#and then they can't stop thinking about it because they are having a miniature crisis
i3utterflyeffect · 7 months
What if ava 5 stick Alan tries to hide gets found, and then the others try to surround him to keep him safe. He would probably try telling them to run and get safe, but they would stay with him.
i'm not going to lie i don't feel like i fully understand this ask but i can definitely imagine the others all trying to defend him, assuming this is abt the dark lord fight-- honestly the only one who probably wouldn't is chosen and that's mostly because they're incapacitated--
he's definitely not happy about the others risking their lives to defend him when they did LITERALLY NOTHING to deserve this
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astoryofalove · 6 years
Do you not feel there's a few quotes from that exhibition that seem to be about Zack? Her saying her feelings don't change, the sky takes away those she loves. Even when she is saying that she keeps seeing that person with the same eyes but won't ask (cloud I assume) about them? Then says she "can't stop thinking about you". Makes it seem like she is thinking of her feelings for Zack? I'm hoping not but I'm just worried it could be.
Anon is referring to this, y’all. 
I think ONE is, others aren’t. I also read what Japanese fans thought of these quotes, and they interpreted these quotes as Aerith being afraid of moving on because she’s afraid she’ll be left behind again. Other’s interpreted some of theme to be like Aerith doesn’t think she deserves to move on and be happy. Keep in mind, there’s no date on what time during the compilation Aerith thinks any of this. 
“Sometimes I see someone who has the same eyes. Same as you, I mean. And I wonder, should I ask: Do you know him? Do you know where he is? But I never do.”
「時々、同じ目の人を見かけるよ 君と同じ目 そのたびに、迷うんだ あの人、知ってますか? どこにいるか知りませんか? 訊いてみようか、やめようか……って」
Clearly about Zack and her seeing other soldiers/people with blue eyes. Which shouldn’t surprise anyone. I mean, Zack up and left Aerith (was even going to see other women instead of her), Aerith didn’t get closure at all, this kind of behavior is normal, especially for a young teenage girl that never had any friends or a “crush” before. That doesn’t mean she’s continued to love him when she’s clearly expressed how she has moved on. Another thing  is, we don’t know when Aerith says this quote. It could be a week after Zack went missing, or a year. We just don’t know so it’s relevancy isn’t much. 
“I hate the sky. It carries away everyone I love.”
「空、嫌いだな 大切な人、連れてっちゃうから」
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This quote is about Aerith’s mother, NOT Zack. The “sky taking away” people is just how people die in FFVII (Zack, Kadaj, Angeal, etc). As the original game AND the Ultimanias state, Aerith did not know Zack died. She cannot be referring to Zack because she didn’t know he died. However, Aerith was there when her mother died and she would have “seen” the sky “taking” her. On top of this, Crisis Core said Aerith was afraid of the sky because she felt like it could take her away. 
ザックス:年中プレートに覆われてたら      空が恋しくなるだろ? 普通。
エアリス:空、恐いんだ。      吸い込まれそうで……
This was also hard for Japanese fans to understand or come to a conclusion on, but I feel like it is entirely about Aerith sensing her tragic future as well as about her mother.
“This is a strange place. Flowers bloom all year long. The seasons never change— My feelings never change— I’m stuck.”
「ここ、不思議な場所なの 1年中、お花、咲くんだ だから、季節が巡らなくて——だがら、気持ちが変わらなくて—— 困っちゃうな」
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 People are just interpreting it that way. I instinctively thought this was about her Cetra heritage and her “sensing” her destiny/sacrifice. 気持ち isn’t just for romantic feeling, it’s for a wide range of feelings. And the last part  convinces me that it’s about her anxiety and reluctance to accept her Cetra destiny. So from what I’m reading, it’s about her knowing that something bad is going to happen in the future, hence  the “困っちゃうな“.
And my theory is proven by this next quote:
“Things won’t last forever. Sure, it’s lonely. It’s sad. But I can say "bye” with a smile. Right”
「この道も、いつか終わるよ 寂しいけど、悲しいけど またねって笑顔で言おう? ね?」
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If people are going to say that means anything BUT Aerith knowing/accepting her sacrificial destiny, then they need to replay the game. 
“You came. Thank you. I’m glad. But, you’re already—”
「来てくれたんだ ありがとう うれしいよ でも、君はもう……」
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Clearly this is from Aerith’s death scene, which is why Aerith’s saying she’s happy Cloud came for her but that he was “already too late” (logically what she was going to say) and her sacrifice was completed. 
“That’s it. I give up. I can’t stop thinking about you. Ugh, I can’t stand this!”
「参りました 降参です 君のこと、気になって…… ああ悔しい!」
I think this is about Aerith accepting that she’s fallen for Cloud. She’s frustrated with herself because she’s worried that she’s just going to get hurt again. 
“Stamp! Stamp?! Oh… Guess you’re gone, too.”
「スタンプ!スタンプ!? ……そっか 君もいなくなっちゃうんだ」
While this confused Japanese people, too—I believe this is about when Aerith hears Cloud sneaking out of her house in the middle of the night. The “stamp” sound is the floorboards creaking (Japanese people were utterly perplexed by this word). This quote clearly displays how Aerith is afraid of being left behind by another man. Think something along the lines of:
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“You’re so far now. I’m so far from you. Oh… I’m rising. The sky is carrying me away. I can see you. You’re crying. Don’t cry. You’ll make it rain.”
「君が離れていく 君から離れていく ああ……昇っていく わたしも空に消えるんだ…… 君が見えるよ…… 君が泣いている…… もう、泣かないで 雨になっちゃうよ」
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This is NOT about Zack. I saw a youtube video present it like it was but it isn’t. This is PURELY about Cloud and Aerith being separated and how Cloud was so heartbroken by her death his tears were falling so much that it was as if it was raining.
The entire exhibit was solely focused on Cloud’s love and heartbreak over losing Aerith and how Aerith was a major influence in Cloud’s life. Clerith quotes were used to advertise the event, Cloud and Aerith’s separation was given a special miniature calendar picture, all of the descriptions are about Cloud and Aerith’s relationship. 
If people honestly think for a single second that Square Enix did all of ^this^ just to throw in “z/erith” quotes, then there’s no helping them out of that rabbit hole. 
So, hon. Don’t worry for a second about Z/erith. That ship has been nuked since 1997. 
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