#and then we'll go get Nova
yourmoonmomma · 1 year
god im tired
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yuzu-adagio · 2 years
Done with SLARPG! Every dang thing about that game was right up my alley, from the serious moments to the dumb jokes to the artstyle to the music to the gameplay. I don't think everybody needs to play it, but I think some of us do, and I was one of em.
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violetclarity · 6 months
me: wow it's so nice that my friends that live far away often end up visiting a city adjacent to mine, giving me the opportunity to see them when I otherwise wouldn't!
also me: bitches and moans every time I have to haul ass into dc or nova to see said friends
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laurelwinchester · 2 years
at this point my doctor’s ‘’chill’’ demeanor is becoming a fucking problem
#i have chronic iron issues#i have to get my levels checked regularly#at my last check my levels were low so my doctor told me to take supplements#which would be fine except that i don't absorb supplements and she knows that#''eh just try and we'll see what happens'' i was told#what happened is that my ferritin level dropped to a fucking 2 and i am so ill i'm basically non functional#and now it's going to take longer to fix#i get that as a canadian i'm not allowed to complain about healthcare where americans can see it without risking being piled on#but canadian healthcare fucking sucks#it was borderline negligent before the pandemic collapsed the system#you go to your doctor and say ''something's wrong''#and they say ''here's a band aid if you don't die it wasn't serious if you do die it was that's pretty much all we're willing to do''#now you don't even get the fucking band aid#you get sick and you go to your doctor or the emergency room and you wait hours and days and months#and they look at you for five seconds and go ''oh damn this is bad lol thoughts and prayers off you go''#a thirty seven year old woman died in a nova scotia emergency room on new year's after waiting seven hours#she was in excruciating pain and kept telling her husband ''i think i'm dying'' and they kept brushing her off#she died slow and scared and in pain after lying on the dirty floor of an emergency room#she was essentially tortured to death and left behind children and a husband who had to sit there and watch her die like that#and it was completely preventable#and it will happen again in this country#it's probably happening somewhere right now#anyway now i get to go fight for the infusions i should have gotten months ago while i'm so ill i can't stand for longer than a few minutes#end rant#personal
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heavyhitterheaux · 4 months
Not a Baby Anymore
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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Synopsis: You and Jack have to get on the same page regarding Axel, who clearly lets you know that he is tired of being treated what he believes is unfairly by you
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Axel hadn't been your biggest fan after he had asked you if he could go to soccer camp after school was going to be let out in a few weeks. You had your hesitations of him being away from you for a long period of time and even though he was getting older, you weren't quite ready for it. So, of course you told him no. That led to him catching an attitude with you and running straight to his room but not before telling you that ‘You never let me do anything. I wish dad was here more.’
You were trying to explain your reasoning to him, but he didn't want to hear it. Jack was due to be back later that evening and you had a strong feeling that he was going to try and convince you otherwise.
Once Jack had made it in the door and saw you sitting in the living room on your phone, he simply sat down next to you before sliding you onto his lap. Your arms immediately went around his neck and he gave you several kisses.
“I missed you.” You whispered against his lips before giving him another kiss which instantly made a smile come to his face.
“I missed you too. Where are all my babies?” Jack asked as he wrapped his arms around you.”
“Ivy and Autumn are in the backyard, Cam and Cash are with my parents, and Axel was in his room the last time I checked. Nova is working on her science project.”
“Hmm, that's weird. He's usually all up under you. I'm surprised he lets you breathe sometimes.” Jack knew early on that the bond you and Axel shared was special since the both of you almost lost your lives.
He remembered when he was going back and forth from your hospital room in the ICU to the NICU to see the triplets and how he was probably either going to lose his wife or one of his children. Those were the longest few days of his life and he didn't know what he was going to do if you left him before he properly got to have a chance at fixing your marriage.
“Aht! Not too much on my baby boy.” You answered while playfully hitting Jack who laughed.
“Our baby boy is almost fourteen.”
“Your point!? But I know he missed you.” But you didn't mention the argument that you two got in earlier which was why he was now in his room. Because he didn't want to be near you.
“Well let me go check on them. I'll be back.”
Jack slid you off his lap before kissing your forehead and going upstairs to see Axel.
He noticed that his door was open and he poked his head in, excited to be reunited with one of his oldest babies only to see him angrily wiping tears away from his face.
“Ax what's wrong? Did something happen?” Jack asked as he stepped fully into his room and sat next to him on his bed.
“I want to go to soccer camp.”
“Okay, just let me know all the details about it and we'll pay for you to go. Why the tears?” Jack answered, but he could tell that there was something else.
Axel shook his head no and Jack looked at him confused.
“I already asked mom and she said no.”
“What? Did she tell you why?”
“No, I walked away from her. She never lets me do anything especially when you aren't here. She lets my sisters do anything they want, but I have to stay home.”
This was the first time that Axel vocalized this to Jack and he quickly grew annoyed with you.
“You want to go?”
“Yes. All my friends are going.”
“Then that settles it. I’ll deal with your mother.”
“I don't understand why she always tells me no.”
“Don't worry. I’ll talk to her.”
“Can we have pizza for dinner? If I had asked mom she would have probably told me no too.”
Jack stifled a laugh before answering him.
“We’ll order it when Cash and Cam come back.”
Little did Jack know that you had been standing on the top step listening to their conversation and was going to confront him about it. You quietly snuck back down the steps to sit in the living room and bide your time.
Jack stayed with Axel for another twenty minutes before going to see the girls and then made his way back inside.
“Jackman….” Jack heard you say his name as he heard your footsteps approach from behind him and he immediately sighed because he knew a shitstorm was coming. He had just left Axel's room for the second time and had made his way downstairs to find something to snack on.
“Yes, baby?” He replied as he turned around to face you.
“Why did you tell Axel that it was okay for him to go to soccer camp when I specifically told him no?”
“Because you are overprotective of him and never let him do anything.” Jack said being completely honest as he shrugged.
“What? No I'm not!”
“Babe, yes you are. You aren't like that with Ivy and Autumn and let them do anything that they ask within reason. Why doesn't Axel get the same treatment?”
“I do give him the same treatment!”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself? You let me teach him how to play and it took me months to convince you to say yes. Our baby boy is growing up and it's about time you accepted that.”
“Well yes! He has asthma! That was my entire reasoning.”
“That is well controlled. He hasn't had an attack since he was 6 and takes his meds on a daily basis.”
“But what if something happens and I'm not there? Did we forget that we almost lost him?”
“Y/N…. Thirteen years ago. He is fine and going to make good choices. All of his friends are going and I don't want him to feel left out.”
“I still don't know. The thought makes me nervous.”
“He's not going to be far from home and it's only for two weeks.”
“TWO WEEKS? No, that's too long for him to be away from us. Absolutely not.”
“So let me ask you this. When he becomes an adult because you know that's eventually going to happen, right? Are you going to be babying him like this? And sheltering him? How is he supposed to experience anything? I'm convinced that you're going to go to college with him too.” Jack explained, but all you did was roll your eyes.
“My answer is still no.”
“And I told him yes. My second born came to me in tears, upset and told me how when I'm not here and he asks you to do something nine times out of ten you tell him no. This is something that he really wants to do and his mom shouldn't be ruining that for him.”
“But he's my baby.” You quietly said as you were trying to blink back tears. All of your children held a special place in your heart but you admit you took extra precautions when it came to Axel because he wasn't dealt the best hand when you brought him into the world.
“And he's mine too. I want all of them to be able to experience things and have opportunities but one child shouldn't feel like he's being left out.”
Just then you heard footsteps and turned to see that it was Axel who was trying to wipe the remnants of his tears away before you saw them making your heart break.
“Axel…” You started to say, but he immediately went over to Jack.
“She won't let me go will she?” He asked as he looked up at him and all Jack did was sigh.
“Ax, turn around and ask her.”
“Why? She's probably going to say no like she always does.”
“All I want to do is protect you.” You said as your eyes started to water.
“I'm not a baby anymore! And I'm tired of you treating me like one. I take my meds every day and I haven't been in the hospital since I was six. I want to go to soccer camp with my friends!”
Crossing your arms, you gathered your thoughts before responding.
“I know that you aren't a baby anymore, but this is hard for me. I know I say this all the time, but I didn't even think that you would make it to six months old. So can you understand why I`m so hesitant. But if this is what you want, okay.” You responded while shrugging.
“Wait, that's it?” Axel asked, thinking that you were going to put up more of a fight.
“But there are going to be rules that you have to follow.” Jack piped up and Axel eagerly nodded.
“You call us everyday, set an alarm on your phone for your meds and take your inhaler with you. If at any point you don't feel well, you tell them immediately so that they’ll be able to get you the help you need. This will be the test to see if you can be responsible enough to be away from us.” Jack explained while Axel was actively listening.
“Okay, I will. Promise.”
As you stood off to the side, Jack looked at Axel and nudged his head in your direction while you weren't looking.
Axel didn't respond, but instead hugged you and you tightly hugged him back.
“I promise that I'll be fine.”
“I know you will.”
“That woman has one more time to look at you before I go off.” You told Jack as both of you were at Axel's championship soccer game for his team. It was the last day of summer camp and you could tell that you and Jack made the right choice even though it took a little convincing on his part to get you to say yes.
All Jack did was laugh before wrapping an arm around you and kissing your cheek.
“Baby, please don't. We're here to see Axel play.”
“She is giving you bedroom eyes. I can focus on two things at the same time!”
“The only person that I'm going into a bedroom with is you so she can forget it. But focus on Axel!”
“Fine, but when the game is over I'll deal with her.”
It was down to the last few seconds and the game was tied when Anthony, Axel's best friend and teammate passed him the ball which he kicked right into the net and scored, winning the game.
You and Jack erupted in cheers as his teammates gathered around him and picked him up.
Once the crowd died down, you and Jack made your way onto the field and Axel immediately ran to the both of you. Once he reached you, both of you immediately brought him into a hug.
“So proud of you.” You whispered in his ear as he hugged you both tighter.
“Thank you for letting me come.”
“Anything to see our baby happy. Now where are we going to celebrate your amazing championship winning goal?”
“Hmm Wing Stop?”
“I… seriously?” Jack said as he looked at the both of you.
“Momma's baby. You should already know.” You responded while shrugging.
The three of you were walking back to Jack’s car when Axel turned to look at him.
“Hmm, I guess you are a good teacher after all.” Axel told Jack.
“Obviously, you get your talent from me.”
“I thought that I got it from mom?”Axel playfully asked.
“WHAT? Since when does your mom play soccer?”
“See? Our son knows he got all his good qualities from me.”
“Not that attitude.” Jack shot back and you immediately rolled your eyes as Axel laughed.
“But being a soccer mom does look good on you.”
“I make anything look good.” You said while winking.
“Including dad.”
“HEY! Don't you two start! But I have to agree.”
“Mom, do you think I'm good enough to go pro?” Axel asked as your eyes went wide.
“Um Ax, let's just get through the rest of today first. I don't think your mom is ready to have a constant series of panic attacks if you play professionally.”
“Only if I come with you to every practice, workout session, and game of course!”
“On second thought, never mind.”
“I'll get us all matching shirts.”
“Dad, make it stop.”
“Nope, you asked for this.”
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internetskiff · 3 months
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If u ask me the biggest crime valve committed on the Half Life franchise isn't the perpetual lack of a third installment and it's definitely not the fact that we'll never get to see the Borealis. No. What I want to see the most is Breen's idea of televised entertainment. I wanna see the jugglers. How does that even work. I have made a rough interpretation in Garry's Mod.
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How does he even get entertainers to appear on his show. Isn't it all filmed in the Citadel? Does he just have Elites come in and put bags over people's heads and drag them to the Citadel's TV studio? Or does he dress the stalkers up to look as presentable as possible and then make them juggle for the camera. PLEAAASE we need more Breen-TV. All Freeman ever saw were the designated propaganda cultural education hours. During his little adventure in Nova Prospekt he missed like a dozen different episodes. Breen's going through all this trouble tracking down ex-entertainers currently living in City 17 and bringing them over to relive their glory days and we NEVER see that.
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Let's all agree that THIS is a gold mine for making OCs without it being called a furry right? Also, great ass lore. I love the idea of them having sensitive hearing bcs of all the ears.
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Once again, I am in awe on how divergent some characters are, I knew MeiMei seems to stand out more than others, that is so cool. Also, not Mairuma managing to compensate for lack of race representations by paralleling it? Ah, ofc they always exceed expectations. Nishi needs to stop feeding us so well, we'll get greedy (do not stop. continue)
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I am once again, ASTOUNDED on how Mairuma manages to represent subservient relationship without it being icky. (MeiMei is such an icon. Independent woman, my beloved ♡)
Once again, a valid reason for the patriarchy (surprisingly. but again this is mairuma, so.) Also, it's not much of a 'discrimination' situation in my eyes, since I think most demons aren't oppose to them being independent as shown with MeiMei. I'd even go as far to say the demons would be impressed with how accepting the netherworld seems so far!
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Here's where I think happened, they chose to have this role. Listen, I know they said themselves without exceptional talent, it's only natural to be codependent on stronger demons. Not the best mindset, but studies prove their not wrong either. Remember, Mephisto asked them for their cooperation, the many ears are the one who brought up that they'll be the subordinate. Keep that in mind. This relationship haven't really seem to be all that bad, the demons who work with the many ears don't seem to oppose such idea, because they're demons. If someone offered to be an assistant to help you achieve your desire, why would they say no? It's sad, my reaction was like Iruma as well, it felt kind of somber but it's still universes better than ours. How ironic that the real world's patriarchy sistem is worse than hell's.
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I love Nova already. He's such a good kid, with such a stubborn (a bit cynical I'd admit) mind that I cant help but go 'okay, so, thank the fucking god this kid gets pagetime.' This correlates to stereotypes that we, in real life. Deal with as well. Also, can we talk about how in every arc, we get such gender-nuetral looking characters? I absolutely love that, honestly.
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Lastly, of course Iruma would be the best boy. Holy shit, I adore how the manga constantly reminds me 'yeah, Iruma bcms more greedy, yet he's still best boy.' It's just such a great feeling. Not even a few seconds into the introduction that Nova already finds Iruma ethereal. Like- honestly.. same. I love this chapter so much. Leave it to Nishi for surpassing our expectations.
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thedevilrisen · 4 months
"You do this once a month?!"
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"Novs, I don't want too but I can't let you stay at home today." Sid had whispered to his daughter who was bundled into a mountain of blankets, on the couch. "You're going to have to come to the rink with me beautiful."
"Dad, I really fucking hurt." Nova had shot back in response, her voice wavering.
"I know, and I'm sorry. I have to bring you though." Sid had sighed, rubbing a hand down gently down Nova's side, through the blanket. "What can we do to optimise the situation? What do you need to bring with you, what do you need Uncle Kris or Geno to get for you?"
"Some dark chocolate, strawberry creams and chai." Nova mumbled, "on almond."
"I get one of them to drop by the shops on the way through, yeah?" Sid continued his soothing rub, up and down her side. "You want to bring your blankets? Will you need any products with you?"
"Yeah, I've got some stuff upsta-" Nova started speaking but she was cut off.
"I'm making Kris get that stuff there, so we have some stuff at the rink in case you need it at the future." Sid had spoken, fishing his phone out of his pocket to send Kris a message.
"Thank's dad." Nova had mumbled, bringing her hand out to wrap around his. Something she does to express her gratitude, and had always done.
"You want me to carry you to the car?" Sid had offered.
"Could you?" Nova had asked, she started trying to wiggle out of her blanket.
"No, No. Stay there." Sid had stopped her, he bent down and grabbed Nova, blankets and all and walked out to the car. He opened the car door, placing the girl down, adjusting her blankets and and dragging her seat belt over and fastening it. "You comfy?"
"Yeah," Nova had mumbled "Can we get chai on the way?"
"How much chai do you need!" Sidney had exclaimed, laughing. "Yes, we can."
"Thanks Dad." Nova had smiled at him.
After Sidney had stopped by the local cafe, got some chai and his prefered coffee he drove them to the arena. Sidney looked over the center console,
"You want me to carry you in?"
"Yes please dad." Nova replied in between sips of her chai. Sid, exited the driver's side of the car. He unbuckled Nova and slid her into his arms, "Let's go! Kris told me he put the stuff in the common room. You happy to chill on the couch in there?"
"Yeah, I should be fine." Nova answered, "Can I put my show on the tv?"
"If you would like!" Sid had smiled down at her.
"Thank's Dad." Nova had mumbled into Sid's chest, as he walked along the halls to the common room. "I don't know if I would be so lucky with someone else."
"I'm lucky to have you, kid." Sid said.
Sidney carried his daughter the rest of the way down the halls into the teams common room, where most of them were lounging. Sid walked toward the couch.
"Can you boy's move please?" Sid had asked, Drew O'Connor and Jansen Harkins. They both complied and Sid dropped her down on the couch. Handing her the chocolate and lollies, leaning down and kissing her head. "You stay there, call me if you need anything alright. I will come and check on you regularly."
"Wait, why are you here Nova?" one of the boys asked.
"Pain." the girl grumbled in response. "You can't expect me to function."
"It can't be that bad!" Someone else exclaimed.
"You try some of this pain then tell me that." Nova shot back.
"Fine, we'll get one of those simulator thingys!" Erik Karlsson stated.
This is the prerequisite part to the pain simulator! I hope you like it!
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alexissara · 3 months
Sapphic Games List Summer 2024
Welcome to the Upcoming Sapphic Games List Summer 2024. This is a series where I the divine goddess of the lesbians grace the video game information I painstakingly researched onto you my humble sapphic audience. This is not a review series or a series of pitches but a best guess series with some amount of impressions and details to give you an idea of games you might get to see yourself represented in if your a person who wants sapphic romance in their life. These are upcoming games so I really can’t promise their quality, the details, and even games with clear cut queer romance could idk pull a shocking homophobic ending or something so remember this is based just on trailers, demos, previews, interviews, and me asking questions to developers. These games are still in development, things can change and some of these are just strong guess although I try to make my reasoning make sense or put it in high probability rather than any other section.  You can check out the last two ones I did of these here and here.
I am making this before whatever Nintendo Direct in June happens, I attempted to wait it out but they hadn’t announced it by the 14th so I decided to simply wrap up this article. To that end I may do a quick extra addition with a few more games as I keep digging, which I am always doing plus whatever has potential from there if there is anything new. 
It takes a lot of research to make these so if you’d like to send any support at all my way Patreon and Ko-fi are the best ways to help me keep making these while I work on making my own lesbian art for sapphics of all kinds to enjoy badass sapphics. 
Action Lesbians
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Nova Hearts 
Nova hearts is a magical girl dating sim RPG. While a bit closer to a Visual Novel then say a persona game Nova Hearts still has solid evolving RPG combat paired with social sim mechanics that grow relationships between your main character and the cast both in the party and outside of it.  It's really cute and you can play the first chapter of the game yourself for free with Nova Hearts: The Spark.
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Food Devils 
This might be more of a Make Your Own Gay but given the roster has 3 women and 2 men plus an avatar of your chosen gender it’s pretty hard but I guess possible to make it where the game ends in all MF pairings. That said I have a strong feeling that there will be some degree of canon queerness outside of player choice given the game has chosen to default to the female avatar and the main romance they showcase is her romance with another woman. It's an SRPG with base building and it seems like romances will go beyond the devils too and give the player some options to romance maids and butlers as well thanks to kickstarter goals being met. It seems like it's going to have like an interesting twist on some coz vibes of cooking food and romancing hotties. 
Sword of the Necromancer: Resurrection
A remake of an amazing Lesbian Roguelike game is in the works and set to be released probably pretty close to when this goes up. You play as sword Lesbian Tama who is willing to do anything to save Koko who eas tragically killed recently. You gain The Sword Of The Necromancer and use that to revive monsters and fight through the dungeon to gain enough power to revive Koko. 
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Sword Of The Necromancer: Revenant
The original intended game from Sword of the Necromancer: Resurrection, Revenant adds a man to the fold which, yes boo, tomatoes, tomatoes [or at least it seems to] but it keeps our main two adorable lesbians in the plot after their happy ending and brings them into the fold in this new chaotic story remaining main characters. Spoilers for the above game I guess, the lesbians are unburied in one of the possible endings and this game follows that.  We'll have to see how it ends up working but Tama and Koko both seem to be playable in it and so it seems like you'll just have a little party to use in the plot. 
Abyss  X Zero
This game is getting a gay benefit of the doubt. The creators are queer, their last game is queer, I can assume somehow it'll be baked into the story of A and Z probably them being gay for each other despite them both needing to fight the other.  The games a 3d metroidvania with a super nice art style, some level of customization and two Playable characters. They look great and the game looks great, very cool action and really brimming with style. 
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A new game being developed by Lily Valeen, creator of Boss Game. Boss Game was a game about girlfriends being gay and working gigs and fighting monsters so and this game looks gay too, so expect some gay ladies doing some cool stuff. All we have is screenshots and it’s probably like omega early in development but I wanted to mention it because lily Valeen made a really cool game and this is a great reminder to follow her and maybe check out boss game on Steam or on your phone or on Itch.io. 
Crescent County 
You ride on a motorbroom and try to make some cash cuz your broke as fuck. You are a gay witch looking for cute girls, new friends and new rivals, maybe all three at once. It looks really cool and fun and she kisses a girl in the trailer so I know it’s gay. It sounds like you might have several romantic options but it doesn’t seem like optional queerness just romantic options. I didn’t have a queer racing game on my bingo card of types of games I’d update y’all on or see but here we are, so cool, I love it. This seems like it has a queer dev team making a queer story in a new interesting way that I haven’t seen many games do. It sounds like the romance system is pretty neat too the dev mentioned that like you need a bed frame to have a girl over cuz she is going to have more self respect then to fuck you if you just have a matress on on the floor. So like, it sounds like a lot of fun.
You are a pink haired girl who beats up cops and is in a rock band and the cast seems to mostly be women, if you are not gay in this game I believe it to be a hate crime and I will fight the developers. The game looks incredibly cool and the stunning hand drawn animation is just great. It is a kinda rhythm game I think in a setting where music is illegal and you love doing crime. I’m sold on this game I just need it to be gay, that’s it. I’ve bought it in my heart already but make it gay please, please, please.  Also it looks like it’s tagged as LGBT+ so you know, it’s possible, I believe, I chose to believe. It looks too good to not be gay. 
Make your own Gay
In This game you do tactical combat against a flurry of demons and build relationships with other characters. I had romances confirmed and well the trailer shows our main protagonist reaching for another woman’s hands. I also had confirmed there is some side stuff that isn’t the main character Faye with someone so there may be some canon sapphic stuff that isn’t just player directed and optional. This is a tactical RPG with shin megami tensei flare but doesn’t play like any other SRPG I’ve played even SMTs own SRPG, Devil Survivor. This game is heavily focused on unit placement and doing things in really tight deadlines. I hope they have an easy mode or something in the full release because I utterly love the social sim elements here and would love a bit more room to fuck up. On the sapphic end the roster seems to have tons of cute girls even outside of the probably intended to be canon romance girl there is a haughty rich girl who seems like a perfect enemies to lovers arc and a cool delinquent girl, there is a lot of range for a lot of dynamics but we’ll have to see how all of those systems work on release. 
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Long Story 2
A very kid friendly visual novel type experience. It’s cute, it’s sweet, it’s simple and it’s the kind of soft story you can get excited about if you just want something wholesome to enjoy. You really Get to craft your story so it's very craft it yourself. 
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Moonlight Peaks 
We really do not have a ton of details but it’s likely to release in 2026 since that’s when they said it would and have have a pretty strong publisher in Marvlous behind it. This is one of the most exciting farming sims I've seen. You play as a vampire and unlock new vampiric powers over time. It looks as if there will be 7 women who are different kinds of super natural for you to romance in this. Also an interesting talked about feature is the werewolf romance options might shift in personality a little on a full moon and stuff like that which makes for a neat way to push for a different vibe in a farming sims cast.
Monster Prom 4: Monster Con
The 4th game in the monster prom series, the potentially PVP dating sim is back at it again with more goofs, new monsters to fawn over and a new setting.  If you're fiending for more Monster Prom, Camp or Road Trip then you already are gonna be grabbing this but if you're new to hearing about this series or finally wanting to check it out because one of the characters designs it’ll be an exciting jumping on point. Romances are player focused, characters themselves though are canon queer sometimes having same gender exes and stuff. We have a canon queer trans woman as one of the main love interests this time so that is really excited and also a really cool set of two new women. If you come with a full party of lesbians as it stands you’ll have to fight over at least one girl given there is only 3 women to romance and 3 men but if your playing 3 players you can each aim for a different girl in a run if you want to avoid PVPing or simply play in single player for a chiller romance comedy vibe. This is a really silly game series that is all about the bits but there is a lot of good stuff even outside of the comedy. 
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Arcadia Fallen II
Arcadia Fallen 2 is the follow up to Arcadia Fallen. The first game let you be sapphic and this game probably will also let you be sapphic as well. I think it’s a safe bet, they say there will be 3 body type so probably the typical choice of He/She/They pronouns with a chose whatever body suits you best choice. This should be a choose your own adventure style visual novel with a magical setting and while I haven’t played the first yet, I am keeping my eyes on this one’s kickstarter to see where it goes. The artstyle is gorgeous and it’s always nice to see artists from across the world making games where you can be sapphic, in this case some awesome Danish devs. 
Sensei! I Like You So Much!
This game bills itself as a fangirl simulator where you create your own favorite characters and geek out with fellow fans, take commissions and gather in community with others. My vine is this game will have no romance however, I feel compelled to bring it here because I mean you can be really into a lesbian ship and geek out with other women who are really into a lesbian ship or so it seems from the trailer. Obviously, like any of these I only have whatever the devs have said and whatever I see in trailers, screen shots, etc to go off of but it looked like you could make a girl and it looks like in the trailer they made yaoi so I am gonna guess you can make yuri. So, here we go, it’s sapphic but like, different than other sapphic games, probably, I’d personally be way more into romancing a fellow fan of something than a lot of other concepts for a dating sim so I’d love to be wrong and there is some secret dating sim element. 
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Reanimation Scheme
It’s an Otome visual novel where you can date four men but also there is one sapphic wrote. I hate these kind of gender rations but hey, this exist, it’s upcoming, you should know about it, maybe it’s written super good. The art style is solid and if you like the design of the exactly one woman you can date in the game you can prep for some sapphic fun even if a lot of your time in the game will be interacting with men, You play as a Necromancer which is always really cool and ya, enjoy. 
The Crush House This is a reality show managing sim with a spooky mystery. It’s like putting you managing the sims lives in context where you try and push people to behave particular ways based on audience demands and what you feel like. You can make women be gay with each other and even run a show for Girls for Girls audiences and stuff so there is a lot cooking here for a silly and strange little game. 
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Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Dragon Age, a little known indie series from abusive publisher EA from Abusive company Bioware now potentially hanging onto it’s last chance for life with a brand new game. Dragon Age is a fantasy roleplaying game where the people who look like lesbians are straight and the people who look straight are lesbians at least that’s the classic Bioware flavor.  This time though, unlike these other games, an actual queer woman is the director [after like 4 directors left] and she seems like a really cool person with good taste so I want her to be successful and for this game to not crash Bioware into the dirt like so many other studios under EA. You’ll likely be able to make a character of one of two genders and have them fill a role in this plot.  We know that every character will be pansexual in the game meaning you’ll be able to romance anyone and if you don’t romance characters they will romance each other. 
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Grave Seasons 
Like farming sims, like murder mysteries, want to make sweet sweet passionate kissy faces with a murderer? Then Grave Seasons might be the game for you. You do typical farming sim stuff but a randomly generated one of the NPCs that are romanceable. You need to figure out the mystery, if the hottie you're making heart eyes at is the killer and if they are what you wanna do about it. If it’s not you might want to find the killer and fast lest your cutie get taken out too. At least that’s what it sounds like to me. There should be several women you can romance and it seems like a fun game to replay and a farming sim that puts the romance at the front even for people who want to be efficient because well you don’t want a bunch of people dying do you [unless you do]. 
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So this one is really making your own gay cuz I do not think they gender proto and proto is just supposed to be a stand in for you but I flirted with a cool looking bunny girl in the demo and she seemed to be into the conductor who was a demon girl so like maybe it'll even be explicitly represented in this. It's hard to know with so few details but you can gift people stuff and everything.  It's a physics based game mostly focused on choices and doing a secret personality test on you. 
It looks like this Fable game just has you play as a woman, like I am just taking precedent here to say that romance to some extent will exist and you can in fact marry women. It be weird if you couldn’t so I’ll say that is very likely here. If you like RPGs with big budgets then this might be the one, it doesn’t seem to be as silly as some of the previous games but they weren’t always going for silly so I think the tone seems just about right. 
Narrative Games 
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Cage of Roses
Lesbian vampires are always a good time. It's a visual about some lesbian vampires. You're in by the art style and visual novel or you're not. It sounds exciting to me. 
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Rainbow Valley 
A game from yuri game developer and publisher Studio Elan. This is a collaboration with a monster high focused YouTuber and you can see the Monster High inspirations in the designs. I imagine this is really going to capture the vibes adult fans of monster high really have been wanting to explore while not being locked down by the big company. 
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Tithe In Blood 
Another  game from yuri game developer and publisher Studio Elan. This is a darker yuri story about a woman practicing blood magic after the loss of a loved one.The romance and blood magic lead to a lot of deadly twists and turns. 
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The Witch's Bakery
The Witch’s Bakery is a game coming to Kickstarter soon that’s about running a cozy bakery and being a little gay witch doing it. This game is coming to kickstarter at some point in the near future at the time of writing. It has a canon romance so I don’t think you’ll be picking who you swoon and instead you’ll get to play out a soft little love story while you bake, run a shop and make friends. 
Lost Records
Life is Strange and Tell Me Why Developers are back with a new game and the first trailer had the main four women of this plot kissing so it’s gay, that’s like locked in it’s not even like Life Is Strange 1 optional gay it’s just gonna be gay. It seems like a nostalgia trip featuring a bunch of sapphic women in the lead and that seems like the most perfect game for Dontnods main audience. 
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A gothic vibe lays over this game, it tickles at horror while also not being terrifying, you are the vampire newly created and enter this society. This is another one that might be more of a Make your Own Gay but it’s vampires and that’s inherently gay so I gotta put it here. I had the devs confirm to me that this game will include gay romance and you can have your girl read Carmilla so as far as I am concerned I think her sexuality has a decent shot at being part of the narrative and not just an option. 
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Tavern Talk
This is a game inspired by exclusively other queer games in the same style of those queer games, I am gonna say it’s safe to guess this is a soft little queer game that will take you through an interesting narrative perspective all while mostly being behind a bar and making drinks for people. 
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This is a horror game with what seems to be a queer non binary protagonist but it may not be all sunny and rainbows, for sure prepare yourself for angst. The protagonist has amnesia and doesn’t remember who seems to be her girlfriend. This is a cyberpunk horror which is shockingly not a super standard combination despite the clear synergy between the two. It has a sapphic energy, it’s always hard to draw the line on a non binary character and if their sapphic or not before you get the context because well that’s a massive umbrella of genders, identities and feelings. Still the vibe test for me passes as sapphic and I am here to tell you about vibes, that’s the point of this series, I have an extremely high success rate and so I will take the shot here. If you're looking for something creepy and queer then this is for sure it even if the sapphic vibes are a false flag. 
Life is strange: Double Exposure
IDK if they’ll make Max and Chloe canon here or how they will right around it but also like the game studio making this game has a bunch of like allegations against them so I don’t particularly care too much. I do want to find out so I will look around for details but ya know I mentioned Lost Records earlier maybe look to that one instead if these come out around the same time at least. Otherwise, idk you do dialog and stuff in this one and mess with timelines. It does look like Chloe is dead so, you could go to your local library and read Life Is Strange: After The Storm for free instead, a possible suggestion too. 
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Love Ghostie
Your a lil ghostie and you play match maker and you can make little sapphic pairings so, ya you can make sapphic stuff happen in this game and it’s like part of the point. It’s a very adorable game with very adorable little monsters and looks to be a great game to cuddle up and just live your best shipping life. 
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Sigh of the Abyss Sigh of the Abyss is doing something really cool in the visual novel space and it’s bringing a feature I’ve wanted in games with mix gender romance for a long time to the table. You can in your options at any time say your looking to romance Men, Men and Women, Women or no one. In the game you play as a woman and the game defaults you to being bisexual but you can actually have it where the game simply does not have men push romance on you which is such a relief because it’s one of the world part of mix gendered dating games for me is being here for the women but having to be flirted with by every man and never able to say “Hey, I’m a lesbian.”  How deep these options will go I am not sure but it was really swift in easy in the demo. If you're looking for some dark fantasy story telling this seems like an exciting place to go for a story. 
High Potential 
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines 2
I mean it’s got vampires and roleplaying like probably. Maybe it'll be too uptight and serious but we'll see what it's like. 
Sorry We're Closed
The games listed as LGBT and the main characters on the art and stuff are women so pretty clear. It’s a horror adventure and it seems really aesthetically unique, I think this is one to keep your eyes on it might just be a big new thing.
I mean it just depends on if people make a sapphic game in it and share it. It's like a game about making games. There's a good chance someone will want to make Yuri but also I wouldn't expect it near launch.
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Ra Ra Boom
There is a vibe here, it's a beat um up which is a kind of game not famous for it's story but idk the vibe tells me these super cheerleaders are gay.  That’s all I got to say really, it looks fun and if it’s gay bonus points to me.
Fighting Games
So Fighting games are hard to cover on this because fighting game devs are cowards an also don't make their narratives compelling and their mostly about men with women relegated to the sides. I love fighting games though and I don't want to ignore them so I put just a general pin on potential sapphic characters dropping in 2024. Like Skullgirls recently added Marie who has some queer coding with Peacock and she's like a main villain so there's stuff. Guilty Gear Has a season 4 coming out which could add a story expansion and idk confirm Bridget is a lesbian. Granblue's next characters are likely datamined but there is a chance of a suprise appearance and many likely candidates are sapphic characters. Plus a new game might come out, maybe Diesel Legacy will have the cool mobster girl be a lesbian, we just won't know util stuff comes out. 
gillford academy 
This is an rpg putting a lot of emphasis on your choices mattering with characters. The characters are pretty young but there is a chance they might be sapphic at least in a if player chooses the right choices way. 
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I think I saw a gay moment in this trailer. It's like 90s nostalgia the game, I have no idea how it’s supposed to play. I assume it's kinda standard narrative 3D gameplay  which I think is always a pleasant time.  I don’t know a ton about this game but I am keeping my eyes on it in the future that’s for sure. 
If you enjoyed this post and want to help me do the level of research I put into these please, please, please consider funding me on Patreon or giving me a one time donation over on Ko-fi. I am a writer for a living so that means being professionally poor and any bit of money really helps so much. Every dollar helps me make new sapphic art myself from making TTRPGs to working on my own game project and lots more. If you don’t have cash following me, sharing, etc is always lovely and I love nice comments. 
There should be more of these in the future. I couldn’t fit every single game I saw with potential or even straight up confirmed into here so I am hoping to make this more regular maybe even pivot to video and do game by game chats or something. We'll see what the future holds but I hope you found at least one new game to look forward to.
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triangle-dog · 4 days
TW pet death
(Not one of mine, don't worry. You won't miss anything if you skip this post.)
I will always and forever be a collar and tags person (or, look, if you are really concerned about strangulation then a harness & tags person or a breakaway collar or whatever). Microchips are great, all my beasts are microchiped, but if one of them gets out I want to be able to find them and bring them home no matter what has happened to them.
Two years ago, almost exactly I think, friends and I were three miles into a beautiful autumn hike with the dogs. The leaves were turning, the wildlife was active, and there was a crisp breeze. We rounded a corner and immediately saw a body floating out on the lake, a dog, its long black fur drifting back and forth in the small waves. After some deliberation on what to do, and if it was safe, I waded out to the dog while the others in the party held our dogs way back from the lake in case the water was bad. He wasn't that far out really, but it felt like it took forever to get there because I was fervently hoping he'd have tags. I could actually feel the relief wash over me when I got there and saw patches of blue collar peeking out between the drifting fur.
I towed him into the shallows by the collar. I'm the most familiar with bodies, which is why I was the one who went out to him, and I know that they age differently in the water but by my judgment he'd died farily recently - less than a day ago. When he's in close enough to shore that I don't think he'll drift away any time soon, I unclip his collar and return to the group. We sit down and strategize for a few minutes. How do you make a call like that without raising their hopes? (Answer: you can't - just the phone ringing will be enough).
"I'm very sorry," I say, "but I found a dog in the lake and I thought you would want to know." She tells me she was half expecting a call like this, that the gate didn't latch correctly and both dogs got out but only one came home. She tells me that they were so worried he wouldn't be able to find his way home in the storm last night. She tells me he was very old, that his mind had been going for awhile now. She tells me that most of his life, until the last few years as his body became less able to manage the walk, they would come down to a beach near here and that he loved to swim. She tells me she hopes he at least got to relive those memories for a bit before he went.
I give her the coordinates, it's not too far from a road if you bushwhack - certainly less than the 3mi we did, and tell her we'll bring him to shore. I pick him up out of the shallows, he feels frail, yet he's so so heavy from the weight of the water in his fur. He's much smaller than Nova, yet lifting Nova has never felt like that. I lay him gently on the rocky beach in what I hope is a natural looking, less-traumatizing-to-the-kids position. I clip his collar back on, with the fur no longer drifting around in the water obscuring it, you can now see the little tag saying "Poochie" on the front. We head back the way we came. That was walk enough for all of us, it would feel wrong to seek a different ending, and it was an out and back trail anyway.
Ever since then, every dead cat or dog I see reminds me of those lakeside discussions. We are all overly dedicated animal people, we're fully aware of microchips and all of our own pets are microchiped, but carrying a waterlogged body 3mi to the car to drive it to the vet's office was just not feasible - I don't think it would occur to most people that that was even an option. Even if they did think of it, most people would be opposed to putting a dead animal in their vehicle. I'm just gonna make it easy on people and put my phone number on my animals.
(Sorry, that post was so much longer than it needed to be, but my brain must have recorded that experience in a different kind of memory than usual because it is so so clear and comes all as a set like that so that's what you got too)
TLDR: OP found a dead dog once and has big feelings about it. Put collars/etc. on your pets
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pmdnightfall · 10 days
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OUKA: Hi Nova!! NOVA: Hi Ouka OUKA: Come on and let's get going, we got to become an official Exploration Team!! and go to class, that's important too!! Nova blinks incredulously, having just woken up and immediately being bombarded by their new friend's excitement. What even is "class"?
The Espurr barely finishes processing everything before they're once again whisked away by Ouka.
OUKA: We've still got time!!
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OUKA: We'll stop by the Post Office first, then go to Treasure Academy right after!! NOVA: Ok
The duo continue into the foyer, preparing to set off for the new day.
OUKA: Actually maybe I should ask father to send the form for me, I'm sure he'll be OK with it!!
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DAD: Vho is zhis 'mon, Ouka? OUKA: Hi father.
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magicalqueennightmare · 8 months
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Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
You take down Evan and make it back to New Orleans where Elijah awaits
Warning: mention of killing and a tiny smidge of spice
Your phone vibrated in your pocket causing you and Max both to mumble a curse as he spread a shield around you both with his magic, a tactic to make the men looking for the two of you simply look anywhere but the corner the two of you were in.
The Banes twins had figured out Evan had indeed poisoned those on his side against hunters, using witches who wanted a squadron of their own who was capable of taking on things that crawled out of the deepest abyss of hell and every other realm.
The only way to sever the spell would be to kill Evan. The issue with that was it had to be an instantaneous moment of you killing him while the coven Alicia and Max had formed for this stripped his witches of their powers.
That took this hunt from the level of “find the monster and kill it” all of you knew to forming a tactical team of hunters spread across the states. Enchanted coms gave you access to hunters states over trying to pinpoint Evan's exact location. You'd called the kill, everyone understood the importance to you that was being the one to put down this threat.
Once the threat passed Max lowered his shield and grabbed your arm “Come on” the two of you ran for his motorcycle that was parked nearby and nearly dove onto it.
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Elijah didn't let his temper out but when another call went unanswered he was considering breaking the phone. “She's been gone for two weeks. She dropped contact three days in. Brother perhaps she moved on” Klaus’ voice hit his ears and he spun to face him “Her Nova is still in storage. Most of her belongings are still in her apartment. Why would she leave all of that behind simply to get away from me?”
The truth was Klaus was trying to provoke his brother by offering a challenge that you simply left because after a few days of your absence he'd seen what it had done to Elijah and Rebekah and tried to locate you himself. No trail of you had been left behind in over a week. Rebekah was distracted by Marcel so his goal was to not let Elijah consider the very real possibility that you may be dead.
“If she comes back near New Orleans we'll know but you can not make her appear in front of you from will alone” he tried to choose his words carefully and could see that they had little effect on Elijah. “I care for her Niklaus. I do not want to consider having lost her this soon after finding her”
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You watched Alicia walk across the room time and again, going over the vials of herbs and ingredients that lined the table. Some of those had required some traveling to get your hands on and a few Dean had gotten shipped in on a favor from Ketch.
Your hands moved from muscle memory alone, loading your guns then sharpening your blades. Evan's location had been narrowed down, you had wolves nearby watching that could report back should he move.
This had taken nearly a month. You hadn't spoken to Elijah in so long the truth was you didn't expect him to be waiting on you when you got back to New Orleans. You knew what he'd say had he known what you were doing. He'd ask you to let him handle it. He'd gladly kill Evan and get Klaus to wipe out the witches but you needed to do this yourself.
Max walked in the door and looked from you to his sister “It's time. We've got a half an hour window. It's now or never”
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You were exhausted and sore when you practically rolled out of Alicia's car “Sure you don't want me to stick around?” She asked but you shook your head “A witch as powerful as you? Marcel will send people knocking. I'll be ok”
She laughed “Just call if you need anything sweetheart. You should sleep better tonight” you grinned “Oh hell yes”
You walked into the door of your apartment and dropped the bag of dirty clothes next to the door but took care to push the bag of weapons under the bed where they would be close at hand. You desperately needed to shower.
You thought of Elijah as you walked into the bathroom. You wanted to see him but part of you feared his reaction to how long you'd been gone.
Instead you hit Rebekah's number on your phone as you walked into the bathroom. The moment she answered you heard her breath a sigh of relief “About bloody time! I was afraid you'd fallen off the face of the earth”
You laughed lightly,guilt slipping into your mind “I'm sorry Bek. I just needed to handle this on my own” “I understand the need but a text would've been nice. Elijah has been unbearable” you grimaced slightly “How bad?”
She laughed and the noise wrapped around you. You hadn't realized how bad you'd missed her as well “Let's just say he was ready to set fire state by state until he laid eyes on you again. Klaus had to talk him down” christ if Klaus was being the voice of reason..you closed your eyes “Chances of delaying him knowing I'm back?”
“I can give you maybe half an hour” “You're an angel with fangs Bek” you bid each other goodbye with promise to meet the following day before you laid your phone down on the sink and quickly got into the shower. Evan's blood was still caked on your arms and splashed through your hair. You couldn't face Elijah bloody.
You walked out of the bedroom and had just plugged your phone in and sat it on the end table next to your bed when there was a familiar knock at your door. The thought to make him wait flashed through your mind but you pushed it down.
You walked over to the door and looked down at what you were wearing. You'd tossed an oversized shirt and sleep shorts on. He'd seen you in less considering.
You opened the door and he blasted by you into the apartment. “Come on in” you mumbled, the sarcasm in your voice falling flat when you turned to face the vampire standing in the middle of your home. Anger rolled off of him in waves. Instead of his usual suit he was wearing that damn henley again and you wondered if Rebekah had told him to wear that since she knew the effect it had on you.
You shut the door then turned to lean against it with your arms crossed over your chest. You'd done nothing wrong. You owed him no explanation and wasn't about to grovel for his affection. “Rebekah said you've been a bit unhinged?”
He scoffed at your response “Tell me, how would you like me to react? You left and haven't spoken to any of us in a month” “I had business of my own to take care of” you replied and within the blink of an eye he was in front of you, eyes skimming your body “and you didn't trust me with the information of who you were after?”
You uncrossed your arms, placing both palms flat on his chest to give you enough room that his presence wasn't dizzying. He let his hands come to rest on your hips, you didn't protest because in truth you were craving his touch.
“If you respect me Elijah, you'll respect that I had to do this because it was my former fiance that was targeting hunters. I brought the threat to my community, I had to handle it” He nodded slowly “and if you respect me darling the next time you need to go on one of these little missions I simply ask you tell me”
He leaned down enough to be looking into your eyes “I don't like the thought of losing you” you didn't know how to respond. You'd expected a lot out of this but not a confession of not wanting to lose you. You knew how you felt about him but you knew you were human, you'd die probably sooner than later given your life. Were you worth the effort?
You didn't want to give voice to those concerns. You just wanted to feel Elijah. You moved your hands up his chest to hook them around his neck and bring him down into a kiss. The moment your lips touched you let out a light sigh. This was what you'd been missing for weeks. The kiss was hungry and charged, both of you feeling the need to devour the other.
His hands went from your hips to your thighs and he picked you up effortlessly. You gasped at the movement and he used it as an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, rolling it against yours. You ground your hips down against his, feeling how his body was already reacting to you.
You were forced to pull away from the kiss in need of air so he moved to your neck, nipping the areas he knew would make you quiver in his touch. “Bed Elijah, please” you moaned and he grinned into your neck “What happened to my smart mouthed little hunter who was ready for a fight moments ago?”
You pulled back and glared at him “You've got five seconds to get me to the bed” before you could get your sentence out completely, your back was on the bed and he was over you “Fast enough?” You shook your head but couldn't hide how your thighs clenched when his hands slipped under your shirt, fingertips barely grazing your bare breasts.
“Please quit teasing” you begged and damn him he had the nerve to smile almost boyishly “I've waited a month to touch you, taste you. You're going to get comfortable and let me enjoy this” you wanted to argue, to throw some sarcastic comment back but the way he was looking at you pulled every thought out of your mind. You nodded slowly and his smile turned from boyish to devilish “Good girl”
You could remember the first few times you and Elijah were together. He'd been gentle, almost too gentle. You understood his fear of hurting you. He was strong and had so many years of experience and as much as you loved being held and worshiped there were times you wanted it rougher, to feel his fingertips bruising as he drove into you pushing you over that peak of pleasure.
He'd learned what you liked and was intuitive enough to know just what you needed. Tonight he knew you didn't need soft or gentle, you needed to clear your head of anything but him.
You gripped his hair tightly as his tongue worked at your clit, fingers curling over that spot deep inside of you that had your back fighting to arch off the bed despite the fact that one of his arms laid across your stomach held you in place. “Elijah..please…fuck”
You'd already come twice and damn him he was determined to make it a third time before he ever even stripped free of his clothes. You could feel that pressure building in you and the moment he barely let his teeth graze your sensitive flesh you came with a cry of his name falling from your lips. You pushed weakly at his head “Too much…too damn much”
He left one final kiss against you then leaned back to smile up at you “Giving up already?” You wished you had the energy to fully retort but you simply waved at his clothes “You're severely overdressed Mikaelson”
He nodded then stood, quickly stripping his clothes before crawling back up your body slowly,nearly at a human pace. When he reached your lips he caught them in a rough kiss allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue “You look absolutely exquisite like this”
You opened your mouth to respond but he chose that moment to slowly push into you, clearly enjoying the way your mouth fell open and your eyes closed against the stretch. “Tell me what you need” he whispered, unmoving as he placed open mouthed kisses along your jaw taking special care to tease every place he knew would have you clenching around him.
After a moment you opened your eyes to find his gaze locked firmly onto you. You gave him a small smile “Show me how much you missed me” He shook his head with a slight smirk “All my years of living and you may very well be my undoing” a sharp roll of his hips ensured you didn't have the ability to reply beyond a deep moan falling from your lips as your nails dug into his shoulders.
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You woke up curled up to Elijah's chest. It wasn't the first time the two of you had spent an entire night wrapped up in each other but the sight of waking up to him next to you was something you'd never grow tired of.
He groaned lightly as he stretched around you “How are you feeling?” You placed a kiss on his chest “Delightfully sore and happy to be home” he smiled at you referring to New Orleans as home. “How long do I have you before Rebekah steals you away?”
You glanced at the clock on your nightstand “You've got a couple hours” he leaned down to pull you into a kiss “In that case, I still have a month to make up for” you felt his hands begin to roam lower and moaned into the kiss. You may have to meet Rebekah for dinner instead of lunch.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Did you Know
Mammal bias isn't the only one when it comes to researching nature and deep time?
There are more!
There is also time bias! As I have discussed with @quark-nova, Essentially, because the more recent something is the easier it is to learn about - more remains of things, more details from the rocks, etc. - we also have ridiculous amounts of bias towards more recent times. This is clearest when it comes to the traditional geologic time scale - the further back you go, the longer time periods are, and nothing is divided particularly evenly. I would even say the "anthropocene" is the biggest offender in this - if we zoomed out from today to a hundred million years ago, all of the extinctions and chaos of the past 2.5 million years would get lumped together into one big mass extinction, not separated out into nitty gritty and frankly narcissistic time slices.
Then there is geographical bias! You'd think people studying the whole biosphere wouldn't have this, but we do! Thanks to *colonialism!* The geologies of North America and Europe are significantly better studied than the rest of the world, which is fighting hard to catch up. This even extends to our knowledge of modern life, with many new species still being discovered in "the global south" (I personally prefer the term Gondwana, but what can you do). And we have no one to blame for that but ourselves.
And another one is land bias! Because we are land organisms, we tend to think about land ecosystems more than oceanic ones - in fact, the ocean only really gets enough time on it in the early stages of life, everything before the Silurian, because there isn't a land ecosystem to focus on more! But the oceans are just as influential in our past - honestly, moreso - than land ecosystems, even today - think about how much El Niño affects us all! But how many people know about the end cretaceous extinction, and not the mesozoic marine revolution? How many people know that reefs at the end Cretaceous were just, made by bivalves for some reason? The list goes on.
Then there's the one most people know about already - megafaunal and charismatic bias! This often goes hand in hand with mammal bias, but essentially, because we ourselves are megafauna - I know we specifically define megafauna to exclude humans, but how the hell is that logical - we operate on a big scale, at any rate - we tend to favor megafauna in our knowledge of the past and our understanding of life. And, if its not megafauna, it at least has to be charismatic - cute, extra weird maybe, or familiar. This affects modern research so much, especially conservation and research funding - not just paleo, but also neontological work. Charismatic Megafauna get everything, and everyone else gets scraps.
This is just the tip of the iceberg! All scientists bring in bias - that's why we need as many scientists as possible, so we have as many perspectives as possible to come up with the most parsimonious and universal view of nature - but some biases are fairly universal for humans and need to be murdered in our heads by all of us. Why did Wingspan and Holotype both start with North America when the best birds are in South America and the best fossil dinosaurs are in Asia? The list is infinite.
The biases we have because of the way history has played out, the way preservation works, and because of what kind of organisms we are as humans, are ones we all have to work to disassemble and deconstruct in our brains. The more we do so, the more we can look at the big picture, understand our entire biosphere, and work together to protect it.
Plus, imagine how much cool stuff we'll learn about when we finally take the time to do so.
We have nothing to lose but our chains.
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raayllum · 9 months
27 for rayllum pls
Send me a number with a ship and i’ll write it (accepted ships are tdp canon ships + rarepairs (claudiez, sorpeli, corvus/terry, sorvus)
27. i'm going to carry you, okay?
It'd been a while since they'd been stranded out in the wilderness together entirely, their brief stint with the corrupted Banther notwithstanding, even if this time felt... different.
Maybe it was the two years apart, and the last time they'd travelled Xadia together, properly to return Zym, felt like lifetimes ago. Maybe it was because they'd usually been blessed with good weather, and now they were limping up the side of a mountain in the rain (again).
Only this time, Callum bore the brunt of Rayla's weight rather than the other way around.
"Careful," he murmured, guiding her away from the uneven side of the ledge.
She squeezed his shoulder in thanks, even as she scowled with irritability. "I can walk on my own."
"Not in this weather." He was drawing on both his arcanums' affinity for water (the irony was not lost on either of them, he was sure) to keep his face steady in the mud, and it felt like it was barely making a dent.
Part of it was the way Rayla's likely sprained ankle—why would she take that blow for him? Well, he knew why—dragged along the ground, the other being the fact that it was hard to see. The Celestial elves, unhappy that they'd stolen the Corona of the Heavens and the Nova Blade, hunting them down didn't help matters either.
Finally, hedging his weight, Callum gripped her waist and made a decision. "I'm going to carry you, okay?"
"What? Callum—"
But he scooped her up, only straining a little as he got her settled against her chest and made sure the mud wouldn't make him slip. "We'll move faster this way," he said, glancing at her. Her face was pink and close to his when the lightning flashed. "And you shouldn't be putting weight on your ankle."
She seemed to war with herself, momentarily, before she sighed and rested her head on his shoulder, surrendering. "Okay." She swallowed. "Thank you."
He chanced a kiss to her forehead and then started back up the mountain, glad when she wrapped her arms around her neck to help keep her secure.
He laid her down in the first cave they found, then used some of his spare kindling and a fulminus to get a fire going. Then he took a spare blanket out of his bag and draped it over her shoulders, her hair damp and their cloaks set to dry on the other side of the fire.
"Thank you," she repeated, fingers curling into the fabric as she gazed at him.
He nodded, thinking of that day on the Nexus when she'd cried over the egg, and he'd decided he couldn't let her carry that burden alone—her grief, her guilt, or even herself.
He took her hand and squeezed it. "Always."
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frozen-planet · 23 days
HOLY HECK I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOU ELABORATE ON NOVA’S PAST!!!!! (And their head turning into a space one, or her parents…)
I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS SINCE IT WAS SENT... AND I FEAR ITS GOING TO MAKE NO SENSE SO BEAR WITH ME HAHAH, its going to be majorly dumbed down and tbh butchered because we'll be here all day otherwise. Google docs in the works though!
If its wanted I will also go into their family biz as mentioned here but I feel like I yapped so much already HELPP maybe another time but for now just the helmet stuff
The head/helmet situation was messy, done so by the time they moved to vinyl city and wasnt immediately rewarded with recognition and praise (real) but before auditioning to become a mega artist.
Struggling between passions of studying astronomy and making music (which was still, at the time, a newly recovered hobby from their teenage years) they were still messing with tech and whateva, even while NOT in the right headspace (and for family lore had just cut contact with their entire family, will elaborate at another time), and as a desperate attempt at gaining what they thought was attainable control they pretty much tried making a mini black hole in their own mini apartment complex.
Aaaahhh big bad thing happened, freak accident. all the scientist things... leading their head to be reconstructed as one with said black hole since, technically as of now it would be impossible to actually create a black hole at that level without it either burning out within a few minutes or not having the same properties as the real phenomenon (its both, plus its manmade so what were we expecting). IT PRETTY MUCH SUCKED UP HIS HEAD ACCIDENTALLY AND CONTAINED IT WITHIN ITSELF??? I DUNNO.
The properties of his brains in my mind is that all of what made their head well, their head, is still contained within the helmet (floating around in there resembling space), and since technically there is no realistic singularity within the black hole that is their head, and its at a much smaller scale than possible, it doesnt really count as one? just shares some stuff that you would associate with black holes otherwise. im not entirely sure how to explain it but it leads to major misunderstandings about their head from others and honestly themself, further causing them to lose themself to the knowledge and understanding they so desperately need.
This of course also leads to things like that memory HC I have in my last post and things like the helmet breaking under pressure or the fact that I think his head is suuuper hot compared to his body which is now cold to the touch. thangs like that.
Basically do NOT ask them what their head is, they get SO defensive about it HAHA solely because they dont really know themself.
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+ Complimentary doodle I made months ago to go with it
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heavyhitterheaux · 3 months
"You ask mom, she likes you better" with the triplets
Ivy knocked on the door to her younger sister's room with both of her other siblings beside her.
She heard a quiet response from Nova saying to come in before they all came in with bright smiles on their faces.
When Nova turned around from her desk and saw all three of them she immediately raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms across her chest.
“If the three of you are sneaking out again, I am not covering for you and I’m telling daddy.”
“Oh and not mom?” Autumn asked as she sat on her bed and looked at her.
“No, I said I was telling on you not that I wanted for all of you never to see your eighteenth birthday. I'm not that mean. As mom would say ‘she'll send you to see Jesus early’”
“Then we need a favor, little sister.” Axel said as he attempted to ruffle her hair, but she moved away and simply eyed him.
“What's in it for me?”
“You'll be helping your big brother and big sisters.”
“Nope. Not interested.”
“Come on! Please!”
“You don't even know what the favor is! You benefit from it too.” Ivy exclaimed and Nova looked at her with a straight face.
“Still not interested.”
"Ask if we can go to Honey Pig!”
“And why can't you three do that?”
“You ask mom, she likes you better. Besides, if we ask she'll say no.”
“Not my problem. Not my fault you went joyriding in her car and scratched it.”
“I…. NOVA PLEASE! We're hungry!”
She simply sighed before pushing her glasses up on her face and stared at them before responding.
“I have terms and conditions.”
“Name it.”
“I said terms and conditions. That's plural. Anyway, clean my room for a month, walk Butterscotch when it's my turn, drive me anywhere I ask if I get permission to go, and…”
“No. Stop. Absolutely not.” Autumn said as she cut her off and Ivy and Axel rolled their eyes at her.
“Let the woman finish! I'm sure we can compromise.” Axel exclaimed while covering Autumn's mouth.
“Thank you, Axel. As I was saying…”
“EW! DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND!?” Axel yelled as Autumn laughed.
“Shouldn't have tried to silence me.”
“Well somebody needs too.” Ivy mumbled and Nova was growing annoyed.
“Yall are on your own.”
“WAIT! Okay fine whatever your terms are, we'll do it.”
“I didn't agree!”
“Autumn, do you want to get fed or not!?”
“That settles it. I'll go ask.”
Nova came downstairs to where you and Jack were with the triplets hiding on the steps to listen to what your response would be. She came and sat in between the both of you and you and Jack made eye contact with each other knowing that she was about to ask something.
“Yes, Nova?”
“I'm hungry. Can we go to Honey Pig?”
“Before I answer your question, did you siblings put you up to this?” You asked as Jack stifled a laugh.
“Huh? Wait, what? Why do you ask?”
“Answer my question first.”
“They already asked me and I said no.”
“There's chicken nuggets and uncrustables in the freezer.” Jack said as he continued to scroll through his phone.
“Beggars can't be choosers.”
“Dad! I'm calling grandma and telling her you're starving us.”
“Go ahead Ax. And tell her that you also took your mom’s car without permission and scratched it.”
“Mm hmm, thought so.”
“I am never doing them another favor again.” Nova said as she huffed before getting up and making her way upstairs.
You made sure she was out of earshot before turning to Jack, but he spoke up first.
“I think it was better that we told them no instead of telling them that we went earlier when they were in school.”
“But what are we going to say when they find the leftovers?”
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