#and there's a part of Hesh that hates his father‚ but he never means it
capt-zjaybird · 7 days
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Hesh n Elias father son relationship coded
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wjehfshs · 1 year
COD characters and if they want children or not (HCS)
He is a family man through and through
But that doesn’t mean children are a must
He definitely wants them but he also knows his job is dangerous and he wouldn’t be around much
So if you didn’t want kids/can’t have kids he’s disappointed but is fine with it
Doesn’t blame you though, it’s not your fault
He’s happy with his nieces, nephews or any young family member he knows
But if you do want children/can have them, you two are right on it right after your wedding
If you can’t get pregnant for any reason or it’s too dangerous for you to get pregnant, he’s open to adoption
Does not want children
And part of it is yes because of how his father treated him but mainly because he’s got too much going on up there in his brain for him to cope with a whole other (or multiple other) tiny human
Look if you want children hes happy with babysitting with you but he just can’t do children in the long run
If you don’t want children, perfect! No worries about that
No, not only is her job very dangerous but she has a short temper
She is able to keep herself level around adults but even then that’s a struggle
She just can’t bare the thought of accidentally traumatising a child because she was having a bad day
Also what if something relating to her job happens to the child?
She would be crushed
And also just overall she doesn’t like children much
Cares for them and wants to protect them, but has a low tolerance for them
he loves children, and they love him
He’s like the uncle that every kid in the family loves and basically hangs off of
Sneaks them treats and buys them overly expensive gifts
So yes he wants kids
Not only does he spoil you, but he would spoil your kids to the edge of the universe and back
Sorry to disappoint any Rudy lovers who don’t want kids, but he just can’t see himself with someone who doesn’t want kids
Doesn’t really care either way
If you want kids? Cool! Let’s fuck right here right now
Want kids but can’t have them? Let’s go look for a kid to adopt! Maybe even foster a kid for awhile!
Don’t want kids? Sure! That’s fine by him! As long as he has you he’s happy
He’s definitely the cool uncle
The one that the parents dread giving their kids to for the day because they’ll come back with a new iPad and a story about how they rode his motorcycle with him
Also a bit 50/50
Prefers not to but if you really really want them, he’s happy to
He can cope either way but he’s always envisioned his life with you, you two growing old, living together and being free to do whatever you want
Like Gaz, he’s 50/50
But more leaning towards yes
He has an energetic lifestyle, probably loves travelling and doing things with you
And with kids he can’t do that
But he’s also willing to either tone that down for the kids or give it up basically entirely for your children
He thinks Riley would be great with the kids
Wants at least 3 kids
But if you say no, that’s fine! It’s either less kids or no kids at all
Ehhh… maybe? Probably not
He’s still deciding
He’s very quiet and almost shy so he can find it hard to talk to people, let alone a child
He finds them overwhelming, messy, and kinda disgusting
But there’s also that small part of him that thinks about the day he holds his little newborn baby
But then he rationalises with himself and tells himself “no after they become a toddler i’d hate my life, I want a baby, not a child”
He knows it would be selfish of him to have a child in the end as he just wants the baby stage
But he is growing on the pure nature of toddlers and kids
Finds it adorable when a little kid in public gets excited over something so small like a dog or an icecream
Yes but I feel like it’s trauma related
Due to her past and the fact that (spoilers for Farah’s past) she never got a childhood or many years with her parents, she wants a child to fill that hole
She wants to give a child the experience she never had
She’d be a great mother though
Maybe a bit strict at times but never over the top or a damaging amount
Like instead of 30 minutes of screen time, it’s 15 minutes
Something like that
If you don’t want children she’d be disappointed for sure, maybe try to ask you why and see if there’s a deeper meaning as to why
If there is none, she just accepts it honestly
If there is one she’s trying to fix it and it might end in an argument, but the next day she’s apologising and having a proper conversation with you
I do believe she’s in therapy for all she’s been through, so after that argument she definitely had a talk with her therapist and got to the bottom of why SHE wants a child
Doesn’t really change her wanting one tho
Another big yes
The cool big older cousin
The funny dad, except he’s actually funny
He would pretend to have his leg severed as he screams, tomato sauce (ketchup for any Americans) splattered everywhere as his prosthetic leg is lying somewhere in the back yard
“Oh my god! Dad what happened?!”
“Some giant bear came and ripped my leg off!” cue him making funny sound effects and reenacting it with over dramatic flailing about
Meanwhile the dog is licking tomato sauce off his hand
Sorry but if you don’t want kids, it’s a no for him
Although I do feel like he would make it very obvious he wants kids at the start of you two dating
So if you say no, there probably wouldn’t be a relationship in the first place
And he doesn’t care if you can’t have kids, he’s happy to adopt and even foster care
He gives me the vibes of “ok let’s take one foster kid in and then look at adoption for other children” and then he adopts the foster kid
He gives me divorced dad vibes
So in my mind, he already has kids with his ex, he has shared custody and loves them to death
And he’s not gonna be one of those divorced dads that chooses his partner over his kids
His kids are always first
Best dad ever
He also is probably a rock dad
Like those dads that play rock music in his old ass car while waiting for his kids to he released from school
If you love his kids it’s perfect
Although I don’t think he’d want any more kids, unfortunately. So he’d probably say no to anymore of them with you
He’s honestly just happy with what you want
Doesn’t mind either way
I mean he’s very calm and doesn’t irritate easily so he’s fine with kids
Look he doesn’t know really how to talk with them but knows how to take care of a child and keep it happy
I see him as wanting to care for foster kids but only like 1 or 2 at a time, also he only wants to do that for a short while
Once you two start getting older, he just can’t do it anymore
But when he is doing it, he loves to help kids
Give them a temporary home until they can either go back home or find a permanent one
Specifically loves seeing them smile for the first time after he’s done something for them
He knows how hard it can be for them so seeing them smile, and knowing he made them smile makes him so so happy
Maybe spoils them just a bit
Yes but I think he can only handle 2 at most
He loves kids but anything more than 2 stresses him out
There’s nothing really else to it other than that
Wants kids but only a couple
Look he says he wants kids because he feels pressured to be a “traditional man” but really he doesn’t want kids
If you don’t want kids he’s relieved
If you do, he’s a little stressed out at first but once they’re born, he spoils them
But like spoil spoils them
Im talking pony’s and horses for their birthdays
A surprise playhouse for them
That kinda stuff
I just know he lives on a farm
He loves his family and he wants to have children to add onto that family
If you don’t want any, sorry but it’s over
Same as soap, if you say yes its “lets fuck right here”
If you can’t get pregnant, he’s very very happy to adopt, just wants more family and loves children
Ookkk that’s all for now bye bye
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More Isaac, cause I'm thinking too much about him lately (maybe a little sad):
While Merrick is Isaac's main father figure, Elias is also a pretty big one, also Isaac basically owes everything to Elias, with Elias being the one to fight to put him into this team and keep him outta jail, so when he died it also hit Isaac really hard. After the burial, he snuck away back to the site, sitting there crying. Because a, he ain't good at comforting people, so he thought he wouldn't be of good help with Hesh (eventhough they were already kinda dating, not that they talked about it, but they basically were), but also because the death hit him so hard he didn't want Hesh to feel like he'd have to comfort Isaac about Elias's death, so he tried to deal with it on his own, like he usually does if he can't get Merrick (who also had to deal with it on his own+his "new" role as now full on leader of the Ghosts). Though with his disappearance Hesh got concerned (not wanting to lose him too and also craving the comfort of his bf next to Logan's) so he went looking. Finding him crying over Elias. He might've tried to deny it, but it was clear what happened, this let to them then actually comforting eachother (after Hesh managed to pull the truth out of Isaac). This is also where Hesh learned about how Isaac became a Ghost, that it was his dad's good will, that Isaac ain't rotting in jail for being a Fed and breaking into a military base. Also where they officially got together funnily enough. "You know, your dad actually gave me his blessing" "what?" "For you" "me?" "Yeah, told me he'd be happy to have me as an actual part of the family and then just patted me on the shoulder, i mean he also threatened to kill me if I'm shit to you, but overall he was ... good with... with us" gave them both a bit of peace if they were honest
There is also an au death of Isaac, after which Hesh left the Ghosts because he lost his trust in Merrick and he couldn't deal that he now lost really everyone he's loved. Lost the trust, because Merrick let Isaac run into his certain death, not trying to stop him (due to a promise he'smade years ago) but holding back Hesh from running after him.
If it weren't for everyone being a shithead to Isaac, he would've been a little ray of sunshine. Tho Hesh does start to bring it out the more he weasles his way under his skin. The first big stupid jokes and full body laughters did catch everyone of guard, but they were more happy about the fact that Isaac finally warmed up
-🐑(also working on a list with all relationships from Isaac to the others)
TWO dads for the price of one!
Elias juggling every piece of bullshit sent Issacs way while already dealing with Logan+Hesh's daily bullfuckery is magic. No wonder they made him captain!
Awww, Issasc assumes that he's being selfish but Hesh sees him vulnerable like he is and instead they connect better over it. Sweet.
Hesh got the Delux Fullcover Traumatic backstory for his bf AND his hand in marriage in one fell swoop. Hate to say it but maybe Elias's death was a good thing. /J!!!
Elias still threatens to kill his ass pls. Man dedicated a good portion of his total lifes effort towards Issacs well being, but god so help him if David ever cries over him that isn't for a damn good reason. Dead or not Elias will get his ass. Stairs are precarious places.
Hesh leaving the Ghosts au are so intriguing to me I need someone to either write it or for me to write one myself OR if there is one already (like a fic) SOMEONE TELL ME!!!
Hesh starts calling Issac "Sunshine" ironically but he starts to mean it as Issac's overall mood improves. He's never seen a smile so face-melting. (In a good way!!)
(Relationship chart pog.)
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imagininghim · 7 years
Play your cards right  Part 3
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Parts: 1, 2
(Y/N)n's POV:
I walked down the road to the address Lia had given me. I felt bad for leaving the boys and not telling them where I was going but it was for their own good.
Time Skip:
I came upon to this dive bar as I looked at the address 1062 Taper Road.
“This is it… I guess.” I said as I walked to the back and to the basement door before pushing it open and heading down the stairs.
As I walked in I saw Patrick playing a game of pool with an elderly man.
“Bet.” The elderly man said as he pushed his chips into the middle of the table. I noticed how the man didn’t have that great of cards.
“I sense you’ve got me by the jewels on this one, Hesh. I fold.” Patrick said as he threw his card down as the man began to smile. Hesh smiled as he pilled his chips into him. “What are you up—like thirteen years there, Hesh? What do you say we call it a day?” Hesh nodded his head with a smile.
“Thanks, Patrick,” Hesh said as he began to stand. Patrick looked behind Hesh to see me standing there.
“Hesh here is going to live to see his granddaughter's bat mitzvah. Isn't that right, Hesh?” Patrick said as I looked at the smiling elderly man.
“Thanks again, Patrick.”
“Shalom, my friend. Shalom.” Hesh turned to leave as Patrick began to shuffle the cards.
“That was nice of you,” I said as Patrick smirked.
“I'm a nice guy. What can I do you for?” Patrick said as I pulled out the chair and began to sit down.
“I want to make a deal with you,” I said simply as Patrick stopped shuffling the cards and looked up to me.
“What kind of deal?” Patrick said as he leaned forward towards me.
“I want to play poker with you.” Patrick looked at me confusedly.
“Okay? And?” He said confusedly.
“If I win, you give both Bobby and Dean their years back and you let Lia go,” I said as Patrick began to speak up.
“And if you lose?” He questioned as I spoke again.
“If I lose you still do all of that but you take my soul in exchange.”
“What…?” Dean questioned as I turned to face his heartbroken look.
“Dean…” I said as he rolled his eyes before turning around and walking out. “Sam…” Sam smiled sympathetically before speaking up.
“It’s okay, I’ll go talk to him,” Sam said as I nodded as Sam went and followed Dean.
“Well, well, well. Seems like your boyfriend's not too impressed that you might have to spend eternity with me.” Patrick said as I turned back and glared at him.
“He’s not my boyfriend for one and for two, I’m assuming you accept my deal?” I said as Patrick smirked as he began to deal.
“Let’s begin.” He said as he dealt me my cards.
Dean’s POV:
I watched as the love of my life offered her soul for Bobby and me to be able to get our years back.
“Dean…” She said as she turned back towards me. I rolled my eyes before turning my back towards her and walking out.
“What happened?! Was she in there?!” Bobby questioned as he rolled himself behind me. As Sam slammed the door open as he yelled after me.
“Dean!” Sam yelled as I stopped outside the impala.
“What?!” I yelled as I turned to face an angry Sam and Bobby. “What do you want me to say?! Huh?! Do you want me to say “It’s okay! Let her sell her soul in hopes that she wins and we go back to being our regular ages.” No, not going to happen. I’m going to find a way to kill this son of a bitch.” I said as I slammed my hand onto the hood of the impala. Sam sighed as did Bobby. “I lost the mom, I’m not about to lose her too,” I said as I let a tear slip out of my eyes.
“Dean, I know you don’t want to lose her but we need to think of a way to kill him and quick. Bobby and I will do a little research but I need you to stay here with (Y/N).” I sighed at Sam knowing he was right.
“Fine but if anything happens to her…. The blood is on your hands…” I said as I pushed past Sam and Bobby to head back to the bar.
(Y/N)n's POV:
“I don’t understand you,” Patrick said as he stared at me.
“What do you mean?” I questioned with a smile.
“You’d give up your life for a drunk, an ex-blood junkie, and daddy’s little soldier.”
“Correction, I ‘d give up my life up for a man who raised two boys when they’re father had given up on them, another man who did everything he could to fix this broken world and…. And a man who hated himself so much, he made the world a better place just so no one would suffer like he did. I’d give my life for family.” Patrick stared at me as if he was trying to figure me out.
“I fold,” Patrick said simply as I nodded my head and pulled the chips in. Patrick took the cards before shuffling the cards and dealing. “I could’ve made the real player out of you.”
“I got time,” I said simply as Patrick smirked.
“But he doesn’t.” I turned to see Dean holding onto the wall with a pained look on his face.
“Dean…” I whispered out as he looked back at me.
“The games not over till I say it is. Blinds.” I turned back to Patrick as he put out his chips. I did the same as he spoke again. “So… Are you and dean together or are you… just one of his casual Friday night toys?”
“Go to hell.” I sneered back as I pushed all my chips into the middle of the table. “I’m all in.”
“(Y/N) …” Dean groaned out as he fell to his knees.
“Don’t do that (Y/N). Not for him at least.”
“I said I’m all in. Now play your damn cards.” I sneered again.
“Look there’s poker and then there’s suicide.”
“Play your hand.” Patrick sighed
“Fine,” Patrick said as he revealed the ace of spades and diamonds from his hand.
“I’m sorry. I’m all aces.” I glanced back at Dean to see him lying on the floor. Lifeless. I turned back to Patrick.
“You’re crying,” I said as I glanced over at Lia as she wiped her tear away. “For a witch, you're so nice, it's actually kind of creepy,” I said as she smiled. “It was a great hand,” Patrick said as I Patrick half smiled at me. “But it’s not as great as a four of a kind.” I hear Dean take a big gust of air.
“Well played,” Patrick said as he raised his glass in the air. “There’s more to you than meets the eye,” I smirked.
“Cash these in for my boys,” I said as Patrick nodded.
“With pleasure.”
Time Skip:
“No tricks, you actually beat the guy?” Bobby questioned in shock.
“I did,” I said with a prize-winning smile.
“How the hell?” Bobby said as I chuckled.
“Just lucky, I guess,” I said as Sam stood up and grabbed his coat.
“Where are you going?” Dean questioned as Sam looked around nervously.
“Uh... Nowhere special.” Dean, Bobby and I looked at Sam with raised eyebrows.
“A booster shot, okay?” Sam said as he rolled his eyebrows as we all began to laugh. As Sam walked out.
“I’m going to load up the car,” Dean said as he walked out the door after Sam.
“Bobby, can I talk to you for a second,” I said as I stood up from the bed.
“Yeah,” Bobby said as he wheeled his wheel chair in my direction as I retook my place on the bed.
“What’s up?”
“You’re not useless, Bobby.” Bobby sighed as I continued. “You don't stop being a soldier cause you got wounded in battle. Okay? No matter what shape you're in, bottom line is, you're family. I don't know if you've noticed, but me, and Dean and Sam, we don't have much left. I can't do this without you. I can't. So, don't you dare think about checking out? I don't want to hear that again.” I said as I let a tear slip down my face. “I’ve already lost so much and I can’t lose you too,” I said as another few tears fell. Bobby sat in silence as he pulled at my hand and pulled me into a hug.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere,” Bobby said as I hugged him back. “I’m going to head out to the van. I’ll see you out there.” I nodded my head once we pulled away. Bobby headed for the door as I began to finish packing.
“Hey.” I turned to see Dean standing in the doorway.
“Hey,” I said simply.
“Listen, I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for us,” Dean said as I smiled.
“You’re welcome,” I said with a smile.
“(Y/N), listen. I don’t know how to say this but I can’t lose you. When I saw that you might lose to that he-witch I felt as if I was going to lose you forever and I didn’t know how- I-I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“And I didn’t know how to- What?”
“I love you too, Dean,” I said as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.
“You do?” Dean said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
“I do. I always have.” I said as Dean smiled. I leaned up to Dean as he leaned down as he pressed his lips to mine. We pulled away as a small smile came across Dean’s face.
“I’ve never been happier in my life, then right now,” Dean said with a smile as I giggled.
“Neither have I,” I said as we leaned in again, pressing our lips against each other.
“Neither have I.”
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