#and they lay the groundwork for revenge. Unlike them; I am no stupid. I crush any possible oppositon and then extra to make sure nobody
myreputatioooon · 5 months
Writing prompt
At the climatic battle, to save their own skin, the villain tries to pull a "killing me makes you as evil as I" only for the hero to go "you really are delusional"
"I'm sorry?" "I thought your were self aware as I, but that was a mistake on my part.
"Look at me, I'm drenched in the blood of all you goons, and it means nothing to me if they wanted to serve you or not, there were in my way, so they had to die.
"who cares if they had families to bread win for? Their own people in need? Or even just themselves to feed because they thought they were making a good choice or had no other option? Not us.
"when I lost something precious thanks to you or your grunts, I didn't vow to become hero. I vowed to lay waste to everybody guilty by association.
"You ruined my world and now I'll take a hammer to yours as well, no matter who is hurt.
"the difference between us isn't Good or Evil, it's that I know damn well what I am, but you think this is a battle of ideology. It isn't. It's all personal."
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