#and this is grainy gif that i didnt use in my bouquet post but they’re so cute so have this too
tomatoland · 1 year
Hi! I’m not sure if you will see this or even reply to this but I do want to say that I want to show a lot of appreciation for your blog and your breakdowns about TopMew so much. I saw your post about only friends being a morality drama and the idea of media literacy and it made me reflect a lot about myself as a viewer.
You spoke a lot of truths in your post. I think a lot of viewers resort to archetypes (e.g. TopMew) or comparisons (e.g. Top vs Ray) when they find characters on “different sides of the same coin” or stereotypes that they can associate characters with. But at the end of the day, these characters don’t have the same upbringing/backstories/personalities. Ngl I do admit my opinions do get swayed sometimes by other meta posts because it’s difficult to find meta posts that analyse TopMew without turning them or their actions into something rancid/evil or there’s a lack of TopMew analysis. Your analysis posts have truly been a gift.
I agree 100% that accountability is a major theme here. I’m guessing other people brought in ephemerality due to the idea that these characters are still in college, hence they are more likely to act without thinking about the consequences. But accountability is very much the bigger picture imo. I just don’t get the idea of being a “___ defender/apologist”. As a FB stan, I do like TopMew, especially Mew. But do I excuse their wrongdoings? No. I can enjoy and like them while acknowledging their misdeeds. All I need is to understand is their rationale behind it. 
I also see a lot of viewers constantly trying to push ideas what they want the characters to do ___ (E.g. TopMew doing a threesome with Boeing, really?). More people need to realise this show is not made to fulfil people’s fantasies. I mean MewRay happened, which was clearly what the majority were against. I think it’s also important to keep in my mind what would make sense for these characters to do (e.g. what are their best interests, their characterisation). My only fear right now is if Jojo and his crew would try to appease the majority, given that they cut out a Top scene from EP7 based on fans’ reactions. Are they going to bring justice to these characters’ actions and consequences by the end of the series based on how accountable/responsible they are? Or is it just going to be based on what the majority wants?
I want to thank you again for speaking out about this. I love your posts, especially the ones on Top’s wounded inner child, the Madonna-Whore complex on TopMew, TopMew working on the hostel project. I also love it so much about how TopMew can be linked to “Young and Beautiful” by Lana Del Ray (I just vibe with it so much). I think we the FB fandom can agree that ForceBook has brought so much to their characters and we’re so proud of them. Thanks for reading!
You are so sweet!! 🥰 and thank you very much. foxmochi hug!
Oh! Is that what people mean by ephemerality? I honestly do not understand lol. Because life is also ephemeral? No one is guaranteed a tomorrow.
Right? Human beings are complex. And people treat TopMew as morality foils or NPCs. And in real life, no one is a side character, you know what I'm saying? No one is an actual villain except well, Boston, but I actually think his storyline is going to get justice. Boston looks like he's going to have an introspective moment in the preview and I am here for it.
Okay, I actually do know where that comes from. Mond re-tweeted this pic adding "I'd like to be friends too."
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And this
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While I'm down for a little jealous Mew and Boeing testing him, Top & Mew have only ever wanted to be with each other. And the confirmation that one of the deleted scenes being Top trying to move on, but not being able to, really confirms this. So I'm gutted we didn't get it.
Yes, that was a bit surreal to hear from Jojo. And it makes me uneasy.
Like the story of the series is in flux when it shouldn't be. And those theories about re-shoots 🙃 I'm just going to remember that FB would have told us if they did re-shoots. Being the spoiler kings they are and the foxmochi thai superfans definitely would have known.
Top & Mew are almost there. They just need to have honest communication and not the kinda cautious communication they had when they were courting. And I need FB to have at least one scorching hot sex scene so absolutely no one can deny that TopMew and FB have chemistry coming out of their eyeballs. And I think FB as artists would be down to do it.
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Okay, you're going to get my Ray take because I have written it and I don’t want to make a separate post.
Not once in the show does Ray try to curb his drinking. It's one thing to try and then to slip, you are at least trying, but not once has Ray ever said, no I'm trying to cut back. He doesn't and has never seen it as a problem even after the accident.
Ray needs to learn that while trauma might explain why he does what he does, it is not an excuse. Ray needs to do some soul-reckoning. Some people want it be a case of "Love conquers All" and *dun dun da dun, insert hero fanfare here* Sand is going to swoop in and save Ray from himself without losing himself in return. But Sand and his presence are not enough to make Ray change. Ray must want it for himself. Read any article on how to handle addiction for loved ones and they all say this. And this is actually the hardest and most painful life lesson I've ever had to learn in my life. People have to want to change and as much as you can want it, no matter how much you beg, nothing will change unless they want for themselves.
I am actually really sad that in the preview Ray says he'll go to rehab if Sand wants him too. It's only Sand, he's thinking about? Not himself, not his friends, not his dad, or his fellow humans? It's really weak character development. He still lacks the ability to be introspective or think about others. Ray has to do some honest soul-discovery before he can be a good partner to anyone. And I'm praying that it's still coming. Please, show, please do this for Ray.
I know I'm basically preaching to the choir at this point but whatever, I want these posts to exist because sometime from now, after the show finishes airing, someone will come to Tumblr and find one of these posts. And TopMew deserve the right to context.
You are the sweetest. Yes, I love "Young and Beautiful" for them. And I agree, ForceBook have done an amazing job in OF.
And just remember whatever weird stuff is happening here, Thai fans LOVE them and don’t overanalyze TopMew.
I hope you have a wonderful day, hun and thank you for dropping by my mailbox~ You made my day 💕
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