#and there's barely any good medieval items in-game
nofacednerd · 7 months
man I really reaaaaaaaaaally want to do the sims ultimate decades legacy but it's so hard to source medieval CC
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the-sidekick-club · 1 year
The Haven
Written by:
TW:Implied toxic relationship, Spies, Weapons
It was a gloomy morning as Kim walked down the old avenue. In the summer, it was filled with a bunch of different old shops and restaurants, and was a very popular place for tourists who were more drawn to the historical parts of Nizorro. 
But on a rainy early autumn day like this, it was almost empty. 
The old avenue was also the last place you think anyone would hide the infamous and unofficial Villain community center, The Haven.
Kim was not so focused on seeing the shops around them as they were concentrating on moving as silently as possible; they'd begun using their powers the moment they entered the street, hoping to go unnoticed. Normally they would just sneak into the entrance easily without being seen, but today they took no chances.
Going up to the little shoe shop with the bright blue door, Kim quickly slid inside the main entrance. After checking that they were alone they said the latest safe words “New Save” and within seconds a hidden door opened up, revealing a set of stairs going down lit by false torches. It almost looked like something out of a video game. 
“Hey, Kim! You're here earlier than usual,” commented a cheerful voice from behind the counter as Kim entered the medieval-styled tavern.
“Fantasy style for another week?” Kim joked, trying to calm and hide their nerves. 
“Well, I can’t redecorate all the time!” Dan joked, just as Kim came up to him. 
‘Oh, you very much so could,’ Kim thought, but would never dare say that to him out loud. 
Dan had, at least in Kim’s eyes, the coolest power to ever exist. The power of game code summoning let him drag out any person or object from a video game that was nearby. 
No one knows if the characters that he summons are under his control, or if they have a sentience of their own and just choose to listen to him. Still, though, to see video game characters in the real world, breaking the fourth wall in the coolest way possible? How could it not be the best?
That was how The Haven always hid from the agency, as Dan would simply summon The Haven back into its own custom little game and quickly move it somewhere else. But it was also how Dan had a lot of fun changing everything up all the time with ease; when it's your own game, you don’t have to pay for items from the "shop". 
“What can I do for you?” Dan said, giving a small smile, before immediately dropping it as Kim looked worryingly around the tavern, their eyes latching onto the few people that were there. 
Most seemed to be asleep from a night of partying, while others were deep in conversation or negotiation. This was a common sight here in the Haven, being the best neutral ground for all kinds of villains in Nizorro. 
“Kim?” Dan said in a lower voice. 
“I…” Kim spoke barely above a whisper, “I need your help…” Dan seemed taken aback by the words before yelling out, “Lara! Take over for me!” 
A tall, slightly scary looking woman came out of the kitchen door as Dan got up to move. 
“Come on, Kim. Let’s go to my office to talk.”
The two entered the office and as Kim looked around, they became a bit more at ease. It was a stark comparison to the medieval tavern they just walked out of, having almost a cozy coffee shop feeling. There was an area reserved for almost every game you could think of. But there were also more typical office things; a lightly stained wood desk, an overly worked computer, tape, and many bookshelves which held both books, games and some vintage video game consoles that he enjoyed collecting. There were also a few normal weapons, which was typical for a villain. But Dan, seeing as it was his office, was only focused on Kim. 
“What can I help you with, Kim?” Dan asked in a gentle voice. With most people he would not have been as patient as he was, but he and Kim had known each other for a good while now. Dan and Kim’s ex-mentor, Lukas, went way back, as they were old friends who had managed to find one another again when Lukas and Kim moved to Nizorro. 
He studied them closely, as Kim shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. They had got thinner since they left Shadows over a year ago, and more shut in emotionally. “Is this about Vulcan?” he asked.
Kim’s eyes shot towards them. It seems that Dan guessed right. He, like many others, was shocked when Kim had left Shadows, and they were even more shocked when later on it was revealed that Kim was the one behind the mask of Vulcan's new top henchperson, Void. 
Dan didn't believe it was them until Kim themselves admitted it to him. He remembered how hurt Shadows was from everything. So, while he didn't want to push Kim, he wished the two would reconnect. And Kim seemed to be shrinking into themself at the mention of their current mentor. “I need you to hide something for me.” Kim was staring at Dan with such worry that he couldn't refuse. 
“What is it that you want me to hide?” Dan asked in a blank tone. Kim couldn't tell if he approved or didn't, only that he was willing. 
At that, Kim brought out a small box with something inside. “Vulcan wanted me to get this for him, but… he can't be trusted with it. It’s too dangerous!”
Dan carefully removed the package from Kim's hands. Holding it in his hand, he studied it closely, trying to figure out how something so small can be so dangerous. As Kim went on, “I don’t know for how long it should be kept hidden. But I soon need to leave on a mission for almost two months. If it’s too much to keep it hidden I can take it back after then but, in the meantime, please don’t tell ANYONE about it. Especially Shadows…”
His eyes returned to Kim’s as he gave a small smile, before going and locking the object inside a hidden safe. He then reassured Kim, "That Vulcan is strong, but I'm stronger, especially here." At that, he gestured to the office, filled with dozens of video games; potential weapons. "Your… package will be safe from him." 
Kim let out a breath of relief, some of the tension in their shoulders loosening. "Thank you so much, Dan. I owe you one."
"It's nothing kid. Though I am curious, are you safe from him?" Dan asked, nose scrunched up. 
Kim, who had started to turn to the door, froze, before slowly turning back. After a short silence, they spoke in a low voice “Can I ask you a second favor?” 
Dan nodded silently. He'd noticed the avoidance, but didn't do anything to stop them. 
“If I don’t return after the mission, can you give the object to Shadows for me?”
“Of course, I will. And neither of those are favors; you don't owe me for this.”
After that, Kim quickly left, but not before Dan was able to give them some of their favorite food to take home. 
But, as Kim went up the stairs, they did not notice Hawk Soul, one of Vulcan’s business partners, sitting in the corner and keeping a close eye on their every move. “Well… Kim having a secret chat with Dan? I wonder what Vulcan is going to say to that,” she smirked.
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gamestudiocentral · 6 months
Hello! This is an introduction to me, a studio I work with, and the game they are working on currently!
My name is Raven Seraphim and I represent three different studios. All three of these studios are new and start ups funded by the game owners' own funds and most of our dedicated team has not produced a game before. So bare with us as we traverse this fun yet challenging experience of bringing you a game that hopefully you all can enjoy!
This post will center on Bloodsoaked Entertainment, a studio started by a good friend of mine with the intention of making games that have that grim dark aesthetic and touch of horror and suspense! Bloodsoaked Entertainment's first project is Love's Last Light which is currently in the beginning stages of production!
Love's Last Light is intended to be a 2D art based mobile game. It will be a horror/romance game set in a sword and sorcery medieval fantasy setting. The objective of the game is to explore the world, grow in power, collect items and companions, and follow an ongoing main story to its conclusion. The target audience is intended to be adults due to its graphic content. So, collect your favorite companions and do your best to save the world!
Follow us for updates, sneak peaks, and even shout outs to the talented tumblrs that work alongside us to make our games available to everyone! And anyone interested in joining Bloodsoaked Entertainment or any Studio I represent is more than welcome to DM me and we'll do our best to find you a place in one of our three families!
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silma-words · 3 years
Another prompt for Adrian and MC...
Number 5 / "say please"
not sure how you want to take this one, but I thought the smut could be next level... have fun! 😂
N/A: Omg I cannot thank you enough for this prompt @mssukeyna! This was so much fun, and a great prompt to push me a little out of my comfort zone! I literally woke up 2h earlier every day so that I could write more before work ;) I hope you’ll like it!
Choices: Bloodbound
Pairing: Adrian Raines x MC (Ellie)
Rating: Explicit (NSFW, 18+)
Genre: Smut.Smut.Smut
AU Chronology: Bloodbound AU (after book 1 – the events of book 2 never happened) – ‘Inevitable - Arc I: Before we part’ (Masterlist)
Summary: “We are travelling for business, Ellie, we’ll have to behave like professionals”, he had warned her, although he did not look so convinced about it himself….
Inspired by the following nsfw-prompts: #5. for sex in public / “say please”
Words: 4200
**Disclaimer: Characters and background plot are the property of Pixelberry.**
Down to business (Part I?)
Getting to travel was one of the perks Ellie enjoyed the most about her job as the CEO’s personal assistant. She never really had any opportunity to get out of her small town before she moved to NYC, and had always been of a curious nature. This job was a dream come true on that matter. But some trips were better than others. The ones that revolved around business negotiations, although exciting in their own ways, were not her favourites. By far, the ones she preferred were the ones that were meant for networking, for Adrian to maintain his relationships with previous business partners. There had not been many of those since she had started working at Raines Corp. but she loved those very much. These business trips revolved mostly around socializing. And socializing was one of her strengths.
But the reason she liked these trips the most was not because of the fancy dinner parties, the pricey hotels, or the designer dresses she got to wear to play the part. No. What she liked the most were the times she could have to herself in between social events, to explore around and satiate her curiosity about ‘the rest of the world’, and the times when she could get Adrian all to herself. He was more relaxed during these trips. More light hearted. More playful. As well as more tuned to her cues than when they were travelling for more serious business. And that, she loved to play around with. A lot.
Adrian was always doing his best to keep up the façade of the boss-assistant interactions between them when they were in public. And she completely understood why. Truly. But that was also so tempting for her to do her best to weave her way through that invisible barrier he was tentatively setting between them.
She would brush his fingers when he would hand her a drink. Sneak a hand up his thigh under the table at dinner. Fiddle with her long strands of hair to attract his attention to her neckline. Oh, his poker face was good. Spot on. Decades of practice truly paying off. But whenever she played her cards well, she could see that façade slowly crumble down. His cheeks slightly changing colour as she would whisper sweet - well maybe not so sweet - nothings to his ear. His Adam’s apple moving slightly at the sight of her legs shifting as she would change position on her seat, her skin exposed through the slit of her dress. His speech suddenly stammering slightly as she would slowly caress the inside of his calf with her foot, whenever she had been sitting across from him at dinner and had felt bold enough to risk reaching blindly under the cover of the table cloth.
She always made sure to keep her face composed so that the other guests would not notice how Adrian’s reactions were directly connected to her. But she would also cast him a challenging look as soon as the moment had passed, to make it perfectly clear that the game was on. And never once had she received back any kind of response that would indicate that Adrian was not on board with this. He might play the game by pretending that this behaviour was totally unprofessional, but they both knew that Adrian had never been anyone who cared much about the rules.
This time, their ‘socialising trip’ had led them further from home than ever before. Ellie was finally given the chance to fly out of the country and get a glimpse at Europe, with their first stops leaving her in awe at the wonders of the Italian countryside where they had stayed for five days to catch up with a couple of Adrian’s old ‘friends’ who had chosen to retire there. She did enjoy the socializing parts way more than she had anticipated: who would have dared to complain about the exquisite cuisine, the tours of the vineyards, the breath-taking views over lakes and mountains, and the luxurious guestrooms they could discreetly retreat to when the schmoozing was getting boring and the yearning had become too much.
The last part of their ten-days trip had also reached beyond of her expectations: she had always dreamt of discovering France, and although their journey would not grant her her secret wish of seeing Paris, she found out that the luxurious hills and valleys of the South-West of France were as equally magnificent as what she had seen so far over the last few days. There was so much history around, old medieval castles and ancient caves that she wished she could explore, that her curiosity and excitement seemed to be only matched by Adrian’s nerdy enthusiasm. European history was not necessarily his strongest suit, but he did know quite a few things about it, and gladly shared with her his knowledge about the places they travelled through. His expertise on French wines was definitely spot on though. And kind of sexy too.
Their guest was – unsurprisingly – a wealthy investor who had inherited a prosperous estate from his great-grandfather who was, originally, the business partner Adrian had been trading with at the beginning of the twentieth-century. Pretending to be his own descendant was apparently something Adrian was quite used to. Even though their current host – Emile – was pretty obnoxious.
They dined, visited local investors, attended a couple of art exhibitions grand opening nights. And indulged on wine, local delicacies, and smouldering gazes in between polite handshakes and casual conversations. Ellie’s French was not really up to the challenge when other guests could not speak English, but luckily Adrian was doing quite well in that department – another sexy trait to add to that very long list that Ellie kept filling up in her head.
That night, their host had been planning a special treat for his guests – Adrian and Ellie among a larger group of about thirty: a tour of his private ‘art collection’, followed by a fancy garden-party on his estate. Ellie had been looking forward to it, until the tour had started and she had realised that most of these ‘pieces of art’ were actually ancient remains that Emile had bought from lucky ‘discoverers’ around the world and snatched from the hands of archaeologists and museums to fill up his own little private gallery. As the tour was going on, she kept grumbling by Adrian’s side, drawing the attention of a few other guests that were marvelling at these stolen relics and obviously did not care much about how these had been acquired. As the group proceeded to move on to the next room, Adrian discreetly motioned her to move aside and slow her pace, grinning at her once they had managed to place themselves at the tail of the touring group.
“I know this is grating you, but this is quite a common thing these days – there is no point sulking about it now while there is not much we can do about it”.
“You’re the one to talk, ‘Mr-I-glare-at-that-old-British-dude-for-buying-an-original-John Trumbull-canvas-to-decorate-his-guestroom’!”, she retorted challengingly. “These objects are as important to historians as those Revolutionary War paintings you keep talking about. They shouldn’t be kept in here only to be displayed once a year to a bunch of rich morons who care more about how much he paid for it than about what these objects were”.
“I know, I know…” Adrian admitted with a sight, raising his hands in surrender. “But as I said, there is not much we can do about it now. Let try to survive through this tour and enjoy the night.”
Rolling her eyes, Ellie let out an annoyed sight and finally nodded, her tensed shoulders still betraying her frustration.
The tour proceeded, Adrian and Ellie sharing eye rolls and annoyed looks every time Emile would brag about the price of a unique item. They always kept behind when they could, making a point of looking at some of the glass panels in detail to at least try to learn a little something out of this display of wealth. But that revealed to be a nearly impossible endeavour. There was barely any labels or information attached to these objects whatsoever. Nothing there to keep them distracted from that never ending tour. Well. Apart from each other.
It started with just the tingle of his breath in her neck as he was hovering above her to look at an old grease-lamp from some ancient cave. And then continued as she would casually hook her arm through his while staring at the antic statue of a Roman god. And a brush of his fingers down her spine as he stood behind her pretending to listen to Emile’s dull blabber. Her hand sneaking along the side of his thigh as they followed the group around. The light pressure of his hand on her lower back as he led her to move past him into yet another room.
Pretending to pay attention to their host was increasingly difficult. Preventing their faces from betraying their very unprofessional thoughts even more so.
“I know I have said this before but…”, Adrian whispered in her ear, a playful smile forming on his lips, “I love that little tempter of yours… it makes me feel… a lot of things”.
He could hear Ellie’s heartbeat race in her chest at his words, even though she was keeping her eyes trained on the display panel before them, doing her best to keep her composure while the predatory tone in his voice was making her knees tremble slightly. The other guests were buzzing around them, pointing at glass display cases here and architectural features there, oblivious to the heat surrounding the two secret lovers as if the bubble Adrian and Ellie had formed around them had turned them into two of those trinkets exposed around the room that nobody was truly paying attention to.
Trying to break through the thick air that had been lingering between them, Ellie shifted on her heels to follow the flock of people that were regrouping to move along, casting a knowing smile at Adrian, and holding his gaze for a few seconds before walking away.
But before she could turn left into the next corridor, she felt his arm wrap around her middle, only to swiftly whoosh her aside to a secluded corner of the room, out of sight from the rest of the group thanks to one of the strong pillars that supported the roof of the exhibition room. A gasp escaped her lips as he sprung her around, pressing her back against the cold marble as he eagerly captured her lips in a searing kiss, his hands pressed against her neck, and his torso edging closer to her chest as she was gradually yielding to his powerful embrace.
Trailing her fingers up his neck until they reached his hair, she eventually gave a gentle tug so that she could make a break for air, their lips just a few inches apart as she teased, breathless: “I thought we had to keep our public appearances strictly professional, Mr Raines?”
She felt his grin against her mouth more than she could see it. “Well, what we are doing now is purely professional, Miss Reed. If there was anyone left around to see us, I’d just explain how I was telling all about...” he paused to nibble at her lower lip for a few seconds, “... about the sturdiness of these eighteenth-century pillars...”.
“Eighteenth century, han?” she giggled against his lips, her voice catching in her throat to form a silent moan as Adrian’s mouth began to trail down her chin to follow her jawline.
Her mind struggling between the will to keep her eyes open to check that no one was in sight, and the tantalizing swirls of his tongue against the skin beneath her ear, the shivers that were running down her spine quickly sorted that battle for her. She let her eyelids drop and her head fall back to rest against the stone behind her, focusing only on Adrian’s touch and on the way his hands had now started to drift from her neck to her shoulders, inching lower and lower as his mouth tasted the salt of the skin down her neck and along her collarbone.
Her hands unconsciously travelling from his hair to his back, they suddenly grabbed his shoulders a little tighter to press him closer as she felt him reach for the fabric of her dress to bunch the black silk over her hips. It took all of her will to remain silent when Adrian wedged his knee between her legs, her lips tightening in a thin line to repress a whimper as his fingers trailed down one of her thigh to her knee so he could lift her leg up against his hip, pressing himself forward to conquer the empty space between them.
She could feel his grin against her windpipes when her hips started to grind against his of their own accord, the tight grip of his fingers against her rear sending waves of heat down to where their bodies met.
“I think one of us should keep an eye on that corridor, in case anyone is sent out to look for us” he whispered against her skin, before lifting his gaze back to her, his golden eyes glimmering with mischief. “Would that be a mission you’d be happy to take on, Miss Reed?”
“Of course” she manages to answer, her voice croaking from anticipation.
“Good.” he grins. “Then, you’ll have to face the other way…”
She barely had time to register what he meant before she felt the heat of his body replace the cold marble that had been pressing against her back. She instinctively reached forward to place her palms on the pillar as Adrian resumed his pressing touches eagerly, one arm wrapped around her chest to keep her close, and the other finding its way between her thighs.  
She could peek at the corridor ahead of them from where they stood, most of their bodies hidden by the imposing column that seemed to edge closer and closer to her as Adrian’s touch became more insistent. But being able to see ahead did not mean that she was actually looking. Even if she had wanted to fulfil her ‘mission’, the pressure of his left palm against her thigh and the hand that slipped under the fabric of her cleavage made it near impossible to focus on the task. The soft bites and kisses her neck were subjected to were not helping either.
Not being able to see or touch him was like torture, his quiet groans vibrating from his chest to her ribs, and his arousal pressing firmly against her back like a wicked promise that was for now beyond reach. Her back arched involuntarily when a firm hand grabbed her breast, his warm breath beneath her ear betraying his grin as the fingers on her thigh started to wander towards the edge of her underwear, playing with the seam of the lace before sneaking underneath with a deliberate slowness that had her whimper behind her tightened lips.
The light graze of his fingertips against her swollen nerves was all that was needed to weaken all muscles in her body, making both of them dangerously tumble forward as her arms gave in, removing the only leverage she had against Adrian’s pressure in her back, which had been keeping her so far from being flushed against the cold marble with no room to escape the sweet torment of his heated caresses.
Even though her eyes were now shut, she knew that Adrian was watching closely her features when she let her head fall back to rest in his shoulder, her brain going into overdrive when his touch became more pressing, kneading her breast and drawing lazy circles against her centre relentlessly. It was not long before she lost the last bit of control she had left over her own body, her lips parting slightly to let a moan escape, quickly muffled by Adrian’s mouth covering hers in an attempt to preserve the silence around them.
That might have worked perfectly, if only he had been able to kiss her with more restraint. Instead, his tongue had quickly found its way through her parted lips, brushing hers in patterns mirroring the movement of his fingertips between her legs, swallowing her whines as if he could taste her own pleasure through the ragged sounds that he was drawing out of her.
She was itching to touch him. One of her hands had left the cold surface of the pillar to find its way to his head and tangle in his hair, her entire body squirming against his to seek the friction that she was craving for. She knew he was trying to make her lose her mind. And it was working. She could feel his fingers slide gradually further down against her core, dipping into the wetness of her folds before retreating back, drawing growl after growl each time.
She could tell Adrian was relishing this by the way the corners of his mouth curled against hers. It was only when he suddenly pulled away from her swollen lips that she finally opened her eyes again, the lust and wickedness of his gaze sending a shiver all the way down to her toes. He had stopped moving, simply holding her petite form against his chest as tight as deemed possible, his golden eyes anchored to hers with an unmistakable gleam of challenge and promise.
“Adrian…” she mumbled feebly, desperately trying to grind against him but unable to resist his hold on her.
He smiled, remaining silent for a few seconds, before finally breaking the stillness with a low, husky voice, in a tone that was somehow both inviting and commanding: “Say please”.
There was no hesitation in her response, no control, her rasped voice echoing around the room as she begged, breathless: “Adrian, pleeeaaase…”
Thankfully, he did not make her say it again, barely waiting a few seconds before plugging a finger into her dampened slit, followed nearly immediately by a second, resuming his circular patterns over her swollen clit with the pad of his thumb. Withdrawing and dipping back into her with maddening slowness, she could feel her muscles clench around his fingers and her knees start to quiver as the pleasure was slowly building in.
Her dilated pupils could not tear away from his golden eyes, silently begging for more as he increased his pace, his hips grinding voraciously against her back, his mouth inches from hers as if resisting the urge to kiss her so that he could revel in the sweet music of her feverish whines echoing around them.
“Adrian… this is… so…” she tried to mutter between her gasps.
Adrian’s eyes flashed with a voracious gleam as he purred against her lips with a proud smirk, “so… good?”.
Her lips pursed weakly to form a teasing grin. “So… unprofessional”.
His smirk only widened further at her words, his hands suddenly moving away from her burning skin to grip her hips, making her head jerk up from his shoulder in surprise. She was about to complain when he swiftly swirled her body around and crashed his lips onto hers, pushing her back against the pillar, the contrast between the cold marble and the heat of her skin making her jump a little in his grasp.
It was not long before Adrian’s hands had found their way back beneath her dress, his fingers reaching hurriedly for the hem of her thong as his mouth started to descend from her mouth to her chin, roaming over her neck and her collarbone, until he sunk to his knees before her, skipping the parts of her that were covered by fabric to head straight for the space right below her navel. Dragging her underwear down her legs, he only broke the contact between his warm lips and her skin so that he could guide the lace over her heels, quickly shoving the fabric in his pocket before capturing her pulsing nub between his lips, not wasting any minute before expertly starting to explore her aching core, nibbling and suckling with an unmatched dedication.
Her hands were roaming all over his head, tangling her fingers in his hair and pushing her hips forward to demand more, her lower lip caught between her teeth to repress the urge to cry out with every stroke of his tongue, or every time the deft fingers that were slithering up and down her inner thigh came close enough to tease her entrance before retreating back wickedly. As much as part of her wanted to pull him back up to his feet and beg him to take her now, the other part could not even fathom the idea of making him stop his godly work between her legs.
There was no more coherent thought going through her fogged brain. Fragmentary visions of heated memories and unspoken fantasies were flashing before her eyes, mingling with the rousing sight of Adrian down on his knees before her, tasting her fervently in every way that she had ever dreamt of being tasted.
When she felt the intoxicating warmth of his mouth suddenly leave her centre, her mind unconsciously thanked him for ending this sweet torture, expecting the yearning in her core to be satiated soon enough when she would finally get to feel him inside her.
But that sweet release never came.
It took her a few seconds to realise that Adrian had jerked back up to his feet and hurriedly pulled down the fabric of her dress, unceremoniously grabbing Ellie’s waist to move her away from their hiding spot, releasing his grip once she was standing beside him in front of one of the display cases, their back turned away from the corridor.
She had to grip the edge of the display case to keep herself steady, her knees still trembling from Adrian’s handywork just a few seconds before, her eyes opening and closing at a maddening pace to try to clear her clouded brain and regain her senses. It was only when she heard the distinct sound of a pair of heels echoing towards them that she finally understood.
“Monsieur Raines?”, they heard a woman’s voice call out at a distance.
Adrian’s cheeks were flushed, and his hair completely tousled, but he made a quick work of fixing it as well as fixing his shirt with a smirk, mastering the art of regaining his composure in a flick of an eye, like the annoyingly perfect businessman that he was. Ellie fumbled around in an attempt to do the same, fully aware that she would never be able to be as efficient as Adrian, especially in the state of desperate yearning that he had just put her through. She was still panting, her heart thumping in her chest, pupils dilated and cheeks hot from so much blood rushing to her face, both from arousal and from the embarrassment that she knew was about to come.
Ellie jumped a little when the woman’s voice finally reached the room they were in: “Ah, Monsieur Raines! Je vous ai trouvé! Le buffet va commencer, si vous voulez bien rejoindre les autres invités dans le jardin?”.
Ellie had no clue what the woman had just said, and was in no shape to turn around and let the woman see the state of her. She was so grateful that Adrian knew exactly what to say and how to behave casually to buy her a few more minutes to sort out the mess he had made of her… although hearing him speak French was not helping much getting her arousal under control, as he politely answered the woman: “Merci, nous vous rejoignons dans quelques instants.”.
Ellie sighted with relief when she heard the woman’s footsteps retreat, turning around to face him, glaring at him with her best attempt at a reproachful scowl.
“That was….” she started, before being interrupted by Adrian’s mouth on hers, as he pressed a soft kiss on her swollen lips, before pulling away slowly with a grin.
“… unprofessional?” he teased, earning a falsely unamused eye-roll in return.
“We better get going, the party is starting, and all of the other guests are gathered in the gardens now” he announced, translating what the woman had said, but not releasing Ellie from his embrace just yet.
“I am in no state for socialising now” she admitted with a grimace, although she could not fight the teasing grin that was starting to form on her face. “I will never be able to focus properly after this… all I will be thinking about is sorting out this… hum, unfinished business…”
Adrian’s hold tightened a little more around her waist at her words, his eyes still gleaming with mischief and never leaving hers when he stepped slowly away, grabbing her hand to start dragging them both away from the room.
His voice was husky and full of promise when he casually answered with a teasing smile: “Well… unfortunately, we’ll have to play along a little bit longer I’m afraid… but I will certainly be looking forward all evening to the second part of this… unfinished business…”.
N/A: If anyone else is as eager as Adrian to see how ‘Part II’ of their little ‘public indiscretions’ is going to play out, let me know, and I’d be happy to oblige 😉 This prompt has inspired me way too much, thank you so much for the ask @mssukeyna 😉
Tagging @adriansbiss , @itsjustwinter , @shanzay44 , @purvishraick, @thefrenchiemama
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Do you prefer dark, brown or white chocolate?  White even though it’snottechnicallychocolateyaddayadda.
Do you get Easter eggs at Easter?  There were a few years where my aunts and uncles would organize an Easter egg hunt of sorts, but they were irregular at best and I wouldn’t call it a tradition in our family.
Would you prefer a pet rat, mouse, snake, lizard or spider?  None of these, honestly. I’d rather keep it to dogs.
Do you like carrot cake?  No. This reminds me of the time my uncle made me carrot cake for my graduation and of course I just didn’t have the heart to tell him I don’t actually particularly like it...I did finish it all on my own because I wanted to appreciate the effort, but yeah, I just don’t like carrot cake haha.
Nerdy question time. If you were in a more medieval time period, would you prefer to excel in might, magic, or finesse?  Pass, I have no interest in any of these.
What is one recipe that you would like to learn how to make? (Can be anything from breakfast to dessert.)  The perfect chocolate chip cookies.
Is there any specific reason why you prefer to take a shower in the morning or night?  It’s colder at night, so I feel a lot fresher if I’m showered by then. Taking a shower during the day here (especially during summer) is the most pointless thing because you would literally start sweating the moment you step out of the bathroom.
What is your favorite type of muffin?  Chocolate chip or just chocolate.
What is the last expensive item you bought?  My new phone.
Would you rather be a successful writer or artist?  Writer. It would really be nice to be known for the main thing I’m confident in doing.
Would you rather have a cottage on the beach or in a forest?  Beach. I get how the forest can be calming but I feel like I’d feel suffocated eventually.
Who’s the last person you talked to about sex?  Idk but I would guess Angela.
Where is the biggest scar on your body?  The scar above my left eye has a good size but it’s also the kind that you wouldn’t notice unless I told you about it, or if you were close enough to my face.
Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?  If I wasn’t already with them, I wouldn’t start to.
Do you know anyone who drinks a lot?  I wouldn’t say so.
Do you have any facial piercings?  Nope.
What were you afraid of the most when you were a kid?  Cockroaches and seeing my relatives (I grew up with extended family, some of whom had problems handling their alcohol) turn violent when they’d get drunk.
Is your hair long enough to put in a ponytail?  Yep, it’s been long enough for a while.
Last time you were attacked by an animal?  A mosquito bit me last Friday, if it counts.
If you need to ask a question in class do you raise your hand?  I never did that. I just always asked a classmate, lmao.
How many times have you been engaged (if any at all)?  Zero.
Is the United States really the best country in the world?  No.
Have you ever gotten so dehydrated that you passed out?  Multiple times. I was a fainter as a kid and even up until my mid-teens.
Are your eyes sensitive to sunlight? Aren’t all of ours?
Would you ever change your whole appearance?  Not my whole appearance, but some aspects of it. I’m working towards saving up for braces so that I can have my front teeth straightened again.
Do you have a picture of you and your lover kissing?  I don’t have a ~lover.
What is a comfort show of yours?  Friends.
Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason? I hate to be a debbie downer, but I don't believe anyone is. The only reason you're here is because your parents had sex, let's just be factual. However, don't at all be mistaken, I believe we make our reason and purpose as we go. < This is good.
Animal Crossing, yay or nay?  Never played it but I’m gonna say yay since it looks like such a cute game.
Did you ever have a MySpace?  Yeah but I barely used it.
Do you have a YouTube channel? If no, would you create one? If yes what’s your content?  I have a channel but only to manage my subscriptions and to have a curated homepage; I don’t post videos and don’t ever plan on doing so.
Do you watch anime?  No, not my thing.
Do you like TikTok?  TikToks can be hilarious and educational and I enjoy them, but I don’t spend time on the actual app. I just rely on TikTok links from my friends or videos I’ll see on Facebook/Twitter.
Do you ever miss Vine?  I mean it really sucked for a while when it was no more, but I feel like TikTok is able to fulfill Vine’s purpose now haha. Those 6-second clips were something else though, I will say.
Would you ever have a pet rat?  No.
Do you think dreams mean anything?  I think they can sometimes be a reflection of your current state of mind, especially if you’re feeling something heavy (I almost always have dreams about work when I’m particularly dreading the incoming workday). But I don’t think they hold meanings or predictions per se.
What was the last topic you read about?  I found myself reading about president-related deaths last night.
What’s the best amusement park ride you’ve ever been on?  None, I don’t like to go on rides.
Would you know how to read a house blueprint? Nah but I could always ask Anj and Reena for help, haha.
What shirt do you wear the most?  I’m not too sure. I like mixing them up.
Have you ever used Duolingo to learn another language?  Yes. I reached pretty good progress with Spanish up until the verbs; and I also tried Korean but the program they have in place is terrible. I’ve learned more self-teaching myself from watching Korean variety shows. 
Do you remember much from high school?  Yep. Unfortunately a bunch of my memories from it were with people who eventually did me wrong so they aren’t very pleasant memories now; but that’s fine, I guess. I’m glad I experienced happiness in those years.
What’s your favorite fruit to snack on?  Mangoes only if it’s part of sushi.
Has anyone ever come out to you?  Yes my ex came out to me sometime in like Grade 7.
What was the last album you listened to in full?  Enypen’s Border: Carnival.
Would you prefer cupcakes or a big cake for your birthday?  OMG CUPCAKES. Cupcakes and if they had really cute BTS-themed icing? I would die.
How many jobs do you have on your resume?  One.
What in your opinion is the best love song ever written?  Angels. The xx.
Pro-life/Pro-choice? Pro-choice.
Was your mother married when she had you?  Yep. It was 6 days before their first wedding anniversary.
Who is the person you dislike the most?  I don’t think there’s such person. I mean I dislike a few people, but I don’t think I dislike anyone the most.
What’s your favourite type of cookie?  Chocolate chip cookies.
Do you have a pair of Beat headphones?  Used to. Mine are super worn out now and I’m actually pretty sure I threw them out years ago, haha.
Are any of your electronics not working properly at the moment?  I don’t think so. 
Are you excited to pick out your wedding dress one day?  I feel like it’d be more overwhelming than anything because of the amount of choices haha.
What’s a food that you like every once in awhile but not often?  Ribs.
Are you the type of person that enjoys getting hugs?  Yeah. Especially these days as I rarely get hugs.
Do you carry a bottle of water wherever you go?  Not always.
Are you afraid that one day you might get cancer?  Little bit.
What age do you look forward to reaching? I don't look forward to any specific age anymore. Same.
What exercise do you hate the most?  Pull-ups and any chest-centric workout.
What do you do at a party?  I haven’t been to a lot, but I like settling with a group and basically socializing the night away haha. And of course, the food.
What was the most unsettling film you’ve seen?  Eraserhead and Under the Skin.
What’s something people don’t worry about but really should?  Continued from Monday. Never understood what the fuck they were but I know they don’t bring good news.
What movie quotes do you use on a regular basis?  I never use movie quotes in real life.
If magic was real, what spell would you try to learn first?  Putting a curse on corrupt political families.
What’s the hardest you’ve ever worked?  The last few weeks have been very draining emotionally, physically, and mentally. I’ve been very close to resigning but I just feel bad about leaving Bea and it’s also a pride thing, I guess – I don’t want to resign early on in my promotion.
If you could have an all-expenses paid trip to see any famous world monument, which monument would you choose?  Pyramids of Giza.
What’s the most addicted to a game you’ve ever been?  Probably Rhythm Hive.
What’s the coldest you’ve ever been?  I didn’t prepare the proper clothes for Japan and felt like shit the whole time I had to walk outdoors.
Do you eat food that’s passed its expiration date if it still smells and looks fine?  Not usually. My dad - a chef and knows a thing or two about food - will always give me a sermon about it but I just don’t wanna, hahaha.
What outdoor activity haven’t you tried, but would like to?  Hang gliding.
What’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched?  Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Dark Side of the Ring is also generally a fun watch.
What really needs to be modernized?  The public transport system in this country.
Do you know anyone that has a gecko as a pet?  I don’t think so.
Do you put ketchup on your burgers?  No, not if it’s just ketchup. A mayo-ketchup mix would be fine, though.
Are you or were you in any clubs in high school?  Yeah, it was mandatory. I was in table tennis a couple of years, then yearbook.
Do you own a yoga mat?  We have one here at home but it’s not mine.
Do you like Greek mythology?  No.
Do you like peaches?  Nope.
What is your favorite endangered animal?  I’m not sure if I have one.
What is your favorite game to play on your phone?  Rhythm Hive though I haven’t played it in like two weeks. It’s the first time that’s happened since I started playing the game in June last year haha. Work’s just been a lot.
Who was the last person who was rude to you?  Not sure if there’s been anyone. People have been kind these days, I think.
What was the last thing you bought at the farmer’s market?  I don’t think I’ve ever gotten anything from one.
Are you scared to stand up to a police officer?  No.
Have you downloaded unique fonts for your computer?  Before, but it’s not a regular thing that I do. I’ve done it a couple of times for work.
What is your doctor’s first name?  I don’t have a regular one I go to.
Have you ever worn those Drunk Goggles?  Never heard of those.
Do you draw fanart of anything?  Nope, can’t draw, never learned how to draw.
Favorite thing to see in museums?  Paintings or artifacts. Bones/fossils are cool too.
Have you ever seen an unwrapped mummy in person?  Nope. I’ve never even seen a mummy, period.
Which animals do you tend to go check out first at the pet store?  I don’t like going to pet stores.
Have you ever been a victim of a house fire?  No, fortunately.
Have you ever had a cavity before? How about a root canal? A tooth pulled? Braces?  I’ve had three of these. The only one I can’t say yes to is the root canal.
Last movie you saw in theaters before the pandemic hit?  Knives Out, and unfortunately I’m always gonna have to associate the last pre-pandemic movie I saw with an ex, hahaha.
What is your favorite zoo animal that you would like to set free?  All of them, I guess. Not a huge fan of zoos to begin with.
Favorite kind of fish?  Like, as a pet? I’m not very familiar with fish so idk. But as for fish as food, tuna.
Is there anyone that you’ve visited in jail? Nope.
Has anyone ever told you that you looked like a celebrity?  Yeah.
Kissing someone with facial hair, do you mind?  I haven’t tried it but I don’t think I’d mind it for the most part, unless it feels sweaty and gross.
Have you ever slept on a beach?  No. Too dangerous lol.
What size shirt do you normally wear?  XS for the most part but I’ve been experimenting with M and L ever since I started getting into oversized styeles.
Would you ever travel to Los Angeles?  I mean sure, but it’s never been on my priorities. I’ve always preferred New York.
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anncanta · 4 years
Dracula BBC as an alchemical novel
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I noticed a long time ago that the stories that S. Moffat and M. Gatiss tell do not just have two or three layers (in fact, much more), but most often turn out to be such a complex field in which all the numerous levels work independently and at the same time manage to merge into a holistic melody. Actually, this is why their texts often ‘from the outside’ look strange, incomprehensible or meaningless (apart from those cases when they really are like this).
The thing is that stories of this kind are arranged in such a way that the plot, as a frame, ‘holding’ ideas and meanings on itself, is, so to speak, open — like a system of corridors leading in different directions, up and down, into those dimensions of the narrative that are currently needed by the authors in order to convey their statement.
In this respect, the genre is very important, because by structuring the story at the formal level, it allows, let’s say, to enter it and understand where to move from the entrance. And there — well, depending on how far you are willing to go.
One of the best definitions of the Dracula genre that I have seen among the reviews written so far is a metaphysical detective.
Some might say that the term looks artificial, but bearing in mind that the story itself seems to be enough… hybrid, it would be fine to start a conversation.
This really has everything a good detective novel needs, plus philosophical and (almost) religious motives organically woven into the narrative, the idea of self-knowledge that pushes the boundaries of any genre, and a mysterious ending. So it’s easy to agree with the above definition.
But I would say that this is an alchemical novel.
Let me remind those who have not come across the works of C.G. Jung, who in his later work paid much attention to alchemy and secret religious practices: in the context of his research, alchemy is a way of self-knowledge and one’s own psyche in order to achieve a higher level of development and gaining mental and spiritual integrity.
History of literature knows several rather interesting attempts to describe the alchemical Work and, since cinema in this sense is no worse, if you wish, you can immediately name a dozen films that also touch on this topic. Well, Sherlock, being viewed from a certain angle quite fits into this paradigm, and I will not even start about Harry Potter — this is a classic of Jungian thought, expressed in literature and successfully transferred to the cinema.
What about Dracula? Everything is very interesting in it.
The first thing to note is that Dracula’s structure is not a mini-series. It’s not a TV show at all. This is a three-part film, all parts of which are closely related to each other so that none of them can be ‘taken out’ from the text without losing meaning and understanding what is happening here.
The second, — it is undoubtedly a novel. The novel as a genre has many definitions, I will not give them here, I will only mention an element that is important for our conversation, without which a modern novel is impossible. This is the growing up and inner change of the hero. If the hero came to the end of the work, being not the same he was at the beginning, most likely we have a novel. Another question is how the hero came to these changes.
And here the third aspect is important — the way the story is told and the ‘language’ used by the authors.
Act I
Dracula begins with a young man standing in the middle of a dark forest and waiting for a carriage that will take him to the medieval castle of some mysterious Count. A girl comes out of the carriage in which the young man reached this place, and asks him to take the crucifix with him, assuring him that he will certainly need it. The carriage leaves, the young man remains in the forest.
Look, you can ‘exit’ from this scene both into a gothic novel (in principle, an entertainment genre, to which you can add a couple of additional meanings if you wish) and into an alchemical story. The exposition will be the same. Let’s suppose we are talking about an alchemical novel. For now, just suppose.
Dark forest is a place between worlds, between everyday life and the other world, between consciousness and unconsciousness, between daytime reality and nighttime. Place of transition, no one’s land. The laws of consciousness are no longer dominant here, but the unconscious does not yet dominate. You can also talk with those who live in the real world and get from them the so-called ‘magic item’, which may help the hero in the future, but it is already difficult to return. And — what is important — you can only travel further with a guide from the unconscious. Carriages from the outside world don’t go there.
The young man is picked up by a strange cart with a mysterious charioteer, after which, having driven some distance through the forest, he finds himself at the gates of an ancient castle. Going inside, he sees an empty room and a table set for dinner. This is the second point of transition if you follow the logic of archetypal storytelling. While Johnny is nothing more than a guest, a stranger, a man who has nothing to do with this castle or its inhabitants. He crossed the border of the unconscious but did not enter into a relationship with it. And here he does what the fairy tales strongly advise against doing to everyone who finds himself in such circumstances — he tries local food.
The game is on. From that moment — not from the first bite, but from this moment, Johnny enters the reality of Dracula, the reality of his castle, and begins to interact with forces that are incomprehensible and beyond his control.
But this is not the most interesting thing.
Let’s skip the moment of the Count`s appearance — here the authors again make a nod to the gothic novel, and the whole situation logically unfolds like an old horror movie, exactly until the moment when several new details appear in the narrative.
The first is the invisible inhabitants of the castle, who write on the glass with inverted letters ‘save us’, and the second is a journey through the castle-labyrinth and the discovery of the map.
Remember I said that this story could be a gothic novel, and the plot is quite like a gothic novel? So, forget it. From now, there is no way to return to this genre. The gothic novel is about controlled horror. It’s about tickling your nerves in a safe environment. In this form, it moved into the cinema and settled there in the form of horror films. It has no other functions and building blocks. Moreover, the symbolic details. The scary house there is always just a scary house, and the worms crawl out of the walking dead because it looks disgusting, and the viewers love the thrill.
But let’s back to Dracula.
Why are the castle-labyrinth and map important? On a metaphorical level, the house represents a person, that Self that a person knows, ‘builds’ throughout life and which belongs to it. A castle-labyrinth in which it is easy to get lost, which does not have a map, indicates a lost person.
And it was not Johnny who was here lost.
Have you ever thought about why, after being sucked dry and killed, the lawyer threw himself from the roof of the castle and was fished out of the river by fishermen, Dracula did not leave him alone and went to the convent after him?
What does this ‘bride’ mean to him, in no use as a food, dagger stares and pursed lips, and even threatens to fight Dracula while walking on the ground? Although it is doubtful he could fight — he could barely keep his feet.
Pride? Wounded amour-propre? A sense of ownership?
In order to understand why Dracula came for Johnny, you need to return to the search for the map and remember where Harker found it.
In the depths of one of the corridors of the castle hung two portraits — the image of the architect who built the house and his wife. About which ones the architect himself refers in his notes as the Moon and the Sun.
It is noteworthy that a woman is the Sun here, while in the alchemical tradition, the solar energy is male, and the lunar energy is female. I think this is part of the inverted reality of the Count`s psyche, where landmarks are confused and roles are changed. For what it’s worth, such landmarks are enough for Harker to find a way out.
But it’s important for us to understand who Johnny is.
He is not a victim of Count Dracula. Rather, from the point of view of the plot, he is his victim, but at the symbolic level, his function is completely different.
Jonathan Harker is a figure from the outside world who comes to the house of a person whose psyche is immersed in chaos, who himself does not know what is in his house, and is able to get lost in it himself, keeps monsters in the basement and feeds on them. This person has lost touch with reality in the literal sense of the word. (For anyone interested, read about literalized metaphors in British literature.) And then someone comes to him, and involuntarily begins to order his chaotic world.
It is no coincidence that during one of his conversations with the Count Johnny hears a crying baby. At the level of the plot, this is a real baby that Dracula carries for his next ‘bride’ imprisoned in the basement of the castle. But at the symbolic level, where all the inhabitants of the castle are parts of the soul of the Count himself, the baby is his split-off child self. Of course, destined for murder. And turned into a child of the night.
What happens next? At the moment when the process of ordering the psyche and contact with the outside world is launched, it is already difficult to stop it. Therefore, Dracula with a manic passion rushes to the convent and tries to regain Johnny. But the function of the guide has been exhausted. Other forces come into play.
Act II
The central scene of what is happening in the convent is undoubtedly the scene of the meeting between Dracula and Agatha. And in their meeting, everything is important, literally every detail. Strikingly, it is harmoniously built both on the plot and on the symbolic level. There is literally no redundant element there.
We will only note the main ones so as not to get bogged down in details.
The first moment — Dracula went out into the outside world, but he cannot just appear there. Until now, his whole life has passed in darkness — both literally and symbolically. We do not know what made him so, but he obviously at some point in his life fell back to animal, primitive instincts. Therefore, in order to leave his world and exist in the real, in the world of consciousness, he needs to transform.
This is the first transformation of the hero that we see — when at the gates of the monastery Dracula is ‘born’ from the skin of a beast.
Having been born, he approaches the gates, which are opened to him by a genuine, not escheat, and fake bride — Agatha. Anima.
And she doesn’t give him any indulgences.
In Jungian literature, it is often mentioned that meeting with an archetype is a difficult and rather painful thing. Especially if the person is not ready for it. And, of course, it is extremely dangerous to project archetypal qualities onto a real person who can represent them for a specific man or woman. But this is in life. And a work of art`s entitled to combine symbolic and real layers in one context.
Agatha treats Dracula harshly, in a semblance of an erotic scene, giving an outlet for his insane disordered sexual and animal energy, in some way, ‘shaking’ him and allowing his inner chaos to restructure and acquire a consistency suitable for connecting with the new and the unknown.
And then the victim, close contact, an attempt to absorb — and the hero falls into his Anima and at the same time goes to a new world on a journey on the water.
I think that the symbolism of water (amniotic fluid, the water of the unconscious, water as an information and life medium) is not worth explaining. But what is happening with Dracula in the sealed world of the mother’s womb — the ship, in order for no one to have any doubts, called Demeter, needs to be considered more closely.
From this moment, from the moment when his romance with Agatha starts and begins to develop, Dracula’s relations with other people become extremely important. Until now, he had no relationships with people. The ‘brides’ in the castle are nothing more than food and separate parts of his own personality. The first person he established a real relationship with was Johnny. And this — on one of the levels — is another reason why Dracula was so attached to him. You never forget first love.
On Demeter, the Count consecutively comes into contact with several people.
What kind of people they are is very important.
The first is still just a victim. A sailor-helmsman, whom Dracula eats only because he needs a specific quality that the man has. This is how children are friends with those from whom you can ask for a useful thing or write off homework. After the object’s function is completed, the friendship ends.
It’s more difficult with the Grand Duchess. This is a story about memory, desire, and youth, Dracula`s question to himself — can I be liked, and if I can, then why: because my appearance evokes memories of youth or because I am interesting on my own? The dance as part of their interaction indicates an attempt to ‘taste’ the relationship (the Anima looks in-depth with a smile) but turns into a bloodbath.
What is important here is that as the ship sails further into the sea, and the relationship between Dracula and Agatha becomes more and more intimate, the Count begins to get more and more nervous, and his instincts, at first completely tamed for a distant goal, become more and more out of control.
He collected these passengers in advance, calculating how many people he needed to eat in order to safely get to England. And in the first two days, he ate half of them. The tension rises, the anxiety elevates, no one is safe. Including Dracula.
The meeting with Dorabella on deck (I just want to say — ‘date’) is a naive attempt to flirt, a conscious — not a vampire’s natural — desire to please, a short, but independently built with great difficulty dialogue. The portrayal of her possible married life shown to the girl is a gift that is discouraging in its brutality. And the conclusion: no, nothing will come of it. ‘I am a vampire.’
But if you have already gone out into the outside world, do not expect that you will be able to hide. Whatever you think, but you have made your choice.
After the murder of Dorabella, the ship literally ‘boils’, the hidden truth comes to the surface in the literal sense, and Agatha reappears on the scene.
Act IV
Many viewers ask: why did Agatha take command of the ship?
And who else should be the captain of the ship called Demeter under these circumstances?
Falcons give way to turtle doves.
But let’s back to the text.
The confrontation-connection of Dracula and his Anima lasts for some time, after which it logically ends with immersion of both in water.
And here is another interesting point. The first part of the alchemical Work is completed, the hero went through two transformations, began to communicate with living people, and even made some progress, but in order to consolidate the result, the psyche must close off from the world and allow deep processes to take place inside. Therefore, Dracula falls asleep at the bottom for 123 years, and Agatha fell off the map.
In the XXI century, the updated Count discovers that everything has changed, but the hunt for vampires is still relevant, and he himself is quite ready for new achievements.
The trouble is that he has already learned the taste of the genuine, and therefore surrogates are not to his liking.
When I watched the film for the first and second time, I just couldn’t understand why Lucy was needed there. Silly, superficial, narcissistic, she has no interest in anything other than herself and her Instagram images.
‘How could such a girl interest Dracula?!’ viewers around the world yell. And they are right.
How indeed?
Well, she couldn't.
In order to understand what Lucy’s role in this story is, you need to watch the film from the very beginning. Then it becomes clear that Dracula’s relationship with her, their dialogues, interaction, jokes and flirting, her willingness to voluntarily let him drink her blood is a complete parallel, a repetition of the Count’s relationship with Agatha. Having found the experience of deep love within himself and has found a connection with his soul, the hero is desperately trying to reproduce it — and fails.
Review these scenes. How he looks at Lucy, how he walks arm in arm with her, how he tells her what a brave and extraordinary girl she is, how he holds her on his lap, and asks where she wants to go. In fact, he does everything he did with Agatha. But doing all this, he has empty eyes. An indifferent look, mechanical movements, and bitterness at the bottom. He has a young beautiful woman in his arms, she is obviously in love with him, although she hides it, she is ready for anything to make him feel good. And he is bored.
In the eyes turned to Lucy, not the greed of a vampire is — there are darkness, sadness, and endless repetition: ‘Not her, not her, not her.’
But the psyche, especially the psyche of an adult, does not simply abandon its habits, so Dracula repeats with Lucy the entire cycle that has already passed with all his ‘brides’. The catch is that Lucy is not attached to him, but to admiration for her own beauty, and when beauty disappears, their illusory connection falls apart, turning into horror and contempt. But here, too, not everything is so simple.
In the scene in Dracula’s house, where Lucy realizes who she has become, an important parallel arises.
Look. There are four characters in the room. The situation is difficult, tense, the conflict reaches its limit until it is resolved through love. But how is it resolved?
I mean, what does it look like structurally?
It’s very simple. The man and the ‘monster’ stand and watch the kissing of the man and the ‘monster’ next to them.
And then something happens not only with Jack and Lucy, who finally managed to find peace but also with Dracula. This is the highest point from which there is only one path — to catharsis. The fact that Agatha led him there is logical and obvious, but up to this point, he was not ready for it.
And the final scene. When all the pieces are on the board, all conflicts are realized and all the ghosts are brought to light, there are no enemies left. Except for himself. Except for that, which he didn’t allow himself to do. Except for the fear of being yourself.
The ending of this film is the pinnacle of the alchemical process. Transformation. At the level of the plot, physical death, freeing a five-hundred-year-old vampire and a woman who loved him for many years. And at the symbolic level — going beyond one’s own limits and gaining integrity.
Therefore, in the final, we see the sun. The sun is a symbol of a purified consciousness, transformed and fully realized itself.
For those to whom the interpretation that I have presented here seems strange or stretch, I will separately note the following. Any interpretation is, to one degree or another, a figment of the imagination of the viewer or reader, although, unlike postmodern literary scholars, I believe that there are right and wrong interpretations. And the correct interpretation is not at all what the author wanted to say. This is what the story wanted to say. Often they are not the same thing.
And the second, closely related to the first: no, I do not think that S. Moffat and M. Gatiss put such meaning in their story. I think that European culture, with its multi-layered nature and the ability to reflect on complex experiences through symbolic stories, is that powerful semantic field that generates such tales regardless of the wishes of screenwriters and writers. And that seems wonderful to me.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Best Games to Play in 2021
While 2020 was a landmark year for the gaming industry thanks to the release next-gen consoles and PC graphics cards, there are plenty of exciting new games coming in 2021. From highly-anticipated sequels like God of War: Ragnarok and Resident Evil Village to brand-new experiences such as Chorus and Deathloop, there’s plenty to look forward to this year.
We’ve curated a list of the 2021 games we’re most excited about, including big AAA blockbusters as well as imaginative indie titles. Keep in mind that we’ve only included games that at the very least have a vague “2021” release window attached, which is why we’re not including games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild sequel, Elden Ring, or Final Fantasy XVI. We’ll of course update this article as new 2021 titles are announced.
Here’s what you have to look forward to this year:
The Ascent
TBA | Neon Games | XSX, XBO, PC
The Ascent was originally planned as an Xbox Series X launch title before it slipped into 2021. A twin stick shooter at its core, The Ascent features a cover system as well as the ability to target high and low points on enemies, all in a destructible, open world cyberpunk setting. You can also fully customize your character with a variety augments.
Though Neon Games is a small studio, Epic Games was so impressed with early work on the title, that Neon was awarded a grant to help cover development costs. We’re really looking forward to this smaller take on the cyberpunk genre.
Axiom Verge 2
TBA | Thomas Happ Games | Switch
Metroidvanias from indie developers are a dime a dozen nowadays, but the original Axiom Verge stood out thanks to its tight controls, varied weapons, and compelling story. Axiom Verge 2 looks to largely be more of the same, but with even better graphics and more complex enemy patterns. The game has been in development for the past four years, but should finally be out in early 2021.
Balan Wonderworld
March 26 | Balan Company and Arzest | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Switch
Balan Wonderworld is a modern take on classic platformers of the 32-bit era. You choose from one of two characters and explore a variety of worlds mixing reality and imagination, but the real hook is the 80 different costumes you can find that unlock new abilities for your characters.
The game was directed by Yuji Naka of Sonic the Hedgehog fame. Fans of the platformers of the early ’90s don’t want to miss this one.
Back 4 Blood
October 12 | Turtle Rock Studios | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Valve may not have been able to get its act together to make a new Left 4 Dead game, but the developer behind the best-selling franchise has a spiritual successor in the works. Just like in Left 4 Dead, you’ll team up with three other players to take on waves of the undead in missions that change every time you play. There will also be a competitive 4v4 mode with one team taking the role of the zombies.
We went hands-on with the Back 4 Blood alpha, and so far, it does play a lot like Left 4 Dead with updated graphics, which isn’t a bad thing at all if you miss the classic horde shooter. The card system, which bestows interesting perks (and buffs) to players and zombies, does add a bit of variety to the usual formula that make this one a sleeper hit in the streaming world.
Bravely Default II
February 26 | Claytechworks | Switch
The first two Bravely Default games released on the 3DS were typical fantasy RPGs bolstered by their unique risk-reward battle system. Players could use brave points to stack up attacks for big damage, or default to save them up and take less damage in a turn. It kept those games fresh, even if they sometimes dragged on for too long.
Bravely Default II brings the series’ unique combat exclusively to the Switch for the first time. And true to its Final Fantasy inspirations, the characters and story are completely original, so you don’t need any familiarity with the earlier games.
Chivalry 2
June 8 | Torn Banner Studios | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare was a huge multiplayer hit on the PC when it was released in 2012. Unfortunately, with lagging developer support, most of the community moved on to other games long ago.
Now, Torn Banner is hoping to bring players back with the sequel, which boasts next-gen graphics, improved combat, and massive 64-player battles. Needless to say, Chivalry 2 could be the next big thing in multiplayer. The game is currently in Closed Alpha, so you might be able to check it out before release if you sign up here.
TBA | Fishlabs | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Stadia
There’s been a serious lack of good third-person space combat shooters in recent years, but Chorus looks to rectify that. In this single-player game, you’ll play as Nara and her sentient ship Forsaken as they work together to track down the cult that created them in what Fishlabs is calling a “dark new universe.” It kind of looks like Goth Star Fox.
Unfortunately, we haven’t really seen anything more from Chorus since it was announced last summer. Hopefully, the radio silence ends soon.
TBA | Smilegate Entertainment and Remedy Entertainment | XSX, XBO
CrossFire is a hugely popular tactical first-person shooter in China and South Korea, even though it’s barely made a mark in the West. Fortunately, Microsoft is bringing an updated version of the shooter exclusively to its consoles in hopes that it’ll catch on. Expect lots of tense, objective-based multiplayer action, and though the series isn’t known for its single-player, we’re looking forward to what Remedy can do with this mode hot on the heels of the excellent Control.
Like several of the titles on this list, CrossfireX was planned as a launch title for the Series X, but was delayed into 2021 due to development issues caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait that much longer for this one.
May 21 | Arkane Studios | PS5, PC
What if you could combine the movie Groundhog Day with the Hitman series? It’s likely that no one had actually asked that question before Deathloop. You play as Colt, an assassin stuck in a time loop on an island in the midst of a party that resets every day. You have to eliminate eight targets before midnight and avoid dying yourself, or you’ll end up at the beginning of the loop again.
Deathloop also features a multiplayer component that allows players to jump into your game as an assassin named Julianna, who is tasked with taking Colt down before he can complete his mission. This PvP aspect should result in some very interesting playthroughs.
While Microsoft now owns Arkane as part of its purchase of ZeniMax Media and Bethesda Softworks, don’t expect Deathloop on the Xbox any time soon. It’s still launching exclusively on the PS5 and PC.
Diablo 2: Resurrected
TBA | Vicarious Visions | XSX, PS5, XBO, PS4, PC, Switch
While Diablo III’s reputation has improved substantially since its controversial 2012 launch, there’s still a vocal group of gamers who prefer the second game in Blizzard’s genre-defining action RPG series. Knowing how much this game means to a lot of people, Vicarious Visions has said it’s not out to reinvent the wheel for Resurrected. The updated 3D graphics will display in 4K, but you can switch back to the original graphics at any point with the press of a button.
And while there will be some quality of life improvements like a shared item stash and automatic gold pickup, don’t expect any revolutionary changes that will spoil the original experience. This should be exactly what we need to tide us over until Diablo IV hits.
Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny
June 29 | Nippon Ichi Software | Switch
After a couple of well-received remakes, the first new Disgaea title in more than five years should be out in 2021. This time around, the offbeat story focuses on Zed, a zombie who attempts to use something called “super reincarnation” to stop the seemingly invincible God of Destruction who is slowly destroying all worlds.
While both the PlayStation 4 and Switch are dialed in for Japanese releases in January, so far only a Switch version has been announced for the West.
Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance
June 22 | Tuque Games | XSX, PS5, XBO, PS4, PC
Baldur’s Gate isn’t the only Dungeons & Dragons video game series back from the dead. The cooperative action-adventure series Dark Alliance once again allows players to journey into the world of the Forgotten Realms with up to three other friends online. And unlike Baldur’s Gate 3, Dark Alliance is releasing in completed form, so you can expect a full campaign right out of the box.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood
June 1 | ZeniMax Online Studios | XSX, PS5, XBO, PS4, PC, Stadia
Last year’s Elder Scrolls Online expansion finally brought the world of Skyrim to the MMO, and ZeniMax is keeping the blasts from the past coming. This year’s expansion, Blackwood, brings back elements from Oblivion, with a whole new campaign that sees you face off against Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon 800 years before the events of The Elder Scrolls IV. It’s all part of the year’s big Gates of Oblivion storyline.
The expansion adds the Blackwood region to the game, which includes the Imperial city of Leyawiin from Oblivion, and also finally brings a Companion system to the game. Recruit an NPC to fight by your side and explore the land of Tamriel.
Evil Dead: The Game
TBA | Boss Team Games and Saber Interactive | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Switch
The Evil Dead movies are considered all-time horror classics, but success has always eluded the franchise in the world of video games. But that could be about to change. Announced at The Game Awards, Evil Dead: The Game sees Ash and friends taking on waves of Deadites on several maps, including the iconic cabin in the woods. Gameplay appears to be similar to Saber’s previous adaptation, World War Z, which was a solid title that never quite seemed to find an audience.
Far Cry 6
TBA | Ubisoft | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Stadia, Luna
By now we all know what to expect from Far Cry: hop into a tropical paradise, blow up a bunch of outposts, and methodically take back the land from the big bad guy. After a detour into the American wilderness with Far Cry 5, the next entry in the series heads to Yara, a fictional Caribbean country heavily based on Cuba. And with Giancarlo Esposito of Breaking Bad and The Mandalorian fame playing the big bad El Presidente, you know we’re in for some especially awesome villainy.
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
TBA | Square Enix | PS5, PS4, PC
After one of the worst MMORPG launches ever, it’s a miracle that Final Fantasy XIV is still around a decade later. Not only did Square Enix turn things around, this game is now regarded as one of the very best in the genre.
Endwalker, the game’s fourth major expansion pack will conclude the story of the warring gods Hydaelyn and Zodiark, which has been running since the game’s 2013 relaunch. This won’t be the end of the MMO, though. Square still says it has several years worth of stories to tell.
Along with the obligatory new zones and quests, Square has promised two new classes. The first one shown so far, the sage, is a healer who battles with floating swords. 
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach 
TBA | Steel Wool Studios | PS5, PS4, PC
The Five Nights at Freddy’s series has been terrorizing gamers for more than a half decade now, and Steel Wool Studio is looking to up the scares with the power of next-generation graphics. We don’t know how exactly the game will play yet, but the announcement video showcased a very cool looking shopping mall with an ‘80s motif. On the PS5 and PC, Security Breach will support real-time raytracing, so Freddy and the gang should look better than ever.
Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection
February 25 | Capcom | Switch
After a lengthy absence, the crushingly difficult Ghosts ‘n Goblins series has been revived. Resurrection, which is a whole new installment and not just a remake, features the series’ classic 2D gameplay, with the knight Arthur fighting his way through hordes of monsters and environmental hazards. And of course, the new graphics look much better than the old NES and SNES games. Best (worst?) of all, this modern take is just as punishing as its predecessors so be prepared to die A LOT.
Ghostwire: Tokyo 
TBA | Tango Gameworks | PS5, PC
Tango Gameworks has only released two titles to date: The Evil Within and its sequel. Anyone who played those games can tell you, the developers know horror. With a variety of deformed enemies and a mind-bending plot, The Evil Within titles are two of the scariest games of the last decade.
Ghostwire: Tokyo is a brand new IP that moves the action to the third-person. Instead of the typical firearms, you’ll be dispatching ghosts with psychic powers. Expect an exceedingly creepy experience regardless.
God of War: Ragnarok 
TBA | SIE Santa Monica Studio | PS5
Sony has said almost nothing about the next God of War game except that it’s coming next year. One thing we do know is that Ragnarok is the mythical battle leading to the death of the Norse gods. With Kratos’ history of deicide, it only makes sense that he’ll be killing a whole lot of them in the next game. The previous title also hinted at a showdown with Thor, the god of thunder (no, not the Marvel guy), which should be pretty epic.
Guilty Gear Strive
June 11 | Arc System Works | PS5, PS4, PC
The latest in the long-running Guilty Gear franchise should be out early in 2021 with some interesting new fighters as well as exciting returning characters. There will be a dedicated dash button and a new feature will let opponents who are knocked into walls cling to them. If you can land enough attacks, you will break through the wall and initiate a stage transition.
Arc has promised “a completely new Guilty Gear” with Strive. We’re not sure about that, but the trailers showcasing the franchise’s trademark mix of 2D and 3D graphics look better than ever.
Halo Infinite
Fall | 343 Industries | XSX, XBO, PC
After a disappointing reveal last July, Halo Infinite was bumped from the Series X launch to Fall 2021. The game has been described as both a sequel and a “spiritual reboot” for the series, so it will be interesting to see how far 343 Industries handles Cortana’s heel turn after the fan backlash Halo 5: Guardians received.
Many fans weren’t happy to hear more microtransactions will be added to Infinite in the form of “coatings” (shaders) that can be purchased to customize Spartans in multiplayer. It doesn’t help that players have yet to even see any multiplayer gameplay from Infinite.
Hopefully, the delay will give 343 the time it needs to put out a game that lives up to the series’ reputation.
Hitman III
January 20 | IO Interactive | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Switch, Stadia
IO’s rebooted Hitman games are among the most underrated titles of the last few years, streamlining the series’ once finnicky systems and placing Agent 47 in huge sandbox levels with more ways than ever to eliminate his targets. If you own the previous two games, you can import maps and progress to take advantage of Hitman III’s improvements on any platform, but only the PS4 version will support the PSVR headset for the ultimate Hitman experience.
Horizon Forbidden West 
TBA | Guerilla Games | PS5, PS4
Thanks to its unique post-post-apocalyptic setting and fluid gameplay, Horizon Zero Dawn was one of the best open world games of the previous generation. The sequel looks to out do the original with even more varied environments like deserts, beaches, and the ruins of San Francisco. And there will of course be more mechanized prehistoric beasts than ever before.
While Forbidden West is coming to the PS4 as well, the PS5’s DualSense controller should provide the definitive experience thanks to its haptic feedback. You should finally be able to feel what it’s like for Aloy to pull back on her iconic bow.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD
July 16 | Nintendo | Switch
The Legend of Zelda series turned 35 this year and Nintendo is celebrating the milestone with an HD remaster of one of the most underrated installments in the long-running franchise. Skyward Sword takes things back all the way to the very beginning of the Zelda timeline, telling the story of how the mythical Master Sword was created. Along the way, players are in for a fun adventure including some interesting experiments with motion control.
While it’ll likely never be as beloved as the games before it or Breath of the Wild, this Wii installment is still worth experiencing, especially if you missed it back in 2011.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
TBA | Traveller’s Tales | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Switch
There have been plenty of Lego Star Wars games, including one that already adapted the “complete” saga, but this will be the first to feature the entire Sequel Trilogy. Even if you’ve played through those other games, The Skywalker Saga will feature never-before-seen levels and gameplay.
Traveller’s Tales promises an absolutely massive game, too. Each of the nine films features five levels, and the movies can be played through in any order. Nearly 500 playable characters are expected to be included in the final game. We’d love it if Mando and Grogu make the final cut, too.
Mario Golf: Super Rush
June 25 | Nintendo | Switch
It’s been a while since Nintendo dropped a new Mario Golf game, but it’s finally happening on the Switch. While Super Rush offers up much of the same Mario Golf action you know and love, it does have an interesting new mode called Speed Golf, which pits competitors against each other as they race down the course in real time to see who scores first. It should add a bit of pep to the chill vibes of the series.
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition 
May 14 | BioWare | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Nearly a decade since its conclusion, the Mass Effect trilogy remains a favorite among many gamers. BioWare hasn’t commented too much about what to expect from this remaster, but we know the visuals will be upgraded to 4K, and all of the excellent post-launch DLC will be included. The developer has also promised other upgrades to bring the titles up to modern standards, so maybe we’ll see some changes to the first game’s finicky combat. And if Bioware is feeling particularly ambitious, we might even get a few hints as to what they have planned for the upcoming sequel.
The Medium
January 28 | Bloober Team | XSX, PC
Originally announced way back in 2012 for the Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii U, The Medium was shelved for years due to technological constraints before finally resurfacing in 2020. Gameplay focuses on a medium who can instantaneously travel between the real world and the spirit realm to solve puzzles, something that just wasn’t possible until the current crop of consoles adopted solid state drives.
Bloober Team has quietly built a reputation for itself with excellent single-player horror games like Observer and Layers of Fear, and The Medium is their most ambitious game yet.
Monster Hunter Rise
March 26 | Capcom | Switch
The excellent Monster Hunter: World helped the series find a large audience in the West, although the game’s more demanding performance requirements kept it off the Switch. Fortunately, Rise is built specifically for Nintendo’s portable-console hybrid. And rather than a watered down port of World, Capcom this is a full-featured sequel with a new, more vertical map and all 14 weapon types from Monster Hunter: World and Monster Hunter Generations. If you’ve been waiting to jump on the Monster Hunter craze on the Switch, now is the time!
New Pokemon Snap
April 30 | Nintendo | Switch
Nintendo is unleashing peak late ’90s nostalgia with this revival of the Pokemon Snap series for the Switch. Wrapped in a modern package, New Pokemon Snap is more of the on-rails photography game you loved when you were a kid. The game features over 200 Pokemon to capture with your trusty camera, which you can upload online to share with other players. And true to the Instagram era, you can now touch up your pictures, adding blur and filters, adjusting the zoom, and more. This is a must-buy for Nintendo fans.
New World
August 31 | Amazon Games | PC
Amazon has had its sights set on the gaming world for quite some time, quietly pumping money into a number of projects, and New World could be its breakthrough hit. In this MMORPG set on an unnamed land in the Atlantic Ocean in the 1600s, you’ll wield bows, hammers, hatchets, magical staffs, musket rifles, spears, and swords against a variety of fantastical creatures. There will also be plenty of opportunities to gather resources, craft and build settlements. Best of all, there’s no monthly fee to play.
Launching a new IP is always difficult, and MMOs are a particularly difficult genre to break into, but if any company has the resources to succeed, it’s Amazon. 
Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139…
April 23 | Square Enix | PS4, XBO, PC
Before Nier: Automata was hailed as one of the best games of the last generation, there was simply Nier, a quirky, slightly janky action RPG that nevertheless found a devoted fanbase on the PS3 and Xbox 360. Square Enix has been cagey on exactly what improvements we’ll see in Replicant, an updated version of the original, saying only that it’s somewhere between a remaster and a full remake. 
The screenshots we’ve seen so far look absolutely gorgeous, and the combat system will also be updated to more closely resemble Automata’s gameplay. Considering that Nier‘s graphics and combat were criticized at the time, Replicant could end up being the definitive version of the experience.
Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection
June 10 | Team Ninja | XBO, PS4, Switch, PC
Before there was Dark Souls, masochists flocked to the Ninja Gaiden series, which basically wrote the book on punishing action games. If you’ve been missing this franchise of late, Koei Tecmo is re-releasing three of the 3D installments in a sleek new collection for modern platforms. Included in the box are Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge, plus most of the downloadable content released for these games.
No More Heroes III
August 27 | Grasshopper Manufacture | Switch
Another game that was bumped into 2021 at the last minute, we actually haven’t seen that much from this one, even though it should be out soon. Screenshots show Travis Touchdown wielding his trademark beam katana and performing pro wrestling moves on enemies. And everything looks much better on the Switch than the first two games originally released on the Wii.
As we’ve all come to expect from Suda51 and Grasshopper Manufacture by now, the story sounds absolutely bonkers, involving a weird parody of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and aliens posing as superheroes who Travis must now defeat to save the world. It doesn’t make a ton of sense, but No More Heroes fans wouldn’t have it any other way.
The Outlast Trials
TBA | Red Barrels | PC
While The Outlast Trials will be the third game in the Outlast series, it won’t follow the plot of the previous games and instead will focus on the subjects of some sort of Cold War experiment. Those earlier games didn’t feature any combat, instead forcing you to evade enemies to survive, and it’s a safe bet that The Outlast Trials will follow a similar gameplay structure. It’ll also feature four-player co-op, a first for the horror series. Knowing Red Barrels, you should expect something really scary.
April 1 | People Can Fly | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Outriders combines the shooter and RPG genres in some unique and engaging ways. At the start of the game, you’ll pick from one of four classes: the time manipulating Trickster, fire-controlling Pyromancer, the seismic-powered Devastator, or the Technomancer, each of whom has a full-featured skill tree. Some have compared the title to live service games like Destiny and The Division, but Outriders also has a style of its own, presenting itself as a grittier alternative to those games.
Persona 5 Strikers
February 23 | Omega Force and P-Studio | PS4, PC, Switch
It’s a tradition at this point for Atlus to spin-off a Persona game into as many other titles as possible. We’ve already seen rhythm and dungeon crawler spin-offs of Persona 5 (and even a Super Smash Bros. cameo from Joker), but this is The Phantom Thieves’ first foray into the hack and slash genre. Gameplay is a mix of the usual Dynasty Warriors combo attacks, but there are also turn-based persona battles as well. And of course, expect plenty of Persona 5’s usual style and flare. 
Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis
TBA | Sega | XSX, XBO, PC
Wait, didn’t Phantasy Star Online 2 just come out? Well yes, but only in the West. Japan has been playing the game since 2012, which is why the MMORPG might feel a little dated. New Genesis is a half update-half sequel with updated combat, and for the first time in the series, open world areas. It’s more like the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn update instead of a whole new game. The best part is that you’ll be able to transfer over your character from PSO 2 to New Genesis, and like its predecessor, it will be completely free-to-play.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake
TBA | Ubisoft | PS4, XBO, PC
The Sands of Time was arguably the best game of the PS2 era, which is why a remake is long overdue. Fan reception regarding the new art style has been mixed, though it certainly does look better than the original 2003 release. But how this remake plays remains to be seen.
While lauded for its tight platforming and time-bending mechanics, The Sands of Time always suffered from lackluster combat. Let’s hope Ubisoft has ironed out all of the kinks with this remake, though.
Originally planned for a January release, Ubisoft recently pushed the game back to March 18, so we’ll have to wait just a little bit longer for the return of the Prince.
Psychonauts 2 
TBA | Double Fine | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Fans have been waiting for a Psychonauts sequel for 15 years now. Fortunately, it looks like Double Fine’s follow up will finally see the light of day in 2021. The first game was praised for its varied levels and puzzles, and Psychonauts 2 will again see Raz delving into the psyches of other characters, with hilarious and frightening results. Raz won’t be completely alone for this journey as Double Fine has announced that he will be joined by a new glowing companion voiced by Jack Black.  
Rainbow Six Quarantine 
TBA | Ubisoft | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Rainbow Six Siege is still one of the most popular multiplayer games on the market years after its release, which is why Ubisoft isn’t looking to get in the way of its own success with Quarantine. While Siege focuses on PvP combat, Quarantine takes its inspiration from that game’s popular limited time Outbreak mode. In this spin-off, teams of three work together to eliminate an alien threat controlled by the AI in dynamic missions. The game won’t be completely independent from Siege though, with at least some of its roster of operators also being playable in Quarantine.
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
June 11 | Insomniac games | PS5
There hasn’t been a bad Ratchet & Clank game yet, and Rift Apart seems poisted to continue that trend. The basic gameplay will be similar to the excellent 2016 reboot, but Insomniac is taking advantage of the power of the PS5’s SSD to introduce instant travel between completely different worlds. From what we’ve seen in gameplay trailer so far, the mechanic is very impressive in action. Equally stunning are the game’s visuals, which will support real-time raytracing and full 4K resolution.
Resident Evil Village 
May 7 | Capcom | XSX, PS5, PC
Resident Evil Village is a direct sequel to Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, but don’t call it Resident Evil 8, as Capcom is emphatic that the focus will be on the mysterious occurrences in a European village and not the larger Resi universe. From the one trailer we’ve seen, we know that Ethan Winters will be returning from the previous game, and this time around he’ll be joined by series regular Chris Redfield. 
Gameplay will again be in first-person, so you should notice quite a few similarities with Resi 7, but with improved graphics and much shorter load times since this will be one of the first major next-gen releases that won’t have a PS4 or Xbox One version.
TBA | Ebb Software | XSX, PC
Scorn looks like an absolute nightmare, but in the best possible way. It is, after all, directly inspired by the art of H.R. Giger of Alien fame and Polish painter Zdzisław Beksiński. In Scorn, you play as a skinless humanoid searching for answers in a horrific techno-organic open world. At the very least, it promises to be the most disturbing title of the year.
Shin Megami Tensei V
2021 | Atlus | Switch
While the Persona spin-off series gets most of the attention nowadays, the original Shin Megami Tensei franchise is still going strong, and the latest title in the long-running series should be out worldwide next year.
This is the first Shin Megami Tensei developed using the Unreal Engine 4, so it should look fantastic, but expect similar gameplay to previous titles, including turn-based combat and lots of negotiating with demons to try to get them to join your party.
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury on Switch
February 12 | Nintendo | Switch
When it was released in 2013, Super Mario 3D World was easily one of the best Mario games in years, effortlessly combining the 3D movement of newer games in the series with the level design and multiple characters of the original NES games. You could play as Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Toad, or Rosalina, and they could each don catsuits that opened up all sorts of new platforming opportunities. But maybe 10 people played it because no one bought the Wii U.
Fortunately, the game received the re-release it deserved this year. Plus you get a whole new campaign called Bowser’s Fury, an interesting twist on the usual Mario level structure that’s worth a playthrough.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
TBA | GSC Game World | XSX, PC
The original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games were praised for their horrifying atmosphere, survival horror gameplay, and unique setting in the radioactive Chernobyl zone. Even now, almost 14 years after its release, Shadow of Chernobyl holds up pretty well, even if the graphics are dated.
At this point, we know more about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2’s troubled development than the game itself. The title was first announced in 2010, cancelled in 2012, and then revived in 2018. The trailer released in 2020 looks promising though, and Microsoft has announced that the game will be available via Game Pass on release day.
February 2 | Iron Gate AB
Valheim came out of nowhere to become one of the big success stories of 2021, selling more than a million copies less than three weeks after its early access release. If you aren’t caught up on the latest Steam phenomenon, think of it as Minecraft mixed with Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. You and up to nine other friends are dropped off in the middle of a Viking afterlife to survive, craft, and battle mythical creatures.
Iron Gate AB has been vague about what exactly to expect from future updates, but the studio has teased future customization options for homes and ships, and eventually even a new biome to explore. 
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide 
TBA | Fatshark | XSX, PC
Fatshark’s previous Warhammer Vermintide games were among the best co-op titles of the last generation, featuring heart-pumping four-player multiplayer action against hordes of rat men. The latest installment, Darktide, has a lot in common with previous Vermintide games, except that the setting has moved to the sci-fi-heavy Warhammer 40,000 universe. Players will control members of the Inquisition, who are sent on a mission to exterminate a heretical cult known as The Admonition. The game will feature the same visceral melee combat as its predecessors, but this time all that killing is done for the glory of the God Emperor. 
Wrath: Aeon of Ruin
TBA | KillPixel
First-person shooters have come a long way in the last couple of decades, but some times you just want to run and gun in a dark fantasy setting as quickly as possible. And remarkably few modern games provide that experience. Enter Wrath: Aeon of Ruin, a spiritual successor to Quake, Doom, and Hexen, built on the 25-year-old Quake Engine.
Wrath has been in Early Access since November 2019, and what’s been released so far is very promising, looking and sounding like a lost PC shooter from the late ‘90s. The full game should be out later this year. 
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The post Best Games to Play in 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
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keyvan-firedrake · 4 years
Hey uh, anyone want a NaLu fic that’s not written as a fic and instead is basically an outline of an entire story?
I wrote it out a long time ago and I know I won’t get to write it so I figure, why not share?
So here you are....might be little things that don’t make sense or are grammatically incorrect since it was just me jotting down the whole story as fast as I could so I didn’t forget.
Basically set as if Lucy is a princess and being married off to someone. Medieval times and such.
Dragon Princess
Lucy on way to “meet” future husband. Traveled many days- in outskirts of Fiore instead of her home country. Cart attacked by bandits (no relation to anyone).
She fights/escapes into the woods. She still holds her ground and even rips her dress so she can maneuver better.
Before she passes out from a hurt leg and a busted head she’s saved. (By Natsu)
She wakes in a cave surrounded by furs. No idea where she is she attempts to get to the entrance but she’s dizzy and stumbles. She realizes the cave entrance is literally at the top of a fucking mountain and panics. A rumble alerts her to someone and she finally comes face to face with a dragon. Fire dragon. As it slinks out of a cove at the back, the sounds of things falling in that area vaguely like coins. Her suspicions correct when a few gold objects cling to the dragon and fall off as it moves closer to her.
She screams and attempts to throw a rock which bounces off his nose. He snorts about it and rumbles.
Makes her realize he’s not going to hurt her. Then grabs her in a claw and takes her back to her “bed”. Tells her she’s hurt and needs rest. (Provides some clothes to her from stash of treasures that she doesn’t know about yet) blue cat is his companion (Happy)
Spends a few days resting in and out of consciousness as her wounds heal and finally irritates the dragon enough to fly her down to a river so she can bathe. He does so and gathers some food while she’s doing that.
He sees her naked but she doesn’t care since he’s a dragon. (She will later ;)) she washes the clothes she has and puts on the clean he let her borrow. He flys them back up and he asks her questions about herself as she’s finally more aware and healing.
She tells him she’s a princess and that she had been on her way to meet her arrangement marriage partner. But the bandits had attacked the cart.Typical Natsu and happy behavior happens. On the 5th? Day or so he leaves while she’s sleeping to get foods and supplies. She wakes and is looking for them and stumbles around the cave. She find his hoard room. Full of treasures beyond imagine: now she knows where he got the clothes too.
She’s reaching to touch one big pile when she hears a growl/snarl. She whirls around only to face a man with deep red horns, pink hair, red wings, and scales down body (tanned human skin on the undersides of his body ref pic).
Eyes angry and smoke coming out of his mouth. She screams and backs into the hoard. Big growl and he comes in close. Yanks her away (not roughly to hurt her) and tells her not to touch his things. Smoke spilling out of his mouth.
She realizes it’s Natus, a little less raspy. Apologizes and Happy gets her out of the room whole Natsu calms down. Explains Natsu doesn’t like his treasures touched and she can’t go in there. That it’s okay but to give him time.
She’s sulking a bit when Natsu comes out again and looks at her likes she’s grown 3 heads, calls her weird and teases her. She gets annoyed and banters with him.
Then she asks about his appearance and he explains he can transform into this body and back at will. She gets blushy as he’s seen her naked which she slams her fist down on his and Happys head when they both poke fun at her and yells at them for not telling her.
Happy falls asleep and she tells Natsu she couldn’t give two shits about his treasure room and won’t go in there or touch anything. He rumbles and smiles/pats her head. She asks how he found all that and he tells her about the big abandoned castles from the past in the outskirts of the country.
Said he found one recently before he found Lucy and would take her with when she heals enough. One day, after Lucy teases him for losing a hunt (deer escaped) but barely, he challenges her to a game.
If she could hide from him he would let her browse his books (in his treasure room) if he wins she has to do his bidding. She accepts and puts on a ton of clothes. He flys them to the forest below and gives her an hours head start.
She evades him for a long while, but tripping over herself he catches her and throws them both off a small cliff with a pond/lake at the bottom. They play with Happy in the water for a while before she feels her leg becoming sore from all the activity it hasn’t seen in a long time.
As she sits on the bank Natsu comes up and heats his hands up and massages the leg. He notes to himself she doesn’t flinch from his claws. Typical behavior happens
She helps gather up the clothes she left about and changes so she’s not cold anymore. Shen Natus carries her up its princess style and she blushes about that. Noticing how warm he his.
He lets her have a book anyway, ignoring his bargain. And asks her about the stars as she seems enamored with them as usual. He has been invading her personal space as usual. He provides her items from his treasures (things he’s gathered even though he has no use for them. Even went out and got her soaps).
He takes her to the castle he recently found a ways away. Happy and he have find treasure hunting and he turns into a dragon to be able to carry it all. Lucy herself finds a few things she’d like to keep-good hair brush nucknacks but doesn’t grab anything flashy.
She even find something just to give it to Natsu which he won’t say but it makes him rumble in happiness.
They have fun traipsing through the castle and even camp out. Then go home.
Natsu shoves his hand in his pockets one day when he notices her sighing. She obviously is bored and wants to do something. But he’s apprehensive. If he takes her to town what if she wants to stay? Not wanting to come back with him?
He figures he’ll have to just spill the beans and take her. She’s obviously needing to get out. He finally goes up to her and mentions the town. She is excited about it. Asks him why he didn’t mention it sooner. He says it’s due to her injuries but she had been healed for a long time so she’s suspicious.
Natsu takes her and happy to the forest floor and they walk some ways to get to a dirt road. Natsu hides his dragon features completely. To which she is surprised. He says no one knows he’s the dragon. It makes it easy when he comes to town to get supplies.
They go into the main town center building, (Fairy Tail guild basically). People are happy to see Natsu and happy and meet Lucy. She meets everyone and starts making friends. Makarov does have a conversation with her about Natsu, knowing he’s the dragon.
She makes friends with Levy and Levy even gives her a spare journal and pens for her to write with. Natsu buys some fruits and vegetables (Lucy’s idea) and he is surprised when she suggests it, planning on a meal or two “at home”.
Natsu to her surprise has Makarov turn the power on to his home. She’s confused about that, but it’s explained that a long time ago he had power lines run through the forest and trees (they are well hidden) and covered from weather and wind damage to his cave. He hasn’t had a need for it to be on in a long time.
But he has a fridge and some lights. Lucy is annoyed, finding out he has a kitchen all this time and he hadn’t told her. (There is a small water fall area for bathroom purposes). But when they get back she’s happy to have some lights not lit by fire and to know they will have a space to keep foods good. (He just used to get blocks of ice from the mountains).
He clears (just moves stuff over) space for her in his treasure room if she wants to write at a table he has in there. He sleeps on his treasure when she’s writing sometimes.
They have an interesting time with her being flushed around him as he gets naked or semi naked during time at the lake. Her noticing that she’s enjoying his company a lot. They play around and goof off. Natsu loving teasing her.
When she’s eating a peach one days he’s curious about it as he’s never eaten one. She lets him have a bite and delights at his childish excitement at its taste. Happy didn’t want any as he prefers his fish. She ends up take a bit ore two more before giving it back to Natsu for him to finish.
She tells him that she’s happy. That she finally feels like herself and she’s not trapped by her dad. She says, that when she feels safe she won’t force her presence on Natsu and happy anymore. But Natsu immediately shoots that down. He says this is her home. Not telling her it makes him want to roar thinking about her leaving his/their den.
One day he takes her down for her to bathe and he goes off hunting again after teasing her and making her flush-common occurrence lately. After her bath she takes a stroll, knowing Natsu will find her when he’s done. Happy and her talk and banter. She begins to write while in a small clearing and happy naps.
They get attacked, she and happy try to protect each other but she ends up sending Happy to find Natsu. The bandits are human traffickers. She does get a bit her and does fight back.
Natsu comes in with a roar. He’s angry as hell and his dragon features are out, body tense. He’s snarling and he uses his fists, claws, and fire to beat the traffickers. He’s ready to kill one when Lucy stops him. She’d stepped in front and hugged him. Holding him back.
The bad guy is spitting blood and angry, talking shit even though he’s lost. She feels Natsu tense up again as he had relaxed a little in her hold. She turns to glare at the bad guy and Lucy kicks him. Knocking him out. She stumbles and Natsu catches her by her waist.
Happy is crying at her blood and she hugs him to her chest while wobbling. Natsu won’t let go and his chest is still rumbling with growls. He lifts her up and she stops him, her bag has her stuff and he huff. He takes off for home, it speaking. He sets both her and happy down on one of his treasure mounds and snarls at them to stay put and not move.
They both nod and he leaves. Lucy sits up and hobbles to her area in the cave. Happy is nervous as he tries to tell her not to leave but she ignores him in favor of looking for a bandage, she gets her wound wrapped and hears Natsus wings flapping.
He skids in, crown still on his face eyes wild and drops her bag onto the floor by the entrance of the cave when he sees her. His body is tense and his nostrils flare. Smoke comes out of his mouth as he eyes her and he growls.
He stalks over to her and she tries to back away but he tosses her over his shoulder and carries her to his room again. She pounds his back but he ignores her.
He grabs a thick beautifully designed royal looking blanket/tapestry and throws it down over a post on his mound. He tosses her onto it and face plants into his pile next to her. Arm draped over her middle in a vice like grip.
His grumbling hasn’t stopped as he says “I thought I told you not to move”. She huffs and tries to pry him off but his grin tightens and she snarls. She stiffens. Not afraid of him, not really. But she hadn’t heard him like that since that first time she came in to this room unannounced.
Happy floats over. He explains that when Natsu feels his things are threatened, after he takes care of the threat he curls over his hoard and rumbles on it for a few hours before he feels better.
She sputters and says that makes no sense as why she has to be in here. And happy just snickers. Natsu rumbles deeply and steam comes off of him. Eventually she is able to free herself but Natsu doesn’t move. Instead he almost slithers into the mound.
Hours later, sore but hungry she starts making some food. Happy chatting happily near her. She limos around the small kitchen Natsu finally showed her. When the food is almost done she calls out knowing Natsu can hear her. Telling him if he wants to eat he needs to come out.
She smiles as she hears coins moving and objects shuffling. The dragon wiggling his way out of his mound of treasures. She laughed when his stomach growls. She turns to him and smiles as he scratches the back of his head in a sheepish way. Mood back to normal it seems.
Natsu teaches her how to do some climbing, trees, rocks, and some survival skills.
They visit the town some more, bathe regularly. Natsu gets a bit more clingy and happy meets Carla. It’s nice a quiet for a bit.
One day in the town Lucy is cornered by knights. They had gotten a tip she was here and her father exits a cart. Her arranged marriage partner was also in the cart. They demand she come home with them and they have an argument about it. Natsu, Happy, and Fairy Tail help her as back up and the knights retreat for now.
Natsu reveals his dragon nature and everyone backs him up.
Her dad mentions this will cause turmoil between lands and she feels responsible as she sits inside the guild hall after all is said and done.
Natsu and gang start a small party/fight and it’s getting crazy. While that’s happening, someone sneaks in and passes some letters to Lucy.
The letters display the AMP power and the gun net ships he has. Along with dragon hunting weapons like harpoons/nets/poisons. It even shows pictures of the Cave Natsu lives in off in the distance. The writing tells Lucy that the AMP currently has a prized gunner ship in the harbor it’s gun trained on the mountain cave and several smaller cannons trained on the city. Within a few days the other ships would be dispatched and would arrive. They also had land based artillery in select places that will wreak havoc if she doesn’t comply.
She takes a longing look at Natsu and Happy. Smiling and laughing, fighting with their friends and causing a ruckus. Tears in her eyes she makes a decision. She crinkles to papers into her pockets when she opens the guild doors to exit they fall out. She doesn’t notice and heads for the harbor.
There she enters the boat AMP is waiting on with her dad and they quickly set sail.
The guild party goes on and on, had been someone’s bday and it’s not until someone finds the letters they notice something is wrong. They alert everyone Natsu included who is furious he didn’t notice. He had been so preoccupied with his fighting and drinking that he hadn’t noticed she left. In fact, since her coat was left on her chair he scent remained so he thought she was still around.
Thinking she maybe went upstairs as she sometimes does to find peace in the guild Library. He furiously leaves the guild to get to the harbor but it’s too late. The fast ship is long gone. He begins to transform but is brought to reality by Makarov. Natsu, as strong as he is won’t be able to fly that distance.
Lucy, once they are out to see is put into chains. Her father is also put into chains and they are taken “captive”. The AMP plans to go through with the wedding. Lucy and her dad would have an unfortunate accident and the would take over both countries. (Lucy’s original home country is closer than Fiore)
When they arrive at the harbor of AMP, she is taken to the harbor castle. To the very top tower room. She thinks it’s cliche. She is chained to the wall by her hands and as she looks down out the window she can see the harbor. See the gunner boats he has and his artillery. She’s disheartened.
Knowing no one will know where she went. AMP comes in and scares her, tells her he plans on firing on Fiore anyway. That he’s going to take it as a power move just to spite her as she embarrassed him in public.
When he leaves she chooses to fight. She finds a thick nail is loose in the wall from one of the shelves. She gets it out and tries to use it to break the chains holding her as a wedge.
(Dead of night)
It takes some time, but while she does this she notices the boats. If she can get to them, turn that giant canon of one towards the others, she could fire it and send the boats crashing into themselves. It would take out the fleet.
Natsu and gang are traveling by boat to where Lucy is. He’s sea sick but desperate to get there. Another boat carries several more of them as they are heading to flank the harbor, as the ground support.
Lucy gets free of her chains, and has to scale the rocky castle wall. She uses the small tips Natsu had taught her. She slips a bit but makes it most of the way down. She slips and luckily lands in a haystack with a groan.
A girl in chains who is cleaning the pen area is startled and starts to raise alarm but Lucy covers her mouth. She hands the girl the nail she had used and told her to free herself. And asked her not to tell. The girl agrees.
Lucy, deer bleeding and hands bleeding gets herself to docks. She sneaks avoiding guards. She gets to the main boat. Aboard she goes to the room that has the controls. She had seen them moving the switches when she was chained up on the ship.
She starts to get the big gun moving and aiming to the other boats when the alarm gets raised. Rushing she hears boots coming for her along the boat. She hits the fire button and the boat rumbles, she falls back as it kicks with the explosive power of the gun.
She stumbles as yells begin and runs. She avoids the men and gets to the top of the boat. She sees flames and explosions are going off, the boats are rolling one by one into each other like dominoes and debris is flying everywhere. Alarms are raised. Fires spreading.
The boat she’s on had also caught fire. Seeing reinforcements coming she bolts to the front of the ship to hide. Still undetected. She hears a roar and a big creature is flying overhead. It’s Natsu.
Men scream and shout about him, but they aren’t fast enough. Natsu flys past and breathes fire on their harpoons and giant crossbows. Some do try to fire at him but it’s pointless. He sucks up some of the fire produced by the boats to fuel his rage as he roars. He even transforms into his smaller form as he barrels into the castle big tower.
Lucy feels happy but sees the ground crew from the forest coming in with their nets and weapons. She sees them aimed at Natsu and the tower. Screaming his name she alerts him. She thinks she’s too far but he whirls around and knows right where she is. But the get one arrow through his shoulder and she cries out for him. He grunts at the pain of it going through him but ignores it the best he can.
The guilds boat fires on the harbor, and the boat Lucy is on. They didn’t know she’s there. The boat begins to split and explode. Lucy screams and runs straight off the bow.
Natsu catches her as he roars her name. The guild ground team takes out the rest of the AMP reinforcements. The battle won.
Growling at the smell of her blood Natsu clings to Lucy. And gets her to some friends. He eats the remaining fire (heals his wounds) and Happy cries but hugs Lucy.
When it’s over, AMP is in chains and Lucy’s dad has respect for Natsu. Makarov notes that Natsu is their king (wasn’t ever talked about but he is technically).
Lucy’s dad says he will allow her if she’s happy to stay and won’t try to force her to go home. They get onto the Fiore boats and head back. Natsu being sick as all get out, Lucy comforting him/letting him sleep on her lap. Wendy healing/helping her while on board.
When they get home Natsu waits until she says by to her dad and whisks her away. Happy not far behind. Lucy tries to squirm away when they land at the cave but Natsu ignores her. He sets her down on his hoard and tells her to stop.
He’s growling and holding himself back. Tells her that he NEEDS this and begs her to just STAY. She relaxes and lets him hold her and his hoard. Happy brings a blanket and puts it over then before curling up with them. Hours later Lucy wakes up alone. She slides down and finds Natsu at the cave entrance talking to Happy.
Happy ends up leaving to go visit Carla, his excuse. Natsu asks Lucy if she’s like to go bathe. She agrees but isn’t sure what’s going on with his mood.
He takes her down and turns away when she starts undressing. She frowns as she usually has to almost beat him to get him to turn away. She slinks into the water enjoying the temperature and getting clean.
She startles when Natsu gets in also. Naked. He semi ignores her though as he dunks himself and brushes his hair back out of his face before leaning against some rocks. Face pensive.
She asks if he’s okay and he said he’s fine. It’s quiet for a bit. Lucy not knowing what to do. And nervous to be so close to him while naked.
Natsu finally speaks, asking her why she left. She stumbles over her words to explain and he gets mad but doesn’t yell. Tells her that he didn’t care about the cave, if she had told him they would have planned and she gets mad. Telling him he doesn’t understand she wanted to protect her home. Him.
They both clam down and apologize to each other. Just happy to be together. Natsu makes a lewd joke or comment and Lucy gets flushed. She splashed water at him and he laughs before splashing her back. They play.
He even does a canon ball and drags her under the water to tease her. Eventually comers her. He makes her shiver with his proximity and his lips brushing her ear as he talks.
Tells her he needs to hoard her, like his pile of treasures. Kisses her ear and neck. Tells her she drives his instincts crazy. Nips her.
Cue smut?
Ending: them cuddling, his head on her chest as she runs her fingers through his hair. Happy coming in saying “they love each other”.
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thewhiterabbit42 · 5 years
Wicked Games Part 2
Pairing: Gabriel x reader
Series Summary:  When a trickster seeks revenge on Gabriel, he traps the archangel in a sex dungeon with the person he despises the most: you.  
Word Count:  2726
Written for:  @spndarkbingo​ - sex dungeon
@heavenandhellbingo​ - dark fic
Chapter tags/warnings: kidnapping, nonconsensual removal of clothing, threats of violence
Series tags/warnings (as it stands): dark fic, medium burn, kidnapping, sex dungeon, mutual pining, enemies to lovers, violence, graphic depictions of horror, dub con, non con, oral sex, it’s a sex dungeon so likely all the sex, confessed feelings, bondage, more tba
<<Part 1
“You are such an asshole!” 
You’re crouched behind - well, you honestly don’t want to think about what it is you’re hiding behind.  Your stomach flips just acknowledging the combination of wood, leather, and metal bars, let alone the variety of uses one could get from it.  
There’s a chill to the room that settles across every inch of bare skin, which happens to be just about all of you, because someone decided to outdo themselves in the giant dick department and play the douchiest prank of the century.  Possibly the last several by snapping you to some god awful place in a matching set of black lace bra and panties.
This isn’t what you expected to find walking into an abandoned hunting camp in the middle of the woods.  It has to be Gabriel’s doing.  There’s no way that faded wooden planks can disguise this much concrete, let alone double in size the moment you walk through the door. 
You know you saw windows, a little sliding glass door off the side, but the only glass you can find comes in shapes for things you’re trying really hard not to remember exist.  
“This isn’t funny!”
“Do you hear me laughing?”  The sardonic edge beneath his words becomes lost to you as you look up at the wall.  
There are rows and rows of hooks with various items hanging from them.  Floggers, paddles, canes, whips, all staring back at your wide-eyed face.
Then there's the restraining materials; ropes, chains, zip ties, leather cuffs, actual manacles, metal ones that belong in medieval dungeons.  
Given the lack of anything but wall to wall stone, you can't discount that you might really be in one.  
What the actual fuck. 
Your heart hammers in your chest, and you have to remind yourself that none of this is real;  you haven't actually woken up naked in some sort of sex dungeon.  This is just Gabriel being a shit.  
The worst kind of shit, but one nonetheless.
"Bring us back," you order, hugging your knees to your chest.  
"You need to calm down," he barks right back at you. 
Yeah, like that's helpful.  Like you want the sensation of your lungs shrinking as another windowless room starts to overlay this one.  
You try to focus on something else, but it’s hard to ignore the way your head begins to spin as you struggle to take in air, how unforgiving the lights above you are, highlighting all the physical reminders of why you hate being boxed in by concrete.  
The back of your neck begins to burn with a familiar feeling of helplessness, signalling things are about to get messy real fast.
"You need to bring us back right fucking now!" You've never yelled at him before, not like this, and he has to know how much he's messed up and snap you back.  He has to.
"I can't!"  He erupts, voice booming through the large room.  "You really think I'd snap myself naked into a place like this?" 
The unspoken with you is a given, and you're so done with everything that it takes a moment for what he’s saying to sink in.
He’s naked?
You lean toward the end of the table, curiosity making you slowly peek around the side.  A muscular thigh greets you, pale golden skin offset by meticulous black stitching that runs nearly to his knee.  He shifts his weight, and you yank your head back a split second before anything else can slide into view.  
Oh sweet jesus.
Heat sweeps into your cheeks.  Of course he’d be naked.  Why wouldn’t he be?
"You know anyone else that can pull things out of thin air?"  Your retort comes out a little less confident, though you’re still not convinced he’s not to blame.  Who’s to say he’s not smart enough to put himself in a precarious position to prove his supposed innocence?
He goes silent, and after several seconds of nothing you begin to worry.
Your second glance around the corner gives you an eyeful of firm backside.  He’s drawn up to full height, spine straight and proud as if surveying his handiwork.
What.  A.  Jerk.  
"It's got to be another trickster," he announces.
Yeah.  Like you’re going to buy that.  
Your eyes are drawn past him to the carnival-esque signs that detail what can be found on each wall, as if advertising for things like ring tosses and balloon popping rather than dildos and nipple clamps.  Not to mention how every wall of sex toys is backlit in some gaudy display, surrounded by obnoxious flashing lights you might find on a gameshow.
What really makes you suspicious is the giant wheel in the midst of it all, which is clearly the centerpiece of this freakshow.  
"You're so full of shit." And you're so so over this. “Give me back my clothes and get me out of here right now.”
Apparently, so is he.  
“Are you really that brain dead after spending so much time with the dynamic duo?”  He snarls, and it isn’t the contemptuous bite of his tone that has your stomach knotting, but the black bands you notice as he throws his arms out wide.  “Because what part of I can’t did you not understand?”  
His hands shake with his frustration, the material around his wrists flaring bright with his anger.   
You swallow, more than familiar with the types of symbols that glow a heavenly blue before fading from sight once again.  
Oh fuck.  
“God dammit, Gabriel!”  You scream, because you have to scream at something.  Someone.  Anything.  
You drop your head back hard against the metal eyelets behind it.  For a moment there’s nothing but the small flare of pain and the increasingly frantic cadence of your heart thumping away in your ears.  
You’re actually trapped.  In a sex dungeon.  With a powerless archangel who hates you so much he'd likely prefer to bury his angel blade inside you before he touched you with his personal one.   
“What the hell did I do?” 
He has the gall to sound miffed, and you cling desperately to your fury like driftwood to keep your head from going under. 
"Anyone else kick a hornet’s nest lately and now has a host of vengeful deities on their ass?”  
He at least has the decency to shut his mouth for three seconds.  
You, on the other hand, lose the ability to close yours.  “Let’s not all speak up at once.”
"Just... let me think.”  The bite beneath his words unexpectedly vanishes, and you don’t like how deflated he sounds.
Your mind starts to race, the frantic pace pushing the fringe of hysteria with how fast it whirls.
You should have seen the signs.
You should have walked away.  
You didn’t, and just like before, you���re going to pay for it.  
“Jesus Christ, kid, can you take a breath?  I can’t hear myself think with the way you’re panicking.”  
He’s not harping for once.  If anything, he might be the one panicking, but you’re beyond being able to read the subtleties of his demeanor.  All you hear is the same message he’s been feeding you for months.  
You’re the problem.  You’re always in the way.  Useless.  Useless.  Useless.
“Why is it always my fault?”  You yell.  “I’m the one that always ends up as collateral in the collective shitstorms you bring down upon yourselves.”
You know you’re not thinking clearly.  You’re falling straight down a rabbithole that has nothing good on the other side.  But your brain doesn’t see that, and it can’t do anything other than fire away with warning.
“For all the bitching you do with each other, you’re exactly the same.”  Your voice continues to rise, adrenaline saturating your system.  “You’re so wrapped up in your own agendas that you can’t see what it’s doing to anyone around you even when the damage is sitting in front of your god damn face.”
For the life of you, you don’t understand why you do it anymore.  Your relationship with Dean is so broken you’re not sure it can ever be repaired, and you’re pretty certain what shred of one remains with Gabriel won’t survive this encounter.  
The archangel says your name, but you can’t hear him.  There’s so much you’ve held back and desperately tried to bury that there’s no more space for it to go.  Everything comes barreling to the surface in a tidal wave of rage, because you can’t allow it to be what it actually is.  Hurt layered upon injustices that fester so deeply, trying to cleanse yourself of it at this point might actually destroy you.  
But hate, you can handle that.  
“I don’t need either of you or your bullshit excuses!”
For a moment there’s nothing but seething red and an overwhelming need to release it.  You don’t even know what’s happening with your foot until it slams against the pillar in front of you.  The stone doesn’t give, but your ankle does, and you growl at the explosion of pain that cuts through the whirlwind of emotions inside of you.   
“Now, now, we can’t have you damaging the goods so early in the game…”  
You can’t tell where the voice is coming from, only that it’s everywhere.  Above.  Behind.  Flooding in from every side, wrapping you within the confines of its sultry accent and sending a knot through your stomach.  It pulls your head back above the water, where you find you’re dragging in lungfuls of air no differently than if you really have been drowning.  
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”  Gabriel knows who it is, and given recent events, you’re not reassured, even if he sounds more peeved than anything.  
The air next to the cement column shimmers, and if there was any give to the object at your back, you would have shot back several feet.  The thing sits bolted straight into cement, however, and it doesn’t do much other than wiggle as your spine slams against it.  
You’re not sure what materializes in front of you.  Those are definitely human legs rising up from the floor, long and lanky, with golden bronze skin that make you think of places filled with warmth and sunshine.  The rest of it is most definitely not a person, though you’re grateful at least one member of this party comes with clothing.  
Somewhere beneath the brightly colored wrap around its waist it changes, skin giving way to a sprinkling of fur that thickens the further up your eyes travel.  It’s chest is fully covered with a coat so glossy you’re tempted to see if it really does feel as silky as it looks.  As odd as the whole thing is, it helps make the coyote head sitting on top of humanesque shoulders a little less shocking.  
You take in the regal headdress that you imagine says something about its status, the red and yellow feathers a colorful contrast to the sea of blacks, metal, and greys of the room.  Nothing about the figure jars anything specific loose from your lore knowledge, though by it’s accent and appearance your guess would be some sort of deity from Latin America.
“You.”  The archangel grumbles, accusation threading through his word. 
The creature smiles.  “Me.”  He spreads his arms wide, an exorbitant amount of pride accompanying the gesture, and it’s not lost on you how very Gabriel-esque the whole entrance is.  “How are you, old friend?  I imagine you’ve seen better days?”
His gaze drops to where you’re sitting, and his head gives a curious tilt.  “And I imagine you have too, my dear?”
“Who the hell are you?”  You don’t feel as fierce as your words would imply, and you could be wrapped from head to toe and still feel exposed with the way he drinks the sight of you in without shame.  
The thing chuckles, clearly amused.   
“Kid, meet Huehuecoyotl,” Gabriel announces.  “Another trickster.”  
You can feel the smugness permeating the space around you, bordering on hubris in a way that’s been inauspiciously absent.  You can’t help but feel like it’s an act, no different than yours, and it only makes you that much more nervous.
“Now are you going to tell me what is going on, or are you here to finish that round of twenty questions we started at the turn of the century?”  He demands.
You can just see him now, hands on his hips, boorish indifference splashing across his features.  
The whole act is just as ignored by the thing in front of you as it would with you.  
“May I?”  The trickster inquires, though he doesn’t actually wait before he reaches for your ankle with grotesque nubs caught somewhere between a paw and a hand.  
You jerk back and he pauses, letting out a soft snort.  “Ah, yes.  How silly of me.”  
An unsettling popping fills the room, and you watch as it’s joints begin to shift, tips extending into fully-formed, fingers.  The fur covering them adds another touch of surreal to the whole situation.
“That’s better.  Won’t get very far without these.” He wiggles the new digits at you, bones cracking as they shake off their stiffness.  
He’s not going to get far, period, opposable thumbs or not.  
You’ve never been so relieved to hear Gabriel open his mouth or intentionally diminish your presence.  “C’mon, Coy.  Stop wasting time with her.”  
The thing smiles, and your stomach drops at the row of long, jagged teeth that emerges.  
“I don’t think you’re in any position to tell me what to do with my time, Loki, or should I say, Gabriel.”  He draws the archangel’s true name out, rolling the r on his tongue in a way that’s intimate.  
There’s an unmistakable gleam in his gaze when he glances up, and the moment the weight of his stare shifts from you, you realize how magnificent it is. Copper hues blend seamlessly with bronze, the colors tied together with flecks of gold that sparkle more playfully than anything. 
It tugs at something in your chest, something you immediately smother.
“That was quite the trick you both pulled, making the world believe that only one of you existed.” He clicks his tongue, shaking his head.  “But we’ll get to that in a moment.”  
With a wave of his hand, the room around you fades to darkness, as the light above your head intensifies.  The sudden spotlight makes you uneasy, as does the way you can still touch the floor beneath you, but not the table at your back.
“Seriously.  Stop dicking around with her and let’s talk about this.”  Gabriel’s voice floats in on the fringes, but it’s like he’s calling across a chasm, the familiar timbre distant and faded.   
It takes all of an instant to realize what’s happening.
“What do you want?”  Your arms tighten across your chest, and you’re even more acutely aware of just how exposed you are.  
“So many things.”  You can’t begin to unpack the complexities of his statement or the ones that follows.  “Mostly, I just want to help.”
Your eyes widen at the knife he brandishes, stomach plummeting well beneath concrete as he holds the blade up in front of your face.  Power pours off the metal, prickling over your skin in a way that alarms you.  It has to be ancient, filled with something you don’t recognize or understand.  
“Sometimes, in order to make something stronger, we must first destroy it.”
You can’t help but notice the short but curved blade attached to the end or the spiked ridges along the inner edge that can’t be for anything other than tearing through flesh. 
“Pain, as a construct, is ultimately fleeting, though the weight of breaking or watching someone break can be unbearable, no matter which side of the knife you are on.”
You swallow, eyes drifting up to the handle, trying to find something you recognize.  
It’s exquisite, a combination of beautiful gems and the finest spellwork you’ve ever seen with ethereal, symbols and lettering shifting along the surface in a way that almost makes them seem alive.  There’s no rhyme or reason to how they move, not that you can tell, and you’d be otherwise fascinated with the weapon, except it’s leveled in your direction.
“Now hold still,” He instructs, his grip on your calf tightening. “I’d prefer not to hurt you more than necessary.”
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gerbiloftriumph · 5 years
So you wanna be a king (pt2)
(or at least cosplay one.)
Continuing the cosplay creation saga for anyone interested, here’s how I put together my King Graham cosplay:
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Part 2: Jerkin 
Disclaimer: I’m totally novice at cosplay and only do it for like one event per year if that, so take what you will or throw it all away.
Also this is not really a step by step tutorial post because this is several years ago and the details are hazy.
If you’re following along, then you should have a cloak and cowl (click for sort-of-instructions-here). 
Step one: Pull out those reference screencaps you made in the first part and stare at them. Repeat that you still love this character and that you’re committed to this nonsense. Ready? Let’s go.
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The long sleeved purple undershirt I just happened to find at Goodwill. Please try to find something lightweight--this costume is warm. 
But you won’t be so lucky to find a jerkin at Goodwill too. You’ll have to make it, or at least modify something.
Still, it’s just an elaborate brown tank top, more or less. You don’t even have to worry about attaching sleeves! Surely this is an eas--wait, what are those lace things? Could you even bend down to pick up inventory items with laces that thick and close together? How can I translate that into something semi-practical I can wear without wanting to eat my adventuring hat? 
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It’s a great design, but I’m mortal, not digital. If you can determine a simple way to get that lacing to look accurate while still being comfortably wearable, let me, novice cosplayer that I am, know. (maybe if they were just made separately, flat, and sewn on, like a decal thing?)
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I had planned on building this out of fake leather/suede-ish material, but then I remembered I wanted to also wear this as my new RenFest costume, and I didn’t want to die in July. 
So I went to my local Joann’s and picked up a considerably lighter, thinner, and satisfactorily rich looking brown fabric (I think it was this stuff: https://www.joann.com/kona-cotton-solid-quilt-fabric/1378397.html) for both jerkin and bracers. I’ve lost the original receipt, so I’m not sure how much I bought. Too much, because my storage bin is full of leftovers. I’m sure 3 yards is more than plenty, but measure to be sure. 
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Tunic time!
This is the point where the “How To Graham” tutorial breaks down and becomes especially fuzzy and experimental, because I kept none of my in-process notes. High five, Gerbil, very helpful indeed. You might just want to glance at this for ideas before doing your own thing. 
I laugh in the face of patterns, hahahaha. (bad idea, don’t be me.)
I got my favorite fitted t-shirt (Disney Afternoon ftw), paper, a ruler, and old scrap fabric to maul as practice. I pinned my shirt flat to paper and traced both the front and back separately (folded the sleeves in so my tracework was sleeveless). The front had a deeper neckline but was otherwise nearly identical to its back partner. Once both sides were traced, I added a half inch margin around them, cut them out, and started working on fake jerkins, so I could sculpt the right fit before I got out the nice fabric. I wanted the jerkin to be pretty form fitting as Graham’s is, so I curved the sides in a bit deeper. 
I made at least two fake jerkins, fyi.
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Since I went pattern-less (hahahaarrgh), tests were crucial, especially regarding the neck hole. The t-shirt is elastic, but my fabric is not. I personally require at least 22″ around the neck to get the thing over my nose, and it’s barely enough clearance. (I’m fairly certain I measured some other shirts with my fabric ruler for a loose size to aim for, then did edits on the junk fabric til I had a size that worked.)
Tests also showed that the back piece needed an additional two and a half inches of fabric on the bottom thanks to how it sits on my shoulders. In the above image, you can see the green fabric is higher, but I wanted the piece to look balanced from the side. 
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It’s a touch hard to see as it’s usually hidden by the cloak, but I find a balanced jerkin is a happy jerkin. 
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And here’s that additional fabric without a human in it. (ack don’t look at my uneven stitches)
By now, you should have a belt (in my method it doesn’t matter how it clasps, so pick any belt you please as you’ll be wearing it backward) so you can determine how long the flappy things on the front and back should be. Where your belt sits comfortably is where your side laces will stop and your trim on the flap things will start--the belt hides the transition. 
Graham’s belt sits low on his (fantastically defined) hips. I prefer it on my waist so it doesn’t slide up when I’m walking, so my flap things are longer than his. For reference, my flap things...no, wait, there must be a technical term....Google says it’s a peplum. My peplum (??) are 8″ish long, though his look like they’re about half that. 
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For reference, as a 5′6″ person, from hanger to hem my jerkin’s back piece is approximately 28″ long. The most important things here are how long it is overall, and if the neck hole is big enough to fit over your head: nearly everything else can be altered when wearing it via the lacework I have planned.
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Look, at this point, you might want to give up on me and find a real shirt pattern, fitted or not. I understand. I’ll wait. This isn’t actually a step by step tutorial so much as a vague What I Did And It’s Probably Wrong. 
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Okay, you’ve traced your favorite shirt (or bought a real pattern like a good person). Your tests have shown that your peplum sit at the same height on your leg, and you like the shape and feel of it when you wear your scrap fabric test (I recommend using safety pins to replicate the laces during the early size test phase). You’ve cut out the front and back shirt shaped pieces of brown fabric (with that half inch hem margin all around), and now they’re sitting on your floor, mocking you. 
The actual construction part!
The only attachment you’ll give these pieces is via the shoulders. If you’re new to this Making Your Own Clothes thing and your fabric has a nice side and a not nice side, put the nice sides against each other and sew along the not nice side so when you turn it over your hem is inside. 
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I seam-ripped a collar from a shirt I loved but was too worn to wear otherwise--no math or sewing your own collar from scratch if you swipe it from another shirt. No one will ever see it since your cowl tucks into it, so it doesn’t matter how it looks, though natural colors are better than, say, blue, in case your cowl slips a bit. There are lots of lovely videos about attaching collars: this one seems nice, if you skip ahead to the actual sewing-on part at 4:50. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k31FWDp1s5I
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At this point, since you’ve fitted it and trimmed it and done all that you want to it to get the shape you like, you’ll want to hem your shirt by that half inch margin all around so it’s clean and easy for the next part. It only looks vaguely shirt-like now since it’s held together just by the shoulders. 
Now, let’s get medieval on it. 
Time for lacing!
I used a blond suede leather rope to mimic the lighter color on Graham’s sides (check the beading or leather working section of the craft stores, and make sure it’s thick enough that it won’t snap under light strain, and thin enough it’ll fit through the grommet size you select). I already happened to own an anvil (...why?), so I just needed grommets. Mine appear to be 12mm--I got them in Ancient Copper. You’ll use them in the bracers later, too, so leftovers are a good thing for once. Hobby Lobby or Michaels can hook you up with supplies, but Etsy and eBay have more diverse color choices. 
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Every inch from where the armpit opening stops to where the trim of the peplums begins (the height of which was established earlier when I decided to how to wear the belt), I made a mark for a grommet, and marked its corresponding partner. For reference, I have 9 holes down each hem, for 18 total holes per side, and a grand total 36 grommets in the tunic. I jammed an awl through the holes marked and applied the grommets as per the packet’s instruction. 
Like making a metal and fabric sandwich. With a hammer. 
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It’s totally therapeutic. I can see why Amaya’s into this stuff. 
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(It’s not a Looney Toons anvil, by the by: like this, instead.)
Unspool the suede rope and thread it through the grommets. To try and mimic the game, I use a ladder shoelace tie, starting with the grommet pair beneath the arms and running down until I tie a bow in the last pair. I tuck the loose ends into the waistband of the trousers. So, this: https://www.fieggen.com/shoelace/ladderlacing.htm
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Finally, I made (because I couldn’t find to buy) my own trim about 1/2″ wide from some scrap light brown suede in the Joann Scrap Bin, and attached it to the peplum (is this truly a better word than flap, vote now).
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And that, friend, is a jerkin that would make any real medieval person flinch but should be cool for cosplay. You should try it with your cloak and cowl. If you’re following my method, you get to layer up, lucky you: anchor shirt, long-sleeved-purple-undershirt, jerkin, cloak (snaps through the jerkin’s collar onto the anchor shirt), cowl (to cover your shoulders so you don’t see the cloak tugging at your jerkin collar). 
Yeah, it’s warm. Sorry.
Drink some water.
When you’re done sweating in it (eww, I know it’s awful, sorry), handwash it. Strip the rope out of the grommets, use handwashing detergent in a (clean!) bathroom sink, then hang it over a bathtub to dry before relacing it using that ladder shoelace technique and storing it on a hanger. I always have it laced, and pull it on over my head with it laced, too.
And with that, you’ve got about half of your entire cosplay done. Congrats! Take some time to relaaaax. You’re gonna be a king. 
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(is this helpful at all to anyone? should i keep going?)
(peplum?? really????)
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booyaxboy · 5 years
Thoughts on The Surge
If you ask any Dark Souls fan what that game was missing, somewhere on list someone is boud to say “robots”. Action/RPG title The Surge attempts to tackle this exact issue. Released in 2017 The Surge is the second attempt by Deck 13 to make its mark on a relatively new genre.
In the simplest terms The Surge is a “Soulslike” or an Action/RPG title with an emphasis on timing and the conservation of precious resources against relentless foes, each more devious than the last. Where The Surge blazes a new trail is the added layer of having to target and sever specific limbs off enemies in order to collect their sweet sweet loot. Like all Souls-likes defeating an enemy rewards the player with currency that can exchanged for upgrades to their character or gear with ever increasing cost, known here as “scrap”. Engaging with the limb targeting system will also reward the player with new gear and upgrade materials. The system is simple: decapitating an enemy wearing a helmet will reward the player with said helmet, if the player doesn’t already own it. If that piece is already part of your collection than the player is rewarded in upgrade materials that correspond to that particular body part. If the arms are targeted there is the added bonus of collecting a new weapon or weapon upgrade materials. Each part (head,body, arms, legs and weapons) uses their own unique material so there is no worry of overlap, and any farmer of materials can be focuses with no worries of a random drop not given you what you need. There are also many enemies that may not have armor equipped, these areas can be stuck for bonus damage bring the fight to a quicker close. The system even extends to non-human enemy types, as different parts of the robot enemies can be targeted and broken to slow them down or reduce their offensive vocabulary.
The Surge is also visually distinct from the Souls games that inspired it. This adventure trades the Souls medieval fantasy swords and sorcery setting for a high tech future of robots and exo suits. The story begins with a man named Warren who signs up for a new job with tech giant CREO. Warren begins the game bound to a wheelchair but thanks to the exo suit technology of his new position is able to walk again. The player takes control after the surgery to graft the exosuit to Warren’s body goes very, very wrong. Instead of being put under for the operation the automated process begins with Warren fully conscious and what could only be described as pure torture plays out. Screws and bolts are drilled directly into his body, including his head, until Warren eventually passes out. The game begins in earnest an unknown amount of time later when Warren awakes in junkyard with most of the CREO facility in ruins. From here its up to the player to survive against malfunctioning robots, exosuit wearing psychos, and a militaristic security force trying to keep Warren from unraveling the secret of what CREO was really up to.
The biggest issue that I had was, funnily enough, with the mechanics of the combat. Not the controls or the UI elements, but with the invisible numbers behind the scenes. Back when I first tried Dark Souls I got a grip on the flow of combat fairly early. After leaving the initial tutorial area I wandered, like many into the nearby graveyard. Unlike the enemies in the tutorial zone that felt in line with my stats, the skeletons in the graveyard were taking whole chunks of my health with a single attack with I did barely any damage at all. I had come into Souls knowing its reputation for difficulty, but this initial outing led me to think that difficulty came from a lopsided power curve opposed to any form of elegant design. I eventually figured out by watching a Let’s Play that I was heading the wrong way, and would go on to become a fan of the series. The surge is this first feeling of lopsided stats, but through the whole game. No enemy save the small drones is more than 2 hits away from taking Warren down. But said drones are never alone, and should a hit land they present a very real threat of stun locking the player until a heavier hitting baddie finishes the job. The amount of times I was one-shot but a scrub level enemy was absurd, and the amount of ambushes that occur mean there will be many a loading screen between being able to learn what you did wrong and being able to execute what you learned. Unlike in Souls when each level up gave the player a slight boost in defense, The Surge’s upgrades are tied to a plug-in system. Health and stamina boost, healing items, and this game’s version of a ranged attack are all mapped to one of a limited number of slots, and limited in effectiveness by the players power level. They system works and brings something new to the table (more on that later) but having any kind of survivability meant loading up on health boosters and heals, leaving little to no room from anything else not related to being able to tank 3 hits at a time. I can see advance players being able to do without the boosters, and a no damage run is definitely possible, but for a newcomer learning the games patterns and traps it was choice between limiting add-on to health or getting very familiar with the games loading screen.
Other smaller issues are present as well. The game takes place entirely in the CREO complex, as such doesn’t have a lot of diversity when it comes to environments. Warren moves from on ruined concrete structure to a darkened factory and back again. Literally back again, close to a full third of the game takes place backtracking through a single manufacturing complex at different points of the story. Each of the locations is also honeycombed with identical maintenance tunnels, that can keep the player running in circles if they are not careful. Adding to the confusion is a lack of general direction with level design. While most times it works fine just working through the path of least resistance, there were two spots in particular where I had to look up what my next move should be, due in combination of a lack of signaling that I should return to a previous zone and the level’s labyrinthian design preventing the game from presenting a clear goal. The visuals area to area are so similar it prompted by wife to ask, after three evenings in a row, if I had made any progress at all as what was on screen now was so similar to what was there all week, despite my location in the game being two zones later.
The sameness of the environment also bleeds into the enemy roster. An overwhelming majority of the foes in Warren’s way are other humans in different armor types with one of a limited type of weapons. Most of the games later half has Warren facing off with the CREO security force, all wearing identical armor and weapons. One new heavy variant is introduced in the second to last area, but that is also a de-powered copy of boss from just minutes before that area. They are also flanked drones, but even those are just palette swaps of enemies seen through the whole game. The truly imaginative designs come in the games last area with two new types of enemy. Both are based on nanomachines: one a shape shifting blob and the other another humanoid, but one that can change his armor locations and weapon type on the fly. Of course the earlier statements of difficulty by numbers holds true, and I never bothered engaging any blobs that weren’t immediately outside a safe room due to the myriad of ways an encounter could go south.
If it seems like I’m down on this game I’m not, it’s just kinda like that friend you only want around occasionally because he gets really aggressive for no reason, makes every one else really uncomfortable and once in a while breaks something, but mostly he’s a good time.
The general feel of combat is the games strongest point. Weapons, even those in the same class, feel distinct thanks to variations of moveset. Animations and sounds create a visceral portrait of the future that had me looking for the next fight. The aforementioned upgrade system allows for a wide range of experiments without worrying about being locked into a build, if the player is competent enough to shed some of the health upgrades. Even in the face of the blandness of the levels, the intricate design of each on a wireframe level was very cool. Following the path forward would eventual cut back into itself, unveiling a shortcut back to the level’s safe room. If a player got the layout down then no destination was more than a minute or so away, despite a level being hours long from start to end.
An undeniable win was the games approach to boss battles. Each fight could be approached is classic video game style, hit the guy till the bar goes away, or in a new way unique to each fight. Fighting a bibedial machine not unlike the big thing from Robocop I was able to trick its own homing missiles to hit the boss instead. A late game example was being able to trick a boss into damaging the environment around us to prevent reinforcements from joining the fight.
The Surge was worth the time I put into it at the end. I can’t say it was worth the money, as I got the game for free through Xbox’s Game Pass program. It presented a new wrinkle in the Souls-genre and unlike the studio’s last outing, Lords of the Fallen, kept me interested enough to see it through to credits. The game presents a challenge for those looking for one, and the number of options presented to the player makes the road to success feel like your own despite the limited number of actual options. Fights are tense, enemies are readable if overpowered, but no challenge ever feels impossible despite seeming unfair.
Overall: Positive
[+] Intense, gritty combat is always engaging
[+] Criss crossing level design makes every shortcut a welcome sight, and keeps whats around the next corner a mystery.
[+] Limb targeting for loot makes farming player driven without the worry of random drops.
[+] Boss battles are unique and memorable
[-] Enemies and environments lack distinguishing features, leaving a feeling of sameness past the game’s second area.
[-] Most of the games challenge comes from over powerful enemies, even basic units can kill in a single hit.
[-] Conveyance of the next objective is not always clear, often going objectives are found by following the path of least resistance as opposed to being presented as a goal.
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superfreakerz · 5 years
"Til Death Do Us Part"
Reincarnation/Immortality AU
Summary: There are immortals and there are those who reincarnate, but it's best to keep these things hidden. Lucy is attending college and meets Natsu, a boy with pink hair, a devilish smile, and a body that never ages.
Read earlier chapters on FF.net
Chapter 23
"Good morning, Lucy. Please, take a seat."
The girl nodded, sitting on the chair across from the large desk at which Capricorn sat at. While her chair was a basic desk chair that was meant for students, his was grand and made of leather. She took in her surroundings of Capricorn's office. Unlike most other professors, his wasn't decorated with any personal items. No pictures of family or certifications, only blank surfaces. In fact, the room was nearly empty. She doubted there was anything in the room that was his rather than the school's, save for the tiny succulent on his desk.
Lucy pulled out her writing journal. Instead of class that day, Capricorn was holding meetings with all of his students to see how their final projects were coming along. She was confident in her story. It was set in the medieval times, which meant she had a lot of researching to do.
"So, what is the idea for your story?" Capricorn asked.
Lucy handed the professor her notebook full of bullet points outlining her story. "I plan on writing a story set in the medieval times. It'll be about a girl who is the Princess of the kingdom but wants to escape the castle. Everyone will be searching for her while she makes friends with people across the land, which is what she always wanted to do!"
Capricorn's lips tugged downwards into a frown as he stroked his goatee. She could see his eyes under his shades moving across the pages of her journal. After agonizing seconds, he handed the journal back with a sigh.
"I am afraid that if you turn a story like this in, you will fail the project," Capricorn said.
Lucy's mood deflated as her brows drooped. "Can I ask why?"
"I only gave a few requirements for this project, one of them being length. Another was grammar. What was the last one?"
"A sense of difficulty."
"Exactly," Capricorn said. "I have read your work before, Lucy. I know that this does not challenge you."
"B-But it does!" Lucy insisted. "I would have to research all about what it was like in the medieval world!"
"This is an adventure novel with a medieval setting slapped on. It is not difficult. It would be the same as writing it in modern times."
Lucy bit her tongue, though she couldn't help but disagree with him. Who was he to tell her what was hard for her? Well, besides her professor… Still! She loved her idea and had already started writing it! She didn't want to start over. But it wasn't like she could fail her final either.
"Alright," Lucy said. Flipping the page in her journal, she handed it back to him. Luckily, she had outlines started for other stories just in case. "What about this one? It's about a girl who is accidentally sent to another world with magic. She has to save the land from an evil curse before she can go back to her own world, but she makes some friends along the way and wonders if she really wants to go back. I would have to create a unique world of my own."
"Hmm… It is better, but it still lacks something that I am looking for."
Stifling an annoyed huff, Lucy flipped the page to the last outline left. "Okay, what about this one? A girl with the power to time travel but doesn't know how to control it so she keeps leaping through time. I would have to research multiple time periods and customs while making sure I don't have any plot holes."
"At best it would get you a C."
Lucy frowned, closing her journal. That was her last idea. At this rate, she was going to bomb her final in the class she loved most. "Do you have any suggestions?"
Capricorn studied her for a moment, though she couldn't read his gaze thanks to the shades he wore.
"I need a sense of risk," Capricorn said.
Lucy arched a brow. "Risk? What do you mean?"
"No story is good without a sense of risk to the author. I want to be able to feel the risk that you took with each word I read. I want to know how hard it was to write the story. Your story."
"My story…" Lucy repeated, her eyes pointed at her lap. Swallowing thickly, she forced herself to meet Capricorn's gaze again. "What about a story about reincarnation?"
Capricorn's eyebrows shot up. He tugged on his goatee. "Interesting. Tell me more."
"What about a girl who reincarnates every time she dies but keeps all of her memories? She would have to keep it a secret from everyone. She has to remember which memory is with which life and keep from revealing anything. To do so, she closes herself off from everyone until one day, she makes a friend and is drawn into their world. Eventually, she learns to live with her secret but knows how to be happy too."
Capricorn studied her before his lips curved into a smile. "Now, that sounds like an A-worthy story. I look forward to reading your story, Lucy."
Natsu sat at the basement's lounge area with the rest of the immortals. Gray and Juvia were looking at prices for an ice-hockey game, Levy was reading while Gajeel tinkered with some scrap metal, and Erza and Jellal were chatting it up. Cana took swig after swig of whatever her booze for the day was while Mira checked the pantry for what kinds of food they would need for Thanksgiving.
It was finally Thanksgiving break, time away from school which Natsu had been looking forward to. And yet so far, each day had been more boring than the last. Ever since Lucy had that meeting with her professor, she'd been working even harder than before on a new story idea- which she refused to tell him about. He had joked about finding her journal and reading it for himself when she turned the angriest glare onto him that he'd ever seen before. Seriously, it was a look that could freeze all of hell. It was a look he wasn't used to seeing on Lucy's face.
Whatever her new story was about, she was serious about him not laying eyes on it. She'd also been serious about working on it since she had to start over, which meant he was kicked out of her apartment for most of the day.
Natsu released a sigh, slouching over in his chair and resting his chin on the table. As much as he loved Lucy's fiery determination when it came to writing, he sure missed her. Especially now that it was Thanksgiving break. He wanted to spend the whole time with her.
"Oh! I'm out of stuffing!" Mira cried, catching his attention. "Natsu, can you go to the store and buy some for me?"
Natsu, already in an annoyed mood, snapped, "Why me?"
"Because you're the only one not doing anything, silly!"
"What about Cana?"
"She can't leave the basement! Now hurry! Thanksgiving is tomorrow! I'm sure the shelves are looking bare as it is!"
Natsu rolled his eyes. "Who cares? I don't eat stuffing anyways."
Mira shined her blue orbs at him, flashing him a smile that meant trouble. To those who didn't know Mira, the smile was innocent and dazzling. To those who knew of the girl's hidden dark side, it was a warning.
"Won't you please be a dear and get the stuffing, Natsu?" Mira asked, gritting out his name in a way that sent a shiver up his spine.
"F-Fine," Natsu stuttered.
"Thank you! I'll make you some fire chicken tomorrow to make up for it!"
Natsu shoved his hands on his pockets, heading up the stairs and out into the world of the mortals. The pub was dead giving that it was the day before Thanksgiving. People were probably out scrambling to find final ingredients or cleaning their houses for visiting family.
Reaching the grocery store, Natsu found that it was packed with other unprepared shoppers, just as he predicted. Knowing that Mira would kill him if he didn't bring back any stuffing, he picked up the pace and prayed that there was at least one box left. Squeezing through people, the boy worked his way up and down the aisles until he finally found what he was looking for. Sitting alone on the shelf was a single box of stuffing. He snatched it before anyone else could. He was safe from Mira's clutches now.
Heading towards the register, Natsu's eyes flickered towards the mountain of turkeys that were being fought over by customers. His lips curled into a frown, a lump forming in his throat.
Thanksgiving had always been Natsu's favorite holiday. It was a day spent stuffing his mouth with food, after all. But the real reason it was his favorite was because of the Thanksgivings he spent with his father long ago. Igneel would always buy them the biggest turkey in the store and smother it in hot sauce. They would sit in the living room and watch cartoons the rest of the day before passing out with full bellies.
He missed his dad. And thanks to immortality, he would never get to see him again in the afterlife.
With a sigh bubbling up to his lips, Natsu shook his head and headed towards the register, pushing those negative thoughts out of his head. So much time had passed since he lost his father and yet the pain hadn't dulled a bit. Sure, he didn't think of it as much as he used to, but once he did, it was like a jagged knife was tearing away at his heart all over again.
At least now he had Lucy. Lucy was like the sun in his world. She filled his life with a light he'd never known before, driving away all bad thoughts.
After paying, Natsu let his feet lead the way. He knew he wasn't allowed at Lucy's place when she was writing, but he had to see her.
Reaching her apartment, he swallowed thickly, beginning to wonder if he should just leave. Lucy was serious about her story, and he didn't want to distract her. He just needed to see her. Grabbing his spare key, he unlocked the door and let himself in. He hoped that his use of the door rather than the window would keep her from kicking him out right away.
Natsu peered inside the living room, searching for a head of gold. She wasn't at her desk, which was a shock. Studying her bed, he found a lump underneath the covers. Tiptoeing towards the bed, he lifted the blanket to find Lucy snoozing away, her notebook opened beside her, along with her pen which had left marks on her sheets. She was so going to regret falling asleep.
His eyes landed on her notebook. Unable to help himself, he skimmed the neatly scribed words.
Reincarnation took everything from Ashley. It robbed her of friends, a normal life, and even worse, being reunited with her family. Life was a continuous loop, each day a dry remake of the last. After living for centuries, the girl wanted to everything to end. Of course, she didn't have that choice.
Natsu arched a brow. So her new story was about reincarnation? That sounded interesting.
"Why wouldn't she let me read this?"
His fingers moved on their own, flipping the page.
Lucy's brows furrowed as she heard something behind her. Regaining consciousness, she became aware of the pressure at the end of the bed, along with the heat that traveled from it. Forcing her eyes open, the girl lifted her head to find Natsu sitting on her bed, his eyes glued to something. Moving her gaze towards the object that snared his attention, her stomach dropped to her feet.
A gasp escaped her lips as Lucy shot up and snatched the journal back. Slamming it shut, she whirled an infuriated gaze towards him. Hot tears pricked her eyes as she snarled at him.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, Natsu!?" she demanded. Getting out of bed, she stashed the notebook inside of her drawer for safekeeping.
Natsu stood up, his eyes wide. "I-I'm sorry, Lucy! It was opened! I only read a little bit!"
Lucy placed a hand over her stomach. She felt sick. "You know you aren't allowed to read that!"
"I know. I'm really sorry, Lucy. I won't do it again! I swear!"
"You never should have done it in the first place! What are you even doing here? You know that I've been trying to write!"
Natsu frowned, his hands balling into fists. "I just wanted to see you. All you've been doing lately is write- which I'm fine with, I swear! I just… I needed to see you. At least for a little bit."
Lucy studied him. His onyx orbs were full of a sadness she wasn't used to seeing from the boy. He was usually a happy-go-lucky guy. Something must have been up.
Taking a deep breath, Lucy calmed herself down. Even if she was mad at him, she didn't like seeing him upset.
"You aren't allowed to read my story, got it?" Lucy said, giving him a pointed stare. She was just glad that she hadn't written anything too obvious to trace back to her yet.
Natsu nodded quickly. "It won't happen again!"
"Good." Lucy sat on the bed, patting the spot beside her. "I'm sorry that I've been really busy lately. I'm just really excited about writing this story."
"Don't worry about it," Natsu replied, sitting beside her. "And it's a really good story, judging from the couple of paragraphs I read. Why can't I read it?"
"Because Levy-chan is going to be my first reader." It wasn't a total lie. Levy was supposed to be her first reader, though she would never be reading this story.
"Well, whatever your reason is, I swear I won't read your stories anymore unless you want me to."
"Thank you, Natsu." Lucy leaned into his side, indulging in his heat. "So, what's up?"
"What do you mean?"
"You said you needed to see me. It's obvious something is wrong. Do you want to talk about it?"
Natsu took a shaky breath. Talking about his feelings was hard for the boy, but if it was with her, he could manage. "I miss my dad."
Lucy frowned. Grabbing his hand, she gave it a squeeze that she hoped would ease his heart if only a little. "I know."
"It just always hits me this time of year."
"Because Thanksgiving was our favorite holiday. We had a tradition that may not have been real fancy, but it was ours. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about spending Thanksgiving with you, but-"
"I know. Nothing will ever beat spending Thanksgiving with your dad," Lucy said. She understood that feeling more than Natsu would ever know. She had spent lifetimes pushing away friends and family because it wouldn't be the same as hanging out with the people from her first life. "I know it won't be as good as it would be if you were with your dad, but how about we recreate your tradition?"
Natsu turned towards her, his brows inching upwards. "Really?"
Lucy smiled at him. "Yeah. Just you and me."
"What about everyone else? Did you forget they're coming?"
"They're coming after their plans. It'll just be you and me for a while. We can have our first Thanksgiving spent the way you and your dad did, and then we can have another with the rest of the gang!"
A toothy grin settled over the boy's face. "Okay! That sounds awesome!"
"Then it's settled! So, what kind of tradition did you and your dad have anyways?"
"Nothing too big," Natsu said with a shrug. "We would buy the biggest turkey in the store, smother it in hot sauce, and then eat in front of the TV and watch cartoons."
"Oh. Well, I don't have that big of a turkey," Lucy replied. "But I do have hot sauce! I keep it here specifically for you."
Natsu squeezed her hand. "Thank you, Lucy."
"Don't mention it. Hot sauce isn't expensive or anything."
"Not just that. I'm talkin' about Thanksgiving."
Lucy smiled at him. "Of course. And we can start doing this every year."
"Oh? So you think we'll be together a year from now?" Natsu teased with a smirk.
A blush stained her cheeks. "Yeah. I do. Or at least I hope we are. Is that weird?"
"I'm just teasing ya, Luce. I feel the same way." Glancing down at the plastic bag on the floor, he shot up out of bed. "Shit. I gotta get this stuffing home. I was supposed to grab it. She's so gonna kill me."
"Who? Erza?" Lucy asked with an arched brow.
Natsu rubbed the back of his head. "No. Someone else we live with. Can't talk about it. Anyways, I gotta go! I'll see you tomorrow, Luce! Bye, love you!"
"Love you too," Lucy replied, barely able to get the words out in time as Natsu dashed out the door. She cocked her head to the side. "I wonder how many people he lives with."
"Thank you, Natsu!" Mira chirped, accepting the box of stuffing and leaving it on the counter with the rest of tomorrow's ingredients.
"You're lucky. That was the last box!" Natsu replied.
"Didn't you leave like over an hour ago?" Cana asked, taking a swig of rum.
"He probably went to visit Lucy too," Gray said.
Mira frowned, planting her hands on her hips. "You guys are lucky! I wish it was my turn out of the basement so I could meet this Lucy girl!"
"Same," Cana added. "Heard she's got some great boobs."
Natsu gave a proud grin. "She does. Anyways, Mira, don't forget I'm goin' over to Lucy's for Thanksgiving so we gotta have ours earlier than usual."
"Okay! It'll be a Thanksgiving lunch instead of dinner then!"
"I still can't believe you're willing to cut time short over here to go to your girlfriend's house," Cana said. "I never woulda imagined you leaving Mira's cooking early. Is she a better cook than Mira?"
"Nah. But we're doin' a new tradition from now on. It's worth it."
The next morning, Fairy Tail was in hustle. The pub was closed in honor of Thanksgiving. All of the blinds were shut, allowing the immortals to leave the basement and eat upstairs, just as they did every year.
Mira went into full throttle as she prepared the food. A delicious aroma wafted through the entire building, watering the mouths of everyone who waited patiently. Erza put the boys in charge of setting up tables for everyone while she and the rest of the girls offered their help to Mira, who only turned them down. She was somewhat a perfectionist in the kitchen. Nobody could hold a candle to her skills, and she refused to let anyone ruin her biggest meal of the year.
"It's ready!" Mira finally called out.
Everyone rejoiced, rushing to help the girl carry the food out to the tables. Practically bouncing in his seat, Natsu waited for the okay to eat. But first came Makarov's annual speech.
Standing on a table to give him extra height, Makarov peered at all of the immortals.
"I am thankful to be able to spend yet another year with you all," he said. "Even though none of you had wanted to be immortal, it has given me the chance to meet you, so I cannot help but be thankful for it. You brats give me grey hair, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. To Fairy Tail!"
Everyone lifted their glasses high in the air.
"To Fairy Tail!"
Natsu drooled over the food for a bit before digging in. Tears flowed down his cheeks childishly as he practically inhaled his food. Each one of his taste-buds were singing in delight. There was the fluffy mashed potatoes soaked in gravy, the sugary corn bread, and best of all, the world's best fire chicken that Mira prepared just for him.
"You're an angel, Mira!" Natsu exclaimed with a full mouth.
The girl giggled. "Thanks, Natsu!"
Laxus, who sat beside her, scoffed. "She's more demon than angel. She just cooks well."
The group stifled a laugh, knowing that they would have to deal with Mira's wrath if they did. Though, they couldn't help but agree. She was a demon in angel's clothing.
After eating as fast as he could, Natsu fought the urge to get seconds. Technically, he was having three different Thanksgivings. He had to save room.
"I gotta go over to Lucy's now," he said.
"We'll be over there later," Gray replied.
"Is there anything in particular we should bring?" Erza asked.
"Bring some mac n cheese. Lucy would love that. Oh, and some cornbread. And some turkey since we're covering the one she has with hot sauce."
"Alright. Now go keep Lucy company already."
Natsu waved goodbye before bolting out the front door. He could faintly hear someone locking it to prevent anyone from going inside and finding the immortals that are supposed to be in hiding. Knowing they were good, he ran as fast as he could towards Lucy's apartment- which in hindsight probably wasn't a good idea considering he just ate a bunch of food.
Reaching the apartment, he let himself in to find Lucy slaving away at the kitchen. Her blonde hair was tied in a messy bun to keep it away from the food. She wore a fancy dress that went down to her ankles.
"Yo, Lucy!" Natsu said, meeting her in the kitchen. "How's it going?"
"Good! The turkey is just about done!" she replied. "I don't have cable, though, so you'll have to pick a cartoon on Netflix for us to binge watch."
"Sounds good!" He inhaled deeply. "And the turkey smells good! Can't wait to cover it in hot sauce!"
As Lucy got the turkey out of the oven, Natsu set up a show to watch on her TV. He wasn't familiar with most shows these days, so he chose the cartoon with the most appealing art. She met him in the living room, carrying both of their plates and a bottle of hot sauce.
"You ready?" she asked, handing him his plate.
"Yep!" He thanked her for the food before covering the turkey in hot sauce. The meat was practically swimming after he was done with it.
"Hand it over," Lucy said, gesturing to the bottle.
Natsu arched a brow at her. "The hot sauce? You want hot sauce?"
"If we're doing this tradition, we're going to do it right!"
With a wide grin, he handed it to her and watched as she gulped and began to pour the sauce over her turkey. Cutting into the meat, she took a bite. Immediately, her eyes started to water and she was rushing into the kitchen to grab a glass of milk, guzzling it down as if she hadn't had a drop in weeks.
Natsu bent over in laughter as Lucy fanned herself.
"Your-Your face is red!" Natsu choked out between laughs. "Just from one bite!"
"It's not my fault!" Lucy replied, glaring at him.
"It's fine, Lucy. You don't gotta force yourself to eat it. Just eat it the way you like it!"
The girl shook her head. "Nope! I'm going to do this! I'll eat it the way I like when everyone else comes over."
Natsu smiled, patting the spot beside him on the couch. "Sounds good. Let's watch!"
Lucy sat by him on the couch, their thighs flushed against each other as they munched on the food and watched cartoons. Even though she had to drink milk after each bite she took, the turkey was pretty good. Having the love of her life beside her made it even better.
"This is the best Thanksgiving ever."
About an hour later there was a knock at the door. Pausing their cartoons, Lucy beamed as she rushed to answer the door, swinging it open to find the rest of their friends.
"Hey, guys!" she said, making room to let them in.
Gajeel gave her a lookover as he entered. "Why're you so dressed up?"
Lucy glanced at all of them. Sure enough, they were all clad in baggy clothing. "You guys don't dress up for Thanksgiving?"
"What? 'Course not. That's weird."
"How is it weird? It's a holiday!"
"A holiday meant to eat a shit ton of food. Not like you're leavin' the house or anything."
"Gajeel's right," Gray added. "You gotta wear baggy clothes so that you can fit more food in you."
Lucy tilted her head to the side. "I guess that makes sense. Let me go change then! It feels weird being the only one dressed up."
Now she had another new Thanksgiving tradition. Spicy turkey, cartoons, and sweatpants. Life was good.
After changing into more appropriate attire, Lucy joined everyone else at the table. She watched as Erza placed containers of food on the table. Her mouth drooled as the smell filled her nose.
"Oh wow. Did one of you guys cook this?" Lucy asked, thanking Erza as she handed her a plate.
"Yes," Erza lied. "Jellal cooks on his free time. Anyways, try the mac n cheese. I think you would like it."
Once everyone had their food, they each began to dig in. Most of them were already starting to get full considering they already ate, but for those like Natsu and Gajeel with ridiculous appetites, it was as if they hadn't eaten in days.
"So, Lucy, you're visiting home soon, right?" Gray asked.
The girl nodded. "I'm visiting my mom's grave the day after Jellal's birthday. And then I have to go visit my dad not long after. What sucks almost as much as having to see my dad is the fact that I have to pay for a cab to take me all the way to the airport."
"Why don't you have one of us drive you?"
"None of you own a car and we're too young to get a rental."
"No, but I have a friend's car I can borrow," Gray said. "I can drive you there if you want, that way you can save some money."
"I'll go too!" Natsu exclaimed.
"What about your motion sickness?" Lucy asked.
"Ehh, I'll just have to deal with it. I wanna see you off!"
She smiled. "Well, okay! Sounds good!"
"Don't forget about our skiing trip during winter break either," Erza chimed in. "Jellal and I have already booked our cabins. We'll be staying there for two nights."
A grin graced her face. Not only was she spending Thanksgiving with friends, but she was also going on a trip with them during winter break. Her life really had been flipped upside down ever since she met Levy.
"Uhh, I'd like to make a toast," Lucy said, lifting her glass of sparkling cider in the air. "I'm really thankful that you guys are in my life."
The group shared a smile.
"We feel the same way, weirdo," Natsu replied. "The group just ain't the same without you now. Now, hurry up and eat!"
A sharp branch sliced her forearm. Crimson blood trickled down her skin, not that she could feel it. Her legs and chest burned as she ran, not once looking back.
Lucy hid behind a large tree, trying to smother her loud pants so that they wouldn't find her. Hot tears slid down her cheeks. Her hands trembled at her sides, balled into tight fists.
She could remember his face clearly. His brows were furrowed as he gave her the most disgusted look she had ever seen.
"You reincarnate?" he had asked. "Are you joking?"
"I'm not joking, Natsu. It's true."
"Lucy, that's not possible. Stop messing with me."
"I'm not messing with you! It's the truth!"
Natsu had then turned back to the rest of their friends before taking a slow step towards her. His arms were extended towards her, as if he was trying to calm down a frantic animal.
"We believe you, Lucy," he had said, taking another step towards her.
She shook her head. "You don't… You think I'm crazy!"
"Lucy, just get in the car… We'll take you anywhere you wanna go."
Once he took another step towards her, she bolted. Now, she was stuck in the woods, her arm was bleeding, and she was hiding from the people she had thought were her friends.
"I should've known things couldn't have been different this time around," she muttered to herself. She glanced up to a particularly thick branch that hung over her. The rope felt heavy in her hands as she looped it around. She hoisted herself onto a lower branch. Her neck stung as loose threads of the rope scratched her skin.
And then she jumped.
A loud gasp slipped past Lucy's lips as she jolted up in bed. Her hand flew up to her neck, rubbing it to make sure she was free. Her cheeks were wet with tears as she struggled to calm her breathing.
"Lucy? What's wrong?" she heard beside her.
Instead of replying, she leaned over the bed and grabbed the closest trash can she could before throwing up into it.
The girl slowly turned to face him, her lips quivering as she threw herself at him. Her body shattered against him as wretched sobs escaped her. Her hands clenched his shirt, scared to let go.
Any ounce of drowsiness that was in Natsu before vanished as he wrapped his arms around Lucy. He wasn't sure what was going on. One minute, they were asleep. The next, she was a bawling mess.
"Did you have a bad dream?" he asked, smoothing a hand over the back of her head.
Lucy nodded. It had been so long since she had one of those dreams, and they were just as sickening.
"I'm here with you, Lucy. Whatever happened in your dream wasn't real."
The girl shook her head. "I-It was. It was real."
"What was it about?"
Lucy pulled away from the embrace, shaking her head with a whimper. Her throat was tight as she swallowed. Her stomach was in knots.
"I just want to sleep," Lucy whispered, her voice cracking. "Can we just go to bed?"
Natsu frowned but nodded reluctantly. He couldn't force her to talk about something when she wasn't ready. Especially when she was so shaken up by it. "If that's what you want… Come here."
He guided her back down onto the bed, holding her in his arms. Lucy's eyes were heavy as Natsu's fingers sifted through her hair. It took hours to coax herself back to sleep, all the repeating something to herself in her head.
"It was just a dream."
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Alpharad’s CPUCS - The Novel, Chapter 1: Welcome New Smash Brothers & Sisters! (Part 1)
7th December 2018, long awaited... has finally arrived!
In a Realm far from our reach, a special event called the “Super Smash Bros Games” opens up every few years where the best come together for a series of duels & competitions to reignite relations & create new ones. This particular one is the 5th in the line of many, marking the 19th Anniversary of these games.
Among those games, a particular set of Tournaments are organized to pit the best of the best against each other for supremacy & bragging rights called the “CPU Championships”, fully sponsored by a one “Alpharad”. No one really remembers why they were labelled with the abbreviation “CPU”, but the name stuck out of respect to those old traditions. The first of the CPU Championships (CPUC for short) is about to begin.
The sun rose to a huge crowd converging to see the first of the CPUCs take place. The streets were packed, some conversing, some running stands or shops, others organizing & watching over the festivities. Sometime later, a familiar voices echoes through the speakers to the masses’ ears… it was Mario!
Mario: “Thank you so much everyone for joining us today! We are-a happy to begin these Championships as we have always done for 19 Years! To begin & for a warm welcome, today’s Challengers will be this season’s Returners &-a New Comers! Let’s-a GO!”
The Coliseum Doors open as everyone rushes in to take their seats. While medieval in design, the Smash Coliseum houses the latest in recreational technology, allowing it to emulate almost any Battle Stage with various Hazards & Features. So it begins, the first ever CPUC of this season pits new comers & returning veterans against each other!
CPU Championship No. 1 Rules & Players:-
-Normal Stages
-FSM Allowed
-No Items
-No Hazards
-Tournament Bracket:
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With spectators so excited you could hear them cheer thousands of miles away, Mario strikes the Smash Bell signifying the beginning... of the Tournament!
Match No. 1- Pichu vs. Incineroar
The battle started with both Fighters sizing each other up as they tried to fixate their footing on the moving stage “3D Land”, a very odd start for an opening Match. In reality however, one of the Competitors was a little uneasy about the match-up.
Incineroar: “(Is the audience gonna be OK with me pummeling this little guy?)”
Incineroar did his best to keep things even between him & Pichu to avoid any backlash, especially when you consider that most of this fan base are young passionate fans. All this wasn’t helped by the fact that Pichu was doing sloppily at first, and when he opened with a Headbutt Attack, he missed… nearly throwing himself out-of-bounds.
Pichu: “T-That was close… Sorry Mr. Incineroar!”
Incineroar: “Watch your positioning boy! (I need to handle this fight carefully…)”
Incineroar continues to pull his punches on Pichu, literally staging acts like nearly going out-of-bounds himself by falling behind & missing a Lariat Attack on purpose. But much to his surprise as soon as Pichu started landing a few hits, his momentum kept building up & eventually, he started showing acrobatics that are on par with the likes of Sheikh & Zero Samus! Even Incineroar couldn’t keep up with him!
Pichu wasn’t known to be the most capable Fighter many years ago because he never measured up to all the other competitors. But this time, it was clear to Incineroar & everyone else that this is a new Pichu standing before them!
Incineroar: “Have you been training?”
Pichu: “Y-Yes! Every day since I was invited again.”
Incineroar: “Then show me the new fire in you!”
They clashed without hesitation, sparks of fire & thunder flying with every punch, every kick, every grab, showing a passion for competition that is exactly what followers of these tournaments look for! With full vigor, the two unleash their Final Smash Arts, “Max Malicious Moonsault” & “Volt Tackle”! Incineroar tries to hold Pichu with his bare hands, but then Pichu slips right through sending a flurry of electric charges everywhere! Finally, the burning wrestler flies off the stage unable to recover back. The winner is… PICHU!
Incineroar: “N… Nice one boy. *Wheeze* should’ve known you had it in ya all along...”
Pichu: “S-Sorry Mr. Incineroar… & thank you!”
Match No. 2- Ridley vs. Ice Climbers
Nana: “Uuuh Popo, why does this guy look like the Pterodactyl who keeps stealing our vegetables??”
Popo: “Isn’t he the one people have wanted in these games for years? He looks kinda silly up close, haha!”
That last statement… could not be far from the truth; Ridley isn’t just vicious, but also has a troll like demeanor. The battle started out normally with both sides equally exchanging attacks… until.
Ridley suddenly grabs Popo by the face & drags his body on the ground towards the stage boarder… along with himself?! He then makes a hard stop at the last second, walking away from Popo with a wide grin on his face as if holding back laughter…
Nana: “Are you OK Popo?!”
Popo: “I-I-I’m fine… Come on, let’s get this maniac…!”
The two climbers reform & charge on ahead, but it’s becoming clear that Ridley’s earlier act was enough to throw their well-spoken teamwork out the window. Discoordination, miscommunication, losing track of each other, far too often have have they found them selves on opposite sides away from each other, & Ridley was taking full advantage of these missteps to further crush their focus. Even to the point of taunting the duo mid-fight.
Alas, while they were retreating to retrace & regroup, they’ve failed to notice the pit behind them & fell in together… & Ridley laughed & mocked them the whole way through. The winner is… RIDLEY!
Popo: “He played us… the whole TIME!”
Nana: “Calm down Popo, we’ll get another shot next time…”
Both Climbers leave the ring, with Popo clenching his fist in disgrace…
Match No. 3- King K. Rool vs. Solid Snake
Solid Snake: “A giant crocodile?? Is this karma for all the crocodiles Big Boss ate years ago??”
Otacon: “Careful Snake! He may look like a glutton, but he’s strong & also commands an army powerful enough to occupy an entire Island!”
Solid Snake: “OK then… Bring it on Big Croc!”
King K. Rool: “That’s KROC to you, Onesie Man!!”
Snake’s faster & more nimble, so the Espionage Legend had the towering reptile beat in Close-Quarters-Combat “CQC”. However, K. Rool’s body armour was harder than Snake was anticipating. More shockingly, the armour was also flexible enough to deflect & outsight counter attacks.
Solid Snake: “My attacks haven’t even dented that thing?!”
King K. Rool: “*BELLY SLAP!* Do your worst, stick figure! Hehehee!”
Snake slowly escalates towards using firearms & explosives, but could hardly scratch that armour, let alone launch him out of the ground! The Kroc King also started using his own trusty weapon: An unorthodox single barrel rifle that was throws opponents off with its ability to absorb anything into it. In desperation, Snake calls for his biggest gun.
Solid Snake: “Otacon, engage Covering Fire!!”
FIVE Large Missiles come flying in, all hit their giant green target... But fail to send him out. It was all looking futile as King K. Rool sends the Solider off with a single punch, a feat barely tons of Snake’s own were able to achieve. The winner is… KING K. ROOL!
Solid Snake: “Blast… I’m surprised no one calls you ‘Metal Gear Croc’…”
King K. Rool: “For the last time, it’s KROC!!”
Match No. 4- Wolf vs. Isabelle
Isabelle: “It’s a pleasure to meet you Wolf! Let’s keep it Clean!”
Wolf: “Hmph. They paired me with YOU? This must be a joke, I’ll end this quick.”
The match starts with Wolf dashing towards Isabelle as she….. Takes out a Fishing Rod?? Wolf was left confused, what could she be doing? There aren’t any ponds to fish in on this stage. Shrugging it off, Wolf dashes in to steal the opportunity, only for Isabelle to reel in, grab him then swing to the other side nearly flying outside!
Isabelle: “What do you think of this Rod? Bought it myself from my favorite store!”
Wolf: “You insolent little dog! You’ll pay for this!”
While Wolf continued to charge at the innocent looking Isabelle, she kept on playing with her Fishing Rod throwing him off at every turn. Even when he does see though that trick, she whips out something else unusual as a weapon: A Bug Catching Net, a Stop Sign, even some vegetables! It was becoming very hard to read this fragile-looking, yet versatile Fighter.
Wolf calls his Star Wolf Team to try & put her down the sights, but even that wasn’t working somehow, always missing at the last possible second.
Wolf: “Why. Won’t. You. FALL?!”
Isabelle: “Now now Wolf, anger isn’t good for your blood pressure. Teehee!”
Wolf was not having any more as he switches to a more aggressive approach to cover some lost ground, letting his claws loose as he flies everywhere around the Innocent Secretary. Then suddenly, Isabelle calls Tom Nook & the Nooklings for a plan of attack. But just as they were about to start, Wolf dodges to the other side for a counterattack... That unfortunately will not happen for as soon as he stops, a Gyroid pops out beneath his feet sending the unsuspecting pilot to the sky!
The winner is… ISABELLE!
Isabelle: “Wish you a safe landing!”
& just like that, the first half of the CPUC’s first round of matches have concluded! How will the others fair? Who will come out on top? Will anyone else face the consequences of underestimating their opponent? Come back next time for Chapter 1-2!
Thank you for reading & have a good day! 👋🏻😄
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soulbore · 5 years
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“Alright.” She calmly stands up, fingers wiping down pants, wrists still sore from handcuffs and eyes still weary from too little sleep over the past year. What else is new? It’s a shame she couldn’t get a decent cup of coffee before all of this. “Danvers Big, Luthor, Teal’c. C-4. A lot of it. Plant it around as many key points of the ship as possible. No arguments from any of you, set a timer. Keep Teal’c close, he’s the only other one that knows around a Goa’uld ship.” Cat pops open another crate and starts tossing out a few zat guns. At least these will do some damage, swinging her own gun around her shoulder to rest along taut shoulder blades. “If any of you are idiotic enough to get caught, we’re making sure this overly tacky ode to Liberace is blown to high hell. Kara, Junior--” Lips thin, thinking that there’s likely only one other person other than herself that might be able to get through to Skaara. “You’re with me.”
       Kara literally lost it in a laugh cause Ken'tha was only a foot or so long. Kara was always amused when she was with the team as well, as she was the tallest, next to J'onn of course. Kara moved over to sit down on a log that was made to be her bench, watching her dig.
The envelope wasn’t what she was expecting, but she took it from Cat’s hands as she opened it and glanced over to Cat. The information was intriguing, though she couldn’t help but wonder what a mirror had to do with anything, especially in a warehouse. Kara pulled out the pictures and information on it, noticing the scribble of Lena’s writing and looking over each picture.
“This… This isn’t goa'uld tech,” Kara said, as she looked at Cat. “Ken'tha said its nothing made by Goa'uld knowledge,” Kara stared at the large mirror, enraptured by what she was gazing at. “This is… nothing like I’ve ever seen. It’s clearly something ancient, look at the stonework around it, and look at the other items here in the picture,” Kara said pointing to the objects. “This is…these are artifacts from different time periods, this is… its a collection. A laboratory of some sort.” Kara clearly loved what she did, even if she hadn’t been on earth, her clear excitement never died. “This could be some culture that use to study our ancient cultures. Just like we are studying other cultures across the world now. The mirror, it could be some sort of device, like a TV or hologram. If we could just figure out how to activate it. who knows what they might know!” Kara said as she looked at Cat, pausing for a moment.
Maybe she got a little too excited…
      Cat's eyes have long since settled in the girl instead of the photographs, watching the way her brows raise and her hands move. Watching the way her eyes light up underneath the sunlight of another planet, painting her features in the hue of a forest. It's been a long time. "What makes you think they're studying us? What makes you think they're artifacts from Earth and not just other gift from the gou'ald?" Cat leans up against the nearby wall before holding open the door for Kara, curious if she's here to see the rest of it. To see what kind of life Kara has made for herself. 
She imagines it, sometimes. Coming back here. Going anywhere. But it's not exactly kismet so there's nothing wrong with a living a little vicariously. 
"Because of the other useless trinkets throughout the room? I know people would love to see me on TV, Danvers, but a mirror being a set is a bit of a stretch, don't you think?" Still, it's a further theory than anyone in the mountain had grasped at. 
       Kara paused as she looked over to Cat at the question. For a second thinking it was clear but then remembered every time Cat always told her to explain. “Okay, see how the objects are positioned on the table,” Kara said, putting the picture in her hands. “A collection would often been seen on shelves, perhaps behind something to keep its value protected. Or even positioned in a way that was near something else that is religious, like a greek statue with offerings around it. But this,” Kara pointed toward each artifact. “They are on a table, positioned in a line. You see it often when studying other things, like rocks or some sort of scientific study.”
Moving into the house, she sat down at the table she had, spreading out everything that had been in the envelope. “I would know more if I could go there. See it for myself.” Kara turned to look at Cat and then back to the picture. “Well, these objects here. This one is a statue of Bastet, an ancient greek artifact, probably belonging to a family who might have paid homage to her. This is an african mask, around the 15th century. And this, this is a medieval Aberdeenshire Game Board. Pretty much things of everyday human life. But the mirror, the symbols, its not of any human earth linguistics I have ever seen, but its not goa’uld either. It must be part of the race that once lived on that planet, or perhaps they still do and no one saw them.” Kara put her hand up against her mouth, thinking carefully back to all her studies on Krypton and then everything she had done on earth and what she had learned thus far from the stargate program.
“It looks like a mirror, but it could have knowledge locked inside of it, like we found on the island before, when we saved Earnest. It might have something that could help us against the Goa’uld. Or it could be some sort of ancient dialect, or… it could be so many things! Honestly, its astounding,”
      “Uh huh. Yeah, no where,” Cat drawls, “In there did you clearly state, ‘Oh, yes, Cat, this is obviously a weapon of mass destruction that’s going to eradicate our enemy before the war’s even touched our soil’. No offense,” Cat drops the bag on the ground with a heavy sigh, shoulders barely slumping before they straighten, hand coming up to tap at cracked lips, desert-scorched. A little pale now that she’s not underneath the warmth of the sun. Arms cross now that they’re free. “To junior. Because I would much rather it be a defense system.” A low hum, looking over Kara’s shoulder, “Not that it seems to have done them any good given the fact that the entire floor was empty. Maybe the Goa’uld wiped them out, too.”
She’s quiet for a long moment, brows barely knit before she looks back up towards Kara, tongue tracing her lower lip. A swift nod.
“What are the chances of it actually being useful? We’re tugging at scraps, here, already.” And she can feel it, crawling up her gut--settling between her ribs. That sixth sense of we’re fucked that’s already gotten her through enough life and death situations to where she immediately listens to it. “If I get you there, would it actually help you tell what it is?” 
       "What?" Kara said, confused for a second before it dawned on her what Cat meant. Man, its been awhile since she's done this, but it did feel like old times. "No, no, I don't think its a a weapon or a tool of any sort of destruction. It not even defensive, by its look. If it was, I believe it would have be out somewhere else, like a protective shield or something like this. I think its something else..." Kara said, as she tilted her head slightly. "Ken'tha has never seen anything like it, its got to be something..." Working with pictures was difficult. She could get an idea, but it just wasn't as good as in person.
"Perhaps, but if it was something that could hurt the goa'uld or destroy them, they would have taken it, or destroy it themselves," Kara pushed her lips to the side, reaching up to brush her hair behind her ear thinking. Studying the symbols she could see. But the dialect wasn't anything she had ever seen before, it wasn't goa'uld, nor was it egyptian or latin, or any base language. Not was it Kryptonian or Callicite, it was racking her brain to try and go through every language she knew. "I can't say for sure," Kara admitted, looking at Cat. Because she didn't know if it would be useful.
"I think I could know more, if I was there. Pictures only do so much, but being there, I could definitely get more information."
     “We’ve been there.” Cat shakes her head, trying to make her point clearer: “If it’s not a weapon or a shield, it’s not worth going somewhere we have a direct line of contact to. The SGC might find you. No, probably will find you, and trust me, in a strained environment where we keep not running into weapons or shields—where it’s just thousands of artifacts we don’t care about because it’s not the next atom bomb—you’re the last bet they have against figuring out how a Gou’ald ticks. And I don’t mean,” It’s not sharp, just factual, fingers barely curling into her elbows, leaving small moon-circles of dirt in their wake before hands fall. “In the promotion kind of way. Forget it.”
She shrugs, fingers brushing off the dirt on her arm like it’s the most casual statement of the day. Because she hasn’t spent a year in a glorified prison just to throw Kara to the wolves on a hunch.
“I’ll have Winn poke it again and stare blankly at it for a few more hours. He’s particularly good at that.” Eyes flick down to the picture, lips barely pursing, “It’s a shame we don’t know who it’s from. Who built it. Maybe we could find them. Hmm…” Another shake of her head, sliding the cap back over damp hair, offering a slim smile, “We could use a bigger bully on the school yard in our corner.” 
       “You’ve been there. Your team. Not me,” Kara reiterated, as she pointed at the picture. “This could have valuable intel, intel you haven’t had. For all we know, this could be a key to a tool you could use. I need to go! And if you won't take me, then I’ll go myself. I’ll just send whatever I find through the stargate and then come back here. But I’m going,” Kara grumbled as she pushed her lips together. “I don’t care what they do to me, Cat. But this is our…. Your world we are talking about. If this has something, anything, to help save it. I’m going to do it, even if earth thinks I’m an enemy of the world,”
Kara put the stuff into the envelope as she got up and found the bag she needed and was starting to pack things into it. “No,” Kara said, as she looked over at Cat. “He’s goods with computers, he’s not an anthropologist, he won’t know what to look for,” Kara finally finished gathering the few things and looked over to her. “That’s EXACTLY why I need to go. If this is the key to a new race, a race that could put up a fight against the Goa’uld, like the Asgard, then we have to try. I have to try!” She left the envelope for Cat and glanced over to her.
“If I find anything, I’ll leave it there at that planet. Look in the same room you took this picture on the table. It will be there. But I have to go,”
     Shoulders lean into the wall, looking seemingly nonplussed by Kara’s sudden enthusiasm. An eyebrow slowly arches to touch the dip of her sunglasses, letting out a slow hum before she slides them down and then figures if she’s here she might as well look to see if Kara has any food. Is the food on this planet even edible? She’s been to so many, now, it seems a little negligible. It hasn’t killed her yet—
She pops up something that looks almost like an apple…if a cheap off-budget props department on a B Sci-fi movie made it.
“Love the enthusiasm, honorary flygirl.” The apple pauses over her lips when she remembers that time she was suddenly forty going on one-hundred and twelve and figures she’ll wait. The faux-pple is settled back in its happy little home, twisting around to fully face Kara with a hint of amusement clear on lips, even though her eyes are shaded.
 “I can’t wait to see how you get there without the dial address. You don’t mind if I wait here to hear how that little adventure goes, do you? It was a long trek, I could use a nap. Not beauty sleep, obviously, I’ve got that in spades.”
       Oh… She hated that. She paused as she let the bag slowly slip from her shoulder and refuse to look at Cat just yet. “That’s not fair,” Kara whispered as she took a deep breath and turned around. “Really, that’s not funny. At all,” Her arms crossed over her chest, looking at her even though she had this amusement in her eyes as if she had done something humorous. Kara wasn’t humored.
“Please, Cat,” Kara said as she leaned against the table. “I don’t care what the people of earth do, but we aren’t going to earth. If I can figure out what this is about, if it can help you, isn’t it worth the trip?” The question lingered as she let a breath slip from her lips. “Look, I’m useless out here. Why is it going to hurt to go and see what this can do. If its pointless, you can just tell me ‘I told you so’ and bring me right back here. If its not pointless, what is there to lose?”
     "Oh, it's funny." Cat leans forward just a little, fingers curling, but the smile falls in lieu of something serious, coming a little closer. "You say that because you've never been tortured." There's a weight to it, the sort of comment that might be bright any other day if it wasn't so true--something a graveness that comes from experience. It's a romantic notion, fighting for freedom and truth and the people you care about, until you're faced with the repercussions of it. "You'll care what the people of Earth do. Your people."
Cat will care. Bigger Danvers will care. Luthor--J'onn--Marsdin. The idiot Winn kid. There's a lot more to lose than a stir crazy archaeologist puts weight on, likely. 
Curling fingers flex--stretch--curl--and then stretch, again, before she suddenly dips down to pick back up the pictures, not wanting a trail to where they're going, or have been. All she has is a hunch. "You're right, what's a little treason between old friends." The dryness is back, lips thin as she once more shoulders her bag, idly wondering the chances of enjoying the sunshine on the way out before nodding towards the door. "Just because I clearly thrive on telling you I told you so. Let's go, march."
       Quiet settled on Kara’s lips as she wondered if she had pushed past the wrong boundary. Cat wasn’t smiling any longer, she looked took a breath. “Being tortured scares me, more then anything, but what scares me more… is losing you, Alex, Lena, the whole team,” Kara sat down beside Cat, quiet for a moment as Cat seemed to let it twist inside of her head. She grabbed the other papers and pushed them over to Cat as well.
“There’s Colonel Grant,” Kara commented, leaning up against the table staring at her when she reached over and tried to take her hand but stopped and just took a breath. Kara wasn’t sure what boundary she crossed, she had done something wrong. But she really needed to do this. Kara reached over and gave her a small bag. “Here, some food,” She said, as she picked up her gown and moved out of the house, letting Cat lead the way now.
"You had that too conveniently at hand. I knew you were waiting for me." It's a dry quip, fingers tucking open the small sack and eyes lingering before she follows after. It's a shame, she thinks, that she doesnt have the opportunity to see Kara's life here. But maybe there's no other Grant than Colonel Grant, after all, rifling through.
There's no comment on what Kara might lose, or what Cat might imagine loss to be. Instead, she plucks up faux-pple number two in front of Kara and smirks. "Chances of this killing me? Hmm, well, what does it matter, anyways? I like to live dangerously." A fact noted by the obvious: they're heading back towards a Stargate she was being fired at right before entering maybe ten or so minutes ago. She takes a bite. Hums at the unusual taste, letting it sink on her tongue, ignoring how close Kara's hand has been. "We'll have to take a detour before going there. If anything does happen, we're going to make it hard for anyone to be able to track you back to the Nox." Cat has a few planets in mind. "How have you been?" Eyes stay forward, "Really."
       Kara smiled, as she gave a small shrug. "So, I had a feeling someone would come by sooner or later, at least I hoped. But, I have a huge store of food so, I eat a lot," Kara chuckled as she glanced back. "Next time, let's stay a little longer and talk about domestic things." A little comment, cause honestly, she wanted to just have a moment of normal.
then again when was any of this normal??
"Its not, would I really let you eat anything that would kill you?" Kara questioned, shaking her head in amusement. She paused at the stargate, staring at it for the first time in a long time. She hadn't been this close in awhile, taking a breath. She opened up her bag, looking at the weapons she had that Ken’tha had taken before she ran with Kara’s body. “That’s good. They don’t deserve to be harassed, they are a kind people,” She moved toward the dial device (seems the Nox already knew they were leaving) and paused as she looked over to Cat.
“Really?” Kara repeated as she took a breath. “I want to go home. I just want to have everything go back to how it was. But, honestly, I’m fine. I really am, I’m making this work. The Nox help, honestly. They’re very empathetic,” Kara won’t mention how many times she’s cried because she lost Krypton, then she lost Earth, she lost her family and friends, and then her second family and her friends. She was tired.
Rao, she was really tired.
"You might let me eat something that turns my head...oh, I don't know. Perpetually blue. Makes my lips swell up like Pam Anderson. Who knows." But Cat takes another bite, regardless, twisting around on her heel to gesture towards that vague blur of...whatever it is hanging in the distance, a silky cloud of opaque a little far out of eyesight. Maybe that's how they do it. They're always just a little farther out of eyesight. "Hmm, maybe. Next time. Gun?" The last part is called out into the sky, gesturing with her hand for a few seconds before it materializes next to her ankle. "Thank you." A little short--huffed through nostrils before she moves over to the DHD, palm pressing until the chevrons engage, the loud whir familiar. Distracting enough. 
It's been a long time since cat's been the 'talk about domestic' type. The thought make her chuckle, continuing, "Maybe I'll bring over an issue of Vogue. It's been a bit since I've had an excuse to wear a dress." Normally, these days, her finest accessory is around her ankles. Thanks to Luthor, its tucked on the edge of camp a few planets away. "But if we're being optimistic, a girl can dream." The final Chevron engages, finally taking looking back over at Kara, watching muted sunshine paint her features. "I'm...glad." She settles on, voice calm and humming. Maybe just as glad that glasses are tucked on her nose, obscuring her eyes from an ever-observant pair. The last thing she needs is Kara reading her like some ancient Babylon manuscript. "That they've made it easier for you. Who knows, maybe we'll find something that wins the war." Cat tucks her newly materialized gun by her hip. A chuckling laugh, "Sounds about as likely as me getting the chance to wear a dress, anytime soon, doesn't it? But, hmm...a chance is better than none, isn't it?" 
“No I wouldn’t!” Kara nearly spoke up without thinking when Cat took another bite and realized her leg was probably being pulled. That is what the humans called it, right? “Promise, I’m not going to turn you into a blue blueberry like willy wonka,” okay, the thought made Kara giggle a little bit, because it was one of the movies that Eliza showed her when she was a kid. She looked over at Cat as she had her gun back and she was sure her sense of security returned. Though here on Nox, there was nothing to worry about.
A grin crossed her lips as she looked over to her. “I’m sure you look great,” She said and then raised a brow. “One day, right?” Eyes watched each chevron entered until the bright blue wave erupted and Kara stared for a moment in awe. It never ceased to amaze her. “I’m sure the Nox wouldn’t mind if you stayed for a little bit, if you ever get a chance,” Kara chuckled and gave a shrug. “I’m going to hold you to that. When we win, you get to wear a dress. There’s always a chance,” A simple challenge, but always something that she enjoyed. “Come on, let’s go!” Kara said as she stepped through the gate, a little too eager to travel again.
“Stay on some peaceful, non-violent planet where I don’t constantly have to look over my shoulder? Sounds a little.” The gust of wind dances up hair, fingers curling around metal, lips barely twitching upwards, settling the half-eating faux-pple in the bag. Leave no trace, Thoreau would be proud. “Boring, don’t you think? Even at Thanksgiving I have to step around a landmine or two, no--no. I’m not the type the Nox are looking for. But I could always call Stevie Nicks to fill in--she’d love it.” There’s something about the wind here that reminds her of the softly settling breeze in green trees in Istanbul and it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch of the imagination to feel like she’s home. No guns, and all. 
She steps through before Kara can and raises her own, ready, feeling the chill of ice on her bones. The immediate snow whipping through the air--wind. Something undoubtedly boring and full of science about the displacement of thermodynamics that she could just hear Luthor prattling on about in the background, a small little bubble of warmth following them past the explosion outwards before blue sinks back into the portal, both of them on the ramp. 
The warmth doesn’t last long. It’s immediately freezing and Grant tosses Kara her gun, casually shouting over the wind and ice, knowing they have a few pit-stops to pluck back up her gear — “Hope you remember how to use it—” before she rushes over to the DHD, slamming in coordinates before her hand can freeze to the platform, dipping down to knees in order to roughly knock off the platform in front of it, sliding a small little hanging device off of the edge of the plug-in for the panel before replacing it. Slipping it into her bag, cooling fingers untangling that rope. Waiting until that boom happens one more time, a rush of blue expanding outwards before it settles, a shimmering portal once more highlighting the darkened snow—
One down, three to go. 
Cat pushes Kara through it since it’s hard to see in the settling flurry of snow, not really giving her the chance, otherwise, really. A little like old times.
The next planet’s heat is enough to cause whiplash in nerves and Cat nods towards a small little clearing of purple trees down ahead, “Pit-stop.” Continuing, tugging up the rope and leaving mini-Danvers with the gun. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think your real desire to help is the opportunity,” In the time she’s talked, she’s popped open this panel, as well, hissing at the heat of whatever kind of metal this is searing the edge of her fingertips underneath the sun, rummaging around for a few seconds before the small little black attachment has disappeared inside. “To see me in a dress. Oh, not that I blame you. Annie Lennox and I have several things in common, Kara—a questionable phase in college, a distaste for producers--” She hops upwards, slinging the rope around her shoulder, “And we both look fantastic in dresses and suits, alike. Dress blues do great things for my bedroom eyes.” For the first time, she moves forward to pat Kara’s shoulder, hand lingering, suddenly serious, “You alright? It’s been a while since you’ve been through.”
"After being constantly busy, a little peace never hurts," Kara said, as she looked at her. "Don't tell me you haven't enjoyed a moment of quiet just reading a book or sketching or anything?" She questioned, almost baffled and then stared at her. "You...what?" Sometimes, Kara forgets that Cat isi n the military. "Well, you deserve a normal thanksgiving. Though I do not quite understand why humans do Thanksgiving," Kara moved as she followed Cat through at first.
The gate was cold, once again, as she took a breath letting the warm air warm her lungs again. Except when she breathed in it was freezing cold and Kara wasn't prepared or dressed for this. She caught the gun, and nodded, shivering within seconds as her outfit was think and ill crafted. Before Kara had a chance to think she was pushed through the gate and tripped onto the metal platform, staring up at the gate as Cat came through.
"Next time, warn me about the cold. I'm not exactly dressed for that," But what was a chill was now sweat as she turned to look at the purple treeline (it reminded her of the forest of Krypton) and shifted the gun in her hands (she was always better with a pen rather then a weapon). A blush came to her cheeks that she hoped would be an excuse that the planet was so hot, and chuckled. "I didn't mean, its not like, its just...." Kara stumbled over her words, as she reached up and rubbed her temple a little. "I, uh, da....what?" Kara nearly fell over if not for the fact she was on her two feet. Every inch of her paused as she felt her shoulder touched and shook her head. "I'll be alright, its a little dizzy, its has been awhile,"
A slow eyebrow arches upwards at the impressive tongue tie and it's this moment that Cat will never admit she missed Kara, a little. It's not like she made Luthor or J'onn nervous. Or...have emotions. She forgot how easy it was to rattle the other woman and wonders, not for the first time, what kind of weapon of mass destruction that gou'ald could really be with this as its cover.
But, then again, Cat also knew Kara Danvers was more than met the eye. 
Fingers curl--squeeze around the shoulder--before she pulls away. "Breathe, Kara. I can't have you hyperventilating." The hand moves up to pat her cheek twice, as well, before pulling away, entirely, heading towards those trees with rope in hand. "I left a few things I have a feeling we're going to need." Their emergency button, return home button being one of them. She'd rather not meet the other end of the eye without it opening if they do wind up having to go back to earth. "You didn't exactly give me much of a chance to warn you about packing before you started leaving. Someone had cabin fever."
Cat knows what that feels like. Which is likely why she doesn't linger on the subject of relaxing very long. 
"No, I've been stationed away the majority of the year." But Kara doesn't have to know the why. Need to know. And Kara likely carries enough guilt for both of them, already. Cat doesn't want to pile onto it. And she doesn't linger on that, either. "But I'd still rather be dodging actual landmines than having a conversation over martinis with my mother. And I thought you were the archaeologist, if you suddenly can't tell me the extensive backstory of a holiday, I've lost my faith." Lips twitch, heading towards the trees. 
       "I never said I didn't understand the background and reasoning behind Thanksgiving, just it seems a little irrelevant at the same time. But then again, Americans do love their food," Kara mused lightly, and then shrugged. "And I like the food to so... Apple pie is the best home cooked desert I have ever tasted in my life." Hence the apple-like fruit she loved to collect on Gaia while she was there and living.
Kara shifted her dress, moving with her toward the tree as she shifted the gun to hang off a strap on her shoulder. The first thing she did was pull out her gou'ald weapon instead, fitting it onto her hand, each gold tip on a finger as she looked over toward Cat.
A breath came from her lips, one, two, three. "What can I say, I was ready to go do something. Even when I do have to go back, at least I had one more adventure," She smiled, and she truly meant that. Kara wasn't one to just sit at home, pick plants and live in the forest house. It was nice, but it wasn't something Kara could do forever.
"We love our food, guns, and occasionally pretentious nationalism and freedom--it's what we're fighting for." Her voice might be dry, but her eyes haven't fallen from their surroundings for a moment, listening. Watching. When their feet crunch along underbrush, there's something familiar in it and cat is quietly thankful for each side step in count because it's just two sets of footprints, each time. 
Any soldier who claims they like a fight hasn't been in enough of them to understand how exhausting they are, and after enough detours to find the federal DOT a run for their money, she'll avoid them as much as possible. 
Shoulders tense for a moment at the sight of the glove before fingers flex around the rope, the trees coming a little clearer into sight, the scent of an unfamiliar forest settling in lungs. Right. Kara supposedly knows how to use one of those. The last couple of times cat had been close enough to see one, it wasn't pleasant. "You know, if you don't come back…" Lips part. Purse. The smallest sigh before she continues on, serious, "If Earth is stupid enough to shun you, there are other places you could go. We only took you to the Nox because we knew they would keep you safe and wouldn't let anyone take you back to Earth. It was our only option. It doesn't mean it's yours."
       Kara didn't know much about the guns and nationalism, she was never truly a part of it here. But perhaps in Krypton, she understood that before. It was a long time ago, it almost felt impossible to remember. She was silent from that moment, just letting the sentence hover on the air instead. She followed her to the area, watching her pull on the rope, gathering what she needed. 
A breath sucked through her lungs at the fated words. Kara really honestly didn't want to think about that. Honestly, there was nowhere safe. The Nox was the only true safe place at the moment. Ken'tha told her about the assassins, and each world she has gone to, the distaste of goa'uld anything was pretty much hated .
"It is," Kara stated, nothing else to truly be spoken. "Its okay, I've accepted it. Like I said, they are kind, far kinder than any other planet could be," She took a breath, pushing a smile to her lips to prevent any show of sadness behind it. It's the last thing Cat needed to worry about, and there was no point in worrying about something that couldn't be fixed.
“That’s what happens when an entire planet turns away from violence.” Cat hypothesises, anyways. Back still tighter than it ever used to be when she was younger. But it’s not like she has to explain that to Kara, of all people. She can’t quite remember how the air in any room might feel, anymore, without eyes that immediately snap up to the exits. Eyes linger on Kara for a long moment before she tugs off the rope from her shoulder before wrapping a round of it around her wrist, “Peace is a luxury we can’t afford.” Her voice is quiet, that crunching of her boots stopping next to a tree, hefting up the edge of the rope before tossing it over a branch hidden by shimmering, purple leaves. The rope is a hefty, familiar weight as warming fingers start to work the end she just tossed over into a harness by her hips. “And neither can you, right now, since you’re officially guarding my six. Try not to stare too hard at it.” A sharp tug on the rope before she’s climbing up both hanging strands, disappearing up into the tree for a few moments before a bag suddenly appears next to Kara, falling from one of the higher branches, and Cat once more materializes next to it, this time with hair tucked inside her hat and a familiar jacket curved around shoulders. Fingers curl upwards in gesture, “Alright, I want my gun back, since you’ve--have you had that this entire time?” The rope is shoved into the second bag. What a few bigwigs wouldn’t do for that tech, alone. Forging ever on-wards: “If you were someone that could stay on a peaceful planet for longer than anyone told you to, you would have stayed on Krypton. It’s funny what a good heart and an unwillingness to stand aside can do.” It’s hardly a judgmental statement, even as the eyebrow arches upwards. Because Cat, clearly, would prefer Kara stay on whatever planet the Nox homeworld is without the P in front of it, but that’s the funny thing about injustice and believing that the universe would benefit far greater with Kara Danvers’ contribution in it instead of without it. “What about the Tok’ra?”
       Kara smiled softly, the comment something she agreed with. But the other thing made Kara nod her head. "I know," Her fingers flexed with the device on her hand, and while she had the gun, she's had more time with this one rather then the gun (plus she was never a fan of the sidearm). "I got it," 
After a few minutes, Kara gave back the guna and then looked down at her hand. "Yes?" Kara said, not quite sure why it was a surprise. A little thought passed her mind and then gave a shrug. "I... wear my heart on my sleeve." The thought brought a small smile on her lips before thinking about that. "I'm not sure the way the Tok'ra work is something I can work with myself," Kara said. The Tok'ra were very much the kind of people of the ends justice the means.
Including some of the things they have done. Kara wasn't sure she could deal with living among them with some of their views. "Its fine, Cat. Really, don't worry," Kara smiled as she touched her shoulder.
“Cute.” Lips barely twitch upwards underneath the familiar rim of sunglasses. It seems to dance up her cheeks like sunshine might, if the shade wasn’t obscuring it beneath the rims’ lofty weight and though the flicker is imperceptible in eyes behind their shield, it’s evident in the faintest way her shoulder tightens and then relaxes underneath Kara’s hand. “You know,” Her hand comes up to a wrist, curving around the faintest dip of a pulse beneath unfamiliar metal. If the goa’uld’s tech is even made from metal. “It’s funny.” She squeezes before hefting up the gun, “I remember saying the same thing to Olivia about the Air Force. It seems like we all do things our conscience wouldn’t allow under the guise of the right thing. I don’t like the Tok’ra, either.” She acknowledges, humming, “But you don’t have to like yourself in a war. We all just do the best we can. There’s always a better to strive towards, don’t get me wrong. I could never just sit by. But if you want to,” A shrug, starting the trek towards the gate, “Enjoy the fake apples. The peace looks like it’s done you well.” For once, it’s not sarcastic. “Come on, we’ll gate to that mirror of yours.”
Kara barely caught the smile, just barely there as she shifted back to her side, moving her hand away as she noticed the tension at first. Kara had always wanted to talk about it but she doesn’t. It's just...Cat. Though Kara still wonders. Kara pushed her lips to the side and nods a little, because Kara wouldn’t change herself just to fit in somewhere. What kind of person would she be, and what would that say about the way she wanted to do things. But honestly, she was learning things from the Nox, and when they had visitors as well.
“It's not about liking myself. It's about keeping my morals intact. If I waver on that, I lose who I am, what I stand for. Maybe I’m being too stubborn, I don’t know. Maybe I’m just too young,” 
But Kara paused, looking at Cat as she walked toward the gate not quite sure how to respond to that. Because while the peace was nice, she was still itching to help. To get back out there and help. She didn’t want to….just sit around and do nothing. That’s why she was doing this. Kara nodded her head as she followed, watching Cat enter the new gate dialup
“Clearly just too young!” Cat readily agrees over the boom of naquadah flooding the space in front of them in a large puff of blue before it retracts, a shimmering pool of something not at all close to water hovering in front of them. “That’s what the Nox say about all of us humans, isn’t it? Or, hmm, well,” A gesture towards Kara’s stomach before realizing Junior’s probably wrapped around her spine, instead. It’s not the first time she’s wondered, since she found out, just how much of Kara she knew, and how much of it was...Ken’tha. It’s been a year, and she’s still getting used to the idea. A little faster than the rest of the SG had, but it’s admittedly taken time, whether she admits that, or not. Even now, she can’t help but wonder--
Well, that’s a little pointless, isn’t it? Wondering doesn’t do anyone any favors.
What does liking herself mean to Kara--to Ken-tha--to a Kryptonian, or a Goa’uld, or a human.
“I’m sure they’d say it to you, too. Not the Kryptonian. Or the Goa’uld. You’re not really like either side, are you? Either of you...both of you. Whatever you, you are.” A huff through nostrils at her own words being minced, a rarity. Continuing, “Maybe everyone’s young, outside of the people who refuse to enter a war, even when there’s a choice to. I don’t see the Nox standing here willing to help. You’re leaving, aren’t you? Young. Unwise. Uncultured. How brutish. Or...maybe,” It drawls out, “You’re just holding onto that idealism of yours. Nice to see it hasn’t changed, apparently. That’s fine, the rest of us are completely content living in a universe full of grays and good intent that falls on its face the moment we pull a trigger. Alright, ,” She hefts up her favorite method of good intent, metal glistening under sunlight. Her wrist gestures towards the portal with a flick of the gun, calmly walking up the ramp, jacket once more settled on shoulders--unscuffed as much as the rest of her outfit is. “Lady with the gun first.” Muttering before she disappears through the portal, maybe a reflection of her own: “I always get the fun job.”
Kara had to hold back a laugh, the fact that Cat readily agreed with that thought a little too fast. When Cat gestured to her stomach, it confused her at first before it clicked what she was meaning. Honestly, Kara didn't know about herself. Kara knew she was Kryptonian. Her psyicology said that, and her religion and concepts and culture was all sitll Kryptonian. But Ken'tha, she was goa'uld, but she wasn't like the goa'uld. She was something else.
They, were something else.
Could Kara even claimed to be a Kryptonian anymore? Honestly, it was something she tried not to think about. She didn't fit into a pretty box, but then again what world, what culture, what customs and traditions truly fit into a box when they were all ever changing? "Its hard to say what we are. Ken'tha and I, I think we are something that has never happened before. The Tok'ra aren't really goa'uld, though scientifically, they are the same species. But Ken'tha wasn't born into their world. Nor was she truly a part of the Goa'uld. She's...different." But that was another story for another time. Focus on one concept at a time, Kara. A chuckle left her lips as she followed her toward the stargate, once more traveling through it, this time it not bothering her as much. 
Kara's eyes honed in on their surroundings, jumping back into old habits of being alert and trying to learn the surroundings quickly. "Where are we now?"
Boots are tilted on the ground, crouched near the DHD by the time Kara follows through. The gun is tucked up in her palms, at the ready, hand up in a signal before it lowers. Habit. A habit that doesn't really die, stomach clenching and unclenching when all she hears is silence. There's no guarantee, after all, that this is as abandoned as they're now assuming. Cat doesn't like leaving things up to chance unless she's three glasses in at a roulette table. 
But, then again, one of the perks of being under constant lock and key is that she's horrendously sober all of the time. 
"That's on a need to know." The comment is flippant--smiling--rising up when she's positive that nothing is about to shoot either of them. The bunker is expansive and still mostly empty, sheets covering various artifacts they haven't bothered devoting time to studying. "P3R-233. This way to your museum. Hopefully some of this is actually useful." And there's that clenching, again. Her gut taut, anxious. The same reason she thought it was a hunch in the first place. A serious question. A hint of a well-buried journalist peeking through Atlanta the edges. "What makes you think you're both different?" 
Kara glanced around, a smirk on her lips at the comment before pausing as she moved over and lifted up the canvas over the other artifacts. Kara’s eyes were bright, filled with amazement because all of this was like an archeologist’ dream. But against all want, she put the cloth down and moved over back to Cat’s side, ready to see the bigger thing, the mirror in that picture. “Well, think about it,” Kara said as she looked for what might be similar to the picture. “Ken’tha is a goa’uld,” She paused as Ken’tha still didn’t like being called that anymore. “But, she’s not really a goa’uld anymore. Kind of like the Tok’ra do not see themselves as goa’uld anymore either. Been they became Tok’ra hundreds of thousands of years ago, and have since deviated from that past, changing. Ken’tha was born into the goa’uld ranks, she was the greek goddess, Ken. The Goddess of Love, but she was to take on the new godhood of… ironically my namesake. Kara, the Kryptonian Goddess of love. Except she didn’t. She revolted. She’s not a Tok’ra, but she’s not part of the Goa’uld culture either. She’s… different,” Kara wasn’t even sure if any of this was making sense, but she was trying her best to explain.
“And I’m Kryptonian, by body, yes, and I still follow my culture even now. But, I’ve lived on Earth for so long, and I’m bonded with Ken’tha. We are one of the same, in a way. So, she is neither goa’uld nor am I fully Kryptonian anymore. I guess, basically, we are what we want to be.” She said finally as she paused at the doorway.
“Wait, isn’t this the room in the picture?”
“The one and only.” The gun is tucked against her hip--never very far from her person, these days, unless she’s apparently traipsing through Nox-guarded meadows--and it stays that way, even as she comes closer to the mirror. Anyone who thinks she doesn’t have a reason to be apprehensive about things like this hasn’t been stabbed through the stomach by a sentient crystal being from another planet. She’s a little rightfully leery, in her book. “It’s almost like we can’t all be chalked up to where we were born.” 
How many years had Cat thought Kara was human? How many years would it have mattered? There’s a long, lean alligator of a woman a few planets or so away whose fingers are slender when hidden and eyes nearly red underneath shadows but the colonel is left wondering if she’s ever known any of Kara, at all. Maybe she has. Maybe she hasn’t. But maybe no one knows much of Cat, either.
But that’s a little pointless to wonder, too, voice calm and a little carefully bored despite the firm grip on her gun. “So...what do you think about your brand new television set?” Without a word, she tugs off the cloth over the mirror, eyebrows raising. “You know, there’s a chance it could just be that everyone else is as vain as people on Earth everywhere.” 
“I’m still Kara,” She looked over at Cat, as if reading her mind. “I know there is no way to prove that Ken’tha isn’t in control, but it really is me.” Kara wondered if perhaps that was a stupid thing to say. By saying that, she might just instill doubt into the woman more. But, she had been working with them for a year, and Ken’tha preferred to stay quiet. Ken’tha didn’t like to take over, anything she had to offer she did so by their mind blending. “Okay, maybe that was dumb. Since I have no way to prove it…” She whispered to herself, because now she wondered how many thought that.
Did her sister think it?
That thought just made it hurt more.
She paused as she moved toward the mirror, staring at it with awe intent. “This, is amazing,” She said, as she turned and looked at the table. Her eyes scanned everything, but one thing stood one. She picked up the device, her hand brushing over it a few times, as the light turned on briefly before fading. “This is not like any of the artifacts here. And the entire room, it's definitely a lab. I have one back at the institute,” She said, looking all around but then back to the mirror. “But these two things, there the only ones that aren’t connected to them. This is amazing, it must be some sort of device, perhaps a recorder, or something else,” Kara started talking as she walked around the large stone mirror, and paused in front of it, leaning forward just slightly, and waving her hand over it. “Huh, but it's not a mirror at all,” She spoke more to herself, as she was better at thinking out loud.
She looked down at the device that was still powered on, looking much like the blue glow of the stargate. Then she reached up to touch the mirror, wondering if it would do anything. “I think that, that dev--” When she turned around, no one was there. “Grant?” She questioned, stepping away from the mirror, and searching around, stepping out of the room. “Cat Grant!” Her voice echoed, confused. What had just happened?
What transpired left Kara stunned, confused, but mainly, knowing she had to tell General Marsdin. She had to tell Cat. She had to tell them all, otherwise…
Earth was doomed.
Traveling back was a bit more difficult then coming through, and when she finally came through the mirror, her ivory outfit was tarnished with her red blood. HEr arm was severely wounded, the side of her face bleeding as well. Even with Ken’tha, this would take time to heal, and any regular human would die from it. She held the piece of paper in her hand as she looked around, not seeing Cat. If it had been the full day as she had in this alternate reality, then Cat would have had to leave. She held no fault. But she was about to do something that Cat would most likely lecture her on. There was no other choice. Her hand left bloody prints over each symbol. Earth. She was going back to earth. She reached into her bag, pulling out another thing she conveniently didn’t turn over and punched in the digits that she was a friendly. However, she collapsed to her knee, as she took a breath. Resolve the only thing helping her move forward despite the amount of pain she was in.
The chill of the stargate only lasted a second as she tumbled out the other side, her bag rolling down the metal ramp, and the hand holding the piece of paper in hand. Her vision was fuzzy, she could barely see anything, but she could make out the silhouettes of her former team. And then everything simple went black.
Final straw. It’s a cute little two-word phrase Colonel Catherine Jane Grant is intimately familiar with. The last day a haze. Her fingers are bloodied and hair still strung with grease, but the rest of her remains hunched on the bed, fingers twirling a fountain pen between tips above her palm.
The position she’s currently in is familiar, too, given the fact that chains are hanging from her limbs, body curled on the edge of a cot. Her cell and home for the past year.
“You tied my hands.”
“Well that’s a shame, Olivia. I didn’t even buy you dinner first.”
“Cat, for fuck’s sake, this isn’t a game—”
No, it’s definitely not a game. They’re closing down the Stargate program, Cat’s being shipped to something close to Guantanamo, Kara is still missing and despite her immediately coming back to try to mobilize a unit—
“You could stare harder, Luthor, or just snap a polaroid and put it on your wall.” Cat calls from the bed, feeling the Captain lingering. Hesitant. But there’s no sign of a smile, or a sharp quip, or anything short of something pressing.
“It’s Kara.” Luthor offers and Cat immediately sits up on the bed, handcuffs rattling in a way that makes the airman to the right stiffen.
“At ease, bagboy.” Her voice is sharp and at least Lena has a little bit of sympathy because she returns the phrase loud enough for it to actually matter, the airman turning the other way. Cat’s fingers wring knees before she shifts closer. As close as she can, anyways, because Luthor shouldn’t look so pale, unless they found her and— “Is she—”
And then Lena explains the rest of it. Which is how Cat finds herself, an hour and a half and a fidgety airman unusually compliant later, sporting a black eye in the middle of the medical bay next to Kara’s bed and Danvers. Who should probably be recused from duty, but isn’t, despite the fact that Kara’s tied to the bed far tighter than Cat is.
“How’d you get the black eye?” Marsdin asks from the doorway, the room clear in medical save for the three of them.
“I’m told I’m mouthy, but I have no complaints other than this raging migraine. Imagine that, I didn’t even get to see who did it.”
Maybe it’s the final straw of Liv’s that allows her to stay in the room until Kara wakes up, Cat’s arms crossed as she twirls her pen, chained to the bed next to her.
“Must have been some hell of a television.” Cat greets. No longer caring that the room is bugged. That all the rooms are bugged. That knot in her stomach taut and…furious and far too glad to see she’s alive to care. “Why the fuck did you come back here?” Comes out before she asks, “What the hell happened?” 
It took some time for her body to recover, that she was unaware of what was even happening at first. Her head was pounding, the headache must have been from hitting the metal so hard, or just the pain she had to deal with. Kara blinked her eyes, when everything came rushing back. Cat, Alex, Lena, Teal’c, they were all… dead. No, not here, but there. Whatever that world was. Her arms jerked up, before realizing they weren’t going anywhere. She was pretty much locked down in the bed, and it took a few seconds to put two and two together. 
“Cat, you have to tell them!” Kara tried to speak quickly  but all she got was a groan after her lips, as her shoulder was still sore. “It wasn’t a TV. Why would you… It was a plane of existence. Like, you were there, and Alex, everyone. Just, not the way you are here. It was some sort of different world, an alternate world unlike this but… Cat, they are coming. The Goa’uld, they are going to make a strike.” Kara looked down toward the restraints (why did they think this was necessary? She’s never tried to kill any of them!) as she threw her head back, clearly annoyed with her situation. Alex was already by her side, as she looked at her sister, and she could see the worry in her face. And then she noticed Lena across the bed as well.
“You all have to believe me. That piece of paper, that’s the key. I don’t know what it is, I didn’t have time. The Goa’uld…. they killed everyone. All I know is that, what they were saying…” Kara paused as she stared at the ceiling, closing her eyes. “It translated to ‘They are coming’.” She curled her fingers into a fist as she took a breath. “I know what my sentence is,” she looked at all of them, because Mayborne and whoever else would love to get their hands on them. “But it won’t matter if there is no Earth to come back to,” Kara stared at the entire team, then looked back at Cat.
“Kara--” Cat tries to interrupt, but she just keeps on going and Cat finds her lips pressed thinner and thinner. Pale underneath the garish contrast of her eye. “Slow down.” Her voice has dropped any sense of nonchalance, something sharp and steel in her gaze and jaw. The sort of thing that might make both soldiers by the bedside thoughtlessly tighten out of habit, and her own chains don’t rattle, this time, as she sits up. “You’re telling me you transported somewhere--to somewhere where we all died which, in case you haven’t noticed, we’re all here--and you think this is going to happen to us because…?” The question hangs in the air, a hint of frustration barely peeking through underneath it. “What, like the mirror sent you to an alternate universe? We’re not in an H.G Wells novel, Kara. Ignoring the...particularly large space portal outside.” 
“Well, it is possible--” Luthor supplies and Cat holds her groan behind teeth, holding up a hand that rattles underneath cuffs to stem it. 
“Who is they?” She cuts over before she can get a science lecture, focusing solely on Kara. “For all you know, you just got knocked out, teleported somewhere by someone like the Asgardians, and all of what you saw was some kind of freudian nightmare dream. Which, in case anyone has forgotten, has also almost happened to us, before. Without the teleporting.”  
“Thank you,” Kara said toward Lena, at least she seemed to follow what she was talking about. “I’m not talking about some story or book, Cat. I literally went to a different world in a different time. That wasn’t a mirror, it was a transportation device.”
A pause in her voice, as she leaned her head back (she couldn’t do much when her wrist and legs and neck was strapped down against this bed like she was some serial killer). “I don’t know ‘who’ is they. Just that it was said, over and over on a message. And they were repeating those symbols on that piece of paper I brought back.” Kara turned her head, giving a look to Cat as if she had just said something that made no sense. “A nightmare dream. A nightmare dream that caused me to pretty much bleed out and pass out?” She pointed her hand toward her arm which still hurt, but her finger was directed toward that direction.
“It wasn’t a dream Cat. IT was real, I was there. You have to trust me. Please,”
“What piece of paper? What symbols?” Eyes flick up to Luthor, an eyebrow arching. That information was decidedly lacking before the black eye.
“I believe Kara Danvers refers to this piece of paper.” Teal’C—because of course he does, since he loves withholding information until the last minute, apparently—performs some kind of magic trick, a piece of paper suddenly held up between them. Cat’s eyes flick back to Luthor, who immediately grabs it and starts pouring over it, before Cat calmly looks back towards Kara. “It was clasped in her hand before she lost consciousness. I did not see the benefit of leaving it with Senator Kinsey.”
“No one sees the benefit of leaving anything with Senator Kinsey, Teal’c.” Grant agrees, gaze still settled on Kara. Assessing. Thinking, despite what follows. “There’s nothing we can do, Kara. There is no SGC. No stargate. The program is being dismantled, Teal’c over there—you remember Teal’c, don’t you? Wave, Teal’c—“ Teal’c, obviously, does not wave, “Is going back to Chu’lak, Luthor over there is going somewhere I no longer have clearance to know about, and your glaring, delightfully broody sister is probably going to have the benefit of watching you be tortured because you were too stubborn to stay on planet Flower-child.”
Cat doesn’t point out where she’s going, instead continuing, seriously:
“They’re not listening to reason. Or me. You should be focused on getting out of here.”
“What was the recording?” Luthor asks, paper practically glued to her nose it’s so close, clearly not listening to the conversation. Cat’s glance upwards is as dry as her voice might be and there might be a mumbled response quietly to herself of “Sorry...ma’am.” And damn if the curiosity didn’t kill the Colonel, those thin lips pressing thinner. Sighing.
Oh, what the hell.
“Let’s say, against, oh…all.” A heavy-winded sigh, Cat’s eyes moving up to the ceiling before looking back, once more, “Better judgment and common sense, I trust you…why. “Pointed. “ Do you think something bad is going to happen here?”
Kara had to take a breath, because her mind was reeling over everything that had happened and all she can do think that they had to do something. And they had to do something now! While they discussed the whole paper, she just laid there, trying to let the previous hours come into understanding. Alex’s hand touched her shoulder, as Kara looked over at her, worry on her mind. Kara would have touched her hand, but there wasn’t anything she could do besides look at her.
Eyes turned back toward the group. “No stargate...What…” Kara pushed her brows together because this was their number one defense against the goa’uld and shutting it down…. “Stop,” Kara said, not wanting to hear anymore about where everyone is going. “It kept repeating they are coming,” Kara said, looking at Lena and then over toward Cat. “Yes. What happened in that alternate universe. The Goa’uld ships came to earth, and they were destroying ever human life on earth. They weren’t taking prisoners, they were simple eradicating everyone and everything. Starting with the big cities. Washington, Philadelphia, even Egypt,” Kara thought back to it and finally spoke again.
"It was a transmission that came from their earth, the alternate one. They said they received it 3 months before the invasion. It said "Beware the destroyers. They come from-- and the rest is broken." She looked over at Cat and pointed at that. “Whatever it came from, whoever it came from, it came from the planet where that mirror was on. They know something that we didn’t know. But I’m pertty sure what I saw, the invasion. Its coming to us. So, screw any court martial that might be coming your way, screw the senator, I don’t care about any of that. If we don’t do something, maybe go through the stargate with those symbols I wrote down on that paper, then all this experimental, court martial, going to a different unit. It won’t matter if we are all dead,” Kara said, as she threw her head back, ignoring the headache she was getting. 
“I don’t know how, but we have to go. That is the key,”
Cat is quiet, lips still pressed in that thin line, eyes tracking every dip and valley of Kara's face that she had only just seen for a minute before she was gone for a minute.
The empty planet. The planet that they were just on that didn't have a single soul, with no transmissions, no fancy symbols, no one there warning them. There was no radio crackling on their Earth, and Kara was recently discovered to be a goa'uld, a viable national--global--threat of species who impersonate, infiltrate, and twist the world's best until they're bent at their knees in subjugation. 
"You expect me to tell everyone on this team to ignore a presidential order--to go against everything we respect on some fever dream you had on another planet regarding an invasion that may, or may not happen." It's drawled, face unmoving before she sits a little further upwards, cuffs rattling as she looks between her team. 
Risking everything on a hunch? Betting on the fact that Kara is not only of sound mind, but that it isn't just a trap to lead the goa'uld right to them? Betting on Kara, period. 
"Well, you heard her, let's go." She gestures towards the cuffs and then Danvers, the only one here with the keys. "I'm not ordering any of you to do this. I can't order any of you to do this, anymore. We don't know what will be on the other end of that gate, but you bet your ass I'm not going to risk it being true. It's likely a one-way mission, either way. No one here has to go." Eyes flick up to Luthor--Teal'c, whose brow arching matches her own--Danvers before settling on Kara. 
They could tell everyone Kara and Cat escaped, overpowered them. But Cat has every intent of going to the guns locker. If they're heading towards a fleet--an army--an...anything that isn't a High school dance, she's going to be prepared to save Earth from it. 
She hopes there's nothing on the other end. That it's just a wild goose chase. 
But if it's not-- 
Her voice is strong, firm. Unwavering. She'll bet every hunch on Kara Danvers and her little tag-along. What else does she have to lose?
"I'm with you and Junior."
Kara looked over at Cat, waiting quietly as she didn't seem to speak. Only the clink of the cuff as Kara knew she passed the wrong boundary. "Um... When you put it that way..." Okay, maybe that wast stupid. She didn't have proof, she was just going on what she saw. She didn't know why, but she was just absolutely sure those charons were where they had to go.
She expected a shout of no. Instead, she got something completely different. Alex was already smirking, working on the straps and releasing Kara, tossing Lena the key to release Cat at the same time. Kara sat up, rubbing her wrist, her hand pressed against her shoulder which was pretty much healed now. "Thank you, Cat" She silently thanked Ken'tha for helping her heal, as she got up, and grabbing a jacket and a change of clothes that was in the corner. "Col Grant, with all do respect, your crazy if you think I'm going to let you and my sister go without me," Major Danvers responded, raising a slight eyebrow toward Grant.
"I'm good with a gun as I am with medical," Alex added and moved over, standing next to the bed and Kara came back changed in something a bit more ready for a mission then the gown she was stuck in. "How do we get out of here? You guys help me escape last time," 
"In my experience, Major." Lips twitch upwards, "The words 'with all do respect' are a politician's and soldier's way of saying 'fuck you'. Hopefully," Grant rolls now-free wrists, nodding up at Luthor without another word, pointing, signalling towards the door. Luthor immediately moves. Now that they've decided, they won't have time for anything else. First step, make it through the gate. Second step, blow everything up on the other side, likely. They're good at improvisation. "You won't have to showcase just how good you are, Danvers. Tactical espionage 101, Kara. Have someone on the team accidentally, or intentionally, who knows with Luthor, flirt with that nerdy IT guy of yours for months." She probably just smiled at him. "And happen to have enough brains to get us through the gate. Danvers, take care of your sister, bring her to the gate. Call in a medical emergency two floors up, that will clear the bay. Teal'c, we're loading up. Explosives, the big kind. If you're good to go, all of us load and stay in formation to the gate. No one hurt anyone on the way out. We're all the good guys. Questions?" 
She hops up like it's just another Tuesday, slipping the pen into her pocket before moving towards the exit, not actually waiting for a rebuttal, tossing over her shoulder before popping into the nearby armory unit, tossing a few guns back. "Good. Clock's ticking." 
   Alex pushed her lips together and shrugged a little. So maybe that was a bit of a fuck you, but in a way that she would never let these two out of her site. She was their doctor, Kara was her sister, and she would protect them at all cost. "Wherever you two go, I'm going," She nodded. "Yes sir," Alex added.
Kara listened in as the two agreed with the plan. Easy enough for Kara, she wasn't exactly what you called Stealthy. "Find my bag," Kara said to Cat, because the items she had in there would be useful for all of them. Alex glanced at Kara, knowing what she meant and looked at Cat. "They were put in the armory with the rest of the weapons. Not hard to find," She added. Once everyone had the job figured out, Alex reached over, grabbing a medical bag she could take with her.
Both Kara and Alex headed down the hall, Kara had her hair pulled up and under the hat, making it less lightly for anyone to notice. Alex put her hand on Kara's shoulder, as the door open. The gate was already starting to move, knowing any second that the alarm would be going on.
Being a still-respected individual stripped of title and prestige wasn’t as big of a band of red as it used to be. People are so used to her barking orders at them, by this point, that the majority listen before hesitation kicks in--logic. Memory. All of them going ‘oh, yeah, Cat Grant saved our lives, that one time, but she’s an enemy of the state, now’ a few minutes too late. Enough minutes that both Teal’c and Cat have managed to get into the armoury by the time an alarm sounds above them, lights flashing. Enough that she can toss a few guns a few airmen’s ways so that even when they hesitate, they keep moving. 
“Look at me, later! We’ve got a base to defend! Move!” A smirk towards Teal’c a few moments later, “I know, I’m good at that. I like to think in that alternate world of Kara’s, I was constantly yelling at people, it’s really where my management skills shine, don’t you think?”
Teal’c’s eyebrow raise. 
The sound of boots continuously passing them by is music to her ears and it’s not long before Teal’c is hefting up two bags and Cat swings by to grab not only Kara’s...but a hat, as well. There’s no telling what planet they’re about to wind up on, after all, tucking the hat down and calmly starting to walk towards the gate room.
Having to knock out two soldiers before they can shoot Luthor is small play given the fact that they’re essentially trying to jailbreak the most defended national secret in the States. 
Which they’re doing, exactly two minutes, later, listening to the sound of Marsdin and Senator Kinsey in the gate room behind them, locked in, as Grant blockades the door and Luthor gets their authorization device ready. 
The gate’s opened with a boom and Cat tosses Kara her bag, saluting towards the open windows in front of them before the windows slam down. 
“No second guesses, SG-1.” Grant pats Danvers’ shoulder--solid--a member, now, if there ever was one, before curling fingers over the other Danvers’ shoulder. The one that’s not wounded, anyways, as a welcome back.
Before pushing everyone towards the open gate because she has no intent to get shot at by the airmen and marines on the other side of the door. 
And, if on cue, there went the alarm. Kara felt her feet itching, looking up and mouthing a small sorry to Winn, because he didn't deserve this. Maybe she could make it up to him one day. If they made it out of this. With was a big if. Eyes looked up toward Marsdin, not sure what to do at the moment so instead focused on the gate. Both Kara and Alex looked at each other and then at Cat with one single movement. A nod of agreement.
They were sisters, and blood didn't matter. Moving through the gate, they all moved through and then Kara looked behind, watching it closed. This... wasn't like any gate they had gone through, and then Ken'tha whispered into her mind.
Goa'uld ship.
"Its a ship," Kara said, as she stared at the area and then behind her at the stargate. "A goa'uld ship," She didn't know how it was possible. From what the others had said about the stargates, is that all coordinates could only be accessed by a specific location. If it moved at any point, the charons wouldn't work anymore. She reached into her back, grabbing the golden hand device, pulling it onto her wrist and fitting each finger and looked back at the others. She didn't have to say it, she was sure they all knew.
This was bad.
A ship.
Cat immediately moves towards the nearby window, space expansive and endless with its cool, creeping touch. The walls around them are practically cavernous and shining in their dramatic hues of golds and reds, excessive and decadent and cold. Sterile. Space actually seems more welcoming in comparison, lights twinkling, unfamiliar, behind thick, thick glass. 
Definitely a goa’uld ship.
“Luthor.” It’s drawled out, as much of an order as it can be, the sound of Captain Science scurrying towards the stargate immediately, sending back through the MALP before the ship jerks forward and the gate cuts off. Suddenly intent on getting her people off this floor. “Luthor.” Repeated. 
“It’s not working, ma’am, the chevrons--” 
“Quiet!” A noise. Loud. The walls open suddenly, swiftly, and Cat hates the Goa’uld’s dramatic flair for design and secret entrances, tugging Luthor down and gesturing to the Danvers to do the same, fingers rifling through a nearby crate before people get closer.
It only gets worse from there.
A meeting of Goa’uld. A succession--an heir. And, worse, Skaara. Innocent, kind Skaara, who’s now holding Apophis’ son around the thin glass of his neck, voice deep and eyes cold. They’re invading Earth. 
Cat’s forehead rests on the crate for a long second until the gate once more de-activates, knowing it likely won’t work again and, after another long moment, they’re all alone in what’s likely a loading bay for a military ship, again.
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zombiescantfly · 6 years
Words About Games: Unreal (Epic Megagames, 1998)
Unreal Tournament 2004 is my favorite videogame ever.  It's always a close match between it and the first Unreal Tournament, but 2k4 always manages to win out, if just barely.  However, I am of the firm, unyielding belief that UT2004, when played with both the ‘No Adrenaline’ and ‘UT Classic’ mutators, is far and away the best multiplayer fps experience anyone could ever ask for.  We'll get into that a bit later, because it's time for a bit of an explanation.
Unreal Tournament 2004 turns 15 this year, and I wanted to do something special to celebrate the release of a game I have such an unreasonably high appreciation for.  Up until the day of its official release 15 years ago, I'm going to be putting out one of my infrequent essays on the games in the series I have experience with, starting now with 1998’s Unreal.  I'll warn you, this one gets a bit rambly, but if you reach the end and still want more, take a look at the cooperative non-coop playthrough I did with a friend, where we each played a singleplayer campaign while discussing our experiences and thoughts on all aspects of the game.
But first, a little background.
I was born in 1992.  Wolfenstein 3D, the game commonly attributed as the progenitor of the entire FPS genre (yes I know about Maze and Battlezone and all the various first-person dungeon crawlers) was released three months later.  This makes me just barely older than the modern first -person shooter.  
My dad has worked in the business end of the tech industry since the 80s.  As a result, he was always very close to the then-rising PC gaming scene, and even dabbled in game dev for a few years.  His position in various companies made him a very early adopter of the ‘home pc,’ something still rare up until like the mid 90s, seriously.  He had free reign to take old hardware his workplace was replacing or to buy it for cheap, and by the time I was old enough to start forming memories that actually stuck around, there were two computers in the house.  
In 1994, id Software released Doom 2, and my dad bought a copy.  Thus began the long tradition of young me standing behind his chair to watch whatever he was playing, starting with Doom 2 LAN deathmatch with my older brother, progressing to his playthrough of Quake 1 and 2, and the first stop in this extended flashback, Quake 2’s online deathmatch.
Young me knew what a marvel online deathmatch was, because my dad told me.  It's also just kind of a hard concept for a 5 year old to grasp, especially back then before the internet was in the public consciousness.  Nowadays I doubt there's any lack of understanding, and that's cool.  
(And yes, I know Q1 had online play but I never managed to catch any of it.  Both my dad and brother liked its singleplayer more.)
So where does Unreal come in?  Actually, not until about 2009.  Bear with me.
In 2000, when I was 8 years old, my dad and brother had gone to spend the day at a local tech trade show.  This was a common enough occurrence since we lived less than an hour away from Philly and that attracted a lot of businessy types.  They'd usually come back with a new game or two, and I'd have something new to watch over one of their shoulders.
That day, my brother brought this home.
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And said to me, “Hey, you should try this one out.  It's from Epic.”
Or at least something to that effect.
Now, at this point in my life, I wasn't as avid a videogame connoisseur.  The first game I ever truly felt grab me was Starcraft, which I played way more than I probably should have.  But also at that time was a growing collection of titles from Epic Megagames.  Epic Pinball is one of the first things I remember playing by myself, followed by Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and One Must Fall: 2097.
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So I'd been with Epic for a while at that point.
So, Unreal Tournament.  Spoilers for the next post, but I loved it, and I still love it.  It capped off my experiences with shooters from the mid to late 90s with the first taste I was allowed myself, no longer stolen from over a shoulder while hoping my mother wouldn't choose then to come down the stairs and yell at me for watching and at my dad for letting me.  It gave me a love for arena shooters, for the chunky, harshly and gaudily lit 3d graphics, for imaginative weapons, for tightly designed maps, and for a special sort of way to deliver a story buried in map and item descriptions…
But I'd never played Unreal.
Once, at a thrift store, I found a big-box copy of Unreal Gold, still in the shrink wrap, for five bucks.  “Oh, I think your dad has that one,” my mother said, turning me away from it.
He did not.
So in 2009, I finally bought Unreal for myself off Steam and promptly returned to the chunky 3d I had probably just been seeing a day prior because I put UT99 on my school laptop.  
Enough digressions, let's finally move into it.
Unreal is a strange game, and more than a little unlike its contemporaries.  See, from 1993 to 1998, shooters were kind of a one-note experience.  You, bad guys, big maps, many guns.  From Doom to Quake to Heretic to Blood to Rise of the Triad to Shadow Warrior to Duke Nukem to Dark Forces to anything else you could find in a magazine for mail-order, the shooter was a pretty standard experience.  Sure, this or that game had this or that thing that set it apart, some were more advanced than others for the time, but the general idea never really wavered:  Click on men from point A to B until you find all the keys and reach the exit.
That gameplay loop made the genre successful, and it's not exactly different now.  Keys could be anything, of course.  They were literal keys, sometimes they were gas for a generator, now they're mostly cutscene triggers, but the point is that you must locate them to progress.  Along the way, there wasn't much other than bloody slaughter to distract you, and that was fine.
It was fine.  For those 5 years.
Then, in 1998, a very special sort of game came out that changed the way not just shooters but videogames in general were presented.  A game that made expectations higher, products examined more critically.  I'm talking, of course, about Half-Life.
On November 19, 1998, Half-Life released and literally changed the course of game development.  It offered players a brilliantly constructed narrative delivered naturally by characters speaking in the moment rather than the then-common blocks of text before or after a level.  The setting, the Black Mesa research facility, was a meticulously planned space made to feel like a real location and not a jumble of corridors whose first concerns were how many monsters could fit in them.  Structured plot points replaced red and blue keycards, well-designed enemy encounters replaced rooms full of cannon fodder, and a new mentality replaced the old.
Which is a shame, because Unreal did something different, too.
Released earlier the same year on May 22, Unreal was the end result of a project always too ambitious for the four years it bounced around development.  Conceived first as a medieval RPG of sorts, Unreal eventually morphed into a sci-fi shooter set amid echoes of that original idea.  
In Unreal, there is no opening cutscene.  There is no opening text crawl or long train ride to prepare you.  The title screen is a looping fly-through of a location in the game made to show off various engine effects like reflective surfaces, particle emitters, real-time colored lighting, animated skyboxes, and volumetric fog.  Selecting New Game sends you to a loading screen where you quickly fade in from black, staring at the wrecked interior of . . . somewhere.  You start low on health and walled in on three sides.  As you step forward towards the only path available, a pleasant, computery voice calls out “Prisoner 849 escaping.”
You are Prisoner 849, you are on a prison ship, and it has crashed.  This is all evident within the first few seconds of the game.  As you progress through the first level, you can see half-broken displays showing the sudden path the ship took, read status logs of engines and ship components, and even get a little taste of some daily life among the prisoners and crew alike.  Yes, Unreal has text logs, but they're the good kind, used to inform the world rather than exposit at the player.  
Very quickly you learn that something else is aboard the ship.  Growls and snarls appear in the distance and screams of terror can be heard through the walls.  Every so often, the same calm robot voice calls out another number, another prisoner escaping.  This all tells us a good deal of the game’s primary theme.  You're just someone.
You are Prisoner 849.  You are not the captain of the ship, you are not the high profile super prisoner, you are not a space marine guarding the ship.  You are Prisoner 849, one of many to board the Vortex Rikers, and one of many to leave.
There are no friendly human NPCs in the game.  Two crewmembers aboard the ship live long enough for you to get close, but one bleeds out as you approach him and the other is slaughtered behind a door stuck partway open so that you can only see a mysterious pair of legs sprint away amid a shower of gore.  Shortly after, you catch a fleeting glimpse of a strange figure at the other end of a ventilation shaft, obscured by fog.
Unreal slowrolls its opening.  It's reminiscent of Quake 2’s opening level, though with no combat.  You're free to wander the small area of the ship, reading various inconsequential text logs and looking at various readouts.  Words like “unknown moon” and “sudden course alterations” pop up, telling - but not explicitly - that coming to wherever this is was unintended.
Eventually you leave, exiting through an emergency hatch somewhere on the side of the ship.  A few steps forward brings you to a somewhat common looking grass expanse, not too unheard of at the time.  You're closer to the ship’s bow, and a short walk around it and through the furrow it plowed in the ground leads to a small rise that still obscures the level until depositing you at just the right angle.
You stand close to the lip of a tall cliff overlooking a shimmering lake.  On the other side, a waterfall crashes over the cliff.  Trees dot the landscape, birds fly overhead, and small critters scurry away from you.
In truth, it looks more than a bit quaint today, but in 1998 it was without equal.  Unreal is a game that put an intense focus on its world, Na Pali.  This is a world inhabited for centuries or even millennia by the Nali, a race of four-armed pacifist aliens with a little bit of magic to their claim.  Some unknown time before you begin playing, another race known as the Skaarj arrive to exploit the planet for a resource called Tarydium, enslaving the Nali in the process.  
Here's where another game might set you up as the Big Badass Hero.  You, the lone survivor of this crash; them, the downtrodden alien race; the other them, the evil tyrants.  But Unreal never does that, because you're just someone.
Remember hearing those other prisoners escaping?  More did even before you woke up.  There's a small collection of Nali huts not far from the crash site where you can find the corpses of a few other prisoners and crewmembers from the Rikers next to some healing pickups - the Nali tried to care for them.  Small bits of visual storytelling like that appear all throughout the game coupled with its smart use of text logs, and it starts strong and stays strong.  A quick swim through a lake infested with carnivorous fish can lead you to a small secret where two dead escapees can be found next to a half-eaten fish.  Further in, a dead human sits in a corner of a room, a dead Nali in the center, a flak cannon pickup on top of the latter showing their frantic last stand as the Nali abandons its pacifistic ways to protect its companion.  Much later, you’re in a Skaarj warehouse where you can see stacks of boxes bearing the same logo from the Vortex Rikers - as you’ve been doing your thing, the Skaarj have gone back and started looting the ship.  
Unreal is a game where things have been happening before you the player show up, and continue to happen while you the player are playing.  The plot does not start with you and it does not wait for you.  You’re just someone who’s been thrown into this whole situation as it unfolds, from a centuries-old conflict on Na Pali itself to the more immediate conflict of the crashed Vortex Rikers and what happened to its crew.  Around almost every corner is another story just like yours, and the fact that we’re playing Prisoner 849 and not Prisoner 521 or Ensign Burt Masterson or whoever else feels like a roll of the dice.  
Half-Life gets a lot of praise for finally putting the player behind just a regular guy.  Gordon Freeman has been made to become something of videogaming’s first everyman in the way that John McClane of Die Hard ushered in the everyman action hero.  But honestly, Half-Life wouldn’t happen without Gordon.  A scientist tells you right away that they’ve been waiting for you so they could start the test.  Without Gordon Freeman, the plot would never have progressed, and that makes it distinct from Unreal.  Half-Life’s various expansions actually do this better; Opposing Force, Blue Shift, and Decay all put you in control of someone who is distinctly more Just Someone than Gordon Freeman.
But Unreal, man, Unreal just does it so well.  Occupied Na Pali is a world that does not care about you as a singular entity.  The Skaarj don’t turn and attack you because you’re The Player On A Mission, they attack you because you’re some dumb human who goes places they’re not supposed to and shoots all their friends (yes, Skaarj have friends, read the text logs).  Hell, your mission isn’t even anything particularly grand!  From the beginning, nobody tells you to do anything, you just wander out of the ship and start trying to find a way to leave.  Obviously from a game standpoint, there’s always going to be a level start and a level end, and you will go towards the end because it’s a videogame, but in the context of that game, the story is “just find a way out.”
There is a thread you pick up on early, though it might be a bit strange and requires some minor explaining here real quick:  in Unreal, you have the option when starting a new game to choose your player model.  You can see yourself a few times throughout the game - Unreal has reflective surfaces in a few spots - so it’s not totally useless.  By default, Prisoner 849 is a woman.  Canonically, Prisoner 849 is a woman.  
Early on, past the first level, you enter an ancient Nali temple, ruined and defaced by the Skaarj over the years, but not without its still-devout followers.  It’s here that you get the first hints of what seems like it might be a story more appropriate for a 90s shooter.  You see a carving on a wall that talks about “the Princess from the Stars” coming to deliver retribution to “the Demons from the Sky.”  Now, if you’ve changed your player model to male, this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.  But obviously the intent is to key you the player into the mentality that “oh, I’m some prophesied Chosen One, right?”  Yes and no.  We'll get back to it.
See, about a third of the way into the game you come across another crashed human ship, the ISV Kran.  The Kran, gameplay-wise, is a mixed bag of levels ranging from good to meh, the worst of it stemming from symmetrical layouts and a lack of texture variety.  But in the narrative as it unfolds, the Kran is very important.  
So far, you've passed through a dozen unique and varied environments ranging from the cliffs at the start to the ancient temple, to a Tarydium mine near a small village, a high-tech processing plant nearby, and even an old coliseum or sports arena converted by the Skaarj into a torture chamber.  The Kran is your first look at anything human-built since leaving the Rikers.
I'm not going to go through the game bit by bit, but the leadup to the Kran is important.  Throughout that first third of the game, you find escaped crew and prisoners from the Vortex Rikers fairly frequently.  The events of the game are happening without you, and things aren't going well.  
Once inside the Kran, things change a little.  Amid the text logs of status readouts and final words before the Skaarj broke in, there's a tiny narrative being constructed about a crewmember by the name of Kira.  Kira had managed to do much of what you have - she's armed herself and set off in search of a way off Na Pali with a small group of other crew, some of who you find, once again already dead.  One of Unreal’s longest maps comes in around this point, and Kira is a large focus.  She was captured, made contact with a group of Nali also held prisoner in the temple (lots of temples in Unreal, the Nali are very religious), mounted her escape, and had to leave her last remaining crewmember behind, his final log suggesting she headed for something she heard was held in the nearby belltower…
This small aside is a brilliant piece of the game, it really is.  When I said there was another game or another story behind every corner, I meant it.  Kira’s journey from the Kran to Bluff Eversmoking is a full story on its own, and it lends some interesting insight towards a lot of the various prophecies and Nali beliefs you've run into along the way.  From the Kran to the Bluff, you find more mentions of the Messiah, of the Sky Princess.  You, right?  Right?
Or was it Kira?  
Kira followed the same path you did.  Less of it, sure, but she fought the Skaarj infesting sacred Nali temples.  She, an alien warrior, cleansed their holy places of demons who had enslaved them.  A small group of Nali risked their own lives to break her out when she was captured, based only on their horror that she would be executed.  
This is why keeping 849 as the default lady playermodel is important.  The text logs were written with that in mind in order to muddle things.  Are you the Messiah?  Is Kira?  Presumably both of you just want to go home, and maybe falling into a vaguely defined prophecy with incredibly generous qualifications (not Nali or Skaarj, girl, can kill Skaarj) was just an accident.
It certainly seems that way, because when you finally find Kira, she's dead.  Your hopes of finding another living human, the Nali’s hopes in an alien warrior, lie dead on the ground with an empty pistol beside her.  
Unreal, and Na Pali within it, does not care about Prisoner 849.  The story does not revolve around you nor does it even stop to make room for you.  Any one of those human bodies you pass throughout the entire game was another escapee.  Between the Vortex Rikers and the Kran, you follow a trail of bodies almost up until the end of the game.  Except for a very small stretch at the end, someone has beaten you to where you are.  But you go further.  You encounter things no human has.  You escape Na Pali.
If it sounds like I'm taking Unreal a bit too seriously, it's because I most likely am.  I admit that.  But Unreal just creates such a unique atmosphere among games that I can't help it.  Videogames are inherently power fantasies, and most facilitate this by making you play as someone obviously powerful.  BJ Blazinsky.  Doomguy.  Lo Wang.  Duke Nukem.  A jedi.  Even in Call of Duty, where you often just play as some grunt, you get to be the special grunt who sees all the coolest stuff first.  And yes, again, even Half-Life doesn't start without you.  Gordon becomes mythologized even in the first game, to say nothing of Half-Life 2.  In Unreal, there's nobody to put you on a pedestal.  Na Pali has its own problems and you're just plopped down in the middle of them while trying to solve your own.  It isn't your fault that they intersect.
So it shouldn't be that big of a surprise that one of my other favorite games ever is another hero-by-random-circumstance romp through an uncaring world, Dark Souls.  If you like the narrative themes Dark Souls has going on, you'll like Unreal, end of story.
Wait, no, not end of story, because all I did was wax philosophical about the theme for like 8 pages.  I gotta talk about design now, ‘cause hot damn does my love of Unreal not stop with flowery prose.
The Skaarj are the primary antagonistic force in the game, but they're some kind of powerful empire with other races on their payroll.  After escaping the Vortex Rikers, gaping in awe at the waterfall, and spending some time chasing harmless wildlife around the field, the first actual enemy you fight is a Brute.  
Brutes are big lumps of meat with two rocket pistols and a permanent scowl.  They move slow, they turn slow, and they fire slow.  The first one you fight is really close to the exit of an indoor area.  What Epic have done here is create an excellent enemy encounter.
Nothing in Unreal has hitscan weapons.  Ignore Legend Entertainment’s Return to Na Pali, I'm gonna.  That means that everything coming your way can be dodged.  Two rocket pistols sounds scary, but you're in an open area and you have the ability to strafe.  If you're somehow not comfortable doing that while shooting, that's why the Brute’s so big, he's hard to miss.  
From there, you get exposed to the tentacle and the Razorfly.  The Tentacle is essentially a stationary, ceiling-mounted autoturret that fires a single projectile at you every half second or so, and the Razorfly is a big bug that hits you with melee attacks.  Neither are particularly challenging, but all three so far get you ready for your first encounter with a Skaarj.
You're in a small facility and have just shut off a force field.  Coming back through the hallway, bars suddenly slam out from the wall, blocking your progress.  The music fades out.  And one by one, the lights turn off until you're sitting in pure darkness.  You get a few seconds to sweat before the music kicks back in, the wall beside you slides open, flashing red emergency lights appear, and a large shape leaps out at you.
The first encounter with a Skaarj is cramped and claustrophobic, and intended to have you miss a lot of its capabilities.  It runs around, does a forward leaping melee attack, and can shoot little bolts of energy at you.  At the time, you only have two weapons: the Automag, a hitscan pistol with a decent fire rate, and the Dispersion Pistol, a projectile energy weapon you can charge up that acts in the same capacity as Doom’s fist or Quake’s axe as a holdout weapon.  You'll most likely take out the Skaarj with the Automag because there isn't a way to run out of ammo with it unless you try, so you most likely won't see how this type of enemy reacts to projectiles.
Because, see, Unreal has very smart AI, and the people who made these enemies took great advantage of that fact.  The Brutes and Razorflies of the level so far are pretty simple cannon fodder type stuff, they amble around and attack towards you.  Once you're away from that first encounter, the Skaarj enemies have a few tricks.
A Skaarj will try to circlestrafe you.  If you're using a projectile weapon, a Skaarj will dodge your attacks with a pretty damn high success rate (deviously, the very next weapon you get after the Automag is the Tarydium Stinger, a projectile-based minigun, and you start seeing Skaarj commonly around the same time).  If a Skaarj is getting near death and has allies close by, it'll try to run away towards them.  Sometimes a Skaarj will fake its death to try to catch you by surprise.  It won't ever get back up while you're looking or within a certain range, and you can take the time to see if flies start buzzing around the supposed corpse or just gib it to make sure.  A Skaarj will intuitively use cover, as well, thanks to a dead-simple pathfinding mechanism inside the level editor.
A Skaarj is a really cool enemy today, let alone in 1998, half a year before everyone lost their shit over Half-Life’s stilted Marine encounters.
Unreal keeps a pretty steady flow of enemy varieties coming your way, as well.  Various types of Skaarj show up, often with ranks padded out by the Krall, another race they employ or enslave, and they have plenty of variety among them as well.  
But Na Pali isn't just a collection of levels stuffed full of bad guys to click on.  Most levels actually don't have all that many enemies to them, instead relying on strong encounter design over sheer overwhelming odds.  . . . Most.
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No, Na Pali is a world, and Unreal wants you to believe that.  The game bounces you between open outdoor areas and various structures at a healthy pace, and it always manages to give it all a fresh coat of paint.  Harmless critters hop around or soar high above, schools of fish scatter when you explore a lake, beasts of burden grumble at you as you charge past their pens, flak cannon in hand.  And better yet, enemies aren't often just waiting around for you to show up.  They have things to do or time to waste, and may very well be doing that when you come across them.  In areas controlled by the Skaarj, you can often see them tapping away at computers or just staring out a window before you alert them, and Krall mercenaries are fond of drinking or playing dice.  Brutes amble around on patrol patterns, stopping every now and then to scratch themselves.  The more feral Slith enemies found near water tend to just be swimming around until they're alerted.
These tiny details make Na Pali feel like a place, and the levels you play through are no different.  From the wrecked Vortex Rikers to the various Nali temples to the Kran and even up to the final levels set on the Skaarj mothership, the levels make room for details like bedrooms, kitchens, and even bathrooms in a way that shooters just sort of didn't usually do at that point.  Sure, you'd have a bathroom in another game every so often, but it was usually there for a gag or some sort of reference.  Unreal makes a concentrated effort to really sell you on these levels, and it works.  There's so much variety in the maps that not a lot has a chance to get boring, though sometimes, as I mentioned before, things can get a bit muddy.  The map Terraniux and the middle levels of the Kran are a bit less navigationally-friendly than they could have been, but there's nothing as egregious as the later levels of Doom or any of the other maps from various games that are mazes first and gameplay sections second.  There are no out-of-place platforming sections or agonizing breaks for switch puzzles.  There's just a world as you might find it in real life.
Another strength of Unreal’s level design is that sometimes it just lets you take a break.  You might go minutes without seeing an enemy, leaving you free to explore your surroundings.  There's even a level that has an entire segment dedicated to calmly floating down a river on a small boat, with no combat at all.  It comes after a challenging combat section and acts as a nice little breather with great visuals and fantastic music.
Oh man, Unreal’s music.  Never before or again have I heard a more distinct soundtrack in a game.  Unreal has its fair share of late-90s electronic tracks, but the majority of its music is a very chill mix of unusual instruments.  I know next to nothing about music, so let me just drop some links real quick.
Dusk Horizon
Nali Chant
War Gate
It's such an intriguing mix of styles, and it's all perfectly suited for the environments you hear them in.  All of the levels are colored very deliberately, and the music matches the mood that texturing and lighting creates.  Coupled with how each track has an ambient and battle section and how it seamlessly slides between them as you enter and leave combat, the levels in Unreal are all a treat to explore, and I really do urge people to look up the soundtrack because it's really just that good.
The music in this game created a precedent of quality that the series kept up easily, and is just more evidence of how committed Epic at the time were to making as immersive and vibrant a world as they could.  It's just another part of a beautifully crafted experience that created a game so unlike any other at the time or since.  
Unreal is a game that is still incredibly playable today.  On a technical level, it's the Unreal Engine so you can pop it onto anything and get it working without any real trouble.  The unofficial OldUnreal patch is easy to find, and is just a single .dll file that gets dropped in the system folder.  But that's not the only thing playable means.  Design philosophies and public reception to various systems and elements of gameplay change over time, and it renders a large number of games either too obtuse or too clunky to really get into.  But there are always games that are timeless.  Doom is still a treat because the only thing in it is shooting, there's nothing particularly experimental to have been done better over repeated iterations.  Unreal is simple in that way, too.  Its weapons are varied, unique, and famous.  Man, I didn't even get into the weapons, but I'll save that for the Unreal Tournament essay.  
My point is, Unreal did a lot, and it did it very well.  It and every other game from 1998 was overshadowed by Half-Life, unfortunately, and that became the game to beat.  Half-Life isn't the reason we never saw another Unreal in the same vein as the first, but I do think that a desire to be the next Half-Life is why the industry moved to such a narratively-focused philosophy.  There was another game three years later that also focused on sprawling outdoor areas mixed with indoor structures, but it didn't have the same lonesome exploration, living world, or details that suggested hundreds of years of mythology.  This game would go on to affect the industry just as much or even more than Half-Life, and was in fact Bungie’s Halo.  
Halo had cutscenes and voiced NPCs and all the things Half-Life made people want.  Halo is another beast, but its success was all but the final nail in the coffin for any hope Unreal had of spawning any imitators.  The era of frantic slaughterfests in key-locked mazes was over, and Unreal’s attempt at carving out a spot for contemplative exploration in living worlds was ignored.  
That style of game would come back, but not in shooter form.  Both Dark Souls and Shadow of Colossus have similar feels to them, and I'm sure there are others out there.  Other Team ICO titles, Journey, there have to be others, there are too many videogames for there not to be.  But as it stands, Unreal is all but alone, and even now, in this wave of 90s revival indie shooters, they aim more for Doom and Quake.  Even Epic would step away from Unreal’s distinctive style with its very next release.
See, Unreal was popular, but at the time, released into an audience high off of Quake 2,  those same people wanted to dive into its multiplayer.  And when it worked, it was incredible.  But it often didn't work.  Epic set to fervent work patching it to fix poor netcode and a variety of other issues, but that project turned into something far, far larger, prompting them to release an entirely new game running on an updated version of the Unreal engine.  New maps, optimized and redone versions of existing maps, remodeled and rebalanced weapons, new music, new gamemodes, everything.  
Unreal Tournament would come out a year later, setting the industry alight in its own ways.  We'll take a look at that next month, so until then, take a day or two to play through Unreal.  I played it and loved it a decade after its release, and another decade won't have changed much.  
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Best Games to Play in 2021
While 2020 was a landmark year for the gaming industry thanks to the release next-gen consoles and PC graphics cards, there are plenty of exciting new games to play 2021. From highly-anticipated sequels like Halo Infinite and Resident Evil Village to brand-new experiences such as New World and Deathloop, there are plenty of titles to try.
We’ve curated a list of the 2021 games we absolutely loved, as well as the upcoming ones we’re most excited about, including big AAA blockbusters and imaginative indie titles. Keep in mind that we’ve only included games that at the very least have a vague “2021” release window attached, which is why we’re not including games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild sequel or Final Fantasy XVI. We’ll of course update this article as new 2021 titles are announced.
Here’s what you have to look forward to this year:
Age of Empires IV
October 28 | Relic Entertainment | XSX, XBO, PC
Real-time strategy fans have been waiting a very long time Age of Empires IV, which was announced in 2017. Set in the Middle Ages across 8 different civilizations at launch, Age of Empires IV is the first new installment in the series in 16 years. Fortunately, the game is finally out this year, letting players take control of some of the most powerful kingdoms in human history, including the English, French, Mongols, and the Dehli Sultanate.
The Ascent
July 29 | Neon Games | XSX, XBO, PC
The Ascent was originally planned as an Xbox Series X launch title before it slipped into 2021. A twin stick shooter at its core, The Ascent features a cover system as well as the ability to target high and low points on enemies, all in a destructible, open world cyberpunk setting. You can also fully customize your character with a variety augments.
Though Neon Games is a small studio, Epic Games was so impressed with early work on the title, that Neon was awarded a grant to help cover development costs. The result is a top-down co-op shooter that, while it isn’t wholly original, has a lot of style. Fans who want to return to the aesthetic of Cyberpunk 2077 and also want something they can play with friends should absolutely check this one out.
Axiom Verge 2
TBA | Thomas Happ Games | Switch
Metroidvanias from indie developers are a dime a dozen nowadays, but the original Axiom Verge stood out thanks to its tight controls, varied weapons, and compelling story. Axiom Verge 2 looks to largely be more of the same, but with even better graphics and more complex enemy patterns. The game has been in development for the past four years, but should finally be out in early 2021.
Balan Wonderworld
March 26 | Balan Company and Arzest | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Switch
Balan Wonderworld is a modern take on classic platformers of the 32-bit era. You choose from one of two characters and explore a variety of worlds mixing reality and imagination, but the real hook is the 80 different costumes you can find that unlock new abilities for your characters.
The game was directed by Yuji Naka of Sonic the Hedgehog fame. Fans of the platformers of the early ’90s don’t want to miss this one.
Back 4 Blood
October 12 | Turtle Rock Studios | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Valve may not have been able to get its act together to make a new Left 4 Dead game, but the developer behind the best-selling franchise has a spiritual successor in the works. Just like in Left 4 Dead, you’ll team up with three other players to take on waves of the undead in missions that change every time you play. There will also be a competitive 4v4 mode with one team taking the role of the zombies.
We went hands-on with the Back 4 Blood alpha, and so far, it does play a lot like Left 4 Dead with updated graphics, which isn’t a bad thing at all if you miss the classic horde shooter. The card system, which bestows interesting perks (and buffs) to players and zombies, does add a bit of variety to the usual formula that make this one a sleeper hit in the streaming world.
Battlefield 2042
October 22 | DICE | XSX, PS5, XBO, PS4, PC
Battlefield is returning to its futuristic timeline for this year’s installment. Set after climate change has completely devastated the planet, resulting in a global blackout, Battlefield 2042 sees the United States and Russia at war for what few resources are left. But you won’t be able to explore the themes within this setup through a single-player campaign, as this is a multiplayer-only installment.
Fortunately, the online play sounds impressive, with up to 128-player battles on next-gen consoles and PC. Classic modes like Conquest and Breakthrough are back, while the game will also introduce a new co-op mode called Hazard Zone. There are also tons of customization options that allow you to create your own multiplayer modes. What we’ve seen so far looks promising.
Bravely Default II
February 26 | Claytechworks | Switch
The first two Bravely Default games released on the 3DS were typical fantasy RPGs bolstered by their unique risk-reward battle system. Players could use brave points to stack up attacks for big damage, or default to save them up and take less damage in a turn. It kept those games fresh, even if they sometimes dragged on for too long.
Bravely Default II brings the series’ unique combat exclusively to the Switch for the first time. And true to its Final Fantasy inspirations, the characters and story are completely original, so you don’t need any familiarity with the earlier games.
Call of Duty: Vanguard
November 5 | Sledgehammer Games | XSX, PS5, XBO, PS4, PC
Call of Duty returns to World War II for the first time since 2017 with Vanguard, which takes things into alternate history territory with its story campaign that follows an elite squad of soldiers as they try to dismantle the Nazi war effort once and for all. Multiplayer offerings include the usual favorites as well as a new mode called Champion Hill that’s like a tournament-style battle royale. The game is also getting its own Zombies mode as well as introducing a new map for Warzone.
Chivalry 2
June 8 | Torn Banner Studios | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare was a huge multiplayer hit on the PC when it was released in 2012. Unfortunately, with lagging developer support, most of the community moved on to other games long ago.
But Torn Banner is back with the sequel, which boasts next-gen graphics, improved combat, and massive 64-player battles. Bloodier and more violent than its predecessor, Chivalry 2 pits the Agatha Knights against the Mason Order once again in a battle for supremacy that will leave the battlefield littered with corpses. If you’re tired of modern-day competitive shooters, and have a strong stomach, this might be the online multiplayer game for you.
TBA | Fishlabs | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Stadia
There’s been a serious lack of good third-person space combat shooters in recent years, but Chorus looks to rectify that. In this single-player game, you’ll play as Nara and her sentient ship Forsaken as they work together to track down the cult that created them in what Fishlabs is calling a “dark new universe.” It kind of looks like Goth Star Fox.
Unfortunately, we haven’t really seen anything more from Chorus since it was announced last summer. Hopefully, the radio silence ends soon.
TBA | Smilegate Entertainment and Remedy Entertainment | XSX, XBO
CrossFire is a hugely popular tactical first-person shooter in China and South Korea, even though it’s barely made a mark in the West. Fortunately, Microsoft is bringing an updated version of the shooter exclusively to its consoles in hopes that it’ll catch on. Expect lots of tense, objective-based multiplayer action, and though the series isn’t known for its single-player, we’re looking forward to what Remedy can do with this mode hot on the heels of the excellent Control.
Like several of the titles on this list, CrossfireX was planned as a launch title for the Series X, but was delayed into 2021 due to development issues caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait that much longer for this one.
September 14 | Arkane Studios | PS5, PC
What if you could combine the movie Groundhog Day with the Hitman series? It’s likely that no one had actually asked that question before Deathloop. You play as Colt, an assassin stuck in a time loop on an island in the midst of a party that resets every day. You have to eliminate eight targets before midnight and avoid dying yourself, or you’ll end up at the beginning of the loop again.
Deathloop also features a multiplayer component that allows players to jump into your game as an assassin named Julianna, who is tasked with taking Colt down before he can complete his mission. This PvP aspect should result in some very interesting playthroughs.
While Microsoft now owns Arkane as part of its purchase of ZeniMax Media and Bethesda Softworks, don’t expect Deathloop on the Xbox any time soon. It’s still launching exclusively on the PS5 and PC.
Diablo 2: Resurrected
September 23 | Vicarious Visions | XSX, PS5, XBO, PS4, PC, Switch
While Diablo III’s reputation has improved substantially since its controversial 2012 launch, there’s still a vocal group of gamers who prefer the second game in Blizzard’s genre-defining action RPG series. Knowing how much this game means to a lot of people, Vicarious Visions has said it’s not out to reinvent the wheel for Resurrected. The updated 3D graphics will display in 4K, but you can switch back to the original graphics at any point with the press of a button.
And while there will be some quality of life improvements like a shared item stash and automatic gold pickup, don’t expect any revolutionary changes that will spoil the original experience. This should be exactly what we need to tide us over until Diablo IV hits shelves.
Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny
June 29 | Nippon Ichi Software | Switch
After a couple of well-received remakes, the first new Disgaea title in more than five years is finally here! This time around, the offbeat story focuses on Zed, a zombie who attempts to use something called “super reincarnation” to stop the seemingly invincible God of Destruction who is slowly destroying all worlds. If you’re in the west, your Japanese tactical RPG fix is waiting for you on the Switch.
Dying Light 2
December 7 | Techland | XSX, PS5, XBO, PS4, PC
Few sequels are as highly anticipated as Techland’s follow-up to its surprise survival horror action game, Dying Light. Bringing back the parkour and combat mechanics of the original, Dying Light 2 Stay Human is sticking to the winning formula of any sequel: the same but bigger and (hopefully) better. Set in Europe on a sprawling map that’s four times bigger than than the setting of the first game, Dying Light 2 tasks you with building alliances among the game’s many warring factions while also making tough choices that will have serious consequences. It’s type of game Techland excels at, so you should be excited.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood
June 1 | ZeniMax Online Studios | XSX, PS5, XBO, PS4, PC, Stadia
Last year’s Elder Scrolls Online expansion finally brought the world of Skyrim to the MMO, and ZeniMax is keeping the blasts from the past coming. This year’s expansion, Blackwood, brings back elements from Oblivion, with a whole new campaign that sees you face off against Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon 800 years before the events of The Elder Scrolls IV. It’s all part of the year’s big Gates of Oblivion storyline.
The expansion adds the Blackwood region to the game, which includes the Imperial city of Leyawiin from Oblivion, and also finally brings a Companion system to the game. Recruit an NPC to fight by your side and explore the land of Tamriel.
Far Cry 6
October 7 | Ubisoft | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Stadia, Luna
By now we all know what to expect from Far Cry: hop into a tropical paradise, blow up a bunch of outposts, and methodically take back the land from the big bad guy. After a detour into the American wilderness with Far Cry 5, the next entry in the series heads to Yara, a fictional Caribbean country heavily based on Cuba. And with Giancarlo Esposito of Breaking Bad and The Mandalorian fame playing the big bad El Presidente, you know we’re in for some especially awesome villainy.
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
November 23 | Square Enix | PS5, PS4, PC
After one of the worst MMORPG launches ever, it’s a miracle that Final Fantasy XIV is still around a decade later. Not only did Square Enix turn things around, this game is now regarded as one of the very best in the genre.
Endwalker, the game’s fourth major expansion pack will conclude the story of the warring gods Hydaelyn and Zodiark, which has been running since the game’s 2013 relaunch. This won’t be the end of the MMO, though. Square still says it has several years worth of stories to tell.
Along with the obligatory new zones and quests, Square has promised two new classes: the sage, a healer who battles with floating swords, and the reaper, a melee-DPS class armed with a scythe. We can’t wait to try these out!
Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach 
TBA | Steel Wool Studios | PS5, PS4, PC
The Five Nights at Freddy’s series has been terrorizing gamers for more than a half decade now, and Steel Wool Studio is looking to up the scares with the power of next-generation graphics. We don’t know how exactly the game will play yet, but the announcement video showcased a very cool looking shopping mall with an ‘80s motif. On the PS5 and PC, Security Breach will support real-time raytracing, so Freddy and the gang should look better than ever.
Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection
February 25 | Capcom | Switch
After a lengthy absence, the crushingly difficult Ghosts ‘n Goblins series has been revived. Resurrection, which is a whole new installment and not just a remake, features the series’ classic 2D gameplay, with the knight Arthur fighting his way through hordes of monsters and environmental hazards. And of course, the new graphics look much better than the old NES and SNES games. Best (worst?) of all, this modern take is just as punishing as its predecessors so be prepared to die A LOT.
Guilty Gear Strive
June 11 | Arc System Works | PS5, PS4, PC
Billed as “a complete reconstruction” of the long-running fighting game franchise, Guilty Gear Strive introduces interesting new fighters as well as exciting returning characters. There is also a dedicated dash button and a new feature that lets opponents who are knocked into walls cling to them. If you can land enough attacks, you will break through the wall and initiate a stage transition.
It’s beautiful anime aesthetic also means you’ll really struggle to find a more stylish fighting game out this year. Come for the visuals, stay for the excellent gameplay.
Halo Infinite
December 8 | 343 Industries | XSX, XBO, PC
After a disappointing reveal last July, Halo Infinite was bumped from the Series X launch to Fall 2021. The game has been described as both a sequel and a “spiritual reboot” for the series, so it will be interesting to see how far 343 Industries handles Cortana’s heel turn after the fan backlash Halo 5: Guardians received. A new AI character known as “The Weapon” has already provided some clues.
Many fans weren’t happy to hear more microtransactions will be added to Infinite in the form of “coatings” (shaders) that can be purchased to customize Spartans in multiplayer. The good news that we recently played a little bit of Halo Infinite‘s multiplayer mode and came away really impressed with it! But let’s hope this game can deliver as a whole.
Hitman III
January 20 | IO Interactive | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC, Switch, Stadia
IO’s rebooted Hitman games are among the most underrated titles of the last few years, streamlining the series’ once finnicky systems and placing Agent 47 in huge sandbox levels with more ways than ever to eliminate his targets. If you own the previous two games, you can import maps and progress to take advantage of Hitman III’s improvements on any platform, but only the PS4 version supports the PSVR headset for the ultimate Hitman experience.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD
July 16 | Nintendo | Switch
The Legend of Zelda series turned 35 this year and Nintendo is celebrating the milestone with an HD remaster of one of the most underrated installments in the long-running franchise. Skyward Sword takes things back all the way to the very beginning of the Zelda timeline, telling the story of how the mythical Master Sword was created. Along the way, players are in for a fun adventure including some interesting experiments with motion control.
While it’ll likely never be as beloved as the games before it or Breath of the Wild, this Wii installment is still worth experiencing, especially if you missed it back in 2011.
Mario Golf: Super Rush
June 25 | Nintendo | Switch
It’s been a while since Nintendo dropped a new Mario Golf game, but a new Switch installment is finally here. While Super Rush offers up much of the same Mario Golf action you know and love, it does have an interesting new mode called Speed Golf, which pits competitors against each other as they race down the course in real time to see who scores first. It adds a bit of pep to the chill vibes of the series.
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy
October 26 | Eidos Montreal | XSX, PS5, XBO, PS4, Switch, PC
Square Enix’s latest foray in the Marvel universe comes just a year after the release of Marvel’s Avengers, a dull loot shooter starring Earth’s Mightiest Heroes that left a bit to be desired. So why are we excited for Guardians of the Galaxy? For one thing, it looks like it has a lot more personality, as players take control of Star-Lord, who not only has to use his skills as a warrior to fight bad guys and monsters but also has to play leader to keep his band of rogue misfits in line during big battles.
Eidos also plays to its strengths as a developer of single-player, story-focused games — if you love the choice-based gameplay and dialogue from recent Deus Ex games, there’s plenty more of that in Guardians. This planet-hopping adventure also takes players to some of the most exotic locations in the Marvel cosmos, such as Seknarf Nine and Knowhere, meaning you won’t be stuck fighting robots and scientists in Utah for half of the game.
This is Square Enix’s Marvel do-over. Let’s hope they don’t waste it.
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition 
May 14 | BioWare | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Nearly a decade since its conclusion, the Mass Effect trilogy remains a favorite among many gamers. Now, BioWare has brought the series back to next-gen consoles with a fresh coat of paint. A laundry list of improvements, including upgraded visuals and 4K compatibility, are the highlights of this collection, with much of the core gameplay and story you know and love staying the same. They did tweak that dang Mako, though.
The Medium
January 28 | Bloober Team | XSX, PC
Originally announced way back in 2012 for the Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii U, The Medium was shelved for years due to technological constraints before finally resurfacing in 2020. Gameplay focuses on a medium who can instantaneously travel between the real world and the spirit realm to solve puzzles, something that just wasn’t possible until the current crop of consoles adopted solid state drives.
Bloober Team has quietly built a reputation for itself with excellent single-player horror games like Observer and Layers of Fear, and The Medium is their most ambitious game yet.
Metroid Dread
October 8 | MercurySteam & Nintendo | Switch
Also known as “Metroid 5,” this unexpected sequel to the original mainline series of Metroid games will bring Samus Aran’s story with the X parasite to an end, according to Nintendo. Set after Metroid Fusion, Dread sees Samus exploring the planet ZDR where she must find the X parasite and destroy it once and for all. That won’t be so easy, though. With a few relentless villains constantly pursuing her around the map, she’ll have to move fast, while also uncovering a new piece of Chozo history to complete her mission.
This game looks like a revival of the excellent side-scroller gameplay we’ve always loved from this series, with a bit pf horror thrown in for good measure. This is easily one of our most highly anticipated games of the fall.
Monster Hunter Rise
March 26 | Capcom | Switch
The excellent Monster Hunter: World helped the series find a large audience in the West, although the game’s more demanding performance requirements kept it off the Switch. Fortunately, Rise is built specifically for Nintendo’s portable-console hybrid. And rather than a watered down port of World, Capcom this is a full-featured sequel with a new, more vertical map and all 14 weapon types from Monster Hunter: World and Monster Hunter Generations. If you’ve been waiting to jump on the Monster Hunter craze on the Switch, now is the time!
New Pokemon Snap
April 30 | Nintendo | Switch
Nintendo unleashed peak late ’90s nostalgia with this revival of the Pokemon Snap series for the Switch. Wrapped in a modern package, New Pokemon Snap is more of the on-rails photography game you loved when you were a kid. The game features over 200 Pokemon to capture with your trusty camera, which you can upload online to share with other players. And true to the Instagram era, you can now touch up your pictures, adding blur and filters, adjusting the zoom, and more. This is a must-buy for Nintendo fans.
New World
September 28 | Amazon Games | PC
Amazon has had its sights set on the gaming world for quite some time, quietly pumping money into a number of projects, and New World could be its breakthrough hit. In this MMORPG set on an unnamed land in the Atlantic Ocean in the 1600s, you’ll wield bows, hammers, hatchets, magical staffs, musket rifles, spears, and swords against a variety of fantastical creatures. There will also be plenty of opportunities to gather resources, craft, and build settlements. Best of all, there’s no monthly fee to play.
Launching a new IP is always difficult, and MMOs are a particularly difficult genre to break into, but if any company has the resources to succeed, it’s Amazon. That said, New World had some issues during the beta that will hopefully be addressed in time for the full release.
Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection
June 10 | Team Ninja | XBO, PS4, Switch, PC
Before there was Dark Souls, masochists flocked to the Ninja Gaiden series, which basically wrote the book on punishing action games. If you’ve been missing this franchise of late, Koei Tecmo is re-releasing three of the 3D installments in a sleek new collection for modern platforms. Included in the box are Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge, plus most of the downloadable content released for these games.
April 1 | People Can Fly | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Outriders combines the shooter and RPG genres in some unique and engaging ways. At the start of the game, you’ll pick from one of four classes: the time manipulating Trickster, fire-controlling Pyromancer, the seismic-powered Devastator, or the Technomancer, each of whom has a full-featured skill tree. Some have compared the title to live service games like Destiny and The Division, but Outriders also has a style of its own, presenting itself as a grittier alternative to those games.
Persona 5 Strikers
February 23 | Omega Force and P-Studio | PS4, PC, Switch
It’s a tradition at this point for Atlus to spin-off a Persona game into as many other titles as possible. We’ve already seen rhythm and dungeon crawler spin-offs of Persona 5 (and even a Super Smash Bros. cameo from Joker), but this is The Phantom Thieves’ first foray into the hack and slash genre. Gameplay is a mix of the usual Dynasty Warriors combo attacks, but there are also turn-based persona battles as well. And of course, expect plenty of Persona 5’s usual style and flare. 
Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis
June 9 | Sega | XSX, XBO, PC
Wait, didn’t Phantasy Star Online 2 just come out? Well yes, but only in the West. Japan has been playing the game since 2012, which is why the MMORPG might feel a little dated. New Genesis is a half update-half sequel with updated combat, and for the first time in the series, open world areas. It’s more like the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn update instead of a whole new game. The best part is that you’re be able to transfer over your character from PSO 2 to New Genesis, and like its predecessor, it’s completely free-to-play.
Psychonauts 2 
August 25 | Double Fine | XSX, PS5, PS4, XBO, PC
Fans have waited for a Psychonauts sequel for 15 years, but Double Fine has finally released the follow up. Psychonauts 2 sees Raz once again delving into the psyches of other characters, with hilarious and frightening results. Raz isn’t completely alone for this journey this time around. He’s joined by a new glowing companion, known as the Mote of Light, who is voiced by Jack Black. We really loved this game!
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
June 11 | Insomniac games | PS5
There hasn’t been a bad Ratchet & Clank game yet, and Rift Apart continues that trend. The basic gameplay is be similar to the excellent 2016 reboot, but Insomniac also introduces instant travel between completely different worlds. While PlayStation may have oversold just how much of the rift jumping is happening in real-time versus the more scripted reality of the sequences, it’s still a lot of fun to explore the multiverse with our dynamic duo. The game’s visuals, which support real-time ray-tracing and full 4K resolution, also happen to look stunning.
Resident Evil Village 
May 7 | Capcom | XSX, PS5, PC
Resident Evil Village is a direct sequel to Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, but it’s much more than Resident Evil 8, as Ethan investigates the mysterious occurrences in an isolated European village haunted by vampires and werewolves. But has Resident Evil really gone all Hammer Horror or is there more to these creatures of the night than meets the eye? And what do they want with Ethan’s baby?! This survival horror banger will keep you invested and digging for the answers.
TBA | Ebb Software | XSX, PC
Scorn looks like an absolute nightmare, but in the best possible way. It is, after all, directly inspired by the art of H.R. Giger of Alien fame and Polish painter Zdzisław Beksiński. In Scorn, you play as a skinless humanoid searching for answers in a horrific techno-organic open world. At the very least, it promises to be the most disturbing title of the year.
Shin Megami Tensei V
November 12 | Atlus | Switch
While the Persona spin-off series gets most of the attention nowadays, the original Shin Megami Tensei franchise is still going strong, and the latest title in the long-running series should be out worldwide next year.
This is the first Shin Megami Tensei developed using the Unreal Engine 4, so it should look fantastic, but expect similar gameplay to previous titles, including turn-based combat and lots of negotiating with demons to try to get them to join your party.
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury on Switch
February 12 | Nintendo | Switch
When it was released in 2013, Super Mario 3D World was easily one of the best Mario games in years, effortlessly combining the 3D movement of newer games in the series with the level design and multiple characters of the original NES games. You could play as Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Toad, or Rosalina, and they could each don catsuits that opened up all sorts of new platforming opportunities. But maybe 10 people played it because no one bought the Wii U.
Fortunately, the game received the re-release it deserved this year. Plus you get a whole new campaign called Bowser’s Fury, an interesting twist on the usual Mario level structure that’s worth a playthrough.
February 2 | Iron Gate AB
Valheim came out of nowhere to become one of the big success stories of 2021, selling more than a million copies less than three weeks after its early access release. If you aren’t caught up on the latest Steam phenomenon, think of it as Minecraft mixed with Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. You and up to nine other friends are dropped off in the middle of a Viking afterlife to survive, craft, and battle mythical creatures.
Iron Gate AB has been vague about what exactly to expect from future updates, but the studio has teased future customization options for homes and ships, and eventually even a new biome to explore. 
Wrath: Aeon of Ruin
TBA | KillPixel
First-person shooters have come a long way in the last couple of decades, but some times you just want to run and gun in a dark fantasy setting as quickly as possible. And remarkably few modern games provide that experience. Enter Wrath: Aeon of Ruin, a spiritual successor to Quake, Doom, and Hexen, built on the 25-year-old Quake Engine.
Wrath has been in Early Access since November 2019, and what’s been released so far is very promising, looking and sounding like a lost PC shooter from the late ‘90s. The full game should be out later this year. 
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The post Best Games to Play in 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
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