#and they are professionals who are anti capitalist leftist sometimes activists themselves
unganseylike · 2 years
on one hand i think a lot of college is fake woke shit and people who will go work for a corporation as soon as they leave. on the other hand im gonna miss walking into a classroom the first day and the professor immediately opening using text from the communist manifesto bc theres a baseline expectation that people wont be immediately opposed to communism (whereas in my conservative home town my teachers would belittle me for not being an ardent capitalist). or the experience of another prof being so enraptured by his own argument against capitalism he unconsciously threw a marker across the classroom. and a lot of other subtle stuff. like the assumption people wont be homophobic or will make an effort with pronouns etc, and you can make jokes about this stuff and people will find it funny (in contrast me making a joke this summer in different environment about all clothes being gender neutral and shocking someone). Like even if its just performative, i’ll miss that expectation of leftist politics when i leave college
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