#and then later gets hella sick & needs to be carted back to the ruin bc his soul is essentially being dragged out like a mozarella stick
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Inquisition kinda left me high and dry in terms of the world building for Well of Sorrows so my personal thoughts
> Inquisitor essentially becomes a vessel for Mythal, kind of like Flemmeth but not an active one. Post Tresspasser inquisitor can hear her voice vaguely from time to time, but more of a passive observer rather than an active force. Think a much more controlled version of what Anders had going on.
> Inquisitor can read ancient Elven without realizing
>The voices can occasionally get so loud that they can't hear what's going on or get jolted awake
> Mage Inquisitor has a much larger mana reserve and replenishes it much faster. They can almost entirely stop using Lyrium potions outside of isolated cases.
> Due to the presence of a spirit, Inquisitor becomes susceptible to magic that targets spirits despite being alive. Inquisitor can face issues with spiritual traps, areas with disrupted lyrium flow, and feels the effects of the veil much stronger. This does make communication with spirits much easier.
> As the Anchor is magical, post losing the arm, mage Inquisitor would have a much larger scar spreading up towards their shoulder and chest due to it using the natural magic flowing through their veins. The scar will follow along major blood vessels. It will be a much more prominent one as the disrupted flow of magic would make it resistant to magical healing.
> Inquisitor has an extended lifespan due to Mythals presence. Were Mythal to be exorcised from their body, their aging would resume as normal.
#dragon age#daee lavellan#idk man i love world building ans dnd has helped a lot in terms of thinking up checks and balances#i often think in terms of pros and cons to things#like for example post tresspasser daee develops a hate for wolves. so he would have advantage on attack rolls and disadvantage on wis saves#since he mad as hell#for the spirit thing i was thinking daee realjzing it by accident when he accidently triggers a spirit trap in a ruin. leaves#and then later gets hella sick & needs to be carted back to the ruin bc his soul is essentially being dragged out like a mozarella stick#so he needs to go back & get everything in normal shape and dispell the trap and THEN leave
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got7 working at a grocery store;
@jingogi was telling me abt this supermarket in her country called jason’s that she always calls jaebum’s and then this happened
the manager
the youngest manager at the grocery store ever
honestly doesn’t know how he went from bagging to manager so fast but he’s pretty sure the owner of the store has a crush on him
everyone who works there thinks he’s so cool bc he’s like,, pretty much the best at leading and will always fix a sticky situation with what seems like zero effort
but jaebum can assure you every time someone comes into his office with a question his mind is just screaming AHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK!! FUCK FUCK
“hey!! how can i help you? :))”
some of the mothers and old ladies who shop there see him come out of his office from time to time and immediately they all have to speak to the manager
like they purposefully squash a bag of grapes while at the register and cashier!jinyoung looks at them like ???
and they’re just like “i need to speak to the manager about these grapes” “you literally just smashed them in your hand-” “THE MANAGER”
jaebum knows ppl do ridiculous things just to flirt with him so whenever jinyoung pops back to his office all he has to say is “another one” and jaebum instantly understands
he’ll come out and charm whomever, maybe do the Most and pat their backs or something so that the customer will leave satisfied and then he’ll just groan all the way back to his office
actually really cares about the store so he’ll occasionally dress down and look around like he’s shopping just to see how things are going
almost all of his employees know him so they all try to tease him as much as possible
like janitor!bam will purposefully mop over jaebum’s favorite loafers bc he knows jaebum won’t yell at him in public
some ppl think his job is boring but he honestly has a lot of fun with everyone there, bc they make it lively for him
hates his life and will not ask you how you’re doing because He Does Not Care
if anyone cops an attitude with him he gets really stoic and kind of glares at them until they either get too mad and leave or ask for the manager
when they ask for the manager he just slinks off to the back to take a “break” and downs some alcohol in a flask to get him through the rest of the day
but he knows on the days he actually cares to, he can charm anyone with a smile
so he uses it to his advantage in case anyone wants to slip him a lil sumthin sumthin
he has to pay tuition somehow okay???
works with cashier!jackson most of the time who is way too excited to be checking the prices on cabbage
jinyoung knows he can randomly take off time whenever he wants and divert them to jackson’s lane bc jackson works hella quick and doesn’t mind
doesn’t know why the customers have to wink at him like the guy is putting your laxatives away don’t make it weird
on the rare occasion he does ask someone how they’re doing, jackson gets this big smile on his face from across him at the other register and gives jinyoung a thumbs up
which jinyoung completely ignores
surprisingly knows the most about the store despite the fact that jackson is quickly catching up
he and jaebum have been friends for a long time so they basically lean on each other with their jobs, even though jinyoung has pretty much threatened to fight jaebum if he ever tries to give the kid an unworthy promotion
it actually makes jinyoung feel bad when he does slack off bc jaebum obviously thinks the world of him, and he doesn’t wanna let him down
so he always tries to stay a little later than his initial shift, or he’ll help yugyeom load and unload things in the back, or he’ll make assistant manager!youngjae and jaebum their favorite coffee when he gets in early
even though it’s not the best job for jinyoung, he can’t lie and say he completely hates it :)
employee of the month every month
nobody even thinks of upping their game except for yugyeom bc jackson is probably going to find someway to outdo them like wrestle a wild alligator out of the store or stop a truck from ramming into the building
i mean he’s literally so dedicated to the job he might as well sleep there
he has once but that’s because yugyeom was meant to lock up but he forgot jackson was working in the back offices so jackson crashed on jaebum’s couch in his office until sunrise
probably the most happy?? to work there???
he’s great as a cashier like he might as well just be a greeter but he also likes doing things with his hands and standing around all day doesn’t sound half as fun
cause i mean no one is obligated to start up a conversation with a greeter but you can talk about all kinds of things with a cashier
he sometimes alternates to bag boy too for the heavy shit bc he’s so strong
he’s not even asked to like he’ll just see that bagger!mark needs help and he’ll rush over fast as lightning
actually remembers customers by name
“oh hey linda, how was the hip surgery?” “now cliff you know you should cut down on the chocolate. i won’t tell the missus though ;)”
it makes him all the more approachable
so much so that like the old people go directly to assistant manager!youngjae to talk jackson up bc he’s just so great
and, ok, if jackson wang calls in sick, everyone is in a panic
i mean that dude won’t call in sick even if he has the plague
but like one time he pulled something while helping lift something in the back with yugyeom and had to go to the hospital
which ended up with him not being advised to do physical labor for a while
and he literally begs jaebum to just let him sit and be a greeter and he promises he won’t try to help anyone or anything but jaebum is like no you’re literally hurt jackson
and his regular customers know him so if they don’t see him for a few days or what have you they’ll start asking questions
and suddenly when jackson comes back he’s escorted to jaebum’s office that’s filled to the brim with cards and balloons and flowers from all the customers who missed him and jackson tears up ngl
he’s just the best please give this man employee of the millennium. he deserves it
mister assistant manager
has no idea how he got the job similar to jaebum but he’s happy he got it anyway
in actuality youngjae came to interview and even tho the kid had like zero (0) experience and really, his whole resume was just about how enthusiastic and friendly he was, jaebum was like
jb: *slams hands on desk* you’re hired immediately
everyone comes to youngjae before they go to jaebum, except for the select few who know jaebum well
youngjae goes through a lot, and i mean a lot of shitty people a day
which can really take a toll on you you know?? it’s like rain going against sunshine
that sunshine being choi youngjae
sometimes if he gets fussed out by a particularly rude customer he’ll just head to the break room and kind of sulk over a cup of peppermint tea in hopes that his spirits will go back up
and everyone, literally everyone knows when youngjae is down
suddenly all six of the boys run in there and immediately start consoling youngjae
jackson is making fun of bambam to get youngjae to laugh, jaebum is rubbing youngjae’s back, jinyoung is roasting jackson for making fun of bambam, yugyeom is hugging youngjae’s side, mark is making fun of jinyoung roasting jackson making fun of bambam quietly in youngjae’s ear
and when the boy cracks a smile literally all is well again
like jaebum literally hates when youngjae is down so he’ll try his best to get all of the bad customers to come to him instead of youngjae even tho?? he’s the manager and he doesn’t need to be present for literally everything
and youngjae is like no no!! i’m fine i got this
but not every shitty customer ruins youngjae’s day
in fact, youngjae ends up making theirs
a kind word and a genuine smile goes a long way in choi youngjae’s book
and he works so so hard and actually never tells anyone his birthday so he’s super surprised when he comes into work on his bday and the group of six boys have all thrown him a mini birthday party with cake and balloons and streamers in jaebum’s office
and youngjae literally bawls into yugyeom’s shoulder bc he’s just so happy and the boys love him like a brother really
youngjae just really brings the fam altogether
bagger/price checker/no one really knows???
his spot at work literally fluctuates all the time
jaebum isn’t really sure where to place the boy because even tho he’s cute as heck and charms customers he also isn’t exactly doing his job right half the time
he just kinda stands around and smiles and stuff
fixes a box here and picks up a piece of trash there but that’s about the extent of his exertion
don’t ask him where something is, he doesn’t know
probably changes the playlist that plays over the speakers to music he likes and jaebum always catches him but mark just smiles and shrugs and jaebum rolls his eyes but just leaves him to it
mark is like the equivalent of that friend that always got their hand on the mf aux cord
it’s not really that his music sucks so much as half of it is super emo and just makes the whole atmosphere… soggy… like it literally feels soggy
yugyeom somehow finds a way to dance to it tho so i guess it could be worse
mark is the type of guy that believes he can do it all in like one trip
like he won’t even get the cart to hold the bags
he’s gonna hold them all. in his hands. he can do this
he actually does tho what the hell
mark takes naps in the back and yugyeom covers for him
jackson usually sees mark napping and decides to hide up there with him to “bond” but mark ends up leaving bc he’s trying to sleep and jackson is just talking
jackson is like :(((
little does mark know jinyoung sends jackson back there deliberately so mark will get the fuck back to work
king of the far away, vague expression
if you actually do manage to bypass this look long enough to ask him where something is, he’ll probably just panic and make bambam take care of it
honestly how did he get this job
mess?? which is ironic bc he’s a janitor
i mean he does his job but like he’s so extra that jaebum is never sure if he should fire the kid or not
he’s almost always on the prowl for love
or friends
or really anything to distract him from the fact that he has a job
he’ll find some unsuspecting girl and immediately start talking her up or he’ll start up a convo with a kiddo about something in the aisle and most people are like?? is this man with a mop not supposed to be doing anything in particular with that mop??
it’s funny he became a janitor when he doesn’t really like cleaning or keeping up with dirty things but it was literally the only job he was qualified for at the time he got hired
he actually has had the chance to move up to cashier or bagger or whatever multiple times but
he’s gotten so used to his job that he doesn’t really feel comfy leaving it so he just… does this for no real reason
“eh, i’m a janitor” “do you… want to be a janitor?” “nope” “have you been given the chance to get promoted?” “yep” “so…?” “yep”
he actually loves one thing about the job, which is being able to go in the back with yugyeom just to slack off and do whatever for hours
no one ever really needs bam unless, of course, there’s a mess
like mark knocks over a jar of pickled onions or something and the PA system goes off with “clean up on aisle 2″ and bambam pretends he can’t hear it from his spot with yugyeom outside sharing a bag of chips they didn’t pay for
nothing gets cleaned up until youngjae comes to get them
but then youngjae gets invited to hang so then the three of them are eating out of a bag of chips they didn’t pay for not paying attention
in the end jackson probably cleaned it up himself bc jaebum was looking stressed
at first bambam kind of just got the job for the money you know? but then as he started working there longer and getting to know everyone he realized it actually wasn’t bad
like you know it’s not the job of everyone’s dreams in their early twenties but he’s good friends with the kid in the back, he gets decent pay, and he sees a lot of pyt’s walking through the store every once in a while so he’s not totally complaining
he lifts things. that’s maybe the extent of his job description
he works in the back and helps organize shipments and stuff, and he’s pretty on top of everything seeing as it’s his first job
he used to be a bagger but he got hit on too much so youngjae was like “jaebum we gotta get him out of there, he’s gonna have a panic attack every time someone looks at him”
so jaebum gave yugyeom a job he knew he could do that didn’t need much interacting with customers, if any, and he loves it
during break, him, bambam, and youngjae chill in youngjae’s lil office and play video games and eat some snacks youngjae bought (bambam and yugyeom propose just taking them bc jaebum wouldn’t mind but youngjae outright refuses)
like honestly, who’s raising these children
currently you, youngjae
when yugyeom used to bag, he worked with cashier jinyoung and they always had some sort of falling out at least four times in a work week
the one time they didn’t was because jinyoung and yugyeom’s hours didn’t match on that day
jinyoung would always reprimand yugyeom for bagging too roughly and yugyeom would always complain jinyoung scanned too slow
but you bet your ass if anyone tried to catch an attitude with jinyoung’s bagger they were in for it
jinyoung was not above crushing your eggs under the weight of all those boxes of cookies, ma’am
jinyoung would glare at them and his expression would be like “just try and complain to the manager”
afterwards jinyoung would go to yugyeom and be like “just ignore them kid, there’s always that one in a hundred”
and yugyeom nods and smiles to himself, bc even tho jinyoung teases and makes fun of him all the time, he knows the older boy would stick up for him if needed
now that he works in the back, he doesn’t see him as much, but jinyoung still manages to say something a lil mean to him every once in a while just to make sure yugy doesn’t forget where they stand
jackson once tried to defend yugyeom from jinyoung like “leave him alone!!” but jinyoung just laughs
“he likes it lol”
and jackson looks at yugyeom who just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
probably the only one who can give jackson a run for employee of the month bc yugyeom is really adamant about his job
and since yugyeom is like the second strongest out of everyone at the store, he and jackson go head to head often
it’s like a game of “who can show off their strength in the most unnecessary way better”
jackson: i can lift 350
yugyeom: well i can lift 351
it’s literally so stupid but everybody loves it
#this is really random but i mean... am i wrong#majwrites#got7 scenarios#grocery store au#got7 au#got7 imagines#kpop scenarios#mark tuan scenarios#jackson wang scenarios#jaebum scenarios#bambam scenarios#yugyeom scenarios#youngjae scenarios#jinyoung scenarios#mark tuan au#jackson wang au#jaebum au#bambam au#yugyeom au#youngjae au#jinyoung au#got7
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