#and then they have a meet cute with zevran while killing a dragon :)
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citree · 9 months ago
It’s been a long while since I thought of this kid, but I might bring Velasco back for my da4 play through!! It’s been about 6 to 10 (?) years that pass in the timeline after inquisition, so she’d be all grown up from her baby days causing problems on purpose ❤️ I probably won’t have her be my canon inquisitor, if I do make a canon lineup of my warden, hawke, and inky, but Velasco’ll probably just be in inquisition as a background character to carry out the storyline I had envisioned and written for her years ago. Being separated from zevran, (her father) and carrying out an official secret Crow mission: assassinating lelianna :)
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Kid Inquisitor Mea Velasco Araiani 
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viviae · 4 years ago
can you like. tell me a little about dragon age. seeing your posts about it has got me interested in playing but i have little to no clue what it actually is
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Boy can I explain nonny <3 This is a bit long so strap in and im sorry
Dragon Age is (currently) a three game series composed of Dragon Age: Origins (PS3, Xbox 360/Xbox One, PC), Dragon Age: II (PS3, Xbox 360/Xbox One, PC), and Dragon Age: Inquisition (PS4, Xbox One, PC) and its really unique because of its selling point that your actions impact the games as you progress. Like if you kill one character in one game they’ll stay dead through the rest of the series which makes you feel lived in the story and that your actions matter. Dragon Age is also an RPG so a roleplaying game kind of along the same lines of DnD where you get to make and play your own character. And yes there are romances and you can be gay.
The First Game of the series is Dragon Age: Origins where you choose from a selection of six unique (technically seven) origins or backgrounds for your character. You can be anywhere from a human noble or a Dalish elf, the unique elven culture in Dragon Age of nomadic clans dedicating to reclaiming their past. But eventually, from the events in your origin, you wind up a member of a secretive and elite order known as the Grey Wardens whose duty is to protect the world from the Blight.
The Blight is this spread of a horrible disease known as the Taint but is characterized by the presence of Darkspawn, a kind of zombie like creature who exists only to destroy the world. Grey Wardens take the heavy duty of protecting the world from the Blight, which have nearly wiped all of humanity multiple times, at all costs. And currently the country of Ferelden is under going a blight and due to events you wind up the only Grey Warden with your companion Alistair to save the world and reunite Ferelden which had fallen under a civil war.
Along Origins you meet many interesting characters. Alistair is your friendly co-warden who has a mysterious parentage that he hides under his happy go lucky attitude. In contrast to Alistair is the witch Morrigan who is your favorite goth swamp queen who would insult you and you thank her. In addition you meet your chaotic bi rogues Zevran and Leliana. Leliana is a nun who is on the run and hiding from a dark past and she is suspiciously good at murder. And Zevran is not at all hiding his aptitude for murder as an Assassin for hire who tried and failed to kill you but who can ignore that charming bastard?
Dragon Age II follows a much smaller story of a Ferelden refuge who had escaped from the Blight to the city of Kirkwall named Hawke. Unlike in origins where you get to pick your background 2 limits you to Hawke but fear not, Hawke is a loveable bastard and you can still customize them. Throughout DA2 you get to experience all the delights Kirkwall has to offer: Demons, crime, corrupt cops, and fighting your way to survive in this city and make a name for yourself.
Where Origins sets the stage for the world DA2 you are the actor in that play - literally the game is divided into 3 acts that take place over a span of 7 years. DA2′s main conflict is the argument of Mages vs Templars, as in DA’s lore while there are those who are born with magic they are forced to live in prisons policed by the Templar order and the church. You explore the more political arguments of; are the Templars right in their fears of magic as Kirkwall is filled to the brim with corrupt mages or do Mages deserve the chance to live and prove themselves freely from their prisons.
Your romancable companions in DA2 are all bisexuals as the true theme of DA2 is: be gay do crime. You have the foils of Anders: the runaway mage who fled from the prisons the mages are housed in and is determined to bring mages to freedom, and Fenris: the runaway escaped slave who curses magic for only inflicting pain and suffering in his life and wants his warnings to be heard about the dangers magic bring. In addition you also have Merrill, your cute but terrifying Dalish mage who would probably murder you with a cute smile and then go oops. And of course, my pirate wife Isabela, who lives a life free from commitment and is dedicated to the idea everyone should have a good time no matter the cost. Also while not romancable Hawke’s bff Varric deserves every ounce of praise he gets as never before has the energy of “two idiots sharing a braincell” ever been so well adapted.
Then finally we reach Inquisition. After the events of DA2 it triggers a full on war between the Mages and Templars that is destroying the land and causing severe damage that neither side can handle anymore. Desperate for an end to the conflict the Divine (err... fantasy pope) calls for a meeting on both sides... only for the entire thing to literally explode. Killing everyone present and causing a hole in the sky which now means demons are raining like cats and dogs you are the only one to survive. In Inquisition you can once again return to pick between unique backgrounds like in Origins but you don’t get to play through those backgrounds sadly.
You now possess something on your left hand which gives you the ability to patch up the hole in the sky that is pissing demons and due to being the only survivor everyone is incredibly confused about you. Eventually the Inquisition is formed around you, the character they are calling the Herald of Andraste (Andraste is fantasy Jesus) due to your ability to seal the holes. The mystery unfolds as over the course of the game you learn what caused the explosion, how you are connected, and what exactly the mark on your hand is.
DAI has the largest numbers of romance options so I’m gonna give a quick bullet point list for them all
Iron Bull (Pansexual, All Races): A Qunari (think Tiefling but big and beefy) mercenary who is far more clever than he lets on, as well as being the rope top dom of your dreams. Literally! Bull’s romance is a really healthy bdsm relationship if you are interested its very well done
Josephine (Bisexual, All Races): Your loveable ambassador and advisor for the inquisition. She is a workaholic noble who is a tried and true classic romance. Sweep her off her feet and duel for her hand all while navigating the nobility
Dorian (Gay, All Races): The flamboyant pariah rock star mage, he demands attention whenever he walks into the room. Although he wants to be all talk and no emotions make no mistake he is making puppy eyes at you the entire time and gets deeply offended if you say he is. Also not going to lie Dorian is the best piece of gay male rep in gaming history.
Cassandra (Male-only, all Races): Your stern warrior wife who is all serious no funny business... expect she is a bleeding heart romantic who reads horrible smut for fun. You wish to COURT HER?? I mean... if you want 👉👈 she won’t say no...
Blackwall (Female-only, All Races): Your weird dilf who wants desperately to prove himself every step of the way and help people. He is a constable for the Grey Wardens, but all the details on him seem murky... Ah well I’m sure its nothing, the Grey Wardens are a secretive order after all.
Sera (Lesbian, All Races): My wild child, monster chugging, beer guzzling, arrow shooting lesbian. Sera is here for a fun time and not a serious one, she’ll always make sure to keep you humble and ensure you aren’t getting to big for your breeches. 
Cullen (Female-Only, Human and Elf only): Cullen’s the Inquisition’s commander who oohh boy is steeped in a lot of trauma. Cullen’s actually a character you get to know through out the series and see just all the horrible nonsense he’s been through. But he is your tragic self loathing... he isn’t princely but he is your adorkable charming
Solas (Female-Only, Elf Only): The humble apostate who joins the Inquisition out of curiosity of the breech, he is an expert on what the hell is going on with that hole in the sky. However, he holds a wisdom that goes far deeper than your typical apostate. Smooth talking and refined he carries a heavy cloud over him.
I left out a lot and all the nonsense with books and what have you but this is the easiest overview of the series I can offer. It’s main selling points is the deep story and characters throughout the games. And of course who doesn’t love the ability to make and roleplay your own character as a bonus? The games are bit of a flawed gem and Origins in my ugly child but they are truly a delight if you are interested
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thessalian · 4 years ago
Thess vs Order of Publication
So there’s a Kotaku article suggesting, “New to Dragon Age? Start with Inquisition!”
I have ... so many problems with that.
I mean, I have a soft spot in my heart for Inquisition, don’t get me wrong. It’s just ... look, it’s a series for a reason. Even leaving aside Inquisition’s problems just as a stand-alone thing, Inquisition was built on the bones of two (well, given Awakening, maybe two and a half) other games, and it’s really fucking obvious. So I’m imagining the following questions coming up when a person who’s never touched Dragon Age starts playing Inquisition:
“Okay, the redhead, the grumpy woman in the armour and the dwarf are clearly people we’re meant to squee over. Why do I care when at least one of them apparently wants to beat me up, and not in the fun kinky way?”
“So, wait, there’s this whole thing about mages and Templars and this meeting that got blown up was supposed to be peace talks because of Something Wot Happened in Kirkwall. This feels less than immediate to me; why is this a thing?”
“Um ... what’s ‘lyrium’, and why is it bad if it’s red? ...WHAT DO YOU MEAN, IT’S ANOTHER ‘THING WOT HAPPENED IN KIRKWALL’?”
“What’s a ‘Warden’, and why do I give a fuck?”
“Wait, why don’t we trust these dudes with the horns, again? ‘Cos I keep hearing this is another Thing Wot Happened In Kirkwall. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED IN KIRKWALL?!?”
“Where the fuck even is Kirkwall, and where the fuck is Starkhaven, and why is this Sebastian dude writing to me about Things Wot Happened In Kirkwall?”
“Also getting letters from this Zevran guy. Why do I care?”
“They’re now telling me the mages are in with Tevinter. Why is everyone worried about this? What’s the deal with Tevinter? Am I supposed to know that they’re a nation that basically gives the go-ahead to blood magic and slavery? Because if it’s that big a plot point, shouldn’t they have made it clear sooner? ...What do you mean ‘they did in the last two games’?”
“So I picked a save state where this mage whose butt I saved is asking about the king who’s apparently a Warden and who was originally a commoner and again, why the fuck do I care?”
“Who is this Corypheus dude, and why is everyone panicking? ...KIRKWALL AGAIN?!?”
“What’s an ‘archdemon’, and again, why is everyone panicking? It looks just like a fucked-up dragon to me... Don’t tell me this is more Kirkwall-- Oh. No, it’s just Things Wot Happened Ten Years Ago But I Have To Read A Codex Entry About It Now Instead Of It Being Immediate In My Head The Way Y’all Expected It To Be. Great.”
“Who is Hawke, and why is everyone so damn angry about them? Are they the Thing Wot Happened in Kirkwall? I swear if someone mentions Kirkwall ONE MORE FUCKING TIME...”
“Okay, she’s cute and everything, but ... why is this game stopping and clearly expecting me to wet my pants with glee at the sight of this little arcanist dwarf?”
"So here I am in the Fade and they want me to make a choice between saving this Hawke individual or this Warden, and they’re making it feel like a Big Fucking Deal. Again, why do I care? Let them boulder-parchment-shears for it and let’s go already!”
“Okay, I didn’t play one of those Dalish elves and even if I had, I only got a really quick crash course in the whole Dalish thing. I seem to be uncovering Great Mysteries here and I have no context for them. So again, beyond what I have to do for this game ... why do I care?”
Basically you’re asking all these questions ... and you have time to ask all these questions while you’re careeining around the map trying to unlock specialities and companion quests and gods know what else.
I won’t say that Kotaku is wrong about the game having the best story of the three. I won’t say they’re right, either. I will say that love it or loathe it, Inquisition’s storyline requires a much more intimate knowledge of what happened in the first two games to really appreciate in more than “go there, kill that” sorts of ways. The characters we’re supposed to appreciate, the backstory we’re expected to intimately understand even if our characters don’t...
Inquisition was a game for the player, not for the character. That’s how it was designed, and I won’t say whether that was a good or bad call. That’s a subjective thing. But I’ll tell you this much - I personally would have hated Inquisition without having played the games that came before, just because of the way Inquisition dumped you into these situations and expected you - player and character both - to know things about the world that a player wouldn’t understand on that intimate a basis without playing the previous games or having read every codex entry (even the ones that aren’t unlocked by that point yet) and a lot of errata on Reddit.
I don’t care how much you want prettier or how much you prefer more ‘streamlined’ combat - IF YOU’RE GOING TO PLAY THE FUCKING GAMES, PLAY THEM IN ORDER OF PUBLICATION. Otherwise, you will not love them. Stifle your need for the New and Pretty and let yourself love them.
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acindra · 6 years ago
My Dragon Age characters, updated to include the twins as well as a lot more info for a few characters than last time.
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My ‘canon’ warden is the elf mage Rhyssa Surana. (Rhys is Welsh for enthusiasm/passion) She’s mainly an ice mage and her most used spell is the cone of cold. 
She’s doesn’t put up with any bullshit and is super persuasive. Though she comes off as stoic (because of the many abuses she suffered in the circle), she’s passionate about what she believes in (and will covertly manipulate anything needed to get what she wants). 
She has a moment similar to Oghren’s leaving Orzammar when she leaves the circle with Duncan and later than night cries in secret for being free for the first time in her adult life.
She gets along with everyone for the most part, though she immensely dislikes Wynne’s attachment to the circle and just doesn’t really understand Sten much at all. While she respects Leiliana’s faith, she explains in no uncertain terms that she will never believe in a higher power that allows for the atrocities mankind (as in all of the people in the world, is there a better way to say that to include elves and qunari and dwarves?) to happen. (For a far better phrasing of her opinion, watch this clip of Stephen Fry) She lets Alistair name her mabari (Barkspawn) and it takes her a long time to adjust to the concept of dogs so they kinda co-parent him for a while (Walking The Dog was a long discussion they had that it took forever for her to wrap her head around). She finds Morrigan, Shale, and Oghren (and Sten) fascinating, as they have had such significantly different lives than her.
She romances Zevran and then also romanced Anders and they brought him into their relationship. They bond over the hardships in their lives, from the crows and circle, respectively. 
She doesn’t recognize immediately that Zevran was trying to commit suicide in the ‘assassination attempt’ but quickly becomes suspicious about it by reading between what he says. She figures out pretty fast that his stories of his work are made to make the party less uncomfortable about his presence, recognizing it as a way to protect himself. She knew immediately after meeting him that his being blase’ in the face of death is also this, as well as his pseudo easy going nature. She doesn’t know how to call him on it without him possibly fleeing, and honestly with the camping situation it’s hard to get much privacy anyways and she definitely doesn’t want others to overhear. 
They bond by both being half Dalish but raised in neither Dalish clans nor alienages. In a sign of faith she tells him about some of the horrors of being in the circle (though not the worst things until after they’re in a romance together) and eventually he starts telling her less restricted/humanizing stories from the Crows. 
Since she’s the most blatantly asexual, only using sex to get what she wants when she has to, the start of their relationship is kinda awkward. They end up talking about it a LOT. Not just about her, but about how Zevran also wields sex as a tool to get what he wants. The concept of love after the earring thing also sparks a lot of talking (though before that there is a lot of avoiding and also bitching about minor unrelated things because they’ve both been trained to be scared of positive emotions) It’s Very Complicated™ and unbeknownst to them everyone else in the party has a betting going about what’s going to happen. Leliana wins (partially because she also eavesdrops a lot, but that’s a secret that’ll go to her grave)
Though she personally loathes Bhelen, she works for him to put him on the throne of Orzammar for the good of everyone and especially because she finds their caste system vile. She puts Anora on the throne and lets Alistair kill Loghain (she refuses to let someone who condoned enslaving people live) in the hopes that he can find peace with the loss of Duncan.
At the beginning of Awakening about 3 hours after the joining Anders is hungry and tries to seduce/manipulate her because he kinda sees her as his new jailer and that’s what he did to protect himself or gain favour in the circle. She realizes this immediately (having a lot of experience doing the exact same thing, unfortunately, in her time at the circle) and promises him that he never needs to do that if he needs or wants something from her. She tells him he doesn’t even need to stay as a grey warden; she will not force him to fight a battle he did not sign up for of his own volition. She tells him that he is not beholden to her or any of the people in Vigil’s Keep, but if he remains she will protect him. And yeah they may get into disagreements and if it’s something to do with their job then he has to defer to her since she is the superior officer, but he is free to do what he wants now. And if any templars cause him trouble, no matter the circumstance, she will defend and protect him to the very last.
Later, before she leaves for Weisshaupt, she sits him down and tells him if anything happens whilst she’s gone and he feels the need to run, run as fast and as far and as long as it takes for him to feel safe again. She tells him to make sure his pack is ready to go at any time (though she neglects to tell him she has put a significant amount of money in it as well) and to make sure he always has it on him.
Later he tells her he had wanted to stay. Even after Stroud showed up. Even after they made him give up Pounce. To show as much loyalty to her as she showed to him. He wanted to be a good warden, to help people, to stay with his friends and to stop running. But Rolan showed up and Anders merged with Justice and he knew he couldn’t remain after slaughtering so many wardens, even though his friends at least would support him.
She is very fond of her crew in Awakening, but she worries about them a hell of a lot more. Even with them being actual wardens and all the political power that grants them.
After the events of Dragon Age 2 she travels with Zevran to the Free Marches, seeing if they can help whatever mages managed to escape the gallows. Before they get there though, they notice Anders in a small village they’re restocking in, though he looks a lot older, more ragged, and has dyed his hair dark brown. Before they get the chance to intercept him, they notice he is being followed so they decide to watch first. 
After following for a while they figure he is either being hunted or tracked and she does NOT like that, so she intercepts the person, who happens to be Fenris. After a lot of bickering and suspicion, Fenris admits he’s not hunting Anders but is following him to make sure no harm is done, to himself or others. He admits they have known each other for years, though they are not friends. She says she is much the same, but they are friends, and if Fenris harms Anders even a little she’ll choke him to death on his own dick.
A couple days later Anders is travelling through another village but it’s quiet like the grave and, unsurprisingly to all four parties, he gets ambushed. Unfortunately there’s more bandits in the houses than he expected and he runs out of mana. He gets knocked out while trying to get away and Fenris and Rhyssa spring into the fray to protect him.
After killing all the bandits, Rhyssa drags him into a house and gets to healing, exceptionally worried because there’s a significant amount of blood pouring out of his head. Anders doesn’t awake after she’s done healing him though and by nightfall they’re both pillars of stoic fretting. Rhyssa calls Zevran in out of the shadows and they lock down the house as best as they can.
There’s more to that story but I haven’t decided on it yet.
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I also played Rhyssa as a male at one point (Rhys) because I really love Origins.
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Edit: ALSO, I used Rhyssa as my Watcher in Pillars of Eternity and Deadfire, where she could fulfill all of her dreams of being able to pick locks. And have so many pets
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My ‘canon’ Hawke is Idrilla, a fire mage. She’s mainly purple with occasional blue and is suuuuper passionate about mage rights. Anything about mage oppression and she defaults to red immediately. 
Her version of Malcom was a dalish elf which is why her name is Idrilla (little rebel) but she doesn’t know why he was put in the circle. Unfortunately, neither does Leandra and since Malcom is dead no one knows. 
She came into her magic pretty late and so was initially trained as a rogue. Bethany lives and Carver dies and Idrilla pretends her staff is a quarterstaff for bludgeoning. 
She romances Merrill but is best friends with Anders (and in another playthrough life she romances him instead).
I’ve not put a lot of thought into her story since I’m still working on Rhyssa’s and also for the longest time I used Marian because creativity is not my strong suit. She doesn’t actually have cat ears in canon, I just thought it was cute.
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As a side note she also lived another life as a city elf in the Dragon Age Uprising mods and she led the rebellion in Denerim and Highever and romanced Fladayus. I haven’t finished playing that mod yet because I got distracted, though. So I don’t know how it ends. I’m like right before the big revolt too...
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My ‘canon’ quizzy is Synne Lavellan. (Synne is Anglo-Saxon for Gift of the Sun) She’s an electricity mage who is very set (and pretty good at) on getting as much information as possible before she makes any decision. Especially after she is named inquisitor, since her decisions will affect so many people.
Before the game she read a looot about inequality in Thedas and feels so much sympathy to elves and mages. She chose the Elgar’nan vallaslin as an oath to protect and aid those who need it most and enact vengeance on the Chantry. 
She sides with the mages and romances Solas. She thinks he’s an idiot at the end of Trespasser, but wants to find him and try to come to a non-apocalyptic solution. 
She reunites Celene and Briala because she disagrees with Gaspard’s methods, though she pretty much hates all of them. She drinks the well because she absolutely cannot in good conscience allow Morrigan to drink it when she has a child. Even at the risk of her own life.
I also have not put too much thought into Synne’s life beyond and inside inquisition because I’m still working on Rhyssa.
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I’ve also sent her back through time to be the Warden and Hawke because mods are wonderful and I love Dragon Age.
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This is Imogen Cousland. (Imogen doesn’t really have a set meaning because it’s thought that Shakespere made the name up by purposely misspelling the word for girl/maiden, but a few places have it listed as ‘Innocent’) She is also a mage because I don’t play non-mages pretty much ever and mods exist. 
Her main goal was to DESTROY Howe and Loghain. She wanted to have power in order to bring about change before becoming a Warden. She marries Alistair and becomes Queen of Fereldan so I guess she got her wish. 
She’s very playful and teases her companions a lot but is a good leader and tries to do what is necessary to hold the country together.
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This is Ataashi Adaar (original, I know lol). She has no idea what she’s doing tbh. She is very unprepared and VERY gay. She had no intent on leading anything at all ever and so has to rely on the advisers a lot which is hard when three of them are female. 
She romances Josephine and was super willing to Throw Down with that one guy for her hand. She ends up siding with the templars because she doesn’t know a lot about either side and definitely doesn’t know that mages can dispel magic but she also doesn’t trust templars at all so she conscripts them. 
Her own magic is pretty wild at times and she mainly does rift magic.
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This is Isabelle Travelyan. (Isabelle is Hebrew for Devoted to God) She’s supposed to be like 16-17 at most. She thinks she’s the Herald of Andraste and is a Chantry apologist. She sides with the templars, marries Cullen, makes Cole a spirit, makes Vivienne divine (only because she herself cannot be) and her main goal is... idk power I guess. She’s ambitious. 
She marries Cullen and keeps the Inquisition going as a force of the Chantry. I hate her for her choices, but that was the point when I made her- she’s everything I would not do, wrapped in fabulous outfits.
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Leilani and Eolas Lavellan, twins, were made for the question ‘what if we could romance Krem’. Leilani is Dalish for she who helps with shining thoughts, and Eolas is Dalish for knowledge.
Leilani is a dual wielding rogue who is upbeat and curious about everything- her goal is to have fun and experience new things. Eolas is a mage but he mostly focuses on protecting Leilani because she likes to charge into battle like an idiot. He is also curious about everything but is very timid and shy and prefers to read than to experience things firsthand. 
Leilani is technically the inquisitor- she’s the one who has the mark- but Eolas deals with the political stuff. Eolas was not the first for Clan Lavellan but was not sent to another clan because they didn’t want to break the twins apart and they needed hunters, so he can use his magic for hunting too. Mostly glyphs and stuff to trap creatures so Leilani can take them out. 
When Leilani meets Bull and the Chargers she immediately latches onto them. She will often ditch meetings to drink with them in the evenings. Eolas follows Josephine and Leliana around like a duckling because he never knew words could be weapons. He dutifully attends every meeting and fills in his sister on everything she misses while she repeats the tales she has heard from/about others. He spends most of his time in the library, specifically on the couch in the rotunda, reading.
Eolas is the first to meet Krem, when Krem is outside the chantry in Haven, trying to get someone to take his message. Eolas doesn’t see him at first, intent on finding Leilani to give her info from the meeting they just had in the war room. Krem catches him by the arm as he goes by and Eolas immediately tries to whack him with his staff which he blocks. He immediately lets go and apologizes, hands up to show he’s not a threat, and tries to explain why he’s there. But Eolas is having a hard time listening because of the sudden fight or flight instinct- but also Krem is really handsome and the sun has flooded Haven with golden light which is silhouetting him, and Eolas’ brain hasn’t caught up so he’s just standing there staring like he’s seeing an angel. Krem eventually gets his message across and leaves with the mumbled promise that the inquisition will check out the Chargers.
Leilani gets the whole story out of Eolas pretty easily and spends a ridiculous amount of time teasing him about his crush. They head off to the Storm Coast pretty soon after that and after the battle she goes to talk to Bull. Eolas is kinda awkwardly standing there watching the Chargers clean up and make sure the job is done. Krem greets him and he tries not to blush because here on the beach, dirty from battle and wet from rain, Krem is no less beautiful than before.
Leilani is delighted by Bull and the Chargers and when she’s done negotiating the terms of their contract, she wanders around bothering the Chargers because she’s never met mercenaries before. Krem, of course, is willing to talk more than the rest of them so she interrogates him for like half an hour, he devious grin getting wider and wider as she occasionally glances at Eolas. Eolas, for his part, wants to go drown himself because that’s never good. Leilani parts with Krem with a wink and Eolas is like what did you say to him??? Cuz sibling paranoia is real.
Eolas is reading in the rotunda like usual one day when Krem comes through with some fade touched animal bit for Helisma but he stops to chat since Eolas is rarely in the Herald’s Rest. Eolas manages to stick his foot in his mouth or fumble too many words or something and embarrasses himself because he was not expecting to see his crush, but Krem just laughs it off. Once Krems heads upstairs. Eolas is like I need to hide forever now and leaves for the twins’ chamber to hide in bed. 
A little later, Leilani stops by the tavern to get a drink in with the chargers and hear more stories and after hearing one is like oh I should go tell this one to Eolas, he’d love it! Krem chips in that last he saw Eolas he was in the rotunda, but he had left by the time Krem was dropping off research materials. Leilani goes to ask if Solas knows where Eolas has gone and he tells her he went to hid and that young love is adorable. 
She finds him in bed with the covers over his head and he asks her to kill him because he made a fool of himself in front of Krem. She’s like maybe you should tell him you like him. Yanno, see if he’s interested? instead of acting like a startled halla anytime he’s within 15 feet of you? Just a thought? Eolas says he can’t do that- because he’s not pretty, or clever, or brave enough. Plus who knows if Krem likes boys. Leilani smacks him for being self-deprecating. She does point out Krem might not like people romantically at all, now that she thinks about it. From all her time hanging with the Chargers and listening to all of their stories, he had never talked about sex and romance in relation to himself. Eolas is like great, so he’s either celibate or a gentleman which means he wouldn’t want me or I don’t deserve him. Leilani keeps prodding at him to drop the self-deprecation.
A while later and Krem remarks that he’s curious about Eolas. Eolas occasionally talks to him but it’s very short conversations and only about inquisition things really. But Leilani’s tales always feature her brother, though maybe not very actively most of the time. So he wants to know more. 
He tries to find him, but can never seem to find him beyond a flash of ginger hair across the courtyard or up in the rookery and once he gets to where he thought he saw him, Eolas is gone. So he asks Leilani what Eolas does in his free time. She’s like ‘He reads, mostly. The fucking NERD.’ and he subtly tries to find out what he’s reading right now and convinces Leilani to get him to come up to the battlements at night between rounds of drinking and other conversations between the Chargers. But she gets giddy almost immediately, knowing Eolas’ crush, and he’s maybe not as subtle as he wants to be after a couple of beers. Bull notices this all but doesn’t say anything.
Eventually Leilani finds her brother reading (hiding) outside on the patio ledge thing outside of the rookery and she’s like hey I gotta do a thing with Dagna for one of my daggers but can you go meet me out on the battlements between cullen’s office and the tavern tonight? He’s concerned but she brushes him off, muttering about enchantments and fire runes. He agrees to meet her so she makes herself scarce (she does actually get Dagna to help with the fire rune- she likes talking to Dagna, because it’s cool to see the world from different perspectives and Dagna is so good at that!)
Eolas gets up to the battlements eventually and as soon as he exits the dilapidated room between Cullen’s office and the tavern he’s confused and tense because Leilani is not there. But he reasons she’s probably just late because 1. of course she is and 2. she and Dagna carry on conversations like magpies- jumping from one shiny thing to another. Then there’s the sound of someone in armor getting up and saying ‘Your worship.” And he whirls around, throwing up a barrier in surprise. It’s Krem, of course, who has once again realized he has startled Eolas and puts his hands up and apologizes until Eolas drops his barrier.
Krem has apparently dragged a bench from the room out onto the battlements. Eolas apologizes and asks if he has seen his sister around. He promises as soon as he finds her, they will move locations to leave Krem in peace.
Krem processes for a second and is like I’m sorry, I was the one who wanted to talk to you and I asked your sister to relay the message. Eolas tries not to blush for being singled out (and fails, but if anyone asks he’ll say it’s 100% because of the chill and wind up here and nothing to do with Krem). Krem explains that he figured Eolas doesn’t like crowds much since he doesn’t go to the tavern much and when he does it’s for business and he doesn’t stick around, so he thought it’d be easier if it was one-on-one and away from prying eyes.
There’s more to it but I haven’t really gotten far in the conversation since the last time I added to the story.
I will say that later on after they have gotten into a relationship, Leilani starts showing up and insinuating herself into the relationship which culminates in her sneaking in to wherever they’re sleeping and lying down on the other side of Krem and when Krem wakes up confused the twins are like bleary eyed and confused and make him lay back down for more sleep.
Imagine the PR disaster Josie has on her hands when it gets out the inquisitor is not only sleeping with a vint merc but also sharing him with her mage twin brother. 
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Also when I went to play Leilani, I used the wrong version of Falon’din’s vallaslin because i’m dumb and honestly I’m not sure which one I like better.
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This is Isana Cadash. She’s a mage dwarf, though the game considers her a rogue out of combat. Isana is one of the dwarven words for lyrium so I thought it was a good name. She romances Bull. 
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king-of-space · 8 years ago
101 Dragon Age Questions
Going to answer it because I’m waiting for dinner
How did you get into Dragon Age? A friend of mine got a Bioware bundle I think, and gave me Origins.
Have you finished all three games? Nope, Currently starting Trespasser and at the beginning of DA2 (finished Origins)
How long did it take you to finish the series? I can say it took me around 50-ish hours to finish Origins and I’m currently at 105h on Inquisition.
What was your first Warden (gender/class/race/personality)? Curiously enough, it was a female mage elf. But since you can’t marry Alistair with that warden, I started a new game with a Warrior Female Human, Ellyah Cousland. Personality wise, I usually go for the dork sarcastic and maybe a tiny violent dialog. I can’t really remember, it was 2 years ago :T
What was your first Hawke like (gender/class/temperament)? First Hawke was a male mage, I actually forgot his name, with the sarcastic temperament. Best.Hawke.Ever
First Inquisitor (gender/class/race/personality)? Mage \female (my headcanon, they are agender but we have to choose one so YEH)\, again with the sarcasm violent dork. Also another headcanon, they aren’t a Lavellan, but a Mahariel (dalish origin from Origins), but that’s another story.
Favorite DA:O backstory? I only played the dalish mage and the noble warrior, so I’m going with the second one.
Preferred class overall? Mage. I wish they were stronger ;_;
Do you tend to play male or female characters most? Good question. I’d say it’s 50/50. Right now I have 2 male inquisitors created, and 1 female (let’s make it 2 then). on Origins I’ve only played female, on DA2 I’ve only played with males.
Share a pic of your favorite OC from any DA game. My “Lavellan”
Best Hawke quote? I have no idea, he’s a fun ball, all of them???
Do you prefer DA:O, DA2, or DA:I most? DA:O for nostalgia, DA:I for gameplay, DA2 for Handers
Favorite mission from DA:O? not the fade
Favorite DA:O party combo? Alistair, Morrigan and Zevran
Favorite DA:O companion overall? Alistair ;3c
DA:O: Did your Warden survive? She sure did
What did you name your Mabari? ...............I CAN’T REMEMBER???? 
Who did you choose to rule Fereldan? Alistair and Cousland duh 
Favorite mission from DA2? can’t say yet 
Was everyone loyal at the end? ladada da da dididada 
Did Hawke side with the Mages or Templars? Mages
Favorite DA2 party combo? Anders, Fenris and Isabella 
Did you give Fenris back to Danarius? I doubt I will 
Favorite main-story quest from DA:I? ooooOOOOOOOOH LET’S SEE, anything about the elves makes my heart pound faster. I LOVED the Here Lies the Abyss!!! 
Favorite DA:I place? Anything elf-like. Really. It’s where I was happy
Did your Inquisitor choose the Mages or the Templars? Mages
Which did you leave behind (Abyss)? Hawke. Here’s why: Anders died and I wanted him to join him in Andraste’s bosom. Besides, Strout had to restore the Wardens. 
Inquisitor’s feelings on being the Herald of Andraste? They don’t believe in it, but if the people want to, then what can they do? (aside from denying it every time)
What are your feelings on the Chantry? I’m going to skip this one sorry
What are your feelings on the Circle? Needs retirement tbh
DLC for the first 2 games: All of it, some of it, or none of it? All of them I guess? 
Favorite DLC mission overall? from the first game? I’ve only played the Shale one so I’ll go with that one, besides I love her  from da:I I loved the last part of JoH, but I’m sure Trespasser will kill me 
Favorite DA character overall? wHY.  DA:O - Alistair, Morrigan, Shale, Zevran, Barkspawn  DA2 - Anders, Merril, Isabella, Varric, Sebastian for the looks (I’m sorry I don’t know him yet), sometimes Fenris DA:I - Cullen, Samson, Solas, Bull, Sera, Harding, Cassandra, Ameridan, Dorian, Nug King, I’m pretty sure I’m forgetting someone 
Least favorite character? DA:O - Howe DA2 - hmm?  DA:I - eh
Who do you want to see return in the next game? Zevran. For sure. 
What kind of DLC do you hope for for DA4 (heh)? something about the return of the Warden?
Bloodmagic: yes or no? it’s a yay for me, my Mahariel is a bloodmage.  Again, it’s a type of magic that depends on how you use it. 
Funniest moment in the games? for starters, when you go talk to your companions on Trespasser? I cry.  The avvar-goat-situation.  The Bull x Quizzy x companions moment (yes, that one) I...can’t remember anything else
Creepiest moment in the games? BROODMOTHER 
A moment/action you regret in-game? Sentencing that stupid dude to tranquility in Inquisition. KINDA goes against what Mahariel is, BUT it’s still in character but eeh 
Who did you romance in your first playthrough for each game? DA:O - Alistair DA2 - was going for Fenris but ended up Anders DA:I - Cullen
Who do you wish you could romance that you can’t? SAMSON AND KREM 
Favorite romance overall so far? Alistair and Cullen. Dorian and Bull next. 
One romance you just can’t stand/doesn’t make sense/etc? none. Everything makes sense so shush
Which 3 DA characters would you want as your best friends? Krem, hmmmm I guess Bull and I DUNNO Anders because we could talk about cats 
A character you’d love to drop in a volcano and forget about? Solas (I kid, I love you my egg nug) the BROODMOTHER 
Best antagonist in the series? Coryphallus
Worst antagonist in the series? Howe. Annoying prick 
Something you do in EVERY DA playthrough, no matter what? ............romance the cute dork????????????
Describe your perfect playthrough for any DA game. Ay mate, I don’t know, I like the way things are eXCEPT, give us poly romances plz
Favorite Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor headcanons (any or all)? oH BOY HERE WE GO My Lavellan\Mahariel is in a poly relationship with Cullen and Samson :B  My Lavellan\Mahariel actually started on Origins, as a fake warden, went to DA2 and ended up helping Anders blow up the chantry and then went to the inquisition to help with Corypoopalus
Favorite non-Player Character headcanons? Samson redeems himself and continues to help mages in a legal safe way ;U; 
That One Headcanon that hurts to think about? @weirdsal ‘s Qunari dying
Fluffiest headcanon ever? OK SO HEAR ME OUT, Cullen is dozing off on a bed and Samson goes in for the cuddles and after Mahariel goes for the extra cuddles and it ends up in a pile of limbs and love and everyone is happy and they have a Mabari called Pepper
Your non-Player Character OTPs? Krem x anyone that makes him feel happy
Your absolutely NOTP? I don’t know? 
Who would you date if you could (as you, not your OC)? bweheheheh I DON’T REALLY KNOW??? Cullen
Who has the best character arc overall? hmMMM Samson
Who was written really poorly? good question, I have no idea 
Who do you wish had been given more story? Samson :B 
Favorite NPC? ..........guess
A character you think deserves more fan love? SAMSON 
Best story moment? I’ll come back to this one 
Favorite achievement? FIRST KNIGHT 
Any epic game play moments in any DA game? the end of Here Lies the Abyss 0:
Something you hate about any/all of the games? why are mages so much weaker than the others! 
Best non-OC quote? “I myself never had the pleeeaaaasssaaah”
Have you cosplayed any DA characters? I wish 
Who would you cosplay if you could (no holds barred)? Cullen, any Warden, Samson? 
Did you read the comics? nope
Did you read the novels? trying to get my hands on those 
Did you see Dawn of the Seeker? nap
Favorite OST song(s)? The themes and Tavern songs 
Do you take screenshots in any DA games? fuck yes? 
Do you edit images/gifs or make videos about DA? sometimes I put flower crowns on them yes
Have you ever made a DA Let’s Play? nay
What moment/memory still gives you chills/feels? that Warden Killing the dragon while reciting the Warden’s motto thing 
What are you hoping for from DA4? SAMSON, also some body-mod and maybe better hair. ZEVRAN 
What are you worried about for DA4? my laptop not running it? 
Favorite fanmix? ay mate
Favorite fanfic? I’ve only read one AND IT DESTROYED ME SO I’LL NEVER READ ANYMORE 
Favorite fanart/fanartist? @nipuni that’s for sure , @janearts 
Favorite fan musician/music? labadiii labadaaaa
Favorite cosplay(er)? :B
Favorite Let’s Play? :BBBBBBBBBB
Do you create anything in the fandom (write, draw, craft, gif, etc)? I draw
Do you participate in or run a DA RP? nope
Are you on any DA forums, chats, reddit subs, etc? nay nay 
Do you run an DA-themed blog/page/website? my blog is 95% DA, does that count? 
Do you have any friends who love DA too? I sure do
Did you get someone into DA? Yes
Do you own any DA merchandise? the artbooks and the playing cards
Have you ever made any DA-themed crafts (clothes, toys, etc)? no but I want ;_; 
Which actors would you cast for a movie of your fav DA game? DUD ok, Cate Blanchett as Morrigan, I’m sorry
Do you use game mods? nay
What’s your favorite DA mod? that Cullen with stubble and messy hair makes my pants drop
If you could be any non-Human DA species, which and why? Elves, because they are amazing and I love everything elf related 
Where would you live (Fereldan, Orlais, Free Marches etc?) eish, I have no idea mate 
Circle, Templar, Chantry, Guard, Seeker, Inquisition, or none? Inquisition
If you could meet your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor, what would you say? Warden: Marry me Hawke: Marry me Inquisitor: Marry me
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