#and there are tons of warehouse jobs available which i have years of experience in!!
deklo · 5 months
i think i’ve already hit art burnout DANG IT
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cherryrogers · 5 years
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➸ eye candy
pairing: bucky barnes x reader | office au
warnings: swearing, mostly fluff.
word count: 3.7k
synopsis: Being Tony Stark’s receptionist was hard. Working alongside the most gorgeous salesman you’d ever seen was even harder. Actually talking to said salesman? Well, that was just insane.
a/n: so this is sorta based of the show ‘the office’,,, we love a good office romance :) please enjoy and feedback is always appreciated !!
“Good morning, (Y/N). All of these papers need photocopied, signed and posted to all of our clients by twelve o’clock, sharp.”
Tony Stark was going to be the death of you.
Hesitant eyes landed on the enormous pile of paperwork that your boss had just slapped on your desk. There was no way all of that was getting done in the next two hours.
“I’m a receptionist, Tony. Not a miracle worker.” You shrugged, looking up to meet his eyes. “I can’t get all of this finished by lunch on my own. Can’t you help me out?”
“You see,” The man sighed. “These papers are now on your desk. That means the responsibility of them has been passed on to you. Not my problem anymore. I’m sure you can find yourself another happy helper.”
He started to walk away, causing you to lean over your desk and try to grab back his attention. “But Tony-”
“Can’t hear you, already walking away.” Tony called behind him, quickly pacing towards his office. “And now I’m opening the door to my office, and now I’m entering...”
The man’s voice faded as he swiftly closed the door to his office, leaving the headache-inducing pile of paperwork to sit hauntingly on the edge of your desk. Sitting back in your leather chair, you let out a quiet huff.
This was going to be a long day.
Becoming a receptionist hadn’t always been the plan. The plan was to work your ass off after you graduated high school so that you had enough money to go travelling around the globe, gaining work experience in different countries and making memories along the way. Maybe even not returning back to America, but going on to live a quiet life in the South of France or maintaining the busy work life in Japan.
However, it’d been a while since graduation, and you still hadn’t stepped foot out of the state of New York.
Working for Stark Industries was only meant to last a few months, it was only meant to be a temporary job until you found something that paid a little better. For some reason, however, you were still handling everything at the reception desk a year later.
Stark Industries was a small tech company developed by the man himself, Tony Stark. He’d had high hopes for the company, insisting that as soon as clients started rolling in, the company would be worth six figures in no time. You weren’t exactly sure what his definition of ‘no time’ was, but it’d been kind of a long time since the company was up and running.
You had to hand it to the guy, though. Tony built every piece of tech he sold himself from scratch. While there were workers in the warehouse who eventually aided in the development of the products, it all started with Stark. There was a part of you that deeply hoped Stark Industries would take off, finally fulfilling Tony’s dream.
But when the guy decided to hand you a ton of paperwork to do in an impossible amount of time, that hope was soon retracted out of frustration.
The main door to the office clicking open caught your attention, and a grin immediately made its way onto your lips.
“Hey, Sam.” You greeted your co-worker as he walked past your desk.
Turning his head to you, he quirked a questioning brow. “You seem weirdly smiley for a Monday morning. D’you want somethin’?”
“Well, since you asked...” You let out a laugh, patting your hand on top of the pile of paperwork you had yet to move. “All of this needs copied and signed and-”
“Nope, no way.” Sam shook his head. “I’m already behind on sales. Stark will have my head if I don’t make some today, and you know how much I love avoiding that guy at all costs.”
The grin fell off your lips easily. “But I can’t do it all myself!”
“Ain’t my problem, girl.” The man shrugged, beginning to try and get away from your desk, and your pleading.
“You sound just like Tony.” You called after him, resulting in him turning around and giving you a glare.
“How dare you.”
After that encounter, Sam stayed glued to his computer all morning, trying to sell as many products to clients as he could. Meanwhile, you were still stuck with a bunch of work that you hadn’t started yet.
Your eyes scanned the office. It was rather small, the only rooms being Tony’s office, the kitchen, the break room, and the main office area.
Natasha and Clint sat in the far corner of the room, usually never doing what they were meant to. You weren’t quite sure how they still had their jobs, considering you never saw either of them pick up a phone or touch their computer mouse. The redhead was currently grasping a bag of Hershey’s Kisses in one hand, and throwing them over her monitor in an attempt to make one land in Clint’s mouth with the other.
Through the glass of the door leading to the kitchen, you could see a tall blond taking his sweet time making himself a coffee. Steve hated working here, anyone with eyes could tell he’d rather always be anywhere else. He wanted something more than just a nine-to-five office job. Steve wanted to make an impact on the world, and he wasn’t so sure he could do that from a run down office building just outside the city.
Maybe you could convince him to help you.
Within thirty seconds, you had pushed yourself out of your desk chair and hurried over to the kitchen, giving Steve an innocent smile as you entered the small room.
“Hey, blondie. You’re not busy, are you?”
“If you’re asking on behalf of Stark, then yes, I’m incredibly busy.”
“Certainly looks like it.” You motioned towards the coffee he’d been stirring for the past five minutes. “Must be one hell of a coffee if it took you ten whole minutes to make.”
Steve narrowed his eyes at you. “Making coffee is an art. I would expect you to understand.”
“I understand that you’re not being at all productive right now, and I could really use some help with all the paperwork that needs sent out to clients-”
“Oh my god.” The blond groaned. “Did you come in here just to ask me to do work? I’m just tryin’ to make coffee here-”
“Steeeeve.” His name came out in a whine. “I’m desperate here.”
“Can’t you ask Sam to help?”
“Already did.”
“Too busy pelting Clint with candy.”
“What about Bucky?” At the mention of his friend’s name, a blush rose in your cheeks. Oh, fuck. Steve instantly smirked. “Aw, you don’t wanna ask him, do you? Does he make you nervous?”
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. “Stop it; I- I haven’t seen him this morning. Haven’t had the chance to ask him.”
“Well, he’s at his desk now. Doesn’t look occupied.” Steve nudged your arm with his elbow. “I’m sure Buck will help you out.”
“You think?”
“Oh, he will.” He let out a laugh, causing you to raise your brow at him curiously. How could he be so sure?
Steve noticed you eyeing him. “What?”
“How do you know that he’ll help me?”
“Just do.”
“If you and Sam won’t help, what makes you think Bucky will?”
“Nothing. Go ask him.”
“But you seemed so sure-”
“He knows that you have a crush on him.”
“He- he what?” You gaped, confused as to why Steve was acting so casual about it. Bucky knew? Oh no, oh god. Your life was officially over.
Since you started at the company, you’d always had an eye for the salesman that was directly in your line of sight from your seat behind the reception desk. Originally, Bucky was just good eye candy for when you got bored in the middle of any work you were supposed to be finishing. That was going great. You didn’t mind that you’d never had a conversation with the guy before, because if he turned out to be perfect inside and out, you knew there’d be an issue.
So when he first made conversation with you one morning when the both of you were early to work, you came to the conclusion that you were fucked. He complimented your hair that morning, offered to make you coffee, shot you a cheeky wink before strolling over to his desk. After that came the issue. The issue that you’d developed this stupid crush on him which he probably didn’t reciprocate.
Steve obviously noticed - how could he not notice the receptionist practically drooling over his best friend every time he looked up from his desk? When he actually sat down and did his work, of course.
“Did you tell him?” You pouted up at the blond, who found amusement in your panic. “I swear, Steven Grant, if you told him-”
“Calm down, woman.” He raised his hands in defense. “I didn’t tell him anything... except that you’re single and that you have a thing for man-buns.”
“Oh my- I’m gonna have to quit. This is your fault, Steve. I’ve quitting my job and changing my name.”
“C’mon, (Y/N) - you’re being dramatic.”
“That’s not my name anymore.” You shook your head, putting your hands on your hips. “I’m now going by... Anastasia.”
“Why Anastasia?”
“This sort of thing would never happen to a girl called Anastasia.”
Steve scoffed, leaning his back against the counter and finally sipping his coffee. “I don’t get what you’re freaking out about. You want him to know you’re available, right?”
“Available, yes. Not specifically desperate for men that can tie their hair up in a bun, of which there’s only one of in this building, and that’s him, Steve. That one man is Bucky, and now he’s gonna think I’m weird.”
“We discussed this, Steve. It’s Anastasia now. Oh yeah, I’ve gotta go and tell Tony I’m resigning and that (Y/N) not longer exists-”
“He likes you too, okay?” Steve suddenly raised his voice, before pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. “God, you two are the worst.”
There’s a short silence between you and the blond. Bucky... liked you back? Uh, what? This was seriously news to you. Holy- what if you were his eye candy too? Never mind, scrap the quitting idea. If Bucky liked you back, this was your time to shine. The ball was in your court now. Hell yeah.
“Bucky likes me?” You asked quietly.
“Mhm.” Steve replied reluctantly, his lips against the edge of his coffee cup.
“So... I should go and ask him to help me with the paperwork?”
“And he won’t mind because he likes me?”
“No, he won’t.”
A satisfied smile crept onto your lips, and you resisted the urge to just grab Steve and pull him into a victory hug. Instead, you opted for a friendly pat on the chest.
“Blondie, you should’ve just led with that.”
“For the love of- just... go get your man, Anastasia.”
You caught the corner of his lips upturning before you spun around, heading for the door that lead back into the main area.
“Screw that Anastasia girl. This is (Y/N)’s time to thrive.”
Steve only rolled his eyes as you exited the kitchen, a new, confident glow radiating off you as your eyes landed on your favorite bun-wearing tech salesman. Not that you knew many tech salesmen that wore buns in their hair, but you know.
He was slowly tapping away at his keyboard, tired eyes glancing around his computer screen and you couldn’t help but swoon. God, he was the epitome of perfection. How could such a man be working alongside you for a super small tech company? Shouldn’t he be a model or something? A swimwear model, fuck; that would be a sight-
It was at the sound of your name being called that you realized you were standing completely still in the middle of the room, staring Bucky down like an utter weirdo. The man smiled softly at you as you let out a nervous laugh, trying to hide your blatant embarrassment.
That glowing confidence? Definitely gone. You were not thriving anymore... and that would sure never have happened to Anastasia. Never. Maybe changing your name was still on the cards.
However, in that moment, you were you. And Bucky was sitting only a meter away from you, probably wondering what the hell was wrong with you.
“Uh, hi.” You finally mustered out, approaching his desk. Uh, hi? Uh, hi?! Oh, lord...
“Hey.” He chuckled. “You alright?”
“I’m great!” You answered, perching yourself on the side of his desk. “I, uh, I like your bun.”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck-
“Thanks.” Bucky tilted his head to the side, leaning back in his seat. “Steve told me you liked man-buns.”
You were definitely going to have to talk to Steve about his wing-man skills after this was over. “Is that why you’re wearing one today?”
Oh, you weren’t expecting him to actually respond to that. Fuck, this was actually going kind of well.
Bucky had his bottom lip between his teeth, watching as you fumbled for any sort of words to leave your mouth. Any would do.
“It suits you. Not that I don’t like your hair down as well. I think it looks great either way, honestly. I’m sure even if you had short hair, you’d be able to pull that off too...”
Heavens above, please stop me from rambling and sounding like a complete idiot, you thought to yourself.
Bucky didn’t look phased, as his gorgeous smile only widened. “I guess that’s something we have in common then.”
“Lookin’ good all of the time.”
Shit. Your cheeks were definitely tomato red after his comment. Why did he have to be so damn charming?
“So, did you come over here just to give me a confidence boost?” Bucky teased. “If being a receptionist doesn’t work out, you’d be a pretty good motivational speaker.”
You playfully glared at him. “Being a receptionist wasn’t my ultimate career goal, you know.”
“What was it then?”
“I mean, I don’t really know. Something to do with travelling, though - where I could see the world and everything it has to offer.” You let out a sigh. “I just don’t wanna be cooped up in an office forever, you know?”
You worried that you’d started rambling again, but by the interested expression on Bucky’s face, it seemed like he was listening intently. “Yeah, I get it. Salesman wasn’t always my goal either.”
The corner of your mouth upturned. “Can I guess what yours was?”
“You can try.”
As you furrowed your brows in thought, Bucky couldn’t help but skim his eyes over your features. Your eyes slightly squinted in focus, soft lips pursed, jaw locked. Despite his outgoing demeanor, he’d always been nervous to just start up a conversation with you in the office. He saw you five days a week, for eight hours a day, and he still got butterflies whenever you walked his way.
“A firefighter.” Your voice snapped him out of his daze.
“A college professor?”
“Hmm... a hair stylist?”
“No, funnily enough.”
“It’s a swimwear model, isn’t it?”
“(Y/N), that couldn’t be more far from the right answer.”
You sighed internally. It was worth a shot.
“Alright, what was it?” You chuckled.
“A chef.”
A chef, huh? You probably would’ve never guessed that. You didn’t know a lot about Bucky, so you didn’t realize that he even had an interest in cooking. It did explain why he always brought his own lunch, though, rather than slumming it with the rest of the office who just grabbed some chips from the vending machine and whatever fruit was left in the kitchen.
“You like to cook?”
“I love to cook.” He grinned, making your heart ache at how pretty his smile was. “Have done since I was a kid. I’ve been told I make a mean beef bourguignon.”
“Sounds fancy; I’d like to try it.”
“Maybe I can make it for you some time.”
Talking to Bucky became easier with every minute you were sat on his desk, trying not to get lost in his blue eyes as he spoke passionately about his ambitions. He told you about how he’d always wanted to open his own restaurant, but he’d never had the money to do so. His favorite dish to eat was admittedly a classic cheese and tomato pizza, but a homemade one that wasn’t doused in oil and salt, which was fair enough... even though you secretly lived for the Domino’s pizza you ordered every couple of weeks to treat yourself.
And after falling into a long, comfortable conversation with the man you used to barely be able to utter out a ‘hello’ to, the realization later hit you at eleven fifty-nine, that the work that was meant to be finished in one minute still hadn’t been completed.
After the whole conversation with Steve about asking Bucky for help, you didn’t even do the one thing that you were planning to do.
In a panic, you darted your eyes towards the area on your desk where Tony had slammed the stack of papers on your desk, confused as to why the large stack wasn’t actually still sitting there.
Before you could come up with a logical explanation, your boss flung open the door of his office, quickly making a beeline over to where you were still sat next to the monitor on Bucky’s desk.
“(Y/N), my number one receptionist.” He greeted you.
“I’m sure I’m the only receptionist you know, Tony, but I guess I’ll take the compliment.”
The man slapped his hands together enthusiastically. “So, did you get all the paperwork posted? I know it was a lot, but it’s important that our clients get those forms.”
You quickly glanced back to your desk, making sure that the paperwork really wasn’t there anymore and that you weren’t just seeing things. Where could it have disappeared to? Unless some form of higher power knew how pissed Tony would be if it wasn’t done and somehow did it all for you, you were pretty slumped for a rational explanation.
“Yep, (Y/N) got the paperwork all posted. Just like you asked.” You heard the voice of a certain blond next to you. “Sam and I gave her a hand.”
Sam and Steve gave you a hand? But how- wait.
“Fantastic.” Tony beamed, pointing a finger towards you. “I knew I could count on you, kid. Keep doing what you’re doing, and I might give you a raise.”
As the receptionist, you knew Stark Industries wasn’t yet making enough money for anyone to earn a raise. But you didn’t want to ruin the guy’s moment.
After sending him a thankful smile, you watched as Tony walked away, and once he was out of sight, you slowly turned your attention to Steve.
“You,” You gave him a warning look, before turning to Sam who had also decided to make an appearance. “And you, Sam. This was all planned, wasn’t it?”
The two men nodded proudly, as if they’d just pulled off the greatest scheme of the century. They were idiots. Smart, but still idiots. Did there really need to be a whole plan to bring you and Bucky together?
“Sam and I are dedicated wing-men, you know.” Steve shrugged. “We’re not complete assholes - we would’ve helped you with the paperwork when you asked, but we thought that this could be a good opportunity to get you two to actually converse.”
“Yeah, Bucky sure needed the push. Poor dude gets nervous from just looking at you.”
“Alright, Sam.” Bucky glared at his friend. “I think the joke’s on you guys, though - considering we got to have a nice conversation and you were left with all the paperwork.”
“Like I said,” Steve replied nonchalantly. “Dedicated wing-men.”
Before you could ask any more questions, a stern cough stopped your from doing so. “I’m sorry to interrupt your mothers’ meeting, but I’m trying to run a business here, guys. Wilson, you’re behind on sales, and don’t think I don’t notice you hiding out in the kitchen every morning, Rogers.”
Steve sighed. He really thought that was working for him.
“Barnes, you’re doing great.” Tony patted his shoulder reassuringly, making the salesman smile smugly up at his two frustrated friends. “(Y/N), I need some papers organised, and could you use those pastel highlighters to color-coordinate them? You know I love those highlighters - they really liven up the boring work, you know?”
“Sure thing, boss.” You nodded as Sam and Steve began to make their way back to their desks, leaving you and Bucky alone again after Tony returned to his office.
“I guess I’ve got some color-coordinating to do.” You pushed yourself off Bucky’s desk, standing up straight.
“Wait,” Bucky stopped you from straying any further from his desk. “Would you... wanna do somethin’ tonight? After work?”
A smirk played on your lips. Bucky fucking Barnes was asking you out. Once again, screw that Anastasia girl. Would Bucky Barnes ever ask her out? Nope, because he was asking you out. Okay, stop talking to yourself. The guy needs an answer.
“Sure, I’d like that. You gonna make some of your beef bargain john for me?”
“Bourguignon, sweetheart.” The man let out a hearty laugh. “If you can pronounce it right, I’ll make it for you.”
You scoffed. “That’s just mean... bourg- bourg-on... crap.”
“S’not really close enough, sorry.” Bucky shrugged, knowing that he’d end up making it for you anyway.
“Whatever.” You muttered, slowly walking back over to your desk only a few feet away from Bucky’s. You could see the guy biting back a smile as he pretended to return to his work. Fuck, you really did like him. And you were going on a date with him. That night. Perhaps that higher power really was on your side.
“Not quite.”
Maybe the office wasn’t so bad after all.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Millions of hungry Americans turn to food banks for 1st time (AP) Hunger is a harsh reality in the richest country in the world. Even during times of prosperity, schools hand out millions of hot meals a day to children, and desperate elderly Americans are sometimes forced to choose between medicine and food. Now, in the pandemic of 2020, with illness, job loss and business closures, millions more Americans are worried about empty refrigerators and barren cupboards. Food banks are doling out meals at a rapid pace and an Associated Press data analysis found a sharp rise in the amount of food distributed compared with last year. Meanwhile, some folks are skipping meals so their children can eat and others are depending on cheap food that lacks nutrition. Those fighting hunger say they’ve never seen anything like this in America, even during the Great Recession of 2007-2009. The first place many Americans are finding relief is a neighborhood food pantry, most connected to vast networks of nonprofits. Tons of food move each day from grocery store discards and government handouts to warehouse distribution centers, and then to the neighborhood charity. An AP analysis of Feeding America data from 181 food banks in its network found the organization has distributed nearly 57 percent more food in the third quarter of the year, compared with the same period in 2019.
Covid Nomads (WSJ) Alan Frei lives the life of a backpacker. That is, all 62 of his belongings fit into a single backpack, which he carries with him as he travels and lives in different cities around the world—a total of 53 countries over the past three years. The 38-year-old Swiss entrepreneur in October got rid of his apartment near Zurich and all his furniture. Items he kept include his watch, a toothbrush, seven pairs of underwear, and sunglasses. Mr. Frei is an extreme version of a digital nomad, a person with no fixed address, who lives and works while traveling the globe. Today, their ranks are small, but they could become more common in the years ahead. “There will definitely be more digital nomads,” says Nicholas Bloom, professor of economics at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. Before the pandemic, only about 2% of Americans worked from home full-time, Mr. Bloom says, but he expects that will rise to about 8% to 10% of workers. If just 10% of them travel and work remotely, that will still be enormous, he says. Scott Cohen, a professor at the University of Surrey’s School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, expects more countries will cater visa and tourism programs to digital nomads, as they seek an alternative to the standard business travel market. Chekitan S. Dev, a professor at Cornell University’s SC Johnson College of Business, School of Hotel Administration, says the trend was first driven by millennials; now older millennials are taking their families with them when they move around. By normalizing remote work and school, the pandemic has supercharged a trend. In the future, digital nomads may be middle-aged, rent or own homes for less time, want to go to more exotic destinations and move more quickly between destinations.
California Water Futures Begin Trading Amid Fear of Scarcity (Bloomberg) Water joined gold, oil and other commodities traded on Wall Street, highlighting worries that the life-sustaining natural resource may become scarce across more of the world. Farmers, hedge funds and municipalities alike are now able to hedge against—or bet on—future water availability in California, the biggest U.S. agriculture market and world’s fifth-largest economy. The contracts, a first of their kind in the U.S., were announced in September as heat and wildfires ravaged the U.S. West Coast and as California was emerging from an eight-year drought. They are meant to serve both as a hedge for big water consumers, such as almond farmers and electric utilities, against water prices fluctuations as well a scarcity gauge for investors worldwide. “Climate change, droughts, population growth, and pollution are likely to make water scarcity issues and pricing a hot topic for years to come,” said RBC Capital Markets managing director and analyst Deane Dray.
‘It’s a free-for-all’: how hi-tech spyware ends up in the hands of Mexico’s cartels (The Guardian) Corrupt Mexican officials have helped drug cartels in the country obtain state-of-the-art spyware which can be used to hack mobile phones, according to a senior DEA official. As many as 25 private companies—including the Israeli company NSO Group and the Italian firm Hacking Team—have sold surveillance software to Mexican federal and state police forces, but there is little or no regulation of the sector—and no way to control where the spyware ends up, said the officials. “It’s a free-for-all,” the official told the Cartel Project, an initiative coordinated by Forbidden Stories, a global network of investigative journalists whose mission is to continue the work of reporters who are threatened, censored or killed. “The police who have the technology would just sell it to the cartels.” [And then the cartels would use it against their enemies or those investigating them.] The nexus between state and criminal forces has fuelled a wave of targeted violence which have made Mexico the most dangerous country for journalists in the world, outside a war zone. At least 119 media workers have been killed in Mexico since 2000, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, and the inevitable fear for reporters is that surveillance could lead to more tangible dangers.
Pope makes surprise early morning prayer visit in rainy Rome (AP) Pope Francis on Tuesday made a surprise early morning visit to the Spanish Steps in Rome to pray for people worldwide struggling in the pandemic. With rain falling and dawn breaking, Francis popped up in the square at the foot of the Spanish Steps at 7 a.m. (0600 GMT), two hours after the end of Italy’s overnight curfew. Before heading back to Vatican City, where he resides in a hotel, Francis stopped to pray some more and celebrate Mass in St. Mary Major Basilica in Rome. Early in the pandemic, Francis made a similar pop-up visit to a little-frequented church in the heart of downtown Rome to pray, startling the few Romans who were in the area during exceptionally tight lockdown measures. In separate, written comments, Francis stressed the need for all to have employment when the world emerges from the pandemic. “How can we speak of human dignity without working to ensure that everyone is able to earn a decent living?” the pope wrote. He urged people to “find ways to express our firm conviction that no person, no person at all, no family should be without work.” As he has previously during the pandemic, the pope praised what he called the “ordinary people” who have kept the world functioning as it reels under the strain of the global pandemic. He cited those providing essential services—health care workers and shopkeepers, cleaners and caregivers and “so very many others.”
The Kremlin Is Offering Russians Free Vaccines, but Will They Take Them? (NYT) Aleksei Zakharov, a Moscow economics professor, got the Russian coronavirus vaccine injected into his upper arm over the weekend. Getting the shot was an easy decision, he said—not because the Russian government said it was safe, but because scores of Russians have shared their experience with it on social media. “I trust the grass roots collection of information far more, of course, than what the state says, at least before the testing results are available and published in a medical journal,” Mr. Zakharov, 44, said in a telephone interview Monday, already clear of a mild fever—a side-effect of the vaccine. Russia made its coronavirus vaccine available for free in recent days to teachers, medical workers and social-service employees younger than 61 in Moscow. But even more than in the West, a lack of trust is hobbling Russia’s rollout of a vaccine: the country’s scientists may well have made great strides in battling the pandemic, but many Russians are not ready to believe it. That distrust looms large as Russia races to roll out the vaccine while facing the fiercest onslaught of the pandemic yet, with some 500 deaths per day.
Mt Everest grows by nearly a metre to new height (BBC) The world’s highest mountain Mount Everest is 0.86m higher than had been previously officially calculated, Nepal and China have jointly announced. Until now the countries differed over whether to add the snow cap on top. The new height is 8,848.86m (29,032 ft). Everest stands on the border between China and Nepal and mountaineers climb it from both sides. Officials at Nepal’s foreign ministry and department of survey said surveyors from both countries had co-ordinated to agree on the new height.
China condemns new US Hong Kong sanctions, Taiwan arms sale (AP) China on Tuesday lashed out at the U.S. over new sanctions against Chinese officials and the sale of more military equipment to Taiwan. The U.S. actions are part of what critics see as an effort by the Trump administration to put in place high-pressure tactics toward Beijing that could make it more difficult for President-elect Joe Biden to steady relations. The Cabinet’s office for Hong Kong affairs expressed “strong outrage and condemnation” over the sanctions leveled against 14 members of the standing committee of China’s legislature, which passed a sweeping Hong Kong National Security Law earlier this year. Foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying, meanwhile, demanded the U.S. cancel its latest arms sale to Taiwan and said China would make a “proper and necessary response.” President Donald Trump’s administration has incensed Beijing with 11 separate arms sales and closer military and political ties with the self-governing island democracy that Beijing claims as its own territory, to be annexed by force if necessary. China has stepped up military flights near the island and pledged to punish U.S. companies involved in the arms deals in response.
Libya’s east-based forces seize Turkish-owned vessel (AP) Forces of a Libyan commander who rules the eastern half of the country and who was behind a year-long military attempt to capture the capital, Tripoli, have seized a Turkish vessel heading to the western town of Misrata. The development by Khalifa Hifter’s forces could escalate tensions in the conflict-stricken Libya, since Turkey is the main foreign backer of Hifter’s rivals, the U.N.-backed administration in Tripoli, in western Libya. Hifter’s forces stopped the Jamaica-flagged cargo vessel, Mabrouka, on Monday off the eastern port town of Derna, said Ahmed al-Mosmari, the spokesman for Hifter’s forces. Al-Mosmari said the vessel entered a “no sail” zone and did not respond to calls from the naval forces. It’s the second Turkish-owned vessel seized by Hifter’s forces this year, according to Ambrey Intelligence, a British private maritime intelligence firm. In 2020, Hifter’s forces have seized at least six ships.
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falloutdialogue · 6 years
Codsworth Dialogue (Long Post
In the Chinese Submarine
[Doesn't like the idea of helping a Chinese Ghoul] Sir/Mum, I do hope you know what you're doing helping this... captain.
[impressed, but not too happy about it] An impressive bit of machinery... for communist wankers.
Hmph. I suppose the red bastards deserve some credit for the state of this submarine.
I can hardly believe a place like this actually exists. I don't even feel the urge to clean.
Watch your step, sir/mum. So much dirt and debris. I can't imagine how long it'd take to sweep this place out.
[Seeing an office with chairs arranged in a circle] I've the most incredible urge to rearrange those chairs in a more perfect circle.
This room's a sight for sore sensors. I wonder who's been keeping it up all this time.
Can it be? A residence untouched by time?
Hubris Comics
Looking for the next issue of Grognak, sir/mum?
[excited at first. Then a little less impressed - Finding the Silver Shroud sound stage] Why, it's the Silver Shroud sound stage. My, but it's... low budget.
USS Constitution
[USS Constitution] This ship looks quite the mystery. Run aground on a bank and not a scratch on her!
Oh yes. Nothing to see here but a ship stuck in a skyscraper.
Trinity Towers/Height
[At the top] Please tell me we're heading back down.
[At the top] Oh my. Mum, please tell me we're heading back down.
[Looking up at a tall building] Please tell me we aren't going to the top. I can't imagine what the years have done to this building's stability.
[Quarry is drained to reveal it’s very deep] Oh my, that was really quite deep.
[Looking up at a tall building] Please don't tell me we're going all the way up there, sir/mum? I can already feel my acrophobia taking hold.
I do hope this overpass holds out long enough for us to get back down... safely, I should say.
Have I mentioned I'm afraid of heights? Especially ones with ramshackle crumbly bits?
Seeing the Player’s Dead Spouse
Sir/Mum, I'm... I'm so sorry.
[Worried at first... Then realizes it's the body of the player's spouse] Oh dear, is that... sir/mum?
Combat Zone
[Behind the scenes in the combat zone] Quite the theatrical set up back here. I can only imagine the elaborate plays that were performed here.
A cage? How uncivilized.
Gwinnet Brewery
[Disgusted] I'd be very dubious of the quality here. Sanitation looks to be at an all time low.
[Jokingly at first, trails off into a bit of worry at the end] Up for a tour of the ol' brewery, sir/mum? I can't imagine they charge... although I can't vouch for the safety either.
Miscellaneous Nervous/Disgusted/Cautioning
I can't imagine anything friendly is hiding down here.
Quite disturbing down here, is it not?
By Jove!
[Looking at a pool filled with radioactive waste and spewing up small geysers] That's an unfortunate water feature for you.
Sir/Mum, I'm picking up the sounds of a fairly... large creature taking a snooze. Best be on the quiet side.
I'm guessing we won't find a welcome mat here.
What is it about empty tourist attractions that can be so haunting?
Moments like this make me thankful I've no stomach.
Looks like the "mystery meat" mystery has been solved... Just goes to show, some things are better left unanswered.
I say, Vault-Tec really does enjoy crossing the line, don't they? Watching these poor souls like animals in a lab.
[concerned more for himself then the player, near water] Heading in, are we, sir? Just... try not to fall overboard.
Sir/Mum, I'm picking up dangerously high levels of radiation. Best not linger here if you value your health.
[Seeing a raider stronghold at the end of a tunnel] Oh, this is where we turn around, right, sir/mum? 
[Seeing a large crater] Watch your step, sir/mum. Don't want to topple in unexpectedly.
[Inside an old water turbine] Sir/Mum, I do hope you're certain this turbine is no longer functional. The implications if it were to turn on are... not good.
Quite a novel idea, building a ramshackle town on an overpass. Especially if you hate yard work.
[Hearing a voice from a fridge] Sir/Mum, I do believe that fridge requires your attention.
Sir/Mum, no matter what may befall us, I hope suicide is never an answer you seek.
Ah, another fine mess of a parking garage. I wonder what awaits us this time. 
If I'm not mistaken, and my database says I'm not, that's a pyramid.
Just another welcoming and friendly neighborhood in the Commonwealth.
Are we going in there, sir/mum? You know how much I love water.
[In a hospital]  Look, sir/mum, no wait. Medical miracles do exist.
[Looking at a settlement built in a nuke crater] Ah yes, the moment I see a nuclear crater, I think, "Home, sweet home."
Ah yes, nothing like cozying up to a barrel of nuclear waste for the night.
This place is just full of charm, isn't it?
[In an old bowling alley] Fancy a game, sir/mum? Something tells me the bumpers are no longer available.
[Seeing a crane you could walk on to reach an above highway] Feel like taking the high road? It appears that crane can get us there.
[In a sniper’s nest after killing the sniper.] With a view like this, it's a wonder we're still alive. Either that or our late friend here shouldn't have quit his day job.
Ah nothing like the warm glow of a fusion reactor, wouldn't you agree, sir/mum?
[Watching raiders and synths fight in a subway] Never a dull moment in the subway stations.
[Finding a lighthouse lit up by glowing ones] That's one way to light up your lighthouse.
At least radio is still alive these days. I wonder if they'll ever manage to revive the telly.
[At the bottom of an irradiated crater filled with feral ghouls] And of course the crater comes with its own welcoming party of Feral Ghouls.
Looks like these Raiders became quite the Feral feast.
[In the storage room of a blood bank] This must be the clinic's storage. Bloody impressive, wouldn't you say, sir/mum.
An ideal spot for some light camping, I'd say. Minus the mirelurks, of course.
[In a hidden room where a bomb was being made] That's one "do it yourself" project I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
Up for a bit of sport, sir/mum? I could give you quite the run for your money.
[Looking up at a giant Mister Handy Statue] Ah General Atomics. Only the topmost quality in consumer robotics.
Ah a secret, underground base! Right out of the ol' spy novel, wouldn't you say, sir/mum?
[At an old car factory] Ah the Corvega. I like to think of it as a distant cousin.
[Encountering Super Mutants wearing sailor hats.] Who'd have thought Super Mutants fancied a bit of dress up.
Robot Racing
Ah the nerve center of this charade. Sir/Mum, I beg you to shut this place down.
I say! General Atomics' finest, reprogrammed as simple... race horses for bloody Raiders? Appalling!
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The Best Making Money from Home in 2020 Ideas
One month down in 2020, 11 more to go. A lot of things can happen ahead and what could be more productive than creating another income source.
There are tons of ways you can earn but there are ways that are proven to make more money than others.
This article will discuss the current best ways of making money from home.
Perks of Making Money from Home
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Many people would agree that quitting the 9-5 job is a great choice to make if there are other viable options to earn.
Others want to create their own business so that they can be their own boss. It gives more freedom to explore and travel anywhere you want.
More importantly, you can spend more time with your loved ones, eliminating the dull hours of commute and spending it in more essential events.
No matter the reason, you do not need to be an expert at anything immediately so that you can opt to make money from home.
In most cases, it would require a little startup, you will most likely need just a computer, an internet access and enthusiasm to explore and learn new ways.
You can even earn from doing what you are already good at that a 9-5 job don’t give you the freedom to do.
Whatever the case, to earn substantial income from home discipline is needed. A routine and schedule must be established. In the beginning you will need to set aside a portion of your day to work on its foundations.
The good thing is, you hold your time, and you can choose which time of the day you want to earn money.
Below are the best ideas you can do to make money this year.
Online Teaching
Online teaching is one of the most thriving ways to make money from home in recent years.
The essential equipment needed for this is a computer, an internet access, a webcam and microphone and some visual aids. Most students taught are young ones so visual aids are needed to keep their attention.
Generally the income range for online teaching is from $25,000-$100,000. That would depend on the complexity of the lesson and the number of teaching hours.
You can teach online in two ways. One is by becoming a tutor for a company and another is by creating your own course.
Just a quick search with Google and you can various companies that hire online teachers, one of them is 52Talk.
Mostly they will require you to sign up, do a sample teaching video, take a test and undergo an interview.
You can also opt to create your own course. If you have a subject you know most about then you can make an online course so that you can share knowledge and get paid for it.
An online course is one great resource of passive income. One Facebook advertising expert put together a course for newbies. In just a few weeks, he was able to make around $100,000 for his course made.
Flipping is a business where you buy items for a cheap price and then sell them for more.
The essential equipment needed for this is a computer or even a smartphone will do and some storage space.
Flipping lets you make money of around $40,000-$100,000 depending on the items you will find and how you maximize your selling platforms.
With this you can make money from almost anything. You just have to have a knack for online shopping, to look for great bargains.
You just have to make a short, compelling ad for the item and be able to resell it. You can sell clothes, antiques, furniture, appliances, artworks or even toys.
A couple who started flipping was able to make $42,000 within a year working less than 15 hours per week.
They were able to buy an old radio of $15 and sell it for $200, a door handle of $8 and sell it for $200 and a patio set for $50 and sell it for $2,100.
Drop shipping
Drop shipping lets you sell a product without even letting you hold the item and without needing to invest a large amount of inventory.
What you do is work with a supplier who will be responsible for shipping the items from the warehouse to the customer.
You will only need to pay for a drop shipping fee when an item sells, and payment is received from the customer. This means starting a business with very little investment.
You can make money with this by selling a product to the public at a higher price from that of the drop shipping company.
With this you can earn from $20,000 to $100,000 per year.
The good thing about a drop shipping business is that it is easy to get started. It requires low setup and overhead cost. It offers a wide variety of products and it is simple to scale.
However, with this is the need to be mindful in choosing the appropriate products and also in choosing a niche that is not over saturated.
Over saturated niches mean low margins and an extra effort is needed to stand out in the market.
Drop shipping is good in flexibility. You can easily earn from home if you plan the business right and do research well. Drop shipping can be a very profitable business.
You can get started with drop shipping through platforms like WooCommerce, and Shopify and find a supplier like AliExpress.
Freelance Writing
If you have a knack for making creative and compelling articles, freelance writing might do well for you.
You will only need a computer, an internet access and a talent to express in words.
With this you can earn from $50,000 to as much as $85,000 depending on client rates, the volume of articles and the time frame to make an output.
Being a freelance writer lets you make money from home or anywhere else as long as you have your essentials with you.
There are tons of industries where a freelance writer can find projects. From online magazines, to websites up to companies who need content, blog posts, press releases and newsletters.
More experience means more money. You can even make your own blog to act as a portfolio for potential clients.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a performance-based business. Basically, this business means promoting another’s merchant’s products and getting a portion of the sale.
Like drop shipping, affiliate marketing requires low investment. You will only need a computer, an internet access and enthusiasm to learn how the business goes about.
The good thing is, you do not need to be an expert in marketing to start this business. You can learn the business dynamics along the way.
Affiliate marketing platforms are available that offer training from scratch. They teach you the very basics to the complex elements of the business.
There is a wide range of products to choose from.
You basically start by assessing what you are interested in and select a niche based on that. Then you sign up for affiliate marketing programs that offer products in the chosen niche.
After signing up for an affiliate program which is usually for free, you can start learning from the training. Advance training is available for a price.
The best thing with affiliate programs is that they help in establishing a website where you promote your products.
This website must be filled with compelling content to attract high traffic and for the ads to get noticed.
Other marketers opt to use YouTube and create content there. Others maximize social media platforms to promote products.
When a visitor clicks on the promotion and purchases an item, the affiliate marketer earns a commission.
Affiliate marketing programs also have a community of like-minded people who are available to help with any concerns. Aside from that, is the availability of professional technical support provided by the programs.
More to that, product services are not in your area of responsibility, but of the merchant which means less work for you.
The good thing about affiliate marketing is the low overhead cost, no need to produce your own physical products and the flexibility to work anytime and anywhere.
If you have a day job and not ready to let it go yet, affiliate marketing is great as a supplemental income which you could scale along the way until it able to sustain as a primary source of income.
To be a successful marketer, you have to know your partners and build trust, have a brand but also use a variety of ads, know the needed legal requirements, and monitor traffic and earnings.
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You can always choose which of the choices above suits you, whatever floats your boat as it were. However, I would recommend affiliate marketing, it lets you earn even while you are asleep. The revenue keeps coming in as long as you’ve established compelling content that drives leads to sales.
Added to that, the range of products to choose from is very large. Affiliate marketing is a thriving industry, if one program doesn’t work; you always have other programs as options.
If a niche isn’t profitable, you can always change niches.
It may require some effort to establish the business, but once the foundation is laid out, things will get easier.
You get to earn from home and be able to spend your time more wisely than you could if you were in a 9-5 job.
Visit bestofmakemoneyonline.com for more ideas about making money online.
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eugenemjacobs-blog · 6 years
Moving to Denver - 10 Pros and Cons You Should Know
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In 1893, Katharine Lee Bates sat atop Pikes Peak and wrote “America the Beautiful,” one of the most well-known patriotic songs of our time. Just about 100 miles away from that summit at the base of the Rocky Mountains sits Denver, Colorado. With its blue skies and panoramic mountain views, Denver, a.k.a. the Mile High City is perhaps one of the most beautiful areas in the country. In fact, its beauty has inspired countless other authors, musicians and pop culture icons.
Maybe this natural beauty is why moving to Denver is so appealing. Or, maybe it's the 300-days of sun a year, easy access to the mountains and inherent outdoor playground. Either way, Metro Denver is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation, with almost 100,000 people moving there in the past seven years. Now, with a population of over three million, the city is scrambling to develop the infrastructure, transit and housing needed to keep pace with the demand.
Would you move to Denver? The area boasts a strong economy and a shiny, new façade that will take your breath away, both literally and figuratively. But some argue that it's overcrowded and expensive. We're exploring some other reasons why you might want to stay or stay away. These living in Denver pros and cons should help you decide if Denver is, in fact, the right choice for you. Have some advice you'd like to share with potential residents? Let us know in the comments below!
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1. Denver is young, hip and desirable.
A millennial haven, 66% of the population in Denver are under the age of 44. Denver is also not a very culturally diverse city. 76.9% of the population is Caucasian, with gentrification being a major hot-button issue. This has greatly impacted the demand for rental housing, which makes homeownership less obtainable.
Denver is among the likes of the San Francisco Bay Area and Seattle when it comes to home price appreciation outpacing income growth and affordability. Apartments rent for an average of $1,519 a month, with median home prices jumping 10% to $420,000 in 2018.
If you can stomach the prices, one major pro of living in Denver is the views. No matter which neighborhood you choose, the metro is surrounded by 140 miles of panoramic mountain views, totaling 200 visible peaks.
That said, the very first step to becoming a Denverite is picking a neighborhood. Living in Denver is an experience, and because so many people want to do it, picking a community can get competitive and pricey (more on that later). Decide whether any of the following areas suit you, then figure out if you can afford it.
Top Neighborhoods in Denver
Fast-paced living with a relaxed vibe is possible in any of the following city neighborhoods. However, each area offers a little something different, which make picking the right one that much more important. Here are a few of the best places to live in Denver.
The Highlands – Widely accepted as one of the most desirable places to live, the Highlands, and LoHi (Lower Highlands) specifically, is teeming with innovative restaurant concepts, hip rooftops, patios and boutique shops.
Average apartment rental: $2,023
RiNo (River North) – If you don't want to be a LoDo (Lower Downtown) Ballpark Bro, RiNo is downtown Denver's hipster neighbor. Full of trendy warehouse conversions, street art and an explosion of bars and restaurants, it's the current place to see and be seen.
Average apartment rental: $1,727
Capitol Hill – A bit rougher around the edges, Cap Hill is generally regarded to be the most affordable and convenient neighborhood in city proper. Home to the Capital building, it's major thoroughfare of Colfax Avenue is the longest street in America.
Average apartment rental: $1,519
We spoke with seasoned broker and real estate agent, Irene Glazer of Live Urban Real Estate for some insight. “Preference on which neighborhood to choose can vary widely based on taste and budget,” Glazer explains. “Do you like urban, suburban, hip, up-and-coming, walkable, trendy, affordable, accessible to mountains/downtown, parks? Denver has a wonderful array that will fit most any lifestyle.”
Glazer gave us a sampling of a few more under-the-radar Denver neighborhoods that have their own unique charm and character.
Harvey Park - This neighborhood is located in Southwest Denver and is bounded by South Sheridan, Hampden, Lowell, and Jewell. Built in the 1950's, it's known for its selection of some of Denver's best and most affordable, mid-century modern architecture. Cliff May-style California Contemporary homes fill the neighborhoods' quiet, suburban-like streets.
Average home prices: in the low $400,000s.
Platt Park -  This area is located in Southeast Denver and is bounded by Downing, Broadway, Evans and I-25, Platt Park is seeing many of its older homes remodeled for 21st century living as well as quite a few new builds and pop-tops. The neighborhood is lovely, charming and walkable with one of the best/quaintest shopping districts, South Pearl Street. Don't miss the summertime Farmer's Market because it's arguably the best in the city.
Average home prices: around $500,000.
Sunnyside - Located in Northwest Denver, Sunnyside is bounded by I70, 38th, Federal and I25. It's an up-and-coming neighborhood near trendy Tennyson and is already pretty well discovered, yet still in transition. It's easy to take a bike ride or a walk downtown, and there is easy access to get out of town. This area has a wonderful mix of old architecture as well as new (mostly attached) homes. Trendy coffee shops, restaurants, boutiques and home goods stores are starting to pop up everywhere.
Average home prices: in the $500,000s.
Denver Suburbs to Consider:
Denver is a good place to raise a family if you have the right resources, like a stable job and a steady income. Bringing some kids along for the move? Check out some of these top rated Denver suburbs.
Stapleton – Stapleton is a new neighborhood that popped up a few years ago built on the old airport base. Its proximity to the city and relative affordability of new builds makes it a popular option for young families.
Arvada - Olde Town Arvada has one of the cutest “Main streets” of any suburb. Its popularity has also caught on the past few years, driving up home prices.
Englewood - This is a suburb with a lot of variety. Englewood has small, affordable homes with character located near the fun and funk of South Broadway, suburban “tract” style homes near the Denver Tech Center and sprawling mansions in Cherry Hills Village.
Wheat Ridge - Close enough to the city yet a world away, Wheat Ridge is a natural expansion from NW Denver. There's tons of new development happening on 38th Ave., with breweries and restaurants clamoring to get in on the action.
2. Denver is becoming a major city.
There are so many opinions out there as to whether or not living in Denver is affordable. Some stats say yes it's affordable (compared to metros like New York City), but rapidly increasing rental prices and fast selling homes say otherwise. While living in Denver is much more affordable than living in places like Los Angeles, it's still pricey. For instance, the median home cost in Denver is $421,900, which just about doubles the national average of $216,200.
Before moving to Denver, make sure you're able to spend within your means, which means allotting no more than 30% of your salary to housing costs. If you're looking to buy or rent before relocating, make sure you give yourself plenty of time. Finding a place is highly competitive so most people use a rental agent. If you opt to rent, make sure you know your rights as a Colorado tenant.
Denver Housing Market Stats
Irene Glazer also helped us understand just how the housing market has changed over the past few years. Here are some highlights:
The Denver housing market has been appreciating at a double-digit clip since we started our climb out of the recession in about 2013. This past year we saw a bit slower appreciation of about 8%.
Our average sold price in metro Denver finished out at approximately $475K in 2017, and the prediction is that we will be around $500K by the end of 2018.
Inventory is still the biggest buzzword, and we are still extremely short on it, without a reprieve in sight.
We are about to enter the “Market Compression” phase in our annual real estate cycle where demand picks up before homes are listed, creating our early spring frenzy. This creates additional challenges as inventory levels typically continue to fall through January. If demand picks up, multiple offers, bidding wars and heightened flash sales could accelerate pricing earlier than expected in 2018.
Not sure whether you should rent or buy? According to Glazer, weighing expected appreciation, even at modest rates of 6% (Denver's historical average), against impending rent increases, it is still more advantageous to own vs. rent in the Denver market.
3. The cost of living in Denver won't break the bank, yet.
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The biggest hurdle new residents face when moving to Denver is housing costs. Other than that, most cost of living expenses is more or less comparative to other cities.
Cost of Living Factors:
Taxes - Property taxes are relatively low, sales tax is high, and income tax falls right in the middle at 4.63%.
Health Care - Costs about 17% more than the national average.
Groceries - You'll pay about 4% less than the national average.
4. Denver's economy is booming.
Higher paying jobs are available in Denver because so many top companies want to be based here. However, that means the competition for a quality job is that much more intense. Also, wages in Denver might not be as high as they need to be to afford the cost of living.
The average median income in Denver is $57,773, which is about 6% less than than the national average. Even if you can afford to live in Denver today, it's important to note that average salary increases aren't keeping pace with rising rents.
This discrepancy between rising housing costs and stagnant salaries could cause an issue a few years in and force a move further outside the city. Make sure you have a job in hand and some additional savings before relocating to this highly desirable area.
Top Denver Industries & Companies:
Tech - The startup scene is exploding with companies like Baker Technologies and more established companies like Google and HomeAdvisor.
Aerospace -Denver is keen on becoming “Aerospace Alley” (their play on Silicon Valley) with major companies like The Boeing Company, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman located here.
Agriculture - Colorado's food and agriculture industry generates more than $5 billion a year, with companies like Love Grown Foods, Leprino Foods and Nutrien leading the charge. Colorado also ranks third in the nation for craft beer sales and production.
Casual Concepts - Noodles & Company, Smashburger, Qboda and Boston Market are all headquartered here.
Marijuana – Cannabis is big business, bringing in more revenue than some small countries.
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5. Once you adjust to the altitude, the weather is incredible.
The quality of life in Denver is highly desirable, once you get used to the lack of oxygen. Contrary to popular belief, Denver is not located in the Rocky Mountains. It is a mile or so above sea level, though (5,280 feet, to be exact), and that can take your body some time to adjust. For most people, the pros far outweigh the cons as far as weather is concerned.
What It's Like Living in Denver:
There are an estimated 300 days of sunshine every year. Even though the summers are hot, they lack humidity, which makes them more comfortable.
The sky is bluer and the stars are brighter than other parts of the country due to the high-desert climate and elevation.
Some of the top weekend vacation destinations are located within a few hours of Denver.
The temperature can rise or fall by 40 degrees in a day due to the altitude, so always dress in layers.
Since the air is thinner, there are lower levels of oxygen, which can take a toll on your body if you're not used to it or have an ongoing medical condition.
Tips to Acclimate to the Altitude:
The air is really dry, which can dehydrate your body if you're not drinking enough water. Make sure to drink more water than you normally would, and always have chap-stick handy.
Take it easy upon arrival. If you plan to do any mountain activities, give your body a few days to acclimate.
Make sure to get enough sleep if the altitude makes you feel drowsy.
At higher elevations, the sun is more intense, so always wear sunscreen!
6. Traffic is undesirable in and out of the city.
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One difference between Denver and other large cities is the amount of weekend traffic headed out of the city toward the mountains. Ski traffic is something you'll want to account for if you move here since Denver is situated 75 miles or so from dozens of world-renowned ski resorts. Expect heavy traffic on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings in the winter. It can take anywhere from a 1.5-hour drive to 6+ hour nightmare.
But that isn't the only time you'll run into traffic in Denver. Since the city exploded with growth in the past decade, traffic within the metro can get congested too. Luckily, Denver is geographically small so getting to and from anywhere should take about 20-minutes during non-rush hour periods. Also, if you live and work in the downtown area, biking and the new Lime Scooters are a viable way to commute.
Tips for Getting Around:
Be careful where you park. The sides of the street change to accommodate street sweeping.
Consider getting a car with four-wheel drive or one that can handle more rugged mountain driving and varied weather conditions.
The city added new light rail lines in 2016, including one that goes to the airport. Other light rails connect some suburbs to the city.
Denver is a highly bike-friendly city. It's estimated that between 6-7% of downtown employees commute to work by bike.
You can also rent B-cycle bikes from docks around the city, either by the hour or by day.
7. Denver is a beer destination and is on its way to becoming a food destination.
Craft brew fanatics will love that Denver is home to the second most microbreweries next to Portland. In fact, the area has been coined as the Napa Valley of Beer. But if you're looking to enjoy a pint or two during happy hour, remember to drink some water too. If not, you might feel buzzed sooner than you would in cities closer to sea level. Beer can have more of an effect due to thin air.
We spoke with Editor of Rocky Mountain Food Report, Dionne Roberts, on how the food and drink scene has evolved. “Denver's craft culinary and beverage scene continues to show rapid growth with the influx of diverse and gifted chefs, brewers and distillers,” Roberts explains. “More people want to be a part of the mountain culture and that adds depth to the growing number of options and cultivates a higher sense of quality in the cuisine.”
Roberts also shared with us some recommendations for potential residents to visit while in Denver.
Places to Drink:
First Draft - A place to try dozens of local microbrews all under one roof. At First Draft, you're given a swipe card to pour your own tastings.
Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales - Specializes in unique, blended and barrel-aged sour beers with industrial airplane-esque decor and meticulous brewing processes.
Epic Brewing Company - Offers a fun, community tasting room with a lineup of dozens of flagship and elevated craft beers.
Black Shirt Brewing Company - Relays an approachable rock n' roll edge in their stylistic, aptly-named beers, live music performances and funky brewery atmosphere.
My Brother's Bar – So old it's been operating since before Colorado was officially a state, Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady and Allen Ginsberg all hung out here.
Death & Co – If you get tired of beer, this NYC outpost has a literal bible of craft cocktails in the swanky Ramble Hotel.
Williams & Graham – Denver is also huge on speakeasies, with Williams & Graham named one of the top 50 cocktail bars in the world. The coolest part? You have to walk through a bookshelf to find it.
Great American Beer Fest - This fall festival has the largest variety of beer served of any public tasting across the country. You'll be hard-pressed to try them all, since there are over 800 breweries and thousands of beers present. Buy your tickets immediately when they go on sale, as they do sell out in minutes.
Places to Eat:
Euclid Hall - Located in the heart of Larimer Square with a focus on elevated pub fare, a great ambiance and thorough attention to providing locally sourced ingredients.
AVANTI Food and Beverage - Denver basically pioneered the food hall concept, and AVANTI was one of the OGs for its killer rooftop. All vendors have short-term leases as a way to test pilot their concepts.
Beatrice & Woodsley - A whimsical, cozy restaurant with a seasonal craft menu on Broadway that boasts a fairy tale interior perfect for date night or intimate gatherings.
Snooze – Brunch is serious business in Denver, and local chain Snooze is always slammed. Expect to wait about an hour for their signature pancake flights.
Linger – A former mortuary turned “eatuary,” Linger serves innovative, international small places. Don't miss the vintage VW bus on the roof and one of the best skyline views of the city.
The Buckhorn Exchange – A National Historic Landmark, the Buckhorn Exchange received the state's first liquor license and pays homage to the state's game meat culture. If you're brave, it's also the place to try Rocky Mountain Oysters.
Tavernetta – The newly revamped Union Station has really become a must-see destination and hotspot. While all the restaurants are good, Tavernetta is elevated Italian worth seeking out.
TAG – Troy Guard is one of Denver's most beloved chefs. His first outpost has unique fusion dishes, like Hamachi with pop rocks.  
Tacos Tequila Whiskey – Ask anyone what Denver's staple cuisine is, and taquerias are definitely part of the narrative (along with green chile).
16th Street Mall - Located in downtown Denver, this one-mile pedestrian section is packed with tons of cafes, brewpubs and restaurants. After a night out, play one of the ten public pianos on display. It's touristy, but a must-see for first-timers.
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8. There are plenty of fun things to do in Denver.
Relocating to Denver is a much more enjoyable experience when you know there's a ton you'll want to do once you arrive. Do any of the following interest you enough to start packing up your belongings and heading to Denver?
Professional Sports Teams:
Denver Broncos - One of pro football's biggest winners since the merger of the American and National Football Leagues in 1970, with a cult following
Colorado Rockies - Coors Field has jokingly been called the best bar in Denver, so even if you're not a baseball fan, the stadium is worth a visit
Colorado Avalanche - NHL team that won eight division title games in a row–the longest streak in the league
Denver Nuggets - NBA team that has yet to reach the championship round in the playoffs, but is fun to watch nonetheless
Attractions and Fun Things to Do:
Top Golf - Spend a leisurely day hitting some golf balls further than you normally would. No, really. Due to the high altitude, golf balls can reportedly go up to 10% farther!
The Stanley Hotel - Horror fanatics should take an hour trek outside of Denver to visit this historic landmark that inspired Stephen King's 1977 bestseller, The Shining. Want a glimpse into the paranormal? Take their Night Spirit Tour and explore some creepy spaces.
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Red Rocks Amphitheatre - Chances are, if you want to see one of your favorite big time musicians live, they will have played at Red Rocks. The most acoustically perfect outdoor amphitheater in the world, music sounds incredible here and the views are unforgettable.
Denver Performing Arts Complex (The DCPA) - Enjoy a variety of seasonal events on this four-block strip, like Broadway Theatre, ballet and opera.
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9. Taking advantage of the great outdoors is easy all year.
Denver is the ideal location for adventure seekers looking to explore thrilling mountain peaks and valleys. But you don't have to be an adrenaline junkie or avid skier to enjoy outdoor life in Colorado. There are dozens of day trips suitable for the entire family all year round.
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Green Spaces in the City:
Washington Park - Take a pedal boat across Smith Lake for a perfect afternoon with the family.
City Park - Hike the Mile High Trail in this park and get a five-kilometer workout exactly one mile above sea level.
Confluence Park - Take a kayak out and explore man-made kayak chutes located minutes from downtown.
Cherry Creek Bike Path – A 42-mile paved pathway that starts in downtown Denver, you could bike for a few hours or make the day of it.
Ski Getaways:
Vail Mountain Resort - There are 5,289 acres of skiable slopes at this legendary ski spot.
Breckenridge – With five peaks in one resort, travelers come from all over the world to ski Breck.
Winter Park - This is the longest running ski resort in Colorado with over 3,000 acres of award-winning terrain to explore.
Copper Mountain – One of the more local resorts, Copper's naturally divided terrain is a great place to learn and perfect your turns.
Outdoor Adventures:
Rocky Mountain National Park - Denver's most accessible national park, RMNP is 415 square miles of protected mountain land. Drive Trail Ridge Road for epic views and hike the acclaimed Dream Lake.
Mount Evans - Climb the highest paved road in North America and eventually reach the summit at 14,260 feet.
Rocky Mountain Ziplines - Zip through sections of the Rocky Mountains and take in the sights on over 6,000 feet of cable.
Clear Creek Whitewater Rafting – The closest whitewater to Denver, ride the rapids for a real adrenaline rush.
Glenwood Springs – Colorado has more than 30 hot springs, which are a relaxing year-round getaway.
Private Foothills Tour - Take a four hour trek through the Foothills of Denver. There are many stops built into the tour. If you have kids, make sure to stop at Dinosaur Ridge, which is optional.
10. Marijuana is legal, but public consumption is not.
Colorado was the first state to legalize recreational marijuana, which might not impact your life in Denver as much as you think. You may smell it, but you'll rarely see people partaking, as it is still illegal to smoke in public. According to a survey by the Colorado Department of Public Health, only 13.6% of residents partake in recreational marijuana use, and fewer of them smoke every day. While this figure is much larger than the national average, some argue that many pot smokers in other states keep their habit behind closed doors. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, there are some things you should know, as that Rocky Mountain High is a big part of life in Denver.
Marijuana Etiquette:
Dispensaries are identified with green crosses that look like pharmacies. “Bud-tenders” will walk you through the buying process and explain the effects the different strains may have on your body (sativa, indica and hybrids).
If you wish to smoke pot in your home, make sure it is allowed in your lease agreement before you light up.
You must be over the age of 21 to buy and consume pot in Colorado.
Public use of marijuana is illegal, so don't expect to find people lighting up in the streets.
Certain hotels and AirBnbs restrict the use of marijuana on their premises, so be sure to find a smoker-friendly establishment if you're planning a trip and wish to smoke.
Just because marijuana use is legal doesn't mean your boss has to agree. Your company can administer drug tests and create policies banning the use of marijuana.
The marijuana industry is very innovative and there are many ways to experiment with its effects without actually smoking. Topicals, edibles, and vaping are all extremely popular.
If pregnant, the CDPH advises strongly against the use of marijuana. If any newborn baby tests positive for THC, the hospital is advised to contact child protective services.
Make relocating to Denver a relatively simple process.
If you're planning a move to Denver, creating a checklist of everything you need to do can be helpful. In order to be considered a resident of Denver, you must be employed, own a business, or reside in Denver for at least 90 days. Don't forget some of these essential steps to becoming a Denverite.
Moving to Denver Checklist:
Before registering your car, update out of state vehicle titles using this form. Be sure your car will pass the required emissions tests before bringing it into the state. If not, you may have to sell the car before you move.
Transfer your license within 30 days and register your car within 90 days at the DMV.
Decide whether or not you want to update your organ donor status.
Register to vote in Colorado online.
Learn about the requirements for residency as it relates to higher education.
Change your address and have your mail forwarded using this form from the USPS.
Sometimes relocation dates don't match up exactly. If your belongings arrive before you have access to your home, consider temporary self storage in Denver.
We hope you learned a thing or two about life in Denver. Would you ever move here? Do you have some insight you'd like to share? Let us know in the comment section.
This post originally appeared on the Life Storage blog on 2/2/18 and was revised on 1/10/19 to provide new information.
0 notes
gstuart1024-blog · 6 years
Moving to Denver - 10 Pros and Cons You Should Know
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In 1893, Katharine Lee Bates sat atop Pikes Peak and wrote “America the Beautiful,” one of the most well-known patriotic songs of our time. Just about 100 miles away from that summit at the base of the Rocky Mountains sits Denver, Colorado. With its blue skies and panoramic mountain views, Denver, a.k.a. the Mile High City is perhaps one of the most beautiful areas in the country. In fact, its beauty has inspired countless other authors, musicians and pop culture icons.
Maybe this natural beauty is why moving to Denver is so appealing. Or, maybe it's the 300-days of sun a year, easy access to the mountains and inherent outdoor playground. Either way, Metro Denver is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation, with almost 100,000 people moving there in the past seven years. Now, with a population of over three million, the city is scrambling to develop the infrastructure, transit and housing needed to keep pace with the demand.
Would you move to Denver? The area boasts a strong economy and a shiny, new façade that will take your breath away, both literally and figuratively. But some argue that it's overcrowded and expensive. We're exploring some other reasons why you might want to stay or stay away. These living in Denver pros and cons should help you decide if Denver is, in fact, the right choice for you. Have some advice you'd like to share with potential residents? Let us know in the comments below!
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1. Denver is young, hip and desirable.
A millennial haven, 66% of the population in Denver are under the age of 44. Denver is also not a very culturally diverse city. 76.9% of the population is Caucasian, with gentrification being a major hot-button issue. This has greatly impacted the demand for rental housing, which makes homeownership less obtainable.
Denver is among the likes of the San Francisco Bay Area and Seattle when it comes to home price appreciation outpacing income growth and affordability. Apartments rent for an average of $1,519 a month, with median home prices jumping 10% to $420,000 in 2018.
If you can stomach the prices, one major pro of living in Denver is the views. No matter which neighborhood you choose, the metro is surrounded by 140 miles of panoramic mountain views, totaling 200 visible peaks.
That said, the very first step to becoming a Denverite is picking a neighborhood. Living in Denver is an experience, and because so many people want to do it, picking a community can get competitive and pricey (more on that later). Decide whether any of the following areas suit you, then figure out if you can afford it.
Top Neighborhoods in Denver
Fast-paced living with a relaxed vibe is possible in any of the following city neighborhoods. However, each area offers a little something different, which make picking the right one that much more important. Here are a few of the best places to live in Denver.
The Highlands – Widely accepted as one of the most desirable places to live, the Highlands, and LoHi (Lower Highlands) specifically, is teeming with innovative restaurant concepts, hip rooftops, patios and boutique shops.
Average apartment rental: $2,023
RiNo (River North) – If you don't want to be a LoDo (Lower Downtown) Ballpark Bro, RiNo is downtown Denver's hipster neighbor. Full of trendy warehouse conversions, street art and an explosion of bars and restaurants, it's the current place to see and be seen.
Average apartment rental: $1,727
Capitol Hill – A bit rougher around the edges, Cap Hill is generally regarded to be the most affordable and convenient neighborhood in city proper. Home to the Capital building, it's major thoroughfare of Colfax Avenue is the longest street in America.
Average apartment rental: $1,519
We spoke with seasoned broker and real estate agent, Irene Glazer of Live Urban Real Estate for some insight. “Preference on which neighborhood to choose can vary widely based on taste and budget,” Glazer explains. “Do you like urban, suburban, hip, up-and-coming, walkable, trendy, affordable, accessible to mountains/downtown, parks? Denver has a wonderful array that will fit most any lifestyle.”
Glazer gave us a sampling of a few more under-the-radar Denver neighborhoods that have their own unique charm and character.
Harvey Park - This neighborhood is located in Southwest Denver and is bounded by South Sheridan, Hampden, Lowell, and Jewell. Built in the 1950's, it's known for its selection of some of Denver's best and most affordable, mid-century modern architecture. Cliff May-style California Contemporary homes fill the neighborhoods' quiet, suburban-like streets.
Average home prices: in the low $400,000s.
Platt Park -  This area is located in Southeast Denver and is bounded by Downing, Broadway, Evans and I-25, Platt Park is seeing many of its older homes remodeled for 21st century living as well as quite a few new builds and pop-tops. The neighborhood is lovely, charming and walkable with one of the best/quaintest shopping districts, South Pearl Street. Don't miss the summertime Farmer's Market because it's arguably the best in the city.
Average home prices: around $500,000.
Sunnyside - Located in Northwest Denver, Sunnyside is bounded by I70, 38th, Federal and I25. It's an up-and-coming neighborhood near trendy Tennyson and is already pretty well discovered, yet still in transition. It's easy to take a bike ride or a walk downtown, and there is easy access to get out of town. This area has a wonderful mix of old architecture as well as new (mostly attached) homes. Trendy coffee shops, restaurants, boutiques and home goods stores are starting to pop up everywhere.
Average home prices: in the $500,000s.
Denver Suburbs to Consider:
Denver is a good place to raise a family if you have the right resources, like a stable job and a steady income. Bringing some kids along for the move? Check out some of these top rated Denver suburbs.
Stapleton – Stapleton is a new neighborhood that popped up a few years ago built on the old airport base. Its proximity to the city and relative affordability of new builds makes it a popular option for young families.
Arvada - Olde Town Arvada has one of the cutest “Main streets” of any suburb. Its popularity has also caught on the past few years, driving up home prices.
Englewood - This is a suburb with a lot of variety. Englewood has small, affordable homes with character located near the fun and funk of South Broadway, suburban “tract” style homes near the Denver Tech Center and sprawling mansions in Cherry Hills Village.
Wheat Ridge - Close enough to the city yet a world away, Wheat Ridge is a natural expansion from NW Denver. There's tons of new development happening on 38th Ave., with breweries and restaurants clamoring to get in on the action.
2. Denver is becoming a major city.
There are so many opinions out there as to whether or not living in Denver is affordable. Some stats say yes it's affordable (compared to metros like New York City), but rapidly increasing rental prices and fast selling homes say otherwise. While living in Denver is much more affordable than living in places like Los Angeles, it's still pricey. For instance, the median home cost in Denver is $421,900, which just about doubles the national average of $216,200.
Before moving to Denver, make sure you're able to spend within your means, which means allotting no more than 30% of your salary to housing costs. If you're looking to buy or rent before relocating, make sure you give yourself plenty of time. Finding a place is highly competitive so most people use a rental agent. If you opt to rent, make sure you know your rights as a Colorado tenant.
Denver Housing Market Stats
Irene Glazer also helped us understand just how the housing market has changed over the past few years. Here are some highlights:
The Denver housing market has been appreciating at a double-digit clip since we started our climb out of the recession in about 2013. This past year we saw a bit slower appreciation of about 8%.
Our average sold price in metro Denver finished out at approximately $475K in 2017, and the prediction is that we will be around $500K by the end of 2018.
Inventory is still the biggest buzzword, and we are still extremely short on it, without a reprieve in sight.
We are about to enter the “Market Compression” phase in our annual real estate cycle where demand picks up before homes are listed, creating our early spring frenzy. This creates additional challenges as inventory levels typically continue to fall through January. If demand picks up, multiple offers, bidding wars and heightened flash sales could accelerate pricing earlier than expected in 2018.
Not sure whether you should rent or buy? According to Glazer, weighing expected appreciation, even at modest rates of 6% (Denver's historical average), against impending rent increases, it is still more advantageous to own vs. rent in the Denver market.
3. The cost of living in Denver won't break the bank, yet.
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The biggest hurdle new residents face when moving to Denver is housing costs. Other than that, most cost of living expenses is more or less comparative to other cities.
Cost of Living Factors:
Taxes - Property taxes are relatively low, sales tax is high, and income tax falls right in the middle at 4.63%.
Health Care - Costs about 17% more than the national average.
Groceries - You'll pay about 4% less than the national average.
4. Denver's economy is booming.
Higher paying jobs are available in Denver because so many top companies want to be based here. However, that means the competition for a quality job is that much more intense. Also, wages in Denver might not be as high as they need to be to afford the cost of living.
The average median income in Denver is $57,773, which is about 6% less than than the national average. Even if you can afford to live in Denver today, it's important to note that average salary increases aren't keeping pace with rising rents.
This discrepancy between rising housing costs and stagnant salaries could cause an issue a few years in and force a move further outside the city. Make sure you have a job in hand and some additional savings before relocating to this highly desirable area.
Top Denver Industries & Companies:
Tech - The startup scene is exploding with companies like Baker Technologies and more established companies like Google and HomeAdvisor.
Aerospace -Denver is keen on becoming “Aerospace Alley” (their play on Silicon Valley) with major companies like The Boeing Company, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman located here.
Agriculture - Colorado's food and agriculture industry generates more than $5 billion a year, with companies like Love Grown Foods, Leprino Foods and Nutrien leading the charge. Colorado also ranks third in the nation for craft beer sales and production.
Casual Concepts - Noodles & Company, Smashburger, Qboda and Boston Market are all headquartered here.
Marijuana – Cannabis is big business, bringing in more revenue than some small countries.
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5. Once you adjust to the altitude, the weather is incredible.
The quality of life in Denver is highly desirable, once you get used to the lack of oxygen. Contrary to popular belief, Denver is not located in the Rocky Mountains. It is a mile or so above sea level, though (5,280 feet, to be exact), and that can take your body some time to adjust. For most people, the pros far outweigh the cons as far as weather is concerned.
What It's Like Living in Denver:
There are an estimated 300 days of sunshine every year. Even though the summers are hot, they lack humidity, which makes them more comfortable.
The sky is bluer and the stars are brighter than other parts of the country due to the high-desert climate and elevation.
Some of the top weekend vacation destinations are located within a few hours of Denver.
The temperature can rise or fall by 40 degrees in a day due to the altitude, so always dress in layers.
Since the air is thinner, there are lower levels of oxygen, which can take a toll on your body if you're not used to it or have an ongoing medical condition.
Tips to Acclimate to the Altitude:
The air is really dry, which can dehydrate your body if you're not drinking enough water. Make sure to drink more water than you normally would, and always have chap-stick handy.
Take it easy upon arrival. If you plan to do any mountain activities, give your body a few days to acclimate.
Make sure to get enough sleep if the altitude makes you feel drowsy.
At higher elevations, the sun is more intense, so always wear sunscreen!
6. Traffic is undesirable in and out of the city.
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One difference between Denver and other large cities is the amount of weekend traffic headed out of the city toward the mountains. Ski traffic is something you'll want to account for if you move here since Denver is situated 75 miles or so from dozens of world-renowned ski resorts. Expect heavy traffic on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings in the winter. It can take anywhere from a 1.5-hour drive to 6+ hour nightmare.
But that isn't the only time you'll run into traffic in Denver. Since the city exploded with growth in the past decade, traffic within the metro can get congested too. Luckily, Denver is geographically small so getting to and from anywhere should take about 20-minutes during non-rush hour periods. Also, if you live and work in the downtown area, biking and the new Lime Scooters are a viable way to commute.
Tips for Getting Around:
Be careful where you park. The sides of the street change to accommodate street sweeping.
Consider getting a car with four-wheel drive or one that can handle more rugged mountain driving and varied weather conditions.
The city added new light rail lines in 2016, including one that goes to the airport. Other light rails connect some suburbs to the city.
Denver is a highly bike-friendly city. It's estimated that between 6-7% of downtown employees commute to work by bike.
You can also rent B-cycle bikes from docks around the city, either by the hour or by day.
7. Denver is a beer destination and is on its way to becoming a food destination.
Craft brew fanatics will love that Denver is home to the second most microbreweries next to Portland. In fact, the area has been coined as the Napa Valley of Beer. But if you're looking to enjoy a pint or two during happy hour, remember to drink some water too. If not, you might feel buzzed sooner than you would in cities closer to sea level. Beer can have more of an effect due to thin air.
We spoke with Editor of Rocky Mountain Food Report, Dionne Roberts, on how the food and drink scene has evolved. “Denver's craft culinary and beverage scene continues to show rapid growth with the influx of diverse and gifted chefs, brewers and distillers,” Roberts explains. “More people want to be a part of the mountain culture and that adds depth to the growing number of options and cultivates a higher sense of quality in the cuisine.”
Roberts also shared with us some recommendations for potential residents to visit while in Denver.
Places to Drink:
First Draft - A place to try dozens of local microbrews all under one roof. At First Draft, you're given a swipe card to pour your own tastings.
Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales - Specializes in unique, blended and barrel-aged sour beers with industrial airplane-esque decor and meticulous brewing processes.
Epic Brewing Company - Offers a fun, community tasting room with a lineup of dozens of flagship and elevated craft beers.
Black Shirt Brewing Company - Relays an approachable rock n' roll edge in their stylistic, aptly-named beers, live music performances and funky brewery atmosphere.
My Brother's Bar – So old it's been operating since before Colorado was officially a state, Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady and Allen Ginsberg all hung out here.
Death & Co – If you get tired of beer, this NYC outpost has a literal bible of craft cocktails in the swanky Ramble Hotel.
Williams & Graham – Denver is also huge on speakeasies, with Williams & Graham named one of the top 50 cocktail bars in the world. The coolest part? You have to walk through a bookshelf to find it.
Great American Beer Fest - This fall festival has the largest variety of beer served of any public tasting across the country. You'll be hard-pressed to try them all, since there are over 800 breweries and thousands of beers present. Buy your tickets immediately when they go on sale, as they do sell out in minutes.
Places to Eat:
Euclid Hall - Located in the heart of Larimer Square with a focus on elevated pub fare, a great ambiance and thorough attention to providing locally sourced ingredients.
AVANTI Food and Beverage - Denver basically pioneered the food hall concept, and AVANTI was one of the OGs for its killer rooftop. All vendors have short-term leases as a way to test pilot their concepts.
Beatrice & Woodsley - A whimsical, cozy restaurant with a seasonal craft menu on Broadway that boasts a fairy tale interior perfect for date night or intimate gatherings.
Snooze – Brunch is serious business in Denver, and local chain Snooze is always slammed. Expect to wait about an hour for their signature pancake flights.
Linger – A former mortuary turned “eatuary,” Linger serves innovative, international small places. Don't miss the vintage VW bus on the roof and one of the best skyline views of the city.
The Buckhorn Exchange – A National Historic Landmark, the Buckhorn Exchange received the state's first liquor license and pays homage to the state's game meat culture. If you're brave, it's also the place to try Rocky Mountain Oysters.
Tavernetta – The newly revamped Union Station has really become a must-see destination and hotspot. While all the restaurants are good, Tavernetta is elevated Italian worth seeking out.
TAG – Troy Guard is one of Denver's most beloved chefs. His first outpost has unique fusion dishes, like Hamachi with pop rocks.  
Tacos Tequila Whiskey – Ask anyone what Denver's staple cuisine is, and taquerias are definitely part of the narrative (along with green chile).
16th Street Mall - Located in downtown Denver, this one-mile pedestrian section is packed with tons of cafes, brewpubs and restaurants. After a night out, play one of the ten public pianos on display. It's touristy, but a must-see for first-timers.
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8. There are plenty of fun things to do in Denver.
Relocating to Denver is a much more enjoyable experience when you know there's a ton you'll want to do once you arrive. Do any of the following interest you enough to start packing up your belongings and heading to Denver?
Professional Sports Teams:
Denver Broncos - One of pro football's biggest winners since the merger of the American and National Football Leagues in 1970, with a cult following
Colorado Rockies - Coors Field has jokingly been called the best bar in Denver, so even if you're not a baseball fan, the stadium is worth a visit
Colorado Avalanche - NHL team that won eight division title games in a row–the longest streak in the league
Denver Nuggets - NBA team that has yet to reach the championship round in the playoffs, but is fun to watch nonetheless
Attractions and Fun Things to Do:
Top Golf - Spend a leisurely day hitting some golf balls further than you normally would. No, really. Due to the high altitude, golf balls can reportedly go up to 10% farther!
The Stanley Hotel - Horror fanatics should take an hour trek outside of Denver to visit this historic landmark that inspired Stephen King's 1977 bestseller, The Shining. Want a glimpse into the paranormal? Take their Night Spirit Tour and explore some creepy spaces.
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Red Rocks Amphitheatre - Chances are, if you want to see one of your favorite big time musicians live, they will have played at Red Rocks. The most acoustically perfect outdoor amphitheater in the world, music sounds incredible here and the views are unforgettable.
Denver Performing Arts Complex (The DCPA) - Enjoy a variety of seasonal events on this four-block strip, like Broadway Theatre, ballet and opera.
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9. Taking advantage of the great outdoors is easy all year.
Denver is the ideal location for adventure seekers looking to explore thrilling mountain peaks and valleys. But you don't have to be an adrenaline junkie or avid skier to enjoy outdoor life in Colorado. There are dozens of day trips suitable for the entire family all year round.
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Green Spaces in the City:
Washington Park - Take a pedal boat across Smith Lake for a perfect afternoon with the family.
City Park - Hike the Mile High Trail in this park and get a five-kilometer workout exactly one mile above sea level.
Confluence Park - Take a kayak out and explore man-made kayak chutes located minutes from downtown.
Cherry Creek Bike Path – A 42-mile paved pathway that starts in downtown Denver, you could bike for a few hours or make the day of it.
Ski Getaways:
Vail Mountain Resort - There are 5,289 acres of skiable slopes at this legendary ski spot.
Breckenridge – With five peaks in one resort, travelers come from all over the world to ski Breck.
Winter Park - This is the longest running ski resort in Colorado with over 3,000 acres of award-winning terrain to explore.
Copper Mountain – One of the more local resorts, Copper's naturally divided terrain is a great place to learn and perfect your turns.
Outdoor Adventures:
Rocky Mountain National Park - Denver's most accessible national park, RMNP is 415 square miles of protected mountain land. Drive Trail Ridge Road for epic views and hike the acclaimed Dream Lake.
Mount Evans - Climb the highest paved road in North America and eventually reach the summit at 14,260 feet.
Rocky Mountain Ziplines - Zip through sections of the Rocky Mountains and take in the sights on over 6,000 feet of cable.
Clear Creek Whitewater Rafting – The closest whitewater to Denver, ride the rapids for a real adrenaline rush.
Glenwood Springs – Colorado has more than 30 hot springs, which are a relaxing year-round getaway.
Private Foothills Tour - Take a four hour trek through the Foothills of Denver. There are many stops built into the tour. If you have kids, make sure to stop at Dinosaur Ridge, which is optional.
10. Marijuana is legal, but public consumption is not.
Colorado was the first state to legalize recreational marijuana, which might not impact your life in Denver as much as you think. You may smell it, but you'll rarely see people partaking, as it is still illegal to smoke in public. According to a survey by the Colorado Department of Public Health, only 13.6% of residents partake in recreational marijuana use, and fewer of them smoke every day. While this figure is much larger than the national average, some argue that many pot smokers in other states keep their habit behind closed doors. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, there are some things you should know, as that Rocky Mountain High is a big part of life in Denver.
Marijuana Etiquette:
Dispensaries are identified with green crosses that look like pharmacies. “Bud-tenders” will walk you through the buying process and explain the effects the different strains may have on your body (sativa, indica and hybrids).
If you wish to smoke pot in your home, make sure it is allowed in your lease agreement before you light up.
You must be over the age of 21 to buy and consume pot in Colorado.
Public use of marijuana is illegal, so don't expect to find people lighting up in the streets.
Certain hotels and AirBnbs restrict the use of marijuana on their premises, so be sure to find a smoker-friendly establishment if you're planning a trip and wish to smoke.
Just because marijuana use is legal doesn't mean your boss has to agree. Your company can administer drug tests and create policies banning the use of marijuana.
The marijuana industry is very innovative and there are many ways to experiment with its effects without actually smoking. Topicals, edibles, and vaping are all extremely popular.
If pregnant, the CDPH advises strongly against the use of marijuana. If any newborn baby tests positive for THC, the hospital is advised to contact child protective services.
Make relocating to Denver a relatively simple process.
If you're planning a move to Denver, creating a checklist of everything you need to do can be helpful. In order to be considered a resident of Denver, you must be employed, own a business, or reside in Denver for at least 90 days. Don't forget some of these essential steps to becoming a Denverite.
Moving to Denver Checklist:
Before registering your car, update out of state vehicle titles using this form. Be sure your car will pass the required emissions tests before bringing it into the state. If not, you may have to sell the car before you move.
Transfer your license within 30 days and register your car within 90 days at the DMV.
Decide whether or not you want to update your organ donor status.
Register to vote in Colorado online.
Learn about the requirements for residency as it relates to higher education.
Change your address and have your mail forwarded using this form from the USPS.
Sometimes relocation dates don't match up exactly. If your belongings arrive before you have access to your home, consider temporary self storage in Denver.
We hope you learned a thing or two about life in Denver. Would you ever move here? Do you have some insight you'd like to share? Let us know in the comment section.
This post originally appeared on the Life Storage blog on 2/2/18 and was revised on 1/10/19 to provide new information.
0 notes
georgeghaider-blog · 6 years
Moving to Denver - 10 Pros and Cons You Should Know
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In 1893, Katharine Lee Bates sat atop Pikes Peak and wrote “America the Beautiful,” one of the most well-known patriotic songs of our time. Just about 100 miles away from that summit at the base of the Rocky Mountains sits Denver, Colorado. With its blue skies and panoramic mountain views, Denver, a.k.a. the Mile High City is perhaps one of the most beautiful areas in the country. In fact, its beauty has inspired countless other authors, musicians and pop culture icons.
Maybe this natural beauty is why moving to Denver is so appealing. Or, maybe it's the 300-days of sun a year, easy access to the mountains and inherent outdoor playground. Either way, Metro Denver is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation, with almost 100,000 people moving there in the past seven years. Now, with a population of over three million, the city is scrambling to develop the infrastructure, transit and housing needed to keep pace with the demand.
Would you move to Denver? The area boasts a strong economy and a shiny, new façade that will take your breath away, both literally and figuratively. But some argue that it's overcrowded and expensive. We're exploring some other reasons why you might want to stay or stay away. These living in Denver pros and cons should help you decide if Denver is, in fact, the right choice for you. Have some advice you'd like to share with potential residents? Let us know in the comments below!
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1. Denver is young, hip and desirable.
A millennial haven, 66% of the population in Denver are under the age of 44. Denver is also not a very culturally diverse city. 76.9% of the population is Caucasian, with gentrification being a major hot-button issue. This has greatly impacted the demand for rental housing, which makes homeownership less obtainable.
Denver is among the likes of the San Francisco Bay Area and Seattle when it comes to home price appreciation outpacing income growth and affordability. Apartments rent for an average of $1,519 a month, with median home prices jumping 10% to $420,000 in 2018.
If you can stomach the prices, one major pro of living in Denver is the views. No matter which neighborhood you choose, the metro is surrounded by 140 miles of panoramic mountain views, totaling 200 visible peaks.
That said, the very first step to becoming a Denverite is picking a neighborhood. Living in Denver is an experience, and because so many people want to do it, picking a community can get competitive and pricey (more on that later). Decide whether any of the following areas suit you, then figure out if you can afford it.
Top Neighborhoods in Denver
Fast-paced living with a relaxed vibe is possible in any of the following city neighborhoods. However, each area offers a little something different, which make picking the right one that much more important. Here are a few of the best places to live in Denver.
The Highlands – Widely accepted as one of the most desirable places to live, the Highlands, and LoHi (Lower Highlands) specifically, is teeming with innovative restaurant concepts, hip rooftops, patios and boutique shops.
Average apartment rental: $2,023
RiNo (River North) – If you don't want to be a LoDo (Lower Downtown) Ballpark Bro, RiNo is downtown Denver's hipster neighbor. Full of trendy warehouse conversions, street art and an explosion of bars and restaurants, it's the current place to see and be seen.
Average apartment rental: $1,727
Capitol Hill – A bit rougher around the edges, Cap Hill is generally regarded to be the most affordable and convenient neighborhood in city proper. Home to the Capital building, it's major thoroughfare of Colfax Avenue is the longest street in America.
Average apartment rental: $1,519
We spoke with seasoned broker and real estate agent, Irene Glazer of Live Urban Real Estate for some insight. “Preference on which neighborhood to choose can vary widely based on taste and budget,” Glazer explains. “Do you like urban, suburban, hip, up-and-coming, walkable, trendy, affordable, accessible to mountains/downtown, parks? Denver has a wonderful array that will fit most any lifestyle.”
Glazer gave us a sampling of a few more under-the-radar Denver neighborhoods that have their own unique charm and character.
Harvey Park - This neighborhood is located in Southwest Denver and is bounded by South Sheridan, Hampden, Lowell, and Jewell. Built in the 1950's, it's known for its selection of some of Denver's best and most affordable, mid-century modern architecture. Cliff May-style California Contemporary homes fill the neighborhoods' quiet, suburban-like streets.
Average home prices: in the low $400,000s.
Platt Park -  This area is located in Southeast Denver and is bounded by Downing, Broadway, Evans and I-25, Platt Park is seeing many of its older homes remodeled for 21st century living as well as quite a few new builds and pop-tops. The neighborhood is lovely, charming and walkable with one of the best/quaintest shopping districts, South Pearl Street. Don't miss the summertime Farmer's Market because it's arguably the best in the city.
Average home prices: around $500,000.
Sunnyside - Located in Northwest Denver, Sunnyside is bounded by I70, 38th, Federal and I25. It's an up-and-coming neighborhood near trendy Tennyson and is already pretty well discovered, yet still in transition. It's easy to take a bike ride or a walk downtown, and there is easy access to get out of town. This area has a wonderful mix of old architecture as well as new (mostly attached) homes. Trendy coffee shops, restaurants, boutiques and home goods stores are starting to pop up everywhere.
Average home prices: in the $500,000s.
Denver Suburbs to Consider:
Denver is a good place to raise a family if you have the right resources, like a stable job and a steady income. Bringing some kids along for the move? Check out some of these top rated Denver suburbs.
Stapleton – Stapleton is a new neighborhood that popped up a few years ago built on the old airport base. Its proximity to the city and relative affordability of new builds makes it a popular option for young families.
Arvada - Olde Town Arvada has one of the cutest “Main streets” of any suburb. Its popularity has also caught on the past few years, driving up home prices.
Englewood - This is a suburb with a lot of variety. Englewood has small, affordable homes with character located near the fun and funk of South Broadway, suburban “tract” style homes near the Denver Tech Center and sprawling mansions in Cherry Hills Village.
Wheat Ridge - Close enough to the city yet a world away, Wheat Ridge is a natural expansion from NW Denver. There's tons of new development happening on 38th Ave., with breweries and restaurants clamoring to get in on the action.
2. Denver is becoming a major city.
There are so many opinions out there as to whether or not living in Denver is affordable. Some stats say yes it's affordable (compared to metros like New York City), but rapidly increasing rental prices and fast selling homes say otherwise. While living in Denver is much more affordable than living in places like Los Angeles, it's still pricey. For instance, the median home cost in Denver is $421,900, which just about doubles the national average of $216,200.
Before moving to Denver, make sure you're able to spend within your means, which means allotting no more than 30% of your salary to housing costs. If you're looking to buy or rent before relocating, make sure you give yourself plenty of time. Finding a place is highly competitive so most people use a rental agent. If you opt to rent, make sure you know your rights as a Colorado tenant.
Denver Housing Market Stats
Irene Glazer also helped us understand just how the housing market has changed over the past few years. Here are some highlights:
The Denver housing market has been appreciating at a double-digit clip since we started our climb out of the recession in about 2013. This past year we saw a bit slower appreciation of about 8%.
Our average sold price in metro Denver finished out at approximately $475K in 2017, and the prediction is that we will be around $500K by the end of 2018.
Inventory is still the biggest buzzword, and we are still extremely short on it, without a reprieve in sight.
We are about to enter the “Market Compression” phase in our annual real estate cycle where demand picks up before homes are listed, creating our early spring frenzy. This creates additional challenges as inventory levels typically continue to fall through January. If demand picks up, multiple offers, bidding wars and heightened flash sales could accelerate pricing earlier than expected in 2018.
Not sure whether you should rent or buy? According to Glazer, weighing expected appreciation, even at modest rates of 6% (Denver's historical average), against impending rent increases, it is still more advantageous to own vs. rent in the Denver market.
3. The cost of living in Denver won't break the bank, yet.
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The biggest hurdle new residents face when moving to Denver is housing costs. Other than that, most cost of living expenses is more or less comparative to other cities.
Cost of Living Factors:
Taxes - Property taxes are relatively low, sales tax is high, and income tax falls right in the middle at 4.63%.
Health Care - Costs about 17% more than the national average.
Groceries - You'll pay about 4% less than the national average.
4. Denver's economy is booming.
Higher paying jobs are available in Denver because so many top companies want to be based here. However, that means the competition for a quality job is that much more intense. Also, wages in Denver might not be as high as they need to be to afford the cost of living.
The average median income in Denver is $57,773, which is about 6% less than than the national average. Even if you can afford to live in Denver today, it's important to note that average salary increases aren't keeping pace with rising rents.
This discrepancy between rising housing costs and stagnant salaries could cause an issue a few years in and force a move further outside the city. Make sure you have a job in hand and some additional savings before relocating to this highly desirable area.
Top Denver Industries & Companies:
Tech - The startup scene is exploding with companies like Baker Technologies and more established companies like Google and HomeAdvisor.
Aerospace -Denver is keen on becoming “Aerospace Alley” (their play on Silicon Valley) with major companies like The Boeing Company, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman located here.
Agriculture - Colorado's food and agriculture industry generates more than $5 billion a year, with companies like Love Grown Foods, Leprino Foods and Nutrien leading the charge. Colorado also ranks third in the nation for craft beer sales and production.
Casual Concepts - Noodles & Company, Smashburger, Qboda and Boston Market are all headquartered here.
Marijuana – Cannabis is big business, bringing in more revenue than some small countries.
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5. Once you adjust to the altitude, the weather is incredible.
The quality of life in Denver is highly desirable, once you get used to the lack of oxygen. Contrary to popular belief, Denver is not located in the Rocky Mountains. It is a mile or so above sea level, though (5,280 feet, to be exact), and that can take your body some time to adjust. For most people, the pros far outweigh the cons as far as weather is concerned.
What It's Like Living in Denver:
There are an estimated 300 days of sunshine every year. Even though the summers are hot, they lack humidity, which makes them more comfortable.
The sky is bluer and the stars are brighter than other parts of the country due to the high-desert climate and elevation.
Some of the top weekend vacation destinations are located within a few hours of Denver.
The temperature can rise or fall by 40 degrees in a day due to the altitude, so always dress in layers.
Since the air is thinner, there are lower levels of oxygen, which can take a toll on your body if you're not used to it or have an ongoing medical condition.
Tips to Acclimate to the Altitude:
The air is really dry, which can dehydrate your body if you're not drinking enough water. Make sure to drink more water than you normally would, and always have chap-stick handy.
Take it easy upon arrival. If you plan to do any mountain activities, give your body a few days to acclimate.
Make sure to get enough sleep if the altitude makes you feel drowsy.
At higher elevations, the sun is more intense, so always wear sunscreen!
6. Traffic is undesirable in and out of the city.
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One difference between Denver and other large cities is the amount of weekend traffic headed out of the city toward the mountains. Ski traffic is something you'll want to account for if you move here since Denver is situated 75 miles or so from dozens of world-renowned ski resorts. Expect heavy traffic on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings in the winter. It can take anywhere from a 1.5-hour drive to 6+ hour nightmare.
But that isn't the only time you'll run into traffic in Denver. Since the city exploded with growth in the past decade, traffic within the metro can get congested too. Luckily, Denver is geographically small so getting to and from anywhere should take about 20-minutes during non-rush hour periods. Also, if you live and work in the downtown area, biking and the new Lime Scooters are a viable way to commute.
Tips for Getting Around:
Be careful where you park. The sides of the street change to accommodate street sweeping.
Consider getting a car with four-wheel drive or one that can handle more rugged mountain driving and varied weather conditions.
The city added new light rail lines in 2016, including one that goes to the airport. Other light rails connect some suburbs to the city.
Denver is a highly bike-friendly city. It's estimated that between 6-7% of downtown employees commute to work by bike.
You can also rent B-cycle bikes from docks around the city, either by the hour or by day.
7. Denver is a beer destination and is on its way to becoming a food destination.
Craft brew fanatics will love that Denver is home to the second most microbreweries next to Portland. In fact, the area has been coined as the Napa Valley of Beer. But if you're looking to enjoy a pint or two during happy hour, remember to drink some water too. If not, you might feel buzzed sooner than you would in cities closer to sea level. Beer can have more of an effect due to thin air.
We spoke with Editor of Rocky Mountain Food Report, Dionne Roberts, on how the food and drink scene has evolved. “Denver's craft culinary and beverage scene continues to show rapid growth with the influx of diverse and gifted chefs, brewers and distillers,” Roberts explains. “More people want to be a part of the mountain culture and that adds depth to the growing number of options and cultivates a higher sense of quality in the cuisine.”
Roberts also shared with us some recommendations for potential residents to visit while in Denver.
Places to Drink:
First Draft - A place to try dozens of local microbrews all under one roof. At First Draft, you're given a swipe card to pour your own tastings.
Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales - Specializes in unique, blended and barrel-aged sour beers with industrial airplane-esque decor and meticulous brewing processes.
Epic Brewing Company - Offers a fun, community tasting room with a lineup of dozens of flagship and elevated craft beers.
Black Shirt Brewing Company - Relays an approachable rock n' roll edge in their stylistic, aptly-named beers, live music performances and funky brewery atmosphere.
My Brother's Bar – So old it's been operating since before Colorado was officially a state, Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady and Allen Ginsberg all hung out here.
Death & Co – If you get tired of beer, this NYC outpost has a literal bible of craft cocktails in the swanky Ramble Hotel.
Williams & Graham – Denver is also huge on speakeasies, with Williams & Graham named one of the top 50 cocktail bars in the world. The coolest part? You have to walk through a bookshelf to find it.
Great American Beer Fest - This fall festival has the largest variety of beer served of any public tasting across the country. You'll be hard-pressed to try them all, since there are over 800 breweries and thousands of beers present. Buy your tickets immediately when they go on sale, as they do sell out in minutes.
Places to Eat:
Euclid Hall - Located in the heart of Larimer Square with a focus on elevated pub fare, a great ambiance and thorough attention to providing locally sourced ingredients.
AVANTI Food and Beverage - Denver basically pioneered the food hall concept, and AVANTI was one of the OGs for its killer rooftop. All vendors have short-term leases as a way to test pilot their concepts.
Beatrice & Woodsley - A whimsical, cozy restaurant with a seasonal craft menu on Broadway that boasts a fairy tale interior perfect for date night or intimate gatherings.
Snooze – Brunch is serious business in Denver, and local chain Snooze is always slammed. Expect to wait about an hour for their signature pancake flights.
Linger – A former mortuary turned “eatuary,” Linger serves innovative, international small places. Don't miss the vintage VW bus on the roof and one of the best skyline views of the city.
The Buckhorn Exchange – A National Historic Landmark, the Buckhorn Exchange received the state's first liquor license and pays homage to the state's game meat culture. If you're brave, it's also the place to try Rocky Mountain Oysters.
Tavernetta – The newly revamped Union Station has really become a must-see destination and hotspot. While all the restaurants are good, Tavernetta is elevated Italian worth seeking out.
TAG – Troy Guard is one of Denver's most beloved chefs. His first outpost has unique fusion dishes, like Hamachi with pop rocks.  
Tacos Tequila Whiskey – Ask anyone what Denver's staple cuisine is, and taquerias are definitely part of the narrative (along with green chile).
16th Street Mall - Located in downtown Denver, this one-mile pedestrian section is packed with tons of cafes, brewpubs and restaurants. After a night out, play one of the ten public pianos on display. It's touristy, but a must-see for first-timers.
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8. There are plenty of fun things to do in Denver.
Relocating to Denver is a much more enjoyable experience when you know there's a ton you'll want to do once you arrive. Do any of the following interest you enough to start packing up your belongings and heading to Denver?
Professional Sports Teams:
Denver Broncos - One of pro football's biggest winners since the merger of the American and National Football Leagues in 1970, with a cult following
Colorado Rockies - Coors Field has jokingly been called the best bar in Denver, so even if you're not a baseball fan, the stadium is worth a visit
Colorado Avalanche - NHL team that won eight division title games in a row–the longest streak in the league
Denver Nuggets - NBA team that has yet to reach the championship round in the playoffs, but is fun to watch nonetheless
Attractions and Fun Things to Do:
Top Golf - Spend a leisurely day hitting some golf balls further than you normally would. No, really. Due to the high altitude, golf balls can reportedly go up to 10% farther!
The Stanley Hotel - Horror fanatics should take an hour trek outside of Denver to visit this historic landmark that inspired Stephen King's 1977 bestseller, The Shining. Want a glimpse into the paranormal? Take their Night Spirit Tour and explore some creepy spaces.
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Red Rocks Amphitheatre - Chances are, if you want to see one of your favorite big time musicians live, they will have played at Red Rocks. The most acoustically perfect outdoor amphitheater in the world, music sounds incredible here and the views are unforgettable.
Denver Performing Arts Complex (The DCPA) - Enjoy a variety of seasonal events on this four-block strip, like Broadway Theatre, ballet and opera.
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9. Taking advantage of the great outdoors is easy all year.
Denver is the ideal location for adventure seekers looking to explore thrilling mountain peaks and valleys. But you don't have to be an adrenaline junkie or avid skier to enjoy outdoor life in Colorado. There are dozens of day trips suitable for the entire family all year round.
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Green Spaces in the City:
Washington Park - Take a pedal boat across Smith Lake for a perfect afternoon with the family.
City Park - Hike the Mile High Trail in this park and get a five-kilometer workout exactly one mile above sea level.
Confluence Park - Take a kayak out and explore man-made kayak chutes located minutes from downtown.
Cherry Creek Bike Path – A 42-mile paved pathway that starts in downtown Denver, you could bike for a few hours or make the day of it.
Ski Getaways:
Vail Mountain Resort - There are 5,289 acres of skiable slopes at this legendary ski spot.
Breckenridge – With five peaks in one resort, travelers come from all over the world to ski Breck.
Winter Park - This is the longest running ski resort in Colorado with over 3,000 acres of award-winning terrain to explore.
Copper Mountain – One of the more local resorts, Copper's naturally divided terrain is a great place to learn and perfect your turns.
Outdoor Adventures:
Rocky Mountain National Park - Denver's most accessible national park, RMNP is 415 square miles of protected mountain land. Drive Trail Ridge Road for epic views and hike the acclaimed Dream Lake.
Mount Evans - Climb the highest paved road in North America and eventually reach the summit at 14,260 feet.
Rocky Mountain Ziplines - Zip through sections of the Rocky Mountains and take in the sights on over 6,000 feet of cable.
Clear Creek Whitewater Rafting – The closest whitewater to Denver, ride the rapids for a real adrenaline rush.
Glenwood Springs – Colorado has more than 30 hot springs, which are a relaxing year-round getaway.
Private Foothills Tour - Take a four hour trek through the Foothills of Denver. There are many stops built into the tour. If you have kids, make sure to stop at Dinosaur Ridge, which is optional.
10. Marijuana is legal, but public consumption is not.
Colorado was the first state to legalize recreational marijuana, which might not impact your life in Denver as much as you think. You may smell it, but you'll rarely see people partaking, as it is still illegal to smoke in public. According to a survey by the Colorado Department of Public Health, only 13.6% of residents partake in recreational marijuana use, and fewer of them smoke every day. While this figure is much larger than the national average, some argue that many pot smokers in other states keep their habit behind closed doors. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, there are some things you should know, as that Rocky Mountain High is a big part of life in Denver.
Marijuana Etiquette:
Dispensaries are identified with green crosses that look like pharmacies. “Bud-tenders” will walk you through the buying process and explain the effects the different strains may have on your body (sativa, indica and hybrids).
If you wish to smoke pot in your home, make sure it is allowed in your lease agreement before you light up.
You must be over the age of 21 to buy and consume pot in Colorado.
Public use of marijuana is illegal, so don't expect to find people lighting up in the streets.
Certain hotels and AirBnbs restrict the use of marijuana on their premises, so be sure to find a smoker-friendly establishment if you're planning a trip and wish to smoke.
Just because marijuana use is legal doesn't mean your boss has to agree. Your company can administer drug tests and create policies banning the use of marijuana.
The marijuana industry is very innovative and there are many ways to experiment with its effects without actually smoking. Topicals, edibles, and vaping are all extremely popular.
If pregnant, the CDPH advises strongly against the use of marijuana. If any newborn baby tests positive for THC, the hospital is advised to contact child protective services.
Make relocating to Denver a relatively simple process.
If you're planning a move to Denver, creating a checklist of everything you need to do can be helpful. In order to be considered a resident of Denver, you must be employed, own a business, or reside in Denver for at least 90 days. Don't forget some of these essential steps to becoming a Denverite.
Moving to Denver Checklist:
Before registering your car, update out of state vehicle titles using this form. Be sure your car will pass the required emissions tests before bringing it into the state. If not, you may have to sell the car before you move.
Transfer your license within 30 days and register your car within 90 days at the DMV.
Decide whether or not you want to update your organ donor status.
Register to vote in Colorado online.
Learn about the requirements for residency as it relates to higher education.
Change your address and have your mail forwarded using this form from the USPS.
Sometimes relocation dates don't match up exactly. If your belongings arrive before you have access to your home, consider temporary self storage in Denver.
We hope you learned a thing or two about life in Denver. Would you ever move here? Do you have some insight you'd like to share? Let us know in the comment section.
This post originally appeared on the Life Storage blog on 2/2/18 and was revised on 1/10/19 to provide new information.
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stevhenzana-blog · 6 years
Moving to Denver - 10 Pros and Cons You Should Know
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In 1893, Katharine Lee Bates sat atop Pikes Peak and wrote “America the Beautiful,” one of the most well-known patriotic songs of our time. Just about 100 miles away from that summit at the base of the Rocky Mountains sits Denver, Colorado. With its blue skies and panoramic mountain views, Denver, a.k.a. the Mile High City is perhaps one of the most beautiful areas in the country. In fact, its beauty has inspired countless other authors, musicians and pop culture icons.
Maybe this natural beauty is why moving to Denver is so appealing. Or, maybe it's the 300-days of sun a year, easy access to the mountains and inherent outdoor playground. Either way, Metro Denver is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation, with almost 100,000 people moving there in the past seven years. Now, with a population of over three million, the city is scrambling to develop the infrastructure, transit and housing needed to keep pace with the demand.
Would you move to Denver? The area boasts a strong economy and a shiny, new façade that will take your breath away, both literally and figuratively. But some argue that it's overcrowded and expensive. We're exploring some other reasons why you might want to stay or stay away. These living in Denver pros and cons should help you decide if Denver is, in fact, the right choice for you. Have some advice you'd like to share with potential residents? Let us know in the comments below!
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1. Denver is young, hip and desirable.
A millennial haven, 66% of the population in Denver are under the age of 44. Denver is also not a very culturally diverse city. 76.9% of the population is Caucasian, with gentrification being a major hot-button issue. This has greatly impacted the demand for rental housing, which makes homeownership less obtainable.
Denver is among the likes of the San Francisco Bay Area and Seattle when it comes to home price appreciation outpacing income growth and affordability. Apartments rent for an average of $1,519 a month, with median home prices jumping 10% to $420,000 in 2018.
If you can stomach the prices, one major pro of living in Denver is the views. No matter which neighborhood you choose, the metro is surrounded by 140 miles of panoramic mountain views, totaling 200 visible peaks.
That said, the very first step to becoming a Denverite is picking a neighborhood. Living in Denver is an experience, and because so many people want to do it, picking a community can get competitive and pricey (more on that later). Decide whether any of the following areas suit you, then figure out if you can afford it.
Top Neighborhoods in Denver
Fast-paced living with a relaxed vibe is possible in any of the following city neighborhoods. However, each area offers a little something different, which make picking the right one that much more important. Here are a few of the best places to live in Denver.
The Highlands – Widely accepted as one of the most desirable places to live, the Highlands, and LoHi (Lower Highlands) specifically, is teeming with innovative restaurant concepts, hip rooftops, patios and boutique shops.
Average apartment rental: $2,023
RiNo (River North) – If you don't want to be a LoDo (Lower Downtown) Ballpark Bro, RiNo is downtown Denver's hipster neighbor. Full of trendy warehouse conversions, street art and an explosion of bars and restaurants, it's the current place to see and be seen.
Average apartment rental: $1,727
Capitol Hill – A bit rougher around the edges, Cap Hill is generally regarded to be the most affordable and convenient neighborhood in city proper. Home to the Capital building, it's major thoroughfare of Colfax Avenue is the longest street in America.
Average apartment rental: $1,519
We spoke with seasoned broker and real estate agent, Irene Glazer of Live Urban Real Estate for some insight. “Preference on which neighborhood to choose can vary widely based on taste and budget,” Glazer explains. “Do you like urban, suburban, hip, up-and-coming, walkable, trendy, affordable, accessible to mountains/downtown, parks? Denver has a wonderful array that will fit most any lifestyle.”
Glazer gave us a sampling of a few more under-the-radar Denver neighborhoods that have their own unique charm and character.
Harvey Park - This neighborhood is located in Southwest Denver and is bounded by South Sheridan, Hampden, Lowell, and Jewell. Built in the 1950's, it's known for its selection of some of Denver's best and most affordable, mid-century modern architecture. Cliff May-style California Contemporary homes fill the neighborhoods' quiet, suburban-like streets.
Average home prices: in the low $400,000s.
Platt Park -  This area is located in Southeast Denver and is bounded by Downing, Broadway, Evans and I-25, Platt Park is seeing many of its older homes remodeled for 21st century living as well as quite a few new builds and pop-tops. The neighborhood is lovely, charming and walkable with one of the best/quaintest shopping districts, South Pearl Street. Don't miss the summertime Farmer's Market because it's arguably the best in the city.
Average home prices: around $500,000.
Sunnyside - Located in Northwest Denver, Sunnyside is bounded by I70, 38th, Federal and I25. It's an up-and-coming neighborhood near trendy Tennyson and is already pretty well discovered, yet still in transition. It's easy to take a bike ride or a walk downtown, and there is easy access to get out of town. This area has a wonderful mix of old architecture as well as new (mostly attached) homes. Trendy coffee shops, restaurants, boutiques and home goods stores are starting to pop up everywhere.
Average home prices: in the $500,000s.
Denver Suburbs to Consider:
Denver is a good place to raise a family if you have the right resources, like a stable job and a steady income. Bringing some kids along for the move? Check out some of these top rated Denver suburbs.
Stapleton – Stapleton is a new neighborhood that popped up a few years ago built on the old airport base. Its proximity to the city and relative affordability of new builds makes it a popular option for young families.
Arvada - Olde Town Arvada has one of the cutest “Main streets” of any suburb. Its popularity has also caught on the past few years, driving up home prices.
Englewood - This is a suburb with a lot of variety. Englewood has small, affordable homes with character located near the fun and funk of South Broadway, suburban “tract” style homes near the Denver Tech Center and sprawling mansions in Cherry Hills Village.
Wheat Ridge - Close enough to the city yet a world away, Wheat Ridge is a natural expansion from NW Denver. There's tons of new development happening on 38th Ave., with breweries and restaurants clamoring to get in on the action.
2. Denver is becoming a major city.
There are so many opinions out there as to whether or not living in Denver is affordable. Some stats say yes it's affordable (compared to metros like New York City), but rapidly increasing rental prices and fast selling homes say otherwise. While living in Denver is much more affordable than living in places like Los Angeles, it's still pricey. For instance, the median home cost in Denver is $421,900, which just about doubles the national average of $216,200.
Before moving to Denver, make sure you're able to spend within your means, which means allotting no more than 30% of your salary to housing costs. If you're looking to buy or rent before relocating, make sure you give yourself plenty of time. Finding a place is highly competitive so most people use a rental agent. If you opt to rent, make sure you know your rights as a Colorado tenant.
Denver Housing Market Stats
Irene Glazer also helped us understand just how the housing market has changed over the past few years. Here are some highlights:
The Denver housing market has been appreciating at a double-digit clip since we started our climb out of the recession in about 2013. This past year we saw a bit slower appreciation of about 8%.
Our average sold price in metro Denver finished out at approximately $475K in 2017, and the prediction is that we will be around $500K by the end of 2018.
Inventory is still the biggest buzzword, and we are still extremely short on it, without a reprieve in sight.
We are about to enter the “Market Compression” phase in our annual real estate cycle where demand picks up before homes are listed, creating our early spring frenzy. This creates additional challenges as inventory levels typically continue to fall through January. If demand picks up, multiple offers, bidding wars and heightened flash sales could accelerate pricing earlier than expected in 2018.
Not sure whether you should rent or buy? According to Glazer, weighing expected appreciation, even at modest rates of 6% (Denver's historical average), against impending rent increases, it is still more advantageous to own vs. rent in the Denver market.
3. The cost of living in Denver won't break the bank, yet.
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The biggest hurdle new residents face when moving to Denver is housing costs. Other than that, most cost of living expenses is more or less comparative to other cities.
Cost of Living Factors:
Taxes - Property taxes are relatively low, sales tax is high, and income tax falls right in the middle at 4.63%.
Health Care - Costs about 17% more than the national average.
Groceries - You'll pay about 4% less than the national average.
4. Denver's economy is booming.
Higher paying jobs are available in Denver because so many top companies want to be based here. However, that means the competition for a quality job is that much more intense. Also, wages in Denver might not be as high as they need to be to afford the cost of living.
The average median income in Denver is $57,773, which is about 6% less than than the national average. Even if you can afford to live in Denver today, it's important to note that average salary increases aren't keeping pace with rising rents.
This discrepancy between rising housing costs and stagnant salaries could cause an issue a few years in and force a move further outside the city. Make sure you have a job in hand and some additional savings before relocating to this highly desirable area.
Top Denver Industries & Companies:
Tech - The startup scene is exploding with companies like Baker Technologies and more established companies like Google and HomeAdvisor.
Aerospace -Denver is keen on becoming “Aerospace Alley” (their play on Silicon Valley) with major companies like The Boeing Company, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman located here.
Agriculture - Colorado's food and agriculture industry generates more than $5 billion a year, with companies like Love Grown Foods, Leprino Foods and Nutrien leading the charge. Colorado also ranks third in the nation for craft beer sales and production.
Casual Concepts - Noodles & Company, Smashburger, Qboda and Boston Market are all headquartered here.
Marijuana – Cannabis is big business, bringing in more revenue than some small countries.
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5. Once you adjust to the altitude, the weather is incredible.
The quality of life in Denver is highly desirable, once you get used to the lack of oxygen. Contrary to popular belief, Denver is not located in the Rocky Mountains. It is a mile or so above sea level, though (5,280 feet, to be exact), and that can take your body some time to adjust. For most people, the pros far outweigh the cons as far as weather is concerned.
What It's Like Living in Denver:
There are an estimated 300 days of sunshine every year. Even though the summers are hot, they lack humidity, which makes them more comfortable.
The sky is bluer and the stars are brighter than other parts of the country due to the high-desert climate and elevation.
Some of the top weekend vacation destinations are located within a few hours of Denver.
The temperature can rise or fall by 40 degrees in a day due to the altitude, so always dress in layers.
Since the air is thinner, there are lower levels of oxygen, which can take a toll on your body if you're not used to it or have an ongoing medical condition.
Tips to Acclimate to the Altitude:
The air is really dry, which can dehydrate your body if you're not drinking enough water. Make sure to drink more water than you normally would, and always have chap-stick handy.
Take it easy upon arrival. If you plan to do any mountain activities, give your body a few days to acclimate.
Make sure to get enough sleep if the altitude makes you feel drowsy.
At higher elevations, the sun is more intense, so always wear sunscreen!
6. Traffic is undesirable in and out of the city.
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One difference between Denver and other large cities is the amount of weekend traffic headed out of the city toward the mountains. Ski traffic is something you'll want to account for if you move here since Denver is situated 75 miles or so from dozens of world-renowned ski resorts. Expect heavy traffic on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings in the winter. It can take anywhere from a 1.5-hour drive to 6+ hour nightmare.
But that isn't the only time you'll run into traffic in Denver. Since the city exploded with growth in the past decade, traffic within the metro can get congested too. Luckily, Denver is geographically small so getting to and from anywhere should take about 20-minutes during non-rush hour periods. Also, if you live and work in the downtown area, biking and the new Lime Scooters are a viable way to commute.
Tips for Getting Around:
Be careful where you park. The sides of the street change to accommodate street sweeping.
Consider getting a car with four-wheel drive or one that can handle more rugged mountain driving and varied weather conditions.
The city added new light rail lines in 2016, including one that goes to the airport. Other light rails connect some suburbs to the city.
Denver is a highly bike-friendly city. It's estimated that between 6-7% of downtown employees commute to work by bike.
You can also rent B-cycle bikes from docks around the city, either by the hour or by day.
7. Denver is a beer destination and is on its way to becoming a food destination.
Craft brew fanatics will love that Denver is home to the second most microbreweries next to Portland. In fact, the area has been coined as the Napa Valley of Beer. But if you're looking to enjoy a pint or two during happy hour, remember to drink some water too. If not, you might feel buzzed sooner than you would in cities closer to sea level. Beer can have more of an effect due to thin air.
We spoke with Editor of Rocky Mountain Food Report, Dionne Roberts, on how the food and drink scene has evolved. “Denver's craft culinary and beverage scene continues to show rapid growth with the influx of diverse and gifted chefs, brewers and distillers,” Roberts explains. “More people want to be a part of the mountain culture and that adds depth to the growing number of options and cultivates a higher sense of quality in the cuisine.”
Roberts also shared with us some recommendations for potential residents to visit while in Denver.
Places to Drink:
First Draft - A place to try dozens of local microbrews all under one roof. At First Draft, you're given a swipe card to pour your own tastings.
Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales - Specializes in unique, blended and barrel-aged sour beers with industrial airplane-esque decor and meticulous brewing processes.
Epic Brewing Company - Offers a fun, community tasting room with a lineup of dozens of flagship and elevated craft beers.
Black Shirt Brewing Company - Relays an approachable rock n' roll edge in their stylistic, aptly-named beers, live music performances and funky brewery atmosphere.
My Brother's Bar – So old it's been operating since before Colorado was officially a state, Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady and Allen Ginsberg all hung out here.
Death & Co – If you get tired of beer, this NYC outpost has a literal bible of craft cocktails in the swanky Ramble Hotel.
Williams & Graham – Denver is also huge on speakeasies, with Williams & Graham named one of the top 50 cocktail bars in the world. The coolest part? You have to walk through a bookshelf to find it.
Great American Beer Fest - This fall festival has the largest variety of beer served of any public tasting across the country. You'll be hard-pressed to try them all, since there are over 800 breweries and thousands of beers present. Buy your tickets immediately when they go on sale, as they do sell out in minutes.
Places to Eat:
Euclid Hall - Located in the heart of Larimer Square with a focus on elevated pub fare, a great ambiance and thorough attention to providing locally sourced ingredients.
AVANTI Food and Beverage - Denver basically pioneered the food hall concept, and AVANTI was one of the OGs for its killer rooftop. All vendors have short-term leases as a way to test pilot their concepts.
Beatrice & Woodsley - A whimsical, cozy restaurant with a seasonal craft menu on Broadway that boasts a fairy tale interior perfect for date night or intimate gatherings.
Snooze – Brunch is serious business in Denver, and local chain Snooze is always slammed. Expect to wait about an hour for their signature pancake flights.
Linger – A former mortuary turned “eatuary,” Linger serves innovative, international small places. Don't miss the vintage VW bus on the roof and one of the best skyline views of the city.
The Buckhorn Exchange – A National Historic Landmark, the Buckhorn Exchange received the state's first liquor license and pays homage to the state's game meat culture. If you're brave, it's also the place to try Rocky Mountain Oysters.
Tavernetta – The newly revamped Union Station has really become a must-see destination and hotspot. While all the restaurants are good, Tavernetta is elevated Italian worth seeking out.
TAG – Troy Guard is one of Denver's most beloved chefs. His first outpost has unique fusion dishes, like Hamachi with pop rocks.  
Tacos Tequila Whiskey – Ask anyone what Denver's staple cuisine is, and taquerias are definitely part of the narrative (along with green chile).
16th Street Mall - Located in downtown Denver, this one-mile pedestrian section is packed with tons of cafes, brewpubs and restaurants. After a night out, play one of the ten public pianos on display. It's touristy, but a must-see for first-timers.
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8. There are plenty of fun things to do in Denver.
Relocating to Denver is a much more enjoyable experience when you know there's a ton you'll want to do once you arrive. Do any of the following interest you enough to start packing up your belongings and heading to Denver?
Professional Sports Teams:
Denver Broncos - One of pro football's biggest winners since the merger of the American and National Football Leagues in 1970, with a cult following
Colorado Rockies - Coors Field has jokingly been called the best bar in Denver, so even if you're not a baseball fan, the stadium is worth a visit
Colorado Avalanche - NHL team that won eight division title games in a row–the longest streak in the league
Denver Nuggets - NBA team that has yet to reach the championship round in the playoffs, but is fun to watch nonetheless
Attractions and Fun Things to Do:
Top Golf - Spend a leisurely day hitting some golf balls further than you normally would. No, really. Due to the high altitude, golf balls can reportedly go up to 10% farther!
The Stanley Hotel - Horror fanatics should take an hour trek outside of Denver to visit this historic landmark that inspired Stephen King's 1977 bestseller, The Shining. Want a glimpse into the paranormal? Take their Night Spirit Tour and explore some creepy spaces.
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Red Rocks Amphitheatre - Chances are, if you want to see one of your favorite big time musicians live, they will have played at Red Rocks. The most acoustically perfect outdoor amphitheater in the world, music sounds incredible here and the views are unforgettable.
Denver Performing Arts Complex (The DCPA) - Enjoy a variety of seasonal events on this four-block strip, like Broadway Theatre, ballet and opera.
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9. Taking advantage of the great outdoors is easy all year.
Denver is the ideal location for adventure seekers looking to explore thrilling mountain peaks and valleys. But you don't have to be an adrenaline junkie or avid skier to enjoy outdoor life in Colorado. There are dozens of day trips suitable for the entire family all year round.
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Green Spaces in the City:
Washington Park - Take a pedal boat across Smith Lake for a perfect afternoon with the family.
City Park - Hike the Mile High Trail in this park and get a five-kilometer workout exactly one mile above sea level.
Confluence Park - Take a kayak out and explore man-made kayak chutes located minutes from downtown.
Cherry Creek Bike Path – A 42-mile paved pathway that starts in downtown Denver, you could bike for a few hours or make the day of it.
Ski Getaways:
Vail Mountain Resort - There are 5,289 acres of skiable slopes at this legendary ski spot.
Breckenridge – With five peaks in one resort, travelers come from all over the world to ski Breck.
Winter Park - This is the longest running ski resort in Colorado with over 3,000 acres of award-winning terrain to explore.
Copper Mountain – One of the more local resorts, Copper's naturally divided terrain is a great place to learn and perfect your turns.
Outdoor Adventures:
Rocky Mountain National Park - Denver's most accessible national park, RMNP is 415 square miles of protected mountain land. Drive Trail Ridge Road for epic views and hike the acclaimed Dream Lake.
Mount Evans - Climb the highest paved road in North America and eventually reach the summit at 14,260 feet.
Rocky Mountain Ziplines - Zip through sections of the Rocky Mountains and take in the sights on over 6,000 feet of cable.
Clear Creek Whitewater Rafting – The closest whitewater to Denver, ride the rapids for a real adrenaline rush.
Glenwood Springs – Colorado has more than 30 hot springs, which are a relaxing year-round getaway.
Private Foothills Tour - Take a four hour trek through the Foothills of Denver. There are many stops built into the tour. If you have kids, make sure to stop at Dinosaur Ridge, which is optional.
10. Marijuana is legal, but public consumption is not.
Colorado was the first state to legalize recreational marijuana, which might not impact your life in Denver as much as you think. You may smell it, but you'll rarely see people partaking, as it is still illegal to smoke in public. According to a survey by the Colorado Department of Public Health, only 13.6% of residents partake in recreational marijuana use, and fewer of them smoke every day. While this figure is much larger than the national average, some argue that many pot smokers in other states keep their habit behind closed doors. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, there are some things you should know, as that Rocky Mountain High is a big part of life in Denver.
Marijuana Etiquette:
Dispensaries are identified with green crosses that look like pharmacies. “Bud-tenders” will walk you through the buying process and explain the effects the different strains may have on your body (sativa, indica and hybrids).
If you wish to smoke pot in your home, make sure it is allowed in your lease agreement before you light up.
You must be over the age of 21 to buy and consume pot in Colorado.
Public use of marijuana is illegal, so don't expect to find people lighting up in the streets.
Certain hotels and AirBnbs restrict the use of marijuana on their premises, so be sure to find a smoker-friendly establishment if you're planning a trip and wish to smoke.
Just because marijuana use is legal doesn't mean your boss has to agree. Your company can administer drug tests and create policies banning the use of marijuana.
The marijuana industry is very innovative and there are many ways to experiment with its effects without actually smoking. Topicals, edibles, and vaping are all extremely popular.
If pregnant, the CDPH advises strongly against the use of marijuana. If any newborn baby tests positive for THC, the hospital is advised to contact child protective services.
Make relocating to Denver a relatively simple process.
If you're planning a move to Denver, creating a checklist of everything you need to do can be helpful. In order to be considered a resident of Denver, you must be employed, own a business, or reside in Denver for at least 90 days. Don't forget some of these essential steps to becoming a Denverite.
Moving to Denver Checklist:
Before registering your car, update out of state vehicle titles using this form. Be sure your car will pass the required emissions tests before bringing it into the state. If not, you may have to sell the car before you move.
Transfer your license within 30 days and register your car within 90 days at the DMV.
Decide whether or not you want to update your organ donor status.
Register to vote in Colorado online.
Learn about the requirements for residency as it relates to higher education.
Change your address and have your mail forwarded using this form from the USPS.
Sometimes relocation dates don't match up exactly. If your belongings arrive before you have access to your home, consider temporary self storage in Denver.
We hope you learned a thing or two about life in Denver. Would you ever move here? Do you have some insight you'd like to share? Let us know in the comment section.
This post originally appeared on the Life Storage blog on 2/2/18 and was revised on 1/10/19 to provide new information.
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
Moving to Denver - 10 Pros and Cons You Should Know
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In 1893, Katharine Lee Bates sat atop Pikes Peak and wrote “America the Beautiful,” one of the most well-known patriotic songs of our time. Just about 100 miles away from that summit at the base of the Rocky Mountains sits Denver, Colorado. With its blue skies and panoramic mountain views, Denver, a.k.a. the Mile High City is perhaps one of the most beautiful areas in the country. In fact, its beauty has inspired countless other authors, musicians and pop culture icons.
Maybe this natural beauty is why moving to Denver is so appealing. Or, maybe it's the 300-days of sun a year, easy access to the mountains and inherent outdoor playground. Either way, Metro Denver is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation, with almost 100,000 people moving there in the past seven years. Now, with a population of over three million, the city is scrambling to develop the infrastructure, transit and housing needed to keep pace with the demand.
Would you move to Denver? The area boasts a strong economy and a shiny, new façade that will take your breath away, both literally and figuratively. But some argue that it's overcrowded and expensive. We're exploring some other reasons why you might want to stay or stay away. These living in Denver pros and cons should help you decide if Denver is, in fact, the right choice for you. Have some advice you'd like to share with potential residents? Let us know in the comments below!
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1. Denver is young, hip and desirable.
A millennial haven, 66% of the population in Denver are under the age of 44. Denver is also not a very culturally diverse city. 76.9% of the population is Caucasian, with gentrification being a major hot-button issue. This has greatly impacted the demand for rental housing, which makes homeownership less obtainable.
Denver is among the likes of the San Francisco Bay Area and Seattle when it comes to home price appreciation outpacing income growth and affordability. Apartments rent for an average of $1,519 a month, with median home prices jumping 10% to $420,000 in 2018.
If you can stomach the prices, one major pro of living in Denver is the views. No matter which neighborhood you choose, the metro is surrounded by 140 miles of panoramic mountain views, totaling 200 visible peaks.
That said, the very first step to becoming a Denverite is picking a neighborhood. Living in Denver is an experience, and because so many people want to do it, picking a community can get competitive and pricey (more on that later). Decide whether any of the following areas suit you, then figure out if you can afford it.
Top Neighborhoods in Denver
Fast-paced living with a relaxed vibe is possible in any of the following city neighborhoods. However, each area offers a little something different, which make picking the right one that much more important. Here are a few of the best places to live in Denver.
The Highlands – Widely accepted as one of the most desirable places to live, the Highlands, and LoHi (Lower Highlands) specifically, is teeming with innovative restaurant concepts, hip rooftops, patios and boutique shops.
Average apartment rental: $2,023
RiNo (River North) – If you don't want to be a LoDo (Lower Downtown) Ballpark Bro, RiNo is downtown Denver's hipster neighbor. Full of trendy warehouse conversions, street art and an explosion of bars and restaurants, it's the current place to see and be seen.
Average apartment rental: $1,727
Capitol Hill – A bit rougher around the edges, Cap Hill is generally regarded to be the most affordable and convenient neighborhood in city proper. Home to the Capital building, it's major thoroughfare of Colfax Avenue is the longest street in America.
Average apartment rental: $1,519
We spoke with seasoned broker and real estate agent, Irene Glazer of Live Urban Real Estate for some insight. “Preference on which neighborhood to choose can vary widely based on taste and budget,” Glazer explains. “Do you like urban, suburban, hip, up-and-coming, walkable, trendy, affordable, accessible to mountains/downtown, parks? Denver has a wonderful array that will fit most any lifestyle.”
Glazer gave us a sampling of a few more under-the-radar Denver neighborhoods that have their own unique charm and character.
Harvey Park - This neighborhood is located in Southwest Denver and is bounded by South Sheridan, Hampden, Lowell, and Jewell. Built in the 1950's, it's known for its selection of some of Denver's best and most affordable, mid-century modern architecture. Cliff May-style California Contemporary homes fill the neighborhoods' quiet, suburban-like streets.
Average home prices: in the low $400,000s.
Platt Park -  This area is located in Southeast Denver and is bounded by Downing, Broadway, Evans and I-25, Platt Park is seeing many of its older homes remodeled for 21st century living as well as quite a few new builds and pop-tops. The neighborhood is lovely, charming and walkable with one of the best/quaintest shopping districts, South Pearl Street. Don't miss the summertime Farmer's Market because it's arguably the best in the city.
Average home prices: around $500,000.
Sunnyside - Located in Northwest Denver, Sunnyside is bounded by I70, 38th, Federal and I25. It's an up-and-coming neighborhood near trendy Tennyson and is already pretty well discovered, yet still in transition. It's easy to take a bike ride or a walk downtown, and there is easy access to get out of town. This area has a wonderful mix of old architecture as well as new (mostly attached) homes. Trendy coffee shops, restaurants, boutiques and home goods stores are starting to pop up everywhere.
Average home prices: in the $500,000s.
Denver Suburbs to Consider:
Denver is a good place to raise a family if you have the right resources, like a stable job and a steady income. Bringing some kids along for the move? Check out some of these top rated Denver suburbs.
Stapleton – Stapleton is a new neighborhood that popped up a few years ago built on the old airport base. Its proximity to the city and relative affordability of new builds makes it a popular option for young families.
Arvada - Olde Town Arvada has one of the cutest “Main streets” of any suburb. Its popularity has also caught on the past few years, driving up home prices.
Englewood - This is a suburb with a lot of variety. Englewood has small, affordable homes with character located near the fun and funk of South Broadway, suburban “tract” style homes near the Denver Tech Center and sprawling mansions in Cherry Hills Village.
Wheat Ridge - Close enough to the city yet a world away, Wheat Ridge is a natural expansion from NW Denver. There's tons of new development happening on 38th Ave., with breweries and restaurants clamoring to get in on the action.
2. Denver is becoming a major city.
There are so many opinions out there as to whether or not living in Denver is affordable. Some stats say yes it's affordable (compared to metros like New York City), but rapidly increasing rental prices and fast selling homes say otherwise. While living in Denver is much more affordable than living in places like Los Angeles, it's still pricey. For instance, the median home cost in Denver is $421,900, which just about doubles the national average of $216,200.
Before moving to Denver, make sure you're able to spend within your means, which means allotting no more than 30% of your salary to housing costs. If you're looking to buy or rent before relocating, make sure you give yourself plenty of time. Finding a place is highly competitive so most people use a rental agent. If you opt to rent, make sure you know your rights as a Colorado tenant.
Denver Housing Market Stats
Irene Glazer also helped us understand just how the housing market has changed over the past few years. Here are some highlights:
The Denver housing market has been appreciating at a double-digit clip since we started our climb out of the recession in about 2013. This past year we saw a bit slower appreciation of about 8%.
Our average sold price in metro Denver finished out at approximately $475K in 2017, and the prediction is that we will be around $500K by the end of 2018.
Inventory is still the biggest buzzword, and we are still extremely short on it, without a reprieve in sight.
We are about to enter the “Market Compression” phase in our annual real estate cycle where demand picks up before homes are listed, creating our early spring frenzy. This creates additional challenges as inventory levels typically continue to fall through January. If demand picks up, multiple offers, bidding wars and heightened flash sales could accelerate pricing earlier than expected in 2018.
Not sure whether you should rent or buy? According to Glazer, weighing expected appreciation, even at modest rates of 6% (Denver's historical average), against impending rent increases, it is still more advantageous to own vs. rent in the Denver market.
3. The cost of living in Denver won't break the bank, yet.
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The biggest hurdle new residents face when moving to Denver is housing costs. Other than that, most cost of living expenses is more or less comparative to other cities.
Cost of Living Factors:
Taxes - Property taxes are relatively low, sales tax is high, and income tax falls right in the middle at 4.63%.
Health Care - Costs about 17% more than the national average.
Groceries - You'll pay about 4% less than the national average.
4. Denver's economy is booming.
Higher paying jobs are available in Denver because so many top companies want to be based here. However, that means the competition for a quality job is that much more intense. Also, wages in Denver might not be as high as they need to be to afford the cost of living.
The average median income in Denver is $57,773, which is about 6% less than than the national average. Even if you can afford to live in Denver today, it's important to note that average salary increases aren't keeping pace with rising rents.
This discrepancy between rising housing costs and stagnant salaries could cause an issue a few years in and force a move further outside the city. Make sure you have a job in hand and some additional savings before relocating to this highly desirable area.
Top Denver Industries & Companies:
Tech - The startup scene is exploding with companies like Baker Technologies and more established companies like Google and HomeAdvisor.
Aerospace -Denver is keen on becoming “Aerospace Alley” (their play on Silicon Valley) with major companies like The Boeing Company, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman located here.
Agriculture - Colorado's food and agriculture industry generates more than $5 billion a year, with companies like Love Grown Foods, Leprino Foods and Nutrien leading the charge. Colorado also ranks third in the nation for craft beer sales and production.
Casual Concepts - Noodles & Company, Smashburger, Qboda and Boston Market are all headquartered here.
Marijuana – Cannabis is big business, bringing in more revenue than some small countries.
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5. Once you adjust to the altitude, the weather is incredible.
The quality of life in Denver is highly desirable, once you get used to the lack of oxygen. Contrary to popular belief, Denver is not located in the Rocky Mountains. It is a mile or so above sea level, though (5,280 feet, to be exact), and that can take your body some time to adjust. For most people, the pros far outweigh the cons as far as weather is concerned.
What It's Like Living in Denver:
There are an estimated 300 days of sunshine every year. Even though the summers are hot, they lack humidity, which makes them more comfortable.
The sky is bluer and the stars are brighter than other parts of the country due to the high-desert climate and elevation.
Some of the top weekend vacation destinations are located within a few hours of Denver.
The temperature can rise or fall by 40 degrees in a day due to the altitude, so always dress in layers.
Since the air is thinner, there are lower levels of oxygen, which can take a toll on your body if you're not used to it or have an ongoing medical condition.
Tips to Acclimate to the Altitude:
The air is really dry, which can dehydrate your body if you're not drinking enough water. Make sure to drink more water than you normally would, and always have chap-stick handy.
Take it easy upon arrival. If you plan to do any mountain activities, give your body a few days to acclimate.
Make sure to get enough sleep if the altitude makes you feel drowsy.
At higher elevations, the sun is more intense, so always wear sunscreen!
6. Traffic is undesirable in and out of the city.
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One difference between Denver and other large cities is the amount of weekend traffic headed out of the city toward the mountains. Ski traffic is something you'll want to account for if you move here since Denver is situated 75 miles or so from dozens of world-renowned ski resorts. Expect heavy traffic on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings in the winter. It can take anywhere from a 1.5-hour drive to 6+ hour nightmare.
But that isn't the only time you'll run into traffic in Denver. Since the city exploded with growth in the past decade, traffic within the metro can get congested too. Luckily, Denver is geographically small so getting to and from anywhere should take about 20-minutes during non-rush hour periods. Also, if you live and work in the downtown area, biking and the new Lime Scooters are a viable way to commute.
Tips for Getting Around:
Be careful where you park. The sides of the street change to accommodate street sweeping.
Consider getting a car with four-wheel drive or one that can handle more rugged mountain driving and varied weather conditions.
The city added new light rail lines in 2016, including one that goes to the airport. Other light rails connect some suburbs to the city.
Denver is a highly bike-friendly city. It's estimated that between 6-7% of downtown employees commute to work by bike.
You can also rent B-cycle bikes from docks around the city, either by the hour or by day.
7. Denver is a beer destination and is on its way to becoming a food destination.
Craft brew fanatics will love that Denver is home to the second most microbreweries next to Portland. In fact, the area has been coined as the Napa Valley of Beer. But if you're looking to enjoy a pint or two during happy hour, remember to drink some water too. If not, you might feel buzzed sooner than you would in cities closer to sea level. Beer can have more of an effect due to thin air.
We spoke with Editor of Rocky Mountain Food Report, Dionne Roberts, on how the food and drink scene has evolved. “Denver's craft culinary and beverage scene continues to show rapid growth with the influx of diverse and gifted chefs, brewers and distillers,” Roberts explains. “More people want to be a part of the mountain culture and that adds depth to the growing number of options and cultivates a higher sense of quality in the cuisine.”
Roberts also shared with us some recommendations for potential residents to visit while in Denver.
Places to Drink:
First Draft - A place to try dozens of local microbrews all under one roof. At First Draft, you're given a swipe card to pour your own tastings.
Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales - Specializes in unique, blended and barrel-aged sour beers with industrial airplane-esque decor and meticulous brewing processes.
Epic Brewing Company - Offers a fun, community tasting room with a lineup of dozens of flagship and elevated craft beers.
Black Shirt Brewing Company - Relays an approachable rock n' roll edge in their stylistic, aptly-named beers, live music performances and funky brewery atmosphere.
My Brother's Bar – So old it's been operating since before Colorado was officially a state, Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady and Allen Ginsberg all hung out here.
Death & Co – If you get tired of beer, this NYC outpost has a literal bible of craft cocktails in the swanky Ramble Hotel.
Williams & Graham – Denver is also huge on speakeasies, with Williams & Graham named one of the top 50 cocktail bars in the world. The coolest part? You have to walk through a bookshelf to find it.
Great American Beer Fest - This fall festival has the largest variety of beer served of any public tasting across the country. You'll be hard-pressed to try them all, since there are over 800 breweries and thousands of beers present. Buy your tickets immediately when they go on sale, as they do sell out in minutes.
Places to Eat:
Euclid Hall - Located in the heart of Larimer Square with a focus on elevated pub fare, a great ambiance and thorough attention to providing locally sourced ingredients.
AVANTI Food and Beverage - Denver basically pioneered the food hall concept, and AVANTI was one of the OGs for its killer rooftop. All vendors have short-term leases as a way to test pilot their concepts.
Beatrice & Woodsley - A whimsical, cozy restaurant with a seasonal craft menu on Broadway that boasts a fairy tale interior perfect for date night or intimate gatherings.
Snooze – Brunch is serious business in Denver, and local chain Snooze is always slammed. Expect to wait about an hour for their signature pancake flights.
Linger – A former mortuary turned “eatuary,” Linger serves innovative, international small places. Don't miss the vintage VW bus on the roof and one of the best skyline views of the city.
The Buckhorn Exchange – A National Historic Landmark, the Buckhorn Exchange received the state's first liquor license and pays homage to the state's game meat culture. If you're brave, it's also the place to try Rocky Mountain Oysters.
Tavernetta – The newly revamped Union Station has really become a must-see destination and hotspot. While all the restaurants are good, Tavernetta is elevated Italian worth seeking out.
TAG – Troy Guard is one of Denver's most beloved chefs. His first outpost has unique fusion dishes, like Hamachi with pop rocks.  
Tacos Tequila Whiskey – Ask anyone what Denver's staple cuisine is, and taquerias are definitely part of the narrative (along with green chile).
16th Street Mall - Located in downtown Denver, this one-mile pedestrian section is packed with tons of cafes, brewpubs and restaurants. After a night out, play one of the ten public pianos on display. It's touristy, but a must-see for first-timers.
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8. There are plenty of fun things to do in Denver.
Relocating to Denver is a much more enjoyable experience when you know there's a ton you'll want to do once you arrive. Do any of the following interest you enough to start packing up your belongings and heading to Denver?
Professional Sports Teams:
Denver Broncos - One of pro football's biggest winners since the merger of the American and National Football Leagues in 1970, with a cult following
Colorado Rockies - Coors Field has jokingly been called the best bar in Denver, so even if you're not a baseball fan, the stadium is worth a visit
Colorado Avalanche - NHL team that won eight division title games in a row–the longest streak in the league
Denver Nuggets - NBA team that has yet to reach the championship round in the playoffs, but is fun to watch nonetheless
Attractions and Fun Things to Do:
Top Golf - Spend a leisurely day hitting some golf balls further than you normally would. No, really. Due to the high altitude, golf balls can reportedly go up to 10% farther!
The Stanley Hotel - Horror fanatics should take an hour trek outside of Denver to visit this historic landmark that inspired Stephen King's 1977 bestseller, The Shining. Want a glimpse into the paranormal? Take their Night Spirit Tour and explore some creepy spaces.
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Red Rocks Amphitheatre - Chances are, if you want to see one of your favorite big time musicians live, they will have played at Red Rocks. The most acoustically perfect outdoor amphitheater in the world, music sounds incredible here and the views are unforgettable.
Denver Performing Arts Complex (The DCPA) - Enjoy a variety of seasonal events on this four-block strip, like Broadway Theatre, ballet and opera.
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9. Taking advantage of the great outdoors is easy all year.
Denver is the ideal location for adventure seekers looking to explore thrilling mountain peaks and valleys. But you don't have to be an adrenaline junkie or avid skier to enjoy outdoor life in Colorado. There are dozens of day trips suitable for the entire family all year round.
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Green Spaces in the City:
Washington Park - Take a pedal boat across Smith Lake for a perfect afternoon with the family.
City Park - Hike the Mile High Trail in this park and get a five-kilometer workout exactly one mile above sea level.
Confluence Park - Take a kayak out and explore man-made kayak chutes located minutes from downtown.
Cherry Creek Bike Path – A 42-mile paved pathway that starts in downtown Denver, you could bike for a few hours or make the day of it.
Ski Getaways:
Vail Mountain Resort - There are 5,289 acres of skiable slopes at this legendary ski spot.
Breckenridge – With five peaks in one resort, travelers come from all over the world to ski Breck.
Winter Park - This is the longest running ski resort in Colorado with over 3,000 acres of award-winning terrain to explore.
Copper Mountain – One of the more local resorts, Copper's naturally divided terrain is a great place to learn and perfect your turns.
Outdoor Adventures:
Rocky Mountain National Park - Denver's most accessible national park, RMNP is 415 square miles of protected mountain land. Drive Trail Ridge Road for epic views and hike the acclaimed Dream Lake.
Mount Evans - Climb the highest paved road in North America and eventually reach the summit at 14,260 feet.
Rocky Mountain Ziplines - Zip through sections of the Rocky Mountains and take in the sights on over 6,000 feet of cable.
Clear Creek Whitewater Rafting – The closest whitewater to Denver, ride the rapids for a real adrenaline rush.
Glenwood Springs – Colorado has more than 30 hot springs, which are a relaxing year-round getaway.
Private Foothills Tour - Take a four hour trek through the Foothills of Denver. There are many stops built into the tour. If you have kids, make sure to stop at Dinosaur Ridge, which is optional.
10. Marijuana is legal, but public consumption is not.
Colorado was the first state to legalize recreational marijuana, which might not impact your life in Denver as much as you think. You may smell it, but you'll rarely see people partaking, as it is still illegal to smoke in public. According to a survey by the Colorado Department of Public Health, only 13.6% of residents partake in recreational marijuana use, and fewer of them smoke every day. While this figure is much larger than the national average, some argue that many pot smokers in other states keep their habit behind closed doors. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, there are some things you should know, as that Rocky Mountain High is a big part of life in Denver.
Marijuana Etiquette:
Dispensaries are identified with green crosses that look like pharmacies. “Bud-tenders” will walk you through the buying process and explain the effects the different strains may have on your body (sativa, indica and hybrids).
If you wish to smoke pot in your home, make sure it is allowed in your lease agreement before you light up.
You must be over the age of 21 to buy and consume pot in Colorado.
Public use of marijuana is illegal, so don't expect to find people lighting up in the streets.
Certain hotels and AirBnbs restrict the use of marijuana on their premises, so be sure to find a smoker-friendly establishment if you're planning a trip and wish to smoke.
Just because marijuana use is legal doesn't mean your boss has to agree. Your company can administer drug tests and create policies banning the use of marijuana.
The marijuana industry is very innovative and there are many ways to experiment with its effects without actually smoking. Topicals, edibles, and vaping are all extremely popular.
If pregnant, the CDPH advises strongly against the use of marijuana. If any newborn baby tests positive for THC, the hospital is advised to contact child protective services.
Make relocating to Denver a relatively simple process.
If you're planning a move to Denver, creating a checklist of everything you need to do can be helpful. In order to be considered a resident of Denver, you must be employed, own a business, or reside in Denver for at least 90 days. Don't forget some of these essential steps to becoming a Denverite.
Moving to Denver Checklist:
Before registering your car, update out of state vehicle titles using this form. Be sure your car will pass the required emissions tests before bringing it into the state. If not, you may have to sell the car before you move.
Transfer your license within 30 days and register your car within 90 days at the DMV.
Decide whether or not you want to update your organ donor status.
Register to vote in Colorado online.
Learn about the requirements for residency as it relates to higher education.
Change your address and have your mail forwarded using this form from the USPS.
Sometimes relocation dates don't match up exactly. If your belongings arrive before you have access to your home, consider temporary self storage in Denver.
We hope you learned a thing or two about life in Denver. Would you ever move here? Do you have some insight you'd like to share? Let us know in the comment section.
This post originally appeared on the Life Storage blog on 2/2/18 and was revised on 1/10/19 to provide new information.
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apkaraby · 5 years
Launch HN: Terusama (YC W20) – We help warehouses schedule trucks Hi HN, Andrew and Chris here. We’re building Terusama ( https://ift.tt/33cwxt6 ), a truck appointment system for logistics teams at warehouses and distribution centers. We automate the labor-intensive process of coordinating arrival times with a trucking company, checking a truck in at a facility, and keeping track of everything. Oh, and we have a theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyp4O4s5tk4 The status quo here is really antiquated software that is really hard to use. Not only is the current way of doing things inefficient for logistics folks, it has a big impact. The inefficiency created by poor supply-chain coordination costs $30B a year in the U.S. and generates billions of tons of C02, mostly from trucks idling in parking lots. On top of that, it has a huge impact on the lives of truck drivers, who are legally limited to 11 hours of driving time each day. Waiting at warehouses often eats up 3-4 of those. Those wasted hours really add up, making the job unsustainable for many and contributing to another problem in the industry - driver turnover, which is over 90%. Most of this inefficiency is caused by the high level of friction in communication between the people who manage trucks, the drivers, and the people who the drivers are delivering to. The freight industry has made a ton of progress with software to help manage their fleets, but warehouse logistics software hasn’t caught up. Chris and I were students together at Indiana University. We became really interested in this space at our later jobs. I was working at Uber Freight (formerly Otto), and Chris was consulting for companies in the industry. We were constantly amazed at how big and complex an issue it was, and surprised that nobody was thinking about it in the same way we were. We started talking to as many people in the industry as possbile to figure a better way to manage logistics. The result was the version of Terusama we launched with in the beginning of the year. We have been since iterating on the product with a core group of customers. We streamline or automate most of the repetitive and administrative processes needed to keep trucks flowing smoothly in and out of a facility. We provide dispatchers at trucking companies and brokerages a way to search through facilities, and schedule directly with these facilities. When a truck driver arrives at a warehouse, we check them in at a kiosk. Our customers get a dashboard where they can track and manage loads coming to their facility. Logistics teams get visibility into their incoming trucks, the ability to communicate with drivers and carriers, and to track a load through its lifecycle (from staging through completion). Everyone involved is kept in the loop with smart notifications. In the future, an API will make it easy for anyone with a brokerage or trucking company to get facility availability (to feed into truck routing optimization), and schedule appointments. We’ll also offer services to help carriers reduce the risk of missing truck appointments. One of the most important things we’ve learned in this time is how important reliability is for a mission-critical app. It's obvious in retrospect, but it definitely changes your approach when building an application - requiring heavier testing, redundancy, and support as a form of redundancy. These days you hear a lot about things like autonomy and AI in the freight industry. We believe that to get the value promised by these things, we first have to upgrade the outdated technology infrastructure that currently runs the industry. Our goal is to build that infrastructure, while solving today’s pressing problems. We’re excited to see what HN thinks of our platform. We’re eager to hear about HN users’ experiences, ideas, and know there is a ton of expertise among the community to learn from. And if you’re in the industry, we’d love to hear about your experiences with truck scheduling! March 11, 2020 at 11:01PM via أبك عربي
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topicprinter · 5 years
Hi HN, Andrew and Chris here. We’re building Terusama (https://www.terusama.com), a truck appointment system for logistics teams at warehouses and distribution centers. We automate the labor-intensive process of coordinating arrival times with a trucking company, checking a truck in at a facility, and keeping track of everything. Oh, and we have a theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyp4O4s5tk4
The status quo here is really antiquated software that is really hard to use. Not only is the current way of doing things inefficient for logistics folks, it has a big impact. The inefficiency created by poor supply-chain coordination costs $30B a year in the U.S. and generates billions of tons of C02, mostly from trucks idling in parking lots. On top of that, it has a huge impact on the lives of truck drivers, who are legally limited to 11 hours of driving time each day. Waiting at warehouses often eats up 3-4 of those. Those wasted hours really add up, making the job unsustainable for many and contributing to another problem in the industry - driver turnover, which is over 90%.
Most of this inefficiency is caused by the high level of friction in communication between the people who manage trucks, the drivers, and the people who the drivers are delivering to. The freight industry has made a ton of progress with software to help manage their fleets, but warehouse logistics software hasn’t caught up.
Chris and I were students together at Indiana University. We became really interested in this space at our later jobs. I was working at Uber Freight (formerly Otto), and Chris was consulting for companies in the industry. We were constantly amazed at how big and complex an issue it was, and surprised that nobody was thinking about it in the same way we were. We started talking to as many people in the industry as possbile to figure a better way to manage logistics. The result was the version of Terusama we launched with in the beginning of the year. We have been since iterating on the product with a core group of customers.
We streamline or automate most of the repetitive and administrative processes needed to keep trucks flowing smoothly in and out of a facility. We provide dispatchers at trucking companies and brokerages a way to search through facilities, and schedule directly with these facilities. When a truck driver arrives at a warehouse, we check them in at a kiosk. Our customers get a dashboard where they can track and manage loads coming to their facility. Logistics teams get visibility into their incoming trucks, the ability to communicate with drivers and carriers, and to track a load through its lifecycle (from staging through completion). Everyone involved is kept in the loop with smart notifications. In the future, an API will make it easy for anyone with a brokerage or trucking company to get facility availability (to feed into truck routing optimization), and schedule appointments. We’ll also offer services to help carriers reduce the risk of missing truck appointments.
One of the most important things we’ve learned in this time is how important reliability is for a mission-critical app. It's obvious in retrospect, but it definitely changes your approach when building an application - requiring heavier testing, redundancy, and support as a form of redundancy.
These days you hear a lot about things like autonomy and AI in the freight industry. We believe that to get the value promised by these things, we first have to upgrade the outdated technology infrastructure that currently runs the industry. Our goal is to build that infrastructure, while solving today’s pressing problems.
We’re excited to see what HN thinks of our platform. We’re eager to hear about HN users’ experiences, ideas, and know there is a ton of expertise among the community to learn from. And if you’re in the industry, we’d love to hear about your experiences with truck scheduling!
Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22550539
Points: 6
# Comments: 0
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jackombeyi · 6 years
5 Ecommerce Tools That Can Help You Score More Sales
It’s a great time to get involved in ecommerce, as revenues are on an upward climb. For example, in 2017, online purchases were responsible for 10.2 percent of all global retail sales. In 2021, they’re expected to grow to 17.5 percent of the market, as reported by Statista.
However, running a successful ecommerce business isn’t as easy as putting up an online store. This fact may prevent many hopeful entrepreneurs to give up before realizing a profit or to struggle as they try to figure out where they are going wrong.
One way to avoid this type of pitfall -- and to help entrepreneurial self-starters earn higher revenues -- is to share a few simple ecommerce tools, all of which are designed to help sell products online and increase those sales.
1. BigCommerce
If you're thinking about selling products online, you need a place to sell. BigCommerce provides that and offers ecommerce software that is designed for all sizes of business. The CMS helps you sell more by offering:
Visually appealing websites designed solely for ecommerce businesses including tools and conversion optimization features.
Customizable options so you can create the best shopping experience for your specific target market audience based on industry, and simple to use drag and drop tools that will help you design without coding knowledge.
BigCommerce's site builder is awesome, but as your business grows, you may want to switch to a different CMS/site infrastructure. With BigCommerce's API, this is easy enough for any developer to handle. This is what's known as the "headless ecommerce" trend.
Many businesses consider Magento and similar solutions because they can host their own sites and tinker with the code as they like. Others prefer pure SaaS solutions such as Shopify because this puts the onus on providers to ensure that the site's tech infrastructure and hosting are top notch and always up to date. Thanks to “headless ecommerce,” BigCommerce offers the best of both worlds.
My software agency uses CMS platforms including WordPress, Joomla, Magento and even Shopify. BigCommerce is my team's favorite tool for a number of reasons, including the above points. More importantly, apps can be easily installed. The platform itself is built with conversion optimization tools such as one-touch buy features that also provide a ton of value.
   2. Oberlo
Sometimes an entrepreneur doesn't even know what they want to sell before they know they want to sell products online. Oberlo is a perfect tool for this scenario, enabling an entrepreneur to customize, dropship (meaning they don't have to hold inventory) and sell pretty much any type of product from bracelets to drones to sweatshirts. Or, if the ecommerce company already sells and dropships products, Oberlo can be used to sell new products. It offers a lot of great features including:
Thousands of different products to sell, customize and ship.
Automated product and order management, creating a more seamless shopping experience that can inspire customer loyalty.
Automatic inventory updates so customers can be assured that the items they want are in stock and available.
   The ability to edit product descriptions and images so they’re more attractive to your target consumer, which can also fast track your search engine results in web browsers.
Oberlo takes the headache out of trying to figure out what products to sell or makes it super simple for an existing business to sell new products. In either scenario the value of the tool becomes exponential. What used to take trips overseas to find manufacturers, meet with product designers, buy massive quantities of inventory, etc., has all been condensed into one easy and effective to use application.
3. Packhelp
One of the things that set Amazon apart as an ecommerce business is that products shipped from its warehouses are in branded boxes. Packhelp provides this service to other ecommerce brands, helping increase sales by:
Strengthening brand development and recognition,
Making customers feel as if they’re getting more than just the goods they ordered and
Offering a more personalized experience, setting your company apart.
Great customer service is one of the most fundamental but most overlooked activities. From a focus on customer service alone, Zappos and Tony Hsieh changed an entire industry. Amazon does a phenomenal job with customer service and it's worth a trillion dollars. I love using this tool when shipping physical products. It's an extra touch that provides your customer with one additional layer of service that may win them over or encourage them to refer you business.
  4. Neatly.io
It can be maddening to have an underperforming ecommerce site, especially if you know that there’s a market for your goods. That’s where Neatly.io comes in because it enables you to improve sales by:
Compiling your data in easy-to-read graphs and charts, giving you a big picture view of where your ecommerce site may need to be improved to increase completed purchases,
Providing tips as to how you can improve upon problem areas and
Enabling you to set monthly goals, motivating you to keep making progress.
I'm a big fan of this tool for its easy-to-use dashboard and useful data. Data can be the biggest advantage you have as an internet entrepreneur. Data gives you the ability to know how customers and potential customers are interacting with your store. This data can help you make changes that will enable you to sell more.
 5. Intellifluence
Social media marketing is a must. One way to dramatically accelerate sales through social media is to get some of your industry’s top influencers on board. Intellifluence does this by:
   Helping you figure out who those individuals are,
   Enabling you to message them directly,
   Giving you the opportunity to approach several influencers at the same time and
Powring you to do deals and measuring their success.
In 2010, I became a co-founder of a sports nutrition company. One vital component of our growth and success that led us to multi-million dollar revenues in under a year was leveraging influencers in the CrossFit space. Influencer marketing has grown leaps and bounds since then but still plays a critical role, especially when executed successfully, to drive brand awareness and sales. This tool can help accomplish both.
Connecting internet entrepreneurs with these new tools can help create systems that will make customers buy more, repeat sales and lead them back to your site again and again. Sometimes the difference between a successful ecommerce business and a failing one are the tools that are used in the backend. Hustle helps, but that's not always the deciding factor. Stay ahead of the curve and on the hunt for any new tools that surface. Make sure you're working smart and leveraging all of the tools at your disposal.
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vernsbrandt34-blog · 6 years
Moving to Denver - 10 Pros and Cons You Should Know
In 1893, Katharine Lee Bates sat atop Pikes Peak and wrote “America the Beautiful,” one of the most well-known patriotic songs of our time. Just about 100 miles away from that summit at the base of the Rocky Mountains sits Denver, Colorado. With its blue skies and panoramic mountain views, Denver, a.k.a. the Mile High City is perhaps one of the most beautiful areas in the country. In fact, its beauty has inspired countless other authors, musicians and pop culture icons.
Maybe this natural beauty is why moving to Denver is so appealing. Or, maybe it's the 300-days of sun a year, easy access to the mountains and inherent outdoor playground. Either way, Metro Denver is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation, with almost 100,000 people moving there in the past seven years. Now, with a population of over three million, the city is scrambling to develop the infrastructure, transit and housing needed to keep pace with the demand.
Would you move to Denver? The area boasts a strong economy and a shiny, new façade that will take your breath away, both literally and figuratively. But some argue that it's overcrowded and expensive. We're exploring some other reasons why you might want to stay or stay away. These living in Denver pros and cons should help you decide if Denver is, in fact, the right choice for you. Have some advice you'd like to share with potential residents? Let us know in the comments below!
1. Denver is young, hip and desirable.
A millennial haven, 66% of the population in Denver are under the age of 44. Denver is also not a very culturally diverse city. 76.9% of the population is Caucasian, with gentrification being a major hot-button issue. This has greatly impacted the demand for rental housing, which makes homeownership less obtainable.
Denver is among the likes of the San Francisco Bay Area and Seattle when it comes to home price appreciation outpacing income growth and affordability. Apartments rent for an average of $1,519 a month, with median home prices jumping 10% to $420,000 in 2018.
If you can stomach the prices, one major pro of living in Denver is the views. No matter which neighborhood you choose, the metro is surrounded by 140 miles of panoramic mountain views, totaling 200 visible peaks.
That said, the very first step to becoming a Denverite is picking a neighborhood. Living in Denver is an experience, and because so many people want to do it, picking a community can get competitive and pricey (more on that later). Decide whether any of the following areas suit you, then figure out if you can afford it.
Top Neighborhoods in Denver
Fast-paced living with a relaxed vibe is possible in any of the following city neighborhoods. However, each area offers a little something different, which make picking the right one that much more important. Here are a few of the best places to live in Denver.
The Highlands – Widely accepted as one of the most desirable places to live, the Highlands, and LoHi (Lower Highlands) specifically, is teeming with innovative restaurant concepts, hip rooftops, patios and boutique shops.
Average apartment rental: $2,023
RiNo (River North) – If you don't want to be a LoDo (Lower Downtown) Ballpark Bro, RiNo is downtown Denver's hipster neighbor. Full of trendy warehouse conversions, street art and an explosion of bars and restaurants, it's the current place to see and be seen.
Average apartment rental: $1,727
Capitol Hill – A bit rougher around the edges, Cap Hill is generally regarded to be the most affordable and convenient neighborhood in city proper. Home to the Capital building, it's major thoroughfare of Colfax Avenue is the longest street in America.
Average apartment rental: $1,519
We spoke with seasoned broker and real estate agent, Irene Glazer of Live Urban Real Estate for some insight. “Preference on which neighborhood to choose can vary widely based on taste and budget,” Glazer explains. “Do you like urban, suburban, hip, up-and-coming, walkable, trendy, affordable, accessible to mountains/downtown, parks? Denver has a wonderful array that will fit most any lifestyle.”
Glazer gave us a sampling of a few more under-the-radar Denver neighborhoods that have their own unique charm and character.
Harvey Park - This neighborhood is located in Southwest Denver and is bounded by South Sheridan, Hampden, Lowell, and Jewell. Built in the 1950's, it's known for its selection of some of Denver's best and most affordable, mid-century modern architecture. Cliff May-style California Contemporary homes fill the neighborhoods' quiet, suburban-like streets.
Average home prices: in the low $400,000s.
Platt Park -  This area is located in Southeast Denver and is bounded by Downing, Broadway, Evans and I-25, Platt Park is seeing many of its older homes remodeled for 21st century living as well as quite a few new builds and pop-tops. The neighborhood is lovely, charming and walkable with one of the best/quaintest shopping districts, South Pearl Street. Don't miss the summertime Farmer's Market because it's arguably the best in the city.
Average home prices: around $500,000.
Sunnyside - Located in Northwest Denver, Sunnyside is bounded by I70, 38th, Federal and I25. It's an up-and-coming neighborhood near trendy Tennyson and is already pretty well discovered, yet still in transition. It's easy to take a bike ride or a walk downtown, and there is easy access to get out of town. This area has a wonderful mix of old architecture as well as new (mostly attached) homes. Trendy coffee shops, restaurants, boutiques and home goods stores are starting to pop up everywhere.
Average home prices: in the $500,000s.
Denver Suburbs to Consider:
Denver is a good place to raise a family if you have the right resources, like a stable job and a steady income. Bringing some kids along for the move? Check out some of these top rated Denver suburbs.
Stapleton – Stapleton is a new neighborhood that popped up a few years ago built on the old airport base. Its proximity to the city and relative affordability of new builds makes it a popular option for young families.
Arvada - Olde Town Arvada has one of the cutest “Main streets” of any suburb. Its popularity has also caught on the past few years, driving up home prices.
Englewood - This is a suburb with a lot of variety. Englewood has small, affordable homes with character located near the fun and funk of South Broadway, suburban “tract” style homes near the Denver Tech Center and sprawling mansions in Cherry Hills Village.
Wheat Ridge - Close enough to the city yet a world away, Wheat Ridge is a natural expansion from NW Denver. There's tons of new development happening on 38th Ave., with breweries and restaurants clamoring to get in on the action.
2. Denver is becoming a major city.
There are so many opinions out there as to whether or not living in Denver is affordable. Some stats say yes it's affordable (compared to metros like New York City), but rapidly increasing rental prices and fast selling homes say otherwise. While living in Denver is much more affordable than living in places like Los Angeles, it's still pricey. For instance, the median home cost in Denver is $421,900, which just about doubles the national average of $216,200.
Before moving to Denver, make sure you're able to spend within your means, which means allotting no more than 30% of your salary to housing costs. If you're looking to buy or rent before relocating, make sure you give yourself plenty of time. Finding a place is highly competitive so most people use a rental agent. If you opt to rent, make sure you know your rights as a Colorado tenant.
Denver Housing Market Stats
Irene Glazer also helped us understand just how the housing market has changed over the past few years. Here are some highlights:
The Denver housing market has been appreciating at a double-digit clip since we started our climb out of the recession in about 2013. This past year we saw a bit slower appreciation of about 8%.
Our average sold price in metro Denver finished out at approximately $475K in 2017, and the prediction is that we will be around $500K by the end of 2018.
Inventory is still the biggest buzzword, and we are still extremely short on it, without a reprieve in sight.
We are about to enter the “Market Compression” phase in our annual real estate cycle where demand picks up before homes are listed, creating our early spring frenzy. This creates additional challenges as inventory levels typically continue to fall through January. If demand picks up, multiple offers, bidding wars and heightened flash sales could accelerate pricing earlier than expected in 2018.
Not sure whether you should rent or buy? According to Glazer, weighing expected appreciation, even at modest rates of 6% (Denver's historical average), against impending rent increases, it is still more advantageous to own vs. rent in the Denver market.
3. The cost of living in Denver won't break the bank, yet.
The biggest hurdle new residents face when moving to Denver is housing costs. Other than that, most cost of living expenses is more or less comparative to other cities.
Cost of Living Factors:
Taxes - Property taxes are relatively low, sales tax is high, and income tax falls right in the middle at 4.63%.
Health Care - Costs about 17% more than the national average.
Groceries - You'll pay about 4% less than the national average.
4. Denver's economy is booming.
Higher paying jobs are available in Denver because so many top companies want to be based here. However, that means the competition for a quality job is that much more intense. Also, wages in Denver might not be as high as they need to be to afford the cost of living.
The average median income in Denver is $57,773, which is about 6% less than than the national average. Even if you can afford to live in Denver today, it's important to note that average salary increases aren't keeping pace with rising rents.
This discrepancy between rising housing costs and stagnant salaries could cause an issue a few years in and force a move further outside the city. Make sure you have a job in hand and some additional savings before relocating to this highly desirable area.
Top Denver Industries & Companies:
Tech - The startup scene is exploding with companies like Baker Technologies and more established companies like Google and HomeAdvisor.
Aerospace -Denver is keen on becoming “Aerospace Alley” (their play on Silicon Valley) with major companies like The Boeing Company, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman located here.
Agriculture - Colorado's food and agriculture industry generates more than $5 billion a year, with companies like Love Grown Foods, Leprino Foods and Nutrien leading the charge. Colorado also ranks third in the nation for craft beer sales and production.
Casual Concepts - Noodles & Company, Smashburger, Qboda and Boston Market are all headquartered here.
Marijuana – Cannabis is big business, bringing in more revenue than some small countries.
5. Once you adjust to the altitude, the weather is incredible.
The quality of life in Denver is highly desirable, once you get used to the lack of oxygen. Contrary to popular belief, Denver is not located in the Rocky Mountains. It is a mile or so above sea level, though (5,280 feet, to be exact), and that can take your body some time to adjust. For most people, the pros far outweigh the cons as far as weather is concerned.
What It's Like Living in Denver:
There are an estimated 300 days of sunshine every year. Even though the summers are hot, they lack humidity, which makes them more comfortable.
The sky is bluer and the stars are brighter than other parts of the country due to the high-desert climate and elevation.
Some of the top weekend vacation destinations are located within a few hours of Denver.
The temperature can rise or fall by 40 degrees in a day due to the altitude, so always dress in layers.
Since the air is thinner, there are lower levels of oxygen, which can take a toll on your body if you're not used to it or have an ongoing medical condition.
Tips to Acclimate to the Altitude:
The air is really dry, which can dehydrate your body if you're not drinking enough water. Make sure to drink more water than you normally would, and always have chap-stick handy.
Take it easy upon arrival. If you plan to do any mountain activities, give your body a few days to acclimate.
Make sure to get enough sleep if the altitude makes you feel drowsy.
At higher elevations, the sun is more intense, so always wear sunscreen!
6. Traffic is undesirable in and out of the city.
One difference between Denver and other large cities is the amount of weekend traffic headed out of the city toward the mountains. Ski traffic is something you'll want to account for if you move here since Denver is situated 75 miles or so from dozens of world-renowned ski resorts. Expect heavy traffic on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings in the winter. It can take anywhere from a 1.5-hour drive to 6+ hour nightmare.
But that isn't the only time you'll run into traffic in Denver. Since the city exploded with growth in the past decade, traffic within the metro can get congested too. Luckily, Denver is geographically small so getting to and from anywhere should take about 20-minutes during non-rush hour periods. Also, if you live and work in the downtown area, biking and the new Lime Scooters are a viable way to commute.
Tips for Getting Around:
Be careful where you park. The sides of the street change to accommodate street sweeping.
Consider getting a car with four-wheel drive or one that can handle more rugged mountain driving and varied weather conditions.
The city added new light rail lines in 2016, including one that goes to the airport. Other light rails connect some suburbs to the city.
Denver is a highly bike-friendly city. It's estimated that between 6-7% of downtown employees commute to work by bike.
You can also rent B-cycle bikes from docks around the city, either by the hour or by day.
7. Denver is a beer destination and is on its way to becoming a food destination.
Craft brew fanatics will love that Denver is home to the second most microbreweries next to Portland. In fact, the area has been coined as the Napa Valley of Beer. But if you're looking to enjoy a pint or two during happy hour, remember to drink some water too. If not, you might feel buzzed sooner than you would in cities closer to sea level. Beer can have more of an effect due to thin air.
We spoke with Editor of Rocky Mountain Food Report, Dionne Roberts, on how the food and drink scene has evolved. “Denver's craft culinary and beverage scene continues to show rapid growth with the influx of diverse and gifted chefs, brewers and distillers,” Roberts explains. “More people want to be a part of the mountain culture and that adds depth to the growing number of options and cultivates a higher sense of quality in the cuisine.”
Roberts also shared with us some recommendations for potential residents to visit while in Denver.
Places to Drink:
First Draft - A place to try dozens of local microbrews all under one roof. At First Draft, you're given a swipe card to pour your own tastings.
Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales - Specializes in unique, blended and barrel-aged sour beers with industrial airplane-esque decor and meticulous brewing processes.
Epic Brewing Company - Offers a fun, community tasting room with a lineup of dozens of flagship and elevated craft beers.
Black Shirt Brewing Company - Relays an approachable rock n' roll edge in their stylistic, aptly-named beers, live music performances and funky brewery atmosphere.
My Brother's Bar – So old it's been operating since before Colorado was officially a state, Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady and Allen Ginsberg all hung out here.
Death & Co – If you get tired of beer, this NYC outpost has a literal bible of craft cocktails in the swanky Ramble Hotel.
Williams & Graham – Denver is also huge on speakeasies, with Williams & Graham named one of the top 50 cocktail bars in the world. The coolest part? You have to walk through a bookshelf to find it.
Great American Beer Fest - This fall festival has the largest variety of beer served of any public tasting across the country. You'll be hard-pressed to try them all, since there are over 800 breweries and thousands of beers present. Buy your tickets immediately when they go on sale, as they do sell out in minutes.
Places to Eat:
Euclid Hall - Located in the heart of Larimer Square with a focus on elevated pub fare, a great ambiance and thorough attention to providing locally sourced ingredients.
AVANTI Food and Beverage - Denver basically pioneered the food hall concept, and AVANTI was one of the OGs for its killer rooftop. All vendors have short-term leases as a way to test pilot their concepts.
Beatrice & Woodsley - A whimsical, cozy restaurant with a seasonal craft menu on Broadway that boasts a fairy tale interior perfect for date night or intimate gatherings.
Snooze – Brunch is serious business in Denver, and local chain Snooze is always slammed. Expect to wait about an hour for their signature pancake flights.
Linger – A former mortuary turned “eatuary,” Linger serves innovative, international small places. Don't miss the vintage VW bus on the roof and one of the best skyline views of the city.
The Buckhorn Exchange – A National Historic Landmark, the Buckhorn Exchange received the state's first liquor license and pays homage to the state's game meat culture. If you're brave, it's also the place to try Rocky Mountain Oysters.
Tavernetta – The newly revamped Union Station has really become a must-see destination and hotspot. While all the restaurants are good, Tavernetta is elevated Italian worth seeking out.
TAG – Troy Guard is one of Denver's most beloved chefs. His first outpost has unique fusion dishes, like Hamachi with pop rocks.  
Tacos Tequila Whiskey – Ask anyone what Denver's staple cuisine is, and taquerias are definitely part of the narrative (along with green chile).
16th Street Mall - Located in downtown Denver, this one-mile pedestrian section is packed with tons of cafes, brewpubs and restaurants. After a night out, play one of the ten public pianos on display. It's touristy, but a must-see for first-timers.
8. There are plenty of fun things to do in Denver.
Relocating to Denver is a much more enjoyable experience when you know there's a ton you'll want to do once you arrive. Do any of the following interest you enough to start packing up your belongings and heading to Denver?
Professional Sports Teams:
Denver Broncos - One of pro football's biggest winners since the merger of the American and National Football Leagues in 1970, with a cult following
Colorado Rockies - Coors Field has jokingly been called the best bar in Denver, so even if you're not a baseball fan, the stadium is worth a visit
Colorado Avalanche - NHL team that won eight division title games in a row–the longest streak in the league
Denver Nuggets - NBA team that has yet to reach the championship round in the playoffs, but is fun to watch nonetheless
Attractions and Fun Things to Do:
Top Golf - Spend a leisurely day hitting some golf balls further than you normally would. No, really. Due to the high altitude, golf balls can reportedly go up to 10% farther!
The Stanley Hotel - Horror fanatics should take an hour trek outside of Denver to visit this historic landmark that inspired Stephen King's 1977 bestseller, The Shining. Want a glimpse into the paranormal? Take their Night Spirit Tour and explore some creepy spaces.
Red Rocks Amphitheatre - Chances are, if you want to see one of your favorite big time musicians live, they will have played at Red Rocks. The most acoustically perfect outdoor amphitheater in the world, music sounds incredible here and the views are unforgettable.
Denver Performing Arts Complex (The DCPA) - Enjoy a variety of seasonal events on this four-block strip, like Broadway Theatre, ballet and opera.
9. Taking advantage of the great outdoors is easy all year.
Denver is the ideal location for adventure seekers looking to explore thrilling mountain peaks and valleys. But you don't have to be an adrenaline junkie or avid skier to enjoy outdoor life in Colorado. There are dozens of day trips suitable for the entire family all year round.
Green Spaces in the City:
Washington Park - Take a pedal boat across Smith Lake for a perfect afternoon with the family.
City Park - Hike the Mile High Trail in this park and get a five-kilometer workout exactly one mile above sea level.
Confluence Park - Take a kayak out and explore man-made kayak chutes located minutes from downtown.
Cherry Creek Bike Path – A 42-mile paved pathway that starts in downtown Denver, you could bike for a few hours or make the day of it.
Ski Getaways:
Vail Mountain Resort - There are 5,289 acres of skiable slopes at this legendary ski spot.
Breckenridge – With five peaks in one resort, travelers come from all over the world to ski Breck.
Winter Park - This is the longest running ski resort in Colorado with over 3,000 acres of award-winning terrain to explore.
Copper Mountain – One of the more local resorts, Copper's naturally divided terrain is a great place to learn and perfect your turns.
Outdoor Adventures:
Rocky Mountain National Park - Denver's most accessible national park, RMNP is 415 square miles of protected mountain land. Drive Trail Ridge Road for epic views and hike the acclaimed Dream Lake.
Mount Evans - Climb the highest paved road in North America and eventually reach the summit at 14,260 feet.
Rocky Mountain Ziplines - Zip through sections of the Rocky Mountains and take in the sights on over 6,000 feet of cable.
Clear Creek Whitewater Rafting – The closest whitewater to Denver, ride the rapids for a real adrenaline rush.
Glenwood Springs – Colorado has more than 30 hot springs, which are a relaxing year-round getaway.
Private Foothills Tour - Take a four hour trek through the Foothills of Denver. There are many stops built into the tour. If you have kids, make sure to stop at Dinosaur Ridge, which is optional.
10. Marijuana is legal, but public consumption is not.
Colorado was the first state to legalize recreational marijuana, which might not impact your life in Denver as much as you think. You may smell it, but you'll rarely see people partaking, as it is still illegal to smoke in public. According to a survey by the Colorado Department of Public Health, only 13.6% of residents partake in recreational marijuana use, and fewer of them smoke every day. While this figure is much larger than the national average, some argue that many pot smokers in other states keep their habit behind closed doors. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, there are some things you should know, as that Rocky Mountain High is a big part of life in Denver.
Marijuana Etiquette:
Dispensaries are identified with green crosses that look like pharmacies. “Bud-tenders” will walk you through the buying process and explain the effects the different strains may have on your body (sativa, indica and hybrids).
If you wish to smoke pot in your home, make sure it is allowed in your lease agreement before you light up.
You must be over the age of 21 to buy and consume pot in Colorado.
Public use of marijuana is illegal, so don't expect to find people lighting up in the streets.
Certain hotels and AirBnbs restrict the use of marijuana on their premises, so be sure to find a smoker-friendly establishment if you're planning a trip and wish to smoke.
Just because marijuana use is legal doesn't mean your boss has to agree. Your company can administer drug tests and create policies banning the use of marijuana.
The marijuana industry is very innovative and there are many ways to experiment with its effects without actually smoking. Topicals, edibles, and vaping are all extremely popular.
If pregnant, the CDPH advises strongly against the use of marijuana. If any newborn baby tests positive for THC, the hospital is advised to contact child protective services.
Make relocating to Denver a relatively simple process.
If you're planning a move to Denver, creating a checklist of everything you need to do can be helpful. In order to be considered a resident of Denver, you must be employed, own a business, or reside in Denver for at least 90 days. Don't forget some of these essential steps to becoming a Denverite.
Moving to Denver Checklist:
Before registering your car, update out of state vehicle titles using this form. Be sure your car will pass the required emissions tests before bringing it into the state. If not, you may have to sell the car before you move.
Transfer your license within 30 days and register your car within 90 days at the DMV.
Decide whether or not you want to update your organ donor status.
Register to vote in Colorado online.
Learn about the requirements for residency as it relates to higher education.
Change your address and have your mail forwarded using this form from the USPS.
Sometimes relocation dates don't match up exactly. If your belongings arrive before you have access to your home, consider temporary self storage in Denver.
We hope you learned a thing or two about life in Denver. Would you ever move here? Do you have some insight you'd like to share? Let us know in the comment section.
This post originally appeared on the Life Storage blog on 2/2/18 and was revised on 1/10/19 to provide new information.
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coopsxfile-blog · 6 years
So Your Enterprise Has a Legal Difficulty - 8 Useful Tips on What to Assume From Your Lawyer
Advokát Praha As a small business owner, you are usually run off your ft with the challenges of functioning your business. The previous thing you will need to worry about is a legal issue. Numerous business men and women put off working with a legal difficulty due to the fact they really don't know wherever to change, really don't have the time, or most frequently, are afraid of how much it will charge and how significantly time it will take. Legal problems appear in several sorts: · A buyer failed to spend an account despite quite a few guarantees. · You just gained a letter from a federal government company. · You just observed out that your former supervisor has set up a competing business and has stolen your finest client and just one of your critical staff members. · You have just been sued for $100,000. · Another person told you that one of your typical variety contracts won't stand up in court and you are worried about it. · You have a dispute with your landlord. · You have a difficulty with a US or European customer. · Your business has been defamed on the online. · You just located that your warehouse manager has been sexually harassing a female personnel. · An worker is damaging your business but threatens to sue if you fireplace him. You are not confident how to cope with it. · You are concerned with a Office Safety Insurance coverage claim. These illustrations are just the tip of the iceberg of the types of legal troubles organization men and women operate into usually. Idea #one - Seek out authorized help at the first sign of a difficulty Suppose a competitor has been passing off its enterprise underneath your title and it can be costing you buyers and product sales but it truly is hard to estimate the amount. Unless you act promptly, it may possibly be too late to search for an injunction from the Courtroom. If you think you have a declare in opposition to another social gathering less than a contract, a limitation interval starts to operate from the time the agreement is breached and usually expires two many years afterwards. It really is not a excellent plan to leave the assert to the last minute. If you have an challenge with an worker who is functioning unacceptably, it truly is crucial to create a authorized technique as early as doable. The for a longer time you wait around, the a lot more it may value your organization. The quick position here is that it is crucial to seek out assistance as before long you detect a challenge and in advance of anything at all has been completed to make it even worse. Disaster administration is often more high-priced and time-consuming than early response. Suggestion #2 - Have a staff of legal professionals to call on when you require them. Each and every enterprise should have a staff of on-get in touch with lawyers. This is considerably less pricey or complex than it seems. All you need are the phone figures and e-mail addresses of dependable company, employment law and litigation legal professionals. Depending on the nature of your organization, you may also will need an mental residence law firm, who specials with emblems, patents and copyright. You may well even want a tax attorney since not all tax issues can be solved by an accountant. If the sum of your legal dispute is extremely smaller, this kind of as a assert or criticism by a consumer for $1,000 or significantly less, it will be uneconomic to employ a attorney. The good news is, there are other beneficial means. The BBB has a dispute resolution course of action which permits BBB firms and their customers to solve disputes by arbitration or mediation. You don't need a attorney and the only charge is a tiny administration cost. Far more facts about this approach is readily available on the BBB site. If your scenario is in the Tiny Claims Courtroom ($ten,000 or a lot less), you might will need a paralegal who specializes in these forms of instances. Paralegals are now controlled by the Legislation Culture but they are not lawyers and they are not a substitute for an experienced attorney. Tip #three - Find out what to assume when a dispute arises. As a enterprise man or woman, you have discovered that good results is generally the final result of constructing associations. The interactions you build with your attorneys can be just as essential to your small business success as the types you have with your customers, suppliers, banker and insurance policy broker. A romance with your lawyer built on mutual have faith in and regard will save you numerous sleepless nights above the a long time and almost certainly make or conserve you a lot of money. There are several ways to discover good attorneys for your business: Inquire enterprise associates or kinfolk if they have an individual to recommend. If you get a recommendation, come across out far more about the firm and the law firm by using some of the analysis procedures under. · The internet is a incredibly beneficial resource for finding a law firm but you have to be thorough. Any attorney can record with different on the web authorized directories. Everyone can have a flashy site. You have to transfer earlier the flash to find the material. When searching for a law firm on the net, look for another person who has expertise in the subject you need. The 1st identify on a Google search may possibly not be the greatest decision. Some attorneys have published extensively about the regulation. This is a valuable indicator of knowledge and standing in the lawful neighborhood. Some attorneys checklist cases they have been concerned in on their sites. Wide litigation practical experience in advanced small business matters above several yrs is a great indicator of competence. The Regulation Modern society of Upper Canada (Ontario, Canada) has a lawyers' referral support. The assistance provides a identify but you have to verify the details out yourself. · The Law Modern society certifies specialists in various regions of apply. Certification as a professional indicators that the lawyer has attained a larger standard of experience in his/her location but certification is not mandatory. Numerous qualified legal professionals have long expertise in a subject devoid of implementing for certification. You have to determine if this is essential to you. · If your challenge is outside the house Ontario, discover a local attorney initial. Quite a few corporations have networks with attorneys globally and are in a position to refer to legal professionals in the United states or other countries. Refers among colleagues are often additional effective. When you phone, really don't assume the attorney to solve your small business challenge in excess of the telephone. The first discussion is for the attorney to determine whether s/he can depict you and for you to evaluate whether or not the law firm appears to have the expertise to deal with your difficulty. If you have a lawful problem the lawyer believes his/her business can solve, an place of work assembly will be arranged. In enterprise matters, legal professionals customarily demand a consultation cost for the first office meeting. At the assembly, the attorney will give preliminary or urgent advice and develop a go-ahead strategy. The law firm could be in a position to give a partial cost estimate and will check with for a retainer to cover some of the get the job done. No lawyer can guarantee the final result. At this early phase, there are commonly a ton of unfamiliar matters. Whilst the law firm may be ready to give you a partial fee estimate in a litigation issue, it is difficult to say with accuracy how significantly it will expense. It depends on as well quite a few not known elements. It will be then up to you to make a decision no matter if or not to hire the law firm to signify you more. The determination you make will rely on your perception of confidence in the law firm. Has the law firm listened to you? Have your questions been answered? Does the attorney appear to understand your challenge? Has the attorney offered the challenges and downsides of your scenario? Every single case has dangers and expenditures. Beware of a law firm who tells you only what you want to hear without having examining the strengths of the opposing party's case. Some legal professionals will accept a regular or once-a-year retainer which entitles the client to phone suggestions a couple of instances a thirty day period. More complex troubles demand separate engagements. Suggestion #4 - The least expensive lawyer is unlikely to be the ideal person to deal with your authorized difficulty Think about this circumstance: you are searching for a law firm for a complex lawsuit. You call Mr. Jones, who answers on the first ring. You tell your story, which has a lot of specifics the reverse get together disputes. Mr. Jones claims, "You have a fantastic circumstance. I am positive you are likely to earn." When you check with how substantially it will cost, Mr. Jones claims "Really don't fear, you will not have to pay me anything at all except if you gain. Just appear on down to my office environment and we are going to get began." Beware of any law firm who tells you this. When Ontario lawyers are permitted to cost their fees based mostly on contingency, i.e. a share of the final result, this form of fee arrangement is only hardly ever applicable in organization situations. It in no way happens when info are in dispute, restoration is uncertain or if the quantity is smaller. When you retain a lawyer, you want a trustworthy advisor, who will stage out the weaknesses of your circumstance as effectively as the strengths. A litigation lawyer who is ready by the phone for your simply call and tells you precisely what you are hoping to hear might be as well hungry or too inexperienced to deal with your circumstance. He could be in about his head and will bail out as shortly as your circumstance will take a unfavorable switch. By then, your legal scenario could have worsened. It will be much more costly and perhaps extremely hard to repair it. Even worthwhile situations have to have mindful assessment and chance evaluation. An skilled litigation lawyer will typically do his by for charges on an hourly basis as well as GST and any out-of-pocket bills needed for your situation. Very good litigation attorneys are generally in courtroom, at mediation or other litigation procedures, at conferences or discovery. Nonetheless, excellent litigation lawyers generally get in touch with or react by e-mail within 24 hours. In situation of urgency or vacation, the attorney will prepare for somebody in the office environment to contact you. Tip #5 - Avoidance is much better and substantially significantly less costly than litigation. Legal problems are like personal computer crashes --- they are sure to occur, it can be just a subject of time. In contrast to computer system crashes, some lawsuits can be avoided. Generally, businesses proprietors deal with legal matters only when a crisis occurs. They look for the minimum costly attorney to draft their leases, contracts, company and employment agreements devoid of regard to talent, competence and experience. Occasionally, business proprietors prevent legal steps like failing to make a shareholder agreement, failing to file a trademark software or failing to get ready a non-levels of competition and non-solicitation agreement with a important personnel. When served with a lawsuit, they overlook or tear the papers up in anger. These business proprietors will be caught short when the inescapable happens. Even though litigation or arbitration might however arise when there are published agreements in position, you will be in a considerably a lot more safe placement if you have taken precautionary measures just before the dispute happens. If you reply to correspondence and legal papers promptly, you will be greater guarded than if you disregard them. Qualified legal advice is accessible for matters this kind of as corporate corporation, leases, the wording contracts and other documents you use in your small business, partnership and shareholder agreements, your relationships with your staff members, your company's trade names, logos and web page, your regulatory compliance, your chance management and litigation prevention approaches. It truly is all essential to set up authorized affairs to guarantee that your private liability is limited in the circumstance of a declare in opposition to your company. Guarantee that the lawful troubles impacting your business are in great buy. This is likely to conserve you a great deal of dollars and grief in the foreseeable future. You may well even contemplate having a legal audit or a "small business authorized checkup". We strategy to publish about this topic in a long term report in this e-newsletter. Preventative legal suggestions might be expensive but it is just as significant as hearth insurance coverage. Suggestion #six -- Do not suppose that 'going to court' means 'going to trial' If you haven't been included in litigation ahead of, you could not enjoy that a lot more than 90% of instances settle prior to trial. Although a trial (or even an attractiveness) is not often avoidable, legal professionals use methods to consider to take care of cases at before levels. Enterprise persons are seeking for certainty and to restrict price and exposure. It really is under no circumstances a bad idea to negotiate a settlement with the opposing celebration but the timing and method will depend on the circumstance. It is very best to negotiate from a situation of toughness. This may suggest holding off negotiations until eventually enough specifics and paperwork have been disclosed to favour your place. Mediation is another strategy lawyers use to obtain settlement before demo. Mediation includes a neutral mediator, who is normally an knowledgeable attorney, acceptable to all parties. The get-togethers and the lawyers get ready briefs to make clear their positions to the mediator. On the mediation day, after an opening session, the events retire to individual rooms. The mediator will "shuttle" in between the get-togethers until finally an arrangement is worked out or an impasse is declared. This method generates a large price of settlement even in really complex circumstances. Tip #7 - Realize the challenges of the litigation method: Why do lawyers emphasize settlement? Even if you have an airtight situation, your attorney will nevertheless advocate settlement. Legal professionals assess danger just about every day. Even the most airtight scenario could have troubles at demo. The decide may possibly favor the evidence of the opposing get together in excess of yours. The other party's specialist witness may well be additional persuasive than yours. These are just two of numerous possibilities. A trial is generally a previous resort. A different fantastic purpose to settle is that even if you acquire at trial, the case may not be over because The authorized fees awarded by the court docket to a productive get together are only a partial recovery of the lawful charges payable to your law firm. · If you lose at demo or if the opposing occasion does much better in court docket than their settlement offer you, you will have to fork out a part of their lawful fees. · There may be an appeal which could delay payment for two years or more time. Until finally a last judgment is granted, a defendant is seldom prevented from dealing with his residence - unless the home is the subject matter of the lawsuit (or some other extraordinary circumstances). The judgment may possibly be unenforceable. The opposing occasion may well be bancrupt or go bankrupt. You may well not accumulate anything. · The defendant may conceal his belongings or transfer them to household associates to make the personal debt tricky to collect. A different lawsuit might be essential to locate the defendant's assets or to declare the fraudulent transfer void. The defendant may well have property outside the house Ontario. A law firm in the jurisdiction in which defendant's assets are positioned may possibly have to be retained to accumulate the judgment. A settlement involves a resolution both get-togethers can reside with. If the case requires the payment of dollars, there would not be a settlement except payment is manufactured. Even with these worries, some instances won't be able to be settled. The positions of the parties might be so much aside that a trial is needed. As the scenario progresses, you and your law firm will have to revise and update your method and estimate the lawful price and risk of every stage of the situation. Maintain in mind that the opposing party is dealing with equivalent possibility assessment and charge troubles as you are. Suggestion #eight -- Be a fantastic customer. From a lawyer's perspective, a good customer is a business person who does the next: Provides all the specifics of the circumstance fairly with no exaggeration or deception. Convey to your lawyer everything not just the information that help you. The relaxation of the tale always will come out and normally with adverse repercussions. · Considers the lawyer as a dependable advisor and advocate. Has a well-structured set of suitable documents. Delivers other documents and details instantly when asked for. Accepts that just about every case has weaknesses and functions with the attorney to acquire a approach to lessen the weaknesses. Acknowledges that the attorney are not able to promise the consequence but can only present efficient advocacy to produce the greatest result, usually as a outcome of negotiation or mediation. If an evaluation for discovery or trial is expected, can take the time to put together to testify. Asks for clarification on all issues that are unclear. Understands that in litigation matters, it is impossible to predict the expenses accurately but that the lawyer will gladly provide estimates of imminent steps in the scenario. Pays retainers when asked and settles interim accounts instantly when rendered. Considers the lawyer's tips cautiously and supplies reasonable guidance. One of our firm's clients is a technological innovation enterprise which started as a relatives operation and has developed to the level that its model is now recognized and acknowledged globally. Our client's president is familiar with hows to get the most out of his specialist advisors. He is generally respectful, trusting of professionalism, intelligence, encounter and competence. He is prompt in responding to requests for info, appreciative of great suggestions and excellent services. He will work really hard but he normally has a content and cheerful mind-set.
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Specific Your Love With Tanzanite Jewelry
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Tianducheng, a gated group near Hangzhou, capital of coastal Zhejiang province, boasts its own Arc de Triomphe and rows of European-model villas to attract China's newly wealthy. In Charleston, you are solely pretty much as good as your last backyard get together and one social screw-up can taint generations to return,” Bravo says. Whether or not you are searching for males's jewelry for yourself or a liked one, now we have so many products available to swimsuit a spread of personalities and kinds. On this weeks bridal style I have something fairly particular for you, the most lovely jewelry collection, excellent for any bride from THOMAS SABO. Prioleau Alexander, 51, a marketer and advertiser who lives in close by Mount Nice and is an old school chum of Ravenel, said the present appears like an exercise in narcissism. Neighborhood retailer required to help enchantment younger youngsters a new honied kids postscript, or would possible elevate not to lose your extraneous cash them all, you may use your non-chewable human medication. The cables show, for instance, that a speech then U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson gave at the Shanghai Futures Change in March 2007 did not go down effectively with everyone in the viewers. Says Teaster: We may not notice it, but as we age our cognition declines somewhat. Skilled jewellers will not hesitate to exhibit that their product is the genuine article with the use of silver polish. Discover the brand new Glam Spirit watch, a sublime reimagining of the unique, complete with a Mom of pearl dial! So, seek out the modern and fashionable unique bracelets from Pandora and include some further stars to the appear. Say, you got a pleasant post.Actually wanting ahead to read more. Then I appeared for simply regular green tea that I will eat however I didn't identical to the model. Entry one of the best success, personal growth, well being, health, business, and financial recommendation....all for FREE! Show somebody how you actually feel with some of the finest jewellery you could find when you visit Thomas Sabo in dowtown Toronto at CF Toronto Eaton Centre at present. Here are a couple of kinds which you can see, and then order your engagement ring.” Choosing an engagement ring to your can be spouse generally is a troublesome job, primarily because males are least curious about buying jewellery. In interviews with journalist Daniel Ammann for his biography, The King of Oil,” the usually secretive Wealthy admitted to bribing officials in countries akin to Nigeria and to assisting the Israeli intelligence company, Mossad. Schaeuble said more time could additionally mean extra money” and Europe's assist for Greece had already gone to the limits of what's economically viable”. The switch comes instantly after Modbury, a compact metropolis in Devon, Uk obtained considerably publicity when it banned plastic baggage back once more in May properly 2007. Good content, great to see people taking some social responsibility. His e book, and the meticulously devoted HBO miniseries, create an honest and beautiful portrait of considered one of America's most tireless patriots. The years that adopted noticed Thomas Sabo tackle a number of newcomers including Susanne Kolbli as Creative Director. Then he can work toward a protracted-time period complete settlement that features a definition of Iran's peaceful nuclear program with IAEA inspections, to assure the plan is being carried out. To have the ability to create a truly private and bespoke piece for our prospects is to add extra worth to their buy. The competition in watches is totally different from jewelry, but we create some cool watch lines, similar to our Karma watches. Sparkling and shimmering diamonds provides tons to a lady's persona and heightens her confidence to no finish. There exists also a wide range of bracelets for you to resolve on from like gold, silver and leather-based mostly fashions. If you want to make an individual feel good and look completely different amongst the group, this can be a glorious way to take action. Progressively, when ample feathers get out of your coating, it'd get rid of a number of of it is capacity to insulate, definitely on reasonably priced jackets that have already a prime feathertodown chaos price…. Attorneys who know the legal system may also help their purchasers get the very best defense and receive correct sentencing. 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Cantilever racking methods present an efficient method of storing warehouse objects which might be notably long or cumbersome, comparable to light poles, pre-fab uprights, posts and extra. thomas sabo australia Charms might be reflections of an individual's fashion and personality. Of the various sorts of Jewellery available at the moment, the 925 Sterling Silver Jewellery has managed to seize the curiosity of ladies worldwide & is a well-liked selection these days. They do not represent this town,” added Charlie James, a neighborhood radio character and voice actor who lives in Mount Nice, on the outskirts of Charleston.
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