#and thinking about what powers everyone would haave
limblesstar · 1 month
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ranboo5 · 2 years
hi graph .. cranb question now. been rememberinng the ranboo presidency thing...dropped thread,i know but still rotated in my mind a bit wnd Well. yeah i amhaving trouble finding an angle there. But well still curious, if you want and haave any thoughts on circumstances of hypothetical cRanb presidency& situation surrounding that convvo,etc .. Thanks friend 🦥
THANK YOU FRIEND let us talk
So that convo I must admit I remember poorly but I do recall it going loosely like . Ranboo I think mentions doubts, Tubbo says he'd be a great president, Ranboo assures Tubbo that Tubbo will still be vice, which Tubbo isn't necessarily thrilled abt. I remember those lines specifically like I don't remember them verbatim but I do remember Tubbo specifically issuing a vote of confidence for that presidency and not intending to run himself and I remember specifically Ranboo saying smth along the lines of "well I mean you'll still be vice so you're not giving up all the power" which that's enough to work with tbh... going to maybe add to this more if I rewatch it or if someone has other specific things that I'm forgetting
I think that irt Tubbo this is a big point of like... ig the reason why I don't see the outpost concession as out of pocket bc cTubbo despite being an authoritarian is so far in the authcollectivist dimension that he doesn't seek power for himself yk like Tubbo is saur Serve The Hive. Like when I say Tbbo is an authoritarian I don't mean he's power hungry yk I mean that the way he sees the world is that there has to be a pretty rigid system for there to be order. Like it's less that he wants to be in charge than he thinks that Someone has to be
For Ranboo though. I think this really doesn't Not make sense yk especially w/ how you get to see him throughout that arc come to the conclusions he does abt societal systems extremely naturally and at this point that hasn't happened yet yk? Ranboo is not unoptimistic abt this kind of stuff on first meetings with new ones or with new people he does like to take people on good faith and I think it makes a lot of sense for him at this point to have that impulse of like. Yeah I could probably do fine if I were heading this project? He's got caution about it sure (Tubbo vice etc) but it's a generally common impulse and one Ranboo REALLY exhibits to just assume that if you were kind of in charge things would just be better, especially before evaluating what you would actually hypothetically be in charge of
It's also smth he's pursuing especially while he's still cautiously in good graces yk like it's a much less volatile situation and he has way brighter outlooks on what people might trust him with (including what they SHOULD but also what they will broadly); he's still careful though like he does stuff like assure Tubbo that he isn't giving up too much power etc which as aforementioned is still like a genuine sentiment I think but is still, like, strategically dropped in that this is Ranboo at possibly his most nonthreatening
It's also a direct statement of good faith for Tubbo's leadership which is smth Tubbo is SORELY missing, and that's smth tht is Really foundational to their relationship I think like. Ranboo was basically the only one in Tubbo's corner yk? At this stage it's also not unique to Tbbo it's also a prevalent dynamic in his relationship w/ Fundy where Ranboo well he is just a rather kind and agreeable person who is quite easily willing to be amicable with people and like everyone is terrible to Fundy all the time and to Tubbo rn especially which REALLY ramps up post Exile which idk if this convo takes place b4 or after Tmmy is kicked out
Idk no real solid conclusions... these are my thoughts though on that conversation
A hypothetical Ranboo presidency... I talked to Floral about this and we agreed that it's like . Ranboo is the kind of character who is intensely reactive to his environment and the circumstances he finds himsefl in so that couldn't really exist in a vacuum... unsure under which circumstances he'd carry through with being president but it'd definitely be quite differentones than from canon which also like... idk idk it'd all be EXTREMELy dependent Ranboo is just so reactive... like it's better to consider how Ranboo would be in a specific progression of events than just smth like this, yk? It's like how there's no concrete answer to what Ranboo would do in the trolley problem in the absence of the description of what larger context that problem exists in like sure morally he'd lean toward pulling the lever but to analysing him as a character it matters less what he in theory would morally do in a void and more what larger circumstances he's acting in both overall and right now specifically what pressures he's in and how he prioritizes there yk like... he's a complicated man which is really fundamental to him as a narrative construct
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