#and they were using “butch” as a title like “sir knight” for some reason ?
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houses-snowglobes · 2 months ago
me talking about Butch fallout3
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gothaming-with-andy-blog · 8 years ago
A King’s Knight [Oswald Cobblepot x Reader] (p. 1)
Request by Anonymus: Hello, there! Are requests open? If so, Could you please write something about the reader being one of Don Falcone’s former henchmen, and Oswald sends her to a mission that is all to test their loyalty and the reader comes out clean? (NSFW or not, as you prefer) Thank you!
I have to say, dear Anon, that this request sparked my imagination. I was thinking on how to write it while re-watching Gotham season 2, and by the time I realized I’d written over 2000 words and wasn’t even near finished. I did wanted to write some smut, to be honest. However, I find it difficult when I don’t have enough context to justify the sex, for me some kind of emotional connection is always necessary. (I’m weird, I know. Sorry abour that). That’s why I divided this into two parts for now (might do some more later, who knows).
I hope you enjoy it, despite the lack of smut.
Title: The King’s knight, p. 1
Warnings: blood and murder (your usual Gotham stuff). Spoilers: takes place between the events of S2 E1. 
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Oswald poured another glass of red wine for himself and walked over the chimney. His free hand rested on the marble edge as he stared into the flames. He hadn’t been in control for long but he had a good feeling about the future. Everything seemed to be playing out in his favor, yet there were some rebel underbosses that still refused to acknowledge as what he was: Gotham’s new King, and that was unacceptable. Ogden Barker for instance, he thought he could ignore 250 grand in debt because Falcone was gone.
He was going to realize his mistake soon enough, one way or the other. Oswald had been rather disappointed when Jim refused to take care of Barker for him in exchange for the favor he wanted. For Loeb to be gone so he could have his old job back at the Police Station. He still hoped for Jim Gordon to change his mind, but if not, he was getting ready a plan B: you.
‘I head you wanted to see me, Mr. Penguin’, a woman’s voice dragged him out of his thoughts.
He stepped away from the fire and turned around to face you. He didn’t remember your name. All he knew was that you had came with his new position as head of the mafia in Gotham. You had worked for Don Falcone before him, and the old man had given you to him as a token of peace after what happened.
'I think you are desperate enough to put some order back in this mess, Oswald’, Carmine had said to him before he left Gotham for good. 'But let me give you one last word of advice: You’ll need loyal men if you plan on staying the boss.’
He’d arranged a small meeting at Maroni’s old restaurant, as if to mock the dead bastard. Oswald had been rather confused that he wanted to see him. And suspicious too. He even took Butch and Gabe with him just in case Don Falcone wanted retaliation for what happened at Gotham’s Hospital a few days ago. But to his surprise, Carmine genuinly just wanted to have food and a chat with him.
'I take it that you forgive me for trying to take you down?’, Oswald dared to ask.
Carmine chuckled at his boldness.
'I don’t blame you for being ambitious’, he’d said to him. An amused smile on his wrinkled face. 'We are what we are’
’[Name] will serve you well. Keep her close’
Of course he didn’t know who Don Falcone was talking of at the moment. It had been Victor the one who introduced him to you. Since you didn’t dress up as one of Zsasz’s companions he’d guessed you weren’t one of them. Honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that you was dressed up like a man, you wouldn’t really stand out at all, he thought. Not with you clean-washed face and plain hair. He might as well have taken you for a boy since you were wearing a black suit and tie that didn’t show any curves at all.
'Yes.’, he rested one hands on the back of his chair. 'What was your name again?’.
’[Name], sir’, you replied. Your voice was soft but deep, and Oswald thought it matched you serious face.
’[Name]…’, he let his tongue get used to the sound. It was an good name. It fitted you, he thought. 'So, [Name]… This is something I would rather ask Victor but since he’s taking care of… something else for me, I figured you would do’.
'What do you need, sir?’
'There’s a friend of mine I need you to follow from a distance and report back to me’, he pushed the chair back and sat down. 'The one who came by earlier today’.
He watched carefully as you cocked an eyebrow.
'You want me to follow James Gordon?’, you asked. He chuckled at the your reaction, and laced his fingers together over the table.
'Have you two met?’
'Not really, sir’, you replied. 'I know him only by reputation’.
'I see.’ Oswald raised his palms as to end the explanation there. 'The thing is, I asked dear old Jim to collect a debt from Ogden Barker in exchange for a little favor. I want you to make sure he does the bidding… And if he doesn’t, I trust you to take care of Ogden for me yourself.’
You narrowed your eyes at him. What was he asking you exactly? You need to be sure. You liked Jim, it would be a shame having to kill him as well.
'Should I kill Gordon too?’, you asked in the same tone one would use to ask about the weather. Fortunately, Oswald jumped from his seat immediately at those words.
'What? God no!’, Oswald shook his head. 'I only want you to collect the money from that traitorous punk of Ogden Barker. Leave Jim be. No harm is to be done to Jim Gordon, he and I are friends, is that clear?’
'Yes, sir’.
'Good. You can leave now’
You bowed her head sightly before exiting the room. What was Penguin’s real deal with Gordon?, that was some information you could use. You wondered as you ready for work. You hand gun, and your pocket knife skillfully concealed inside your jacket, and a pair of red leather gloves to finish up with the attire. Being an assasin didn’t mean you couldn’t kill off people with style.
That thought sent you back about a month ago, when you were still working for Don Falcone. He’d asked you to meet him at the docks, something about taking care of some chickens you thought it meant finishing off someone. Turns out he was literally speaking about chickens.
'Hello, young lady’, he greeted you with a chicken on his hands. 'I like your style’
You huffed.
'Me or the chicken?’
He chuckled, and pet the white hen in his hands.
'You know what I’m talking about’.
'What’s with the chicken, sir?’
'It’s an old habit’, he said. 'I like to know what I’m eating’
That’s when the bike appeared. Two men with helmets stopped a few meters away from Carmine and the car. One of them stepped down and pulled out a bazooka.
You acted as quickly as you could, pushing your boss out of the way. The proyectile flew past you and hit the car. The explosion send you back against a wall. You hit your head hard, and the last thing you remembered was the cackle of half a dozen chickens.
When you woke up, it was dark already. Carmine was gone and you were tied up in some warehouse along with the men that survived the blast. After you managed to free yourself, you rushed to find Don Falcone only to heard about what happened. Maroni was dead, Fish was dead, and Carmine had been taken into custody by the GCPD. Panic took over. Don Falcone was like a father to you, and you’d failed to protect him.
The first thing that came to your mind was calling Victor. You were getting ready to break Don Falcone out of wherever they had him, and help him take back Gotham. That’s what you told your friend Zsasz the second he picked up the phone. But to your surprise, he had another story for you.
'Haven’t you heard, [Name]? The boss is retiring’
You frowned.
'What the hell are you talking about?’
'He’s coming to the mansion as we speak. He and Jim Gordon came to some sort of arrangement. I don’t know’, he explained. 'You should be here when the Don arrives. Don’t be late’.
'Fine. I’m on my way’
It was just as Victor had said. Don Falcone was back at his state, and had gathered all his people at the dinning room. After he gave his final instructions, he called you appart to his office. He had another set of instructions for you: to work for the Penguin.
It seemed like a reasonable thing to consider. So naturally, you refused.
'This city needs you, sir. Not him’
'The truth is, [Name], I think it’s time that I retire. I’ve been thinking a lot about it lately, and after today…’, he sighed. 'I don’t want to be part of it any longer’
You were at loss with his words.
'Sir… What about everything you’ve buildt?’
'And what is that, my dear girl? An empire of suffering, death and betrayal? I don’t want that to be my legacy’
'So you’re just going to let this… Penguin take over?’
'Maroni is gone, Fish is gone…’, he shrugged. 'Who else is desperate enough to squabble through ash and debris to pick up the pieces of this empire but him?’
At first, the though sickened you. No one could replace Don Carmine Falcone, no one could ever stand up to his name. Specially not that kingpin wannabe. It left you wondering if there was a secret motive for him to ask such a thing of you: to worl for a man who’d tried to kill the only father figure you ever had.
However, and as usual…, Don Falcone was right all along. Penguin had put order to the anarchy among underbosses in less than a week, and now he sat in his throne as the King of Gotham. A well deserved trone. You hadn’t shared this with anyone out loud, but Oswald Cobblepot had earned your respect and admiration in the course of these past weeks.
You’d made the right call by choosing his side. This man would do Gotham good. You would gladly take care of those who wanted to undermine him as boss. Starting with Ogden Barker.
To your surprise, you didn’t have to. Jim Gordon did almost all the work. He’d shoot Barker twice without hesitation. You where hidden behind a black van when Gordon stormed into the parking lot at Ogden’s property. Four men where comming after him, and Barker himself was one of them. There was no way Gordon could make it out of there alive unless you intervene. You waited for the men to ran past you, and jumped out of your hideout to throw your knife at the slowest of them. The other two stopped to confront you, but Barker kept chasing Gordon.
You took them out easily. They could be big and tough were no match to your fighting skills. Only then, you went after the disgraced detective. That’s when he you saw him shoot the bastard. Once. Twice. In the stomach.
So far he hadn’t seen you behind the pilar and you made sure it stayed like that. When Gordon left, you approached Barker’s body. He was still breathing, but had lost too much blood to even hope for survival. He must have sensed you close because his eyes shot open, and his hand flew to grab your ankle. You reflexes got the best of you. Without thinking it twice you dug your knife into his neck and his hand dropped.
Dead at last.
Gordon had fled while still carrying the gun that shot Ogden. You glanced at the bullet wounds on the body, then at your knife and back the the corpse. Your gloves where already stained with blood you might as well make yourself usefull. As quickly as possible, you removed the bullets from Barker’s body, hid them away in your pocket and left before anyone else could see you.
'Odgen Barker is dead’, you anounced as soon as you stepped into the dinning room. Oswald was finishing up with his dinned when you arrived, Butch sat beside him.
He arched an eyebrow at your words.
'And where’s my money?’
'Gordon retrieved it’, Oswald’s severe mask dropped and his lips curved in pleased smile. This was just what he needed to hear, and he thanked you for this news. Jim had proven to be a true friend after all.
'And did he kill Barker too?’
You winced at the question.
'Well, sort… of’
Penguin frowned.
'I finished him off’
He pressed his lips together and let our a small hum before addressing you again. 'Care to elaborate?’
You tried really hard not to roll your eyes. Penguin was your boss now after all.
'He and his men were on the run for Gordon. He was out-numbered. I figured you wouldn’t want a friend of yours to be shot to dead, sir’
'Did he see you?’
'He thinks he was the one who killed Barker. He did shoot him fatally, twice in the stomach. Barker would’ve died anyway’, you explained as your hand went inside your jacket to fish the bullets outs only to present them to the raven-haired man.
You earned suspicious glances from both men.
'The GCPD will not find any bullet’s on Ogden Barker’s body, and those who saw Jim Gordon at the club were also taken care of’.
Oswald blinked several times, trying to process all the information. This just relieved him from the pain of having to bride the police commissioner to protect Jim’s reputatiom and then take care of the mess at Ogden’s. It was perfect. Too perfect.
’I didn’t ask you to do this’, he eyed you wary.
'Shouldn’t have I?’
'I don’t know’, he crossed his arms over his chest. 'Why didn’t you reveal yourself to him?’
Oswald noticed you glanced at Butch through the corner of your eye and then back at him.
'May I speak freely, sir?’
'Yes, you may’
You were a little hesitant to talk with Butch still in the room. But you continued as it was your boss’ command.
'Detective Gordon is not your friend.’, You said, and indignation quickly washed over Oswald’s face. He glared.
'And who are you to make such an statement?’
'I’m merely observant, sir. On the friends matter, you and Jim are not. At least he doesn’t regard you as such, that’s why I didn’t reveal myself when I had the chance.’
He raised ln hand and you took it as a command to stop. So you did.
'Butch. Leave us’, Oswald said. The big man reluctantly stood up and gave you the side eye before leaving the room. When you were alone, Oswald gestured you to occupy Butch’s now empty chair. 'Go on, continue’.
You sat down with your arms over the table. You could feel Penguin’s analitic eyes over your every move. You gathered your courage to look him in the eye as you started speaking.
'You see, sir… Jim Gordon , he is an honest man. He tries too hard to be honest, and unlike the men you’ve dealt with before…’, Oswald’s gaze hardened as he listened to you. 'Don Falcone, Maroni, even Miss Mooney, men like Jim Gordon are the kind of men you need to watch out for because the can’t be bought, you can never predict when they’re going to do something reckless that will tear everything you’ve built apart, dragging you alongside’.
'That’s a fair assesment.’, he brought a hand to his chin, and looked slightly up. 'But I still don’t understand why you had him believe he killed Ogden’.
Oswald narrowed his eyes at you.
'You can manipulate and control an honest man easily’, you replied. Those words learned by hard from Don Falcone himself. 'But only if you have something that will threaten his reputation. His honor’.
Oswald studied your face for any sign of deception. He was so used to be lied to that he’d become quite skilled at reading people’s true intentions behind their elaborated masks. Yet, he saw nothing that indicated you were trying to fool him.
His expression softened. Now he was intrigued.
'Why are you doing this? No half truths this time. I really want to know. What is it that you want?’
You leaned back on your chair and a annoyed frown crept to your face. This conversation had went long enough for your own taste.
'Have you always been this suspicious of your men?’
Penguin shrugged with a cynic half smile.
'Old habits die hard’
'Fine’, You raised your palms and took a deep breath. He was your boss after all, he was entitled to a better explanation. 'I want… what’s best for the bussiness’, you replied, looking into his big eyes. 'And right now, you are. This city needs a leader, sir.  Everyone who underestimated you, who took you for a fool, you’ve proven them wrong and rose like a true Don’.
Oswald’s lips parted but no words came out of his mouth. He chocked down a nervous laugh as he looked at your face. You were truly being honest, and he wasn’t expecting that. He cleared his throat and tried to remain formal.
'A Don you say?’
'Yes, sir.’, you placed a hand on top of his, as to support your words and give him a small gesture of your appreciation. 'In all but name…’
'However, Don Cobblepot doesn’t sound right, does it?’
You smiled.
'No. I suppose it doesn’t.’
'I’ll just stick to Penguin for now’, he commented, 'It grew on me.’
He chuckled and brought the back of his hand to his face. His cheeks where burning hot. You had done this to him, and he had let you. It was unnaceptable. Oswald was relieved you were the only ones in the room. Oswald took back his hand the moment he noticed he’d been staring at you for too long. 
You on the other hand, couldn’t advert your eyes from this man. Who would have though that the cruel Penguin, this cold-blooded murderer could in fact make such an adorable face when embarrassed.
'If that is all, sir…’, you said. 'I would like to retire before Gordon arrives’
'Of course, of course.’, he waved his hand to indicate you could. 'You are free to go, [Name]’.
You stood up and gave him a short bow before exiting the room. Oswald never once took his eyes from you as you left. Butch returned soon after and said something Oswald didn’t pay attention to. His mind was elsewhere, with you. Don Falcone was right about him needed loyal men. Every king needed knights, and he bet you would look good on a shinning armor.
{Part 2} {Part 1}
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