#and then used optic ☆ kitty on him
epickiya722 · 21 days
I love that La Brava had to come and show Skeptic who was the hacker villain first in the series. 💕
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pinkanonwrites · 7 months
Thinking about the concept of cloth or soft things in general being considered luxury to cybertronians, and just imagining one using their holoform to enter a bedroom for the first time. There a big soft berth that sinks under their weight, an entire pile of warm insulating plush fabric, and even more small soft pads that they put their heads on! Could you imagine their reaction to a carpeted room? They even put soft things on the ground they walk on! It would be like looking at one of ridiculously luxurious mansions that are so loaded up with fancy things that it almost looks like a parody
This conjured up a little idea in me with ROTB Mirage, enjoy!
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"Watch your shoulders on the-!"
"...Door frame." So much for getting your deposit back. Mirage shot you a crooked grin, brushing some of the sheet-rock dust off of his shoulder pauldron.
"Sorry 'bout that, sweetspark. No big deal, you can patch that up no problem!"
When Noah had told you that Mirage was able to change his size you had only partially believed him. After all, according to his own stories, the Mirage that was barely larger than Noah in Peru had also had several significant pieces blasted off of his gargantuan frame. And yet, here he was. Fully repaired, mass-shifted to a mere seven-and-a-half feet tall. And sure, he still had to stoop to avoid taking out your ceiling fan. But here he was, in your meager apartment.
It was an equally unfamiliar locale for Mirage himself, having only caught peeks of your living quarters from the alleyway outside. The shag carpet was plush under his pedes, ridiculously soft to the touch. And sure, he'd owned a few of his own garments back in the Towers, in pre-war time, but it still paled in comparison to your room with its thick curtains, fluffy carpeting, and the dozen or so plush organic creatures littering your bed.
"Do you wanna listen to something? You can sit on the bed, if you want. You're probably too big for my desk chair." You were already rifling through your tapes, gesturing to the bed with your free hand and currently oblivious to Mirage's wide-optic stare. He took a careful seat on the edge and Primus, the entire mattress sunk and molded around his bulky frame. It was heavenly. He took one of your stuffed animals between his servos and squeezed, marveling at the squish.
"Man, I can't believe y'all live like this!" He laughed, draping himself backwards onto your bed with a warning creak. "It's comfy, that's for sure. But I don't think I could sleep on somethin' like this. It might swallow me up mid-recharge. And what's with all these little soft organics?"
"Says the guy who sleeps on the floor of a garage. I'd have aches in muscles I didn't even know existed." You pressed Talking Heads 'Speaking In Tongues' into the player with a familiar click, the beginning lick of Burning Down The House echoing through the tinny speaker as you flopped down next to Mirage. "And you're strangling Hello Kitty. They're cute, and soft, and that's kind of all there is to it? Kids like to play with them, too."
"Huh! Cute. Seems like your style. The whole hab seems like your style, actually. All soft and shit. " He handed you back your slightly-dented Hello Kitty, letting out a lazy ex-vent as his arm wrapped around your shoulders. "Well what should we do now?~ You got me all the way up into your berth, aren't you gonna do somethin' about it?"
You barked out a laugh, turning your head to see Mirage's playfully smarmy grin aimed down at you. "Was that your ploy? Show off your cool alien shape-shifting just so you could get in my bed?"
"That depends. Is it working?~"
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bbc Ghosts tattooshop capvers au
okay completely based on @captain-rickbond amazing modern Caphrey drawings:
My brain ran with an Ghosts tattoo shop au and though it's Caphrey bffs of course my brain made it Capvers (no one saw that coming I'm sure😉):
-Robin: tattoo artist style old school has one big lightning tattoo over his whole body nothing else. Does also do stick n poke.
-Humphrey: tattoo artist traditional and neo traditional does classic paintings on the side that he sells ,covered in tattoos himself (based on cap rickbonds drawings)
-Kitty tattoo artist. Style: fineline, floral work, dot work , watercolour and cartoon style
-Mary tattoo artist style: black work specialised in tattoos that look like old book illustrations and sketch style, loves doing witchy tattoos
-Allison tattoo artist photorealism style I. Colour and black and grey
-Cap: store manager
-Thomas: that one customer who gets turned away frequently because he wants face, neck or hand tattoos as his first tattoo
-Julian customer three tattoos one heart with Margot one with Rachel and some pun/innuendo very close if not directly on his gentleman's excuse me. Robin did all of his tattoos
-Fanny: friend of cap does like Humphreys paintings and comes by when she wants to chat, gossip or ask Humphrey to do a portrait of one of her pets (on canvas obviously)
-Pat: customer. friends with all of them no tattoos over shirt lines because he works in a bank. His tattoos are mainly humourous about stuff he loves in cartoon style kitty is his main artist.
-Obi the shop apprentice focuses on graphic style (tattoos that look like graphic design) and / or trash polka
The story:
Cap has few tattoos from different artists. Fineline flowers from kitty and a date that holds great importance to him done by Humphrey, a morsecode tattoo on his chest etc. his tattoos are not visible to others normally. They are small and personal.
Robin has a certificate in how to tattoo scars and made all of his artists learn as well
Havers just moved there and wants to symbolise a new start in life with something beautiful coming out of the scars of the past (upper body/arm scars not the face ones)
He walks in for a consultation and is a bit nervous because first it has to be determined what can be done, if the scars can be integrated and if the goal is to fade them optically or use them to enhance the picture.
It's a busy day and stuff has gone wrong so there's a waiting period and cap gives him tea and they get talking and find out they're both ex military and he's relaxed and smiling by the time robin comes to collect him
During the consultation Havers let's it shine through that he's not exactly sure what he wants style wise so robin who's very old school in wanting to challenge his artists calls them one by one to look at him and asks them to design something that symbolises his wish of a new start
He even calls cap in to ask something about if they still have a specific needle type. Cap sees Havers shirtless and gets extremely flustered. And everyone's like "??" Because normally cap runs the shop like a well oiled machinery but now he can't remember if they have that needle size
Havers returns the week after to look at the designs and the main themes are phoenixes or flowers (a lot of dandelions and lotuses)And cap can see (because he keeps looking🤭) that Havers is a bit overwhelmed with choosing so he brings them all tea and starts chatting with him and it quickly turns out what he really loves from which design so cap suggests they do a collab piece on Havers. And everyone whose in the design gets really excited and of course it means that Havers has to come back for another consultation. By that point the others have caught on that cap is talking to and mentioning that one customer a bit often.
Havers returns the next week and for some reason he got the appointment wrong and is almost an hour early (oh dear) and so that very handsome store manager who is bored on this very slow day takes it upon himself to drink tea with him and chat telling him that he loves the meaning behind his tattoo and that he's in good hands and it'll look awesome on him and he shows him his own tats which makes kitty run to the others and whisper because normally no one gets to see caps tats.
The design is wonderful and Havers loves it but because of size and difficult level aka sitting through the extra spicy pain it's gonna be done in numerous small sessions. And every time cap and him find time to talk to each other or shooting glances at each other.
His colleagues try to get Cap to ask Havers out before it's too late but cap is like that's unprofessional and the guy is here to get a tattoo not be hit on by staff.
With the sessions and the healing process it takes months before the tat is finished and it's very clear to everyone else around them that the attraction between the two is very much mutual
And on the last appointment cap wants to ask him out before he possibly never sees him again but everything goes wrong because Thomas demands that this new poem of his has to go on his neck and Robin argues with him and Julian Fawcett turns up drunk for his appointment and Alison has morning sickness and so cap who waited anxiously for Havers to come pay and say bye had to do the payment real quick and wants to say bye and ask him but then Julian smashes a vase from the counter because he got in on the argument between Thomas and Robin and Havers at one point slips out sad that he didn't got to talk to Cap one last time.
Cap is feeling a bit down over the next weeks and everyone is trying to cheer him up.
A few weeks later Havers is suddenly there again because he lost some lines during healing and Cap wasn't even aware that there was an appointment but Humphrey is like oops forgot to tell you.
The actual appointment is over suspiciously fast. (Aka Humphrey met Havers somewhere accidentally and used to meddle)
And then it's time to say goodbye and Cap can't get the words out and Anthony looks very anxious and he's almost at the door but cap calls out to him, Havers whipping around and cap is like I eh oh well I meant to say...we'll be having a flash day on the third if you're interested.
And something about calling him back just gives Anthony the kick he needed and he informs him that he doesn't think he's the type just yet to get random tats because he's more after meaning. New beginning specifically at the moment which also means new people in his life and there's one person he really likes and wants to get to know even better and then he asks Cap out.
Over the next two years the teasing sentence "cap stop flirting with your boyfriend we're about to open" can be heard almost every day in the shop at which point Havers leans over the counter to collect his daily goodbye kiss before leaving for work.
Havers design btw I'm thinking a phoenix made out of flowers like a flower bomb gone off all over his flank and pieces on his chest and upper arm like flames out of flowers everywhere around the actual bird where there is scarring.
During those two years Havers gets a tattoo of the date of his first appointment underneath the phoenix.
And after that the only clearly visible tattoo Cap has that is done as a collab and on two people who don't have many tattoos (the absolute exception Robin makes which drives Thomas insane) are the wedding ring tattoos for Cap and Havers.
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cometchasinglove · 24 days
#6 for the selfship ask, and your Starscream choice.
#6 - "A sigh of relief."
Ask Game
Warnings: Suggestive
Word Count: 554
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“And what does “surfing” entail?”
On the sand of a secluded beach, Starscream gazed at Juniper, his optic ridges furrowed in thought. Below him, the redhead held her “surfboard” at her side, the rays of light from the sun glistening across her wet, pale skin. 
“Oh, nothing much,” she said. “I just stand on this plank and feel the waves beneath my feet. Pretty much all there is to it.”
Starscream straightened his body, considering her explanation with developing curiosity. He smirked, finding her confidence to be almost contagious. Attractive, too. 
“Well then, my dear, I believe a demonstration is in order.”
He supposed that it wouldn’t hurt. After all, if Juniper desired to engage in some human tricks, then who was he to stop her?
She nodded, grinning, the curls of her short hair hovering over her shoulders. As she scampered towards the shoreline, he observed the way the pink ruffles of her swimsuit bounced off her chest and rear with great delight. 
Surfing was certainly not what Starscream expected when Juniper successfully coaxed him into visiting a secluded beach. Nonetheles, he grew to enjoy his time with her, even when he was forced to stare at her scar.
His wings gave a slight twitch, his bulky frame producing a slight shudder of remembrance.
It has been months since his latest arrival on Earth, months of him working through troubling feelings that he grappled with for years. He wanted her to like him. He wanted her children to like him. Well, his children, too. Hopefully, Bumblebee and his team of misfits managed to keep them occupied while they were gone.
“Oi, Starscream! Watch this!”
Juniper’s bell-like voice rang out from the ocean. She sat on her surfboard, her legs wrapped firmly around it. She waved at him before taking off, using her arms to propel herself forward towards the accelerating waves in the distance. Starscream refused to lie. He was a bit perturbed by the size and power of the waves, but he chose to settle his faith in her. 
From the moist sand, he watched her demonstration unfold with awe as she glided effortlessly across the glimmering, blue wave on her surfboard. She leaned her body as well as her limbs and hips, a smile spreading across her face as she whooped and cheered with joy. Quickly, the mech realized that she was correct. Juniper truly did feel the waves beneath her tiny pedes. Starscream felt a particular yearning in his spark chamber as he smiled, stepping forward to gain a better look at her.
But then, quite suddenly, while riding the same wave, she lost her balance and fell into the ocean, its watery maw swallowing her whole. 
A rush of panic coursed through Starscream’s internal mechanics as he rushed forward, crying out her name. Fortunately, within moments, she resurfaced with her head poking out from the water. She laughed, releasing a victorious sound as though she wanted the incident to happen.
“Wipeout! It happens.”
For a moment, Starscream blinked. And then, he vented out a sigh of relief.
“Oh, silly Mouse…”
He waited eagerly for her return. After Juniper retrieved her surfboard, however, she arrived upon the shore with her top missing from her body. A burst of heat streaked across his faceplate with the power of a solar flare.
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Divider Credit: @/plum98
Tagging: @m0thisonfire, @lishadra, @blancnight, @boredandwiredkitty, @2bagelsinatrenchcoat, @marveldragon, @jokerislandgirl32, @dizzying-faust, @boredandwiredkitty, @dancing-coyote, @monochromatictoad, @achillidiot, @not-a-moose-in-disguise, @anaghostiez, @001-mirage, @ghostclementine, @onewhobelongstotheforest-blog, @windydrawallday, @call-me-kitty, and @jourlinemaktan!
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theamityelf · 5 months
The child Kamukuras (Warriors of Hope, possibly called "Lil Ultimate Hopes") sometimes ambush Makoto, as a game, since he's the only one of their predecessors who lets them do it. (Byakuya or Izuru stop them from doing it to Makoto, too, when they're around to see it, but Mahiru and Nagito fully let it happen.)
They surround him, tie him up, and threaten him with violence– which of course they don't end up actually doing. (Nagisa only tags along because Izuru expressly ordered him to play with his friends. He would untie Makoto, if he asked, but he doesn't.)
Kotoko, completely stoically, opens a switchblade and says, "My new knife has Hello Kitty on it."
"Yes, it's cute," Makoto replies.
"It is. I like it. What if I used it to sever your optic nerve?"
"Then I would be unable to see, and also I would die."
"I'll bet I can do it without killing you," Masaru interjects.
"Yes, but will you?"
"Probably not."
"You're supposed to beg for mercy," Kotoko adds. "It's not as fun if you don't beg for mercy."
(Monaca is hugging Makoto the whole time this happens, because, while mirroring "real" families she's seen in public and on TV, she learned that she actually likes hugging her family. Especially Byakuya and Nagisa, who never know how to react. Nagito and Makoto are the only ones who hug back, but Izuru and Mahiru will pat her on the head. Anyway, Makoto can't hug back right now, because he's tied up.)
(Jataro is just pulling hairs from Makoto's head one by one. It doesn't particularly hurt, and it's not meant to.)
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dweebfics · 11 months
🍋☁️Cheetor x Cybertronian Fem! reader (ROTB)
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What's up peeps
I have been so busy with life, I have not been able to make more stories. Unless I get adrenaline motivation like I did this one then its a different story.
I have been recently Cheetor deprived, not enough good fanfiction of this good boy, he deserves more attention. 😖😔
I literally wrote 2,000+ words, that's how motivated I was...😅
Let's see what I can create next.
Enjoy the fic.
Warning: Lemon and fluff
Cheetor's P.O.V
This was it... The battle was done... but far from over. We defeated Unicron for now, but we have to be ready for what comes next... I suddenly feel someone step next to me, I looked up and see y/n from the Prime's team looking at me.
"We did it.." The fem said in a whisper that I was able to catch on. I simply nodded and got closer to her. Since we were done with what was started, I wanted to tell her what I felt towards her in the short amount we were together... But something was stopping me from doing so... When I decided to speak up, Primal harshly grabbed my shoulder to congratulate me on a mission well done and y/n turned around to speak to Arcee. I simply took a deep breath and hanged my head low.
Reader's P.O.V
We all went back to the camp we made next to the village to rest for the night and plan to head out in the morning. The villagers made food and played music for us and the humans for the victory we claimed in this day. I looked at them being happy, Arcee then comes and sit down next to me and nudges me.
"Hey... Kitty over there hasn't stopped looking at you. I think someone likes you" As she said that I looked to the side and his ears perks up and quickly looks to the side. I giggled and looked back at Arcee.
"Well, maybe the feeling is mutual" I said as I leaned back and placed my weight on my arms to look up at the stars.
"Why don't you tell him something? We are leaving back to New York tomorrow... Peru is pretty far for visiting in the future... Maybe, I don't know, make it count tonight? Just saying" Arcee got up and walked away from me after saying that, I looked down and just stared at her walking away thinking of her words. I looked back at Cheetor and this time we made optic contact; he slowly perks up as I stayed staring for a bit. I then motioned to him with my helm to follow me and started to get up.
I walked towards a river that was a bit distant, I looked back and did not see Cheetor nearby. Maybe he decided not to come. I kept my pace towards the river until I arrived and sat down in front of the medium current. 6 minutes pass then I heard rustling behind me and gave a side look to see the cheetah's spots in my peripheral vision.
"I was starting to think you weren't coming" I said as I looked back at my peds inside the river feeling the freshness of the water.
"I gave you a head start before I got up, you know.. not make it look suspicious." He said while sitting next to me.
"uhu.. I understand" I said as I looked back up at him. I noticed he was a bit unsteady in his sitting position, am I making him uncomfortable or nervous?
"It's very beautiful out here... All this nature and the beautiful sky. You don't get to see a lot of stars in New York with how crowded it is of buildings, plus we always have to be in hiding." I said breaking the brief silence.
"Yeah, it really is" He said, when I looked at him, he was looking at me. I smiled down at his adorable gesture.
"You know.." I perked up at the sudden voice of the cheetah and gave him my full attention.
"I have been meaning to tell you something since we won the battle of Unicron.. or actually before we went on... but I was so scared." He explained to me and I placed my servo on his shoulder for comfort.
"You know you can tell me anything... I did bring you out here because I also have something to say, but also because I noticed you kind of staring back there" I said and he chuckled.
"Hehe... sorry about that, I did not mean to stare... I was kind of mesmerized." He said and I looked at him blinking a few times, it kind of caught me off guard but expected. I scooched a little closer catching his attention.
"What I wanted to say was... Ever since you arrived, I can't explain myself. But I have been so attracted to you and you have been on my mind nonstop since I first lay my optics on you... It might sound insane, but it is what I feel. I know it has only been a few days we have been together as a team... but I wanted to tell you how I felt. I understand if you don't..." I made him stop his words by placing my servo on top of his clawed paw. This made him look at me.
"Why don't you transform so I can kiss you properly?" I said, Cheetor was taken back, but instantly transformed and sat closer to me. I gently touched his freckled face plate and softly brought him towards me until our dermas touched softly. It was so smooth and tender... Our dermas felt like they were meant to be together. I slightly separated us and looked at him as he had a dreamy look on his face plate and he was purring. I chuckled when I looked at him.
"W-what...?" He asked getting flustered.
"Nothing, you're just so adorable. I just heard your purr; I wonder how you sound growling." I said and looked down at the river again.
"I mean... I can make that happen." He said with a sudden confidence. I smiled at him and he brought me closer, I closed the distance between us again, this time the kiss being a bit more intense. He suddenly grabbed me by my waist and brought me over his lap facing him, making me straddle him. I then felt him grinding our plates together.
"What an impatient little kitten you are... We just started" I said breaking our kiss and instantly attacking his neck cables with bites and kisses.
"I- I... can't help myself... Sorry. You're d-driving me crazy with what you're doing." He said stuttering. I stopped my kisses and went to his audial.
"Don't apologize, I like to see you all flustered under me actually" Cheetor froze completely and I felt him get warm under my touch. I giggled and continued to attack his neck. Cheetor began to whimper under me and left out a breathy moan as soon as I bit down on a certain juicy cable.
"F-frag.. y/n." Cheetor exclaimed, I backed up from his neck and gently pushed him down to the ground by his chest. I looked Cheetor up and down like a hungry predator looking at his pray, making the mech gulp a bit. I grabbed his servos and I placed them on my hips, Cheetor grabs on tightly and pull me down to grind against my plating. I threw my helm back with a moan at the sudden contact.
"Primus y/n, you're so beautiful..." Cheetor said.
"You really think so?" I asked as I looked down at the mech and started to unlatch my breast plate armor until my mounds were exposed to him.
"Mjm" He said without taking his optics away from my chest. I giggled and leaned forward, breaking his trance with a kiss. I then felt a shift of his servos from my hips to my aft and started to knead on them, making me moan into the kiss. Suddenly, I was under Cheetor and he made my legs spread a bit by him being between them. I did not had time to react as he started to attack my neck.
"Primus... you taste so delicious. I can't get enough..." He said as he started to trail his kisses down my frame until he reached my pelvic plating and releases a long and very wet lick against my plating, looking like a kitten asking permission to eat its meal. My head was spinning at all the lustful feeling I had flowing within my frame. Cheetor comes back to my faceplate and grabs me by the back of my neck to bring me into an intense and sloppy wet kiss. I moaned into the kiss as I felt his free servo playing with my nub and having our panels grind against each other, causing such an amazing friction, it automatically opened my panel, releasing my valve to the cold forest air. He instantly notices this and plays with my node, doing little circles to it.
"F-frag.. Cheetor.." I moaned out, not able to hold myself the immense pleasure. Suddenly, he started to trace my inner valve lips with two of his digits, making me bite down on my bottom derma.
"You even sound delicious with the sounds you're making... I want to hear more." He said as he dove his head to one of my breast and started to nibble on one of my nubs, I opened my optics wide, it was so much, but so good all together.
"Ah.. AH~ Sc-rap.. Ch-e... etor"
"Mmm~Can't even speak now, can ya?" He asked teasingly going back to what he was doing. I started to run my digits through his fur on his helm, encouraging him to keep doing. I then felt two digits attempting to intrude my entrance, I allowed it by opening my legs for better access. Cheetor inserted two clawed digits into me, I moaned loudly at the intrusion. This making Cheetor do a fast pace suddenly. With all this teasing... I'm already reaching my climax. It's so intense, I can almost feel the knot within my pelvis about to burst.
"Ch-EETOR!" Then he stopped... I looked at him scared that maybe something bad happened.
"Nu-uh... You can't overload just yet" I threw him a "are you serious" face and he chuckled.
"Don't worry kitten, you'll have your overload." He said as he leaned into my audial receptor.
"I just prefer to see you overload around my spike" he said in such a sensual and low tone of voice, it sent shivers down my spine. I looked down and see a very large and throbbing member starting to align against my entrance and pushed against it. It was slightly painful in the beginning, but it subsided rather quickly, much better say, it was worth the pain. I placed all my weight on my forearms, I wanted to be elevated while still laying down on the ground.
Cheetor retracted his member all to have it shoved suddenly and harshly against me, he started his pace like this until he got a good rhythm going. The intensity of his hips thrust had my whole frame shaking, my breast bouncing at his every move, my legs trembling of the pure pleasure this mech was making me feel.
"By the Gods... What a sight I have in front of me. You look so good, taking me so well Kitten..." The praises have me throwing my helm back, all I was releasing were incoherent words and sounds. My mind was not even thinking of speaking at the moment. This mech is going to make me overload and it's going to be intense.
"Be a good little femme and say my name... Who's making you whimper and moan like a crazed and needy femme"
"Ch-e Ah~"
"What was t-that kitten? didn't quite catch that"
"Cheet..s.. Ah frag~" I attempted to say his name, but I couldn't I was so close. He notices this and grabs me by the hips tightly and started to thrust in an upward/downward motion hitting every spot within me.
"That's it, overload for me baby, scream for me"
"CHEETOR! FRAG! I can't anymore.. I- I-'m so cl-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I felt my fluid gushing out onto his spike, this making Cheetor growl at the sudden tightness of my walls. He instantly pulls out and gushes all of his transfluid onto my chest, decorating my breast with his fluids.
We were both a panting mess one on top of the other. It was so intense, but so good.
"Frag~ y/n... T-that was... wow" Cheetor said at a lose of words. I ended up laying down still breathing hard, all I could say was.
"Agreed" and I proceeded to close my optics slightly. I felt Cheetor moving towards me and takes me into his embrace. I was resting my helm against his chest, I could hear his spark still pulsing fast. I felt so safe and warm in his embrace. Its a good thing I listened to what Arcee told me.
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spicyspiders · 6 days
Yeah, I guess I prefer like when a post is centered more around lore that the comments aren't just full of thirsty people if that makes sense??? Idk I'm very picky with things and ik that's probably not the best💀
Anyways I'm working on a fantasy ish au for Scott and Logan, the other X-Men are there too but main focus is the silly gays :3 Scott is an elf and Logan is a werewolf but like a wolverine version???
Mutation still exists technically but it's more seen as curses/witchcraft because it's more older times yk. Scott has to wear a blindfold as he has yet to discover that ruby-quartz helps contain his optic blasts. He lied and said his eyes were damaged in a hunt, people don't know he's 'cursed' but they're suspicious 🙁 think he's a weirdo
Logan is a werewolf, which people already see as evil or signs of witchcraft🙄 his regeneration is the mutation, as well as the claws when he's in his humanoid form, he's kinda become a myth/legend. Lotta hunters wanna slay the un killable beast, Scott was curious about it but didn't wanna kill Logan - he knows werewolves are literally just trying to exist most of the time.
Scott and Logan meet when Scott is out hunting deer for food, despite losing his eyesight, he's still a great hunter and being an elf helps with his crazy good hearing. Scott kills a deer, goes to get it and Logan is mid stealing it because hey less work for him.
Scott is originally very cranky about Logan, annoyed with him constantly🙄 tbf I'd be pissed off too if I kill a big fat deer and some big cranky wolverine stole it😭
Eventually Scott does gets some fancy ruby eye coverings so he can actually see again but we haven't figured it out fully yet
In human form, Logan does have wolverine ears but people think it's just his hair (he still styles it in the kitty ear shape, hides his ears really good.) big ol fangs😈 h'es a stinky man, needs a bath🙄 (wolverines actually stink a lot, use their stench to mark their territory and as a big 'fuck off' to other wolverines)
Sorry for the long message D:
That sounds interesting. I have some questions about it, but if you don't want to read them, I'll put it under a read more.
Does Scott just walk around with his eyes closed before he finds the ruby eye coverings? Does Logan immediately steal the deer after Scott kills it? With Scott having crazy good hearing like you said, wouldn't he have been able to hear that Logan was near and knew the risk of him stealing it? Wouldn't Logan also know that Scott is near with his enhanced senses? Or is Logan just an asshole and steals it anyway?
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ask-a-bot · 2 months
Hello, 🪣 again.
Sorry for the radio silence, Frank, Beans, Merlin, Thor, Pidge and Toast have arrived in Scotland, you should see them any time now… hopefully. Merlin got badly injured in the war and his chronometer and navigation systems haven’t worked right since, so they might’ve gotten lost. Let me know if you spot them? (Good news: they haven’t been arrested so far!)
Things… aren’t going well over here I’m afraid. Wukong took a turn for the worse and started vomiting this morning, hence the lack of responses from Kitty. He’s cheerful enough, despite the whole Severe Poisoning situation, but the Vehicons have flown into a panic.
To make matters worse, Monsoon seems to share Megatron’s emetophobia. I’m currently dealing with a very distressed and dry heaving seeker, while covered in vomit myself (really hoping none of the substances in it are harmful to organics). I’m doing my best to look after him, but I’m only human. Whatever y’all pay your medics is not enough.
Kitty mentioned you offered medgrade? Downpour is currently flying her way to Scotland, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, could you send it back with her?? We could really use it right now.
Wish me luck, 🪣
You should have told Monsoon to go along as well. And you need to shower – take no chances. I have the medgrade ready.
When one of us is in a bad way, Dot brings out a big, industrial-sized garbage can. You know, the kind that tenements, schools and such have. No idea where she got it...
I think Alex brought it home from work.
With nobody seeing him? Impressive!
He probably just bought the thing online.
Probably. Anyway, you need something like that. You also need somewhere to contain and dispose of Cybertronian biological wastes – that one included. Our... uh...
Rejected matter?
That'll do. Our rejected matter can poison your planet. You need some way to... well... to avoid the planet getting polluted.
They pollute it anyway!
So? As guests on this planet, we have a responsibility not to add to the problem. We need to dispose of our waste with care and respect.
Seekers like to jettison on the wing.
Ugh! Yuck.
That is a cultural thing, Bumblebee. They are like birds.
Birds go wherever! I had one land on my helm and drop white stuff in my optic.
Yeah... I hope you don't "drop" on the wing too.
Shut up.
This bickering is getting us nowhere. Starscream, in case you have forgotten, you are forbidden from jettisoning on the wing. You are to use the washrack like everyone else and the same goes for your trine.
I haven't forgotten, but we aren't the only seekers here, are we? Do you think they're-
We cannot help what the others do. That is not our responsibility.
That's not fair!
Do you think poisoning a planet is fair?
... No.
No, Optimus and Megatron's right – you've gotta leave a place you visit as you found it or better.
I know that. You've been telling me that since my first planet.
Yeah, well, it's important.
It is. OK... I hope what we've said is helpful. Let us know if you need any more help or advice and we'll see what we can do.
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x-mencomics · 7 months
The Uncanny X-Men #177 - Sanction
In an empty amusement park, Mystique fights against the X-Men. She slices Wolverine's throat with a knife and he dies. She stabs Kitty and she dies. In the amusement park's house of mirrors, she uses the mirrors to amplify Cyclops's optic blasts and aim them at Colossus, killing him. Then she strangles Cyclops to death. She changes her costume to one that can absorb Storm's lightning and when Storm predictably strikes Mystique, Mystique absorbs it and redirects it to a nearby fuel truck which explodes, killing Storm. She shoots Rogue with a very powerful gun. Then Nightcrawler shows up. Mystique tries to kill him with that knife, but he teleports away, then punches her, knocking her out cold.
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Mystique wakes up. Seems like it was all a dream. Arcade and Miss Locke burst into the room and congratulate Mystique on a job well done against his X-Men robots in Murderworld (see issue #146). Mystique had previously asked Arcade to set up Murderworld as a training ground for her and her Brotherhood to practice fighting against the X-Men. Mystique wants to fight and kill the REAL X-Men and get Rogue back from them.
Meanwhile, at Stevie Hunter's dance studio, Kitty asks Stevie about Storm's new look and attitude. She says Storm has become a total stranger to her. Storm walks in and overhears Kitty, asking if Kitty thinks she's some kind of monster now. Kitty says that compared to what Storm was, maybe so. Kitty walks out of the room. Storm confides in Stevie that she thinks Kitty may be right about her...
In space, on board the Starjammer, Lilandra says goodbye to Charles. He tells her to come back for him some day, and she says she will. In another room on the ship, Alex and Scott say goodbye to their father, Christopher. Charles, Alex, and Scott are beamed back to earth, and Christopher and Lilandra begin their long journey back to the Shi'ar Empire.
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Kurt and Amanda, and Kitty and Peter go on a double date to the ballet. While Peter and Kitty go park the car, Kurt and Amanda walk inside. Kurt talks to Amanda about how he wishes he could meet his father like Scott and Alex have. He also recalls meeting Mystique and asking her about a possible connection between himself and her because of how similar they look (see issue #142). Mystique responded that he should ask his mother. Margali Szardos is Amanda's real mother and the woman who raised Kurt. Amanda says all she knows about Kurt's past is that Margali found Kurt on the side of the road when he was just a baby. Amanda suggests they call Margali tomorrow to talk more about it.
Suddenly, there's a huge explosion in a nearby building. Peter transforms into Colossus, yells for Kitty to call the Fire Dept, and rushes into the building. He wants to save anyone who's inside. But the building seems completely abandoned. Until the Blob shows up.
The Blob says the explosion was a trap to get the X-Men to come inside the building. The Blob punches Colossus and he goes flying. Then Pyro appears and starts burning Colossus with his fire powers. At first Colossus seems fine, but then the flames get hotter and hotter. Colossus turns red; then white-hot. Pyro makes a giant bird out of flames which carries Colossus out of the building and into a nearby construction zone. The flame-bird disappears, but Avalanche is waiting there in the construction zone. Avalanche uses his powers to make a liquid nitrogen trucks explode, and Colossus is covered with the liquid nitrogen. Kitty rushes to the construction zone and finds Colossus. The liquid nitrogen has turned him to stone!
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enbycrip · 2 years
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This is my precious baby girl. She’s a rescue pup with one eye - she had to have the other one removed because a benign tumour was pressing on the optic nerve. I was getting more ill and disabled when we adopted her and honestly she really helped me deal with my own issues with internalised disableism.
We think she’s maybe a Staffie-Jack Russell cross? Definitely Staffie anyway. She’s got the lovely Staffie temperament but she’s itsy for a Staffie.
She’s just the most ridiculously sweet pup. She has zero prey drive of any kind - *very* unlike her kitty sibling! She cries if we ever find a dead animal.
She *adores* her kitty bro - she used to be scared of cats after being bullied by this horrible white cat who terrorised our old neighbourhood, but she *loves* him. She’s nervous of bigger dogs but she loves smaller ones - her best dog friend is a tiny blind black pug called Betty.
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Toriyama and The Super Villain share One Beer upon the Lathe of Heaven
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"Fuck bitches, get money." – Bulma, probably
I'm really fucked up about Toriyama-san passing. This is a series of unmeasured mournings I've never had the chance to process. Death is around every corner; beware, here there be Dragon(s) {Ball}.
Gadzooks, Punk's Dead
Stella was 19 and waifish; picture a whispy, mud-grey shorthair cat on spindly legs with one glassy eye, her haggard mew calling through night and day like an omen. She would leap from high places her joints had no right to hold up against. I loved that beleaguered creature with all my heart. When my ex introduced me to her the first time I visited her apartment, I felt my soul tether to this witchy feline.
In January 2022, while my then-partner was away with her mother on a beach trip, I watched as the reliably lively kitty crone lay lonely through the day, her cold demeanor echoing the silence I knew in my gut meant something was wrong. She wouldn't join me on the bed that night, and when I awoke I found her prone in the dirty litter box tucked away in the closet. Her breathing was shallow and her cries quiet, and through hot flashes of tears, I swaddled her while I made phone calls to the coast and the vet and anyone who would listen. I didn't know when I handed her over to the VCA that I was loving her for the last time, that she had fought to live long enough that I could escort her to the Gates. I told her I loved her, but in my fear, I never thought to thank her.
Take Me to Your Leader
Why is it always fucking Instagram? New Year's Eve 2020 – months of anguished self-interrogation at the thought of stepping outside the house crudely shoved into its ill-fitting psychic compartment like so much crinkled Christmas wrapping paper – and the cosmic saxophone playing us off the stage dampens to a wet fart when XXL reports on my timeline that DOOM departed Primary Reality on Halloween. The soundtrack of my young adulthood scratched, DJ falling face-first onto the Wheels of Steel, no beat in his heart; we've been ratted out, boys, so cheese it, before the Heat comes on.
Daniel Dumile was a different breed; he didn't want the cult or the recognition. He wanted to make dope shit. Go listen to the Red Bull interview again. The Mask wasn't a gimmick, it was him; he polished the cracks and snags of his optics until there was no tactile humanity to cling on to, a mirror shine of accountability on his metal for every pimple-faced geek like me who looked up to him. It was never about Dumile. He was there in the rhymes, in the beats. We obsessed over alter egos and collaborations and SAMPLES – would I have cared about Sade Adu without the Villain? – and he croaked having only ever wanted to make dope shit.
DOOM comes for us all.
I never got to thank him.
The Wall Around the Place
In 2018, on an errant trip to my folks', I stumbled across a repost of Ursula K. Le Guin's National Book Awards speech with the caption "R.I.P.". My mother graced me with several rare (for us) minutes of silence when I told her I didn't know how to be. When I left my childhood home a half-an-hour later, the air was astringent and the wet-land pasture outside my window buzzed with insect chatter.
The Earthsea books are everything I aspire to in my creative work. Le Guin covered more of the human soul in sentences a fraction of the length these fucking dorks propped up by the ~ C A N O N ~ could've dreamed to pen. She liberally seasoned her work with radical ideologies and served it all wrapped in fairy-tale fantasy and, whelp, I've pretty much chased that feeling since middle school. I still haven't found it.
She was a long-time resident of Portland and spoke regularly at events in the city. At that point in my life, I'd lived an hour away from her. I never got to thank her.
Journey to the (Pacific North)West
Silverton High School's library in 2009 was brand new off a bond measure issued 20 years before, and each ripple from those taxpayer dollars over the years brought Dragon Ball Vol. 1 nearer to the front desk display counter where I initially found it. The bright red cover featuring a child Goku recalled hours of my youth yearning for the Z-Fighters in action I was forbidden from by my reactionary parents. I picked up the book with a curiosity steeped in taboo.
God*DAMN, that book annihilated my 14-year-old brain; martial arts battles and panty jokes and nazi-coded bad guys and magic orbs that summoned a dragon to grant your wish and how THA FUK was this in Bum-fuck-Nowhere, Oregon? On a high school library bookshelf?
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[ No, seriously, how in THE ACTUAL FUCK was this in my public school library?!?!]
When I exhausted the 3 volumes in the school, I stalked through the town library, scraped together rare side-job dollars for bookstores, and clawed at low-res scans on shady websites. Dragon Ball was the first manga I read cover-to-cover, not to mention my gateway into almost every other thing I would obsess over for the next decade-and-a-half. There is a direct line of influence from my years of martial arts training to finding Dragon Ball to picking up Enter the Wu-Tang: 36 Chambers, ruining me forever. Without Goku's adventures, I wouldn't have fallen in love with Hip–Hop; I never would have gotten fit; no Neon Genesis for me, and everything that comes with it. Hell, DOOM's sonic universe of comic-book shenanigans probably owes some debt to Akira Toriyama for my avid fixation. So many lives have touched mine for ripples from the rock dropped by Dragon Ball into the river of my soul.
Toriyama's passing this month is cold and familiar, an estranged uncle you never felt the pressing urge to know until it was too late. I've played in his sandbox countless times, running the gamut of emotion through every fantasy he painstakingly crafted within those pages. Dragon Ball is not just my childhood but the majority of my life, intimate in the way only boon companions can be. I've never known much about Toriyama Akira outside of his oeuvre, and his death is a wound deeper than any blade or bullet can bring because I am not here without Stelly or Metal Face or Le Guin or Toriyama-sensei.
I never got a chance to thank him.
Boldly Go
I was 8 when we scattered Robert's ashes.
We set out for the Oregon coast, our party of faintly realized familial connections from around the States, and found an unremarkable cove for our bitter deed. I was too young to know what ~absence~ – as in a lifetime – could mean; to me, Uncle Bob was returning Home, the waves a sublime chariot into the Beyond. I had known he was sick, but not quite in the way I knew Stella was sick; visits to his Portland apartment – wall-to-wall, top-to-bottom with the gleam of bagged and boarded single-issue comic books – were filled with tense silence as the subject of his terminal condition was daintily avoided by my mother, beside herself with stoic grief.
Robert was the first person I can remember who loved me unconditionally; who doted on me just for existing; who staged elaborate magic tricks that flourished with X-Men comics and Star Trek episodes to misdirect me from his predictable disappearance. HIV is a bitch of a Final Boss and my uncle became yet another barely-closeted gay man with fringe interests to stain the legacy of his conservative bloodline by succumbing to its cruel assault. I loved him and didn't know how to mourn him because I had never mourned a death before, and my models for that ritual didn't either, fearing him as much as they loved him, too.
The countable hours I shared with my uncle before his passing were the first cracks in the foundation of my stasis, the punctuation hanging at the end of every doubt. Without my Uncle, I never join GSA in high school, and never find all of the Queer people I keep close to my heart; without my mother's love beyond fear for her brother, I never learn to love art as I love life; without Robert, I never find Dragon Ball.
As we sent his ashes drifting into the Pacific Ocean, I whispered to the wind that I loved him.
I never thought to thank him until now.
I've shed too many tears over this stupid exercise in ~ R E L E A S E ~ to mention the countless others, so let's wrap this up:
My oathsworn brother – the one who's Instagram message broke the news of Toriyama-san's passing – called me an hour or so later after I told him I was crying. I confided in him my great shame of never sharing with Sensei how grateful I was for his effort in the struggle against human loneliness.
"He knows," I heard through the phone, without hesitation. "He's up on some lotus flower contemplating it all. He knows."
The Dead don't need our thanks: their peace is transcendent. We give our thanks to them for ourselves, to assuage the monotonous pain of knowing that many of us perish without Justice and only some pass Beyond having taken on more than their share of the burden to any lasting effect. The Congo is burning, Gaza is rubble, and I can't stop thinking about what went through Toriyama's mind when he drew Vegeta hugging his son for the first time before the redeemed villain’s predictable disappearance.
Don't just tell your people you love them. Thank them.
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kilopassociation · 2 years
Dxo viewpoint 2 vs 3
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Phils spouse uncovers that Phil got discovered of the embezzling plan while at work and began examining it. 17 lenses available, vignette, white vignette, fisheye, tilt shift, macro, tiny planet, wormhole, split, kaleidoscope (I, II, III, IV, V), ripple, striped. With the assist of Get rid of, Gary escapes and satisfies up with the wife, but their program is discovered out when oné of the additional jurors, Linda, sneaks in to find Gary and discovers Chuck. While Gary originally votes responsible, as hes about to read the consensus, the Kitty delivers the Document to him in the court docket and he learns that Phils spouse holds the key to showing him harmless, causing him to change his election to not really guilty.Īs the court sequesters thé jury as á result, Gary sends Get rid of to speak to Phils wife who confirms to speak to Whilst gary, but no one else. Gary is certainly dubious as the guy, Phil, works oddly and isnt sure of his guilt. Gary assists him resolve the situation and he begins to put his life back collectively. The ex-cop pieces out to discover the person who destroyed his former partner. Emmet Walsh, StanIey DeSantis, and Rón Dean.
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DxO Optics Pro is a great image correction/raw conversion tool, it’s great that DxO ViewPoint integrates with it so well and if you get the DxO Photo Suite you get both programs and DxO FilmPack too. All you get is the Perspective and Volume Deformation panel. Meanwhile, Get rid of is imprisoned and plots of land with a man who feels hes Santa. ViewPoint 3 integrates perfectly with DxO Optics Pro but, oddly, this is where it looks weakest. Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation. Gary halts the assault and Kurt is definitely imprisoned, but Tommy out of fearfulness hides in his tréehouse with a weapon and almost shoots Bryce.Īfterwards, the paper unveils that Pritchard can be heading to be murdered. Translations in context of 'DxO ViewPoint' in English-French from Reverso Context: After opening the image in DxO ViewPoint, make your corrections as described in parts 2 and 3. However, Garys actions to prevent this prospects to the Document modifying to the childrens mother, Nikki Porter, becoming killed by her abusive boyfriend, Kurt Porter. Meanwhile, Chuck uses the Document to get a time with an attractive girl, Lenore, with whom he propagated a cab. Gary has to avoid her from discovering the reality that he gets tomorrows release of the papers. Guest Superstars: Cynthia Nixon, Jané Krakowski, and Ryá Kihlstedt. Guest Celebrities: Felicity Huffman, Rón Dean, Neil FIynn, and Marc Vánn. This provides Whilst gary the opportunity to make use of the Document for his very own gain or to make use of it to help people, like as when a standard bank robbery endangers the lifestyle of his friend Marissa.Įventually he stops the theft by talking to the thief and after recognizing his future, programs to send out him a winning lottery solution to assist his financial troubles. Now there, he begins to obtain a strange newspaper that is certainly delivered to his door with a yellow cat.Īt initial Gary doesnt believe anything óf it, but aftér a while, he understands that it can be tomorrows release of the Chi town Sun-Times. As both a standalone application and as a plugin, it offers simple visual tools for making spectacular corrections, along with advanced controls for unrivaled precision.A total of 90 attacks were created over the program of the exhibits four periods, with the final original event airing in the United Areas on Might 27, 2000.
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DxO ViewPoint 2.5.17: As a standalone application and as a plug-in, DxO ViewPoint provides simple visual tools for spectacular corrections, along with advanced controls for unmatched precision.
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motogreys · 2 years
Eye for an eye tv show
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Something of a strawman case the FBI has recognized a pattern of suspicious deaths among acquitted killers and has planted spies in support groups to track down the vigilantes.
Instead, they teach newcomers how to make the hit themselves. They have very specific requirements: They only target killers whose guilt is obvious yet get Off on a Technicality, and they won't make the kill for someone else. Vigilante Militia: Karen stumbles onto a conspiracy of Vigilante Men at a support group.The rest of the film revolves around the mother goading the man to come get her so she can commit said "self-defense". Self-Defense Ruse: After a violent rapist is let Off on a Technicality, the Mama Bear of the young woman he raped and killed is approached by a group that teaches people how to commit vigilante executions and make them look like self-defense.Sean Connery Is About to Shoot You: Karen McCann is about to shoot you ◊.Police Are Useless: Not only do they repeatedly fail via Off on a Technicality to stop Doob, but they even put more effort into stopping the vigilantes.Then the scum gets off scot-free and threatens her even younger daughter. Outliving One's Offspring: This drama starts with Karen McCann talking with her home alone teenage daughter over the phone when the slime bucket Robert Doob breaks into the house and all Karen can do is listen as Doob rapes her daughter before killing her.
The tagline of the movie is "What do you do when justice fails?" In Real Life, at the very least, the killer's constant making faces at Karen would earn him a bunch of "contempt of court" charges.
Off on a Technicality: Karen seeks her own kind of justice on him after he gets off on a technicality.
Innocent Swearing: Robert teaches Megan the classic "Tough titty said the kitty, but the milk's still good" line, which she later repeats.
Book an appointment online or call our Dedicated Patient Support team on 0800 40 20 20, where our team will be happy to help. Whether you’re concerned about your vision health or not, we recommend regular Ultimate Eye Examinations. After a box-set marathon your eyes need time to recover, so getting a solid 7-8 hours of sleep is highly recommended. Rest and recuperation is also very important. The same goes for your diet – eating a balanced diet is great for your optical wellbeing. Staying hydrated is vital for optical health, avoiding eye strain and dry eyes, especially if you plan to indulge in lengthy sofa sessions.
It’s also important to keep the TV level to your line of sight, preventing you from craning your neck and looking upwards, which can strain your eye muscles. Draw the curtains to minimise glare on the screen, without the room being totally dark.
The placement of the television compared to windows can also play a factor during longer viewing stints. An antireflection coating may also improve visual comfort and reduce eye strain.Īsk your Qualified Dispensing Optician about maximising your vision today. Ask your optician’s advice if you have prescription lenses – they may recommend wearing your glasses for watching television, especially if you wear your glasses for distance tasks. Just as many of us have reading glasses, television glasses can improve vision. Consider having a lamp in the corner or turning on the main light in the room. Watching TV in the dark should be avoided – trust us, you’ll be able to watch your favourite festive films for longer! When the room is dark your pupils dilate, allowing light to penetrate your eyes more easily, causing pain and eye strain due to glare. Be pragmatic though – if you’re squinting at a distant screen, or you feel you’re too close, adjust your spacing to improve comfort and eliminate these symptoms. A 50-inch display will allow you to move slightly further back, approximately 2-3.5m. For a 40-inch TV, position yourself around 2-3m from your screen. With large, HD screens commonplace in most living rooms, space is your friend when preventing eye strain.
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sunntownn · 2 years
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,,GN! reader,, romantic relationship
,, getting a request from my favorite space robot author???? on my birthday????? bro,, imma cry deadass,,
,, TW!! ,, kidnapping
,, word count,, 1111
▪︎ when ravage was deployed from soundwave and sent down to earth to assist in megatron's arrival, you happened to have chosen the wrong spot to eat during your lunch break
▪︎ lets be honest, if you were stuck in some underground secret military facility all damn day staring at some space junk while topside was a beautiful veiw of the afternoon orange sun bouncing of the waves of the ocean as they crashed against the sand like a beautiful melody, then you'd eat you there too (and you are you, so, lucky you)
▪︎ you had nearly choked on your food when a giant robot space cat the size of your car ran right fucking passed you.
it's tail scraped your cheek and drew blood
▪︎ you were a witness that would alert the authorities if they had let you go, so, horray you're kind of a hostage?
▪︎ you didnt really serve as much of a threat so they werent quite worried about watching you constantly, however ravage kept one oversized optic on you at all times
▪︎ the original plan was to smush you, but you had approached ravage with headpats. and although his grumpy ass wouldn't admit it, he liked the headpats :(
▪︎ convinces megatron to let you stay, something along the lines of "the human scientist has been studying the fragment of the alspark far longer than any Cybertronian has had the pleasure of holding it" as to prove your usefulness and what-not
▪︎ just wanted more headpats,,
▪︎ after a while ravage's affections towards you became more noticeable among the cons and they left him be, not without a few comments tho
▪︎ eventually you two would find yourselves head bumping each other and being all too cozy for a Cybertronian and an organic
▪︎ lucky for you, the old abandoned building the cons had been using as their temporary base of operations used to be a common meet up spot for petty thievery
▪︎ unluckly for whatever crooks left thier junk behind when the cons showed up and squished them, they left some valuable entertainment for a kind-of-prisoner
▪︎ ravage watched you plug up the television, casually lounging on the platform like a lazy house cat
▪︎ however when the just dance home screen popped up, poor kitty was so confused 😕
▪︎ why are the human in the recordings so,, colorful? where are their features? where did the backup dancers come from? why are they moving like that??????
▪︎ you quickly searched up a song and stood up in front of the tv
▪︎ if ravage had an eyebrow, or ya know, another eye, he would be this emoji 🤨 but with cat ears
▪︎ and then you started copying the stangly feature-less rainbow humans
︎▪︎hes mortified
▪︎ has no idea whats happening,, completely baffled in a traumatizing way,,
▪︎ at first he tries to come up with a logical reason to this... activity,, he comes up with nothing
▪︎ stabs the tv with his tail
▪︎ icy was fronting when he walked up to your little station at the decepticon base
▪︎ after blitzwing astablished your inter-species relationship with megatron and the other cons, and a genuine interest and loyalty to the decepticon cause, megatron had allowed you to stay with your partner and blitzwing even got to constructicons to build you a platform and private room
▪︎ he mass displaced and entered your shared "home" only to see you dancing in the living room to lady gaga
▪︎ "what is this?"
▪︎ you shrieked in embarrassment and swung around to face your lover with a flushed face
▪︎ "...just dance?" you were not expecting him to come back so soon, he had a lot of tasks megatron wanted completed today so you had decided to push the coffee table outta the way and get in some cario undisturbed in the most fun way
▪︎ why do yoga when you can just dance
▪︎ icy switched to random and he grinned wildly "oooooo! lez me try!" and all but rushed to your side and immediately started following the little person on the tv
▪︎ honestly, you expected as such, but the embarrassment of getting caught doing cringy dance moves to lady gaga pop songs made you feel super awkward
▪︎ blitzwing seemed to be enjoying himself though, hothead would show up if he got a move wrong but you assured him that getting it right wasnt important, that it was just a fun way to get active
▪︎ icy was very persise in his dance moves and even asked you to replay to song so he could get it down right
▪︎ eventually the embarrassment simmered away and you joined your partner, laughing as you both danced
▪︎ random would switch up and start twerking
▪︎ being with breakdown was a mixture between very serious and intimidating moments and very laid back and soft moments
▪︎ this dude's whole thing is breaking things,, its literally in his name,, and he can be scary when he wants too,, but he can also be a complete love-sick idiot
▪︎ breakdown was the only higher ranking officer to show veihcons any for of respect or recognition for their hard work and to no abuse them or toment them in any way
▪︎ he knows when agression is and is not necessary
▪︎ but when he walked into his berthroom to see you unashamedly dancing on his berth with your laptop playing just dance videos, he didnt know what the appropriate way to react was
▪︎ he wasnt trained for this! this didnt come in the inter-spieces relationship handbook knockout gave him! or in the dating-while-being-a-decepticon handbook that knockout also gave him
▪︎ mans just wants to make his tiny human happy buy doenst actually kniw anything about humans
▪︎ "dont just stand there come join me!" you yelled while literally doing the weridest dance move he had ever seen
▪︎ eventually you put on something more slow paced and easier to get used to
▪︎ its the robot
▪︎ you played the robot dance
▪︎ he does the worst robot dance you have ever seen
▪︎ and he is a robot
▪︎ crappy dance lessons comence at 2am
▪︎ ....
▪︎ knockout walks in at 6am to you passed out on your bed and breakdown is aggressively doing the whip and nae nae
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moss-sauce · 2 years
[ao3 link]
‘Take a nice walk, you guys!’ Alex said. ‘It’ll be good for you!’ she said. ‘It’ll help you relax and unwind!” Thunder scowls.
“I have no complications regarding ‘relaxing’,” he had argued. “As a defender, I have minimal amount of time to allow my guard to be down, let alone--”
Alex had given him The Look. The “you better stop arguing and do what I told you to do whether you actually want to or not” Look.
Reluctantly, he’d given in--to Alex’s demands, however. Shiny’s obnoxious begging had no part in the decision. Still, agreeing made him quiet down enough to think properly.
Shiny’s irregularly-paced, heel-heavy footsteps startle all the wildlife Thunder would have usually enjoyed watching. Rabbits and smaller creatures dash out from brush to avoid being caught underfoot, moving quickly and without grace. Birds flock from trees in a blind panic. Thunder inwardly cringes at the thought of what could be caught under Shiny’s feet at this pace.
“Shiny,” he tries to keep his voice even. “Walk evenly. Stay on the predetermined path. Please?”
Shiny gives him a bewildered look, yellow optics wide. “What happened to you?” he asks rhetorically. “Thunder never says ‘please’. You sure you’re alright, little bro?”
Thunder has to bite back an explanation. Of course it’s him. He’s always been himself. Why is using courtesy something unexpected of him?
“Besides,” Shiny stops for a moment to gesture around him, “it makes all the animals come out! We can see them better, actually.”
Thunder’s frown deepens. “Technically correct. However, it ruins the opportunity for natural, uninterrupted observation of the creatures.” He tilts his head quizzically. “Would you not rather watch them in their natural state and environment rather than fleeing potential danger?”
Shiny gives him a blank look in return. “As long as I get to see ‘em, I’m good.”
Thunder’s hand twitches as he holds back the urge to run it down his face in exasperation (something he picked up from Colonel Creed, he presumes). “Why don’t we both stay quiet. Agreed?”
“Oh!” Shiny gasps. “Like who can stay quieter? I’m good at that. Starting right now, I’ll be quiet.” He makes the gesture of zipping his mouth shut.
It feels as if a tangible weight is lifted off Thunder’s great shoulders. Finally, finally, some peace and quiet. They both stop at a small clearing and settle to watch. Unfortunately, the previous rancor seems to have scared just about all there is to see away. Still, Thunder can look up at the clouds instead of on the ground, he presumes.
The silence is heavenly. He can still hear Shiny fidgeting from where he sits, but the other guardian says nothing. 
Thunder relishes in the absence of sound and action. For a moment, he even lets his optics go offline and simply exists in the moment.
A tap on his shoulder.
Maybe if he ignores it, Shiny will get the point and leave him alone.
Another tap, more insistent.
Thunder continues ignoring it.
Finally, Shiny grabs his pauldron and shakes, literally rattling Thunder out of his thoughts. He swivels his head to look at the other, his ire clear on display, but Shiny is shushing him. Both of their gazes focus on what has shown up. Shiny barely manages to hold back any sound he wants to make, though some squeaks manage to slip through.
“Do you see what I see?” Shiny pings him through their communication link.
Thunder focuses in on where Shiny is pointing.
He has to focus precisely to see the little thing on the ground next to him. It’s small, fuzzy, and staring back at the both of them with wide green eyes. 
Thunder tilts his head again. “It’s--”
“I know!” Shiny whispers excitedly. His eyes return to the little furball, as if in a trance.
While Thunder may not be well-versed in the taxonomy of most earth creatures, he can recognize this one. “A feline. Felis catus.” He debates whether he should continue. “I will admit, it is rather cute.”
Fortunately, Shiny seems so enamored with the little cat that he doesn’t respond to that slip in words--either that, or he plain just didn’t hear it. Thunder has to resist covering his audio receptors as Shiny coos to the thing in as gentle of a manner as a kaiju-fighting class robot can.
He steps closer, carefully. He’s been told stepping on humans is not a good thing, and it is likewise true for such a thing with creatures. Thunder mirrors Shiny’s posture, crouching down to look closer.
He’s able to tune out Shiny’s rambling after a while. All of Thunder’s attention focuses on the cat: brown and black with a little pink nose spattered with spots. He runs through his databanks to find the word for the coloration. Calico? No, not quite. Certainly not a tabby. After a moment, he locates the term: tortoiseshell.
The cat seems unfazed by Shiny. Thunder can tell that the other desperately wants to touch and pet the cat--which he realizes is a her-- but keeps a respectable distance to avoid any unintended harm. It’s the most held-back display of control Thunder has seen from Shiny so far.
“Look at her, Thunder! She looks like she rolled in dirt! But it’s permanent!” Shiny gasps loudly. “And her nose, it’s got little specks on it! Look!”
“I can see her just fine from where I am,” Thunder grumbles. He won’t admit it out loud but he would enjoy a closer inspection of the tortoiseshell. He’s heard many things about these animals: the ability to always land on their feet, for example. The “nine lives” phrase shows up frequently as well.
Distantly, he senses someone pinging him again. When he realizes it’s not Shiny, he politely ignores it and continues to gawk at the cat.
“Little bro, I think Alex wants us back at EDF base,” Shiny interrupts him from his daze. “We gotta go.”
Thunder balks. “And just leave her here?”
“I mean,” Shiny fumbles over words. “Yeah? She lives out here, technically. We dunno if she has an owner or not.”
Feigning resignation, he stands back up. “You are right.” He looks down at her again. “Hopefully nothing harmful happens to her.” He pauses. “Like larger predatory animals. Or birds of prey. Or ill-tempered humans. Kaiju, even.”
Shiny gawks at his “brother”. “You’re not saying that…?”
“ She seems to be completely alone and under no guardian supervision,” Thunder replies primly.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Shiny’s eyes dilate excitedly.
“Perhaps. Your thoughts are tumultuous and unpredictable. I am ‘saying’ that we bring her back, discreetly.” He emphasizes.
“We’re keeping her!” Shiny bellows at the empty forest around them, startling out even more animals from their hiding places. “Oh, Thunder! What should her name be? She looks like she has dirt or mud on her. Maybe we call her that: Dirt.” A pause. “No, that’s too plain. We can call her Muddy! Mud, for short.”
Thunder is too busy stooping over to herd the cat into one of his massive palms to hear Shiny’s ramblings. The cat doesn’t need much prompting; she hops into his hand readily and sniffs around.
“Now,” Thunder tensely says, “to get her back to the EDF base without her being noticed.”
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petitelepus · 2 years
You know those videos where owners buy what ever the pets touch lockdown x cat reader
This isn't exactly what you asked, but I had a vision and had to write it down.
"Dad, why are we doing this?" You asked as you and your father Lockdown trailed behind your family's cat in the supermarket. Swindle, your stepfather grumbled, "Yes, WHY are we doing this?"
"It's kitty's birthday." Lockdown said, "So she is the queen of the day and her meow is absolute."
You and Swindle rolled your eyes when suddenly your eyes landed on the newest Pokémon game. No way, it wasn't supposed to come for another two days!? They must have rescheduled the release date!
You turned and immediately grabbed Swindle's arm and pointed at the game you wanted, "Daddy, can I get that game?"
"Please, it could be my Christmas present?"
"It's months until Christmas. Do you think you can wait until then to play it?"
"No, but-!"
"Then forget about it and wait until it goes on sale after a few months."
"Daddy, it's the newest release, I need it now, not after everyone else has their dream teams raised!"
"No means no and that's that."
You grumbled as you got ready to say bye-bye to the new game and succumb to the fate of playing it later than your friends when suddenly you had an idea.
You run up ahead and grabbed the cat, much to your parents' surprise. You grinned mischievously as you walked up the game shelf and pressed the cat's paw against the Pokémon game's cover.
"Oops! Kitty touched the game! I guess we have to buy it now?" You asked and Swindle squinted his optics at you, "I know what you are doing."
"I don't know what you are talking about?" You wondered out loud as you kept tapping the game's cover with kitty's paw. Swindle growled, "You're still holding the cat!"
"Dad?" You turned to look at Lockdown and the man stared at you before nodding. "Into the cart, the game goes."
You cheered out loud happily and quickly put the game on the cart while Swindle turned to glare at his husband. Before he could protest, Lockdown answered, "She found the loophole. You can't say you aren't at least a little proud?"
Swindle was about to argue back, but his partner was right. It was he himself that had taught you to always look for the loopholes in deals and you had just used the knowledge you had learned from him so he couldn't exactly be mad.
He might have said he was a little impressed instead. As the man sighed in defeat, your voice carried over from somewhere, "I think kitty wants a new gaming chair as well-!"
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