#and then my dad worked for sephora for 2 yrs and kept getting these GIANT boxes of sample prroducts my gosh
officialbillhader · 11 months
When i was 13/14 i made the most basic ass tumblr feminist post that ended up getting 400k notes (if you were on tumblr in 2014 or so you probably saw it lmao) and obviously it wasnt nuanced in any way like i made the surface level claim that women can wear makeup if they want bc they are doing it for themselves and thats not to say they cant wear it if they want its to say its impossible in our society to wear makeup for yourself. I only bring the makeup part up bc 1. My views have changed obviously and 2. I remember as this post was going around someone anonymous sent me an ask and said she was starting to interview for jobs/going into the workforce and she didnt want to wear makeup but was scared of how thatd affect her. All i could say at the time was, im just barely a teenager ive had no job so i cant say anything then some blanket advice i think. But now im 22 ive had multiple jobs and i want to take her by the shoulders and yell to the thin air that if shes up for a job that socially (or even forcebly, like soriorities do) requires her to wear makeup, IT ISNT WORTH IT. Itll never be worth it! Being forced to wear makeup, a bra, nice feminine clothes, always have plucked eyebrows, never a hair on your legs WILL NEVER BE WORTH IT. Ive got an office job right now where i can roll out of bed and throw on a hoodie and jeans and i love it. I wouldnt give it up for a $10k/annual raise and im being so serious. Im not a doll to be looked at. Im not a dress up toy. Im a girl who didnt have any clothes that truly, fully fit her to wear to the literal interview. They were bordering business formal at best. And im HAPPY.
Makeup is a farce. Whenever i see girls who have it CAKED on their face to the point i cant see their skin anymore i get so sad. Makeup can be fun, it can be cool and pretty on special occasions, its great for costumes, but lets face it, when you feel like you have to wear it everyday (no matter how little or subtle), youve never once put it on for yourself. The minute you let your bare face show enough that you get used to it, youll find yourself so so so much prettier than you ever did, and if youre anything like me, will start to despise how you look in heavy makeup (anything more than mascara and eyeshadow, if we're being honest). No job is ever worth losing yourself enough to forget how you actually look.
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