#and then it just stuck until he still has it. as a gremlin eighteen year old
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pocketramblr · 1 year ago
Posting during lunch break to see if anyone saw what I did with En's name in the planetary scout au
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reesesxpieces · 6 years ago
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CHARACTER NAME: Theresa “Reese” Raven
AGE: 34
GENDER: Female
OCCUPATION: Owner/Operator of Behind the Mask Community Theater
FACE CLAIM: Anna Kendrick
POSITIVE TRAITS: Creative, Friendly, Loyal
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, Sarcastic, Over-Thinker
The birds
the bees
the flowers and the trees. No matter what words you use to fluff up a “how did she get here” story, when you really get down to it, it’s still the same old thing. A man and a woman got frisky, and nine months later, boom! a baby’s butt is smacked, there’s a cry, and the parents are stuck with the little snot nosed gremlin for the next eighteen years. In a nutshell, that’s the story of how Theresa Raven came to be.
But unfortunately, that’s not the way the world works, and everyone wants to know the dirty details.
Her father, Jacob, was an electrician, and her mother, Lisa, was a waitress at the local diner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Although Jacob could have any woman he wanted, there was something about Lisa that he couldn’t tear himself away from, and he’d frequent the diner nightly and always ordered the same thing: A cup of coffee – black, and a plate of biscuits and gravy. It didn’t matter the time of day – In Pittsburgh, breakfast was served 24 hours a day. Did he go for the food? Perhaps, but knowing him, it was probably more so the woman serving it to him.
Lisa played hard to get at first, loving the attention and even more - the tips that could fuel her gambling addiction; but after a few weeks, she finally gave in and accepted Jake’s invitation to sit across from him in the booth and join him for a cup of coffee, but just for a few seconds. A few seconds turned to minutes, turned to hours, until eventually Lisa’s shift was over, and she needed to get home. Not wanting to end their conversation, she invited him back to her place, and we can all imagine what happened there
the result? Theresa was born on August 9, 1985, and her parents wed in July of 1986.
Although throughout Theresa’s younger years, her parents didn’t show it, their marriage wasn’t the best. Heated arguments would occur behind closed doors, and her mother would dress to the nines just to go “shopping.” Being young, Theresa didn’t think anything of it, until her teenage years hit, and the wool over her eyes was lifted. The arguments were held in front of her, she’d witness her father stumbling around and the alcohol stored in the home rising, and her mother went “shopping” more and more often despite a full fridge.
What really made her realize something was wrong was that she caught her mother out with another man, and shortly after her father began sleeping on the living room couch rather than the bed he was supposed to share with his wife. Needless to say, the marriage didn’t last much longer, and they separated, leaving Theresa to live with her mother since it was closer to her school.
Not having the other to argue with anymore, and the fact that Lisa LOVED to argue, she began picking fights with her daughter for her own amusement. Lisa would always try and speak to Theresa about her issues with Jake and get upset and angry when Theresa would rather not talk about it and get thrown in the middle. To punish her for it, she would try and forbid her daughter to see her father, knowing that the bond the two shared was impossible to break.
The more Lisa tried, the more Theresa found a way to see her dad and remain a “daddy’s girl.” Even when Jake suffered from alcoholism as a way to get through the turmoil Lisa seemed to be putting him and his daughter through, Theresa promised to do all she could to see him and not give up on their relationship even though she hated that her father drank excessively. She kept that promise all the way up to Jake’s dying day in August of 2007.
Because of her upbringing and the constant fighting that went on between her parents, Theresa has always been the type to keep herself extremely busy. In high school, she was a member of as many clubs and groups as possible and auditioned for any artistic outlet available to her which included the yearly musical and show choir. She figured that the more she kept busy, and had her nose in a book, the less she’d have time to let her mind wander and get caught up with her family drama.
Little did she know that her hard work would really pay off in a way she hadn’t dreamed. While her friends always said she was the smartest girl in school, Theresa laughed it off and thanked them for their compliment. It wasn’t about smarts, she just worked hard. She ended up finishing at the top of her class and as a joke, she applied for many Ivy league schools actually getting a full ride scholarship to Point Park University where she majored in Theater Arts. With the degree in hand, she was excited to begin her new journey and finally move out of her mother’s house.
She wanted to move to New York and star on Broadway, though she knew that although her confidence rose from what it used to be, she was nowhere near Broadway ready. Not yet, anyway. That didn’t deter her away from the limelight though as she couldn’t help but take note of a reoccurring dream that she kept having: one where she owned her own theater, and helped those who had a dream, but didn’t know where to start or think they had the courage to find their hidden talents. 
Knowing that there was no way in hell, she could afford the rent for an apartment the size of a janitor’s closet, in New York, much less a theater, she began thinking outside of the box. She knew her dream, and she knew she needed to get away from the toxic environment that her mother brought, but where in the world would she go? It was on an annual family trip, shortly after her dream, (obviously with those from her father’s side) to California, that her dreams started coming into play and becoming a reality. While exploring the city of Los Angeles, she came across an old, run-down theater that was for sale, and she knew it had to be some sort of sign that she was to own it. To make a long story short, she went home from that trip, the owner of a theater that she would dedicate to her father for always believing in her and pushing her to be the best she could possibly be.
It didn’t take her long to uproot her life from Pittsburgh and make her home in LA after the purchase. The theater itself is a small, community theater by the name of : Behind the Mask Community Theater. Here, children and adults alike can find their voice, and take lessons in voice, dance, and/or acting, and perform for the community. She hopes that it would be a stepping stone for those wishing to make it big in the performing arts.
She has been living in LA for about fourteen years now, give or take a year. While she does get homesick from time to time, especially around the holidays, she has decided that while Pittsburgh will always be “home,” LA needs her just as much as she needs it.
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pika-ace · 8 years ago
Have you seen wolf children?? If not, you definitely should, it's a gorgeous film but I'm imaging an ith AU with Usnavi left to look after his little wolf cousin
Oh man, you gave me an excuse to FINALLY watch that movie and it is SO PRECIOUS OH MY GOD!!!
Okay, so Sonny’s parents meet up pretty much the same way as they do in the movie. They first live in the city when they get a call that Usnavi’s parents have died who’s around fourteen at the time. Usnavi comes to live with them and a few months later, Sonny is born. But shortly after, Sonny’s father dies, falling off a bridge as a wolf and Sonny’s mom tells Usnavi that he was a wolf-person and that Sonny is most likely one too. When Sonny turns one, his mother dies from either an accident or an illness and Usnavi and Sonny are on their own. Usnavi’s still in school, but that had to stop once he realized just HOW BIG a handful raising a wolf child can be so school has to go. And as the movie made clear, taking care of wolf kids is NOT easy, and Sonny’s mom only told Usnavi so much about their kind so Usnavi’s playing this whole thing by ear. Sonny’s parents left them enough money to support them until Sonny almost turns three, but like the movie, Usnavi finds out that living in a city isn’t good, with people getting suspicious about the howling and this teenager is taking care of a toddler and NEVER takes him out to a doctor making social services almost break down the door. Finally, with the leftover money they have left, Usnavi and Sonny move to the country side where our barrio fam dwells, and Usnavi decides to do the whole growing his food thing since little Sonny can’t really control his transformations yet. But, easier said than done, but when all seems lost, that’s when the barrio fam steps in to help. Abuela, who can be our Nirahaki figure, helps keep Usnavi on his feet (the kid’s barely eighteen and he has a five year old to raise, a house to repair, and food to grow, it’s a miracle he hasn’t had a meltdown yet!) and she tells the rest of the barrio fam to give him a hand. The Rosario’s help teach him how to properly grow food, Benny helps him with the repairs, Vanessa and Nina watch Sonny and give Usnavi some tips on how to control the little gremlin, and Daniela and Carla make sure they’re properly taking care of themselves (they have ears ALL OVER THE PLACE. They KNOW if Usnavi and Sonny are struggling with something). At one point, Usnavi just breaks down crying because of how kind and accepting everyone has been; he doesn’t know WHAT he would’ve done if they hadn’t stepped in. (Also Vansnavi and Benina can happen between the lines) Meanwhile, Sonny’s doing pretty well as a wolf boy. They’ve had a few close calls with getting caught, but they’ve managed. Sonny’s learning how to hunt and act like a normal kid, thought hunting got off to a rocky start. One winter, Usnavi and Sonny were playing in the snow and Sonny saw a bird on a rock in the river. He managed to catch it, but he slipped and fell into the river. He almost drowned, but Usnavi got him out just in time (nearly having a heart attack in the process). After that day, Sonny realized that being a wolf is more complicated than he thinks. School eventually starts and Usnavi maybe does that little chant in the movie ‘I’m gonna be a little boy all the way home’ and he gets a job somewhere. Sonny’s a but shy, but he eventually finds a few friends, even though he prefers the company of Usnavi and the barrio fam and he likes learning stuff. So things are going great. But Sonny can’t help but feel like he’s neglecting his wolf side, so in his spare time he hikes up the mountains and maybe comes across another wolf (Chip) and he teaches him about his wolf instincts and how to properly be a wolf. And Usnavi’s a bit uneasy about this, but he is glad that there’s SOMEONE out there who can teach Sonny about wolf stuff that he can’t. And while Sonny’s fine with school and the mountains, he does have a bit of a crisis. Can he be both a wolf AND a human
or will he have to choose? That especially gets tested when Pete comes to his school as a new kid, being our Sohei figure. Pete thinks something’s off about Sonny and wants to know, but Sonny doesn’t want to. He promised Usnavi he wouldn’t transform at school! But Pete persists and Sonny lashes out, gashing Pete’s ear. Sonny feels awful but Pete lies and says that a wild animal did it, not Sonny. Sonny has a little breakdown with Usnavi when he comes to pick him up 'I don’t know what to do, Navi! I wanna be a wolf
but I want to be normal too!’ Usnavi reassures him saying that no one’s forcing him to choose. 'If you want to be both
then be both. It’s just something you’ll have to figure out on your own. But I’ll help in any way I can, mijo.’ So Sonny kinda divides his time between being a wolf in the mountains and being a normal school kid and he seems to be able to balance it out; but it does kill him that he has to keep his wolf side a secret from Pete (who’s now his best friend) and the rest of the barrio. He wants to tell them, Usnavi does too, but they’re terrified of how they’ll react. They don’t want to lose this home and the community they’ve grown to love so much. But one day, a REALLY bad storm blows through, and Sonny smells the weather (thanks to his wolf training) and decides to not go to school. Usnavi doesn’t disagree, especially when Sonny points out that if school closed early, Usnavi would have to drive through that storm. So the storm gets going, when Sonny realizes, 'Shit, Pete’s still at school! He doesn’t have anyone to pick him up, he’ll be stuck there!’ Sonny tries to figure out what to do; he doesn’t want to put Usnavi in danger, making him drive and pick up Pete, so he decides to go himself. He knows the mountain really well, so he can get to the school, get Pete, and lead him back home. Plus, he had been meaning to tell Pete his secret so maybe now’s the time. So Sonny heads out the mountains, but Usnavi sees him leave and starts to chase him (similar to Hana chasing Ame when he leaves) but Sonny, being a wolf, is really nimble and Usnavi loses him. Sonny makes it to school and transforms back, running into the school, where everyone’s left except Pete. They have a little heartfelt talk and Sonny finally tells Pete his secret; Pete accepts it and reassures him that he won’t tell, and Sonny’s so happy
when he feels something. Usnavi, while looking for Sonny, slipped down a hill and got himself knocked out in the middle of the mountain. Sonny, sensing that Usnavi needs him, runs back tot he mountain as a wolf, Pete following and they find Usnavi. They get him back to their home and Sonny’s so scared. Usnavi told him how he felt when he almost drowned in the river and now he finally knows the feeling! He can’t lose Usnavi, he’s all he has! He sacrificed SO MUCH just to raise him and keep him safe, he can’t die, he can’t!! Pete tells Sonny to stay with Usnavi and he runs off to get some help, and luckily, Usnavi wakes up. Sonny hugs him in tears and apologies and they just sit there in each other’s comfort for a while. But then Pete comes running back with some bad news; the storm is getting even worse and the barrio dwellers have been told to evacuate but they’re cut off from the center where they need to go. And since their neighborhood is so far out, since the rain’s getting worse, they can’t risk driving or even walking out to find it; Pete could barely find his way back to the house. So Sonny decides to go out and help them. With his wolf senses, he can navigate through storms with ease and he can lead them to their place since it’s closer. Usnavi’s hesitant to let him go and risking Sonny’s secret but Sonny insists. 'I tired of hiding cuz. And I’m not gonna hide anymore if it means getting them out of there. They helped us so many times; let’s help them.’ So Usnavi lets Sonny go and Sonny finds the barrio fam huddled together in the middle of the road. He transforms into a wolf and manages to convince them to follow. He leads them safely to his home where Usnavi and Pete are waiting
and then he transforms back. But luckily, in short, everyone’s cool with it. Some take a little adjusting, but seeing as Sonny led them out of danger and CLEARLY isn’t dangerous in any way, they can keep his secret. So they all stay in the house as one giant family until the storm passes. So now, it has been said that the barrio has a resident wolf. Usnavi is quite a known figure in the area, telling his famous story about a man who raised a wolf child. And on nights when there’s a full moon, they can hear a wolf howling at the moon, watching over them.
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london-calling-rp-blog1 · 8 years ago
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Character Name: Theresa Renee Raven, AKA “Reese” Age: 31 Date of Birth: August 9, 1986 Gender/Preferred Pronouns: She/Her Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Occupation: Owner/Operator of Behind the Mask Community Theatre Time in London: 1 Month Housing Preference: Apartment (with roommate) Faceclaim: Anna Kendrick
Character Quote: “The world is a complicated place, and there’s a lot of division between people. The performing arts tend to unify people in a way nothing else does.”
The birds
the bees
the flowers and the trees. No matter what words you use to fluff up a “how did she get here” story, when you really get down to it, it’s still the same old thing. A man and a woman got frisky, and nine months later, boom! a baby’s butt is smacked, there’s a cry, and the parents are stuck with the little snot nosed gremlin for the next eighteen years. In a nutshell, that’s the story of how Theresa Raven came to be.
But unfortunately, that’s not the way the world works and everyone wants to know the dirty details.
Her father, Jacob, was an electrician, and her mother, Lisa, was a waitress at the local diner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Although Jacob could have any woman he wanted, there was something about Lisa that he couldn’t tear himself away from, and he’d frequent the diner nightly and always ordered the same thing: A cup of coffee – black, and a plate of biscuits and gravy. It didn’t matter the time of day – In Pittsburgh, breakfast was served 24 hours a day. Did he go for the food? Perhaps, but knowing him, it was probably more so the woman serving it to him.
Lisa played hard to get at first, loving the attention and even more - the tips that could fuel her gambling addiction; but after a few weeks, she finally gave in and accepted Jake’s invitation to sit across from him in the booth and join him for a cup of coffee, but just for a few seconds. A few seconds turned to minutes, turned to hours, until eventually Lisa’s shift was over and she needed to get home. Not wanting to end their conversation, she invited him back to her place, and we can all imagine what happened there
the end result? Theresa was born on August 9, 1986, and her parents wed in July of 1987.
Although throughout Theresa’s younger years, her parents didn’t show it, their marriage wasn’t the best. Heated arguments would occur behind closed doors, and her mother would dress to the nines just to go “shopping.” Being young, Theresa didn’t think anything of it, until her teenage years hit, and the wool over her eyes was lifted. The arguments were held in front of her, she’d witness her father stumbling around and the alcohol stored in the home rising, and her mother went “shopping” more and more often despite a full fridge.
What really made her realize something was wrong was that she caught her mother out with another man, and shortly after her father began sleeping on the living room couch rather than the bed he was supposed to share with his wife. Needless to say, the marriage didn’t last much longer, and they separated, leaving Theresa to live with her mother since it was closer to her school.
Not having the other to argue with anymore, and the fact that Lisa LOVED to argue, she began picking fights with her daughter for her own amusement. Lisa would always try and speak to Theresa about her issues with Jake, and get upset and angry when Theresa would rather not talk about it and get thrown in the middle. To punish her for it, she would try and forbid her daughter to see her father, knowing that the bond the two shared was impossible to break.
The more Lisa tried, the more Theresa found a way to see her dad and remain a “daddy’s girl.” Even when Jake suffered with alcoholism as a way to get through the turmoil Lisa seemed to be putting him and his daughter through, Theresa promised to do all she could to see him and not give up on their relationship even though she hated that her father drank excessively. She kept that promise all the way up to Jake’s dying day in August of 2007.
Because of her upbringing and the constant fighting that went on between her parents, Theresa has always been the type to keep herself extremely busy. In high school, she was a member of as many clubs and groups as possible, and auditioned for any artistic outlet available to her which included the yearly musical, and show choir. She figured that the more she kept busy, and had her nose in a book, the less she’d have time to let her mind wander and get caught up with her family drama.
Little did she know that her hard work would really pay off in a way she hadn’t dreamed. While her friends always said she was the smartest girl in school, Theresa laughed it off and thanked them for their compliment. It wasn’t about smarts, she just worked hard. She ended up finishing at the top of her class and as a joke, she applied for many Ivy league schools actually getting a full ride scholarship to Point Park University where she majored in Theater Arts.
With degree in hand, she was excited to begin her new journey and finally move out of her mother’s house. She wanted to move to New York and star on Broadway, though she couldn’t help but take note of a reoccurring dream that she kept having: one where she owned her own theater in a land far away from the one she called home.
It was on a family trip (obviously with those from her fathers’s side) to England that her dreams started coming into play and becoming a reality. While exploring the city, she came across an old, run down theater that was for sale, and she knew it had to be some sort of sign that she was to own it. To make a long story short, she went home from that trip, the owner of a theater that she would dedicate to her father for always believing in her and pushing her to be the best she could possibly be. It didn’t take her long to uproot her life from the states and make her home in London after the purchase.
The theater itself is a small, community theater by the name of : Behind the Mask Community Theatre. Here, children and adults alike can find their voice, and take lessons in voice, dance, and/or acting, and perform for the community. She hopes that it would be a stepping stone for those wishing to make it big in the theaters of West End.
Today, she is an American Girl trying to find her place in an English world. She knows it’ll be a struggle to adapt to her new surroundings, but isn’t most things that are worth having a struggle?
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