#and this guy as like Omg just give me like 15 minutes 2 get dressed ^_^
nomaishuttle · 11 months
me when i say its no problem when its absolutely yes problem
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waitingonher · 1 year
[🪐] track 1: drabbles! ━ send me up to 2 numbers from the prompt list + a character and i'll write a little drabble!
omg okay can i get 15 + 18 with leo <3 hes such a silly guy
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leo valdez + you look pretty + i wanna kiss you so bad
content warning: nothing
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“hey,” the sound of soft knocks against your door interrupts the silence, “you almost done in there?” 
“yeah! just one minute babe,” you call out, rushing to find your designated perfume for the night. after spritzing yourself a few times and giving yourself a final onceover in the mirror, you hurriedly head for the door. upon opening it, you find yourself face to face with a very dressed up leo, “okay, how do i look?” you ask, carefully smoothing over your dress. 
leo looks up from adjusting his cuff, focusing his attention on you. his lips part slightly and his eyes widen as they sweep over your figure, “holy shit. you look pretty,” a lopsided grin takes its place on leo’s face, “so pretty.” 
a bashful smile spreads across your features as you reach over to adjust his crooked tie, “you don’t look so bad either,” you joke, earning a playful eye roll from your boyfriend, ”oh, and thanks for coming with me leo, i know i asked on such short notice.”
“hey, don’t worry. after all, it is kind of my job as your boyfriend to do this. and plus, weddings are always fun,” he states, tucking a stray hair strand behind your ear, “i’m excited to meet more of your family.” 
you give him a soft smile, “they’ll love you. i know they will.” 
leo lets out a chuckle, “and this is good practice for us too.” 
“practice for what?” you question. 
“you know, for our own wedding,” he replies, as if marrying you wasn’t even a question or an idea, but a fact, “that’s okay with you, right? us getting married?” he adds. 
your cheeks flush at the thought of leo wanting to marry you, and it’s like your heart’s going to beat out of your chest. his words run through your head again and it makes you dizzy in the best way possible, “leo, it’s more than okay,” you nod, a love-sick grin making its way onto your face. 
“good," he says, a reciprocating smile spreading across his features, "gods, i wanna kiss you so bad.”
you quirk a brow, “then do it.” 
and so he does. leo places a hand on the nape of your neck, the other finds its way to your waist, and he closes the distance between you two. it’s a gentle kiss. it’s a kiss that screams i love you. and it just so happens to be one of your favorite kisses from leo. 
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pandenewie · 11 months
RULE TWO: Wednesday = Study Date
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“Okay, so I was thinking we could all go to the movies tonight. I heard they’re doing a rescreening of 10 Things I Hate About You tonight so, obviously, I want to go.” Danielle rambles, her arms interlinked with Eunchae and Y/n’s as the trio walk through the school halls.
“Omg, we could all dress in Y2k! It would be so cute.” Eunchae exclaims. “I could wear that top I sent in the group chat last week.” “Wait, I’m meeting up with Niki after school.” Y/n pouts, earning confused looks from their friends. “Isn’t this whole relationship just a during-school thing? Why are you guys going on an actual date?” Eunchae asks. “It’s not an actual date, it’s a study date and it’s part of the rules we set. Hanging out after school will make everything more believable.” Y/n clarifies, earning eye rolls from the girls.
“Study dates are real dates, Y/n.” Eunchae points out. “And how is it going to make things more believable if no one sees it?” Danielle asks, confused. Y/n chooses to blatantly ignore the way Danielle pointed out the clear flaws in their logic. "We'll be in the library, people will see us. Hanging out with him one day a week isn't going to kill me." Y/n frowns, earning snickers from their friends. "I'm just saying, it seems like the whole fake part of this fake dating thing is starting to become a little blurry." Eunchae shrugs.
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As the day goes by, Eunchae’s words linger on Y/n’s mind. Are the rules of their fake relationship with Niki already starting to blur? Surely not… they don’t see him in any way other than a friend. Besides the hand-holding and occasional kiss on the cheek (which there’s thankfully only been one so far), they’re not doing anything out of the ordinary.
The sudden feeling of pressure on their head snaps Y/n out of their thoughts. Looking up, they see Niki standing in front of them - the pressure in question being his hand, which is currently ruffling Y/n’s hair.
“You were spaced out.” Niki states simply, stopping the contact now that he has Y/n’s attention. Y/n mumbles out an apology, bringing their hands up in an attempt to fix the hairs Niki had successfully messed up. Giving up after a few tries, Y/n goes back to sorting their art supplies (not missing the way Niki subtly readjusts the remaining messy strands.)
“Do you really need all this stuff for one day?” Niki asks, eyes wide as he takes in the variety of art supplies Y/n is shoving into their bag. It’s struggling to zip up at this point and Niki is certain they don’t need everything. “I don’t know what I’m going to be working on today so I need to be prepared for everything.” Y/n shrugs, sending a reassuring smile to Niki before attempting to sling their bag over the shoulder.
Emphasis on attempting. Niki’s eyes narrow in on Y/n’s hand - shaking ever-so-slightly due to the contents of the bag. They won’t last 2 minutes carrying that bag, let alone the 15 minute walk to the local library. With a playful roll of the eyes, Niki holds out his hand to Y/n. Y/n smiles widely up at Niki before quickly placing their hand in his - the endearing action making him break out into a grin. “I meant the bag. I’ll carry it for you.”
Niki’s words cause Y/n’s face to immediately flush with embarrassment. They practically rip their hand from his grip, face beet-red and cough awkwardly. “Oh, um… it’s okay… I’ve got it.” Y/n mumbles, adjusting their bag strap uncomfortably. Niki looks at them skeptically but shrugs nonetheless, picking his own school bag up with ease. “Whatever you say.”
Not even a minute passes before Y/n turns to Niki, their head bowed sheepishly as they hold their bag out for him to take. He smirks at this, chuckling out a quiet “I told you so” before taking the bag from their grip. Y/n promises to take over when Niki’s shoulder starts getting sore but the boy rejects the offer, claiming the bag is light and he’ll be fine. That’s a lie. It’s heavy. And Y/n’s giant sketchbook sits at an uncomfortable angle so it’s constantly digging slightly into his back. Niki, however, doesn’t mention any of this to Y/n.
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The library is quiet - as expected. There’s a handful of other people throughout the building, a few families in the children’s section, elders reading the paper, and even a handful of fellow students scattered around the young adult sections. Niki and Y/n head upstairs to the common area and pick a table in the far back. That way the two are free to chat without disrupting the peace of others.
As soon as Y/n has set up their art supplies, they immediately get started working on a sketch. Remembering that the two are not just here to hang out, Niki reluctantly pulls out his school books - deciding to work on geography first.
Niki had originally picked up the class because Jay had mentioned the annual Japan trip. When he learned that he had to actually retain knowledge about countries other than Japan, he almost immediately regretted signing up.
He sits there, staring at his work for what seems like hours, internally counting each second that goes by. He reaches 487 before Y/n gently places their pencil down and looks at him expectantly. Niki looks back, slightly confused, earning a small laugh from Y/n.
“You’re clearly distracted… what’s wrong?” Y/n asks. So they did notice… Y/n’s observant like that. Despite his clear boredom and lack of motivation, some part of Niki feels the need to at least pretend he was working - as if Y/n would be more impressed that way. “Who, me? I’m not distracted… just doing my geography work.”
“Is that a pirate map?” Y/n’s question causes Niki to chuckle awkwardly. He looks down at his geography book, the colourful picture of islands, volcanos and even an x for buried treasure staring back at him. “It’s my assignment… maps are one of the most crucial parts of geography, you know?” He attempts to argue. “Real maps… of real places.” Y/n points out. Niki mumbles out how “Riki-land is a real place” earning a gentle laugh from Y/n as they reach over to grab his book. Grabbing one of their pencils, Y/n begins to quickly sketch a few things on Niki’s map.
“Maps focus on realism, which means things have to be to scale. If a map is not to scale, you can’t read it. Colours are okay as long as you say what they represent in the key, so you would have to write that the red x is where the treasure is.” Y/n states simply, handing the drawing back to Niki. They’ve done a few quick doodles to match what they were saying, annotating different parts of Niki’s map with ease. “Everyone knows x is where the treasure is.” He comments sarcastically, earning a laugh from Y/n.
“Enough about my stupid map, what are you working on?” Niki asks enthusiastically. Amid his boredom, he noticed that Y/n had been rather aggressively scribbling in their sketchbook. “I’m trying to get some of my portfolio done… but it’s not going well.” Y/n admits, nervously. They open the book to the page they were working on, a few rough sketches scribbled over and erased.
“Is there any way I can help? I don’t take art but I know enough about it.” Niki offers, watching intently as Y/n buries their head in their hands. The action causes an unfamiliar feeling to tug at Niki’s heart. “You can’t help me. Not unless you can think of something beautiful in everyday life.” Y/n mumbles. “Other than me?” Niki’s joke earns a glare in response from Y/n, only adding to his chuckles. “Come on, it’s genius! What’s more beautiful in everyday life than your boyfriend?”
Y/n thinks that’s the first time Niki has ever referred to himself as their boyfriend. They repress the butterflies that begin to swarm in the pit of their stomach and instead turn to a fresh page of their sketchbook.
“I guess it could work… maybe if I do a more candid sketch…” Y/n mumbles to themself, jotting a few words down in their book. Suddenly, Y/n’s eyes widen as an idea pops into their mind, like those moments in cartoon’s where a light bulb shines above a characters head. Maybe Niki really is a genius…
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“Niki, stop posing.”
“You’re literally drawing me!”
“Yes but you’re supposed to act natural, you dork.”
Niki tilts his head awkwardly as he strikes another pose. He claims it’s to get the best angle for the drawing but secretly it’s just an excuse to make Y/n laugh. “Okay, okay, enough fooling around.” Y/n laughs before reaching forward to gently cup Niki’s face. The boy freezes at the sudden contact, the delicate touches of Y/n’s hands against his jaw causing his heart to spark wildly.
Y/n carefully moves Niki’s head to find the perfect angle - turning and tilting until it’s just right. Their hands then drop to his shoulders and go through the same steps until Niki’s pose is deemed perfect. “Okay, now don’t move until I’ve finished the outline.” Y/n mumbles. Niki doesn’t think he could move if he wanted to. It’s almost as if he’s frozen in place.
Cut it out, he thinks to himself. Y/n's a friend - nothing more, nothing less. They're already doing him a big favour by helping him out with the whole dating thing - the last thing he wants to do is betray their kindness with unreciprocated feelings. If even he's trying hard to push away these fluttering thoughts, he can only imagine how put off Y/n would be.
"Look at me." Y/n mumbles softly. Niki doesn't want to look - scared that his eyes say everything that's running through his mind. He does though. And he's grateful he does.
Y/n's nose scrunches slightly when they concentrate; a cute detail Niki has failed to notice until now. They also bite their lip when they're thinking particularly hard and tap their pen when they're trying to remember their train of thought.
"You have nice eyebrows." Y/n comments mindlessly as their hand comes up to gently move a strand of hair from Niki's eye. It's so they can see his face more clearly… for the drawing… definitely not an excuse just to touch his hair.
"Uh… thanks? I grew them myself." Niki mumbles, his eyes fluttering shut at the gentle touch. Y/n snorts at his words and Niki curses at himself for missing the view of them laughing up close. Niki's face suddenly feels very, very cold and he opens his eyes to see that Y/n has completely moved away.
"I think I've got the main points. You can move around freely now." Y/n smiles. "Can I see?" Niki asks, eagerly. Y/n's face tints pink at Niki's enthusiasm as they sheepishly turn the book around to show him. "I just did the outlines and stuff so it's nothing special yet…" Y/n’s words get drowned out as Niki’s gaze zones in on the drawing. Sure, the features aren’t fully there yet (in fact, the face is just mapped out with circles and lines) but the pure attention to detail in the outline is enough to have Niki’s eyes widening.
“That's nothing special? It’s better than hours of work from me.” He gapes in awe. “Like seriously, how are you this talented?” Y/n didn’t think they could get any redder but in comes Niki with his compliments and they’ve already achieved a shade of blush they didn’t know was humanly possible. “Do you think you’ll finish it tonight?” The question causes Y/n to look at Niki with confusion. What’s with the rush? “Uh… I mean, maybe? Drawing people always takes longer since it’s so easy to mess up.” Y/n trails off. “Could you try? I really wanna see the final product.” Niki almost begs, his eyes shining slightly as he looks from the drawing to Y/n. How on earth can they say no when he looks so happy?
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Y/n had expected Niki to go back to his own work when they began drawing again - maybe play on his phone or sit there bored out of his mind. They did not expect him to place his chin in his hands and watch every pencil stroke in awe.
“How’s your map coming along?” Y/n asks sarcastically. They know Niki hasn’t even looked at his work in over an hour now. The boy just hums in response, eyes still glued to the drawing that is slowly coming together. It’s almost like he’s in a trance - watching the way Y/n’s hand skillfully glides the pencil across the page. It’s soothing. Before Niki knows it, his eyes begin to flutter shut.
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The sound of his name being whispered along with a gentle poke to the nose slowly pulls Niki out of his slumber. His eyes flutter open just enough to see Y/n smiling at him, immediately fluttering closed once again when he realises they were the one who disrupted his sleep.
“Niki… we’ve gotta go… the library’s closing soon.” Y/n mumbles, poking Niki’s nose once again. The boy groans and shakes his head, burying it further into his arms. “Just leave me here.” He mumbles, tiredly. “They’re gonna kick us out in a second.” Y/n sighs. “And besides, I have to walk you home. I don’t trust you to not pass out on the way.” Niki only groans more at this, the thought of being walked home takes a shot at his pride.
“Come on, you big dork.” Y/n teases, using all their strength to pull Niki up by the arm. "Only if you let me walk you home." Niki bargains, narrowing his eyes at Y/n. Rolling their eyes at Niki's stubbornness, Y/n agrees.
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Niki's pride will be the death of him. Why couldn't he just let Y/n walk him home? Because he wants to appear manly and strong and in his stupid mind, walking Y/n home proves both those things. That's how he found himself stumbling in the opposite direction of his house, carrying both his and Y/n's bags and aggressively blinking away any signs of sleep. Thankfully, Y/n's house isn't too far away.
"We're here." Y/n suddenly speaks and Niki realises it's the first time either of them said a word since they left the library. Niki looks up at Y/n's house - it's relatively small, nicely decorated and Niki can see the outline of a cat waiting in the window.
"Thanks for walking with me, even if you almost fell asleep halfway." Y/n smiles. "Don't sweat it." Niki shrugs, ruffling Y/n's hair before handing them their school bag. "Oh! Before I forget," Y/n exclaims, opening the bag and pulling out their sketchbook. They flip to the page with the drawing of Niki and rip it out, handing him the paper. "Think of it as a 'thanks for walking me home' present." They continue, smiling brightly.
Niki's brows furrow slightly as he takes the paper in his grasp. "I thought this was for your portfolio?" He asks. "It was… but I want you to have it," Y/n says sweetly. Niki never knew such simple words could cause his heart and mind to go so crazy. "And besides, I could always just draw you again."
Niki's blushing - possibly more than he ever has before. He thanks his lucky stars that it's dark out, cause there's no way in hell he could joke his way out of this one. No one gets this red over a friend.
"Thanks… now I feel like I should give you something." Niki mumbles, hurriedly opening his bag to find anything that he could gift to Y/n. Finding his geography book, he quickly opens it and rips out his pirate map (a lot less gracefully than Y/n had). He hands it to Y/n with a wide smile, the expression and gesture making them snort with laughter.
"Thanks, Niki." Y/n smiles. "Uh… you can call me Riki if you want." The words come out before Niki even has time to process what he said. Did he really just tell them to use his real name? His friends don't even call him that most days.
"Oh..  okay." Y/n smiles. "I should probably get inside. Thanks for walking me home… and for the pirate map… have a good night, Riki." Niki ignores the way his heart flutters at the sound of his name pushing past Y/n's lips. "I'll see you at school tomorrow." Niki mumbles, watching as Y/n steps into the house. He waits until they're safely inside to start walking back to his place.
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Niki goes to bed that night more confused than when he woke up. He likes spending time with Y/n, watching them draw and making them laugh. He even liked carrying their stupid bag with far too many art supplies. But all of that doesn't mean that he likes them… 
Does it?
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TAG LIST: @j-wyoung @thesassy-mia @luvistqrzzz @yourmyst4r @heerinnie @odisdad @wzy3ka @mrchweeee @rizzkisworld @beomsbeanie @ablackbtsstan @sweet-kisses-and-bloody-screams @kang-yeosangs-initials @wildflowermooon @k1ttylvr @pinapplefntacupss @luva1y @microwvdstrawb3rri3s @en-happiness @haechansbbg @ashiitex @nuttyenthusiastdaze
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you know what? I am going to post this little fanfic.
I know this probably has a lot of grammar mistakes. If something dose not make sense just let me know. This is my first time seeing posting a fanfic
heartstopper fanfic
Nick x Charlie
Nick was laying on his and Charlie’s couch while Charlie was at University. Then he got an idea to surprise Charlie when he gets home. Nick knows Charlie has had a rather stressful few days. So, Nick got up and put on his shoes, grabbed his wallet and car keys and walked out the door of his apartment. When he got to his car he started his engine and got the directions to the closest flower shop. 
Maybe it was cheesy to get Charlie flowers but he loved going random cheesy things for Charlie, and Charlie loves flowers. 
When he got inside the flower shop he saw about 5 other people in the shop. 3 workers all looking between the age of 16 and 20. 
He was looking for the daisies when he herd a voice behind him. “Hey, how may I help you? Is there anything you need?” It was a guy about 25 wearing an apron and a pin that said co-owner: James. Also, a pansexual pin  under that one. He is about 5”8, has short pink hair, and blue eyes. 
“Ummm, just looking for flowers for my boyfriend, do you know where that daisies are?” 
“How nice! And yes, they are right over here,” the guy started to walk, so Nick followed. “Here you are! If you need any help just find me or my husband. We own the store.” And with that the guy walked off. 
Nick looked at the flowers that they guys had pointed to there was an arrangement of  daisies. Nick picked up a bundle that had daisies and a few other flowers that Nick did not recognize. He made his way up to the counter to pay for the flowers. 
“Is this all?” The guy he saw earlier was typing in something on the computer at the check out when Nick set the flowers down. 
“Yeah.” Nick responded as he started to grab his credit card. 
“Ok, give me one second.” The man went to the back and came back with a card. 
Nick wondered what the man was planning on doing. 
“Ok so this is a little note, if you want to put a little note I can show you how to put the note in the flowers without if falling out.”
“Sure. I would love that. Is there any way you could write it, my spelling is crap.”
The man laughed, “what would you  like to say?”
 “Just put that, ummm,” Nick had to think for a second, “ok this might not make sense but he will understand: I like you in a romantic way not just a friend was! I basically told the ocean that on our first date.”
“Awww, that is so adorable.” The man said after finishing writing the note down. Nick noticed how nice the handwriting is. Then the man wrote something else, but Nick just assumed that it was the rest of the phrase. The man placed the note neatly into the flowers making sure it would not fall. 
Nick got his credit card ready to pay when the man said something that surprised him,  “Oh, don’t worry this one is on me. I just know it will be worth it. You seem like a nice boyfriend for getting him flowers.” 
“Omg, thank you! Are you sure?” 
“Yea.” The man said nodding his head. 
Before Nick left he grabbed a business card because he knew he would come back soon, and was wondering if they did wedding flowers. He drove home thinking about what their wedding would look like. 
When he got back he knew he had about 2 hours until Charlie would get home, so he set the flowers in some water for now still in the sleeve. Then, he stared to clean the house. He knew Charlie would spend tonight cleaning if it was dirty at all, so Nick seeped cleaned the house. 
Once he picked up everything and put everything in its place, he  mopped, dusted, swept, vacuumed, dishes, laundry, and showered. By the time he got out of the shower and dressed it would be about 15 minutes until Charlie got home. 
When Nick heard Charlie’s keys jingle, he got up and grabbed the flowers, dried the ends off so they would not be dripping, stood by the door, and held the flowers behind his back. 
Then, Charlie opened the door. When he did Nick engulfed Charlie in a hug. 
“Oh, hi my love! Missed you too.” Charlie said sounding surprised but hugged back. 
Nick could tell how much Charlie needed this hug. When they pull back Nick handed Charlie the flowers. “I got there for you and I may or may not have cleaned the flat.” Nick said with a grin. 
“Omg, Nick I love you so much! Thank you so so so so so much.” Charlie jumped a bit into the hug. 
Charlie was used to Nick getting him small random gifts ever once in a while but it never got old. Then Nick swung Charlie around. 
When he put him down Charlie immediately kissed Nick. Nick deepened the kiss by pulling Charlie closer.  
Charlie pulled back for a minute to set the flowers down and pull off his shoes. After that they went right back to kissing. This time Nick pulled back and started kissing Charlie’s neck. “God, it is like you like me a bit more that friends,” Charlie said in a sarcastic way. 
Then, Nick pulled back and just as sarcastically said, “oh no, I have been outed.” That was their little inside joke ever since Nick came out. 
After that, Charlie noticed the note in the flowers, “what is this?” Charlie looked up smiling even more. 
“Just a little something.” Nick said mirroring his smile.  
Charlie gently grabbed the note and started to read it. While he was reading it his eyebrows scrunched and then went back to the big smile he had. 
“What?” Nick asked being super confused.
“At the end the person wrote a bit more that I imagined you said. They said to make sure to keep this one, he is 100% a keeper. That is adorable!” Charlie said looking up from the note and flowers. “Also, I love you in a romantic way not just a friend way.” 
Nick just smiled and gave Charlie a little peck. He walked into the kitchen finding a vase to put the flowers in and filling it up with water. Then, Charlie came into the room and started to put the flowers neatly in the vase making sure everything was in its place. 
Charlie turned and looked at Nick, “how about we watch a movie tonight? We can order takeout?”
“Sounds perfect.”
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lqfiles · 2 months
also I see that little “2 months” MY MAN HAECHAN IS BEING SO LOYAL WITHOUT REALIZING IT OMG yk he goes crazy with the “i love my gf so back tf up before i personally fight you for disrespecting her” if anyone flirts with him like he would be more offended than mc 😭
“i also got tired of ppl liking me for being haechan instead of really me” goes crazy bc that’s why he loves bothering mc since she gives him back the same energy without trying to suck up to him since she can’t stand him (she’s starting to and i love the progress 🥺)
BUT PUT your hands up PUT EM UP
but awwwww thank you for the update!! you bless us so much ☹️🫶🏼 GIVING YOU A BIG SMOOCH ON THE CHEEK
and for comic con, it was going to be my second timeeee it finished yesterday but the traffic was crazyyyy. it’s like 15-20 minutes away from my house and it was hellll, i didn’t get to go but one of my friends did go and she was dressed up as an anime character i think and another friend saw an actress from marvel (lupita nyong’o) and im so bummeddd i could’ve seen so many actors
hehe bro mark went crazyyy omg but you guys KNOWWWW i just have something for yuta, i go crazy 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
“do you hate me?” is the number one question i ask my bf 24/7 😭😭 it gets annoying so i change it up like “would you love me if i was a worm?” or “so you don’t love me? i guess you want me to dieee” or “would you kiss another girl if it meant saving me from dying?” heh thankfully he doesn’t get annoyed 😭🙏🏼
- 🫧
(lemme know what you want to learn btw!!)
GIRL DONT ARREST ME… arrest haechan if anything 🤦🏽‍♀️ but yasss if you think these stuff lowk hurt her now just wait till haechan is gonna be conflicted and unintentionally hurt her..
ALSO YES HE’S BASICALLY BEEN SHOWING HIS LOYALTY FR always mentioning how she’s the only girl he likes talking to or still keeps in contact with.. he would DEFINITELY be the type to do that once he gets in a relationship with her like before he liked all the attention but his eyes will be only for her so he wouldn’t even entertain the other girls fr
SHE LIKES HIM FOR WHO HE IS FR like he can be shamelessly annoying because that’s how they started but now he finds it endearing and it’s also the reason he likes talking to her like she really does make him like his true self 🥺
its unfortunate that you didn’t get to go but i’m happy your friends got to go!!!! YOULL HO NEXT TIME and you’re lucky as hell to live near LA, u genuinely was going through it because i wasn’t able to experience fact check 2 baddies and walk live like FUCKKK i should’ve been there
I WANNA KNOW WHAT HE WOULD SAY TO THE KISSING OTHER FIRLS ONE OMGGG we will use that for bonus chapters and haechan will indeed be the one asking that 😄 that’s such a fun relationship tho i hope you two last forever <3
I LOVE TOU AND YASS ILL TELL YOU SOON WHAT I THOUGHT OF THE SONGS you’re amazing and i’m glad you liked the update, and umm please let me know how to say “i’m hungry” 👀👀
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Happy Friday!
Katsuki. The guy you work for, you're his secretary right and there's no way you should have any nose or business in her personal life. But when he starts dating for events and the public, taking girls out to dinners etc you get a little jealous and start messing things up. Tell them both two different times and venues, cancel things at the last minute or even giving him lots of paperwork 15 minute before he goes knowing he won't leave until they're done. And he acts dumb at first, hoping to see just how far you push it... but it isn't until its 4 weeks in and he's not had a 'date' in 2 weeks because of you that he decides to take it out on your ass instead.
Omg but imagine if he’s only taking these girls out for events and shit because he wants to ask you but doesn’t think you’re interested in him? So he’s doing this to try and keep his PR team off his back, but each event he wishes it was you instead.
So when you start messing his dates up he’s amused, Bakugou isn’t stupid. You’re meticulous at work when it’s to do with his engagements— so he knows exactly what you’re doing and he plays into it.
Tells you that there’s a special engagement he has with a top hero brand and he wants you to be there to take notes— that you need to be fully clued up moving forward as his agency will be doing a lot of work with them. So you turn up and you see Bakugou dressed far too casually for the expensive restaurant he’s invited you to, and no one else. No cameras, no PR team, no brands— just the two of you.
“Don’t act like you don’t wanna have dinner with me.” His voice is gruff, but you can hear the hint of worry beneath it— as though he’s nervous you’ll reject him.
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chal-latte · 2 years
A/N: pt 2 of this fic LFG (j bc yalls cute @chalametsimp @xoxoloverb @timmymyluv @ohmysw33 @idk27131277) hope this is alright ✨ sry for the formatting 
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Liked by tchalamet, enews, chloegmoretz and 3.302.594 others
y/i/n toodle loo🥯🍳🫒🥑🧁
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↪️ y/i/n baebygirl
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
fanpage22 bagel is his brand
chloegmoretz <3
↪️ y/i/n my angel <3
enews could this, too, be a pr stunt situation?
↪️ fanpage33 this is a sign for you to stfu
fanpage42 dude wtf 
juliafox huh
↪️ y/i/n i swear catch up soon
↪️ juliafox call me at least god
↪️ y/i/n @juliafox in a minute mom
fanpage77 lol him choosing the bagels while y/n waits for him 
fanpage20 we gonna act like him n lily actually didnt happen?
fanpage58 move tf on y/n he’s clearly still in contact w lily
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Liked by 428.004 others
deuxmoi so, what happens 15 hours after the met gala after party is timothee chalamet leaving y/n l/n’s apartment complex holding his neatly folded costume, dressed casually in his day-to-day attire. while y/n follows suit 20 minutes later looking fresh and chic. an anon said: “on the way, timothee was calling someone, saying ‘it’s over, i dont give a f*ck about her. i would never do that again.” did they sleep on the problem and continue their day like nothing happened or has it been solved? 
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fanpage47 lol wack agent
fanpage76 i’d fucking sue him idk 
fanpage45 the press and media is breaking them they dont deserve this
fanpage89 i hope everything’s alright :(
fanpage64 i swear this isnt easier for lily too 
fanpage57 the amount of hate lily’s getting is crazy pls stop 
fanpage78 L man she’s better with me 
fanpage33 kiss and make up ig 
fanpage80 hope this is for the better :( 
tchalamet mentioned @y/i/n in a story!
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tchalamet my little dove
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Liked by y/i/n, dunemovie, officialrebeccaferguson and 5.021.582 others
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zendaya real cozy up there huh
↪️ tchalamet we good
fanpage37 WE GOOD. WE GOOD.
fanpage84 i need to see tomdaya and y/ntimothee on a double date again
joshbrolin you guys want to come to my watch party?
↪️ prideofgypsies hell yeah
↪️ zendaya @joshbrolin time and date and i’ll be there
↪️ tchalamet @zendaya @prideofgypsies he only invited me but okay 
↪️ joshbrolin @tchalamet @zendaya @prideofgypsies only the younglings dude
↪️ zendaya @joshbrolin who the hell is the younglings?
↪️ joshbrolin @zendaya​ timothee and y/n 
↪️ y/i/n @joshbroliln AW we’ll be there josh <3
↪️ prideofgypsies @joshbrolin old man playing father figure. lame. 
fanpage24 pls invite my daddy oscar @joshbrolin 
fanpage90 its y/n’s hands
fanpage21 it’s ab time i said it all along it was a misunderstanding
fanpage75 remember that one interview where tim said things about how theyre meant to be with each other in this lifetime? yeah no one can separate them 
fanpage23 it can only be her’s
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Liked by juliafox, tchalamet and 2.301.943 others
y/i/n it’s probably just a case of the mondays.. am i right?
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tchalamet right baby
↪️ y/i/n 🥰
fanpage11 theyre not through but theyre back!!! we’re alive again
wandavision you’d be perfect in westview
↪️ y/i/n OMG YES i’d be a good girl for wanda 
↪️ y/i/n i mean- nvm i’d love to be a westviewer :)
↪️ tomholland2013 @y/i/n HAHAH will you look at that
↪️ y/i/n @tomholland2013 throw me a welcome party then 🤨
fanpage83 SAY WHAT
katdenningsss you are always right
↪️ y/i/n QUEEN 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
fanpage31 queen acknowledging queen so true
fanpage44 @katdenningsss​ y/n loves physics fyi
fanpage31 today is my happy day
fanpage89 my it couple 
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leossmoonn · 3 years
i feel like you and matt wld be the couple to ditch your bachelor/bachelorette parties halfway through (with some lame ass excuse) to go back home and dance in the kitchen and just spend even more time together
Okay so foggy got Matt into a strip club and Matt’s literallt like 🙁 the whole time and anytime a woman gets 10 feet within him he tells them to leave bc 1) I FUCKING HATE THE WHOLE THING ABT MEN GOING TO A STRIP CLUB BEFORE THEYRE WEDDING. LIKE “LAST NIGHT AS A FREE MAN” MY FUCKING ASS. WHAT ABOUT THESE 5 YEARS?? HUH???? YOUBE BEEN A FREE MAN THESE LAST 5 YEARS THEN I GUESS HAVE FUN BEING A FREE MAN FOREVER.
anyways sorry. Just felt like that needed to be said.
2) All he wants is to be with you. That man is so fucking in love with you. He isn’t even entertained with the idea of a strip club. He hasn’t been since he met you
Okay and your girl friends got a party bus for you and also hired a stripper. Sadly you are not blind and had to sit through 15 uncomfortable minutes of a guy dressed up as like a mail man or some shit grinding in you *shudders*
And lmao he’s not even done yet when youre like “okay… you know I’m super tired. I’ve worked all day and I’ve been on my feet all day and i just need some time alone”. And your friends are like “Y/N??? THIS IS IS YOUR LAST NIVJT TO GET WILD”
And in youre head your like “I get wild enough w Matt” BUT JNDTEAD YOU SAY “yeah i think my time of getting wild has passed” and you leave the party bus much to your friends dismay. You walk back to your apartment and lucky find Matt driving the same time as you
“Done already? I thought you’d stay there the whole night,” you smirk
“The only girl I want to give me a lap dance is you” that’s so sweet of him to say despite the dirty-ness <3
Hehe you two go up to your apartment and you’re ready to go to bed until you ear your and Matt’s song playing. Omg and your guy’s song is “your song” by Elton John.
You walk out of the bedroom and smile as you see Matt dressed up in a tux.
“What’re you up to, Mr. Murdock?” You ask.
“I don’t want this night to end. Dance with me?” He holds his hand out. And how can you say no??
“Let me change real quick,” you say. But he stops you and says “no youre perfect in anything you wear.”
He takes you into your arms and starts to sway with you. His hand is in yours while his arm is around your waist. Your free arm is around your neck as his hand is buried in his hair while your head is resting on his chest.
“I can’t wait to be married to you next week,” he whispers.
“Me neither. I’ll finally be Mrs. Murdock.”
“After five years,” he sighs happily.
You move your head off his chest and kiss him. “I love you so much, Matt,” you say against his lips.
“I love you so much more, sweetheart. You don’t even know”
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I think we know where I’m at lmao
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sissyjamieray · 4 years
My journey into feminization how did it begin? It is difficult to pin point a specific age, but I would guess I was about 11 years old. Yes, confused by sexual urges and excitement when looking at pictures of pretty girls in magazine ads wearing only panties and bras. Mmm, then 'borrowing' intimate female garments and wearing them. Feelng the overwhelming rush of pleasure and my first orgasm while wearing female clothing. Through the years I've tried to suppress this urges to dress as a woman. Being married was so frustrating as my wife left her intimate garments all over the house. It was like being in a candy store: bras, panties, lingerie all within reach. Unable to resist I would carefully try on bra or nightie when she was out shopping. At one point she mentioned something about one nightie being worn out in the "wrong" places. But she never questioned me. After all why would her man be turned on by wearing panties? Looking back she was very smart, she knew better than to confront me head on, lol. She knew I would not admit it or make up some bullshit story. She was very subtle, one night after making love she asked me if I had any sexual fantasies, my response was no love, none that I can think of. Another time she make the following comment, " I wish I had something to poke you with". Wow, she was so close. I was a bit stunted, didn't have a good response, lol. Several months later during our forplay love making she starts licking my nipples, omg, wtf!! Do you like it she says, with her hand on my growing manhood there was no escape, no denial. You like it don't you? I said yes, grasping for air and moaning as she began to rub the tip of my cock with her finger while continuing to lick and suck on my nipples. Then she slid her hand below my balls and started stroking and messaging the area just above my ass hole. After five minutes or this action she get up, pulls off her soaked panties then leans towards me with panties in hand and whispers in my ear, ' guess what I found in your bag Jim?' I found at least 10 pairs of my panties Jim, wtf all stained with your cum! "So you like to jerk off and cum in my panties, really?" What could I say but yes. I tried to explain why but she was upset? She then took her wet panties wrapped them around my almost limp manhood and said show me how you like you jerk off im my panties! I was so embarrassed, but I was wrong to have taken her things, this was my punishment, Yes? I reached down and started stroking my cock but it was very limp by now, I could not get hard. She saw my problem and whispers in my ear, "what's the problem, sissy panty boy, can't jerk off in front of your hot sexy wife? never touch my things again!, if you do, you will never fuck or cum inside me again. Do you understand me? Yes, hon I understand, good. Now where are my panties, Uh where you put them dear, yes they are yours now. Uh, keep them clean and if you wear these out (giggle) we will go out together and buy you more. Yes, I'll let the pretty sales lady know my size and yours (giggle). One more thing, when we make love, make sure you are wearing a clean pair of lacy pink panties. You are my panty boy husband now (giggle). I guess you better learn to get excited and hard while wearing female panties or you will never fuck me again (giggle): panty boy. Next day I after work I set out the task of hand washing 'my' panties in hope of getting lucky later that evening. Ok, hot water and some laundry soap and a 15 minutes soak, rinse and then toss into the dryer should to the trick right? Right before we went to bed I quickly grabbed my panties and climbed into bed. My wife had been observing my laundry duties activities that evening and I assumed we were cool. My hopes of an evening of
having sex where dashed when she turned the lights on stating: it's panty check time, stand up and let examine your feeble attempts to clean these! Ok, I can still see your nasty stains, what temperature did you wash these in? Hot I relied, she laughed, you idiot you should have used cold, as now you've 'set' the stain and ruined a pretty pair of panties. Oh well I guess we will have to go panty shopping tomorrow. Maybe Victoria's Secret? I understand Nancy, your friend Mike's wife just started working there (giggle), maybe she can let us use her discount? She then put her hand on my softening member and said, 'well give it some thought, panty boy, good night. WTF, now she is straight up trying to sexually blackmail me and expose me really? I got out of bed headed for the bathroom sobbing, how could my sweet wife be so cruel. Fifteen minutes or so she knocks on the door, " Jimmy are you ok"? No I'm, how could I be ok when you want to humiliate me and expose my fetish to my friends? Oh you admit it now that you are little perverted panty stealing panty boy? Her words cut me through me like a knife, but she was right. Stand Jim, look at yourself in the mirror wearing my soiled panties, tell me baby who and what did I fall in love with? Then she placed her had on my limp cock and said, I love you but tell me about all your fetishes now or we are done: confess! I'm not going to play a guessing game with you understand! Sobbing, I began to spill my guys about how was molested by an older boy at 11, my Aunt confessed to dressing me as a girl when I was very young,
dressing my mothers lingerie. Yes, I've have fantasies about being fucked my a man while being dressed as a woman. With years in my eyes I looked at my wife, what she was crying too? Why are you crying I asked? I'm so sorry that so many people have hurt you babe and that you are so fucked up now. Maybe we can both get into therapy, you know get some professional help? But for this moment, let's promise to be more open and honest with our sexual feelings and desires ok? Babe I'm sorry I got do angry with you but you did sneak my panties? I had no idea that my panties turned you on so much to the point that you would willing wear them? She started rubbing my pantied cock as she spoke, you know Jim, have a little fantasy of my own. What she whispered in my ear next blew me away. Jim, sometimes I think about being with a woman, coddling and fondling each others breasts? Jim, I, I think I might be Bi? I sorry I've never shared this with you but you understand right ? At that moment, my cock began to swell, she got her answer. Now pulling my panties down she began licking the very backside tip of my cock, you know Jim, maybe I will be willing to support you, like helping you dress like a lady, apply make up and maybe if you wish be with a man as a woman. With these words I erupted a stream of thick sperm all over her beautiful face. Wow, that was fast hon, you agree with my suggestions? Awesome, now for your first lesson Jamie, lick up all the cum you sprayed over my face. Yes, play the part bitch you need to learn to love the taste of your cum. Yes, your female name is Jamie now, do you like it? That's right clean me up, good gurl. Now it's my turn to be pleasured, now be a good lesbian bitch and eat my sweet pussy, XOXO.
Chapter 2 The List
The next morning Carol, my wife was up early and out of the house without waking me. No breakfast or coffee, man that woman be slipp'in, I thought. Well, what looks good in the frig? Oh man, lookie here, a heart shaped note from wifey. [Hi Jim I went shopping with Margie this morning, not sure when I'll be back but, please pickup the following items at the corner drug store:
tampons, pantyhose, nail polish (pink), eye shadow base & palate, concealer, face primer, eyeliner (water proof), mascara, blush, bronzer, highlighter, lip gloss, cosmetic brush set, foundation, setting spray and pamprin. Jim, if you need help just ask the salesgirl in
cosmetics, you know the one you always flirt with, you know Desiree, giggle. Oh and make sure you are wearing the pink lace panties that I let in your drawer. They are yours now, Jamie. Love Carol XOXO, P.S., I've invited some friends over for dinner so please be home by 4 pm.] Groan, I HATE shopping, especially for girl stuff! Ok, so off to drug store I went, stright to the cosmetics counter, list in hand. There she was, Desiree behind the counter, may I help you, she asked? Desiree was the gorgeous offspring of Spanish and Irish parents, about 5' 9" light green eyes and light brown to blonde hair. Her makeup was always impeccable, skirts and blouse always tight and ample cleavage on display. Carol was right that I did flirt with Desiree in the past, but Carol was always with me. It was different now, I was alone and what she possibly thinking? I mean, Carol had always shopped for her own cosmetics and fem items? Looking into her eyes my mind went blank, dry mouth, etc. I handed her the list and mumbled, my wife needs this stuff and I have no idea. Sure, no problem, I can get these for. Carol is your wife right? Yeah, she was in earlier, something about a need for a change and wanted you and I to help her with a make-over surprise. I can help you with every thing on the list except the tampons, their in aisle 12. Oh, and I'll need your help with selecting the foundation shade to ensure a good color match. Ok, what ever I said, I'll be back with the wifey's tampons in a couple minutes. As I walked away, Desiree's last words, "color matching" stuck in my head... Carol's skin tone was much lighter than mine? Mmm, aisle 12, ok here we go, no idea really what to buy my wife, so many confusing choices. I must have been searching for the correct tampons for at least 15 minutes when Desiree found me. Hi, need some help? Absolutely? I have no idea what she needs. Laughing at my ignorance of feminine hygiene products, explained that Carol would at minimum need pads and most likely will need a tampon for her 'heavy' period flows. My suggestion is get her both. Is so sweet and thoughtful of you to do pick these up for you wife, I'm sure she appreciates it. Now let's go go back to the cosmetic department and I ring up your items? Sounds like a plan, I said. Ok, let's try this new foundation shade shall we? Desiree reached for my hand, this was a new level: physical contact. I could feel my heart beating faster, well if well if you have to I said? Desiree, her hand still gently touchind my hand, looked me in the eyes and said, Jim, it is necessary to be sure we get an accurate match and you do want to please your Wife don't you? Yes, of course I want to make Carol happy. Well good, smiling as she applied the foundation to my hand Desiree said, you know Jim, it's not like anyone's going to make assumptions about your sexuality. I mean, why would a handsome stud like you want to wear make up? Ok, of course your are right, I told her. Oh, awesome Jim, this color is perfect. Carol will love it.
Great what is the final damage for all this, I asked? Sure, your total comes to $75.65. Ok, wow this stuff sure adds up fast! Ok here's $76, as Desiree handed back my change she dropped a dime. Oh, so sorry, no problem I said bending over to retrieve .10 cents and at that moment exposing my pink lace thong panties in full view of Desiree. So humiliating, I was speechless. Desiree with a big smile handed me my merchandise but me close and whispered, I love a man who likes to embrace his feminine side, Carol is so lucky.
Chapter 3 - No Refunds, No Returns
So I returned home with all the cosmetics Carol had on your list. She met me as I entered our apartment with big hug, then said that she had to leave again. No big deal, but asked me to read a letter she had written to me. Ok, problem, writing letters was something we did when we first started dating. Jim, l'll be back in about 2 hours, so please read my little ' love' note before I return. One more hug as she felt up my ass for the outline of the thong panties, still wearing them I see? Good, I so happy you did, it says you respect my wishes. I am going to make you so happy you did. Then she kissed me deeply and left without saying where she was going? Oh well, now where is this letter? I found Carol's letter on my pillow, she started, my Dearest husband, tonight I will make your fantasy of being a woman a reality. Don't deny it Jim. I found your hidden stash of female undergarments, shemale porn, etc. Really, why did you NOT trust me enough with your kinky desires? No matter, I know now and I still you move than you realize. Tonight I will give your fantasy, but know this our relationship will change. The changes will be (giggle) sort of a role reversal? To start: take a nice hot bubble bath, yes use mine girly stuff XOXO. Next, use my sugar rub all over your body to exfoliate your skin and then shave all your body hair, yes lov, your arms, legs, chest, balls and ass. Next raise in with cold water
and gently dry ourself. Next, hydrate your skin with some lotion be liberal with it. Now Jim, you don't have much time left so get started. Oh, once your done with this bathing routine, look in your drawer and closet. Yes I picked out some cute girly things for you to wear love XOXO. Make sure you are wearing each item when I return? If NOT, trust me You will sorely regret it!! But I know you will be a Good girl for your wife, your Mistress now won't you? And don't act like you don't know how to put on a bra, panty hose, corset, or breast forms. Please Sissy, remember I know what you've doing when your alone and I'm at work. You see I also found your pictures lol. Well, no more secrets BITCH! I demand you to be ready for me to apply your make up and wig when I return. No excuses! Yes dear, I will be fully shaved and dressed when return. Ok, good, I will be at 7 pm sharp! Out of fear and excitement I started drawing my bubble bath. While the tub was filling I looked into the closet and drawer to see what my wife had purchased. My sweet wife had filled my drawer will so many pretty panties and bras all different styles and colours. These were all mine, really? Wow, what was in my closet? Just a quick peek, so many cute skirts, dresses and tops, all mine? Ok, time was slipping away and the tub was nearly full now. As instructed, I soaked in the fraguent bubble bath for a half hour so relaxing then scrubbed every inch of my body possible with a sugar exfoliate scrub. I then covered my body with a girly shaved cream and shaved my legs, arms, chest, groin, balls and ass. I then showed in cold water to rinse off the remaining shave cream. As I dried my body off the scent purfume and softness of my now hairless body caused me to feel so girly/ feminine, excited and horny. I resisted my base urges to pleasure myself and pushed on to getting dressed as it was almost time for my wife to return. So many panties so many choices, will of I selected a cute pink lace thong panties with matching bra and garter belt. Slipping the panties on another temptation to pleasure myself. Not enough time, 6:30 pm, still had to put on the breast plate and corset. I secured the 38 D breasts to my chest using the medical grade adhesive. Looking the mirror was a bit of a let down, so much work and I still looked like a man, a man with big breasts and small waist. I was nearly in tears when I heard the front door open, Carol would be coming in bedroom any moment and I was pretty much half naked. I quickly grabbed a blouse, skirt and heels got them on and posing on the bed, just as door opened. Knock, knock... omg Jim, Carol told me to just let myself in, that my make over project would be sitting on the bed. It was Desire, Carol WTF!! I was humiliated once again, I began sobbing uncontrollably, why Carol, why? Desiree gave me several tissues to dry tears. I don't understand, why would do this? She came closer and hugged me. I never been this close to Desiree or so absolutely vulnerable before. She knew just like Carol that I was to be a sissy no denial. Jim, she said, Carol is giving you a gift, this is what you want really. Carol loves you didn't understand or how to help you experience being a girl. I can sweet heart. Yes, Carol may have, did violate your privacy by sharing your sissy feelings with me but I agreed to help you both. She then kissed me on the lips and said go wash away those trears hon and let's transform you into a beautiful woman. Before she applied my make up she asked me to remove my skirt and blouse, something about not getting any make on my clothes, ok made sence? Desiree was wonderful explaining the fairly complicated process of applying the various types make up, contouring, eye shadow, liner, etc. I almost forgot that I was half naked inches away from a gorgeous woman. The scent of her purfume and beautiful cleavage got the best of my unrestrained manhood. Desiree noticed my problem and said, I see you are getting turned on baby? You like it that I'm feminizing don't sweety? Oh of course you do
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noyasboxdye · 3 years
Haikyuu Headcanons
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Ok so this is head canons that I randomly made up and I think there kinda cool kinda cute or what ever and yes some of these are slander take none of these personally. They're just a joke. I hope you like these head canons cause I've been working on these for a while.
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* (post-time skip) Kenma drives with one hand the stick shift and the other at the bottom of the wheel like near his thigh.
* Tanaka gives really good tips because he used to work at a pizza shop and would deliver pizza's so he knows how frustrating it is to have shitty tips.
*Suga constantly says that he's going to drop out and become a stripper when ever class work/ home work is hard
*Asahi and Kiyoko really like bob ross and nobody knows but they both have snacks and binge watch bob ross and talk about it
*Yachi sleeps with stuffed animals and talks to them/ vents to them like they're real people because she's to shy to actually say the things she wants to say to her friends and Kiyoko
*Coach Ukai see's the team as his kids and he would never say it out loud but he loves them and they helped him stop smoking so much. now he only smokes like 2 packs a day now a pack if its a really good day
*When you asked Suga out he cried and thought you were lying because he's not used to being first choice anymore (he was also one of the last to get a s/o)
*Kags really likes kids and feels bad when he scares them so he'll practice smiling so that kids like him
*Noya was in denial about being bisexual/ pansexual because he would hear people say it isn't real (Bi, pan, and omni people are very real btw and if you don't support them then you smell like a soggy asshole and moldy pennies...you also probably use 3-1-...)
*Yachi goes by they/them and Coach Ukai didn't know what it meant when she said she was "enby" so he looked it up and went down a a rabbit hole he found out he was bi with a preference of girls
*When coach went down the rabbit hole he wanted to try different pronouns and stuff and he thought he went by he/they but he doesn't
*Mr. Takeda goes by all pronouns but really likes the pronouns bunny/bunny's
* (post-time skip) Aone has his own flower garden and he really likes sunflowers, lavenders, and succulents
* Tendou randomly says vines and Ushijima always says them with Tendou or finishes the vine because he says them so much
* Ushijimas snap chat user is gushyputhay205 because of Tendou its been like that since their first year and he just hasn't changed it because he like seeing the way Tendou laughs about his user
*Ushijima lets Tendou dress him up. (Ex: bunny hat, ankle skirt with like layers, like a cut pierce the veil shirt and some dollhaus demonia's with those frilly white socks that girls would wear in church) his favorite outfit was a strawberry dress Tendou gave him a cottage core look
*Iwaizumi has an adopted younger brother who's like 10 and he loves him so much
* Kuroo used to post 'dhmu only real ones know' with Bart Simpson edits... nobody knew what was wrong and the only person who would entertain and encourage his dumb ass by asking what's wrong and then he would go into emo mode whole time kuroo sad cause Kenma said he looks like he smells like axe and dirty nickels kuroo started it though lol
*Lev has to touch every cat he sees
* Ushijima has a service dog because he has really bad anxiety
*Noya used to Naruto run down the hall
*Hinata was that one kid who would wear the sports wear highlighter outfit, it was blue and was so horrendous omfg
*Bokuto really likes make up and is good it because his sisters would try looks on him
*Daichi his gray hairs but not cause he's like stressed or anything it's like a genetic thing, he's really insecure about it so to make him feel better Asahi and Suga dyed their hair. Asahi a grey streak and Suga his full head... Daichi almost cried it was really cute
*Yamaguchi likes to sing he sings so much because Tsukkishima will make him playlist
*Noya has neopronouns they're bolt/bolts (like a lightning bolt)
*Yachi gets super happy and freaks out when people use they/them pronouns on her or when people mix it up- she audibly squeals and blushes
*Bokuto stims and he really likes to stim to babymetal and this one song called bomb threat by chauncey666
*Tendou needs fidget toys and he knows this so he'll play with Ushijima- like his fingers and arms, he's climbed him once they fell.
*Hinata is super over protective of Natsu and Natsu said she was on a date once and he tried to come... she was like 15 minutes late because he was dead set on the guy being a 40 year old man- they went to school together
*Tanaka has stood outside of Kiyoko's house and sung to her before it was really cheesy and he ended up getting sick because he wouldn't listen when she said to go home. He had to finish the song  first
*Koganegawa, Bokuto, Tendou, and Kenma maladaptive day dream
* Kenma goes by he/they pronouns and he's so fucking androgynous it literally makes me want to cry
* Like half of Yamaguchi's freckles are acne and he look's like a strawberry- it's adorable (if you have acne you're literally so adorable omg I love you so much pls-)
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hannie-dul-set · 4 years
who in svt would agree to rob someone's house with you
first of all, stealing is a crime what the hell. second of all— be sure to be strapped with the right equipment, wear dark clothing, and make sure that the person you're stealing from is a rich, privileged, capitalist bastard that deserves to get all their belongings stripped from them <3 have fun!!
seungcheol: "cheol, wanna rob a h—" sirens ring, people (seungcheol) start(s) screaming, and all of a sudden you're locked up in a room. i'm sorry but mr. choi will NOT tolerate nor condone any behavior of such. you're behind bars now, criminal "cheol this is your bathroo—" BEHIND BARS SHUT UP. he'll let you out after maybe 15 minutes because he'd start to feel bad that you're locked in there and will lock himself up instead cause of the guilt </3 | rating: 2/10 if you like getting locked up/handcuffed you nasty.
jeonghan: dude can get away with extortion, dude can get away with tax evasion, dude can get away with MURDER you think he'd get his hands dirty for something so small such as robbery? psh, alright fine since you asked. you're like "uh, han where did you get these grappling hooks?? and ski masks??" and he's like shh a magician never reveals his secret now help me break open this window | rating: 8/10 only because he'd throw you under the bus if you get caught lmao good luck playing with fire.
joshua: "no ❤" he'd gently decline, but he wouldn't stop you. he'd even volunteer to bail you out if you get caught awh how sweet <33 shua doesn't want to get involved in any of your fiendish tendencies, he has a gentleman persona he has to keep up and you won't get him to commmit theft no matter HOW tempting and fun you make it out to be. you're like "but josh, i'm robbing jeonghan" and he'd be like SWEATS "uh,, give me some time to think" | rating: 5/10 he ends up agreeing to rob jeonghan and you both end up getting caught but at least you're caught together!
junhui: he'd be like "oh yeah sure sounds fun" dismissively. but when you pull up in front of his house, rope in hand, dressed in black and everything he's like "OH,, right i forgot—" and you're like DAMMIT junhui but he still comes with you anyway. you ultimately regret your decision because the entire time he's like "what do we now? what's the hammer for? wait what exactly are we gonna steal?" and you're THIS close to committing murder, instead | rating: 5/10 because participation points.
soonyoung: in theory, he's ALL FOR IT like he would be so excited and enthusiastic he has an entire 47 step plan of absolute mastermind genius and he's like "this is FOOLPROOF we're gonna steal like thieves 😎" and you're like "soonyoung we ARE thieves". but in practice, uh. he's excited right. too excited. okay maybe OVER excited because holy fuck he's acting like this 007 agent or whatever. he ends up squealing cause wow!! i'm so badass!!! and you end up getting the cops on you rip | rating: 7/10 because the police chase is a whole 'nother story to unfold.
wonwoo: "alright, here's what you're gonna do—" the dude has read so much crime novels that he knows EXACTLY where you should enter, what you should bring, how to escape, where you should snack in case you get hungry but the thing is, he is NOT coming with you lmao. he's not dumb enough to risk it, sorry y/n <3 make sure to give him at least 50% of what you got though, he isn't giving this knowledge for free | rating: 6/10 because his tips were actually helpful but you had to do all the work so fuck you wonwoo i'm robbing you next.
jihoon: he would be helpful like REALLY helpful but hoonie doesn't want to </3 "oh? you wanna be a criminal? good luck i guess?" proceeds to delete you from his contacts because he doesn't want to have connections with a thief rip. but maybe if you're like "jihoon pls i have negative dollars in my bank account you're anti-poor if you don't help me" and he'd be like "that's it??? here bitch eat" then he'd throw money at you like it's nothing and it IS nothing because jihoon rich | rating: technically a 1/10 but is it really a loss if you got cash.
minghao: i don't know how to tell you this but minghao is the exact guy i would steal from and he'd probably let you so | rating: invalid. everyone let's eat the rich and we're starting with hao <3
mingyu: oh no. oh nono sweetie what are you getting yourself into this is a bad idea but if you're one for bad ideas then alright. he'd be too scared to actually rob the place so he just volunteers to be your lookout!! that would be good right? no risk that he'd break something while you're sleuthing?? right?? WRONG like i said he's nervous bcs omg what if i get caught?? WHO'S GONNA FEED BOBPUL??? he'd panic, blowing your cover and oops you're at the police station now | rating: 4/10 you didn't get to steal anything but his spider legs managed to get you guys away.
seokmin: ....why? he'd try to convince you not to like he will CRY just so you won't actually do it because why would you want to steal? :< normally you'd just say nevermind!!! i won't steal ahaha that was a joke yes a joke. but if you're a DEMON and would actually push through it, expect a million calls and texts from seokmin as you're trying to rob. it would be sweet because awh kyeom is worried <3 but it's all heart eyes and uwuwu's until aju nice starts blaring from your phone for the 37th time that night | rating: 0/10 infinite aju nice can't save you this time.
seungkwan: well he won't necessarily agree to help you. he's just there to watch you in case things go wrong because that's a free show, ladies and gents!! you're like "kwan, help me climb up this window" and he's like lol. good luck. victory is fruitless without a struggle <33 you end up breaking a vase?? hilarious. you can't find the keys to the door? lmao what a loser? the house owner is actually your ex and you're trying to get revenge? oh my god WHERE is the popcorn | rating: 3/10 because he has everything on tape and yeah it was pretty entertaining.
vernon: he's down. absolutely. just tell him what to do and he'd to it with flawless execution. a clean robery not even sherlock holmes can tell that you broke in. suddenly it became a regular thing between the both of you and would you look at that!! robin hood duo on the rise in town— says the local paper. what's this? you two have fans now? damn looks like stealing was the way to go, after all | rating: 10/10 rob. help the poor. publicity. rich and famous.
chan: veryyy hesitant at first but you manage to coax him into it by saying that this will probably end up in the news and he's like "news??? i'll be on the news??? nEWSHSHSJSJ??" and you're like "yeah but let's make sure to keep our names out of that alright" and so he agrees. you two are ambitious so you rob a fucking mansion with state of the art security but no technology can beat a lee chan who wants to go down in history | rating: 9/10 minus one point because you two were too good and there was no entertainment value </3
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
Dance with me?
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A/N: @obxmermaid​  this is day 15 omg thank you for the opportunity to make christmas stories this year. im honored that i can expand my writing fandoms. today we find that its before owls, before christmas feast, before their relationship was out in the open. this is the formal, this is the hogwarts winter formal. draco and Yn are not yet a public couple but this night Draco takes the courage to ask YN to dance and no one asks questions cause all cards and rivalry’s are off the table during the dance and for that day. so this is what looks like a friendly dance between a guy and a girl. but it is so much more than that.
pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
prompt: snowball fight/ winter formal
mentioning @sweetness47​
25 days of hogwarts
the yule ball, or in some cases what would be known as a winter formal is one of the most sacred events hogwarts has the honor of throwing every 2 years. its a grand event some people have their gowns and tuxes picked out months or years ahead of the event. 
but you had no gown yet for the gown you wanted was in london at a shop you had passed by so many times and the last time you did you saw a halter peacock teal floor length gown. it took your breath away. 
this was the gown you wanted but alas you had no time at that moment to get it. a few days before the ball you were watching the entire dorm obsess over their gowns, choosing hair and makeup. but you and draco hadnt even discussed going to the ball. 
or at least what would happen at the ball. but meeting draco for your session a few days before the formal, you were distracted and draco could tell.
Draco: something on your mind love.
YN: the formal is in 2 days and well we cant go as a couple no one outside of our friends know, and what if people ask questions. 
Draco: so we wont show up together but the formal is a chance for everyone to forget the rivalry’s and grudges and hard feelings are off the table. no one will ask questions if i ask you to dance. and whats better is this will be the first of many dances to come i hope. 
yn: i just wish i could walk in with you on my arm and not have to worry about a thing. 
Draco: i know what you mean but it will hopefully show the professors that even our rivalry can be put aside when it matters. 
YN: i hope so. i need a dress though. 
Draco scribbles out a quick fire message and sends it off... 
YN: what was that about...
Draco: trust me you will thank me later... just promise me you will have the time of your life at the formal besides we will dance and no one will say anything... besides i look forward to the end of the party, where you and i meet in the courtyard to just watch the stars and hide away for a kiss, all before returning to the charade and our dorms.
YN: so basically you have the entire night planned out. 
Draco: more or less yes... now go you need to have energy for tomorrow. get some rest my love. go before you fall asleep on my lap. 
YN: i guess your right, i will see you tomorrow in class... 
you walked out of the tower and back to your dorm. where you collapsed on the bed as hermione walked in. 
Hermione: so how was your tutoring tonight cuz? 
YN: it was fine... we talked about the formal... he has the entire night planned out but then i told him that i didnt have anything to wear. and before you say it cuz, its fine i mean im sure he will dance with me whether im in a pretty dress or my uniform. 
Hermione: i know we are gonna look killer at the formal or we are gonna fail trying to have a fun night. now what about your wardr... Oh My God! cuz get over here a box with a bow on it just showed up at the entrance.
you get up off the bed and run over to the entrance where Hermione was gawking at the box. 
YN: OMG what could be in such a large box... 
Hermione: well lets get it inside and happily look at this mystery package. 
YN: i think i might know who this is from... but yes lets get it inside before we do anything else with this. 
it was your own mind putting draco’s mysterious fire message with the sudden appearance of this box. the timing of it all was far too coincidential, but never the less you looked forward to whatever lay inside this box. 
You set it on your bed, you ran your fingers over the box, tracing the bow, tracing the box outline. this was when your cousin noticed an envelope on top of the box tucked under the ribbon. 
Hermione: maybe that envelope will explain better as to whats inside and possibly who its from... 
you grab the envelope and open it, its a list of what is inside the box as well as instructions. 
“this box contains the following items: - A-Line Scoop Neck Floor-Length Chiffon Prom Dresses With Beading Sequins in Ink Blue, - navy blue  Faux Fur Fashion Wrap, -a custom bracelet in rose gold, -a gold  Beautiful Rhinestone/Alloy Headband & -  Black Women's Leather Suede Heels Latin With Ankle Strap. do not open this box until the day of the formal. you will look beautiful. save me a dance or several.. love always Draco”
you sat back on the bed and smiled lightly as you tucked the box under your cousin’s bed and hid the note in your dresser, you giggled yourself to sleep that night. for you knew the next 2 days would be torture till the day of the formal anyway. 
you were the one person in this entire school who would ever take the dance not seriously. you were the only one whose heart would not allow you to fall in love with a person who did not share your heart. 
you woke the next morning to the sound of your alarm. you went to the closet and pulled out your uniform putting it on and grabbing your cloak before heading out of the room with your wand in your sock. 
YN (to self): i hope this doesnt mess up anything, tomorrow is gonna be a happy day. the next day is the formal, and I have the opportunity to show this school that even those who are rivals can become chill even in the midst of the old laws. i need to get to class so that way no one suspects anything. 
you made it to potions and smiled slightly as hermione was sitting beside your seat. draco had followed you inside. you knew that hermione could feel the happiness flowing out from you. 
You were the one person that Hermione could trust and likewise her for you. But it was now to your surprise that she passed you her notebook with a few simple words on it.
"Draco won't stop glancing at you. His pupils dilate when he stares at you. It's like he is mentally undressing you or something..."
You reply back with a simple phrase.
"he I'm sure is just removing a few layers, back to when we were in london and we went swimming in a private pool. We made out for hours. Now we will discuss this later."
you slid her back her notebook and both of you paid attention as snape decided to begin his lesson with a pop quiz type thing, you and hermione being the 2 smartest witches in the room decided to let the other students have a chance to answer the questions. 
Snape: yn tell me what is the common use of wolfsbane?
YN: wolfbane used to sedate or subdue a werewolf. it is also known as acanite or commonly found in the form of a blue flower, it is in some cases a rare find. 
Snape: and how exactly does one give wolfsbane to the werewolf?
YN: it has to be while its human, most times wolfsbane is used to snuff out the werewolves in human form before its too late. 
snape: i would like each of you to take one of these flowers and for the next class prepare to brew me some wolfsbane if you wish to pass. now before the end of class today copy down the board, we will be studying wolfsbane for the next week. 
you went to your notebook and copied down the board. it was very distracting when you knew your boyfriend was stealing glances at you...  this made it very hard to concentrate. 
you wrote a note on your notebook and slid it to your cousin... 
“im getting antsy, cuz i am really anxious...”
she replied with the typical responce.
“dont worry girl, im sure you both will have your alone time later... think about it this way, in 2 years you will be able to marry and there will be nothing anyone can say to stop you.”
you had to internally laugh...
“me married can you imagine that... god if i know much more about that than you do... by the way i am so nervous to see what is in that box... like what if it doesnt bring the correct appeal...”
you sighed as your cousin wrote her responce.
“chill girl, your gonna rock that formal... now finish your notes so you can get out of here and be with your man.”
You smiled as you finish your notes and wait for Snape to dismiss the class. You stared at the ceiling for a few moments trying to keep a cool head.
Snape: alright those who finished the notes can leave a few moments early, those who haven't you have 5 minutes to finish those notes.
You and Hermione got up and walked out of the class, you walked by where Draco was sitting you had used a slight of hand to slip him a note.
You knew he would read it after class, you also knew he would thank you for it later. But you and Hermione took off and walked back to the court yard.
Where you both parted ways you both had picked a random slot for your separate ways. You were off to the quidditch tent to prep for the upcoming Christmas match, Hermione headed to divination.
You were one of those few captains who would take half a period out of your entire day to spend it preparing for a match that was a week and a bit away.
You had to come up with a strategy that would knock your match out of the water. you could feel something strange something abnormal as you stood in the tent. 
the earth began to quake, the tent came down on your head before you could move out of the way.... you were covered in tent, and one of the tent pole was on you too heavy to move. 
you held your wand up... 
YN: periculum!
you sent the sparks and then passed out. you knew someone would possibly come find you. you had to have faith, you had too believe that one person above all others would see it. 
meanwhile, hermione had bumped into draco in the hall on the way to divination, she told draco that she last saw you in the courtyard... draco and hermione then saw the sparks. both of them went to find any professor they could cause that was the rules. 
they ended up spying mcgonigal, running up to her in a hurry they approach her with the news of the sparks. 
mcgonigal: miss granger, mr malfoy come with me we will investigate this immediately. 
the 3 of them hastely rushed toward the sparks, seeing the collapsed tent on arrival, mcgonigal waves her wand and sets the tent right, they all went inside and foudn you there after. 
mcgonigal transported herself plus you draco and hermione to the hospital wing. madame pomfry immediately got involved, she was pushing everyone back... but the only person who had to leave was minerva. 
hermione and draco now remained in the room to wait whether and when you would wake. your body had gone into a state of shock, the pole had bruised you a bit and thanks to the miracle potion that madame pomfry had administered to you, you were healing nicely. 
hermione: come on girl, come on we still have to rock this formal, come on please wake up come on cuz... we both need you to wake up. 
draco: don't you dare leave me, you can't, we haven't had any time. Come on YN wake up, open your eyes. We need to have our day in the sun! I need you to open your eyes so we can live our future together our way.
Madame pomfry heard what Draco said deciding not to say anything she just came back round to your bed side and administered a second dose of medicine.
Madame pomfry: take a bed each of you. Get some sleep, you both will be alerted first when she wakes. Try not to worry she will pull through she is a extraordinary girl.
Draco took a bed near you, Hermione took one on the other side of you. They wanted to be the first people's you saw when you woke up.
They tossed and turned but eventually both fell asleep. it was 8 hours later that an announcement rang through the school...
Minerva: attention students the quidditch field is off limits due to an investigation of recent events. someone brought the tent down on ravenclaw Yn. note that the perpetrator who is responsible if a student will be immediately expelled and sent to the ministry to await trial. we take this seriously. please be sure to make good notes for your fellow classmate as she is soon recovered in the hospital wing thanks to madame pomfry, classes go on as scheduled and the formal is still happening, thank you for your attention. 
both draco and hermione sat up a few moments after at the sound of your groans. they both looked at you in time for you to open your eyes. 
hermione: YN...
Draco: YN... your ok!
madame pomfry walked in at that moment as well to see you sit up. 
Madame Pomfry: YN your awake wonderful how are you feeling. 
YN: like i was hit by a unexpected brick wall what happened?
madame pomfry: you were found under the collapsed quidditch tent, you were brought to me bruised and unconcious. these 2 were among those who found you. you are pretty lucky you werent seriously injured. your bruising has gone down, you will stay in here for a few more hours then you can go back to your dorm. it is my recommendation that you get plenty of rest and then you go to the formal tomorrow and take it easy... your cousin will be allowed to stay with you tonight so she can make sure you get the rest you need. 
now that madame pomfry had come to see you hermione got off the cot she slept on and came to hug you... you flinched a bit but returned her embrace, Draco approached from the other side and touched your shoulder. 
hermione let go of you as she went to madame pomfry and began asking her for a written report for hermione to deliver to professor McGonagall. while both hermione and madame pomfry werent looking Draco came to sit on the edge of your bed, he smiled lightly... 
Draco: you are awake. i was so worried about you. 
 YN: strange thing is i dont recall the tent coming down. i remember being in there working on my strategy for the christmas exhibition match, when the earth shook and thats when everything went dark. i wasnt even done when everything happened. i am so sorry i worried you. 
Draco: you are such a brave girl, im very lucky to have you on my arm and by my side. i love you YN. 
YN: i love you too. now go do me a favor and take a shower and change your robes. no offense my love but you need to take a shower. 
Draco: i will take your advice... ill see you in a while. and ill have your homework... 
Draco took his leave to go take a shower and change his robes before class. he went to class but his mind was not completely there. the professors had already gathered a stack of notes for you, so while draco attended the classes he couldnt focus. that was not a good thing, especially for his grades. 
but the professors understood, for they all knew he clearly had other things going on, for at this time you and draco were out to the school. no one questioned why draco wasnt fully paying attention, they just hoped you would be okay. 
a few hours passed, hermione brought you your casual dress to get you back to the dorm. as your fellow students watched you and hermione walk back to the dorms. you smiled slightly at draco who just watched you in passing like any normal rivalry. 
the next few hours were spent with different people coming in to do different shifts of watching you, helping you, taking care of you. finally it was the tutoring time. you were told to be on bed rest, but when hermione didnt return to the dorm you figured she had arranged something. 
Draco knocked at the door before he entered. once he came into view he was entranced by how stunning you looked sitting there, with your pet cat in your lap. (*yes okay yes i realize that this is the first time i mention the reader’s pet... sue me i forgot about that part till just now.*) 
YN: hey.
Draco: i brought you the notes and stuff from classes. YN i feel so awful about what you went through i....
thats when you placed your finger to his lips this shut him up immediately.
YN: its not your fault, there was nothing you could have done. i went to the tent it was my choice. please i dont want you to blame yourself for what happened. lets just focus on the formal. now i want to thank you for the box... and before you say that it isnt from you or that you have no idea what im talking about. the magic signature on the card on the box belonged to you love.  i havent looked inside, but i know that when i show up at the formal im gonna look absolutely smashing. 
Draco: i have to use the money my father sends me somehow, so i went to the shop, and i picked everything out with the measurements that i got from hermione of course. plus it matches us a bit... anyway, here are the notes i had a few questions i knew you could help me solve. snape wants me and you to be among the first to brew the wolfsbane. he says it will be a easy task or at least for you it will be. he also said that you need to submit your formula on wolfsbane by fire message before the end of the day. 
You quickly did that as Draco said it, he looked at you with curious concern in his eyes. he stayed with you for a few hours explaining what happened in the classes you missed. handing you the assignments, letting you explain what he didnt understand. 
*TIME SKIP: the rest of that evening went by pretty quick, you spent time tutoring Draco, who left when your cousin walked back into the room. you were now spending time chattering with her over the hair styles for the formal the next day. well you and hermione got an early sleep for the next day would sure be a busy one. now we go to the showers where you have just arrived to stretch out and begin your day.*
you were in your stall, mulling things over under the hot water. your brain swimming with thousands of thoughts, ones that made you begin humming, something you do quite often and in different situations you hum different songs. in this case it was something celtic something haunting some sort of ancient melody that haunts your very soul.
your hum echoed through the castle. no one could figure out where the sound was coming from except your cousin. for she had heard you hum that tune many numerous times before. 
Hermione: so you thinking again?
you snapped out of your hum, for you had not realized that another person could have walked into the room, never mind your own cousin. 
YN: just got some butterflies about tonight... H what if this doesnt go the way we think it will... 
Hermione: well cuz if you think about it this way, people will expect the rivalry to still take place during the event no one will expect the rivalry to be non existant during the event. to see 2 people who arent normally friends acting like friends even if for one night will do us all proud. now hurry up so we can go open the box to see what your man gave you... 
YN: ah yes thank you for reminding me cuz, thank you for giving draco the information he needed to get these things for me.. i appreciate it a ton. 
Hermione: no to worry cuz you are gonna look beautiful. now hurry up or you will look like a prune... 
 you finished cleaning up, you dryed off and wrapped up in your housecoat to go back to your dorm. twas the only way you were comfortable. your cousin right beside you both of you discussing your hair and what the hell you would do with it. 
Hermione  and you now sat in your dorm and just stared at the box between you both, the blue box that had tormented you for 2 days now sat between you ready for the unveiling of what lay inside. 
you removed the note and slowly undid the ribbon binding the box shut. you reached down to ope the lid, the first thing you saw was the dress, picking it up you stood spinning around holding the dress against your form.
YN: remind me to thank him for this...
hermione: oh im sure just wearing this tonight will thank him enough for this. now come on lets see what else is in here… 
you lay the dress over your cousins lap as you reach into the box and pull out a fashion wrap…
YN: isnt this basically just a cape?
Hermione: yes it is but we dont speak of that… lol it is nice and it looks like it goes in matching with the dress. 
you lay that as well over your cousins lap and pull out a small bag.
YN: wnder what this is…
Hermone: well it must be valuable in order to require its own packaging inside of packaging, 
you ope the baggie to reveal a custom bracelet. 
Hermione: ive seen those before, you can get it engraved with whatevr you want particularly used for couples. 
you flip it over and look at the enraving, “Yn & Draco always and forever 08-22”
you smiled ear to ear, little giggles left your lips, happily of course as you attached the bracelet to your wrist. once it was attached you reached into the box to pull out the next item again another baggie a bit bigger than the last. you opened it to reveal a gold headband. 
YN: so he is gona treat me like a queen
Hermione: at least i dont have to worry about you. 
YN: but you still will anyway cause thats just how you are cuz!
hermione: come on girl whats the last thing in the box.
You reach into the box and pull out a pair of leather strap short heals and smile. 
Hermione: lets become fabulous. cause we all know thats a crime in itself but we have 5 hours before we have to be there for presentations and plus the rivals have the first dance as is in the announcement this year. 
you had forgotten that the ministry had made that announcement… since fudge was supposed to make an appearance at the dance. He wanted to see the rivals of the school have the honor of first dance. It was a new tradition and would remain so for generations to come. 
First was to get dressed. You went behind the change cover, you put on your strapless and a nice pair of seamless bottoms. You were now ready for the dress, but you realized that there was a bra built into the dress already. Well at least into one part of it. ****A/N: yes i know that this wasnt mentioned but the dress that im describing is a two piece, it was one i had done my research on and liked the way it looked in the color scheme i was using for this story. Okay back to the story.****
You removed your strapless as now you knew you didnt need it. You pulled on the skirt fiestas to make sure that you were good in that department. You kinda did a half twirl and then put on the top, well you couldnt do it up as the zipper was at the back. 
YN: hey cuz, can you zip me up?
Hermione: a zipper… how does it look 
YN: its a 2 piece… its in my house color, its soft fabric it feels soft against my skin. 
Hermione: well come out and hold yourself in place. 
You stepped out from behind the shield and watched your cousin turn around in her dress. You both squealed in happiness for it made you both happy to know that you both looked amazing! Hermione did your top up and both of you stood side by side in the mirror.  
Hermione: cuz we need to photo shoot this in the mirror, we are still sure of this plan, we are so certain that this is the night the school will accept the possibility of a union between you and draco. I mean when are you guys planning to tell everyone about your relationship anyway. 
YN: no idea, it hasnt been discussed to much, we know we need to tell everyone we just dont know when or how. But when we do it will be a big event. Alright on a different note ive set the mirror to do the photo shoot of us its taking 5 very precisely timed shots. So lets wing it. Nice one first so we can duplicate it and send it to our folks then we go from there. 
Pose 1: normal, side by side and looking your best. 
Pose 2: charlies angels, missing an angel but smiling anyway
Pose 3: the shocked first look in outfit (hermione shocked at seeing you)
Pose 4: parting the sea, back to back looking away
Pose 5: and finally the hug it out moment
You went round to the window to stare down at the world, the school looked all decorated for the formal and the sound of people gathering around the grounds, the concorse full of people and visitors. You strapped on your shoes and your cousin finished your hair and applied your wrap. 
you wondered how the night would look, you wondered if anyone would question the less amounts of tension between you and Draco.
You wondered alot of things but a knock at the door brought you back to earth. You turned to see Harry and Ron standing at the door. 
Harry: wow, ladies you both look amazing! 
You and Hermione smile as Harry hands you something from minerva
Yn: it's professor McGonagall she wants to see me, says it's of great importance. 
Hermione: that's okay I'll walk down with the boys. Go go… 
You walk out of the room and go as fast as possible without tripping and falling to where you knew the professor would be. 
Minerva: ah YN you look lovely..  
Yn: thank you professor, I got your note you wanted to see me. 
Minerva: yes as you may have heard by now this year the Minister of magic is attending the formal as a honored guest, he has requested that you and Mr malfoy be honored guests as your rivalry is legendary as well as you and Mr malfoy will be receiving something special from the minister. He wants to commend you both on jobs well done this year. Your main task for the dance is to start the dancing off, now i know that you are a little sensitive YN so if you need a minute to process this before we make the announcement and before your fellow classmates begin to gather. 
YN: ya could i actually have a minute… where do i enter from?
Minerva: you will enter from the right side of the staircase, mr malfoy will enter from the left, just be there and ready for the announcement. 
You went round to the right side of the staircase and began pacing, letting your brain sort itself out to be able to go out there and not kiss Draco in front of everyone. 
To not run straight into his arms, to be able to just be a boy and a girl with no connection other than their rivalry for one night. 
That Un be known to you would be the case on this night you would be just a girl, and Draco would just be a boy who would be spending time together during the formal. 
Draco (to self): OK tonight can not go wrong, it's just one night to be just a boy and just a girl. I know she is probably nervous but she will be her normal brilliant self, i will be charming and pleasant and this evening will take the rivalship between me and YN to an 11. I hope she isnt overthinking things. 
You on the other side of things were overthinking everything that could go right and everything that could go wrong. You were also talking to yourself and pacing and borderline freak out. 
YN(to self): i cant do this, i can do this… what am i saying tonight is gonna go horrible… something is gonna mess this night up and screw up the entire eco system that is a almost 2 year secret… i wonder what it would be like if draco and i were out to the school and the public eye as a couple… what am i saying that would be a disaster. The ministry, the school, my parents, his parents, our friends, everyone would reject us… we would end up living as muggles for the rest of our lives, we would be exiled from the wizard records, we would have our legacy dragged through the dirt or worse. 
That's when you heard Dracos voice in the wind. 
Draco: don't stress babe, I'll be right by your side the entire time, trust me babe… Then we will happily go outside for some air later. Now let's get ready… and don't worry about a thing love. 
Thats when you had calmed down a bit more, and listened to mcgonigal speak.
Minerva: settle down everyone, before we all enter the great hall, it gives me great pleasure to introduce 2 people who im sure need no introduction, their rivalry is legendary amongst the entire student body. The minister himself asked that these 2 be given a very special entrance, ladies and gentlemen to kick off tonights winter formal i proudly present YN and Draco.
That was yours and Dracos cues to walk out from cover and down the stairs. All eyes were on the 2 of you as you both united in the center between the 2 staircases. 
Draco: in all my years at hogwarts never have I ever been so lucky in all I do, for my rival and I we know that we will make hogwarts proud in all we do and one day who knows maybe we will end up teaching here as well one day. But our rivalry won't end with graduation or parting for one final time. You all shall hear of our rivalry far and wide as we continue the rivalry even outside of hogwarts. Sorry for the speech slur but I figured on behalf of all of us we should make a statement. 
Draco then held his arm for you to take. That you did and both of you walked the rest of the steps together, the only person who you both stopped to acknowledge was the minister. 
Fudge: in all my time as minister for magic, i have never seen 2 people who just go from rivals one minute to just pleasant normal students, almost like the bond of your rivalry has brought you both closer together. Tell me YN did you ever see yourself and mr malfoy here being friends maybe. 
YN: i honestly can say no i have not seen that possibility but there is an ever changing future and i look forward to seeing what it may hold, if per chance one day this rivalry of ours becomes obsolete we will im sure become the best of friends, as long as that would be viewed as a good thing in the eyes of the ministry of course. 
Fudge: friendship is never an issue… now let the formal commence, music… 
You and draco walk onto the dancefloor, you both had not danced outside of the astronomy tower before you both were unsure of how to act. 
Draco placed one hand on your waist and one hand on your hand. The music started and you both began to move with the music, but no one would be able to hear your conversation….
Draco: you look wonderful tonight…
YN: thank you, i mean it wasnt hard to figure out who sent these wonderful items, but that was also a given considering we talk one minute about the formal and the fact i didnt have anything to wear and the next minute there is a mysterious box with a note saying that the dress and stuff was in the box made me smile. I figured it out when i saw the box, before i read the note. 
Draco: was it that obvious?
YN: yes it was but thats ok, cause i know that tonight we arent rivals, we are just 2 people who happen to be a big part of the school and its events. I honestly didnt know that this was what we had to do till i got mcgonigals note. 
Draco: well tonight will be special i promise. 
YN: ill hold you to it. 
Draco just smiled as more people joined you on the dancefloor, after a few songs you and Draco went to get something to drink. You both picked a table and sat down beside eachother, so as to have a civizled conversation. 
Draco: any plans to go home for break?
YN: nope, as far as my parents are concerned i am staying at the school and just helping minerva… its not like i have much at home anyway. I mean sure my parents are there and they love me but i dont want to go home, see my parents start getting back into my home life routine and then have to come back to hogwarts… its just too hard. Thats why i stopped going home for break, thats why i stay here and help the professors keep the school over break. 
Draco: well what would you say if i stay here as well over break… think of it as we are on one continuous date for 2 weeks. 
YN: now that i would enjoy. But i think we should tell the school… somehow… someway… but we shouldnt wait too much longer, we dont know what the consequences will be… 
Draco: i know you are right… i…
Just as he was about to speak again the minister came up to both of you pulling up a seat beside you… 
Cornielious: having a good time tonight…
YN: yes we are minister thank you… we were just discussing what the tutoring schedule will look like over the next bit before our owls and winter break. 
Draco: are you having a good time minister?
Cornielious: its like nothing has changed at hogwarts, this party is fantastic, it is a good time, it also gives me a break from my work at the ministry.. Oh YN your mom and dad said to say hi… i have them checking into a few strange occurrences for magic bursts. 
YN: well you certainly picked the right people for the job, i know my parents well enough to know that they wont quit a case if there are no leads… as my mom always the hardest case is the easiest case for the answer is staring you in the face. 
All 3 of you start laughing as the music changes again and one student exclaims…
Student A: its snowing!!!
All the students  continued to dance as the music changed to more slow songs, you and draco decided to try to slow dance again. But no one would have predicted the scene that would happen about quarter way into the dance. 
You were having a small convo with draco and he decided to kiss you on the cheek. No one else noticed, your cousin however smart and brilliant for she non vocally slowed time a bit to the point of you and draco could recover and pretend that it didnt happen.
But a few students and teachers noticed… this made you go bright red, you backed away from Draco and turned to run through the crowd, grabbing your cape and going out the doors down the stairs and into the rose garden. 
Time resumed but no one said anything, all they saw was you running out of the great hall and draco standing in the center of the dance floor. Hermione started to move toward the door but saw draco run after you… he realized he made a mistake. She went to explain to the professors what happened and the dance was resumed. 
Draco followed your footprints and got into the maze… he located you in the center of the maze, he was very careful to approach. But you were already aware that he had followed you. 
YN: no need to be cautious, i know you are there…
Draco came fully round the corner and became visible as he appeared in front of you. 
Draco: im so sorry about that in there love. It was… well i just…. I mean… 
YN: its okay i understand what happened… heat of the moment and all. But as my cousin has told me telepathically of course is that she has spoken to those who saw this happen and she told them that it was nothing special. It was just a simple slip of the moment. But she harry ron and crab and goyle all know the truth… one day we will tell the rest of the students and the professors but for now…
Thats when he threw a snowball at you… well now he had started something, this fight went on for a few moments before you realized that he was close enough to you & that you guys were still alone and that no one would know if you shared a moment under the falling snow… 
YN: tonight just being normal was amazing! Thank you so much for this… 
Draco: there is one more thing i feel like we should do… one thing that we are gonna do to remember this moment, how we looked on the floor and for anyone that wants a memory of tonight, i know i will and i know our friends will but we also need to start making memories for our children to see one day… so here is one for the history books...
You didnt have time to respond before he kissed you. the snow falling on your faces and the calm night air made this night even better to just be there together. 
~to be continued~
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How Did We Get Here? - 5
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Summary: The pictures of (Y/N) and Chris keeps on getting out in the media for the public eyes. The fans are going crazy, but as they tried their best to hide it and keep their relationship to themselves, their feelings to flaunt each other is bigger.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Famous Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: AGE GAP 
Note: a sucker for a fluff and fanfics or imagine that makes me UWUUUUUU so imma push myself to write and smiling like an idiot the whole time for the last chapter!!! // Also using celebs paparazzi shoot’s pics bc it kinds of matches with the mood I’m going for. And for the last chapter I’m using dakota and jamie cause they’re really cute on and off set. HOPE YOU LIKE IT. 
*gifs and pics are not mine*
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 
Chris and I had to fly separately to Italy for the premiere, I was there first as I was talking to Judd when I heard a loud scream from the fans. I look to my left and found Chris smiling (gif), escorted by two men in black suits. 
My face lights up when I see him, but apparently it looks like he already saw me first before I did. 
He looks so good. 
Chris waves to the screaming girls as he approaches me and swing me around. “Hi, handsome.” I whisper. 
He pulls away and take a look at me. I was wearing a black dress. Chris bites his lower lip as he checks me out. I pull out my tongue and scrunch my nose at him making him laugh. “So beautiful.” he said with a hand on his chest. 
“Don’t cry now.” I pat his shoulder making him laugh again. 
The fans were screaming as we talk to each to each other. “KISS!” one shouted and followed by another loud screaming from them. Chris and I laughed as we hug each other one more time. 
The premiere was like usual, we spend time sometimes together for a quick interview sometimes we do it alone. I spend most of the time talking to people, taking pictures with fr I was so tired and my feet hurts that when everything and everyone seems to forget about me and I’m glad, I ask Pammy to take me to the SUV in the parking lot to chill. 
The driver turn the AC on and leave me alone as I texted Chris. 
(Y/N): ‘I’m probably gonna go before you, my feet hurts so bad.’ 
As I lay my head back and put my phone on my stomach, just when I was about to shut my eyes, the door was open. “There you are.” Chris said as I smile tiredly at him. 
“I just texted you,” 
Chris pulls his phone out of his pocket. “You did, baby?” he checks his phone and nodded. “Oh yeah, you did. 
“How did you know I’m here?” 
“Pammy told me.” 
I nodded my head. “Right, she loves you that much, she’d spoil where I am hiding to you right away.” 
“Were you hiding from me?” 
I shook my head smiling goofily. “No.” 
He jumps into the seat next to me after calling the driver. 
I stay quiet  the whole ride, I didn’t even know where we’re going, we did make plans that we would stay together on tour since we didn’t have any other movies to shoot currently. Pammy told me that tomorrow or in 1.5-hous is Chris’ birthday, I have his presents in my suitcase just before I flew here. I had to double check to Wikipedia to make sure Pammy isn’t fucking with me. 
“Hey, did you booked the hotel already?” 
Chris turns to me, his eyes are tired, “Of course, booked it two-weeks ago.” I look at him surprised. 
“Yeah, I wanted to spend my birthday with you.” 
I raise my brow at him with a smirk. “Oh... so you’re telling me tomorrow’s your birthday?” Chris smiles, amused. He slides his arms around my waist shifting me closer to him, I shyly place my head on his shoulder as he puts another arm on my stomach and rest his chin on my head. 
“Do I get a special treatment for my birthday?”
I chuckle. 
“Special treatment? You wish.” I huff. 
When we arrived, there’s no paparazzi, Chris let himself out first, and as I was putting my heels back on, Chris opens the door for me. I smiled at him, puckering my lips as he leans forward to kiss me quick. 
He grabs my heels and carry it for me. I just can’t stop looking at him and think of how lucky I am to have him. Chris is hands down the most kind and caring person I have ever met in my life and now me being with him, I just feel more and more lucky every day. 
“I need to go to the bathroom first, give me the spare key.” 
I was thinking if Chris went up first I can ask for a cake for him upstairs. But, of course, “No, baby, I’ll wait for you.” I can’t help but smile.
I look around if I can have the front office guy look at me. As the guy, take a glance at me, I gesture him to follow me. Chris was looking at his phone, so for now, I’m safe to make a plan. 
“Can I help you Miss?” 
“Could you please send a slice of cake to our room at 11:58 on the clock?” 
He looks back to Chris then to me. “Right, what kind do you want?” 
“What do you have?” 
“We have the cheesecake, red velvet, classic chocolate-” 
“Classic chocolate it is.” I said to him with a smile. “Thank you. And I need one candle, and also please don’t knock, at 11:58 I’ll be right out.” 
He smiles back at me as I make my way to Chris whose eyes wanders around the interior design with its historical pictures on the wall. 
We walk into our room with him still carrying my heels. I didn’t let go of his hand until he has to open the door. I’ve never felt like this before and it’s weird, I never dated guys who were older than me until Chris, but with him, my heart race like I’ve never been before and I feel safe and I never felt like this dating guys my age. 
I look at my phone it’s 15-minutes until his birthday, Chris took off his jacket and say, “I’m gonna go shower.” I nodded my head. “I’ll do it in the morning, I’m too tired.” He smiles and kiss my head. 
Every time he kisses me, or even just a peck on my forehead, it sends electricity through my veins. 
I take off my dress, grabbing one of his white t-shirt and put it on as I remove my makeup while he was in the shower. I check my phone once again, 5-minutes. 
Chris walk out wearing the bathrobe and threw himself to be, opening his arms wide for me as I jump next to him making him chuckle. 
I keep on counting the minute. 
“I’m gonna get a drink, do you want some?” 
“That’d be great, thank you, baby.” I peck him on the lips and make my way out to the door. 
The guy from the front office stood there with a slice of chocolate cake with the candle in it. I specifically ask for one candle, ha, because of course, who likes it when your candle drizzles down to your cake? Nobody. 
He lit it up for me as I walk slowly to the bed and sing, “Happy birthday to you..” 
He looks at me with the cutest reaction (gif). 
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“Happy birthday dear Chris... Happy birthday to you.” 
I stood there for a second, biting my lower lip nervously at him as he stood up. Kissing me passionately before looking at the cake and back to me. “Make a wish.” I said. 
He shuts his eyes for a minute and blow the candle. 
“Thank you, (Y/N)..” 
“The surprise isn’t over yet!” I said handing him the cake and went to my suitcase to get his present. 
Chris placed the cake onto the table near us and open the present and pout in response of how cute it is. 
A matching sweater for him and Dodger, his got Dodger’s face on it and Dogder’s got Chris’ face. 
“Oh man... this is the cutest thing ever...” 
I look at him excitedly, I knew he’d like it because if my puppy’s still alive and someone give me those sweaters for my birthday, I would probably cry. 
“Thank you, I love it.” 
I kiss him once more. 
. . . . 
I took a shower when Chris was still asleep, and as I was having breakfast in the balcony looking at the view of Venice, I open Instagram and uploaded a picture of us together on set.
‘Happy birthday America’s ass @chrisevans there wouldn’t be Nala if Benji don’t exist. You are the reason many people smile today, including mine.’  
I smiled at the picture, it was the first time we had our kiss on set but many more off set. I put my phone and eat my breakfast with my feet up on the balcony wearing bathrobe and a towel wrapped around my head. 
A solid ten-minutes later, my phone didn’t stop buzzing from the notifications. I remember I turn off my notifications for Instagram. “What is going on..” I look it up and there was people tagging me in a photo by Chris. 
‘IS THAT @(Y/N/L/N)?!?!?!?! OMGGGGGGG!!!!’
‘Tell me that’s her and I’ll die happily’ 
‘Omg they’re spending his brithday together i can’t do it.’ 
It’s a picture of me, right now. 
‘Buongiorno, Venice.’ 
I look back and find him leaning against the door looking at me. I blushed. 
“Good morning.” 
“Good morning, birthday boy.” 
Chris walks to me and kiss my cheeks. 
“You’re so sneaky.” 
He laughed, “You look so good baby, I can’t just do it!” he jokes making me laugh. 
“Shall we go for a date today?” he ask. 
I nodded. 
After we went for a brunch, we were standing outside of the restaurant looking at the view. Chris has his hand wrapped around my waist as we talk about how we’re going to work “us” out when our schedules are busy. 
“Well, you’re more famous than me so, I can make the time for you.” 
He pfft’ed me. “No, I’m not.” 
“Oh yes. I mean, aren’t we supposed to be ready if things doesn’t work out?” 
He stays silence.
“But, it sucks if I have to meet other people or see you with someone else and I have to adapt to someone new, I don’t think I want that anymore.” 
I nodded my head, I feel the same way, I know I might be younger than him but exchanging one man to another is never my style. I’m not saying I’m ready to get married but, it’s nice to just have one person for as long as you also want it. 
Meeting people constantly sucks, and I feel too comfortable with Chris that I know for sure I never felt anything like this before. 
“You’re right.” I said. 
Chris just looks at me and say, “Gosh, I love you.” 
My eyes widens in shock. 
Chris’ face turns blue, even green and yellow looking at my reaction. “I’m sorry was that too soon?” 
I bit my lower lip, I am so nervous. 
We just stood there in silence, looking at other ways. I can feel tension between us in this silence, but I know I feel the same way. 
He turns to me. 
“I love you too.” 
His face lights up, the biggest smile I’ve seen. 
“You do?” 
I nodded my head as he grabs me by shirt closer to him and kisses me passionately. Deep and passionate, and we stay like that for as long as I wish it to be. 
And he said, it was easy to love me, but little did he know that it was easier to love him and it’s hard not to. 
I want time to stop ticking just for us. 
Articles about (Y/N) and Chris: 
‘Chris Evans and co star (Y/N/L/N) shares a passionate kiss in Italy!’  - X
‘It’s official! (Y/N/L/N) finally taking it to public with Chris Evans!’ - X
‘(Y/N/L/N) wishes Chris Evans on Instagram. The reason she smiles today!’ - X
‘Chris Evans take (Y/N/L/N) on  a romantic stroll in Italy holding hands.’  - X
. . . . .
@patzammit​ @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​
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agataroman · 3 years
One Moment Changes Everything (Part 2)
A/N: Okay, part 2, enjoy
Pairing: Jackson (GOT7) x Reader
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When you must wake up for breakfast because it ends at ten o’clock. After a concert… Never imagined it like this. How I didn’t want to get out of bed.
But then again, I will have breakfast, will return to my room and sleep all day long.
That woke me up a little bit, so I got up and prepared. Almost nobody was having a breakfast (it was 9:30). I had time to order my thoughts. I still couldn’t believe that I saw them. Like… OMG!!!
And I even talked to Jackson Wang. Maybe for less than five minutes, but even that counts. I am happy that I got tickets for fansign too. I felt like I could fly, like gravitation wasn’t working on me.
I decided to stay whole day in my room. I can go explore LA tomorrow, the only free day I have, before I have to go back to my country. When I got back, I just fell on bed fully clothed. I even fell asleep for a moment.
When I woke up I still had some time, so I looked at my Got7Amino. The concert was yesterday, not even 24 hours ago and there were blogs about me and Jackson. My photo was nowhere and I sighed with relieve.
The messages where almost the same. Mostly speculated about us. „How do they know each other?“ „Was that only a fan or someone Jackson knows more?“ And more similar sentences. Luckily nobody knew. I think that after today, someone will know my face. I was little scared about that. What would other ahgases think about me? What if someone found me on SNS?
All those thoughts crossed my mind. But then I thought of Jackson. If he can endure it, so can I. Even if it will take long to get used to it.
I really had nothing to do. Again I played games on phone, because I didn’t want to take my laptop with me… What if I lost it somewhere? Rather not. So I was mostly playing games. Or reading some fanfics. I won’t even tell what fanfics… I would be so embarrassed if anyone knew.
Finally it was time for me to go on fansign. I’ve never been there, so I don’t know how it will go. I dressed and checked if I didn’t forget the ticket and went. It was held near the stadium so I already knew the way.
I didn’t want to come on time, because I wanted to talk to Jackson again and I thought I could do that only after it ends. But I got there only an hour after the start and I had another hour and half. So I found myself a place to sit and I waited. The members didn’t notice me but that didn’t matter.
It was kind of fun. Sometimes it was little under because Got7 had to sign someone the album and didn’t have time to pay us attention. But those funny times, I can’t. One of the cutest things there was when Jackson gave Bambam a piggyback. Also Jaebum put on this silly headband with big leopard ears. Kyaa!!! I couldn’t. When you see it on picture it’s not as powerful as when you see it up-close.
I am telling you. Why does it always end so soon. Like 15 minutes from now, but still. So I stepped up and went for my signing. First I went to Yugyeom. He was in all black and had flowers in his hair. How can such devil look so angelic? Tell me!
„Hello,“ I said.
„Annyeong,“ he replied. I put album on table and he signed it.  He didn’t recognize me. Lucky. I wanted to be recognized only by Jackson. And maybe Mark as he saw me already.
„The flowers are pretty,“ I said. He smiled at me.
„Thank you.“ I bowed and went to next person.
Bambam. He is fashion killer! Come on, he is always so perfectly clothed, fully in black like Yugyeom. And he had black cat‘s ears!
Instead of greeting I dabbed… I couldn’t help it. And he dabbed back. Both of us laughed.
„Where you yesterday on concert?“ he asked me.
„Sure thing Bam-oppa,“ I smiled wider.
„I’m really your oppa?“ he couldn’t believe it.
„I’m two years younger.“ He just nodded and signed my album. When I went to next member, Bambam sent me a hand heart!
The next person was Jinyoung. I knew that he heard my conversation with Bambam, he was judging me with his eyes. I just put my finger on my lips, I didn’t want anyone know… yet. We didn’t talk, he just signed album and on the way he gave me high-five.
The forth person in row was Youngjae.
„What’s up!“ his usual greeting.
„Hi,“ I waved. I really couldn’t do anything more. With the flower in his hair he looked so innocent! He smiled at me wide and we handshaked.
The next one was tougher. Im „Chic & Sexy“ Jaebum. And why did he have to have expression like that! I really wanted to fan myself. What a pity he didn’t have the ears anymore. But we know how he is with these kinds of things. He simply waved at me.
„Hi,” I managed weak hello. As I said, I am usually shy in front of people, more likely people I don’t know (personally).
I felt little better with the next person. Our cute visual Mark.
„Hey, you’re the girl from yesterday,” he said. I knew he would recognize me.
„Yep, that’s me.” I smiled.
„How did you even meet?“ Suddenly someone put their arm around my shoulders. I jumped in fear and scremed a little bit. When I turned to see the person, it was Jackson.
„Dammit Jackson, don’t do that! I am even worse than you when scared.”
,,Hey what do you mean by that?“
,,Nothing,“ I said while trying to look innocent.
,,Au, you hurt my feelings,“ he pretended to be hurt.
,,Oh don't cry my little baby,“ I made childish noises. Suddenly Mark started laughing.
,,Be quiet Mark.“
,,Sorry but it was kind of funny. So how did you meet?“
,,Now that's funny story. I was coming for concert when I saw this little lost child. I went to help him and what didn't I saw… It was Jackson,“ I said with laugher.
,,(Y/N),“ Jackson said with dangerous voice. I started to run around the table and Jackson was right behind me. Everyone was definitely watching us now. I looked back to confirm he way still behind me. When I turned back Mark was standing there and I had to stop.
Suddenly Jackson was next to me and he kissed me!! It was on cheek near lips but I froze and no thoughts where coming. I was blank. I couldn’t think! Standing there looking who knows where. Someone was waving their hand in front of my face, but I didn’t pay attention to that.
,,I think we broke her,“ said Jackson. That woke me up.
,,Jackson!“ I shouted. I advanced on him and he was going back. Suddenly he put a mic in front of my mouth.
,,Sing,“ he said. Yeah sure, I thought sarcastically.
,,But I can't sing! Plus I am tone-deaf!“
,,So what?“ OK now I wanted to kill him.
,,Do you want her to sing?“ he asked the audience. Everyone started to shout. Wow thanks guys. Maybe it was the kiss or I don't know, but I thought whatever and took the mic.
,,OK guys I'm gonna try it, but I am telling you, you will be wishing you said no.“ So I decided to sing this one song Genie in a bottle by Dove Cameron. So I started singing.
When I finished everyone started clapping.
,,Wasn't so bad,“ commented Jackson. I blushed. I knew that I sing bad even if I like singing and I sing all the time, but…
,,I am not that good.“
,,You were brilliant!“ Jackson was jumping around me and others where noding.
,,Well thanks guys.“ At this moment a woman came on stage and said GOT7 should say goodbye. Everyone was sad. Again it had to end. Jackson gestured to stay there so I went to the background to wait. I really couldn’t think anymore. So many things happened today that… oh never mind. Suddenly someone was hugging me.
,,I don’t want you to go,“ said Jackson. I think he felt same as me. I was so sad to go away and probably never meeting again. At least not anytime soon. He released me and I saw hope.
,,Give me your phone.“ I took my phone out of a pocket and gave it to him. I didn’t know what he was doing. But he explained it.
,,I will call you as soon as we arrive home.“ My eyes wide-opened. Did he said what he said?
,,OK,“ I said still trying to figure it out. He returned my phone to me and hugged me again. This time Mark came too and other came closer.
,,We're going to miss you,“ said Jackson.
,,Definitely. Yesterday he wouldn't shut up about you,“ said this time Mark.
,,Be quiet Mark.“ Now they really had to go. I released them.
,,I am going to miss you too.“ Tears where coming down my face. Jackson leaned closer and kissed me again on cheek. They than turned and went backstage.
I knew most ahgases stayed there so it will definitely end up on net, but I didn’t care. Right now I was trying not to cry and fall on my knees. To hotel I came like in a dream. Didn’t know how I got into my room. But I didn’t care. I fell on bed and cried myself into sleep.
A/N: part 2 is done, next and last part 3 coming up
Part 1
Part 3
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yakumtsaki · 4 years
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Well guys, it’s that time of year again. To recap, Jojo is still not a werewolf, Wyatt has shattered every record of incompetence and still not reached the top of his career, noogiesexual Shajar got dumped by Sophie Miguel and befriended a vampire, Cyneswith continues to date black-lipstick-broken-face-template flop Don Oates, Wulf grew up in the most iconic outfit of all time, and we got a new cat named Alcibiades for D’vorah to mate with since she refused to have kittens with poor Sweets. So let’s pick up right where we left off, which is of course the endless battle of getting D’vorah to procreate..
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-Come on sweetie, we got a new boy toy just for you, get on with it, you’re almost an elder!
-NEVER! I’m a direct descendant of Zoroaster’s cat herself, I’ll never sully my bloodline with the genetic material of some pound mutt! You find me an appropriate mate before I go full Henry VIII!
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-Do we have any custom blue fur paint for my balls?
ALCIBIADES SHUT UP. You assholes are by far the worst generation of pets yet, the two cat losers are bad enough but then add fucking Maxx to the mix-
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-AND FORGET ABOUT IT. Look who’s getting along all of a sudden! 
-Yes, now that it’s become clear that this cat legacy shitshow is crumbling, I’ve stopped beating up the cats because I will look like a bully kicking them while they’re down. It’s part of my image revamp to get the audience behind a dog legacy! 🐶
Maxx, nothing personal, but I hate you more than you can possibly imagine. Let’s check in with the humans, I’m sure they will be totally normal, likable and stable as always-
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-I can see your beating heart with my x-ray vision. I want to eat it. 
-Yay, let my sister eat your heart! 💗
-Stop patronizing me, you little bitch, I can get my own hearts to eat. 
-I just get excited when we do things together! 💗
-GAWD GTFO CYNESWITH, you’re ruining my Aztec sacrifice!!! 
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-Ah, to be middle aged and in love, with your terrible children about to fuck off to college at any minute.. Looking at you, Wulf. Literally looking at you. 
Somehow that is already enough checking in with the humans for one update?
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-No it’s not, the paper that got my father kicked out of the mad scientist association said so! 
They hated Jojo because he told them the truth.
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These two are actually getting along great and I get my hopes up that Shajar will stop being a literal incel! Let’s all join together in prayer-
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-Did someone say ‘prayer’?
-HAHA I was waiting for a situation where my appearance would hinder the biggest amount of sin!!!!
UGH you’ve gotten even more religious in death?!
-Of course I have, what do you think heaven does to your faith?
How the fuck are you both in heaven and wandering the earth as an apparition?
-My spirit takes earth vacations to cockblock! 
Well at least you’re dying how you lived: pissing me off. 
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And of course Maxx goes in for the kill with his ‘good doggie’ routine, terminally distracting Blueshirt Whatshername from Shajar’s heart-eating charms. As always, big thanks to our pets, both alive and dead.
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End of the road, Shajar! Enjoy this dancing scholarship that you hilariously earned during all the outings I forced you into to get rid of your incelitude.
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As Shajar leaves for college a kissless noogiesexual, I decide to try and solve at least one of my problems, and that problem is called Don fucking Oates. So we call Lakshmi back, hoping she has forgiven me for our last tense interactions-
-I have not.
Wow ok well now you’re just being petty, you saddled me with Don Oates, don’t be a sour winner. Now is there anyone out there that can potentially beat Cyneswith and Don’s natural 3 bolts???
-I’m telling you, there isn’t anyone else, they’re a perfect match!
Well I refuse to accept that reality, so hit us with your best shot.
-Whatever, it’s your money.
I mean technically it’s Jojo’s and maybe I shouldn’t be spending it so freely..
-Daddy wouldn’t have a problem with it! 💗
Yea he sure wouldn’t, Cyn, since he’s literally this post.
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-Je suis back et je non get prόmόted agàin! :D
Another hugely successful day for Wyatt as usual. Honestly as long as you don’t get fired or demoted for a third time, whatever.
-Sό je can go to sleepé?? :D
Yea sure, it’s not like there’s anything for you to do around here now that the kids have grown up. Not that you ever did anything to begin with-
-Oui oui, all tres fascinàting, bonne nuit now!
Oh actually wait, I do need you to do something before you go to sleep for 16 hours.
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-Ohh, le pόrtait de le morté!
Le portrait de le morte indeed. Jojo is predictably super into his death portrait being painted, as one is. Seriously what are you doing.
-Composing a tragic opera about myself, what else.
On a casio??
-I could afford a concert piano but it wouldn’t fit into this pathetically tiny house you built, would it?
Ok I get where you’re coming from, but in my defense, given your youthful days, who the fuck could had anticipated you evolving into a financially successful and mentally stable adult instead of a bankrupt lunatic that eats his own feces?
-Oui, that’s what Shajàr est going to be! Huhu!
-HAHAHAHA oh Wyatt, you’re so attractive when you’re insulting our two terrible children. Where is that little goblin anyway?
Omfg you assholes, she went off to college yesterday.
-She did??? About time! One down, one to go. If only Cyneswith could stay here forever :(
-Oui :(
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Speaking of, let’s try this one more time. Lakshmi please, for the love of god, give us something I can work with. 
-Alright fine, you wore me down. Ask..
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-..and you shall receive.
OMG YAS RICKY CORMIER, I LOVE HIM AND HIS FACE TEMPLATE. What the fuck are you wearing, Rick? Don’t dress up on our account. 
-I was teleported here right from work, where the fuck am I???
That’s a great question Rick, you’re in our front yard on a date with our resident 10 nice points freakshow, Cyneswith. And I see that you have 7 nice points to Don’s 4, so you crazy kids just go ahead and hit it right off now!
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-Not if I have anything to do with it!
-It’s always the time for ghost bingo.
I try my best to make this date go well but Ricky isn’t into Cyneswith AT ALL. It’s honestly pretty offensive and I hate him now. 
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‘I’ve had better dates’, you’re like 15, Casanova, calm down. What a twerp. 
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With that last doomed attempt to break her and Don up, the time has come for Cyneswith to fuck off to college as well, and yes, Don is coming with us to be endlessly cheated on by Miss 20 Simultaneous Lovers/Grey Hair turn on. Fuck both mine and Don’s lives. 
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As if my failure to perform a Donectomy wasn’t bad enough, what does Wyatt get the day he’s finally guaranteed to be promoted, BUT ANOTHER FUCKING CHANCE CARD, WITH WHICH HE HAS A 2 OUT OF 2 FLOPPING SCORE. One of them got him demoted, the other got him fired, it took us forever to get him the 9 fucking friends he needed, so this is just terrific. Istg I could go to a police academy in real life, graduate, join the force, rise up through the ranks and become a superhero in less time than it has taken Wyatt to do it. Here goes nothing but Wyatt’s hopes and dreams..
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F I N A L L Y. 
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What a sight for sore eyes. 2 days before elderhood, but we did it, mon bebe! I’m so proud of us, but mainly me, for not giving up and making you a househusband which I know realize I should had done, because you’re so gonna destroy this city. 
-Je will savé la city! First ordér of enterprisé, àpprehending le killér seriàl knόwn as Dr. Gingér Violetté! ⭐
Oh boy. Good luck with that!
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almaasi · 5 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 15x08 “Our Father, Who Aren’t in Heaven”
probably gonna have to stop in 1 minute for dinner but let’s see what’s happening this week in Mr. Taco/Hotdog Pines For Angel But Isn’t Sure If God Commanded It
forgot about him
hmm “lucky elephant” casino/bar
1. pink elephants  = drunk baby dumbo trippin balls
2. kinda looks like a dick
the hell is wrong with sam’s face?? he’s looked SO tense and uncomfortable these last episodes
sam eating salad and eileen eating a burger
given how much food symbolises in this show......i...... kinda wanna say that it means sam sees eileen as a sibling??????? given burgers are bro dean and cas’ thing
either that or she’s one of the family, but then what does it mean about sam’s salad being the odd one out?
....i typed samily there
anyway i wonder if, given how eileen/sam parallels dean/cas, it’s gonna become a thing like “hey eileen i see you as a sibling” vs. dean and cas “cas i love you like a brother” / “BUT DEAN I LOVE YOU IN THE ROMANTIC WAY”
does dean not know what “achilles heel” means
why is there porn music playing as cas knocks on a door
is dean gonna be naked on the other side
are they playing babysitter and affronted neighbour housebreaker
.....just saying okay that comedy sting was weirdly placed
i love that cas is like straight-up Still Here
he was like I’M LEAVING FOREVER and then dean’s like “hey i know i said you ruin everything but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”
wish we could’ve had that as an actual scene though
dean: but cas if u wanna stay here, why don’t you stay here
they almost........ touch hand.........
/14 blush emojis
cas uses last of power to make dean feel okie dokie
welp dinnertime back laterrr
watched the end of “the prince of egypt” and my father (an atheist) was very insistent on proving it factually incorrect while I JUST WANNA WATCH THE ANIMATED MOVIE DUDE
hokay where were we
oh yeah cas was trying really hard not to hold dean’s hand
team free will enter hell and are attacked by three lady demons
for some reason i’m thinking of cerberus, the three-headed dog who guards the gates of hell
someday i wanna do makeup as well as rowena’s makeup magically manifests. that glitter eyeliner over the black wing is mmmmmmmmmmmm
ahh bless
a bechdel test pass
it’s been too long
queen of hell suits rowena better than any dress she’s ever worn
so we’ve got rowena as queen of hell, billie as death.... need one more lady in charge of heaven to complete a power trio OH YEAH AMARA. god yes give me that......... pun intended i guess
rowena after looking at dean and cas for 1 second: “what am i picking up from you two? tell auntie rowena”
two grumpy grumble butts: “it’s fine”
jeez they really don’t wanna have that conversation in front of an audience
someday they better get NOT FUCKING INTERRUPTED
knock knock
who’s there
interrupting moose
adam’s facial expressions look so much like dean’s
for some reason i was just watching dean say “i didn’t wanna jinx it” and looking at his eyelashes and then involuntarily imagined him wearing rowena’s fake lashes
it was a good look
dean looks so, sooo pretty in this blue shirt
maybe blue for cas’ eyes
cas says to micheal “your father is certainly not who you knew” but not “our father” as in chuck is no longer his father
“you called me assbutt and set me on fire”
yeah pretty much iconic, no?
oohh jeez poor michael, poor adam
sent to hell, comes back and is aggressively greeted by the same assholes who sent him there
dean put a black armour jacket over his vulnerable blue one to talk to adam
dean sees cas sitting alone and gets himself a beer without offering one for cas
ohhhh that hurts
/takes screenshots of cas’ side profile
what a good profile
dean’s back in his blue vulnerability shirt
*edit* ............hey. heyheyheyhey does anyone remember those promo posters from season 8 of dean poking his head out around a tree in purgatory and there was a flower there?? and as far as i know we never actually saw the flower in canon and it was Weird? foRESHADOWING or ?????? hindshadowing?
no michael’s not coming on your gay flower road trip, dean
no third wheel this time thank u
michael is literally just....sending dean and cas to pick flowers together
it’s over
rowena as queen of hell 15/10 best thing that ever happened on this show
adam getting his apology and peaceing out yes good
i love how self-referential this whole story has become and it’s so GOOD to have all these loose ends come back to hopefully be tied up one by one
i just....... i just checked the writer for this episode and i AM AMAZED it’s a deadly duo episode??????????????????????  H O W
bechdel test pass?? holy shit (well...... i doubt this now but still)
only woman who died was lilith and she was awful
unless you count sue but i don’t think sue was real to begin with
and there was a black guy.... with lines.... who didn’t die??? astonishing
also the pacing was like... good or whatever. at least i didn’t think it was patchy like their episodes usually are. and the script wasn’t bland and boring ?? what is happening here
PLUS ROWENA POINTING OUT THAT THERE’S soMethING GoiNg On between dean and cas which draws attention to it for later resolution, despite the audience already knowing they had a tiff
colour me impressed, anyway
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