#and they ask Reggie later about if he came out to the molina parents for them because he knew they didn't know how
innytoes · 11 months
My roommate is sick and all they could talk about was how much they miss that one soup you always made them so I drove four hours to come and get some + OT3 of your choosing
When Ray opened the door at 11PM on a Thursday night, he was a little surprised.
"Hi, Mister Molina?" the young man said, fidgeting his fingers together. "We spoke on the phone?"
Because yes, he had spoken with Julie's boyfriend on the phone. It was just that he was pretty sure Julie's boyfriend was Luke. He had been since they got together in high school. She'd been so excited to join Luke to get her music degree at the same top-notch university. (And yes, they had a long conversation about picking the best university for her, not just the one her boyfriend was at.)
But this young man was not Luke. He'd thought he sounded different on the phone, and strangely formal, but he thought it was just because they hadn't spoken as much since Luke went away to school.
His poor little nena, first she broke up with her high school sweetheart and now she had the flu? Why hadn't she told them about Luke? Was she worried they'd be disappointed?
"Yes, of course, come in," he said, waving the boy inside. He had messy hair, ripped jeans and a leather jacket, but Ray knew that looks didn't say anything. Any boy who was willing to drive four hours just to pick up soup for his sick girlfriend had to be a good egg.
"The soup is just about done, Rose was just letting it simmer until you got here," he explained as he lead him to the kitchen. The way the young man was trying to subtly sniff the air was rather endearing. "Would you like to try some?"
"Oh, I couldn't," the boy said, but he looked longingly at the big pot simmering on the stove. "It's Julie's soup."
"There's more than enough," Rose said, already grabbing a bowl and ladling some soup into it. If she was surprised at this Not Luke Boyfriend, she didn't show it. Behind the boy's back, he made a confused shrugging motion at his wife, and she just quirked an eyebrow at him. I don't know what's going on either, it said.
"Oh, well, if it's no trouble," the young man said, all but collapsing into one of the stools at the kitchen island. Rose handed him the bowl and a spoon, and when he took a deep whiff, his eyes fell closed in what appeared to be bliss. When he took a bite, he actually whimpered a little. When was the last time this poor kid had some homemade food? Ray remembered his own college years, and if he were to guess, that boy lived off ramen and grilled cheeses.
"This is really good, Mrs Molina," the boy said earnestly in between big bites. "No wonder Julie was craving it. This would make anyone feel better."
"How is she?" Rose asked.
"She was feeling pretty crummy when I left," the boy said. "But her fever was down and she was craving food again, so that's a good sign." He looked up, concerned. "I didn't just leave her alone! Luke's with her, and Alex and Willie are on standby to drive them to the emergency room if either of their fevers spike."
So Luke was still with her? Was the break-up amicable?
"I just felt so bad, I mean, I was the one who got sick first, and then I gave it to Luke, and Luke gave it to Julie, and they were both so miserable, and when she said she wanted her Mami's special soup I just thought, if that would make her feel better..." He trailed off when he realised he was rambling, flushing.
"You were sick too?" Rose asked, concerned. "You poor thing."
"I'm fine now," the boy reassured her, even though on closer inspection, he did still look kind of exhausted. He had dark circles under his eyes, and the way he was slumped over the bowl of soup told Ray he wasn't exactly fit as a fiddle yet. Maybe the soup would help, though. "And I can be out of your hair as soon as we pack the soup up. I'm so sorry to spring this on you."
"Anything for our Julie," Ray said, and the boy whirled around, eyes wide, like he'd forgotten Ray was there. Yeah, definitely not one hundred per cent yet. "You look tired, though. Are you sure you're okay to drive all the way back?"
"Yeah, totally," the boy said, before knocking back the last of the soup, holding the bowl up to his face to get it all. "I don't want to be a bother."
"You're not," Rose insisted. "And Ray's right, you look tired. If you just got over the flu yourself, you shouldn't be driving eight hours straight. Why don't you go take a nap for a few hours?"
"But Julie..."
"Won't want to be woken up at three in the morning anyway," Rose pointed out. The boy's face turned into a thoughtful pout. "Just sleep for a few hours, and you can get up bright and early tomorrow and bring her the soup. It'll do none of you any good if you fall asleep behind the wheel."
"I guess," he finally acquiesced.
"Great!" Rose said, beaming. "Do you want some more soup?"
Of course he did, and she gave him another bowl, sending Ray upstairs to prep the guest room and find Reggie something he could sleep in. Ray just let it happen. He knew better than to get in Rose's way when she'd made up her mind, and just watched on in amusement as she ushered a confused young punk in a leather jackets up the stairs and off to bed.
When she came back down, Ray had finished putting most of the soup into tupperware (and maybe stealing a few bites for himself. It was really good soup).
"Julie never told me she and Luke broke up," he said. "Had she told you?"
"No," Rose said, thoughtfully, even as she wrapped herself around him, on her toes so she could hook her chin over his shoulder. "Maybe they haven't."
Ray turned as far as he could, catching a glimpse of her face.
"Reggie said he gave his flu to Luke," Rose pointed out. "And on the phone he said he was Julie's boyfriend. I think they're both dating him."
Oh, so his name was Reggie? That was good to know. Ray tried to wrap his head around it. He was just glad his daughter hadn't gotten her heart broken.
"He seems like a good kid," he said finally. "Driving all this way just to get Julie's comfort food."
Rose hummed in agreement. "Well," she said. "We'll have plenty of time to get to know him tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?" He would have thought Reggie would be anxious to get back home to his... partners, he guessed.
"Well, of course we're driving him back!" Rose said. "He's in no shape to drive!"
And Ray just nodded, and smiled, because when Rose made up her mind, it was best to just go along with it.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
"Not sure if the banner was already obvious enough, but I would like to ask you to be my date." for Willie/anyone, because chaos
Willie could credit himself at being pretty good when it came to reading people. Case in point, when the end of the school year grew closer and closer, and Alex started getting grumpy and fidgety, Willie knew something was up.
More than this is exam jitters-because Alex's school related anxieties just had him pop an extra Ativan by now. Not a worry about the future, as the band was signed for a three album deal, and were set to do a mini California tour come the summer before they did their first album.
No, his mood took a definite change when the posters for the prom started popping up.
Willie had no real wish to go to prom. Sure, he liked dances just as much as the next gay guy, and with Alex as his boyfriend, they could cut a rug with the best of them. But it was such a stupid, heteronormative tradition, and Willie was definitely counter culture. Sure, the school was 100% okay with queer couples going-heck they were even letting Julie bring both her boyfriends as her dates, which made Reggie beam with giddy joy, and even though Luke rolled his eyes, Willie knew he was super excited as well.
But he wasn't sure how Alex felt. So he poked at Reggie for some insight.
"Dude, what do you mean?" Reggie asked. "Alex has been dreaming about dancing at his prom with his boyfriend since he first saw Pretty In Pink. And The Prom. And the third High School Musical movie, even though he bitched about them making the choreographer character straight."
"That was super stupid," Willie admitted. "So you think he want me to ask him?" Reggie shot him a look at that. "Okay, stupid question. You don't think he wants some big promposal right?"
"Have you met Alex?" Reggie asked. "No, he'd die. But maybe... make an effort and do something special, just for you."
That Willie could do. Sure, prom was stupid, dumb, and lame. But Willie could do a night of stupid, dumb, and lame for Alex. Especially to fulfill a dream he thought he'd never get. His parents had crushed so many of Alex's hopes, so the last Willie could do was give him a magical night he had been told over and over again he never would.
But how to ask?
Well, amongst Willie's numerous talents, he was pretty decent at art. So grabbing a ton of paper, his beloved spray cans, and an unoccupied Molina family garage (thanks to Julie clearing it out once she heard his plan) he got to work.
It was a couple hours later that Alex showed up. "Okay, I'm here, Reggie said I had to come out here because you needed me. Even though we both agreed to no make outs in the studio after last time."
Willie snickered as he greeted Alex at the door. "I know hot dog. Just-look."
Alex looked up and saw a bright pink banner there, covered in glitter and in Willie's messy cursive and blocks of rainbow colour, was one word; Prom?
Alex turned to Willie who gave him a mega-watt smile. "Not sure if the banner was already obvious enough, but I would like to ask you to be my date."
"But you hate stuff like prom!" Alex said.
Willie shrugged. "But you love it, and Reggie told me you've been dreaming of prom since you saw Pretty in Pink."
"Fucking Reginald," Alex grumbled.
Willie guided Alex's face to his. "Hey, no. He was being a good bro, and wanted to make sure your dream came true. So what do you say? You wanna go to prom with me?"
"No?" Willie asked, confused and a little heartbroken.
"No," Alex repeated, shaking his head. "You'd be miserable the whole time, and then I wouldn't have fun. So I'd rather stay in, watch movies. We can put on some music and dance around the living room at your house, have our own prom."
"But your dreams..."
"You're more important," Alex replied with a shrug.
"That's why I asked you!" Willie said, laughing. "Because you getting this one thing you never thought you'd get was more important to me than me hating this shit!"
They both started laughing at that, collapsing onto the couch, holding one another. Finally, wiping their eyes, Willie looked at Alex. "I kind of want to go now, just to prove you wrong, that I'd have fun."
"Really?" Alex asked.
"Just for like, a few dances, sure," Willie relented. "Unless you'd rather stay in."
"Uh uh, you said we're going, no backsies," Alex replied, kissing his nose.
"Figures," Willie said, but he was smiling. Sure, prom was never going to rank high on his list of activities he was looking forward to-but Alex's smile made it all worth it.
Plus, Willie admitted on prom night, as they swayed across the floor, Alex looked damn good in his pink tux.
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mrsbrookegillespie · 3 years
+Perfect Harmony+ (Part One) Luke x Reader
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Description: For Y/N Molina, it never came easy for her. The hardest part not being able to do the one thing she loved, creating music. With her cousin Julie joining a ghost band that she’s been secretly admiring for years, her all time crush not returning the same feelings, and having many untold secrets, something is bound to go wrong.
Warnings: ANGST, swearing, mention of suicidal thoughts, Ray not being that nice (I’m sorry Ray, we love you), mention of slight sexual harassment, mentions of death (duh), terrible writing, typos, and probably more that my brain can’t think of at the moment. 
After Writing All Of That I’m Questioning This Story, But I Do Love It So... Many Songs Will Be Featured, Feel Free To Listen To Them When They Come Up.
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+Perfect Harmony+
For Y/N Molina life wasn’t easy. Her parents, one being the sister of Ray Molina, dropped her off in front of the Molina household at the age of fourteen before going off to explore the world. At the time she was upset about the situation, but it wasn’t surprising. Her parents never wanted a kid, she practically raised herself while they were in Greece eating seafood, and sipping at the finest wine, no doubt. “How are you doing?” Rose, her cousin Julie’s mom, asks. 
Y/N shrugs. “They’re never coming back, so I guess I’m going to be stuck on this couch for a while.” She actually grew quite fond of the sofa that pulled out into a bed.
“We’ll make you a room up in the loft,” Rose assures.
“So, we agree, my parents are…” Her voice fades off, inhaling through her nose.
“You know, this used to be the studio of a band.” Y/N tilts her head, looking at the older woman. “A rock band, I met them when they were going to play at The Orpheum--”
“The Orpheum?!” Y/N exclaims. “That’s amazing!” 
“They were, but they died that night.” Rose stands up, walking to a box. “This is some of their stuff.” She picks it up. “I’ve heard the music you listen to, and I think you would like them.” Setting down the box in front of Y/N, she wastes no time searching through it.
“Sunset Curve?” she questions, staring down at the logo printed on the shirt. “Cool name,” she compliments with a wide smile, setting the article of clothing in her lap. She picks up a picture showing four boys. “Were these them?” 
“Yes, that one was Bobby, he’s a flirt, Reggie, sweetie, Alex, very sassy--” Y/N giggles, “And Luke, he was the lead singer.” 
“He’s… Quite decent looking,” Y/N observes sheepishly.
“I knew you’d think so.” Rose ruffles her hair. “Listen to the CD, you never know…” 
“I will.” Y/N clutches the photo to her chest as Rose leaves. Hastily she picks up the CD that had the band's logo plastered on the plastic case. She gently places it in the player, waiting for the music to come through the speakers. And then, there it was. “They’re amazing.” She grabs the box again, pulling out an orange beanie, placing it on her head. 
By the end of the night she had searched the entire studio for more stuff, gathering it, trying things on, she stayed up ‘til sunrise listening, and trying to learn each and every one of their songs, painting each of the members on canvases, writing songs about the guitarist that even though died years ago, she couldn’t help but feel connected to. A crush on a dead guy, what’s better than that?
“Boo!” Luke poofs in next to Y/N who’s currently getting her textbooks out of her locker.
“God!” she shrieks. “You need to stop doing that to me, gonna give me a heart attack,” she mutters as her fellow classmates, and random people she had never met give her weird glances. “Make people think I’m crazy.” Luke opens his mouth to reply, but Y/N beats him to it. “Yes, Luke, I know ‘we’re all a little crazy’.”
He pouts. “Someone’s grumpy today.” He crosses his arms, leaning against the locker next to hers. “But, anyways! Do you know where Julie is?” 
And there Y/N’s heart was punched. “I mean, she has to be around here somewhere,” she answers, slamming the locker door. “Now, if you’d excuse me, I have to go to class.” She takes her time to turn around on her heels.
“You’re gonna be at band rehearsal before our performance, right?” he asks, making her stop.
Turning only the upper half of her body to look at him. “I think you forget I live in the studio.”
He lets out an airy chuckle. “Right.” He playfully rolls his eyes.
Unlike Julie she didn’t care if people thought she was crazy, for the number one reason being that people already thought that. Wacky, coocoo, freak, those were just some of the words people called her before her favorite band suddenly popped out of nowhere because Julie played their CD.
That always confused Y/N, why is that when she played the CD all that time ago they didn’t show up, but when Julie did, they did? She never mentioned her already known infatuation with the band, even though it most likely answers the question of why Julie and her can see the ghosts. “But, I’m grounded so…” She carelessly shrugs. “I’m stuck on party duty for the time being, so probably won’t be there for that, but I’ll be there for the actual performance.” Even though she would’ve done it anyway, Ray wanted Y/N to be more ‘supportive’.
“Oh.” His smile falters a little. “Cool, I’ll catch you later then.”
An awkward tension fills the air. “Yep.” She salutes towards him, walking off. 
Grounded. No phone, only can drive her car to school, and home. Y/N wasn’t even allowed to listen to her records which she’s collected over the course of three years. And it was for the reason that she's failing multiple classes, but Ray didn’t understand the struggle she’s going through.
Let’s rewind… When Rose died it left the whole Molina family broken. But, it also left another part of Y/N broken when music became Julie’s thing at that moment, Ray not allowing Y/N to even have a guitar in her room. She loved music, all she wanted to do was sing, play every instrument, write every song with any word that popped into her mind. Julie couldn’t even touch a piano until recently, and yet, it had to only be Julie’s thing. So, now Y/N has to just secretly write songs in her red notebook knowing they’ll never be used, and secretly play in the school’s band room before any student takes a foot into the building, while she watches her cousin and the guys become ‘Julie and the Phantoms’.
What does hurt her everyday, is not being able to do something she loves because they’re afraid of how it might affect someone else. But, if Julie really cared for her family member then she’d be happy for her, right? Not to mention the way Luke looks at Julie hurts a little too, the chemistry. No one can deny it. It’s not like she’s had a crush on him before they even met him as a ghost. No, the biggest crush that she’s ever had is totally not a dead guy, and no, she’s never in the past thought about killing herself in hope to meet him if there were an afterlife, which she guesses there is now. She’s sure he loves Julie not being an absolute mess for him, and he probably knows that Y/N’s in love with him and is trying to show her he doesn’t like her in the worst way possible. “Y/N!” she internally screams, hearing the familiar voice.
“Josh…” she drags out his name. Maybe she should just give him a chance? He gives her plenty of attention. She giggles to herself when the thought crosses her mind. That wasn’t funny. An inner voice replies. 
“Hey, I just… Wanted to see how you were doing, you know--just friend to friend.” 
“I actually have to go to class, so we’ll talk later, ‘kay?” She tries to turn around to leave, but Josh grabs her arm to pull her back.
“Class doesn’t start for another fifteen minutes,” he counters.
“Y/N!” Luke exclaims, poofing right next to Josh. “I still haven’t found Julie, are you sure you don’t know where she is?” He almost didn’t even notice the other boy that had also been fighting for Y/N’s attention.
“I like to get to class early,” Y/N replies to Josh. “And you haven’t seen Julie around here, have you?”
“I think I saw her in the dance room.” She gives Luke a pointed look. “You know, practicing for that dance thing.”
“Yeah!” Y/N responds, not even an ounce interested in this conversation. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, she noticed Luke not leaving.
“Who’s this?” he asks.
“So, Josh, I really have to go,” she claims. “I’ll see ya around!” 
“Wait,” he starts. “Is this about when I tried to kiss you the other day?” Y/N tenses up, 
Luke’s jaw dropping slightly.
Followed by a wide smile. “Does Y/N have a boyfriend?!” he mocks. 
“No, well, yes, it is. We aren’t dating, Josh, it’s uncomfortable.” Josh huffs out. “That’s not a weird reason for why.” Y/N’s blood starts to boil.
“You should feel honored that someone would even want to kiss you, I mean your reputation here isn’t all too great, Y/N,” he states. 
“Goodbye, Josh.” She turns on her heels. 
Luke watches as she angrily walks away, glaring at Josh who obviously couldn’t see him. He turns slightly, glancing over his shoulder to see Julie by her locker. Giving Y/N one more glimpse he goes to do what he came here to do. 
Y/N sits at her desk, rereading over the words that she colorfully wrote in her journal. “You pretty thing, with pretty things inside,” she sings quietly. She slams the book closed when she finds herself getting annoyed by just how untalented she was. 
“I think that Nick guy has a crush on Julie,” Luke reports, once again magically appearing in front of her. He was taken aback when she didn’t react.
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sunsetcurvecuddles · 3 years
“Let me bandage you up,” Tía or Ray and Reggie, just to be different. 😁
hi i loved this so much omg. huge thanks to Ángela @angela-feelstoomuch for the spanish help as well, any remaining mistakes are totally my own fault haha. warning for some swearing and mentions of bl00d/minor injury.
ao3 link in reblogs!
Honestly, being an honorary Molina is pretty great most of the time. Reggie loves having a little brother, would have done anything to convince his parents to have another kid when he was younger (and alive), though he knew they never would, since one kid was already such a pain in the ass. So Carlos is amazing.
And obviously Julie is his favourite girl ever, and his favourite still-alive person in the world, and she sings like an angel and thinks his country songs are cool and he would do anything for her and et cetera. It’s nice to see Luke and Alex settle in, get more relaxed - Luke doesn’t shy away from Julie every time Ray enters a room, and Alex doesn’t make excuses to miss dinner so that he doesn’t have to say grace, because he’s realised Ray doesn’t make him say grace.
“Niños!” Ray is calling from the kitchen, oven mitts on his hands, grin on his face, “Help setting the table?”
Even from here, dinner smells amazing. “Coming!” Reggie calls, manages not to say ‘dad’ at the end but it’s close, as he and Carlos bounce up off the couch and run to the kitchen.
Ray is the best. Reggie’s own dad was - look, it’s not that he was awful, it’s not that Reggie hates him, it’s just - he saw these dads, in movies, and on TV, and in other peoples homes, and he wanted one even more than he wanted a puppy, or a little brother, and Ray is that dad. He’s understanding, and encouraging, and funny, and a great cook, and he never raises his voice even when he should be mad about something. Reggie feels so lucky that Julie and Carlos let Reggie share their dad, even unofficially.
“Carlos!” Tía snaps, as he runs past her and ducks under her elbow, narrowly avoiding the tray in her hands, “Cuidado! La bandeja está caliente!”
It’s Tía Victoria who kinda scares Reggie.
It’s not that she’s not nice. Tía is nice. She brings over food and drives Carlos to ball games and pesters Ray about dentists’ appointments he almost forgets to go to. It’s just that she’s a little more like the other adults Reggie knew. She barks her words, sometimes, and she doesn’t get Julie’s music thing quite like Ray does, even if she’s supportive for the most part. And she doesn’t always believe Carlos about things, which Reggie understands more now that he’s been conned by Carlos about several random things (for example, Eggos are not in the house-sized waffle business in 2020 as Carlos told him, and they did not manage to breed dragons into existence with new DNA cloning technology) but still. It makes him nervous.
“Sorry, Tía!” Carlos chirps as he slides on his socks into a crouched position in front of the cupboard where they keep all the plates and bowls. Since Carlos has them handled, Reggie goes for glasses instead, reaching overhead for the cupboard on the opposite side of the room.
“Carlos!” sighs Tía again, more irritated than before, and Reggie feels his shoulders tense even though he wills them not to. “Let me help carry some of those, you’ll drop them, sobrino.”
“Fine,” Carlos huffs, and there’s the clink of plates as he passes half his pile off to her and they head for the dining table.
Reggie counts in his head as he stacks the glasses in the crook of his arm. There’s him and the boys, so four - wait, no, three - plus Julie, so four - then Ray and Carlos and Tía so five six seven -
He’s too caught up counting, is the problem, and doesn’t focus enough on how he has the glasses balanced. It probably would have been fine, except there’s a loud thud! Which Reggie registers a moment too late as being Luke, jumping from the top of the stairs to the bottom, enjoying his alive body. The sound scares Reggie about a foot in the air, and he fumbles the stack of glasses, and almost manages to save it.
The glass from the very top of the pile smashes on the floor, a harsh shatter that makes every head in the room turn in his direction. Reggie feels the panic surge up in him like a forgotten pot on the stove suddenly bubbling over. With trembling hands, he puts the rest of the glasses on the counter and scrambles down to the floor, tries to gather the glass shards together into a pile from where they’ve scattered, desperate to tidy the mess, to give some sense of responsibility, instead of just standing there like a stupid kid. “I’m sorry,” he starts, and his voice shakes more than he’d like, almost more than his hands had, “I’m sorry, I can clean it-”
“Reggie!” interrupts Tía, and her voice seems sharper than the glass.
“Victoria-” Ray begins, but Tía doesn’t let him finish, either. She’s already practically at Reggie’s side, crouching down next to him on the floor.
Her closeness makes Reggie’s hairs stand on end, and he’s not sure what he expects, but it’s not for her to gently lay her fingertips on his wrist and say, in a much softer tone, “Mijo, you’re bleeding.”
“Oh.” Reggie blinks. Looks at his arm, next to where her perfectly manicured nails have landed. She’s right, he sees. There’s a few little gashes, nothing huge, trickling blood in tiny streams down his forearm. In a few more moments, the blood would have reached his hand, and he would have noticed, probably. Except when he turns his palms up to look at them, he realises they’re cut up, too. Probably from grabbing glass shards with no protection.
His lip wobbles before he can stop it. He can still feel everyone looking at him. Knows what they must be thinking.
Stupid fucking kid.
“What are you staring at?” Tía says, back to business as usual. He flinches at her voice, before he realises she’s not talking to him. She’s talking to the others. “Come on! Ray, grab the dustpan and some shoes, clean up this glass before anyone else gets hurt. Carlos, finish setting the table, and Luke, go fetch the others para la comida.” In his peripheral vision, Reggie sees everyone bounce back into action, like her words broke a spell on them, and it’s a relief to know they’re not all looking at him any more. Tía continues, as she tucks an arm around Reggie’s shoulders, “Reggie and I will be back.”
“We will?” Reggie asks automatically, as she helps him balance on his wobbly, baby-giraffe legs.
“En un minuto,” she tells him confidently. “But first, let me bandage you up.”
He’s not exactly going to argue with her. Honestly, any excuse to get out of the public space is appreciated when his eyes still feel so close to swimming with tears. Firm yet warm, she leads him to the bathroom and has him sit on the closed toilet lid while she pulls Ray’s first aid kid from the cabinet, pulling from it some disinfectant, bandages and a pair of tweezers.
“Just in case any glass is left,” she explains briskly, settling on the edge of the bathtub and turning his arm over, palm up, so she can see the scratches. She tuts softly. “Your poor hands!”
Reggie ducks his head, whispers, “I really am sorry.”
“¿Por qué?” she asks. “It was an accident, right?”
She sits back again and looks him in the eyes for a moment. If it was Ray, or one of the boys, Reggie would shy away from the look, but she has the same skill Julie has, to pin you in place with her gaze, so Reggie assumes it’s from Rose’s side of the family. “I know you didn’t throw that glass on the ground on purpose. It was just an accident. These things happen.”
“You’re not angry?” The question slips out before Reggie can think about how silly it sounds, but instead of rolling her eyes, or her jaw clenching in annoyance, Tía’s expression softens somehow.
“No, mijo. Not at all. Estaba un poco preocupada, maybe, but that’s only because I care about you.”
Reggie doesn’t know what to say to that. Bites his lip as she gently applies disinfectant along the wounds, once she’s declared them sufficiently glass-free, and wills himself not to cry as she wraps the bandages around his arm and a little around the palm of his hand. At least if he cries she’ll just think it’s because of the sting, and not because he braced himself so hard to be yelled at and called names and then it never came.
Not because he keeps remembering that he feels like glass himself. Always a moment away from falling onto the ground and shattering, so teeter-y that the kindness of adults he barely knows can almost knock him over the edge.
“Terminado!” she declares, tying off the last of the bandage, and gives him a big smile. It looks genuine enough. Not like she’s bottling anything up to let out at him later. Not like she’s fronting, or lying, not that Reggie’s ever been particularly good at telling the difference with anyone. She must see the puzzlement in his face, because she adds, “Just an accident.”
It really seems that simple. Like everything’s just fixed and okay. Like she doesn’t think Reggie is stupid. The feeling is sort of overwhelming; Reggie’s stomach feels all warm, and - empty, actually. It grumbles loudly in that moment, and Tía laughs, and Reggie laughs with her.
“Vamos a como?” he tries, because he’s been listening, and trying to pick things up.
“Vamos a comer,” she corrects him, but he can’t mistake her tone this time for anything other than delighted, her expression for anything other than fond and relieved as she helps him up. They go back down the stairs, her loosely holding his hand the whole way, not enough to hurt his wounds, but enough to remind him she’s there.
She presents him to the table with a goofy little ta-da! gesture, much to the joy of those already at the table. “Our Reggie, back in one piece!” she says. Laughter and relief radiates from all the others, and Tía grins, pleased, puts her hands on her waist. In that moment, despite all his preconceptions, she reminds him more of Julie than anyone else.
Maybe she isn’t so scary after all.
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fanficimagery · 4 years
Coming Out
Imagine being pressured to go on a date and after not being listened to you blurt out the one secret you've kept to yourself for years.
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Words: 3.7K Relationships: Gen Fic (General - No romantic ships) Author's Note: After a brief talk with @ausllyspercabeth​ this is what I came up with. I hope you like it even though it's not exactly what you were looking for. Also I'm not sure this is trigger worthy, but just in case I thought you should know this is a "coming out" story.
For as long as you can remember, you knew you weren't the same as all the other girls your age. When the time came that all the little girls started to realize the boys didn't have cooties, you didn't understand what the big deal was. To you, boys were still boys and you didn't see anything giggle worthy about them.
But what really made you realize that you didn't like boys was when you were at a birthday party and got locked in the room with a boy named Alex. Everyone had giggled outside the door, explaining that you wouldn't be let outside unless you had kissed. And to prove that you did kiss, there was a polaroid camera that you had to take a selfie with while kissing and then slide it underneath the door in order to be let out. You weren't really nervous, instead you were just annoyed, but Alex looked like he was ready to break a window and leave through it. So you had sighed, smoothed out your expression, and kindly told him that you should just get it over with so you can rejoin the party. Reluctantly he agreed as you took hold of the camera in hand properly, and then hesitantly pressed your lips to his. Quickly you snapped the picture, and then you and Alex jerked apart.
The two of you being disgusted by kissing each other forged a friendship from that day forward.
With Alex came his two best friends Reggie and Luke, and the two boys were quick to accept you when you didn't make fun of them for daydreaming about starting a band one day. Instead you encouraged them and eventually introduced them to your mom who they were immediately infatuated with because of her studio out in the garage. And then as the years slowly passed, it was your mother and father who opened their home to your friends when they started to clash with their own parents because of them starting a band.
Eventually, as the years pass, your little sister Julie joins the hangouts when Luke realizes your sister has an amazing set of pipes on her, and with Julie comes Flynn. There's never a quiet day in the Molina household and your parents couldn't be any happier.
But then your mom's health takes a dive and her diagnosis isn't good. Not at all.
The boys are there for you and your family through your mom going through treatments, and then it feels like they're constantly there when the treatments don't work for your mom anymore. They had tried to keep their distance when funeral arrangements started being made, but after your dad asked where the boys had disappeared off to, they made it their mission to be at your house everyday they could.
Life would never be the same in the Molina household, but the boys did their hardest to make sure not a single Molina lost themselves to their grief.
And then it's right before the start of your senior year of high school that your life unravels once more.
It's tradition that the underclassmen plan every big party to make sure the seniors have a great year, and they've been planning a back-to-school bonfire on the beach. Everyone, including you, is excited for it.
You and Alex are going through your closet and drawers, trying to find the perfect outfit for the bonfire since you had helped him the previous day while out shopping. He's going through your bathing suits when Julie walks in, Luke and Reggie on her heels. Julie and Reggie plop onto your bed, and Luke drops onto the lovesac with a groan.
"So guess what?" Julie excitedly says.
"Guess who's been asking around about you and asking whether or not you're single?"
It takes a moment for her words to sink in and when they do, you freeze. You drop the pair of shorts you'd been looking at in order to look at your sister, frowning at her too excited expression. "Please don't play matchmaker."
"What? Y/N!" Your sister whines. "It's your senior year. You're supposed to have fun before you leave for college."
"Julie, no." You shake your head, chuckling softly.
"Come on, Y/N," Luke wheedles. "It's Joshua Parker, co-captain of the football team. You seriously need to get laid before we graduate."
Reggie laughs, turning over onto his stomach and batting his eyelashes at you. "According to the female population of Los Feliz High, he's a total catch. Give him a whirl. I'm sure you'll enjoy it."
You wrinkle your nose at your friends, mock gagging. "Pass. I just- no. Can we please drop the subject?"
"Y/N," Julie tries again, softer this time. "Can I ask you a serious question?"
Your heartbeat starts to skyrocket and you gulp. "What?"
"Why don't you date?" And whew! That was not the question you were expecting. "I've never seen you once go on a date."
You shrug and avert your gaze. "I've got better things to do than shoving my tongue down someone's throat or risking an STD."
There have been numerous times when Julie and Flynn tried to pull you into gushing about anyone you'd had a crush on or ranking the boys from your school by order of hotness. You didn't know how to exactly tell them you weren't into boys, so you always made excuses to get out of it. But now, you're feeling a little bit ambushed and you know this talk is not going to end well.
"But how do you know if you've never-"
"Julie!" You snap. "Enough."
Your sister blinks owlishly at you, and Luke and Reggie lose their smiles. The sudden quiet of your room makes you uncomfortable so you make up a quick excuse to leave.
Alex watches Y/N go with a frown before he's looking back at his stunned friends. "Maybe you guys should lay off Y/N. Not everyone is interested in dating."
Julie is the first to snap out of her stupor, shaking her head softly. "She's just nervous. That's the way I was before she encouraged me to take up Nick's offer to dinner and a movie."
Luke snorts. "And look how well that turned out."
"You know what? Shut up!" Julie chunks a pillow at Luke, but he merely laughs and swats it away.
Alex rolls his eyes at them, turning to go find Y/N. He's had a theory for months now as to why Y/N isn't boy crazy like every other girl he knows, but he's willing to wait and let her come out and say it herself.
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Hours later, you leave the safety of the loft when your dad texts you to help set the table. Inside it's a full house, but only Alex glances at you. He offers you a faint smile and you squeeze his arm as you make your way past him to the cabinets. The table is quickly set and the food is brought to the table, and then everyone is sitting and holding hands for a quick prayer.
"Carlos, you're up," your dad says.
Everyone bows their head as Carlos starts. "Lord, we thank you for our good health and Reggie's amazing cooking skills. Amen."
"Amen," everyone repeats, chuckling as Reggie awws and ruffles Carlos' hair.
Dinner is a normal affair with the boys cracking jokes. But then when your dad asks about the plan for the upcoming bonfire, Julie starts explaining all that's going on while you sit there pushing around the corn on your plate.
"And then Joshua really wants Y/N to be his date for the night, but no," she drawls. "My dear older sister is apparently blind and refuses to go out with him."
You sigh and drop your fork. "This again? Really, Jules?"
"What?" She feigns innocence. "I just want you to be happy."
"I am happy," you deadpan.
"And have fun."
"Luke, Reggie, and Alex are fun."
She rolls her eyes. "With people who aren't like our brothers," she says. "Honestly, we thought you and Reggie had a thing going on-"
"What?!" He squawks.
"But then we saw you helping him get ready for a date with another girl and gave up on welcoming Reggie into the family."
You pinch the bridge of your nose, groaning softly. Ray glances between his daughters and the way the usually three teenage boys are averting their gazes. "Mija, maybe you should just leave your sister be. If she doesn't want to go on a date with Joshua, you shouldn't pressure her."
"Agreed!" You look at your dad with a grateful smile. "Thanks, dad."
This time Julie groans. "But I just don't get it." And your mood quickly sours. "You're beautiful and you can have any boy-"
"Because I don't like boys!" You yell. The dinner table falls deathly silent and your eyes instantly tear up. "I haven't liked boys since I realized I liked girls back in the seventh grade." Still not a word is uttered and your heart cracks just a little. Throwing your napkin down onto your plate, you scoff, "Are you happy now?", as you push your chair back and rush out the front door.
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You've been sitting by the beach for about an hour now, sitting on a low brick wall and staring off into the ocean. You've had numerous texts and calls, but the only texts you replied to are your dad's where you told him you'd be back before curfew. But you should have known someone would look for you no matter what and are relieved to see the pink hoodie out of the corner of your eye. Alex.
"How'd you find me?"
"Tracking app," he says. "I've downloaded it on everyone's phones and hid it on the last page in the random folder no one looks through."
You huff quietly, shaking your head in amusement. "So how pissed is my dad? And how's Jules? I didn't mean to snap at her, but-"
"Hey, I get it," Alex says. He leans over, knocking your shoulder with his. "Keeping a secret like ours takes a toll. And then with Julie pressuring you, it's understandable you snapped."
"I just- I feel so bad," you mutter. Leaning against Alex, you lay your head on his shoulder and you feel him lay his head atop yours.
"Don't. Coming out, it's hard. I should know," he chuckles. "But what I don't understand is why you didn't tell me."
"You mean to tell me you didn't realize I was gay back when we had to kiss in seventh grade?" Alex snorts softly and you push off of him so you can look at him, grabbing one of his hands within your own. "I thought about telling you hundreds of times, but then you came out to your parents and their reaction terrified me. I was scared mom and dad would do the same to me."
"Are you joking? Ray and Rose loved you with their entire beings. Heck your dad still does. He'd never treat you any differently."
"No offense, but we all thought that about your parents too and look how that turned out."
He opens his mouth to retort, but snaps it shut and shrugs. "Fair point."
"And besides, we couldn't know for sure. You never really came out to my parents. We only told them you and your parents no longer saw eye to eye. Dad doesn't know you're gay."
"Also fair point," he sighs. "But if I'm being honest, I don't think Ray will be like my parents. If anything, he's probably more upset that you hid yourself for so long."
"God I hope you're right." The only sound you can hear are the waves lapping at the shore. "Can we just- can we chill here a little longer? I'm not ready to go back."
"Of course. But you're buying me a snack because we didn't finish dinner and I spent the last of my money on an Uber out here."
Snorting, you agree and slide off the wall with Alex's hand still encased in your own.
You and Alex walk to a nearby taco truck, and you buy him whatever he wants. You get yourself two tacos as well, plus two glass bottles of Coke and eat down by the water.
For a couple of hours the two of you walk along the beach and then head down to the pier. You listen to a few random people playing instruments in hopes of making a few dollars, and then right before ten at night you decide it's time to finally head home.
"So what do you'll think I'll be walking into?" You ask.
Alex shrugs. "I'm not sure, but whatever it is I'm sure you'll be fine."
As you drop into the seat behind the wheel, you shoot off a quick text to your dad to let him know you're on your way home. Then as you and Alex are buckling up, you get a reply from him. Quickly reading it, you summarize the text for your friend. "Dad said he wants to speak to us."
"Yep." You lock your phone and drop it into the cup holder.
"He knows. He so knows about me," Alex realizes.
You huff a laugh. "On the bright side, it looks like we're in this together."
Instead of blaring music like you normally would, you keep it quiet and talk nonsense to Alex to keep him from freaking out too bad. You're at your house in no time and Alex looks at you as if he's walking to his death.
"Keep it together, Mercer. Wasn't it you who was telling me earlier that my dad would be accepting?"
"Yeah." He nods before looking up at your house. "Yeah. It's going to be fine."
As you and Alex climb out of the car, you meet in front of it and you reach for his left hand with your right. He grabs it, interlocking your fingers, and lets you lead the way inside.
When you step inside your house, your dad is the only one there with the TV playing on low. You and Alex walk into the living room as your dad climbs to his feet, and the tears immediately flow when you see tears gathering in your dad's eyes.
"Mija." Ray's voice cracks as he spreads his arms open for a hug, and a sob escapes your throat as you release Alex's hand and close the distance between you and your dad. Your arms wrap tightly around his waist as you hide your face in his chest, and he shushes you while rocking you back and forth. "I love you no matter what. You do know that, right?"
With your throat tight with emotion, all you can do is nod.
"I'm so sorry you felt the need to hide yourself away. You are my flesh and blood, and I love you with all my heart whether you like boys or girls or neither."
"I-I'm sorry." You cry. "It's just- it's really scary saying it out loud and not knowing for sure how anyone will react."
"I know." You feel Ray's chest shudder with suppressed emotion. "And Alex, please don't be mad but the other boys told me what really happened with your parents. I'm so sorry, mijo. No parent should ever treat their child like something's wrong with them or be dismissed because of who they love."
"I-" Alex's voice cracks and you hear him clear his throat a moment later. "Thank you, Mr. Molina. You have no idea how good it is to hear you say that."
Ray chuckles a little wetly. "Get over here. You will always be welcomed here, mijo. I just want you to know that."
You feel Alex come up behind you, hugging your dad and squishing you between the both of them. You can't help the giggle that leaves your mouth and as you stand there hugging your dad it feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
"Can we get in on that?" You manage to turn your head towards the voice and smile at Carlos. "That looks really fun."
Ray and Alex loosen the hug, and open their arms just so, so Julie and Carlos can join in.
"I'm sorry," Julie mumbles. "If I had known-"
"But you didn't," you say. "And that's my fault, but please stop trying to hook me up with the guys you and Flynn think are fine."
Julie giggles and agrees.
"Does this mean then that when I'm older, me and you can check out girls together?"
You, Alex, and Julie all laugh at Carlos' earnest question as your dad groans. "Sure, Carlitos. I'll totally scope out the girls with you."
"Alright. Now that we've talked," your dad says, "you're needed outside. Please keep your sister and Luke apart."
Julie groans as you snort. "What?"
"Reggie and Luke are out in the studio," Julie explains. "We're having a sleepover."
"Oh. Okay," you say.
As your dad ushers Carlos away with promises that he can stay up to midnight playing his games, you and Alex follow Julie out the back door. You walk down the curving concrete stairs and enter the studio, grinning at the sight of Reggie and Luke on the pullout couch and the lovesac they apparently stole from your room.
"How did you guys even get that down here?"
"It took us about thirty minutes and a fall down the stairs, but we made it," Luke says.
He's stretched out on the pullout couch and it's no surprise that Julie gravitates his way. You and Alex readily kick off your shoes, and Alex chooses to crawl his way in between your sister and Luke while you join Reggie on the lovesac.
Reggie's arm is stretched out, so you slide over to him and curl into his side. The two of you cuddle into one another and it takes a second for something Julie said earlier to come back to you. "So you guys really thought Reggie and I were creeping behind all your backs?"
Reggie laughs. "Why would any of you think that?"
"Are you really asking that right now?" Luke huffs. "Just look at the way the two of you are laying together."
You and Reggie laugh, knowing full well that being wrapped in one another would look pretty compromising. Eventually your laughter tapers off. "Reggie's a cutie, but he's not exactly my type. Honestly, all three of you boys are good looking but you just don't do it for me. Sorry."
Alex chuckles. "Ditto."
"So I know this is kind of rude to ask, but we're family and I'm super curious," Luke says. Immediately Alex and Julie groan. "Did you guys just like know you were gay or did you kiss the opposite sex and realize then that you didn't it?"
Alex remains quiet, so you decide to go first. "I knew that I liked girls before I ever kissed a boy."
"Same. I knew I liked boys before I kissed a girl."
"Bro, no way!" Luke exclaims. "Who'd you kiss?"
"Wait," Julie frowns, "if you knew you were gay beforehand, then why kiss the opposite sex?"
"Because we were locked in a room," you say.
"And they wouldn't let us out unless we kissed and took a polaroid of said kiss as proof," Alex finishes.
There's a moment of silence as your words sink in, and then- "No way!" Reggie laughs. "You and Alex kissed?!"
You can't help but laugh along with him. "We did."
Alex smiles. "I still have the polaroid somewhere in my closet. I took it back so no one could tease us with it."
"You need to find it so I can see it," you muse. "God it's been forever since that happened."
"And to think if it never had happened, we'd probably have never spoken."
Everyone falls silent as they think about Alex's words, but then you break the silence to say, "I'm really glad you were my first and only boy kiss."
"Same. I'm glad you were my only girl kiss as well."
"Aw you guys," Luke coos. "Y/N and Reg, get your butts over here and cuddle us."
You and Reggie rock and roll yourselves out of the lovesac, you letting Reggie smother your sister while you crawl over Luke and Alex. Luke does his best to tuck you under his chin and you laugh briefly before your body starts to relax.
Sighing softly, you say, "I love you guys. Thank you for being so chill about everything."
"We love you too," Luke muses.
As the talking starts to taper off and you feel yourself dozing off, you say, "I'm really sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner. It's just- I didn't know how-"
"Don't apologize," you sister tells you. "I can't imagine the guts it took to come out and I'm sorry I kind of forced your hand, but we know now and that's all that matters. You and Alex are both loved, and you'll always have a home with us no matter what."
Someone sniffles and then Alex says, "Can someone just hug me?"
You giggle and roll off of Luke, hugging Alex and inadvertently Reggie as well since he had the same idea as you.
"Hey, so if you guys are out," Reggie starts, "does this mean we can finally go to one of those Pride parades?"
Alex snorts. "Reg, we will go to Pride if Luke lets the girls put makeup on him."
"Hey I'm so down," Luke says. "I want rainbow eyeshadow."
"Yeah. Me too!" Reggie agrees.
Julie giggles. "Reg, if we go to Pride we're dressing you up as a fairy."
"Ohh yes!" You lift your head just high enough to nod at your sister. "Reggie's complexion is best to give him an ethereal look with makeup and a pair of fairy wings that we have left over from Halloween. He'd have to be shirtless though, so.."
"Aw man, I'm gonna have to do a lot of sit-ups, aren't I?"
"Yep. But don't worry," you muse. "It'll be well worth it."
"Hey, Luke," Reggie then says. "Ten bucks say I pull more numbers than you."
"You're on, Peters."
As Luke and Reggie bicker about who can pull the most guys, you snuggle into Alex and slowly drift off to sleep. You should have known from the start that you'd be accepted by everyone and you can't believe you wasted so much of your life hiding. But now that everyone who matters knows, you're excited to finally be yourself.
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Pt1, Pt2, Pt3
Warnings: fighting with parents and some swearing
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The bright sunlight hit your eyes and you squinted a little as your feet hit the driveway.
Julie’s song was still playing through your head, and so was your conversation with her last night. The passion in her voice when she sang was the same as when she talked about her mom.
You wanted to run in and comfort her somehow, but Luke seemed insistent on staying outside, making Alex grumble next to you.
“Dude, why did you stop me? Julie needs a hug.”
“A ghost hug is not the feel-good moment you think it is. Trust me.” Luke said. What Julie needs is some privacy.”
“I think you poofed us out because you can’t handle when other people cry.” Alex waved his finger in Luke’s face, making you frown at his words.
It wasn’t a secret that Luke wasn’t the best with feelings, but he had always been there for you. Last night in the darkroom, and again at the diner, and countless other times.
“I should know,” Alex continued, gesturing between Luke and Reggie. “I cried in a room for 25 years, and I didn’t get a single hug from either of you.”
Reggie sighed, opening his arms. “Bring it in.”
“Don’t touch me!”
“This is why no one but (Y/n) hugs you.” Reggie mumbled as you rubbed Alex’s arm.
“Okay.” Luke interrupted. “So, once we get the courage to go in there, we should ask Julie why she lied about playing the piano.”
Alex shrugged. “And maybe tell her how amazing she is?”
You nodded and Reggie exclaimed. “She’s legit! I got ghost-bumps.”
Just then, the gate leading to the house swung open and a girl made her way down the pavement. As she got closer, you could hear her sobbing quietly.
“Oh no, was she crying too?” You asked as the girl entered the garage.
“Yes!” Luke shivered. “We definitely can’t go in there.”
“No, but we can listen.” Reggie ran towards the door, standing on his tip-toes to peek through the window.
“Guys! We can’t eavesdrop, that’s creepy!” You whispered, but the boys ignored you and crowded the door.
Seconds later, they all ducked to avoid being seen and you couldn’t help but be curious. So you ran over and squeezed yourself between Luke and Alex.
“I’m not okay!” The other girl shouted. “You got kicked out of music! I’ve been up all night thinking about what I was gonna say, and I might’ve had seven sodas but I need to get this out.”
“Flynn-” Julie started but Flynn shook her head and started ranting.
“Jules, if you leave the music program, we’ll be apart forever. Sure, we’ll see each other in the hallway sometimes but we’ll make new friends.”
“That’s not true.” Julie said.
“You’re right, I won’t make any new friends. The only time we’ll contact each other is by liking each other’s posts on Instagram. Every time I hit that little heart, mine will be breaking because my best friend left me.”
“What’s Instagram?“ Alex whispered to you. You shrugged, making a mental note to ask Julie later.
Julie sighed. “I just played piano and sang again.”
“What? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was trying but then your seven sodas kicked in.” Julie laughed.
Flynn squealed. “I’m so happy for you! Look at you, looking all alive again. What made you play again?”
Julie slid her mom’s song across the piano to show Flynn and you couldn’t help but smile. You obviously hadn’t known Julie for long, but you were so happy that she reconnected with her mom and music.
“I was so scared to play it, cause everything having to do with music reminds me of her. But I woke up this morning, realizing that’s exactly why I should play it. To keep her memory alive.”
“We need to tell Mrs. Harrison that you can play so you can stay in the music program. My girl’s back! Double Trouble lives again.”
“Not our band name.” Julie laughed as the girls started walking out of the garage.
“Shit, she’s coming!” You whispered. “Act natural.”
You and Reggie sank to the floor, Luke leaned on his arm and Alex pretended to inspect the light hanging above you. Julie made eye contact with you and smiled.
“Oh, hey!”
Flynn turned around and watched Julie expectantly. Julie laughed awkwardly and started skipping down the driveway.
“Let’s hustle!” She grabbed Flynn’s arm and started walking up the stairs, waving goodbye.
“We weren’t listening!” Reggie said, earning a pinch on the arm from you and a kick to the ankle from Luke. Julie started swatting the air, trying to play it off like there was a bug, and pushed Flynn up the stairs.
As soon as she was gone, you made your way back into the garage. You sat at the piano bench, mindlessly playing the few chords you knew.
“I wonder why Julie didn’t tell us she could shred on the piano.” Reggie said.
“It probably has something to do with her mom.” You guessed, your fingers gliding across the keys.
“Yeah, that must’ve been hard.” Alex added before climbing up to the loft. “I really feel for her.”
“Yeah, but now she’s got music back in her life. Just like us.” Luke said, reaching over and hitting the note next to your finger.
“Yeah, I’m not sure you can call what we have a life.” Alex said and you snorted. “Hey, I think some of our old clothes are up here.”
He threw down a black trash bag filled with clothes and you sighed in relief. The night you died, you wore a plain pair of jeans, and your favorite old t-shirt of your dad’s. You usually wore one when you played a gig, so that a part of him could be with you in some way and of course; Luke’s jacket.
And as much as you loved your outfit, being in the same clothes for 25 years was not exactly sanitary, even by ghost standards.
“Sweet!” Luke exclaimed, taking off his shirt.
You tried as subtly as possible to look away before anyone saw the blush on your cheeks, and you thought you had gotten away with it until Reggie laughed from across the room.
You sent him a glare, but that only made him laugh harder.
Suddenly, the studio doors opened again and Julie’s dad came in. He had a sad look on his face and a camera in his hands. It had ‘Ray Molina’ engraved on the handle so you figured that was his name.
The man walked right through Reggie, making him shudder. “That was weird. But somehow I can tell this man has a kind heart.”
“So, how have you been?” Ray asked, his voice heavy.
“Honestly, not that good.” Reggie said and you rolled your eyes. “See, we ate these hotdogs and-”
“Julie sang for the first time again this morning.” Ray took a picture of the room. “She hasn’t done that in almost a year. You would’ve loved it.”
“Yeah, we heard cause we-.” Reggie wiggled his fingers in front of Ray’s face. “Oh, I get it. He's not talking to us."
"Dude, you are so lucky you play bass." Luke said.
"I think he's talking to Julie's mom." Alex sighed.
Ray started walking towards the piano. "She's such an amazing young woman."
He started running his hands on the keys so you slid off the bench. You knew you definitely shouldn't be listening, this was definitely not something you weren't meant to hear but you couldn't help your curiosity. "Everyday she reminds me more and more of you."
"Called it!" Alex cheered.
Ray shifted the camera between his hands. "I'm taking pictures for the real estate website. I don't really wanna move, but...it's what's best for Julie."
Alex came down from the loft and you all crowded around the piano. Luke stared at Ray with wide eyes. "Move?"
Ray gently played a few notes of a ballad before he spoke again. "There's so many memories out here. Like, Julie sitting next to you and Carlos trying to sing with his missing front teeth."
Luke let out a shaky breath and you realized he was crying. It wasn’t until a tear rolled down your cheek that you realized that you were too. You frantically wiped your eyes, doing your best not to break down.
Ray was exactly what you always pictured your dad used to be like, and his love for Julie was exactly the same kind you knew he would've had for you. Thinking about your dad made you think about your mom, and that made trying to stop crying a whole lot harder.
"Come on guys, not you too." Reggie said.
"It's just...he's talking about moving but the poor guy doesn't wanna move." Luke sniffled.
Ray stood up and took a picture of right where you were all standing. "It's like they grew up out here."
Reggie fanned his face. "Now he's got me too."
Alex scoffed. "Okay, how am I the emotional one?"
"Can we go see my family? See how they're doing?" Reggie asked, his voice shaking a little.
You nodded. “Yeah, listening to this doesn’t feel right.”
Just as you go to leave, Ray laughs. "Remember when the kids were at your sisters and we came out here on our anniversary..."
"Yeah, no! " Luke cringed. "Definitely wrong.”
The beach was where you spent a lot of your free time when you were alive.
Usually after a long day when you just needed a place to work on new lyrics in peace. But sometimes after playing all day at the pier, the boys would drag you down to the water and you would all stay there as long as possible. Away from parents and responsibilities.
But just like everything else, it had changed so much.
"A bike shack," Reggie sighed. "Right where my house used to be."
"I'm sorry, Reg." You rested your head on Reggie’s shoulder.
"Why couldn't they at least have turned it into something cool like a pizzeria or something?"
"They tore down the whole neighborhood." Alex said.
"I guess my folks are gone."
Alex kicked his foot into the sand. "Everyone's gone. Twenty-five years, gone. Friends, family, Bobby, everyone."
That was another person you hadn't wanted to let yourself think about. Even though you and Bobby weren't super close, he was still a part of Sunset Curve. He could be a little bit of an asshole sometimes but he was still your friend.
"Bobby, that's right." Reggie said. "Guess that vegetarian lucked out. Wonder what happened to him?"
"He probably just got old like everyone else and moved on." Luke grumbled.
"Dude, how are you so chill about all of this?”
“Yeah, don’t you want to figure out what happened?” You asked.
“Let’s be real for a second.” Luke exhaled, clearly getting worked up. “It’s not like any of us were close to our families. My parents always regretted buying me that guitar. Reggie, your parents were literally a fight away from divorce.” 
Luke ran a hand through his hair as he ranted, talking with his hands the way he always did when he was upset. “Alex, I- Your parents were never cool again after you told them you were gay.”
His eyes landed on you and he seemed to ease up a little. “(Y/n), you practically raised yourself since your mom was gone all the time.”
“Yeah, okay.” You said. “None of us had it great.”
“But at least we had something! What do we have now?” Alex shouted. “And before you say cool teleportation, I’m not cool with that either. It tingles. In weird places.”
Luke sprang to his feet. “I’ll tell you what he had. It’s what we’ve had since the day we came together. Guys, we have us. We’re the only family we’re ever gonna need. You wanna know what else we got?”
“I’m gonna guess death breath?” Reggie said.
“Our music, you dork.” Luke laughed. “People can hear us play again! They can’t see us, whatever, but they can feel us. I wish I had my guitar.”
Suddenly, the air around you made a sharp ‘whoosh’ sound and Luke’s six-string appeared in his hands.
“Whoa.” You said.
“How did you do that?” Reggie asked.
“I-I don’t know. I mean I wished for it and then...” Luke played a few chords and beamed.
Reggie jumped in place with his arms open, trying to wish for random things before he eventually gave up and slumped into the sand.
“I think I know what will cheer you up.” Luke said. He played the opening of ‘This Band Is Back’ and you couldn’t help but smile. Out of all the Sunset Curve songs, this was one of your favorites.
“Come on, Reginald.” Alex said as he started hitting his legs and chest to make a beat.
You offered Reggie your hand and pulled him up as Luke started the countdown. Reggie took it and twirled you around, effectively getting sand in your shoes. You laughed and spun him around before dragging him up to the tables in front of the restaurants as he sang.
The people around you seemed confused by the sudden music, but they danced around anyway. You forgot how much you loved seeing people react to your music. Watching them dance and smile made all your worries float away, even if it was just for now.
And for the first time since the Orpheum,
It really did feel like the band was back.
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August 1994
It was just after sunset when you called the Patterson house.
The sound of your mom slamming the front door was still fresh in your mind and before you could stop yourself, your fingers were flying across the buttons. Luke was the only person who knew about your relationship with your mom. 
You didn’t want to worry Cece, or Alex, or anyone else. But hiding things from Luke wasn’t easy, especially with how stubborn he was. So you told him everything, and he told you,
‘Call me next time, okay?’
The line only rang twice before someone picked up. “Hello?” 
It was Emily, Luke’s mom.
You took a deep breath, trying to keep from crying. “Hi, Mrs. Patterson.”
Emily laughed and you could practically hear her roll her eyes fondly. “(Y/n), sweetie, what did I tell you about calling me that?”
Even though you and Luke had been friends most of your lives, you had only met Emily a handful of times. Luke didn’t really like hanging out at his house, especially when he started fighting with them regularly. Still, Emily always treated you like her own kid whenever you were around.
“Sorry, Emily.��� You said. “Is Luke around?”
You heard some shuffling as she called out for him and after a few minutes, Luke picked up the phone. “Hey.”
“Hi, are you busy?” 
“No, why?” He asked.
“Well, I made enough cookies to feed a small country and my mom’s gonna be gone for the night so I thought we could hang out.” You rambled. “Maybe finish ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark?”
Luke laughed excitedly. “Yeah, sure! Give me like 20 minutes.”
Luke’s laugh was so infectious that you had to fight through a giggle. “Okay, see you soon.”
As you went to hang up, you hear Emily’s voice again. She was teasing Luke about something but all you caught was the word ‘Girlfriend’, making you turn bright red.
You put the phone back on the hook just as the oven beeped to signal that it was ready to bake the cookies. You put them in the oven and turned your attention to the huge bowl of cake batter in front of you. At this point, there wasn’t anything left in the kitchen you hadn’t baked.
There was no way you would be able to eat all of it, even with Luke’s help. But you needed something to distract yourself to keep your mind from overloading.
True to his word, Luke arrived twenty minutes later, bursting through your front door and screaming the Indiana Jones theme song at the top of his lungs. He skipped his way into the kitchen, immediately sensing something was wrong when you didn’t join him or even acknowledge his presence. 
“(Y/n)?” Luke approached you slowly.
“Hey.” You tried to sound as casual as possible, not looking up from the bowl. “So, you ready to finally finish this movie?”
Luke didn’t say anything as he scanned the kitchen. There were piles of cookies and cooking utensils all over the counter, and you had flour in your hair. You could see the realization flash across his face through your eyelashes.
“Okay, you’re baking everything in the house, which can only mean one of two things,” Luke said, his voice becoming more serious as he jumped up on the counter. “You either watched Sixteen Candles unsupervised again or…”
You stayed quiet as you slowly stirred the batter. It was ready to put in the pan ten minutes ago but you needed something to do to distract yourself.
Luke’s hand gently gripped yours before taking the spoon from you and letting it fall into the bowl. You looked up at him to find him already staring at you with a furrowed brow.
Damn it.
You should’ve known he would see through your thinly veiled excuses and promise of cookies. Luke was more observant than people gave him credit for.
“C’mere,” Luke said, opening his arms. You moved between his legs and buried your head in his chest, covering his shirt in tears, flour, and batter. But he didn’t seem to mind as he rubbed circles into your arm with one hand while the other cradled your head.
“She hates me.” You said through a deep, shuddering breath.
“She doesn’t hate you,” Luke reasoned. “It’s impossible for anyone to hate you.”
One of the things you loved about Luke was his protective streak when it came to his friends, and the way that no matter what, he could only see the best in them.
And as his best friend, you were pretty much perfect in his eyes. Which meant that when you didn't immediately agree, Luke launched into a rant.
"First of all, you're like the smartest person in the world. You manage to get good grades while also working at the diner three days a week which is nuts.
Secondly, your voice is insane! And your lyrics, (Y/n), we wouldn't even have half the Sunset Curve songs without your killer songwriting skills!"
"You done, Lu?" You joked as you pulled away just enough to look up at him, trying not to blush. No matter how hard you tried to play it cool when he complimented you, it always made you melt inside.
"I'm just saying," Luke laughed softly. “You are literally the best person I know, Squeaks.”
You let out a watery laugh at the mention of your childhood nickname. It was one that Luke had given to you in 4th grade after he put a bug on your arm and you had squeaked in fear.
“And just think,” Luke whispered, his voice sounding a little wistful. “One day, we’ll get signed to a label and end up somewhere far away from here.”
“We barely started making our demo.” You said, making Luke scrunch his nose in the way that always made you giggle. "Don't you think you're getting a little ahead of yourself?"
“Nope.” He smirked. “Okay, I gotta ask, were you planning on baking this or is this a new look you’re going for? ‘Cause I gotta be honest, it’s not your best.” Luke said teasingly as he swiped some batter from your cheek.
“Oh, really?” You asked, dipping your finger in the bowl and smearing the batter across Luke’s face, making him gasp. Then you took a slight step back and hummed thoughtfully. “Definitely looks better on me.”
“You know what?” Luke scoffed, trying to hold back a smile and before you could blink, he reached into the bowl and flung the spoon at you, splattering your shirt. “I think you’re right.”
“Jerk!” You laughed, wiping off your shirt as Luke tried to lick the batter off his chin but he only managed to make an ever bigger mess.
“Did I get it?” He asked, making you giggle.
“Not quite.” You reached forward and carefully wiped it off, desperately trying to focus on anything other than how close your faces were. But it was impossible when you could feel Luke’s breath on the tip of your nose. “There.”
Luke’s face was unreadable as he looked down at you. The playfulness had evaporated in the air and was replaced with something else that you couldn’t really read either. Just when you thought the moment would last forever, the timer for the second batch of cookies rang through the kitchen, and you practically bolted to the oven.
You pulled them out and put them on a plate. “So, you know that we have to watch Sixteen Candles now, right?”
Luke groaned, pretending to be annoyed. Even though he would never admit it, you knew he secretly loved romance movies. “Fine, but Raiders of the Lost Ark after?”
As Luke went into the living room to start the movie, you sighed to yourself. Maybe you would never have a normal relationship with your mom.
But you had your band, your friends, and even if it wasn’t exactly in the way you wanted; 
You had Luke.
In Life, In Death Taglist:
@ifilwtmfc @instabull @wanniiieeee @tenaciousperfectionunknown @nxacomposts @merceret @itismeasmolpotato @lilostif16
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Permanence // Luke Patterson
Summary: On the run for most of her life the reader had been accustomed to being a lone wolf in world with eyes everywhere. Living in the age of technology and life online makes it hard for a girl stuck in a permanent state at nineteen physically. All things change when the reader moves next door to a healing teenager and her ghostly band.
Warning: Swearing, loss of death, talk of injuries/hospital,  angst, and fluff
Words: 5.1k (yikes)
A/N: Loosely based on the film Age of Adaline. Also includes a scene using the BBC show Call the Midwife as well. I’ve been MIA due to this fic. I love it.
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The love tingled in your lips as the taxi pulled away from the curb leaving behind the white-haired woman. Your hand raised to wave as the woman turned into a speck in the review mirror but never far from your heart and thoughts.
“Going on a trip?” The taxi driver questioned taking a right turn with a jarring sensation. His brown eyes speedily meeting yours, “Does your mom grandma live in San Francisco?”
A mournful smile appeared on the wrinkle-free complexion, “Something like that.”
The reply didn’t faze the driver in a big city he had chosen to make his living with for his family, he had heard worse. The airport reared its head with the big heavily populated by tourists and loud machinery of transport.
The royal blue wool jacket concealed the black blouse tucked into the grey, and black tartan fitted trousers. Paired with the black velvet kitten heels that had been in your possession for a very long time. Hair left down in the soft waves and makeup natural for the plane right.
The flight was over quickly for the young woman with her carry on, and purse collected you immediately headed to baggage claim. The suitcase was easy found and lifted off the conveyor belt with little trouble. Your expressive eyes finding the taxi, some may call you old fashioned for not ‘ubering’, but it was a nostalgic action.
“Where to?” The taxi driver asked with pretty blue eyes shadowed by the crows’ feet at the corner’s of her eyes. Swiftly you listed off the address to the house you had bought with your vast savings, “Half hour ride.”
You settled back into the leather seat as the city passed by with the memories staunchly kept in a locked box escaping. Los Angeles had been the location of the only family trip you had had in your late teens.
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Los Angeles, 1936
“Darling! This Samuel, he owns the restaurant up the beach.” Theodore’s bright white smile gleamed as he returned to your side, “He’s personally invited us to celebrate the first night of our life together.
The pleated cark charcoal pants held up with black suspenders snuggle atop the button-down shirt of denim blue colour. The shirt left with the top two buttons undone revealing the white undershirt. Shiny polished black shoes on Theodore’s feet he was dressed as perfect as the day he caught your runaway hat.
“Oh, thank you.” You told the shy man as he led you up to the well-known restaurant with the gorgeous view of the water.
Samuel went further by providing his best table in the house, leaving the host annoyed at the interruption. The dinner was spent with Theodore listing off the itinerary for the week in the city. From visiting the museums to watching a film at the Los Angeles Theatre recommended by Theodore’s connection from work.
“You like to share a dessert Darling?” Theodore asked tenderly holding your soft hand in his smooth one. His smile never faded as you declined his offer satisfied with the large meal from the five-course dinner.
“I’d much prefer the comfort of our hotel room.” Your lips ended the words with a smile that paired well with the glittering eyes. Theodore’s heart expanded as his wife’s smile, he had fallen in love with first.
“The hotel placed a nice bottle of champagne in our room,” Theodore spoke once the bill was taken care of. He pulled your chair out to help you slip on the navy blue wool jacket on from the back of your chair, “You are absolutely beautiful.”
“Still as charming as ever.” You whispered gazing up at him with such love. 
You had loved Theodore from the first chaperoned date at sixteen with the handsome eighteen-year-old that had saved your hat. The wind that day had been unbearable as you walked the beach of San Francisco with your mother. At seventeen, you wed; a mere few days previous. Theodore came from a well-off family but worked as an engineer for the city.
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“We’re here.” The taxi driver spoke as the car pulled to a stop at a pretty house painted a blue with white accents.
Mumbling a thank you the driver took off once your belongings found ground on the sidewalk and the fare paid. The house door unlocked with a click revealing the furnishing you had sent and hired a company to build. The boxes of personal belongings had arrived in boxes the previous day and awaited unpacking.
The first order of business on your to-do list was changing the locks as well as testing the safety alarm. The next few hours you unpacked your kitchen and clothing as the locksmith took his time finishing up previous appointments.
Your hand hovered over the oval golden framed photo of your wedding day with Theodore with a smile on both your faces. You didn’t look a day older than the day you married Theodore even if it had been so long. The familiar clench at the sight of the man happened every time you saw the photo.
“You’d be so proud of Rosie.” Your index finger caressed the elegant picture of your first love with a mournful emotion.
Pulled from the sad memories as the doorbell rang signalling the arrival of the locksmith. The appointment was swift before you finished unpacking the living room from the bookcase to the picture frames. As the minute handle circled the clock face, you settled in for the simple meal.
“Tea on the porch.” You sighed curling into the cherry red Adirondack chair in the front porch watching as children went inside their houses.
It wasn’t how you had anticipated your life dreaming of a life with a family in a lovely home. You never expected to live in fear for your life, and your child’s as the second World War reared its ugly head. You never envisioned having to move every few years to keep safe. Lastly, you had never foreseen watching Rosie’s hair turn white before your own. You thought you’d be buried beside your husband after a long life. So far, it had been too long at this point with your childhood friends all dead.
 “Hi.” The voice of a teenage girl spoke. Your gaze left your lukewarm tea for the girl at the bottom of your porch.
Strands of her curly textured hair pulled away from her face it revealed her clear tawney complexion. The most expressive brown eyes framed with thick lashes that took your breath away with the kindness in them.
“You just moved in right?” The girl asked as you climbed down the steps to the younger teenager, “I’m Julie Molina, I live next door.”
 “Hello Julie, I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” You spoke, shaking the extended hand of the young girl inspecting her.
Her fashion was obviously of the current time whereas your own style was a mixture of different eras. The style fits in but touches to bring in the past decades you had lived through.
“Where are your parents?” Julie asked with a furrowed brow.
“I live alone.” You replied sighing as the confusion flashed in the younger teen’s eyes before you elaborated, “I’m nineteen. I bought the house, my parents live in my home state.”
They weren’t living, but they were buried in the cemetery with the other family members that had since passed. Unless a freak accident happened, your plot near your husband wouldn’t be filled. The only person who knew the truth was Rosie, she was your daughter.
“Wow! That’s cool.” Julie beamed glancing over her shoulder as her phantom friends poofed in behind her.
The sudden appearance startled you and while it was confusing you had become well acquainted with weird. You hadn’t aged a day since a stormy night on the country roads in 1938 heading to pick up Rosie. You barely flinched at the appearance.
“Oh damn, Julie’s neighbour is hot.” The leather jacket one spoke scanning the newcomer with an awed expression.
The boy with the sleeveless top sharing the same awed expression. Whereas the blonde in pink’s breath released in an exasperated sigh. Only a corner of your lips twitched up at realization this must happen quite a bit.
“I should head back inside. I have a few more boxes to unpack. It was lovely to meet you, Julie.” Your eloquent words taking the boys by surprise from the lack of modern language and slang. You didn’t use any of the terms that Julie and Flynn spoke in.
Luke followed Julie with glances over his shoulder to the back of the mysterious girl closing her front door. It wasn’t often Luke was intrigued by anything other than his music. Still, something about you was the most interesting thing. Not even touring some of his favourite bands’ personal homes was as interesting.
“C’mon Luke!” Reggie called out to the lingering teenage ghost. Unbeknownst to the retreating guitarist, your curtain had been pulled away as you peeked at him.
Over the next few weeks, you had become acquainted with Julie, even admitting to seeing the boys. It was a mess of Reggie blushing at your revelation of hearing his comments on your beauty. It wasn’t earth-shattering, but it was a friend group.
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Two months later, over the course of a week, you withdrew from the group for the comfort of your living room. A garbage bin for used tissues as it sank in once more that the anniversary of Theodore’s death rolled around. 82 years since he was tragically killed.
You looked a mess and barely reacted when the four friends to it upon themselves to enter your home. Your hazy mind barely caught onto the arrival as Julie ushered your saddened form to the bathroom.
As Julie helped dress you, taking it from the extensive closet, the boys cleaned up the living room, and Alex poofed out. He returned with a pizza he began cooking coming to a stop at Luke’s gaping gaze at the mantel above the fireplace.
“What’s wrong?” Alex demanded rushing to the guitarist side equally shocked. Perfect timing as you came back into the living room with Julie.
“That’s Theodore.” The words came out gravely from the lack of use for the past few days. Your feet brought you to the side of the three boys, “It was raining the day. The sky broke when we left the church.”
“That’s you?” Reggie inquired frantically glancing between the old photo and your exact replica of the picture.
Julie gasped at the sight picking out the scar on the edge of your forehead barely seen in the photo but the matching appearance remarkable. The soft smile appeared as your hand came to grab the frame remembering the lovely day—the beautiful ceremony and the small reception before heading out for the honeymoon.
“Theodore Prescott was eighteen when I first saw him on the beach in San Francisco. Mother and I chose a windy for a walk; my hat blew away. Straight into the trousers of a young man that I would fall in love with instantly.” Your smile grew as your form settled back on the couch, having traded the frame for an old album. The four people were quiet.
“We married a year later in 1937, I was seventeen years old. Theodore whisked me off to Los Angeles for our honeymoon. We dined at fancy establishments, caught a film at the Los Angeles Theatre.” Your smile faded, leading Julie’s heart to clench as she knew that expression from seeing it in the mirror, “He was an engineer.”
“What happened?” Julie questioned grasping your soft hand in her own hand, focusing her eyes on your face. Your face remembering one of the most challenging times.
“Theodore was an engineer for the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge. A section of the bridge collapsed taking three men down. Theodore was one of them.” A lone tear travelled down your cheek, “It was difficult grieving my husband and caring for our daughter.”
Luke’s gasp was audible, “Are you a ghost?”
“No.” You told the seventeen-year-old guitarist, “I’ve been nineteen for the last 83 years.”
“Eighty-three years?!” Reggie exclaimed completely taken aback blinking fast to take it in, “Did you find a fountain of youth? Some special French creams?”
“Reg, shut up.” Alex elbowed the raven-haired teenager in the side with an apologetic smile, “I’d apologize and say he isn’t normally like this…but you know us too well.”
“It’s alright Alex,” You told the drummer fiddling with his ring as you returned back to Reggie, “It was storming in 1938, but I had promised to meet my parents and Rosie at the cabin. Visibility got worse, and I fishtailed right off the road into the ravine. I’m not sure the science but I know I died, and then I woke up.”
“This so weird,” Luke mumbled listening intently to the story with wide eyes that quickly matched his friends.
“Believe it’s shocking when your daughter graduates from college with her mother looking younger than her.” The bitter chuckle couldn’t be held back, remembering it as the first time you were retitled as Rosie’s sister.
“I just got used to being a ghost.” Alex sighed, settling into the armchair to the left of the couch. Luke sat on the couch next to you while Reggie took the armchair across from Alex.
As the sun rose higher and began to set, you enthralled the teenagers with stories of your long life. Luke was the most interested in the music you have seen evolve over the course of time, and the musicians you had met. In telling them stories, it allowed you to step out of the dark abyss of your mind.
“Freddie Mercury?” Luke asked from the other cherry red Adirondack chair turned to see you in the matching one.
“I had coffee with him in a little hole in the wall coffee shop in New York. He loved whip cream, but he didn’t like the dairy they used. The shop is now a Starbucks.”
The giggle escaped at Luke’s look of absolute awe, “That’s so rad.”
“Rad. Haven’t heard that in a long time.” The sparkle for sure would have sent Luke’s heart thudding like Alex’s drumming in Now or Never; if it still beat that is.
“…so do you think people can fall in love more than once?” Luke had been very undecided in asking the question. Everyone around could tell he felt something for you so unlike any other relationship.
You kissed your teeth, thinking about how to properly articulate your thoughts on such a heavy subject. It was clear that you felt something for the teenage ghost even if you had lived far longer than Luke had.
“I think it’s possible. Luke, I’ve lived a long time and while I’ll love Theodore for as long as I live that doesn’t mean I have been alone.” You revealed to the ghostly guitarist stepping back in a part of your history buried incredibly deep.
“The way you were torn up made me think-“
“I’ll always mourn Theodore, I had a year, and that was never enough. I worked as a midwife in England in the late 1960s.”
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Poplar, London, England circa 1960s
The blonde-haired bombshell marched her way through the crowded Poplar district in London scanning the late-night Christmas shoppers. Beatrix, Trixie to her friends, had a young mother a mere street away. The only available midwife to help her happened to be off duty shopping for gifts. 
Trixie was thankful for the American accent that distinguished the midwife from the crowd, pointing her towards a store window. Your eyes dragged away from the lovely young mother giving her thanks for delivering her baby a few months prior.
“Trixie!” You beamed, revealing a white smile that lit up your pretty eye colour. Trixie’s anxious expression dropped the smile, however, “Is something wrong?”
“Jenny Turner is in labour. Tom is with her right now, but I need help. Everyone is further away.”
In seconds you had pulled the charcoal cape secured by the bands crisscrossing your shoulders to properly rest. The cloak had armholes with material covering the holes, no sleeves seen. The cape covered the plain light blue nurse uniform with the white-collar and the maroon red cardigan.
Trixie led you to the small apartment housing twenty-one-year-old, Jenny, with Reverend Tom Hereward waiting. This would be Jenny’s second child with her husband Roger leaving the midwife’s nervous after her first pregnancy.
“Hello, Jenny.” You spoke stepping closer to the woman, “Trixie said you requested my presence.”
“You delivered my first baby. I want you here, Roger a county away for work.” Jenny heavily spoke as a contraction ended, “I’m not due for two weeks.”
“Baby Turner is too excited to meet their big brother.” You soothed settling beside the young mother, “You’re in great hands with Trixie. You are close to the hospital and the clinic if you’d prefer to move.”
“No. I want to stay.” Jenny was sure of that, at least. Her hand left yours to clench the white bedsheets as a contraction clenched her midsection.
“Then I’ll be right here with you.” 
It was a promise you kept as Trixie delivered a healthy baby girl appreciating your help when you cleaned the baby. Trixie helped Jenny deliver the afterbirth and clean up the room just in time for Jenny’s mother to enter the room.
“I came as soon as I could.”
“Thank you, Y/N,” Jenny spoke with a small tired smile. The smile that made the job worth watching babies being born, of family’s growing.
Tom was waiting outside in the living room as you exited the bathroom. Your heart fluttered at the sight of the Reverend Hereward waiting for you with his patient smile and a tender look in his blue gaze.
“How is Jenny?” Tom asked, holding the door to the street open.
“Tired after delivering Cynthia. Cynthia is an eight-pound baby with no complications. Thank you for praying Tom.”
“Trixie informed me of Jenny’s first pregnancy, and I felt like I was needed. Do you happen to be free tomorrow night?” Tom asked, linking his fingers in yours with a smile that almost looked nervous.
“I am.” You responded as Tom walked you to Nonnatus House where the unmarried midwives resided. You stood on tiptoes to kiss his cheek, “Good night Tom.”
“I’ll meet you at the park,” Tom responded, waiting patiently as you entered the building before he turned on his heel to head to his residence. Unknown to him, you peered down from your bedroom window as he pulled something out of his pocket.
A small box housing a ring he would propose with the very next night. A ring that broke your heart. A ring that you’d never see up close as you handed in your resignation and left England as quickly as possible.
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Luke’s invested gaze shuttered as you revealed you had run away before Tom could propose because it could never happen.
“He was going to propose, and you didn’t say goodbye?”
“I don’t know if I could have said no when he asked. I wish I knew what I would have said, but it was unfair. How could Tom, as a Reverend, accept that his fiancée or wife would never grow old? It went against everything he believed in.” You countered with a raised eyebrow, “He married the midwife that was hired a year after I left. Barbara Gilbert. Trixie sent me the letter.”
Luke’s perceptive eyes caught the tinge of sadness in your gaze recalling the second man you had loved. You loved with your whole heart and with that came a lot of heartbreak.
“Do you keep in contact with them?”
“I send a letter to Trixie every once in a while, to check up on her. She married a few years after I left and had a few children. I believe she had a step-daughter.”
Luke’s mouth went to open before a flash of light, and a slight gasp was heard from the blonde drummer. His eyebrows raised as the close proximity between his best friend and his new friend. He shook it off as he turned to face Luke fully.
“Did you forget? We have a gig.” Alex spoke amused as Luke’s eyes widened theatrically vividly recalling the excitement in Julie’s eyes.
You waved the duo off to disappear in a ball of light to the gig they had for the night while you entered your home. You didn’t hear Alex make a comment that Luke couldn’t deny.
“You’ve fallen for her,” Alex spoke just outside the coffee shop that housed the record execs with the power to change their afterlife. The quirk of a smile sealed Alex’s opinion of the girl.
Content to spend your time in the house you retreated to the kitchen. Your hand slipped into your pocket for the phone that had few contacts such as Rosie and Julie’s along with the number of Rosie’s doctor. Mostly pictures of Rosie and landscapes but never your face, not after the 1953 incident.
Living next door to the Molina’s you often shared recipes with Ray, he had taken you under his wing. He felt empathetic with the young neighbour he saw you as a daughter almost, unaware that it would the other way around. You had years on the widowed father.
The wooden spoon stirred the sizzling stir-fry that had been a fixture in raising a rambunctious little girl interested in skinny her knees. The stir-fry was the quickest meal while Rosie played outside or in the little play corner with her dolls. It seemed like the world knew when your phone rang.
“Hello, darling.” You spoke securing the phone between your neck and shoulder, “Did you teach Gladys poker?”
The silence was stifling, “Is this Y/N Y/L/N?”
A cold sweat broke out as the unfamiliar voice came from Rosie’s cell phone roused the deep-seated fear of loss. The wooden spoon in your hand clattered on the tile flooring of the modest-sized kitchen.
“Your grandmother Rosemary Prescott tripped over a cane. You’re her emergency contact.”
“Has she been admitted to the hospital? How extensive are her injuries? Let me get a pen and grab the address.” You rambled frantically scouring the kitchen for the notepad, “Was she alone?”
“She’s still being seen by the doctor, and I’m unable to reveal the details over the phone. Her friend Gladys was there, and she hasn’t left your grandma’s side.” The person responded in an even tone with the failed intention of soothing you.
“What’s the address?”
“I’m a nurse at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center.” The nurse prattled off, providing the address and visiting hours. 
As soon as the call ended, you had quickly grabbed a quick bite from the meal before packaging it up. Next, you dug out the small suitcase to pack the essentials with the mental capacity of a zombie. The bag was stowed in the backseat of the car while you kept your purse on your shoulder.
You barely comprehended knocking on the Molina door or Ray opening it, “Hello Y/N.”
“Ray. Tonight, I made stir-fry, I’ll be out of town for a few days.” You told the man catching sight of both Carlos and Julie in the background.
“Are you okay?” Ray questioned taking the container from your shaking hands, “Do you need us to do anything?”
“Could I have a h-hug?” You stuttered feeling a smidge better than the older man tugged you in for a hug. Two pairs of arms joined with the Molina kids ambushing you.
“You’re coming back, right?” The question came from the concerned hazel-eyed guitarist watching the interaction with a particular look. A look he knew came from not being able to comfort you.
“I’ll be back once I know Rosie is okay.” You replied, locking eyes with Luke over Ray’s shoulder earning a tender smile from the male.
“I’ll pray for your Grandma,” Ray spoke, stepping back to let both Julie and Carlos say their goodbyes to their neighbour. Everyone but Carlos and Ray half-heartedly smirking at Ray’s belief that Rosie was older than you.
Unlike typical times you didn’t linger in the Molina home with the distracted thoughts of Rosie injured with her mother with her. Rosie is the only thing you would drop anything for, the love of a mother and her child. So distracted by your thoughts you didn’t notice Luke had appeared right beside you.
“Are you driving?” Luke asked, tapping his shoe on the porch step, bringing your sad eyes to meet his, “Or are you taking a plane?”
“A plane. It’s a five-hour drive to San Francisco from here not taking in traffic time. I bought a last-minute ticket.” You replied, heading straight for the car with Luke hot on your heels to the vintage car.
Half of you wanted to refuse his evident intention to join you, but a part of you yearned for the comfort. A stroke of luck had a plane seat beside yours empty, time didn’t exist, but it dragged on at the same time. So lost in thoughts you never noticed the brush on a pinkie on your skin.
While you stared off in the distance, Luke’s jaw was dropped at the silky feel of your skin. Words bubbled up his throat just before he knew it wasn’t the right time to bring it up. Instead, he chose different words to regale you with stories of his childhood.
“I begged for a dog when I was eight years old. Reggie had this golden retriever his family had before he was born. My dad was allergic in the end, so I was content with Reggie’s dog.” Luke spoke, “That didn’t mean I didn’t sneak in this stray one night. We kept him in the garage while we found him a forever home.”
“What was his name?”
“Fender.” Luke sheepishly spoke, catching the tweak of your smile as the clouds in your eyes cleared for a few minutes. Luke loved being able to ease your mind through the flight, not holding back on the embarrassing stories either.
“Thank you.” You told the easy natured teenager with a familiar flutter in your chest that terrified you.
You could name only one other time you had felt that flutter when everything was easy. 1936 with a man you thought would be your one and only. Feeling something that strong for a ghost was incredibly scary.
“Do you want me to come in with you?” Luke asked just outside the closed hospital door, separating you from your daughter. Your lips parted to deny his question but you couldn’t so you simply shook your head.
“Come in!” The voice was prompt after knocking on the door. Opening the door, you found Rosie’s grinning in her bed with Gladys at her side, scolding her.
“I’ll get out of your hair,” Gladys spoke shuffling by you out of the door with a quick hug. The second Gladys closed the door, your eyebrows furrowed.
“Rosemary Elspath Prescott. What were you thinking?” You crossed your arms walking closer to Rosie, “You know your ankle hasn’t been the same-“
“-since I shattered during a cheer comp in college. Mama, I know. It was an accident.” Rosie softly spoke just before her gaze met Luke’s with fear planted squaring in her blue gaze. Luke’s lips parted, “He knows?”
“Oh.” Luke blinked at the sudden new change in his afterlife with Rosie actually seeing him, “I’m Luke.”
“This is going to sound craz-“
“Mama, you’ve been nineteen for over eight decades. I think we’ve hit the crazy already, tell me. Before I get a bad heart.” Rosie joked with that twinkle you saw countless times over the years.
The first time you saw it was when you found her on the counter at age two when she learned how to climb. Other times included her sneaking out to a senior party with her friends and the teasing she started when she got her first grey hair.
“You better have taken our discussion about your salt intake serious young lady.” You pointed at her mere seconds before your shoulders dropped. You leaned down to kiss the crown of her head, “Luke’s a ghost.”
Rosie’s lips parted, staring down the boy before whispering very softly in your ear, “Well. At least he doesn’t age. You look happy with him Mama, I’m not getting any younger, and he’s really cute.”
“Don’t talk like that.” The low response came out broken at the horrible future where you would bury Rosie. 
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A cold hand landed on your waist as you stretched to place an ornament on the tree you chose with Luke. The wire hugged the branch a ghost of a kiss pressed against your cheek, a moment of quiet in the loud house. Reggie and Alex had been baking cookies with Rosie for the last two hours. Julie was finishing her family dinner at her home before she would come over.
“Merry Christmas,” Luke murmured tugging you in his chest. A flutter of butterflies moving in your tummy.
Once Rosie had been discharged from the hospital, she had been convinced to temporarily move to Los Angeles. For the first time since Rosie’s senior year in high school, you got to live with her. Subtlety had never been her strong suit with nagging you and Luke about getting together.
“Merry Christmas.” You replied, stretching to peck his lips once before cuddling into his chest with the thick sweater.
“Would you like a cookie…Dad.” Rosie teased, bringing a tray into the living room with the gooey chocolate chips.
Another revelation other than being able to touch the boys was that once Julie saved them from Caleb, they could eat small quantities. They couldn’t eat a lot, and they didn’t need it, but it was a comfort to the group.
 “That’s so weird.” Alex chortled, taking in the shocked and uncomfortable expression Luke had. Reggie beamed with a mouthful of cookie. This was the first Christmas the boys had surrounded by only acceptance, love, and untainted happiness.
“How about we stick to Luke?” Rosie chuckled just as weirded out by the odd age gap and the forever youth the couple displayed. 
While Rosie interacted with the arrival of both Flynn and Julie, you curled into Luke’s embrace taking in the room. Julie and Flynn listened to the rebellious stories Rosie carried. Alex had retreated to the kitchen with a guy with shoulder-length brunette hair. Reggie was involved in a conversation with Ray; another unexplained phenomenon after the Orpheum.
Your eyes found the mantle with the picture of Theodore and you. Right beside it a lovely photo with Luke dipping you in a kiss and besides that picture was the very last picture of Luke with his parents. How lucky you had been in the years you had lived to end up with a chosen family.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @parkeret @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds @kcd15​ @siriuswvrld​ @princessvader15​ @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle​ @joshy-obx​ @lovesanimals​ @oopsiedoopsie23​ @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you​ @jaskiers-sweetkiss​ @lostrandomfangirl​n @must-be-a-weasley-92​ @jatp-holland​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland​ @dasexydevitt13​ @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​ @ssprayberrythings​​ @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @zukoshonourr​ @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch​ @kcd15​ @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl​ @all-in-fangirl​ @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @badwolf00593​ @blowakissbabe​ @talksoprettyjjx @thesweetestsinner​ @kaitieskidmore1​
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We received fourteen (14!!!!) fics for Round Three of the JATP Event! These fics are full of that sweet, sweet canonverse goodness that we can’t get enough of, but with our signature TROPED twist! We loved to see you all challenge yourselves with the theme, tropes, and pairings!
Please try to read as many fics as you can! Take some notes, leave some kudos/comments for the authors, and help us vote on the winners!
Voting will be open until May 29th at 11:59pm EST! Vote here:
Just say you won't let go (Rated G) [Julie/Luke]
Summary: Hey, Julie
You're the heart and soul 'round here, it's plain to see
in which Julie has a second chance with her boys, and then another
we will fight to shine together (bright forever) (Rated G) [Bright Lighting Guy/Rob from the Orpheum]
Summary: “Hey,” Chris says, walking up to the boy. “What are you doing?”
“Oh,” he puts the dandelions down and stands up. “Hi. I’m trying to make a flower crown, but I don’t remember how.”
“Cool. I’m Chris, I live--” he points to his house. “Over there.”
The boy gives him a lopsided smile. “I’m Rob. I’m staying with my grandparents for the summer.”
or: the rob/bright lighting guy fic literally nobody asked for but i wrote anyways. enjoy gays, bring ur tissues
what happened when (Rated G) [Alex/Luke]
Summary: Before Julie and the Phantoms, before the guys became ghosts, before Sunset Curve -- they were Luke and Alex. Not 5 feet apart cause they're totally gay.
who cares if one more light goes out? (in a sky of a million stars) (Rated T) [Ray/Rose]
Summary: Rose moves in across the street when he’s eight and she is seven. Their parents push for them to play together, because that’s what parents do. They’re not wrong about it though. The two of them get on like a house on fire and some of his happiest memories from his childhood are just him and Rose, sitting in the large oak tree behind their houses. Hidden up in the branches, between the millions of dark green leaves, they played together.
or: The first and the last time Ray ever kissed Rose.
we can forget the world (just you and me) (Rated T) [Alex/Willie]
Summary: “This was the first place I ever came out to someone,” Alex says, spinning around and taking in the tree house.
together we can take on the world (Rated G) [Alex/Reggie]
Summary: Alex Mercer meets Reggie Peters on October 8, 1983, which means that two days have passed since Reggie's sixth birthday, because Reggie is a Libra according to the magazines that his mom reads when she gets Reggie to paint her toenails. He’s also just moved to Los Angeles, California from his hometown of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, a small town in the mountains, and he’s told Alex Mercer about all of this in the three minutes that they’ve known each other, and he might be the loudest, most obnoxious boy that Alex has ever met, and he absolutely has to be Alex’s new best friend.
The Peters family moves in down the street from the Mercers in 1983, and so begins the rest of their lives.
Long Live (Can I start another life with you?) (Rated T) [Julie/Luke]
Summary: It's all too much for one day: first a muffin, then more heartbeats. Julie just needs some time to think. If Luke runs after her to sit by her side so she doesn't lose it, she won't complain.
Except afterwards, he starts acting weird. Very weird. And months later, she's tired of letting him keep his distance.
She can’t do this. Not right now. Not today.
She jumps back on her feet.
The excited grin falls from Luke’s face. She doesn’t try to catch it.
“I – I think this is too much. I need some time. Alone. Sorry.”
Then she runs. She runs past the calloused fingers reaching out to her. Past Reggie and the door, past carved pumpkins on porches and Cornelia Street.
She just runs.
Roses (Rated G) [Emily & Luke, Alex/Luke]
Summary: It becomes a sacred place she shares with her son. Mitch is usually off at work from dawn until six o’clock, but Emily’s working from home for now. She works as a florist’s shop right outside the neighborhood. So she brings home seeds and little flowers and other cuts from the store; she and Luke will spend hours out in the dirt, planting seeds and making mud pies and Luke will babble about whatever happened in daycare and make up stories about the different flowers.
Somewhere Only We Know (Rated T) [Nick/Carrie]
Summary: Nick Danforth-Evans met Julie Molina when he was six years old. He had no idea how much an impact that afternoon would have on his life.
A journey through Nick Danforth-Evan's life as experienced in the safety of his backyard hide away.
The Itty Bitty Details (Rated T) [Alex/Willie]
Summary: “Did I forget to mention William, I also get your soul,”
Willie could feel a stinging feeling and a purple stamp appeared on his hand. When the stamp appeared he could no longer remember who Alex was. The name meant nothing to Willie now.
Or 5 times Willie knew Alex and one where Alex knew Willie
you're the only one who makes me (my wildflower) (Rated T) [Bobby/Reggie]
Summary: The tree was Reggie's safe space, and Bobby was his safe person. He could escape all his troubles there, except for one nagging thought - did he have feelings for his best friend?
Dying complicated things.
because i've known you so long, i know every cadence and what they mean (Rated G) [Alex & Julie, Julie/Luke]
Summary: Alex and Julie have always lived right next to each other. Through highs and lows, they grow up together. Also, 5 times Luke kisses Julie and it doesn't count plus 1 time Julie kisses Luke and it does count.
Alternatively, the Juke 5+1 fic from Alex's POV. Strap in, folks.
Someday (I'll See You Again) (Rated T) [Alex/Willie]
Summary: They’re wrong. Alex, you are not a failure. You’re incredible. You’re smart. You’re funny, and the best friend I could ask for. You’re a wicked talented drummer and you have a beautiful voice. And more important than all of that, is that you’re you, Alex. And the you you are is wonderful, and lovable and perfect. If your parents can’t see that, that’s their own fault. But I swear, Alex. If you’re afraid of them, I need you to tell me. You have to be safe.” Willie’s voice had gone desperate by the end. Alex deserved to know how freaking amazing he was and the fact that his parents didn’t bother to tell him, and actively worked to tear him down instead, was infuriating.
But Willie also worried about him. He’d worried about Alex since the first time he heard Mr. Mercer shouting through the window, a worry that never really went away. Not with the way Alex automatically straightened up when his parents were mentioned, as if he could hear his dad lecturing him about appearances from miles away. Not with the way Alex looked when he was with them, perfectly pieced together and falling apart at the seams, eyes distant and shoulders tense. Willie was pretty sure he had worrying about Alex etched in his bones by this point.
The Energy Never Dies (Rated T) [Gen Fic]
Summary: Well, I ain't always right, but I've never been wrong
Seldom turns out the way it does in a song
Once in a while, you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right
--- Scarlet Begonias, Grateful Dead
Four moments across time in the loft of the Molina's garage.
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unsaid-stardust · 4 years
Nights Like This
Luke hated nights like this. These nights where all he wanted to do was write, but nothing came to mind. No melodies rang in his ears. No lyrics whispered in the back of his mind begging to be let out. No "Ba-bums" echoed in his eardrums that would later be turned into a drum pattern for Alex. No. It was all empty; his head. And yet, it wasn't. There were still so many things swimming around like a whirlpool. Everyone around him often joked that he didn't think. And he didn't....most of the time. But, then there were nights like these, when the words and melodies were empty, that gave way for his thoughts to move in to the forefront of his mind. 
When he was alive, the remedy was easy: go. That's all he had to do. Go somewhere, anywhere, away from where he currently was. That always seemed to get Luke out of whatever funk he was in. But, now that he's dead, there's only so many places he can go. Sure, he could go walk on the beach or around the darkened streets of L.A., but it just wasn't the same. Not when everything that walked and breathed right through him just reminded him of what he wasn't. 
So, that's how he found himself sitting on the porch swing at half-past midnight on the Molina's front stoop, swinging gently, back and forth, to the rhythm of the light Los Angeles breeze, gazing up at the twinkling stars, trying to remember the constellations that his dad taught him when he was 8. 
He couldn't remember many of them, the constellations. He only really remembered the Big and Little Dipper, but who didn't? Luke sighed. There were a lot of things he didn't remember when it came to his parents. He was just always so focused on music it was hard for his brain to think of anything else and that included family. Sometimes on nights like this, he wished things had been different. That he had never picked up that stupid guitar in the first place. Because then, he'd remember more about his parents and he wouldn't be...dead. His friends wouldn't be dead. He wouldn't be sitting here, alone--
 Luke sat up at the sound of a voice that was the equivalent of what Luke imagined stardust would sound like and found the source, which was much more magical than stardust ever would be, standing in front of him: Julie, the wicked beauty who should instead be a sleeping beauty. 
"Julie? What are you doing up?" 
"Couldn't sleep, thought I'd get some fresh air," Julie explained as she walked up the front steps of the porch. Julie didn't have to ask Luke to move in order for him to make room for her on the swing. And without much thought, he shifted so that his back was against the arm rest, his legs laying across the seat and against the back of the swing. Julie smiled and jumped up to the swing, copying Luke's movements so that they weren't quite touching, but were close enough to make Luke's non-existent breath hitch. 
"What are you doing out here? Aren't you usually in the studio or roaming the streets or whatever it is you do? Actually, what do you do at night? You guys don't sleep right?" Julie asked. Luke smiled slightly at Julie's curiosity, but swallowed it back at the aching thought of passing all the lifers on the crowded streets. 
"I try to write usually. But, everything up here is sounding a lot more like those crickets in cartoons," Luke joked so that Julie wouldn't worry. It seemed to work because Julie sounded a laugh that was music to Luke's ears. 
"That's a first," She snorted. Luke shook his head and rolled his eyes.
"Ha, ha, very funny," Luke retorted and turned his attention back to the stars (Which really should be jealous of how bright Julie Molina shined when she laughed, or did anything at all for that matter). Julie must've noticed how quiet Luke was being for she broke the silence. 
"Hey, you'd tell me if anything was up, right?" Julie questioned, placing a hand on his knee next to her; Luke froze slightly at the contact, looking down at her fingers he often imagined tracing down his own skin just as she traced the keys on her piano. The touching was still so new and yet--it always felt right. 
Like whenever Julie brushed her fingers against his when they were writing, it felt like she was the literal key to his heart. Or when she laid her head on his shoulder when they would watch Friends in her room, it felt like they were puzzle pieces that were lost under the rug for so many years finally coming together.
Luke never really paid much thought to the idea of soulmates before he met Julie. If he did, it was in context to music. Music was always his soulmate, but lately? Lately, he was beginning to think he was wrong. 
"What do you mean? I tell you that the sky is up all the time," Luke intercepted. Julie rolled her eyes and took her hand away from his knee in order to place it onto his hand.
"That's not what I meant and you know it. I just--you always tell me that I can tell you anything and I want you to know that it's the same with me. You can tell me anything, Luke. Whatever you have to say, whatever you're feeling? I'm here to listen," Julie explained. If Luke was able to breathe at all, he was pretty sure that he would've forgotten how. His chest felt tight and the place where his heart used to be, the place that always felt and sounded hollow, didn't feel so hollow anymore. 
The reason why Luke told Julie, and even Alex and Reggie, that they could tell him anything was, not only because it was entirely true, but because he felt like he didn't have that in his life. He had the guys, yeah, but he didn't ever want to burden them. They already had so much going on in their lives he never wanted to add to that. And his parents....he could yell at them and they wouldn't even listen. To have someone blatantly tell him that they were there for him made him feel things he couldn't describe. 
He never was good at that, but with Julie...he could learn to try. 
Without even a thought passing by, Luke moved his hand so that it was on top of Julie's, leaned his body forward, and brought her hand up to his lips, placing a lingering kiss onto the back of it.
"Thank you," He whispered against her hand and even though the only light that danced around them was coming from one dimming porch light, Luke caught a hint of a blush on her cheek causing Luke to bite back a smirk as he placed their hands back onto his knees. 
They stayed like that, their hands lying on top of one another, the L.A breeze swaying their bodies back and forth gently in the night. And as they sat, talking about everything and nothing all at the same time, their hands staying conjoined the way a lock and key or a puzzle piece seemed, Luke thought that maybe, just maybe, he could get used to nights like this. 
Tagging: @blush-and-books @willexx @littledancersun @moony221b @lydias--stiles @ruzek-halstead
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innytoes · 2 years
Soft prompts: “I love you.” “You do?” for non-romantic Ray & Reggie
It was kind of a joke among the other Phantoms that Reggie had a big old dad-crush on Ray. Reggie didn’t mind. Julie thought it was sweet, and she always stopped Luke and Alex before they went to far. And they never actually said anything about it in front of Ray to embarrass him. So Reggie just rolled his eyes and extolled the virtues of Ray’s Awesome Rib Recipe and his Cool Photography skills whenever they guys started singing their little parody song of ‘Julie’s Dad has got Reggie Bad’.  
He didn’t point out the obvious, which was that while all three of them had shitty parents, Luke and Alex had turned to rejecting any form of adults in their lives, while Reggie found a healthy role model instead. He wasn’t that mean.
But Alex rolled his eyes and muttered about how Ray was ‘still a dad’ whenever Reggie gushed he liked their music, and Luke had this weird thing where he got super excited Ray liked their stuff but clammed up immediately when the guy was around. Though maybe that was because he’d started dating Ray’s daughter and he was scared of an upcoming shovel talk. (Which was dumb. Flynn was the one he needed to be scared of.)
Anyway, Julie didn’t mind if he maybe hung out with her dad more than was normal, and Carlos liked it when he came to the house. And Ray himself... well, he was everything Reggie dreamed of in a dad. He never yelled, even that time he’d been really angry they snuck a grounded Julie out of the house for a gig. He always had great advice, and he let Reggie talk and ask questions about photography and never told him to shut up or said that he was annoying. 
He knew it was probably an imposition, since, you know, Ray had his own kids to worry about, so he tried not to bother him too much. Whenever the band stayed over for dinner he made sure to help with the washing up, and he tried not to bother Ray when he seemed busy.
And okay, maybe it was weird that he’d gotten Ray a Father’s Day gift. It had seemed like such an obvious choice back at the dollar store, the ‘Best Dad Ever’ mug in Ray’s absolute favourite colour blue. He’d filled it with the candies Ray had told Reggie once were his favourite growing up, but that he never seemed to be able to find. It was the perfect gift.
But now that he was at the Molina house, he was getting second thoughts. He hadn’t gotten his own dad a Father’s Day gift in years, after the last two times had ended up in a screaming match between his Mom and his Dad, followed by a week of icy silence. Besides, this was a family holiday. Julie and Carlos had this handled, and he couldn’t just show up out of the blue and insert himself into their special day. Or, special morning, they still had band practice this afternoon.
He stopped at the back door, before turning back around. He’d just hide out in the studio until band practice, or something. He could shove the mug into the backpack he kept there and sneak it out later. Except as he was walking down the steps, Julie stuck her head out the door. “Reggie?” she asked.
He nearly flung the candies all over the yard, the way he jumped, but he managed not to. Julie immediately noticed the mug, and he wasn’t fast enough to cover the writing with his hand. “Is that for my dad?” she asked, and her face was doing that thing where she was trying not to go ‘awww’. She did it a lot, usually when Luke said something sappy or Alex was being cute with Willie.
“I’m sorry,” Reggie said. “I shouldn’t... this is your family time, I’ll just... I’ll go to the studio.”
“You’re family, you dork,” she said, coming outside in her dinosaur slippers just to grab him by the wrist. “Now come have breakfast. Carlos and I made pancakes.” Reggie let himself be dragged, too flustered to say anything. Sure, the band was family, they all felt that, they all said it, but this was a little different. This was Julie’s actual family. Ray seemed delighted to see him, though, smiling and telling Carlos to grab an extra plate, which he immediately did.
“Reggie has a gift for you,” Julie announced before he could hide it, pushing him over to the table. Ray looked surprised, and Reggie flushed, shoving the mug onto the table. He hunched his shoulders, fidgeting his fingers together as Ray exclaimed happily over the candy.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for these,” he said. “Thank you!” His eyes then fell to the mug. Reggie couldn’t look. This was the part where his face would fall and everything would get awkward. Ray wouldn’t be mean enough to point out he wasn’t Reggie’s dad, or anything, but the message would be received loud and clear anyway.
Except all of a sudden, Reggie was pulled into a hug. “Thank you, Reggie,” Ray said. “That means a lot. I love you.”
“You do?” he squeaked, which only made the hug firmer and better. A real dad hug.
“Of course,” Ray whispered, squeezing him once more before letting go. Reggie couldn’t help the giant grin on his face, even if he had to shove his sleeve against his eyes a little. Ray wasn’t much better off, teary-eyed but proud.
“Okay but next year, you and Reggie can do the pancakes and bacon,” Carlos told Julie. “And I’ll stick to the orange juice and toast.”
Reggie laughed, looking around the table at his family. “Deal.”
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invisibleraven · 1 year
'' call me, even if it's the middle of the night. '' for Best Dad Ray Molina?
The first time Julie brings her band home, Ray is a little apprehensive. They look a little rough and tumble in their ripped clothes and leather jackets and avoidant eyes. But they're polite to him, worship Julie, and even he can admit their music is pretty darn good.
That still doesn't stop him from bringing snacks out-just to check up-at random intervals. The boys seem to appreciate it, gobbling them down like they hadn't eaten in days, but Ray supposes that's just how teenaged boys were.
They wave as they leave, and Ray tells Julie they can come back anytime. As long as homework gets done amongst all the hit making. She rolls her eyes good naturedly, with a whine of "Papiiiii..." but kisses his cheek and agrees.
As time passes though, Ray starts to wonder about those boys. Luke always has his big bag with him, and more than once he's seen clothes in there. Alex won't meet his eye and always avoids looking at the crosses in the house on the few occasions he ventures inside. And Reggie... Reggie flinches at sudden noises, ducks his head at raised voices on the television, and looks one good meal away from collapsing.
He tentatively asks Julie what she knows about their families, but she's pretty tight lipped. "None of them have great home lives," she finally admits. "That's all they'll let me say."
So Ray decides that if these three are going to be a permanent fixture in his daughter's life, he can be a positive one in theirs.
First he starts bringing out healthier snacks, since he's not sure when the last time any of them ate a vegetable was. But they devour those too, so Ray considers that a success. He starts inviting them for supper. More often than not they stay, though Alex still sits stiffly during the blessing-even after Ray told them they didn't have to participate in it.
He not so subtly slips a pamphlet for his very LBGTIAQ friendly church into Alex's fanny pack after that, and the wry smile he gets in return is worth it. He never joins in the blessing afterwards, but he looks less like he's going to crawl out of his skin after it, and when Victoria mentions seeing him and his very cute boyfriend there during a youth group meeting one weekend, Ray has to call that a win.
With Luke, Ray 'casually' mentions that the couch in the garage pulls out after he stays late working on an assignment. And as long as his parents were cool with it, he could stay out there any time. Luke looks relieved, and the next morning is the first one where he doesn't look like he'd been living rough. Pretends not to notice how often he sees Luke slip out of the garage in the mornings after that. But when he finds the Missing Persons poster, well, he suits Luke down and tells him he is welcome to stay, but he has to call his parents and let them know he's alive. No rent, minimal rules, but that one is set in stone.
Luke stays over less often after that, but he does get a grateful call from one Emily Patterson a few days later letting him know her son is home and it's thanks to him. Ray nearly cries at that, and the gorgeous knit blanket she sends back with Luke later the week, but Ray thinks it looks pretty good out on the worn leather couch, so no matter what, Luke has a piece of home with him.
It's reggie that worries him the worst though. Reggie who comes to band practice one day with a shiner and a cut lip he claims came from a schoolyard brawl that none of the band witnessed. Reggie who has angry looking bruises on his arms that he usually hides with flannel and leather. Reggie who falls asleep after dinner one night and shivers despite the LA heat in his too skinny body.
Ray takes Reggie's phone and puts his number into it. "Call me if you need me. Anytime. I don't care if it's the middle of the night, you call okay?"
Reggie nods though he looks close to tears and Ray pulls him into a hug at that, distressed at all the bones he can feel. And insists that Reggie stay for dinner-including thirds and dessert. Even offers up the spare room if he wants it. Reggie ends up staying over, but only when Ray insists.
It's a few weeks later when his phone wakes him. 1:20AM, and Reggie's number is blazing across the screen. Ray is groggy as he answers it but wide awake when Reggie's sniffles echo down the line. He's in the car in seconds flat, driving to Silver Lake where he can see cop cars and an ambulance, Reggie sitting in the back, a blanket around his skinny shoulders.
"Hey Ray," he says, giving a little wave, though he hisses when he does. The paramedic says he's going to need his arm set, among a host of other tests after getting thrown down some stairs.
"I'll follow you," he promises the boy.
And he does, making a slew of calls in the waiting room until Reggie can be released into his custody and stay there until he's 18 next year. It's a hard road from there, but every step is worth it to ensure Reggie never goes back to those people again.
And the next time he looks at Reggie's phone? His number is under the name Papi.
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sunset-curve-fantom · 4 years
Wake Up- Alive!Luke x Reader
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You had been in a funk for over a year, you had just lost your grandmother and she was the light of your life. She spent every waking hour making sure you were taken care of, and that you had somewhere to stay and someone to love you. Your grandmother had been like a parent to you, from the moment your parents separated, she was there when they couldn’t be, and you were so grateful.
She gave you a purpose in life, and when she got sick, and I mean really sick it was hard to watch. Her dementia came on hard, and it made her forget the most important people in her life, including you. You were a light in her life and suddenly that light had disappeared over night, as her memory faded so did her body. She was deteriorating at a rate that was unbearable to watch….
The last cognitive conversation you had with her was about you boyfriend, Luke. He was the light at the end of the tunnel as you faced the unthinkable. You knew how much she loved him, and he loved her, she had become a surrogate for some of the love he was lacking at home. She wanted you to be happy and stay in love. She wanted Luke to be your endgame, and before you could make your future a reality… She was gone, like a ship in the night. It was quick but that never made it any easier to face.
The moment she left you earth side, the music stopped. You couldn’t combine a single lyric or a melody. You were sure it would come back to you one day, but as much as you and Luke tried; you just fell into a puddle of tears every time. It was like the music left the moment she did, and that was an unbearable feeling, not only for you but for Luke.
Luke Patterson was the most selfless person you had ever met, he wanted nothing more than to restore a sense of happiness into your world, but he didn’t know how. He would have given up music if it meant bringing you happiness. But your happiness left this earth, and he couldn’t bring her back no matter how much he tried and prayed.
Here you were a year later, still in a rut with your music but tried to be supportive of Luke and his dreams. You were watching the guys and Julie mess around with certain lyrics and tunes as you were scribbling in your journal.
You didn’t dare tell Luke and the guys that same amounts of lyrics began to appear in your mind, which is what you were scribbling down.
“Hey Lover, how does this sound” Luke said, drawing your attention away from your possible lyrics. They were adjusting the entrance to Bright and were just trying to include you.
You listened carefully to the beginning, “Maybe Julie should start off slow with the piano before you guys jump in at the chorus?”
You looked up from your spot on the couch, and everyone’s eyes were on you, it was the first musical thing you had mentioned in a year. It flowed out of you like it never left in the first place.
“What?” beginning to feel uncomfortable with everyone’s attention on you.
“You-you-you you just suggested something musical for the first time in a year, and it is something that we didn’t even think of. I-I- I guess we are all just a bit shocked” Reggie said, clearly unsure of what to say at your comments, you just shrugged your shoulders.
“It’s nothing, just an idea” You said, returning to your journal in front of you. It really wasn’t a big deal; they asked your opinion, and you gave it to them.
Julie told the guys to take a break before settling in the chair next to the couch, “You okay? You seem to be writing up a storm there”
You looked up at her, trying to decide whether or not to tell her the truth. You quickly looked around to make sure the boys had left, well mostly Luke.
“If you tell Luke, I will kill you… I have- uh startedwritingmusicagain” you said quickly, Julie just looked at you with this look of “can you repeat that”
Sucking in a deep breath, you said it slower. “I may have started writing music again, but you cannot tell Luke. I am not ready to share this with anyone”
Julie looked like she was going to faint from the breath she was holding, “Wait really?? This is a good thing, why not tell Luke? He would love to have his writing partner back”
All you could do was roll your eyes at her, “Because I love Luke, and I don’t want to hurt him if I can’t get back into it. I sing and I think of her, every day. That is never going to change, and I just don’t want to start something again, and then stop because it got too hard.” It was the most truthful answer you had given in some time.
She just looked at you, before releasing a deep breath, “Honestly… when my mom died, I didn’t think I would ever be able to enter this garage again, let alone play music. But you and Luke, plus tweedle dee and tweedle dum, made that possible for me. I have never felt more alive, and more confident in myself until recently. That is something the both of you brought to me, so I know it seems hard now. But in the end, it is so worth every bit of pain you are feeling. She would want you to be happy, and to flourish, and most of all, to be truthful with Luke.”
You could feel the tears springing into your eyes, Julie was right. She wouldn’t want you to be suffering, she would want you doing something that makes you happy. Something that reminds you of all the goodness in this world, no matter how painful the reality is.
You grabbed Julie’s hand, “Thank you, I think I finally remembered why I started my music in the first place. Do you mind keeping the boys distracted for a bit…? I want to write”
A huge smile erupted on her face before she headed out of the garage, she was going to give you the space you needed. You were going to find your center again, and music was something that kept you grounded. Your grandmother gave you the greatest gift, and it was time you found your way back to that.
Carefully picking up your journal, you made your way over to the grand piano. Gently you ran your fingers over the keys, it had been a year, but it was like a close memory to you. You carefully began playing scales on the piano, smiling as you did so. This was the magic you wanted back, you needed it back for you and for Luke.
Swiftly you opened the journal, holding the lyrics to the one song that meant so much. It had been a year of depression, sadness, and now you were finally back on track. You were on the one thing that made you the happiest, which was your music.
You began to play the opening notes, scanning the page of your journal before singing the part that stuck with you the most,
So get up, get out, relight that spark
You know the rest by heart
Wake up, wake up if it's all you do
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice in the rain
Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
Relight that spark, time to come out of the dark
Wake up, wake up
Your fingers bounced along the keys, as you sang for the first time in a year. Hot tears were running down your flustered cheeks. This was exactly what you needed; this was your way to communicate with her. As you finished the last notes, a ray of sunshine highlighted the keys in front of you.
It was like her way of knowing you were okay, you just barely whispered under your breath, “Hi Grammy… I miss you”
You looked up from the keys as the sunshine disappeared and there was Luke, he was absolutely stunned. Julie had sent him out here for his songbook but instead he found his girlfriend singing, for the first time in so long. It was like Luke forgot how talented you were.
“Hi baby, how long have you been here?” You questioned, shutting your journal. He said nothing as he made his way around the piano. He picked you up from your seat, wrapping your legs around his waist as you clung to him tightly.
“You played baby, you really played” He whispered into your hair as he held you close to him. He was afraid if he let you go; you would disappear from in front of him.
“I had to, I had to play for her. I can’t walk around in this darkness anymore” You said softly, pressing a kiss to his temple. You could feel his hot tears falling onto your shirt, you had never realized how much he was hurting. All you knew was how much he wanted to take care of you and protect you from everything in the world.
“Luke, I am back… my music is back. There is nothing to wake up from anymore, I did everything I could to make her proud. I know it took a year, but I am back baby.” You said again, trying to ingrain it in his head. This was a reality, no longer a dream.
He just held you tighter, he didn’t want to let you go.
“AWWWWW THAT IS SO CUTE” Reggie squealed from over your shoulder, you just heard a smack before Alex told him to shut up.
You looked up to the group at the doors of the garage, pressing a kiss onto Luke’s nose. You jumped down from his hold, “So who is ready to work on Bright?”
You made your way over to the piano again, playing the beginning notes. Your love for music was back, and it was all thanks to your grandmother who never doubted you.
@parkeret​ @calamitykaty​ @gia-kerks​ @kcd15​ @all-in-fangirl​ @notasofti​
@julies-molina​ @morganayennefertyrell​ @crybabyddl​
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nicknellie · 4 years
@sunset-reggie requested: A fic based off Reggie getting electrocuted that was mentioned in Snap.
Physics is my joint worst subject at school so for the purposes of this I might have made up my own rules for electricity? Maybe, I don’t really know. The issue was that in the US the mains voltage is 120V which won’t really do a lot (here in England it’s 230V but again you’ll probably be fine) so I made some shit up and I’m pretending I know what I’m talking about. I did research taking care of electric shock patients but sorry for anything that’s wrong. Still, thank you for the prompt, it was a lot of fun!!
Some nights, Reggie Peters would sleep like a log. The moment his head hit the pillow, he would be out cold, not waking up the whole night through and feeling happy and refreshed in the morning. Those good nights usually followed good days – days spent jamming in the studio with the band, days helping out at the rescue shelter and playing with his favourite animals, days he would hang out with his friends and laugh until their sides hurt and they couldn’t breathe. After a good day, the night was peaceful.
This was not one of those nights.
It hadn’t been a good day. In fact, it had been a decidedly bad day. When Reggie had woken up that morning, it hadn’t been to the sound of his alarm but to the echo of shouting from downstairs. He had guessed immediately that it was his parents fighting yet again – sighing haggardly, he had pulled a pillow over his face and pressed it hard against his ears, trying to block out the noise, but to no avail. Well and truly awake, he had grudgingly got out of bed and started his day.
School had been dreadful. In biology, the teacher had surprised them with a test. Reggie was a naturally high achiever, good in biology as he was in all his subjects, but that day luck wasn’t on his side. He hadn’t done any revision and his head was swimming with addled thoughts, cluttered and unfocused, and he could not for the life of him remember the different stages of meiosis. Throughout the whole test he had sat there, scratching his head, trying to remember that one little detail that was on the tip of his tongue, but before he knew it time had run out and he had only answered three questions. It had stuck him in that bad mood for the rest of the day.
He had thought that band practise would cheer him up like it usually did. For a while, he was right. In the Molinas garage, plucking the strings of his bass, Reggie felt his dark mood brighten. Perhaps the start of the day hadn’t been one for the history books, but he could salvage it by relaxing and playing his music with his wonderful friends.
“Let’s take it from the second verse,” Julie declared halfway through their run-through of Stand Tall, scribbling a note to herself on the bottom of her sheet music. “Reggie, can you up your bass a bit? I can’t hear it but your line is really great here and I think we should showcase it a little.”
“Sure thing, boss,” Reggie said, saluting. He fiddled with his amp for a moment (twisting the dial harder when it got stuck) to up the volume and struck a long, low note. Julie nodded, satisfied, and they picked the song up again.
It didn’t take long for things to start going downhill. At first, Reggie thought he was imagining the smell of smoke; after all, candles had been banned from the studio long ago after an incident with Luke and one of Alex’s favourite hoodies, so there shouldn’t have been anything burning. But after a moment, Julie’s face scrunched up in disgust and her singing dropped away as she glanced around the studio.
“Luke,” she said, reproachfully. He shot her an innocent look. “Did you bring in another scented candle? Even after what happened last time?”
“I never did get that replacement hoodie,” Alex grumbled.
Luke shook his head, sniffing the air like a dog. “It’s not me! I don’t know where that’s coming from.”
“It has to be something,” Reggie said, looking around. It smelled almost overwhelmingly strong near him – the others, whether they realised they were doing it or not, were all heading in his direction, sniffing the air for the source of the smell.
It was Alex who noticed.
“Reg, you’re smoking!”
Reggie shrugged. “I know I was kinda killing it, so thanks, but I think we have more important things to worry about right now.”
“No, no,” Julie said, eyes wide, pointing to Reggie. “Reggie, you’re smoking! You’re on fire!”
“Okay, I get it, thank you both, but we should focus on–”
“Reggie,” Luke all but yelled, “you are smoking! As in, there is smoke coming from you. Dude, do something!”
Reggie looked down at himself, immediately swatting at his clothes. It was weird – he didn’t feel like he was engulfed in flames. In fact, it didn’t look like he was either. Reggie was decidedly not on fire. But his bandmates had been correct about the smoke; it was rising around them, looping through the air and collating in a thick black cloud right above their heads.
It was then that Reggie had a horrible thought. If the smoke was coming from behind him, then it might have looked to his friends as if he were the one on fire. Slowly, dreading what he might see, he turned around and was met with a catastrophe.
It was his amp, sparking through the speakers, harsh smoke swirling into the air from its every crevice, cutting void-like black lines across the studio up to the ceiling.
“Not me,” he said, stricken, “it’s my amp. My brand-new amp. It’s broken.”
“What happened to it?” Julie asked, edging slightly closer. She placed a gentle hand on Reggie’s upper arm but he remained stiff. He barely even registered the touch.
“How can it have broken so fast?” Luke added, leaning probably too close and inspecting the amp. He jumped back and ducked behind Julie with a little yelp when a spark leapt at him. “You just got it two weeks ago.”
Alex pushed to the front, wafted his hand back and forth to clear the smoke, and squinted at the amp. For a moment there was an anticipatory silence, and then Alex said, “Ah. I see.”
“What?” Reggie prompted. “What went wrong?”
“What went wrong?” Alex echoed, straightening up and raising a condescending eyebrow. “I don’t know, Reg, maybe it was the fact that you tried to turn it up to a volume that doesn’t exist.”
Baffled, Reggie took Alex’s position, waving the smoke out of the way. He had been careful when Julie asked him to turn the volume up, he could have sworn that he hadn’t cranked it up any higher than ten. But lo and behold, the volume dial was twisted further than its highest volume, almost back at one.
“How did that happen?” Reggie wondered aloud. “All I did was turn it up, then it got kind of stiff, so I turned it harder and– oh.”
“I think when it went stiff it was because it wasn’t supposed to turn any more than it had,” Julie said quietly. She tugged Reggie away from the amp as a spark flew uncomfortably close to his face.
“Would that really do so much damage?” Luke asked sceptically, eyes narrowed.
Alex shrugged. “Looks like it.” He put a consoling hand on Reggie’s shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay, Reg. With the money we make from our next gig we can get you a new one, right?”
Reggie sighed heavily. After the nightmarish day he’d had, with this as the icing on the cake, he felt as if he’d had his very heart ripped from his chest. There was a weight there, a hefty, immovable boulder settled right where his heart should have been. He shrugged Alex’s and Julie’s hands from his arms, fed up and tired.
“I guess,” he mumbled, “but unless I’ve got an amp I can’t play that gig anyway, so you’ll be without a bassist.”
“I’m sure it’s fixable,” Julie reasoned, forced hope in her voice. They watched the amp cough out another jet of black smoke. Julie’s smile faltered. “Like, eighty percent sure.”
Alex checked the time and then patted Reggie on the shoulder. “It’s late anyway, we should stop now, get home. I’m sure we can get it fixed before our next rehearsal, don’t worry.”
“Yeah, and Reggie,” Luke added, swinging an arm around his shoulders, “don’t feel too bad, okay? If worse comes to worst we can just borrow an amp at the venue. It might not be as good as yours but it’ll be something.”
Reggie nodded. “Sure,” he said, “thanks.”
He checked the time for himself as the other three began to move about the studio, packing up their bits and pieces. It was almost ten o’clock – he hadn’t realised they’d been going on so long. He was exhausted, his limbs heavy with emotion and his head swimming with nothing much at all. No part of him thought he’d be able to walk himself home and on a day like this he didn’t want to take his chances in a car being driven by Luke.
“Hey Julie,” he said, tapping her on the shoulder. She smiled up at him as she put her microphone stand away. “Can I stay here tonight?”
“Of course,” she said as if it should have been obvious. “I’ll make up the couch inside–”
He shook his head. He wanted to stay in the studio – that was where the most comfort was. “No, no, in here is fine. Thank you, Julie.”
“Any time,” she said, beaming.
Not long later, Reggie and Julie said their goodbyes to Alex and Luke, who clambered into Luke’s beat-up car and sped away, over the speed limit by an amount that made Reggie’s head spin. Reggie waited in the studio while Julie went to get some pillows and blankets for him, his mind turning with thoughts of his parents and his bad school day and his amp that was still smoking in the corner of the studio.
Hence, tonight was not a good night for Reggie.
Eventually, Julie came back down, helped him make up the couch, and then they said their goodnights. When she left, Reggie shucked off his jacket and his jeans, then burrowed himself into the covers, clamping his eyes tight shut in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, he’d be able to catch sleep by surprise.
It didn’t work. He lay there for what felt like hours but couldn’t have been more than fifteen minutes, tossing and turning, switching which end of the couch his head was at, sticking various limbs out from under the blanket, trying to find some magic position that would get him to sleep. But nothing worked, and eventually he gave up.
The smell of smoke was enough to drive him insane. He didn’t want to have to wait to get the amp fixed – he wanted it fixed now, he wished it had never broken in the first place. Or rather, he wished he’d never broken it. He could have kicked himself; in hindsight, it was obvious that when the dial stopped moving the volume couldn’t be altered anymore – Reggie cursed himself for forcing it.
A thought struck him then. A crazy, stupid, reckless thought that Alex, if he were there, would have immediately forbidden. But Reggie thought that if it was his mistake then he should be the one to fix it, and the amp was right there, and he couldn’t sleep anyway, so he might as well…
He swung himself out from under the covers, flicked the studio light on and made his way over to the amp. It was still emitting a steady stream of smoke, sparks flying now and then. He inspected it a little more closely, yanking off the front to see the mechanics inside. He could see where the damage was and some cocky part of his brain decided that he could definitely fix it.
Lost in his thoughts, he was brought back to Earth by the grounding sound of rain falling on the flat roof of the studio. It was soothing and soft – Reggie had always liked rain, always found it calming. He wanted nothing more than to be outside right then, soaked to the skin, relaxed and carefree.
So his crazy, stupid, reckless thought developed and before he knew it Reggie was wheeling the amp from the safety of the studio to the wet and windy outside.
It was freezing and he regretted not bringing his jacket from the studio, but he couldn’t bring himself to go back inside now. The rain had him drenched within seconds, the amp too, and Reggie finally felt some of the tension in his muscles drain away.
He began to work.
Now, Reggie wasn’t to know that the amp was still plugged into the mains back in the studio. And he wasn’t to know that a power station half a mile away had just malfunctioned, letting a surge of electricity course through its wires, overwhelming every system and sending far too much electricity to every house in the nearby area. And he wasn’t to know that if he hadn’t been touching the amp then he would likely have been absolutely fine.
But the power surged through the mains, through the studio, through the amp, was worsened by the rain, and reached Reggie as he clutched the wires.
Reggie was flung back with the force of the current, landing in a heap in the studio, finally asleep (if not in the way he’d intended to be).
He woke up. That was a good sign. His head was spinning as he tried to ease himself into a sitting position, raising a hand to his throbbing temple, but something pushed him back down. Reggie peeled his eyes open, but blinked at the harsh, too bright light and closed them again.
“Dad,” came Julie’s voice from somewhere above him, “he’s woken up!”
“That’s good,” called Ray’s voice from somewhere indeterminable, “is he okay? I’m still on the phone with the doctor.”
Reggie tried again to open his eyes and managed it, just barely. He was back on the couch in the studio, the lights were on but it was still pitch-black outside. He had been tucked into the blanket so tightly that he could hardly move, and perched on the edge of the sofa, clutching his hand like she was superglued to him, was Julie.
“Reggie,” she said gently, reaching out and brushing a lock of his dark hair away from his forehead. Her fingers were cool against his skin, soothing his headache that little bit. “How are you feeling?”
“Like hell,” he croaked. Just those two words felt like they were ripping his vocal chords out. He cleared his throat a little as Julie sent him a sympathetic, sad smile.
“Do you remember what happened?” she asked.
Reggie thought for a moment but found that it hurt his head to do so. He shrugged, then said, “I wanted to try and fix my amp so I took it outside and then… I don’t know.”
Julie gave him an exasperated smile. “In the pouring rain? Did no one ever tell you that water and electricity don’t mix?”
“Well, I know that now,” he grumbled.
“If it’s any consolation, you probably wouldn’t have been too hurt if the power station hadn’t gone wrong at the same time. The current was way bigger than it should have been – my dad’s talking to the doctors right now to see if we should take you to the hospital.”
“How long was I unconscious?” Reggie asked her, closing his eyes again.
“Well, when the power surge happened, I saw this massive flash outside my window and heard what sounded a lot like a teenage boy being thrown off his feet across a garage,” she told him matter-of-factly. “So, I came down to check on you and you were unconscious, so I got dad. But the whole thing hasn’t been more than twenty minutes. Does your head hurt?”
Reggie nodded, then winced. The movement ached.
Julie frowned. “That doesn’t seem like a good sign.”
At that moment, Reggie heard Ray say to the phone, “Okay, thank you very much for your help.” A moment later, he was crouched down beside Reggie, his kind face streaked with worry.
“You doing okay, kiddo?” he asked quietly.
Reggie sighed. “No. Everything hurts. Do I need to go to the hospital?”
“Well,” Ray began, “I just spoke to a very lovely doctor. She said that seeing as you weren’t in contact with the source for too long, and luckily the mishap with the power station wasn’t too bad, your situation could be a lot worse than it is. But we do have to keep an eye on you because it was an alternating current, which is more dangerous than direct.”
Reggie shuffled a little bit, trying to pull his blanket tighter around him for comfort. He felt Julie place a hand on his chest comfortingly, and he would have smiled if smiling didn’t hurt so much.
“Oh, and she gave me a list of things to ask you about,” Ray said, fishing a scrap of paper out of his pocket. “I wrote it down here, see. Loss of consciousness – obviously. Muscle spasms?”
Reggie should his head and Ray gave him an encouraging smile.
“That’s good,” he continued. “Any numbness or tingling anywhere? Or any breathing problems, or a headache?”
Reggie paid attention to his body for a minute. His legs felt numb, like they wouldn’t support him if he tried to stand up. And he had what was probably the worst headache of his entire life. But his breathing seemed fine to him. He reported his findings back to Ray, who made a few checks on his list.
“Problems with vision or hearing?”
“No,” Reggie said, “none.”
“Good. We checked you for burns and luckily there’s none. Seizures, well, we’ll have to keep an eye on you. Irregular heartbeat – Julie?”
It was only then that Reggie realised that Julie’s hand placed on his chest had been to check his heart. Slowly, he moved his hand out from under the blanket and covered Julie’s with it, wanting to keep the comfort close, stop her from leaving him. She smiled down at him gently, and put her other hand over his too.
“His heartbeat’s fine,” she said. “Normal speed, regular.”
Ray nodded, making a final check. “Excellent, excellent. Okay, Reggie, I’m going to call your parents, let them know what’s happened. It’s not a good idea to move you around too much; do you mind staying here for a few days?”
The thought almost made Reggie smile. The studio (and the rest of the Molinas’ house) was like a second home to him – he felt comfortable and at-home there like nowhere else. He had countless memories surrounding him, a thousand things to keep him preoccupied, even if that was just being lost in his own head.
“That’s fine by me,” Reggie said, trying to smile.
Ray beamed, then gently tousled Reggie’s hair as he stood up. “Good. Great. Okay, I’m going to make a call to your parents, you just let me know if you need anything. Night, Reggie.”
“Goodnight, Ray,” Reggie called after him as he left the studio. “Thank you.”
As Ray closed the door behind him, Julie stood up and made her way to the back of the studio where they kept all their equipment when they weren’t using it for rehearsal. Reggie watched in fascination as Julie dug around for a moment and then pulled out a TV on a wheeled stand, incredibly old and outdated. She blew a thick layer of dust off it then coughed when it flew right back in her face.
“When Carlos and I were little,” she began, tugging the stand closer to Reggie, “my mom used to watch old tapes on this with us. Mainly it was old home videos, or sometimes the tape of her and dad’s wedding, but we should still have some actual movies somewhere. I’ll find the DVD player and set it up, we can watch something together.”
Reggie was a little confused. “You’re not going up to bed?”
Julie looked offended at the suggestion. Reggie shrank back a bit from her glare. “Of course not! I’m staying down here with you for as long as you need me. I don’t want to leave you alone, Reggie, especially not when you’re like this.”
She rummaged about in the back of the studio for a little while longer. Reggie watched her collect an ancient DVD player and a stack of DVD cases, sorting through them and selecting a few. He knew he wasn’t alone in loving Julie – after all, she was an angel on Earth and it was hard not to love her – but right that moment he felt he couldn’t have treasured his sister any more. Just the fact that she was willing to forgo sleep to make sure he was safe meant more than he could describe. The moment she had finished setting up the DVD player and had put on Kung Fu Panda (knowing it was one of Reggie’s all-time favourites), she came to sit in front of the couch on the floor, and Reggie looped his arms around her neck in a weak hug. She held his hand tightly as the movie’s opening scene began to play.
Julie was truly a blessing. She stayed with him all night, not getting a wink of sleep herself because she wanted to make sure nothing bad happened to Reggie while he slept, and the next day she took turns with Ray and Carlos to keep an eye on him, waiting on his every beck and call. Reggie felt bad asking them for things so tried to do it as little as possible, only occasionally asking for a glass of water or another painkiller. But Julie, being Julie, seemed to know exactly what he didn’t want to ask for at all times and was more than happy to fetch anything.
Eventually, she had needed a break. Not by her own choice, but by Reggie’s.
“You’ve done so much,” he said at about midday, just as Julie came in to take over from Carlos again. “I’ll be fine by myself for a little, it’s not like anything that bad can happen.”
She shook her head. “You heard what my dad said. Something bad could happen, so someone needs to make sure you’re alright.”
“It doesn’t need to be you,” Reggie reasoned. “No offence, but you look worse than me right now. And you’re not the one who was electrocuted twelve hours ago.”
It was true – Julie didn’t function well on a lack of sleep, her eyes were heavy and she was teetering from side to side slightly as if she was going to fall over. She rolled her eyes at him but couldn’t deny what he’d said. She pulled her phone from her pocket with a sigh.
“Fine,” she said grudgingly. “Dad’s just taking Carlos to Little League, so it can’t be one of them. I’ll call Alex. Hopefully, he’ll be able to get here soon.”
Reggie listened to the one-sided conversation as Julie spoke to Alex. She sighed with relief, thanked him, and then said to Reggie, “He says he’ll be here in ten minutes. Do you need anything until then?”
Reggie thought for a moment, then let a grin split his face apart. “Can you sing for me?”
Julie huffed a laugh. “Really? That’s all you want?”
“Yes please,” Reggie returned, shuffling over to look at her, giving her his full attention. “Can you sing something by Johnny Cash?”
“Of course,” she replied with an easy smile. Reggie was privately proud of himself – he was the only reason Julie knew any of Johnny Cash’s country classics. She picked up Luke’s acoustic guitar (which he had forgotten to take back to his house the last fifteen times he’d been at the studio) and struck the first chord. “Love is a burning thing…”
Ten minutes later (or three performances of Ring of Fire, because it was the only Johnny Cash song that Julie knew the whole way through) Alex shouldered the door to the studio open, letting in a blast of cold air but also a delightful smell that Reggie would recognise anywhere. It was the aroma of Alex’s famous triple chocolate cookies, the kind he only made for special occasions like birthdays; it seemed that electrocution counted as a special occasion too.
He let the door fall shut behind him, shook his shaggy hair out of his eyes, and held a large Tupperware container aloft triumphantly.
“I brought cookies,” he announced.
He sat himself down at the end of the couch by Reggie’s feet and opened up the box. The already gorgeous smell doubled and Reggie groaned hungrily. Alex smiled, holding the box out towards him – Reggie took three cookies and tried to shove them all into his mouth at once.
“Alex,” he said around a mouthful of chocolate. “Have I ever told you that you’re the best cook I know?”
“Every time I make you food,” Alex replied. He extended the container to Julie who took one cookie, a lot less greedily than Reggie.
“Well, he’s right,” Julie said, beaming. “This smells amazing, Alex.”
“Tastes it, too,” Reggie added, licking the crumbs off his fingers.
Julie laughed, but then poorly stifled a yawn. Reggie ordered her to bed again, and with a tired little wave she left the studio. Settling down further on the sofa, Alex took one of his own cookies.
“I hope you weren’t doing anything important,” Reggie said, poking Alex’s side with his feet.
Alex shrugged and looked away, suddenly so interested in the studio’s ceiling that it was suspicious.
“What?” Reggie prompted, narrowing his eyes. “What were you doing?”
Alex seemed to be trying his hardest to act casual but wasn’t doing a very good job of it. Avoiding eye contact, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck, Alex said, “I was hanging with Willie, actually. But this is more important.”
Reggie felt his mouth fall open. He smacked Alex’s arm. “Dude,” he exclaimed. “That is way more important than me!”
“My love life is more important than your near-death experience,” he deadpanned, frowning disbelievingly.
“Come on, man,” Reggie said, prodding him with his feet again. He still couldn’t feel his legs so he wasn’t sure that his way of getting Alex to talk by nudging him was really working, but judging by the way Alex shifted away from him he was doing a good job. “Tell me everything!”
“There’s nothing to tell,” Alex said, raising his hands in something like surrender. But when he lowered them again, he shrugged and said much quieter, “He kissed me, though.”
“Nothing to tell?!” Reggie almost yelled. “Dude!”
Alex had a dopey smile on his face, a blush creeping across his cheeks. He ducked his head abashedly, his smile growing. “Okay, maybe there’s a little to tell.”
Reggie was about to press him a little more, get him to open up about what he’d been up to with Willie (the two of them had only made it official a week or so ago and Reggie would be lying if he said he wasn’t extremely invested in their relationship – Alex deserved someone who made him truly happy and Willie seemed to do exactly that) but all of a sudden he felt his abdomen contract and shake painfully. He doubled over, clutching at his stomach as the muscles squeezed, rapidly relaxing and pulling taut again.
Alex stood up abruptly. “Reg? What’s happening, what do you need?”
Reggie couldn’t answer. The pain had stopped (it had been brief yet sharp) but he was out of breath, breathing hard and fast. He shook his head, dreading another burst of pain, and tried to get a hold of himself.
Alex crouched down beside him and grabbed his hand. “Reggie, listen to me, alright? I’m going to try and get your breathing back to normal, okay? Breathe with me – in for four. One, two, three, four. Out for six. One, two, three, four, five, six. Great job, let’s go again, buddy.”
Reggie breathed in tandem with Alex, feeling grateful that he had such an amazing friend by his side. Alex didn’t let go of his hand once, getting his breathing back to something steady and safe. When he finally felt relaxed again, Reggie opened his eyes (he hadn’t realised how tightly he’d had them scrunched up and they watered when he opened them) and smiled smally at Alex.
“Thank you,” he said, “I’m okay.”
“What was that?” Alex asked, sitting back a little.
“Ray said something about muscle spasms,” Reggie explained, thinking back to the list Ray had mentioned before. “I guess that was one. It felt like someone was trying to shove my organs into a tin can.”
Alex nodded, though his expression said he had no idea what Reggie was talking about. “Okay. Was that the first time it’s happened?”
“Yeah. Hopefully, the only time it happens too.”
“You need anything?”
Reggie’s throat felt dry. He could feel it like sandpaper every time he swallowed. “Could you get me a glass of water, please?”
“You got it,” Alex said, hopping up. “I won’t be long. Have another cookie, you deserve one.”
Reggie took another cookie and silently thanked Alex for being so helpful. Alex had always been the most collected and resourceful of the group, so Reggie was glad it had been him there for this scary new side effect.
When Alex got back Reggie thanked him out loud, but he waved it away, saying it was what he had to do, no biggie. Reggie sat himself up and swung himself around, leaning against Alex and hugging him tightly. Alex rolled his eyes, but Reggie didn’t miss the way he smiled and hugged him back.
That evening, Luke arrived unannounced. He was in a complete and utter panic – it seemed that in all the chaos, nobody had actually told him about Reggie’s accident. When nobody had shown up to the busking session they’d planned down by the pier he had called Julie to find out what was going on and then made a mad dash to her house.
“I’ll take it from here, Alex,” Luke declared, marching into the studio, yanking Alex from his seat and shoving him out the door, shutting it behind him. Through the small window, Reggie could see Alex looking through, utterly bewildered. When Luke locked the door, Alex shrugged defeatedly, waved goodbye to Reggie, and left.
“Buddy,” Luke said to Reggie, sitting on the edge of the couch. “Reggie, dude. Bro. What happened to you, man?”
“Got electrocuted,” Reggie returned simply.
Luke rolled his eyes. “Well, yeah, I know that now. Julie told me. Eventually. Did you at least manage to fix your amp?”
Reggie sighed. Luke’s arrival had brightened his mood, but the mention of the accident and his amp had kind of ruined it. “No. Julie and Ray checked earlier but I think I made it worse. It’s beyond help.”
“That’s great!” Luke exclaimed. Reggie furrowed his brows, confused.
“No,” he said, “it’s not.”
Luke shook his head. “No, it’s fine. After I called Julie and she told me what happened, I mentioned it to my parents. And they immediately went online and ordered a new one, an even better model than the one you broke!”
“What?” Reggie said incredulously. “For real?”
“For real!”
“But they hate the band,” Reggie countered. It didn’t make any sense – the amount of times Emily and Mitch had explained to Luke and the others that they didn’t think the band was worth it didn’t exactly line up with this act of generosity.
Luke shrugged. “I know. But they felt bad, and they didn’t want us to spend all our money on getting a new one for you. Bro, you’re going to sound out of this world!”
Luke raved on and on about the new amp. Reggie made a mental note to give Emily and Mitch the biggest thank you and the tightest hug the next time he saw them. The amp he had broken hadn’t been cheap and he hated to think how much they were spending to get him an even better model.
But eventually, there was something else on his mind.
“Reggie,” Luke said, cutting off his own rant about a new song he was working on. “You okay? You look weird.”
Reggie grimaced. “I have to pee.”
“There’s a bathroom right over there,” Luke said with a shrug, pointing to the little door on the other side of the studio. Reggie just frowned deeper. Luke’s face fell as some sort of realisation dawned on him. “Please don’t say what I think you’re going to say.”
Reggie said it anyway: “I think you might have to take me.”
Luke groaned and fell back, covering his face with his hands. “Dude. Why?”
“I still can’t feel my legs,” Reggie explained, slightly desperately. If he didn’t get to a toilet soon he was sure there’d be an accident – and Luke would have to be the one to clear that up too, something Reggie was sure he wouldn’t like the sound of. “I’m not going to be able to walk without support!”
“What if you rolled across the floor instead?” Luke suggested.
“But then how would I get up to pee?”
Luke took a deep breath, steeling himself, then nodded and stood up. He swung his arms back and forth by his side then said resolutely, “Okay. Let’s do this.”
Reggie threw an arm around Luke’s shoulders, swung his dead legs off the couch and let Luke pull him to his feet. He couldn’t feel where his feet touched the ground and was letting Luke do practically everything movement-wise. Unsteadily, Reggie dug his fingers into the thin fabric of Luke’s shirt.
They entered the bathroom and Luke grimaced. “How do you want to do this?”
“Titanic-style,” Reggie decided.
Luke gave him a flat look. “What?”
“Like that scene in the Titanic,” Reggie explained. “You know, when Jack and Rose are on the bow of the ship and Jack holds her waist and she throws her arms out and–”
“How is this at all similar to me helping you pee?” Luke interrupted.
“You’ve gotta hold my waist and make sure I stay stood up,” Reggie said. Luke nodded and positioned himself behind Reggie as he did what he needed to do.
When he was done, Luke helped him limp to the sink to wash his hands, again clutching his waist to stop him from crumpling to the ground, and then they hobbled back to the couch in the main studio. Luke gently laid Reggie down and tucked him back under the blanket.
“I hope you never electrocute yourself again,” Luke said distastefully. “I don’t want to do that a second time.”
Reggie raised an eyebrow. “That’s the only reason you never want me to electrocute myself again?”
Luke shrugged. “Of course, bro. And, you know, the fact that you’re in horrible pain.”
Reggie laughed. It was the first time he had done that properly since he’d been shocked. It made sense – if anyone could tease a laugh from him then it had to be Luke. He raised his hand for a fist-bump and Luke indulged him with that tiny teasing smile.
Two weeks later, Reggie was back on his feet, everything back to normal. He had never counted himself so lucky to have such wonderful friends. Julie, who put him miles before herself; Alex, who had ditched all his other responsibilities and helped Reggie when it mattered most; and Luke, who had proved that he really would do anything for Reggie.
Perhaps the whole situation had been born out of a bad day, but Reggie had his friends there to remind him that things would always be okay in the end.
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quillsandtypos · 4 years
Our Stars Collided- Part 4 (1/2)
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Summary: As the reader finds herself joining an on the rise ghost band, she quickly makes friends with the bassist. But how long can she keep herself away from the lead guitarist?
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: none except sexual tension
Pairings: luke x reader, mention of willex
I had too many word blocks so I had to split this in two in order to upload
By Sunday morning you had mostly forgotten about your little prank war. So you did not expect to see someone in your living room that morning. “Reggie!” you screeched.
Reggie looked equally as surprised to see you and jumped back.
After you calmed down, you walked up to him, “What are you doing here?”
Reggie glanced around nervously. “What are you doing here?”
“Umm this is my house,” you reminded him. He was obviously up to something.
He pulled his hair back. “Right, yeah, I knew that, duh.” He rolled his eyes for good measure.
“So then what are you doing here?” you questioned. You watched as he strained to come up with some sort of response.
“Oh yeah, I came here to talk to you abouuuuuuut,” he trailed off as he looked into space.
You waved your hand at him for him to continue.
“Goddamnit I can’t do this,” he muttered.
“Luke are you almost done?” he called out.
It took you a moment to realize that you didn’t need to worry about your parents hearing his yell. But then it clicked that Luke was somewhere in your house.
Your eyes widened in fear. “What did you do Reggie?”
Luke popped in next to him. “Oh he just might have helped me out a little,” Luke said offhandedly. Though the smirk on his face told you that he was quite proud of whatever he had just done. You tried to make your fear invisible to them.
“Okay, let me rephrase this, what did you two do?” you crossed your arms and glared into Reggie’s eyes.
Luke moved closer to you to catch your eye and leaned against a chair. “Well let’s just say Reggie decided he would rather be on the winning team,” Luke taunted.
It finally clicked that your favorite bassist had betrayed you. “YOU, you are so dead Reginald,” you threatened. Despite the fact that he was already dead, he did look slightly afraid. You licked your upper lip smugly, in the satisfaction that he was somewhat affected.
Luke clicked his tongue, “I would be more worried about your room if I were you,” he warned. There was no doubt in your mind that he was enjoying this. You were torn between wanting to threaten your opponents and wanting to know what Luke had done.
“This isn’t over,” you grumbled. You raced back to your room, and nearly slipped on the flooring. You opened your door with a shove to find that everything was gone, nothing was there. Meaning legitimately nothing, those assholes had somehow gotten everything moved out of your room. It was completely bare, minus your bedframe and mattress. And you had fallen for Reggie’s distraction. You knew you would have to come up with something drastic to get them back for this, but you first needed to figure out where they had hidden the rest of your stuff.
You stood in your room as you tried to figure out what to do; until you remembered that the boys were still downstairs. But when you retraced your steps, you realized they were long gone. You sighed in frustration as you decided where you would need to look. Your first thought was Julie’s, it was most likely too easy, but she didn’t live more than ten minutes away. So you hopped in your car and drove over.
You arrived a short nine minutes later and knocked on the Molina house’s door. Julie opened it with a very puzzled look on her face. “Y/n what are you doing here?”
You held one of your hands in the other. “So this is gonna sound like a weird question, but have you seen any mysteriously appearing furniture?”
“No, should I have?” Julie questioned.
“Ugh, okay, I knew they wouldn’t put it here. Thanks any-” you stopped. Reggie was just behind Julie, wearing your favorite blanket as a cape. Julie looked confusedly at wear your gaze is, only to watch Reggie poof out.
“Reggie,” you growled under your breath.
You then brought your attention back to Julie who was giving you a cautious side eye.
“I swear there’s a reasoning behind this,” you promised.
“For something, as weird as this,” she pointed to you and where Reggie previously stood, “I would think so.”
“So you know how Reggie helped me take one of Luke’s shirts?” you started.
She still looked weirded out, but she nodded her head.
“Well, now Luke has somehow gotten Reggie to be on his side and the two of them took everything out of my room,” you grumpily explained.
Julie was still a little confused on what you meant. “Define everything.”
“Like the only thing still in my room is my mattress and bedframe, kind of everything,” you specified.
“Oh shit really?” she exclaimed. She quickly glanced around to make sure her brother wasn’t in ear shot.
You nodded your head.
“Do you have any idea where they put it?” she questioned.
“No, I was hoping you knew,” you wistfully admitted.
“I mean, have you checked the studio?”
“That seemed too easy.” You paced back and forth trying to think of where they could’ve possibly hidden your stuff. You heard another poof behind Julie and just as you were about to start your interrogation, you realized it was Alex.
“I’m guessing you’re here for your stuff,” he speculated.
“Yeah, do you know where it is?”
“I do,” he admitted.
You weren’t entirely sure where he was going with this, and his face gave no hints as to his motive either. “And are you going to tell me where it is?” you inquired.
His lips twitched upward in satisfaction. “They are back in your room.”
“Did you put them back there?” you confusedly asked.
He smiled before nodding.
Your eyes went wide, “Oh my god, thank you Alex, if you weren’t dead I would hug you!” you exclaimed.
“But now I kinda need to be on your team since I helped you.”
You grinned wickedly. Those two had no idea what was coming for them. “You’ve got a deal Mercer,” you agreed. You went to shake hands but you just went right through him, so you settled for shaking the air where you could see his hand.
“Guys, I hate to inte-” Julie was then cut off from a faint yell that you assumed to be either Reggie’s or Luke’s.
“Run?” you suggested.
“Run.” Alex agreed.
“Guys, what am I supposed to do?” Julie called out.
“Pretend you never saw us!” you yelled back.
She gave you a thumbs up before heading back inside her house. You quickly backed out of your driveway and quietly took off down the road. You breathed a sigh of relief as you turned the corner off of her road. When you got home you went straight to your bedroom to find that everything was back in its place.
You flopped down on your bed. It was only noon and you were exhausted. You decided to take a quick nap. You set your alarm for two pm and you quickly fell asleep.
When you woke up, you felt pretty groggy, but still better than you had before. You turned on your back and stretched. You couldn’t yet be bothered with getting up.
You couldn’t have been laying there for more than five seconds when you heard a poof in your room. You sighed internally, you didn’t have the energy to be pranked a second time in one day. You choose not to give him the satisfaction of looking over, and instead kept your eyes towards the ceiling.
“Luke what do you want?” you whined.
“Hey, why does it necessarily have to mean that I want something?” he pretended to be offended.
You slowly turned to look at him with an unamused look on your face.
“Okay, so maybe I do,” he admitted. You nearly broke your demeanor at his comment but you were determined, so you turned to look away from him so he wouldn’t see your smile.
He looked around the room. “I see you got your stuff back.”
“I’m willing to bet you already knew that,” you guessed.
“True, but I wasn’t expecting for you to be able to turn Alex against me,” he retorted. You couldn’t see him but you were certain you could feel the warmth of the fire in his eyes.
“How did you manage to do that?” he puzzled.
“I plead the fifth,” you responded.
Luke continued to try to coax an answer out of you, but he was getting nowhere. You just remained silent and continued to look at a wall.
“Come on y/n you’re gonna have to talk to me eventually,” he reasoned. He sat down on your bed as you continued to ignore him.
“Y/n,” he sang, as he kept tapping your side. You couldn’t actually feel it but you could see his hand accidentally going through you.
You couldn’t help the growing happiness bubbling up from your stomach. “I’m going to throw a pillow at your head,” you playfully threatened.
“See, I knew you were smiling,” he teased.
And swiftly turned around to throw a throw pillow at him. Of course you knew it wouldn’t hit him, it was more for dramatic effect.
But not long after, you heard a soft ‘thump’.
“Did it just-” you stopped in shock.
The pillow had hit him squarely in the face and he caught it in his arms.
Luke was equally as confused. “How did that happen?”
“I don’t know, I was expecting for the pillow to go right through you,” you babbled.
“That shouldn’t be possible, right?” he looked at you for assurance.
“Luke, I have no idea,” you admitted. The both of you just sat there for a minute in a silent bewilderment.
“Can I try something really quick?” he asked, his voice was a touch lower and harder to hear than usual.
You nodded, you weren’t certain where he was going with this, but for whatever reason; you trusted him. He reached over to one of your arms rested on your leg. Slowly he moved his hand to try to brush over your forearm. You could feel your heart beating in your chest and you held your breath. His fingers moved closer, you were now touching, but you couldn’t feel it. He just phased through you.
You felt your face fall and you quickly worked to make sure he didn’t notice. “It was worth a shot,” you added.
Luke looked up at you, he was not attempting to hide his disappointment. But it only took him a couple of seconds to recover, he looked like he had gotten an idea.
“Let me try something else real quick,” Luke trailed off.
You started to ask him what he meant by that, but you were rudely interrupted by a pillow going straight through you.
"Hey!" you yelled.
"I had to see if it was gonna work!" he loudly explained.
Laughing, you felt your mood start to lift, just by a little bit. “So what exactly did you want?” you asked.
“I don’t actually remember now,” Luke realized.
You felt the words tumbling out of your mouth before you could stop them, “Well I’m glad you came anyways.”
You were expecting for him to be smirking at you but instead he just smiled in that way that made you want to melt into the ground. “I’m glad I did too,” he agreed.
He got up from your bed to poof out, when you stopped him.
“No more pranks when you’re in my room or involving my room. You come here almost everyday so it makes sense to have it as a peaceland,” you requested.
He charmingly winked at you. “Sure thing princess,” he agreed then poofed out.
You were really glad he left when he did so you could die from that nickname in peace.
When you woke up the next day you were a little surprised you hadn’t gotten any texts from Julie. But you figured you would catch up with her at school
“You,” she growled as soon as she spotted you heading to her locker.
You immediately put your hands up in surrender. “Woah, what did I do?” you asked.
“This,” she pointed to her outfit. It consisted of a jean jacket with paint on the back, a cropped sunset curve t-shirt, grey sweatpants, and white sneakers.
“What?” you puzzled, you genuinely had no idea what she was talking about. But she evidently believed that you should’ve known based off the look she was giving you.
“Because of you, I somehow got pulled into your prank war and they stole the rest of my shirts,” she finally explained to you.
“Well in that case their prank backfired because you still look stunning Jules.” You caught her eyes as you spoke and she smiled before narrowing her eyes at you.
“Do not try to compliment your way out of this!” she threatened.
You grinned and moved back from her accusatory finger. “I’m not, you genuinely look stunning. But if you want to threaten someone, I suggest it be the two who actually did it,” you argued. You grabbed your books and turned away to almost walk straight through Reggie.
Reggie threw his hands up in exaggeration. “Julie, this was supposed to be a prank, how do you still have a killer outfit?” he moaned.
You chuckled at his dramatics.
“Yeah, making the shirt look good should technically be against prank rules,” Luke agreed.
“Well Luke, it looks like you're technically losing.” You smirked.
“Not for long,” Luke scoffed under his breath, though it was obvious he wanted the three of you to hear him.
“Alright, point to the ladies, for this time at least,” Reggie trailed off ominously.
You threw your arm around Julie, “So does this mean you're officially on my team?” you asked.
“Yep, which means the two of you are officially going down,” she leaned into you and glared at the boys, as you smirked in satisfaction.
“That won't last long,” Luke boasted. He and Reggie poofed out, but not before you stuck your tongue out at Reggie.
Julie wrapped an arm around your waist. “So what’s our next play?”
“Well that is where Alex is going to help us,” you started to explain to her as you walked to class.
The two of you anxiously sat in Julie’s room, you hoped that Alex would be the only one to poof in. You both heard a knock on the door and knew it had to be him.
“I heard we were coming up with a plan?” Alex inquired.
“We are but we need your help with actually getting it to work,” you explained.
Alex plopped down on the bed next to the two of you, “I’m all ears.”
“Okay so y/n had the idea of scaring them since you know it’s not usually the ghosts who get scared,” Julie started.
“Right, so how are we gonna pull that off?” he questioned.
You turned to Alex. “Well that’s where you come in. When would they least be expecting us to show up?” you asked.
Alex looked off into the corner of the room for a moment before coming back to you. “Probably when you’re in school or in the middle of the night. Since you guys sleep we are usually mostly alone in the world at night,” Alex divulged. He said it so casually, like being alone was a part of their routines; which sadly, it was. You tried not to think too deeply about it for the moment, but made a mental note to ask him if he wanted to talk about it at some point.
Julie walked around the room as she talked. “So school is obviously not an option, but doing it at night time seems easy enough.”
“Except we need to make sure it’ll actually scare them,” you added.
Julie pointed at you as she added that to her mental list.
“Well what scares people who are already dead?” you wondered. You looked to Alex for answers.
“I mean I’m biased with fears since I’m anxious most of the time; so I might not be the best person or ghost to ask,” he regretfully admitted.
“That’s okay, just tell us whatever you’re thinking of,” you reassured him. He looked nervously in Julie’s direction, but when she softly nodded at him, his gaze turned back to you.
“Your best bet is to jump scare them, I mean we’re the ones who can poof places, so they wouldn’t be expecting for you to be able to scare them,” Alex suggested.
“Ooh I like that idea,” Julie excitedly agreed.
"I do too, oh also I might be able to throw something at them," you added without thinking.
Your two friends looked at you with very confused faces. You suddenly remembered that you hadn't told anyone about the incident the night before.
"OH, I threw something at Luke yesterday and it hit him," you explained.
Your friends' faces didn't change, they shared a look before turning back to you.
"What?" they exclaimed, almost in complete unison.
"Well Luke was giving me shit and so I jokingly went to throw a pillow at him but then it actually hit him," you elaborated.
"And you're just telling us this now?" Julie marveled. Alex deadpanned.
"Well you seemed pretty upset about the shirt thing," you started.
"Y/n! Do you know how crazy that is?" Julie intently asked.
“I do, but there’s one problem we still can’t touch. We tried,” the last part came out quieter than the rest.
“What?” Alex asked.
“We tried, I still couldn’t touch him, and he couldn’t throw something at me without it going through me,” you divulged.
Alex looked at you through curious eyes. “Do you have any idea why?”
You through your hands up in exasperation. “No, but I wish I did.”
Julie walked up to her desk and searched around for something. “Alex, here try to catch this,” she spoke as she showed him a notebook.
Alex readied himself in the event that he would actually be able to catch it. But the book just went through his hands.
“Huh, okay y/n you try throwing it to him,” Julie directed.
You backed away from the bed and shook your hands. You were nervous even though you knew you had no control over how this would turn out. You tossed it into the air, but once again, the notebook just hit the bed.
“Damn it,” Alex hissed under his breath.
Julie shrugged, “Well it was worth a shot.” She tried to sound nonchalant about it, but it was evident that she was upset about it too. You all sat in a somber silence until you piped up.
“Guys I think I have an idea on how we can set up this prank,” you thought aloud.
The mood suddenly shifted and all eyes were on you. They eagerly listened as you explained your plan.
Taglist: @sunsetcurvej
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 20 - Just Kids
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, what consequences?, 4.9k
@trevor-wilson-covington is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19
All too soon, two very familiar colors filled the back of the van. Alex’s heart immediately submerged into the dark ocean it always went to in despair, knowing they were all screwed this time. He could already see Bobby pulling onto the shoulder - they didn’t need the sound of sirens to tell them what was up. Willie still seemed like he wasn’t all present, and Alex squeezed his fingers and shook his hands to bring him back to the now. They had really hoped it wouldn’t happen. None of the guys could’ve anticipated the alarm, or that Caleb would be in town when they definitely thought he was gone, or that everything would go wrong.
Not knowing didn’t matter, though. Hours later, all five of them sat inside a holding cell at the LAPD, heads bowed as none of them dared to make eye contact with each other. It was early morning by the time all of them had been processed, and they were all varying levels of exhausted. The time passed at a frustratingly slow pace, although there was no way of telling what time it was. Thankfully, they were the only ones in the cell at the time; if there had been other inmates it would’ve sent Alex’s nerves past their threshold. A guard sat just outside a doorway to the rest of the station while another sat directly outside the cell.
Alex was tempted to wrap his arm around Willie’s shoulders, since he remained dissociated, but the eye contact from the officer sitting across from them was too unsettling. He didn’t like the thought that came through his mind - the one that made him feel like an even worse criminal, even though he knew he wasn’t. Stubbornly, Alex fought to push the feeling away, and settled for putting a hand on Willie’s shoulder. There was almost no reaction, but then Alex saw his brown eyes flicker in his direction and that was all the peace he needed.
“It’s my fault, you guys,” Reggie murmured, barely peering up from where his head hung dejectedly. “I was just so caught up in getting back - ”
“It’s not your fault, Reggie,” Bobby interrupted him gently. “He was waiting for us.”
Luke didn’t speak. His eyes couldn’t leave his empty hands. Alex almost couldn’t look at him; it was a sad image.
They had all been so sure that Caleb was finally out of LA, never spoke about their plans at the studio, had been so careful about the way they acted around him - there was no way. There was just no way that he could’ve been so ready to show up just as they were trying to get the master copies of their album out of his hands. And worse, now Alex had dragged Willie into it, and the guilt mounted even higher from there.
A female officer approached the cell with a clipboard, not bothering to look up from the page she had her eyes glued to.
“Bobby Wilson?”
Bobby raised his head at the sound of his name.
“You have an older brother here to pick you up,” she said monotonously. “You’re free to go.”
The door to the cell was opened and Bobby made his way out in slight confusion. He threw a conflicted look back toward Luke.
“Did he say if I was taking anyone with me?”
“He came for Bobby Wilson and Bobby Wilson only.” Her tone shut down any further questions that he had. Looking back apologetically, his shoulders slumped as Luke shook his head.
“Don’t worry about it,” Luke said, although not as assuring as he likely wanted to be. “I’ll be fine.”
Alex watched as Bobby’s eyes lingered for a few seconds on Reggie, who was still hunched forward with his gaze fixed on the concrete floor. It seemed so uncharacteristic for him, but Alex understood he was probably shutting down at the mere thought of returning home. The emotions ran high enough in his home as it was. They hadn’t really been given options as for who got called when they’d been brought to the police department. Finally, Bobby turned and took the car keys and wallet that had been confiscated and disappeared.
Luke moved closer to Reggie and put a hand on his back, and he began muttering something to him. They were just far enough away that Alex couldn’t properly hear what they were saying.
“Sheldon’s gonna be so freaked out when I get home,” Willie spoke suddenly. Alex turned to see him finally looking around the cell, fully aware of his surroundings.
“Hopefully he’ll be okay,” he assured. “They can only hold us for up to twelve hours; that’s what they said.”
Willie looked at him and nodded, eyes once again immediately training themselves onto empty space.
“How are you doing?” Alex asked carefully. Willie didn’t move his eyes, but he appeared to be brought back into focus again.
“I just have all these images running in my mind,” he said. “Things he did. Things I did. He decided to pretend I was dead rather than deal with my existence. It’s like he was already trying to bury me by taking away any connection to my past. Sometimes I wonder what I was like before the accident. What if I deserved this?”
For a minute, Alex merely sat with his jaw agape, as if he’d been slapped upon hearing what Willie was saying.
“Wha- ? No. Willie, that can’t be right,” he started. “You couldn’t possibly deserve any of this, no matter what happened in the past.”
Willie shook his head.
“I was in the foster system, Alex,” he argued. “From the few things I know, I was passed around a little bit. Caleb was someone who took difficult kids; he had a reputation with social services. I wanted him to be the bad guy because I got a taste of something better, but when I look around, Alex? I have no one to call. Not even family.”
It was the first time Alex had seen tears well up in his eyes since the night at the Stratosphere, but he felt that any comfort he wanted to offer wouldn’t be accepted. All he could do was look back at this beautiful boy who deserved far more than he believed, brow furrowed in silent protest. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Willie had a point. There was a possibility that the guys’ dislike of the man had become biased based on Willie’s story, as unintentional as it may have been. Still, Alex refused to believe that it was because Willie was the real menace.
“Look, we may never know the truth,” he started, trying to look at him as directly as he could. “But I’m the one who got you here; I take responsibility for that. And sometimes having someone to call doesn’t mean they’re there for you.”
Willie gave him a look that was mixed, but he mostly read concern. Frankly, Alex wasn’t sure what his own parents’ reaction would be, but he didn’t dare hope for any sort of understanding.
“Reggie Peters?” The same female officer approached the cell again with her clipboard.
Reggie turned away from his conversation with Luke, sucking in a nervous breath.
“Your mother is here to take you home; you’re free to go.”
Pressing his lips together anxiously, Reggie simply bowed his head as he was escorted out the same way Bobby had been. Luke promptly spread himself out along the bench, pulling his beanie over his face.
For a while, Alex let his mind wander as he kept his hand resting on Willie’s shoulder. What Willie had said made him want to reevaluate the whole situation with Caleb. It wasn’t that he thought Willie was as bad as he said he was, but it stood to be examined. He remembered the difference between his short first impression of the man at the diner, and the second time he’d seen him. He even remembered his own reasoning - how it was possible that Caleb could come off as so severe while running a diner but maintain such charisma while serving guests.
A pang of memory also came as Alex had noted he didn’t seem like a straight man and after months of actually working with him there was even greater evidence toward that notion. It had been what made Alex want to trust him in the beginning. Finding an adult figure who offered him a break from being constantly vigilant about the way he naturally felt had been a blessing. Not even Alex could ignore that. However, something still told him that just because they had that in common didn’t make Caleb trustworthy.
“Luke Patterson?” All three boys looked up in surprise when they heard the officer’s voice a third time. Luke clutched his beanie to his chest, confused most of all as he sat up from the bench. Instead of announcing who had come for him, the officer stepped aside as two familiar faces came toward the cell.
Julie Molina and her Aunt Victoria looked at the boys, both with stern expressions.
“Julie?” Luke uttered in surprise, standing up from the bench and slowly moving toward her. 
Folding her arms, Julie had her eyes fixed on Luke with a brand of disappointment that appeared to burn like acid. She flashed the same look toward Alex for a moment and he was duly stung. Luke could make all the sad, pleading puppy faces he wanted, but ultimately was struck dumb by knowing he had no room to speak.
“We have a lot to talk about,” Julie told him, the chastising tone not to be missed. Luke’s face fell and he hung his head, looking back toward Alex with a similar apologetic look as Bobby had given.
Alex caught Victoria also looking at him. It was still stern, but more in telling him she was let down. Why it compounded his already guilty feelings even more, he couldn’t understand. Her expression changed, however, as she looked at Willie next to him, as though she were trying to recall where she recognized him. Immediately forgetting his guilt for a moment, Alex perked up and subtly pointed a finger toward him, mouthing the name “Willie!” to her. She looked at him incredulously, and it was a shame the officer was already escorting them out with Luke, because he was sure she had questions.
“Was that Julie’s mom?” Willie asked. Startled, Alex looked at him and cleared his throat.
“Ah, no, that was her aunt,” he told him. “Her mom is still in the hospital.”
“Oh,” Willie replied, casting he gaze to where they had left with a look of empathy. “That really sucks.”
“Yeah,” Alex agreed.
For the second surprise that night (morning? Alex couldn’t tell), and for the fourth time, the female officer returned.
“William Taylor?”
Willie looked at Alex in utter perplexity, and then back at the officer.
“Um…” he began saying. Before he finished, Flynn came around the corner accompanied by a woman both boys assumed was her mother.
“Hey big bro!” she said in a highly exaggerated tone, sending them a gigantic wink with a grin that was very out of place. “Looks like you messed up big time mister!”
Willie could only stare back in shock. Alex was too busy trying not to laugh at her poor acting skills. It was so obvious that she and Willie weren’t family.
“Hey...sis,” Willie said finally, still unsure what was happening just then.
Holding onto the bars and leaning close into the holding cell, Flynn dropped the grin immediately.
“Julie tipped us off and Alex’s parents aren’t coming, so we’re doing you guys a big favor,” she said to them in a low voice, laying on the irritation and topping it off with a tilt of her head and a smile that suggested murder.
Promptly, Willie stood up and was let out of the cell, still looking at Flynn and her mom in bewilderment. Alex sat with his hands folded in uncertainty.
“Him too,” Flynn’s mom nodded toward him. The officer opened the door for him and Alex sighed as he came out, realizing just how high his nerves had really been while sitting there for the past few hours. He could suddenly feel the blood rushing into his fingers again.
As he and Willie followed Flynn and her mom outside, he wasn’t surprised that his parents had opted not to come get him. If he guessed right, his father would’ve refused to go in some backward attempt to show tough love, and his mother would’ve been barred from going herself to show she agreed with the choice. Both he and Willie thanked Flynn’s mom as they sat in the back seat of her van.
Flynn turned around in the passenger seat as they drove off and Alex knew what was coming.
“How many times am I gonna save your ass?” she directed at Willie.
“Language, honey,” her mom warned. Flynn rolled her eyes, but backed down a little.
Willie smiled nervously at her.
“Third time’s a charm?” he offered with little confidence.
“There better not be a third time,” she cautioned. “Seriously, what were you thinking?”
Alex opened his mouth to respond but she put up a hand.
“Actually, save it. Anything I have to say is just what Julie will say to you guys later, and she’s the one who’s really mad at you. Right now, I’ve got permission to skip school and I’m not gonna waste it lecturing you two.”
Sharing a look with Willie, both boys were happy to at least not have to endure Julie’s wrath right that minute. It was only imaginable what Luke was going through at the moment.
“So, how did you know I was there?” Willie asked.
Flynn leaned back into the correct position in her seat and took in a deep breath.
“Julie’s aunt is supposed to be on sabbatical, but apparently she can’t stop doing little bits of work here and there. She’s an investigator. Anyway, I guess she was doing something at ungodly hours on a Sunday night for God knows why, and she was already in the station when Sunset Gets-Caught-Being-Stupid was brought in. I guess she tried to make sure nobody called the Pattersons because she promised Julie she won’t, and she found out there was a fifth kid with no emergency contact so she had Julie call me, and I had to wake up at six-thirty this morning to an angry Julie and while I, for one, don’t care that you were trying to steal something, the way y’all did it was just so dumb, I can’t even stand to look at y’all - ”
“Okay, we get it,” Alex interrupted.
“But the important thing is,” Flynn continued. “We can’t take you guys home. Sorry.”
“Wait, why not?” Alex asked.
“I have one hour before I need to be in the office,” Flynn’s mom told them. “So I’m putting my girl in charge of you two for the day.”
Flynn looked back at them smugly.
“Oh, I’m putting you two to work,” she said, not hiding how much she enjoyed being in a position of power.
Alex could only gesture with his hands in a manner of saying “ah, well,” and sighing in acceptance. This was loads better than dealing with his parents for the time being. And Willie seemed to have finally broken entirely out of the strange trance he’d been in ever since they’d seen Caleb.
“Do we get a nap first?” Willie asked. “‘Cuz we’ve been awake all night.”
Flynn’s eyebrows shot up in realization and she flopped back into her seat again with a sigh.
“That’s fair.”
It was well past noon by the time Alex opened his eyes. They had thanked Mrs. Taylor and then immediately passed out on the living room couch. Barely gaining his bearings, he found Willie still zonked on the opposite arm of the couch. He couldn’t help but admire his sleeping form, so much calmer than any other time he knew. The sunlight streaming in from the blinds glanced perfectly off his cheekbones and highlighted the rich brown tones in his hair. Alex had been struck by how handsome he was from the second they met at the diner, but he’d hardly gotten a moment to properly appreciate how beautiful he was.
Somehow there was something so lonely about him that brought an ache to Alex’s chest. Their conversation from earlier replayed in his mind. Willie really seemed to believe he didn’t belong anywhere when the only thing Alex wanted in the whole world was to keep him tightly in his arms. He really hoped to show Willie how much he meant to him some day. 
“Oh my god, you are so in love with him,” he heard Flynn saying as she stood at the edge of the living room. He was too tired to give a proper response and could only turn to her still wearing a look of fondness. “Oh my god, stop, you are so precious!”
All Alex could do was lightly chuckle in return. Flynn tilted her head adoringly.
“And to think I was there from the beginning,” she reminisced.
Alex had a realization hit.
“I never said thank you, did I?”
She shrugged.
“No. But now you get to pay me back by doing all the chores my mom left for you.”
Heaving a sigh, Alex sank back into the couch and pressed his lips together, already reeling from exhaustion.
“Yep,” he muttered before reaching over and grabbing Willie’s hand, gently shaking it to kindly wake him up.
“Sheldon...stop,” Willie groaned as his tired face pinched together against the light. Alex giggled as he leaned over and tried shaking his shoulder instead.
“Hey, it’s me,” he said in a low voice, watching as Willie’s eyes fluttered open and immediately gazed back into his face. The absolutely enamoured smile that spread from cheek to cheek as he took in Alex’s face framed with his hair hanging down was more than Alex could take, and he felt honest-to-God butterflies in his stomach.
“Hey,” Willie murmured, his voice a pitch lower than usual from being asleep with just the right amount of vocal fry. It took all of Alex’s strength not to smother him right there on the couch.
“I really do hate to break this up, you lovebirds,” Flynn told them. “But it’s time to get to work!” She clapped her hands and the boys clambered off the couch, still sharing admiring looks at each other. She led them through her house, listing off the many things her mom had demanded: cleaning bathrooms, weeding the garden, and mowing the lawn were all there.
“And last but not least,” Flynn was saying as she led them upstairs. She flung the door open to an unfurnished room with bare walls and plastic covering the floor. “Painting!”
Alex saw Willie’s face transform from bleary task mode to shining with joy at the prospect of getting to paint. He wasn’t sure what it was, but everything Willie did was making him fall even further in a way he hadn’t thought possible. They were doing household chores for heaven’s sake. It made him consider doing all the rest of the chores just to let Willie do something he enjoyed. After seeing his reaction to Caleb, Alex thought it would lift his spirits more than anything.
“I say we divide and conquer then?” he suggested, putting a hand on Willie’s shoulder and giving it a firm squeeze. Willie tore his eyes away from the unpainted walls to give Alex a puzzled look.  Before he could ask questions, though, Alex simply looked him directly in the eyes and nodded toward the room before them, insisting he stay and paint without saying a word. He saw Willie’s expression soften and one corner of his mouth turn up in a delighted smirk once he understood the message.
“Okay,” Willie muttered to him, facing the bare walls with newfound glee.
Willie watched Alex head back down the stairs and he couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with gratitude. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to spend as much time with him as possible - looking into that angelic face as he’d woken up had spun his head more than anything else in his life - but it was just the thought of how he was suddenly in Alex’s world and it was so...different. It vaguely reminded him of hanging out with everyone after the show at the Pearl, but it appeared to be so much deeper and so tight-knit. Julie and Flynn and their families went so far as to stick out their necks for the guys when they really had messed up, and it wasn’t even an obligation. Even being made to do housework for people who were still practically strangers to him felt like he was being taken in with open arms. He had the intruding thought that he’d eventually wear out his welcome.
“So, are we painting everything the same?” he asked Flynn, rubbing his hands together. Flynn wagged a finger and smiled with excitement.
“No,” she teased. Going over to a corner, she lifted two cans of paint, handing one of them to him. Looking at the swatch smeared on the top of the lid, Willie smiled to see a lovely teal, and then sunflower yellow on the can in Flynn’s hands.
“Oooh yes, these are some good choices,” he said, rolling up a sleeve with his free hand. All the worried thoughts could be put aside as they began popping the lids off and mixing the paint. “Have you got a hair tie I could borrow?”
“There is something about a boy asking me that question that just feels amazing,” Flynn commented as she briefly headed out to fetch one. Giggling at her remark, Willie lifted the paint mixer and watched the color drip into the can in fascination. There was something familiar about the notion of painting that made him wonder if it was something he’d done often before. Before forgetting. Would putting the brush in his hand unleash some kind of muscle memory or sense of nostalgia for something he didn’t know he had? Flynn returned with the hair tie and handed it to him, and he immediately pulled his hair back into a small bun.
“Alright, so these walls are gonna be the teal green color,” Flynn instructed, pointing toward the walls furthest from the window. “And these over here are gonna be yellow. I’ll start with the yellow and meet you at the corner, sound good?” Willie nodded at her as she moved her paint supplies over to the opposite side of the room, putting her braids up into a ponytail as well.
“Copy that,” Willie replied.
Once the paint was all mixed they got to work, both silently focused on the task at hand. For a while, all that could be heard was the repetitive swipe of brushes against the texture of the wall. There had been no sweeping rush like Willie imagined, but a gentle comfort quickly took over as he watched the color fill the empty space. He heard a loud buzzing outside and for a moment, peeked out the window to see Alex steady at work mowing the lawn below.
“So,” Flynn started, almost making him jump as he turned his attention to her. “It looks like our skater boy likes to paint; do you do art too? I saw your face.”
Chuckling, Willie hadn’t realized he’d gotten himself stuck in a situation that warranted friendly banter. Out of all of Alex’s friends, though, she was the one he’d seen the most, now that he thought about it. Despite how aggressive she had appeared at first, he really enjoyed her energy.
“Yeah, actually I draw. A lot,” he told her.
“Nice!” she nodded. “What kind of stuff do you draw?”
“People...places,” he said thoughtfully as he continued painting. “Memories.”
Flynn kept nodding, her expression becoming more pensive. “Cool.... Memories are interesting. Did you do a lot of cool things when you were little?”
Willie chewed on his tongue for a minute, realizing she still didn’t know. Even now that he’d been away from Caleb for a while and Alex’s reaction had been so kind, sometimes speaking of his amnesia still felt like something that wasn’t allowed. Regardless, it was a pretty important detail.
“I actually don’t know,” he stated. Flynn’s eyebrows knit together in response. “I was in an accident a little over a year ago, and I don’t remember anything - well, I remember a few things, but not a lot. Whatever I can figure out, I try to draw it so it stays with me.”
She gave him a long sympathetic look. Every time it was different; Alex had been a little shocked but then really sweet, Bessie had merely brushed over it like it wasn’t anything crazy, and now Flynn had her big brown eyes staring with such sadness in them. Again, he wondered how much he had really lost along with his memory. It seemed to be a thing everyone else could properly mourn, knowing the difference, but he couldn’t no matter how much he tried.
“That’s really awful,” she said. “I’m sorry.”
Willie only nodded, accepting her words.
“It sucks, but I manage,” he said. They both resumed painting after noticing they had stopped for a moment.
“I mean, you made it here, which is pretty amazing,” Flynn told him. “Well, not here as in we just picked you up from the police station, but you know, you left Vegas and have your sweet job at the record shop.”
He shrugged, trying to be casual. Those thoughts were getting to him today in a way they hadn’t ever before. The ones that said he was still messing everything up anyway. He was just in a different city with a different job. It was great that he’d miraculously found Alex, which had been his entire goal, but now that he’d passed that step in his plan, life went on. And it hadn’t really become so different, now that Caleb had his hands on things again. There were still so many questions about that as well, because he really did wonder if maybe he had made everything out to be worse in his mind. Caleb had been his guardian for three years and Willie was one of numerous kids - he couldn’t be that insidious, could he?
“I said, ‘you’re dripping paint on your shirt!’” Flynn repeated to him, enunciating loudly and snapping him out of his train of thought.
“Oh,” he started, looking down at his now ruined shirt and then continuing to work on the wall. He could live with it.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked.
He shook his head. “It’s nothing. I just keep thinking.”
“Uh huh. Whole lot of nothing to think about in there.”
Willie shot her a slightly wounded look. She rolled her eyes.
“Sarcasm, sorry. Looks like you have so much on your mind you can’t even function. So what’s up?”
He looked at her, unsure where to begin. It was great that she seemed easy to trust, because it made him less hesitant about talking, but he didn’t want to turn the painting session into something else. His mouth betrayed him though.
“I just keep thinking that maybe I have everything wrong and I brought all the guys down with me,” he confessed. Flynn didn’t respond, but listened quietly. “I met Alex and it was amazing! And I got it in my head that maybe being here with him would make everything better. But it looks like I’m just a bad influence.”
Flynn had nodded along until that last sentence, to which she tilted her head and squinted.
“Hold up,” she said. “Alex told me Caleb was your guardian, right?”
Willie nodded.
“Who also told Alex you were dead for no good reason?”
He nodded again.
“And you think you’re the bad guy here?” She had set down her brush and placed her hands on her hips.
Taking in a deep breath, Willie prepared to explain.
“Well - ”
Flynn simply held up both hands to shut him up.
“Willie. Buddy. You’re just a kid.”
You’re just a kid.
The words echoed around in his brain for a little bit as he let them settle in. She was right. Somehow he’d lost sight of that.
“You made some mistakes, I get it,” she continued. “But you’re not the bad guy. You’re still figuring things out. Actually, you know what I first thought of you? Well, actually, my first thought was that you were some creep who was trying to get into my friend’s concert, but after that, you know who I saw? A really good guy trying to show someone he cared. And bad people don’t do that.”
For a long time Willie just stared back at her in amazement. Somehow Flynn had managed to completely obliterate any other self-deprecating thought he had. It was the most human he’d felt all day. There was a sticky thud as his brush landed on plastic and he rushed to throw his arms around her.
“Oh!” she cried in surprise, slowly accepting the hug in return and patting his back. Willie squeezed her tightly and then stepped back, chuckling to himself as a small wave of embarrassment hit.
“Julie has good taste in friends,” he told her. “You’re really good at those pep talks.”
Flynn beat her chest with her palm and graciously took the compliment.
“Thank you.”
Willie picked up his brush again and continued working. He almost laughed when he had the thought that while he technically already had a boyfriend, Flynn was his first real friend. He was going to make that count.
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tangledstarlight · 4 years
hi im back again with another jatp 5+1 thing because i have no self control and work has been real slow lately. this time it started because i was thinking about the plants in the studio garage and who watered them yknow?? and well. now we have this. i’m very sorry.
sidenote: this is apparently turning into a lil series so if anyones got any ideas of reggie or alex hmu cos im drawing a blank
ANYWAY it’s a 5+1 julie centric with a happy ending because Julie Molina can and will save those boys with the power of love. 
also on ao3 
trigger warnings! death mentions (because they’re ghosts (also her mother is yknow. dead)), mild swearing.
When she was six Julie had made a very detailed presentation - including glitter and coloured print outs, courtesy of Carrie’s printer - on why she should be allowed to get a pet fish. There had been charts and graphs - because she’d seen someone on tv using charts and graphs and getting what they wanted so obviously it was the way to go - and little hands outs in the form of flyers and posters she’d found in the school library. 
She’d stood in front of her parents in the living room, Carrie holding up the bar graph, Flynn supporting the pie chart, and she had made her case. She had promised to feed them, to help clean out the tank and filter. She’d pointed out how having a fish didn’t need walking and that they were quiet and there was never really any mess to clean up. A fish would be the perfect pet. 
A week later on a sunny Saturday morning, the three Molina’s walked into a pet store. Julie had done a lot of thinking in the last week about what kind of fish she wanted. Carrie, Flynn and herself had spent a painstaking afternoon looking through photos on google until they found the perfect fish. 
So she almost didn’t notice the tank in the back corner of the store that looked a little dark and dingy, with two fish swimming aimlessly around the decoration-less tank. There wasn’t anything particularly special or different about these fish, they looked like every other goldfish she’d ever seen. Yellow-gold scales, large eyes, fins that always reminded her of wings, one of them seemed to be turning almost white while the other had little spots of black mixing with the gold. 
Julie tilted her head as she peered into the tank, blowing a stray curl out of her face as she furrowed her brow. She couldn’t say why, but these fish just seemed so very sad to her. 
“They’re sad,” she said out loud, looking over at her parents where they were standing talking to a shop assistant about different types of tanks. “Why are they by themselves?”
“Those two are returns. Kid didn’t want them anymore so they bought them back,” the man said, already sounding bored of the conversation. But the frown on Julie's face deepened as she looked back at the fish. No wonder they were sad. Pulling her lower lip between her teeth, Julie looked around at all the other fish tanks around her, at all the bright happy fish swimming around and made up her mind. 
“Can we get these two please?” She pointed at the tank in front of her, careful not to touch the glass because she didn’t want to scare them. That would be a terrible first introduction. 
“I thought you wanted one of the ones with orange and black splotches?” Her mom said coming to stand next to her, because that’s all she’d been talking about on the drive over. About the fish that she’d wanted. Julie nodded her head quickly and then shook it once, hair flying in front of her face again that her mom gently moved away. 
“I did! But these two are sad and no one wants them which isn’t fair. They didn’t do anything wrong. But I want them. And I’ll look after them and love them and they can be happy! Please momma, these ones?” Julie watched as her parents exchanged a look, eyebrows raising and lips twitching. She didn’t know what any of it meant, but her dad said something about needing a tank big enough for two and forty-five minutes later they were leaving the shop with a tank and two sad looking fish. 
Julie had been so engrossed in looking at her new fish, naming them and telling them all about their new home and how they were going to be able to see the TV so clearly from their spot in the living room that she didn’t hear the shop assistants comment about how they probably only had a few months left to live. 
Two years later as Juile went about her usual Saturday morning routine of breakfast and cartoons and pretending to help her mom with the crossword she paused to say hello to her fish. Empty bowl in her hand and halfway to the kitchen when she looked into the tank and felt her heart drop. 
“Mom! Dad!”
Her parents both came rushing in from the kitchen at her distressed call, finding her staring into the glass tank she had taken hours to decorate with silent tears dripping down her face as the two fish floated listless at the top. 
“Oh sweetie,” her mom said, a hand resting on her chest and as she wrapped her other arm around her daughter's shoulders, pulling her close to her side. 
“They’re dead,” Julie said quietly, because she had done all her research two years ago about fish and how to look after them and what they liked. And how to tell if they were dead. 
“Yeah they are,” her mom gave her a gentle squeeze, turning her away from the tank and leading her to the sofa so they could sit down. “But you gave them the best two years with the way you looked after them. Decorating their home and making sure they got only the best food and keeping them company. They weren’t so sad anymore.” 
And Julie just nods her head, wiping tears away on her sleeves and swallowing when she feels more tears welling in her eyes. 
“Can we bury them?” 
“Of course we can mija. There's that old shoe box in the closet upstairs, why don’t you go get it and we can decorate it for them, huh? Put their names on it, make it look nice,” her dad, perched on the arm of the sofa said, running one hand over her hair as he smiled down at her. 
They bury the two fish in a cardboard shoe box decorated with glitter and stickers in the back garden, next to a little flower bed near the studio garage and Julie cries again but it’s not so sad. Because she had given her fish the two best years she could and her mom is holding her hand while her dad has her hugged to his side. And maybe death isn’t so sad if they’ve lived a happy long life.
The plant sat on her desk staring at her. 
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t staring at her, because it was a plant and, as far as Julie knew, plants couldn’t stare. But if they could this one would be. 
Actually it would probably be glaring at her. Using it’s last dregs of life to make sure it’s murderer knew what they had done and felt guilty about it. 
Julie hadn’t meant to kill the little plant. She’d just… forgotten it was sitting on her windowsill in her bedroom, in direct sight of the sun everyday for the last three months. Without getting watered once. 
She was eleven years old and a plant killer. 
Julie dropped her head into her hands and let out a groan, throwing herself backwards onto her bed so only her feet were dangling off the end. That’s how her mom finds her twenty minutes later. 
“Everything okay in here?” She asked, a laugh in her tone that just makes Julie groan again. 
“No!” She whines, not sitting up but at least moving her hands from in front of her face as her mom comes further into her room and sits on the edge of her bed. 
“What’s wrong, sweetie?” 
“I killed the plant,” Julie mutters, a pout on her lips as her eyebrows are drawn together and she glares at the ceiling. Just how she’d imagined the plant glaring at her. 
“Ah,” is all she gets in response which just makes Julie glare harder at her ceiling, even as she feels tears pooling in her eyes. 
“I’m a plant killer mom. Does that make me a bad person?” 
She can almost feel the shock coming from her mom as she looks down at her, eyes a little wide as the older woman shakes her head. And then her eyes soften and she’s pulling Julie up so they’re sitting side by side on the bed, looking at the plant she has murdered by default. 
“Oh Julie. Did you mean to kill the plant?” She asks and Julie immediately shakes her head, hair flying everywhere and eyes widening in horror at the thought. 
“No! Of course I didn’t! I swear!” 
“Well there you go then. You just made a mistake my love, everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes they can lead things like a plant dying,” her mom gestures in front of them with one hand while the other brushes tears off her cheeks. “Sometimes they can lead to bad things happening to someone else. But it’s what you do in response to your mistake that really matters. You’re not a bad person Julie, I don’t even think you’d know how to be a bad person.” 
Julie sniffed, eyes locked on the plant as she thought over her mom's words and what they meant and what she could do with them. 
“Can we get a new plant? And maybe– maybe keep it in the studio so I’ll remember to water it when I go practice?” She turned her eyes up to her mom and was greeted with a wide smile, eyes crinkling at the corners. 
“That sounds like a great plan!” 
Sometimes you make friends when you’re a little kid and just assume they’re always going to be in your life. Because when you’re a little kid and when you say someone is your best friend, you mean it, whole heartedly and without a single doubt in your mind. 
For as long as Julie can remember it had always been the two of them. 
Julie and Carrie. 
Carrie and Julie. 
Best friends forever.
She knew they had met because their parents knew each other, that they’d always gone to the same schools, the same parks. She knew that when Carrie’s mom had left her dad spent three weeks drinking and shouting and playing music too loud, that Carrie had spent the majority of those three weeks at her house. She knew that whenever she learnt a new song that Carrie would have a dance routine worked out within hours. 
Julie knew that no matter what went right or wrong in her life, Carrie would be there to have her back.
Because they were best friends. 
Nothing had ever really changed in their friendship, not even when they’d met Flynn on the first day of first grade and immediately decided their duo was now a trio. Because they were kids, and when kids declared they were best friends, they meant it. 
At least Julie had meant it. 
Now, curled up under the covers on her bed, tear tracks on her face and a headache forming behind her eyes, she starts to wonder if Carrie had ever meant it. She starts to reevaluate their entire friendship, her entire childhood. There’s very few memories of the last fourteen years of her life that don’t involve Carrie in some way. 
That thought just makes a fresh wave of tears fill her eyes and dampen her pillow. 
The words are still echoing in her head. The tone she had used, the hand on her hip, the tossing of her hair, the look of disgust on her face. Julie had seen it all before, she’d just never seen if directed at her or Flynn. 
“Don’t you get it? We are not friends anymore. I don’t hang out with pathetic losers like you.” 
Around and around in her head the words bounced. Julie doesn’t know what changed from Friday afternoon to Monday morning, doesn’t know what she did or didn’t do, doesn’t know how she’s meant to react other than crying. 
Which is apparently one of the many, many,  things that make her a pathetic loser. 
Along with being childish and unfashionable and boring and not the right type of person for Dirty Candi – a group that Julie had helped her form, encouraged her to start, helped brainstorm a name for and decide on who would wear which colour. A band, that no Julie thought about it, she had never been asked to join. Not once during the whole process did it ever come up. 
Julie had never even seen the distance growing between them. Hadn’t noticed when Carrie decided on who she wanted to be, and who that person was didn’t need someone like Julie around. 
Twenty minutes later, with Julie still hiding under her duvet and some playlist of sad songs playing on youtube, Flynn comes through the door. Dropping her bag next to the bed and joining her under the covers. Julie turns to face her, closing out of the app so they’re left in silence. Flynn’s been crying too, she notes, because Carrie had ended her friendship with both of them. Said mean and hurtful things about both of them. 
“Carrie’s a bitch,” Flynn mutters her eyes on the ceiling but there’s no real heat in her words. They’re both too in shock and sadness right now, Julie realises. Do you have to go through the five stages of grief even if the person you lost hasn’t died? She’s never thought about that before.
“Yeah, she is,” Julie agrees. Because it’s true. Carrie has always been a little bit of a bitch, she’s just never directed it at them. In fact she’d never actually been so outright mean to anyone and in the back of her mind, Julie wonders what happened in the forty eight hours that they didn’t see her. 
They’ll probably never find out the answer to that question. It’s just a fact of life that Julie is going to have to come to terms with, she supposes. Her and Carrie had been best friends once. They weren’t anymore.
Her mom finds them twenty minutes later still tucked under the duvet and concocting plans on how they can possibly egg Carries house without being caught. She leans against the doorframe, her cheek pressing to the wood as she crosses her arms over her chest and smiles at them both. 
“How about I make us some hot chocolate and we come up with a plan that doesn’t involve you two doing anything illegal, huh?” And who are they to say no to hot chocolate when they’re sad?
Music had never been about being the best or winning or even competitions to Julie. It had always been about the emotions, the lyrics, the actual music. That’s not to say she didn’t like it when she won though. Because she did. She very much liked it when a group of strangers gathered together and decided she was the best of the bunch. 
So it also hurt when she didn’t win. Even if the loss was deserved. She’d messed up the intro to the song, had forgotten some of the lyrics half way through, had even been a little out of tune at the beginning she knew.
So she knew she wasn’t going to win. But it still sucked. It especially sucked when Carrie strolled past, tossing her hair over her shoulder and glancing in her direction before saying something that made her friends laugh long and loud. Julie felt her face flushing, tucked a stray curl behind her ear before pulling it back free and trying to hide her face behind it. 
It wasn’t that losing in a silly school music competition was really a big deal. It was just one really bad performance that just happened to be a little more important than any of her previous ones. It didn’t count for a grade, it wouldn’t go on her report card or in her file. It was something she’d signed up for for fun. For a laugh. 
She just happened to be the one people were laughing at. Which just, it really sucked. There was no other way to describe it. 
She said as much later when she sat on the sofa and Carlos wandered into the room, a box of cereal tucked under one arm with a handful of the stuff in the other, and asked what was wrong. He stands in silence for a few seconds, stuff the cereal into his mouth before coming to some kind of conclusion and sitting next to her on the sofa, offering her some of his cereal. It’s enough to jerk a surprised laugh out of Julie as she accepts the offer.
“You’re way better than all those people at your school. I should know, I have to listen to you sing all the time,” he says it so matter of factly. And even though he’s nine year old and hasn’t heard anyone else from her school perform (other than Carrie and Flynn, but he dislikes Carrie on principle and knows that Flynn didn’t perform) Julie finds herself believing him for a moment. 
She leans back on the sofa, pulling Carlos down with her with one arm around his shoulders until they’re sprawled together, box of cereal between them. 
“You’re a good brother,” she mutters, tries to make it sound like a rare admittance to the fact, even if Julie often thinks it. 
“In that case will you watch Ben10 with me? There’s new episodes out.” He grins at her, big and toothy because he knows that she doesn’t like the animation of the new Ben10 but that she’s never quite been able to say no to him when he asks. 
So Julie huffs out a sigh, disentangles her arms from around his shoulders to reach for the remote and flips through the channels until she finds the right one then settles back down next to him. 
They share the box of cereal, sheepish smiles on their faces when their mom comes through half an hour later and finds them covered in crumbs and giggling at the screen. She just shakes her head at them, but there’s a fond sort of smile on her lips that Julie knows means she’s more amused then annoyed. 
As they all sit around the dinner table later that evening, Julie arguing with Carlos about how much better the original Ben10 was and her dad nodding along as if he knows what they’re talking about and her mom humming some new song she’s been working on under her breath, she forgets all about losing some silly little music competition.
Julie had never really thought about it before – mostly because she’d never had to spend much time in one – but hospitals were strange places. 
They were a bit like airports she decided. Places where time lost all sense of reality. It must have something to do with the lights, she thinks, how they’re never turned off. You could walk into one at two in the afternoon (lights bright) and leave at three in the morning (the lights still bright) without even realising it had been more than an hour. 
The difference was, she supposed, that if you were in an airport you were probably going somewhere nice and fun. You might even get a fun meal and a new book. There’d be people crowded at the windows to wave at planes as they left. An airport was a strange place but it had an underlying feeling of fun and excitement about it. 
Hospitals just screamed dread and worry. And, if she could go her whole life without ever stepping foot in another hospital Julie would. 
She finds herself thinking the same thing about the studio garage as she stands outside it. One door is open and she can see half the piano, papers sitting on the top and the plants she had helped pick out waiting to be watered. 
That’s why she’s stood there, she needs to go in and water the plants. But she just can’t make herself take the next step, the one that will have her crossing the door and being inside. Julie doesn’t think she’s ever been inside the studio without her mom. Or without knowing that her mom would be  joining her inside in a few minutes. 
Julie doesn’t know how long she stands there for, one hand gripping the door handle tightly while the other shakes at her hand, fingers trying to find purchase in the soft material of her black skirt. 
She needs to water the plants, it’s the only thing in her mind.
She needs to water the plants because she had promised her mom she’d water them when they’d gone to the store to pick them out even though they’d split it between them.
She needs to water the plants because it’s been a week and they’ll start to die soon and Julie doesn’t want to be a plant murder again. 
She needs to water the plants because her mom is dead and it's her job now.
Flynn finds her still standing there, staring at the piano and the plants and the quite empty room. Dimly, Julie notices the black dress her friend is wearing, the muted accessories and the concern in her eyes. 
“Hey,” she says. And it’s quiet, careful in a way that Flynn is rarely quiet and careful when she speaks. 
“I need to water the plants.” Is all Julie can say, unable to draw her eyes away from where they are in the garage. 
Because she needs to water the plants but she can’t make herself step foot in the garage because her mom is dead and it’s the funeral in an hour but she needs to water the plants because there’s no one else who knows where the watering can is or which ones need spraying instead but she can’t move because her mom is dead and the studio is quite and the plants are dying and her mom is dead.
“Okay. Okay, how about you tell me what to do and I’ll water them, yeah?” Flynn is holding her hand, the one she’d had gripped painfully tight to the door handle. Julie doesn’t even know when she took it. She’s not sure if she nods or makes some kind of sound, all she knows is that Flynn is squeezing her hand quickly and then she’s in the studio garage and following the instructions Julie forces past her lips. 
When she’s done Flynn helps her close the door, lock it up and leads her back into the house. There’s family and friends already milling about. Offering condolences and deepest regrets and offering empty help. Julie can see her dad and Tia Victoria talking to a large group of people. Can see them keeping it together.
She can see Carlos sitting at the dining room table with an untouched mug of something in front of him and watches as Carrie sits down next to him. Watches as she says something that makes him smile just a little, because Carrie had always been able to make Carlos smile, even when he was mad or upset at them all. They used to joke it was her super power. 
Julie didn’t even know Carrie was coming today. Doesn’t know how she’s meant to feel about it either.
As if sensing them looking Carrie looks up, makes eye contact and gives her a small smile, a tilt of her head. There’s something in her eyes that Julie can’t decipher. Doesn’t have the energy to try to. Flynn squeezes her hand once even as Julie nods back at Carrie. They haven’t been friends in a long time, but they used to be best friends and Carrie had once been like family. 
She supposes it makes sense that Carrie is here. That she is sitting next to Carlos and talking to him quietly. That she can see Mr Wilson talking to her dad. It’s been a long time since either of them were in this house and Julie wishes that they weren’t here because of this. 
Julie supposes she should be good at losing things and people by now. She’s learnt to deal with it via a fish and plants and friends. She’d just never thought the thing she’d be losing would be her mom. That she would have to find a way through all this hurt without her mom by her side. Because she had always been by her side through every other loss. 
She cries quietly, stood in the kitchen with Flynn holding her hand tightly and people passing by them with sad looks on their faces and concern in their eyes. 
She cries quietly as she thinks about how cruel and awful the world is for taking away one of the people she loves most. 
She cries quietly as she wonders how the hell she is supposed to get through it all.
They’re not sure when it happens or what's changed or what they did. One day they just wake up and things are different.
Or, not different per say, but more how they used to be BHD – before the hot dogs. Which is what the boys insist on calling their stint as ghosts no matter how many times Julie vetoes it. And she’s vetoed it a lot.
Really, the first sign that something had happened should have been the fact Julie walked in on them piled on top of each other on the sofa in the living room, passed out asleep. They were ghosts. Ghosts weren’t meant to sleep. But she brushes it aside, thinks maybe it's more of a reflex thing. 
It isn’t until three hours later as she hugs Reggie in celebration of a particularly good shot with the basketball outside that Julie notices the thing that’s different. 
She can feel his heart beating in his chest. A steady thumping where there hadn’t been before. 
“Reggie…” she starts, eye wide as she looks from his chest to his face, trying to see if he’s noticed. If he knows that his heart is beating blood around his body. But he just looks at her confused, his eyebrows drawing together and his lips quirking to the side like they do when he thinks he’s in trouble. 
“I swear I didn’t cheat. I’m just that good!” He holds his hands up in defense, but Julie reaches out to grab his left wrist and cradles it in one hand while she presses two fingers along the inside, trying to find his pulse point like she’s seen doctors do (she blinks back the memories of the last time she saw a doctor press their fingers to someones wrist, searching for something that wasn’t there and the small shake of their head) and letting out a small gasp when she finds it. 
“Er what’s going on over here?” Luke asks curiously as he eyes the way Julie is holding Reggies wrist and the growing realisation on Reggie’s face. 
Julie doesn’t answer him, just reaches out to grab hold of Luke’s wrist and proceeds to do the same thing. Fingertips pressing into the soft skin on his wrist, and for the first time Julie sees the light blue tell-tale sign of blood flowing through veins under his skin. 
And then she feels it, the faint pulsating. 
She lets out a choked sob, letting her hand that was holding his wrist steady fly up cover her mouth even as the other stays in place, almost scared that if she moves her fingers the pulse will vanish and with it this strange miracle she thinks they’ve been given. 
“Holy shit,” she hears Luke whispers above her and she looks up to see him with his free hand resting over his heart, eyes widening with each beat they can both feel. 
She doesn’t have any words to say in response. Holy shit seems to be a pretty accurate reaction. Still holding on to Lukes wrist, Julie turns around to see Alex and Reggie each holding the other's wrist like some strange handshake. Unconsciously they all seem to move towards each other, in awkward small steps as no one is prepared to let go of the other until they stand in a loose circle and Julie can press her fingers into Alex’s free wrist and feel his pulse too. 
Three pulses where there hadn't been one before. She lets out a half laugh, half sob.
“Is this real?” Alex asks, his eyes wide with unshed tears, as if he’s holding himself back. And Julie remembers when they all first met and how he’d said he never dealt well with change and how death was a big change and how now. Now they might be going through a bigger one. She lets her fingers slip down from his wrist so she’s holding his hand and squeezes it tightly. 
“I think so.” 
There has never been any answers for their situation. For being ghosts. For being seen by Julie or seen when they play. Definitely no answers for why they could suddenly be touched or seen by others. (Though secretly, in the dark of her room in the dead of night Julie had wondered if it was love that had done it all. Her love for them, her mom's love for her.) 
The last two years had just been them guessing at every turn and getting lucky each time. They had written their own ghostly rule book, and getting a heartbeat again would just have to be the newest chapter. 
“We’ll just have to figure it out, like we’ve figured everything else out,” Julie says, squeezing Alex’s hand and Luke’s wrist and smiling wide at Reggie. A few moments of silence pass between them, the boys still feeling their hearts beating, counting each one before it’s broken by a startled gasp and they all look to Luke.
“Hey! Do you think this means we can eat now?” Luke asks, his eyebrows shooting up at the thought. No doubt already planning what he wants from the kitchen. 
“Only one way to find out man,” Reggie shrugs but his smile is wide and Julie knows not being able to eat has been one of the biggest disappointments of their afterlife for all three of them. 
That’s how her dad and Carlos find them half an hour later, gathered around the island in the kitchen with sandwich ingredients scattered around all available surfaces. And three not-so-ghosts eating their creations as Julie looks on with a wide smile. 
“Um–” is all dad gets out, a hand half up in the air as he points at them with confusion. Her dad has been pretty understanding about the whole ‘my band is made up of three teenage ghosts, oh, and by the way they kinda live in our garage’ thing, but she can’t blame him for being confused by this scene. Ghosts aren’t supposed to be able to eat after all. 
“Woah what did we miss!?” Carlos, ever the enthusiast for all things ghost related, is already running across the kitchen, pulling out the chair next to Julie’s and kneeling next to her, eyes darting between the three older boys as he leans on the contertop to be even closer. “Are they eating? How are they eating?” 
Julie shrugs one shoulder, turning her eyes to Carlos and her dad, who’s moved from the doorway to stand at the end of the island, watching all of them. 
“We’re not sure but–” Julie starts only to be cut off by Reggie who drops his sandwich back to his plate and stretches out his arms, one to her dad and one to Carlos with possibly the widest smile Julie has ever seen on him. 
“Check this out. Go on, feel y’know, with your middle and forefinger. Right there, yeah.” The four of them watch as her dad and Carlos do as instructed, fingers resting over the pulse points on Reggie’s wrists. Her dad finds it first, and Julie can pinpoint the exact moment he must feel the thrumming of a heartbeat because his eyes widen a fraction even as they fill with tears she hadn’t been expecting. 
Which is silly, if she really thinks about it, because the boys have found a way into all their lives and hearts so seamlessly. 
Because Reggie spends time with her dad helping out around the kitchen or while he fiddles with his camera and jokes around with Carlos and talks with him late at night when he’s supposed to be sleeping. 
Because Alex watches all the terrible telenovela’s with him that her and Carlos hate and asks questions about all the movies they’ve missed, and he spends time helping Carlos with his history homework and practices his ball throwing when their dad is busy.
Because Luke listens to him talk about composition and lighting and perspective with real interest and takes his music suggestions seriously and has been teaching Carlos to play guitar when they think no one is around. 
They’ve filled a gap in their family that they hadn’t even realised was there.
It wasn’t like their home was lacking in love and laughter and light, it had just been dimmed down. It was like they’d shut all their curtains after her mom had died, and were making do with a cheap light bulb and rare rays of sunlight that peaked through and lit up their life in tiny bursts.
 But then along came three dead teenagers and without them noticing, without Julie even realising, they’d opened up the curtains again. Let all the light stream back in and never asked for anything in return other than being allowed to stick around.
So maybe this was their reward. 
As her dad and Carlos worked their way through feeling the pulse on each of the boys, pulling them into hugs and sharing in their excitement, Julie let herself smile, tears trailing down her cheeks as she felt her own heartbeat with one hand over her chest.
She didn’t know if this was her mom’s doing or her own or if they’d just accidentally done it themselves with sheer will power. 
All Julie knew was that her boys were here, were breathing and eating, had hearts beating in their chests, and were being given their second chance at life. 
All Julie really knew was that she loved them, had hoped for a way to keep them, had proud every bit of love and hope into each hug they’d ever shared.  
All Julie knew was that she wished she could thank whoever or whatever it was that was answering her pleaded request and allowing her to keep them. 
She doesn’t notice them moving, too busy thinking and sending thanks into the world, but all of a sudden there are three pairs of arms wrapping themselves around her in an uncomfortable and awkward hug. But she doesn’t care. She just grabs onto whoevers arm she can, lets out a small laugh of joy and holds them tight. Never intending on letting them go.
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