#and then its the moms of it and kira going underground and allison dying!
bericas · 2 years
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doesn’t that mean something? kira week 2022: parallels (day 6)
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She is dying either way Part 3
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Teen Wolf
Characters: Stiles, Theo, Derek, Mellisa, Scott, Liam, Hayden, the Dread doctors, Kira, Allison
Pairing: Stiles Stelinski/ Theo Reaken X Reader Argent
Summary: Being Allisons big sister you swore to protect her. Always. After she died by the hands of an Oni you start blaming yourself for it. Separating yourself from the pack you throw yourself in fights you know you can’t handle. Becoming a stranger to your friends fighting the supernatural alone. A human against the creatures of the night.
One night you find yourself fighting for your life, ending up nearly killed and in a coma. Waking up left you with severe amnesia. Not even remembering your own name. The pack changes your last name so you can start over. Keeping their distance to protect you from a far. Theo take advantages of the situation and grows close to you. Betraying you, leaving you vulnerable.
Warnings: none so far. But it would be nice to know that the story isn’t at all accurate with the shows time line from season 3.
Word count: chapter word count: 3,220                     total word count 10,370
part 1: here and 2 here 
Panic struck Theo when he had found out. One of them visited him informing him on my condition. ''Her condition is promising.'' he had said. ''Her, who is her?'' He didn't realise they were talking about me. ''Your friend.'' he said before disappearing again.  
Running around his room trying to find some clothes and shoes, he ran to the one person he knew would help, Scott, even if that means coming clean.  
Walking up his door step he knocked hastily on his door. A sleepy Scott opened the door. ''Theo don't you know what time it is.'' he said annoyed. ''It's the Dread Doctors, they took her.'' Suddenly wide awake, Scott let him in.
Pacing impatiently he walked trough the kitchen. ''Can you stop and take a seat?'' Scott was getting impatient. ''How did you know she was taken by the Dread Doctors?'' This was the moment to tell the truth. ''The reason why I knew so much about them was because I was working with them to get to you. The needed someone strong to pass their experiment and once I learned that Y/N was a perfect contestant I tried to win her trust and lead her to them but then I fell in love.''  
Scott walked over to Theo beyond pissed and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. ''If Stiles doesn't kill you after saving her, she will.'' Scott knew that the pack needed Theo alive in order to save me, he was useless dead.
He let go of Theo and walked upstairs most likely to get dressed and call the other. When Stiles heard the news about my disappearing he was furious. He had stormed into Scott's home looking for Theo, finding him in the kitchen. ''Stiles,'' he started but Stile didn't want to hear it and it him square in the face. ''You son of a bitch. I knew you were trouble and now MY girlfriend is missing because of you. I will kill you after we found her.'' Stiles was holding his fist, covered in Theo's blood. For a few minutes Theo had a broken nose which healed a little later.
Laying bound on the operation table, I waited for my faith to meet up with me. Three figurers were hovering over my body. One was holding a rather large injection needle. ''What are you gonna do with that.'' my voice was shaky.
The figurers didn't respond, two were holding me down while the third injected me with a silvery substance.  The liquid felt strangely warm, I could feel it spread to my body, flowing to the ends of my fingertips and toes.
However, it did burn in my face, my cheeks felt fiery and a silver haze cover my eyes, blinded by the liquid for who knows how long I started to hear voices. It started out as a scream but later tuned down to people talking.
Images started to form in my head, at first it felt surreal and a dream but soon I realized it was a memory in staid.  
''Oke Allison, now shoot the apple on my head, I trust you.'' I was looking at a young girl with a bow and arrow. She was nervous and her hands were shaky. ''But what if I hit you.'' she said, scared. ''You won't.'' I assured her. She took a deep breath and then released the string of her bow, launching the arrow trough the air, hitting the apple on my head. ''I told you, you could do it.''  
The scene disappeared and I entered a new one, in each memory there was the same girl, Allison, present. She was my sister, my little sister. Each memory got darker and darker until I remembered every thing.
Walking trough the gates of Oak Creek with the pack to save our best friend. Kira's mother was waiting for us, in the hope to stop is. She tolled us it wasn't our fight but hers. What she didn't realise was that when the Nogitsune took the form of our friend, my boyfriend, it became our fight too.
Scott and Stiles, the real one, ran inside looking for Lydia. She was taken by the Nogitsune and was now trapped. The Oni that she had with her for protection were sent to find the Nogitsune. Little did she knew he was one step ahead.
The Nogitsune had the last of her tail pieces. Once the Oni's where close he broke the tail piece, and they were no longer bound the miss Yukimura. The firefly that gave life to them went out and went up in smoke.
Holding out her hand to see what was going on, everyone, including me, looked puzzled. ''Mom?'' Kira asked worried. ''What is that?'' asked Isaac sensing there was something wrong. ''What does that mean?'' Was my follow-up question.
It was answered, but not by Miss Yukimura. ''It means, there is a change in ownership, now they belong to me.'' It was the Nogitsune, who still had the appearance of stiles. It was sickening to look at, knowing that the loving and familiar face was anything but.
The Oni were now standing behind him, waiting for his command to attack. Allison drew her arrow back and I drew my sword. With a twitch of the corner of his mouth he gave the sign. The Oni now attacked us.
Swords clanking and screams filled the night. Every one fighting one or more of the Oni. It wasn't looking good for us, we all had cuts all over our bodies, one by one we fell to the ground. One of them hovered over Isaac who was sitting on the ground, heavily injured. Allison shot the Oni and a moment later it exploded. She managed to kill one. She figured out how.
Every one was shocked even the Nogitsune. But our victory wasn't for long because right after another Oni pierced his sword into her stomach. A faint scream was heard from inside the building, it was the scream of a banshee.
I turned back around and saw the Oni withdraw his sword from my sister. ''No!'' I screamed as I slashed the Oni but before I could do any damage they all disappeared.
Scott exited the building and caught her before she could hit the ground. Minutes later she was gone. My legs gave in and I fell to the ground sobbing and screaming. Our dad just entered the premises, only to discover one of his daughters had died.
The same silvery haze covered my vision and soon I was back in the dirty room. My body hurt  like hell and it felt like things were growing. With a new-found strength I ripped the restraints that were holding me open and fell to the ground.
I could see my fingernails growing. Screaming out in pain I noticed my teeth growing as well, I now had fangs.
My car accident wasn't real, there wasn't even a car accident to begin with. After the death of my sister, I went completely haywire. I took my anger out on the supernatural, just because I failed as a sister. It was my job to protect her, it was my job to protect my little sister.
When the Deadpool started I fixated my whole life on stopping all the hunters and the very Deadpool itself, it nearly costed my life.  I dedicated my life to protect other packs and all other supernatural creatures. The cuts and bruises I sustained took a toll on my health, I was only human after all. It left me comatose in a hospital.
I tried to relax my body and change back into my human form. My head was pounding and the cold cement floor felt nice against my for head.
I was scared, I didn't know what to do and if I would ever get out of here. Left with mixed feelings about the two boys who were basically my boyfriends. I couldn't deny the feelings I had for Theo, but in reality I was still with Stiles.
Scott had gathered the pack,  they split in two groups. Theo led Stiles and Scott to the hide out from the Dread doctors while Liam and Hayden went looking for a way to spot Theo by using Kira's sword. But for their plan to work they needed Kira.
Taking yet another turn in the underground tunnels. ''Theo we have been walking for almost an hour, we already have searched this entire tunnel system, its not here.'' Stiles was getting even more agitated than he already was. ''Trust me it is here.'' Theo was looking for something on the walls.
It was a symbol of a snake that eat its own tail. ''Here. She is here.'' Theo stepped aside so the boys could see. ''And how do we get in there?'' Scott asked worried. ''We break down the wall if we have too.'' Stiles said and that was exactly what they were going to do.
Scott and Theo wolved out and started pounding on the walls. Cracks started to form in the stone wall and then broke apart, leaving a hole where they could walk trough.
Stiles was the first to run trough, looking for me. In panic, he looked over me on the ground and it was Theo who found me.  He placed his hands on my shoulders and in shock I jerked up. Afraid it was one of the Dread doctors.
Once I saw who it was my body allowed itself to relax. I flung my self in his arms, happy I was safe. ''You came.'' I whispered in his ear. ''I didn't come alone.'' he whispered back. I looked over his shoulder and saw Scott and Stiles.  
Letting go of Theo, I stood up and walked over to Stiles. Hugging him immediately. ''I remember.'' I said to him. ''Everything.'' The smile on my face could be heard in my voice.  ''You do?'' his voice was shaky. I pulled away from the embrace and looked at him nodding. Both happiness and sadness were visible on his face.
Theo didn't know where to look, so he just stood there. Scott was the first to speak up about him. ''Theo, why don't you tell why she is here.'' Confused I looked from Scott to Theo. ''What does he mean by that Theo?'' Theo looked at me scared, he was shaking slightly. ''Tell her Theo.'' It was now Stiles who spoke. ''Or I will.''
The situation was perplexed, I was waiting for someone to tell me what was going on. ''Theo?'' I asked again hoping he would say something, but he didn't. ''Theo has been working with the very same man who brought you here, it was his plan all along.'' It was Stiles who tolled the story, with a bitter tone. ''What?'' Tears started to fill my eyes but I ignored them.
Scott stepped forward and continued. ''Trying to be apart of my pack he gained certain information about you and your amnesia, he tried to use that in his advantage to turn you into a Chimera to.'' So that is what I was.
The tears made place for anger, emotion took over and my teeth started growing and my eyes lid a silvery blue. ''You did this to me!'' I screamed and showed him my claws. My words echoed trough the room. ''Yes. At first, it was my plan but then I fell in love. I tried to stop them from taking you that night at school, but they took you anyway'' he was now crying, I almost believed him.
The reality of him working for the Dread doctors was surreal. All this time that we were dating, he was looking for the perfect opportunity to hand me over to them, and he succeeded. ''I really thought that what ever we had been real, but all this time you had other plans for my future.'' my voice was shaky yet it was clear as ice.
With pleading eyes Theo looked at me. ''Please, babe,'' Immediately I interrupted him. ''You lost the right to call me that Theo.'' I could see the hurt in his eyes but I didn't care. Not any more.  ''You took advantage of me when I didn't even know who I was. We are over.'' I turned my back to him and walked to Stiles. ''I want go home.'' I whispered, while tears where filling my eyes.
I didn't want to care but I did. After all I did loved him. I was already heading toward the exit of the room. Eager to get out of here, all I wanted to do was forget this night.
On my way out to the tunnels Liam and Haydan come running toward us. ''Y/N! they found you!'' Both of them sounded relieved after seeing me walking. ''Yeah, they did.'' I said softly, while looking back. Noticing that the boys hadn't follow me out.  
Walking back to the room I was held captive in I came on to view with a new nightmare. Stiles was lying on the ground with a cut on his head and probably unconscious and Theo was in a fight with Scott.
Without thinking, I jumped between the two. ''What are you doing?!'' I shouted to Theo. ''If I can't be with you, I will follow my old plan to kill Scott and take his pack.'' There was something sinister in his voice, as if he became psychotic. ''If Scott dies I will take his place as pack leader and you will have to fight me too!'' I treated Theo, hoping to scare him off.
It did not scare him as much as I hoped it would.  ''If you survive the transmission.'' Taken back by what he said, I let his words sink in. If I survived, what did he mean by if.  
Liam and Hayden came running in with the sword still in hand. My guess was that he told Scott the new or already known plan while I kept Theo busy. ''If?! So there is a change I might die?'' With pain in his eyes he looked at me. ''Yes.'' The world seemed to spin around me, his words echoing in my head. ''If you've ever loved me, how could you let this happen to me?'' my voice was cracked and it hurt Theo in a way he never imagined it would.
I didn't notice that Scott was standing next to me. ''We know how to stop Theo.'' His words didn't make it to my acknowledgement. Carefully he grabbed my hand to bring me back to heart. ''Uh?'' I briefly looked at him.  ''We know how to stop Theo, go to Stiles.'' I simply nodded and walked over to Stiles who was now sitting on the ground with his head in his hands.
Kneeling besides him I placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with blurry eyes. ''Are you oke?'' I asked him softly, not wanting to shout in case he had a concussion. ''Yeah.'' It sounded more like a sigh than a word.
For the plan to work, Liam tried to sneak up behind Theo. Only Theo was to smart and noticed. He wanted to attack Liam but Scott stopped him. A new fight between them arose, giving Liam time enough to get behind him.
From where I was sitting it looked like Scott was loosing. He got thrown across the room and landed next to Stiles and me.  ''He is too strong, we need to weaken him for this plan to work.'' Scott informed me. Both Scott and I stood up and walked to Theo, neither knowing each others plans.
Somehow it all started with me, so I was the one to end it for once and for all.  I couldn't save my sister, so I made sure I could save my friends. By a couple steps Scott walked in front of me. Just as Theo was about to lace out I extended my claws and jumped in the middle, digging my claws in his stomach.  
With my claws embedded in his stomach he looked at me, blood dripping from the wounds and a small stream from his lips. ''Why?'' He asked in tears. ''You used me, you manipulated me so it's only fair that you die by my hand. Enjoy your life in hell Theo.'' I pulled away my hand and Theo stumbled back clutching his stomach.  
That was Liam's cue to take action. He stabbed the sword into the ground opening up a portal. The floor cracked all the way to where Theo was standing. With one last look he fell. Theo was no longer.
When the portal disappeared I fell to my knees, feeling weak. My body was in pain and couldn't help but cough. In staid of blood or spit I coughed up a silvery substance. ''What is happening to me?'' Tears filling my eyes, I searched for Stiles.
He came rushing to my side. ''No no no.'' was all he said, clearly knowing what was going on. ''Scott you need to save her.'' Ignoring me, he looked pleadingly at his friend. ''It could kill her.'' Hurt was written all over his face. ''She is dying either way!'' Stiles was now shouting and tears were streaming down his face, I was about to die.
You could almost hear Scott think. ''What if she looses her memory again?'' as if that was the least of my problems. ''I will take that risk, and if that is the case then I will be there for her this time. We all will.'' Stiles looked around the room. All knowing that abandon me was the wrong thing to do and that they wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
My mind was running a mile an hour trying to process everything that was going on. The fact that I just killed Theo, that I was dying but there was a way to cure me with the change of dying.
Stiles who was now in tears begging Scott. ''Please Scott, I am not asking you to do this for me, but do this for her.'' Even Scott couldn't fight back the tears any more and gave in. ''Only if she wants it.'' Both boys were looking at me. ''Do it.'' I said hallow, it was a fifty-fifty chance, a gamble I was willing to make.
Nodding he took place next to me on the ground, gently grabbing my arm and rolling up my sleeve. ''It might hurt, a lot.'' Scott warned me. With my other hand I held Stiles'. Scott transformed into his alpha state and bit my arm. I expected it to hurt but it only stung a little. Nothing could have been more painful than what the Dread doctors had done to me.
The bite itself was quick, it was the process that took time. It felt like my body was on fire, similar to my transformation to a Chimera but this time it felt like a warm summers breeze in staid of walking trough a ring of fire.
For a second I felt weak, I felt like all the life was sucked out of me and I may have been dead for a second, but soon after I woke up with glowing yellow eyes.
The end! 
Thank you for reading, feel free to give feed back to help me to improve my future works
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