#and then we decided to be friends/fwb but that didn't work out really well bc i had too much feelings and he had zero lmso
vettely · 2 months
my f1 hyperfixation is so back (my ex left me and idk what else to do with my life)
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eyeofthemoose · 1 year
Okay I guess it's time for a lil story time about my bulgarian friend (used to be with benefits but now just friend) from work because I just had a little realization about my feelings and... yeah story timeee with Eva at 4am bc my bedroom is too hot to sleep so why nottt:
So yeah, after my failed relationship that ended at the beginning of 2019 i was kind of a trainwreck for half a year basically. But then around the second half of August when Lover came out, one day I was listening to "I forgot that you existed" and suddenly it hit me that I, in fact, did forget that he existed, and I stopped crying over him and blah blah. So I finally started noticing other guys again, it was like "Wow, other guys actually exist, what a revelation" and I noticed this guy at work, he just started working there maybe a few months before that but I never really SEEN him before obviously bc crying etc. And it hit me so harddd. Immidiately. Boom, a new crush. I had to get to know this fine mannn. So I stalked his name on a working plan and found him on Facebook and added him to friends and ofc that was it for a few weeks bc shy lil Eva lmaooo. Then in September he texted me birthday wishes, as in privately anddd i took the chance so I thanked him and asked how was his day and well, the rest is history.
We had been texting a looot, bonded a lot, I felt a real connection between us. He ofc knew I had a crush on him and we've been flirty and etc and it was amazing 3 months, I loved every second of it and I was sooo goneee. And then finally he invited me over after christmas. We exchanged gifts etc it was cute, we watched some movies but I don't remember what they were lmao and we had some drinks and ofc one thing let to another and... we fucked
And I swear to god I didn't recognise myself in that moment bc I never done something so reckless before like idk what happened to me but I liked it and wanted it.
OH AND ALSOO... his ex gf was living with him at the time as well lmao but I think she was gone for the holidays.
But anyway we fucked and silly me thought it was a start of something serious lmaooo bc like he was so gentle with me afterwards, kissed my forehead and whatnot.
But next day at work he was ofc distant and then after work he texted me saying that it was a mistake and that he's sorry and that we should stay friends. I was heartbroken yet again. But I couldn't stay away from him bc like we worked together and etc so like at first i was mad at him but then I agreed to being friends.
Two months had passed and I don't remember now how and why we had that conversation (bc we still texted but it wasn't so often and the "magical" bond was kinda done by then ofc) but at some point i was like: "we both lonely, why not be fwb" lmfaooo my biggest mistake ever.
But yea it happened. So in february 2020 he invited me over again (his ex was in the other room, it was crazy lmao) and we watched game of thrones, he made me interested in it and I watched it on my own in the next few months lol but that's not the point. We watched few episodes and fucked again...
And yet again he was being distant after that.
This pattern repeated a few more times over the next two years BECAUSE I'M A MASOCHISTIC DUMB ASS THAT'S WHY.
Ofc it fucked with my brain, so much that I had anger issues at work lmao or I was randomly crying and I was super jealous of any girl he talked to etc. Basically it was crazy. But I didn't want to let go bc I had feelings for him but also I really thought we could do it, that we could be friends. We just needed to get rid of the benefits part. But every time he invited me I was so gone, it was stronger than me. And the best or worst part is that the sex wasn't even that great lmao but I craved the intimacy so much, the presence of another human being, the connection, sigh.
Anyway around July 2022 when I was on holiday in Poland I really had enough of his bullshit at that point and another guy from work has texted me and I decided to text him back and blah blah we went on a few dates and it was great and he was so good to me, we became a couple but I felt like i could not love him, like there was zero chemistry. I was actually so horrible to him, ghosting him bc of depression episodes and etc. He got angry, we broke up after a few months. Then i had a new crush lmfaooo (i'm going so fast through this now but maybe i'll make a separate posts about those guys as well someday).
Oh and also sometime between my ex and my new crush, P. (the bulgarian fwb guy) told me that he has a gf now and we would not meet up anymore and I was suprisingly fine with that and genuinely happy for him bc it was like we could be finally friends and that's all I truly wanted. And at that point i had this new crush and thought i'm fully over him. And we haven't had sex for around a year so my brain was fine and our relations were better than ever. It's like we were meant to be just friends.
But anyway this crush turned out to be a fail as well bc of course lmao. We're now hitting the recent months in this story btw.
And now that I'm no longer having any crushes I've grown attached to P. again (actually i never stopped probably). And like two weeks ago or something like that he pissed me off and like really offended me bc he was having a hard shift but like that's no excuse and I wanted to cut him off bc I don't deserve this shit but then I realized that I had lost enough people this year (another story but nvm) and I forgave him and he's been nothing but super nice to me ever since and yeah I think we are truly in a good place right now and I want it to stay this way but the other day a friend of his has passed away (I posted about it yesterday i think) and like i want to comfort him but idk howww and I know I should probably just let him be and give him space but i'm hurting so much for him and that made me realize today that I probably still have romantic feelings for him deep down and yeah i'll probably never escape it lmao
But i'm just gonna keep those feelings to myself and continue to be his friend bc he really means a lot to me for some reason idk like i can literally ghost and cut off anyone else but not him... it's been 4 years. It's actually kinda scary how attached I am bc what if he just leaves work one day and i'll never see him again lol...
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ddaenghoney · 5 years
Hi! It's me again! Idk if this will be as long as the others but it'll be something! Jimin finally deciding to stick up for y/n right after she quit us like, its basically nothing like he stood up for her yeah but he didn't do it when it actually counted. Idk I just can't get behind Jimin, he emotionally manipulated y/n (from what I understood please correct me if I'm wrong) and lead her on while also keeping her at a distance 1/?
2/? Jimin and y/n no longer being fwb seems to be doing y/n good. She’s spending her time with people who are willing to invest in her and her life and from what I’ve seen she seems to be doing better. I know that she probably has stuff to work through both from being with Jimin and from the status of her role within the company but I think that with Namjoon and Jin and Yoongi and even Hoseok that she’ll be able to grow and become more confident and all that was to say Jimin what are you doing??
3/? Like I know that there was something between Jimin and y/n and I know that they were in love with each other but Jimin continuously pushed her away so it just doesn’t sit right with me that he’s now sort of showing the behavior that is expected between people who are real close to being a serious thing. Bndnsks I was going to make this ask about Yoongi and I ended up talking about Jimin wow but y/n deserves an award for not breaking down during that confrontation like I would have been gone
4/? Okay okay onto Yoongi now,,,, mans has feelings and doesn’t even realize it. Dang. Like, he’s increasingly gotten more and more comfortable around y/n and the same goes the other way around. They’re relaxing more into each other and into the relationship and it’s slowly edging it’s way past fake towards real. At the beginning, Yoongi protecting y/n and making sure she got out okay and then checking up on her both in the car and back at her apartment like he’s willingly showing his affection
5/ he’s showing his affection and showing that he cares for y/n and for Hoseok and Hoseok knows!!! He can tell that Yoongi is falling and falling hard and he’s the most supportive dude like ever. Also petition for y/n to work with Hoseok and his music be credited properly or or for Yoongi to just release some of what he did with y/n without telling anyone hahaha like yeah he’s get in trouble but y/n would be credited… Dilemma dilemma dilemma. But! Yeah Yoongi is really paying attention and
6/6 I cannot remember where I left off so like, Yoongi is taking care of y/n and y/n is starting to try to do the same so like it’s so soft and I cannot wait for them to get together and be in a healthy relationship and all of that good stuff. That is all!! I loved the new chapter!!! It really added a other later of realness to everyone’s character and it really showed a clear relationship between everyone. (Hello I have to go off anon to send this I’m sorry)
Omg you have no idea how happy these messages make me!!!🥺❤️ (bc of the way I format the asks I didn’t have to post your url, but if you’d like to remain anon or go by your url in the future that’s completely up to you!! nonetheless nice to meet you in a way! 🥰😚)
You’re absolutely right, that this singular moment of Jimin standing up for Y/N really isn’t anything outwardly significant! I think once more about Jimin’s perspective of everything is revealed, why he refrained so much and said nothing at all for Y/N will make more sense! I don’t necessarily think everyone will think his perspective will warrant complete change of opinion on his character, but it’s not as black and white as it can seem right now!! we saw a brief moment of him exiting Yerin’s office, hmmmmm.. 
As for the emotional manipulation aspect, I personally don’t believe nor did I intend for Jimin’s character to do this towards Y/N. (As far as the literal definition of emotional/psychological manipulation, this doesn’t seem to fit their relationship dynamic to me either, but in some respects I could be wrong!) Their relationship is a big mixture of a lot of different problems to me (it’s been touched on that Y/N is actually the one who instigated the FWB relationship between the two of them before the start of the story). While Jimin definitely should’ve put it on the table about his opinion on Y/N’s career in SoundWave, it actually didn’t take him years to admit this. They’ve been seeing each other for about two years, but only around a half a year before the start of the story has Y/N started showing noticeable animosity towards her contract. Like I said, Jimin should’ve verbalized his stance sooner, but in some ways because of their emotional attachment to one another I think it’s sort of reasonable that he put it off so long? Both of them avoided the communication that would’ve caused their relationship’s breaking point for a long time!
I leave the topic of Jimin by simply saying: that one moment wasn’t his redemption in the grand scheme of things, it, like his thoughts in chapter 11, are a show of more to come! : )
As for Min Softie himself… yes he’s our oblivious boy…. doesn’t even realize himself LOL Ahhhh the joys of fake relationship where characters blur the line of where fake stops and real begins…. These two people are easing into one other chapter by chapter, you’re right! They’re …..🥺Also best friend Hobi and duo-friends Joon and Jin are 🥺 just hoping for the best with their friends truly 🥺🥺 I’m really glad that you enjoyed this chapter, as it’s ending was definitely made with the intention to highlight the beginning of complication within the company now that news of Y/N’s soon-leave spreas, among Yoongi’s concerns of helping her out, and, for better or worse, Jimin has properly learned of Y/N quitting as well now so 🤩🤩 in the words of Guk “Let’s get it!!” 
Again thank you so much for sending such long comments about the chapter and your thoughts of the characters and things to come!! They make me so happy, you’re truly an angel🥺💘
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