#and then the sweatpants my mom made me that immediately developed butt holes for some reason
humofnight · 4 months
am I very very lucky my mom hung on to her old Bernina despite upgrading past her and shared her with me? yes
am I a little bit disappointed to realize that bc my mom is a quilter she got the Bernina 1090 Quilters Edition so the stitch in the manual that’s “good for mending knits” is. not there
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gainerstories · 7 years
Holiday Heft: Thanksgiving
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I woke up Thanksgiving morning to find myself grinding my morning wood into my pillow on the verge of orgasm. This had become a fairly normal occurrence since I moved back home. I hadn’t gotten laid for almost three months. This was due to various reasons. Admittedly, I had been gaining a good deal of weight living with my family over the Holidays. A few days prior I weighed in at 177 pounds which was an all time high for me. I was living in denial of the weight gain, and kept telling myself that getting fat wasn’t as bad as relapsing. There was no question that food became my substitute for substances. Another contributing factor was that I was living a much more sedentary life. I had picked up writing again, which I stopped doing once I graduated college. Back in my days as a creative writing major, I would produce work while chain smoking and sipping whiskey; nowadays I kept a bag of chocolate chips and a glass of milk next to my computer. In fact, I was blowing through about a bag or two a week. That shit was better than crack. The bright side was that my writing had never been better. I was starting to feel like the person I had been before I started partying.
Needles to say, the changes in my appearance were becoming a bit noticeable. There was no doubt I was achieving dad bod status. My gut was spilling over the waist band of all my pants and I even had the soft curve of love handles developing. My thighs and ass thickened up a bit and a double chin became the bane of my existence. Every time I broke a sweat, which, admittedly wasn’t very often, the roll on my neck became sticky and claustrophobic. It was a constant reminder that my weight was snowballing. I also completely gave up on tanning and body grooming. I figured it was acceptable to be pale in the winter. I rarely shaved my face, maybe once a week if I could be bothered. My cheeks were almost constantly scruffy and unkempt. In addition, I had grown quite a bush above my cock, but who cared if I wasn’t getting laid?
I was becoming increasingly embarrassed of my rapid weight gain and even tried to hide it from my parents. All my tees had become pretty tight and accentuated the fact that I now wobbled when I walked. I began to exclusively wear sweatpants and sweatshirts to hide this fact. Plus, I rarely left the house and when I did it was usually to pick up food, so I didn’t see the point in squeezing into uncomfortable jeans that barely fit. In a further attempt to hide my unbridled gluttony, I would sneak to the trash can in the middle of the night to throw away the wad of fast food bags and candy wrappers that amassed each day. The only thing I couldn’t hide was this pesky double chin.
My cock was positively throbbing as it pressed into my pillow. I had to take care of it before I started my day. The problem was that my stomach was growling and I knew that my nut wouldn’t be satisfactory if I wasn’t at least partially satiated. I knew I had to have a snack somewhere in my room. Coincidentally enough, there was a half eaten king size Twix next to my bed. I shoved the rest in my mouth and went to town. It didn’t take long before my body was convulsing in the throws of orgasm, causing my the layer of fat over my body to wiggle like a jello mold. After I came I threw gulped down some chocolate chips and dozed off for a few minutes. When I awoke, cum was crusted into my body hair. I didn’t bother washing it off and threw on some sweats. I walked into the living room and my mom was already prepping for Thanksgiving dinner.
“Levi, I’m glad you’re up. Can you and Emily fetch a few things from the grocery store for me? Here’s a list.”
I grabbed the list and we headed out. On the drive Emily informed me that multiple guests would be joining us this year. Our parents had a friend coming over and Emily’s two friends were coming: Jeremy and Violeta. She informed me that Jeremy was a cute and single gay. I shrugged off her implications but was secretly filled with excitement at the prospect of getting laid. Hopefully he was a top because I needed some dick.
When we returned home I immediately began trying on outfits. If I wanted to get fucked I needed to look the part. I squeezed into the only pair of pants I thought would fit: black corduroys that barely buttoned. All of my button ups were obscenely tight. Sure, I could get them on, but it looked like I hadn’t gone shopping in twenty pounds— which was the truth. T-shirts were just as unbecoming. It’s not that I was even that fat, but my wardrobe consisted of clothes that were intended to be skin tight forty pounds ago. I went to Emily and asked for her advice. There was no way I could wear any of my clothes and I didn’t have time to go to the store.
“Wow big bro is really going through his second growth spurt huh?” She laughed. “I actually didn’t realize you were getting so puffy underneath those oversized hoodies.”
“I get it, I’m fat, now can you help me figure something out please? People are gonna be arriving in a couple hours and I wanna look decent.”
“Okay okay,” she giggled, “why don’t you just throw one of dad’s old sweaters over that button up?”
“Brilliant. Thank you!”
I ran off to my dads closet to rummage through his sweaters. There was no hiding my little spare tire, but I did find a sweater that cloaked it for the most part. The next two hours I spent nervously fussing over my appearance and refusing to eat. The not eating part was particularly difficult given all the delicious smells wafting about as well as the fact that snacking had become my new stress relief. I shaved my face to discover my double chin was bigger than I thought. Then I shaved my junk to realize that I had gained weight down there as well. I didn’t even know that your pubic area could get fat, but there was no arguing the appearance of a noticeable bit of padding above my cock. My self esteem was dwindling and I began to lose hope I would ever have sex again. I poured a glass of eggnog to calm my nerves.
All of the guests arrived early, so we broke out the spiked cider and had an impromptu mixer while my parents toiled away in the kitchen. I stuck to my eggnog. Jeremy arrived and was unexpectedly attractive. I was intimidated. Back when I was in peak form, I would’ve been all over him. Jeremy was a bit taller than me, maybe six foot? He was slim with broad shoulders and a chiseled jaw that was covered in the perfect amount of dark brown scruff. His hair was a mop of curls. Although he was a bit more pale than what I usually go for, these were desperate times. Plus, despite his slender frame, he appeared well endowed in all arenas. That is, he had both a bubble butt and a healthy bulge between his legs.
We got to chatting and I was pleasantly surprised to find he was quite flirtatious. However, I couldn’t discern whether he was a top or bottom. You see, I was a strict bottom and there was no way that was ever going to change. Regardless of his preference, I figured there was no harm in flirting.
After about 45 minutes of endless chatter, we ended up getting to know each other fairly well. By the time dinner was served, I was delirious with hunger, for food and for Jeremy. I was becoming increasingly forward with him and my advances were well received. Jeremy touched my arm multiple times and even called me “cute” after I made a self deprecating joke about my weight. When he sat down next to me for dinner, I knew I’d be able to seal the deal.
The problem was that I was absolutely starving, but didn’t want to pig out in front of this cutie. My first plate of food was decidedly sparse. I ate slowly while making conversation with Jeremy, but couldn’t deny the ache in my stomach for more food. I paced myself with the rest of the table and held back when everyone went in for seconds.
“Don’t tell me you’re full already?” Said Jeremy.
I was taken a back and fumbled for words, “I uh um, yeah, I’m uh tryna cut back.”
“Aw c’mon it’s Thanksgiving,” Jeremy responded before placing his hand on my thigh and whispering, “Plus, I like a man who can eat.”
His hand gently traced the inside seam of my pants and up to my crotch. I didn’t know what was happening but I knew that it felt good. Without thinking, I piled my plate high with food and poured Jeremy a healthy glass of red wine.
“That’s more like it,” winked the cute twink.
Something clicked inside of me after that. It was as though my brain had acquiesced to the physical pleasures I was experiencing. The sensations of delicious foods in my mouth and the supple hand massaging my cock was all that I cared about. It was a strange sort of ecstasy that left me hungry for more than just food; I wanted Jeremy’s ass on my lips too. Before I knew it dinner was coming to a close, several slices of pie were packed in my belly, and me and Jeremy were going for a walk.
“Fuck, I’m so full I can’t believe I’m actually moving right now,” I complained.
“Well if you want, we could go for a cruise in my car instead?” Suggested Jeremy.
We got into Jeremy’s small SUV and drove to a look out spot nearby. I craved his body immensely and within minutes I was cupping his sharp jawbone to pull him in for a kiss. His kissed me softly and placed one hand on my swollen midsection. As we began to make out our hands slid into each other’s shirts. He immediately grabbed my love handle with a strong grip. Strangely, instead of shrinking from embarrassment I felt even bolder. I lifted him up a bit and slid my hand into his pants to grab a meaty handful of ass. He let out a slight moan and suggested we move to the backseat.
We crawled back and removed our pants. I placed Jeremy on his back, lubed up my hole with spit and mounted his cock. I bounced twice on his girthy member and felt the food inside my distended stomach slosh around. The sensation was very uncomfortable and gave way to a stomach ache. Jeremy responded by flipping me onto my back. My dick pressed into my belly, leaving an indentation in the pool of flab. Jeremy took my cock in his mouth and pushed back my fat, squeezing it with both hands.
“I know what you want, daddy,” he said.
Jeremy sat up and began to slide my cock into his ass. This was exactly what I wanted. I’d never wanted to fuck someone like this before. I wanted to blast this twink’s hole full of my jizz. He began to bounce on my cock as I gripped his bubble butt and he gripped my paunch. Our pace began to quicken and I began to slam his ass onto me. The car windows steamed over as Jeremy moaned uncontrollably.
“Fuck me. Fuck me daddy.”
Every time he said daddy I pushed my cock in as deep as it would go. I was getting so worked up that I began doing all the work. Jeremy clung to my body with his face in my chubby neck while I pounded away at his hole. Our bodies were covered in sweat, and his bony form sunk into my softness. He grinded his huge cock into my belly as I blasted his hole. His body began tensed as I hit his G-spot and I knew an orgasm was imminent.
“Fuck!” He yelled. “Come in me you fat fuck!”
I could feel his cock begin to pump out semen in between our writhing bodies. I couldn’t take it any longer and also began to nut inside him. My orgasm seemed to last forever as my vision went blurry.
Glued together with come and sweat, we laid motionless and caught our breath for several minutes.
“That’s was great,” said Jeremy. “I haven’t been fucked like that in a long time.”
“That’s funny because I’m a bottom. This was only my second time topping.”
“No way. A hot dad like you should be plowing boys left and right.”
“I mean, I know I’ve plumped up a bit but I’ve never really thought of myself as the dad-type.”
“Honey,” Jeremy place a hand on my stomach and gave it a jiggle, “with these curves and this body hair... you’re at peak dadness. You should embrace it. All the boys are chasing dadbods now.”
“Is that so?” I replied.
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