#and they kept their friendship secret too which sounds sus as hell to me
girl-bateman · 1 year
listening to a true crime pod about my dad's coworker who murdered his other coworker and... you know, murder aside, they sound gay as hell. I'm fully starting to believe it was a crime of (gay) passion.
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fandomoniumflurry · 7 years
Danny Williams x Reader
Hawaii five-0
2,110 words
Summary: Youre an old friend of Danny's from jersey and you come to visit, hoping that hell finally fess up to his feelings for you.
No warnings, just flirty and adorable fluff
My H50 tags: @t-w-hiddlestoner @loveisfriendship @supergirl000983
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“I do not complain all the time.” The short blonde man protested as he walked through the automatic glass doors. His hand moved in gesture ad he looked between you and where he was going.
“I'm sure if I asked Steve--” you began but Danny made sure to promptly stop you there.
“Steve is a caveman with the intellect of a housefly and the manners of a monkey. His opinion is only valid at the zoo or on a wildlife reserve.” Your eyes rolled with a faint giggle before you stopped. Your hands came to rest on the detective’s  shoulders causing him to stop as well and turn towards you.
“It’s good to see you, Pepper.” You stated fondly before bringing him in for what had to be the fifth hug you had given him since you landed.
His nose scrunched at the nickname but he laughed all the same returning the hug as always. “Can you not use the nickname around Steven? Really don't want him picking up more bad habits.” You just grinned and turned throwing your arm over his shoulder and carrying on to the car parked at the curb.
He took the handle of your rolling suitcase and moved around to the trunk as you admired the shiny black vehicle. “Nice wheels, Peps.” You were about to step off the curb when the driver’s side door opened and out stepped a beautiful blue eyed man with a dazzling smile. The goofy grin on your face made your cheeks hurt and you nearly fell off the curb when you lost your balance. A strong arm caught you and set you upright.
The trunk slammed shut, reminding you both of Danny’s presence. “Ya just get here and already you're making moves on my partner.” His face was in a perpetual scowl but it seemed deeper now as he came to wedge himself between the two of you. “Y/N, this is Steve. Steven, this is my old friend, Y/N. Now, lets go.” He stepped past you to move to the passenger side but stopped to rest his arms on the roof to look at the two of you.
“So this is your car then?” You questioned with your eyes locked on McGarrett.
Danny’s eyes rolled, already annoyed at your blatant infatuation. “It's mine.” He interjected before allowing Steve to respond causing you both look look over at him. “This control freak just insists on driving it.”
Same old Danny. His jealous attitude is one of the things that always made you smile. He couldn't help it. He was overprotective of the little girl he had known since middle school. You were his and always had been but you liked to watch him squirm. Maybe eventually he would get up the nerve to do something about it. You hoped that now that you decided to visit him in Hawaii, it would be the trip that he would step up.
You had bought a couple brand new bikinis, his favorite colors so they would catch his eye. You had even gotten a haircut before your flight, hoping he would notice but he had yet to say a word. You video called all the time and you've sent or posted plenty of pictures so if he had paid attention he would know the effort that you had went to for him. You'd even put on makeup for the man.
“Can we get going? I would like to get her settled at my place before midnight.” The blonde grumbled before opening the door and climbing in.
You waved a dismissive hand at him with a laugh before Steve turned to help you into the back of the car. His hand was warm but rough like the skin of a working man. You gave him your most charming smile before falling back into the seat. You slapped your friend’s shoulder. “At least someone around here is a gentleman.” You chided to which Steve affirmed with a nod.
“Yeah, Danny, you talk nonstop about her coming for weeks and you get here and don't even open a door for her.” Steve’s words made your cheeks heat up and your heart flutter. Danny had been talking about your visit. You nibbled on your bottom lip and kept quiet as your simple comment sent the two men into an argument.
Finally, having had enough of the two of them, you leaned forward to wrap your arms around Danny’s neck, your chin resting against his shoulder. “You two sound like an old married couple. Is there something I should know, Pepper?” Danny’s head turned to scowl at you and you feigned innocence with a shrug.
Steve hadn't missed a beat, a grin forming on his face as he looked at Danny. “Pepper? Is there a story behind that?”
You laughed faintly and Danny’s eyes rolled. “Well, my mind works in weird ways, you see. So when I met him, his last name immediately reminded me of Will.I.am but i thought he was too cute for such a nickname and he was not Fergalicious at all either. So I just started calling him Red Hot Chili Pepper. But of course, that's a mouth full so I just shortened it to Pepper and it stuck.”
Steve couldn't help but laugh at your explanation, his head nodding as he drove. “Pepper. I like it.”
“Don't encourage her.” Danny warned with a light chuckle before a hand came up to pat your arm. “I am pretty damn Fergalicious though.”
This caused you to laugh out loud before your lips pressed to his stubbly cheek. “Of course, my little albino munchkin.” Steve burst out into a fit of laughter with that comment and after a while Danny couldn't help but laugh a bit too.
The one thing about Danny, he was always so uptight and cautious, making him a rather big stick in the mud. But with you, you could get him to lighten up, let loose and do some pretty crazy or stupid things. Since he had moved to Hawaii though, it sounded like his partnership with Steve had been rather exciting. It made you a little jealous of the commander, getting to see Danny everyday and make him smile and get him to have fun.
But at the same time, Danny had changed a lot since coming here. It was nice to see him in his element, almost care free. You knew him better than anyone and sitting here with him now, you noticed how at ease and happy he was. You could tell his friendship with Steve was the best thing to ever happen to him. It made you glad that your friend had someone to take such good care of him.
The conversation between the three of you flowed easily, a few more laughs and old stories shared before you rolled into Danny’s drive. The blonde climbed out then helped you climb out after him before moving to the trunk. You bent down to look in the open door when Steve wasn't getting out. “You're not staying?”
Danny rejoined your side, pulling your bag behind him and setting a hand on the small of your back. “He's got some work to do back at the palace. we'll catch up with him later.” He offered Steve a wave before he started leading you away.
“Alright, well, it was nice to finally meet you. Hope we will get to know each other better!” You waved with a wink, Danny's hand moved to tighten around your hip, pulling you away as Steve laughed and waved back. You reveled in the feel of Danny’s predatory grip on your hip that remained until the front door closed behind you.
“Mi casa is su casa.” Danny stated, extending his arm toward the house before you. “Make yourself at home. Your room is this way.” Still gesturing his arm to guide you, leading the way pulling your suitcase. “It's good to have you here.” His statement was genuine and it made you smile putting your arm around his shoulders. A smile grew on his face as well as his arm slid around your waist and he leaned into you.
You finally got to meet Charlie, who proceeded to show you around his room that uncle Steve and Danno fixed up for him. Gracie had grown a lot since you last saw her but thankfully remembered you and was excited to see you. The evening was mostly spent with the two kids, but that you were complaining. They were both special and held a place in your heart. Every once in awhile, you would catch Danny’s eye and would share a smile that warmed your heart even more.
There was a different look in his eyes. It was softer, full of some kind of emotion you couldn't place. You weren't going to question him about it no matter how much hope it gave you. Once the kids were in bed, you and Danny sat down with a bottle of beer and were finally able to have some adult time to catch up.
Thinking it would just be the two of you for the rest of the evening, you were surprised when there was a knock on the door interrupting the middle of conversation. Danny seemed just as annoyed at the interruption but rose from his spot on the couch to answer the door anyway. You took a sip from your bottle as you heard the door open and a grin spread across your face when you heard Danny’s cranky voice mixed with Steve's.
The two men joined you and when you stood here gave you a side hug and a kiss to the cheek. He gave you a secret grin and a wink before you caught Danny relax slightly when he finally pulled away from you. The commander excused himself to get a beer of his own and Danny moved quickly to steal the seat beside you before he returned. When you giggled, Danny gave you an odd look but you just waved him off and drank your beer.
When Steve returned, the conversation started up again, flowing just as easily as before. Though some time alone with Danny would have been nice, it was enjoyable having Steve around as well. He was clearly aware of the feelings between the two of you but it didn't stop him from flirting with you just to ruffle the shorter man’s feathers. And it worked and you played along just to make it worse. After a couple hours, Danny was practically pushing Steve out the door while you stood back and laughed. McGarrett waved with a bright smile and you waved back with your goodbye before the door closed.
“There was no need to be rude, Pepper.” You stated with a grin when the blonde turned his back to the door. Your smile fell when you saw him making his way back toward you. The look in his eyes reminded you of a predator about to pounce on his prey. It would have been scary if you hadn't noticed the fire in his eyes that had darkened since last you looked.
Your mouth opened to speak when he made it to you but his lips cut you off. His hands cupped your face firmly as he locked your lips together. Your brain went fuzzy, eyes instinctively closing as your hands came to rest on his wrists. It was a strong hungry kiss and yet sweet and his lips were soft. You melted into him and your lips pulled into a smile before he pulled away.
“I've been wanting to do that for over twenty years.” He mumbled breathlessly as his forehead rested against yours, his hands still cupping your face.
You giggled, placing a quick peck against his lips before your arms moved to curl around his neck. “Then I guess you have a lot of time to make up for, Daniel.” You flashed him a wink before his arms snaked around your waist pulling you flush against his body.
“What about Steven? I'm sure he'll be heartbroken to hear that I snagged the girl.” a smug smile had grown on Danny’s lips as your fingers carded through the hair on the back of his head.
Your eyes rolled with a shake of your head. “I think he'll live. Now shut up, and get back to the kissin’, would ya?”
His smirk grew as his fingers splayed against your lower back. “Yes, ma’am.” And his lips found yours again, a feeling you had waited your whole life for and one you would never grow tired of.
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fandomoniumflurry · 7 years
Danny Williams x Reader
Hawaii five-0
2,110 words
Summary: Youre an old friend of Danny's from jersey and you come to visit, hoping that hell finally fess up to his feelings for you.
No warnings, just flirty and adorable fluff
My H50 tags: @t-w-hiddlestoner @loveisfriendship @supergirl000983
Tumblr media
“I do not complain all the time.” The short blonde man protested as he walked through the automatic glass doors. His hand moved in gesture ad he looked between you and where he was going.
“I'm sure if I asked Steve--” you began but Danny made sure to promptly stop you there.
“Steve is a caveman with the intellect of a housefly and the manners of a monkey. His opinion is only valid at the zoo or on a wildlife reserve.” Your eyes rolled with a faint giggle before you stopped. Your hands came to rest on the detective’s  shoulders causing him to stop as well and turn towards you.
“It’s good to see you, Pepper.” You stated fondly before bringing him in for what had to be the fifth hug you had given him since you landed.
His nose scrunched at the nickname but he laughed all the same returning the hug as always. “Can you not use the nickname around Steven? Really don't want him picking up more bad habits.” You just grinned and turned throwing your arm over his shoulder and carrying on to the car parked at the curb.
He took the handle of your rolling suitcase and moved around to the trunk as you admired the shiny black vehicle. “Nice wheels, Peps.” You were about to step off the curb when the driver’s side door opened and out stepped a beautiful blue eyed man with a dazzling smile. The goofy grin on your face made your cheeks hurt and you nearly fell off the curb when you lost your balance. A strong arm caught you and set you upright.
The trunk slammed shut, reminding you both of Danny’s presence. “Ya just get here and already you're making moves on my partner.” His face was in a perpetual scowl but it seemed deeper now as he came to wedge himself between the two of you. “Y/N, this is Steve. Steven, this is my old friend, Y/N. Now, lets go.” He stepped past you to move to the passenger side but stopped to rest his arms on the roof to look at the two of you.
“So this is your car then?” You questioned with your eyes locked on McGarrett.
Danny’s eyes rolled, already annoyed at your blatant infatuation. “It's mine.” He interjected before allowing Steve to respond causing you both look look over at him. “This control freak just insists on driving it.”
Same old Danny. His jealous attitude is one of the things that always made you smile. He couldn't help it. He was overprotective of the little girl he had known since middle school. You were his and always had been but you liked to watch him squirm. Maybe eventually he would get up the nerve to do something about it. You hoped that now that you decided to visit him in Hawaii, it would be the trip that he would step up.
You had bought a couple brand new bikinis, his favorite colors so they would catch his eye. You had even gotten a haircut before your flight, hoping he would notice but he had yet to say a word. You video called all the time and you've sent or posted plenty of pictures so if he had paid attention he would know the effort that you had went to for him. You'd even put on makeup for the man.
“Can we get going? I would like to get her settled at my place before midnight.” The blonde grumbled before opening the door and climbing in.
You waved a dismissive hand at him with a laugh before Steve turned to help you into the back of the car. His hand was warm but rough like the skin of a working man. You gave him your most charming smile before falling back into the seat. You slapped your friend’s shoulder. “At least someone around here is a gentleman.” You chided to which Steve affirmed with a nod.
“Yeah, Danny, you talk nonstop about her coming for weeks and you get here and don't even open a door for her.” Steve’s words made your cheeks heat up and your heart flutter. Danny had been talking about your visit. You nibbled on your bottom lip and kept quiet as your simple comment sent the two men into an argument.
Finally, having had enough of the two of them, you leaned forward to wrap your arms around Danny’s neck, your chin resting against his shoulder. “You two sound like an old married couple. Is there something I should know, Pepper?” Danny’s head turned to scowl at you and you feigned innocence with a shrug.
Steve hadn't missed a beat, a grin forming on his face as he looked at Danny. “Pepper? Is there a story behind that?”
You laughed faintly and Danny’s eyes rolled. “Well, my mind works in weird ways, you see. So when I met him, his last name immediately reminded me of Will.I.am but i thought he was too cute for such a nickname and he was not Fergalicious at all either. So I just started calling him Red Hot Chili Pepper. But of course, that's a mouth full so I just shortened it to Pepper and it stuck.”
Steve couldn't help but laugh at your explanation, his head nodding as he drove. “Pepper. I like it.”
“Don't encourage her.” Danny warned with a light chuckle before a hand came up to pat your arm. “I am pretty damn Fergalicious though.”
This caused you to laugh out loud before your lips pressed to his stubbly cheek. “Of course, my little albino munchkin.” Steve burst out into a fit of laughter with that comment and after a while Danny couldn't help but laugh a bit too.
The one thing about Danny, he was always so uptight and cautious, making him a rather big stick in the mud. But with you, you could get him to lighten up, let loose and do some pretty crazy or stupid things. Since he had moved to Hawaii though, it sounded like his partnership with Steve had been rather exciting. It made you a little jealous of the commander, getting to see Danny everyday and make him smile and get him to have fun.
But at the same time, Danny had changed a lot since coming here. It was nice to see him in his element, almost care free. You knew him better than anyone and sitting here with him now, you noticed how at ease and happy he was. You could tell his friendship with Steve was the best thing to ever happen to him. It made you glad that your friend had someone to take such good care of him.
The conversation between the three of you flowed easily, a few more laughs and old stories shared before you rolled into Danny’s drive. The blonde climbed out then helped you climb out after him before moving to the trunk. You bent down to look in the open door when Steve wasn't getting out. “You're not staying?”
Danny rejoined your side, pulling your bag behind him and setting a hand on the small of your back. “He's got some work to do back at the palace. we'll catch up with him later.” He offered Steve a wave before he started leading you away.
“Alright, well, it was nice to finally meet you. Hope we will get to know each other better!” You waved with a wink, Danny's hand moved to tighten around your hip, pulling you away as Steve laughed and waved back. You reveled in the feel of Danny’s predatory grip on your hip that remained until the front door closed behind you.
“Mi casa is su casa.” Danny stated, extending his arm toward the house before you. “Make yourself at home. Your room is this way.” Still gesturing his arm to guide you, leading the way pulling your suitcase. “It's good to have you here.” His statement was genuine and it made you smile putting your arm around his shoulders. A smile grew on his face as well as his arm slid around your waist and he leaned into you.
You finally got to meet Charlie, who proceeded to show you around his room that uncle Steve and Danno fixed up for him. Gracie had grown a lot since you last saw her but thankfully remembered you and was excited to see you. The evening was mostly spent with the two kids, but that you were complaining. They were both special and held a place in your heart. Every once in awhile, you would catch Danny’s eye and would share a smile that warmed your heart even more.
There was a different look in his eyes. It was softer, full of some kind of emotion you couldn't place. You weren't going to question him about it no matter how much hope it gave you. Once the kids were in bed, you and Danny sat down with a bottle of beer and were finally able to have some adult time to catch up.
Thinking it would just be the two of you for the rest of the evening, you were surprised when there was a knock on the door interrupting the middle of conversation. Danny seemed just as annoyed at the interruption but rose from his spot on the couch to answer the door anyway. You took a sip from your bottle as you heard the door open and a grin spread across your face when you heard Danny’s cranky voice mixed with Steve's.
The two men joined you and when you stood here gave you a side hug and a kiss to the cheek. He gave you a secret grin and a wink before you caught Danny relax slightly when he finally pulled away from you. The commander excused himself to get a beer of his own and Danny moved quickly to steal the seat beside you before he returned. When you giggled, Danny gave you an odd look but you just waved him off and drank your beer.
When Steve returned, the conversation started up again, flowing just as easily as before. Though some time alone with Danny would have been nice, it was enjoyable having Steve around as well. He was clearly aware of the feelings between the two of you but it didn't stop him from flirting with you just to ruffle the shorter man’s feathers. And it worked and you played along just to make it worse. After a couple hours, Danny was practically pushing Steve out the door while you stood back and laughed. McGarrett waved with a bright smile and you waved back with your goodbye before the door closed.
“There was no need to be rude, Pepper.” You stated with a grin when the blonde turned his back to the door. Your smile fell when you saw him making his way back toward you. The look in his eyes reminded you of a predator about to pounce on his prey. It would have been scary if you hadn't noticed the fire in his eyes that had darkened since last you looked.
Your mouth opened to speak when he made it to you but his lips cut you off. His hands cupped your face firmly as he locked your lips together. Your brain went fuzzy, eyes instinctively closing as your hands came to rest on his wrists. It was a strong hungry kiss and yet sweet and his lips were soft. You melted into him and your lips pulled into a smile before he pulled away.
“I've been wanting to do that for over twenty years.” He mumbled breathlessly as his forehead rested against yours, his hands still cupping your face.
You giggled, placing a quick peck against his lips before your arms moved to curl around his neck. “Then I guess you have a lot of time to make up for, Daniel.” You flashed him a wink before his arms snaked around your waist pulling you flush against his body.
“What about Steven? I'm sure he'll be heartbroken to hear that I snagged the girl.” a smug smile had grown on Danny’s lips as your fingers carded through the hair on the back of his head.
Your eyes rolled with a shake of your head. “I think he'll live. Now shut up, and get back to the kissin’, would ya?”
His smirk grew as his fingers splayed against your lower back. “Yes, ma’am.” And his lips found yours again, a feeling you had waited your whole life for and one you would never grow tired of.
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