#and there was zero hussie art in Collide? just no effort
swimmingferret · 2 years
tbh it seems Homestuck and Game of Thrones suffered from the same problem of ‘writer is bored after nearly a decade of it and thus speed-runs the ending while throwing aside character arcs and actual story development so we get nonsensical shit that is incredibly unfulfilling and makes everyone mad since its so lackluster and crappy and no amount of good animation/effects will make up for substance without story’
like i get being tired of a project after so long but like i dunno, maybe attempt to wrap it up in a way that doesn’t utterly sour the rest of it because its clearly so crappily written and the end is just like ‘hey have this shit cause we’ll know you’ll eat it due to being fans for years’? I can’t even be bothered to really watch/read either thoroughly since I know they both have the same shit conclusions so I just occasionally watch/read the good parts and then get super mad at What Could Have Been if there had just been some passion in the writing at the end. 
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