#and then the one below cupid is arrow she is very talented
scissorcraft · 2 months
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so. rescuing kittens, huh.
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spiras-stargazer · 3 years
Hannibal/Will fic ideas dump: Part 2
These fic ideas are very flushed out so beware the are longer. Basically I don't have time to write them. I used to write all the time and now with no where to go, the stories haunt me.
1. Dracula Hannibal - Humans and all other manner of 'kin, coexist together peacefully and are overseen by a council, with representatives from every group keeping the peace. Hannibal once sat on the council being the original Vampire, but has since left to let others handle the task. He doesn't even like to admit it himself but for the last century he has noticed a dramatic decline in his strength no matter how much blood he drinks. He accepts his time is drawing to a close and he prepares to quietly fade away as all creatures evidently do, when a man(?) comes knocking at his door. "Sorry to bother you Count Lecter. I'm Special Agent Graham. I am here at the request of one of your...daughters." "And what was her request?" "To save your li- to give you my blood." "And what do you get out of fulfilling her request?" "An answer to why I keep hearing your voice in my head Count Lecter."
2. Reaper Gene- Years ago a deadly plague covered the Earth. Using combination of faith, science and magic, humanity stopped the plague but they went too far. All death stopped, but injuries and pain didn't. Bodies still had to heal, still aged but death doesn't come. Eventually the Reaper Gene is discovered. To die, someone with the gene has to make skin to skin contact with the person to end a life. Even so, the gene is incredibly rare. Every known current murder is tested, since regular people, even if they have the gene, can't stomach death easily. Hannibal, who is in jail but not yet sentenced has the gene. In light of his now rare talent, he is pardoned but to receive that pardon he is forced into the now humanitarian service of ending lives. But death is a lonely business. No one wants to be around the only thing that can kill them. Hannibal spirals into a depression working long hours and only just barely taking care of himself. After 3 years, killing alone and miserable, Will darkens his doorway. "I need you, Hannibal." "Get on the list like everyone else. I owe you no favors." "I said I need you, not your...skill." "You cannot pay the fee for my service, whatever your need is Special Agent Graham. Now I have work to do-" "What's your price?" "Unbreak my heart."
3. Abigail AU- After catching Freddie at the Hobbs house, the officers on site do a thorough extra sweep of the house and arrest Nicholas Boyle for trespassing. Abigail is seen by everyone as a victim, forced to help her father to stay alive. After she completes her therapy, Hannibal extends an offer to adopt her, if she is agreeable to the idea. She knows Hannibal is using her mostly to spend time with Will ("You just need to ask him out Hannibal.") but free college, a mansion to live in and lots of time with dogs she doesn't have to care for all the time is hard to pass up. And if Hannibal's cooking tastes familiar who is she to judge?
4. Teach Me - After they've fallen off the radar in a small cuban port city but still in the process of reconnecting and recovering, Hannibal starts helping out at a small Cafe, and Will starts offering boating and fishing courses across the street at the Marina. Hannibal is thrilled because he loved hearing Will teach his FBI classes, and so he takes the opportunity to bring Will an early lunch everyday, just to listen. Will doesn't catch on and instead changes his schedule thinking they could spend some time together. Hannibal takes the change in schedule as Will doesn't want him hanging around so he just brings Will his food and leaves. Will takes this as the other man's rejection and he starts pulling away from Hannibal at home. Will starts offering personal one on one classes to stay busy and preparing for Hannibal to leave him and be on his own. Hannibal starts spying on Will and he catches him with another man, close to Hannibal's age, flirting and sharing soft touches. Hannibal snaps and kills the man before he realizes what he's doing and he falls to his knees before Will. "You are the cruel siren I deserve, but you do not have rocks below you to end my suffering against." "'Cruel siren'?! Hannibal! You lured me in and then got tired of me!" "Never!" "So you didn't start ignoring me when I specifically made time so we could share lunch together?" "What? You made it clear you didn't want me at your classes!" "I made it so you didn't have to be bored listening to me!" "I came early specificly to listen to you teach!"
5. Bride Hannibal- Hannibal of course wanted a big fancy wedding, but now being a well known serial killer and having Will 'that would require me to be social' Graham as a partner, Hannibal quietly decides to just try and be happy with what he has, since Will actually loving him back was more than he could have hoped for. Will can tell something is off with Hannibal. He's been toying with the idea of asking Hannibal to marry him and for once he wants to be seen. Hundreds of people, staff and friends, a live video stream...he wants the world to see him, happy for once, with his dangerous and handsome husband. He knows Hannibal loves a party and must have ideas but every time Will gets the wedding conversation started Hannibal contributes but is despondent or at least isn't contributing like he usually would. Will eventually stumbles across a scrap book in Hannibal's study filled to bursting with scraps of fabric, magazine clippings, recipes, vows...so Will secretly sets to work on the Wedding they both obviously want.
6. Arranged Royal Marriage- Prince Hannibal (late 20's) has never felt the sting of cupids arrow. His father, worried for their country's growth and prosperity and his line, summons every proper suitor far and wide to Lithuania to finally get Hannibal married. Thousands of suitors arrive, thinking if they don't find a match in Hannibal they can find a match among the other guests. Hannibal finds all the parties and events enjoyable but non-productive and sneaks away at night to the royal gardens. One night he finds another man in his usual spot but decides to stay as long as the other man isn't there for conversation. They spend a surprising easy silence together and Hannibal is shocked to find himself feeling drawn to the man even with no words yet spoken between them. Unfortunately for Hannibal, by the looks of the man's simple attire he is likely a royal servant or a chaperone, not a suitor. But the man, King William Graham of the Lakeland realms, Father of Wolves, is a suitor...he's just not very good at communication, or at being Royalty. As interesting as Hannibal is, why would a prince like him choose a fisherman and houndsman King like Will?
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warmau · 5 years
☆ lovestruck baker!au wonho
there’s nothing in this world that matters more to wonho than baking
he discovered the talent when he was young - testing it out in the kitchen beside his mother before gradually moving on to creating sweets from scratch himself
regular cooking wasn’t as interesting as baking
the feel of rolling dough, the assortments of fruit or jelly or other sweetness that he could incorporate, and of course just the look on peoples faces when they took the first bite of a freshly baked cookie
it made wonho giddy
so he chased his passions - and now, all that hard work paid off 
because monbebe bakery was the most popular in the province!
due, of course, to the delicious desserts (and maybe just a little to wonho and co-baker shownu’s good looks)
but the point was this: wonho’s one and only love was baking 
well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,until you showed up that is
wonho had been pestered by friends and family alike: when will you get married? when will you take an interest in dating? when will you put down your apron and spend your weekends being social - not making up recipes at home?
the answer to all those questions was always a shy shrug, wonho didn’t know how to explain that “love” didn’t cross his mind
the only “love” he had to give was poured into his sweets 
especially the beautiful custom cakes he created for other peoples magical moments
and then - like a stop-frame in a movie - wonho looked out of the window on a sunny summer morning
and saw you
with pure wonder you were looking at the sweets on display, your eyes sparkling as you scanned the row of sugar cookies, muffin towers, and of course elaborate cakes
wonho had been in the middle of icing a layer in the middle of a large tower that’d be used for a wedding cake
but - the icing fell from his hand, effectively ruining the soft sponge cake below it 
and leaving the front of his apron covered in chocolate icing
you didn’t see it, too busy browsing the selection on the otherside of the window
but shownu, who’d been taking something out of the oven, had cocked en eyebrow
there had been no reply - wonho’s eyes following you as you finally made the decision to enter the shop
bubbly and happy - finally placed directly in front of him and the counter
“can i ple- oh, you seem to have gotten chocolate on yourself?”
wonho had felt like an IDIOT, and he knew his whole face must have flared up like a blossoming rose, because he must have looked so silly
but it had made you giggle
and no music, no sonata could compare
you became a regular after that
coming in when you had a spare moment, always trusting wonho for treats you could bring to work or give as gifts on holidays
sometimes you’d linger around and talk with him, wonho managed to pick up little details 
your profession, your hobbies, your best friends name, and of course your favorite sweets
and even on the days you didn’t usually come in - wonho would always have your favorite cookies in stock
because what if you did come in? how could he not have your favorite?
sometimes the thought crossed his mind that he could,,,,,ask you to stay a little,,,,,,,,,wait till he closed up shop and he could take you out?
or that maybe he could slip his number on the back of your receipt
he couldn’t do it
what was holding him back? he wasn’t sure,,,,,,
and neither was shownu - who quietly and surely could tell wonho had a big, sweet tooth crush on you
but wonho is ok - baking makes him happy, and seeing you for just five minutes does too
so when you come into his store - bounding right up the corner with a big smile - wonho already feels the sunlight on his skin 
“wonho! i have a very special order today~”
special order? tell me - ill do anything for you,,
“o-oh? what is it?”
“well there isn’t anyone else in the world who could do this for me,,,,,,it has to be you!”
there isn’t anyone else in the world?
wonho scratches the back of his neck
“well - ill do my best!”
you lean over the counter and wonho thinks his heart really is about to jump out of his chest
“a wedding cake!”
this time his heart nearly stills
“i need you to make me a wedding cake!”
you hear the sound of something drop, looking over your shoulder to see shownu give a small bow as he gathers up the trays splayed across the floor
you turn your attention back to wonho
you don’t see it - but the color drains from his face
the glittering brown of his eyes disappearing into dark, almost black clouds
“w-wedding cake?”
“yes! please make it as beautiful as possible, the event is in two weeks! and don’t worry about the price i’m willing to pay anything because i know it’ll be perfect from your hands!”
wonho nearly doesn’t feel you reach out and touch him lightly
you give him that smile - the one that’s engrained into his brain - the one that used to make it feel like his heart was being flipped upside down
but this time
it just hurts
you check your watch and start talking about how you have to go, but you’ll be back in two weeks to pick up the cake
wonho knows he nods, but it’s mechanical and when he hears the bell of the door as it shuts
he swears his knees must give out
wedding cake? you’re engaged? you’re getting married? since when? to who? who is he? who is the luckiest man on this planet and why - why - why isn’t it -
wonho opens his eyes when he hears shownu calling his name, shaking his shoulder lightly
he turns his head and can tell that even though shownu is usually expressionless, that this time there’s apparent sympathy in his eyes
“are you ok?”
i have to make a wedding cake..........for the person i love?
wonho convinces himself he can battle through it - he has to. 
what could hurt more than you being someone elses? him letting you down.
so he starts trying to think up ideas - a cake perfect for your wedding
flowers? because they’re sweet and colorful - white icing? because their innocence wraps me up in warmth? layered cake? tower cake? how large? 
it’s frustrating - every time wonho starts to bake he feels like breaking something
the icing doesn’t come out right, the base of the cake tastes disgusting, there are problems at every corner
wonho finds himself with his flour-covered hands in his hair squatted down in the kitchen
“who is this guy they’re marrying? why haven’t i ever seen him around? is he tall? is he thin? maybe my muscles put them off? is he handsome? is he rich? who is he?”
shownu watches his friend unravel - wonho spending hours on end trying to make this cake and failing each time
because he’ll try to decorate it but his hands shake and ruin it
“congratulations” - he can’t even finish icing that stupid word on 
because truth be told how can he congratulate you? the you who has made his heart swell every day since he met you
“you’re an idiot wonho” he mumbles to himself “missed opportunities is all you’re going to remember when they’re walking down the aisle.”
those two weeks drain wonho dry - he goes through every stage of heartbreak possible - and it’s even more embarrassing because you’re just a regular customer at his bakery
you’re not his  childhood love, or a highschool sweetheart that’s always been his infatuation
you’re just the most beautiful person he’s ever seen pressed up against the window of his bakery
and even though he loves baking - these two weeks have made him hate it
but he finishes the cake and he places it on the counter - weak sigh at the lopsided cursive but at this point this is his best
he waits - waits - waits - waits - and ten minutes before closing you show up
you’re out of breath, “sorry - i r-r-ran here!”
you explain, wonho forces with all his might, a smile onto his face
“here is the cake.”
you look at it, observing from side to side and then grinning up at him
“perfect! as always! how much do i owe you?”
wonho feels a bitter taste in his mouth as he says,
“nothing. consider it my wedding gift to you and your husband.”
this is my goodbye to you too, it’s too late for us - just take this cake and stop torturing my-
“my husband?”
you blink, then shake your head feverishly
“no no no - this is for my friend, she’s getting married and i - i -”
you suddenly get shy, looking everywhere but at wonho
“i don’t even have a boyfriend-”
you feel a sudden gust of wind, then the sound of something going ‘splat’ against the floor
wonho pushes past the counter, the cake toppling over behind him as he pulls you into his arms
you’ve never hugged wonho - let alone even shook his hand - so you’re surprised
but ,,,,,,,, more than that,,,,,,,,,, your heart can’t stop beating like crazy
“thank god”
he mumbles against your hair and you blink “w-w-wonho?”
he pulls away, delirious with happiness, the dizzy feeling spiking his confidence over one hundred
“how do you feel about dating me then?”
on any other occasion, wonho would have not been able to say that line - but right now - it looks like cupids arrows has logeded itself directly in his back
and he’s going to ride this feeling out
“wh- yo- you like me?”
“so much, i like you so much.”
the confession makes you flush - but really,,,,,you can’t deny it,,,,,,,,you’ve always liked him too
to be quiet fair, you weren’t even THAT big of a sweets fan, you just always stopped by because well - because of wonho
“i - “
but then your eyes cast over his shoulder to the ruined cake
“the cake!”
he turns, paling
“oh no - i was just so happy-”
“not to worry.”
you two turn, shownu’s booming voice distracting you to as he pulls open the large freezer behind him 
stocked full of pre-made cakes
“we have a very large selection of cakes as backup.”
you stiffle a giggle as wonho struggles to say something
shownu decides that fine, he’ll say it for him
“ill wrap this cake up. in the meantime, you two should plan a proper date.”
with that, shownu disappears into the kitchen
you look up at wonho and he looks back
“w-well if anything, do you want to be my date to this wedding?”
“and get to walk you down the aisle - of course - i mean yes, be your date haha , yes of course,,,,,,,,”
shownu doing a victory dance in the kitchen: finally - oh shit lets not drop another cake 
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mellicose · 8 years
Learning Love
A David Tennant Holiday Fic Request Winner
Fandom: David Tennant, Campbell Bain, Takin’ Over the Asylum
Word count: 5260
Warnings: none
Summary: Campbell and Sandra have now been seeing each other for 6 weeks. As what started as a tryst quietly turns into something more, circumstances push them into confessing how they really feel.
The phone didn’t ring even once in her ear before he answered.
She chuckled at his nickname for her. “You’re quick on the draw today.”
“I wanted to hear your voice.”
“I’m about to take a long bath. Would you like to hear me then?”
Long bath was code for water masturbation.
He exhaled. “I’m at work, sugar. I don’t think I could handle it.”
“That’s too bad.”
He put the phone against his chest and bit his lip. “I’m so sorry we can’t do anything special tonight. I mean, really, truly sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it. You’re doing what you have to do get ahead. If it means anything, I’m proud of you. Anyway, I’m not the rose petals and cheap chardonnay type.”
“What is it with you and holidays? You refuse to embrace the magic. Scrooge.”
She growled. “Bah humbug! Cupid can eat it.”
“Call me cupid,” he said.
“Don’t make it harder, Cam.”
“Too late.” He chuckled in her ear. She held her cell in front of her and screamed silently. He was so fucking everything.
“Enough double entendre for today. I guess I’ll see you…”
“Tomorrow morning? I don’t want to wait ‘till dinner. Breakfast foods are the best foods anyway.”
“True. Until tomorrow then. I lo-” She froze.
“You what?” His voice had lost all mirth.
She was sweating. “I look forward to it,” she said.
“Alright. Bye.” He hung up.
She slid to the floor and rolled around, hugging herself. She’d almost said it. Fuck.
With the way the relationship had started, she had promised herself that she would keep it casual. They had never discussed it explicitly in the last month, and why not? They spent nearly every free moment together. 
For her, though, it was becoming for more than spectacular, earth axis-shifting sex. She was beginning to…
She didn’t even want to think it. Why set herself up for a fall?
“We’re having fun. And we’re gonna have fun tonight,” she said, getting up and taking a deep breath. “Good fun.” She smiled.
7:00 PM
“Tonight is the night. The most romantic night of year, when you can show that special someone all the ways you care...
The Flamingos sha bop sha bopped in the background.
“And I’m here to help you share. I’ll be here ‘till midnight taking sexy song requests. Let your lover know just how well they do the voodoo that they do…”
He rattled off the telephone number and looked over the console at the producer. He picked through a heart shaped box of chocolates Cam had brought him. He shook his head. That giant, bearded ginger was who he would be spending the first Valentine’s Day that he actually had someone to celebrate with.
He looked at the inside of his wrist, where Sandra had put a temporary tattoo of a heart with an arrow through it as a gag. He rubbed his thumb on it.
She was amazing. Clever, talented, beautiful, and she actually laughed at his jokes. Consistently. Most importantly, his energy didn’t put her off. In fact, it seemed to bask in it, an odd thing, since she was so calm. He tended to get on calm people’s nerves.
His t-shirt smelled like her, since she’d worn it the last time she stayed over at his flat. Perfume, and her, very faint. The musk that made his muscles tighten to attention.
The producer’s console began to blink with incoming calls.
Time to get to work.
10:52 PM
It was beginning to drag. He felt like he could take off from his chair into the stratosphere with unspent energy.
“-Um, yah, there’s this bird, Kim. I mean, super fit, who loves your show so I know she’ll be listenin’.”
“Thanks for listening, Kim! And what would you like to say to her?”
“Nuffin’ much. Just that I’m here if she ever needs a real man to take her there. Can you play Color Me Badd, I Wanna Sex You Up?”
He rolled his eyes. “Kim, I hope you heard that, and that you hear this…”
He got up and stretched, then walked to the producer’s booth.
“What a twat,” the producer said. He was working on a strawberry cream chocolate.
“You said it so I don’t have to,” Cam said. “I thought this would be fun, but I’m about to explode.”
The producer eyed him. “Then explode in another direction, mate,” he said. His console blinked.
Campbell walked back to his console and looked out the window. Out there, people were having fun. Drinking wine. Dancing. Doing all the sappy shit he wanted to do. Although Sandra made such a big deal about not needing that kind of thing, maybe he could change her mind-
The producer put the next call through.
“Who’s on your mind tonight?”
“I’m sad because I can’t be with my valentine.” Sandra! He smiled so hard he wondered if she could hear it.
“And why on earth wouldn’t he be there with you?”
“My man works long and hard to get where he wants to be. How could I fault him for that?” Why did it sound dirty? Maybe it was because it was her. And he wanted her.
“He sounds like a very lucky man.” There was silence on the line.
“Can you play Suzanne Vega’s Caramel for me, please?”
“Caramel,” he repeated dumbly. The producer rolled his eyes. “Of course, after a short commercial break.”
He ran to the booth again, but the producer shrugged his shoulders.
“She hung up.”
“Fuck. I have to drain the lizard. I’ll be back,” Cam said, and ran into the hallway.
Someone knocked on the booth glass almost immediately after.
“That was quick-” when he turned, it was a beautiful young woman in a short trench coat.
“Who are you?”
She came inside and immediately started to separate the pages of an old tabloid paper. She slammed a roll of tape in front of him. “I’m Cam’s girl. Start taping.” She put the first colored rectangle against the glass. He looked at her high heels, her loose, tousled hair and duochrome mauve lipgloss and took over without a word.
At least one of them was getting laid tonight.
He ran into the broadcast room and into his seat just in time.
“That was Suzanne Vega’s Caramel. Something sweet for the man who works hard for the money.” He tugged on his shirt and smirked.
He looked toward the producer’s booth and it was covered in shitty tabloid.
“What the hell-”
“Cam,” a familiar voice said from a dark corner of the room. She stood and walked into the desk lamp light. It was Sandra, looking good enough to eat. “Surprise,” she said in a whisper. “Now get to work.” She nudged the microphone near his mouth. She walked around and sat on the edge of the desk. She wore a trench coat, and her legs were deliciously bare as far up as he could see.
She pointed the the blinking buttons. “I want to watch you,” she said. Again, her tone made him twitch.
He pressed the button, but his eyes didn’t leave her form. “We’re coming up against the last hour. What’s on your mind tonight, lover?”
She laughed quietly.
“Um, hello?”
“Hello. I’m all ears. Talk to me,” Cam said. She walked behind him and tickled his neck just below his giant earphones. He bit back a giggle.
“Okay. Right. Um, I’ve...I really like...a woman. Who I work with.”
She leaned into him. Her hair tickled his arm. She made a face. Awkward.
“Office romance. Nice. And what’s her name?”
“She’s beautiful. Oh, her name’s Preethi.”
Sandra started to untie her sash slowly. It was agonizing.
“And would you like to say anything special to Preethi tonight?”
“Oh. Yeah. Just that…”
Her trench coat fell open. She wore a purple minidress that would make a stripper blush. His lip wobbled.
“...she’s smart and lovely and I would very much like to take her out sometime.”
“Do you have a song you’d like me to play?”
“You can pick it. Thank you,” the man said and hung up.
She lifted an earphone so she could whisper in his ear. “So awkward, bless him. Play Bryan Adams’ Everything I Do. It fits.”
“Whatever the lady wants,” he said, and cued it up. “What are you doing here?”
She gently bit his earlobe. “I couldn’t stay away. And I figured you might not want to be alone tonight. So I’m here to keep you company.”
“And Teddy?” He spoke of the producer.
She walked around and sat on the desk again. She kicked off her shoe and put her bare foot in his lap. It traveled slowly up his thigh. “He and I have an agreement.” She leaned forward. Her breasts nearly spilled out of the dress. He stirred underneath her kneading foot. “If he says he didn’t see anything, he didn’t see anything.”
“And what would he not be seeing?” She put her other foot on the armrest of his chair and spread her legs. Pearl colored mesh was being swallowed by her swollen cunt lips.
“Fuck.” He put his hand on her calf, pulled himself closer. She pulled gently at her underwear, giving him a quick glimpse, then slid that finger into his mouth. “Shit,” he said, licking his lips.
“Song’s ending,” she said. He turned reluctantly to the microphone. Her foot moved underneath his t-shirt and poked his belly. He bucked and giggled. “Ooh. Ticklish.”
“Ooh. Ladies and gentlemen, all of a sudden I’m feeling inspired-” She pinched his nipple between her toes. “Who’s in love tonight?”
Go slow he mouthed.
She fell to her knees and went underneath the desk.
He took the next call. “Are you in love tonight?”
Sandra tickled his knees. He had to stifle a giggle. He gently slapped her hands.
“Yeah. Like, um, completely. With my best friend.” the caller sounded young.
She has a doll voice, Sandra mouthed at him as she tickled his sides underneath his shirt.
“Sometimes friendships can be a jumping off point for something... amazing.” He put his hand over his mouth. He trembled with laughter.
“She’s beautiful and kind and funny and talented and smart and I just can’t hold back anymore. I don’t know whether you’re listening Amanda, but there’s a reason why I didn’t go to the graduation dance with Daniel. I wanted to go with you. I know we play around a lot, but the fact is I’m in love with you, completely, totally, and I don’t care who doesn’t like it. You fill my heart with joy, you make me so happy…” her breath hitched, as if she were about to weep.
Sandra stopped tickling. They locked eyes for a few precious seconds. She felt exposed.
“I can’t top that. You’ve said it all, and so beautifully too. Is there a particular song you’d like me to play?”
“I don’t care. I just wanted to say it to the world. I love you, Mandy.” She hung up.
Sinatra. I’ve Got You Under My Skin, she mouthed to him. Trust me.
For some reason, she felt as if the wind had been taken out of her sails. This girl, still so young...but so brave. She told everyone. She didn’t care about the possibility of things not going her way. She just wanted to say it. She actually gloried in her love, even if it was not returned.
Music flooded the broadcast room. “May I have this dance?” He pushed the chairs aside and extended his hand. She smiled and walked into his arms.
He pressed his body close to her swayed back and forth. The look in his eyes made her heart hurt.
“I don’t think this is what Teddy expected to see through the gaps in that paper,” she said.
“Did you want to give him a show?” he said, twirling her close to his body in the limited space.
“I just wanted to be with you,” she said, glad she wasn’t facing him.
He turned her and tipped her chin up to look into her eyes. “Me too. Every day. All the time.” He barely pressed his lips against hers, then moved back to the console.
She pulled her skirt down and sat by him.
“We’re coming up hard against the midnight hour. You’re our lucky last caller. What’s on your mind tonight?”
“Hello? This is Amanda. From the last call?”
Cam and Sandra looked at each other, eyes wide. It was on.
“Hello, Amanda-”
She cut him off. “Candace, please answer your phone. I love you, baby, but I didn’t want to say anything to ruin our friendship. I want to be with you, Candy. Call me. Come over. Anything. I’m at home. Please.”
“Oh wow, we’re witnessing romantic history, folks,” he said. “Real life.”
“I know how hard it must be. You’re a preacher’s daughter. But I’ll protect you. We’ll show them love is love, together. Oh, God. I hope she’s okay...”
The console blinked. Teddy’s voice came through the intercom. “It’s Candace. You should take this. It’s gold. The canned tunes can wait.”
Holy shit, Sandra mouthed. Go on.
“Candace, love. Amanda’s all ears. You’ve got the floor.”
There was a couple of seconds of silence. “Amanda.” She was whispering. “My mom heard. They’ve locked me in my room. But they didn’t take my cell.” They could actually hear voices raised in the distance.
“Candy, I’ll come and get you right now-”
“No. I’m safe. They would never hurt me. This day was coming. I’m going to let them yell themselves out. When they realize yelling and demands don’t change anything, then we’ll talk like people. Until then, we may not be able to see each other. Is that okay?”
“But they are hurting you by not accepting it.” Amanda sniffled.
“You’ve been in my life for almost three years, Mandy. Had Sunday dinner at my house. Gone to the church picnics. You know it’s not that easy. Their world has shifted. They’re going to need time to adjust. And I love them, so I want to give them that time.”
“But what if they never do?”
“They’re not that kind. At least, I sincerely pray they are not. But, regardless, can I count on you to understand?” The sound of yelling faded to nothing. There was just her distressed breathing.
“Yes. Of course. Whatever you need.”
“Okay.” Someone knocked on her door so loud it made Sandra and Campbell jump in their chairs. Candace. Darling. Open the door. We need to talk. The mother’s voice came through loud and clear. “Mandy, I’ve gotta go. But I love you. This too shall pass, right?” Her voice trembled.
“I love you.” Amanda sniffled.
“Bye.” Candace whispered, then they both hung up.
Campbell pulled up to the mic. He bit his lip, then started talking. “Love has no age limit. You can be 8, or 80. Gender doesn’t matter. Neither does color, creed, race, or religion. It’ll get the bearded imam as well as the political punk rocker woman hanging out in the corner. It could hit you after 10 years, or just after 10 minutes -” he gave Sandra a look that warmed her - “but that doesn’t diminish its power. Time means nothing to it, since it stops time, or makes it move too fast to count…” he sighed. He wasn’t used to extemporizing about serious things. “Love is an act of creation in and of itself. It makes something out of nothing. Makes peace out of chaos…” He ran his fingers through his hair. “It’s a miracle that we sometimes run the danger of taking for granted. Candace, Amanda, I wish you the best of luck. For that matter, I wish all of you out there true love, and the peace that comes from it. Good night.”
Teddy walked into the broadcast room. “That was fucking exciting. Great show, mate.” He averted his gaze when he saw Sandra. She’d forgotten she was half naked. Campbell held up her coat so she could put it on.
“Thanks for giving us a bit of privacy, Teddy,” she said as she tied the sash around her waist.
“Oh, no problem. I promise I didn’t peek.”
“Right,” she said, and smiled at him. He blushed.
“I’ll be on my way, then.” He walked out and closed the door.
Campbell put on his coat and walked her out of the building. She hailed a cab.
“Do you want to come over now? Not wait ‘till the morning?”
“What about Reggie?”
“He’s deep into his third Valentine’s date by now, and not in our flat.”
“Then I’d love to.” He stepped into the cab after her. They sat down, and Campbell took her hand in his. “So, the third date of the night, huh?”
“Reggie is not a believer of monogamy.”
“So the other dudes know about each other, and don’t care?”
“Yep. He’s a juggler, but he’s honest from the jump. It fascinates me what he can get away with. I hope this doesn’t sound sexist, but I often wonder whether it’s a male thing.”
“No offense taken. I’ll speak for myself and say that it sounds like something I’d never want to do. One at a time is plenty.” He squeezed her hand and smiled at her.
“Sure. For now. Just as soon as you get a bit more famous and the high quality trim starts showing up, you might change your mind.” She smiled too hard at him. The words didn’t feel natural. He noticed.
“Trim? You’re something else,” he said, raising an eyebrow. “I’m fairly certain this imaginary influx of radio personality groupies will not change my mind. I like to feel something for the person I’m bedding. Does that make me old-fashioned? Maybe. I don’t care.”
She was glad it was dark in the cab. She was blushing furiously. She felt like a jerk.
She opened the door and let him in, flipping on the switch that turned on the fairy lights she’s taped to wall in swirling patterns that day.
“Ooh, pretty!” he said, bouncing comically and clapping his hands.
“Shut up.” She walked to her kitchenette and opened a bottle of wine. He walked up behind her and pulled her trench coat off, kissing her neck.
“Fuck the wine.” she turned around and kissed him hard, wrapping her leg around his waist. She sucked his lower lip and moaned. “Let’s go to the bedroom.”
“This looks like the good stuff. Why we gotta be in such a hurry? Let’s enjoy these lights,” he said, tucking her hair behind her ear and kissing the tip of her nose.
Had she upset him with her stupid comments earlier?
“Okay. Sure.”
He found two jelly glasses in the mess on the counter and poured, then sat at her coffee table. He looked beautiful in the pale gold light. She stared from the threshold of the living room.
He patted the floor beside him. “Come on. Let’s toast.”
She sat down and raised her glass. “Toast away. You’re the one with the beautiful words.”
“Am I?”
“Absolutely. The only toasts I know are ‘down the hatch’, ‘to your health’, or my personal favorite, ‘to your nipples.’”
He laughed and kissed her lips lightly, an easy gesture that took her breath away. “Okay then. Let me think. To...the miracle of love. It makes something so beautiful out of nothing. Thank you for giving of yourself to me of openly, trusting me.You’ve made these last six weeks the best holiday season I’ve ever had. And I hope there’s much more to come.”
Her eyes filled with tears. She grabbed the jelly glass before he could drink.
“Those girls. They were no more than high school students. But they were so sure. I could hear it in their voice. Children, and they knew. And one a preacher’s daughter to boot. What balls.”
“I felt that too. Brave, the both of them.”
“It won’t be easy for them. Not at first. If they even go through with it.”
“It never is. The world is antagonistic to lovers. To love in general. Them’s the facts,” he said, shrugging.
“It never is,” she repeated. “Campbell, I-”
He squeezed her hands. “You can take your time. I’m here. I’ll wait till you’re ready-”
“I’m in love with you.”
His eyes flashed in the semi-darkness. “Sandra, I-”
She cut him off. “Please let me finish. I know that this started out as a sex thing - and the sex is fanfuckingtastic - but you’ve become so much more to me. You’re so kind, and clever and you seem to follow my weird train of thought without my having to explain myself...and I know what you’ve been through - what you’re going through now - and you will go through until whenever, and I don’t care. I love you. Madly. You’re my muse. I’ve never painted better. At this rate I’ll fill a gallery by June. And it’s okay if you don’t quite feel the same. I don’t care. I want you to know it. Just...stay. I won’t pressure you into anything. I can love enough for the both of us.”
He hugged her, tight, until her breathing slowed.
“Dee,” he said in her ear. “That silly little speech at work. The toast. Isn’t it obvious?”
“What? Reggie’s told me more than once I can’t see the forest for the trees,” she said, straddling him.
“That I’m in love with you. How could I not? You’re my peace. That, and in awe of the way you look at me. I feel...like a proper part of the human race. It’s magic.”
She sniffled and tucked her face into his neck, hugging him tight.
“My brown-eyed girl…” he whispered into her hair. “Let’s go to bed.”
“Do you have candles?” he said.
“Come on, Cam. Do we really need all that?”
She started to take off her dress, but he held her arms down. “I’ll do that. But first, candles. You’re the artsy type. You have to have at least a couple lying around.”
“Gimme a sec.” Reggie had enough candles to light a cathedral. She ran into his bedroom and grabbed an armful of glass candles and dropped them gently on her bed. “Your wish is my command.” She handed him a lighter.
He put them around the bed and lit them. He was an Italian Renaissance beauty of a man, especially around the eyes and nose. Her fingers twitched to draw him in this light.
“I recognize that look,” he said, giving her a crooked grin. “The artist longs for her tools, but she’ll have to wait.”
He knelt in front of her and pulled her dress slowly over her head. She wore a bra to match the pearl mesh panties, but he wanted her naked. His hands moved from her breasts to her hips, and he hooked the panties in his fingers and pulled them off. He bowed his head to her breast and bit gently at the mesh until her nipple stretched it. Then, he sucked it through the cloth, flicking his tongue over it while pinching her other nipple hard. She buried her hands in his thick hair and seeped wetness on her sheets.
He unclasped her bra and took one of her breasts into his mouth, hungrily sucking at her flesh while his tongue swirled on her hardened bud. She unbuttoned his pants and wrapped her hand around him. She sighed at the living weight of him. Somehow, he felt more because he was hers.
He stood and stripped quickly as she scooted back to the pillows and spread enticingly for him.
God, he loved when she did that.
He crawled between her legs and pulled them around his hips. “I just want to kiss you.” He said, and sucked on her lower lip. He nuzzled her neck and kissed down to her clavicle. “Everywhere. In every way.”
“Do it,” she said.
He kissed down to her breasts, just soft little kisses around her hard nipples but never touching. He kissed down the shelf of her ribs, then bit gently at her sides until she giggled and squirmed. He swirled his tongue down to her mound. She spread, but he licked the wetness off her thighs and kissed slowly up each thigh to the knee and back. Her throbbing flesh warmed his cheeks when he got to the fork of her legs, but he resisted the urge to lick her, regardless of her pleading.
“Get on your stomach,” he said. She obeyed quickly. He kissed her instep, then moved up her leg, biting her calf and tickling the back of her knees to watch her ass jiggle with laughter as he spread her legs. He licked, then kissed the little seam between thigh and ass, then bit softly at her jiggling flesh until she moaned into her pillow.
“I thought you said kisses,” she said. Her voice was rough with desire.
“I’m kissing too,” he said, placing a soft kiss on each cheek and moving up to the small of her back. He licked the sweat there and kissed up the valley until he reached her neck. His cock slid easily between her legs and nestled between her pussy lips. She moved her hips, making him groan in her ear.
“Enough teasing. I want you.” She trembled beneath him.
“It’s never enough,” he said and lay beside her. “Come on.” He patted his shoulders. “Knees here.”
“Yes, sir,” she said. She straddled his head and leaned down to his cock, taking him in her mouth. She took his balls in her hand, gently caressing, kneading the tender flesh, then licked them.
He tried to lick her, but she held his head in place with her thighs.
“Stop. Lemme have a taste.”
She wiggled her butt. She dripped to his upturned face, but her grip was firm. “I thought there was never enough teasing.” Her broad tongue moved up his shaft, leaving a trail of saliva that she used to jerk him off. She wrapped her lips around the crown of his cock and swirled her tongue until he bucked.
“Please.” His plaintive tone made her giggle into him.
“Ummmmm…” she took him to the back of her throat. The vibration made his toes curl. She slurped up his shaft, then sucked gently at his foreskin. “No.” She played with him, pulling his foreskin back and forth over the crown of his cock with her lips alone. She tasted precum and hummmmmd into him… then got off him.
He tried to scoot down between her legs, but she pulled him up and on top of her. She caressed him and gave him a tender look.
“I want to come with you inside me. Can we do that?”
He grabbed blindly at her night table, where he knew she kept condoms. He ripped the package and nearly fumbled it trying to get it on.
She chuckled. “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.” She helped him smooth it on and lay back. “Come here, boy.”
He lay on top of her, but the mood changed. They sank into each each. All she could see was his eyes, lit by flickering candlelight. Warmth rose from her belly to her heart in growing waves as he moved slowly inside her. She was surrounded by him, connected by flesh and feelings.
Is this what people spoke of when they said ‘make love’?
She thought it was a fusty term. Something repressed adults used to avoid saying fuck.
But she was a fool.
It hurt, but in the most beautiful way. A tear actually dripped on her temple, but he kissed it away before it wet her hair. She caressed the hair from his face and saw the light break in his eyes as well.
“Cam...” she kissed him, hard, and soon the cherry sweetness of his saliva was cut by the salt of their mixed tears. They rocked into each other, multiplying each other’s pleasure, breathing each other’s breath, chest to chest until they spun out together. Their shared cries and his bucking brought her back to herself.
They stayed connected and silent for goodness knows how long. When he finally withdrew, she hiccupped and hugged him closer.
“What just happened?”
He still trembled with emotion. “I don’t know, but it was-”
“Love magic. We made love magic.” Her heart still raced in her chest. “Did you feel...connected? Really, connected?”
He nuzzled her cheek.”Yeah. But more. Like we were both connecting to something much bigger.”
“Do you think God exists?”
He chuckled. “This is pretty deep for pillow talk.”
“My mom isn’t very religious, and I’ve never really been interested, but...I felt something, Cam. I swear to you, I did.”
“I hope you did,” he said, kissing her neck. “If not, I’m a failure.”
“Never.” She stared at him as he got out of bed to clean himself and blow out most of the candles. He put on his underwear and sat by her.
“Do you want to draw me now?”
She ran her fingertips down his chest. It was still mottled with sex flush. “No. You, in this moment, are mine and mine alone. I refuse to share.”
He lay beside her, and she kissed the salt from his cheeks and stuck her tongue out. “You cried.”
“I did. This is all new to me. Love, and the making of it.”
“Those fusty adults were keeping secrets,” she said.
“What?” he kissed her shoulder.
“Nothing. Just thinking aloud.” She raised her head to look at him.
“Did it hurt?”
She didn’t need to explain further. “No. I felt full of love, ecstatic. But the knowledge that the feeling would end hurt.”
“Exactly. Everything ends.”
He held her closer. “But it’s okay. We can do it again.” He kissed her. Even his kisses had changed. They were deeper, more tender.
She sat up suddenly. “What time is it?”
“3:20 am. Why?”
“Ooh, just in time!” She rolled out of bed and put on some jeans and a t-shirt.
“Come back here. I’m not done with you yet.”
“We can put a pin in that. But now, we feast.”
“And they said I’m the mad one. What are you talking about?”
She threw his jeans at him. “There is a bakery a couple of blocks away that will open in just 10 short minutes.”
“And?” He was reluctant to get out of bed.
“Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, in which bakeries all over the country make tasty love-themed biscuits, pies, and cakes which they don’t always sell…”
His eyes narrowed. “Ohhh.” He dressed quickly.
They stepped out into an early morning washed clean by rain.
“How did we not even notice?” she said.
He took her hand and waited for her to guide him. “We were extremely distracted. Take me to the treats,” he said.
They walked in silence for several blocks. It was a new thing, but nice. They felt no need to entertain each other. They could exist, and enjoy each other’s existence.
“I love the streets at night after a rain,” she said after a while.
“The streets turn to mirrors,” he said, wrapping his arm around her waist.
She stopped and looked down. “Look at you and I. Just a couple of saps.”
“Naw. The perfect reflection of a happy couple.”
“You do have a way of wording things so much better than I do,” she said, pulling him in for a kiss.
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j-wonwootrash · 8 years
Jun || Scarred Pt.1
Word count: 3.4k Genre: Angst, drama, romance, slice of life A/N: after i wrote this, i realized it’ll be turned into series. let me know what you think because it's my first ever angst story! everything here is fiction so yeah. *wink wink* 
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Don’t count the number of times you’ve been hurt, because there is one thing for sure; you’re already scarred.
To look back in history, that’ll be around seven years ago, you and Jun were childhood friends as you grew up in the entertainment industry. 
You became a child star because of your gift in language; fluent in Mandarin, English, Cantonese and even Spanish. You were able to take up so many roles; most of them pertaining you as a foreigner. Experienced actors and actresses complemented you for having that ‘face’, how you could change your expressions so easily depending on which character you were assigned to. 
Jun on the other hand, was a superb, young talented child who rose to fame in an instant. Countless of movies and tv series lined up to him. Commercials were also given to him. He has the face of an actor and model. Now, thinking about it, he'll be a singer too. He’s definitely rising to another level and you can’t deny that you’re jealous of his accomplishments and opportunities that come his way. 
It came to the point where feelings can’t be helped, you both confessed to each other and dated for about a year now. It was difficult and much of a hassle to avoid paparazzis and to handle scandals that may appear to be a rumor, so you both decided to keep your relationship between the two of you. Not even your family or his knows about this. This’ll be your little secret.  
Or so you thought. 
“I’ll be flying out of the country tomorrow.” Jun held your hands and rubbed them to keep you warm. “Really? So soon? For how long? Two weeks? Because your vacations are usually that long Jun." You smiled. “Make sure to give me souvenirs when you get back.”
“I’ll try my best to give you souvenirs but I don't know when I’ll be coming back Y/N.” Jun avoided your gaze, making you feel uncomfortable. “W-What do you mean?” You tilted your head in confusion. The sudden turn of atmosphere shocked you.  
“I’ll be a trainee for an entertainment agency in Seoul.” Jun forced a smile.
Though you are very happy for him, because he is so close to reaching his dream, wanting to become well-known artists like Zhoumi and Henry from Super Junior, you couldn’t help but feel sad. You won’t be seeing him as often as you do now.
“That’s wonderful Jun!” You sounded so supportive yet the enthusiasm isn't there. With your eyes so close to tearing up, Jun noticed your change of feelings, and decided to give you one last stroll of the night before bidding you goodbye. He’ll be leaving tomorrow huh..
“Y/N, to be careful and not harm our work, think of this as a professional, you got that? You and I know that clearly.” He stopped walking as he pulled you into his arms for a hug. 
Already anticipating what he would say, you remained emotionless until he turns his back on you, leaving you. You have to hold it in. “Yes, I know it so clearly I even carved it to my heart.”
He chuckled as he placed his chin onto your head, his hands rubbing your back. “I’m.. I’m sorry, as much as I really don’t want to.. w-we have to end our relationship.”
Still clinging onto him, you nuzzled yourself to his chest, making sure he doesn't hear you cry. You told yourself to not cry. “Long distance relationship is something we know we couldn’t handle.” He hugged you even tighter. 
“I know. It’ll be hard but, are we breaking up because your company told you so?..” 
“What? No of course not! Y/N, we are professionals so we think professionally as well. We’re not breaking up because they told me to, but for the sake of my concentration during training.” He pulled you away and looked at you deeply in the eye. 
You feel yourself slowly heating up with anger. “So you actually think I’ll be a bother to you when you move to Seoul?” There was silence for a moment until you spoke again with a higher tone. “If it’s your choice to end our relationship and not your agency, will you still end it or not?” 
Jun felt something stabbed his heart. No, it wasn’t not an arrow of love from Cupid but an arrow of pain from you, his girlfriend. “N-no! You won’t be a bother! I’d actually love to receive your support from afar.. but I.. I’ll still end it.. Even if I don't want to..” He looked down to the ground, not daring to face you. 
He told you that, but it seemed like he was forced to, you felt no sincerity. So much doubts came to you. "Why? Is this how it’s going to be? Already cutting out ties off before telling me your final say?”
“Even if it’s the end of us we can still be friends and support each other like we used to! Except I wouldn’t be able to contact you as often!" He grabbed your shoulders, shaking you. "You know how training are harsh in South Korea..”
“Still be friends? After all we’ve been through as a couple?” You shrugged his hand off your shoulders. He kept silent, not a single word. “Why the heck does it sound like as if you’ll be fine and healed after our break up as if nothing happened?”
“Y/N! Please! Think of it professionally! I told you earlier didn’t I? It’s my future! You know my dream better than any of my family! You’re my long-time friend and I could at least get strength and support from you..” He hissed and took your hands. 
You let go of his hold and stared at him in disbelief, his mouth agape. “You sound so selfish after hearing you say that. You even dodged my questions.” You talked back, your tone deeper than usual. “Did you really think this through Jun? Did you think of how I will feel after you leave?”
“I thought of it so carefully, Y/N. I care about you, your feelings, us, everything. I know how lonely you’ll get. Our relationship.. One thing for sure I won’t be able move on..”
“You’re full reasons Jun. I’m asking if you actually thought of us being friends after we end this.” You scoffed. 
“I don’t know Y/N, but I hope we will be.”
You never expected this stupid answer from him. So shallow-minded. You realized how clueless he was. How could you so blind on not seeing the obvious. A fact that he was excited for his dream, given. But he was not being a professional as he told you to. Hypocrite. 
You knew how painful it will be without him by your side, especially not knowing how long he’ll be gone. No matter how painful it gets, you gotta let him go.
“Whatever.” You bitterly murmured and left him. 
“Y/N, wait!” You hear him waking towards you. “I’m really sorry! I really don’t want to end this way! I thought you'd understand! You could understand better than this! This is not you! And-”
“What can a sorry do anyway?!” You turned around and cut him off. “Don’t say ‘let’s be professional' when you don’t even act like one. Professional or not, think of this will you?” You paused and shook your head. “I’m pretty sure it had happened to a lot of trainees.” You took a deep breath. 
“Will your ‘ex’ ever support you after a break-up?”
You cried as you left, making Jun astounded. Why? Why would he leave you in this state? You never knew why. 
Jun looked at his hands. Your last touch wasn’t a gentle one. He chuckled at himself, feeling the sting of guilt and anger and bitterness. Partly towards you, because you didn’t put any effort to try to understand him, and partly at him, because he shouldn’t have told you at the last minute. 
He punched the wall beside him, releasing all of his energy until his knuckles were swollen and purple with cuts and bruises. He didn’t realize tears already fell, not until a teardrop made his wounds slightly sting. 
His phone vibrated shortly after as he checked who it was- his colleague at a series. “Jun, are you on your way home? We’re about to have dinner.”
Jun’s hands tremble in pain and sadness as he placed his phone by his ears. “Yeah. I had dinner with a friend already and we parted ways..” He lied. He stood underneath the lamppost in the alleyway.
It has been four years since your relationship ended with Jun. And to be honest, you’re fine. You thought there would be less opportunities for you but no. It was just getting started. You moved on, and you didn’t regret it. 
“Y/N! Good news!” Your manager came in with an envelope in hand. You sat up from your desk as you finished skimming through the letter of gratitude from your previous director of a movie you recently completed filming. 
“What’s up?” You smiled. “Sounds like a great news to me, especially with that enthusiasm!” You hugged her as she placed the envelope down. 
“Go and read it now!” She insists with sparkle in her eyes.  
“Okay okay, but you gotta read it with me.” You pleaded and pulled her next to you. 
“To Miss Y/N.” You began reading, feeling your manager giggle with joy. Taking a deep breath, you continued. “After seeing your splendid performance and outstanding acting skills in your recent movie premiere night, on behalf of the company, we would like you to sign a 2 year contract with us..” 
Your eyes widened as you looked at the paper to your manager. “Oh my gosh!!” She screamed. “This is amazing Y/N!” 
“Shhh let me continue.” You silence her. “Pledis Entertainment would like to work with you and showcase your talent here in Seoul. The schedule for the first 3 months of your stay is written below. We are looking forward to your reply and our partnership with you.”
You flew your hands to the air. “I’m going to Seoul..” Your manager hugged you. “The heck!! I’m going to Seoul!” You screamed in joy. “I can’t believe it!”
“I’m so happy for you Y/N!” She cried in tears of joy. “Everything has been going so well for you!” She noticed another paper falling out of the envelope and took it. “And looks like I’ll be going with you!” 
“Everything is already prepared! Even the flight bookings, tickets!” You checked the date of departure. “We’re leaving in a few weeks!”
“Good! I’ll be contacting your parents about this. Go ahead and get your documents ready.” She left the room as you sat on your desk again, feeling so overjoyed. 
“Seoul huh.. That’s where Jun is." You hit yourself several times. "Agh I shouldn’t be thinking of him! I’m so glad I came this far!” You faked a cry but remained happy. 
Remembering to check the schedule, you took the letter again and read it. In those 4 years passed, you excelled in the entertainment industry. You became a host for variety shows and a DJ for radio channels. And in those 4 years, you learned Korean because of the movie you recently filmed. It contained a hint of Korean culture. 
“Hmm. Who knew the film is a turning point for me to work in Seoul..” You told yourself. 
Flapping the letter to your hands, “Seems I’ll be co-hosting a radio show on my first month? Sweet. I’ll probably be meeting my favourite Oppas." You mumbled, a small smile slowly appearing on your face. This’ll be so fun. 
“Thank you for your hardwork!” Seventeen greeted as they finished filming for a comeback. 
“Let's go grab a snack.” Hoshi proposed and everyone agreed. 
“Whoa whoa. Where do you think you’re going?” Their manager came to stop them. "You got an interview in a radio station in a few hours. Y’all gotta prepare.”
“Just a snack, Hyung. Hm?” They begged. 
“I got snacks in the van. You may pig out there.”
The members sighed as they knew manager-hyung won’t give them until they’re done for the day. Once they reached the radio station, they practiced their lines before entering the studio. 
You were nervous, holding the scripts with little shakes. You can do this, Y/N. You’ve done this a lot of times back then. The idol group guesting today is Seventeen, and you’re co-hosting with Leeteuk sunbae-nim, one of your favourite singers. 
“Are you ready Y/N?” He touched your shoulders. “Yes but I’m a little nervous. I know nothing about the guest group and what if I screw up?” You sighed. 
“I know you’ll be fine. I’ve seen you host in Mandarin and Korean simultaneously. This'll be a piece of cake for you." With the encouragement for him, you gained strength. “Yeah hwaiting!” You gave a thumbs up. 
"Welcome to today's hearing and the studio is so happy and grateful to be introducing our next idol group for today!" Leeteuk began. “Today is a very, or should I say extra special because we have our new co-host! She will be joining us in the 2nd half of the recording so be nice to her! Let’s welcome Seventeen to the studio!”
"Say the name! Seventeen! Hello we are Seventeen!" They greeted and applause and cheers followed after. 
“Wow! It’s been ages since the studio was filled with many people.”
You sat with the producers and crew in the other room as you listened to the 1st half. Although you were reading your script for the 5th time in a row, you were still attentively listening to the recording. They sounded like they’re having so much fun with the games prepared: individual talents, unit battles, punishment reveal etc. Without knowing it, you were called in for standby. And you couldn’t wait to meet them. 
“Now let us invite our co-host. Give her a round of applause! Miss Y/N-sshi!” Leeteuk cheered. 
“Hello everyone! I’m Y/N, the rising star actress of the recent movie, 'Could You Love Me Again'. Thank you for inviting me today!” As you looked around the studio, there were many boys in headsets that you couldn’t even count them.
“So our Seventeen, made another comeback this year of the title BOOM BOOM, already have 3 wins. Congratulations!” Leeteuk continued. 
“Let’s listen to the question given by fans. Miss Y/N, can you read aloud the question we chose for the boys to answer?”
You nodded as you started to speak with confidence. "Our Seventeen~ You mentioned earlier that your song also depicts the sound 'heartbeats of love' for a girl. Looking out of the box, what other feelings might BOOM BOOM describe as a heartbeat in another perspective?” You read the script so fluently in Korean the members of Seventeen were in awe. 
“Wah~ This is so tricky! Well! It could be anything so just be creative.” You giggled. 
“Anyone wants to answer?” Leeteuk asked the boys. There was silence, although it was understandable the question is tricky and maybe no one dares to answer. “Ah our Jun-sshi! Would you like to give it a shot?”
You flinched at the name. Jun? You looked to the side and try to get an angle to see this 'Jun'. It could be any Jun though.. But everything happened in slow motion when you realized who it was. Wen Junhui, your ex-boyfriend. 
Jun knew you were the co-host. It was written on the script. He didn’t know what to feel when he saw you, but flashbacks of your break up came to him. He wondered if you knew he’d be there. Observing your actions only for the past few minutes, he concluded you didn't know his presence were there. Or maybe you were only pretending. 
He decided to speak up, for you to notice him and hear his name again, after 4 years of no communication. Only to see your reaction. “My answer is that BOOM BOOM can be a heartbeat of anger.”
Bunch of oohs and whoas filled the tiny room. “Go on and explain.” Leeteuk suggested. 
“Obviously the song is our feeling when we see a girl we like, which is a good thing. If we look at it as a bad thing, it means the BOOM BOOM of being in-love changed to BOOM BOOM of anger. The case is, if I see the girl I like isn’t who I think she is.” 
“Ooh. Very detailed explanation. Anything else to add?” Leeteuk asked again. 
“Since I was a child actor in China, I observed scenarios especially when it involves love. By this experience I think BOOM BOOM of anger can happen when you're on a verge of break up.”
Everyone in the room found this answer to be funny and cringey but it was realistic. You and Jun had an eye contact, and you could tell he was aiming at you. That grin he gave you, was grin of revenge, or bitterness so to say. 
“Oh! Y/N-sshi. You’re a girl and an actress too. What are you thoughts on this?” Seungkwan surprised you with a question you never expected to answer. 
To not be obvious that you’re affected by Jun’s shot, you remained professional.
“Well I think it’s true that that kind of BOOM BOOM could happen when ending a relationship. But if I were in this situation, I think I should be 'felt', and not being 'heard'. Girls want boys to listen and to feel their problems wholeheartedly and not just hear then later ignore them as if nothing ever happened.”
“Ohh. Interesting answer Miss Y/N.” Leeteuk complimented you. 
“Hahaha! The fans in the comment section wants a scenario of a couple in an argument.” Jeonghan blurted out. 
“That’s a good idea. Our Jun-sshi. Pretend you're in a relationship with Miss Y/N and on the verge of break up. We should see how Jun shows the BOOM BOOM of anger in this scenario.” Leeteuk agreed, patting Jun in the back. 
This wasn’t in the script. How were you supposed to act this out? Your ex is here in this room for crying out loud! Just go with the flow, Y/N.
You felt your heart tense up as the boys anticipate your acting first-hand.  
“Ready? Action!”
“Y/N. You really don’t understand, do you?” Jun began. “I should’ve known this before, you’re actually so shallow-minded.”
“Shouldn’t I be the one telling you that? You don’t even know how it feels to be unwanted by someone you love after they treat you so special before.” You butted back. 
The tension in the room was already rising only with two lines of the improvising act. The boys are so emersed into you and Jun. 
“See, you didn't get it into your head! You didn’t realize that I’m one of those people who walk away so fast and never intended to stay in a relationship.” Jun replied, making the members cringe like total fanboys. “Shallow-minded. Are you actually this gullible?”
You scoffed inside, trying to hold your anger and not give in. He’s totally gonna wreck you Y/N. “If that’s the case I shouldn’t have put you as my first priority when you put me as your option! You turned into someone I never thought you’d be! And that's painful.” You raised your tone higher than usual.
“Well, you knew pain was bound to happen anyway. It’s your choice whether to suffer or not. But I guess you chose to suffer instead, while I moved on.” He paused, “So, are you trying to make me pity you?”
“Don’t you dare play with my feelings just because you’re confused with your own! Yeah you did back out in our relationship for petty reasons but know this, I was strong enough to let you go.”
To your surprise Jun kept silent, he didn’t utter a single word after you. Serves you right. The boys and Leeteuk applaud in the short yet strong improvisation.
“Wah! As expected from the actor and actress! That was really intense. How did you come up with those lines? They were really good and I’m sure our listeners can relate.”
“From experience.” You and Jun answered the same time, earning another clap from the group. 
You sighed as the recording finished. You were tired, not physically, mentally you are. Seventeen bowed to everyone before they left. Your manager waited for you before going to another meeting. 
“Good work Y/N!” She hugged you. “Are you okay?”
“Never been better.” You smiled. As you got into the car, you noticed the vehicle has been following the van in front. “Why are we following the van? Aren’t we going back to our apartment?”
“Ah, we're going to Pledis building. There are some kids your age the chairman wants you to meet. You’ll see them often so it’s better if you know them beforehand.”
You just nodded and drove off to sleep. Hopefully the radio station is the last time you’ll see Jun.
scarred masterlist
>> a relationship with jun was all going well, not until a certain situation got in between that made everything crumbling down. forgiveness was key but it was the progress that was essential to make forgiveness happen.
part one || next >
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