#and there are STILL posts on the subreddit like '''i love sims 4 and am so relieved i won't have to move to a new game!!''
returntotheground · 3 days
when will people stop paying for anything sims 4 like they just came out and basically said that since sims players are stupid enough to buy every shitty little expansion/game/stuff/whatever pack they're gonna just keep making those instead of sims 5
like. they're gonna keep beating this dead horse until it stops spitting out money!! stop putting money in the horse!
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mrsmarlasinger · 3 years
I fell asleep for a bit but I'm awake now, having dosed(???) five hours ago. Why can I feel my teeth!!!! I CAN FEEL THE NERVES IN MY TEETH. Ew. Also the inside of my nose is cold, and I am cold, but less cold than I was earlier (as well as marginally more clear-headed). I think I get what my QPP means when they say weed magnifies every sensation for them. See, I'm not too high to use active voice even when the subject is an inanimate object
OH MY GOD "Detention" by Melanie Martinez just came on and I FELT the start of the song move inside my brain, and in my nose and teeth. I love drugs. But actually, I think I still prefer DXM for music listening. I want my head to become a deep cave made of music and for me to dive into it and melt into the music and for my soul to float up through the music and into the stars. Y'know what I'm saying????
God, I sound like a fucking stoner. I'm not even. Today is the four-week anniversary of my t-break from dex. Hasn't even been hard--I think I'm through the worst of my DXM hyperfixation lololol. Instead my hyperfixation is my new story characters, who basically do a lot of drugs and have a lot of sex and make a lot of bad decisions and be really mencholly eel. Sooo in a way, I'm still hyperfixated on drugs, but only indirectly. You can't blame me, I'm 21 and only just going through my rebellious, bucking-the-severe-repression phase. And I made my characters in the Sims 4 and made a messy college house full of cups and cans and bottles for them and threw them a kegger, because I have the Discover University expansion pack and they are in college (even though I'm not, anymore). My teeth hurt.
Wait, was I hitting the Enter key three times last post? Or two? How much am I supposed to do it? Okay, I will just hit it once. Anyway, so like I was saying about the music cave earlier, I probably need a higher dose (a dose? A fucking dose? Is that what I'm supposed to say?) of weed. Next time I will take the whole edible all at once, I think. My teeth hurt. But at least on dex you can sort of hole...God, I wanna try ket so fucking bad. I want drug friends. By the way, my QPP is my drug friend because they gave me the edibles because...I kind of don't remember why, but love you, bestie!!!
You know text shadows in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint or whatever? That's what I'm seeing on my keyboard. Anyway, I need drug friends. I want acid and ket and shrooms and molly and kitty flipping and candy flipping and LSDXM...in Minecraft, of course. But I will pay money. In Minecraft. I won't say what other thing I'm thinking about doing because it doesn't matter and I can't do it unless maybe if I get a shitty old laptop from a pawn shop. Jk 😌 I wish I was rich. You know what I'd spend my money on, in Minecraft.
Anyway, my teeth hurt. I know this would synergize so well with DXM, just like all my besties in the dex subreddit say. I never get close-eyed visuals on DXM but I am getting some on this trip(??) because it's quite visual. And my hot pink fairy lights look so beautiful. Make DXM more visual?? Hell yeah.
With the dex, I so so so hope my tolerance break helps. I only did it four times in six weeks, and yeah I sort of broke the week per plat rule a bit, but how can I have already gotten desensitized to...what was the last dose I took...300 mg? 375? 390? It's not that high but I'm tiny, I only weigh like I don't know, maybe 110 lbs (that's a whole other herstory but I refuse to have an anorexic meltdown on weed ❤️).
And I kinda want RoboTabs but freebase hits faster and I love me a good long high. I don't know what dose I'll take next month (or whenever I'll do it again, idk and idrc). Maybe 450 mg? 15*3=45*10=30 gelcaps. Ughhh, the sorbitol would knock me on my ass. I would seriously throw up. Wish anticholinergics didn't give you dementia, it would be nice to have a little DPH with my dex...except I am really fucking sensitive to Benadryl, so maybe it wouldn't...oh wait, weed is an antiemetic!! That's partly why they say it works so well with DXM!! Yeah, maybe I do like 345 mg and an edible? Half an edible? Probably I should start low and experiment more before I go all in, but hey, I like astral projecting.
Oh my god, do you want to remember something scary I read about k-holing? I don't remember the exact source or exactly what it said, so take this with a shaker of salt, but I believe it said when you k-hole, your brain activity STOPS? Like being dead, but it doesn't cause brain damage because you're still breathing, your brain is still getting oxygen. Isn't that so terrifying? But I want it, I want to know. I've kind of dex-holed a little on low third plat, but definitely not like that.
The thing weed will not do is help with the histamine release you get with dex, which a first-generation antihistamine would, but it's so bad for you and a deliriant and DXM potentiates it. Wish the dex body load weren't so damn dirty. This body load is soooo much more manageable. But my teeth. Hurt >:(
Anyway, that's probably all I need to ramble. I forgot what else I was going to say. It was probably about dex I'm sure. Fun how I will not shut the fuck up about fucking cough medicine. God.
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