#and then of course hallelujah... it would have been complete chaos in the streets
queen-mabs-revenge · 1 year
the way the good omens girlies would be going insane if jeff buckley's grace were released today
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randomness-for-life · 6 years
Some of My Favorite Artists/Bands That Need More Apprectiation
(So if you need more music to get into, please check these guys out~) 
~ Björk ~ Electronic, Pop, and Alternative Music ~
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My favorite kind of artists can make two or more songs that sound completely different from one another and Björk definitely does that~ And to add to the uniqueness, you can hear her emotions flood through her singing and music - you can hear the story she’s trying to share with the world, which is amazing~ It’s been only about a few months since I’ve gotten into her unique music and I’ve been inspired to write both stories and music based off her powerful emotions~ 
Some Songs I Recommend: “Joga”, “Play Dead”, “Venus As a Boy”, “Cocoon”  
~ Rufus Wainwright ~ Alternative and Pop Music ~
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One of my favorite artists I got to see perform live~ He sung about death, love, and politics loudly and beautifully while playing piano or guitar~ Of course, I first found out about this gay boi from Shrek with the iconic song “Hallelujah” and as I explored more of his music, I realized he has a trait I love to hear from musicians: he puts in a lot of energy, passion, and emotions in each of his songs~ 
Some Songs I Recommend: “Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk”, “Foolish Love”, “Evil Angel”, “Poses”
~ Andrew Bird ~ Alternative Music ~
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I first heard of this violinist thanks to Jamie Hewlett (co creator of The Gorillaz, who I’ll talk about down below)~ He posted a video of Andrew’s iconic song “Pulaski At Night” on his instagram. As a violinist myself, it was hard not to fall in love with Andrew’s calm and pretty music~ Also, he’s a very good whistler, which just makes his folk and alternative songs all the more better~ I’m always inspired by the beautiful tones Andrew can create and I really hope I can see him perform sometime~ 
Some Songs I Recommend: “Pulaski At Night”, “Scythian Empires”, “Roma Fade” (and “The Cormorants” if you want to listen to something experimental or just the river) 
~ Manu Chao ~ Latin Alternative and World Music ~
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The oldest artist on this list, I’ve been singing along to Manu’s songs since I was a toddler~ He sings in Spanish, French, and English and usually changes between languages while singing and playing guitar~ Although most of his songs are Latin-inspired and his songs can sound similar to each other, Manu still creates v e r y catchy rhythms and beats with each song~ Also, Manu repeats words frequently, so you can pick up a bit of Spanish or French just from one of his songs~ 
Some Songs I Recommend: “Bongo Bong”, “Clandestino”, “Trapped By Love”, “Luna y sol” 
~ Gorillaz ~ Honestly Every Genre Ever ~
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My absolute favorite band of all time~ It’s been about three years now that I’ve loved 2D, Russel Hobbs, Noodle, Murdoc Niccals, and their music (and of course, the creators of the Gorillaz, Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett) ~ Currently 1/3 of my music are their songs and I’ve written a 95 page story based off them and their music~ I’ve gained friends because of this flawed and unique band and I’ve been constantly inspired by them and their diverse music~ I can’t wait to see what else they hold for the future~ <3  
Some Songs I Recommend: “Hong Kong”. “Dirty Harry”, “Revolving Doors”, “5/4″, “The Apprentice”, “Empire Ants” 
~ Pogo ~ Electronic Music ~
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A.K.A Nick Bertke - Honestly, I just recently found out this Australian is not the best person, yet I’m still in love with his passionate music~ How he can take any random sample, whether it’s from Disney or off the streets, and create mesmerizing and catchy music with other random samples will always amaze me~ Most of his songs are always great to listen to alone or in a peaceful area where you can relax~
Some Songs I Recommend: “Forget”, “Undone”(for those who like creepy and experimental music~), “Wave”, “Alice”
~ Beck ~ Honestly Every Genre (again) ~
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Another artist I’ve been singing along to since I was a toddler, I believe Beck sparked my love for different music (honestly, he’s the king of odd music and rhyming)~ I’ve always loved how Beck’s music tells a different story for each song and how he can easily create catchy rhythms and odd sounds that sound magnificent together~ This is another artist I would l o v e to see live sometime~ 
Some Songs I Recommend: “Up All Night”, “Que Onda Guero”, “Motorcade”, “Soul Suckin Jerk”, “Broken Train”, “Minus” (I have 30+ Beck songs which is why there’s more than three songs recommended) 
~ Squirrel Nut Zippers ~ Jazz Music ~
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More artists I got to see live (and for the first, they actually came to where I live instead of me having to go to them) and might I say they were spectacular~ It wasn’t even Mardi Gras, but it totally felt like it in that small theater~ The guy in the red in the center, Jimbo, wore giant masks and danced as if in a ritual and it looked like he had the time of his life~ The woman next to him, Cella, dressed like a Cougar and sang like Billie Holiday~ And the violinist, Dr.Sick (<3), performed tricks like the splits, minor burlesque with his leg, and he went full on crazy while still playing violin - I was s o impressed~ Anyway, this jazz/blues/New Orleans band is crazy and fun and I absolutely love them~ (also fun fact, before Dr.Sick, Andrew Bird was their violinist~) 
Some Songs I Recommend: “Axman Jazz (Don’t Scare Me Papa)”, “Hell”, “Ghost of Stephen Foster”, “Put a Lid on It” 
~ Adam Hurst ~ Classical Music ~
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He is the only one of my favorite artists I got to meet in person, and in no less an airport (and I’m eternally grateful that he agreed to take a picture)~ He performed his gypsy cello, which he crafted with his own two hands, amazingly~ In every song of his, he always plays beautiful cello melodies with another instrument whether it’s accordion, chimes, guitar, or piano~ I would l o v e to meet him and see him perform again in the future~ 
Some Songs I Recommend: “Ritual”, “Midnight Waltz”, “Midnight Sun”, “Sparrow” 
If you have any artists you think deserve more appreciation or recognition, reblog or comment and talk about them~!  
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