#and then spent the next 7 hours driving and beating my head against vba
mercurymusing · 2 years
Moon poem:
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At five A.M. I saw the Moon
    netted in the power lines
        shining full and bright over the fence, under the plum boughs
    just the other side of the car
and yet
    And I wondered
Having known us all since our infancies
        since Our infancy
With all the myriad relationships
    with every creature with eyes to watch the sky
        or blood to feel the tides
Does She have a preference?
    Does She miss the worship?
        The shadowed bacchanalia,
            the myths and legends,
                gods and goddesses,
                    rabbits and romances and
    Or does She take Her slow pleasure in intimacies?
        The poet's softest sonnets,
            the student's weary toast,
                the night worker's steady company,
                    the refugee's huddled gratitude for Her light
        or for the obscuring grace of Her subtler phase
They say Chicxulub threw ejecta so far
    that there are dinosaurs among the stars
Does She still hold them softly?
    Cradle them to Her face?
        Those long lost souls, that She watched from birth
    from species' birth
            to death
        to extinction
                gleaming in their mortal eyes?
    They, at least, never left-
        never tracked boots and rovers,
            never stabbed slow-bleached wire-waved flags,
                six brief liaisons,
                    and five decades of longing
Was that brief Earthly touch
    a reminder of something older?
They say
    they say many things
        they say once long ago,
    a coconut palm grew from the head of an eel 
            that the Earth was alone,
    a wrathful virgin fed a spy to his own hounds
                    that in its molten youth, 
    a haughty coward jumped second into the fire
                        a wanderer came out of the black,
    and drank her archer's elixir
                            and they met in cataclysmic passion
Does She remember spinning Herself back together
    from a disc of mantle debris?
        How quaint those latter day calamities
At five thirty-two
    at seventy-two miles an hour
        sketching thoughts into a voice note
            I caught Her winking through the pines
                keeping pace beyond the ridge
            yet again
                    to some poor lunatic
                        awash in Her light
At six-oh-one
    I passed a man asleep on a bench
        all that he had stacked high in his cart
    and as the corner of a high-rise eclipsed Her face
        I knew that Her warm golden glow guarded him still
At six-oh-seven I left the sky behind
        filled with gulls shrieking their laroid liturgies       
    to worship a triple-screened goddess 
            in a carpet walled shrine
                trading mystery for spreadsheets
        (and my daily bread)
Tonight She rises again
    at eight-oh-six P.M.
I'll be waiting
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