#and then it went downhill there as more book recs started popping up and i started getting some more
bootyful-seventeen · 10 months
its wild how indigo gave me my spotify wrapped version on books that i bought this year and it's no surprise manga was a popular genre
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dreamilyzealousbird · 7 years
Happy Valentine’s 2k18
so I dedicate this fic to my dear Valentine @fiery-feyre <3
Happy Valentine’s day! I hope you enjoy it.
(quick shout out to my lovely @rowaelinsmut for helping me edit. TYSM <3)
Elain’s wedding was in a week, and Nesta dreaded the day for a different reason other than the fact that her little sister was marrying Lucien, of all people. She hadn’t been able to find a date, which meant getting set up with Lucien’s brother. She wanted to avoid that situation at all costs, but also didn’t want to upset Elain. Feyre had a date and she had suggested she could introduce Nesta to her new boyfriend’s brother but Nesta had quickly shut that down. She would have to figure out something later. It was time for zumba class at the rec center, so with one last look at the mirror to check her hair was secure in a ponytail, she grabbed her keys and left.
The rec center was busy and Nesta hoped she wouldn’t run into the insufferable brute who was always working out outside the dance room. Of course, it wasn’t totally his fault he happened to be a personal trainer there. Nesta met Cassian a year ago, when she started attending zumba class. He was showing a client the proper way to do a squat and he caught her checking out his butt. Needless to say, he had teased her endlessly until she had muttered a string of curses at him and it had all gone downhill from there; at least she thought so as he always found time to go out of his way and annoy her with his lame flirting tactics.
Cassian was eager to start the class. The instructor had called in sick, and since he was certified in zumba, the manager asked him to step in. He knew his friend Nesta would be there. She never missed a class, and he couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when she saw him standing there. Nesta had something in her fiery blue-grey eyes that enticed him. She commanded the room with her presence, and he loved to work her up. Her words never ceased to awaken a primal instinct in him. Since the first day he had set eyes on her, his thoughts always seemed to drift to that woman, Nesta.
As Nesta entered the room, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Why of all days, did he have to be here? He was standing there in all his glory like a war God… wait what? What was she thinking?  
“What are you doing here Cassian?” she asked him.
He turned to address her, “I’m your zumba instructor today,” he smirked at her.
She decided that it wasn’t worth putting up with this insufferable man; she would just miss today’s class. Besides, watching all these people swoon over him put her in a bad mood.
“Leaving already, Nes? I never thought you’d back away from a challenge.”
Ugh. “I don’t,” she answered reluctantly.
“Then stay here, I bet you’ll enjoy my dancing more.”
There was no way she would survive this class. Nesta decided she would stand at the back of the room, where there was less of a chance of him looking at her dancing; even with the large mirrors at the front of the room.
“Welcome everyone, my name is Cassian, and I’ll be your instructor today. Let’s get started, and make sure you have fun!“
The song Havana by Camila Cabello came on the sound system, and Cassian started moving to the rhythm. Nesta gaped; the way he moved to the music, his hips swaying side to side; the muscles under his shirt rippling in such a sensual way that had her cheeks burning. She needed to stop staring or he was going to tease her. Again.
Cassian couldn’t stop the smile growing on his face. The beautiful way Nesta blushed at the way he moved was adorable. She was exquisite; he was captivated by her eyes and the way she pretended not to look at him. Today, today would be the day he asked her out. Maybe when she was working he would casually stop by the library and ask her to recommend a new book. Yes, perfect plan.
Nesta walked out of the dance classroom as fast as her legs could manage. She needed a very long, very cold shower after that session. Nobody should be allowed to look that good while sweating - which only made her think of other ways he could work up a sweat. No! She needed to stop thinking about Cassian. She had to get ready for work if she didn’t want to be late.
The library was quiet as usual. Nothing better to relax with than sorting books, and the scent of the pages waiting to be read. This was her favorite place to be. As Nesta walked back to her desk, she saw a familiar pair of red sneakers peeking out from behind the furniture.
“Hey there Nes,” he smiled that crooked smile she loved.
“What can I help you with today?” She asked with poise.
“I actually wanted to ask you if there was any book you could recommend me?”
“Okay, what kind of genre do you like to read?”
Cassian pondered for a bit before answering, “I like mostly nonfiction, memoirs, history. Lots of informational stuff.”
Alright, she was not expecting that answer.
“Have you read Night by Elie Wiesel? It’s not new but it is the story of a holocaust survivor. It is an amazing read.”
Something like surprise flitted across his eyes before disappearing. “Actually I haven’t read it. Can you help me find it?” he asked.
“Of course.”
As Nesta and Cassian walked back to the bookshelf, she couldn’t help but shiver every time she felt the ghost of his breath on her bare shoulder. She found the book, and as she turned around, she found him staring at her with what she thought looked like longing in his eyes.
“Here you go.” She handed the book to him, and his fingers brushed against hers, and she felt her belly flutter in response.
“Thank you, Nesta.”
She met his eyes and saw a question lingering there. She was about to turn to walk back to her desk, but he caught her off guard and then asked, “I was also wondering if maybe you would like to grab dinner with me sometime?”
He looked nervous and an idea popped into her head; one she would most likely regret later.
“Actually, I have a favor to ask of you. I need a date for my sister’s wedding. Would you be willing to pretend to be my boyfriend for a night?”
Cassian couldn’t move. He never thought she would actually consider going out with him, much less ask him to pretend to be her boyfriend.
“Sweetheart, are you sure you’re just wanting to pretend? I saw the way you were looking at me during zumba.”
Her eyes went round and that beautiful blush he so dearly loved made its way to her cheeks.
“Can you be serious for one minute? Look, if you can’t I understand, I’ll just ask someone else.”
No. No way was he going to let anyone else take his place.
“Yes, of course I’ll do it.” He saw the relief settle in her eyes.
“Good. So I’ll be wearing cream and gold. Make sure we match. The wedding is on the 7th at six o’clock. Pick me up at five. Don’t be late.”
“Yes, milady. But I don’t know where you live and I don’t have your number.”
She growled in frustration, then extended her hand, “I’ll type my number into your cell. Text me, and I will give you my address.”
Just like that, Cassian had Nesta’s number. Yes! He was doing a celebratory dance in his head; he had been trying to get it almost since the day he met her. He couldn’t wait to be Nesta’s boyfriend. Well, her pretend boyfriend, but maybe one day it would become reality.
Nesta was still pondering over what she had done.
“Cassian is my boyfriend,” she said out loud. What was she thinking? This was going to be a disaster. Just then, she received a text from a unknown number.
~Hey it’s Cassian :)
An emoji? Really? She answered him with her address and tossed her cellphone on her bed when another message came in.
~So do u have a date yet? - Feyre
~If not, we could set u up with some1 - Elain
Great. So they were group chatting.
~ No it’s ok, I’ll be attending with my boyfriend - Nesta
~ Since when? - Elain
~ No need to be so surprised, Fey. Yes, I have one and we’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks. You’ll meet him at the wedding. Goodnight! - Nesta
It was the day of the wedding and Cassian was nervous. He was wearing a grey suit with a crisp white shirt and a cream and gold striped tie. The same color as Nesta’s dress, which she had sent him a picture of so he could get the color right. He couldn’t wait to see her but he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to act around her. Instead of overthinking it, he grabbed the keys to his car and locked the door behind him. He just hoped that tonight was going to be a good one.
Nesta heard the doorbell ring. She couldn’t believe her sister was getting married today. She put her lipstick in her gold clutch, and looked one last time in the mirror. She had done her hair in long curls and one side was pinned back with a crystal comb. Her dress was long, with billowy layers, and also sleeveless, which meant she would need a wrap for the night chill. She walked to the front door and opened it. There he was, his hair out of his usual bun, and looking like the most handsome man she had ever seen.
“Hello, sweetheart,” he greeted her with a cocky smile, which she answered with one of her own.
“You ready?” He asked.
“Yes, just let me lock up quickly.” She closed the door and followed him to his car. Like a true gentleman, he opened the door and helped her in the passenger seat.
“So, I told my sisters we’ve been dating for a few weeks; we met at the rec center, and you asked me out, and I said yes after the third time.”
She refused to look at him while she lay this information on him; wary of how he may react to the story she concocted.
She heard him huff, then he said, “Alright love, whatever you say.”
“Don’t call me that,” she exclaimed.
“You’re my girlfriend for tonight, Nesta, we gotta make it believable. Do you trust me?”
And surprisingly, she did. “Yes.”
He then smiled at her and said, “let’s go party.”
The ceremony was beautiful. Elain and Lucien looked so in love and happy with all their family and friends surrounding them. Now they were moving inside for the party. The barn looked lovely. They had decorated it with twinkling lights strung from the rafters, and the tables had lace, with gerbera daisies, roses, and carnations of different shades adorning the center pieces.
She felt Cassian next to her, as he offered his arm to walk her to their table. It turned out that Cassian and Feyre’s new boyfriend were actually brothers; he was the one they had tried to set her up with. Cassian had answered with “It looks like we were meant to be, love,” to which she gave him a death glare which everyone thought that was hilarious. Cassian kissed her on the nose.
She was surprised at how attentive and caring he was towards her, but she couldn’t figure out if he was truly like this or just pretending. Nesta told herself to snap out of it. She would leave analysing his behavior for another day. Right now, she would bask in his company, which she seemed to enjoy more and more as the time passed by. Even on her worst days, he always found a way to make her smile, whether telling her a joke or relaying a funny story of him and his family. Maybe Cassian wasn’t so bad after all.
Cassian couldn’t stop touching her. He kept finding ways to hold her hand, brush his fingers along her bare shoulder, or place his hand on the small of her back as they walked back to their table after talking to yet another older couple; who seemed surprised that Nesta had a boyfriend.
“You would think they haven’t seen enough couples around that you and I shouldn’t shock everyone.”
He felt bad at how judgemental everybody -with the exception of his sisters- were being. She was a passionate woman, who deserved every bit of good things going her way, but nobody could see what he did.
“Don’t feel bad, Nesta, they’re just mad because I happen to have the most beautiful woman by my side tonight. Aside from the bride of course.” He quickly amended after she sent a glare his way.
“It’s just hard to know that I won’t be accepted unless I have a man by my side. Half of these people have never acknowledged me until they saw me walk in with you today.”
He wanted to hold her in his arms and tell her she was worth all those people put together and more. Instead, he offered the next best thing. “Would you like some dessert? I know cake helps me feel better.”
She smiled at him, a genuine smile that warmed his insides. Cassian left her at their table and worked his way to the cake where Rhys and Feyre were doing butterfly kisses.
“Ew you two, get a room.”
Rhys gently shoved him and Feyre stuck her tongue out at him.
“So how is dear Nesta treating you? I hear she is quite a handful.”
Cassian glared at him. “She is amazing, and I would appreciate if you didn’t insult my girl. I’m here to get her cake because her family isn’t being very nice.”
Feyre frowned. “I swear they get worse every year. The only reason they haven’t hounded me is because Rhys keeps glaring at everyone.”
Rhys shrugged, “What can I say, I can be very intimidating.”  
“In your dreams, maybe. Now if you’ll excuse me, my Nesta is waiting for me.”
Nesta was actually having fun. Cassian had gone all out in convincing her family they were together. He had even participated in the garter toss and won. Now it was the ladies’ turn, and Elain was calling everyone to participate in the bouquet toss. She was only doing it because it was her sister, otherwise she would have gone to hide in the bathroom.
Now she was standing in the back among all the desperate old women looking to dance with her date. She was so distracted, that she didn’t notice when Elain tossed the bouquet and it landed at her feet. Everybody started cheering and she can’t help but glance at Cassian, who looked… relieved? Maybe it was just that he didn’t want to dance with old aunt Marge and was now free from her clutches.
As the dance floor cleared, Elain and Lucien walked Cassian towards her and announced, “And now my sister Nesta will share this dance with her man, Cassian!”
The song came on, and it was, of course, “You Can’t Hurry Love” by the Supremes - her mother’s favorite song. She would sing this song to the girls when they were young. Her eyes instantly welled up and Cassian looked at with concern clouding his eyes.
“Are you okay Nes?” He asked her.
She then decided to tell him the story of her mom. The song was nearing its end when she finished speaking, and people started chanting, “Kiss! Kiss!”  
“We might as well give them what they want.” Nesta suggested.
She didn’t think about the look that crossed his face; she stood on her toes and locked lips with him. The kiss was magical, like nothing like she had ever felt before. It ignited a spark in her she couldn’t seem to put out. The kiss was over too quickly for her liking, but she didn’t let it show.
Cassian held out a hand to her and they walked back to their table. He was very quiet after that, and Nesta couldn’t help but think she had done something wrong.
That kiss. Gods-damn him. He couldn’t get her taste and the feel of her lips off his mind. They were on their way home and she had been distant since they had shared that amazing kiss. He didn’t want to say anything to upset her and ruin their friendship, so he stayed quiet. They pulled up to her place, and he decided to break the silence.
“Are you okay? You seem upset.”
She turned her head towards him and answered, “Yes, I’m fine, just tired. It’s late and my feet hurt from dancing.”
“Let me walk you to you door.”
She nodded. He didn’t want the night to end yet, but he wasn’t sure that Nesta would invite him in.
“I had a wonderful time, Nes. Thanks for inviting me to your sister’s wedding. I’ll see you later?” he said, more question than statement.
She nodded, “Goodnight, Cassian.”
He gave her a kiss on the cheek and lingered for a few seconds before pulling away.
“Goodnight, Nes.” He just hoped he hadn’t ruined any chances he had of taking her out again. He knew what he would do. He would prepare something special to show her how much she meant to him. First though, he had to enlist the help of his friend.
Nesta missed her big brute. She hadn’t seen Cassian since the day after the wedding; they were both at the rec center, and it had been so awkward that she left him there without saying goodbye.
Today was Valentine’s day and she decided to bake her famous double chocolate brownies and pay him a visit. Maybe she would talk about the kiss and why she had been so distant. She messaged Feyre to get Cassian’s address from Rhys. She would explain to her later why she didn’t know where he lived.
She hoped Cassian would like her surprise. Nesta tentatively knocked on Cassian’s door, and a few seconds later, a woman with dark, cropped hair opened the door.
“Can I help you?” She asked Nesta.
She felt her eyes widen with surprise as she heard Cassian call, “Amren, who is it?”
She felt anger and sadness. She could barely discern Cassian’s form, as she felt her vision blur from her unshed tears. She walked back toward her car with a word and she could hear him calling after her, “Nesta, wait!”
Cassian shot his hand out and held on to her wrist. She turned to face him, “I just came by to see if you were doing okay, I can see now that I didn’t need to worry. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to leave.”
Confusion and concern marred his beautiful hazel eyes, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away.
“What are you talking about, Nesta? You’re the one who always pushes me away! I was actually on my way-”
Nesta blurted out, “I love you! Okay? I have for a while now, I just couldn’t bring myself to say anything but you clearly don’t feel the same way…” Cassian cut her off by kissing her. She was shocked at first, but she quickly returned the kiss, pouring all the love she felt for him against his lips.
Cassian was kissing Nesta. And she was kissing him back; and it was the most wonderful feeling in the world. He finally pulled away from her and told her, “I’ve loved you since the day I met you. Also, Amren is a friend, so no need to get jealous.”
He winked at her, and she playfully rolled her eyes. Cassian sensed Amren and Varian walk behind him.
“See you later, lovebirds,” he heard Nesta chuckle and waved goodbye to the other couple.
“So, do you want to come in? I was actually preparing a surprise dinner for you and I see you brought dessert.”
A beautiful blush made its way to Nesta’s cheeks; his favorite look on her. They settled down after eating dinner, and for the next few hours, they talked about everything and nothing at all; just enjoying each other’s company. Finally with Nesta in his arms, settling into a comfortable slumber in his arms, Cassian knew there was nowhere he would rather be than holding the love of his life.  
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