#and there's an entire special where marinette visits her uncle in shanghai
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cassette-fanfics · 8 months ago
I finally found this post again :)
I need you to know that "day 4 of chlonath week in julerose june" has been living rent-free in my brain for the past seven years xkdjfkaj
ml fandom gothic
you look through the ladrien tag for new content, you see marichat. you look through the alyanette tag, you see marichat. you look at a different fandom’s post, you see marichat. you look in the mirror, you see marichat.
you see news about the show from zag. you see thomas refute the news. you wonder if we will ever know the truth
it is 2017, season 2 is not out. it is 2018, season 2 is not out. you are 72 enjoying yourself on the porch of your beachside front bought with the savings of your late rich husband, season 2 is not out
you tell yourself the fandom does not love adrien more than marinette but you cannot tell a lie. you tell yourself the fandom is open to ships outside the lovesquare; you still cannot tell a lie
what’s today’s date, someone asks you. day 4 of chlonath week in julerose june, you reply. you can only tell the date by theme months and weeks now
“there is no war in ba sing se there is no drama in the ml fandom” you repeat to yourself. you like a discourse post. there is no drama in the ml fandom. you reblog a discourse post. there is no drama in the ml fandom. you make a discourse post. there is no drama in the ml fandom.
“marinette is half chinese” you whisper like a prayer. maybe if you say it enough times people will remember
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princess-of-the-corner · 1 year ago
Yanno, we keep talking about how Andre let Chloé get away with whatever but I was thinking about it and like, Marinette also gets away with so much shit too. The only difference other than Marinette being the "good" protagonist is that people don't see her doing said shit and we don't see Tom and Sabine reacting to it. She doesn't get reprimanded and if she does it doesn't stick. Like, if they were as good of parents as the show claims they are (which, as of Derision is up in the air since it doesn't seem like they did anything about their daughter being bullied in school) then Marinette would be so fuckin dead because of what happened in the Shanghai special and also the piss window.
I mean the problem is less Tom and Sabine's potential parenting skills and more just. They're not allowed to know about things and the things the may have heard about aren't treated as 'bad' by the narrative.
The Chloé thing is a little funky due to like. In 'Origins' they know about Chloé but she's just an annoyance everyone rolls their eyes at so while it's commented on it's not bad enough for them to get more involved than they have been. But the Derision retcon might have made Chloé soooo much worse and traumatizing, but Marinette refuses to tell them what's happened so they can't do anything. At best they know she's having trouble with something between her nerves and the detentions she keeps getting, but they can't do anything if she won't tell them what's going on.
That said: What should they do in that situation? They can't force Chloé to behave. They can't talk to Chloé's parents because at best they'll brush them off and let her keep doing what she's doing, but more likely she'll be encouraged to do what she's doing and might even be given advice of 'be subtle so you don't get caught'. The teachers either can't or won't do anything. Best option would be to transfer one of them to a different class, but that wouldn't protect her between classes. The only surefire way to stop this would be changing schools entirely, but that cuts Marinette off from her friends even more than Chloé does in the first place.
There's not really a good solution to be had there other than her parents providing support and shutting down things when they can. Which, if we /try/ to combine the retcons with Canon, makes it seem like they at least got the teachers to believe that Marinette isn't at fault so at least she doesn't get punished for Chloé's actions anymore.
As for the other things though:
Tom and Sabine never find out about a lot of the sketch stuff Marinette does. Bringing up the Shanghai Special: They 100% believe that she wanted to go on the trip to visit her uncle, not to stalk Adrien. They don't know about it, they can't talk to her about how that's not okay and how disrespectful it was to use them like that.
But all the stalker shit? Her behavior toward Kagami during Season 2 and 3? Stealing people's phones? All the times when even the narrative treats Marinette like she's in the wrong? They don't get to know about any of it and can't deal with it.
Then we get to things like the piss window where that's treated as a /good/ thing. So if they do know about it, they're not going to punish her for it because it was Totally The Right Thing To Do™.
We do have some evidence of how if she screwed up they'd handle it in Simon Says. Marinette was having so many absences (due to Ladybug shenanigans) that they grounded her so they could help keep track of her so she'd stop being absent.
However it's just. Never brought up again even though Marinette is supposedly still being late to class every fucking day and skipping for Ladybug shenanigans and is supposed to be one of her major stresses of how she keeps missing important school/social/home duties because Ladybug duties take priority.
And on one hand that's annoying because she's still struggling but it's only brought up the one time? Which implies that either her parents stopped caring or the school stopped reporting Marinette's tardiness/absences/missing homework/etc.
On the other hand: The trope of our underage superhero having to constantly be grounded and thought of as a disrespectful delinquent by their parent(s) because they have a secret identity and can't explain that their behavior isn't just 'skipping school and purposely tanking their grades and refusing to do chores all of a sudden' they just have to go save the world..... it gets very tiring after a bit. It's frustrating and begins to make the parents look like jerks for punishing a character who doesn't deserve it even though they are by all logic doing the right thing.
So even that one is a double-edged sword.
Not to mention just even in general like. They're parents in a children's superhero cartoon. If they paid attention like the good parents we are supposed to think of them as, then they would break parts of the plot that allows Marinette to do things she probably shouldn't, up to and including being a Superhero. So they have to remain ignorant by nature of the narrative even though they're supposed to be good parents. It's part of the genre and isn't necessarily the fault of ML.
So yeah it's. I roll with the fact that they're supposed to be good parents and would handle things better if they were allowed to know and if the narrative treated said actions as bad. But it's. It's just. *gestures to the lack of communication and questionable morals of the whole show*
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iamdunn · 4 years ago
Miraculous Flash Forward part 3: Laoshi Mao
A Miraculous Fan-Fic
Written by 
AJ Dunn
It had been two years now since Adrien moved to Shanghai. At first, time seemed to go by so slowly as he was waisted his days at home and went out at night to train. However, after the first few months, he began going insane. He decided to sit and watch Chao Sifu as he taught the younger kids the same exercises he was mastering at night. He held several classes throughout the day, some for the smaller children, and others for the more advanced kids. However, he never saw groups of adults. 
“You might as well change your clothes young Adrien, and join me.” Chao Sifu said without missing a single movement. They were practicing outside under the blossoms of the over-hanging trees. Adrien nodded and jogged off to change his clothes, he left them here so he didn’t have to carry a bag around town. He returned to the group and Sifu motioned for him to take the lead in front of the kids. He knew the exercises well and began right where Sifu left off. He watched the kids’ faces and they moved in sync with him. He never realized how much fun it would be to participate in a group activity like this. He once gave his Chinese class lessons in fencing and vise versa, but this was something else. They looked to him as if he were the Sifu. His heart was thrilled. 
Sifu walked around the group inspecting the movements of the children and corrected the ones who were out of step. Adrien began showing up every day at the same time and spending almost the entire day either leading the class or walking around helping the kids who had more trouble. He especially loved working with the smallest of the children. One of which, a little girl, reminded him a lot of a younger Marinette. She was even just as clumsy. Sifu didn’t have patience for her so Adrien would have her step out of the group and he would practice solo with her several feet away from the rest of the group so that if she did fall, he would be the only one she’d trip on. 
The days began to go by faster as Adrien took up more chores at the temple including cleaning. After two years, Sifu allowed him to take on more chores and even lead a couple of classes on his own. Sifu seemed to be tiring of the physical labor as his body began to give out. Adrien was still a silent partner in the Graham de Vanily company and even insisted that he receives reports regarding new designs before they were approved. Many new talented designers were beginning to blossom under the new brand of the company, but he wondered why Felix never offered Marinette a position despite her many successful designs that were sponsored by the company. 
“She keeps refusing,” Felix answered as they spoke on the phone. “I even went personally to her apartment to offer her a full position.”
“You went to her apartment?” Adrien felt prickles in his skin. “Where does she live, who does she live with?” 
“Wo wo slow down lover boy. If you want those details call her yourself.” Felix was irritated with Adrien’s jealousy but he went out of his way to antagonize it knowing how much it affected him. “Look, I understand why you can’t be here, but she can’t.” 
“I know I know.” Adrien sighed
“You don’t get it,” Felix’s frustrations could be clearly heard. “You’re the reason she keeps turning me down.” 
“Turning you down?” Adrien began to fume.
“For the job offer,” Felix wasn’t playing now. “It’s not like I brought her roses and offered her my hand. Get control of your emotions.”
“You’re right cousin.” Adrien sighed dropping heavily onto the couch. “I have been keeping my mind occupied with things here so I don’t think about everyone there.” 
“How’s that working out for you?” Felix sounded concerned. “Are you accomplishing what you went there to do?” 
“Yeah, I think I am. I am teaching children martial arts now and, I can cook pretty much any Chinese dish you could order at a restaurant.” He laughed. 
“So… are you thinking about teaching children when you return?” Felix asked skeptically.
“Why not, I used to be the best fencer in my class and even gave lessons to some of the least talented students I met.” He remembered the time Marinette tried out. He laughed again. She wasn’t bad for being such a klutz. “I have to go now though, it’s time to meet up with the Sifu for dinner. He clicked the phone off and was about to stand when his phone rang. It was Cheng Sifu. 
“I don’t need that nightly order you always deliver each night,” he said swiftly. A nervous tone in his voice.
“Is everything alright Sifu?” Adrien wondered if he should use Plagg to get there quickly despite the sun still being up. 
“No no, don’t come everything is okay, I just have family in from out of town.” Adrien’s breath froze in his lungs. He could hear laughter coming from the other end of the line. He knew there would always be a chance of Marinette and her parents visiting, Cheng was her great uncle. Adrien sulked as he set the phone back down. He stood up as if his body moved him. His thoughts weren’t his own as he stormed out of the apartment. Plagg zipped quickly so he wound’t be left behind. Even on the metro, he couldn’t sort his thoughts. What was he doing. He was going to see her. What if she saw him? How could he explain, he had been gone for 4 years now, with no contact with any of them. What would she say? How could he face her after what his father did to her, to all of them. Marinette had been the only one out of their entire class, and well school to not have been akumatized. 
He couldn’t stop his thought process even as he got off the bus by the market. He lifted his hoodie over his head wondering if it would be better to dawn his ‘other’ hoodie. So far Cat Noir, had not been seen in Shanghai, not since his first night here. Even Hei Mao was a blur in the night. Despite the fact his new costume was an exact replica of hers, he could always pass it off as someone playing dress up. But an adult? In Shanghai, in broad daylight with no festival or events taking place? Adrien stopped outside the restaurant. He spied the very back table, the one Cheng Sifu reserved for his family and special guests. He could see her laughing along with his mother and father. Her long midnight hair hung loose below her shoulders, her smile radiated as her eyes gleamed from the joy. 
Adrien couldn’t move as he stood frozen. He saw her look up as if she could sense someone watching him. He dropped to the ground. Toying with his shoe laces so as to not look suspicious to the passerbys. Was it safe to stand up? Did she see him? He slowly stood not looking into the window, but just as his eyes rose over the window sill he could see what she had been looking at. It was Fie, a friend they had made here when she had by chance visited her uncle for the first time and gotten lost. 
Adrien sighed and took his leave. What had he been thinking? Toying with disaster. He couldn’t bare to feel the shame his father placed upon him. He was glad that at least Marinette had escaped the fate of becoming evil, she was far too good for that. But the horror of watching everyone you care about wreak havok on Paris, not to mention on the various places they had traveled abroad. Even here in Shanhai. 
Adrien had made his way back to the temple. He couldn’t find Chao Sifu anywhere. He slipped his sneakers off and slipped through the living areas searching for him. Finally he sat on the floor outside his masters bedroom and knocked on the door. He could hear a low muffled voice.
“Come in Adrien.” the voice was raspy and harsh. He slid the door open and crawled inside closing the door behind him. Chao layed on his futon. He was pale and weak. A woman came from the bathroom placing a cold rag on his head. “You won’t be trained by me any longer young Adrien.” He coughed into his napkin. Adrien could see the red. 
“He won’t make it through the night.” the woman said then left the room. 
“I am far too old for this world.” Chao said. “I am over 300 years old now.” the shock wore on his shoulders. He was even older than Master Fu.
“How long do guardians live?” Adrien asked quietly “Master Fu was nearly 200 before he surrendered the miracle box.” they hadn’t ever talked about the miracle box or who had it. All Adrien knew was that Ladybug had it and he didnt know who she was. 
“Fu?” Chao said. “He was but a child when the temple disappeared,” he coughed again. “Being bound to a Kwami box preserves our life span, but we slowly fade after we relinquish it.” He hadn’t seen Master Fu since he had been akumatized, which came after he had handed over the miracle box and lost his memory of it. 
“Chao Sifu? how do you have memory of these things if you relinquished your box”
“I was a grand master, I governed them all!” he hacked and turned on his side away from Adrien. “When the temple was restored, I sent the guardians out to find the missing boxes and any holders who may have passed along their miraculous’” more hacking.
Adrien wanted to know more about the order of the miraculous but he knew, now was not the right time for that. He would sit with Chao through the night. 
The dawn came as Adrien saw cross legged on the floor beside the futon. He had been meditating all night. He felt the fatigue as his eyes slid open welcoming the sun. He saw the Sifu looking up at him. A haze growing over his eyes. 
“There is nothing more I can teach you.” the voice was small but understood. “You came to me a Xuesheng, and now I leave you, Laishi Mao.” His eyes drifted closed as his body went limp. Adrien swallowed hard in his throat as he continued to sit there unable to move. The woman came in a few minutes later. 
“He is gone.” Adrien whispered barely able to breath, his heart heavy with hurt. He wanted to cry, he wanted to be held tightly as he cried. He suddenly missed his partner. Despite her lack of reciprocated feelings, he missed her the most right now. Her arms were always available to him when he needed her the most. But he knew, he had abandoned her. Tears began to well up in his eyes as the woman covered his face with the blanket. Adrien stood up and left the room. 
Back at his apartment Adrien was silent as he moved about the apartment. Classes would be canceled today. He went to the bathroom and took a shower. Marinette was in town, and his Sifu was gone. He dialed up Cheng Sifu.
“I uh, I need to see you.” he choked. Standing in the seating area, a towel wrapped around his waist. “Today.” 
“I will come see you.” Chao said. Her voice could be heard in the background. A voice he would never forget. Especially after she confessed her love for him on the day of graduation. He had just showed up at the school, she crashed into him at the top of the stairs, a common occurrence. Standing there for the longest moment before she spoke. His mind couldn’t process what she had told him. His heart stalled in his chest and he could’t say a word. Not that he didn’t have feelings for her, just that she had always said she didn’t like him like that. He swore her love was for Luka, and maybe part of it was. 
“Thank you Sifu.” He said hanging up the phone. There was a knock at the door. Adrien peered through the door. It was a bell boy. He slid the chain and oppended the door. 
“This was sent for you.” the man handed him a suit bag, like one from the dry cleaners only this was fancier. 
“Thank you.” Adrien said closing the door. He carried the hung garment to his bedroom and tossed it on the bed. Pacing back and forth as his heart skipped a beat. 
“Well what is it?” Plagg asked flying out from where ever he had been hiding. The logo on the bag was clearly from the temple. His heart throttled like the engine of a sports car in his chest as he unzipped the garment bag. It was a simple garment. The shirt was long and black with dark red trim. The pants matched. Adrien pulled it out and slipped the pants on first. The cuffs came up slightly above his ankles as is the design. He performed a couple high kicks, Side to side and front. He kicked back knocking the lamp off his night stand. 
“Carefull where you kick you almost hit me.” Plagg said. Adrien laughed.
“We’ve been hit by our own cataclysm, I think you can take a kick.” Plagg scowled at him. He picked up the top. It opened in the the front and wore like a robe. He slipped his arms into the sleeves pulling it closed around his waist. He slid the sash off the rung of the hanger and tied it around his waist holding the top closed. Sifu had taught him how to wear it. He slipped on the matching shoes that lay in the bottom of the garment bag. He went into the bathroom to inspect his appearance. The top had slits up the sides for movement freedom. It didn’t move at all as he kicked and punched moving his arms around infront of the mirror. 
“It’s not as good as your OTHER suit.” Plagg said jealous of the new look. “Even your Marinette style is better than this one.”
“No argument there.” Adrien smiled. “I’ve never had a civilian uniform before.” Another knock at the door came. Adrien greeted the bell boy who was escorting several well dressed men. Adrien held the door open for them. He waited for one to offer his hand before shaking it, as was customary. He motioned for them to sit in the seating area and they did. 
“We have come to deliver you news of Chao.” One spoke. “As you may already know he passed on this morning.” he pulled a manila envelope from his satchel and held it in both hands. “He had these prepared for you awhile ago.” he handed the packet to Adrien with both hands, so Adrien accepted it with both hands. “Please open it now.” the men waited as Adrien pulled the stack of papers from the envelope. 
“Last will & testament?” Adrien frowned and looked up at them. 
“You shall become the soul heir to the temple grounds, the school and all it’s contents.” one began to read from his copy of the forms. You will take up his place as Laoshi to the children and carry on his teachings.” It was a great honor to have bestowed on a person. Adrien couldn’t speak as he watched the man read through the forms. “There shall be no classes until the end of mourning.” with that the men stood up. Adrien stood up and escorted them to the door. A call came in on his phone. It was Cheng Sifu.
“I am downstairs, I can not stay long.” he sounded rushed. Adrien hurried down stairs. Plagg tucking himself into the sash. A secret pocket had been crafted into it. 
“Perfect.” Adriem smiled as he made his way to the elevator. Downstairs he found Cheng Sifu sitting on a bench under a tree. He took a seat next to him. 
“You look great.” Cheng said indicating the suit.
“Chao Sifu passed away this morning.” Adrien started. “I was with him went he went.” His tears threatened to appear but he swallowed back scanning the scene for signs of Marinette.
“They are over there.” he motioned to a temple turned museum across the street. She would not be able to see him where he sat. “I am sorry to hear about your Sifu. Adrien, you have done well here.” 
“He gave me the kwoon.” Adrien said flatly. “I am to take over as Laoshi.” 
“Congratulations Adrien.” Cheng beamed with joy for his young student. “You have come along way even in the kitchen. Will you tell me why you came here? Why you avoid the one you love?” Cheng always seemed to know that which even Adrien hadn’t. Adrien knew now that he loved her, but he had always been blinded by his love for Ladybug. Well, he still loved her too, he just thought more maturely about it and having a life with a woman who you didn’t know her real identity made things more difficult. It’s not like they could get married. 
“It’s...comlicated.” Adrien said. “After my father was arrested, I didn’t know who I was. I came here to find that out.” He could have gone anywhere, but why here? “Maybe, here, i still had a connection to her.” he mused. 
“I will call you, when they leave.” Cheng said standing up. “Unless you change your mind then join us for dinner tonight.” His sheepish smile swelled in Adrien’s heart. He was such a wonderful man so caring, and attuitive. 
“You know I won’t. But.” Adrien stood up. “Does she talk about me?”
“I asked her about you last night, and…” he looked across the street. “It made her sad.” it hurt Adrien to think that the thought of him would make such a cheerful girl sad. 
“I will see you soon.” Adrien said. He could see her and her family walking out of the building across the street so he slipped deeper into the shadows as he watched Cheng rejoin his family. He went back to his apartment.  His phone rang. 
“Wow, your popular today.” Plagg said escaping from the sash once the door was secure.
“I need you to meet me in London,” Felix announced in a rush. “Your mother woke up!”
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