#and there’s no way management is gonna give us raises to compensate they’ve been penny pinching any way they can
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hhhhhhh I can’t decide if I should find a new job or not. I don’t want to deal with my shitty management anymore and I’m literally so anxious about my shift tomorrow (the only reason im not literally crying about it rn is the cool assistant manager is working with me and she’s the only one not in hot water, and doesn’t take any shit so it’s unlikely anything bad will happen tomorrow and she has jurisdiction to like. send me on my break) but at the same time I’m so anxious about the idea of finding a new job, applying, interviewing, training, and then not having two years of experience and seniority and shit anymore, for the job to possibly suck just as much or more. I hate this
#vent#im gonna go talk to the guy at the office supply store in the plaza about what it��s like working there#bc my sister applied there last year and while she didn’t get the job bc she couldn’t work weekdays#she said everyone seemed very nice and the job seemed very easy#my worry is that should I want to take time off this summer (which I want to do on account of having vacay stuff being planned)#it’s not as chill to do it when you’re a brand new employee#but idk. maybe it’s worth it. I literally make minimum wage still and I’ve been here for two years#I’ve gotten pay increases but minimum wage keeps going up and my next paycheck will literally be at minimum wage again#and there’s no way management is gonna give us raises to compensate they’ve been penny pinching any way they can
0 notes
> SD: Get some tail
CC: Caesurae was visibly unsettled and a little skittish when he kissed his moirail goodbye and explained where he was going. He mentioned that Psii extended his regards, on tumblr -- but he has someone online in need of healing to visit. He'd be back soonish.
SD: Kankri gave him a kiss back. He was certain this was alright? He seems a bit skittish (soft moirail worry) In the meantime Madrus was warning Mindfang he was about to have a very peculiar visitor, and got the pad turned on in his cabin , waiting for the arrival of Caesurae. He was wearing nice loose pants, tucked into expensive boots that made his feet look normal, a self indulgent fancy shirt (although the fabric was a corser choice than the high style called for) and waist coat made of good sail canvas and dyed purple completed it. The most expensive thing about his outfit was the boots, despite attempts at looking presentable. The dye probably cost him a nice penny though. Purple was notoriously hard to get on a budget.
CC: Caesure tried to reassure Kankri, but couldn't find much terribly concrete to say about it. He'd be alright, and back soon. The friend he's visiting is fine. He went into a back room, tried to settle his nerves for a bit, then put down a temporary transport pad to teleport away with. He matched his icon fairly well -- a ten sweep old, already eight and a half feet tall somehow. Some sort of black bodysuit, a white T-shirt, blue jeans, black boots, and a shockingly violet hooded cloak that was the most austentatious thing on him. The boots were a close second. It took him only a moment to reflexively catalog the room around them before turning his eyes to his alternate -- and smiling despite himself. They were a product of different eras and worlds, but the similarities managed to surprise him a little. It was only a moment or two before he offered a hand, fins adjusting. "--Orphaner," he greeted.
SD: They stood at the same height, and that was interesting in of itself, fins perked and flared a bit with interest as he took him in. The cloak didnt at all match the teeshirt nor did the boots, although the pants were forgivable. The youthfulness really struck him. The cabin was about what you would expect, a bed that was the best feature of it, a couch, a few electronics and a wardrobe, not many nick nacks that couldnt be bolted down or stored away for rough seas. There was the painting he'd been sharing the other night above his couch, secured well to the wall. The title of his station brought a grin to his face. "Caesurae, wasn't it, babe?"
CC: "Aye, that. A pleasure, I think." ..He hadn't been this close to an Alternian sea in a while. The waves felt somehow different with something lurking beneath -- or was it his imagination? He put it out of his mind.
SD: It probably wasn't his imagination in this case since the water had an Area Effect to it. "I find it a pleasure at least, welcome ta th' Stormrider." He offered him a hand.
CC: Cae would shake it, glad for the welcome. "I'm sure she's lovwely," he said honestly, consiering his alternate's face before turning his head slightly to consider the painting again, and its curl of a tail. "...I'm a little surprised, you look more familiar in the flesh than in the painting."
SD: He quirked an eyebrow and glanced up at the painting and back. "..Well I'm wearin a bit more, in life." He lifted both eyebrows. "Or do y'mean th' boots?"
CC: "..It is the clothes," he admitted. "--Not howv you mean, though. I think wve both prioritise the boots." Caesurae glanced back. "..despite not sharing a number of the reasons."
CC: "..the only vwiolet on either of us is our outerwvear."
CC: Aside from patches of Cae's hair and his eyebrows.
SD: "Th' boots make people over look my feet- and they make me taller." He grinned with a wink. "- your wardobe looks ah, a bit mismatched I've got ta say, doll."
CC: His mouth opened and hesitated that way for a moment, teeth briefly showing, before his fins colored and he shrugged with a sheepish grin. "..I'm a bit mismatched myself. ..Sorry, chief, I should'vwe changed into something more focused."
CC: After a moment, he rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. "..Being on the younger side's in vwogue back hivwe, and there's a fewv bits of my old life I havwen't left behind yet."
SD: "..that sounds like a bit of a tale, babe, you dont look a night over .. what is it ten? A little over?" He shook his head. "I don't mind th' look its just a bit jarrin. He turned to walk over to the couch and settle down so he could get the boots off. "- I'm guessin y' need ta see whats left to do your thing?"
CC: "..It's a tale and a half, and more than a bit of a headache for most." He followed a pace or two, but stayed politely out of arm's reach, finding a nice patch of wall to lean against as he watched. ".. It wvouldn't hurt, aye." He let his gaze stray back to the painting, pointedly focusing on the tail. That was how it Should be. It obviously wasn't, yet, but...would it be, in a minute or two? ..He absorbed every detail, considering where the bones and muscles would lay underneath the skin.
CC: "...WVouldn't wvant to accidentally split your pants, either,"
SD: "I'm gonna have ta get them altered." He sounded excited, thrilled even. "I've a kilt till then, darlin." Oof boots off. He wiggled his toes, unscrunching them a bit before he wiggled out of his pants. It didnt take a minute before he was on his feet again, the way he stood was visibly different, when he didnt have the boots on, with a bend at the knee to shift his center of balance. He turned so Caesurae could see the scarred stump, scooting his shirt up in the back for it.
CC: Caesurae let his peripheral vision slide across it for a moment -- but as his eyes focused on where the tail Should Be, he knew what he already Firmly Expected. Let there be tail, exactly like in the painting.
SD: That. Was probably the oddest sensation he'd come across. And he worshipped a horror terror, one moment there was nothing and the next- his mind mapped out the feeling of a tail that had been gone for hundreds of sweeps. He made a startled sound and looked back over his shoulder to stare at the short thing that swished with interest. He visibly rebalanced himself, fins spread wide, startled, interested, he was still forming the thrilled part of his response out of sheer surprise.
CC: Caesurae watched it swish, his fins raising and spreading a bit, head tilting with a smile.
CC: "..Sorry it's a bit...Sudden. Others are better at being graceful about it."
SD: "- I'm not complainin'" He flicked it and got a feel for how it connected to him- had the magic fixed the nerve damage from the initial amputation because he didnt know it was there? "Bloody hell"
CC: Sure had. It was a tail, and there wouldn't even be a scar. The painting didn't have a scar.
CC: Undamaged and whole. And a little short, but all his.
CC: "Good luck managing all your chairs, chief."
SD: "They used ta be made for this. I remember back that far." he wiggled it a little more just sort of watching it. This was attached to him, that was amazing.
SD: "Only coolbloods have tails, th' warm grew out of it a long damned time ago."
CC: "..I think it wvas evwen longwer, wvhere I'm from, if wve had them at all. Herself wvas impressivwely picky about her modernization programs."
SD: Time to stop stairing at his own but and take a few tenative steps, compensating for the thing moving around and throwing him off. He made his way over to the wardrobe to pull on a kilt. "..Would y' like a bottle've wine? I stole some just th' other night."
CC: "I nevwer mind if you're offering -- I'll wvander off wvhenevwer you'd like me to though, as wvell."
SD: He shook his head, wrapping the garment around his waist and bothering with its fastenings. " I'd be rude as shit, babe, an you just did for me somethin I could never do for m'self."
CC: ..He probably ought to stop watching his alternate get dressed somewhere around now. It took a few more seconds before he Finally shook his head, and let his chin drop. "...It's nice to do some good nowv and again. "
SD: "D'ya not do good often" He took a bottle out and peered at the label for a moment before offering it to the other sea dweller. "Not as good as when we were in charge of th' vinyards, its a short ferment but decent enough."
CC: Caesurae accepted it, glancing back with a dim smile. "..There's not alwvays opportunities." ..man, actual wine, that was an interesting thought. "..WVhere I'm from, wve're populating anewv after an...incident, so there's precious little aged anything just yet. WVe could sit and share a fewv glasses if you like."
SD: "There always seems ta be opertunity ta me if y'look." He raised his eyebrow at the offer and settled onto the couch, one of his legs was curled up under him to make the tail placement easier. He fished in his sylladex for a couple of coffee cups. Very fancy.
CC: Caesurae finally sat down, gently uncorking the wine and giving it a bit. "..There's alwvays wvrongs to be righted. The issue is finding wvrongs that are one's business, or wvhere one is wvelcome."
CC: "..And capable, to be honest."
SD: "An how might they not be your business, I'm curious?" He offered one of his coffee cups to the other troll.
CC: "..Evwer knowvn a troll to refuse help, particularly material help, out of some sense of ... ..." The word was hard to find. "..Not alwvays pride exactly, but..." He accepted the cup, with a vague gesture.
SD: "Theres fear too, of th' implied debt due." He mused "There are usually ways other than showerin people with things. Have y' tried somethin where they feel like they've earned it? y' can name anythin you want- a couple hours labor here and there, a sale of somethin. As long as they've got somethin concrete they can look at and know they've paid the debt with and its not hangin over their heads."
SD: "Even now I'm sittin here wonderin how I can ever repay y' for fixin my tail up."
CC: "..Aye, that's fair. I'll try to remember." He looked a little sheepish at the mention of Madrus's potential debt, fins settling back gently. "..I wvouldn't particularly wvish being less than wvhole on anyone. One of the oddities of all the magic out there is there's things like this, wvhere an act that means the wvorld to one troll can be a fewv minutes out of an evwening for another."
CC: "..WVould it be unsatisfying to call it square? ..Or name a pittance?"
SD: "Its th' same with anyone whos got a unique talent, you're payin for their ability ta do it, not how hard it is or how long it takes, only if its a skill few posess." He shook his head. "I've got th' money but I dont know how much good our money here'll do ya. Or forged documents? I could figure up how much rigger woulda wanted if I got a cybernetic prosthetic for it"
CC: Caesurae considered Madrus for a few seconds, before smiling wryly.
CC: "...Dairy's remarkably rare back hivwe. Infrastructure and all. Might be fairly easy to pay me in butter and icecream if you happen to find any good sources here or there."
CC: "Spices, too."
CC: "I could try to look up howv rare, if wve're considering exchange rates and all."
SD: He set his elbow against the back of his couch and his chin in his hand looking at him. "..Shit babe if all you want is a shopping trip to a grocery store we can do that."
CC: He shrugged his shoulders, swirling the bottle gently, and considering the scents coming out of it for a moment. ..No, he'll pour it soon, but not yet. After a few moments thought, he listed the usual prices for a few staple goods, like bread, or a shirt like the one he wears. ..and then listed the best approximate price he could come up with for milk, cheese, and butter.
CC: It wasn't in caegars, but numbers were still numbers.
CC: "..If you're fond of barter, that's a fine wvay to bribe me and 'Darkwving'. Livwing plants wvith medicinal properties as wvell, perhaps."
SD: "Medical properties or 'Medical' properties, babe." Eyebrows went up, and he grinned. It was .. interesting, surprisingly startling to watch someone who looked so much like him putting on dusty airs "..th' price of your milk things is astonishin."
CC: A wry smile. "I'm sure he'd only be interested in the medical properties, but the 'Medical'," gentle eyeroll, "--wvould be popular wvith my auspistice in our church, I'm sure."
CC: ..he let his gaze drop and shook his head, finally pouring a glass of wine for each of them. "..The troll wvho put together our infrastructure has.. Opinions, and decided that herding is animal slavwery, and that he wvouldn't be participating. ...I'm awvare of twvo herds in the capital region, numbering about [number] goats and [number] sheep."
CC: "...And that is the sum of our dairy production."
SD: "..Animal. Slavery." He tried to decide how he felt about this, he needed a drink and eyed that bottle, but he waits for that. "..a'ight so animal slavery. .. That aint enough milk for a whole city atall, I can see where you'd be hard up ta get some."
CC: "It -- He's." Caesurae sighed and rubbed his face, finishing the pour and setting the bottle down for a moment. "...He is also the reason all meat is wvild-caught."
SD: -Wine! He sips at it in his coffee cup like a gentleman.
SD: "I guess thats good excersize for some folk at least."
CC: He sipped his too, shaking his head. "..Aye, wvell. Hivwe is an advwenture."
SD: "I can definitely take y' ta get some groceries in some bulk ta take back hive." He mused. "..so thats no domestic animals at all for th' most part?"
CC: "Aye. None at all. I'vwe already gotten my auspistice some chickens, and there's a fewv in the palace courtyard."
CC: He shook his head. "...It's -- wve'vwe had the chance to start ovwer entirely fresh, and it's .. a bit on the extreme side, I suppose."
SD: "Why'd y' let th' one guy do all've that?" He was curious.
CC: ".. There wvere less than thirty of us, and he didn't ask permission. From wvhat I can piece together, he just.. did it, so there wvould be something wvaiting for us wvhen the rest arrivwed."
SD: "..Better'n no one doin it. Even if y' dont have half th' things trolls are suposed ta eat" He sipped his wine.
CC: Caesurae shrugged, nodding and leaning back. "..Aye, wvell. No one complains to him. WVe just try to wvork around it."
CC: "The hunting, butchering, and tanning industries are booming at least."
SD: "Good for th' economy, that." Finperk "Hows th' fishin?"
CC: A soft grin. "Fantastic. I could probably nose around for suppliers if you evwer care to start trading dairy for fish."
SD: "I personally dont mind eatin our fish but some of th' others aint real keen on random tentacles and eyes."
CC: He shrugged his shoulders. "..Different tastes for all. Some fear the deep."
SD: "Might be able ta set somethin up with th' fishin in th' name of th' free ports." He mused. " ..for th' lads and lasses who dont want ta end up like me."
CC: "Aye, that. Or forge the existance of a fishery and sell to the needlessly rich before the rebellion kicks off."
SD: "They get theirs from farm fisheries inland." he grimaced. "fresh water shite."
CC: He tisked softly. "..I suppose fresh and sea wvould be a difference, wvouldn't it. ..Pardon, nevwermind it." Another sip.
SD: "They wont admit theres somethin wrong with th' water, but their cities shrink further and further inland, and th' high wont eat th' fish." He shook his head.
SD: "Nothin ta apologize for, its a good suggestion, just impracticle"
CC: "...Aye, that. Pardon, by the by, for not thinking of the issue of payment. I think I'm beginning to forget certain niceties."
SD: He shook his head. ".. I can see where it wouldnt be s'big a thing, for a god."
CC: Caesurae balked visibly, cup partway to his lips.
CC: ".. Not, ..my preferred term," he managed after a moment.
SD: He gestured vaguely with his mug. "Twoblade isn't too shy with it, babe."
CC: Caesurae grimaced, and rubbed his face. "..For vwarious reasons, I prefer to be vwague and call it a metaphor around church or their associates, more often than not."
CC: "..But ..Yes, that is one wvord for it."
SD: He sipped his wine. "My goddess is not threatened by you."
CC: "Those wvith less talkativwe divwinities occasionally feel otherwvise."
SD: "..its strange, an I dont pretend ta understand all th' talk of universes and dying more than once and godhood, but if she isn't threatened I'm not fussed."
CC: Caesurae grimaced and rubbed his face. "...I .. ..Thank you. Sorry. ..I don't mind answvering questions, if there are any."
CC: He glanced towards a porthole. "..I'vwe missed her, I admit."
SD: "She'll bind y' ta th' sea, mate, if y' let her." It was as much warning as it was a h igh point. "..I'm what they warn wrigglers about." he gestured vaguely at the black swirls on his face. "T'nights a good night, though."
CC: He took both sides of the warning in good faith, looking wistfully out to sea. "...Aye. Aye, that."
CC: "..You knowv, I spent centuries in servwice to her, but it took ages to see it as religious. It felt more like duty."
SD: "It was always r'ligious, for us, and I was just initiated not long before th' revolution." He sighed and took a drink, not sipping at it this time.
CC: "..I founded the practice, back hivwe. Fewv hundred swveeps before the Signless." Sip.
SD: He raised his eyebrows at him. ".. How old are you, mate?"
CC: ..Sheepish neck rub. "..wvhich life? ..Or altogether?"
SD: He shook his head clicking his tongue and took another drink of wine- and then peered down into his cup. hm. that went fast. "all t'gether I s'pose, babe. I'm round about four hundred thirty five."
CC: ..Caesurae went to refill both their cups. His hadn't lowered much, he apparently didn't drink fast, but he still enjoyed the wine. "..The math's alwvays a bit tricky. If wve're counting only time spent alivwe, you'd havwe .." He had to think. "..maybe a decade on me."
CC: "If.. ..Other, times count, I'd be significantly older."
SD: "-Other times? Time when you weren't livin?" Curious fins perked.
SD: He gave him a grateful smile and sipped a little. He probably went through that too fast.
CC: Caesurae nodded sheepishly, rubbed his cheek with his knuckles, then let the hand drop with a sigh and started counting on his fingers. "..The first time around, I didn't evwen make it to ten. Some magical--things, happened, wve failed a test, and wvere givwen the chance to hatch again so our evwentual descendants wvould be givwen a chance to try the same test. WVe took it. So wve hatched wvithout any memory of the first life, and that lasted a good four hundred and..sevwen I think, swveeps, for me .." He trailed off.
CC: A shrug, after a moment, taking a longer drink and then shaking hi shead. "--I died. I had to wvait it out as a spirit of sorts until the vwast glub."
CC: "...Maybe a dozen centuries there. I don't knowv, there wvas no wvay to track."
CC: "..Our descendants managed it, wvith a bit of help, and the participation awvard for my generation wvas life and youth."
CC: "..Another swveep or four since then."
SD: He considered him, blinking, watching his body language and his fins as he told his tale. "..bad luck there mate. I hear dyin hurts a bit." That was perhaps the least helpful and eloquent response possible to what he was being told. After a while the things these people were telling him just became one more absurdity on the next, and if his tail werent flicking behind him he wouldn't have given them a moment's credance.
CC: Caesurae rubbed his face, then reached into his sleeves to adjust something near the wrists. "..Aye, it can."
CC: "..Life is wvorth livwing. Best evweryone does as much of that as they can manage."
SD: "Planned on it" He grinned at him- though he didnt miss the motion at the wrists, and he might be caught watching his hands off and on trying to get a glimpse of what he'd been messing around with. " Bein th' change I want ta see an all. Th' freeports are some of th' largest cities left on this mudball, y'know."
CC: "And I'd wvager you had something to do wvith them?" Interested eyebrows and a trace of a smile, as he took a sip. ..There were some killer scars on his wrist, just barely hidden by the edge of the black sleeve. ..was there something like a metal cuff under there too? Plain black metal, it very nearly matched the bodysuit...
SD: The sharks grin widened and he filed aside the information, be careful around the wrists, dont talk about wrist injuries. "I founded them. I'm th' pirate king of Alternia, darlin'. "
CC: "--Hah!" Caesurae sounded delighted. "--Nadaya's built himself a fleet, but I'vwe a bit of a wveakness for more.. established, sorts of places, myself. I'm glad you'vwe made places for people free from all that nonsense, chief."
SD: "Nadaya doesnt think ocean vessel's're proper ships neither" he snorted. " Hes a real nice character though, enthusiastic. A whole fleet though? Of space ships I'd wager? - People needed a place ta go, and I sure wasnt gonna stop banditin' off with them in th' day."
CC: "--Aye, that. He tends to introduce his rescues to the wvonders of piracy or find them places to filter out to."
CC: "I nevwer actually made it into space myself, my duties alwvays kept me on planet."
SD: "Nothin wrong with turnin ta piracy" he put a hand over his heart. "I did it m'self and look how I turned out." A fin flicked. "..I was trainin, for it. I know enough ta know my way around one of th' old wrecks if I got my hands on one, but I never went up."
CC: The smile was dimmer, but he sipped his drink and listened attentively. "..I'vwe drivwen small craft once or twvice, but nothing more than joyrides short distances."
CC: "...Don't think I left the atmosphere properly."
SD: "..Not even ta visit your kismesis?" Eyebrows.
CC: ..His cheeks heated visibly, and he rolled his eyes gently. "--Does it count if it's vwia a transport pad?"
CC: "WVe could'vwe been a mile underground and I'd nevwer knowv the difference."
SD: "I think it does count." he sipped wine. "..You should ask him ta let y' pilot a little ship just ta do it, maybe show it t'ya."
CC: He tisked softly, but rubbed the back of his neck and nodded after a moment. "..I suppose I'vwe nevwer been on a significant space vwoyage, then. I'vwe passed through spaceships wvhile they happened to be in flight, but I'vwe nevwer been to the bridge wvithout ah-- --ulterior motivwes."
CC: "..That does sound like a treat, though," he murmered thoughtfully. "..I might just."
SD: "..Ulterior motives is it?" His eyebrows were going to waggle off of his face at this rate, fins say hes in an extremely good mood right now. " Bet he'd love ta show off for y'"
CC: The grin was entirely unrepentant. "Sometimes a man just needs to wvander around his kismesis' ship, looking like his twvin wvith an inexplicable fondness for hooker boots."
CC: "You knowv, I think he wvould. Quick maneuvwering in a good craft is a wvonder and a delight."
SD: He covered his mouth with a cough that turned into outright laughter. "You're an evil thing, thats beautiful, luv." He wiggled the toes of his free foot. "Would that I could spend money on shoes just as I please."
CC: A wink and a grin. He finished his mug, and started to pour another -- offering to do the same for his alternate. The bottle was probably getting low by now. "I havwe to admit some curiosity about howv the ones you'vwe got there are built, and I'vwe been acquiring a fondness for creating things wvhole-cloth."
CC: "..I'm... I admit I'm spoiled rotten," he admitted sheepishly. "..but I don't mind sharing, wvith those wvho let me."
SD: He leaned down and scooped one of the boots up off the floor and set up up where Cae could get a look at it. "Th' only thing I spend real money on except for th' ship ta be honest. "..cant even imagine just havin whatever y'want whenever, doesnt that take some of th' fun out've it?"
CC: Caesurae accepted it, peeking inside and exploring the textures of the outer bit, and the weight of it, with his fingers. He was interested, but the smile was a little sad. "..Aye, more than a little. I could be vwice incarnate, but it's all ruined. .. unless I share wvith others, in wvays small enough not to ruin things for them too."
CC: The smile turned sheepish. "..I'm more interested in people these nights, than anything else."
SD: It was a very good boot, nice leather, lined, cusioning in all the right places- parts of it didnt line up with the outside because it was made to give the illusion of a plantigrade foot. "Can't make people can ya?" He grinned at him. "Well, not that way anyhow."
CC: "No, not that I knowv of -- and I'd rather nevwer find out if I could."
CC: ".. The old fashioned wvay's much more fun."
SD: "I suggest practicin it often." He laughed. " - an that is why theres a imbalance where th' cool bloods are havin high hatch rates, an have been for sweeps."
CC: A wry smile. "...I'd help if I could, but I suspect crossing the streams biologically wvould be an advwenture."
SD: "Could be fun, mate, y'never know, th' worst that would happen is nothin, isnt it?" He laughed, taking a drink from his mug.
CC: "Or a broad vwariety of brand newv mutations, sure."
SD: He snorted softly. "Like what, babe?"
CC: Caesurae considered him for a few moments, then yawned long and slow.
CC: All of the Lots Teeth.
SD: He leaned forward, his fins perked and spread. "- Tha's beautiful, its damned near been bred completely out" He admired.
CC: His fins spread and shifted forwards a bit, his head tilting. "--It has a place here at all?"
CC: "..Me and Eridan are unique, back hivwe."
SD: "Its part've th' old look - like th' tails, th' biolum, th' feet- more frills than I've got, I'm .. more modern than not sadly. It was a sign of pure leniage for sea dwellers once- s'pose it still is but its got different connotations now. "
CC: Caesurae chuffed, his head tilting slightly. "..I'vwe a bit of bioluminescence, and a different gill setup from this univwerse from wvhat I'vwe heard. Nictating lids."
SD: "- Now thats different an might mess somethin up" He seemed dissapointed.
CC: Caesurae shrugged a shoulder. "Gods only knowv wvhat there is that doesn't showv. It'd take setting some vwery patient jades on the matter to clear outside vwisitors."
CC: "For actual contributions at least."
SD: "Organs are so damned touchy." He sighed. "- but heres ta practicin ey?" he toasted him with his cheap mug.
CC: A wry smile and a toast. "To good wvorking order."
SD: "Aye mate!" He didnt even know what he meant but it didnt matter. He would drink to practically anything.
CC: He downed the last of hsi glass, and shook his head with a smile. Time to gently set the mug down.
CC: "..I should probably head hivwe sooner or later. It's been a treat meeting you more directly, though."
SD: "Let me know when y' want ta arrange some groceries, luv- it was nice meetin you too." OOp gotta set the wine down and offer him a hand.
CC: A firm clasp and a small smile. "Aye, I wvill. Maybe somenight wvhen things are calm."
SD: He grinned and held the hand for a minute in an equal grip. "I'll be turnin th' pad off once you're away, dont like t' leave th' thing on."
CC: He nodded. "Good idea. The place I'm going has a passwvord system, and it's set to expire shortly."
SD: "Ha. Good idea, its a shame I've no idea how ta mess with th' programmin"
CC: "Mechanically minded trolls are useful, wvhere they choose to put their attention."
CC: He retrieved his hand, gently set the boot down, and picked up the bottle. It wasn't bad, for what it was. One last small smile, and he'd head to the pad.
SD: He scooted the boot over with its mate and finished his wine in one go, uncurling from the seat to stand- because he felt he should stand when someone was leaving. "Good evenin' luv, enjoy th' wine"
CC: "I'll be sure to. Good luck wvith the tailoring."
CC: beep beep boop beep. He let his hand poise over the enter button long enough to give a wink, and ..off he goes.
CC: One divine alternate has left the building.
SD: Time to go show Mindfang a surprise under his skirt.
CC: She was pleased for him, and going to play with it.
CC: Probably mystified, depending on how specific her warnings had been.
SD: He did not warn her well he thought this was hilarious and played it off as innuendo until she was actually under his skirt, explinations came when she actually asked how the fuck.
CC: "--what the ACTUAL FUCK, sweetie?"
SD: He laughed untill he couldnt breath
#ooc eyes only#sovereigndeviancy#Cae heals a tailstub into a tail#Amporas drink some wine#Brief godhood mentions#Friendly times
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