#and then proceeded to dap up each other for the rest of the night while pretending to be silver and my friend's hot oc
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marisashinx · 2 months ago
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Let's change the topic...
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jk-unless · 4 years ago
Tuwaine’s Friend
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Pairing(s):Tom Holland x Black!Reader,Platonic!Tuwaine Barrett x Black!Reader
Warnings: None
Not Requested
You and Tuwaine became fast friends while he was visiting the states back in 2015. You ran into each other at a McDonalds.A middle aged woman was making a big scene about her order being made wrong.Tuwaine,who was in front of you in line,turned towards you and asked you if this was something that happened often.
“You mean at McDonalds?Have you never been here?”You asked,more curious than trying to be rude.
“Oh,I actually meant the states in general.” He clarified.The use of the term “the states” made everything click.
“Oooh,you’re not from here!Yeah,sadly,this is a pretty normal thing.It’s best to get a woman like her’s order exactly right the first time or there will be a scene.”
Tuwaine sighs in frustration. “I’m just trying to eat.”
“Don’t worry,it won’t be too much longer before she storms off.”You comforted him.As you said this,the woman let out a final obnoxious sigh.
“I will be calling corporate about this!” She angrily grabbed her takeout bag and stomped out of the restaurant.
“Thank God.” Tuwaine muttered quietly so only you could hear him.You giggled as he walked up to the counter.The cashier apologized about the scene to which Tuwaine assured her it was alright.He gave her his order then turned to you again.
“...And whatever the nice lady behind me wants.”
Your eyes widened a bit.”You sure?” You asked,taken back by the kindness.He nodded with a small smile.You thanked him then proceeded with your order.
The two of you ate together and talked about anything that came to mind.He eventually explained to you that it was actually his last day there before he went back home.Not wanting this to be last time you talked to the sweet guy, you decided to exchange numbers to keep in touch.
Now in present day,Tuwaine fools around with Tom between scenes of Spider-Man:Far From Home.As Tuwaine laughs about something with Tom,he gets a text from one of the staff members that someone by the name of Y/N L/N was there to see him.
“Oh shit,she’s here!” He exclaimed,jumping up out of his spot.
“Wait,the girl you mentioned earlier?I’m not ready!” Tom says,dramatically running to the nearest mirror to try to fix his hair.
“You’re Tom Holland,she’ll be happy to see you no matter what you look like.” He rolls his eyes at his friend’s desperate attempt to look more put together.In a matter of minutes,the two of them hear a knock on the door of Tom’s trailer.Tuwaine whips open the door and smiles when he sees you.He pulls you in and tackles you in a bear hug to which let out a startled and happy laugh.Tom smiles at the pure interaction in front of him.As Tuwaine let’s go of you,he finally introduces the two of you.
“Tom,Y/N.Y/N,Tom.” He motions between the two of you.
“Hi,it’s really nice to meet you.” Tom says with a bright smile that makes your face heat up.These are times where you’re happy that your melanin hides your shyness.
“Nice to meet you too,Tom.And may I just say,you’re even more attractive in person.”You say,making it Tom’s turn to blush.You discreetly watch in the corner of your eye as Tuwaine rolls his eyes.
“I can say the same about you!The pictures Tuwaine showed me didn’t do you justice.”Tom chuckles a bit as he remembers one pic in particular.”Especially the one where-“ Tuwaine quickly shushes him to save his own skin.Tom slapped a hand over his mouth,but it was too late.You menacingly turned towards you’re old friend.
“You showed Tom Holland an embarrassing picture of me?!”Before Tuwaine could even properly explain himself,Tom was called onto set.He quickly excused himself and told the two of you that he’ll be back in a bit.You watched him exit the trailer,then turned towards Tuwaine once again.He smiled nervously.
“You don’t have to go with him?” You asked,motioning to the door to which Tuwaine explained that he already filmed his scene.He tensed as you moved towards him,not expecting the hug that came after.
“You’re lucky I’ve missed ya ass too much to be mad at you.” You begrudgingly told him.He let out a sigh of relief and hugged you back.
“Oh,thank God.You hungry?”
“I could eat.”
As the day went on,the three of you actually spent a lot of time together.Even Jake,Zendaya,and Jacob would join you guys once in a while.And let me tell you,your heart was not ready for any of those interactions.You literally almost cried when Zendaya introduced herself to you.During you guys’ down time together,you’d often catch Tom sneaking glances at you.You didn’t want to get your hopes up,so you dismissed it as just him being curious of the person who seemed to mean so much to his dear friend.You really wanted to stay around all of these lovely people, but at around 1:00 in the morning you realized filming wasn’t going to end anytime soon and that you should probably turn in for the night.When you made this decision,it was only you in Tuwaine in the trailer.
“Tutu,I think I’m gonna head to the hotel now.” You announced,using the embarrassing nickname that you first gave him about three months into your friendship.He watched as you started to gather your things.”
Yeah,it is getting pretty late.You want me to come with you?”Tuwaine asked.You looked down with mock shyness and muttered “If you don’t mind.”He rolled his eyes and huffed at your antics.As the two of you made your way out of the trailer,he mentioned that you guys should inform Tom you were leaving.You agreed and the two of you headed towards the set.You made sure they weren’t filming before approaching Tom as he got his suit adjusted by a stylist.He smiled as he caught sight of the two of you,then realized you had you’re stuff in your hands.
“Oh,are you guys leaving?” He asked and pouted at you.His cute frowny face caught you off guard,but luckily Tuwaine answered for the both you.
“Yeah,this one here isn’t really used to being out so late.” He said motioning to you.”Not mention the slight time zone changed has me feeling a little off.” You added.
“Oh,no it’s fine,I totally get it.” Tom said,quick to reassure you that there was no problem.”So uhh,I’ll see you later,man.” He said,dapping Tuwaine off then turning to you with his arms open.”May I?” He asked.You giggled at his politeness and gave him an enthusiastic “Yeah,sure!” The hug was quick,but warm and overall really pleasant.As you were still holding each other,he muttered “It was really nice to meet you.” You smiled grew as you replied “You too,Tom.”
The two of you broke away and you and Tuwaine told him a final bye over your shoulder as you made your way to exit.
Like the good friend Tuwaine is,he got you safely to your hotel room and made sure you had everything you needed.He planned on staying with you for a bit,then realized that you were quite literally about to pass out.He turned off the lights for you as you plopped yourself down on your bed.Before he could fully close the door behind him.His text tone went off.He unlocked his phone to see that the text was from Tom.
Hey,you still around Y/N?
Tuwaine starred oddly at his phone.
Uh no,she’s passed out on her bed and I’m heading to my room.Why?
Okay,good!I got some questions.
You’re questions can wait,I need a shower.
Tuwaine replied as he set his things down in his own room.
DON’T LEAVE ME!! Tom dramatically texted back.Tuwaine shook his head at the text,threw his phone on the bed,and went to the bathroom to start his shower.
About half an hour later,Tuwaine came out of the shower and picked up his phone again.His attention was brought to a notification of a new text from Tom.
Tom: I hate you 😡
Tuwaine simply rolled his eyes,completely used to his friend’s dramatics. Sure you do.And we were literally in the same place like less than an hour ago,why didn’t you ask your qUeSTIonS then?
Tom: Because she was RIGHT THERE!
EXACTLY SO WHY DIDN’T Tuwaine began to write out,then realized what Tom meant by his text.Oooooh THOSE type of questions.Are they something on the lines of is she single?Maybe even her body count? Tuwaine asked,deciding to tease him.
Well maybe the first question...
I truly can’t stand you.
Tuwaine: You want the answer to your question or not?
Tom: 😐
Tuwaine: No she’s not seeing anyone 🙄
Tom: ...Set me up a date with her.
At that moment,Tuwaine really wished Tom was in his room with him just so he could see the look of disbelief on his face. Bruv I know you haven’t been on a date in a while,but that is definitely something you do YOURSELF.
Tom: But she makes me hella nervous!
Tuwaine: When did you start using the word hella?You’ve been spending too much time with Zendaya.
Tom: Can’t really help that when she’s,well,my literal love interest.
Tuwaine: Keep that attitude up and I’ll tell Y/N that you shit yourself in your sleep.
Tom: If you tell her that,you’ll have to say goodbye to my fans for me bc I’d literally throw myself off of the nearest building.
Tuwaine: You do that like every day on set,nothing new really.
Tom: I have to go arsehole.Please just send me her number.
Tuwaine: Sure.Don’t die while doing stunts or whatever.
Tom: Love you too Tuwaine 🥰😘❤️❤️😊
Tuwaine couldn’t help but laugh at the text as he put his phone on his charger and finally climbed into bed to rest.
Yow woke up at around 8:00am to a text from an unknown number.The text read Hey,it’s Tom!I hope you don’t mind that Tuwaine gave me your number.You smiled at the text and mentally noted to thank Tuwaine later. Oh I don’t mind at all 😊 What’s up Tom?Well I guess filming right?😂 You cringed at your reply but it was too late to delete it.You got a reply in less than a minute.
Tom: lol we actually got a lot done last night so I’m free for the day!
You: Oh cool!You got any plans for your day off?
I was actually hoping I could take you out for lunch? Tom surprised himself at his sudden confidence.He thought he’d end up giving you small hints that he wanted to hang out until eventually you were the one to ask.
You: I’d love to!What time were you thinking?
Tom: Can I pick you up for 12:00?
You: 12:00 would be just fine 😌 See you then!
Tom: See you then!
You were over the fucking moon.Tom Holland,one of your biggest celebrity crushes since CA: Civil War, just asked you out on a date.To say you were freaking out was an understatement.The date was literally four hours away,but you jumped up and started looking for an outfit anyway.Once you finally picked up the perfect outfit,with the limited clothes that you brought for your trip,you threw a hoodie over yourself and headed to the lobby,remembering that you were supposed to me Tuwaine for breakfast.
“So yeah I got a text that was like “Hey,it’s Tom!” and first my dumbass was like “Who the fuck is Tom?” then I read the rest of the text and I it mentioned you and I was like “Ooooh that Tom!” so then I texted him back and was like-“
“I hate to cut you off,” Tuwaine said,finally deciding to interrupt your rant “But it’s too early in the morning for you to be talking at this speed.”
You knew your friend was mostly just joking,but you sheepishly sunk down in your chair and calmed down a bit anyway. “My bad,I’m just really excited.”
“It’s cool,love.So I’m guessing this lead to him asking you out?”
“Yes!I’m saving my appetite because he’s taking me out for lunch!But that’s enough about my potential love life,how’d you sleep?” You asked and slightly leaned over with genuine anticipation.This brought a smile to Tuwaine’s face.
“Glad to see that you remember you came all this way to see me.” He mockingly told you,but you could tell he was genuinely touched.He went on to tell you that it felt like he was sleeping on a huge slab of stone,but he went to sleep anyway because he was too tired.You two had a long chat and before you knew it,it was time for your date.
(A /N: One thing I’m manifesting for myself starting this December 21st is a better sleep schedule.It’s getting late,but I didn’t want to go back on my word so I just cut it short 😅 Part 2 will be up soon though!)
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dashhoney25 · 5 years ago
SB: three
King's comment about Malcolm really got under my skin. It was inappropriate and childish for him to bring up my past infidelity at a time like this. Yes I'm a little tipsy, and yes I'm horny and just because I haven't had sex with King in 5 days it doesn't mean that I'm cheating... but I did cheat, and I am putting him through it again. I promised King that I'd remain faithful and let him know when I have the urge to step out. We agreed that we'd either break up completely if I couldn't change my ways, or we'd work it out to curb these nasty habits of mine. I was wrong for pursing Adonis in a drunken stupor, just like I was wrong for pursuing Malcolm. The difference between Malcolm and Adonis is the fact that Malcolm and King were friends, they were partners in music. I came in between a friendship and money, but I lied about as if it would just go away. I lied thinking that I could maintain a healthy relationship with King, and still have my side of Malcolm as I pleased. I lied as if there wouldn't be a consequence to my outside activities, as if King hadn't caught onto my distancing. I lied so much to the point that I didn't care if I smelled like Malcolm's cologne. Lying about the visible passion marks on my body only intensified my naughty thoughts of hoping that the marks between my thighs would deliver a rise from King. This fling with Malcolm was a thrill for me, I couldn't hide that I was in the wrong, but I didn't want the high to end. Though the affair ended, the bond between King and Malcolm was broken. Through my lies and inadequacies, King still felt that I was worth all the trouble. Til this day I still pay for ruining our sacred bond, and somehow I feel that things will never truly go back to normal.
As I walked inside the house I found everyone standing around the table taking shots randomly. The door behind me had opened and it was King. He took my hand and walked over to the table with me and announced that we were leaving. King dapped up Dro, Taye and Rich, and I walked over and hugged Audrey. "We'll finish our convo later right?" she questioned. "Of course honey!" I replied. "You get some rest okay?" she encouraged. "I will" I replied. I walked passed Adonis and pulled Mercedes into a hug. "You guys leaving?" she asked. "Yes, thank you for inviting King and I. Your house is gorgeous" I said kindly. "Please come back and stay the night. I'll make sure to get rid of Adonis" Mercedes said jokingly. "Sis you're drunk, how about you and Adonis have a good time tonight, we'll discuss the girls night later" I said pulling away from her. "Fuck him. He's not even paying attention to me right now" Mercedes said. My eyes got wide as I looked around the room and saw Adonis on his phone away from everyone. "Just go talk to him Merc" I encouraged. "Later. Thank you and King for coming, ya'll drive safe" Mercedes urged. "We will" I said. As I walked away I received a text message from an unknown number.
Unknown: Let's meet tomorrow.
Me: Who is this?
Locking my phone, I walked outside to get some air. I received a message from the unknown number and opened my messages. I opened the attachment to find a picture of Adonis and I from the club. In the picture we were really close to each other, we looked boo'd up. I was smirking playfully, while Adonis stuck his tongue out; his dimples showing slightly. We looked like a couple enjoying a night out on the town. I eyed the picture for a moment, not knowing how to respond and confused at who was texting me. I felt guilty standing on Mercedes' property with the possibility that her fiancé could be texting me. I locked my phone and closed my eyes to take a deep breath. Exhaling, I could hear King's voice "You ready to go?" he asked.
"Yeah" I said simply. We walked down to the driveway and got into the car. I put on my seatbelt and leaned against the window to relax. I could feel King's eyes on me from time to time as he drove. King placed his hand on my thigh in a comforting manner, "You okay over there?" he asked. I jumped at his touch and moved my thigh away from his grasp. "I'm fine King" I said coldly. He sighed, "I'm sorry for what I said back there. You know I didn't mean it" King replied apologetically. "How should I know that King? You do have a habit of bringing him up. But I never thought that you'd bring Malcolm up in public!" I replied. "We were alone!" King said. "Anyone could've walked outside! Who knows, someone might've heard us already!" I raised my voice. The car slowed down as we approached a stoplight. "Baby, I said I was sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up" King said. I shook my head, "It's been almost 2 years and you still find a way to bring up my past. You always tell me how we've progressed and that you love me, but yet; whenever you get suspicious you find a way to throw it back in my face. Jermaine I am sorry that I haven't fucked you since I hung out with Alana. I'm sorry that I turned you down this morning, but I tried to make up for it and suggest that we leave early but you wanted to stay." I admitted.
King pulled off and continued to drive, "It's never my intention to bring up the past. I just don't want to go through that shit again aight! I've forgiven you..." "But what! You've forgiven me but what?!" I yelled. "Im still hurt! That shit still haunts me when you come home late at night! I can't just act like you came in between me and someone I called my brother" King continued. I scoffed and sunk down in the seat. "Here we go" I sighed. "So all of this is my fault for wanting to go to Mercedes' house in the first place huh?! I questioned. King pulled into our driveway and turned off the car.
King unbuckled his seatbelt and faced me, "I could say a lot of things, but I can't change what I said today; like I said I'm sorry baby." King caressed my face, I glared at him and felt remorseful. His intuition was right, he was feeling this feeling because he knew deep down that something happened to me on Friday night, he just wasn't sure how to confront me. My eyes locked with King's, he lifted my chin to his and kissed me. His soft lifts put my mind and body at ease, the way his tongue danced with mine I felt butterflies inside. King gripped my thighs and I immediately moved myself to his seat. Straddling King, I placed my arms around his neck and continued to kiss him passionately. King's hands roamed my back, his hands traveled down to my ass and he cupped it. A smile came to King's face as I grinded against him. "Bad gyal, I see you" he let out in his thick Nigerian accent. I giggled and placed kisses all over his cheeks, kissing his neck I began to unbutton his button down. Opening his shirt, I placed kisses all over his chest, sucking on his skin. King groaned lowly. My hands roamed his stomach, admiring his chiseled abs. "Hold up a minute" King said. King flipped the sun visor down and pushed the button on the garage door opener. He turned on the car and slowly moved up the driveway as the garage door opened. "So you don't want anyone to see us?" I questioned joking. "Hell nah, not for what we bout to do. Soon as this garage door comes down, get ya ass in the backseat" he barked. I continued kissing on King as the car pulled into the garage. We were now in total darkness as King turned the car off. Taking the keys out of the ignition, we sat there in silence for a moment. Anticipating for King to yell at me I burst out in laughter. "Get in the backseat like I said" he laughed. As I got up, King slapped my ass as I climbed over the drivers' seat and fell into the backseat.
My laughs were muffled as King hovered me and kissed me slowly. "You know we can go in the house" I said still laughing. King cupped my face and kissed me passionately, lowering himself onto me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and rubbed his back, I couldn't see him but the fabric of his shirt was bothering me. King sat up for a moment and resumed kissing me, when I rubbed his back my nails instantly dug into his skin. Shit he knows what I want even in the dark. As my nails grazed King's back, I felt the fabric of my navy blue jumpsuit slowly coming down. Soft kisses to my neck trailed down to my chest as my ass was cupped by King's hands. A low groan escaped my lips as his skin brushed up against mine, King was onto something and even though we couldn't see each other, he still had me wrapped around his finger. "C'mere" King teased as I felt him pull me onto his lap. He pressed his forehead against mine as he cupped my breasts and hummed against me.
"You know I love you right?" he asked. Straddling King, I moved my panties to the side to let my imagination run wild through the feeling of his shorts. "Of course I know that" I responded. "It won't ever change" King let out before kissing my collarbone. Grinding against him I couldn't help but fumble at his belt. I just knew he would leave hickeys the way he began sucking on my collarbone driving me wild. His pants weren't coming off fast enough and I knew I was leaking on his shorts. King moved his hand to his belt, and his hand grazed against my warm, juicy center. "She ready?" he questioned seductively. "Mhm" I said biting my lip. I lifted my hips and gripped King's shoulders, "Take off your pants Papi" I cooed sensually. Nibbling at King's ear, I could hear the cling of a belt and something falling on the floor. Sucking on King's earlobe, he slightly pulled away and pulled me into a kiss. I could still hear shuffling in the seat, King lowered me back into his lap and I instantly felt his skin against my hips. My wet center rested on his hard member teasing me, "I'm ready" I said lowly gripping him. I proceeded to line myself up to King, "Right there" he said holding my hips. Slowly, I took him into me inch by inch, and the feeling of being filled caused my eyes to water.
"Tight as fuck" King muttered. I held onto King's shoulders and took in the moment, I threw my head back in amazement, he felt so good I didn't want to move, I just wanted him just like this. King pulled me into a kiss and switched positions with me, he placed me in the seat and put my legs on his shoulders as he slid back inside of me roughly. Gasping, I was caught off guard by the thrust and I struggled to keep my legs open. "Fuck" I let out as I held onto King's wrists as he stroked me quickly. "Just like that baby girl" he said flicking my clit. I threw my head back and hit my head on the seat. "Shit!" I groaned painfully. "Let's go inside" I let out. King stroked me a few more times and slowly pulled out of me. He lowered my legs back to the floor and got out of the car. He turned on the light in the garage and came back to the car to get me. I sat there admiring him naked and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. "Damn" I said biting my lip. "Get out the damn car" King laughed. Getting out, I turned around to get my jumpsuit and underwear out of the car when King picked me up and carried me in the house.
"We can get that shit later. I'm not finished with you" King said as he walked me into the kitchen. He placed me on the island, my legs dangled on the edge. King stood in between my legs and rubbed my thighs. "Damn you're beautiful" I smiled, I caressed King's face and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Moaning against him, I felt his hands prying at my folds. Opening up for him, King slid two fingers inside as he continued to kiss me. The deeper his fingers plunged into me, the more I pulled away from his kisses. King bit at my bottom lip, watching me give into his desires of his fingers. I rolled my hips against him, King moved me further onto the island and I placed my feet flat on the island for stability. Placing my hands onto King's shoulders, I sat up, squatting, and rolled my hips against him as he continued pumping his fingers in and out of me. "Damnit King" I groaned as the tension built inside of me. "Hold that for me" King encouraged "Don't cum just yet" he commanded. I guess King couldn't take me bouncing on him the way I did because he quickly scooped me from the island and took me to bed. King sucked his fingers dry and laid me on the bed and dived in between my thighs.
My body instantly curled at his touch and my hands found their way into his thick head of hair. His warm tongue graced my center generously and I kept my eyes on him, watching him slurp every drop of me. Biting my bottom lip in agony I kept my eyes focused on the ceiling, so much that I cupped my breasts and stared at the ceiling so hard I thought I could see myself. Damn Adonis was a beast for having mirrors above his bed, maybe King and I should invest in one. I closed my eyes and opened my legs wider for King. Coming up for air, King pulled me close to him and caressed my back. I placed kisses all over his neck and chest and ran my fingers through his hair. I pulled him into the bed and decided to please him. I took King down my throat and inhaled deeply to conquer his length. Bobbing up and down, the head of his dick hit the back of my throat. Cupping his balls I kept my mind focused on not gagging. Pulling him from my mouth, I sucked on the sides of his shaft and watched as my spit dredged down his balls. Taking his balls into my mouth I stroked his dick fast, making sure to alternate between his balls and shaft to keep it moist. "Fuuuckkkkk Tasha. Damn girl" King exhaled. I looked up at him innocently and ran my tongue up and down the sides of his dick. I was in love with how he looked at me, more importantly; I loved how I made him feel.
I swirled my tongue around his head before deep throating him. Doing this, I continued to cup his balls and made my way to suck on them alternating between which one I loved the most. "Shit baby girl!" King winced. Smiling, I pulled away and straddled him. I lined myself up with him again and smiled. King looked so relaxed, yet so horny he couldn't contain himself with the stimulation that I had given him. I rolled my hips slowly enjoying the feeling of him inside of me, brushing against my walls. King held my hips and looked in my eyes, "I can't go another 5 days without this" he let out, attempting to hold back his grunt. I sat on my knees and gripped my ankles and proceeded to bounce on his dick, rolling my hips to alter the grip that I had on his member. "Don't let it happen again" I said before kissing him. "Fuck, I promise baby" King breathed.
King gripped me and flipped me over on my back, carrying me to the back of the bed he laid me on a pillow and placed one of my legs on his shoulder and he left my other leg flat. Sliding into me, King stroked me slow and deep. I could hardly describe how good this shit felt, but all I knew was that we had all night and this love making wasn't over.
I was lying in bed snuggled up into a pillow when King got out of bed to head to the bathroom. I heard water running and continued to lay in bed. King stood at the threshold of the bathroom door and stared at me. "You tired ma?" he questioned me. I sat up on my elbow and eyed him. "A little bit, I'm out of commission for the next few days" I joked. King peeked into the bathroom and looked back at me, "You gotta get out of that bed in 5 minutes" he said to me. I huffed. "But I don't wanna" I whined. "Trust me, you're gonna like this" he stated. Sighing, I got out of bed and met him at the bathroom door. I wrapped my arms around his waist and gave him a big kiss. "Damn I love you" I said looking in his light brown eyes. "I love you too" King smiled back.
"So why did you want me to get out of bed?" I questioned. King took my hand and walked me inside the bathroom. There was a bubble bath set up for us in our claw-foot tub which contained a few red rose petals. My face lit up and I couldn't stop smiling. King turned off the water and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, "Kingyyyy! Baby. This is beautiful" I said in awe. "Let's get in" King said taking my hand helping me step in. Once King got in, we settled into the warm bath water. I tied my hair into a high messy bun and rested my back against his chest. I closed my eyes and felt his lips against the side of my face as he held my lower half in his arms. I loved this moment of intimacy with him, the silence was everything and the ambiance was perfect for us two. As I snuggled into King's chest, I felt a sense of comfort and protection in this moment. "Tasha, I've been thinking" King let out. "About what babe?" I asked looking up at him, admiring him upside down from my angle. King leaned down and kissed my pouty lip. "I wanna go all the way with you" he said. I turned around and straddled him. "What do you mean Jermaine?" I asked in all seriousness. "I wanna take that next step with you. I want a family. I wanna have kids with you. We got a house big enough for at least 3 kids." King said with a smile. I blushed, and felt a bit nervous at his revelation. My mouth opened, but no words would come out. King smiled and caressed my shoulder, "I know we agreed to have kids once we're married, but I want you to know that I'm ready for that." King said with the utmost sincerity. The way he looked in my eyes, I knew it; deep down in his heart he felt this deep within his soul. "Natasha, I see myself marrying you. I see you being the mother of my children, and I don't know when, but I want this to happen." King said. Tears filled my eyes as he told me this, I couldn't do anything but wrap my arms around him. "I love you too Jermaine. No matter what, I want to spend the rest of my life with you" I said in a somber tone, trying not to sob. I pulled away from King and he continued to hold me, staring in my eyes. "I don't know when I'll ask, but I will. I want you to know that I'm intentional with my actions and I want this, for real. It's been 4 years, I don't need a lifetime to know that we're meant to be" I pulled King into a deep kiss and held him close to me. Pulling away I breathed into the crook of his neck and just held him. I couldn't help but feel so wrong for everything I had put him through that I wouldn't even know how to repay him for all the years we've been together.
"Jermaine, I'm ready whenever you are. I'm... I'm sorry for everything..." I spoke as a tear ran down my face. "I'm sorry for everything seen, and unseen." I said looking away from him. "I'm not the perfect wife" I said sadly. King caressed my face and wiped my tears, "You don't have to be, and that's why I love you baby." King spoke confidently to me, sealing his statement with a kiss.
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likeadrug-fanfic · 5 years ago
T H R E E : T W O
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K A I D E N 
I had just found a parking space when my brother shot me a text. Looking over I replied in my head and proceeded to park before getting out and making my way inside the airport. I was more than geeked about having my baby brother here with me. He was just like me, hotheaded, horrible attitude and a nasty mouth with no filter. 
I looked around for a good minute but then I saw that damn beard. My phone went off again and I could see him getting frustrated. “Yo Karter!” His head snapped back so fast I thought the shit was gon’ break off. “MY NIGGA!” We exclaimed together as we dapped and pulled each other in for a hug. 
I stepped back and crossed my arms observing him. “Bruh you done grew the fuck up on me.” He stroked his beard cheesing. “Shit it has been a while since we’ve seen each other,” I felt bad about that shit. “but fuck it. Im just stoked to be here man. I missed you.” He dapped me again laughing. I grabbed one of his suitcases and led the way out. 
Packing his shit in the trunk, we got in and you know I had to roll a fat wood. “Still in that shit huh?” I sighed and shook my head. “Not for long.” That was one thing he hated the most. Best believe he’s a pothead but dealing? You can kiss that goodbye. Soon as I mentioned something about it he turned and walked away from me. 
He would try and be funny sometimes paying me when he wanted weed but of course I slipped the shit back to him. Thats my bro so he always get free shit. “Londyn finally gave me chance.” I spoke out hoping to shift the topic and mood. “No shit! You bagged the baddest in the city. I follow her on instagram nshit and boooooy! She still fine.” 
My face flattened as I sealed the wood and mugged his ass. “Shut the fuck up nigga.” He held his hands up in surrender and leaned his seat back. I backed out of the parking space and lit the wood. “But it happened on some wild shit. Some drunk shit actually,” he chuckled, “took her on a nice little date nshit.” I puffed on the blunt before passing.
“Its shocking but not really ‘cause it was bound to happen. Everybody knew yall was gon’ end up together sooner than later.” He shrugged taking a hit. He did have a point though. When I say everybody and their mama knew, I meant that. “Oh shit before I forget, we going out tonight for her sisters shop opening. So I hope you’on got plans.” Karter scrunched his face. “Nigga what plans would I have?” I busted out laughing and snatched my blunt from him. 
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L O L A N I 
I groaned and pushed my head into the pillow as loud music blared through the house. “Get the fuck up! Get ready!” I popped up and seen Loryn standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. “You over slept Lani.” She walked over to my closet and placed my makeup box on the vanity. “Oh shit. I wanted to flat iron my hair.”
I sat at the edge of the bed. I still had to find something to wear. “You look beautiful with curly hair. Chop chop! Lets move.” She walked out closing the door behind her. I really didnt mean to over sleep but shit I was tired. After my bubble bath I smoked a blunt and watched movies on Netflix until I fell asleep.
I was still distraught about earlier today. I felt so stupid for wanting to text Omari. I wanted answers but then again I didnt. Shaking it off, I went to the closet and picked through my clothes. I could either go classy or simple but still fashionable. I decided on simple.
Once I got dressed I brushed my teeth then started on this lion mane of mine. All I had to was wet it a little and apply moisturizer. I needed my curls to pop tonight. Checking myself out in the mirror I blew a kiss then turned out the light before returning to the closet. “Have you heard from mama?” Loryn busted in my room once again. “No. Call her.” I said in duh tone. “You call her.”
She rolled her eyes and sat on my bed. “You look cute by the way.” I waved her off and continued to dial my mom. When she answered she said, “yes Lani? Make it quick.” I placed her on speaker phone and handed the phone to Loryn. “Ma? You cant miss this night. I need you there!” She expressed. “MA! You hear you?”
“I hear you baby. Oh shit, Im on the way home now.” You could her rushing off to somewhere and slamming a door closed. “Im grabbing my things now and leaving. I wont miss it. I promise.” She said her goodbyes and explained to someone what was going on. Lordyn didnt hang up until she heard the car start up. “Shes gonna miss it.” She whispered looking like she wanted to cry.
“Stay positive. Let go get a drink.” I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the kitchen yelling out for my other two sister. “C’mon girls!” Londyn and Leilani walked into the kitchen looking fly as fuck. I swear my mama made some fine ass twins. I took the bottle of Hennessy out the freezer and grabbed some shit glasses.
I poured shots for us and motioned for them to pick one. “I just wanna toast to my bad ass sissy Loryn. I couldn’t be more proud of you!” We clinked our glasses together chanting, “congrats suh!” before throwing the shot back. I heard the door open and my mom walked in. “Oh fuck im late.” My sisters and I fell out laughing. She threw her purse and bag on the couch shrugging her jacket off. “Ima throw something on then join in.”
I got another glass and poured us another shot. We waited for my mom to come out, and five minutes later she came out looking flawless as always. “Ok Ok,” my mom grabbed her glass and looked over at Loryn. “to my precious Ruby, Im more than proud to be your mother. Im more than proud about you opening up your own business. I pray for positive vibes and many more blessings to come your way.”
She raised her glass and we followed. “Mommy loves you baby.” We clung glasses again and down the liquor. “Kaiden is here. Lets roll.” Londyn announced and I instantly got nervous. We grabbed everything we needed before leaving out and locking the house. “Hey mama Loraine.” Kaiden, who had flowers in his hands, walked up to her giving her hug and kissing her cheek. “And congrats to the Ms. Loryn.” He handed her the flowers and kissed her forehead.
“Wassup Lei, Lil Lo?” Kaiden proceeded to kiss our foreheads leaving Londyn for last. He wrapped her in a bear hug placing a fat kiss on her lips. “This my lil brotha Karter, Kater this is Mama Loraine and the the twins.” He did a quick introduction. I was definitely checking out Karter. His beard. Those lips. Thats damn smile! Calm down Lani.. I coached myself.
“Yall look beautiful,” he complimented once he took his attention off of Londyn. “whats the riding plans?” He continued. “I’ll drive. And mama and the twins can ride with me.” Loryn spoke up. Kaiden looked back at me. “Wanna ride wit us Lil Lo?” I looked around before nodding my head. Londyn squinted her eyes and walked to the car.
“Follow me Kaiden.” “Already.” We parted ways and hopped in the car. “What you call yourself doing Kai?” He cocked his head to the side and cranked the car. “Fuck you talkin bout princess?” We had to wait for Loryn to back out of the driveway before we could move. As always, Kaiden pulled out a wood that was already rolled. “Ima wait til mama and them pass to light it.” He looked at me and Karter in the backseat.
“You know exactly what Im talking about. Dont play stupid.” She looked back at us and squinted her eyes again. “Girl mind ya business.” Kaiden turned her around and took off behind Loryn.
Not even thirty minutes later, we pulled to Loryns shop, Naturals. She had her own lot and plenty of space for clients. There was close to a hundred people waiting outside. I was shocked. Kaiden cut the engine and we got out at the same time. As we got closer to the door Loryn got teary eyed. “Wow! First and foremost, thank you all for coming out and celebrating with me. Im beyond grateful.” Everyone cheered clapping their hands.
“I would like to thank my family for motivating me and keeping me focused. Next, much much love to my wonderful working staff. Im more than excited for yall to see everything so, lets get it!” She slapped her hands together smiling hard and taking a pair of scissors. I watched on, with my cheeks damn near hurting and tears in my eyes, as Loryn cut the rope. “YES LORYN!” I yelled out clapping and whooping! Soon after everyone else joined in. 
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“Welcome to Naturals.” I hugged and welcomed everyone in. I was amazed by the crowd and was filled with joy. I couldn’t do anything but thank the Lord. My shop came out looking beautiful. Each hair dresser had their own personal space. I sat the flowers Kaiden got me on the receptionist desk and walked around. 
Seeing everyone smiling and enjoying their selves made my heart smile. “Congratulations beautiful.” Turning around I came face to face with Ace. “What are you doing here?” I haven’t heard from him in a while and now he decided to pop up. “I couldnt miss my girls day.” I leaned my head to the side and started to walk away. But then I thought, what good would that do? Knowing I was gonna end up in his bed later on. 
“Now Im your girl? I havent seen or heard from you in weeks. Whats that about?” I placed one hand on my hip and looked up at him. Ace sighed and stepped closer to me. “I had a drop to make out of town. Came back this morning and been resting up since then.” His hands were in his pockets. “And you couldnt let me know that?”
“So you could come up with every reason in the book to keep me from going?” He fired back. I had to give him that so I stayed quiet. “I gotta lil gift for you. You’ll get it later on tonight. “ He leaned down, kissed my lips and made his way over to my mom to greet her. I swear I couldn’t stand him at times but he made me happy. Looking around again, I stopped when I seen Lolani and Kaidens brother chalking it up the bar. 
He had to be saying some funny shit ‘cause she was smiling and laughing hard. Fuck they got going on? Deciding to leave it alone and ask later, I spotted Leilani and Londyn with Kaiden right behind her. “Hey yall.” I laughed a little approaching them. “Im loving the shop, its so spacious and classy.” I loved my twin. 
“I love the colors. I even took this bomb ass picture in the bathroom.” Leilani showed me the picture and I instantly gassed her. “You so fuckin fine.” One of the caterers walked around us a glass of champagne. “Congrats again sus!” I could get use to hearing that. 
It was close to midnight when my guest left. I cleaned up with the help of my family, which only took half an hour. “Thank yall again, I cant express how much I love yall.” I handed my mom the keys and told her that I was riding home with Ace. She kissed my cheek and led them out the shop. “Im proud of you.” My dimples sunk in as my I looked down smiling. “Ready for ya gift?”
“More than ready.” I grabbed my belongings, grabbed his hand and waked out locking up behind us. He opened the car door for me and then made his way to driver seat. One settled into the car he reached in the back and pulled out a duffel bag along with small gift bags. He sat the duffel in my lap and opened it. When I say my mouth dropped. 
It was neatly stacked bills filled to the top. “Thats for emergencies. Put in somewhere safe.” Next he handed me the small bags and I went searching. The bag held an iced Pandora bracelet. “Damn,” was the only thing I could say. In the next bag was a gold Cuban link chain. “Ice me out then!” We laughed and he took the jewelry to place them on me. 
“Dont get fucked up out here Loryn, remember who ya man is.” I smacked my teeth and pushed his hand. “I dont need no reminder nigga.” He pulled me in for a kiss and pushed my seat back. “Now sit back and shut up while I enjoy myself.” Ace took my thighs and made me spread eagle. “Why you free ballin’?” 
I looked down as he placed small wet kisses on my second lips. “Stop teasing me and get to it.” He slid two fingers inside of my mouth and flicked my clit. “I didnt tell you to talk so shut up?” He drug his tongue from the top the of my clit down to my opening. I grabbed onto his head shoving pushing him further into my pussy. “Fuck yeah baby!” I gyrated my hips and leaned my head back enjoying the moment. This was definitely the best way to end the night.   
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sawthingsiimagined · 8 years ago
[Are you talking to me? -Jace]
"Ok lil daddy", an unfamiliar dude's voice said from behind me. I was so caught up looking in the mirror across from elevator that I failed to hear the doors open. I quickly pulled my tank down and nervously turned around to get a quick glance of a tall, dark skinned guy with tattoos and a bright red fitted cap. His shirt was off and his athletic frame made me feel like a frozen shrimp. The door closed leaving me in an awkward silence. I felt so weird and had to pee for the 5th time since attempting to meet Mona and my sister in the lobby. They were blowing up my phone because we were supposed to be on the red carpet 20 min ago. Luckily my room was only 2 doors away from the elevator so they can wait a few more minutes or else that red carpet would turn into a slip and slide.
I take a look in my bathroom mirror one more time before rushing out. Six pack.. check, ankles lotioned...check and sunglasses free of fingerprints...check. Even though the party is at night, sunglasses give me the ability to hide.
"Bruh, it takes you longer than a runway model to get ready and all you have to do is shower and throw on lotion.", my sister said with her hands on her hip as I got off the elevator. She wants to be on Love and Hip Hop Atlanta so bad. I just shake my head. I'm so glad I'm a guy. I would hate to have to compete with my sister's EVERYTHING if I was her girl twin. Her body was banging in that bikini standing there all greased up like Teyana Taylor in the Kanye West video. Another one of her antics. Jada isn't even giving people a chance to warm up to us. No wrap, robe or towel, just buttered cakes and breasts for all to behold like the food bar at the buffet on Sundays.
We made our way to the red carpet. I'm blessed because my sister has all of the answers so I can stand there nodding in agreement to whatever she says so interviewers rarely ask me anything. We finished quicker than I imagined, which means it was time to mingle. Yuck. I immediately look for a chair in corner. I notice a beautiful girl sitting alone away from where most people had gathered. I make my way over but not without bumping into the tech guy who sat near me on the bus. Obviously I was focused on scurrying as quickly as I could to the other side of the pool and didn't notice him so we ran right into each other causing his drink to spill all over his tank and onto the ground.
"Man I'm so sorry.", I stated as looked around for napkins. "I should probably take these shades off. I promise I..", I said before he cut me off.
"Dude its cool.", he said as he removed his tank revealing a body that made me assume that I had him mixed up with someone else. Clearly he was a dancer. Again, I felt like a cold shrimp. "I'm Trevor but everyone calls me TJ. I probably shouldn't be drinking anyways. Gin makes you sin." He said while laughing at his own joke. I wasn't quite sure what gin made you do. I've never drank before. But I needed to end this interaction. I'm not here to make friends. I just came here to sing.
"Nice to meet you TJ. My name is Ja.." I said before he cut me off again.
"Jace." he said, finishing my sentence. "I know who you are. I work for you. You and Jada have the Internet on fire. Every time I get on twitter y'all seem to be trending. It's an honor to run lights for y'all.", he finished.
"I figured you were the tech guy from the bus but wasn't sure." I said. "I'm excited to see what the show looks like during our first soundcheck in the morning."
"Man I have some great stuff for y'all. If you aren't happy with the lighting, then drinks on me for the rest of the tour." TJ said with a confident grin.
"No worries I don't drink so it's all good. I'm just excited to be here.", I said still trying to figure out a way to end this encounter. By this time I glanced over and the pretty girl is talking on her phone. No one had gravitated to that area so I still had time to get over there to recollect my thoughts and gather myself.
"Hey Jae, if you don't mind me calling you that. How about I introduce you to the rest of the production crew? There is 6 of us and they would be excited to meet you.", he said with excitement.
"That would be dope man. But give me a few minutes. I need to check in with my manager. We have more press to take care of. Is it cool if I catch up with y'all before the night ends?", I said hoping he would move on and forget about me.
"That's cool Jae. I'll catch up with you later.", he said with an understanding yet boyish grin before turning to walk away. "Oh yea, you didn't answer my question. Is it cool to call you Jae?", TJ asked. "Yea, man. That's cool.", I said and proceeded to get to the other side of the pool where the pretty girl was still on the phone.
I didn't want to interrupt her. Clearly she was a dancer. She was giving my sister's body some tight competition. She had the most perfect dark chocolate skin with a low hair cut that reminded me of the #6 style on the chart at my barber shop. She must have just done the big chop to go natural. Well, it worked for her. I could tell she was gorgeous from the other side of the pool.
I motioned to a seat near her without saying a word so I wouldn't interrupt her call. "Hun, no one is sitting there. Have at it. I'm just waiting on a friend to get here.", she said showing off her perfect Colgate smile. "By the way, nice to meet you Jace. I’m Teecie.", she said and went back to her phone call. I overheard her fangirl-ing to whoever was on the other end.
"I really have to get used to people knowing my name before I tell them." I thought to myself. I had just taken a deep breath while staring at a huge poster with the girl group SISSY on it, accompanied with a photo from our latest spread, advertising the tour when I heard a man's voice say "Did you decide to bring that 6-pack with you?"
I pretended to look down at my phone as if I had just received a text before turning around. Help me hide Father God. I know that fine girl didn't get off the phone and go tenor on me. There is no way she switched voices like that. Who else noticed this corner that quick? I turn around and it was the guy from the elevator with his arm stretched towards me and his hand balled into a fist as if I was supposed do a fist bump, dap or something. It's 2017 and dudes still do that? I wasn't sure. I went to school, home and church.  Clearly about 6ft tall or taller, I was super uncomfortable because since I was sitting I made direct eye contact with his v-shaped pelvic area as he stood over me. Why is everybody trying to put my body to shame? I've been working out for this tour for over 8 weeks. Hard diet and harder workouts, still these dudes are making me feel like a kid. I tried to stand up quickly before he continued talking.
"My name is Demarion. I'm your drummer." He said.
Of course the first thing I thought of, before almost falling back into my seat and meeting his pelvic area again, was the text my sister sent me on the tour bus. I don't curse...so……...DANG.
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jamalgreene325-blog · 8 years ago
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“We are going to handle this ourselves, Prince don’t need to know yet about this. These muthafuckas must think we are pussies.”  
Little Man drove along Central Park West. It was starting to get dark, but they had to keep looking for them. They stopped by the train station on 103rd Street. Little Man jumped out the ride and asked Junior if he’d seen Bullet. Larry was standing next to Junior and said he saw them on Manhattan Avenue. Little Man jumped back into the ride and sped off after them.  
“There they go!” Malik yelled. Little Man hit the corner and jumped out.  
“Watch the car, Malik!”  
They crouched down. Bullet looked back and yelled,
Raheem busted off a shot at them. Little Man ran in the street, throwing hot rocks at Bullet. Little Cee ran toward the stoop of a building, tripping as he hit the stairs hard. Fear showed on his face before he fell. Raheem was on him instantly while he laid flat on his stomach. He felt sickly. His stomach turned. He fumbled with his gun as he tried to turn over to aim at the person behind him. Raheem let him have two to the head, blowing his brains on to the stoop and garbage cans. Blood flowed like water, and Raheem checked him for the work as onlookers stood by in a state of shock. Bullet turned his head around. Seeing his man laying down, he reached back and fired off a shot at Raheem. He missed and only hit the cars in the street and the garbage cans on the sidewalk. Shocked onlookers ducked behind cars and garbage cans for protection.
Little Man fired off a burst of rounds at Bullet as he tried to run across Eighth Avenue to get inside the park, so he could disappear. Inside the park, bystanders ducked and fell to the ground, trying not to get shot. Little Man was sweating from beneath the ski mask he had on his face. Bullet had made it to the bench, attempting to jump over the wall like a track star. Little Man burst off his TEC-9, hitting Bullet in the back and legs. Bullet buckled from the hits that burned like fire when entering his body.  
Little Man ran up to him, yelling, “Muthafucka, you crazy!” He forcibly turned him over and kicked his gun away.  
“What, muthafucka! What, muthafucka?”  
Little Man snatched the bag of work and money out of his pockets while blood was gushing all over him. Raheem ran up, looking around for the sound of the police coming. Bullet was holding his leg in pain. Little Man put the TEC-9 to his  
chest and whispered, “Muthafucka!”  
Malik pulled up with the car. “Get in! Get in!”  
Raheem jumped into the backseat and took off his ski mask. Little Man jumped into the passenger side, and Malik took off heading uptown, disappearing into traffic. Little Man and Raheem were known young killers, and no one wanted to step up and say anything after the police arrived. Most of the people in the hood knew Bullet and Little Cee as thugs who robbed people in the community, neighborhood stores, and the white people they caught hanging out at night after hours. Bullet had a drug habit and so did Little Cee, so most of the onlookers did not care one way or the other.  One women in the crowd whispered, “Good for them! That muthafucka laying there robbed my store last week end and the police did nothing.”  
“Yeah, he robbed me, too, for my chain and watch,” the young man in the crowd complained. “My mom gave that to me, and they took it from me, and nobody would help me.  
That’s my chain wrapped around his neck.”  
Riding uptown, Raheem said, “Did you see that muthafucka’s face when I hit him?”  
“You muthafuckas are official!” Malik yelled, pointing his finger.  
“Calm down,” Little Man said. “We should not have been hit for anything anyway. We are slipping, homies. Slow down, Malik, and move over. We don’t want the po-po to stop us. We don’t want to be hot.”  
Little Man got into the driver’s seat and drove to 125th Street and Eighth Avenue. “Raheem and Malik, you two take a cab home.” Then, he told Raheem, “Ditch your clothes. Get rid of them. Break that TEC down and get rid of it, too. We will pick up another one tomorrow from the team. I am going over to the crib. I will holla at you later. Malik, go pick up the rest of the cash and work. Keep it at the crib. Supreme will be expecting it, and if he heard about the drama, tell him it’s already been handled. Peace.”  
Then, he gave each one dap and got ready to see Karen. First, he took a set of clothes out the trunk of the car, wiped himself off, and then gave a bum on the corner the set of old clothes.  
Little Man knew he had to take care of Bullet and Little Cee because, if the word got out that they could be had, other stick-up crews would try them sooner or later. But worse, Prince would find out that his crew had gotten stuck up, so he had to show his crew that he could protect them. Little Man had a black void inside of him, which he tried to fill. He had a sense of not belonging after his father died. Jamal and Prince gave him a sense of belonging to something. Good or bad, he belonged. He heard and saw the violence Jamal and Prince encountered. He knew of their reputations on the streets. As far back as he could remember, Jamal and Prince told him stories about the old Dons of Harlem — Nicky Bonds, Frank Matthew, Frank Lucas, Mellow, the Country Boys, and the Kings, Bumpy Johnson, Big Moe, and Half Moon Ricky from Harlem. The old hit men who worked for Murder Incorporated. They taught him about the hey days of Harlem. How the Black Sunday Commission got started. They told him about fallen soldiers, Smokey, Sol,  Harlem’s up and coming finest Rich Porter, and L.A. and Little Spanky. How respect and loyalty was honor. They told him about the rites of passages. They told him about prison. Rikers Island, H.D.M. was the training camp before going up north! They took him around the famous sites of gunfights up in Harlem where the hustlers did their things and old hang out spots. They taught him well in the art of crime but not about living life.  
But now he was learning about life. He knew about death but now he was learning about the art of love from a woman.
Something Jamal and Prince couldn’t teach him. They protected their families by not falling in love. Their love was for the streets. Creatures of the night spilling blood on their rise in crime. These stories made Little Man, Raheem, and other impressionable kids long for the street life, the glamour, and the bling. But they also schooled him to the dark side.
Growing up in the hood, street hustlers talked about becoming a member of the notorious Black Sunday Mob. When young impressionable kids walked out their front doors, the first thing they saw was the hustlers with lots of money buying cars and hanging out with the fly girls of the block. The big butt, big tits women all vying for attention from the crews up on 143rd street. There were other crews on the block competing for the prize and customers getting their weight up to be bosses, but Black Sunday was the larger organization and the deadliest. As a youth, Jamal was first seduced by the street. Then his friendship for the younger Prince developed like the way Mr. Big put Jamal under his wing and taught him. Jamal taught Prince the game. Now another generation had come along and the circle continued.
Pimps, hos, stick-up men, con men, hustlers, and drug dealers. Those were the images that they saw and look up to as guides. They walked the dark side of life, committed to their trades. Little Man liked the stories about the real thugs and gangsters, but his mind now was on Karen, the woman who lit a flame to his heart.  
Little Man arrived at Karen’s house and several residents stood in front of the Lenox Terrance complex entrance. They looked on as Little Man pulled up into the driveway. Several people across the street were selling their wares like a miniflea market. Near the train station two police officers stood watching the people go into the train station as the number seven bus pulled up to collect passengers. People were coming and going from the train station, heading home from work. Professional men and women carrying brief cases and newspapers. Little Man paused for a second and smiled. One of the young people standing around the entrance, a young lady, whispered into her friend’s ear,
“That’s Karen’s friend.”  
“Damn! He is fine. Where’d she find him?”  
“I heard he’s from downtown. I wonder what he does for a living. He looks young.”  
“Young enough for me to fuck his brains out!”  
They both laughed at the thought of them having sex with Little Man.  
Little Man entered the building with the flowers he’d just bought. Little Man had a key now, so he didn’t need any introduction to come inside. As he entered the elevator for the ride upstairs, several tenants moved to the side to allow him to come in. The older ladies smiled, thinking about the days when their husbands or lovers brought them flowers. One of the older women winked at Little Man with approval as he stepped off the elevator. He turned and smiled at them, then proceeded down the hall to Karen’s apartment. Before he could ring the doorbell, she said, “Come in,” and he was surprised.  
He said, “How did you know?”  
“I watched you on the security system as you entered.” The sound of Jagged Edge played on the CD player, setting
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