#and then there's the melted goey smile
gomzdrawfr · 2 months
Ghost and his many expressions
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blueberryxbloom · 2 months
♡ 𝐂𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞 ♡
Author note: I accidentally deleted this but managed to recover it.
Ever since you cooked for your boyfriend, he's been having you try his cooking Cuisine De Monstre.
"My dear, behold the delightful Minotaur bone broth," he said excited, causing you to be confused once again as his long tentacles carefully placed a bowl of meat without any liquid before you. It also looked like the most normal dish he has ever given you to try.
"Where's the broth, and where did you get the minotaur?" you asked curiously. Your already knew that he had gotten the minotaur from his own world since their no minotaur in your world but perhaps he gotten it somewhere else.
With a nonchalant air, he casually replied, "Ah, I just popped into my world to get the minotaur since your world's cattle simply don't compare in taste. As for the broth, just wait; it's still too hot for you, my dear."
He then tenderly planted a kiss on your forehead and you said, "It can't be that hot."
"It's 572 degrees Fahrenheit."(300°C)
"Oh," you responded completely taken aback and wondering how the pot hasn't melted.
"I think I'll just use magic to cool it down," he said, touching the pot that he had settled on the table. "Now, it's just right for you to enjoy, my dear," he added with a smiled, carefully pouring the broth into the bowl of meat
As he poured the broth, you noticed it had a pale purplish color with no scent. To your surprise as soon as broth hit the meat it quickly dissolved leaving only bones swimming in the liquid that had turned into a gooey, dark purple substance. You could swear it was smiling at you with a gooey grin.
"Wow, that's... unique, darling," you said, trying to mask your hesitation.
"You've been saying the same thing about all the dishes I've cooked for you, dear," he replied with a chuckle.
"Well, that's because they all look unique. I've never seen anything like them," you said with an uneasy smile.
He chuckled lightly, "I suppose they do look quite unique from what you are accustomed to," he said.
He then sat down next to you, his eyes twinkling with excitement as you, his love was once again trying his homeworld cuisine. Eagerly, he urged you, "Please go ahead and eat up. I made this dish especially for you, my dear, with all my heart and love."
His eyes gleamed with excitement as he eagerly waited for you to taste his cooking. As with every dish you've tried before, every single of your instincts screamed at you to not eat it, fearing it might be deadly. Yet, just as before, you couldn't refuse him; he looked so excited, and you knew the effort and time he had put into preparing it. Despite your reservations, you couldn't deny him, even if it looked deadly.
You took a deep breath, picking up your spoon. "You love me right?," you asked, dipping it into the goey broth. Despite feeling a hint of guilt for often asked this question before trying his food, as it imply a lack of trust.
His heartfelt words eased your apprehension as you brought the spoon to your lips, bracing yourself for the unexpected flavors.
As you tasted the broth, a rich, buttery, and strong beefy flavor exploded in your tongue completely overwhelming your taste buds, surprising you once again.
"It's amazing... absolutely incredible. Its really out of this world, my dear," you said, with genuine astonishment."You're a wonderful and amazing cook, my dear."
He beamed with sheer happiness upon hearing your praise. His smile widened, and a faint blush spread across his cheeks as he responded shyly, "O-oh, I'm so glad you enjoy it. It means alot to me."
You smiled and continued to eat, and his expression softened to one of contentment as he watched you. "I can't wait to share more of my world's flavors with you, my love," he said warmly.
You truly have to look past how they looked because they are wonderful.
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If you don’t mind can I request a headcannon of pitch black dating a human reader would be like
Oh absolutely, I love this dramatic bastard so much it's unnreal.
Pitch Black x Human Reader Headcannons
Pitch is... testy.
Not on a concious level, but it's a twofold reason for this relationship to not be the smoothest, at least at first.
On a personal level - he's not been vulnerable, genuine or just alone without the intention of frightening someone for literal centuries. It's hard for him to put down his paranoia, his mind games, his need to remain untouchable and one step ahead.
As such - snarky bastard. He loves to play little games: sing- songing that he knows something you don't, putting things onto high shelves just for fun and liking to startle you by appearing silently and waiting for you to notice him.
It's fun, but it can lead to you feeling like you're on uneven ground, and you will need to push him to recognise the effect he's having on your relationship. Doing this without convincing him that you're sick of him already will be hard, as this entire approach is indicative of his own fear of rejection and failure.
The second reason, and one that took you some deep talks with the other guardians to realise, is that Pitch literally embodies an archetype in fiction, most commonly shown as an antagonist, but at it's core is The Challenge.
Pitch, for literally thousands of years, has been The Challenge to anyone who encounters him. The threat to be recognised, heeded and conquered. He's the third act, the test for every hero, the insurmountable odds meant to test your mettle and prove yourself.
Pitch's whole being is teaching and testing people to grow. And growing is painful, and scary, and necessary for change.
Whether he realises it or not, Pitch is pushing you to be better by acting out so you will Call Him On His Bullshit. He pushes your boundaries and smiles when you plant your feet and set them harder. He teases you for staying in your comfort zone so you'll defy him and try something new to prove him wrong. He wants to see you grow more than he wants to see you wither, which is rare for Pitch.
On the flip side, you literally have the monster on your side. The darkness and everything that resides in it is now your friend. You can walk in the darkness confident that you won't be hurt, because the master of those shadows has his eye on you and his scythe at the ready.
Aside from all that, you've noticed Pitch's role has left him critically fumbling in one aspect of your relationship.
He has no idea how to respond to physical affection. Like. None. He craves it so badly he doesn't even know what to do once he has it aside from cling.
So now it's your turn to make a game of it! Touch him as much as possible. Hug him, hold his hand, pull his gangly ass down onto the sofa and ruin his hair. His protests will barely make it out before he's melting into a goey pile of shadows and sand.
You can bribe the nightmares with sugar and cookies. They will also eat creepy crawlies from inside your house, which is nice.
Pitch will sometimes convince them to release said creepy crawlies into your shower. Your soap throwing skills are now legendary.
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goingoutto · 1 year
A little death
It takes some time, but Stiles manages to get himself under control. He feels a little stupid because he knows he should be freaking the fuck out from having an episode in front of strangers, but that man. That man was making him feel the same weird things he felt in the market the other day. 
Guess he should stay away from supermarkets, huh.
When Stiles gets a glimpse of Derek and Cora on the edge of his vision, he remembers they aren’t alone and lowers his hand, feeling embarrassed. The man smiles again and Stiles knows his neck and face must be red as fuck. 
“How are you feeling?” The man asks, angling himself further, obstructing his face from the sun’s clarity. 
The movement makes him dizzy, and Stiles has to close his eyes to fight the wave of vertigo. His brain sends him some more visions about the fire and he swallows forcefully, pushing the nausea down. He feels a hand gripping his arm, near the elbow and Stiles wants to laugh. It is at the same exact location where Allison’s dad had touched him. 
“Hey, you are okay now. Just try to breathe.” The man says, sounding concerned.
Stiles gripped the man’s arms hard enough he could feel his nails pressing down against flesh. His brain shows him some more fun stuff and he has to breathe through clenched teeth. He fucking hated this. Stiles just wanted a nice, normal day for once, but no, life has to always find a way to fuck him sideways. 
He grabbed the arm with all the force his shaking body had and tried to sit up, if he was going to hurl, he couldn’t be lying down. 
“Up.” Stiles said through serrated teeth.
“I think he wants to sit up.” Derek said somewhere nearby.
The world seems to tilt on its axis and suddenly he is leaning against Roscoe’s big old rubber tire. He can’t believe his luck, he just wanted some fucking ice cream. Speaking of it, Stiles looks around trying to find if it already turned into a big puddle of melted deliciousness when another wave hits him and he knows he is going to hurl. As if he wasn’t embarrassed enough by now. 
“Maybe we should call mom.”
“She must know what to do, and he is still looking like death.”
“Shut up both of you. No one is calling Talia and he’s still looking like death because he was there.”
Stiles wants to laugh. Or cry. Maybe just scream for a while and then go live in the middle of the woods. What the fuck do they mean by that? Maybe they are just as insane as Stiles. Possibly a little bit more than him. Maybe if he hurls on them, they will go away. 
“What do you mean?” Stiles snickers and coughs up the phlegm that seems to be stuck in his throat. He spits on the road and feels a little shocked to see the black goey thing against the asphalt. “I was where?”
They all stay quiet for a while, and it’s long enough to make Stiles lift his head and stare at the trio. By their faces, no one is pranking him. Shit.
“What the fuck do you mean?” He glares at the old man, suddenly angry. How can they say stupid shit like that. 
“Stiles.” He hears Cora say, and yet he can’t stop looking at the guy. His face was all soft and exhilarated as if Stiles was one of the Seven Wonders, and now his face was just blank.
“I wasn’t- I… It was just the heat. I had a dizzy spell, that’s it.” 
“You are a Seer.” Derek says and Cora punches him in the arm.
“A what?”
“A Seer, you know, someone that helps those who just passed.”
Stiles has to laugh because all of that is fucking ridiculous. 
“Nah, man, I’m telling you, it was the heat. I didn’t eat this morning and I’m wearing like three hundred shirts, and that’s it.” Stiles wants to get out of there. What the fuck is going on. Maybe Scott got so angry with him for him ghosting the texts that he planned all this bullcrap to get him. But Scoot wasn’t that smart, and Scott definitely didn’t know about the seizures. 
He forcefully grips the man's arm for some stability and tries to get up. His knees buckled a couple of times, and he had to lean against the Jeep’s door. The man stays silent but helps him with an arm around his waist, helping him stay up. 
“You were dead.”
“What? Don’t you think it’s a little weird that he is a Seer and he doesn’t know shit about it?”
“It was the fucking heat, dude, are you deaf? And also, I’m none of that voodoo shit you are saying.” Stiles angrily grabs his cap from Cora’s hands and puts it backward. “I just came here to get some goddamned ice cream and got heat stroke. I didn’t help anyone to find the light or whatever. I get lost all the fucking time, dude, how can you think I know enough directions to help another person, and why the fuck does my chest hurt like a motherfucker?”
There is another long silence and he feels the man’s arm apologetically squeeze his waist. What a weird fucking dude, what a weird fucking family. 
“Cause you were dead.”
“Stop saying my name, Cora. He has questions, I have answers.” 
“Can you be a little more tactful? He looks scared as hell.”
“But - Even if I were dead, why does my chest-?”
“I had to do some CPR. We were losing you.” The man finally speaks and Stiles notices how close they are. If he wanted, he could just lean closer and hide his face on the man’s neck. What a weird fucking thought, Stiles. Maybe he is getting a heat stroke. 
And just like his day couldn’t get any worse, Stiles sees a black SUV turning into the parking lot. No way. There was no fucking way. 
“Shit, I need to go.” He tried to bend down to get the car keys, but the arm around his waist had an iron grip.
“What? You can’t drive right now.” The man says and Stiles has to suppress a shiver at the rough voice. 
“Listen, I don’t - I wasn’t dead, okay? I’ve been having these weird… Seizures and I know I should go to the doctor to have it checked out, but I’m fine. I’m fine. I wasn’t dead.” 
Stiles can’t believe his luck, or better, lack of it. What the fuck is his life. He looks at the car again and tries to make himself look smaller, praying that the old man is hiding him. 
“I need to go.”
“You can barely stand up, how do you think you are fine to drive?” Derek says, grabbing the keys from the floor. 
“I’m alright. I need to go, dude.” He tries to grab the keys from Derek, but the old man is faster.
“I can take you home.”
“I can drive you home, or call you an Uber, whatever you want, but you are not driving right now.” 
Stiles almost chooses the Uber, but he sees the SUV getting closer and he can feel the desperation gripping his insides. 
“Alright, alright. I don’t think you are going to kill me. And even if you do, apparently I have superpowers.” The old man laughs and Stiles smirks. 
“What about the barbecue things?” Cora asks.
“I think you guys are old enough to figure it out.” The old man says and grabs the keys from Derek. 
“Mom is gonna kill you if you don’t show up later, Peter.”
The old man laughs again and opens Roscoe’s door. He gently pushes Stiles in as if he was someone delicate and Stiles feels weird. He bets all his money his face is getting beet red again.  He leans against the leather seat and turns his hat, hoping to hide his face enough.
Stiles sees the black SUV parking two spots away and he slides down the best he can, without injuring his chest more. He turns his face down and prays to whoever is listening to please be on his side on this one. 
“Are you okay?” The old man, Peter, asks, turning the engine on.
“Just drive, dude.” Stiles murmurs through clenched teeth and pulls his hat lower. 
Peter maneuvers Roscoe out of the parking space and Stiles can see the SUV door open and someone getting out. Stiles' stomach drops at the feeling of being stared at. 
It’s Allison’s father.
And he is looking straight at Stiles.
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sebsxphia · 2 years
A soft thought for you...
Just the feminine urge to be held by Bob after a long day. Like your schedules have been pretty opposite where he's going in early and you're going in like really late, sorta getting home when he's about to leave and you've both finally got a day off and you're just laying on the couch watching your favorite shows and Bob is just playing with your hair as you doze in and out of sleep and you just end up taking the longest nap ever on his chest and when you wake up he's just holding you tightly playing with your hair and going "so proud of you pumpkin. Been workin' so damn hard. I love you so much pumpkin. I swear one day I'm gonna ask you to marry me." Or something just incredibly sweet and you're trying not to smile too wide and pretend to sleep and then wake up and give him this big dopey grin and go "I love you too Bobby. Can't wait to marry you."
Ughhh to just be held by Bobby on a lazy day after a shitty day/week.
I hope you're having an excellent day/evening/week so far!!! -- 🦋
bob calling you pumpkin makes me melt!!! he would be such a sucker for pet names for you.
lazy day, or shitty week, bob would just love to hold you. you’ve been out of sync for a while and holding you flush against his chest helps ground both of you. hearing his heart hammering rhythmically against his rib cage and feeling his fingertips trace shapes on your back and along the base of your hair makes you fall asleep on him in an instant.
he knows you’re pretending to be asleep when he whispers these sweet nothings into your ear, that’s why he says it. knowing that you’ll hear it and that it’ll lull you back into a peaceful slumber with a dopey grin.
this is such a need. this made me feel all goey and warm inside and was such a comfort to read!!!
thank you so so much for this wonderfully soft thought my dear anon and i hope you’re having an excellent day/evening yourself!! you deserve it tenfold!! 💌🫶🏼💖
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Minecraft Bed- Wilbur Soot x reader
Word count: 1.3k
A/n: hhh im in love with this man. Requests are open for mcyts! also if anyone has any writing tips, hit up my inbox
"Can I put my Minecraft bed next to yours?" Wilbur asked, shift-clicking in the middle of the room. You were quiet for a moment. "No" You responded, hitting him until his screen lit up red. He let out a groan. "All my stuffffff" You let out a huge laugh as you fell back on his bed, clutching your stomach. He turned around in his chair and gave you a deadpanned look. This causes you to laugh even harder, eyes watering. He turned back to his screen and hit the respawn button. He quickly rushed over to you while you were occupied with laughing your arse off, and whacked you until your screen lit red. He immediately heard your laughing stop, turning around, he already anticipated the death glare you were giving him. He was right. It was his turn to burst out into laughter. You pulled a pouty face and marched over to Will's desk, face close to the microphone. "Wilbur Soot is a big fat snake" You spoke to the suspiciously quiet discord call. Everyone burst into laughter as you marched back over to your bed, still pouting.
Will stretched his arms and legs in his chair and let out a sigh. You recognised the all too familiar feeling of body stiffness from playing games too much. He got up from his chair, alerting the call that he was getting a drink and going to the bathroom before muting his mic. You decided to use this time and mute your mic and stretch your aching limbs properly. "You want anything, Pouty arse?" he questioned just before he left the room. You smiled warmly and asked for a cup of Tea. Of course, he accepted "Anything for you", with that he left the room. You returned to your original position, resuming whatever you were doing on Minecraft. About 5 minutes of idle chatter passed before Tommy spoke up. "Y/N?" The young man asked. Your ears perked up as you looked towards Tommy in the game. "Wheres your boyfriend? We need him for a quest" He asked shamelessly. Your heart rate quickened at the thought of Wilbur being your boyfriend. She searched her mind for some kind of response. "1. He's not my boyfriend. 2. I think he's still making my tea" You responded, quickly sprinting away from his character and going silent. " Have you told him that?" He questioned slyly. You turned your head, confused at his words. "What do you mean?" You asked genuinely, but as if right on cue, Wilbur walked in holding your tea, some snacks, a blanket and his own bottle of water. You had offhandedly mentioned you were cold or hungry at some point during the game. As if it were a movie, all the puzzle pieces clicked in your head. You gawked at Wilbur as he gave you a confused look, holding out your cup of tea for you to take. It took you a good few seconds to wipe the disbelief off your face. Wilbur liked you, that's what Tommy was hinting at. You took the tea from his hand and tried to make your best 'i am not freaking out right now' face, although you weren't sure how well it was working. Wilbur returned awkwardly to  Minecraft. You looked over to ensure he was still playing and quickly switched into the discord call. Tommy was looking at you expectantly, your hands full of the tea, snacks, and blanket Will had brought you. You pulled an overexaggerated shocked face, although you weren't actually being dramatic, you really were shocked. Tommy let out a laugh at your face. You gave a glare to shut him up and signaled to your phone. He nodded, understanding you needed to call him. You and Tommy had been friends for a while so this wasn't out of the ordinary. You hopped from the bed and slowly walked to Wilbur's desk. "Hey" You said softly. "Just going to the bathroom." He smiled warmly, his insides feeling all goey at your soft voice. "Be fast love we have cats to tame!" He said loudly as you laughed. You exited his bedroom and ran to the bathroom just as Tommy's caller ID lit up the screen. "Since when?" You answered, getting straight to the point. "Since always Y/N, you've just always been too blind to see it, that's why I had to do my civil duty and point it out to you. let's be real, this constant pining for each other with no result, it's getting kind of old." You scoffed as you rolled your eyes. "I do not pine for Wilbur Soot" You said adamantly. "Cmon Y/N, you're not fooling anyone, you've had those big love-struck puppy dog eyes for him since you met a year ago. You just haven't realised that he's got 'em too." You sighed as you plonked down on top of the toilet seat. You let out a long groan. "Ughhhhhh, what am I gonna do?" You pleaded into the phone. "Tell. Him." Tommy insisted. You sighed, you knew it had to be done, now or never. You thanked Tommy for helping you realise and ended the call. You sat for a minute, stuck in your own head. Wilbur liked you, he actually liked you. All those sleepless lovesick nights, they were all worth it. You let out a squeal of excitement before you collected your thoughts, and flushed the toilet. You exhaled and walked back to Wilburs room. You had a plan.
"Will! When I was in the bathroom I was wondering if we could make some progress on our server" You said softly, grabbing onto the sleeve of his jumper. He practically melted in his chair at your sweet voice, and he knew he couldn't say no. "Uh, hey guys, Y/N and I are gonna go make some progress on our world before our next video" They all said their goodbyes as you smiled at Wilbur. That smile he had loved for the last year. You skipped over to the bed and loaded up your shared world. You both left the VC as your phone screen dinged with a text from Tommy. Big T: Good luck ;) x You read it and playfully sighed, a smile lighting up your face. Will actually liked you. it was like a dream come true. About 5 minutes into the game, you put your plan into action. "Hey Wilbur, will you come put your Minecraft bed next to mine pleaseee" You whined. Whenever he put them together in a game, it would send butterflies rampant in his stomach. He giggled and responded with a 'sure'. As he was crafting a bed, you crafted a sign and ran upstairs to your Minecraft bed. Next to it, you placed a sign that simply read: 'I like you too <3' You nervously waited to see his character come upstairs. once he did, he saw you sitting on the bed, with a sign where his bed should be. He walked over and read it slowly. As he did, it felt like every bad thing he ever felt had gone away, his insides were practically melting and his heart rate quickened. He swiftly turned around in his chair, disbelief painted on his face, to see you already looking at him. There was a beat of silence. Then another. And another. you started to believe neither of you would say anything. That was up until Will dashed from his chair, quickly walking over to you. You barely had time to stand up before his hand was on your waist and his lips were on yours. You fit together like puzzle pieces, lips moving in sync. Everything you'd ever wanted for the last year, was right here. Wilbur was finally yours, and you were his.
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hollyhomburg · 3 years
is it possible to get a small spoiler for some of the non-sexual dom/sub undertones? bc im really curious to see that even though i know it won’t show up for quite a few chapters
this is honestly quite a big spoiler BECAUSE ITS FROM NEXT CHAPTER BUT IT MIGHT GET EDITED OUT/ it's possible that i might switche the order of events cuz it's supposed to go jin moments ---> jungkook moments --> hobi moments, but i might make the hobi fight happen sooner rather than later.
“Oh cutie” you blush, looking up from your bowl, a small bit of batter flies from the edge of your wisk, hitting the counter with a barely perceptible plop. your sleeve is half sticking to the side of the bowl, you dont realize until you retract your hands and look, upset at your sleeves.
the elder omega tisks, hesitating just a second before he touches you, doing it gently so that you can see where his hands are going. rolling up your sleeves so that they don’t get in the batter. You’re wearing one of Yoongi’s long flannels today, just because you needed his scent a little closer while he was gone.
“There you go pup” Seokjin smiles, and pretends he doesn’t see your blush at being called both cutie and pup in the same second. Your chin tucking low so that you can hide it from him. You feel like melted butter, goey and liquid when you should be solid. Seokjin files the knowledge away in his head for a later date- pet name’s are a definite yes with you.
there is a little on your cheek too. Seokjin reaches out, wiping it off with his tumb, popping it into his mouth and You look like you want to crumple. Like Seokjin might have pushed you too soon, acted too familiar when there wasn’t a foundation for it. instead of addressing it- he makes a face, “did you add the vanilla yet?”
the shake of your head is cute, lips in a faint pout as you scamper (yes scamper- that’s the only action that Seokjin can say is cute enough to describe the way you move around the kitchen, like a cute little animal, a flopping bunny) “a teaspoon then lovely.”
You add it and stare expectantly, clutching the set of measuring cups. so egear to please and happy to have this little game, waiting for seokjin's instruction. he can't belive he was worried that he was ever worried you'd unseat the hierarchy he had as the lead and dominant omega. Seokjin feels the words tugged out of him before he can really realize what he’s saying. the satisfaction as instinctual as it is hungry, a craving of sorts that will not be easily sated by this.
“good pup.”
Seokjin has never been one to feel physically hungry for another person, especially over a fellow omega. But for you, for the shy preening look you try to conceal as you continue to put together the recipe, he might make an exception.
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azhdakha · 3 years
The Haircut. (One shot) OC x Eddie Brock x Venom
Note: this is not a complete fic, it's only a short episode, introducing some of my original characters I plan on writing about.
Important: I'm not a native English speaker so apparently my grammar sucks, so I'd be grateful if someone could beta-read it.
Warnings: slight dom/sub, ambiguous situation.
- Can you do me a favor? - Amira turned to Eddie, asking shyly.
- Yes? - He replied friendly, breathing out a little cloud of steam.
The day was sunny and freezing. One of the common winter days with clear blue sky, when the brightest sunlight's warmth melts in the low temperatures. They just met to go for a walk around a few other nice places of this huge city. Eddie has been here a few times, but unlike on his past trips when all the few days or hours he had were packed with the reporters’ business, now together with his Other One they had all the time for themselves. And a good guide to take them around. Now the guide was looking him into the eyes with a nervous smile with her face red from the freezing air.
- Could you... Could you shave my undercut? I wanted to meet the New Year freshly trimmed and not looking like a porcupine but everyone is busy and I can't do it myself.
- Uh... - Eddie definitely expected something much more serious as a 'favor', - I have a trimmer, but I don't think I'm the best hairdresser.
"I am ready to do it right instead!" - Venom on the contrary got excited with a new activity.
- It's nothing difficult, just shave up to the hairline. - explained the girl.
"I can make sure you do it exactly up to the hairline!" - Venom tried talking his human into it, and their confidence made Eddie think that this might actually work.
- Alright, fine, uh... it's too cold to be outside anyway. – He shivered under the new winter jacket that his new friends got him for his new cold and snowy hideaway. It was unknown how long the might stay here with Venom and where they will have to go later, so some supplements where necessary to make their current life ‘normal’ at least in some way if it was even possible for fugitives.
. . .
Amira sat on a stool near the window by the table. A small pale-green hotel room the symbiotic couple stayed in for the past few days since the arrival from Mexico. Alexander, the other member of the little supernatural team, or how everyone referred to him in a Russian way despite his clear foreign origin - Sanya, has offered them to stay at his apartment where it would have been much more convenient and safe. But Brock was too humble to accept, or perhaps too scared and confused about his current state, afraid that Venom would destroy someone else's place like they chewed Eddie's inside out.
Eddie turned to search for the trimmer but Venom has already taken care of it.
- Thankyou, - said Brock taking the little machine that was held right in front of him by the black goey hand-like tentacle.
- Do you have something to cover my clothes with? - asked the sorcerer and Eddie frowned, scratching his head and searching his mind for information about wether he had a fresh towel and where did he leave it, looking around and fidgeting.
Once the towel was found Brock approached his friend a little nervously and turned on the trimmer.
Amira glanced on him:
- Start, please.
"Go on, Eddie, I am on the hold if you fuck up!" - encouraged the symbiote. Eddie responded ironically:
- Yeah, Venom, thanks for the support.
- Is he also taking part? - Amira chuckled.
- Can he not?
The man gently put his hand on the girl's head holding the longer locks to the side and began to move the trimmer from from the temple to the back of her head. Unfortunately or fortunately the towel was too small and all the trimmed hair began to fall on the girl's t-shirt.
- Oh shit, your shirt, - mumbled Eddie.
Karimova looked down on the fabric on her shoulder.
- Maybe... Maybe you can take your shirt off while I'm doing it?
The suggestion slipped off Brock's mouth before he realized that asking someone to take their clothes off wasn't the most considerable one. Venom felt the little unrest starting to trouble their man's senses. But the sorcerer seemed to be alright with the offer:
- Will that be okay?
- Uh... Yeah, sure, if you're comfortable.
Eddie turned away holding the towel, while Amira pulled off the t-shirt and threw it on the nearby standing bed, leaving herself only in a simple white bra when Eddie quickly covered her naked shoulders with the towel. His hands touched her bare skin. The slightest contact of his cold, but soft and firm hands made goosebumps run across the girl's body. She suddenly felt her nipples swell as she finally realized that she's actually shirtless in front of Him. Him, that she craved form. Brock tried his best to hold his nervous system from getting alarmed by situation concentrating on his job. "That's only a shirt, just do what you were asked to do, you spermotoxicosed moron" - he thought to himself. "That's a normal reaction to the touch of someone you have feelings for" - Venom's deep voice echoed from the man's skull. Eddie decided not to reply, he stood behind her back, trying not to touch her bare skin anymore, returning to his work.
She could still feel his warmth with her spine. Amira sat motionless as his huge palm was caressing her hair, holding it away and fixing time to time, as the other hand moved back and forth shaving off the hair. She could feel it's heat with the tip of her ear and it made her tremble slightly.
- Are you okay? - Eddie asked, noticing the little shaking movement her shoulders made.
- Yes, it's just ticklish.
And the sorcerer felt the heat rush to her cheeks and ears. Venom could sense it. The same metamorphosis happening in two separate bodies at once, a rise in temperature, an increase in heartbeat, blood rushing all over their little sweet warm bodies, and the ticklish longing, desire to provide a connection for these two boiling pieces of flesh and bones.
Eddie now moved to the back of Amira's head, slightly moving his hand on her neck, making he bend it forwards. For a second he stared at the outline of the girl's spine sharpening.
"If a dragon let's you touch it's neck and spine open and unprotected under the plates and spikes, it recognizes you as it's master."
It was the moment the she fully felt it, his presence right above her bare neck and back, touching it, holding it, felt his soft warm palms yet rougher skin on herself. The sense of being vulnerable and exposed to those hands, sense of him holding the control over her body, some soft and gentle yet owning control, as if Eddie could get to the soft and weak undersides of the sorcerer's entity and thus take it over in his hands.
Amira didn't expect it to happen like this, to get so deep into her, touch the most sensitive and yearning strings of her subconsciousness.
"She wants to be yours, Eddie" - the sudden ring of the alien's voice awakened Brock from the oblivion of senses that absorbed him during the moment of this unexpected and ambiguous intimacy.
- What?
Amira seemed to shiver again.
- Huh?
Brock shaked his head nervously, trying to brush off the awkwardness of what he got into and act normally. He suddenly noticed that the job was done. Venom's interruption was right on time. Thankfully Eddie could use it to drag himself out:
- Oh, it's finished.
- Really? - Karimova touched the velvet of freshly shaved undercut, - woah, this is nice, thankyou... thanks a lot!
As well as her American friend, the sorcerer tried to bring herself back to normal, putting out the burning senses like little flames that start on the dry summer grass. It is over now, come on, calm yourself down and stop being so shameless. The girl rushed to the bathroom, to wash off the 'leftovers' from her skin - an irritating procedure you always have to do. The towel now went over her wet hair. Someone would call it a planned trick. Someone who didn't know the distracted nature of the sorcerer. Someone who did would find it a blessing. She had to wait until her hair dries now as going outside on the freezing subzero with even slightly wet hair was a straight way to get a dangerous cold. The absence of towel left her topless except the bra. What a temptation. But all this temptation could give Amira was a sharp feeling of embarrassment, that chewed on the insides.
"You missed the moment, Eddie. You blow up everything again!" - Venom was clearly unsatisfied with situation.
"You promised me to help me do what she asked, not seduce her, for fuck's sake!" - Eddie replied with a loud angry whisper hoping that his friend won't hear them while being in the bathroom.
"I'm trying to help you do what you both want."
"What? What do you mean - you both want?" - Brock was startled by the symbiote words at first, but this shouldn't have been a surprise to him, they knew about each other's feelings, and Amira was the one with the most initiative at this point.
"Right, okay, what do you want me to do now?" - Eddie was almost angry ar himself. Part of him said that he should hold himself from getting closer to this woman, to any woman, to anyone at all for now. The Other part eagered for this exact person that suddenly happened to be in his life, eagered magically, as he hasn't craved for anyone for a few years already since he met Anne. Is that the pain of the broken heart that once again felt the soothing warmth? Is that a tricky realization of being loved and cared for?
And before Venom could voice a reply an idea struck him. Or to be more accurate - them both. Later they will argue about who got it first. But now...
- Hey, have a cup of tea, eat something while you're here, I have put the kettle on, - Eddie was awkward as usual. Awkward and unbelievably sweet in his awkwardness with the smile of some huge, soft toy designed to look maybe not do cool and even a little silly, but the most cute way possible.
Amira sat on her place beside the desk that they now used as a dinner table instead of a workplace.
- Oh, shit... - and this was the moment the girl realized that she actually didn't wear any shirt, and started taking off the towel before reaching her top, - I'm so sorry.
"Now, say it!"
At this moment Eddie had a quick thought that having a symbiote with these senses is actually quite useful, and decided to thank his Other one later. Well, don't forget about this, Mr. Brock.
- Hey, Amira, I... you have a little patch of hair left... here, on the back, I'll fix it now.
Karimova checked it with her hand, but finding nothing, decided to rely on her friend's words. A hesitation and nervousness surprisingly made Eddie say it as something least ambiguous.
He was close again. "A little grasp of pleasure once more" she thought feeling his touch again. This time Eddie bent over her. The warm breath tickled the skin on her neck, on her shoulder. Unexpectedly to herself, Amira turned and glanced sideways. She couldn't see the man's eyes, but she could feel his face was so close to her shoulder and neck. Brock suddenly looked up on her as if asking for a permission. She blushed. Blushed ashamed of her own desire, her thoughts, but this time, dived into it.
A most gentle kiss of the softest, puffy and hot lips on her shoulder. Amira gasped for air. Another one on her neck. And another one. She closed her eyes. Warm hands were holding her firmly but carefully, touching the most sensitive skin, stroking behind her ears, on her throat, and the down on her body.
- Eddie... - the sorcerer took his hand into her and pulled it closer.
- Don't be afraid, baby.
Venom felt the boiling of chemicals inside of the two sweet little bodies of flesh and decided that it's the time to turn off the kettle, the polished surface of which reflected the golden sunset.
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jjbaconsumedmysoul · 6 years
ooo! could u plz plz plzzzzzz write some hcs for how pesci would react to his crush giving him v-day chocolates that they made themselves from scratch? thankiez!
Pesci was a little (a LOT) nervous for that night’s date. He was truly in love with them, and he wanted to show his s/o just much they meant to him. He knew he wasn’t smart like Illuso or Melone or handsome like his fratello… So he had to make up for it in other ways. He was sweating profusely in the stuffy kitchen, the top of his shirt unbuttoned as he darted from pan to pan. He smiled to himself, hoping they would enjoy the elaborate meal he was preparing: the salad was already set on the table, the desert was in the oven, and he was almost finished preparing their favorite pasta dish. He checked one final time in the mirror before putting putting the sauce on a low simmer. Cringing at the reflection peeking out before him, he buttoned back up his shirt, made sure his hair wasn’t in complete disarray, and reapplied some shimmering green lipstick before he sighed. He glanced at the clock; they should be arriving any minute now. He smacked his cheek a couple times. “It’ll be alright Pesci…” he remembered the words Prosciutto had said to him when he went to ask for his advice, and repeated them now towards his own reflection. “Just be yourself. They love you, that’s why they chose you.” He held back the tears in his eyes, smiling instead at the warmth that blossomed in his heart whenever he thought about them. “Be more confident.” his sigh was drowned out by the ring of the doorbell. “COMING!”He sprinted to the door, taking another second to straighten his collar, and calm his heartbeat, before swinging the door open with a sweet smile. But before he could even stutter out there name.“Pesci!” They leapt towards him, his arms wide open and ready to embrace him. He gladly accepted the hug with a hearty laugh. “Happy Valentine’s sweetie,” he grinned bashfully, and thankfully they couldn’t see the deep blush coating his cheeks.“Buon San Valentino, amore.” He rubbed their back softly as they pressed several gentle kisses to his neck. They were so soft, so warm. He almost whined as they pulled away slowly, wishing for just a few more seconds of that soft body against his. It was then that they looked down and began to giggle. “What so… What’s funny?” He gasped as he suddenly realised he had forgotten to take off the frilly apron he had been using to protect his pristine outfit. His cheeks flashed almost as pink as the polka dot fabric as he quickly untied it and threw it on a coat rack. “Sorry, i was just–” they cut him off with a quick, chaste kiss.“Don’t worry, sweetie. I think it’s cute.” They threw him a wink as they stepped past him through the doorway. He couldn’t help but gaze lovingly after them: so gorgeous, so confident and, dare he say it, seductive. They set their bag on the table before turning around to face him, this time wringing their fingers in nervousness. “So, umm… I have a little something for you…” Pesci’s eyebrows lifted in surprise as his s/o rifled through the bag to pull out a small Tupperware container. They smiled shyly as they presented it to him. He tried to conceal the trembling in his fingers as his hand reaches out to receive the gift.“What’s this?” He brought it to his eye level, opening the lid to inspect the objects contained inside.“Well, I know I’m definitely not as amazing in the kitchen as you are, but I wanted to try my best—” he let out a soft gasp as he took in the sweet nutty aroma of chocolate. “Awww s-sweetie, are these…” he stuttered out through his embarrassment, his heart clenching in his chest. He would never get used to how sweet they were, how much they did for him. No one ever treated him like this. No matter how hard he tries no one has ever really seen anything special in him… except (y/n). They were different.He let out a soft sniffle.“Pesci, you’ve done so much for me. You’re kind and caring and cute and sweet.” He couldn’t even see how hard his s/o was blushing because he was still averting staring at the small delicately crafted chocolates oh so bashfully. “I hope you like them! They took awhile but…” Pesci remained speechless. “Come on honey, try one!” His s/o gently picked up a small chocolate truffle, raising it towards his lips as they beckoned him to try a bite. They were so eager, so adorable when their eyes lit up like that. He could never say no to them.He took a small bite, and as the goey dark chocolate melted in his mouth, he was barely able to conceal his delight, and also his pride.“(y/n) these are amazing! You really made these?!” His partner giggled as snatched the rest of the chocolate out of their fingers with his teeth, and they reached to offer him another one.“Don’t spoil your dinner though! I’m sure you’ve prepared something excellent!” Pesci blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck.“Well, I tried my best…” they cut him off with a soft peck on the cheek.“Your best is more than enough for me. I love you, Pesci…”
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