#and then otter…… his entire vibe…… like yeah that IS a man with an older sister and gay older brother
starscelly · 1 month
stars 2017 draft class are sooo girl
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localmagicalboi · 6 years
🎯🎯 BAM! GOTCHA! 🎯🎯 send 5 curious anons to your favorite blogs!! : i've been curious about this forever, but it just might be more commentary than anything. how do you come up with such a rad aesthetic for your blog? visually it's awesome and then also clever and witty, is that more your doing or a mix of vi's influence as well?
THE FACT U CONSIDER ME A FAVORITE BLOG. thank u.... luv u. ♥♥ here’s a good vibe from me 2 u, stranger......... use it well......
wheeeewww, i wish i had vi's kind of swag lol it's a unique brand. i think i'm a bit more dark and closed up than he is ( so writing him is a little hard gfjkdgdkl. his softness looks crazy next to my hardened nature!! ) vi's little flashes of people i've encountered in my life. people i've known for years, months, even just a few days. a big influence is my boyfriend, who's also kind of a soft-hearted weirdo that enjoys a good pastel color or two. vi’s this big bundle of soft experiences i’ve picked up from soft people in my life and i like to represent that in the color choices i make. and the sparkles and all that.
let’s get to the cleverness. that’s a word, right? cleverness. Looks Kinda Fake 2 Me.
there's pop culture. it’s amazing to me. i love the trash of it all. not current because none of it feels organic or even fun, but i mean older, 70s to mid2000s pop culture. you may see him make a reference like like some old mariah carey joint or quote some wacky, tacky ass 80s song with a completely straight face in the middle of a semi-serious conversation because hidden details like that are fun to me!
especially when i have someone come to me like "DID YOU JUST REFERENCE _______ LIKE THAT" and im like YEAH B) love pop culture. love obscure references and shit that makes literally no sense.
most importantly i think vi's just your every day every man that's experiencing the existential angst that an open minded mid 20-something is probably experiencing in this world where right-wing politics are starting to rule in a brazen fashion and coping with humor is the only way to do it lest u end up reliant on wild irish rose wine from the gas station while scrolling through /r/politics on reddit and not even THINKING about going to a therapist. so the wit comes from a pretty dark place.
also, i like to read authors that run in the same vein as i do. you should read douglas coupland’s book WORST. PERSON. EVER. i mean it starts off with such a bang:  
Dear Reader . . . Like you, I consider myself a reasonable enough citizen. You know: live life in moderation, enjoy the occasional YouTube  clip  of  frolicking  otters  and  kittens,  perhaps  overtip a waitress who makes the effort to tart herself up a bit, or maybe just make the effort to try to be nice to the poor—yay, poor people!
and it only gets better from there. also FUN FACT TIME! back on the actual visual aesthetics. a main reason why my blogs have the aesthetics that they do is because i have sensory issues. sensory processing disorder, hurray!!! most colors make me sick. for example: i looked at youtube’s icon for about 3 seconds too long, vomited, and had go get bed rest for the remainder of the day. i can’t handle severe, super bright colors because they run me crazy. i can handle those colors in v small doses but gljdfgkldgjdl. rly does make my love for colorful clothing a silver bullet.
which sucks.
but hey!!! my themes be lookin cool af because of it!!
not to sound pretentious..... but i think the entire approach to this blog is this brand of half-assed surrealism i can only call an amalgamation of pop culture quirks, real life worries, and magic. because that’s what vi is! a pop culture savvy, troubled magical boy.
thanks for coming to my ted talk!
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