#and then pop back in like yeah i lost the kid can u get her back. also i hate u lol
juhbebbie · 2 years
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Dude that first panel makes it seem like marc just switched in which means that either steven or jake were doing their thing, saw Marlene and prolly went "oh FUCK no I am not dealing with this rn. Have fun marc" and then dipped. Iconic. I could not blame them
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avacoleman · 7 months
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Going a different route this week with different WIP. This time, a rivals to lovers actors/co-stars AU! Here's a scene with Alex and Nora 😌
“He’s not even—“
“I swear to God, if you fix your mouth to say that man isn’t hot, I’m going to kick you in the shin,” Nora cuts in.
Alex can’t be entirely sure that it isn't just an idle threat. He sighs and rolls his eyes.
“Whatever. He’s conventionally good looking, but that’s just what fools everyone.”
“Right. Can’t also be the philanthropy and actual investments he puts in personally— and not just for photo ops. The guy is practically a saint.”
“Hardly. No one is that perfect. There has to be something going on with him.”
Nora snorts.
“Can we just, like, fast forward to the part where you realize why you actually have it out for Henry? Honestly, it would save me so much time.”
Alex sets his phone down on his lap and looks at her.
“What are you even talking about?” 
Nora arches a brow and scoffs.
“Oh, come on. This is so textbook it’s cliché. If you guys were kids, you’d totally be pushing him on the playground and teasing him.”
Alex’s brows furrow deeper in confusion and Nora groans, leaning in closer to him.
“Alright, cool. Guess I have to spell it out for you then. Ahem. You want to f-u-c-k him reeeeally badly, Alex,” she drawls. “So badly in fact, it’s making you certifiably insane and downright miserable. All that alleged hatred you have for him? Yeah, no. Built up sexual tension. I promise you, one night between the sheets with him would set you right. Guaranteed.”
She sits back and resumes flipping through her magazine as if she hasn’t just uttered the most ridiculous series of words Alex has ever heard in his life.
“You’re joking, right?” he says after a moment when his brain finally comes online again.
Nora doesn’t look up from the magazine at all; she makes a show of flipping the page.
“Nope,” she responds, the p making a loud popping sound.
Alex takes the magazine from her and sets it down on the coffee table. She crosses her arms and looks at him. 
“I was just about to start reading Henry’s interview. He’s the cover boy this month, you know.”
He glares at her.
“I think this conversation is more important than whatever he has to say in there. I don’t know what you think you’re seeing here, but I do not like him.”
Nora smirks slowly.
“Oh, honey, no. You misunderstand. Look, I’m not saying you like him either,” she says, putting a hand over her heart, voice the sound of innocence though her face is anything but. “I’m just saying you want to get him into bed. The depth of that is neither here nor there. Point is, you want to bang him and honestly, that’d probably be for the best. You need to get it out of your system. It’d do you both a world of good.”
She checks the time on her watch and gets up. 
“Shoot, I gotta go. But here,” she says, tossing the magazine to him. Alex instinctively grabs it.
“Page 26. He’s looking very good in his spread. Take your time. Feel inspired. Come to your damn senses. Then you can thank me later. Ciao, Alejandro!”
With a wiggle of her fingers, she turns and heads out of his trailer, leaving Alex to stare after her.
It’s quite possible she’s lost her mind.
tagging my beloved @sunshinestrand
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seas1mping · 10 months
MORE LORE this time it doesn't involve Reena (that much) and is just LJ and his carnival it's hc and a story but the story is gonna be angsty so I'll put it under a read more so you can skip it if you want :)
Update I lied the hcs got away from me the post is just a read more I'm sorry 😭😭
update 2 i cut the story cause i couldnt think of anything
Okay so basically when LJ first was created, he was more of a dream figure for Isaac right
LJ could bring him to a carnival, but the carnival did not exist outside of Isaac's dreams, so it was a reflection of him.
Well, when Isaac abandoned LJ, LJ needed a purpose because otherwise he felt as though he was nothing
That is where LJ met Creation, a God-like being that could make almost anything
(Exceptions being humans, animals, etc)
Creation takes the souls of sentient beings and puts them back into other forms, for example, taking a lost soul and placing it into a vessel like a tea pot, with the right kind of magic.
The only problem is that Creation is not infinite; it needs a bodily host made from the two lineages that formed a pact to sacrifice someone once every so often. Without that host/sacrifice, Creation will eventually use all of its magic, and die out.
So Creation figures it can use LJ to harvest souls to stay alive long enough to have another host, plus, a little company isn't so bad every once in a while
Upon meeting Creation and becoming bound to it as a proxy of sorts, Creation grants LJ access to a pocket in the fabric of reality, where he has an actual carnival, which Creation uses and continues to use as a reservoir for souls just in case
(It has to use it because kid souls aren't exactly very large because THEYRE KIDS)
Issue #2 is eventually a woman comes along and it's at this point that Slender isn't the nicest person, so he basically locks her in the basement and uses her to try to further his rule.
So anyway she's from an alternate dimension where she's married to Slender but he has 99 problems and a bitch ain't one
So LJ is like "wow, I have emotions and I feel bad for her" so they become friends :) and a little more :)
And then he's like "she talks about her kids a lot, I should give her some so she doesn't have to miss them too much because they're right here!!!"
spoiler alert: that motherfucker is infertile.
And Creation is like "[WHY][DONT][YOU][MAKE][VESSELS][FOR][YOUR][SOULS][?]"
Yeah it talks weird keep scrolling
And LJ is flabbergasted and is like "oh em gee you're right I have all of these souls and I need somewhere to put some of them too!"
Insert comically large corn maze
LJ, being the sick bastard (/aff) he is, creates a game for the souls.
Start at the edges of the maze, no cutting through walls, get to the middle and jump down the well, without getting caught by LJ. With a 5 minute headstart, of course.
Well our notable figures here are LJ, and a girl named Eloise.
Eloise was LJs first victim after Isaac, an older girl, about 10, who was the oldest in an orphanage she was in.
And you know how they treated women/girls in the 1800s
Eloise made her way around the maze, she'd gather kids, and lead them towards the center, but when LJ would pop out, she'd disappear, off to help another less doomed child or group.
Eventually, two were left, a boy and a girl, Mary and Tansel. And Eloise had brought them to the center.
LJ rounds the corner, jumping out at them, but Eloise is quick to dump the two into the well and run away.
With the soul he needed, and the extra one that was like a little bonus, he set to work making a line of patchwork
The patchwork turned into silhouettes and the silhouettes turned into fully formed dolls, monochrome just as him.
Infusing the souls with the dolls was easy enough, she loved them so much, but was slightly surprised when they turned into children, but loved them nonetheless.
Until she was removed from the house, moved in with another mf, had a real baby AND GOT EXECUTED
The dolls were promptly ushered back into the carnival and work as performers!!
if this doesnt make sense im sorry :(
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r-ando-m-w-rite-r · 2 years
Random Apex Bloopers
im bored so here u go
*mirage walks into cryptos apartment*
mirage: hey old man...?
*sees crypto and caustic on the ground playing with toy cars*
*looks up* crypto: oh, uh, hey witt..
bloodhound: why is it that attracted you to me?
*fuse hugs bloodhound from behind and nestles his head between their shoulder and their head*
fuse: because, silly, i love you...and your cooking...
*loba sees bangalore with valkyrie, theyre talking*
loba: oh, look at my darlings, so cute together
*takes step away from bangalore* valkyrie: ew no!
bangalore: yeah, ew, who would like this ching chong alcoholic?
valkyrie: hey, that was too far
crypto: shield cells here
*wattson picks them up*
wattson: t-thanks
crypto: a-anytime
*begin to stare at each other before wattson turns away and blushes*
*wraith standing a little distance away, completely confused about what just happened*
seer: what shall we eat tonight, compadre?
*octane jumps on his shoulder, and seer grunts*
octane: oooh, oooh! i know, obi! takeout! takeout!
seer: silvia, down
*octane hops off and hangs his head like a sad puppy*
*rampart as she screws in a loose bolt near octanes hip*
rampart: damn kid, what do you do to yourself to get like this?
octane: well, i mean, im all for the danger *pause* and obi is pretty rough
lifeline: what the hell?
*more bangs*
horizon: oh, thats just my neighbor maggie, shes actually quite nice once you get to know her-
*there is a smash and then a scream, and lifeline bewilderingly looks to horizon, who has a doubtful look on her face*
horizon: well, i mean, her first name is mad, after all
*mirage walking down the hallway with vantage*
*pathfinder suddenly pops around the corner* pathfinder: hello friends!
*vantage jumps slightly and mirage screams like a girl, diving behind vantage*
mirage: get that thing away from me!
*pathfinders monitor portrays a question mark as he approaches vantage and peers behind her* pathfinder: i didnt mean to startle you-
*mirage sees him and screams like a girl again, running off* 
pathfinder: uh...
ash: why are you still following me?
revenant: because i can
*ash sighs, annoyed*
ash: i told you awhile ago to get lost
*snickers* revenant: so what? its not like youre gonna do anything-
*in one swift motion, ash has him pinned to the ground, sword pressed to his neck, face inches from his*
*chuckles* revenant: perfect. just the reaction i wanted
*ash blinks twice before growling and standing back up, marching off*
gibby: wassup my bruddah?
*mirage sighs and gibby takes a seat beside him*
gibby: cmon witt, you can tell me anything
mirage: well you see...*hesitates before sighing again* oh fine, i just cant pull 
*gibby snorts and mirage looks over at him angrily as he begins laughing*
*gibby pats mirage on the back hard, wiping away his tears with his other hand* gibby: oh, elliot *chuckling* get used to it
rampart: ay, give me a hand, will ya?
*looks away from the image of seer on the screen of the tv nearby* catalyst: oh yeah, sorry, just got into a daze
rampart: is it that seer again? 
*sighs* catalyst: how did you know?
rampart: well one, you were staring at him on the news there. two, dont let him get to your head, hun
*growls* catalyst: how am i supposed to ignore the man who stole my planet from me, stole my freedom, stole my livelihood? 
*she kicks a toolbox, which shakes slightly before settling once more*
*smirks* rampart: well, he sure seems to be harder to ignore for other reasons, too
*blushes* catalyst: i already told you, i dont like him. plus, you know who my real love is, and shes gone
*holds up hands* rampart: ay, i never said you liked him. but im just saying, i have a feeling that someone may be a little attracted..
*scoffs* catalyst: well, your guess is wrong. he is dead to me, and i hope he does end up dead
*catalyst then turns and storms out, blushing madly and unable to say anything further*
rampart: hey, what about helping me out?
*newcastle humming as he walks down the hallway*
newcastle: *sings under his breath* good morning usa...
*octane impatiantly bouncing up and down outside of the fitting room*
octane: chicaaaa cmon i want to gooooo-
*he whines but then abruptly shuts up as wattson slips out in a tight bikini, almost all skin showing*
*blushing profoundly* wattson: well, what do you think? does it fit?
*pauses, unable to comprehend* octane: y-y-yes chica, lovely...
thats all for now, tell me if i should do more
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n1ghtm3ds · 2 years
I don’t even really watch that much gore anymore i prefer SFX in a good horror movie to the real thing but I also didn’t grow up in a house where gore was taboo, my dad watched all sorts of shit in front of me and my mom encouraged me to watch more horror movies when I went through a squeemish phase in my pre-teens and my soulmate’s brother showed it to us as a kid when the grainy  glitchy taliban beheadings were popping up online and I was always allowed to play with roadkill or the neighbor’s cat’s kills or whatever drowned in the pool as a kid and IDK what the science behind this is but when I feel the overwhelming urge to cut watching gore somehow scratches that itch without indulging in my SH urges so I consider it harm reduction.  Its not like the cartel gets a royalties check when I watch them flay a face and as a horror writer it is also a useful medical reference but I grew up thinking gore was more normal than porn (I watched gore in the open on the family computer.  I watched porn hidden in shame in my basement on a laptop that only I had access to only when I was completely alone in the house).  Even in college almost everybody I knew was into gore we used to watch it during speed benders in a jam packed dorm room huddled around the laptop of the one kid who knew how to use tor.  Like nowdays I only really watch it when a particular video sounds interesting or when Im trying to prevent a SH episode or sometimes with @xannexfrank because it is funny to torture her fiancé with it but this idea of gore being taboo is sort of novel to me because Ive always been in households/social circles where it was normalized and even encouraged but id LOVE to see yall come this hard for people who watch porn which is proven to cause neurological damage to the point where they declared it unethical to expose somebody to it for the purpose of scientific study because it causes so much damage (which is not the case for gore, you can still show that in a lab setting) like i bet half of you either watch porn or fuck men who watch porn so you think ur throwing stones from some ivory tower of purity meanwhile ur actually hucking rocks from a ditch.  Also I don’t watch animal, child, or female gore the gore I watch is grown male criminals killing other grown male criminals but yeah gore was something that was never taboo in my household and I was bullied really badly by both family and peers during my squeemish phase so I became obsessed with being able to watch anything without being upset by it and now i have no healthy sense of shock or disgust and honestly if theres something to see I want to see it, if u told me there was a dead body on my lawn id look out the window at the very least to see what there was to be seen if u don’t watch gore IDK what to tell u, ur metal is in the mail and should arrive shortly since ur such a pure angel even though ud never think of asking ur Nigel to give up his porn addiction and still watch movies by Weinstein and Polanski and Hitchcock and Kubrick while patting urself on the back about how pure u are.  Theres nothing that annoys me more than somebody who prides themselves on abstinence because chances are the media ur supporting isn’t as ethically sourced as ud like to believe no matter how PG the content is.  Staying pure is literally impossible if u intend to consume any media at all, if ur too proud to gawk at a spectacle im sorry uve lost ur sense of wonder but im not going to look away just so I can pat myself on the back for being slightly closer to an impossible standard of purity.
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muffynetop · 2 years
No Identity - Twists and turns as she explores life
No Identity - Twists and turns as she explores life
Chapter 1: Jumping you in
Voices in the distance. Louder and louder they become. Rolling over in the bed she is abruptly woken from her sleep. Just like that she's on her feet. Grabbing her wig she pops up from the bed. Mirror check real quick she adjusts her wig while making sure her face is flawless before she steps out. Flashing a smile at herself Tiara is impressed. "I woke up like this" she mutters and giggles.
Ready for the drama waiting outside the door. It's never peaceful in this house. Day in and day out there's always some drama going down. Tiara has always been the mediator when needed. She is a chameleon and she is programmed. As she steps out the door she prepared herself. She has no idea what she is walking into. That would stop most. Not her she's on go.
Loud bickering amongst 2 women. Profanities flying everywhere. Do it. Do it. You talking but I ain't seeing shit.
Tiana walks down the hallway rapidly. Who is this bitch in here bout to fight now. WHAT IN THE FUCK IS ALL THIS YELLING IN MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW? IS YOU BITCHES OUT YOUR FUCKIN MIND? WHERE THEY RAISE HOES AS DISRESPECTFUL AS U TWO? Her voice is loud and scratchy and filled with base. She stops in the doorway of her guestroom. Good Morning to you Bitch! Asia! Faith! You bitches woke me up to some bullshit yet again. Why the fuck is you fighting?
Asia responds " Yana this bitch is tripping. I don't bow down to no bitch. I don't care who she is. Her momma could be Oprah her daddy could be Obama and I could give two fucks. That shit don't mean a fuckin thang. Stuck up ass bitch don't want it with me Yana. You better get your folks for I mop yo floor wit her. I'm not the one. I keep telling this hoe my gold spoon got lost in the mail. I'm like a wolf walking thru these Frisco streets I'm hungry and first thing that move wrong I'm on. Imma eat.
Faith is rolling her eyes and laughing. In a soft but assertive voice she says " I'm not afraid of this bitch, your loud cuz you need attention to distract from the fact that you are wrong. Instead of being a real ass woman like you hollering you are. No you can't even have a simple conversation. Your fake as fuck and I will not cater to that. You don't like that I speak real and back it up that's too bad for you.
Fuck whatever spoon I got in my mouth. You mad cuz I'm real and you see something you can never be and it's killing you inside. So you find the first thing your simple mind can and you pounce on it. Twist shit up start drama do anything to try to make everyone in your presence as miserable as you are inside. So fuck you fake ass think you punkin somebody ass bitch! Real don't cost a dime but like you say it's in you or it ain't! You ain't got it and you can't stand when somebody tell you how it is. Laughing as she continues You think you gonna say some shit to me then when I respond and it hurts you wanna go back to acting like we 5 an throw a tantrum so you're mommy comes running to save yo ass. Pathetic ass bitch. Yana you no me! I apologize for waking you up but you no the company you keep you no how this bitch is.
Tiana shakes her head back and forth in disgust. What was I thinking having these broads come to my house? I thought they would act like the had sense? Yeah right who was I kidding. These bitches always doing something. Can't get along cuz they both always trying to prove something. Always tryna make sure that everything revolves around them. Listen to me both you bitches. You both out of pocket as fuck. I ain't even gunna ask why you fighting cuz I no it's over nothing. I'ma say this tho you both need to grow the fuck up. You both is messy as fuck. This shit ain't cute. THIS SHIT AIN'T NORMAL AND THIS SHIT IS NOT BOUT TO GO ON A SECOND LONGER. NOT IN MYYYYYY MOUTHA FUCKIN HOUSE and from my guests. BITCHES better check yourself quick. Yal might like people looking at you with disgust or dismay but I don't like being embarrassed. I don't need no negative press.
This real life bitches where we know who we are. We carry ourselves with class and bounce all that other shit out. Do you bitches even have a clue who you are? Do you know what you stand for? Who is you representing looking so ignorant and so loud? Bitches I brought you out here to step your game up. Lace you up and jump you into this game. Its not even day 1 and you showing your ass. I'm embarrassed for you. I'm amazed that anyone would even claim they raised you after seeing that drama. I'd be ashamed if I was your momma or your daddy.
Tiana stands there in amazement. Looking back and forth between these two basic ass bitches. Her girls since yay high. Twists and turns thru life the have gone thru them all together. Side by side they had pride in one thing. They made it thru it all and they did it all together. ENTITLED. Proud and don't care. Loud and arrogant.
Back to bed she goes. Shakes her head in dismay. Girl them bitches just jumped you in at yo own spot. Jumping you in and making it clear I'm here now you can't get out less you die.
Welcome to my world. Buckle up and hold on. This is just the start of day 1. Your in this now, you rockin wit us til the end, you jumped in, so you in.
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heliads · 3 years
Zombies imagine being friends with the Zombie group when u where little but u were taken away and Zed sees you hanging out with Mal because ur her adopted sister.
ok but a zombies and descendants crossover is kind of everything
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Your destination is approaching, sooner than you thought possible. It comes without pause, and refuses to take into consideration that fact that you might not be entirely ready for its arrival. Already, you can see the town popping up on the horizon, and although the threat of returning has been vague up until now, you’re suddenly confronted with the reality that you are about to go home.
Home. It doesn’t feel like home to you, not now. You haven’t been to Seabrook in ten years, although it feels like much longer. This is where you were born, where you spoke your first words and learned to walk, but not the place you’d go if you were dying, nor where you’ve spent some of the most formative years of your life. Is it a home, then, or just a place that used to be yours?
The purple-haired girl sitting next to you nudges you in the side. “Are you ready for this?”
You grimace. “I thought I was, but I’m having second thoughts now. I mean, what if it’s nothing like what I remember? I could change for the Isle of the Lost, even for Auradon, but this is an entirely different playing field.”
Mal sighs, leaning back against the seat of the car currently ferrying you towards Seabrook far faster than you’d like. “Either it’s going to be the same, which will be fun, or it’ll be totally different, which will be fun as well. Change isn’t the worst thing to happen, Y/N. I mean, look at all of us. When we first heard Ben was coming to take us away to Auradon, we thought it would be the worst thing in the world, but we ended up loving it.”
The golden-haired prince in question pretends to frown from his seat on Mal’s other side. “Yeah, I’d hope so. If I find out now that you’ve been despising me all along it would really put a damper on this whole trip.”
Evie, one row up, just laughs. “Oh, we would have let you know way before this. If we hated it, we would have stolen the car the second we started on this trip.”
Ben frowns. “That doesn’t make me feel any better.”
Mal does her best to hide a smile. “We’re happy here, Ben. No matter how many jokes we make.”
The question, then, is whether or not you are truly happy. You only found out that you would be returning to Seabrook a couple of days ago. Ben, Jay, and Lonnie are all playing in the upcoming game against Seabrook High, and so the rest of you are driving down with them to cheer them on.
Hearing that you’d be going back to your supposed hometown was both a blessing and a burden. You grew up in Seabrook on the zombie side of town, and made as many friends as a green-haired kid could hope to have. You still remember some of them; Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo being your best friends. You haven’t heard from them in years, ever since you left.
Leaving wasn’t your intention, either. The night you fled Seabrook is etched into your mind in perfect clarity. Seabrook wasn’t great for zombies, although it wasn’t like you could go anywhere else, or so people thought. A big group of zombies were caught out in the streets after curfew, and they sent in a bunch of non-zombies to try and “keep the peace,” or so they called it.
In the resulting chaos, your parents tried to defend the zombies who’d been breaking curfew. Before they ran to help, though, they told you to hide, to get as far away from the city as you could. You can still hear the shouts echoing through the town, mirrored in intensity only by the pounding of your heels against the ground.
You hadn’t intended to go that far, but you were a kid, scared of what would happen if humans found a young zombie disobeying curfew and trying to run. You ended up going a great distance into the forest, and in the dark, you managed to lose your way. You tried to go back home, but you could never figure out how to make it back to Seabrook.
That wasn’t the end of your story, though. A couple of hours after dawn, you noticed something strange. The very air around you was starting to shimmer, turning a strange blue in the early morning light. A few moments later, a woman dressed all in pink and white appeared, offering to take you back to her home. She was just visiting the forest to gather up a few magical ingredients, but she didn’t like the thought of some kid wandering the woods alone.
The woman ended up bringing you back to Auradon, although she left you in the Isle of the Lost before heading to her own home. Apparently zombies are too weird for the picture-perfect world of fairytale characters, so you ended up amongst the villains. It wasn’t the worst twist of fate, as you ended up meeting a young Mal. Mal’s mother found a spell that could alleviate the less exciting parts of being a zombie, like wanting to kill people, and soon you could go without your Z-Band for good thanks to her magic.
You’ve grown up alongside Mal ever since, and went with her to Auradon Prep alongside Jay, Carlos, and Evie. You always knew that the Isle of the Lost wasn’t your real home, but you had no way to get back to Seabrook. As an associate of the Villain Kids, you’ve always been on thin ice. As much as people like to pretend otherwise, they still believe in some of the stereotypes, and you’ll always be one thread away from an enemy to them.
It’s not that you didn’t want to go back to Seabrook; you did, honestly, but there was never really a future in which you could leave Auradon. You’d have no idea how to find the town in the first place, and you’ve got a really good thing going with your adoptive family, so why leave?
Traveling with your friends to the upcoming game is the perfect way to make both worlds meet. Or, it should be the perfect way, but you can’t deny the surge of nerves currently threatening to choke you out. What if Seabrook is nothing like what you remember? What if your friends have all moved on and forgotten you, or worse, they just don’t care that you’re back?
Your abrupt exit was a long time ago, after all. There’s a fairly good chance that all of your zombie friends let you fade back into the barest recesses of their memory, scarcely more than a name and a cautionary whisper.
Still, it’s not like you can back out now. Seabrook awaits on the horizon, drawing ever closer. Within minutes, the car is pulling up inside the town limits, driving through the place in search of the hotels where you’ll be staying for the next couple of nights.
You stare out the window as the car progresses through the town, unable to stop yourself from searching for any trace of your former life. You remember buildings, the sharp divides of both sides of town, but something is different.
You realize it after a moment. When you were still living here, Seabrook thrived on separating zombies and non-zombies. All of the barrier fences, however, seem to have been torn down, and you don’t see a single anti-zombie sign anywhere. It’s enough to make your undead heart skip a beat.
Zombies and non-zombies walk together everywhere you look, chatting as casually as if they’d never been apart. It’s marvelous, and you can’t help but wonder what happened to bring about the change.
After leaving your suitcases in your hotel rooms, the lot of you decide to go out and explore the town. Apparently, there’s a citywide festival of sorts happening near the high school in preparation of the upcoming game. It seems like the perfect place to get to know the town, and also to give you an excuse to see if you can track down your old friends.
The car drops you off a few blocks away from the school, just enough time to get your nerves all aflutter again.
Jay laughs at your obvious tension. “Y/N, you’ve been here before. It’s not like anyone’s going to get mad at you for leaving, they know you had no choice. Take a breather.”
You shrug. “I’m trying, Jay. It’s still weird to be back, though.”
And it is weird. Being back in Seabrook is something out of a dream, as if any moment you’re going to wake up back in Auradon Prep and smile at how close you came to believing that you could have ever gone back to your hometown. You instinctively remember the layout of the streets, and every new building feels like a stranger, not just you.
When you arrive at the school, you’re blown away by the amount of people there, just milling around to support the team.
“This is crazy. I remember everyone in Seabrook mainly loving sports games because it gave the cheer team a chance to show off their skills, but this is way different. I wonder what made them like football as much as cheer.”
Carlos points to a row of posters plastered across the walls of the school and just about every available surface. “Maybe it wasn’t a what but a who.”
You follow his line of sight and stop moving in surprise. Dead center in every poster is the face of the football captain, someone who has everyone talking about how excited they are to see him play. This star athlete is also Zed Necrodopolis, one of your old friends back when you still lived here. He’d always wanted to play football, and it looks like his dream came true after all.
You smile at the sight of it. Good for Zed, he must be delighted with this twist of fate. You look around you, hoping against hope that you’ll be able to see him and congratulate him on his newfound status yourself. As you, Ben, and the VKs walk through the festival, you search every silhouette for some sign of him. There’s no way you would be able to tell him from anyone else; you’ve changed, and he has too, but some part of you still firmly believes that you should be able to find him if you look.
At last, you see him, and you swear your heart freezes in your chest. All you can see of the boy is his back, the set of his shoulders as he talks, but you swear it’s Zed. Your footsteps pick up a little bit, and you entertain the hope of catching up to him, of seeing the look of overjoyed surprise when he realizes that you’re back.
You come crashing back down to reality just as soon as the thought occurs to you. What would you say to him, anyway? This is the boy you talked to most of all when you were five, the one who knew a preschooler’s most pressing secrets, who pretended to get married to you when you first learned about what wedding rings meant and chased you through the streets in games of tag.
This is also the boy who has grown up into a teenager, and he doesn't have any more in common with you than Mal or Evie by your side. Isn’t it bizarre, that someone who used to be your whole world can be such a stranger at the very same time?
So, you slow your footsteps again, and watch Zed drift away into the crowd. He’s talking to someone who might just be Eliza, and he goes on living his blessedly different life with no idea that his childhood soulmate is a short distance behind him. Or, he doesn’t, until Zed starts to turn around a corner and happens to glance over his shoulder as he goes.
For a moment, time freezes, and it is just you and Zed staring at each other across the festival. The noise of laughing voices, the screech of car tires, it all disappears to a dull roar. You see each emotion cross his face like a flash of lightning- confusion, the faintest traces of recognition, and then a stunned surprise as he realizes that he knows exactly who you are.
Then he’s breaking into a run, heedless to Eliza’s bewilderment as he leaves her behind. You match his slow jog and meet him in the middle, all the while feeling such a rush of pure happiness that finally, finally, it’s all just what you’d hoped it would be.
Zed’s grinning through his surprise when he reaches you. “Y/N? Y/N L/N? I haven’t seen you in years. What are you doing here? How’d you come back?”
You laugh at his exuberant questions. “I’m here with your rival football team. Some friends of mine were playing and we decided to come down to cheer them on.”
Zed seems unable to tear his eyes off of you. “Why did you leave? We all searched for days, but we couldn’t find you.”
“I tried to come back,” you say, “dozens of times. My parents told me to run in that awful fight, so I did. Guess I ran a little too far. Someone found me and brought me to the Isle of the Lost, where I met my friends.”
Zed blows out a low breath. “I thought you were gone. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”
You smile, although this time it’s more bittersweet. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again either. I’m glad we were both proven wrong.”
Zed’s face lights up again with a beaming grin. “I’m glad too. Say, Y/N, how about you come back with me? I’ve got a bunch of our old friends who would love to see you again.”
He pauses, and when he speaks again, his voice is quiet. “I’d love to see you some more, too.”
You open your mouth to say yes without a second thought, but you belatedly remember that you didn’t come here alone. You turn back to look at Ben and the VKs, raising your brows as if to ask the silent question if you can go with him.
You see Mal’s face first, which is happier than you’ve seen in a while. She just flashes you a proud thumbs up, and that’s all you need.
“Yeah, I’d love to go. Where are we headed first?”
Zed all-too-casually loops an arm around your shoulders, bringing you close as he leads you away. “Anywhere you want. We’ve got the whole place to see again.”
There’s a lot of ground to cross, a lot of memories to drag back into the light again. For once, you can’t wait to try.
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @thatfangirl42
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orchid3a · 3 years
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synopsis: Kazutora has a crush on you but he doesn’t know how to tell you
pairing: time-skip!Hanemiya Kazutora x f!reader
tw: mention of smoking, alcohol, swearing 
wc:  825 words
tagging: @etheralyonn @eriskaitto @ahsrci​ @haitaniapologist​ @sincerelyraylene​ @hanmascult​ ​
for the request click here!
sfw taglist click here to join!
note: not me treating the Haitanis as Jackson Wang is treated in k-pop fanfics lmao. kazu is an adorable dorkie who doesn’t know how to confess, while his two besties can’t deal with that anymore lmao. i love idiotic men who don’t know how to confess to their crush
in my fics the baji trio is always together, you can’t have kazu without baji and fuyu and viceversa.
idk why but i love the idea of fuyu smoking, it suits him
no proofreading
english isn’t my native language
reblogs and comments are appreciated
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Kazutora hates going to college parties, not because he's antisocial, rather he is quite popular, it’s just that he doesn’t like loud music and drinking too much alcohol.
However Kazutora doesn’t mind going to parties if a certain someone goes too, someone that has his heart since the first day he entered college.
(l/n) (y/n), a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
You two share a few lectures and always sit next to each other. Kazutora doesn’t want to admit but your presence is something he always craved.
You’re so gentle and always with a smile on your face, you treat him in such a caring manner that it is hard for the dark-haired man not to fall in love with you.
Kazutora can’t help but think that everytime you are near him his day becomes better.
Tonight his two adorable roommates brought him to a party hosted at the house of two most popular guys of the college, the Haitani brothers.
“Kazutora, are you with us? Or are you still lost in your thoughts about (y/n)?”
Kazutora immediatly shakes his head, trying to hide his red cheeks, and shots a glare to Matsuno Chifuyu and Baji Keisuke, his best friends and also his chaotic and idiotic roommates.
“I wasn’t thinking about her.” 
“Yeah and I can pass my exams without studying.”
“Baji, even if you studied hard, you would still be in last place.”
“Kazutora you lit-”
“Kazutora-kun, that girl isn’t (y/n)?” Chifuyu points at a girl far from them.
Kazutora almost choked on his drink when he saw you. You look like a goddess, too ethereal and perfect for this world. The black haired man can’t understand how you can take his breath without even being near him.
“Kazutora-kun go and talk to her.” 
“Chifuyu are fucking kidding me? I can’t.”
“Kazutora, don't be a chicken.” Baji scolds him
Kazutora just sighs and sits back on the sofa, drinking his cup and observing you from afar, now you are talking with the youngest Haitani, you’re smiling and giggling at whatever that guy said.
“I really can’t understand you.” Baji says plopping next to him on the sofa.
“I stopped trying to understand Kazutora when we were seventeen.” Chifuyu explains while lighting up his cigarette.
“Very nice of you, Fuyu.” Kazutora remarks.
He almost chokes again when he sees you coming closer to him, a sweet smile adorning your cute cheeks.
“Oh Kazu, Fuyu and Kei I didn’t expect to see you here.” you chip, sitting next to Kazutora and Chifuyu.
“(y/n) you look beautiful tonight.” the black-haired with gold strands man mumbles, trying his best to not blush.
“Thank you Kazu, you also look good tonight.”
Kazutora’s golden eyes widen and his cheeks become red, embarrassed he looks away from you.
Keisuke almost rolls his eyes when he sees his friend’s reaction while Chifuyu tries his best to not laugh at Kazutora.
“(y/n) we’re going to get more beer, take care of Kazutora-kun, he’s a bit drunk.” says Chifuyu, taking the long-haired man's wrist, quickly going away despite Kazutora’s protest.
“Kazu, you should drink that much.” you say with a sweet tone, your (e/c) looking at him with worry.
Kazutora can feel himself getting more red than he already was, why do you have so much power over his heart?
You giggle seeing him so flustered, then your hand goes to his beautiful black locks and gently pet him.
Kazutora shifts his gaze towards your lips and without thinking for a single second, he opens his mouth and says.
“But I've been thinking 'bout what I wanna do wit you.”
Your eyes widen while Kazutora’s mind freezes and he panics mumbling any kind of excuse to justify what he said.
Perfect, he ruined every chance he had with you. Now you will think of him as a creep and he will never have a chance to talk with you again.
“I do too…”
Now it’s Kazutora’s turn to be speechless, he looks at you and tries to understand if you’re serious or not.
“I love you Kazu…I have loved you since we first met, when you helped me find literature’s class and offered to sit with me. You’re more special to me than you can think. I was too cowardly to confess, I feared your reaction.”
He smiles at your confession gently cupping your cheek and kisses you, your soft lips against his. You kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck. You break the kiss and your forehead touches his.
“Silly girl, I love you too and I am also a coward. I feared a rejection, I feared ruining our bond because of my selfish desire to be yours.”
Giggling you peck his lips again, then you get up and take his hand in yours.
“Where do you want to go, Kazu?”
“Whenever you want, doll. As long as it’s me and you together”
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nikrangdan · 3 years
lovestruck!enhypen x reader
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pairing: lovestruck!enhypen x reader
genre: FLUFF fluff Fluff
description: how enhypen would be if they became lovestruck by the reader ☹️☹️ this is such an adorable request!!!! itll vary for each member ur relationships so you’ll either be strangers or already dating etc.
a/n: idk if all of them are lovestruck exactly bc i just got carried away with the fluff for some of them and idky maknae line revolves around sleeping BUT IDC sleepy!enhypen is the best 😁
u worked at a pretty popular clothing store
and well well well heeseung had shown up dressed very much your style so u were like
Wow who is this guy....
he was alone just looking around
and there were like 10 other people in the store but u wanted to talk to him so bad so u went up like
“hi, welcome! are u finding everything okay?”
he was looking through a rack of shirts and turned around when he heard u but WOW
when this man turned around he looked even better in person u couldnt believe it 😫
his eyes got so wide u almost laughed it was so cute ☹️
he stuttered and was like “oh um im okay”
Aw man
but u said “okay then! let me know if you need any help finding anything or if u wanna use a dressing room!” and u sent him ur nicest smile u could give
his eyes were still kinda wide open and u gave him one last look before turning around😢😢
“w-wait! actually.. um....uh.. do u.. do u guys have sweatpants..?”
u giggled to urself on the inside bc u knew he just made that up on the spot
“we do! here, follow me”
while u were showing him the clothes u guys had exchanged names and had some small talk
and that was the start of something very Beautiful
and since then he has been coming almost everyday to visit u at work 🤗🤗
jay swore he found new things about u to love every single day
and today wasnt an exception!!!!
u knew jay had been really tired and just worn out from work recently so u had decided to make him his favorite meal for dinner
a nice little surprise for when he got home ❤️
and also the anime he was watching ready on the tv for u two to watch together :(
u had literally been preparing all day and u even decided to go out and buy dessert too
it was 8pm already and jay should be getting home now
u set the table all neatly and put on one of his sweaters
Fate 🔥🔥
romantic stuff like this wasnt really ur forte so this was out of the normal for u
but u wanted to do something for jay because he did stuff like this for u alot
the table isnt in view when u walk into the apartment so he wasnt able to see his dinner yet
“hi” you smile brightly and go up to hug him and give him a little kiss
he had his bad slung over one of his shoulders and he was taking his shoes off in the doorway after he closed it
“hey.. it smells pretty good in here” he gave you a tired smile while one of his arms was wrapped around your waist
“really? it smells normal to me” you giggled before walking to the kitchen area together
he stopped and looked at u with LITERAL HEARTS IN HIS EYES when he saw the table
jay: ❤️_❤️
“surprise!!! you know im not good with words but i wanted to show you that i can cook” you laugh “and that i love you very much and im so proud of you”
jay doesnt say anything but instead drops his bag on the couch and gives u the Biggest Hug Ever
ur face is practically smushed in his chest and his hand is resting lovingly on ur hair :(((
he loves u so much im so sad
“layla!!! layla where are you?” jake was yelling quite loudly in the massive park he was in the middle of
yeah jake lost layla.. uh oh
quite a coincidence you found the cutest dog you’d ever laid eyes on
and she seemed to love u very much
the dog had made u topple over and now she was excitedly playing with you while you were sat on the ground laughing to your hearts content
after a minute of playing you had got up because you knew she was somebodys lost dog and her owner was probably looking all over the park for her
“okay.. lets go find your owner before they have a heart attack” you giggle
just as you said that though, you heard a boys voice yell “LAYLA!!!!”
the dog next to you looked in his direction, tail wagging and tongue out, but she didnt move an inch from her spot next to you
it made me you laugh out loud
as you were watching the boy run up to you, you noticed how cute he actually was
Omg..... ur heart started beating a little faster
“hi..” the boy hunched over with his hands on his knees breathing very heavily “you have my dog”
“uh yeah” you laugh “sorry about that, she ran over to me a couple minutes ago and i was just about to go find her owner”
“its okay, thank you..” he trailed off to find out your name and finally looked up to meet your eyes
“y/n” you told him
“y/n” he repeated with a small grin on his face “im jake”
“hi jake” you lightheartedly give him your hand to shake and he chuckles before taking the offer
“and it was nice meeting you layla” you crouch down to meet her level and she licks your face making you fall on your butt
you laugh and jakes quick to help you up
“layla! thats not very nice” he jokingly scolds her and pets her head
after u got up u bid goodbye to the two before jake invited u to continue walking around the park AND HE EVEN BOUGHT U AN ICE CREAM
Is This A Date, Jake? 😫😫❤️❤️❤️❤️😳😛😛
“you should be more careful” you scold the boy sitting with you standing between his legs
sunghoon had apparently gotten elbowed in the face by his friend and scratched by his friends cat on accident????
“it wasn’t my fault! he turned around and i just happened to be in the way. and i didnt even do anything to the cat!” he whined
“i didnt say it was your fault. i said to be more careful.” you tried to sound stern
u knew ur logic was making no sense but u just thought it was so fun to mess with him
he let out a sigh and gave up, slouching over again
you were stood between his legs, wiping the blood away and applying ointment
“im just kidding, you’re so cute” one of your free hands comes up to rub his hair
a small grin pops up on his face and his arms come to rest on your waist
he looks up at you while you focus on tending to his wounds
“you know y/n” he begins
you hum in response, letting him know you’re listening
“im gonna marry you one day”
you freeze in your place
it took you a minute to collect yourself because you felt like your heart almost leaped out of your chest
“who says?” you joke
he leans up to give you a quick kiss on the lips before sitting back down
you noticed sunoo had been really tired lately and u just wanted to make him feel better :((
the boys were going out and invited you two obviously but you could tell sunoo was iffy about going
“uhh..” you trail off and look over at sunoo who was laying on the couch
“you know what guys? i think me and sunoo are gonna stay home today.. you guys have fun though!” you bid goodbye to the other boys and they all understood and left
you dont even know if sunoo knew they had left already because when you walked over to him his tired eyes were glued on the tv
“hey” you leaned against the couch and looked down at him
“y/n? are we going soon?” his eyes move to the top of his head to look up at you
you start laughing and he literally goes 🤨???
“silly, they already left! so what do you wanna do?” you plop down next to him and he was in the process of sitting up
“what? when did they leave...” his mouth drops open
“like 2 minutes ago” you giggle, leaning back to rest your head
sunoo had sat still, pondering for a moment
“why did they leave us?” he turned to look at you
your eyes met his “well i figured you didnt wanna go... you didnt, right?”
he slowly shakes his head “how did you know?”
you give him a sneaky smile and jokingly push his arm “because i know you so well”
he laughs at this and leans his head on your shoulder
“wow y/n.. im impressed” he grins, snuggling into your arm
your other arm crosses over to pat him on the head, leaning your head to rest on top of his
“but thank you y/n..” his eyes slowly close to rest “im thankful for all the little things you notice about me”
u literally go 🥺
your hand goes down to squeeze his and he falls asleep peacefully on ur shoulder ☹️☹️☹️❤️
“y/n..what is that” jungwons eyes can barely open as he tries to comprehend whats going on while hes waking up
you haphazardly tap around the bedside table trying to turn off the new alarm you set last night
and that new alarm was jungwon singing 🤗
“its you, dummy” your eyes were still closed but you turned to face jungwon and snuggled closer to him
“wha- where did you even get that???” he was almost fully awake now, staring down at your half asleep figure
you yawned before answering in your i-just-woke-up-and-i-should-probably-drink-some-water voice “remember when you sang me to sleep last week? yeah i was secretly recording you. no biggie” you pat his chest twice and leave your hand there, content with life at the moment Lol
“y/nnnn” he whines “change ittt i dont like it”
“you’re kidding.” you deadpan, shocked he would say such a thing!!! “jungwon you sound like an angel threw up on a field of flowers full of puppies and kittens! okay thats kinda weird maybe not that”
jungwon giggles a little and sits up so he can sit against the headboard while your head rests on his lap
“you like my singing that much?” you can hear the smile in his voice as he asks you
you finally pop one eye open to look up at him, a goofy grin in your face
“i love your singing”
his hands run through your hair and you let out a sigh at the feeling
jungwon doesnt say anything
all he does is admire you
you can feel his eyes on you so you open your eyes again (both this time🙏🏼) and meet his eyes
“i can feel you staring straight into the depths of my soul, jungwon”
he laughs at this, bring his other hand up to pinch your cheek
“i’ll sing for you whenever you want me to y/n”
“shut up sunghoon, hes sleeping” you whisper-scolded the boy
ni-ki was currently asleep on you
literally SPRAWLED all over your body and you were basically mummified
by nishimura riki
his legs were tangled in yours, his head shoved into your neck, and his arms were bent around you in ways you didnt know were humanly possible
“you literally have an alien taking a nap on you y/n” sunghoon deadpans before walking out the room
“when you’re asleep sunghoon i will send you into a spacecraft for the rest of your life so you can go see aliens for yourself”
“wowww im so scared y/n” the boy remarks and shuts the door
you half laugh and half scoff before turning your attention back to the ipad screen sitting on the bed infront of you
kind of infront of you because ni-ki’s acrobatic position was basically blocking the view
you were having a decent time watching the show playing, definitely not the most comfortable person on the planet at the moment
until you felt the body on top of you.. rumble?
you knew that feeling
ni-ki was laughing
HOW and WHY the hell was he laughing ?!!?!!?!
“what the hell?” you look down at him and his face is shoved near your shoulder but you caught a glimpse of his big smile
his laughter gets louder and you still dont have answers yet
“why are you laughing???? i thought you were sleeping?????” you try to push him off you but he was persistent in laughing in your shoulder (??)
after a couple minutes of you just letting this happen
ni-ki finally speaks!
“you’re so funny y/n” he finally pulls away from you and wipes his tears
“what are you even talking about... and how long were you awake, you sneaky kid” you poke his chest
he leans down again to hug your waist and start cuddling you again
“10 minutes”
“so you’re telling me i could’ve freed myself from that god awful demon EMBRACE you had me in 10 minutes ago???!!”
ni-ki starts laughing again and looks up at you
“thank you for threatening to send sunghoon to aliens for me y/n” he grins
you laugh, finally understanding what the boy had been going on about
“sunghoon deserved it”
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
could u write something where yn takes ivy to visit harry at work but they catch him shouting at a worker and ivy get scared of him but then he goes all soft <3
love this concept; thanks for the request.
Last blurb until one shot.
A Natural (mini blurb)
Ivy had just got done with preschool and insisted that they pick up her father lunch and deliver to the office as a surprise.
Knowing he could probably use a pick-me-up in the form of his daughter. It always made his day a million times better.
The toddler is carrying her father’s plastic bottle of sparkling water they’d bought him protectively in her arms.
Ivy giggles when she pressed a few too many elevators buttons and the annoyed workers would have said something but knew who little Miss. Ivy Styles was and stayed silent.
YN did apologize, which they were surprised that Styles’ wife had manners unlike him, as well as his curly-haired baby who squeaks, “This is my daddy’s!”
Referring to the bottle she’s holding tightly.
They nod, not risking getting screamed out by their boss for talking to his kid.
Harry didn’t yell, cuss, use rude tones at home. He was the opposite of everything he brought into the office.
He could be firm with Ivy when she was misbehaving but she’d never experienced the angry booming bravado of his voice when he’s nearly yelling.
When they exit to the top floor, Harry is actually a bit down the hallway with a few men.
YN can already hear him furiously scolding the men in front of him and goes to stop Ivy but she’s already taken off towards her father excitedly.
“Y’nearly lost me two million fucking pounds over a typing error! I fuckin’ pay you to do what all day? Fuckin’ twiddle your thumbs!” Harry snaps at them, he has his tall stance and arms crossed.
His face is twisted into an expression Ivy doesn’t know, he’s features dark and uncaring. His voice thick and precise.
“N-no, it wasn’t double-check-“
“How many god damn times to I have to tell grown ass men to check their work? I feel like a fuckin’ primary school teacher!” Harry’s shakes his head, the little girl has never heard her father be so loud.
She stops right behind his legs and a shiver of fright runs through his daughter - she drops the bottle she worked so hard on protecting and looks at her father’s back.
“Now what,” Harry hisses when he hears the noise, the furious expression on his face falling when he realizes it’s his baby.
Ivy’s matching green eyes are wide in fear, when he strides over to comfort her - she runs back until she’s bumping into her mum’s shins and begging to be picked up.
YN has a little humor mixed with concern playing on her face when she looks at her husband, their daughter digging her face into her mum’s neck.
Harry’s frowning, meeting them in the middle and putting his hand on his daughters back, “Daddy didn’t mean to scare y’little dove.”
After a moment her head pops up, teary eyes looking at her favorite man on earth, “Too loud.”
He gives her a small smile which widens when she lets her mum pass her over into his arms, “Yeah, daddy was t’loud, huh?”
Ivy nods and snickers when Harry rubs his nose against hers. People are really trying not to stare as Harry gets scolded by his toddler.
“We brought lunch,” YN huffs belatedly, nodding to the paper bag in her hand and gives his jaw a quick peck.
Before they head into the office, Ivy wriggles down and rushes down the hall to retrieve the water bottle and the men are still standing there in utter fright.
The miniature version of their boss with the same hair, eyes, and dimples smiles at them widely and tells them, “I bring f’my daddy!
They look over to Harry and he glared at them, his eyes telling them to respond to his daughter and not ignore her.
“O-oh? That’s very nice of you,” Henry stammers, intimidated by a toddler in a frilly bright outfit with a bunny on it. **
“Ivy say ‘get back to work or you’re fired,’” Harry smirks, YN smacking his arm and giving him a shove towards the office.
As the little girl trails back to her parents, she brightly parrots her father, “Get back or you’re fired!”
Harry beams proudly as he picks her up and delivers a kiss to her cheek.
“Y’a natural,” He tells her proudly.
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jcwriting · 3 years
There’s A First Time For Everything
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summary ↬ namjoon has never had a blowjob before. you’re about to change that.
pairing ↬ idol!namjoon x reader
genre ↬ smut, pwp (im not kidding there is zero plot to this), fluff, (new) established relationship 
word count ↬ 2.8k
warnings ↬ swearing, oral (m receiving), face fucking, choking, reader has a painful thigh kink (don’t we all), overuse of the word thigh
authors note ↬ listen,,,,i saw that picture of namjoon in shorts (you know the one) and i just,,,lost it. also, this is my first time posting fic for bts and im shitting bricks about it so pls be nice to me!!!!! i hope you enjoy this quick (thirsty) little ode to namjoon’s thighs. pls let me know what you think!
also, the gif above haunts me. everyday. okay, enjoy.
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“I want to give you a blowjob.”
Namjoon choked on the swig of water he had just taken. The two of you were watching TV. Actually, Namjoon was watching TV. You were sitting on the floor at the coffee table with your laptop out to answer some work emails. But, you were distracted. Specifically by Namjoon’s shorts. More specifically, Namjoon’s thighs in said shorts. The smooth golden skin was begging for your lips and your fingers itched to scratch your nails down to his knees. Then, your eyes naturally glided further up to the apex of his thighs. Where you knew his cock was resting. Again, just begging to be in your mouth. The thought of your jaw and throat aching while he lost it above you consumed your mind. All hope was lost then.
“You…um. Sorry. You want to do that?”
You cocked your head to the side. “Uh, yeah. Wait, did you want me to ask? I’ll ask. Can I give you a blowjob? Please?”
Namjoon chuckled. “No, no. You don’t have to ask. It’s just, y’know, are you sure?”
“Yes,” you said slowly. What was he not getting? “Do you not want one?”
“No! No, oh my god. I want that. I definitely want that. That’s not the issue.”
“Then, what is?”
Namjoon blew out a breath that fluttered the hair that rested on his forehead. He cupped the back of his neck and rubbed awkwardly. “I’ve never had someone do that to me before. So-”
“What?” You would have been less shocked if he had told you that he was a closeted furry. The two of you had only been dating for about a month so the in-depth what things did your ex do in bed conversation hadn’t been fully fleshed out yet. You knew he had lost his virginity to his previous girlfriend and they had had a healthy sex life, so you had just assumed that him receiving oral was part of that. Yet…this man, this absolute Adonis of a man had never gotten his cock sucked? It was the most absurd thing you had ever heard in your life. “Hold on. You had a girlfriend before me, right? She didn’t go down on you? Ever?”
Namjoon looked like he wanted the couch to swallow him whole but you barely noticed. You were too busy experiencing the shock of your fucking life. “I did. But she - uh, no. She didn’t want to and I didn’t want to pressure her.”
Your heart melted a little before you shut your laptop. Healthy sex life your ass. You were sucking this mans dick and that was final. “I’m going to give you a blowjob, Namjoon. Right now.” You turned to him and began crawling forward. His eyes flew to your ass that swayed in the air and he audibly swallowed. “If you don’t want me to then you need to tell me within the next thirty seconds.”
“Oh God,” he whimpered and spread his legs a little wider. You were salivating. “Yes. As long as you’re sure-” Whatever he was going to say was cut off by a heavy groan as your hands slid up his thighs. Finally, you smiled to yourself as you bent your fingers and allowed your nails to dig into the meat of his inner thigh.
“I have a thing for your thighs,” you murmured. “Never realized I had a thigh kink until I met you.”
“Yeah. I want to ride your thighs. Will you let me?”
“God, yes.” Namjoon went to reach for your arms but you batted his hands away. This wasn’t about you right now. This was about him. You reached for your hair and quickly pulled it into a sloppy bun. His eyes followed your movements and you didn’t miss how the bulge in his shorts twitched.
“I need you to tell me if I do something that you don’t like, okay? I want to make you feel good. Don’t be afraid to talk to me. If you like something, let me know. If not, then definitely let me know.” Namjoon nodded feverishly. His eyes were almost black and his chest was straining against his white top. You smirked to yourself. This was going to be fun.
Bending down, you pressed a kiss to the top of his thigh. Your mouth dragged along his skin and you relished in the way he quivered beneath you. Following the seam of his leg before doing the same on the other. Nails pressed little crescent moons into his flesh before your thumbs smoothed over the marks. Your nose lifted the loose material of his shorts up to his hips and skimmed the exposed areas as your tongue reached out to flick the little freckle that found a home on his hip before you set your sights on his dick that was straining for you. Lips that had previously kissed his skin now moved to the fabric that jailed his heavy cock. Sitting back, your thumb traced the underside of his dick softly before you barely brushed over the head. The cotton dragged against your finger and Namjoon huffed loudly before lifting his hips further into your touch.
“Don’t tease.” Namjoon’s voice had lowered a few octaves and the deep tone had you clenching your thighs. His hands fisted the pillows next to him and you could feel the restraint he was exacting on himself through the trembling of his muscles.
“I’m not,” you promised. “I’m just making sure you’re ready.”
“I am. Swear to God.”
Unable to keep the smile off your face, you nodded and reached for the waistband of his shorts. He lifted his hips and helped you shove the material to his ankles. That was when you realized two things.
One, he was right. His cock laid thick and proud on his stomach and was weeping for you. He was of average length but his girth let you know that were going to struggle to fit him in your mouth. The thought only made you shiver in delight. A phantom pain panged in your gut when you took in the slight curve of the head, knowing it was going to hit everything you needed.
Second, he had the prettiest cock you had ever seen. You never thought dicks were pretty. In fact, you were pretty resolute on that thought. Most likely due to the disgusting amount of unsolicited dick pics you had received in your life. But, Namjoon’s?  You wanted to take a picture, frame it and admire it whenever you wanted to. The skin that stretched around his width was a shade darker than the rest of him and his cock head, a pretty red color, made you want to see how far down you could get the flush to go.
You wrapped your hand around his length and twisted up. Namjoon’s back arched off the couch and a string of curses fell off of his lips. Your thumb collected the glistening pre-cum on his tip and used it to smooth your palm over him.
“I normally don’t say this,” you said as you became infatuated with the vein that ran along the underside of his cock, “but if you want to send me a dick pic, I definitely won’t complain. Like, ever.”
“B-baby, I’ll give you whatever you want. Just keep doing what you’re doing.” Namjoon moaned, throwing his head back when your thumb pressed against the delicate skin that resided under the his mushroom tip.
You giggled lightly. “So sensitive. I’ve barely even started.”
Namjoon opened his mouth to say something but you didn’t give him a chance. You licked the vein that had caught your eye earlier and followed it to the top before enveloping the head of him into the heat of your mouth. You relished the broken groan that he let out. Several kitten licks were placed on his weeping slit before taking him deeper. You worked slowly, gauging his reaction as you took him further. He responded well, panting and moaning in encouragement, head still thrown back against the couch.
“You can look at me, you know,” you reminded him as he popped out of your mouth. Kisses were mouthed over the soft skin that was wrapped around the steel of his erection. Your hand used your spit as lube to tug him harder.
“Can’t,” Namjoon gasped. “Gonna blow my load if I watch you.”
“That’s kind of the whole point.”
“Not yet,” he whined. “I don’t want this to be over.”
You pinched his hip until he met your gaze, offering him a sweet smile. “This isn’t going to be the last time I get on my knees for you, baby.” You held his wide-eyed stare as you took him back into your mouth. Ignoring how his hands seemed to flutter around you, unsure of what to touch, you focused on sliding him further into your mouth. Then, you sucked hard, using your tongue to lave at the warm skin.
Namjoon lost it above you. He released a strangled moan that caused your core to absolutely gush. One hand finally tangled into your hair and the other gripped your shoulder with warning, which you ignored. You merely sucked and pulled harder. Namjoon’s hips flexed, causing the tip of him to slam into the back of your throat. Not expecting it, you couldn’t help but cough around him as your eyes watered.
“Oh, God! I’m so sorry.” Namjoon used the hand on your shoulder to yank you off. His thumbs wiped at the tears that trickled down your cheeks, the concern etched across his face made you feel warm inside. “Shit, are you okay?”
“I am, promise,” you assured him. “Just give me a second, okay?”
He nodded while pushing back some of your hair that had escaped your sloppy up-do. You gently removed his hands before looking down at his length that was still clutched in yours. As much as he had shocked you, the thought of him fucking your face was not something you shied away from. Really, it was exactly what you wanted. But you needed to prep a bit first.
When you took him back in your mouth, you focused on relaxing the muscles in your throat. Breathing deeply through your nose, you slowly worked yourself further down until your nose was pressed into the base of him. Spit trickled out of your mouth and over his balls as you pulled back. You did this a few more times, working past your gag reflex and allowing your throat to get used to the intrusion.
Namjoon was anything but quiet as you deep throated him. It was honestly the sexiest thing you had ever heard. While your past lovers hadn’t necessarily been quiet, the praises Namjoon kept raining on you and the beautiful noises he made were music to your ears. Your body certainly agreed. Your cunt ached to be filled and the fabric of your panties was soaked through. But, you ignored your needs and focused on the panting man before you.
“Okay,” you nodded as you popped him out of your mouth. “I’m ready.”
It took Namjoon’s brain a few seconds to process what you said. He shifted restlessly on the couch cushions as you ran your hands over his thighs. “Huh? W-what did you say?”
“I’m ready for you to fuck my face.”
His pupils were blown wide as he stared at you with an open mouth. “Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“What if I want it to hurt?” You stared at him while purring the words that was his undoing. Namjoon’s eyes got impossibly darker as his chest expanded with a sharp intake of breath. He spread his legs wider and gently held the back of your head as he guided you down his shaft. You held eye contact with him as he cautiously raised his hips to meet your lips. Once he saw no signs of distress from you, he began thrusting more consistently as you bobbed your head to match his rhythm.
His steady movements didn’t last long but it didn’t bother you. You were more than happy to take over for him. Like you said, this wasn’t going to be the last time you worshipped his cock. The two of you had plenty of time to figure things out. Plus, knowing how much you clearly affected him gave you all the motivation you needed.
Your throat began to tense up again so you focused your attentions on his sensitive head and let your hands twist up to your mouth and back down. The sounds of your palm gliding along his slick skin and your lips sucking tightly filled the spacious living room. They were nearly drowned out by Namjoon, though.
“Baby, oh f-fuck…shit,” he keened loud and hard when your other hand moved to brush over his swollen balls. You cupped them gently and rolled them between your fingers. Even as he was practically thrashing against you, hips thrusting in an aimless rhythm, the hand he had originally placed on the back of your head remained there. He applied no pressure, allowing you to set the pace, but it also seemed to ground him. To remind him that this wasn’t a dream.
“M’gonna cum. Baby…baby, I’m gonna cum. Soon, oh God,” he babbled. You appreciated the warning but you didn’t need it. He was twitching wildly in your mouth and your tongue was coated with the salty essence of his pre-cum. In response, you ran your index finger on that sensitive spot behind his balls and that’s when Namjoon exploded.
Thick ropes of white shot down your throat, causing you to almost gag. Instead, you swallowed past the reflex and took as much as you could. By the fourth stream, a bit had managed to slip past the suction of your mouth and dribble down his cock. You were quick to clean up, licking at the mess the both of you had made before returning to his tip. You suckled the sensitive head until Namjoon practically shoved you away from him.
When you looked up you were met with a glorious sight. Namjoon was completely fucked out, twitching against the couch and his broad chest heaving for air. Sweat beaded his sharp jaw line and trickled down the column of his throat. His face was tilted towards the ceiling and his hair was haphazardly pushed off of his forehead. He looked completely ruined and entirely yours.
“Was that good?” You asked softly as you rose to your feet, ignoring the sharp ache in your knees. Namjoon made an unintelligible sound in the back of his throat that you took as a resounding yes. He cracked his eyes open and looked at you with such adoration you couldn’t help but blush.
“Really?” He murmured. “Don’t get shy on me now. You can’t just suck the life out of me one second and then start blushing like a school girl immediately after.”
“It’s called duality,” you muttered as your cheeks flushed darker. Namjoon snorted and reached for you, pulling you onto his lap. His spent cock nestled between your thighs and his eyes rolled back into his head when he felt the simmering heat through the fabric of your shorts.
“I need five minutes. Then, I swear to God, I’m going to eat you out like you deserve.”
Giggling, you wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with the strands of hair at the base of his neck. “You don’t have to. This wasn’t a quid pro quo situation. I gave you a blowjob because I wanted to. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“It’s either you give me five minutes so that I can eat you out or ten minutes so I can fuck you into next week. You decide.”
His determination brought a smile to your face until you took in the purple bags under his eyes and how his eyelids kept drooping lower and lower. “How about a nap first, hm? I’ll decide after you get some sleep.”
Namjoon looked like he wanted to protest but you kissed him instead. His argument clearly wasn’t that strong because when you pulled away he was nodding in resignation. You helped him pull up his shorts and squealed when he lifted you up into his arms. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you let him carry you into the bedroom and wrap the both of you up in the comforter. You hadn’t planned on sleeping with him, wanting to get more work done while he slept. But the faint scent of his aftershave and the soft way he caressed your spine could lull an insomniac to sleep. Who were you to refuse?
“Wake me up when you decide,” Namjoon whispered into your hair. You nodded against his chest, and within minutes the two of you slipped into a deep slumber. Happy and content.
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©jcwritings Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without my permission.
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
hi could you do an imagine/ one shot where it’s a snow day and ur w his family and it’s just all cute w whoever u want :)
snow days and haribo rings
jack grealish x reader
Jack was thankful for having a big car when he woke up this morning. It became apparent most people would have their close to Christmas family get together deterred or even completely cancelled by the amount of snow that had fallen over the course of the evening and continued when you woke in the morning.
The best part was seeing you light up like a child, eyes wide and bright as you all but jumped up and down. Jack had laughed, his smile stretched wide as you stood out the back catching snowflakes on your hands and throwing toys for the puppy who kept launching himself into the thick snow. Jack admired you from the kitchen window, conjoined dining room sliding glass door still wide open so he can hear your giggles bouncing through the house as he constructed one of the only meals he could. His toast and cheese was immaculate though, bloody amazing.
“The little ‘uns are dying to see you.” Jack announces in the car as he pulls down his parents street. His little cousins do just adore you and he can’t blame them one bit. Seeing you play with them, giggling when they pile on top of you for hugs and kisses always awakens something in him he hadn’t noticed before. It made him very broody, especially at this time of year. “Really?” you beam, eyes lighting up once again as you turn to look at him for the first time since getting into the car. He was well aware of your eyes stuck on the little snow shapes that flutter into the front window and the snowmen that line the streets. Pointing out bigger ones and getting excited when you see kids out. “Look!” You squeal, pointing your finger against the window. “Snow angels!”
“You’re my snow angel.” He retorted, flirting shamelessly with a huge cheesey beam. You let out a loud laugh as you screw up your face. “You’re awful,” you snort, shaking your head. Jack laughs with you, pulling the car into park in the drive so he can lean over and press his lips onto your cheek, warmed by the heaters of the large range rover.
Jack helps you jump out of the car so you don’t slip, because despite the fact his dad has claimed to have shovelled the drive, it was covered again in a thick layer of powdery snow. Your boyfriend wraps you up in him immediately, tucking you into his side so close you practically become one person. Touch has always been Jack’s love language. He almost always has to be touching you and it’s usually a subconscious act. An arm that’ll find its way around your waist or his hand that slips into yours. He’s very tactile and he just loves to have you there in his arms.
Karen is at the door ushering you into the warm house before either or you have the chance to raise a cold hand to knock it and before you have the chance to enjoy the heat, Jack’s little cousins - who call him uncle Jack just for easiness sake - have threw themselves at you both. Jack catches them a lot easier than you do with bellowing laughter so happy you can imagine the sound in a few years time when he gets home from training or game trips and it’s yours and his kids that get to barrel through the house and greet him like this. It makes your heart sing in a mixture of excitement and joy.
“Come on come on come on!” They chant, tugging your arm quickly through the house as you call your greetings along the way. Jack is left standing in by the coat rack with a stupid grin watching his little cousins drag you through the house until you reach the back door.
Jack can’t seem to keep his focus on the conversation with his mum as they sit at the dining room table next to the window that looks out to into the garden. He keeps looking out to you, exaggeratedly falling over when you get hit by snowballs thrown by the small kids, yelling out as they bound over to leap on top of you with hysterically laughing, wrapped up in warm winter coats, hats and scarfs. You’ve only got a jacket on though and Jack worries as he always does that you’re not warm enough.
“She needs an extra layer,” Jack mumbles, making his mother beam as she looks at him with a warm mug of hot chocolate between her hands. She’s so proud of the man that her boy has become. The kind who worried about his girlfriend being too cold even in the summer. Jack stands at the back door uneasily waiting for you to reach him. “You’re going to end up sick.” He states with a frown as he hurriedly moves to wrap a thick scarf around you neck. “That’s a myth, can’t get the cold from being cold.” You shiver, allowing him to offer you a sip of hot chocolate from his mug to warm you up and you accept it happily.
“Can get hypothermia though, Mrs Degree.” He retorts teasingly, his eyes created with a smile. “Not a medical degree, J. And that’s Miss degree thank you very much.” You snip as you trudge back off the snow with him following you, setting the mug down before he stepped out the door. Jack immediately notices the excitement on his little cousins faces when you both appear for the the snowball fight where you split into separate teams. The snowball fight where you end up pinned down on the snow by Jack, his face inches from yours as his lips just about brush yours. Even chapped and slightly cracked from the cold, Jack would kiss those lips happily forever. He can’t fight the smile that plays on his lips at the sight of your nose and cheeks tinted red from the cold.
“I could change that, you know.” He hums softly, eyes getting lost in yours. You simply gaze up at him puzzled with slightly furrowed brows. “The miss thing i mean,” he backtracks, his words something like a nervous stutter, “Cause you’re my missus, could make you a missus- mine. My missus. Like, with my name an’ all that.”
You giggle at his broken up stammering sentences, your lips stretching wide into a grin.
“Are you asking me to marry you, Jack?” You lull, a teasing tone hiding clearly behind your words as he shakes his head, moderately embarrassed by his poor attempt. Jack clears his throat, rolling off you to lay beside you on the thick snow cushioning your back before he squished you. “Suppose so,” he whips his head to face you, “Depends on what your answer would be?” he adds quickly with a smile yet worried eyes.
“Charming.” You jest sarcastically, shooting him an playfully incredulous look. “But i’d say yeah.” You add, staring up at the darkening sky with snow flakes still falling into your faces, getting stuck in Jack’s beard and landing in his hair.
“Mhm, that’s good.” He smiles softly, “Mrs Grealish. (y/n) Grealish.” Jack turns back to you, a soft smile on his lips and love shining in his eyes. “Sounds pretty good to me.”
You giggle in agreement, letting him tug you in closer to him to kiss a snowflake off the tip of your nose before pressing his lips onto yours next. “Yeah, it does.” You agree with one of those wistfully love struck grins as you look at the man you love with all your heart. “I’ll get you a ring, i promise.” He says sweetly, brushing his warm hands over your cold knuckles after he tugs you up to your feet out of the snow.
“I have a ring, Uncle Jack!” You hear from behind you, the two little kids standing there with a mini party bsd or haribos each. They beam up at you, the eldest holding out the red and yellow candy ring that Jack takes with a thank you and a tenacity as if it were a real, very expensive ring that you wouldn’t eat within the next ten minutes. Yet, the brown haired brummie still takes a knee in the snow, holding your hand and looking up at you. “I promise i’ll get you a proper ring, nice one too. All the best for you. Get you a nice big ring a s a nice big family an’ i’ll spoil you, spoil you all. I’ll spoil you forever. Promise. Will you marry me?”
Tears appear in your eyes involuntarily, a giggle breaking past your lips as you nod your head virtually. “Yeah, yeah of course i’ll marry you. Now up her and kiss me before you get a chill.”
Jack stands up eagerly, pressing his lips against yours as he pushes that ring onto your ring finger for you to hold out in front of you to admire. As Jack kisses you once again before he starts leading you inside holding onto your hand, you can only think about how happy you are with him. You’d be happy to marry him in a tracksuit or pyjamas, you didn’t care. You just wanted to spend the rest of your life with him and he felt the same way. Fancy rings wasn’t a big deal for you, but you knew he’d get you one anyway because he’s Jack. He has the money and he would be dammed if he didn’t spoil his girl.
“You didn’t,” Karen gawps, shaking her head with a teasing roll of her eyes. “You better get that girl a real one.” She tells Jack as he sits there on the couch later with you tucked under his arm, “you make sure he does.” She says to you before she went off to the kitchen. You turn to Jack, the fingers of your right hand laced into his as you raise the left one still with that ring on it.
“Sweet tooth?” You chime with a smile, Jack chuckles. “Always.” He responds easily. You lift your hand up to his mouth and just barely feel his teeth against your finger as he takes a bite off of that ring. You pop the rest of it in your mouth with a giggle.
“We are my ring.” You say through giggles, feeling his press his lips against the side of your head. “I’m sorry baby.” Jack responds, pulling you even closer to him under the warm fluffy blanket as you curl into his chest.
“Don’t be,” you mutter softly, “i’m happy to marry you with nothing but candy rings we’ll eat before the days out.”
“Good,” Jack says firmly, tightening his arms around you, “Because i’ll get you all the haribo rings you like, forever and always baby.”
The ghost of a smile dances over your lips as fatigue catches up with you, echoing his words adoringly. “Yeah….forever and always.”
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citrus-simp · 3 years
Hope everything is okay. I just wanted to say I love your writing and both blogs :) if you ever do open requests again, and even if you do you don’t have to write this. But how about a drabble of levi and his wife who have 2 sons and 1 daughter named Kutchel who is 3/4. Levi loves all his kids but kinda has a soft spot for kutchel🥺 and sometimes her brothers exclude her from play n are mean to her so she comes up to him trembling like “why won’t they play w me daddy”. Cue levi. Rest is up to u.
{AN}-> first of all, thank you so much for the love and support and of course for reading my work! And yes I am doing better thank you for the wishes! I am and ULTIMATE simp for papa Levi!
"I'm home" Levi called out as he slipped out of his work shoes and hung his blazer
"Dad! Look what I won today at practice!"
"Dad look at the grade I got o my test today!" your sons yell as they ran to their father holding up objects for him to look at.
Your eldest Liam who was 8 showed him what his football coach gave him, at practice. He had done very well and had gotten a button that said MVP on it, he was very proud of himself. Eli, your younger son who was 6, wanted him to know how well he was doing in his classes. He was top of his class and loved to show you both how hard he worked
"Congrats to both of you, I'm proud of you both for working so hard," he said ruffling their hair, gaining a big smile from them both
"Welcome home, Levi" you popped in with Kutchel in your arms, pecking Levi's lips. Your youngest and only daughter, Kutchel. She was 3, and definitely had Levi wrapped around her little finger.
The thing was, not only was she named after his mother, she looked so much like her! Of course, she had certain things from you but her eye shape, and nose were from his mother. Unfortunately, Levi lost his mother before Kutchel was born. It took a toll on him, all the things she had done to care for him, her sacrifice, everything.
He felt as though he was never able to repay her. Next thing you know about a year later, you found out about your pregnancy, with your first girl. The day she was born, Levi felt something he never had before. It was almost like he had completely healed from his loss when he looked at her.
"Papa!" she reached out for her father to take her, which he gladly did
"Hey there princess," he said kissing her chubby cheek "what did you do today?"
"Me and mama went to the park and I fed the birdies," she said with a rosy smile.
"Oh look at you doing big girl things! I'm so proud of you princess." he smiled at her and raised her above his head. Her brothers watching a bit disappointed from a distance.
Did they hate their sister? No. Their parents taught them to respect and love their sister, which they did. But at their age, jealousy was something big among siblings. Seeing how their father would be more affectionate towards their sister made them feel different. They saw that their father would gravitate more to their sister than to them. Or he would put her first before them when asked to spend time with them.
Of course, you had noticed this way before time. You had asked him when you were pregnant with Eli that he wouldn't have favorites and love all your kids equally. You knew that could make a bad relationship with his kids and between siblings so you wanted to avoid it. Sometimes you'd step in and try to give your sons the same praise, but of course, they still wanted their father's attention.
"Liam why don't you go and find a nice place to put that MVP button in your room, like a trophy" you try and lighten the mood "and Eli, I'm sure I have a frame for that test of yours" thank the god it actually worked as both boys run in different directions for each of their own things to do.
"Levi, did you see the boys' accomplishments?' you ask
"Y/N, I know where you're going with this. I paid attention to all of them, Liam is doing great in football, and Eli is practically a genius," he said putting down Kutchel
"*sigh* I know I just-"
"Want no one hurt I know, well how about you meet me in the kitchen and we can talk it out alright? Kutchel sweetheart, why don't you go and play with your brothers while I talk with mommy okay?" he said ruffling her hair
" 'Kay!" she said running up the stairs to where she'd find her brothers most likely.
"And what would this talk be about?" you ask raising an eyebrow as his hands found your waist
"Oh just about how I have some time to kiss you properly~"
" 'iam" Kutchel said as she enters his room, Eli in the same as they played together "can I pway with you and E-i?"
"No Kutchel, go away" Liam sneered "we don't play with babies"
"I'm not a baby!" she pouted
"Go away Kutchel, you're not smart enough to play this game either way," Eli said motioning to the board where he and his brother were playing chess "Maybe dad wants your company" Eli may be smart but he also got his father's sassy mouth
"B-but I wanna pway with you" he pouted trying not to cry as she sniffed
"Kutchel just go away, ugh you're so annoying when you cry"
"Yeah, and only babies cry."
"I-I not...a-a baby," she said as tears pooled in her eyes, of course, they would tease her playfully at times but this time Kutchel really did feel hurt
"Whatever, the only reason gives you so much attention is 'cause you were a mistake and he doesn't want you feeling bad" Eli sneered without thinking
"N-not true!" she stopped her feet as tears started to fall from her eyes, but she just couldn't handle any more ridicule from her brothers and left.
Meanwhile, you and Levi were in the kitchen caught in a makeout session when you heard a certain someone crying "Papa, mommy!"
It wasn't a regular call, she sounded hurt and heartbroken causing you both to separate quickly
"Kutchel, sweetheart what happened?" you ask as you kneel down and she crashes into your arm and lets out all her tears. Levi kneels beside you and strokes her back trying to comfort her some more
"P-papa, why won't 'iam let me play?" she asked her father as she peaked from your shoulder "T-they say I was a mistake.." she sniffed and you swore you could see the fire in his eyes. You stood up with Kutchel in your arms as Levi shot up and walked towards the stairs
"Levi! Levi, keep your anger in control, don't you dare-"
"Y/N, I won't do anything brash, but they can't say crap like that. I for sure didn't raise them this way. Just watch Kutchel, I'll talk to the boys"
Levi would NEVER lay a hand on his kids, but you didn't want him scolding either. However, they couldn't just say what they wanted to their sister thinking it was okay. Especially to the point of her crying.
"Come on baby, let's go watch the birds outside okay?"
Meanwhile, Levi is now knocking on Liam's door "Liam, Eli, come downstairs" he said while taking the lead waiting on them. He sat in a chair in front of the sofa and watched his sons take a seat. They looked like they knew what happened...
"Is there something you want to tell me? Like why Kutchel came to us crying? Asking if she was a mistake?" he said with a firm voice but not yelling at them. But enough to let them know he was very serious about the situation. Eli started to fidget with his fingers while looking down in his lap. Liam keeps eye contact with his father trying to keep a straight face.
"We didn't want to play with her so we said that so she'd leave..." Liam said
"That doesn't justify calling her a mistake. All three of you are here because your mother and I wanted you and we were happy as hell to have all of you."
"Even if you wanted all of us, it's not like you love all of us the same" Eli said crossing his arms
"Eli, that isn't-"
"you always put her first. Even if we come to you, whenever she comes you act more affectionate and happy with her just existing"
"We always have to do something just to get your attention...it sucks dad..." Liam added, "why can't you just love us how you love her?"
Levi was honestly hurt. He didn't want this to happen. He loved his sons to the moon and back. Maybe it was true that Kutchel got more attention from him but it didn't mean he didn't love them
"Boys, do you remember grandma?" Levi asked relaxing his posture a bit. Both boys nodded "Well, your sister looks a lot like my mother, it's why we gave her that name. I think I got attached to her in a way to cope with losing her. But I never want you to think I don't love you." he said kneeling in front of the two children
"The day you were both born were two of my happiest moments. You know I cried the first time you walked to me, Liam? And the day you told off Hanji made me laugh, Eli" he shared with them "I love Kutchel, but I also love you both to the end of my days. But I am sorry." he apologized opening his arms for them.
Hopping off the couch they have a warm group hug
"Alright, you two. I apologized but you still have some apologizing to do with your mother and sister," he said taking their hands and walking to the back porch where you sat with Kutchel
Levi clears his throat "You and Kutshcel have some visitors" he said with a nod to his hands
"Oh? What would these visitors like to say?" you ask in hope of a good outcome
"We're sorry we were mean to you Kutchel" Eli started
"Yeah, we didn't mean it, really. We were a little jealous but we never meant to hurt you. We love you" Liam followed
Kutchel pouted, not making eye contact "Really?" she asked
"Really really." they both offer a smile Kutchel jumps up from your arms and runs to hug her brothers. Walking over to Levi you kiss his shoulder and say
"Guess you'll be getting a reward for this accomplishment~"
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studiobeebo · 3 years
Looking Effervescent AF today my good bro; might I request one Corn Maze drabble with Soshiro Hoshina please? Love u, bye
-dippy 🦑
my dearest of Thanks my Dapper Dippy Broski ily mwah mwah
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♡ Corn Maze ♡
Soshiro Hoshina x Unspecified Gender! Reader
as always if y’all enjoy this please remember that reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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“You think we go left here?” Soshiro asked, crouched over slightly to ensure his hand could stay securely wrapped around one that surprisingly wasn’t your own, but instead that of a young child who confidently tugged at said hand and huffed out a loud “YEAH LEFT!” in response to his question.
“Sure about that?” “Uh huh!” “Alright well if you’re wrong, I’m pretty sure there’s a corn monster that goes around eating little kids who get l-“ You smacked him before he could finish his sentence to which he gave a ‘What’d I do?’ look in response, but the little girl only laughed as she continued to pull him along through the maze.
See, this wasn’t your child nor did you even know the kid, yet here the two of you were, trying to find your way out of a corn maze that was weirdly difficult to navigate, weird little girl in towe.
It had started as a simple night out with just you and Soshiro, something that very rarely happened and that you were more than eager to take advantage of, but it was his idea to go to a fall festival he had seen advertised a few weeks ago and you excitedly agreed.
Your evening had started out damn near perfect, with cool yet comfortable weather and plenty of good snacks and drinks to keep you both happy as you wandered through the festival grounds checking out all the different booths and activities until you finally came to the end where a large corn field spanned out far beyond where you could see and a giant “CORN MAZE! ENTER IF YOU DARE!” sign hung above an entrance that had been placed a little off to the side.
You were about ready to turn around at first, your feet were already beginning to hurt anyways and it was clear that the sun would be setting in a half hour or so, but Soshiro was insistent that half an hour was ‘plenty of time’ to get through it and being annoyingly persuasive was something he could’ve mastered in, so after only a few minutes of back and forth debate you finally rolled your eyes and agreed.
Of course half an hour passed fairly quickly and you lost count of how many times you heard him mutter “Huh, coulda sworn that last turn would lead to the exit…” or something similar, but with that mischievous smile never leaving his face you weren’t totally sure he wasn’t just teasing you and leading you around in circles on purpose, but before you had the chance to bug him into letting you take the lead, you almost fell flat on your face after stumbling into something that came up to about your waistline and disrupted your walking.
You yelped, but with it being completely dark now you had to scramble to get your phone out to shine a light on what you had run in to, however a kid with a sucker stuck in her hair staring up at you was not what you were expecting.
“Hi!” She had exclaimed, seemingly unbothered by the shocked look on your face and the fact that she had popped up out of nowhere. “Um…hey..” You muttered back, but your shock was quick to turn to confusion and then to worry as you realized this girl was far too young to be out here on her own in the dark.
Still, even before you could say anything, Soshiro was already crouched next to the girl and calmly asked her a list of questions in an attempt to figure out the situation without scaring her, but she was surprisingly happy and explained that she got separated from her parents ‘a while ago’ as if it were just another one of those things that happened.
At first you weren’t all that concerned as you had noticed earlier that a handful of attendants stood around the exit of the maze and you figured they were there for situations just like this one, but your boyfriend was quick to mention that if anyone had been alerted about a missing kid they definitely would have been out here with flashlights and such looking by now, so you both came to the conclusion that her parents must have not been able to find their way to help either, so here you were now, trying to get yourselves and this kid back to safety as quickly as possible.
The girl's nonchalant attitude was a bit off putting to begin with, but after a while you were grateful that she was so cheery rather than being hysterical. She was quite the chatterbox too, droning on and on about different topics from her favorite toy trucks to which kids at school she thought were ‘buttheads’, and to your surprise, Soshiro was as patient as ever and chatted along with her happily. He even let her ‘lead the way’ as you had seen by the girl tugging him along, but you had noticed that he would only do so after looking around and determining the way she wanted to go was actually the right way.
Of course you knew he had been trained in the skill of calm evacuation, but even so it was a bit endearing to watch since you had never really seen him interact with children, though it seemed to help that the girl didn’t seem to mind it when he would joke about monsters or other such things and even teased him back a few times.
You were more than content just watching and giving your advice when you felt it was warranted and he didn’t seem to mind much himself, even gently hoisting the girl up into his arms and carrying her when she complained that her feet were hurting, though that was only after he told her that he fully expected her to carry him once his feet started to hurt.
Their conversation began to slow and you could tell by the way her eyelids were dropping that she was beginning to get sleepy, but right as she was about to doze off, Soshiro’s relieved “Geez, finally.” upon seeing the exit perked her right up. A moment later she was scrambling out of his arms upon seeing a group of attendees and who you presumed to be the girls' worried parents just outside the exit.
The two of you let out a sigh of relief upon seeing the girls parents damn near squeeze her to death while lovingly yet sternly reprimanding her for running off like she did, their attention turning to the two of you as she told her story about getting help from you and your boyfriend before they gave you just about a million different “thank you’s” before finally going on their way.
“So much for a night off.” Soshiro finally groaned out once they were out of earshot, rubbing at the back of his neck as if he were just exhausted, but you knew him well enough to know that the safety of others was something he put far ahead of his own needs and that he was just as relieved that the girl got back to her family as you were.
“Well at least you can give yourself a pat on the back for that daring rescue, hero.” You teased, leaning over to kiss his cheek while intertwining your fingers with his own. “But I think maybe next time I’ll pick the date.”
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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title : cigarettes and parfaits [4]  pairing : older!nanami kento x younger!reader [13 year age gap, ft toji fushiguro] Genre: romance, fluff, slice of life, josei, angst, comedy, strangers to lovers au
Summary: you’re pretty sure you’d remember marrying a man 13 years older than you, right? Warnings: alcohol, smoking, mild smut, y/n making stupid decisions, cliche fluff, everyones a human-au so yeh non-canon stuff and everyone’s happy (periODT)
Notes: lil development right there HAHSHSHHS , yes tojis appearing soon guYS hddhdhdh thank u for ur patience ily all and yall stay safe and drink lots and ltos of water!! sorry for the late update!
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You stare at the ring on your hand as you stand next to Nanami Kento in the grocery shop, you and him have agreed to see each other and go out once a week while fixing up the divorce papers. 
Last week you both had gone to a cafe after work but had to end early since Yuuji had fell down the stairs (despite being athletic, the boy was awfully clumsy). This week, you both decided to do something mundane.
Grocery shopping.
“Hm, what does Yuuji think about this?” You asked, showing the man some bars of rice krispies, “He seems to be a sweet-tooth.”
“Sukuna is the sweet-tooth, Yuuji isn’t really picky with food.”
“Huh,” You hummed,  “Sukuna seems so soft despite all the tattoo’s.”
Nanami rolls his eyes at your statement, “He’s just, as kids like to call these days, a nerd.” he retorts, taking the peanut butter off the shelf and carefully placing it in the grocery cart, “He enjoys mathematics and art,”
“Ah, hence the tattoo’s.” you thought out loud.
“I almost lost it when he went home a few months ago looking like that.” He sighs, running his hands through his hair, “It was a sign of rebellion, saying that he didn’t want to move to Tokyo.”
You chuckled, eyes on him, “Must’ve shot up your blood pressure, Kento.”
He clicks his tongue in dismay, the memory still fresh. Nanami Kento    unlike what Gojo Satoru said    was a very easy person to like and accompany. Ever since that ‘mild’ mishap two weeks ago, you’d have calls and little quick meet-ups aside from the once a week dates. 
At times it felt like the little wedding at the Izakaya hadn’t happened, it was as if you were just going out with him.
Nanami Kento didn’t even have to try so hard to make you comfortable, he was just...there and everything just seemed right. He had easily fit right in with your routine.
You continue to watch him and he stops in the middle of his tracks, blinking heavily, “Ah,” he mumbles, placing a hand over his eye.
“Oh,” you paused in your tracks too, “Are you alright, Kento?”
“Just dust,” He mumbles, “It probably got in.”
You hold back a laugh, how mundane, “Here, let me…”
You slowly take his hand away from his face, his eyes shut tight, trying to hold in the pain from the dust getting in his eyes, “Do you mind bending down a bit lower, Kento?” you ask, “I’ll have to blow it out of your eye.”
Nanami follows your orders and bends down. You slowly cup his cheeks and lean in closer to his eyes and softly blow. You notice the slight twinge of his body, the reaction making you inwardly giddy, “Feel better?” you whispered.
The older man opens his eyes and only then do you notice just how close you two were with each other. For a moment, movement around you is slow and you don’t even notice Maki Zen’in standing right in front of you along with Yuta Okkatsu.
You finally snap back to reality when you hear that very familiar voice calling you out. It seemed like Nanami had been caught up in the moment too, “Oh,” You cleared your throat, letting go immediately of Nanami’s face and jumping back, “Maki-chan.Yuta-kun. What a surprise.”
The young girl narrowed her eyes while Yuta’s ears were evidently red, signaling that he felt very embarrassed to walk in on that moment, “Hi sensei.” Yuta greets, clearing his throat, “I-uh sorry about that, I told Maki to walk away and-”
“It’s fine, Yuta-kun.” You laugh, a bit nervous. What would happen if she told Yuji and Sukuna about this? You knew how Maki was sort of close with the twins, although she did not know who Nanami was, she may describe him and if the boys were smart enough to catch on with it, you’d be entangled in it pretty quickly and you weren’t ready to meet them as their ‘oji-san’s’ partner. 
You were a bit nervous and it was showing.
Nanami takes quick notice of this and slowly wraps his fingers around yours, a small smile appearing on his lips, “Good afternoon, you must be my partner’s students.” he greets, the man had a way with younger ones, you could only imagine how he was as a father figure to the boys growing up,  “It’s nice to finally put some faces on the kids that Y/N loves to gush about.”
Unlike your nervousness a while ago, this man is calm, cool, and collected. You almost envy him at how good he’s doing this.
“At least you picked someone better than Toji-ojisan.” Maki nods, “This guy looks actually more serious with life than him.”
You feel Nanami’s brow quirk up at what she just said.
“A-Anyways, Sensei…” Yuta clears his throat, “We’ll leave you and your boyfriend together. See you at Math class tomorrow!” He hurriedly grabs Maki’s wrist and zooms away at a speed of light. Leaving you two awkwardly standing there.
“Toji?” Nanami asks, curiously peering at you, “An admirer, I assume?”
“Megumi’s otosan.” You mumbled, embarrassed, “He likes to play jokes and all that. It’s nothing serious.”
“Hm.” he mumbled, a small dismayed look crossed his features and you wonder why, “If he does anything uncomfortable, you can pull my name out. I wouldn’t mind.”
“I’ll be sure to take note of that.” 
You both continue your way down the grocery aisle, not even noticing that he still has his long hand wrapped around yours.
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“Y/N-sensei…” Nobara drawled, placing her head on top of the wooden end of the mop, “How come we never knew you had a boyfriend?”
“Oi,” Megumi growled, “You’re supposed to be cleaning.”
“You’re just jealous that Y/N-sensei didn’t get to be your new okaasan.” Nobara bit back, putting her tongue out. You watched as the raven-haired boy chunk the blackboard eraser at her direction, a vein popping in his forehead.
“Stupid,” He replied, “I’d never let Y/N-sensei near the jiji.”
“What’s he like, Y/N-sensei?” Junpei asked, tapping his chin, cutting the argument short,  “I heard Maki-senpai talking about him.”
You watch as Yuuji placed his head on his best friend’s shoulder, “Yeah, she was telling me how older he looked than you.” he exclaimed, you nervously gulped down. Yuuji sure wasn’t helping the situation at all.
“Well,” You chuckled, trying to remain calm and oblivious, “He’s nice and he has kids.”
“Ha.” Sukuna droned, stopping whatever he was doing,  his punishment     despite not being given any by Nitta    was helping the cleaners clean for the whole week, much to his dismay, he had to follow or you’d be giving him a slip, “You’re dating an old man? I thought the reason why you didn’t date the Zen’in-jiji was because he was old and he had kids.”
“Oh.” you looked down on your books on the desk, embarrassed, “I don’t have a problem with kids. In fact, I’d love to meet them.”
“Wah,” Yuuji’s eyes were sparkling now as he hurried in front of you and placed his elbows on top of your table and head on top of his hands, “I hope I really get to meet someone like you, sensei.”
“Stupid, I doubt any sane person would want to go with you.” Nobara said across the room, making Yuuji glare at her and started teasing her.
You chuckled once again at their antics. Meanwhile Sukuna continues to stare at you, eyes narrowing especially at the ring on your ring finger. For some odd reason, it held quite the familiarity.
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Yuuji likes to think that Nanamin is the best godfather out there, technically, he was like a father to them already. So he had always wondered why he never got married, he was sure that when they were out a few times, many women would crowd for their ojisan. 
His father’s very close friend, Haibara-ojisan had mentioned one fleeting moment back when he was babysitting them that Nanamin was very secretive on who he liked that even he didn’t know if he’d ever been in a relationship.
But things were different these days, for the past two weeks, he’d have one day wherein he’d go home later than usual. It was odd to say the least    and not like he minded really, they were high school kids after all     since Nanamin hated overtimes.
He mentioned it to Sukuna but his twin just rolled his eyes and said, “Man probably needs to chase the bag or something, he technically is paying for this nice house and two freeloaders here.” 
Yuuji doubted it though! Nanamin earned pretty well and he didn’t really need overtime since he was technically the boss or so he heard from Geto-ojisan a few nights ago.
So while he was making them some katsudon for dinner that night and Yuuji was doing some homework for your class, he decided to ask the question.
“Saaay, nanamin-ojisan…” he drawled, placing his pen down, “You’re coming home a lot later than normal these days…”
The older blonde turns to the younger twin, face still straight-lace and stoic, something that Yuuji was accustomed to, “Work has me by the neck.” he replies shortly.
“Every wednesday’s?” he quips, tilting his head to the side.
“You aren’t dating anyone?”
Silence erupted between them, the only sound could be heard was the sizzling of the chicken on the pan, “What made you say that?” he asked stiffly and maybe, if Yuuji was ignorant, he wouldn’t have noticed the slight twitch of his brow but he wasn’t.
Yuuji prided himself to be an observant person, someone had said he could pass off to be a detective in the near future, he had the agility and the observation skills (sukuna said otherwise though and said he’d get himself killed if he were to ever enter that field)
“You sometimes have that weird look on your face when you look at your phone.” the boy pointed out, “But Sukuna says you’re just chasing the bag so maybe he’s right, he’s kind of the smarter twin after all.” he mumbles the last part with great disdain.
Nanami lowers the fire on the stove and places his hands on the counter in front of Yuuji, “What if I told you I was sort of seeing someone?” he mused, humoring the young boy. 
“Are you really?” Yuuji’s eyes widened, surprised written all over his features, “What are they like, Nanamin-ojisan? Are they pretty? Do they know about us?”
“Oi what’s the noise about?” Sukuna’s raspy voice cuts through Yuuji’s excited one as he enters the kitchen, hair still wet from the shower and in house clothes with a towel hung on his neck.
“I told you Nanamin-ojisan was seeing someone!” Yuuji yelled, eyes sparkling since he was right this time, he quickly returned his gaze back to the older man, “When do we get to see them? Are they nice? How’d you guys even meet?”
“You’re seeing someone?” Sukuna spat, eyes wide in complete surprise, “How’d you even get someone to stay around with your uptight attitude?”
“Yah!” Yuuji yells, “Nananmin-ojisan is nice with women unlike you, no wonder girls are very scared to approach you!”
“Shut up,” Sukuna grumbles towards his twin then turns towards his godfather, “How the hell did you even meet?”
Nanami just shrugs, telling them they’ll know soon enough as he returns to his cooking. The boys seemed to dislike his answer though and continued to bug him. After cooking dinner and having their fill, he returns to his room and whips out his phone, a text message from you saying, ‘hey, the boys asked me about you earlier. They heard from maki-chan.’
The blonde wonders if he weren’t drunk, would he even consider doing this sort of thing? Dating was really out of the question, he admits he isn’t in the right place to go out with anyone especially with a young person like you. 
He thinks he’s taking advantage of the power-dynamics since he’s older.
He doesn’t even deny how weird it was that you're still hanging around him especially when you had a far richer man as one of your admirers. Satoru may or may not have overhead Yuuji gossiping about you one time and your ‘relation’ with Megumi’s father, it was definitely a small world and judging from the Toji you had mentioned a few days ago, it wasn’t hard to connect the dots that it was actually Toji Zen’in, a member of one of japan’s high business clans.
He shakes his head before pressing the call button, it only takes a few rings until you answered, “Hey kento.” You greeted, “What’s up?”
He hears the sound of a whizzing electric mixer on the other line.
“Boys gave you trouble?”
“No,” he could almost feel the smile on your words, “They were just surprised I liked a man with kids.”
“I reckoned, Yuuji seemed to have caught up too in my side. Been asking why I’m going overtime.” 
Silence settled between you two for a moment and Nanami wonders if you’re scared out of your wits. You might be backing out this deal after testing those waters, “Maybe you should tell me when I could meet them then? We wouldn’t want them to run into us during one of our outings or when we’re fixing up the divorce.” you replied softly.
“Hm,” he mumbled, “I’ll be sure to ask them about that. For a temporary setting, you sure take this matter quite seriously, Y/N.”
“Well, I did say I’d help you out.” 
A small smile reaches his lips as he hears your small and shy voice. It seemed like having people to check up on you by the end of the day wasn’t so bad, after all.
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; @coldbookworm  ; @frankenstein852  ;  @neavil  ; @shephard17895  @kristineyoshaii ; @airybnb ; @okachansenpai ; @amortentiaxo ; @rinvtaro ; @franko-pop ; @kozutenshi ; @kaldoesthings ; @moonlitdabi ; @chococroissant ; @bleepop ; @kaldoesthings ; @moonlitdabi ; @chococroissant ; @pettybroccoli ; @nixxona ; @kiyoo-omi ; @omibaby ; @bokkunto ; @peccobagnaia ; @sangwoahbigbussy ; @inu-makki ;  ; @megumiisee ; @softieelorelylove ; @azellianna ; @haruhuiii ; @restless-human67 ; @tsukkisfatsimp ; @taihjj ; @shayiswifey​ ;  @roione​
@Kurok1717 ;  @hcn421 ;  @shinhiromi ;  @airybnb ; @katshuya ; ​@atsuhaya ;  @donotcallagain ; @answerthesirens
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jared-19-cant-reid · 4 years
Sunday Kind of Love
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Rating: M
Summary: You need a date to your sister’s wedding, and Spencer begrudgingly agrees to help you out. Your feelings for him become difficult to hide, and Spencer really commits to his role as your “boyfriend”.
Word Count: 5.3K
Content Warnings: Family conflict, minor angst, unprotected sex, Dom!Spencer/Sub!Reader, bondage, daddy kink, spitting, choking, breath play, exhibitionism/public sex, teensy bit of sacrilege
Author’s Note: This fic idea came to me while I was listening to “A Sunday Kind of Love” by Etta James, so I’d highly recommend listening to it if you read the fic. Gives you the ~vibe~. Anyway, this is way longer than I expected but Spencer and reader deserved the extra time! I hope u enjoy :)
“C’mon, just make an appearance with me!” You pleaded. “It’s just one night! How bad can it be?” I didn’t even believe the words as they came out of my mouth.
Morgan snorted at that, shaking his head as he moved to exit the bullpen. “Sorry, kid. I love you, but I am not spending my night off at your bitchy sister’s wedding.” 
You sighed, reluctantly stepping aside to allow him to leave. Beginning to lose hope, you turned to your only remaining coworker. Spencer was still sitting at his desk, busying himself with organizing drawers and repositioning folders to avoid meeting your gaze as you approached his desk.
“Spencer, please come with me tonight. I can’t deal with my sister alone, and I think I might die if I have to explain to her that the guy I told her I was bringing ghosted me last week.” As you spoke, you watched him try to think of a way to protect your feelings without going. In the year you’d worked at the BAU you’d come to see everyone on the team as family, but it was Reid you felt closest to. When he didn’t respond immediately, you put your hand on his shoulder. “Spence, I need you.” You spoke quietly, but he heard you clearly.
He looked up at you at your last words, visibly conflicted. You gave him your best puppy dog eyes, and he sighed, standing up. Knowing you had won, you threw your arms around his neck in a hug, nearly sending the two of you tumbling over in your enthusiasm. He tentatively wrapped his arms around you, returning the gesture of affection. 
His touch brought with it feelings of peace and happiness that you had come to associate with Spencer. Your smile grew impossibly wider as you thanked him a million and one times, squeezing him tightly as you felt relief spread through your body. Forcing yourself to pull away, you noticed his lips had quirked up into a small smile at your reaction.
“You know, almost twenty percent of weddings are called off. There’s still a chance it won’t even happen.” Spencer mumbled as you walked out together. You weren’t sure if he was trying to comfort you or himself. As you reached the garage, you thanked him again for agreeing to be your date. He just nodded, visibly nervous about the event.
You stopped him before he could start walking to the metro. “Let me drive you home,” you insisted, “it’ll be faster and we can talk over our game plan on the way!”
“Game plan?” He questioned, amused at your choice of words.
“Just pretend we’re going undercover on a case! We’ll get into character and everything. This can be fun if we make it fun.” Spencer seemed unconvinced, but he followed you to your car.
As you drove to his place, Spencer seemed to relax as he started to plan, happy to gain some control over the situation. You knew he hated big events, especially ones with a lot of strangers, but your deep dislike for most of your sister’s invite list meant you’d at least suffer together. Pulling up to the curb, you said a quick goodbye, telling him to be ready in an hour.
When you got home, you jumped through the shower, scrubbing off the stress of the work day to allow family-related stress to take its place. You quickly blew your hair dry, putting more effort into your hair and makeup than you usually did. As you reached your closet, you scanned your dresses for one that would match the maroon tie Spencer planned on wearing. A smile spread across your lips when you spotted it, your fingers toying with the soft fabric as you imagined Spencer’s reaction when he saw it. 
You tried to push the thought away, sighing at your own hopelessness. You’d been trying to bury your feelings for Spencer ever since you joined the BAU, but it was a losing battle. You found it impossible to ignore him, despite your efforts to remain neutral in his presence. Your heart swelled at the excitement shining in his soft hazel eyes, skipped a beat at the sight of his tongue resting between his lips in concentration, and stopped altogether at the way his hands moved and flexed when he spoke. The opportunity to spend this much one-on-one time with Spencer in what you were sure would be an incredibly flattering suit was almost worth the stress of dealing with your family. 
You slipped on the soft satin dress, admiring how it hugged your curves and flowed around your legs. The plunging v-neck was flattering, but tasteful enough to stave off disapproving looks from older guests, leaving you comfortable and confident. You stood in front of the mirror, taking in your appearance as you would a stranger’s. The face that looked back at you was friendly but tense, hands fiddling restlessly with the soft fabric of your dress. It didn’t take a profiler to see you needed to relax.
Taking a deep breath, you cleared your mind, taking a few minutes to give your mind rest and ground yourself. Opening your eyes again, your reflection looked much more peaceful, nodding as you decided you were ready to leave. As you drove to Spencer’s, you felt your heartbeat quickening, this time from excitement instead of stress. 
Knocking softly, you were surprised to hear Spencer’s footsteps already nearing you, as if he had been waiting by the door. As he stepped outside, your breath hitched. You shouldn’t be so affected by the sight of him, it’s not like he’d never worn a suit in front of you before. It was mostly the look on his face that struck you, his lips slightly parted and eyes scanning your body as he took in the sight of you. 
“So what do you think? Good enough to pass for a put-together adult who hasn’t been dreading this day for months?” You asked.
He took a second to respond. “Y-yeah, you… you definitely shouldn’t worry about it. I mean you look great- not that you don’t usually look great it’s just-”
You interrupted him for his own sake, giggling a soft “thank you, Spence. You don’t look half bad yourself.” Understatement of the century.
Soft music played through the speakers in your car, soothing your nerves as you hummed along to “A Sunday Kind of Love” quietly. You almost jumped when you heard Spencer begin to hum with you. 
“You know this song?! I didn’t know you listened to any non-classical music!” You exclaimed, unreasonably excited at your discovery.
“I’ve heard you listening to Etta James on the jet a couple times, so I checked out a couple of her songs,” Spencer said simply. You tried to pretend your heart hadn’t just exploded at the implications behind his words. You couldn’t trust your voice to mask your overflowing adoration for the man beside you, so you just smiled and began to sing along quietly.
Oh I'm hoping to discover
A certain kind of lover
Who will show me the way
Lost in the music, you were surprised for the second time that car ride by Spencer’s voice joining yours to sing the chorus. Your eyes shot to his face, but he kept his eyes forward, a small smile the only sign he’d seen your reaction. You couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face as you sang with him, his attempts at melody bringing a smile to your face. The words seemed to gain meaning as your voices joined together, both looking forward but focused fully on each other.
To keep me warm when Mondays and Tuesdays grow cold
Love for all my life to have and to hold
Oh and I want a Sunday kind of love
Before you knew it, you had arrived. It was as if the bubble that had protected you from the reality of the situation had popped, leaving you exposed to the harsh world that lay waiting for you. Spencer reached out and squeezed your hand, silently reassuring you of his presence, his support, unwavering as you faced the night together.
Nodding slightly, you let go of his hand and stepped out of the car. Spencer walked beside you to the entrance of the church, close enough that you could feel his body heat. As you got closer, you groaned internally at the sight of your mother. 
A fake smile stretched across her lips, nodding at a woman whose outfit was so brightly colored you nearly had to look away from the glare. Her smile dropped for a split second when she saw you, but quickly returned with twice the artificial sweetness as before. She called out your name, voice straining with the effort it took to sound happy to see you. 
“This can’t be the boy you’ve been seeing! Much more handsome than I expected, how much did he cost you? Just kidding, of course.” Her laugh was somehow faker than her smile. You saw Spencer tense up beside you, and opened your mouth to correct her. She wouldn’t openly admit it, but you were sure your mother would be smug about the fact you and Spencer were just friends.
Before you could say anything, Spencer’s next words sent you reeling.
“Actually, I’m her boyfriend. Glad to finally meet you.” He said as politely as he could, though you could tell he disliked her already. Spencer had never had much patience for people who made jokes at others’ expense. 
You were still processing what he’d just said when his arm wrapped around you, gripping your waist. The feeling of his hands on your body was almost too much for you, and you struggled to pay attention as your mother smiled and made smalltalk with Spencer that walked the line between passive aggressiveness and outright hostility.
You finally registered what was happening when your mother made some excuse to leave, off to emotionally torture a new victim. Your head whipped to face Spencer, your mouth hanging open, confusion written on your face. 
“Why did you-” you began, interrupted by Spencer’s panicked words laced with regret.
“I’m so sorry, I know we didn’t plan on pretending to be a couple tonight, but she just seemed so smug about it and I wasn’t thinking clearly and I just-” he rushed out. Now it was your turn to cut him off.
“Spencer, thank you. I’m not mad, I promise.” You leaned into his chest, the arm still wrapped around you tightening. “I guess we’ll just have to pretend we’re dating for the rest of tonight, though.”
The two of you slowly made your way into the church, stopping a few times to chat with relatives who called out to you. Everyone was charmed by Spencer, who played the part of your boyfriend remarkably well. You found seats on the right, farthest from the aisle in an attempt to limit your interaction with other guests. Sitting down, you remembered how uncomfortable church pews were, the hours you’d spent in mass with your family all coming back to you now. 
Looking around, however, you were reminded of what had gotten you through it. The stained glass windows that surrounded you created a kaleidoscope in your field of vision, capturing your attention for long enough to forget why you had been uncomfortable in the first place. You looked back at Spencer to find him already looking at you, sending a small blush to your cheeks. 
“Did you know that stained glass was originally used in Catholic churches to tell stories from the Bible visually for the benefit of illiterate churchgoers? During the English Reformation, many stained glass windows were smashed and destroyed as part of the 1547 Injunctions against images. In fact, all images in churches were ordered to be removed. If it weren’t for that period in history, more stained glass would likely have- sorry, I’m doing it again.” Spencer’s eyes were cast down at the floor, only to shoot back up to your face when he felt your hand on his.
“I like listening to you. Why did they want to destroy all the images in churches?” You asked, leaving Spencer speechless for a second, seemingly unable to process your request for him to continue his rambling. With a small smile, he continued to explain the importance of the English Reformation to religious art as you watched him adoringly.
The ceremony started all too soon, pulling your attention to the front of the church. As you and Spencer listened to the seemingly endless stream of anecdotes about love and life that the pastor had clearly spent years reciting, your eyes started to glaze over. You pushed thoughts about marriage and family and religion out of your mind, preferring emptiness. Your mind didn’t stay blank for long, though.
Apparently Spencer had noticed your change in mood, because he brought his hand to rest on your thigh in a comforting gesture of solidarity. Unfortunately, you were unable to respond in any way, overwhelmed by the feeling of his hand flattened against the satin fabric of your dress.  His thumb beginning to rub small circles into your skin, you felt your heart rate quicken. The warmth he brought to your thigh began to spread through your body, suddenly finding the church unbearably hot. 
Spencer seemed unaffected by the room’s sudden warming, keeping his gaze locked on the happy couple. You took a shaky breath and tried to calm yourself down, reminding yourself that you were overreacting to what was likely a completely platonic display of affection. The ceremony seemed to drag on for hours, but that might have had something to do with the constant effort it took to mask the desire and panic that Spencer’s touch had ignited in you. 
You were broken from your trance of concentration by the feeling of his hand inching higher on your leg. Whipping your head around to face him, his gaze remained fixed on the pastor, pressing his lips together to hide a smirk. Your breath caught in your throat as you felt Spencer’s hand slowly make its way up your thigh, paralyzed by shock and desperation. His grip tightened as he glanced at your face, reading your reaction to his touch. Before you had a chance to respond, it was withdrawn, the world around you coming back into focus as everyone began to clap. The ceremony was over. 
When you went to stand up after the recessional, you nearly stumbled on your weak legs. Spencer stabilized you, guiding you through the pews and through the hallways with his hand on your lower back. As you followed the crowd to the banquet hall, the gears in your mind were turning slower than usual, as if they had rusted in the time you hadn’t allowed them to work through the idea of Spencer returning your feelings. Finding your seats, you and Spencer were faced with one of the greatest challenges of your night: extended conversation with your family and their similarly judgemental friends.
The overlapping chatter of so many people at once was clearly bothering Spencer, but he stuck it out for your sake. You felt a tug in your chest at the thought of the effort it must be taking for him to stay in such an uncomfortable situation. He played his part beautifully, though, responding to the borderline offensive questions directed at you politely but firmly, protecting you from their attacks. Your sister would usually have led the onslaught, but thankfully she was preoccupied yelling at the photographer for some suggestion she’d taken as a personal slight. 
When Spencer struggled to answer questions about your “relationship”, you took over. He had never been a good liar, and while you loved that about him, you knew it could blow your cover if you allowed him to continue.
In your story, the two of you still worked at the BAU, having started dating a few months after you joined. You threw in small details from your countless daydreams, centering them around real events so that the tale was completely believable. Maybe too believable, you worried, feeling Spencer’s eyes on you as you talked. Under the protection of a lie, you had finally been free to speak the truth, pouring a year’s worth of pining and affection into your words as you concocted a love story you wished was real. 
You heard a band start to play, a bluesy vocalist at the center of the ensemble. The music filled the hall as the newlyweds rose for their first dance. A small crowd gathered around the pair as they moved in synchrony, every step practiced and planned. A few songs later, many couples were swaying together, tonight’s celebration of love bringing out the romantic in most. 
You turned to Spencer, nodding your head at the band. “We should probably dance for a song or two, just for appearance’s sake.” Spencer looked uncomfortable, but nodded and followed you closer to the source of the music.
Raising your hand to his shoulder while his landed on your hip, you felt a warmth spread through you as you joined hands. Fingers intertwining, you began to move along with the slow song that had been playing, stumbling at first but moving more smoothly as time went on. You had no idea how many songs passed while the two of you swayed, apprehension and desire swirling in the air between you. It took a second for you to notice it, but as soon as you did, Spencer’s small smile told you he had as well. 
The smooth vocals of the singer sounded even more lovely on Etta James’s familiar melody, filling you with an intense emotion you couldn’t put words to.
I want a Sunday kind of love
A love to last past Saturday night
And I'd like to know it's more than love at first sight
And I want a Sunday kind of love
The feeling in your chest grew as you looked into Spencer’s eyes as the song continued, your chest threatening to burst with whatever magical dust you’d inhaled from the shared breath between your faces. Wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head on his shoulder, you were overcome with a feeling of safety and contentment as he returned your embrace. You swayed together as you began to ponder the cliches you’d always despised, begrudgingly admitting that you now understood the sentiment that nothing in the world mattered but the two of you.
As the song ended, you gathered up all the courage you had, and spoke before your mind could think through the possible negative outcomes of what you were suggesting.
“I need to tell you something,” you started. You felt his grip on you tighten, as if afraid what you would say next would take him from you, but he let you continue. “I think I love you, Spencer.”
He didn’t respond, but you felt him pull away from you. You felt cold without the contact, but it was nothing compared to the loss you felt in your chest as you realized what you’d done. He didn’t feel the same way.
You opened your mouth to apologize, to try to undo the damage you’d done, but before you could say anything he was dragging you toward a hallway. Overcome with confusion and fear of losing him, you didn’t realize where you were going until Spencer opened the door to the single-use bathroom and pulled you inside.
“Spence-” you began, the rest of whatever you had been about to say swallowed by Spencer’s lips as they moved against yours with urgency, his hands coming to cup your face gently. You didn’t hesitate to kiss him back, the coldness you’d felt replaced by the warmest light filling your chest.
Your hands found his hair, pulling him closer to you as you tried to eliminate any space left between your bodies. A frantic mess of hands and lips exploring any exposed skin, you stumbled backwards with the force of Spencer’s kiss, hearing the door lock as your back hit the cold wood. Your hands slipped under his suit jacket, moaning at the feeling of his firm body under your hands. He shrugged it off completely, allowing the jacket to fall on the floor, his germophobia trumped by his need to feel your warmth. 
You moaned into his mouth as his hands wandered your body, leaving goosebumps in his wake. As the kiss became more heated, you noticed that he seemed to withdraw whenever he noticed his touch had gotten rougher, clearly holding back so he wouldn’t hurt you. You smiled into the kiss at the care he showed for you, but your desire to see him fully let go was too strong to allow it to continue. You weren’t sure exactly what he was willing to do, but you took your second biggest risk of the night, showing him what you wanted.
Finding his hand on your body, you laced your fingers between his, kissing him sweetly before pulling away with an innocent look on your face. Spencer stared down at you, confusion clear on his face. You brought his hand up to your mouth, kissing the back of it before moving your hand to his wrist. He watched you intently, unsure what you were doing. Staring up at him with an angelic smile, you brought his hand to your neck, his fingers curling around it instinctively.
 As he realized what you were asking of him, his eyes darkened and his grip around your neck tightened. “This is what you wanted, huh?” He spoke lowly, a small smirk forming on his lips. “So needy for me. Would’ve let me fuck you in front of all those people back there, practically shaking just from my hand on your thigh.”
You whimpered, turned on beyond belief by this new side of Spencer. His smirk widened at your reaction to his words, pressing his body against yours, his hardness pressing into you. 
“Feel that? Feel what you do to me?” He growled. “Let me show you how I deal with pretty little whores like you.” He stepped away from you, eyes hungrily raking over your body as he began to unbuckle his belt. You just stood there, watching his hands as your mind flashed back to all the times you’d imagined this happening. Somehow this was even better than your wildest imagination had been able to conjure.
“What are you waiting for? Get on your knees” He spat out. The words shot straight to your core, and without hesitation you dropped to your knees in front of him. You watched as he pulled the belt from its loops, but frowned in confusion when he didn’t discard it. He walked around behind you, grabbing each of your wrists and pulling them together. Oh. When he was sure the belt wasn’t too tight, he whispered in your ear how pretty you looked tied up for him, your whimper at the words causing him to let out a dark chuckle.
He returned to the front of you, leaning down to toy with your bottom lip. “Show me you deserve to suck my cock, princess.” He instructed, slipping his thumb into your mouth. You moaned around his finger at that, and instinctively began sucking on the digit. You hollowed your cheeks around it, running your tongue along the length of his thumb before pulling back to swirl your tongue around the tip. He must have approved of your demonstration, because he removed his thumb, pulling down the clothing restricting him in one motion. 
Your eyes widened at his size, his smirk growing when you leaned forward instinctively to take him into your mouth. When he grabbed your hair to stop you, you looked up at him in confusion. 
“Good girls ask for permission.” Your eyes fluttered shut at that, wanting nothing more than to be good for him. 
“Please, let me suck you off, I want you in my mouth,” you begged. He seemed pleased, his hand still in your hair pulling you forward. When your lips wrapped around his cock the hand on your head pushed you down roughly, making you take all of him into your mouth, the tip pressing hard against the back of your throat. You moaned through the gag, your panties likely soaked by now from your arousal at his dominance. 
As he began to fuck your throat, you wrapped your lips around him tightly, timing your breaths so you wouldn’t have to stop for air. Words of praise mixed with degradation fell from his lips as he worked your mouth on him. Tears pricked at your eyes at the feeling of him against your throat, spilling over as he continued his ruthless pace. 
When he pulled you off of him, a dark smile appeared on Spencer’s face at your disheveled state. He pulled you up so you were standing before him, hands still bound behind your back. He stepped back to admire you.
“Look at you, such a mess for me. What do you want, pretty girl?” He asked, voice still commanding but much softer now, genuinely checking in with you.
“I want you, please, need it so bad,” you practically moaned. He moved forward to meet your mouth with his, one hand coming to rest around your throat while the other gripped your hair, fully in control of your movements. He pulled your hair back, breaking the kiss as he tilted your head up to look him in the eyes. 
“Jump.” He commanded. You didn’t hesitate, wrapping your legs around him as he walked you over to the sink, setting you down on the cold porcelain. His mouth rejoined with yours the second you felt the bowl of the sink digging into you. As Spencer’s hands roamed your body, he lost patience with your dress, pulling it down so your tits spilled out of the top. You moaned as he took one nipple into his mouth, a skilled hand toying with the other. His other hand lowered to the hem of your dress, pushing it up to gain full access to you.
Spencer moaned against your chest as he felt the dampness of your panties, soaked all the way through before he had even started to pleasure you. His fingers ran up and down over the wet fabric, applying pressure over your clit that sent your eyes rolling back. You made a noise of complaint at the loss of contact when he withdrew his hand, but were quickly silenced by a hand over your mouth.
“You’ll take what I give you, slut.” Spencer gritted out, tearing your panties off with the last word. His hand came up to your entrance, teasing you as his fingers ran up and down your slit. Gathering your wetness, he moved up to your clit, rubbing circles that left you moaning uncontrollably into his hand. “Can you snap for me, baby?” He asked. You were confused, but you did anyway. “Good girl. That’s your safeword for when you can’t talk.”
Before you could read too much into the statement, he plunged a finger deep into you, causing you to arch your back into him. Your moans still muffled by his hand, he set a brutal pace, adding another finger when he felt you start to clench around him. Tightening his hand over your mouth and nose, he cut off your breath as you approached your peak, your eyes glazing over with pleasure. The high of the lack of oxygen along with the haze that came with this level of submission left you fully pliant, his to play with how he wanted.
Right as your lungs began to burn, your orgasm shook your body, and Spencer let go at that exact moment. The relief of oxygen once again flooding your lungs added on to the euphoria that overtook you, your body shaking as you came down from your high. 
You didn’t have much time to recover, as you were brought back to reality with the sensation of the tip of Spencer’s cock teasing your slit. The overstimulation shook you, but with every second your need to feel him inside of you grew stronger. Your whimpers turned into pleas, and in your desperate state you didn’t realize what you were saying until it was too late.
“What was that?” Spencer asked, withdrawing completely.
“I-I’m sorry, it was an accident, I didn’t mean to, I’ll never-” you were interrupted by an unexpected demand.
“Say it again.”
“Say. It. Again.” Spencer gritted out, his eyes darkening with each word.
“Please fuck me, daddy.” You said shakily.
A look of satisfaction came over Spencer’s face as he slammed into you without warning, setting a rough pace. You began to chant his new title, and his hand came up to choke you, fingers pressing into your carotid arteries just beneath your jaw. He wasn’t putting any pressure on your windpipe, but your lightheadedness from the reduced blood flow made it feel harder to breathe, the feeling of being owned by the man you loved only intensifying your pleasure. 
Spencer towered over you as he continued his assault, his other hand coming up to muffle your moans by allowing you to suck on his fingers. When he withdrew them to pay attention to your body elsewhere, he was confused to see you stick out your tongue. When the wave of understanding washed over him, he couldn’t hold back his smile. Bringing his hand up to trace your cheek, he looked at you lovingly before spitting in your mouth, watching in awe as you eagerly swallowed and met him with an innocent smile that contrasted beautifully with your actions. 
As you began to feel the knot in your stomach building again, Spencer increased his pace. Bringing one of his fingers to your clit, Spencer knew you were nearing the edge, and fast. “Come for me, pretty girl.” He ordered.
You obliged, Spencer’s kiss swallowing the moans spilling from your mouth. He followed soon after, sent into ecstasy by the image and sensation of you coming apart under him. As he filled you up, you felt a bliss that you’d never experienced before, using your lips to show him how he’d affected you as he fucked you through both of your orgasms. When you eventually parted, it was quiet for a moment. 
As Spencer helped you off the sink and removed the belt from your wrists, massaging the tender skin, you began to laugh. It started out as a small giggle, but it soon turned into a full belly laugh, bringing tears to your eyes. Spencer was taken aback at first, but son couldn’t help but join you. You both laughed until your stomachs hurt, and when you could finally speak again your first words were “we just had sex in a church bathroom.” 
Holding back another bout of laughter, Spencer responded, “I have to say, this wasn’t how I imagined tonight going.” He took a step towards you, arms lacing around your waist. “I’m not complaining, though.”
You pulled him down to meet him in a kiss, your teeth clacking as neither of you could hold back your smiles. When you broke apart, Spencer’s forehead stayed pressed against yours. “I love you,” he said quietly, “I have for a long time now. I just never thought you would feel the same way.”
You couldn’t hold back the happy tears that formed in the corners of your eyes.  Wordlessly, you pulled him into a hug, your bodies coming together like two pieces of a puzzle that had finally been connected. You stayed there for a while, just feeling each other breathe. 
In a few minutes, you’d sneak out the back door of the church. In a few minutes, you’d leave the room with no need for lies to excuse your shared affection. In a few minutes, you’d have to deal with the paperwork that Hotch would inevitably require. But for these last few minutes, all you had to do was hold each other. For now, you were just two people in love, and that was enough.
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