Micayla rolls her eyes, grabbing C.J. to move them through the house to the backyard. A huge bonfire is set up in the middle with a canopy near by for the designated drinking spot. She watches as Micayla confidently moves through the crowd, stopping from time to time to say hey to friends and classmates on the way.
“Most of the time. Look, they’re just possessive over tradition and the Rho-Theta party has always been major exclusive, Channing’s been fighting to make it open to outsiders.” Micayla yells over the thumping bass.
“Yeah, I’m sure they love all the GDI’s.” C.J. exaggerates her voice, pinching her nose to capture the nasally, valley accent Channing is almost famous for. Micayla stops, and had C.J. not been paying attention, she would’ve ran into her.
“Dude, you’re kind of being a bitch right now. Look, I get your bummed about your internship, but Channing wouldn't have let you in if she didn't want to. Would you rather be getting drunk, in your apartment alone?”
“Yeah, actually.” Micayla stares at C.J. for a second, looking like she’s about to bitch her out. As if Alexi can sense the fight forming, she grabs Micayla by the arm.
“Let’s go get a drink, you look like you need a drink in you.” They both walk towards the house, Alexi mouthing ‘Be Nice’ over her shoulder before disappearing completely. C.J. exhales, counting to 3 in her head before walking over to where drinks are set up.She fills up her solo cup, watching as the fizzy liquid moves closer and closer to the top. Before she can take a sip, someone bumps into her spilling half the drink over the side.
“Hey, watch it!” A thick Jersey accent exclaims, and C.J. groans, wondering if this night could get any worse.
Grayson appears in front of her, denim jacket over a black t-shirt and black jeans. She takes note of the dark spot growing on the front of his shirt, from where she spilt her drink.
“What’re you doing here?”
She simply shrugs, refilling the missing contents of her cup.“I didn’t know parties were your scene. I always imagined in your free time you’re in like a dark room, crying alone to Sylvia Plath novels.”
“Nice to know you think of me out of class, Grayson” C.J. takes a sip of her beer. She moves to walk away, hoping he would take it as an end of conversation.
"How'd you get in? Isn't this like Rho's only?" He asks, following her to the edge of the bonfire. She looks at him, watching as the light frames the features of his face.
"Couldn't I say the same about you? You're not a Theta." He just stares at her intensely until she relents, "Micayla Zhao got me in. Y'know her?"
"We had history together sophomore year. She helped me cheat on the midterms."
C.J. laughs shortly. "Sounds like her."
Grayson opens his mouth to speak again, but is cut off.
“As much as I’m enjoying this conversation, Grayson, don’t you have someone else to bother? Someone who, y’know, actually likes you?” If that comment bothered him, he didn’t show it, continuing talking to her as if they haven’t pissed each other off continuously for the past four years.
“What do you think about Michael Eichler getting the internship spot?” He asks. As if it wasn’t bad enough that she didn’t get the spot, now she has to sit and rub salt in the wound with her worst enemy.
“What’s there to think about? He got it, I didn’t. Fucking sucks.” He laughs, holding up his own drink.
“Cheers to that.” They both clink cups, and C.J. briefly wonders if the universe is still laughing at her.
"You know, that spot should've gone to one of us." He muses, watching the partygoers continue to stumble around them. He doesn't say anything after that, and she bites.
"Why should it have gone to one of us?"
"Well, think about it. We're both the top of our class, and I know for a fact Stevens has submitted your writing to collegiate magazines. There's no fucking way Michael fucking Eichler should've got that spot over one of us." C.J. pauses. She had known that Stevens appreciated her writing, but not enough to submit it anywhere. If what Grayson was saying was true, why hadn't she gotten the apprenticeship?
"Nothing I can really do about it now. He got the spot, I didn't. I guess I can become a second rate author now." She takes another sip, and Grayson snorts unattractively.
"I'm sure you'll be okay, Bennett. If Stevens like you, I'm sure there's another author dumb enough to want to publish your work too." She glares at him.
"And here I thought we were becoming friends."
"As if you actually would've wanted to become friends with me."
"Oh yeah, that's what I do in between my Sylvia Plath crying sessions. Desperately wish that Grayson Dolan would become my best friend." Sarcasm drips off every word and he looks at her before taking another long sip of his drink.
“You know you’re actually kinda cool, Bennett. When you’re not trying to bite my head off in the middle of lecture”
“Maybe if you didn’t have such shitty takes, I wouldn’t want too.” Whatever retort Grayson was planning falls from his lips when Channing appears by his side, tucking herself underneath his arm.
"Hey, Gray. I got you another drink." Two Coronas hang from her manicured hand, and he whispers inaudibly to her, giggling between the two of them. C.J. begins to feel awkward, and coughs uncomfortably.
“Oh, you’re the GDI from earlier,” Channing looks up at her half-lidded, dark eyelashes framing red-tinged brown eyes.
“Yeah, that’s me.” Channing shifts her weight, biting her lip and feeling like an intruder. "I didn't know you two knew each other?" C.J. supplies, feeling desperate for conversation
"Gray and I had math together freshman year, "They both stare at each other awkwardly, silent tension as they wait for the other to speak.
“So, I’m gonna go." She speaks.
“No, you don’t have to." Channing is already turned back to Grayson, looking like she wouldn't mind C.J.'s exit.
“No it’s fine” Neither Grayson nor Channing seem to protest anymore, and C.J. turns back to see her friends looking at her, both amused and curious at her interaction with the duo. She begins to walk towards them, feet and heart sinking with every step, not feeling any better about her current predicament.
“Hey Bennett,” She turns around to face Grayson. “Think about what I said. About the internship stuff” She just nods, and leaves the pair. The moment she reaches her initial group, Alexi pulls her towards them.
“You and Dolan were just talking and it didn't end in a screaming match. That’s new. What did he want?”
“Nothing. Just typical Grayson Dolan bullshit."Alexi looks like she doesn't believe her, and frankly C.J. doesn't believe herself. She thinks back to what Grayson said, about how they were the only real competition for the apprenticeship. Whatever he meant by that could be handled tomorrow.
"C’mon. Didn’t you say something earlier today about tequila shots?” She asks
“Atta, girl. That’s what I’m talking about.” She lets Alexi drag her away, sparing one last look at Grayson before entering the fraternity house.
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Top 10 Returning Shows of 2019
Not only were the new shows of 2019 on a roll, the returning shows had arguably an even better run. Some old favourites and some new, they all made for a great selection of shows to choose from. In total, there were 45 shows eligible. These were the best of the best.
10. I’m Sorry - Season 2 (truTV)

I’m Sorry may not exactly be a very ambitious show, and the format it uses is one we’ve seen time and time again. What makes this one stand out so much though is Andrea Savage’s hilarious central performance and the writing she gets to bring to life. She’s surrounded by a fun supporting cast, and ever exciting guest stars to bring just that much more fun to the show. And that’s what it is. Fun, total bliss. I’m Sorry is easily one of the best excamples of shows in this genre.
9. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Season 3 (Amazon Prime)

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has been a consistent entry on these lists over the last few years, but its position seems to always be slipping. Season 3 was easily the worst season of the show so far, but that doesn’t necessarily say much when you start out on such a high. Unfocused storytelling and too much of a focus on the supporting cast of the show resulted in a lesser experience, but all the greatness that Maisel brings with it remains there. The performances are top notch, the writing is sharp and witty, the direction is some of the best in the comedy space and the jokes are funny. When you have that as your baseline, how can you be anything less than great?
8. Legion - Season 3 (FX)

The big mindfuck that is Legion finally came to an end with its third season. It marked the return of Aubrey Plaza being great, entered time travel storytelling and did it all with the usual style it oozes. Just so happens that those three things are my favourite things about Legion, and made this final season a perfect swan song for the show. All seasons of the show have popped up on my top 10 lists over the years, and it absolutely deserves that honour through and through. Not even it’s occasional confusion and overcomplicated storytelling could let it down entirely.
7. Pose - Season 2 (FX)

Pose is one hell of a show. It introduced me to the ballroom scene I’ve now come to love, and manages to always keep celebrating that even amongst its serious (but often also comedic) themes. It’s a show that knows how to walk the line between seriousness and light-hearted fun perfectly, and is one of the rare times where a Ryan Murphy show might have actually improved with its second season. MJ Rodriguez, Billy Porter and Dominique Jackson remain the standouts of the show, and especially the latter has more to do than ever. This is one of the shows that I’d like to just see keep going forever.
6. Counterpart - Season 2 (Starz)

The first season of Counterpart was a good dimension-bending spy story, and probably some of the best sci-fi on TV because of that. Even better, season 2 improved in every which way possible. The writing was stronger, the performances were refined, the look of the show ever more so evocative, and the highs... they were higher, alright. Twin Cities is easily one of the best episodes of the last few years, and it couldn’t have been done if not for the fantastic worldbuilding of this entire show. It’s a shame it got canceled, but at least we got left on a good note.
5. Succession - Season 2 (HBO)

Wow. Succession being #5 on a top 10 list of mine is not something I’d have ever expected. Season 1 was... well, trash. Somehow they pulled a complete 360 with this second season however, and made one of the best seasons of the entire year. They used the solid basis that they made with season 1 and ran with it here. The writing was actually funny, the performers had better material to work with, the storyline was more engaging and also Brian Cox. He’s really this show’s secret weapon, and he got a lot more to do this season. Let’s hope the show continues with this trend and maybe ends up at #1 next year.
4. Queen Sugar - Season 4 (OWN)

Queen Sugar made a big comeback after a not-so great third season. Season 4 easily rivals the second season as the best season of the show. The show returned to being a bit more light-hearted in nature instead of the constant drama of the third season. The drama in this season however was delicious, and so much better executed than whatever they tried to do in the third. Dawn-Lyen Gardner delivers a never better performance, and Rutina Wesley anchors a really emotional storyline that gives everyone a chance to act their asses off. Season 4 is lovely, soapy goodness, and I love it for it.
3. Veep - Season 7 (HBO)

I’ve never truly loved Veep. I’ve always acknowledged it was great. The jokes made me laugh, the pacing was fantastic... but it never quite clicked for me as a whole. Season 6 came closest when Selina finally got out of the White House and we got some refreshing material, but season 7 is where I finally clicked. What an amazing season of television. The pacing was excellent, the jokes were funnier than ever, the performances sharper than ever and the length of the season was just right. Add one of the best series finales I’v ever seen, and you really can’t go wrong with this season. Also, Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
2. You’re the Worst - Season 5 (FXX)

On the flip side, here’s a show I have always loved and clicked with. You’re the Worst came off its worst season yet, but it absolutely nailed its final hurray. Season 5 is the perfect mix of comedy and drama, and Aya Cash and Chris Geere play into it the best they ever have. The story finally has bigger stakes than ever, and they absolutely bloody nail the finale and the outcome of the series. You’re the Worst deserves its place as my second favourite show ever, and this season did nothing but cement that thought in my mind.
1. Wentworth - Season 7 (Showcase)

Wentworth was already on an uphill climb. Season 5 managed to not even get close to any lists, but season 6 just about managed to be mentioned last year. Season 7, however, is easily the peak of Wentworth. Not even the Bea seasons are comparable to the genius of this. The pacing is ridiculously good and makes you want to binge the season like you never have before. Fantastic twists and turns, and especially cliffhangers. They went all out for this (originally) final season and it has excellent results. The final two-parter of the season is probably some of the most intense TV I’ve ever watched and had me genuinely hyperventilating throughout. Wentworth is the women’s prison show you should be watching, because it’s... simply the best.
The top 10:
1. Wentworth (Showcase) 2. You’re the Worst (FXX) 3. Veep (HBO) 4. Queen Sugar (OWN) 5. Succession (HBO) 6. Counterpart (Starz) 7. Pose (FX) 8. Legion (FX) 9. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon Prime) 10. I’m Sorry (truTV)
2019 was possibly the best year for any of my lists so far, which is probably a testament to me simply focusing on exclusively things I might love. I’m excited to continue doing this throughout 2020, and hopefully it will result in just as impressive of end of the year-lists are now. To a good 2020!
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Pilot: The Golden Palace (TGP, Episode 1)

Today Eli is forced to watch and recap The Golden Palace, the pilot episode of the series of the same name, a spin-off of The Golden Girls! That’s right, we have a whole new series, and a whole new adventure for the gals; or rather, for most of them. But will a risky and impulsive business venture lead to a life of luxury, or hardship? And more importantly, can this show sustain the charm and wit of its predecessor? Keep reading to find out…
I say, Drew, you did an absolutely smashing job with your recap of Octopussy, old boy! You were even quite generous in disregarding a distasteful scene or two. We now reach the moment in this project in which I have to tolerate the very unofficial Never Say Never Again entering the conversation before returning for the final Moore film, but I suppose it’s worth it to hear your thoughts. For the readers at home, here is an updated list of Drew’s franchise faves thus far ( really love the variety here): Best Bond: Roger Moore (Live and Let Die) Best Villain: Ernst Stavro Blofeld (On Her Majesty’s Secret Service) Best Henchman: Jaws (Moonraker) Best Bond Girl: Melina Havelock (For Your Eyes Only) Best Gadget: Submersible Crocodile (Octopussy) Best Opening Scene: The Man with the Golden Gun Best Song: For Your Eyes Only Best Title Sequence: Live and Let Die
And now, without further ado, we have a new show to tackle. Let’s head (back) to Miami!
Buttocks tight!
Episode written by Susan Harris, directed by Terry Hughes
Before the episode gets underway, we are treated to a perfectly awful version of our beloved theme song, and opening credits that let us know that both Don Cheadle and Cheech Marin will be co-starring in this series. Neat! We then open on the familiar Miami household we have grown to love, but something is amiss. A band of thieves appears to be robbing the girls blind! Actually, movers are carrying everything out of the house, while Rose, Blanche, and Sophia say goodbye to the place (and the local populace bids farewell to Blanche’s bed). Rose begins to have second thoughts about whatever is taking place here, and Blanche has to give her a paper bag to ward off a panic attack. We finally get the rundown, and learn that the girls are moving out and buying a hotel. I’m not sure what they know about that line of work, but perhaps the absence of their dear friend Dorothy has prompted a collective three-quarter-life crisis. Regardless, it sounds like we’re in for an adventure!
We cut to a hotel, The Golden Palace, where an obnoxious kid named Oliver (played by Billy Sullivan) is pestering his beleaguered foster dad, Roland (played by Don Cheadle), an employee of the establishment. They are both worried about whether or not they will be allowed to remain at the hotel under its new management. The girls arrive to check out the situation with their investment, which they apparently didn’t bother to do before agreeing to buy the joint. Roland, not realizing he is addressing his bosses, isn’t particularly friendly as a result of all the stress, but his tone changes when he learns who they are. Blanche asks for the director, and Roland reveals that he’s the head honcho (really, just about the only honcho), and they in turn reveal that they know basically nothing about running a hotel. Roland runs away to deliver some towels, Sophia heads off to talk to the kitchen staff, and Rose goes to look into the housekeeping situation. Meanwhile. Blanche has a chat with young Oliver, and is surprised to discover that he lives and works there. He throws himself at her mercy, but Blanche seems unwilling to let him hang around, at least not without a little flattery. Rose returns without any luck finding housekeepers, and she and Blanche are suddenly called to the kitchen, where Sophia is having a standoff with the chef, Chuy (played by Cheech Marin). He tries to scare the girls out of his kitchen, but Sophia stands up to him and a power struggle ensues. Chuy specializes in Mexican cuisine, but she tells him that the new menu will consist exclusively of Italian fare. As a result of the showdown, Chuy quits and leaves, and Sophia is left questioning her actions.
It isn’t long before Blanche is on the phone with her lawyer, attempting to back out of hotel ownership. Roland has set her straight about the prior owners, who showed fake profits on paper to make the hotel seem more lucrative to buyers, while in reality it was struggling to stay afloat. They only have one shot to stay afloat temporarily as a band of wandering travel agents is coming for an event, and if they aren’t happy with the accommodations they receive, the whole place could go under. Blanche goes back to the hotel kitchen to tell the other gals the bad news, and Sophia catches on quickly. They have just acquired the place, but they could lose it all in as little as a week. Rose wishes that Dorothy were there to help her beat up Blanche, since the whole debacle was her idea.
After a brief pause, we find Rose and Sophia still yelling at Blanche, but she insists that they are all in this together and will just have to make it work. They have no employees beyond Roland, Chuy (who just quit), and a part-time housekeeper (not counting young Oliver), and no money to hire anyone new, so the girls will just have to pitch in themselves. Rose and Sophia are ready to work together, but mostly just to cause bodily harm to their friend. Blanche goes to mingle with whoever she can and runs into Brad, the pool man. They owe him some money for her services, but Blanche employs her customary flattery to convince him to give them another month’s leeway. Brad is only a man, after all, and agrees. Hey, maybe she’s cut out for this business after all!
Cutting to the evening of the big event, we find our band of heroes working away, but one picky travel agent has already complained about his food and sent it back to the kitchen. Ma Petrillo isn’t a big fan of culinary criticism, so she goes to face her tormenter and serves him the exact same food (under the guise of a new meal) to prove that he is full of it. To her credit (or his discredit, really), it works. While this is transpiring, Rose is working the front desk while a masked man attempts to rob the place, but thankfully she is so oblivious as to his intentions that he gives up and leaves. Sophia, back in the kitchen, does her best to keep up with the insatiable travel agents, but she really needs some help. Thankfully, Chuy shows back up to ask for his job back. Sophia of course makes him beg for it, but quickly relents when he says that he’s hot for her. He has the job, as long as he keeps pretending to be attracted, and the hotel will presumably now feature some bangin’ fusion cuisine.
The ordeal finally ends, and all the girls are wiped out, especially Sophia. But the travel agents were happy, and Blanche reveals that they made enough money to pay their monthly debts for the hotel, so they’ll be okay…at least for now. The trio has an exciting new life ahead of them, and even though it will be difficult, it gives Rose a sense of purpose, and Sophia says that at least it will give her something to do. They raise their glasses in a toast to life, happiness, and each other.
For the pilot’s conclusion, Roland, Chuy, and Oliver join the girls in the kitchen for some late night cheesecake, a tradition to which they will have to become accustomed. Everyone seems to be in good spirits, and the newbies even ask Rose to share some stories about her hometown. Blanche and Sophia flee, and leaving the others to learn a valuable lesson.
The End.
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting to like this episode. I had a great time with the full ensemble of Golden Girls, but Bea Arthur remained my favorite throughout, and I just wasn’t sure there was enough justification for the show to go on without her, especially with the gimmick of hotel ownership. I also hated the idea of leaving their Miami home behind, because as hard as it was to say goodbye to Dorothy, it was just as hard to think of the remaining girls abandoning the place that helped to bring them together. But those concerns aside, I was surprised to discover that I had a pretty good time with the episode! It seems like the trio we still have are embodying their roles just as much as ever, and it didn’t hurt that Susan Harris, the creator of the original show, returned to write the pilot for this one. I’m still not sure how I feel about the additional cast members, but you could do a lot worse than adding Don Cheadle and Cheech Marin to your cast. While I doubt that the show will be able to reach the heights of its predecessor, and I could definitely feel the absence of a very important part of their comedic and dramatic formula for success, this could have been a train wreck, so I’m going to throw the episode an extra half point for being better than it had any right to be. I’m giving the pilot of The Golden Palace a rating of 3.5 poofy hairdos out of 5!
Drew will be back before you know it with his take on the unofficial, non-canonical Bond film Never Say Never Again, and then I will return with a recap of Promotional Considerations, the next episode of The Golden Palace. Until then, as always, thank you for being a friend, and for being One of Us!
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Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller my rating: 2 out of 5 stars
I thought I would enjoy this a lot more than I actually did, The entire book description sounded like it was right up my alley with everything that I like about fantasy and this one has pirates and sirens! And while those elements were cool and I did enjoy it, everything else about it fell really flat for me. The writing was a little slow since there is a lot of character narration for everything. that. she. does. or. thinks. about. It got real old real quick. Also, it was very troupey and predictable. My very last complaint is that the MC is basically a red-headed version of Aelin Galathynius.
A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J Maas my rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Alright back to the Night Court! I don’t know how I feel about this, I saw someone else describe it as a behind the scenes novel and they are so right. Yet I feel like there are some plot points that will be vital knowledge for the next book and there was nowhere else to squeeze them in so insert novella here. I always enjoy getting a little bit more insight into the characters lives after a big event like winning a war and saving the world. I was pleased to get that in this and it felt like a bit more closure to Feyre and Rhysand’s story then ACOWAR did.
I’m Not Your Manic Pixie Dream Girl by Gretchen McNeil my rating: 3 out of 5 stars
I honestly don’t know why I read this and I don’t know why I didn’t DNF it, probably because I’m trying to read 200 books this year…
Anyways the Manic Pixie Dream Girl is one of my least favorite troupes ever and the MC remakes herself into a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. It was so cringey. I haven’t cringed this hard since I read I Believe in a Thing Called Love, that was also super cringey.
The MC, Bea, is a hardcore Math Lover, looking at going to MIT, and is one of the biggest outcasts in the school. Her first BF is stolen from her by the new girl who is 100% your Manic Pixie Dream Girl (I’m just going to type MPDG for future references,) on the second day of school. Bea decides to come up with a formula to make herself and her two best friends popular and Bea is going to become a MPDG.
This was super RomCom in book form and I experienced a lot of secondhand embarrassment for Bea. I will say that this book made a great argument for why I don’t like the MPDG troupe and that’s this quote here “Women are not on this planet exclusively to inspire men and make them happy. We have our own dreams and needs, our own shit to get done. We run companies, countries, international organizations. We’re not props, and we’re certainly not here to cater to men’s egos.”
The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss my rating: 3 out of 5 stars
I was intrigued with Auri the moment we met her in The Name of the Wind, while shes kind of a MPDG, I really enjoyed her whimsical and tender outlook on the world that she lives in, I do wish I had learned why she acts this way, why does she live in the Underground?
This book is mostly Auri narrating her thoughts and kissing everything. But stars for a fun character that I feel like I don’t see in fantasy that much, whimsical writing, and a really cool setting.
The Trials of Apollo: The Burning Maze by Rick Riordan my rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
I don’t know why this wasn’t a full 5 star read for me, I enjoyed this very much and I think it’s my favorite of the Apollo series so far, there was just something missing and I cant nail down what it is that I would like to see. I mentioned in my March Wrap Up that an issue that I had with The Dark Prophecy is that Apollo had so much character development in book 1 only to have basically hit reset in book 2 and he started off as if he hadn’t learned or grown after book 1 at all. There was a bit more of that in this book as well, he did seem to recall what he’s learned about the demigods a bit faster.
Also, the pacing of this book reminds me a bit of the Heros of Olympus and how those plots were laid out. Once it felt like things were about to really get going, the book ended. I had the same feeling with House of Hades like “Okay cool now the plots really moving, now we’re getting there, oh there’s only 5 pages left…”
Wild Embers by Nikita Gill my rating: 4 out of 5 stars
This was beautifully written. I loved the fairy tale retellings that she wrote out, there was a lot of girl power inspiration. This book really made me want to take on the world, it made me feel like there was someone in the corner with me. I don’t know if that makes sense but its how I feel.
Until Friday Night by Abbie Glines my rating: 3 out of 5 stars
I really thought I would like this a lot more than I actually did. I adore small town settings, they are one of my favorite book settings along with boarding schools. I live in a small town so its a bit relatable to me. I loved Maggie’s story, that girl broke my heart so many times and I was just glued to the pages of her story. West broke my heart too, I grieved for what he was going through, but I loathed his douchey alpha fuck boy logic and way of life. He treated so many girls like trash but yet there was this one special girl! Ugh, also why is that every single sweet, innocent, and naive ALWAYS smells like vanilla. Has anyone else picked up on that?
Amy and Rogers Epic Detour by Morgan Matson my rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
I loved this! Omg, the road trip was just amazing and all the character growth was fantastic. I was glued to these pages and influenced to start planning my own road trip.
Under the Lights by Abbie Glines my rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Oh, look more douechy fuck boy bull shit. I mean these books are southern soap opera-esqe style books and I never watched any soap operas but I guess you just can’t have a soap opera setting without a bunch of douchey alpha males. *rolls eyes* these stories are just summed up with the line of “Women can’t win/damned if you do and damned if you don’t” and boom I think that sums up Willa’s entire existence.
Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit my rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I’m happy I read this, it could have been better, be more inclusive of Women of Color, at the same time I would it be really relatable. I don’t know another woman who hasn’t gone through all the things that have been discussed.
Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen my rating: 3 out of 5 stars
This book could have easily been a hundred pages shorter and the story would be about the same. So the pace was slow, and most the characters weren’t really all that likable.
The Song Rising By Samantha Shannon my rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Oh holy shit, this was insane! I still can’t quite sum up how I feel about this because my brain is still a little blown after finishing this. I can’t wait for the next one, I am dying to know what comes next!
Waking Gods by Sylvain Neuvel my rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Honestly, I didn’t love this, I feel like the plot would go from super fast to super slow, there was no consistent pacing. And sometimes I just got bored with the story. Idk I guess I just wasn’t fully into it
Obsidian by Jennifer L Armentrout my rating: 3 out of 5 stars
There was something about this story that was just so addicting and I realized while reading this, it has been so many years since I’ve read Twilight that it had to point out to me how similar these stories are, but this one is just so much better. There are so many similarities though.
That was is for May. My favorite of the month was Amy and Rogers Epic Detour and my least fave was Under the Lights, I’m just so tired of douchey alpha male troupes.
May 2018 Wrap Up Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller my rating: 2 out of 5 stars I thought I would enjoy this a lot more than I actually did, The entire book description sounded like it was right up my alley with everything that I like about fantasy and this one has pirates and sirens!
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